DLL English-2 Q3W5

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LESSON LOG Teacher Your Name Subject/Quarter/Week English-Quarter 3, Week 5


A. Content Standards Recognize the types of Recognize the types of Recognize the types of Recognize the types Recognize the
expository texts. expository texts. expository texts. of expository texts. of expository

B. Performance Standards Note important details in Note important details Note important details Note important Note importa
expository texts listened to. in expository texts in expository texts details in expository details in exp
listened to. listened to. texts listened to. texts listened
C. Learning Identify important details in Identify important Identify important Identify important Identify impo
Competencies/Objectives expository text listened. details in expository details in expository details in expository details in exp
EN2LC-IIIh-3.1 text listened. text listened. text listened. text listened.
EN2LC-IIIh-3.1 EN2LC-IIIh-3.1 EN2LC-IIIh-3.1 EN2LC-IIIh-3.
Identifying Important Identifying Important Identifying Important Identifying Important Identifying Im
Details in Expository Texts Details in Expository Details in Expository Details in Expository Details in Ex
Listened to Texts Listened to Texts Listened to Texts Listened to Texts Liste
A. References K-to-12 MELC Guide page K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MELC Guide K-to-12 MEL
131 page 131 page 131 page 131 page 1
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Test Ques
Learning Resources (LR)
B.Other Learning Resources Laptop, PowerPoint Laptop, PowerPoint Laptop, PowerPoint Laptop, PowerPoint
Presentation, Activity Presentation, Activity Presentation, Activity Presentation, Activity
Sheets Sheets Sheets Sheets
A. Before the Lesson Write R if the situation is What do you want to Present and ask about Recall the types of
● Praye
1.Setting the Stage(Drill, real or F if it is fantasy. be when you grow up? the picture. expository text.
Review and Motivation) 1. Mother bought mangoes ● Revie
at the market.
2. The ships are flying to the
3. The apples are turning
into gold.
4. My puppy loves to play
the ball.
5. Nina likes hot chocolate

2. Explaining what to do Today you’re going to We are going to read a We are going to read a Today, we are going Today, you w
(Tell the objectives of recognize the types of selection and you’re selection and you’re to discuss another your weekly t
the Lesson) expository texts (sequence) going to recognize the going to recognize the type of expository
type of expository text type of expository text test.
used. used.
B. Lesson Proper(All In the previous lesson, you Yesterday, you learned Let us read this text. Another expository Give the instr
Teacher’s Activity) learned that sequencing is that sequencing is Take note of the text type is cause and in taking the
Presentation through arranging the order of another type of important details. effect.
Modeling, Illustration and events as they happened in expository text. Let us The Farmer and the Let us read this text.
Demonstration the story. Knowing the read this selection Fisherman Take note of the
order of events in the story entitled “Frontliners.” by Benjar A. Sampilo important details.
is helpful in understanding a Take note of the Roy and Lino are best Garry reads and
story better. important details. friends but they live in answers his modules
Let us read this text. Take Frontliners different places. Roy every day. He tries to
note of the important by Mabelle A. Fababier lives in a farm. He is a understand the
details. farmer. He plants rice, activities given and
Handwashing Tips Since the COVID-19 fruit-bearing trees, answer them. He asks
Handwashing is very outbreak, the term vegetables, and other his parents questions
important to prevent a virus frontliners has been root crops. On the whenever he does not
from spreading. There are widely used. It is heard otherhand, Lino is a understand the
ways on how to do over television and fisherman. He lives lessons. He reads his
handwashing. First, wet the radio programs almost near the shore. He books , too. Garry has
hands with water. Second, every day and often catches fishes, good study habits.
use soap and rub it read in daily news seashells, and As a result, he gets
thoroughly all over the articles. But, what is seaweeds. high scores in the
hands. Third, sing happy the word all about? Both sell their different written
birthday song twice to time Who are referred products in the market. activities. Due to his
oneself while washing the to as frontliners? They are really good study habits, he
hands to make sure that the The frontliners can be hardworking to earn is always on top of his
dirt is totally washed away. described as persons money for their class. Being an honor
Next, rinse the hands with who work in our families. They are also student makes his
water. Finally, make it dry community for a special role models to their parents proud of him.
using a clean cloth. purpose. They do neighbors. And
Ask questions about the essential service to most of all, they are What does Garry do
text. people. Most of them God-fearing. whenever he does not
work outside of their understand the
Say: homes consequently How are Roy and Lino lessons in the
The text you have listened putting themselves in similar? modules?
to is an example of an danger for the good of How are they different As a result, how does
expository text developed others.For example, from each other? he perform in the
through a sequence or doctors and nurses are What words are used written activities?
order. The words first, the most important to signal comparison? Why is Garry always
second, third, next, and frontliners today as we What words are used on top of his class?
finally are signal words used face this great to signal contrast?
to introduce the steps in a pandemic. Doctors heal Say:
process or a sequence of sick people. Nurses Say: The text you have
event. An expository text is assist the doctors. Both The text is an listened to is an
a form of writing in which doctors and nurses are expository developed example of a
the purpose of the author is the frontline workers in through comparison cause and effect
to inform, explain, describe hospitals. Soldiers, and contrast. In the expository text. The
or define his or her subject along with policemen, first paragraph, the cause is the reason
to the reader (Haitram, are frontliners, too. writer explains the that makes other
2020). Expository texts may They keep our country differences between things happen. It
follow a sequence. To list safe and peaceful. Roy and Lino. Roy is a explains why
items or event , you use Farmers, as well as, farmer who lives in a something happens.
numerical or chronological fishermen are farm. Lino is a The effect describes
order. You write to describe frontliners. They fisherman who lives what happened or the
a series of events or a provide food to be near the shore. The results. Getting high
process in some sort of served on our table. In word on the other hand scores in the different
order. Usually, this order is addition, teachers are is used to signal the activities is the effect
based on time or frontliners, too. They contrast between the of asking questions
importance. encourage learners, like two. In the second whenever Garry does
you, to do learning paragraph, the writer not understand the
activities needed for gives the comparison lessons in the
youreducation.There by saying that both of modules. The signal
are more frontliners them sell their products word used is as a
around us. They do in the market. They are result. Due to his
specific work that will both hardworking, role good study habits is
be of great help for all models, and God- the cause or the
of us. All of them help fearing. The word both reason why he is
in building our nation is used to signal always on top of his
to be a safe and comparison. class. The signal word
healthy place to live in. due to is used
to indicate the cause.
Ask questions about Other signal words
the selection. like because,
since, therefore, so
Say: that, and if-then may
The listening text be used to signal
”Frontliners” is an cause-effect
example of expository relationship.
text developed by
description because the Let us read another
writer described the text. Then, answer the
topic “frontliners” by following questions.
giving examples and Linda, a Grade 2
listing the pupil, has a problem
characteristics, and the in reading. She is a
describing the things struggling reader in
that frontliners do. English. She seldom
Descriptive expository volunteers to read in
texts tell what a person front of the class
or a thing is like. Its because she cannot
purpose is to describe read fluently
and reveal the compared to her
characteristics of a other classmates. Ms.
particular person, Reyes, a reading
place, or thing. The teacher, patiently
words describe, refers teaches Linda how to
to, characterize, classify read the words
and others are called correctly after
signal words used for class dismissal in the
description type of text. afternoon. She guides
Linda on how to
pronounce the sound
of each letter of the
alphabet and blend
these sounds to form
a word. She regularly
gives Linda reading
exercises before going
home and asks Linda’s
parents to monitor
her reading progress
at home. She also
conducts home visits
every Saturday. For a
month, these have
been the routine
for Linda and her
teacher. And to
everybody’s surprise,
Linda can now read
well and she has
developed love for

What is the problem

all about?
What did the teacher
do to solve Linda’s
Was the problem
solved? Why or why

The text you have
listened to is an
example of expository
text written through a
structure. In this
form, the author
states the problem
first, then lists one or
more possible
solutions to the
problem. To analyze
this text, you have to
answer the following
questions: “What is
the problem? What
are the solutions?
What caused the
problem? Was the
problem solved?
Who worked to solve
the problem?” Words
like the problem is,
because, so that, and
others are used to
signal problem -
solution structure.
1. Guided Practice (1st Let us arrange the following Study the pictures Distribution o
Assessment) events in the order that below. They are the Read the text and Questions.
they come in the text you frontliners mentioned answer the questions
have listened to. in the selection. Can that follow.
_____ Use soap and rub it you tell who Eating Nutritious
thoroughly all over the they are? Foods
hands We are strong and
_____ Make your hands dry healthy because we
dry using a clean cloth. eat nutritious foods.
_____ Sing happy birthday Fruits and vegetables
twice while washing the are examples of
hands. nutritious foods.
_____ Wet the hands with These are rich in
water. vitamins and minerals
_____ Rinse the hands with which protect us
water. against cancer,
2. More Practice (2nd diabetes, Reading the
Assessment) hypertension, and instructions o
other diseases. Meat part of the te
and eggs are also
nutritious. They build
and repair our bones
and muscles because
they are rich in
1. What do we eat to
become strong and
a. oily foods
b. fatty foods
c. sugary foods
d. nutritious foods
2. What do fruits and
vegetables contain?
a. vitamins only
b. minerals only
c. vitamins and
d. protein
3. Based on the text,
which foods are rich
in protein?
a. fruits
b. meat and eggs
c. vegetables
d. all of them
4. Based on the text,
what signal word is
used to indicate
the cause?
a. if
b. because
c. therefore
d. as a result
5. What type of
expository text is the
a. description
b. cause and effect
c. sequence
d. comparison and
3. Independent Practice Identify the kind of Test Proper
frontliner who works in
each of the places
shown below.

C. After the lesson/Closure What is an expository text? Descriptive expository What type of What are the types of
(Summarizing/Generalizin texts tell what a person expository text have expository text?
g) or a thing is like. Its you learned today?
purpose is to describe
and reveal the
characteristics of a
particular person,
place, or thing.
The words describe,
refers to, characterize,
classify and others are
called signal words
used for description
type of text.

2. Application Group Work: Group work: Group work: Group Work:

Make a short Write an example of Group 1: Write an
descriptive expository comparison and example of cause and
text. contrast expository effect expository text.
Group 2: Write an
example of an
expository text
written through a

3. Evaluation (3rd Read the text and answer Read the text and Read the text and Read the text and Checking of it
assessment) the questions that follow. answer the questions answer the questions answer the questions
How to Bake a Cake that follow. that follow. that follow.
Sounds We Hear Sampaguita and Zambales Mango
Baking a cake is my by Mabelle A. Fababier gumamela are common by Mabelle A.
mother’s favorite hobby. flowers in our Fababier
She loves to teach me how We hear different community. They are
to do it. sounds everyday. We both beautiful and Mango, the
Here are the steps in enjoy hearing them all loved by many. They Philippine National
baking a cake my mother the way. For instance, can be reproduced by Fruit, is abundant in
taught me.First, prepare all from the melodic hums growing stem cuttings. the province of
the things needed like of birds to the rackety But what makes them Zambales. Zambales
baking tin, bowl, spoon, and sound of trains, we can different from one mango, dinamulag
other utensils. Second, guess who or what another? Sampaguita or kinalabaw as it is
ready all the ingredients for makes the sounds we has small and white called, is one of
the cake like eggs, flour, hear. petals while gumamela best tasting mangoes
sugar, butter, and We also know when has a variety of in the country. Its
chocolate. Next, mix all it’s time to go to colors such as red, sweet thick flesh is
ingredients in the bowl. school. The bell yellow, pink, white, and made into different
Then, pour the mixture in rings to call us. The orange petals. delicacies like dried
the baking tin and place it noisy train makes a Sampaguita has a mangoes, pies,
inside the oven. After an loud sound as it unique fragrance, but preserves, and others.
hour, the cake will be ready. passes by. We hear the the gumamela has no When it is in season,
Finally, put some icing smooth “woof” of a scent. this golden or green
and fruits on top of the dog as itbarks at our 1. How are sampaguita colored
cake. side. Likewise, some and gumamela similar? harvest is plentiful in
We always enjoy eating drummers beat the a. They are similar in fruit stands along the
the cakes mother bakes drum with a loud colors. wide highways of the
for us. “boom.” An airplane b. They are similar in province. Tourists or
1. What is Mother’s favorite makes a whirring sound scents. visitors around the
hobby? and up in the sky, it c. They are similar in area or passers-by
a. cooking c. sewing goes. Sounds are heard reproduction. surely grab a bag or
b.gardening d. baking everywhere. Let’s d. They are similar in bags of this fruit on
2. According to the text, thank God for giving us shapes. their way home.
which of the following is listening ears. The 2. How are these two This fruit is one of the
NOT used in baking a cake? world is truly an different from each many prides of
a. sugar c. salt amazing place other? Zambaleños because
b. flour d.egg to live in. a. They are different in it is known to all that
3. Which of the following 1. What do we hear body and stems. Zambales mango is
words is used to describe everyday? b. They are different in the best.
the initial step in baking a a. sounds c. sea leaves and roots. 1. What is the
cake? b. wind d. cats c. They are different in selection about?
a. first c. next 2. What organ do we petals and scents. a. Zambales mango
b. second d.finally use for hearing? d. They are different in b. Zambales highways
4. Which signal word is used a. ears c. nose pollens and scents. c. Zambales province
to indicate the last step in b. eyes d. skin 3. What signal word is d. Zambales tourists
baking a cake? 3. According to the used to compare 2. When are Zambales
a. first c. next selection, why do we sampaguita and mangoes most
b. then d. finally need to thank gumamela? abundant?
5. What type of expository God? a. both c. like a. when it is in season
text is used? a. God gives us food. b. also d. the same as b. when it is raining
a. comparison and contrast b. God gives us eyes. 4. What signal word is c. when it is winter
b. cause and effect c. God gives us ears. used to contrast the d. when it is storming
c. sequence d. All of these. two flowers? 3. Why is Zambales
d. description 4. How are the sounds a. while and but mango the best?
described in the b. but and different a. because it is sweet
selection? from b. because it is
a. by comparing the c. while and different delicious
sounds we hear from c. because it has thick
b. by contrasting the d. while, but, and flesh
sounds different from d. all of the above
c. by giving examples of 5. What type of 4. How is the
the sounds we hear expository text is the selection developed?
d. by giving the effects paragraph? a. by comparison and
of the sounds we hear a. comparison and contrast
5. What type of contrast b. by description
expository text is b. sequencing c. by sequence
presented? c. cause and effect d. by cause and effect
a. cause and effect d. description 5. What expression or
b. comparison and phrase is used to give
contrast 1. the other
c. description name for Zambales
d. problem-solution mango?
a. as it is called
b. one of the many
c. when it is in season
d. known as
D. Additional activities for Make a short Instruct the c
application or remediation descriptive expository for the next t

The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson have The lesson ha
successfully delivered due successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully delivered successfully d
to: due to: due to: due to: due to:
____pupils’ eagerness to ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ eagerness ____pupils’ e
learn to learn to learn to learn to learn
____complete/varied IMs ____complete/varied ____complete/varied ____complete/varied ____complet
____uncomplicated lesson IMs IMs IMs IMs
____worksheets ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated ____uncomplicated ____uncomp
____varied activity sheets lesson lesson lesson lesson
____worksheets ____worksheets ____worksheets ____workshe
____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied activity ____varied a
sheets sheets sheets sheets
A.No. of learners who earned ___ of Learners who earned ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learn
80% in the evaluation 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% above earned 80% a

B.No. of learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learn
additional activities for additional activities for require additional require additional require additional require a
remediation who scored below remediation activities for activities for activities for activities
80% remediation remediation remediation remediation
C.Did the remedial lessons work? ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___N
No. of learners who have caught ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who ____ of Lear
up with the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the lesson caught up the
D.No. of learners who continue to ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who ___ of Lear
require remediation continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to require continue to
remediation remediation remediation remediation remediation
E.Which of my teaching strategies Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies used that Strategies us
worked well? Why did these well: work well: work well: work well: work well:
work? ____Group collaboration ____Group ____Group ____Group
____Games ____Group collaboration collaboration collaboration
____Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw collaboration ____Games ____Games ____Games
____Answering preliminary ____Games ____Solving ____Solving ____Solving
activities/exercises ____Solving Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsa
____Carousel Puzzles/Jigsaw ____Answering ____Answering ____Answeri
____Dlads ____Answering preliminary preliminary preliminary
____Think-Pair-Share(TPS) preliminary activities/exercises activities/exercises activities/exe
____Re-reading of activities/exercises ____Carousel ____Carousel ____Carouse
Paragraphs/poem/stories ____Carousel ____Dlads ____Dlads ____Dlads
____Differentiated ____Dlads ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pair- ____Think-Pa
instruction ____Think-Pair- Share(TPS) Share(TPS) Share(TPS)
____Role Playing/Drama Share(TPS) ____Re-reading of ____Re-reading of ____Re-readi
____Discovery Method ____Re-reading of Paragraphs/poem/stori Paragraphs/poem/sto Paragraphs/p
____Lecture Method Paragraphs/poem/stori es ries ries
Why? es ____Differentiated ____Differentiated ____Differen
____Complete IMs ____Differentiated instruction instruction instruction
____Availability of instruction ____Role ____Role ____Role
Materials ____Role Playing/Drama Playing/Drama Playing/Dram
____Pupils’ eagerness to Playing/Drama ____Discovery Method ____Discovery ____Discover
learn ____Discovery Method ____Lecture Method Method Method
____Group Cooperation in ____Lecture Method Why? ____Lecture Method ____Lecture
doing their tasks Why? ____Complete IMs Why? Why?
____Complete IMs ____Availability of ____Complete IMs ____Complet
____Availability of Materials ____Availability of ____Availabil
Materials ____Pupils’ eagerness Materials Materials
____Pupils’ eagerness to learn ____Pupils’ eagerness ____Pupils’ e
to learn ____Group to learn to learn
____Group Cooperation in doing ____Group ____Group
Cooperation in doing their tasks Cooperation in doing Cooperation
their tasks their tasks their tasks
F.What difficulties did I encounter ____Bullying among pupils ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying
which my principal or supervisor ____Pupils’ pupils pupils pupils pupils
can help me solve? behavior/attitude____Scien ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’
ce/Computer/Intern behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude___ behavior/atti
____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs _Science/Computer/I _Science/Com
____Unavailable ____Unavailable ____Unavailable nternet nternet
Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful
(AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) ____Unavailable ____Unavaila
et Lab ____Science/ ____Science/ Technology Technology
____Additional Clerical Computer/Internet Lab Computer/Internet Lab Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (A
works ____Additional Clerical ____Additional Clerical et Lab et Lab
works works ____Additional ____Addition
Clerical works Clerical work
F.What difficulties did I encounter ____Bullying among pupils ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying among ____Bullying
which my principal or supervisor ____Pupils’ pupils pupils pupils pupils
can help me solve? behavior/attitude____Scien ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’ ____Pupils’
ce/Computer/Intern behavior/attitude behavior/attitude behavior/attitude___ behavior/atti
____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful IMs _Science/Computer/I _Science/Com
____Unavailable ____Unavailable ____Unavailable nternet nternet
Technology Equipment Technology Equipment Technology Equipment ____Colorful IMs ____Colorful
(AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) ____Unavailable ____Unavaila
et Lab ____Science/ ____Science/ Technology Technology
____Additional Clerical Computer/Internet Lab Computer/Internet Lab Equipment (AVR/LCD) Equipment (A
works ____Additional Clerical ____Additional Clerical et Lab et Lab
works works ____Additional ____Addition
Clerical works Clerical work

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