Motor Nord

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Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services


Headquarters and Technology center
in Bargteheide close to Hamburg, Germany
Innovative drive solutions
for more than 100 branches of industry
Mechanical products
Paralell shaft-, helical gear-, bevel gear- and worm gear units
Electrical products
Electronical products
Centralized and decentralized Frequency inverters
and motor starters
7 state-of-the-art production plants
for all drive components
Subsidiaries in 36 countries on 5 continents
providing local stock, assembly, production,
technical support and customer service.
More than 3,200 employees around the world
providing application-specific solutions for our customers.

M7000 Mat.-Nr. 6000602 / 0516

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany
T: +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 0
F: +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 2253 MOTORS
M7000 EN

[email protected],
Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group
Excerpts from
Contents the NORD range

NORD Drivesystems | Always close to you IntelligentDrivesystems,WorldwideServices

INDRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2 - 3 G1000 Fixed speeds


NORDBLOC SK 072.1 - SK 973.1

NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 4 - 17 ▪ Helical geared motors
▪ Parallel geared motors
MOTOR SELECTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 18 - 28 ▪ Bevel geared motors

▪ Contrate worm gear motors

DE Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG, Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1, D-22941 Bargteheide
G1000 • 60 Hz • mm
OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 29 - 41
Tel.: +49 (0) 45 32 / 401 - 0 , Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 401 - 253, [email protected]

Mat.-Nr. 6000021 / 3512

NORD Drivesystems Brasil Ltda.,
Rua Dr. Moacyr Antonio de Moraes, 127 Velocidades constants
BR CEP 07140-285 - Guarulhos - SP
Tel.: +55 11 2402 - 8855, Fax: +55 11 2402 - 8830, [email protected]

MOTOR INQUIRY FORM. . . . . . . . . . . . A 42 - 43

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services

CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 44 - 45 G1012 NORDBLOC 50 Hz

TECHNICAL EXPLANATIONS . . . . . . . A 46 - 52 ▪ Helical geared motors

BRAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 1 - 19


MOTOR DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 - 23 G1012 • 60 Hz • mm

DE Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG, Rudolf-Diesel-Str. 1, D-22941 Bargteheide
Tel.: +49 (0) 45 32 / 289 - 0 , Fax +49 (0) 45 32 / 289 - 2253, [email protected]

Mat.-Nr. 6001621 / 4212

BR NORD Drivesystems Brasil Ltda.,
Rua Dr. Moacyr Antonio de Moraes, 127 CEP 07140-285 - Guarulhos - SP
Tel.: +55 11 2402 - 8855, Fax: +55 11 2402 - 8830, [email protected] DRIVESYSTEMS NORDBLOC SK 072.1 - SK 973.1 DRIVESYSTEMS


OF MOTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 24 - 43
G1050 Industrial gear units



Industriegetriebe SK 11207 – SK 15507

G1001 Explosion protected drive units

▪ Category 2G, Zone 1, gas

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services

G1022 Explosion protected drive units

▪ Category 3D, Zone 22, dust


Explosionsgeschützte Antriebe, Kategorie 3D, Zone 22, Staub
Explosion protected drive units, category 3D, zone 22, dust
Entraînements antidéflagrants, catégorie 3D, zone 22, poussière

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services
F3020 Frequency inverter SK200E
F3018 Frequency inverter SK180E

SK 200E SK 180E
F 3020 DE
Dezentrale Antriebstechnik

Headquarters and
Technology Centre
■ in Bargteheide,
close to Hamburg

Innovative drive solutions

Mechanical products Electrical products Electronic products
■ for more than 100 branches
of industrial
Gear units Motors Inverters, motor starters and
distribution systems

7 state-of-the-art
production plants
■ produce gear units, motors
and inverters also for
complete drive solutions
from a single source

Gear unit production Motor production Inverter production

Subsidiaries and sales
partners in 89 countries
on 5 continents
■ provide local stocks
■ assembly and production
■ technical support
■ customer service

The above map image is for information purpose and may not have been prepared or be suitable for legal purpose and we
do not own any responsibility for correctness or authenticity of the same.
More than 4.000 employees
throughout the world
■ create customer oriented
solutions M7000 EN

Asynchronous low voltage motors NORD IE1/Standard-Motors

The motors listed in this catalogue are low voltage The motors which were previously marked with the
asynchronous motors, which can be used as gear motors EFF2 logo are still available from NORD. Their use
or stand-alone motors. must be checked with regard to national regulations.
The catalogue only contains motors which we manu- Special ambient conditions or operating modes result in
exempting circumstances, which permit the use of these
facture ourselves, in the power range from 0.12 to 30 kW.
Information about motors with powers > 30kW as well
Usually, IE1 motors for S1 operation are permitted for
as special motors such as explosion-protected motors,
export to countries which prescribe IE1 and countries in
submersible motors or encapsulated motors can be which there are no corresponding regulations.
supplied on request. .
IEC60034-30 European Union (50Hz) 60Hz (USA, …)
to 15.6.2011

IE1 EFF2 comparable to

Efficiency increase
comparable to
South America

IE2 EFF1 equal to

comparable to
NEMA Energy
Efficiency / EPACT

equal to
NEMA Premium

equal to
in planning Super Premium

Differences throughout the world

Efficiency classes IE1, IE2, IE3
The new efficiency classes have different designations,
The standard IEC 60034-30:2008 specifies efficiency
specifications and exceptions in various regions
classes and therefore forms the basis for the various
of the world. You can find all the details of these from
national efficiency requirements. At the same time,
ð& A5.
the standard IEC 60034-2-1:2007 harmonises the
procedures for the measurement of efficiencies.

Name plates
As of 16.06. 2011, only motors of efficiency class IE2 The operating mode of standard / IE1 motors is always
or better may be used for S1 operation of three-phase indicated on the name plate of the gear, not on the name
squirrel-cage motors with 0.75 kW and more in the plate of the motor.
European Union. The basis for this is ErP 2009/125/EU
VO640-2009. You must decide in good time (delivery
time + project planning time), whether you need to Global NORD Motor
use IE2 motors for your application or whether any of
the exemptions apply to your application. We have developed our modular system for global use
You can find assistance for your decision in this on the basis of NORD IE2 motors. This ensures great
catalogue from ð& A5. flexibility and short delivery times. Taking global efficiency
requirements and the different regional conditions into
The new NORD motor catalogue M700 has been
account, NORD offers you a global solution approach.
supplemented with information about the new efficiency
classes IE1, IE2 and IE3.
Please enquire if this is required.

A2 M7000

IE2/IE3 - Technical differences NORD IE2 motors with improved

Efficiency class IE2 and IE3 motors have essential
differences compared with the previously common IE1/ NORD IE2 motors have new characteristics. Thermal
EFF2 motors. The increased efficiency is achieved by the reserves now enable new design of the drive units,
use of additional material of higher quality as well as new whereby the partial load range can be shifted upwards.
production methods and design solutions. These definitely Thanks to symmetrization of the rating point, efficient
comply with the legal requirements and often exceed them. operation is also possible above the rating point. The
The change from the previous motors to IE2/IE3 motors is lower losses of IE2 motors allow operation above the
also made easy by the fact that both NORD motor series rated power power, which is also not thermally critical
normally have the same external dimensions. The previous in continuous use ð& A22 - Extended operation range.
motor dimensions are different in only a few cases. For our customers this means that this operating range
can also be included in the planning for the application.
The tables from ð& C24 provide an overview.
As the start-up and breakdown torque has also been
The changed characteristics of the motors must also be increased, it is recommended that the design is optimised
taken into account during planning (e.g. greater starting and safety factors reduced or removed entirely, as the
torques, greater breakdown torques, higher speeds, motor has permanent reserves. If these reserves are
greater power reserves and greater weight). Exactly how consistently utilised economic benefits result, as in many
the higher starting and breakdown torques can be used to cases smaller sizes may be used.
your advantage in combination with the extended operating For motors with several rated voltages, the regulation
range is explained below. requires that the efficiency for the most unfavourable
measurement point is stated.
NORD 4-pole IE2 motors have sufficient reserves so that
they can still be supplied for a wide voltage range.





80 80LH4



0,25 0,50 0,75 1,00 1,25 1,50 P/PN

Most efficient Betriebsbereich
operating rangeder for
theeffizienzoptimierten Motoren IE2motors
new IE2 efficiency-optimised von NORD
from NORD
Operating ranges
effizientester of previous
Betriebsbereich motors Motoren

The graphs show the principle efficiency characteristics of asynchronous motors

IE3 - Premium IE4 - The next level

Motors of efficiency class IE3 achieve an even further Motors of efficiency class IE4 achieve an even further
improvement of efficiency. improvement of efficiency.
Because of this, the thermal reserves and the fields of use At present, NORD is developing permanently excited
are also increased. synchronous motors for inverter operation in the power
With IE3, NORD also remains true to standard sizes for range up to 5.5kW.
standard powers. This is possible through the use of Further documentation about IE4 motors is in the course
selected materials and innovative production methods. of preparation. Please enquire if this is required.
Stamping of the wide voltage range has been omitted. Please enquire if this is required.
Even so, with IE2 motors this mode of operation remains
possible. However, in this case we can no longer guarantee
IE3 efficiency.
Up to date and careful
4-pole IE3 motors are suitable for 50 and 60 Hz, so that This catalogue has been produced with the greatest care
they can be used anywhere in the world. on the basis of the current legal situation.
Exactly where and when these efficiency classes must be However, we cannot accept liability for technical changes.
used is explained in this catalogue from ð& A5.
You can find the electrical data from ð& C2. M7000 A3
Standards, regulations

The following tables summarize the essential facts about IE2 and IE3 motors for the global market. Motors
listed under the sub-heading “Exceptions” are those for which the use of class IE2 or IE3 motors is not
In addition, the regulations for IE2 and IE3 only apply to motors which are operated in S1 mode (continuous
operation). The reason for this is that frequent starting of motors with high moments of inertia is not

All overviews can be found under

This catalogue has been produced with the greatest care on the basis of the current legal situation.
However, we cannot accept liability for technical changes.
A4 M7000
Standards, regulations

European Union
Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency
ErP 2009/125/EC 230/400 V 50 Hz
VO 640-2009 400/690 V 50/60 Hz

Designation IE2 IE3

1.1.2015 for P≥7,5 kW
Mandatory as of 16.06.2011
1.1.2017 for P<7,5 kW
Power range 0,75-375 kW

Number of poles 2,4,6

Relevant exceptions 1. Intermittent operation / Short term operation
for IE2, IE3 The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Operating modes
other than S1 as per IEC 60034-1 are exempted from the regulations. e.g.:
• S2-30min *
• S3-70% *
• S6-80% *
* In these modes must a higher power on the nameplate be specified.
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
2. Brake motors
3.Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
4. ATEX motors
Motors for explosion protection (gas and dust) are exempted from the
directive but may be classified according to IE.
5. Ambient temperature
The directive does not apply to motors which are rated for ambient
temperatures >60°C or <30°C.
6. Installation altitude
The directive does not apply to motors which are rated for an installation altitude
above 4000m above sea level.
7. Single phase motors ð& C12-13
Special features E2 +FI
IE2 motors which can be used with
inverters may also be used as an
alternative to IE3.

Type Plates IE2 IE3

(Geared motor) M7000 A5
Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency
Energy Ordinance 230/400 V 50 Hz
AS2009 400/690 V 50/60 Hz

Designation IE2 IE3

Mandatory as of 01.07.2011 open
Power range 0,75-375 kW

Number of poles 2,4,6

Relevant exceptions 1. Intermittent operation / Short term operation

• IE2, IE3 The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation S1 or S3>80%.
Operating modes other than S1 as per IEC 60034-1 are exempted from the
regulations. e.g.:
• S3-70%
• S6-80%
• S9
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
2. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
3. Frequency inverter operation
Special motors for frequency inverter operation as per standard IEC 60034-25 of the
International Electrical Engineering Commission.
4. ATEX motors
Motors for explosion protection (gas and dust) are exempted from the directive but
may be classified according to IE.
5. Ambient temperature
The directive does not apply to motors which are rated for ambient temperatures
>60°C or <30°C (up to 600W) or < -15°C.

6. Installation altitude
The directive does not apply to motors which are rated for an installation altitude
above 4000m above sea level.
7. Single phase motors ð& C12-13

Special features Motor data ð& C14 and above Motor data ð& C20 and above

Type Plates
(Geared motor)

A6 M7000
Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency

EISAct 2007 230/460 V ð& A48 YY/Y 60 Hz

Designation High / energy efficient Premium

Mandatory as of 1997 19.12.2010
Power range 0,75-375 kW / 1,0-500 hp 0,75-150 kW / 1,0-200 hp

Number of poles 2,4,6,8 2,4,6

Relevant exceptions 1. Special shafts

• High/energy efficient, NORD gear motors (direct attachment)
totally enclosed air-over and unventilated motors
3. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
4. Intermittent operation / Short term operation
The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Other operating
modes are exempted from the directive, e.g.:
• S2
• S3
• S6
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
5. Single phase motors ð& C12-13

Relevant exceptions 1. Flange version motors

• Premium 3. Vertical shaft outlet
(High efficiency erforderlich) 3. NEMA Design C Motoren
4. Motors with voltages less than 600V
and other than 230 or 460V including
+/-10% tolerance
0 - 206V & 254 - 413V & 507 - 600V => high efficiency
207 - 253V & 414 - 506V => premium efficiency

Special features Motor data ð& C14 and above Motor data ð& C20 and above

Type Plates
HIGH / energy efficient Premium M7000 A7
Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency
Energy Efficiency
Regulations 1997 60 Hz
332/575 V ∆/Y
Updated Bulletin on Amending 50/60 Hz
the Standards June 2010

Designation HIGH / energy efficient Premium

Mandatory as of 1997 19.12.2010

Power range 0,75-375 kW / 1,0-500 hp 0,75-150 kW / 1,0-200 hp

Number of poles 2,4,6,8 2,4,6

Relevant exceptions 1. TENV

• High/energy efficient, unventilated motors
Premium 2. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
3. Intermittent operation / Short term operation
The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Other operating
modes are exempted from the directive, e.g.:
• S2
• S3
• S6
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
4. Single phase motors ð& C12-13

Relevant exceptions 1. Gear motors

• Premium 2. Flange version motors
(High efficiency erforderlich) 3. Vertical shaft outlet
4. NEMA Design C or IEC Design H
NORD IE2 or “high efficiency” motors
have IEC Design H characteristics.

Special features Motor data ð& C14 and above Motor data ð& C20 and above

Type Plates
HIGH / energy efficient Premium

A8 M7000
Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency
127/220 V
NOM-016-ENER-2010 ∆/Y 60 Hz
440 V

Designation MEPS

Mandatory as of 19.12.2010
Power range 0,75-373 kW / 1,0-500 hp
Number of poles 2,4,6,8
Relevant exceptions 1. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
2. Single phase motors ð& C12-13
3. Intermittent operation / Short term operation
The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Other operating modes
are exempted from the directive, e.g.:
• S2
• S3
• S6
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above

Special features The efficiencies correspond to IE3 Premium Efficiency.

However, the permissible tolerances for the efficiency are considerably larger than in
other regions. Because of this, IE3 Premium Efficiency motors can be used which are
rated for 460V / 60 Hz.

Type Plates
CUS (Premium) IE3 (Geared motor) M7000 A9
Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency
220/380 V
Decreto nº 4.508 ∆/Y 60 Hz
440 V


Mandatory as of 08.12.2009
Power range 0,75-185 kW
Number of poles 2,4,6,8
Relevant exceptions 1. Intermittent operation / Short term operation
• ALTO RENDIMENTO The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Operating modes other
than S1 and S3 ≥ 80% as per IEC 60034-1 are exempted from the regulations. e.g.:
• S3-70%
• S6-80%
• S9
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
2.Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
3. 6-pole motors with powers above 150kW
4. 8-pole motors with powers above 110kW
5. Single phase motors ð& C12-13

Special features

Type Plates

A10 M7000

Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency

MEPS AS/NZS 1359.5 230/400 V ∆/Y 50 Hz

Designation MEPS High efficency

Mandatory as of 01.04.2006 Voluntary
Power range 0,73-185 kW

Number of poles 2,4,6,8

Relevant exceptions 1. Intermittent operation / Short term operation

• MEPS, High efficency The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Operating modes other
than S1 as per IEC 60034-1 are exempted from the regulations. e.g.:
• S3-70%
• S6-80%
• S2-30min
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
2. Motors for frequency inverter operation
3. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
4. Single phase motors ð& C12-13

Special features

Type Plates
(Geared motor)
MEPS M7000 A11

Standards, regulations

Directive Preferred voltages Circuit Frequency
230/400 V
GB 18613-2012 ∆/Y 50 Hz
max. 690 V

Designation Grade 3 Grade 2 Grade 1

Mandatory as of 01.09.2012 01.09.2016 01.09.2017 Voluntary

Power range 0,75-375 kW 7,5-375 kW 0,75-7,5 kW

Number of poles 2,4,6

Relevant exceptions 1. Intermittent operation / Short term operation

• Grade 3, Grade 2 The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Operating modes
other than S1 and S3≥ 80% as per IEC 60034-1 are exempted from the
regulations. e.g.:
• S3-70%
• S6-80%
• S9
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
2. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
3. Single phase motors - GB 25958-2010 ð& C12-13
4. Brake motors

Special features corresponds IE2 corresponds IE3

Type Plates
(Geared motor)
Grade 3

A12 M7000

Standards, regulations

South Korea
Directive Preferred Circuit Frequency
MKE’s Notification 220/380 V
∆/Y 60 Hz
2009-317 440 V

Designation MEPS

Mandatory as of 01.07.2007 37 - 200 kW

01.01.2010 15 - 37 kW
Power range 01.07.2010 0,75 - 15 kW
Number of poles 2,4,6,8 *

Relevant exceptions 1. The directive only applies to motors in continuous operation. Operating modes other
• MEPS than S1 as per IEC 60034-1 are exempted from the regulations. e.g.:
• S3-70%
• S6-80%
• S9
Explanation of operating modes ð& A19
Motor data ð& C2 and above
2. Switchable pole motors ð& C7-11
3. TENV unventilated motors
4. 6-pole motors with powers above 160kW
5. 8-pole motors with powers above 110kW
6. Single phase motors ð& C12-13
* The statutory MEPS comes into effect at a later date for 8-pole motors:
from 01.01.2010 37 - 110kW
from 01.01.2011 0.75 - 37kW

Special features

Type Plates
(Geared motor)
MEPS M7000 A13

Standards, regulations

Motor power labelling

Axle height 63, 71, 80, 90, 100, 112, 132, 160, 180, 200
Power code S, M, L Standard power (except efficiency class IEx)
SA, MA, LA, MB, LB increased power power (except efficiency class IEx)
MX, LX Standard power with lower axle height (except efficiency class IEx)
S_, M_, L_ Standard power with efficiency class IEx
X_ Standard power with lower axle height with efficiency class IEx
A_ Increased power „L“ with efficiency class IEx

Efficiency class Normal (IE1) H=high (IE2) P=premium (IE3)

2- and 6-pole on request!
Number of poles Standard: 2, 4, 6, 8, 4-2, 6-2, 6-4,... with IE2 + IE3: only 4-pole

Motor type Labelling only for motors with special characteristics
UL and CSA approved motors
AR Energy efficient motors for Brazil „Alto Rendimento“ (high efficiency)
KR Energy efficient motors for Korea
2G Explosion protected motors with ignition protection type „e” or “de” (Zone 1)
3G Explosion protected motors with ignition protection type „n” (Zone 2)
2D Dust explosion protected motors, Zone 21
3D Dust explosion protected motors, Zone 22
EAR1 Single phase motors with operational and start-up capacitor
EHB1 Single phase motors with operational capacitor
ECR Single phase motors with operational and start-up capacitor 60 Hz
EST Single phase motors with operational capacitor and Steinmetz circuit
Option ð& A15, A29


100 L H / 4 CUS RD = Axle height 100 Power code L Efficiency class H(IE2) Number of poles 4 Motor type CUS Option RD

IE1 + Standard IE2 IE3
1,5 kW 90 L/4 90 LH/4 90 LP/4
2,2 kW 100 L/4 100 LH/4 100 LP/4
3,0 kW 100 LA/4 100 AH/4 100 AP/4
18,5 kW 180 MX/4 180 MH/4 180 MP/4
22 kW 180 LX/4 180 LH/4 180 LP/4
30 kW 200 LX/4 200 XH/4

A14 M7000

Standards, regulations


Abbreviation Significance Abbreviation Significance

BRE + Brake / braking torque + sub-option OL without fan

DBR + Double brake + sub-option OL/H without fan, without cover
RG * Corrosion protected version
SR * Dust and corrosion protected version KB Condensation drainage hole

IR * Current relay
FHL * Lockable manual release MS Plug-on motor coupling
HL Manual brake release EKK One-piece terminal box
MIK Micro switch KKV Terminal box, encapsulated
AS55 Outdoor installation
(* not with DBR) FEU Moisture protection insulation
BSH Anti condensation heater / Brake TRO Tropicalised insulation
NRB1 / 2 Noise-reduced brake MOL Dairy version
VIK Regulation
ERD External earth terminal "Vereinigung Industrieller Kraftwirtschaft"
TF Thermistor, PTC resistor (Association of the Industrial Power
TW Thermostat, bimetallic switch
SH Anti condensation heater F External fan
WU Silumin rotor RLS Back stop
Z Heavy fan, cast-iron fan IG1 (IG11, 12) Pulsed incremental encoder 1024
IG2 (IG21,22) Pulsed incremental encoder 2048
WE + 2. shaft end IG4 (IG41,42) Pulsed incremental encoder 4096
HR Handwheel IG.K Encoder with terminal box
MG Magnet-Incremental encoder
RD Protective shield IG Incremental encoder
RDT Protective shield, textile fan cowl AG Absolute encoder
RDD Double fan-cowl SL Sensor bearings
AS66 Outdoor installation RE Resolver

Versions as per DIN EN 60034-7 Designation of dimensions as per DIN EN 50347
The following versions have the same dimensions: ð& C24-43 Fittings:
IM B3  IM B6, IM B7, IM B8, IM V5, IM V6 D, DA
≤ 30 j6
IM B5  IM V1, IM V3 > 30 k6
IM B14  IM V18, IM V19 N ≤ 250 j6
> 250 h6
The motors can be ordered in the basic version and H -0,5
operated according to the list above (universal version)
The installation orientation must be stated for versions Keyways + keys as per DIN 6885/1
with a condensation hole (KB). We recommend the Threaded holes DB +DC as per DIN 332/2
version with a protective cover (RD) for versions IM
V5, IM V1, IM V18. For explosion protected motors the Assignment of power, shaft ends and flanges;
protective cover version (RD) is mandatory for versions parallelism of shaft / foot surfaces; concentricity of shaft;
with the shaft end pointing downwards (ð& C25). axial run-out / shaft as per DIN EN 50347
For geared motors, the installation orientation stamped
on the gear unit must be complied with. M7000 A15

Standards, regulations

• NORD motors - are constructed as standard to be compliant with IEC 60034 Parts 1, 2, 5 ... 9, 11, 12, 14, 30
and bear the CE mark.
- They are enclosed, self-ventilated three or single phase squirrel cage motors.
- They are also available according to the following standards, recommendations and

• NORD energy efficient motors
IE1, IE2, IE3 Efficiency classes according IEC 60034-30
CC 092A EISAct Efficiency classification (USA) - ee
AR Efficiency classification Brazil
KR Efficiency classification Korea

China Compulsory Certification EAC certificate for the import of

Nr.: 200 701 040 125 842 9 motors into Eurasian Customs Union

Regulation of the National Electrical

CE labelling of products which
conform with EU directives
NEMA Manufacturers Association

Motors compliant with the

UL listed motors
recommendations of the Verband
der Industriellen Energie-und 63 S - 180 LX File No.: 191510
Kraftwirtschaft e.V.

CSA approved energy-saving motors CSA and CUS approved motors

(High efficiency) 63 S - 180 LX
File No.: 1305200 C US File No.: 1293961 (LR112560)
energy verified Master Contract: 189340 Master Contract: 189340

Information about explosion protected motors (ATEX 94/9/EU) can be found:

• In the special
NORD catalogue: G2122 and
• In Internet:

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services


Explosion Protection

A16 M7000

Standards, regulations


Type TFD total Similar to Recommended use

[μm] corrosivity
category *

F1 60 - 100 For top-coat to be applied by customer

50 - 90 C2 For indoor installation

"For indoor and protected outdoor installation with low environmental

F3.0 110 - 150 C2 contamination,
e.g. open, unheated halls"

F3.1 160 - 200 C3 For outdoor installation, city and industrial atmosphere with low contamination

For outdoor installation, city and industrial atmosphere with moderate

F3.2 210 - 250 C4
environmental contamination
For outdoor installation, city and industrial atmosphere with high environmental
F3.3 + Z 200 - 240 C5

F3.4 100 - 140 For moderate exposure to chemicals

F3.5 100 - 140 Machinery for foodstuffs packaging

A additional antimicrobial coating for all finishes except F3.4 and F3.5

Compensation of contour depressions and crevices with seam sealer on

polyurethane basis
* to DIN EN ISO 12944-2 classification of ambient conditions M7000 A17

Motor selection

Selecting a suitable motor

A number of factors must be taken into account for the The following section describes the extended operating
selection of a motor. These include, e.g. its power, speed, points for IE2 motors, at which higher powers can be
speed range, torque and size, as well as the required obtained from the motors. The speed at this operating
motor options and the prevailing ambient conditions. The point differs from the nominal speed. In addition,
following list provides some assistance for the selection switchable pole motors with 2 nominal speeds are
of a suitable motor. described.

Designation of motors Selection of motor power

Motors are designated according to their axle height The power or torque which the machine requires is
and their nominal power. The axle height is the distance important for the selection of the motor.
between the centre of the output shaft and the foot surface In this catalogue, the power is stated in kilowatts [kW]
of a foot-mounted motor. According to DIN EN 50347, and the torque in Newton-metres [Nm]. Calculation of the
motors are stamped with a nominal power. Compliance required power or torque is complex, depending on the
with this standard means that motor powers increase in application.
standardised steps, e.g. for 4-pole motors from 0.12kW The following descriptions and technical data supoort
to 0.18kW to 0.25kw etc. The power which a motor a drive design which is carried out with calculation
can actually deliver in compliance with its heat class is programmes such as the drive design program NORD-
generally higher than the nominal power, but lower than AAP or with the aid of collections of technical formulae.
the next highest power level. The power stamped on the motor type plate depends on
the operating mode of the motor.

Determination of approximate speed

Due to the versions, this catalogue differentiates between
2, 4, 6 and 8-pole motors. The rounded idling speed of
these motors is shown in the following table.
Number of poles 2 4 6 8
Idling speed [min-1] 3000 1500 1000 750
(rounded upwards)

4-pole motors are used most often Due to its

commonness,this motor has the shortest delivery time
and has a good power to weight ratio and price.
For geared motors, the output speed of the gear unit is
determined by the speed of the motor and the gear ratio.
The following relationship applies:

Motor speed
Gear unit output speed =
Gear ratio

Motor speeds change slightly under load. The higher the

load (torque to be produced), the lower the speed. This
effect is more pronounced with smaller motors. Nominal
values described in this catalogue and on the type plate,
always relate to a speed at the nominal power.

A18 M7000

Motor selection

Operating modes
Explanation of the most important operating
modes Continous operation
The listed values for NORD motors in this catalogue are
valid for continuous operation (S1). In practice, motors
Continous operation under constant load must often only operate for short periods or with frequent
Power increase in short-term and intermittent
Short term operation under constant load
A thermal stady state is not achieved.
The motor is only switched on again if the motor has In short-term (S2) and intermittent operation (S3),
cooled to a maximum of 2K above the temperature of electrc motors may be subjected to greater loads than in
the cooling air. continuous operation (S1). The factors for the permissible
increase in power compared withe the rated power (PN)
Example: S2-10min. are contained in the following table. However, in principle,
Recommended values for the determination: 10, 30 min the power may only be increased to the level where the
S3 relative breakdown torque (MK/MN) divided by the power
increase factor results in a value of ≥1.6. In individual
Intermittent operation, consisting of identical load cases, larger factors than those stated in the table may
cycles with phases of constant load and then pauses. result. These will be stated on request.
The frequency and size of the load on start-up must
not have a significant influence on heating. Unless
S2 Permissi- S3 Permissi- S6 Permissi-
otherwise agreed a cycle time of 10 min is assumed. ble power ble power ble power
The relative switch-on period is given by the
10min 1,40 x PN 25% 1,33 x PN 25% 1,45 x PN
proportion of the operating time to the cycle time.
Example: S3-40% switch-on time: 4 min. load - 6 min. pause 30min 1,15 x PN 40% 1,18 x PN 40% 1,35 x PN
Recommended values for the determination: 70 % 60% 1,08 x PN 60% 1,15 x PN
Differing values on request
The design of the motor and categorisation of the
S4 operating mode should be carried out by NORD in
Cyclic operation with frequent switching cases of higher switch-on frequency and heavy
see ð& A33 “External fan (F)” starting loads.
For this, details must be provided about:
• The relative switch-on time
Continous operation with intermittent load,
• Switch-on frequency
consisting of identical load cycles with phases of
• External moment of inertia
constant load and then idling.
• Graph of the load torque against speed
The cycle time and relative switch-on time are as for S3.
• Type of braking
Example: S6 - 40% switch-on time
Recommended values for the determination: 80 %
Differing values on request
Continous operation with non-periodic changes of
torque and motor speed.
Operation during which in general, the load and
speed changes in a non-periodic manner within the
permissible operating range.
In this mode there are frequent overloads, which must
be far below the maximum load.
Example: S9
Details of an average power. M7000 A19

Motor selection

Total torque
The total torque necessary to drive a machine is The motor torque is calculated by means of the following
comprised of the formula:
• static torque
• and the dynamic torque π
Ma = . J . Δn
30 ta
Static torque
The static torque is necessary in order to operate a The acceleration torque Ma of a motor depends on the
machine at constant load and speed. The static load is total moment of inertia, reduced onto the motor shaft J, the
calculated according to the machine to be driven, taking required change in speed ∆n and the required acceleration
friction, efficiency, lifting loads etc. into account. time ta .

Dynamic torque For mains operation, the acceleration time must not
Torque is also required in order to accelerate inertial exceed 4 sec. in order not to overheat the motor.
masses. The inertial mass is comprised of the mass to
be accelerated and the rotating mass of the motor itself In this catalogue, the starting torque MA for mains
(rotor). operation is described in relation to the rnominal torque
MN e.g. MA / MN = 2.3.
Inertia of the motor
Due to the torque curve from standstill to the nominal
Inertia of the motor speed, approx. 90% of the starting torque can be used
during the acceleration period (see ð& A21 Graph of
Inertia of the load the torque curve).
For inverter operation with NORD frequency inverters,
the relationship MA / MN is 2.0 for a period of 3 seconds
and 1,5 for a period of 60 seconds and is therefore less
than with mains operation.

Power, torque, speed

To calculate the acceleration and braking characteristics The relationship between power, torque and speed is
of a drive, all are added to accelerating moments of described by the following formula, in which for geared
inertia for the motor shaft. motors the output speed and the output torque of the
gear unit or alternatively, for motors, the speed of the
JL motor and the motor torque can be entered. The motor
Jx = power which is stamped on the motor type plate and
iGes2 stated in the catalogue is the power which is output
mechanically. Due to the degree of efficiency of the
Jx external moment of inertia reduced onto [kgm2] motor, the electrical power consumed is considerably
the motor shaft greater than the power which is output.

JL moment of inertia of the load [kgm2] P1 Power [kW]
M2 . n2 M2 Torque [Nm]
iGes Gear ratio P1 =
η . 9550 n2 Speed [min-1]
Efficiency of the [%]
If a gear unit is used between the load and the motor, the gear unit
calculated moment of inertia is reduced by the square
of the gear ratio. The moment of inertia of the gear unit The illustration shows the example of the torque graph
can usually be neglected, as it is small in relation to the for a 90kW asynchronous motor with mains operation.
moment of inertia of the motor. The load characteristic curve may vary according to
the application. The intersection of the load curve
and the motor curve represents the operating point
of the motor. The operating point usually differs
from the nominal point, which explains the deviation
between the actual speed in the application and
the nominal speed according to the catalogue.

A20 M7000

Motor selection

Torque curve

Breakdown torque

3 Starting torque

Pull-up torque

Motor characteristic

Load curve
Breakaway torque


0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1


Load graph and motor characteristic curve (starting with mains)

Comparison of the torques of NORD motors

Years of experience with the selection of motors for NORD motors have high starting and breakdown
practical applications has resulted in knowledge, which torques. For the most part, NORD IE2 motors have even
can only be roughly transferred to the new IE2 motors. In higher values. These high starting torques can be used
spite of mainly unchanged dimension, the motors differ to support start-up processes in which, e.g in order to
with regard to their torques. The rnominal torque MN has change from static friction to dynamic friction, or in order
largely remained unchanged, as the rated power remains to start pumps.
constant and the rated speeds have also hardly changed. M7000 A21

Motor selection

Comparison of NORD EFF2 motors with IE2

In order to achieve the higher efficiency of IE2 motors, amongst other things, more sheet metal is used in the stator
and the rotor, which in turn increases the moment of inertia of the motor in comparison with an EFF2 motor. This is
more than compensated by the starting torque, which is also increased. Usually, in mains operation and without load,
IE2 motors accelerate about 10% faster than EFF2 motors. This is more or less pronounced in individual motors.
The following table provides the exact values in the column “Start-up time without load”. Negative values mean a shorter start-up time,
while positive values mean a longer starting time, expressed in % of the start-up time.
Motor Starting torque Breakdown torque Moment of inertia Start-up time
(4-pole) without load
Deviation in EFF2 IE2
Deviation in EFF2 IE2 Deviation in Deviation in percent
percent percent percent % in starting
[kW] MA/MN MA/MN % MK/MN MK/MN % [kgm2] [kgm2] % characteristic
0,75 2,0 3,0 50 2,10 3,10 48 0,0015 0,0019 31 -12
1,10 2,3 3,1 35 2,60 3,50 35 0,0024 0,0034 45 7
1,50 2,3 3,3 43 2,60 3,50 35 0,0031 0,0039 25 -10
2,20 2,3 3,7 61 3,00 4,30 43 0,0045 0,0075 67 10
3,00 2,5 3,1 24 2,90 3,50 21 0,0060 0,0075 25 2
4,00 2,3 3,1 35 2,80 3,60 29 0,0110 0,0140 27 -3
5,50 2,1 3,1 48 2,70 3,50 30 0,0240 0,0320 33 -3
7,50 2,5 3,3 32 2,80 3,90 39 0,0320 0,0350 9 -19
11,00 2,4 2,9 21 2,90 3,40 17 0,0500 0,0670 34 13
15,00 2,9 3,0 3 3,50 3,50 0 0,0670 0,0920 37 35
18,50 3,2 2,9 -9 3,80 3,20 -16 0,0800 0,1300 63 86
22,00 3,3 2,8 -15 3,80 3,10 -18 0,0920 0,1600 74 109
The large thermal reserves of IE2 motors can be taken into account in the design of the gear unit. The following table describes the
maximum permissible continuous thermal load. Overloads as per IEC 60034-1 are also permissible.
1500 / 1800 1/min Extended operation range
50 / 60 Hz
Type PN f PS1max U ∆U nN MN IN cos φ η
[kW] [Hz] [kW] [V] [%] +/- [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%]
50 0,75 400 5 1355 5,28 1,80 0,79 75,0
80 SH/4 0,55
60 0,8 460 10 1675 4,58 1,63 0,78 79,0
50 1,1 400 5 1325 7,9 2,50 0,84 75,0
80 LH/4 0,75
60 1,125 460 10 1670 6,5 2,12 0,82 81,0
50 1,5 400 10 1390 10,4 3,11 0,86 81,2
90 SH/4 1,1
60 1,5 460 10 1715 8,4 2,67 0,84 84,4
50 2,2 400 5 1345 15,5 4,67 0,86 79,3
90 LH/4 1,5
60 2,25 460 10 1680 12,8 4,02 0,84 83,8
50 3,3 400 10 1395 22,7 6,64 0,87 82,7
100 LH/4 2,2
60 3,3 460 10 1720 18,4 5,63 0,86 85,9
50 3,5 400 10 1395 24,1 7,39 0,82 83,0
100 AH/4 3
60 4 460 10 1700 22,6 6,96 0,84 85,7
50 5 400 10 1425 33,7 9,79 0,86 86,0
112 MH/4 4
60 5,5 460 10 1730 26,3 9,21 0,86 87,8
50 7,5 400 10 1440 50,2 14,1 0,89 87,3
132 SH/4 5,5
60 8,25 460 10 1740 45,6 13,3 0,89 88,2
50 9,5 400 10 1445 63,4 18,2 0,84 87,3
132 MH/4 7,5
60 11,25 460 10 1740 62,3 18,8 0,86 87,9
50 10 400 10 1440 66,9 21,1 0,78 88,6
132 LH/4 9,2
60 11,5 460 10 1740 63,5 20,3 0,80 89,6
50 11 400 10 1460 72,7 19,8 0,90 89,6
160 SH/4 9,2
60 13 460 10 1755 71,4 20,2 0,90 90,0
50 15 400 10 1445 100 27,5 0,90 88,2
160 MH/4 11
60 16,5 460 10 1750 91 25,8 0,90 89,3
50 18,5 400 10 1455 122 33,7 0,89 89,7
160 LH/4 15
60 22,5 460 10 1750 123 35,1 0,89 89,9
50 22,5 400 10 1470 147 41,2 0,87 91,3
180 MH/4 18,5
60 27,5 460 10 1765 149 43,9 0,88 91,5
50 26 400 10 1465 170 47,1 0,88 91,1
180 LH/4 22
60 30 460 10 1770 163 46,7 0,89 91,7
50 35 400 10 1460 230 66,5 0,84 90,3
200 XH/4 30
60 40 460 10 1760 218 64,6 0,86 91,1
* Supplements to the motors ð& C14
A22 M7000
Motor selection

Inverter operation
Frequency inverter operation
In comparison with simple mains operation, the NORD three-phase motors (non pole-switchable)
possibilities of use of three-phase motors and geared are suitable for operation with normal frequency
motors are considerably extended by the use of frequency inverters. Due to the use of double-lacquered wire
inverters. and phase isolation, the windings are protected against
damage due to rapid voltage increase speeds, such as
The advantages at a glance: occur with modern inverters with pulse-width modulation.
The use of du/dt or sinus filters is necessary for the
• Continuous speed regulation over a wide range
inverter operation of motors in excess of 500V.
• automatic matching of speed to load due to slip
compensation with vector inverters With inverter operation, the motors can continuously
produce their full nominal power.
• Programmable acceleration ramp for gentle starting, In general, there are no restrictions to the motor options
which results in less stress on the gear unit and the for inverter operation. The motor brake and external fan
application and high starting currents are avoided. must not be supplied from the motor power supply.

• Controlled, adjustable deceleration to a standstill (in The possible type of encoder system (incremental or
some cases only a holding brake is required) absolute encoders) depends on the requirements of the
application, the type of signal (TTL, HTL, SSI, CANopen)
• Many software-based functions are available for the from the frequency inverter type which is used, or its
control and monitoring of the drive unit, up to dynamic encoder interface.
positioning with NORD inverters. In general it is recommended that each speed-regulated
• Possibility of energy savings due to adaptation of the drive unit is equipped with temperature sensors which
process, optimisation, and energy saving functions of are evaluated by the frequency inverter. This protects the
NORD inverters motor against overheating.

Operation with frequency inverters - characteristic curves and planning

Here, we would like to present and answer a few In principle, a three-phase asynchronous motor
important questions which contribute to the optimal use can be operated from 0 to twice the nominal speed.
of frequency inverter drive units, for example: The maximum speed is determined by mechanical
• lowest possible frequency or speed,
• frequency increase above 50 Hz,
• power increase of three-phase motors by means of
the 87Hz characteristic curve,
• extended speed adjustment range due to the 100hz
characteristic curve.

Lowest possible frequency or speed

At low speeds, cooling by the motor fan is considerably Alternatively, the motor can be dimensioned larger.
reduced. As a result, the typical thermal losses of the motor With this, the drive unit is operated at a reduced motor load.
are no longer adequately dissipated and overheating Therefore, there is less power loss and an additionally
may occur in continuous operation. For operation at the increased thermal reserve due to the increased size of
nominal load, this range begins at speeds < 1/2 of the the motor.
rated speed (25Hz).
Possible torques, overload and smooth running precision
This can be remedied by the use of an external fan, which essentially depend on the performance of the frequency
rules out thermal problems. inverter used. If necessary, a low required speed or
Continuous operation is then possible with the lowest speed “0” is only possible by means of speed feedback
speeds ( 2 x 5Hz slip frequency). from a rotary encoder. M7000 A23

Motor selection

Design according to the 50Hz characteristic curve (standard version)

Adjustment range 1 : 10 (5 - 50 Hz)
Three-phase asynchronous motors are designed for a Physical conditions for constant torque:
nominal operating point (e.g. 400V/50Hz). The motor can
output its nominal torque up to its nominal frequency. M = constant ð Φ = constant ð U/f = constant
Torque Magnetic flux Voltage/Frequency
Depending on the frequency, the motor speed for a 4-pole
motor can be calculated as follows:
The condition V/F = constant can maximally only be
realised by the frequency inverter up to the nominal
nHz = [(1500 U/min . fHz) / 50Hz] - Slip speed operating point (Vnom/fnom = constant) A further voltage
increase above that of the mains voltage is technically
For 4-pole motors, the relationship between power and impossible.
torque, depending on the speed is as follows: The torque reduces according to the relationship

P . 9550 1
/x ð
M =
minus further losses due to the increased frequency
A reduction of speed <50Hz does not result in an increased
torque, as is the case with adjustable gear units, but rather
to a reduction in power. In this case, the current remains Example:
constant for a constant torque and the voltage reduces 1,4 nominal frequency = 70 Hz
with the frequency.
____ ____
50Hz . M
A further increase in frequency in the field weakening M70Hz = . MNOM = NOM = 71% . MNOM
fAB 70Hz
range therefore results in a torque reduction.

Under certain circumstances, the field weakening range
400 V begins before the actual point for the type is reached.
Possible causes of this are voltage losses due to the
230 V frequency inverter itself, as well as chokes or long cables.
In the field weakening range, the reduced overload
capacity of the drive must be especially taken into
0 50 Hz account, as the field weakening has a greatly reduces
Above the nominal frequency the available torque the breakdown torque of the motor.
reduces, as the voltage is no longer increased at higher
frequencies. The magnetic flux reduces. This range is
known as the field weakening range.

The effect is explained in the following 50 Hz characteristic curve:

The thermal limit only applies for continuous

The usual start-up and overload torques are still
available from the frequency inverter for short-term

This must be taken into consideration if the application

does not require a constant torque over the entire
adjustment range.

For example, centrifugal pumps and fans have a

torque characteristic curve which increases in a
quadratic function, which favours operation at low

A24 M7000

Motor selection

Design according to the 87Hz characteristic curve (for 4-pole asynchronous motors)
Adjustment range 1 : 17 (5 - 87 Hz)
Advantages of this design are an increase in the motor Note
power and speed above the nominal value for the motor,
with a constant torque. Therefore there is a larger With this configuration of a 230V/50Hz motor on a
adjustment range of 1:17 or greater, or a smaller motor frequency inverter with 400V, the nominal operating
may be selected for a given power and adaptation of the point is at 230V/50Hz and the extended operating point
gear ratio. is at 400V/87Hz.
This is also accompanied by an improvement in efficiency. Due to the increase of the operating point
from 50Hz to 87Hz with constant torque, the
Disadvantages are louder (fan) noise and the possible motor power increases to the same extent by a
need for an additional gear stage. factor of√3 = 1.73
With the 87hz characteristic curve, the same thermal
Operation of a 230 V motor with 400 V is totally
limits as for the 50Hz design apply to the low speed
uncritical as the motor windings are designed for
range ð&A24.
test voltages of > 2,000V.
However, the field weakening only starts above the break
frequency of 87Hz.
400 V
This form of operation is possible if the following
conditions are taken into account:
• The motor must be connected for voltages from 230 V
3~230V, i.e. a → delta circuit for 230/400V motors
(motors with 400/690V windings are not suitable for
this type of operation and mains with 230V per phase)
0 50 Hz 87 Hz
• The frequency inverter must have an operating
voltage from 3~400V and the nominal output current
must at least correspond to the delta current of the
motor. As a result:
Inverter power
Nominal motor power

• Due to the higher maximum motor speeds it may be

necessary to re-determine the reduction ratio of the
gear unit

The effect is explained in the following 87Hz characteristic curve:

It should be noted that the nominal torque of the motor does not increase. In particular, this does not alter the
characteristics in the range from 0 to 50Hz. The normal adjustment range is 1:17 or higher. M7000 A25

Motor selection

Design according to the 100Hz characteristic curve (for 4-pole asynchronous motors)
Adjustment range 1 : 20 (5 - 100 Hz)
The field weakening range includes the entire range up to Note
the 100Hz point, which results in a very large adjustment
In this configuration the nominal operating point of the
range. Smaller speeds can be better used, as the three-
DS standard motor is at 400V/100Hz. This is possible
phase motor is operated with a reduced torque.
with the recalculation of the motor data by us.
This means that the motor is not operated at its thermal
limit, but in spite of this works on a vector-controlled The resulting torque is available over the entire
frequency inverter using precisely matched motor data. adjustment range (5...100Hz) and is somewhat lower
than the standard value for the relevant motor size.
This form of operation is possible if the following
conditions are taken into account: According to the size of the motor, the reduction of the
output torque is between 30 and 40%, however this is
• The motor must be connected for voltages of 3~230V, compensated by a larger gear reduction for the same
i.e. for 230/400V motors this is a → delta circuit
output speed.
• New 100Hz motor data must be calculated →
Getriebebau NORD
• The frequency inverter must have an operating
voltage of 400V
• The frequency inverter power must be one standard
level higher than that of the motor
• Due to the higher maximum motor speeds it may be
necessary to re-determine the reduction ratio of the
gear unit

The effect is explained in the following 100Hz characteristic curve:

Selection of the frequency inverter and motor

The frequency inverter is selected according to the mains voltage and the nominal current of the motor (taking the characteristic
curves into account), whereby: Nominal inverter output current ≥ Nominal motor current. For 4-pole motors, the selection
is usually according to the performance data.
4-pole asynchronous motors have become established as the market standard. However, in principle motors with other numbers
of poles can be operated on frequency inverters. In this case, the inverter must be selected according to the current and the
speed adjustment range must be planned separately.
In addition to the control cabinet inverters SK500E and SK700E (see brief catalogues F3050 and F3070), NORD also
supplies decentralised SK200E frequency inverters with high protection classes for direct mounting on the motor
(ð& brief catalogue F3020). The description above is also valid in this case, although several special features should be
noted with regard to the motor options, e.g. direct brake control by the frequency inverter. For further details please refer
to the brief catalogues F3020 and F3070 as well as the operating instructions BU200 and BU750.

A26 M7000

Motor selection

Design with the operating point at 70Hz

A further variant to obtain an increased adjustment range is provided by a design with the operating
point at 70Hz. The procedure uses the 50Hz characteristic curve, but sets the gear ratio so that
the maximum speed is achieved at 70Hz. An additional gear stage is rarely necessary for this.
There are no changes to the frequency inverter and the motor in comparison with the 50Hz characteristic curve.

• the adjustment range increases to 1 : 14 (5 - 70 Hz)
• higher torques over large areas of the adjustment range, especially 5 - 50 Hz
Due to the field weakening, above a frequency > 70 Hz the torque reduces to a greater extent than it increases due to
the higher gear ratio.

Calculation of torque

Typical geared motor, mains operation Typical geared motor on frequency inverter

• n2 = 100 U/min • n2 = 10 - 100 U/min

• M2 = 100 Nm • M2 = 100 Nm
• f = 50 Hz • f = 7 - 70 Hz (approx.)

P = (100 Nm / 9550) . 100 U/min P = (100 Nm / 9550) . 100 U/min

P = 1,05 kW, selected = 1,1 kW motor 90S/4 P = 1,05 kW, selected = 1,1 kW motor

i = 1500 U/min / 100 U/min = 15 i = 2100 U/min / 100 U/min = 21

MN(50Hz) = (1,1 kW . 9550) / (1500 U/min / 15) MN(50Hz) = (1,1 kW . 9550) / (1500 U/min / 21)

MN(50Hz) = 105 Nm MN(50Hz) = 147 Nm MN(70Hz) = 105 Nm

MA = 2,3 . 105 Nm = 240 Nm MA = 1,7 . 147 Nm = 250 Nm

2,3 = MA/MN with 90S/4 motor with assumed 1.7 x inverter overload

Maximum motor speeds

Motors have a maximum speed of 4200rpmor fmax = 140Hz.

Special measures (Viton sealing rings on the A + B side) are recommended above the speeds described below.
All details relate to the operating mode S1, continuous operation. For short periods, the motors can deliver higher
speeds without modification.
Type Maximum speed [rpm]
63 2500
71 2500
80 2860
90 3400
100 3500
112 3500
132 3300
160 3200
180 3100
225 2800
250 2800 M7000 A27

Motor selection

Significance Unit
ED Relative switch-on time [%]
PN Nominal power [kW]
nN Nominal speed [min-1]
nsyn Synchronous speed: [min-1]
IA Start-up current [A]
IN Nominal current [A]
IA / IN Start-up current / nominal current (Relationship of start-up current to nominal current) [−]
cos ϕ Power factor [−]
η Efficiency [%]
MA Starting torque [Nm]
MN Nominal torque [Nm]
MA / MN Starting torque / nominal torque (relationship of starting torque to nominal torque) [−]
MK Breakdown torque [Nm]
MK / MN Breakdown torque / nominal torque (relationship of breakdown torque to nominal torque) [−]
MB Braking torque [Nm]
J Moment of inertia [kgm2]
Jx external moment of inertia reduced onto the motor shaft [kgm2]
JL Moment of inertia of the load [kgm2]
U Voltage [V]
LPA Noise level [dB(A)]
LWA Noise level [dB(A)]
tE Heat-up time in blocked condition (Exe motors) [s]
Zo Switching frequency without load [1h]
SF Service-factor (only for NEMA) [−]
Tamb Ambient temperature [°C]
Code Letter The Code Letters are a measure of the mains load for direct switch-on of the motor.
These are defined in the context of the NEMA standard and are coded with a letter from A to V
(only for NEMA).

A28 M7000


Standard / IE1 IE2 / IE3 AR KR CUS

Abbreviation Significance ð&
BRE + Brake / braking torque + sub-option B2-19 x x x x x
DBR + Double brake + sub-option B15 x x x x x
RG * Corrosion protected version B13 x x x x x
SR * Dust and corrosion protected version B13 x x x x x
IR * Current relay B14 x x x x
FHL * Lockable manual release B13 x x x x x
HL 1) Manual brake release B13 x x x x x
MIK Micro switch B13 x x x x x
AS55 Outdoor installation A52 x x x x x
* not with DBR
BSH Anti condensation heater / Brake B14 x x x x x
NRB1 / 2 Noise-reduced brake B14 x x x x
ERD External earth terminal A30 x x x x
TF Thermistor, PTC resistor A30,50 x x x x x
TW Thermostat, bimetallic switch A30,50 x x x x x
SH Anti condensation heater A30 x x x x x
WU Silumin rotor A30 x x
Z Heavy fan, cast-iron fan A31 x x** x
WE + 2. shaft end A31 x x x x x
HR Handwheel A30 x x x x
RD Protective shield A30 x x x x x
RDT Protective shield, textile fan cowl A31 x x x x x
RDD Double fan-cowl A30 x x x x x
AS66 Outdoor installation A51,52 x x x x x
OL Without fan A32 x x
OL/H Without fan, without cover A32 x x
KB closeable condensation hole A30 x x x x x
MS Plug-on motor coupling A39 x x x x x
EKK One-piece terminal box A31 x x x x x
KKV Terminal box, encapsulated A31 x x x x x
FEU Moisture protection insulation A30 x x x x x
TRO Tropicalised insulation A31 x x x x
MOL Dairy version A31 x x x x
Regulation - Vereinigung Industrieller Kraftwirtschaft
VIK [Association of the Industrial Power Industry]
A30 x x x x
F External fan A33 x x x x x
RLS Back stop A32 x x x x x
IG1 (IG11, 12) Pulsed incremental encoder 1024 A36 x x x x x
IG2 (IG21, 22) Pulsed incremental encoder 2048 x x x x x
IG4 (IG41, 42) Pulsed incremental encoder 4096 x x x x x
MG Magnet-Incremental encoder A34 x x x x x
SL Sensor bearings A35 x x x x x
IG Incremental encoder A36 x x x x x
IG.P Incremental encoder with plug A37 x x x x x
IG.K Incremental encoder with terminal box A37 x x x x
AG Absolute encoder A38 x x x x x
RE Resolver A38 x x x x x
** Option Z not available for efficiency class IE3/PE in Size 63 and Size 71
1) Option HL must be swiveled in certain circumstances - see WN-0-900-03 M7000 A29


External earth terminal (ERD) Standstill heating (SH)

A corrosion-resistant earth terminal in the form of a flat A standstill heater must be used in case of severe
terminal or terminal strap is fastened to the motor housing. temperature fluctuations, high humidity or extreme climatic
E.g.: 112 M/4 ERD conditions. This prevents condensation inside the motor.
The standstill heater must never be switched on while
the motor is running!
Thermal motor protection (ð& A50) For versions with TF or TW. the brake terminalbox is used.
NORD can supply two heat protection components for an Dimensions!
extra charge. Available version: 110 V; 230 V; 500 V
− TW = Bimetal temperature sensor Please state the required connection voltage!
− TF = Thermistor temperature sensor
E.g.: 100 LH/4 SH 230V

Protective cover (RD)

Increased moisture and acid protection (EP)
Protection against rain and entry of
Measures: The windings, stator hole and rotor are
foreign bodies for vertical installation with the shaft pointing
treated with a special lacquer.
downwards. For explosion protected motors as per DIN 50014
the protective cover is generally mandatory
for vertical installation with the shaft pointing downwards.
E.g.: 112 MH/4 RD IM V5 (ð& C24 and above)
Silumin rotor (WU)
For drives in conveyor applications without inverter
supply; e.g.: 90 S/8-2 WU
Double fan cowl (RDD) Not possible for IE2 motors!
Protection against rain and snow and entry of foreign
bodies for vertical installation with the shaft pointing
downwards. Suitable for water jets from all directions. Handwheel (HR)
E.g.: 132 SH/4 RDD IM V5 (ð& C24 and above) Motors with a handwheel mounted on the 2nd end of the
shaft; e.g.: 132 MH/4 HR (ð& C38)

Condensation drain hole (KB)

Moisture protection insulation (FEU)
According to the installation position, condensation drain
holes are provided at the lowest point of the A or B bearing For motors which are to be used in a damp environment,
cover. These are closed with cheese head screws. we recommend the use of the version with moisture
protection insulation.
The version must be stated!
E.g.: 71L/4 FEU
E.g.: 71 S/4 KB IM B3 (ð& C24 and above)
Before commissioning and during operation, the
condensation drain holes must be opened regularly in VIK version (VIK)
order to drain the condensation.
Motors compliant with the technical requirements of the
“Verband der Industriellen Energie- und Kraftwirtschaft”.
Only available as geared motor!
E.g.: 100 LH/4 VIK Please enquire!

A30 M7000


2. shaft end (WE) One-piece terminal box (EKK)

Motors with a second shaft end on the B side. For motors Version with a small, one-piece terminal box. Note the
with and without a brake. This option cannot be combined cable gland (ð&A50).
with the options; (ð& C25-C35) E.g.: 63 L/6 EKK (ð&C40)
• External fan (F) Not possible with brake option!
• Attached rotary encoder (IG)
• Protective cover (RD)
• Protective cover, textile fan cowl (RDT)
• Double fan cowl (RDD)
Please ask about the power which can be transferred and
the permissible radial forces on the 2nd end of the shaft.
E.g.: 112 MH/4 WE

Type g1 n p S3
Protective cover, textile fan cowl (RDT)
[mm] [mm] [mm] (EKK)
These motors have a fan cowl which is specially designed
63 100 75 75 2x M16 x 1,5
for use in the field of textiles. The lack of a normal
ventilation grille prevents the build-up of flakes and fluff, 71 109 75 75 2x M16 x 1,5
which could impair the cooling of the motor. 80 124 92 92 2x M20 x 1,5
possible for motor types 63 to 132; 90 129 92 92 2x M20 x 1,5
e.g.: 80 S/4 RDT IM V5 (ð& C24 and above) 100 140 92 92 2x M20 x 1,5
112 150 92 92 2x M20 x 1,5
132 174 105 105 2x M25 x 1,5
Tropicalisation (TRO)
For motors used under extreme climatic conditions
(tropics) we recommend the tropicalised versions. Encapsulated terminal box (KKV)
E.g.: 71 L/4 TRO Terminal box base encapsulated in direction of interio.
E.g.: 80 LH/4 KKV

Dairy version (MOL)

Cast iron fan (Z)
Motor with cooling ribs
Measures: Motor with cast iron fan, for more gentle starting with
• Condensation drain hole (KB) mains operation.
• Encapsulated terminal box (KKV)
Type Power Code Moment of inertia JZ [kgm2]
• Knurled screws for fastening the fan cowl
• V2A stainless steel type plate 63 S/L 0,00093
71 S/L 0,0020
The version must be stated!
E.g.: 80 S/4 MOL IM B6 (ð& C24 and above) 80 SH/LH 0,0048
S/L 0,0048
90 SH/LH 0,0100 (at the brake 40
SP/LP ð& B11)
100 LH/AH 0,0113
112 MH 0,0238
132 SH/MH/LH 0,0238
E.g.: 90 S/8-2 Z
Motor length as for brake motors! M7000 A31

Back stop (RLS) Without fan (OL) IC410 TENV

Back stops are used in order to prevent reverse rotation Without fan / without fan cover (OL/H)
due to the load while the motor is switched on.
With a back stop, the drive can only be in the direction With these versions, the motor is supplied without a fan
of rotation. The required direction of rotation of the drive (OL) or without a fan and without a fan cover.
must be stated with the order. E.g.: 63 S/4 OL/H (ð& C40)
E.g.: 100 LH/4 RLS CW Advantages: There is no noise from the fan, the
Caution with motors with larger pole numbers (>4) installation length is reduced with OL/H.
and FI operation: the lift off speed must be complied For confined installation spaces.
with! The back stop only works without wear above the
Reduction in power or only for operating mode S3-40%
lift off speed.
Not possible for efficiency class IE2!
RLS Lift of speed n Motor extension
Type [Nm] [min-1] xRLS [mm]
80 130 860 64 Motor protection switch
90 130 860 75 Motors can be monitored by motor protection switches
100 130 860 91 fitted by the customer. Due to their functional principle,
112 370 750 93 such devices are especially suitable for protecting motors
against starting against a blockage or a load with is too
132 370 750 107
160 890 670 135
180 .X 890 670 135
If the nominal current of the motor changes, e.g. due
to the change to an IE2 motor, this must be taken into
180 1030 630 127
account for the setting of the motor protection switch.
200 1030 630 127
225 1030 630 180
250 .W 3600 400 180

See brake motors for motor lengths!

The required direction of rotation of the drive must

be stated with the order!

CW = Clockwise - Clockwise direction of rotation,

Right-hand rotation
CCW = CounterClockwise - Counter clockwise direction
of rotation,
Left-hand rotation


A32 M7000


External fan (F) IC416 TEBC

Typical cases of use are drive units which are controlled by a frequency inverter, which are under full torque at low
speeds for long periods of time, or drive units in cyclical operation with high switching frequencies (operating mode S4).
The external fan is integrated into the fan cowl of the three-phase motor.
For the dimensions of the extension, please refer to ð& C36-37.

Care must be taken that the external fan is connected separately from the three-phase motor. The motor should also be
equipped with a temperature sensor to protect it against failure of the external fan.
Type suffix F = External fan with protection class IP66 with separate terminal box (ð& A50 Cable glands)
External fan are suitable for 50 Hz and 60 Hz, it is to noted the specified voltage (note the type plate from external fan).

For single phase operation For three-phase operation

Steinmetz circuit 230V - 277V 50 + 60 Hz Star circuit 346V - 525V 50 Hz
Delta circuit 200V - 303V 50 Hz
Star circuit 380V - 575V 60 HZ
Delta circuit 220V - 332V 60 HZ

As standard, external fans for sizes 63 - 90 are connected for single phase operation. For sizes 100 and larger, they are
connected for three-phase operation.
1~, 50 Hz 3~, 50 Hz r / Y
UN [V] IN [mA] PN [W] nN [min-1] UNr[V] INr[mA] UN Y [V] IN Y [mA] PN [W] nN [min-1]
63 230 - 277 88 - 106 19 - 27 2830 - 2875 200 - 303 60 - 116 346 - 525 35 - 66 16 - 28 2630 - 2900
71 230 - 277 90 - 104 20 - 27 2768 - 2866 200 - 303 62 - 112 346 - 525 36 - 64 15 - 31 2680 - 2875
80 230 - 277 99 - 107 22 - 29 2625 - 2780 200 - 303 66 - 109 346 - 525 38 - 62 18 - 31 2582 - 2818
90 220 - 277 215 - 293 41 - 65 2885 - 2923 200 - 303 180 - 379 346 - 525 104 - 219 36 - 91 2860 - 2931
100 220 - 277 223 - 282 46 - 66 2820 - 2888 200 - 303 182 - 372 346 - 525 105 - 215 43 - 91 2800 - 2906
112 220 - 277 252 - 284 54 - 71 2705 - 2845 200 - 303 191 - 353 346 - 525 110 - 204 50 - 97 2730 - 2880
132 230 - 277 220 - 281 41 - 61 1450 - 1460 200 - 303 189 - 376 346 - 525 109 - 209 31 - 81 1435 - 1466
160 230 - 277 351 - 446 64 - 93 1438 - 1460 200 - 303 318 - 622 346 - 525 184 - 346 51 - 118 1415 - 1456
180 230 - 277 351 - 446 64 - 93 1438 - 1460 200 - 303 318 - 622 346 - 525 184 - 346 51 - 118 1415 - 1456
200 230 - 277 351 - 446 64 - 93 1438 - 1460 200 - 303 318 - 622 346 - 525 184 - 346 51 - 118 1415 - 1456
225 - - - - 200 - 400 490 - 1100 346 - 525 290 - 350 142 - 285 1330 - 1455
250 - - - - 200 - 400 490 - 1100 346 - 525 290 - 350 142 - 285 1330 - 1455

External fans cool the motor regardless of the motor speed and with appropriate circuitry also when the motor is
switched off.
Circuit diagrams for external fans

Single phase operation Three-phase operation Three-phase operation

Steinmetz circuit Delta circuit r Star circuit Y
230V - 277V 50 + 60Hz 200V - 303V 50Hz 346V - 525V 50Hz
220V - 332V 60Hz 380V - 575V 60Hz M7000 A33


Magnet-Incremental encoder (MG)
A competitively priced, robust, and flexible incremental As its lowest resolution, NORD offers an encoder with 1
encoder system will be offered for NORD engines with impulse/revolution (1ppr), which outputs a „1“ and then
a 63 to 180 motor frame. The system operates based a „0“ per 180° on the engine shaft. This enables cost-
on a contactless, magnetic measuring principle and does effective monitoring that does not require a fast PLC
not require its own storage. This makes it very vibration- or meter input. For the version with 512 ppr, it must be
resistant and insensitive to shocks that affect the power taken into account that the absolute accuracy is lower
unit. The installation of the sensor occurs on the B-side than for a conventional encoder system due to assembly
of the engine. The magnet sensor is attached to the tolerances. The impulse times can vary slightly, as the
wave and the evaluation sensor attached to the fan cover absolute accuracy is typically around 200ppr.
using a threaded hole. The system‘s alignment tolerates
+/- 1mm in all 3 axles. A special design of the magnetic Wire allocation / Color Function allocation
system also enables its implementation in the vicinity of
red Voltage supply (+)
electric brakes. The sensor delivers 2 output channels
(channels A and B) that give off the impulse edges, offset black Voltage supply (-)
by 90°. This enables rotational direction recognition and brown Channel A
impulse quadrupling. orange Channel B

Technical Data Value Range

Standard resolutions 1 ppr, 32 ppr, 512 ppr (Pulse/revolution)
Output signals (Line A and B) HTL level push-pull / max. 40 mA / short circuit protected
Supply voltage and power consumption without load 10-30 VDC / < 30 mA
EMV and ESD- strength EN 55022: Class B (30…1000 MHz) EN 61000-4-4, EN 61000-4-5: 1 kV
EN 61000-4-2: Contact 4 kV/Air 8 kV EN 61000-4-6: 10 Vemk
EN 61000-4-3: 30 V/m EN 61000-4-8: 30 A/m
Temperature range -20 ... 80°C
Speed range 0 ... 5000 min-1
Protection class IP68
Length of the connecting line and sheath cross-section 1000 mm / Ø 4,9 mm
Number of wires and cross-section 4x Ø 0,34 mm² (AWG22)
Engine dimensional change max. 20 mm longer

Construction of the magnetic encoder system

The magnetic encoder system‘s assembly process is Only the cams still grind down on the counter plate
kept very simple using an automatic alignment function. during the subsequent test run. The connection line will
The alignment occurs automatically when the screws are subsequently be fixed to the fan cover will be fed to the
tightened on the fan cover and the sensor casing. terminal box.

Sectional drawing/line length Motor extension at magnetic encoderð& C39.

Fan cover

Engine shaft with centering thread M6 or M8

Magnetic screw M6 or M8

Magnetic sensor with electronic evaluation

Counter plate with alignment function

A34 M7000


Type code Options

MG = Magnet-Incremental encoder • MG ... M 4-pole, A-encoded M12 flange plug on the terminal box
01 = 1 impulse • MG ... N 4-pole, A-encoded M12 coupling plug
20 = 32 impulse
• MG ... V 4-pole line connector for line extension
50 = 512 impulse
O = loose cable ends (Standard)
E.g. MG 50 O Magnet-Incremental encoder (MG) with 512 impulse (50) and loose cable ends (O)

Allocation Function allocation M12 plug allocation Function allocation

Coupling plug / Line connector
Pin 1 / red Voltage supply (+) Pin 1 /brown Voltage supply (+)
Pin 2 / brown Channel A Pin 2 / white Channel A
Pin 3 / orange Channel B Pin 3 / blue Channel B
Pin 4 / black Voltage supply (-) Pin 4 / black Voltage supply (-)

Sensor bearing (SL)

Upon request, for NORD engines with the frame size 63 The rotational direction orientation also changes
to 132, a design with sensor bearing (SB) can also be during the evaluation of A+B lines, depending on the
delivered. When doing so, the engine-side floating bearing floating bearing position in the engine (A- or B-side).
will be exchanged for a ball bearing with a magnetic ring on NORD recommends the implementation of an
the inner ring and evaluation electronics (hall sensor) on additional protective circuit which would be housed
the outer ring. The connecting line runs inside the engine in the terminal box.
through the changing room into the terminal box. The
sensor bearing generates 2 rectangular signals phase- Wire allocation / Wire color Function allocation
shifted by 90°, which enable the determination of the red Voltage supply (+)
rotational direction. The number of impulses 32, 48, 64 or black Voltage supply (-)
80 is dependent on the number of poles on the magnetic
white Channel A
ring. The pulse number rises along with the bearing size.
Due to the small amount of space on the sensor blue Channel B
bearing, the electronics do not have any short- The combination sensor bearing with brake must be
circuit proof driver outputs. The sensor bearing also ckecked in each individual case on its viability.
possesses open collector-outputs, which require
external Pull-up resistors.

Technical Data Value Range

Resolution depends on the warehouse size 32ppr / 48ppr / 64ppr / 80ppr
Output signals (Line A and B) Open collector level / max. 20mA
Not short circuit-protected; Additional protective circuit
Supply voltage and power consumption without load 10-24VDC / < 15mA
EMV and ESD strength EN 61000-4-2: Contact 4 kV/Air 8 kV
EN 61000-4-3: 10V/m
EN 61000-4-8: 30A/m
Temperature range -20 ... 100°C
Speed range 0 ... 5000 min-1
Protection class IP68
Connecting line length internally conducted to the terminal box
Number of wires and cross-section 4 x Ø 0,14 mm² (AWG26)

M12 plug allocation Function allocation

Pin 1 /brown Voltage supply (+)
• Protective circuit integrated in the terminal box Pin 2 / white Channel A
• 4-pole, A-encoded M12 flange plug on the terminal Pin 3 / blue Channel B
Pin 4 / black Voltage supply (-) M7000 A35


Incremental encoder (IG)
Modern drive applications often require a speed Type / Puls number
feedback. Incremental encoders, which convert the Technical Data IG1 / 1024 IG11 / 1024 IG12 / 1024
rotary movement into electrical signals are usually IG2 / 2048 IG21 / 2048 IG22 / 2048
used for this. These signals are read and processed IG4 / 4096 IG41 / 4096 IG42 / 4096
by frequency inverters or other control devices.
Incremental encoders function according to the Interface
RS 422 RS 422 push-pull
photoelectric principle by scanning a disc with line
divisions. Operating [V] 5 (±5%) 10...30 10...30
The integrated electronics convert the measurement voltage +UB
signals into a digital square wave signal for TTL or HTL Max. output [kHz] 300
logic. Types with different resolutions or numbers of lines frequency
are available. The standard encoder produces 4096 Max operating
pulses per rotation. [min-1] 6000
The following requirements can be implemented with temperature [°C] - 40...+70
NORD frequency inverters:
Protection class IP66
• Speed control with wide range of adjustment
Max. current
• High speed precision, independent of the load consumption [mA] 90 90 150
• Synchronous control
• Positioning control
• Standstill torques
• High overload reserves

Connection assignment for rotary encoders

PIN Colour Signal Flange socket assignment

1 pink B\
2 blue + UB Sensor
3 red 0
4 black 0\
5 brown A
6 green A\
7 violet Vacant The shield lies on the housing
8 grey B
9 Vacant
10 white / green 0V
11 white 0 V Sensor
12 brown / green UB

A36 M7000


Attachment of incremental encoders

Rotary encoders can be attached to motors of Encoders with a protective cover (RD) are only
sizes 63 to 200. possible with the fitting of an external fan (F)!
The motors may be either self ventilated or
externally ventilated, and with or without brakes.
The NORD hollow shaft push-on rotary encoder is
mounted directly on the B side end of the motor shaft,
where it is protected by the fan cover. This ensures a
secure, torsion-free coupling of the encoder.
Electrical connection is by means of a
pre-assembled cable (standard: 1.5 m long with open
cable ends. Other lengths or versions with plugs are

Cable Bending radius (standard)

Fixed attachment 26 mm
Flexible attachment 78 mm

Inremental encoders without plugs

The end of the cable is sealed with the ESD shield.
This protects the cable against electrostatic voltages.
The connection must be made in an ESDF compliant

IG1K, IG2K or IG4K

Alternatively, connection in a separate terminal box is
possible with the options IG1K, IG2K or IG4K (extra
charge) ð& A50 Cable glands M20x1,5.

Inremental encoder with 8-pin plug (IG.P)

PIN Color Signal Configuration of the encoder connections
1 white 0V
2 brown + UB
3 green A
4 yellow A\
5 gray B
6 pink B\
7 blue 0
8 red 0\

The selection of the rotary encoder according to the output logic is determined by the interface of the evaluation
electronics. The following conditions apply for NORDAC frequency inverters:

NORDAC frequency inverter series Incremental encoder logic

SK700E with SK XU1-ENC or SK XU1-POS TTL with 5V supply or 10 – 30V supply
SK520E, SK530E, SK535E * TTL with 10 – 30V supply
SK200E, SK205E, SK210E, SK215E, SK220E, SK225E,
HTL with 10 – 30V supply
SK230E, SK235E

Further details can be found in the frequency inverter operating

/ pin e.g./ BU
Farbe Color0500E. Signal
An external electronic module to convert HTL signals to TTL signals
1 (connection of /encoder
Weiß white to 700E with0Vvery long cables)
is available from NORD. 2 Braun / brown +Ub
* HTL-Signal level is also possible, up to amax. Frequency of316 kHz Grün / green A
4 Gelb / yellow A\
5 Grau / grey B M7000
6 Rosa / pink B\
7 Blau / blue 0

Absolute encoder (AG) Advantages for positioning applications in
comparison with incremental encoders
Absolute encoders are transponders for rotary motion,
which output absolute position information within the The position information is always up-to-date, even in
range of a single revolution of the motor (360°, single case of position changes with the voltage switched off or
turn) or in addition, the number of revolutions related to a in case of lost or corrupt pulses.
zero point (multiturn). Absolute encoders cannot be used to control speed
Typical values are 8192 (13Bit) steps per revolution (with NORDAC inverters). However, combined encoders
and with multiturn encoders, additionally 4096 (12Bit) with absolute and additional incremental encoder signals
differentiation of the number of revolutions. are available.
Single turn encoders are mounted on the output Absolute encoders with different data protocols are
side of the system (typically: rotating platforms), while available, e.g. SSI, CANopen or Profibus. Selection
multiturn encoders can be mounted on the system drive depends on the electronics used for evaluation!
unit or directly on the motor. With an absolute encoder,
measurement of the number of revolutions is carried out
either entirely electromagnetically or mechanically, by
reducing the speed by means of small gear stages with
additional barcode discs.

Overview of multiturn absolute encoders

(only certain CANopen rotary encoders are approved for use with the SK500E and SK200E series)

Encoder type Multiturn Multiturn Multiturn Multiturn Multiturn Multiturn

Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder Absolute encoder
with incremental without bus cover with incremental with incremental with incremental
signals signals signals signals
for inverter type SK 700E + POS SK 2xxE, SK 53xE SK 53xE SK 53xE SK 2xxE SK 53xE
Single turn resolution 8192 (13 Bit) 8192 (13 Bit) 8192 (13 Bit) 8192 (13 Bit) 8192 (13 Bit) 8192 (13 Bit)
Multiturn resolution 4096 (12 Bit) 4096 (12 Bit) 4096 (12 Bit) 4096 (12 Bit) 4096 (12 Bit) 65536 (16 Bit)
Interface SSI Gray Code CANopen profile CANopen profile CANopen profile CANopen Profil CANopen profile
DS406 V3.1 DS406 V3.1 DS406 V3.1 DS406 V3.1 DS406 V3.0
CAN address/ - adjustable Fixed address 51, adjustable adjustable adjustable
baud rate baud rate 125K
Bus cover - Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Incremental encoder TTL / RS422 No No TTL / RS422 HTL TTL / RS422
output 2048 Impulse 2048 Impulse 2048 Impulse 2048 Impulse
Power supply 10 – 30 VDC 10 – 30 VDC 10 – 30 VDC 10 – 30 VDC 10 - 30 VDC 10 – 30 VDC
Referencing SET - Input via CANopen via CANopen via CANopen via CANopen via CANopen
Scanning principle optical / mechanical optical / mechanical optical / mechanical optical / mechanical optisch / mechanical optical / magnetic
Shaft version Hollow shaft D=12 Blind hole D=12 Blind hole D=12 Blind hole D=12 Blind hole D=12 Blind hole D=12
Electrical Connection Cable end 1.5 m Terminal Cable end 2.0 m M12 socket M12 connector Terminal
IG: M12 connector
Temperature range -30°C to +75°C 40°C to +80°C -30°C to +75°C -40°C to +80°C -40°C bis +80°C 25°C to +85°C
IP protection class IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67 IP 66

Resolver (RE)
Resolvers can be fitted to NORD motors. Please ask!

A38 M7000


Motor plug connectors (MS)

n 46 g1

Normal version III

Terminal box for 1, plug connector for II (to fan cover),

Plug connector possible for I + III II 1


Type 63 71 80 90 100 112 132

g1 / g1 Bre 140 149 158 163 174 184 204 / 219

n 114 114 114 114 114 114 122

p 114 114 114 114 114 114 122

If required, size 63 - 132 three-phase (brake) motors The motor plug connector is supplied without a mating
can also be supplied with motor plug connectors plug and is protected from dirt by means of a protective
(type suffix: MS). cover.
The plug connector is mounted on the side of the terminal
box. The normal version points towards the fan cover with Technical data for sizes 63 - 112
II Plugs for I or III are possible. Housings with 2-clamp Connector: Han 10 ES/Han 10 ESS
transverse locking are used. Number of contacts: 10
Current: 16 A max.
With motor sizes 63 - 112 a pin version type HAN 10 ES Voltage: 500 V max.
is fitted to the motor. The customer must provide a type (600 V max. according UL/CSA)
HAN 10 ES plug socket (manufactured by Harting). Cage-clamp terminals
Above motor size 132 the motor has a type HAN C
modular pin version. Technical data for sizes 132
Connector: Han C-Modular
A fixed assignment of contacts is available for single-
Number of contacts: 9
speed and switchable pole motors (separate windings
Current: 22 A max.
and Dahlander pole switching). Contacts for thermistor
Voltage: 690 V max.
temperature sensors or temperature monitors and the
Crimp connections
brake connection voltage are also assigned.
Please ask for detailed information!
See circuit diagrams ð& A44 - 45 M7000 A39


ATEX (RL 94/9 EU) compliant motors Increased safety (Ex e)

Explosive gas or dust atmospheres occur in various For motors of device categories 2G and 3G, i.e. the Ex-
areas of industry and crafts. They are usually caused Zones 1 and 2, sparking and impermissible temperatures
by mixtures of oxygen in combination with inflammable are prevented as per ignition protection type “e”
gases or thrown-up or deposited inflammable dust. (Increased Safety). This is achieved by the design of the
Because of this, electrical and mechanical equipment fans and fan cowlings, the bearings and terminal boxes.
for use in explosion hazard areas are subject to special Characteristic for this is e.g. the low surface resistance
national and international standards and guidelines. of plastic fans (depending on the circumferential speed
The term ATEX which is often used for explosion of the fan). There are large air gaps between the rotating
protection, come from the initial letters of the title of an parts and large air gaps and leakage tracks in terminal
older French directive “ATmosphères Explosives” Based boxes.
on this, in March 1994, the European Parliament adopted
For the selection of the model it should be noted that in
the EEC Directive 94/9/EEC to harmonize the legal
comparison with the corresponding standard motor, drive
regulations for devices and protective systems for correct
units with ignition protection type “e” often have a reduced
use in explosion-protected areas.
output power. These motors have windings which are
In the design of mechanical and electrical equipment the different to comparable motors for non-explosive areas.
objective is to prevent ignition or to restrict its effects. This results in a real reduction in power. These motors
For this, the explosion protection regulations come into are usually used up to Temperature Class T3.

Gas explosion protection for Zone 1 and Zone 2 Pressure resistant encapsulation
• Increased safety Ex e II (Ex d and Ex de)
• pressure resistant encapsulation, increased safety The ignition protection class “de” is based on a different
terminal box Ex de IIC protection concept. The construction withstands
explosions in the interior of the motor and prevents
Dust explosion protection the explosion from from spreading to the surrounding
• Zone 21 and Zone 22 atmosphere. These motors have increased wall
thicknesses to protect them against the excess pressure
Zone categorisation for inflammable gases which results from ignition. Among other things, these
and aerosols systems also require fans with protection class “e”.
The drive units provide the same rated power as motors
Zone 1:
which are not explosion protected and can be used in
The area in which an explosive atmosphere consisting
the same manner as geared motors with protection class
of air and inflammable gases, vapours or aerosols can
“e” in Zone 1 and 2. These motors are often used in
occasionally form during normal operation.
cases where inverter operation, brakes, encoders and/
Zone 2: or a very high level of safety are required. Typically,
The area in which an explosive atmosphere of air and pressure resistant encapsulated motors supplied by
inflammable gases, vapours or aerosols normally does NORD fulfil the requirements for Explosion Group IIC
not occur, or only occurs for a short time. and Temperature Class T4.

Categorisation of zones for inflammable dust

Zone 21:
The area in which an explosive atmosphere consisting For further information, please refer to the ATEX
of a cloud of air and inflammable dust can occasionally catalogues
form during normal operation.
• G1001 Explosion protected drive units
Zone 22: Category 2G, Zone 1, gas
The area in which an explosive atmosphere in the form of
a cloud of air and inflammable dust normally does not • G1022 Explosion protected drive units
occur, or only occurs for a short time. Category 3D, Zone 22, dust

These catalogues can also be found under (Documentation/Catalogues)

A40 M7000

Options M7000 A41

inquiry form

Motor Inquiry

Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 1
D-22941 Bargteheide
Fon +49(0) 4532/401-0
Fax +49(0)4532/401-254
Town Zip code E-Mail [email protected]

Fon Customer No.

Fax Application

E-Mail Project

Quantity Type

Motor Parameters Motor Parameters

Mount Enclosure Frame Size Poles

IEC B3 IP 54 63 S 4

71 SH 2
IEC B5 IP 55 M 6
MA 4-2
IEC B14 IP 65 90
100 other
NEMA C-Face IP 66 MX
112 L Operation Mode
NEMA Foot IP 67
132 LA S1
Integral Flange ø Pos. IP 68 160 LB
S2 min
180 AH
Power Coil
LH S3 %
[kW] Standard 200
Power LX
UL 225 S4
Efficiency XH %
CSA 250
IE2 280 Isulation Class
IE3 315 F H

Page 1 of 2

A42 M7000

inquiry form

Motor Inquiry

Motor Parameters Motor Parameters

Voltage and Frequency Electrical Options Mechanical Options Mechanical Options
No Handwheel or
230 / 400 V 50 Hz Normal Motor (3~ Motor) No RLS
2nd Shaft Extension

400 / 690 V 50 Hz ECR (1~ Motor) HR RLS CW

115 / 230 V 60 Hz EAR1 (1~ Motor) WE ø x [mm] RLS CCW

220 / 380 V 60 Hz EHB1 (1~ Motor) Encoder

332 / 575 V 60 Hz EST (1~ Motor - Steinmetz) Resolution
230 / 460 V 60 Hz TW Turns Step
10 - 30 V Sin / Cos Bussystems
Other [V] [Hz] TF Temp [°C]
Resolution SSI CANopen
Frequency characteristic 2TF Temp [°C]
Min. Freq. 512 1024
50 Hz ProfiBus other
110 V
[Hz] additional incrementel signal
87 Hz 2048 4096
Max. Freq. SH 230 V (see IG)

100 Hz Brake Parameters

[Hz] 500 V
ATEX Normal Brake [Nm]
ERD No-Brake
No ATEX Mechanical Options Double Brake 2x [Nm]

ATEX (Please use sepperate Form) No special Isulation Holding Brake/Emergency Brake Working Brake
Mechanical Options No Hand Release NRB 1 Brake Supply
With Fan & Cover HL 24 VDC
IP 66 200 VAC
230 VAC
OL/H MS G V IR Other


Page 2 of 2

Motor enquiry forms are available M7000 A43

Circuit diagrams

Three-phase motor Three-phase motor

NEMA (230 / 460V)

T4 T5 T6
W2 U2 V2
Y -- circuit
Schaltung T7 T8 T9
YY-- circuit
hohe voltage
Spannung High
U1 V1 W1
T1 T2 T3

L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3

T4 T5 T6
W2 U2 V2
Δ -- Schaltung
circuit YY
YY -- circuit
T7 T8 T9
Low Spannung
voltage Low voltage
niedrige Spannung
U1 V1 W1
T1 T2 T3

L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3

with motor plug connector (MS)

400 V - Star circuit Y 400 V - Delta circuit ∆

W2 U2 V2 W2 U2 V2
YY- -circuit
Schaltung Δ - circuit
- Schaltung
U1 V1 W1 U1 V1 W1

Stecker Connector
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

6 7 8 9 10 6 7 8 9 10

Three-phase motor, switchable pole Three-phase motor, switchable pole

Dahlander pole switching separated windings

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

YY - Schaltung
2U 2V 2W hohe Drehzahl 2U 2V 2W Y -- circuit
Y Schaltung
YY - circuit hohe Drehzahl
High speed highspeed
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W

2U 2V 2W
2U 2V 2W Δ -- circuit
Schaltung Y
Y -- circuit
niedrige Drehzahl Lowspeed
niedrige Drehzahl
1U 1V 1W 1U 1V 1W

L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3

A44 M7000

Circuit diagrams

Single phase motor Single phase motor Single phase motor

(Steinmetz circuit)
Rechtslauf CA Clockwise
Z1 U2 Z2 2 3
Z1 U2 Z2 W2 U2 V2
U1 CB 4
U1 CB U1 V1 W1

Starting relay
L1 N L1 N L1 N

Counter clockwise
Linkslauf Counter clockwise
Counter clockwise
Linkslauf CA
Z1 U2 Z2 2 3 W2 U2 V2
Z1 U2 Z2
U1 CB 4 U1 V1 W1

Starting relay
L1 N L1 N
L1 N

Single-phase motor
NEMA (115 / 230V) ECR

Rechtslauf Low voltage
Niedrige Spannung Clockwise
Rechtslauf High
Hohe voltage

T2 T7 T6 T2 T7 T6

2 3 T4 T5 T1 2 3 T4 T5 T1

4 T9 T8 T3 4 T9 T8 T3

Starting relay
Anlaufrelais Starting relay
N L1 N L1

Linkslauf Low voltage
Niedrige Spannung Counter
Linkslauf High voltage
Hohe Spannung
clockwise clockwise

T2 T7 T6 T2 T7 T6

2 3 T4 T5 T1 2 3 T4 T5 T1

4 T9 T8 T3 4 T9 T8 T3

Starting relay
Anlaufrelais Starting relay
N L1 N L1 M7000 A45


The following table shows the specifications for the efficiency, corresponding to the efficiency class and dependent on
the motor power
- for various national efficiency classifications
- for enclosed 4-pole motors
A direct comparison of efficiencies is not possible as the measurement methods differ.
New Zealand
50Hz EFF2 IE1 EFF1 IE2 1359.5:2004 IE3 18613-2006 18613-2006 18613-2006
Level 1B Level 3 Level 2 Level 1

HP η η η η η η η η η η η
setpoint min setpoint setpoint min setpoint setpoint setpoint setpoint setpoint setpoint
[kW] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%] [%]
0,55 - - - - - - - - - 71 80,7 -
0,73 - - - - - - - 82,2 - - - -
0,76 1 - - 72,1 - - 79,6 82,2 82,5 73 82,3 -
1,1 1,5 76,2 72,6 75 83,8 81,4 81,4 83,8 84,1 76,2 83,8 -
1,5 2 78,5 75,3 77,2 85 82,8 82,8 85 85,3 78,5 85 -
2,2 3 81 78,2 79,7 86,4 84,4 84,3 86,4 86,7 81 86,5 -
3 4 82,6 80,0 81,5 87,4 85,5 85,5 87,4 87,7 82,6 87,4 -
3,7 5 - - - - - - - - - - -
4 - 84,2 81,8 83,1 88,3 86,5 86,6 88,3 88,6 84,2 88,3 89,9
4,5 6 - - - - - - - - - - -
5,5 7,5 85,7 83,6 84,7 89,2 87,6 87,7 89,2 89,6 85,7 89,2 90,7
7,5 10 87 85,1 86 90,1 88,6 88,7 90,1 90,4 87 90,1 91,5
9,2 12,5 - - - - - - - - - - -
11 15 88,4 86,7 87,6 91 89,7 89,8 91 91,4 88,4 91 92,2
15 20 89,4 87,8 88,7 91,8 90,6 90,6 91,8 92,1 89,4 91,8 92,9
18,5 25 90 88,5 89,3 92,2 91,0 91,2 92,2 92,6 90 92,2 93,3
22 30 90,5 89,1 89,9 92,6 91,5 91,6 92,6 93 90,5 92,6 93,6
30 40 91,4 90,1 90,7 93,2 92,2 92,3 93,2 93,6 91,4 93,2 94,2

The actual efficiency of the motor is stamped on the motor type plate. For wide voltage ranges, the efficiency which is
stamped is that for the most unfavourable operating point. At the nominal voltage, the efficiency is then better than that
which is stamped on the type plate.

A46 M7000


Relationship of efficiency and mains load

For efficient utilisation of a motor it is advisable to operate it close to its nominal power.
Depending on the motor power, operation under partial load can be inefficient - especially with smaller motors.

132 kW
90 15kW
70 1,5kW

η [%]

0 0,25 0,5 0,75 1 1,25

P / PN [kW]

Relationship between efficiency and FI frequency range

With operation of the motor on a frequency inverter, the efficiency of the motor increases with the frequency with which
it is operated.
The following diagram shows this relationship on the basis of a 90SH/4 motor. For geared motors it should be noted
that higher input speeds result in increased gear losses.

η %
η %
η %
η [%]

f [Hz] M7000 A47


Mains connection / Rated voltages / Voltage fluctuations

Voltage tolerance as per DIN IEC 60038 Voltage and frequency
DIN IEC 60038 recommends tha the voltages at the NORD three-phase motors are wound as follows:
handover points are not allowed to deviate by more than ± − up to nominal power < 3.0 kW for 230/400V D/Y 50Hz
10%from the new standard voltages. − above a nominal power of 3.0 kW for 400/690V D/Y 50Hz
Previous mains voltages Current mains voltages As standard, NORD motors are wound as follows:
220 V, 380 V, 660 V 230 V, 400 V, 690 V +6/-10%
No. of Motor type Nominal voltage Frequency
240 V, 415 V 230 V, 400 V +10/-6%
4 63 S/4 - 100 L/4 230/400 V ∆/Y 50 Hz
Permissible voltage and frequency deviations 100 LA/4 - 200 LX/4 400/690 V ∆/Y
as per DIN EN 60034-1 2 63 S/2 - 90 L/2 230/400 V ∆/Y 50 Hz
AC machines must operate reliably at their rated 100 L/2 - 132 MA/2 400/690 V ∆/Y
voltage or within their rated voltage range ± 5% and 6 63 S/6 - 112 M/6 230/400 V ∆/Y 50 Hz
within their rated frequency range ± 2%. Their heat-up 132 S/6 - 132 MA/6 400/690 V ∆/Y
must not exceed the limiting values for their heat 4-2 63 S/4-2 - 160 L/4-2 400 V ∆/YY 50 Hz
class (F) by more than 10K. The voltage or voltage range
8-2 71 S/8-2 WU - 160 L/8-2 WU 400 V Y/Y 50 Hz
stamped on the motor type plate are the rated voltages
or rated voltage ranges to which the voltage tolerance 8-4 71 S/8-4 - 132 M/8-4 400 V ∆/YY 50 Hz

Operation of 50 Hz motors on 60 Hz mains

Permissible voltage deviation as per NEMA CSA
Guide values for
According to NEMA and CSA, the permissible voltage conversion factors for the listed values
deviation is ± 10% from the stamped rated voltage or the
stamped rated voltage range. 50 Hz 60 Hz nN * PN MN IN MA/MN IA/IN
According to ANSI C84.1, in North America, a differentiation approx. MK/MN
is made between nominal system voltages (Nominal 230V 230V 1,2 1,0 0,83 1,0 0,8 0,8
System Voltage - 120V, 208V, 240V, 480V, 600V) and 400V 400V 1,2 1,0 0,83 1,0 0,8 0,8
the corresponding utilization voltages (Nominal Utilization
400V 460V 1,2 1,0 0,83 0,9 1,1 1,1
Voltage – 115V, 200V, 230V, 460V, 575V). According
to this, consumers must be stamped with the nominal 400V 460V 1,2 1,15 0,96 1,0 1,0 1,0
utilisation voltage. Stamping of electric motors with 120V, 500V 500V 1,2 1,0 0,83 1,0 0,8 0,8
208V, 240V, 480V oder 600V does not comply with the 500V 575V 1,2 1,0 0,83 0,9 1,1 1,1
standard and is not usual in North America.
500V 575V 1,2 1,15 0,96 1,0 1,0 0,9
System voltage Device/consumer voltage
* The actual speed relationship depends on the type of
600 V 575 V
480 V 460 V
NORD motors with special winding are available for other
240 V 230 V voltages and frequencies.
208 V 200 V

Rated voltages of NORD motors

4-pole NORD standard motors and IE2 motors for 50Hz
are rated for the
− voltage ranges 220-240 / 380-420V and
− voltage ranges 380-420 / 660-725V
As per DIN EN 60 034, they operate reliably in continuous
operation with ± 5% of these voltage ranges. Therefore,
reliable operation within the recommended range of the
standard IEC voltages of 230V, 400V and 690V +/-10%
is ensured.
NORD motors which are compliant with NEMA, CSA
(cCSAus) are only stamped with the rated voltage and
not with a rated voltage range. Their permissible voltage
deviation is ± 10% of the stamped rated voltage.
A48 M7000

NORD single-phase motors

EAR1, EHB1 ECR (60Hz)
The EAR1, EHB1 series supersedes the EAR, EHB The ECR series is intended for demanding
series. operation on 60Hz mains with 115V or 230V.
It features: The permissible voltage range is 115/230V +/-10%
without additional tolerance. If the voltage tolerance is
• increased breakdown torque
utilised, these motors may be continuously overloaded
• wide voltage range 220-240V by 35% (SF 1.35).
(additionally as per EN60034 +/-5%)
• increased reliability Combination of inverters with single-phase supply
and three-phase motors
Single-phase motors have only 2 temperature sensors -
one each for the main and auxiliary windings. For lower powers, three-phase motors may be used as
an alternative to single-phase motors in single-phase
EST networks which are supplied by inverters with single-
A low cost solution with Steinmetz circuit for simple phase supplies. NORD can supply frequency inverters
demands. up to a power of 2.2 kW for single-phase networks.
Operation at low load can result in increased noise in the drive chain. Please contact us about applications
which require a very low noise level.

Special ambient conditions

Heat class 155 (F) Heat class 180 (H)
The windings of NORD motors use Class F insulating The 4-pole NORD Standard/IE1 motors are available
materials 155 (F). At cooling temperatures up to 40°C and in a modified variant for ambient temperatures up to
installation altitudes up to 100 m, the highest permissible 60 °C. The windings have insulation class 180 (H),
temperature increase is 105 K. The highest permissible and temperature-critical components are replaced with
winding temperature is 155° C. suitable ones. For planning, you can refer to the values
This table contains guide values which cover the entire on pages C2/C3.
range of motors, including those with high thermal Not all options are possible. Get in touch with us!
utilisation. Somewhat higher values apply for motors with
low or moderate thermal utilisation. The values for motors ● Ambient temperature < -20°C and > 60°C
for explosion protection areas also deviate. For cooling temperatures of < -20°C and > 60°C technical
40°C 45°C 50°C 55°C 60°C modifications to the motor may be necessary. The type of
modification is selected according to the application.
1000 m 100% 96% 92% 87% 82%
1500 m 97% 93% 89% 84% 80% ● Outdoor installation ð&A51, 52
2000 m 94% 90% 86% 82% 77%
● Drive submerged or temporarily flooded
2500 m 90% 86% 83% 78% 74%
3000 m 86% 83% 79% 75% 71% If motors or geared motors are to be operated temporarily
or continuously in a submerged state, they must be
3500 m 83% 80% 76% 72% 68%
selected with regard to the type of application. For this,
4000 m 80% 77% 74% 70% 66% the information listed below is necessary in order to
make an offer. Submerged drives are not the subject of
For Motors with extended temperature range this catalogue, but rather are individually planned and
(Tamb -20 ... 45°C) is as follows table: offered.

45°C 50°C 55°C 60°C 65°C

• Operation in surfaced or submerged state
• Immersion depth
1000 m 100% 96% 91% 85% 79% • Medium in which submerged
1500 m 97% 93% 88% 82% 77% • Medium is contaminated with abrasive substances
2000 m 94% 90% 84% 79% 74% (sand etc.)
2500 m 90% 85% 81% 76% 71% • Temperature of the medium in which submerged
3000 m 86% 82% 78% 74% 69% • Required cable length
3500 m 83% 79% 75% 71% 67%
• Application requires organic oil or organic paint
• Operating hours per year
4000 m 80% 77% 73% 69% 65%
• Direct mounting of the motor to the gear unit is allowed
(preferred) M7000 A49

Thermal motor protection NORD Three-phase motors

A good selection of the motor protects it against Standard NORD three-phase motors are self-cooled
overheating due to the application or ambient conditions. (with fan)
Factors which may cause the motor to overheat are e.g. – Cooling type IC411 as per EN 60034-6
high ambient temperatures, restricted flow of cooling air
and low motor speeds as a result of inverter operation. Overview of cooling types:
NORD can supply two heat protection components for an
extra charge Designation English abbreviation
− TW = Bimetal temperature sensor IC410 without fan TENV
− TF = Thermistor temperature sensor IC411 Self-ventilated TEFC
These are used to directly monitor the temperature of the
IC416 Externally ventilated TEBC
windings with full utilisation of the motor power.

Three (one in each line) series-connected temperature For installation with restricted air supply, the following
sensors or thermistors are located at the hottest parts of minimum distances must be complied with:
the windings. Their connections are made to 2 terminals Length of motor + protective cover (LS) minus length of motor (L)
in the terminal box. ð & C24
For frequency inverter operation, heavy starting,
For foot-mounted motors (version IM B3) size 63 the feet
switched operation, high ambient temperatures
are cast onto the housing. In this case, there is only one
restricted cooling etc. the use of a temperature sensor
possible location for the 2nd terminal box (opposite to the
or thermistor is urgently recommended.
feet). (ð& C24 and above).
Thermostat (TW) Please ask in case of series requirement for terminal box
position 1 or 3.
(Other common designations: thermal opener, Klixon, bi-
metal opener) With size 71 - 180 the feet are screwed on. Here, the
The temperature sensor is and encapsulated, miniature terminal box location 2 is the standard version, however
bi-metal switch, which is normally designed as an opener. locations 1 or 3 are possible.
It must be connected so that the self-holding of the According to the version, if possible the cable gland
motor circuit breaker is interrupted when the switching into the terminal box should enter from below!
temperature is reached. The circuit breaker then triggers
and switches the motor off. Vibration level A as per DIN EN 60034-14
The temperature sensor only closes its contacts again after
there has been a considerable reduction in temperature. NORD three-phase motors are made to the vibration level A.

Triggering temperature: 155° C

Nominal current: 1.6 A at 250 V Cable glands
Switch version: opener (terminals TB1 + TB2) Standard motor Brake motor
Also available as 2 x TW for warning and shut-down! Type 63 - 200 Type 63 - 132
Brake motor
Temperature sensor (TF)
Type 160 - 200
(Other common designations: Thermistor, thermistor S3 (BRE)

temperature sensor, PTC thermistor)

The resistance of the temperature sensor increases
suddenly by almost 10 x when the nominal triggering
temperature is reached.
The thermistor temperature sensor can only fulfil its S3 S3 (BRE)
protective function if it is connected to a triggering
Type S3 S3 (BRE)
63 M20 x 1,5 M20 x 1,5
A triggering device evaluates the increase in resistance 71 M20 x 1,5 M20 x 1,5
and switches the drive unit off. 80 M25 x 1,5 M25 x 1,5
Triggering temperature: 155° C 90 M25 x 1,5 M25 x 1,5
Max. voltage 30 V 100 M32 x 1,5 M32 x 1,5
Terminals TP1 + TP2 112 M32 x 1,5 M32 x 1,5
Also available as 2 x TF for warning and shut-down. 132 M32 x 1,5 M32 x 1,5
E.g.: 130°C = Warning , 155°C = Shut-down 160 M40 x 1,5 M40 x 1,5
180 M40 x 1,5 M40 x 1,5
200 M40 x 1,5 M40 x 1,5

A50 M7000


Permissible radial and axial forces for When option AS66-Outdoor installation is ordered
IEC / NEMA motors then special sealed ball-bearings (2RSR) are fitted.

The listed values apply for a calculated bearing life of Lh Type A bearing B bearing
(fixed bearing)
= 20,000 hours, for 4-pole motors in 50Hz operation.
63 6202.2Z 6202.2Z
FR = permissible radial force with FA = 0
71 6202.2Z 6202.2Z
FA = permissible axial force with FR = 0
80 6204.2Z 6204.2Z
FR 90 6205.2Z 6205.2Z
E/2 100 6206.2Z 6206.2Z
112 6306.2Z.C3 6306.2Z.C3
FA 132 6308.2Z.C3 6308.2Z.C3
160 6309.2Z.C3 6309.2Z.C3
180 .X 6310.2Z.C3 6309.2Z.C3
180 6312.2Z.C3 6311.2Z.C3
200 6312.2Z.C3 6311.2Z.C3
Permissible radial and axial forces

Type FR [N] FA [N] Noise emission

63 530 480 • Sound pressure level and sound power level
71 530 480 According to DIN EN ISO 3745/44, the noise pressure
80 860 760 level LPA is measured in an echo-free room with the test
90 910 810
sample idling. The measurement area dimension Ls [dB]
is calculated from the dimensions of the test sample. The
100 1300 1100
sound power level LwA is determined by addition of the
112 1950 1640 measurement surface dimension to the noise pressure
132 2790 2360 level. A slightly increased noise level is to be expected
160 3500 3000 with inverter operation due to magnetic hum or whistling.
180 .X 3500 3000 The fan noise increases at higher speeds with frequencies
180 5500 4000 above 50Hz or 60 Hz. External fans are supplied directly
from the mains. Their cooling effect and noise emission
200 .X 5500 4000
independ on the speed of the motor.
225 8000 5000

Sound pressure level measurement area and sound
power level with mains operation
These values do not apply to the 2nd shaft end.
Self-cooled with external fan
Pleas ask about the power which can be transferred
and the permissible radial force! Tolerance 50Hz 60Hz 50Hz 60Hz
± 3db(A) 1500/min 1800/min

Motors which are directly mounted on the housing Type LPA LWA LPA LWA LPA LWA LPA LWA
are subjected to radial and axial forces from the IE1 IE2 IE3 [db(A)] [db(A)]
1st gear stage and therefore may be equipped with 63 S/L - - 40 52 44 56 47 59 50 62
reinforced bearings. 71 S/L - - 45 57 49 57 51 63 53 65
80 S 80 SH - 47 59 51 63 56 68 59 71
80 L 80 LH 80 LP
90 S 90 SH 90 SP 49 61 53 65 61 73 65 77
90 L 90 LH 90 LP
Bearings and shaft sealing 100 L 100 LH 100 LP 51 64 55 68 59 72 63 76
NORD motors have lubricated-for-life roller bearings. The 100 LA 100 AH 100 AP
112 M 112 MH 112 MP 54 66 58 70 61 74 64 77
B side bearing is a fixed bearing.
132 S 132 SH -
Greased shaft sealing rings without springs are used on - 132 MH 132 MP 60 73 64 77 57 70 60 73
the A and B side. - 132 LH -
Oil-tight motors with various flanges are available on - 160 SH 160 SP
160 M 160 MH 160 MP 66 79 70 83 60 73 64 77
request for direct mounting on the gear unit (ð& C42). 160 L 160 LH 160 LP
180 MX - -
Replacement of roller bearings: see operating and 66 79 70 83 60 73 64 77
180 LX - -
maintenance manual B1091. - 180 MH 180 MP 62 75 66 79 60 73 64 77
- 180 LH 180 LP
200 LX 200 XH - 62 75 66 79 60 73 64 77 M7000 A51


Protection classes as per DIN EN 60034-5 Motors for indoor installation

Protection against touching moving and live components NORD recommends the following options for indoor
as well as against entry of solid foreign bodies, dust and installation:
water. The protection class is stated by the letters IP
Indoor installation, Indoor installation,
(International Protection) and two code letters. (e.g. IP55)
dry damp
Protection class
Motor version IP 55 (Standard) IP 55 (Standard)
1st code Brief Explanation according to
number description standard IEC60034-5 Temperature
fluctuations and/ ― KB, SH, FEU
5 Protection Complete protection against or high humidity
against touching. Harmful quantities
touching, of dust cannot enter.
foreign bodies Vertical version RD RDD
and dust

6 Protection Complete protection against

against touching. Dust cannot enter. Motor for outdoor installation
foreign bodies NORD recommends the following options for outdoor
and dust installation:
2nd code Brief Explanation Outdoor Extreme ambient
number description installation conditions

5 Protection Protection against water jets Motor version IP 55 (Standard) IP 66

against water from all directions.
Harmful quantities of water
cannot enter. AS55 or AS66,
fluctuations and/
or high humidity
6 Protection Protection agains heavy seas
against water and strong water jets from all
direction. Vertical version RD RDD
Harmful quantities of water
cannot enter. Option KKV (encapsulated terminal box) can be supplied
for both types of installation if required.

Outdoor installation of AS66 or AS55

For outdoor installation or use of motors in damp environments, we recommend Option AS66 or AS55.

Measures AS66 Measures AS55 - only for brake motors

• IP66 Protection class • IP55 protection class
• Terminal box, encapsulated • Brake IP55 RG (corrosion-protected version)
• Motor bearings with sealing discs (2RS) • Painting 2 or 3 (ð& A17)
• IP66 brake
• Painting 2 or 3 (ð& A17)

For outdoor installation of vertical versions (e.g. IM V1 or IM V5 ð& C24 and above) we urgently recommend
the option “double fan cover” (RDD).
According to the version, if possible the cable gland into the terminal box should enter from below!

Heating of the motor with current through the stator windings

If moisture forms in the motor because it is not equipped with standstill heating, there is an alternative, by which the
motor can be heated while at a standstill. For this, 4-10% of the nominal motor voltage is applied to the stator terminals
U1 and V1 by means of a transformer.
20-30% of the nominal motor current are sufficient to provided adequate heating during standstill.
The motor must not be heated while it is running! If there are no empirical values for the selection of the
necessary transformer, please consult NORD about the required power.

A52 M7000



NORD brake motors

are equipped with DC-excited spring pressure brakes. After the current is switched on, the electromagnet pulls
The brakes prevent accidental rotation of machines (as the rotor plate back from the brake lining by several
holding brakes) or bring rotation of the machine to a tenths of a millimetre against the pressure of the spring.
standstill (as a service brake or for emergency stop). This allows the brake disc to rotate freely. Interruption of
the current causes the magnetic force to collapse, so that
the spring pressure predominates. Therefore the brake is
Environment automatically activated.

The brake linings are asbestos-free.

Brake activated Brake released

Safety Brake bearing

Rotor plate Coil Magnetic field

The braking action is activated on interruption of the

current (idling current principle).
The brake can no longer be released if the brake linings
are worn.

Idling current principle

The brake disc is located between the brake bearing
cover and the rotor plate. The brake disc has a brake
lining on both sides. The brake disc transfers the braking
torque to the motor shaft by means of the coupling. The
brake disc can be moved in an axial direction on the
coupling. The rotor plate presses the brake disc against Pressure springs
Brake disc Magnetic Dog coupling
the brake cover plate by means of spring pressure. The (Lining carrier) part
friction between the rotor plate and the brake lining and
between the brake bearing cover and the brake lining
produces the braking torque. The brake is released by
an electromagnet (magnetic component). Power-to-apply principle
Brakes which are activated by the force of an
electromagnet are designated as power-to-apply brakes.
(Please enquire!)

B2 M7000
Brake type codes Brake torque (MB)
BRE 100 RG HL [...] According to DIN VDE 0580-2011, the switching torque
further options possible as a characteristic of the braking torque is defined for
Manual brake release a sliding speed of 1m/s relative to the average friction
Rustproof design radius.
Brake size/brake torque This applies to brakes which have been run in.
Brake The effective braking torque is not identical to the switching
torque, this should be considered as a guideline value.
BRE 40 FHL SR The magnitude of the actual effective braking torque
Brake 40 Nm depends on the temperature, speed (rubbing speed),
with lockable manual release FHL ambient conditions (dirt, moisture) and the degree of
Dust and corrosion protected version SR wear. This must be taken into account during planning.

The full braking torque is only available after a short

Type code for brake rectifiers running-in period.
Example The rubbing surfaces of the brake must be dry.
G H E 4 0 L Under no circumstances must they come into
Protection of electronic contact with grease or oil! Grease or oil on the
rubbing surfaces greatly reduces the braking
Current loading torque.
Voltage range
Type of DC switch-off
Type of rectification
Dependency of the braking torque on speed
MB [%]

Explanations 5Nm
1st place: G: Rectifier 100

2nd place: 80
Type of rectification 60
H: Half-wave (one-way circuit) 1200Nm
V: Full wave (bridge circuit) 40
P: Push (brief full wave, then half-wave)
rapid rectifier
3rd place: 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
Type of DC switch-off n [1/min]
E: via external contact (circuit breaker)
U: be internal voltage evaluation
Average values between the characteristic curves,
4th place:
• upper curve - small brakes (5Nm and above)
Voltage range
• lower curve - large brakes (400...1200Nm)
2: up to 275VAC
4: up to 480VAC
5: up to 575VAC

5th place:
max. current load
0: 0.5A (75°C)
1: 1.5A (75°C)

6th place: Protection of electronic components

against vibration and moisture
L: Paint coating
V: Fully encapsulated

Switching variants ð& B16 and above M7000 B3
Brakes - Standard configuration for 4-pole motors
Type BRE 5 BRE 10 BRE 20 BRE 40 BRE 60 BRE 100 BRE 150 BRE 250 BRE 400
IE1 IE2 IE3 MB [Nm]
63 S/L** - SP/LP 5 10 *1)
71 S/L** - SP/LP 5 10 *
80 S ** SH ** SP 5 4) 10 20 *
80 L LH LP 5 10 20 *
90 S SH SP
10 20 40 *
90 L LH LP
100 L LH LP 20 4) 40 60 *1)
100 LA AH AP 20 40 60 *1)
112 M MH MP 20 40 60
132 S SH SP 60 100 150 *
132 M MH MP 60 100 150 *
132 MA LH - 60 100 150 *
160 - SH SP 100 150 250
160 M MH MP 100 150 250
160 L LH LP 100 150 250
180 MX - - 150 250
180 LX - - 150 250
180 - MH MP 250 400 *1)
180 - LH LP 250 400 *1)
200 LX XH - 250 400 *1)
Extra weight [kg] 2 3 5,5 7 10 16 22 32 50
J [10-3 kgm2] 0,015 0,045 0,153 0,45 0,86 1,22 2,85 6,65 19,5

Brake torques in bold type: Standard version

* IP66 is not possible Among other things, the design of the drive units is
orientated to both the torque required for the application
** Please enquire for low price, non-adjustable BRH-
type holding brakes with lower torques. and the motor torque. If necessary, the braking torque
must be considerably reduced (ð& Table B5), so that
1) Manual release not possible! there is no overload of the gear unit when large moving
masses are braked (ð& B11 “Selection of brake size”).
4) For operation as a service brake with high switching
precision we recommend the use of the next
larger size of brake, with the torque adapted to the Holding brake ● Service brake ● Emergency
application. stop brake
The selection of a standard combination of motor and The differentiation between a “holding brake”, a “service
brake according to the overview above must be carried brake” and am “emergency stop brake” results from
out by careful planning. The braking torque must be the type of application. A holding brake has the task of
specified according to the requirements of the application. preventing a drive chain, which is at a standstill or is near
It should be noted that motors of the same type, but to standstill, from starting to move.
with different numbers of poles develop very different As soon as a brake needs to produce a significant amount
torques, especially 4-pole motors in comparison with of friction it is known as a service brake. The relevant
8-2-pole motors (rated, starting and breakdown torques friction and the switching frequency must be determined
ð& Table C2-C23). and taken into account for the selection of the brake
(ð& B10-11).
For the emergency stop function of a brake, very
large masses must be braked once and the brake
correspondingly large amounts of energy are applied to
the brake. In this case, the selection of the brake must be
made according to the maximum permissible friction for
each braking process (ð&B11 “Friction depending on
switching frequency”).
B4 M7000
Adjustment of braking torque
If required, we can supply brakes with reduced braking Even finer adjustment of the braking torque is possible
torques. by rotating an adjustment ring (only BRE 5 to BRE 40).

Reduction of the braking torque is carried out be removing The switching times change for reduced braking
pressure springs or by means of an adjustment ring. torques!
Release is faster - application takes longer

BRE 5 BRE 10 BRE 20 BRE 40 BRE 60 BRE 100 BRE 150 BRE 250 BRE 400
Number of springsn
MB [Nm]
8 250 400
7 5 10 20 40 60 100 150
6 187 300
5 3,5 7 14 28 43 70 107
4 3 6 12 23 34 57 85 125 200
3 2 4 8 17 26 42 65

BRE 5 BRE 10 BRE 20 BRE 40

Reduction of braking torque with the adjustment ring
MB [Nm]
• for each division of the adjustment ring 0,2 0,2 0,3 1
• Smallest achievable braking torque 0,8 1,6 4,4 5

The brake lining are subject to different amounts of wear This must be adjusted once the air gap has reached
according to their use. Wear of the material reduces the its maximum permissible value. Once the brake disc
thickness of the brake disc and increases the air gap. thickness has reduced to the minimum permissible value,
it must be replaced by a new one.

The brake release time increases as the air gap

becomes larger! M7000 B5
Electrical design
The brake windings are designed for continuous in the following sections. Selection of the rectifier should
operation. At the rated voltage they heat up in be made according to the requirements of the application.
a continuously released state according to heat Please note the section ‚Excess voltages‘ for DC
class 130(B) (Temperature increase ≤ 80K). supplies without a rectifier ð&B7!
The brakes are supplied with DC current. For this, current
from the AC mains is rectified. To protect against freezing, the brakes can be electrically
Half wave and bridge rectifiers are available as well as heated, ð&B14 “Anti condensation heater of brakes
rapid switching rectifiers whose function will be described (Option BSH)” Please ask!

U [V] U [V] U [V]

t t t

Sine wave AC voltage Voltage form for half- Voltage form with
wave rectifiers bridge rectifiers
UDC = UAC x 0.45 UDC = UAC x 0.9

Brake switching characteristics

The build-up of the magnetic field to release the brake and its collapse on application of the brake requires a certain
amount of time. This delay is often undesirable, but it can be effectively shortened by means of suitable measures.

Activation of the brake (application)

AC switch-off DC switch-off
(rectifiers GVE, GHE, GPE) (rectifiers GVE, GHE, GPE) and external contact
• Slow brake activation • Accelerated brake activation

If only the AC side of a bridge or half wave rectifier is The magnetic field of the brake collapses rapidly and
disconnected from the mains, a DC current continues to the braking action occurs quickly if the interruption of the
flow through the rectifier until the magnetic field in the current is made on the “DC side” between the rectifier
brake has been reduced. and the brake. This interruption can be implemented
The brake is only applied when the magnetic field has by means of a contact between terminals 3 and 4 of
collapsed to a minimum amount. The time for the collapse the rectifier (see circuit example). The contact must be
of the field depends on the inductance of the brake and suitable for the switching load due to the DC current. As
the resistance of the windings. As supplied, terminals 3 supplied, terminals 3 and 4 of the standard rectifier are
and 4 of the standard rectifier are connected by means connected with a wire bridge.
of a wire bridge. This must be removed for DC switching.
These must not be removed for AC switching.
Accelerated brake activation
ð&B14 Option “Current measurement relay (IR)

B6 M7000
Activation of the brake (application) Releasing the brake
Under-excitation with quick switching rectifiers • Normal brake release
(GPU, GPE) e.g. mains voltage 230VAC and brake
voltage 205VDC The release of the brake has already been explained in
the Section “Idling current principle” (ð& B2).
• High speed brake activation

If the reduction of the application time by means of DC Over-excitation with quick switching rectifiers
switching is not sufficient, under-excitation of the brake (GPU, GPE2) e.g. mains voltage 230VAC and brake
with the aid of a quick switching rectifier is advisable. After voltage 105VDC
the brake has been released, the quick switching rectifier • Accelerated brake release
switches from bridge rectification to half-wave rectification.
The rapid action rectifier is briefly in bridge rectification
This halves the output voltage (DC) and the current.
mode (Push). For a short time, double the rated voltage is
(in the electrically released condition, the supply-
applied to the brake. The force with which the stator disc
voltage to the brake can be reduced to about 30% of the
is pulled in by the magnetic component is enormously
rated value without the brake being applied).
increased due to the double voltage, so that the rotor
At half voltage, the energy of the magnetic field is reduced
plate is released considerably quicker and the brake
to a quarter in comparison with the energy at full voltage
is released more quickly than with normal excitation.
(the same also applies for the heating of the coil).
After the brake has been released, the quick switching
On the other hand, switch-off is carried out by DC. A
rectifier switches from bridge rectification to half-wave
weakened magnetic field collapses more quickly than a
rectification. The rated voltage is then applied to the
full strength field. As a result, with this weakened field,
brake terminals.
the brake is applied more quickly than a brake with a full
In this switching combination, accelerated activation
of the brake by under-excitation is not possible!
In this switching combination, accelerated release
by over-excitation is not possible!
This switching type must not be combined with a Excess voltages
noise-reduced brake.
High voltages may occur when a brake is switched off.
This results in severe erosion of the switching contacts. In
Brass foil addition, the brake can be destroyed by the high voltage.

A further possibility for very rapid activation of the brake NORD rectifiers are equipped with an appropriate
is the use of a brake with brass foil. The brass foil is protective circuit. This prevents the occurrence of
located between the rotor plate and the magnetic part impermissible excess voltages.
of the brake and is 0.3mm thick. This introduces a large Other circuits, primarily for the supply of brakes from an
magnetic resistance in the magnetic circuit of the brake, external voltage source, can be equipped with additional
which only allows a weakened field to build up. The protection. Please ask!
application behaviour of a brake with a magnetic field
which is weakened in this way is the same as for the
behaviour with under-excitation. Release of a brake with
brass foil is slower than for release without the brass
foil. The reserve for wear is reduced by the thickness of
the brass foil. It is recommended that brakes with brass
foil are only used for over-excitation in combination
with a quick switching rectifier, if the full braking torque
is required. Brakes with brass foil in combination with
standard rectifiers should only be used with the brake
torque reduced to approx. 50%.
Use in combination with quick switching rectifiers
for under-excitation is not recommended! M7000 B7

NORD brake rectifiers

Technical data
Bridge rectifiers GVE20L/V
Rated voltage 230VAC
Max. permissible voltage range 110V...275V+10%
Output voltage 205VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.9)
Rated current up to 40°C 2.0A
Rated current up to 75°C 1.0A
DC switch-off by external contact or current measuring relay possible
Half-wave rectifier GHE40L/V GHE50L/V
Rated voltage 480VAC 575VAC
Max. permissible voltage range 230V...480V+10% 230V...575V+10%
Output voltage 216VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.45) 259VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.45)
Rated current up to 40°C 2.0A 2.0A
Rated current up to 75°C * 1.0A 1.0A
DC switch-off by external contact or current measuring relay possible
Brief bridge rectification
then half-wave rectification
Rated voltage 230VAC 480VAC
Max. permissible voltage range 200V...275V+/-10% 330V...480V+/-10%
Output voltage 104VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.45) 216VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.45)
Rated current up to 40°C 0.7A 0.7A
Rated current up to 75°C * 0.5A 0.5A
DC switch-off is carried out automatically internally! This is deactivated via bridge 3-4.
Brief bridge rectification
then half-wave rectification
Rated voltage 230VAC 480VAC
Max. permissible voltage range 200...275V+/-10% 330V...480V+/-10%
Output voltage 104VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.45) 216VDC (UDC = UAC x 0.45)
Rated current up to 40°C 0.7A 0.7A
Rated current up to 75°C * 0.5A 0.5A
DC switch-off by external contact or current measuring relay possible

* Normally installation of the rectifier in the motor terminal box is permissible.

In the case of greater thermal loads or higher currents the rectifier must be mounted outside of the terminal box e.g. in
a separate terminal box on the the fan cover or in the control cabinet.

B8 M7000
Brake connection voltages
The brakes are available with the following coil voltages:
24VDC, 105VDC, 180VDC, 205VDC, 225VDC, 250VDC (preferred voltages are printed bold.)

Supply voltage [VAC]

Standard rectifier
110 - 128 GVE20
180 - 220 GVE20
205 - 250 GVE20
210 - 256 GHE40
225 - 275 GVE20
360 - 440 GHE40
410 - 480 GHE40
410 - 500 GHE50
450 - 550 GHE50
Coil voltage (Brake) [VDC] 105 180 205 225

Supply voltage [VAC]

Quick release - quick switching rectifier
200 - 256 (230) GPU20 / GPE20
380 - 440 (400) GPU40 / GPE40
380 - 480 (460) GPU40 / GPE40
450 - 480 GPU40 / GPE40
Coil voltage (Brake) [VDC] 105 180 205 225

Supply voltage [VAC]

Quick application - quick switching rectifier
200 - 275 (200) GPU20 / GPE20
200 - 275 (230) GPU20 / GPE20
200 - 275 (250) GPU20 / GPE20
Coil voltage (Brake) [VDC] 180 205 225

Optimal values are printed bold M7000 B9
Brake switching times (average values, valid with nominal air gap)

VAC VDC Switch-

Rectifier Brake off

BRE5 BRE10 BRE20 BRE40 BRE60 BRE100 BRE150 BRE250 BRE400

ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav ttr tav
GHE 4... 230 103
GHE 4... 400 180
AC 35 130 60 150 85 200 100 180 120 200 150 230 270 300 300 520 400 650
GHE 5... 500 225
GVE 2... 230 205
GHE 4... 230 103
GHE 4... 400 180 DC
35 18 60 20 85 25 100 20 120 22 150 24 270 28 300 38 400 65
GHE 5... 500 225 extern
GVE 2... 230 205
GPU 2... 230 205 35 30 60 34 85 37 100 34 120 35 150 37 270 39 300 46 400 85
GPU 2... 230 103 DC
GPU 4... 400 180 intern 18 35 24 40 38 45 55 40 70 42 85 44 120 48 140 58 180 95
GPU 4... 480 225
GPE 2...* 230 103
GPE 4...* 400 180 18 5 24 5 38 8 55 8 70 12 85 20 120 25 140 34 - -
GPE 4...* 480 225
GPE 2...* 230 103
GPE 4...* 400 180 DC IR 18 23 24 23 38 24 55 25 70 31 85 34 120 40 140 50 - -
GPE 4...* 480 225

* Brake with brass foil ð& B7


MB = Braking torque taz = Build-up time. Time from the start of build-up of the
braking torque until 90% of the nominal value is
IB = Coil current
tav = Delay in brake application, time from switching off Among other things, the build-up time of the brake
the current until the start of the increase in braking torque depends on the speed and can therefore
torque. only be roughly predicted.
ttr = Release time. The time from switching on the
current until reduction of the braking torque to 10%
of the nominal value.

B10 M7000


* Technical data of brakes with Technical data of brakes with protection class IP66 are available on
protection class IP55 request
BRE5 BRE10 BRE20 BRE 40 BRE 60 BRE 100 BRE 150 BRE 250 BRE 400
Braking torque Ma [Nm] 5 10 20 40 60 100 150 250 400
Nominal air gap [mm] 0,2 0,2 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,4 0,4 0,5 0,5
Adjustment of air gap [mm] 0,6 0,8 0,8 0,9 1 1,1 1,1 1,2 1,2
Max. wear before rotor
[mm] 3 3 2,8 3 3 3,5 3,5 2,5 3,5
Min. permissible lining
[mm] 4,5 5,5 7,5 9,5 11,5 12,5 14,5 16,5 16
** Max. permissible friction
Wmax [Jx103] 1,5 3 6 12,5 35 50 75 105 150
per braking operation
** Friction before adjustment. WRN [Jx107] 5 12 20 35 60 125 200 340 420
Max. permissible thermal
PR [W] 80 100 130 160 200 250 300 350 400
*** Coil current with 24VDC IN ADC 0,92 1,17 1,42 1,69 2,18 3,33 3,2 4,14 6,0
Coil current with 105VDC IN ADC 0,21 0,32 0,39 0,46 0,6 0,88 0,88 1,14 1,38
Coil current with 180VDC IN ADC 0,12 0,16 0,19 0,25 0,3 0,46 0,4 0,6 0,78
Coil current with 205VDC IN ADC 0,11 0,13 0,15 0,24 0,28 0,44 0,34 0,54 0,68
Coil current with 225VDC IN ADC 0,09 0,13 0,16 0,20 0,22 0,35 0,34 0,44 0,63
Coil current with 250VDC IN ADC 0,09 0,11 0,14 0,18 0,19 0,31 0,3 0,38 0,57

* These values do apply for a speed range of 1200 - 1800 min -1

** These values do not apply for the options RG or SR ð&B13
*** 24VDC must be available from the application
Values printed bold - The maximum permissible current ratings of the rectifier must be complied with ð&B8!

These values for the maximum permissible friction per braking cycle apply for the rare cases of emergency braking.
For frequent braking cycles we recommend that the friction is less than 10% of the stated value in order to achieve good
wearing times for the brake linings. Please consult us in case of values above 10% of the stated friction per braking
cycle. M7000 B11

Calculation of
brake size
Selection of brake size Definition of abbreviations
The torque and moment inertia relate to the motor speed. c/h = Number of braking actions per hour
Gear output torques must always be divided by the gear
ratio. SJ [kgm2] = Sum of all driven moments of inertia,
Moments of inertia for the gear unit must always be related to the motor speed
divided by the square of the gear ratio.
i = Gear ratio
1. Selection according to static load (holding brakes)
K = Safety factor
Merf = Mstat = MLoad x K related to the application, selection
according to individual design
2. Design according to static and dynamic load (service specifications.
brakes) - Guide values: 0,8...3,0
JLoad - Lifting equipment: >2
SJ = JMotor + 2 - Lifting equipment with
i personnel safety : 2...3
Other moments of inertia (brake, gear unit), - Travelling drives: 0,5...1,5
can usually be neglected.
SJ x n MB [Nm] = torque provided by the brake
Mdyn =
9.55 x tr
Mdyn [Nm] = Dynamic torque (deceleration torque)
Merf = (Mdyn ± MLoad) x K
Merf [Nm] = Required braking torque
For a driving load: MLoad must be entered as positive
For a braking load: MLoad must be entered as negative MLoad [Nm] = Load torque resulting from the

3. Check for maximum permissible friction Mstat [Nm] = Static torque (holding torque)

J x n2 MB n [min-1] = Motor speed

W = x  W ≤ Wmax !
182,5 MB ± MLoad
tr [sec] = Slipping time: the time in which the drive
unit should come to a standstill
For a driving load: MLoad must be entered as negative
For a braking load: MLoad must be entered as positive W [J] = Frictional work per braking action

Wmax [J] = Maximum permissible friction work per

braking action
For economic and technical reasons the brakes
should not be overdimensioned.

Motors from various series, e.g. 8-2 pole travelling

motors have considerably lower rated torques than
standard 4-pole motors. We urgently recommend
that great care is taken in the selection of brakes
for travelling or similar applications. It is usually
advisable to utilise the possibility of brake torque
reduction (ð&B5 Brake torque adjustment)

B12 M7000


Manual release - HL Micro switch - MIK

The braking effect of a brake with manual release The brakes can be supplied with an attached micro switch
can be released without dismantling, when no current is for simple electrical monitoring of the release function.
To do this, the manual release lever is pulled in the A micro switch should be used if movement monitoring
direction of the air intake. Return is by means of spring is necessary or required. The motor circuit breaker is
pressure. Manual brake triggered by the micro switch when the rotor disc is in
Brake released
release contact with the magnetic part.
Then the motor can only start when the brake has
released. Once the maximum air gap “a” has been
reached the magnet no longer attracts the rotor disc. The
motor circuit breaker is not triggered and the motor does
not start. The air gap “a” must be re-adjusted.

gap "a"„a”
Lockable manual release - FHL
Brakes (up to 250Nm) with manual release can be locked
in the released state by means of a locking device.
Manual brake
Locking device

Protection against corrosion ● Dust ● Dirt ● Moisture - RG, SR

1) B bearing cover painted and stainless friction disc - 3) Protection class IP66, note motor protection
Option RG (only possible with protection class IP55) type, please ask!
2) B bearing cover painted and dust protection ring - 4) Protection class IP67 (Sea water brake), note motor
Option SR including stainless friction disc protection type, please ask!
(only possible with protection class IP55)
Air gap a
Sectional drawings Brake released

937 Manual brake release

938 Brake coupling
946 Fastening screw
971 O-ring
990 Rubbing plate
992 Dust protection ring
993 Brake lining
995 Compression spring
996 Compression piece IP55 IP55 SR
997 Adjustment ring 5-40 Nm
998 Socket / Sealing fin
999 V-Ring

IP55 RG IP66 M7000 B13

Current measuring relay (IR) Noise-reduced brake - NRB2

• Accelerated brake activation Noise due to torque oscillations in inverter operation or
Rectifiers which are directly wired to the motor terminals with single-phase motors can be effectively reduced by
are supplied via the motor supply cable. This saves a the use of rings on the couplings.
separate supply line for the brake. After the motor is
switched off, the brake remains electrically connected
to the motor. As long as the motor has not come to a
Dust protection (SR)
standstill, it works as a generator and continues to feed
the brake via the rectifier, which considerably delays the
Corrosion protection (RG)
activation of the braking effect. included in SR
This can result in an impermissible operating state, NRB2
especially with loaded lifting equipment.

A current measuring relay must be used in order to

achieve short application times with this switching variant.
The current measuring relay measures the motor current.
If the motor is switched off, the current measuring relay
releases. At the same time, the brake is switched off by

However, due to internal reaction times, the activation of

the braking effect is slower than with normal DC switch-

The current measuring relay can only be used in

combination with the rectifiers GVE, GHE and GPE!

Technical data Anti condensation heater / Brake (BSH)

Current measuring relay (IR) In the case of severe temperature fluctuations, high
Switching voltage 42...550 VDC humidity or extreme climatic conditions, a standstill
Switching current 1,0 ADC heating system must be used.
This prevents moisture precipitation inside the brake.
Primary current 25 AAC 50 AAC
The anti condensation heater of the brake must not
Max. primary current 75A (0,2 sec) 150A (0,2 sec)
be switched on when the motor is running and when
Holding current < 0,7 AAC < 0,7 AAC
the brake is energized!
Max. operating
-25°C... +90 °C -25°C... +90 °C Available version: 115 V; 230 V

Noise-reduced brake - NRB1

In order to reduce switching noise, the brakes can be
supplied with an O-ring between the rotor disc and the
magnetic part.

Use with rapid action rectifiers for under-excitation

is not permitted.

B14 M7000


Double brake for theatre applications - DBR

Combinations of 2 brakes for theatre safety requirements Our theatre brakes achieve their full braking torque
are available in noise-reduced versions. on the first braking action. It is not necessary to
In order to reduce the switching noise (< 50 dB(A) with break in the brake linings.
AC switch-off) the theatre version of the brakes has an
O-ring between the rotor disc and the magnetic part. The coil voltages correspond to the values stated
in this catalogue. Two rectifiers are required for
According to DIN 56950, brakes must be activated the double brake. These are usually installed
by spring pressure, i.e. they are open when current is in the control cabinet. The brake cables are
flowing and closed automatically if there is no voltage connected to free terminals in the brake terminal
(idling current principle) A redundancy of the brakes is box.
also necessary. In our range, this corresponds to the Combination with voltage reduction is not
double brake DBR. possible.

Redundancy: Safety-relevant systems must be Note:

designed in parallel, so that if one component fails, the It is advisable to stagger the application of the
other component ensures the function. brakes, as if they are applied simultaneously, the
braking torques add up and can therefore cause
The double brakes are mounted on the B bearing cover damage to the gear unit and the system. If there is
of the motor, which basically results in a longer version the possibility of an emergency stop, the gear unit
- please ask. The design of a theatre brake is usually should be appropriately designed to handle the full
carried out according to the load torque. braking torque of both brakes!

According to DIN 56950, the brake must be able to hold

at least 1.25 x the load (test load). It is advisable to
design the brake for 1.6 x and a maximum of 2.0 x the
load torque.

Theatre brake
Double brake Full Reduced
DBR braking torque braking torque
IE1 IE2 IE3 MB [Nm]
63 S/L - - 6 2x6 2x4 2 x 3,5
71 S/L - - 6 2x6 2x4 2 x 3,5
80 S SH - 6 2x6 2x4 2 x 3,5
80 L LH LP 12 2 x 12,5 2 x 8,5 2x7
90 S SH SP 12 2 x 12,5 2 x 8,5 2x7
90 L LH LP 25 2 x 25 2 x 17,5 2 x 14
100 L LH LP 25 2 x 25 2 x 17,5 2 x 14
100 LA AH AP 50 2 x 50 2 x 35 2 x 28
112 M SH - 50 2 x 50 2 x 35 2 x 28
112 - MH MP 75 2 x 75 2 x 52 2 x 42
132 S SH SP 75 2 x 75 2 x 52 2 x 42
132 M MH MP 125 2 x 125 2 x 89 2 x 70
132 MA LH - 187 2 x 187 2 x 132 2 x 107
160 - SH - 187 2 x 187 2 x 132 2 x 107
160 M MH MP 187 2 x 187 2 x 132 2 x 107
160 L LH LP 300 2 x 300 2 x 225 2 x 150
180 MX MH MP 300 2 x 300 2 x 225 2 x 150
180 LX LH LP 300 2 x 300 2 x 225 2 x 150
200 LX XH - 500 2 x 500 2 x 375 2 x 250 M7000 B15

Switching variants for brake motors (Examples)
The following selection shows the must usual switching variants for single-speed brake motors.
The correct combination of rectifier and coil voltage for the brake must be made according to the available supply
voltage from ð& Table B8.

1. Motor D circuit: 400VAC 2. Motor D circuit: 400VAC

Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC
Half-wave rectifier: GHE40L Bridge rectifier: GVE20L
Separate supply: 400VAC Separate supply: 230VAC
Brake: 180VDC Brake: 205VDC
Switch-off: AC Switch-off: AC

3. Motor D circuit: 400VAC 4. Motor D circuit: 400VAC

Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC
Half-wave rectifier: GHE40L Bridge rectifier: GVE20L
Separate supply: 400VAC Separate supply: 230VAC
Brake: 180VDC Brake: 205VDC
Switch-off: DC Switch-off: DC

B16 M7000

5. Motor D circuit: 230VAC D 6. Motor D circuit: 400VAC
Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC
Bridge rectifier: GVE20L Half-wave rectifier: GHE40L
Supply via the Supply via the
motor terminals: 230VAC motor terminals: 400VAC
Brake: 205VDC Brake: 180VDC
Switch-off: AC Switch-off: AC

Brake applies very slowly! Brake applies very slowly!

7. Motor D circuit: 400VAC 8. Motor D circuit: 400VAC

Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC
Quick-switching Quick-switching
rectifier: GPU40L rectifier: GPU20L
Brake: 180VDC Brake: 105VDC
Separate supply: 400VAC Separate supply: 230VAC
Switch-off: DC, internal Switch-off: DC, internal

Switching variants for rapid release Switching variants for rapid release

Typical for FI operation Typical for FI operation M7000 B17

9. Motor D circuit: 400VAC 10. Motor D circuit: 400VAC
Alternative Y - circuit: 400VAC Half-wave rectifier: GHE40L
Quick-switching Brake: 180VDC
rectifier: GPU20L Supply via the
Brake: 205VDC motor terminals: 400VAC
Separate supply: 230VAC Switch-off: DC via
Switch-off: DC, internal current measuring relay

Switching variant for rapid application Switching variant for rapid application

11. Motor Y - circuit: 400VAC 12. Motor D circuit: 400VAC

Half-wave rectifier: GHE40L Quick-switching
Brake: 180VDC rectifier: GPE40L
Supply via the Brake: 180VDC
motor terminals: 400VAC Supply via the
Switch-off: DC via motor terminals: 400VAC
current measuring relay Switch-off: DC via
current measuring relay

Switching variant for rapid application Switching variants for rapid release and application

B18 M7000

13. Motor Y - circuit: 400VAC 14. Motor D circuit: 230VAC
Quick switching Bridge rectifier: GVE20L
rectifier: GPE40L Brake: 205VDC
Brake: 180VDC Supply via the
Supply via the motor terminals: 230VAC
motor terminals: 400VAC Switch-off: DC via
Switch-off: DC via current measuring relay
current measuring relay
Switching variant for rapid application,
Note the connection of the current measuring
Switching variants for rapid release and application relay to the rectifier!

15. Motor Y - circuit: 400VAC 16. Motor D circuit: 400VAC

Bridge rectifier: GVE20L Half-wave rectifier: GHE40L
Brake: 205VDC Brake: 180VDC
Supply via the Supply via the
motor terminals: 230VAC motor terminals: 400VAC
Switch-off: AC Switch-off: AC

Switching variant for connection via motor plug Switching variant for connection via motor plug
connector (MS) connector (MS) M7000 B19


B20 M7000


Standard + IE1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 2 - 13
IE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 14 - 19
IE3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 19 - 20
IE4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 21
ATEX Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 22
ATEX IE2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 23


B3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 24 - 25
B5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 26 - 27
B14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 28 - 29
B3-BRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 30 - 31
B5-BRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 31 - 33
B14-BRE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 34 - 35
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 36 - 42
NEMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 43


1000 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V

50 Hz 6 - polig L

Tamb -20 ... +45°C
Type S1, S9 400 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]

63 S/6 0,09 850 0,49 0,67 39,6 1,01 2,0 2,0 1,8 0,00028 4,2

63 L/6 0,12 865 0,65 0,62 43,0 1,32 2,1 2,2 1,9 0,00035 4,9
71 S/6 0,18 910 0,71 0,67 54,6 1,89 2,2 2,3 2,8 0,00091 5,4
71 L/6 0,25 920 0,92 0,67 58,5 2,60 2,5 2,6 3,2 0,0012 6,7
80 S/6 0,37 930 1,22 0,7 62,5 3,80GA 2,4 2,6 3,7 0,0022 8,9
80 L/6 0,55 920 1,54 0,74 69,7 5,71 1,8 2,0 3,3 0,0028 9,8

90 S/6 0,75 915 2,22 0,73 66,8 7,83 2,2 2,4 3,8 0,0037 12
90 L/6 1,1 910 2,97 0,77 69,4 11,5 1,9 2,2 3,6 0,005 14
100 L/6 1,5 940 3,83 0,74 76,4 15,2 2,4 2,7 4,6 0,010 21
112 M/6 2,2 950 5,4 0,77 76,4 22,1 2,3 2,8 4,7 0,018 31,9
132 S/6 3 965 7,3 0,72 82,4 29,7 1,6 2,2 4,1 0,031 42,7
132 M/6 4 960 9,1 0,76 83,5 39,8 2,2 2,8 5,5 0,038 48,9
132 MA/6 5,5 945 12,4 0,80 80,0 55,6 2,0 2,6 4,6 0,045 56,2

* Version B5, without options
1200 1/min 265/460 V & 460 V D
60 Hz 6 - polig

Tamb -20 ... +45°C

Type S1, S9 460 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/6 0,1 1020 0,47 0,67 39,9 0,94 1,9 1,9 1,8 0,00028 4,2
63 L/6 0,14 1060 0,63 0,51 54,8 1,26 2,0 2,1 1,9 0,00035 4,9
71 S/6 0,21 1090 0,62 0,67 54,5 1,58 2,1 2,2 2,7 0,00091 5,4
Standard / IE1

1500 1/min 230/400 V / 400/690 V

50 Hz 4 - pole

Noise emission (ð&A51)

Tamb -20 ... +45°C
self-cooled motors
50 Hz
Type S1, S9 400 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN LPA LWA *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [%] [%] [Nm] [db(A)] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/4 0,12 1335 0,55 0,64 40,9 48,1 50 0,86 2,7 2,7 2,9 40 52 0,00021 3,6
63 L/4 0,18 1390 0,68 0,61 51,2 56 58 1,24 2,6 2,7 3 40 52 0,00028 4,2
71 S/4 0,25 1380 0,76 0,77 58,9 62,5 63 1,73 2,2 2,1 3,3 45 57 0,00072 5,4
71 L/4 0,37 1380 1,09 0,71 60,6 65,7 67 2,56 2 2,4 3,6 45 57 0,00086 6,3
80 S/4 0,55 1375 1,52 0,73 74,5 75,9 75,1 3,82 1,9 2 3,3 47 59 0,00109 8
80 L/4 0,75 1375 2,1 0,74 74,7 76,3 75,5 5,21 2 2,1 3,5 47 59 0,0014 9
90 S/4 1,1 1395 2,81 0,74 75,7 77,9 77,6 7,53 2,3 2,6 4,4 49 61 0,00235 12
90 L/4 1,5 1395 3,55 0,78 78,7 79,1 77,5 10,3 2,3 2,6 4,8 49 61 0,00313 14
100 L/4 2,2 1440 5,2 0,74 79,5 81,2 80,8 14,6 2,3 3 5,1 51 64 0,0045 18
100 LA/4 3 1415 6,52 0,76 83,3 84,2 83,3 20,2 2,5 2,9 5,4 51 64 0,006 21
112 M/4 4 1445 8,31 0,8 86,4 86,4 85,1 26,4 2,3 2,9 5,4 54 66 0,011 30
132 S/4 5,5 1445 11,4 0,81 88 88,5 87,9 36,5 2,1 2,7 5,5 60 73 0,024 44
132 M/4 7,5 1445 14,8 0,84 89,4 89,1 87,7 49,6 2,5 2,8 5,5 60 73 0,032 55
132 MA/4 9,2 1450 18,8 0,80 87,7 87,7 86,9 60,6 2,6 3,1 6,0 60 73 0,035 62
160 M/4 11 1455 20,9 0,85 89,5 89,6 88,8 72,2 2,4 2,9 6,5 66 79 0,050 78
160 L/4 15 1460 28,2 0,85 90,4 90,5 89,7 98,1 2,9 3,5 7,5 66 79 0,067 93
180 MX/4 18,5 1460 35,4 0,83 90,3 90,8 90,3 122 3,2 3,8 7,5 66 79 0,080 107
180 LX/4 22 1460 42,6 0,82 90,3 90,7 90,3 145 3,3 3,8 7,5 66 79 0,092 122
200 LX/4 30 1470 57,6 0,83 91,9 91,6 90,7 195 2,6 3,0 6,9 62 75 0,160 155

* Version B5, without options

- the mode can be found on the type plate from the gearbox -
Type Plate Type Plate Type Plate
(Geared motor) (Geared motor, not IE..) (IEC - motor)

C2 M7000

1800 1/min 265/460 V / 460 V∆

60 Hz 4 - pole

Noise emission (ð&A51)

Tamb -20 ... +45°C
self-cooled motors
60 Hz
Type S1, S9 460 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN LPA LWA *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [%] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/4 0,14 1635 0,54 0,63 45,4 53,6 57,6 0,82 2,6 2,6 2,8 44 56 0,00021 3,6
63 L/4 0,21 1660 0,65 0,64 52,3 59,3 61,5 1,21 2,4 2,5 3,1 44 56 0,00028 4,2
71 S/4 0,29 1675 0,76 0,8 65 70 70,8 1,65 1,9 1,9 3,1 49 57 0,00072 5,4
71 L/4 0,43 1680 1,05 0,72 65 70,1 70,9 2,44 1,9 2,3 3,5 49 57 0,00086 6,3
80 S/4 0,63 1690 1,5 0,76 71 74,7 74,5 3,56 1,9 1,9 3,2 51 63 0,00109 8
80 L/4 0,86 1650 2,1 0,74 72,6 76,2 75,9 4,98 1,9 2 3,4 51 63 0,0014 9
90 S/4 1,27 1675 2,81 0,74 74,4 78 78,1 7,24 2,2 2,5 4,2 53 65 0,00235 12
90 L/4 1,73 1675 3,55 0,8 78,1 80,7 80,4 9,86 2,2 2,5 4,6 53 65 0,00313 14
100 L/4 2,55 1730 5,2 0,77 78,3 81,4 81,4 14,1 2 2,7 4,7 55 68 0,0045 18
100 LA/4 3,45 1700 6,35 0,84 81,6 83,5 82,4 19,4 2,2 2,6 5 55 68 0,006 21
112 M/4 4,6 1735 8,31 0,8 85,1 86,7 86,1 25,3 2,2 2,7 5,2 58 70 0,011 30
132 S/4 6,3 1730 10,9 0,81 83,1 85,8 86,2 34,8 2 2,6 5,3 64 77 0,024 44
132 M/4 8,6 1735 14,6 0,84 85,8 87,8 87,6 47,3 2,4 2,7 5,3 64 77 0,032 55
132 MA/4 10,6 1740 18,8 0,8 86 87,9 87,6 58,2 2,5 3 5,7 64 77 0,035 62
160 M/4 12,6 1750 20,4 0,88 89,2 90,0 89,2 68,8 2,1 2,50 6,2 70 83 0,050 78
160 L/4 17,3 1760 27,9 0,86 90,3 91,1 90,6 93,9 2,3 2,80 6,6 70 83 0,067 93
180 MX/4 21,3 1760 33,9 0,87 90,7 91,4 90,8 116 2,8 3,30 7,6 70 83 0,080 107
180 LX/4 25,3 1760 41,7 0,83 91,1 91,7 91,1 137 3,3 3,60 7,0 70 83 0,092 122
200 LX/4 34,5 1765 56 0,85 92,6 92,5 91,7 186 2,6 2,8 7,0 66 79 0,160 155

* Version B5, without options M7000 C3
Standard CUS

1800 1/min 230/460 V & 460 V∆ & 332/575 V

60 Hz 4 - pole

Standard CUS
PN nN MN IN cos η MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN Codeletter J
Type 230 V 460 V 575 V φ ð&A28 *
[HP] [kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/4 0,16 0,12 1700 0,67 0,88 0,44 0,37 0,66 52 2,7 3,5 2,5 F 0,00021 3,6
63 L/4 0,25 0,18 1680 1,02 1,12 0,56 0,46 0,71 57 2,3 2,5 2,7 E 0,00028 4,2
71 S/4 0,33 0,25 1710 1,40 1,56 0,78 0,66 0,64 63 2,4 2,7 3,1 G 0,00072 5,4
71 L/4 0,5 0,37 1720 2,05 1,9 0,95 0,8 0,69 71 2,3 2,7 3,5 F 0,00086 6,3
80 S/4 0,75 0,55 1710 3,07 2,7 1,35 1,12 0,71 72 2,2 2,3 3,5 F 0,00109 8
80 L/4 1 0,75 1650 4,34 3,66 1,83 1,46 0,74 70 2,2 2,3 3,9 G 0,00145 9
90 S/4 1,5 1,1 1660 6,33 4,84 2,42 1,94 0,78 73 2,5 2,8 4,9 G 0,00235 12
90 L/4 2 1,5 1660 8,6 6,34 3,17 2,54 0,80 74 2,5 2,8 5,1 G 0,00313 14
100 L/4 3 2,2 1705 12,3 9 4,5 3,63 0,81 76 2,3 2,6 4,9 G 0,0045 18
100 LA/4 ** 5 3,7 1725 20,5 15,2 7,62 6,1 0,75 81 2,7 3,1 5,1 G 0,006 21
132 S/4 7,5 5,5 1735 30,3 19,8 9,9 7,92 0,82 85 2,4 2,7 5,4 G 0,024 44
132 M/4 10 7,5 1735 41,3 25,8 12,9 10,3 0,84 87 2,9 3,2 6,3 H 0,032 55
160 M/4 15 11 1770 59,3 35,8 17,9 14,5 0,85 90,7 2,9 3,8 8,2 H 0,050 78
160 L/4 20 15 1760 81,4 48,4 24,2 19,3 0,87 89,4 2,9 3,9 8,5 K 0,067 93
180 MX/4 25 18,5 1760 100 59 29,5 23,6 0,87 90,5 3,4 4,3 8,8 J 0,080 107
180 LX/4 30 22 1765 119 74,4 37,2 29,76 0,80 92,8 3,6 4,4 8,9 H 0,092 122
200 LX/4 40 30 1770 162 98,6 49,3 39,4 0,83 92,1 3,2 3,6 6,9 J 0,160 155

* Version B5, without options

** SF = 1,0 Standard SF = 1,15

Type Plates

C4 M7000

3000 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V

50 Hz 2 - polig

Tamb -20 ... +45°C


Type S1, S9 400 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/2 0,18 2715 0,52 0,84 59,5 0,63 2,5 2,5 3,4 0,00021 3,6
63 L/2 0,25 2720 0,7 0,87 59,4 0,88 2,4 2,6 3,5 0,00028 4,2
71 S/2 0,37 2835 1,06 0,75 66,3 1,25 1,9 2,5 4 0,00035 5,4
71 L/2 0,55 2825 1,25 0,83 76,3 1,86 2,7 2,7 5,2 0,00046 6,7
80 S/2 0,75 2780 1,73 0,87 71,9 2,58 2,3 2,3 4,8 0,00067 8
80 L/2 1,1 2825 2,48 0,84 76,1 3,72 3,3 3,4 5,6 0,00089 9
90 S/2 1,5 2820 3,14 0,88 78,4 5,08 2,1 2,3 5,2 0,0014 12
90 L/2 2,2 2820 4,5 0,9 78,8 7,45 2 2,6 5,9 0,0018 14
100 L/2 3 2860 6,81 0,78 81,1 10 2,2 2,6 4,8 0,0028 18
112 M/2 4 2880 7,79 0,87 85,1 13,3 2,3 2,3 4,8 0,0055 26
132 S/2 5,5 2870 11,4 0,82 84,9 18,3 2,3 2,3 4,8 0,01 37
132 SA/2 7,5 2920 14,7 0,85 84,6 24,5 3,4 3,8 6,9 0,013 44
132 M/2 11 2885 19,5 0,92 88,7 36,4 2,0 2,2 5,3 0,019 55

* Version B5, without options

3600 1/min 265/460 V & 460 V D

60 Hz 2 - polig

Tamb -20 ... +45°C


Type S1, S9 460 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/2 0,21 3300 0,53 0,85 60,4 0,61 2,3 2,3 3,3 0,00021 3,6
63 L/2 0,29 3320 0,7 0,87 59,8 0,83 2,3 2,5 3,4 0,00028 4,2
71 S/2 0,43 3460 1,06 0,75 65,9 1,19 1,8 2,4 3,9 0,00035 5,4
71 L/2 0,63 3440 1,21 0,83 78,8 1,75 2,6 2,6 5 0,00046 6,7
80 S/2 0,86 3380 1,73 0,87 71,8 2,43 2,2 2,2 4,6 0,00067 8
80 L/2 1,27 3390 2,48 0,84 76,6 3,58 3,3 3,3 5,4 0,00089 9
90 S/2 1,73 3385 3,23 0,88 78,1 4,88 2,5 2,5 5 0,0014 12
90 L/2 2,55 3380 4,33 0,9 82,1 7,2 1,9 2,4 5,7 0,0018 14
100 L/2 3,45 3455 6,81 0,82 81,3 9,54 2,1 2,3 4,4 0,0028 18
112 M/2 4,6 3480 7,5 0,87 88,6 12,6 2,4 2,4 4,9 0,0055 26
132 S/2 6,3 3445 12 0,82 80,5 17,5 2,2 2,2 4,6 0,01 37
132 SA/2 8,6 3530 14,7 0,89 82,7 23,2 3,2 3,8 7,2 0,013 44
132 M/2 12,6 3460 20,7 0,92 83,1 34,8 1,9 2,1 5,1 0,019 55

* Version B5, without options M7000 C5

1000 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V

50 Hz 6 - polig

Tamb -20 ... +45°C

Type S1, S9 400 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/6 0,09 850 0,49 0,67 39,6 1,01 2 2 1,8 0,00028 4,2
63 L/6 0,12 865 0,65 0,62 42,8 1,32 2 2,1 1,9 0,00035 4,9
71 S/6 0,18 910 0,71 0,67 54 1,89 2,2 2,3 2,8 0,00091 5,4
71 L/6 0,25 920 0,92 0,67 58,5 2,59 2,5 2,6 3,2 0,0012 6,7
80 S/6 0,37 930 1,22 0,7 62,5 3,8 2,4 2,6 3,7 0,0022 8,9
80 L/6 0,55 920 1,54 0,74 69,7 5,71 1,8 2 3,3 0,0028 9,8
90 S/6 0,75 915 2,22 0,73 66,8 7,83 2,2 2,3 3,8 0,0037 12
90 L/6 1,1 910 2,97 0,77 69,4 11,5 1,9 2,2 3,6 0,005 14
100 L/6 1,5 940 3,83 0,74 76,4 15,2 2,4 2,7 4,6 0,01 21
112 M/6 2,2 950 5,37 0,74 80,9 22,1 2,3 2,8 4,7 0,018 31,9
132 S/6 3 965 7,3 0,72 82,4 29,7 1,6 2,2 4,1 0,031 42,7
132 M/6 4 960 9,1 0,76 83,5 39,8 2,2 2,8 5,5 0,038 48,9
132 MA/6 5,5 945 12,4 0,80 80,0 55,6 2,0 2,6 4,6 0,045 56,2

* Version B5, without options

1200 1/min 265/460 V & 460 V D

60 Hz 6 - polig

Tamb -20 ... +45°C

Type S1, S9 460 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [A] [%] [Nm] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/6 0,1 1020 0,47 0,67 39,9 0,94 2,1 2,1 1,8 0,00028 4,2
63 L/6 0,14 1065 0,68 0,62 54,8 1,26 2,1 2,2 1,9 0,00035 4,9
71 S/6 0,21 1100 0,73 0,67 54,5 1,82 1,8 1,9 2,7 0,00091 5,4
71 L/6 0,29 1105 0,96 0,67 56,7 2,51 2,4 2,4 2,9 0,0012 6,7
80 S/6 0,43 1105 1,36 0,71 56 3,72 2,3 2,5 3,5 0,0022 8,9
80 L/6 0,63 1105 1,61 0,74 68,7 5,44 1,8 1,9 3,2 0,0028 9,8
90 S/6 0,86 1100 2,32 0,73 64 7,47 2,1 2,3 3,6 0,0037 12
90 L/6 1,27 1135 2,89 0,68 76,1 10,7 2 2,3 3,7 0,005 14
100 L/6 1,73 1130 3,7 0,77 79,4 14,6 2,1 2,3 4,4 0,01 21
112 M/6 2,55 1140 5 0,76 84,2 21,4 2,4 2,9 4,6 0,018 31,9
132 S/6 3,45 1160 7,45 0,72 80,8 28,4 1,5 2,2 3,7 0,031 42,7
132 M/6 4,6 1150 9 0,76 84,5 38,2 2,3 2,8 5,0 0,038 48,9
132 MA/6 6,3 1150 12 0,80 82,5 52,3 2,3 2,8 4,7 0,045 56,2

* Version B5, without options

C6 M7000
Standard - switchable poles

1500 / 3000 1/min 400 V D/YY

50 Hz 4 - 2 pole

switchable poles

Type 400 V φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
0,1 1415 0,67 0,64 0,58 38,9 3,3 3,6 2,5
63 S/4-2 0,00021 3,6
0,15 2840 0,50 0,73 0,68 43,6 3,2 3,8 2,8
0,15 1400 1,02 0,95 0,57 40,0 2,9 3,1 2,3
63 L/4-2 0,00028 4,2
0,19 2850 0,64 0,95 0,66 43,7 3,3 3,9 3
0,21 1410 1,42 0,66 0,73 62,9 2,1 2,3 3,6
71 S/4-2 0,00072 5,4
0,28 2780 0,96 0,80 0,86 58,7 2,5 2,7 3,9
0,3 1385 2,07 0,98 0,75 58,9 2,1 2,1 3,3
71 L/4-2 0,00086 6,3
0,45 2715 1,58 1,30 0,88 56,8 1,6 1,8 3,4
0,48 1390 3,30 1,30 0,77 69,2 1,7 1,8 3,3
80 S/4-2 0,00109 8
0,6 2785 2,06 1,66 0,82 63,6 1,8 2 3,6
0,7 1355 4,93 1,84 0,79 69,5 1,6 1,7 3,3
80 L/4-2 0,0014 9
0,85 2770 2,93 2,34 0,8 65,5 2 2 3,6
1,1 1400 7,50 2,68 0,84 70,5 1,5 2,1 3,9
90 S/4-2 0,00235 12
1,4 2780 4,81 3,50 0,88 65,6 1,6 2,1 3,9
1,5 1380 10,4 3,50 0,81 76,4 2 2,1 3,9
90 L/4-2 0,00313 14
1,9 2775 6,54 4,70 0,82 71,2 2,3 2,3 4,2
2 1400 13,6 4,60 0,75 83,7 1,8 2 3,7
100 L/4-2 0,0045 18
2,4 2830 8,10 5,50 0,85 74,1 2 2,2 4,5
2,6 1380 18,0 5,62 0,87 76,8 1,8 2,1 3,9
100 LA/4-2 0,006 21
3,1 2825 10,5 6,71 0,88 75,8 2,1 2,2 4,9
3,7 1435 24,6 7,90 0,84 80,5 2 2,6 4,9
112 M/4-2 0,011
4,4 2905 14,5 9,60 0,83 79,7 2,4 3 6
4 1455 26,3 8,72 0,78 84,9 2,5 3,2 5,7
112 MA/4-2 0,0128
5,1 2900 16,8 11,9 0,77 80,3 2,8 3,3 6,4
4,7 1465 30,6 9,30 0,84 86,8 1,9 2,5 4,9
132 S/4-2 0,024 44
5,9 2905 19,4 12,0 0,88 80,6 2,3 2,7 5,8
6,5 1450 42,8 13,0 0,83 87,0 2,2 2,6 5,4
132 M/4-2 0,032 55
8 2915 26,2 18,0 0,79 81,2 2,6 2,9 6,2
7,3 1455 47,9 14,3 0,84 87,7 2,7 3,2 7
132 MA/4-2 0,035 62
9 2930 29,3 18,7 0,83 83,7 2,7 3,5 7,6
9,3 1450 61,2 18,0 0,88 84,7 2,2 2,5 5
160 M/4-2 0,05 78
11,5 2935 37,4 22,4 0,91 81,4 2,2 3 6,2
13 1460 85,0 24,1 0,88 88,5 2,7 3,2 7,5
160 L/4-2 0,067 93
17 2945 55,1 31,1 0,93 84,8 2,6 3,4 7,4

* Version B5, without options M7000 C7
Standard CUS - switchable poles

1800 / 3600 1/min 230/460/575 V

60 Hz 4 - 2 pole

switchable poles CUS


Type 230 V 460 V 575 V φ *

[HP] [kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
0,13 0,1 1700 0,56 1,28 0,64 0,53 0,58 33,8 3,8 3,9 2,4
63 S/4-2 0,00021 3,6
0,2 0,15 3410 0,42 1,46 0,73 0,61 0,68 37,9 3,3 4 2,6
0,2 0,15 1680 0,85 1,90 0,95 0,76 0,57 34,8 3,3 3,4 2,2
63 L/4-2 0,00028 4,2
0,25 0,19 3420 0,53 1,90 0,95 0,76 0,66 38,0 3,6 4,3 2,9
0,28 0,21 1690 1,19 1,32 0,66 0,55 0,73 54,7 2,4 2,5 3,5
71 S/4-2 0,00072 5,4
0,37 0,28 3335 0,80 1,60 0,80 0,67 0,86 51,1 2,8 3 3,6
0,4 0,3 1660 1,73 1,96 0,98 0,82 0,75 51,2 2,3 2,3 3,2
71 L/4-2 0,00086 6,3
0,6 0,45 3260 1,32 2,60 1,30 1,09 0,88 49,4 1,7 2 3,3
0,65 0,48 1670 2,74 2,60 1,30 1,09 0,77 60,2 1,9 2,2 3,1
80 S/4-2 0,00109 8
0,82 0,6 3340 1,72 3,32 1,66 1,39 0,82 55,3 2,2 2,2 3,5
0,95 0,7 1625 4,11 3,68 1,84 1,54 0,79 60,4 1,8 1,9 3,1
80 L/4-2 0,0014 9
1,145 0,85 3325 2,44 4,68 2,34 1,95 0,8 57,0 2,2 2,3 3,5
1,5 1,1 1680 6,25 5,36 2,68 2,24 0,84 61,3 1,7 2,3 3,9
90 S/4-2 0,00235 12
1,9 1,4 3335 4,01 7,00 3,50 2,92 0,88 57,1 1,8 2,3 3,9
2 1,5 1655 8,65 7,00 3,50 2,92 0,81 66,4 2,2 2,4 3,7
90 L/4-2 0,00313 14
2,5 1,9 3330 5,45 9,40 4,70 3,92 0,82 61,9 2,6 2,5 4
2,7 2 1680 11,4 9,20 4,60 3,85 0,75 72,8 2,1 2,4 3,5
100 L/4-2 0,0045 18
3,2 2,4 3395 6,75 11,0 5,50 4,6 0,85 64,4 2,4 2,6 4,4
3,5 2,6 1655 15,0 11,2 5,62 4,7 0,87 66,7 1,8 2,1 3,5
100 LA/4-2 0,006 21
4,2 3,1 3390 8,73 13,4 6,71 5,6 0,88 65,9 2,1 2,3 4,5
5 3,7 1750 20,2 13,8 6,90 6,6 0,82 82,1 2 2,7 5,2
112 M/4-2 0,011 32
5,9 4,4 3505 12,0 16,4 8,20 8 0,81 83,1 2,5 3,1 6,5
6,3 4,7 1760 25,5 18,6 9,30 7,8 0,84 75,5 2,1 2,8 4,7
132 S/4-2 0,024 44
7,9 5,9 3485 16,2 24,0 12,0 10 0,88 70,1 2,5 3 5,6
8,7 6,5 1740 35,7 26,0 13,0 10,9 0,83 75,6 2,4 2,9 5,1
132 M/4-2 0,032 55
10,7 8 3500 21,8 36,0 18,0 15 0,79 70,6 2,9 3,2 5,9

* Version B5, without options

C8 M7000
Standard - switchable poles

750 / 3000 1/min 400 V Y/Y

50 Hz 8 - 2 pole

switchable poles

Type 400 V φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
0,045 650 0,66 0,44 0,58 25,5 2,6 2,6 1,3
71 S/8-2 WU 0,00072 5,4
0,22 2520 0,83 0,60 0,9 58,8 1,8 1,9 2,5
0,06 655 0,87 0,51 0,61 27,8 2,3 2,3 1,6
71 L/8-2 WU 0,00086 6,3
0,3 2450 1,17 0,88 0,9 54,7 1,4 1,4 2,3
0,1 650 1,47 0,70 0,57 36,2 2 2 1,6
80 S/8-2 WU 0,00109 8
0,45 2695 1,59 1,40 0,76 61,0 2 2 2,7
0,13 585 2,12 0,74 0,7 36,2 1,4 1,5 1,6
80 L/8-2 WU 0,0014 9
0,55 2620 2,00 1,47 0,88 61,4 2,1 2 3,3
0,2 665 2,87 1,07 0,57 47,3 2,1 2,2 2
90 S/8-2 WU 0,00235 12
0,8 2770 2,76 2,37 0,74 65,8 2,9 2,6 3,5
0,3 640 4,48 1,31 0,6 55,1 1,9 1,9 2
90 L/8-2 WU 0,00313 14
1,2 2770 4,14 3,05 0,79 71,9 2,1 2,3 3,5
0,4 685 5,58 1,70 0,58 58,6 1,1 2,2 2,4
100 L/8-2 WU 0,0045 18
1,6 2790 5,48 3,60 0,86 74,6 2 2,3 4
0,55 680 7,72 2,28 0,56 62,2 2,1 2,3 2,5
100 LA/8-2 WU 0,006 21
2,2 2810 7,48 4,87 0,83 78,6 2,5 2,6 4,6
0,75 695 10,3 3,05 0,53 67,0 2,3 2,6 2,8
112 M/8-2 WU 0,011 30
3 2875 9,96 6,37 0,83 81,9 2,3 3,3 5,6
1 630 15,2 4,00 0,53 68,1 1,8 2 2,6
132 S/8-2 WU 0,024 44
4 2710 14,1 8,55 0,93 72,6 2,3 2,3 4,8
1,4 700 19,1 5,10 0,6 66,0 1,9 2,3 2,8
132 M/8-2 WU 0,032 55
5,5 2835 18,5 10,6 0,93 80,5 2,3 2,5 5,3

* Version B5, without options M7000 C9
Standard CUS - switchable poles

900 / 3600 1/min 230/460/575 V Y/Y

60 Hz 8 - 2 pole

switchable poles CUS


Type 230 V 460 V 575 V φ

[HP] [kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
0,06 0,045 820 0,52 0,86 0,43 0,36 0,52 25,3 2,30 2,20 1,70
71 S/8-2 WU 0,00072 5,4
0,3 0,22 3250 0,65 0,98 0,49 0,40 0,87 64,8 1,40 1,30 2,50
0,08 0,06 820 0,70 1,00 0,50 0,44 0,54 27,9 2,40 2,40 1,90
71 L/8-2 WU 0,00086 6,3
0,4 0,3 3260 0,88 1,36 0,68 0,55 0,89 62,3 2,00 2,10 3,00
0,13 0,1 825 1,16 1,36 0,68 0,59 0,50 37,0 1,70 1,50 1,80
80 S/8-2 WU 0,0011 8
0,6 0,45 3350 1,28 2,50 1,25 1,12 0,71 63,7 1,40 1,80 3,00
0,17 0,13 650 1,91 1,52 0,76 0,65 0,69 31,2 1,40 1,80 1,80
80 L/8-2 WU 0,0015 9
0,74 0,55 3110 1,69 2,66 1,33 1,32 0,88 59,1 2,00 1,80 4,00
0,27 0,2 830 2,30 2,04 1,02 0,88 0,50 49,3 2,20 2,20 2,30
90 S/8-2 WU 0,0023 12
1,07 0,8 3400 2,25 4,18 2,09 1,90 0,71 67,7 3,20 3,00 4,40
0,4 0,3 815 3,52 2,42 1,21 1,04 0,53 58,8 2,00 1,40 1,80
90 L/8-2 WU 0,0031 14
1,6 1,2 3410 3,36 5,30 2,65 2,41 0,76 74,9 3,30 2,50 4,20
0,54 0,4 845 4,52 3,18 1,59 1,40 0,51 62,0 1,80 2,10 2,40
100 L/8-2 WU 0,0045 18
2,15 1,6 3425 4,46 6,24 3,12 2,70 0,84 76,7 2,40 2,50 4,60
0,75 0,55 845 6,22 4,24 2,12 1,83 0,49 66,5 1,50 1,90 2,40
100 LA/8-2 WU 0,006 21
3 2,2 3445 6,10 8,34 4,17 3,64 0,81 81,8 2,10 2,20 4,40
1 0,75 850 8,43 5,70 2,85 2,48 0,47 70,4 2,90 2,40 3,30
112 M/8-2 WU 0,0119 30
4 3 3495 8,20 10,9 5,43 4,73 0,82 84,7 2,50 3,30 5,70
1,35 1 865 11,04 6,68 3,34 2,87 0,53 71,0 2,60 2,30 2,90
132 S/8-2 WU 0,0233 44
5,4 4 3470 11,01 13,7 6,84 5,61 0,91 80,8 2,90 2,40 5,20
1,9 1,4 860 15,55 9,16 4,58 3,89 0,53 72,5 2,50 2,20 3,60
132 M/8-2 WU 0,0317 55
7,4 5,5 3455 15,20 18,1 9,07 7,33 0,93 81,9 2,90 2,40 4,70

Standard SF = 1,15

C10 M7000

Standard - switchable poles

750 / 1500 1/min 400 V D/YY

50 Hz 8 - 4 pole

switchable poles

Type 400 V φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
0,12 670 1,71 0,72 0,69 34,9 1,4 1,8 1,7
71 S/8-4 0,00091 5,4
0,18 1410 1,22 0,50 0,79 65,8 1,7 2,3 3,8
0,18 620 2,77 0,90 0,78 37,0 1,6 1,7 2,0
71 L/8-4 0,0012 6,7
0,25 1410 1,69 0,64 0,82 68,8 1,8 2,0 3,9
0,25 690 3,46 1,24 0,75 38,8 1,5 1,7 2,6
80 S/8-4 0,0022 8,9
0,37 1380 2,56 1,14 0,71 66,0 1,5 1,6 3,8
0,37 680 5,20 1,71 0,76 41,1 1,7 1,9 2,3
80 L/8-4 0,0028 9,8
0,55 1380 3,81 1,43 0,76 73,0 1,8 2,0 3,8
0,4 700 5,46 1,81 0,8 39,9 1,6 1,7 2,7
90 S/8-4 0,0037 12
0,75 1380 5,19 2,00 0,82 66,0 1,5 1,9 3,6
0,55 700 7,50 2,47 0,7 45,9 1,8 2,0 3,1
90 L/8-4 0,005 14
1 1400 6,82 2,47 0,78 74,9 1,6 1,8 3,9
0,7 710 9,41 2,85 0,75 47,3 1,7 1,9 3,3
100 L/8-4 0,0045 18
1,4 1400 9,55 3,61 0,88 63,6 1,4 1,5 3,8
1 690 13,8 3,88 0,61 61,0 1,4 2,1 2,5
100 LA/8-4 0,006 21
1,6 1400 10,9 3,62 0,89 71,7 1,4 2,2 4,2
1,5 700 20,5 5,23 0,61 67,9 1,6 1,8 3,6
112 M/8-4 0,018 32
2,5 1410 16,9 5,23 0,85 81,2 1,5 1,7 4,0
2,2 725 29,0 7,70 0,54 76,4 2,2 2,8 4,5
132 S/8-4 0,031 42,7
3,4 1455 22,3 7,20 0,82 83,1 2,2 3,0 6,5
2,9 730 37,9 10,2 0,5 82,1 2,1 3,2 3,7
132 M/8-4 0,038 48,9
4,4 1460 28,8 9,40 0,83 81,4 2,2 3,3 6,0

* Version B5, without options M7000 C11

Single phase motors

1500 1/min 230 V

50 Hz 4 pole

Standard EHB1 - Single phase motor with capacitor


Type φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [kgm²] [kg]
63 L/4 EHB1 0,12 1405 0,82 1,22 0,95 0,9 2,3 2,5 0,00028 4,5
63 LA/4 EHB1 0,18 1405 1,22 1,71 0,91 1,0 2,1 2,6 0,00035 5,2
71 L/4 EHB1 0,25 1430 1,67 1,96 0,95 0,6 2,2 3,4 0,00086 6,6
71 LA/4 EHB1 0,37 1425 2,48 2,9 0,9 0,7 2,2 3,5 0,00115 8,1
80 L/4 EHB1 0,55 1440 3,65 3,87 0,9 0,3 2,2 3,9 0,00145 9,3
80 LA/4 EHB1 0,75 1435 4,99 5,1 0,9 0,4 1,9 3,5 0,00195 10,5
90 L/4 EHB1 1,1 1445 6,61 7,54 0,87 0,2 2,0 4,2 0,00313 14,4
90 LB/4 EHB1 1,5 1425 10,05 9,02 0,94 0,3 1,9 4,0 0,00391 17,2

Standard EAR1 - Single phase motor with operational and start-up capacitor

Type φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [kgm²] [kg]
63 L/4 EAR1 0,12 1405 0,82 1,22 0,95 2,3 2,3 3,2 0,00028 4,5
63 LA/4 EAR1 0,18 1405 1,22 1,71 0,91 2,4 2,1 3,2 0,00035 5,2
71 L/4 EAR1 0,25 1430 1,67 1,96 0,95 2,1 2,2 4,1 0,00086 6,6
71 LA/4 EAR1 0,37 1425 2,48 2,9 0,9 2,1 2,2 4,6 0,00076 8,1
80 L/4 EAR1 0,55 1440 3,65 3,87 0,9 2,1 2,2 4,3 0,00145 9,3
80 LA/4 EAR1 0,75 1435 4,99 5,1 0,9 2,2 1,9 4,3 0,00165 10,5
90 L/4 EAR1 1,1 1445 6,61 7,54 0,87 2,2 2,0 4,8 0,00235 14,4
90 LB/4 EAR1 1,5 1425 10,05 9,02 0,94 2,2 1,9 5,3 0,00313 17,2

Standard EST - Single phase motor with Steinmetz circuit


Type φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/4 EST 0,09 1390 0,62 0,97 0,98 41,2 0,8 1,9 1,6 0,00021 3,9
63 L/4 EST 0,12 1405 0,82 1,19 0,98 44,7 0,7 2,2 1,9 0,00028 4,5
71 S/4 EST 0,18 1425 1,21 1,54 0,98 51,9 0,7 2,0 2,5 0,00072 5,7
71 L/4 EST 0,25 1420 1,68 1,94 0,98 57,2 0,5 1,9 2,7 0,00086 6,6
80 S/4 EST 0,37 1425 2,48 2,62 0,96 64,0 0,4 1,5 2,6 0,00109 8,3
80 L/4 EST 0,55 1420 3,70 3,6 0,96 69,2 0,5 1,3 2,6 0,00145 9,3
90 S/4 EST 0,75 1435 4,99 4,6 0,96 73,8 0,4 1,6 3,6 0,00235 12,4
90 L/4 EST 1,1 1435 7,32 6,46 0,96 77,1 0,3 1,6 3,4 0,00313 14,4

* Version B5, without options

C12 M7000

Standard CUS
Single phase motors

1800 1/min 115/230 V

60 Hz 4 pole

Standard CUS / ECR - Single phase motor with operational and start-up capacitor

Type 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V 115V 230V *
[HP] [kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [kgm²] [kg]
63 LA/4 ECR 0,16 0,12 1,35 1740 1740 0,66 0,66 3,3 1,57 0,66 0,7 2,5 2,5 3,5 3,6 3,4 3,6 0,00035 5,2
71 L/4 ECR 0,25 0,18 1,35 1760 1750 0,98 0,98 3,46 1,89 0,89 0,92 2,1 2,4 3,3 3,3 4,5 5,2 0,00086 6,6
71 LA/4 ECR 0,33 0,25 1,35 1750 1750 1,36 1,36 5,4 2,65 0,69 0,71 2,1 2,2 3,0 2,9 4,5 4,7 0,00115 8,1
80 L/4 ECR 0,5 0,37 1,35 1765 1765 2,00 2,00 6,55 3,4 0,8 0,79 2,4 2,2 3,4 3,3 5,6 5,7 0,00145 9,3
80 LA/4 ECR 0,75 0,55 1,35 1760 1760 2,98 2,98 9,4 4,7 0,71 0,72 2,6 2,7 2,9 2,8 5,1 5,2 0,00195 10,5
90 L/4 ECR 1 0,75 1,35 1770 1770 4,05 4,05 11,85 5,94 0,79 0,78 2,3 2,3 2,9 3,1 6,3 6,8 0,00313 14,4
90 LB/4 ECR 1,5 1,1 1,35 1765 1760 5,95 5,97 15,25 7,62 0,85 0,84 2,0 2,1 2,8 2,9 5,7 6,5 0,00391 17,2
90 LX/4 ECR 2 1,5 1,2 1735 8,26 10,4 0,83 1,5 2,3 5,2 0,00391 17,2

* Version B5, without options

1800 1/min 230 V

60 Hz 4 pole

Standard CUS / EST - Single phase motor with Steinmetz circuit


Type φ *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/4 EST 0,09 1665 0,52 0,96 0,98 41,6 0,9 1,9 1,8 0,00021 3,9
63 L/4 EST 0,12 1695 0,68 1,2 0,98 44,4 0,8 2,0 1,9 0,00028 4,5
71 S/4 EST 0,18 1710 1,01 1,63 0,98 49,0 0,6 2,1 2,1 0,00063 5,7
71 L/4 EST 0,25 1700 1,40 2,09 0,98 53,1 0,6 1,8 2,3 0,00076 6,6
80 S/4 EST 0,37 1720 2,05 2,38 0,98 69,0 0,2 1,3 2,4 0,00128 8,3
80 L/4 EST 0,55 1700 3,09 3,49 0,98 69,9 0,3 1,3 2,2 0,00165 9,3
90 S/4 EST 0,75 1730 4,14 4,62 0,98 72,0 0,4 1,5 3,1 0,00235 12,4
90 L/4 EST 1,1 1725 6,09 6,31 0,98 77,3 0,1 1,4 3,2 0,00313 14,4

* Version B5, without options M7000 C13


1500 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V

50 Hz 4 pole
PN nN MN IN cos η η1) MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN J
Type 230/400 V 400/690 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [rpm] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 SH/4 0,55 1420 3,7 2,44/1,41 1,41/0,81 0,7 77,7 80,7 80,8 80,4 3,2 3,2 5,1 0,0014 9
80 LH/4 0,75 1415 5,06 3,05/1,76 1,76/1,02 0,75 81,6 83 82,4 81,6 3 3,1 5,2 0,0019 10,2
90 SH/4 1,1 1435 7,32 4,19/2,42 2,42/1,40 0,8 80,9 82 81,8 81,4 3,1 3,5 6,1 0,0034 15,1
90 LH/4 1,5 1415 10,1 5,8/3,35 3,35/1,93 0,79 81,3 82,4 82,8 82,8 3,3 3,5 5,8 0,0039 16,8
100 LH/4 2,2 1445 14,5 8,05/4,65 4,65/2,68 0,79 85,2 86,7 86,6 85,3 3,7 4,3 7,3 0,0075 25,2
100 AH/4 3 1425 20,1 11,4/6,59 6,59/3,80 0,77 86,4 86,7 85,6 85,5 3,1 3,5 6,3 0,0075 25,2
112 MH/4 4 1440 26,5 13,9/8,02 8,02/4,63 0,83 87,4 87,6 86,7 86,6 3,1 3,6 7,5 0,014 35,5
132 SH/4 5,5 1460 36 18,5/10,7 10,7/6,18 0,84 87,6 88,5 88,2 87,7 3,1 3,5 7,6 0,032 55
132 MH/4 7,5 1460 49 26,0/15 15/8,7 0,81 88,5 89,5 89,3 88,7 3,3 3,9 7,5 0,035 62
132 LH/4 9,2 1450 60,6 33,9/19,6 19,6/11,3 0,77 87,6 89,7 89,3 η2) 3,4 3,8 7,4 0,035 62
160 SH/4 9,2 1465 60 29,4/17 17/9,8 0,87 90,9 91,4 91,3 90,9 3,3 3,6 8,2 0,067 93
160 MH/4 11 1465 71,7 35,7/20,6 20,6/11,9 0,86 90,8 91,3 91,2 90,9 2,9 3,4 7,4 0,067 93
160 LH/4 15 1465 97,8 47,6/27,5 27,5/15,9 0,87 91,7 92,4 92 91,7 3 3,5 7,9 0,092 122
180 MH/4 18,5 1475 120 59,9/34,6 34,6/20 0,84 92,2 92,6 92,2 92 2,9 3,2 7,7 0,13 137
180 LH/4 22 1475 142 69,8/40,3 40,3/23,3 0,86 92,7 92,9 92,2 91,9 2,8 3,1 7,7 0,16 155
200 XH/4 30 1470 195 102/59 59/34,1 0,8 92,8 92,8 92,4 92,3 2,8 3,1 7,1 0,16 155
225 SH/4 37 1480 239 120/69,5 0,85 94,4 94,2 93,7 93,3 2,6 3,0 6,9 0,49 315
225 MH/4 45 1480 290 141/81,4 0,84 94,4 94,5 94 94 2,6 2,7 6,9 0,60 340
250 WH/4 55 1480 355 172/99,3 0,84 94,2 94,4 94 94 2,7 3,0 7,4 0,74 380

1800 1/min 265/460 V & 460 V D

60 Hz 4 pole
PN nN MN IN cos η η1) MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN J
Type 265/460 V 460 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [rpm] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 SH/4 0,55 1730 3,04 2,15/1,24 1,24 0,66 77,6 81,6 82,7 82,5 3,7 3,9 6,1 0,0014 9
80 LH/4 0,75 1730 4,14 2,7/1,56 1,56 0,72 81,9 84,4 84,9 84,4 3,4 3,9 6,4 0,0019 10,2
90 SH/4 1,1 1745 6,02 3,72/2,15 2,15 0,76 80,1 83,2 84 84 3,7 4,3 7,5 0,0034 15,1
90 LH/4 1,5 1725 8,3 5,11/2,95 2,95 0,76 81,5 83,7 84,4 84 3,9 4 6,8 0,0039 16,8
100 LH/4 2,2 1755 12 7,2/4,16 4,16 0,76 84,8 87,2 87,8 87,5 4 4,9 8,2 0,0075 25,2
100 AH/4 3 1740 16,5 9,84/5,68 5,68 0,75 88,1 88,7 88,2 87,9 3,6 4,3 7,7 0,0075 25,2
112 MH/4 4 1750 21,8 12,1/6,98 6,98 0,81 87,1 88,5 88,4 88,2 3,6 4,3 8,2 0,014 35,5
132 SH/4 5,5 1765 29,8 16,2/9,34 9,34 0,82 87,9 89,3 89,5 89,5 3,9 4,2 8,7 0,032 55
132 MH/4 7,5 1765 40,6 22,7/13,1 13,1 0,79 88 89,8 90,2 89,5 4,1 4,4 8,8 0,035 62
132 LH/4 9,2 1755 50,1 29,1/16,8 16,8 0,76 88,7 90 90 η2) 4,1 4,7 8,2 0,035 62
160 SH/4 9,2 1770 49,6 26,0/15 15 0,85 88,8 91 91,3 91,2 3,9 4,2 9,7 0,067 93
160 MH/4 11 1770 59,3 31,2/18 18 0,84 90 91,4 91,7 91,6 3,2 3,8 8,7 0,067 93
160 LH/4 15 1765 81,2 41,6/24 24 0,88 91 92,4 92,6 92,4 3,5 4,2 8,8 0,092 122
180 MH/4 18,5 1780 99,2 52,0/30 30 0,84 91,8 92,7 92,7 92,4 3,5 3,6 8,5 0,13 137
180 LH/4 22 1780 118 60,6/35 35 0,85 92,4 93,1 92,9 92,4 3,6 3,6 8,3 0,16 155
200 XH/4 30 1775 161 88,3/51 51 0,8 93,2 93,5 93,1 93 3,2 3,3 8 0,16 155
225 SH/4 37 1785 198 102/58,9 58,9 0,84 93,7 94,5 94,5 94 2,9 3,3 8,2 0,49 315
225 MH/4 45 1785 241 123/71,2 71,2 0,83 94,2 94,8 94,6 94,5 3,1 3,2 8,2 0,60 340
250 WH/4 55 1785 294 151/87,2 87,2 0,84 94,2 94,8 94,7 94,3 3,0 3,3 8,5 0,74 380
η1) worst value in the long range limit η2) Motor without wide voltage range ð& A22 - Extended operation range
* Version B5, without options
C14 M7000
IE2 - High Efficiency

1800 1/min 230/460/575 V

60 Hz 4 - pole

CUS - High Efficiency (EISAct)

PN ** nN MN IN cos η MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN Codeletter J
Type 230 V 460 V 575 V φ ð&A28 *
[HP] [kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 LH/4 1 0,75 1750 4,09 3,88 1,94 1,5 0,59 82,5 4,6 4,3 6,0 K 0,0019 10,2
90 SH/4 1,5 1,1 1740 6,04 4,3 2,15 1,75 0,76 84 3,5 3,8 6,3 L 0,0034 15,1
90 LH/4 2 1,5 1745 8,21 6,3 3,15 2,45 0,71 84 4,3 4,5 6,7 K 0,0039 16,8
100 LH/4 3 2,2 1765 11,9 8,6 4,3 3,4 0,73 87,5 3,6 4,7 7,9 L 0,0075 25,2
112 MH/4 5 3,7 1770 20,0 14,4 7,2 5,6 0,74 87,5 4,0 4,8 8,1 L 0,0128 35,5
132 SH/4 7,5 5,5 1780 29,5 20,9 10,5 8,3 0,74 89,5 4,3 4,6 8,2 M 0,0317 55
132 MH/4 10 7,5 1770 40,5 27 13,5 10,8 0,78 89,5 3,2 4,0 7,4 M 0,0354 62
160 MH/4 15 11 1770 59,35 36 18 14,4 0,84 91,7 3,2 3,8 8,7 K 0,067 93
160 LH/4 20 15 1775 80,70 48 24 19,2 0,84 92,6 3,5 4,2 8,8 M 0,092 122
180 MH/4 25 18,5 1780 99,2 60 30 24 0,84 92,4 3,5 3,6 8,5 K 0,13 137
180 LH/4 30 22 1780 118,0 70 35 28 0,85 92,4 3,6 3,6 8,3 K 0,16 155

* Version B5, without options

** SF=1,15
Type Plate (Geared motor) Type Plate (IEC-motor)
IE2 S1 IE2 S1

High Efficiency S1 High Efficiency S1 M7000 C15


3000 1/min 230/400/690 V

50 Hz 2 - pole
Type 230 V 400 V 690 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 SH/2 0,75 2820 2,54 2,77 1,6 0,92 0,85 78,6 80,1 79,6 2,6 3 5,3 0,00067 8
80 LH/2 1,1 2820 3,72 4,04 2,33 1,35 0,82 79,2 80,5 80,6 3,5 3,6 6,2 0,00089 9
90 SH/2 1,5 2845 5,03 5,47 3,16 1,82 0,84 82,8 83,7 82,6 3 3,3 5,9 0,0014 12
90 LH/2 2,2 2840 7,4 7,45 4,3 2,48 0,87 85,7 86,1 84,7 3,5 3,7 6,9 0,002 15
100 LH/2 3 2880 9,95 9,87 5,7 3,29 0,88 87,2 88,1 87,3 3,3 4,2 7,7 0,0037 21
112 MH/2 4 2905 13,2 12,9 7,43 4,29 0,88 88 88,5 87,7 3,3 3,8 7,9 0,0069 28
132 SH/2 5,5 2925 18 17,3 10 5,77 0,9 87,4 88,7 88,6 3,1 3,7 8 0,013 42
132 RH/2 7,5 2940 24,4 23,2 13,4 7,72 0,91 88,5 89,3 89 3,2 3,8 8,1 0,019 55

* Version B5, without options

3600 1/min 230/460/575 V

60 Hz 2 - pole
Type 230 V 460 V 575 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 SH/2 0,75 3440 2,08 2,86 1,43 1,14 0,84 72,6 76,8 78,2 3,1 3,6 6,7 0,00067 8
80 LH/2 1,1 3450 3,04 4,08 2,04 1,63 0,8 78,1 81,5 82,5 4,2 4,4 7 0,00089 9
90 SH/2 1,5 3465 4,13 5,42 2,71 2,17 0,83 82,5 84,8 84,6 3,9 4 7,5 0,0014 12
90 LH/2 2,2 3470 6,05 7,38 3,69 2,95 0,87 85,6 87 86,8 4,4 4,5 8,6 0,002 15
100 LH/2 3 3500 8,18 9,82 4,91 3,93 0,87 84,7 87,6 88,7 4 4,8 8,7 0,0037 21
112 MH/2 4 3520 10,8 13,2 6,61 5,29 0,88 86,2 87,8 87,8 3,8 4,4 8,9 0,0069 28
132 SH/2 5,5 3540 14,8 17,4 8,68 6,94 0,89 85,2 88 88,8 3,5 4 8,8 0,013 42
132 RH/2 7,5 3545 20,2 23,0 11,5 9,18 0,91 87,1 89,3 89,9 3,6 4,2 8,8 0,019 55

* Version B5, without options

Type Plate

90 LH/2

7,45/4,30 2,2 6,39/3,69
7,20/4,16 2,2
0,9 2840 0,87 3470

IE2= 84,7% IE2=86,2%

C16 M7000

AR (ALTO Rendimento - Brazil)

1800 1/min 220/380 V & 440 V

60 Hz 4 - pole

AR 220/380 V 440 V
PN nN MN IN cos η nN MN IN cos η MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN J
Type 220 V 380 V φ 4/4xPN 440 V φ 4/4xPN @220/380V *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 LH/4 0,75 1.679 4,27 2,99 1,73 0,81 84,4 1.718 4,17 1,56 0,76 84,6 2,2 2,60 4,80 0,0019 10,2
90 SH/4 1,1 1.710 6,14 4,00 2,31 0,85 84,3 1.735 6,05 2,13 0,78 85,9 2,5 2,90 5,60 0,0034 15,1
90 LH/4 1,5 1.700 8,43 5,54 3,20 0,84 84,4 1.730 8,28 3,00 0,77 85,8 2,8 3,30 5,80 0,0039 16,8
100 LH/4 2,2 1.725 12,2 7,83 4,52 0,84 87,3 1.745 12,0 4,20 0,78 88,3 2,7 3,30 6,20 0,0075 25,2
100 AH/4 3,0 1.725 16,6 11,3 6,50 0,80 87,9 1.745 16,4 6,80 0,66 88,2 2,7 3,30 6,40 0,0075 25,2
112 MH/4 3,7 1.735 20,4 13,2 7,60 0,84 88,2 1.755 20,1 7,10 0,77 89,4 3,1 3,70 7,40 0,014 35,5
112 MH/4 4,5 1.730 24,8 15,5 8,95 0,86 89,0 1.750 24,6 8,45 0,78 89,9 2,8 3,30 6,80 0,014 35,5
132 SH/4 5,5 1.760 29,8 19,1 11,0 0,84 90,0 1.770 29,7 10,5 0,76 90,3 3,3 3,50 7,50 0,032 55,0
132 MH/4 7,5 1.755 40,8 26,3 15,2 0,82 91,3 1.770 40,5 15,1 0,73 91,4 3,4 3,70 7,80 0,035 62,0
132 LH/4 9,2 1.740 49,5 31,3 18,1 0,85 89,5 1.775 49,5 17,4 0,77 89,6 2,63 3,43 6,80 0,035 62,0
160 MH/4 11 1.765 59,5 36,4 21,0 0,88 92,0 1.775 59,2 19,2 0,82 92,1 2,6 3,10 7,40 0,067 93,0
160 LH/4 15 1.770 80,9 49,4 28,5 0,87 92,7 1.775 80,7 26,7 0,80 92,8 3,1 3,70 7,90 0,092 122
180 MH/4 18,5 1.780 99,2 61,5 35,5 0,86 92,8 1.780 99,2 35,0 0,75 92,9 3,3 3,40 8,20 0,13 137
180 LH/4 22 1.775 118 72,2 41,7 0,86 93,3 1.782 118 39,0 0,78 93,3 3,0 3,00 8,00 0,16 155
200 XH/4 30 1.770 162 102 58,9 0,81 93,1 1.770 162 51,0 0,81 93,0 2,93 2,97 7,60 0,16 155

* Version B5, without options

Type Plate M7000 C17

IE2 - KR (Korea)

1800 1/min 220/380 V & 440 V

60 Hz 4 - pole

KR 220/380 V 440 V
PN nN MN IN cos η nN MN IN cos η MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN J
Type 220 V 380 V φ 440 V φ @220/380V *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 LH/4 0,75 1715 4,18 3,06 1,77 0,76 84,4 1740 4,12 1,78 0,65 84,5 2,9 3,3 5,9 0,0019 10,2
90 SH/4 1,1 1710 6,14 4,00 2,31 0,85 84,3 1735 6,05 2,13 0,78 85,9 2,5 2,9 5,6 0,0034 15,1
90 LH/4 1,5 1700 8,43 5,54 3,20 0,84 84,4 1730 8,28 3,00 0,77 85,8 2,8 3,3 5,8 0,0039 16,8
100 LH/4 2,2 1730 12,1 7,95 4,59 0,81 87,6 1750 12,0 4,48 0,73 88,2 3,1 3,8 7 0,0075 25,2
100 AH/4 3 1725 16,6 11,3 6,50 0,8 87,9 1745 16,4 6,80 0,66 88,2 2,7 3,3 6,4 0,0075 25,2
112 MH/4 4 1730 22,1 14,2 8,20 0,85 87,9 1750 21,8 7,50 0,79 89,3 2,9 3,4 6,8 0,014 35,5
132 SH/4 5,5 1760 29,8 19,1 11,0 0,84 90 1770 29,7 10,5 0,76 90,3 3,3 3,5 7,5 0,032 55
132 MH/4 7,5 1755 40,8 26,3 15,2 0,82 91,3 1770 40,5 15,1 0,73 91,4 3,4 3,7 7,8 0,035 62
160 SH/4 9,2 1765 49,8 30,1 17,4 0,89 91,3 1775 49,5 15,8 0,84 91,7 3,2 3,5 8,2 0,067 93
160 MH/4 11 1765 59,5 36,4 21,0 0,88 92 1775 59,2 19,2 0,82 92,1 2,6 3,1 7,4 0,067 93
160 LH/4 15 1770 80,9 49,4 28,5 0,87 92,7 1775 80,7 26,7 0,8 92,8 3,1 3,7 7,9 0,092 122
180 MH/4 18,5 1780 99,2 61,5 35,5 0,86 92,5 1780 99,2 35,0 0,75 92,9 3,3 3,4 8,2 0,13 137
180 LH/4 22 1780 118 71,9 41,5 0,87 92,4 1780 118 39,4 0,79 92,9 3,3 3,3 7,7 0,16 155

* Version B5, without options

Type Plate

C18 M7000


1500 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V

50 Hz 4 - pole
Type 230V 400 V 690 V 4/4xPN 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 LP/4 0,75 1415 5,06 3,10 1,79 1,03 0,72 83,7 84,7 83,7 3,0 3,1 5,4 0,0019 10,2
90 SP/4 1,10 1430 7,35 4,12 2,38 1,37 0,78 84,7 86,0 85,3 3,6 4,0 6,8 0,0034 15,1
90 LP/4 1,50 1415 10,1 5,59 3,23 1,86 0,79 86,6 86,3 85,3 3,3 3,5 5,9 0,0039 16,8
100 LP/4 2,20 1465 14,3 7,40 4,27 2,47 0,83 88,7 89,6 88,1 2,6 3,9 8,2 0,0081 28
100 AP/4 3,00 1460 19,6 10,5 6,06 3,50 0,81 88,4 88,8 88,1 2,4 3,6 7,3 0,0081 28
112 MP/4 4,00 1440 26,5 13,6 7,85 4,53 0,83 88,9 89,2 88,6 3,3 3,5 7,4 0,014 35,5
132 SP/4 5,50 1465 35,8 18,9 10,9 6,29 0,8 90,6 91,5 90,9 3,9 4,1 8,6 0,032 55
132 MP/4 7,50 1460 49,0 27,3 15,7 9,06 0,77 90,2 90,5 90,4 3,9 4,2 7,5 0,035 62
160 SP/4 9,20 1470 59,8 28,9 16,7 9,65 0,88 90,4 91,1 91,0 2,9 3,3 8,1 0,067 93
160 MP/4 11,0 1465 71,7 35,5 20,5 11,8 0,85 91,6 92,0 91,4 2,9 3,4 7,4 0,067 93
160 LP/4 15,0 1465 97,8 48,3 27,9 16,1 0,85 92,3 92,8 92,3 3,8 4,3 9,1 0,092 122
180 MP/4 18,5 1480 119 58,9 34 19,6 0,84 92,4 93,1 93,1 3,4 3,8 9,2 0,16 155
180 LP/4 22,0 1475 142 68,1 39,3 22,7 0,87 93,2 93,5 93,1 2,8 3,2 8,0 0,16 155
225 RP/4 30,0 1485 193 97,3 56,2 0,82 93,6 94,3 94,1 3,0 3,4 7,8 0,49 315
225 SP/4 37,0 1485 238 118 68,2 0,83 93,6 94,4 94,1 2,9 3,2 7,7 0,54 330
225 MP/4 45,0 1485 289 142 81,7 0,83 94,6 94,9 94,6 3,0 3,4 8,0 0,67 365
250 WP/4 55,0 1480 355 166 96,1 0,87 95,2 95,0 94,6 2,6 2,8 7,0 0,82 400

1800 1/min 265/460 V & 460 V D

60 Hz 4 - pole
Type 265 V 460 V 4/4xPN 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 LP/4 0,75 1730 4,14 2,72 1,57 0,7 84,4 86,1 86,1 3,4 3,8 6,5 0,0019 10,2
90 SP/4 1,10 1740 6,04 3,64 2,1 0,76 86,3 87,4 86,9 4,2 4,9 8,4 0,0034 15,1
90 LP/4 1,50 1730 8,28 4,85 2,8 0,78 86,3 87,4 87,0 3,9 4,3 7,6 0,0039 16,8
100 LP/4 2,20 1770 11,9 6,65 3,84 0,79 88,2 89,8 90,0 3 4,5 9,2 0,0081 28
100 AP/4 3,00 1765 16,2 8,82 5,09 0,79 88,7 89,9 89,9 2,7 4,1 8,8 0,0081 28
112 MP/4 4,00 1750 21,8 11,85 6,84 0,82 89,2 90,4 90,2 3,7 4,3 9,0 0,014 35,5
132 SP/4 5,50 1770 29,7 16,9 9,75 0,77 90,2 91,5 91,7 4,7 5,0 10,2 0,032 55
132 MP/4 7,50 1765 40,6 23,2 13,4 0,77 90,7 91,6 91,7 4,7 5,0 9,6 0,035 62
160 SP/4 9,20 1775 49,5 25,5 14,7 0,87 90 91,4 91,7 3,2 3,7 8,8 0,067 93
160 MP/4 11,0 1770 59,3 30,8 17,8 0,84 91,2 92,5 92,5 3,2 3,8 8,8 0,067 93
160 LP/4 15,0 1775 80,7 41,2 23,8 0,85 90,9 92,3 93,0 4,3 4,7 10,8 0,092 122
180 MP/4 18,5 1780 99,2 52,5 30,3 0,82 92,5 93,4 93,6 3,9 4,0 10,1 0,16 155
180 LP/4 22,0 1780 118 60,3 34,8 0,85 93,6 94 93,6 3,3 3,4 8,8 0,16 155
* Version B5, without options
Type Plate (Geared motor) Type Plate (IEC-motor)

15,1 kg 6205.2Z 6205.2Z M7000 C19


1800 1/min 230/460/575 V

60 Hz 4 - pole
CUS - Premium Efficiency
PN ** nN MN IN cos φ η MA/MN MK/MN IA/IN Codeletter J
Type 230 V 460 V 575 V 4/4xPN 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN ð&A28 *
[HP] [kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 LP/4 1,0 0,75 1730 4,14 3,14 1,57 1,26 0,70 84,4 86,1 86,1 3,5 3,8 6,5 K 0,0019 10,2
90 SP/4 1,5 1,1 1740 6,04 4,20 2,10 1,68 0,76 86,3 87,4 86,9 4,2 4,9 8,4 L 0,0034 15,1
90 LP/4 2,0 1,5 1730 8,28 5,60 2,80 2,24 0,78 86,3 87,4 87,0 3,9 4,3 7,6 K 0,0039 16,8
100 LP/4 3,0 2,2 1770 11,9 7,68 3,84 3,07 0,79 88,2 89,8 90,0 3,0 4,5 9,2 L 0,0081 28
100 AP/4 4,0 3,0 1765 16,2 10,2 5,10 4,08 0,79 88,7 89,9 89,9 2,7 4,2 8,8 K 0,0081 28
112 MP/4 5,0 3,7 1755 20,1 13,0 6,50 5,20 0,80 89,2 90,4 90,3 4,1 4,6 9,5 L 0,014 35,5
132 SP/4 7,5 5,5 1770 29,7 19,5 9,75 7,80 0,77 90,2 91,5 91,7 4,7 5,0 10,2 M 0,032 55
132 MP/4 10,0 7,5 1765 40,6 26,7 13,4 10,7 0,77 90,7 91,6 91,7 4,7 5,0 9,6 M 0,035 62
160 MP/4 15,0 11,0 1770 59,3 35,6 17,8 14,2 0,84 91,2 92,5 92,5 3,2 3,8 8,8 K 0,067 93
160 LP/4 20,0 15,0 1775 80,7 47,6 23,8 19,0 0,85 90,9 92,3 93,0 4,3 4,7 10,8 M 0,092 122
180 MP/4 25,0 18,5 1780 99,2 60,6 30,3 24,2 0,82 92,5 93,4 93,6 3,9 4,0 10,1 L 0,16 155
180 LP/4 30,0 22,0 1780 118 69,6 34,8 27,8 0,85 93,6 94,0 93,6 3,3 3,4 8,8 K 0,16 155

* Version B5, without options

** SF=1,15

Type Plate

C20 M7000


MN PN nN I at 400V η Mmax SK 180E SK 200E* SK 500E*
[Nm] [kW] [rpm] [A] [Nm]
-111-323- -111-123- -111-323-
80T1/4 5,0 1,1 2.100 2,07 90,5 14,4
-111-340- -111-340- -111-340-
80T1/4 ∆ 4,8 1,5 3.000 3,44 90,4 14,4 -151-340- -151-340- -151-340-
90T1/4 6,8 1,5 2.100 2,82 88,9 21,0 -151-340- -151-340-
90T1/4 ∆ 7,0 2,2 3.000 5,09 89,6 21,0 -221-340- -221-340- -221-340-
90T3/4 10,0 2,2 2.100 4,13 90,5 29,0 -221-340- -221-340-
90T3/4 ∆ 9,5 3,0 3.000 6,84 92,3 29,0 -301-340- -301-340-
100T2/4 13,6 3,0 2.100 5,4 91,4 42,0 -301-340- -301-340-
100T2/4 ∆ 12,7 4,0 3.000 8,9 92,1 42,0 -401-340- -401-340-
100T5/4 18,2 4,0 2.100 7,1 92,1 57,0 -401-340- -401-340-
100T5/4 ∆ 17,5 5,5 3.000 11,9 92,2 57,0 -551-340- -551-340-
* Please contact NORD for all combinations of IE4 Motors and SK200E or SK500E inverters

MN PN nN I at 400V η Mmax SK 180E SK 500E
[Nm] [kW] [rpm] [A] [Nm]
-111-323- -750-323-
80T1/4 HM 3,41 0,75 2.100 1,46 90,5 13,5
-111-340- -750-340-
90T3/4 HM 5,0 1,1 2.100 2,08 92,7 28,3 -151-340-
100T5/4 HM 10,0 2,2 2.100 4,16 91,0 53,5
-221-340- M7000 C21

ATEX Standard

ATEX 3D (non-conducting dust)

1500 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V εх II 2D IP 66 T 125°C

50 Hz 4 - pole εх II 3D IP 55 T 125°C

Type 230/400 V 400/690 V φ 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
63 S/4 0,12 1385 0,83 0,88/0,51 0,62 50,5 2,8 2,8 3,26 0,00021 3,6
63 L/4 0,18 1368 1,26 1,13/0,65 0,66 58,1 2,5 2,6 3,38 0,00028 4,2
71 S/4 0,25 1365 1,75 1,28/0,74 0,80 61,5 1,8 1,9 3,97 0,00072 5,4
71 L/4 0,37 1385 2,55 1,82/1,05 0,76 65,8 2,2 2,4 4,50 0,00086 6,3
80 S/4 0,55 1385 3,79 2,62/1,51 0,75 75,1 1,9 2 4,11 0,00109 8,0
80 L/4 0,75 1395 5,13 3,52/2,03 0,75 75,5 2 2,1 4,17 0,00145 9,0
90 S/4 1,1 1410 7,45 4,78/2,76 0,76 77,6 2,3 2,6 5,26 0,00235 12
90 L/4 1,5 1390 10,30 6,11/3,53 0,78 77,5 2,3 2,6 5,84 0,00313 14
100 L/4 2,2 1415 14,85 8,65/5,00 5,0/2,89 0,78 80,8 2,3 3 5,76 0,0045 18
100 LA/4** 3,0 1415 20,25 11,76/6,80 6,80/3,93 0,78 83,3 2,5 2,9 6,32 0,006 21
112 M/4 4,0 1430 26,71 8,24/4,76 0,83 85,1 2,3 2,8 7,15 0,011 30
132 S/4 5,5 1450 36,22 11,60/6,67 0,80 87,9 2,1 2,7 7,00 0,024 44
132 M/4 7,5 1450 49,39 15,50/8,96 0,79 87,7 2,5 2,8 7,59 0,032 55
132 MA/4** 9,2 1445 60,80 18,80/10,90 0,82 86,9 2,6 3,1 7,19 0,035 62

* Version B5, without options

** different surface temperature T 140°C

Type Plate


C22 M7000


ATEX IE2 2D (conducting dust and non-conducting dust)

ATEX IE2 3D (non-conducting dust)

1500 1/min 230/400 V & 400/690 V εх II 2D Ex tb III C T 125°C Db

50 Hz 4 - pole εх II 3D Ex tc III B T 125°C Dc
Type 230/400 V 400/690 V φ 1/2xPN 3/4xPN 4/4xPN *
[kW] [1/min] [Nm] [A] [A] [%] [%] [%] [kgm²] [kg]
80 SH/4 0,55 1415 3,71 2,39/1,38 0,73 77,7 80,7 80,8 3,1 3,2 5,5 0,0014 9,0
80 LH/4 0,75 1410 5,08 3,12/1,80 0,74 81,6 83,0 82,4 3,0 3,1 5,7 0,0019 10,2
90 SH/4 1,1 1430 7,35 4,26/2,46 0,79 80,9 82,0 81,8 3,1 3,5 6,5 0,0034 15,1
90 LH/4 1,5 1420 10,09 5,85/3,38 0,78 81,3 82,4 82,2 3,3 3,5 6,7 0,0039 16,8
100 LH/4 2,2 1445 14,54 4,79/2,76 0,77 85,2 86,7 86,6 3,7 4,3 8,2 0,0075 25,2
100 AH/4 3,0 1420 20,18 6,40/3,69 0,80 86,4 86,7 85,6 3,1 3,5 6,9 0,0075 25,2
112 MH/4 4,0 1440 26,53 8,12/4,69 0,83 87,4 87,6 86,7 3,1 3,6 8,0 0,014 35,5
132 SH/4 5,5 1455 36,10 10,82/6,24 0,83 87,6 88,5 88,2 3,1 3,5 8,1 0,032 55,0
132 MH/4 7,5 1460 49,23 15,19/8,77 0,80 88,5 89,5 89,3 3,3 3,9 8,2 0,035 62,0
132 LH/4 9,2 1450 60,59 19,70/11,39 0,77 87,6 89,7 89,3 3,44 3,84 7,7 0,035 62,0
160 MH/4 11 1465 71,70 20,5/11,8 0,85 90,8 91,3 91,2 2,9 3,4 9,1 0,067 93,0
160 LH/4 15 1465 97,75 27,5/15,9 0,87 91,7 92,4 92,0 3,0 3,5 9,6 0,092 122
180 MH/4 18,5 1475 120 34,9/20,2 0,84 92,2 92,6 92,2 2,9 3,2 8,3 0,13 137
180 LH/4 22 1475 142 40,8/23,6 0,86 92,7 92,9 92,2 2,8 3,1 8,4 0,16 155

* Version B5, without options

Type Plates

201400655-100 20180323
66 2014

3,12/1,80 0,75
0,75 1410 M7000 C23






IE1* IE2 IE3

63 S/L - - 100 21 120 80 27 105 9 12 7 123 115 100 40 63 12 215
71 S/L - - 112 24 136 90 24 108 10 12 7 138 124 100 45 71 20 244
80 S/L SH/LH LP 125 30 160 100 30 125 11 17 10 156 142 114 50 80 22 276
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 140 34 174 125 35 155 12 17 10 176 147 114 56 90 26 326
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 160 37 192 140 30 175 15 22 12 194 169 114 63 100 32 366
112 M - - 190 40 224 140 34 175 15 22 12 386
218 179 114 70 112 35
112 - MH MP 411
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 216 58 260 178 37 218 18 30 12 258 204 122 89 132 47 491
160 M MH SP/MP 210 264
254 72 318 52 25 30 14,5 310 242 186 108 160 52 602
160 L - - 254 308
160 - LH LP 254 72 318 254 52 308 25 30 14,5 310 242 186 108 160 52 646
180 - MH MP 241 281
279 88,5 340 - 27 30 14,5 348 259 186 121 180 54 726
180 - LH LP 279 319
225 - - RP 286
225 - SH SP 356 79 443 286 66 359 20 25 20 443 347 245 149 225 94 882
225 - MH MP 311
* + Standard





C24 M7000 www .nord .com







238 100 123 123 226 233 M20 x 1,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
268 100 138 138 255 258 M20 x 1,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
309 114 156 156 291 229 M25 x 1,5 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0
373 114 176 176 341 345 M25 x 1,5 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5
422 114 194 194 381 388 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
440 401 411
114 218 218 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
465 426 436
589 122 257 258 508 534 M32 x 1,5 38 M12 80 70 10 41,0 32 M12 80 70 10 35,0

721 186 310 - 619 - M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0

765 186 310 - 663 - M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0

843 186 348 - 741 - M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5

1002 245 348 - 968,5 - M50 x 1,5 60 M20 140 125 18 64,0 55 M20 110 100 16 59,0



3 1

ð& A50 M7000 C25







IE1* IE2 IE3

63 S/L - - 10 115 95 140 9 3,0 123 115 100 12 215 238 23 100
71 S/L - - 10 130 110 160 9 3,5 138 124 100 20 244 268 30 100
80 S/L SH/LH LP 11 165 130 200 11 3,5 156 142 114 22 276 309 40 114
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 11 165 130 200 11 3,5 176 147 114 26 326 373 50 114
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 15 215 180 250 13,5 4,0 194 169 114 32 366 422 60 114
112 M - - 215 180 250 13 4,0 386 440 60
15 218 179 114 35 114
112 - MH MP 411 465
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 20 265 230 300 13 4,0 258 204 122 47 491 589 80 122
160 M/L MH SP/MP 602 721
20 300 250 350 17,5 5,0 310 242 186 52 110 186
160 - LH LP 646 765
180 MX - - 602 721
20 300 250 350 17,5 5,0 310 242 186 52 110 186
180 LX - - 646 765
180 - MH/LH MP/LP 14 300 250 350 17,5 5,0 348 259 186 54 726 843 110 186
200 LX XH - 14 350 300 400 17,5 5,0 348 259 186 54 726 843 110 186
225 - - RP
225 - SH SP 20 400 350 450 17,5 5,0 443 347 245 94 882 1002 140 245
225 - MH MP
* + Standard



C26 M7000 www .nord .com








123 123 138 226 233 243,5 M20 x 1,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
138 138 156 255 258 268 M20 x 1,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
156 156 176 291 296 302 M25 x 1,5 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0
176 176 194 341 345 357 M25 x 1,5 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5
194 194 218 381 388 394 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
401 411 424
218 218 258 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
426 436 449
257 258 310 508 534 532 M32 x 1,5 38 M12 80 70 10 41,0 32 M12 80 70 10 35,0
619 647
310 - 367 - M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
663 691
619 647
310 - 367 - M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 42 M16 110 90 12 49,0
663 691
348 - 403 741 - 794 M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5
348 - 403 741 - 794 M40 x 1,5 55 M20 110 100 16 59,0 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5

348 - - 968,5 - - M50 x 1,5 60 M20 140 125 18 64,0 55 M20 110 100 16 59,0



3 1


ð& A50 M7000 C27






IE1* IE2 IE3

63 S/L - - 75 60 90 M5 x 8 2,5 123 115 100 12 215 238 23 100
71 S/L - - 85 70 105 M6 x 12 2,5 138 124 100 20 244 268 30 100
80 S/L SH/LH SP 100 80 120 M6 x 12 3,0 156 142 114 22 276 309 40 114
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 115 95 140 M8 x 15 3,0 176 147 114 26 326 373 50 114
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 130 110 160 M8 x 16 3,5 194 169 114 32 366 422 60 114
112 M - - 130 110 160 3,5 386 440 60
M8 x 12 218 179 114 35 114
112 - MH MP 411 465
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 165 130 200 M10 x 18 3,5 258 204 122 47 491 589 80 122
160 M/L MH SP/MP 602 721
165 130 200 M10 x 20 3,5 310 242 186 52 110 186
160 - LH LP 646 765
180 MX - - 602 721
165 130 200 M10 x 20 3,5 310 242 186 52 110 186
180 LX - - 646 765
* + Standard

IM B14

IM V18 IM V19

C28 M7000 www .nord .com








123 123 138 226 233 243,5 M20 x 1,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
138 138 156 255 258 268 M20 x 1,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
156 156 176 291 296 302 M25 x 1,5 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0
176 176 194 341 345 357 M25 x 1,5 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5
194 194 218 381 388 394 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
401 411 424
218 218 258 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
426 436 449
257 258 310 508 534 532 M32 x 1,5 38 M12 80 70 10 41,0 32 M12 80 70 10 35,0
619 647
310 - 367 - M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
663 691
619 647
310 - 367 - M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 42 M16 110 90 12 49,0
663 691



3 1


ð& A50 M7000 C29






IE1* IE2 IE3 BRE [Nm]

63 S/L - - 5 100 21 120 80 27 105 9 12 7 123 123 89 40 63 19 271
71 S/L - - 5 112 24 136 90 24 108 10 12 7 138 132 89 45 71 27 302
80 S SH - 5
125 30 160 100 30 125 11 17 10 156 142 108 50 80 26 340
80 L LH LP 10
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 20 140 34 174 125 35 155 12 17 10 176 147 108 56 90 30 401
100 L LH LP 20
160 37 192 140 30 175 15 22 12 194 172 108 63 100 36 457
100 LA AH AP 40
112 M - - 60 480
190 40 224 140 34 175 15 22 12 218 182 108 70 112 39
112 - MH MP 60 505
132 S SH SP 60 178 218 598
132 M MH MP 100 216 58 260 178 37 218 18 30 12 258 201 139 89 132 40 598
132 MA LH - 150 178 218 598
160 M MH SP/MP 100 210 264
254 72 318 52 25 30 14,5 310 242 186 108 160 52 737
160 L - - 150 254 308
160 - LH LP 250 254 72 318 254 52 308 25 30 14,5 310 242 186 108 160 52 781
180 - MH MP 250 241 281
279 88,5 340 - 27 30 14,5 348 259 186 121 180 54 851
180 - LH LP 250 279 319
225 - - RP 250 286
225 - SH SP 250 356 79 443 286 66 359 20 25 20 443 347 245 149 225 94 1062
225 - MH MP 400 311
* + Standard





C30 M7000 www .nord .com







298 134 123 282 M20 x 1,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
329 134 138 313 M20 x 1,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5

374 153 156 355 M25 x 1,5 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0

439 153 176 M25 x 1,5 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0

517 153 194 472 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0

537 495
153 218 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
562 520
688 615
688 185 257 615 M32 x 1,5 38 M12 80 70 10 41,0 32 M12 80 70 10 35,0
688 615
28 M10 60 50 8 31,0
856 186 310 754 M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
900 186 310 798 M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0

970 186 348 868 M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5

1182 245 348 1148,5 M50 x 1,5 60 M20 140 125 18 64 48 M20 110 100 16 59,0



3 1

ð& A50 M7000 C31





IE1* IE2 IE3 BRE [Nm]

63 S/L - - 5 10 115 95 140 9 3,0 123 123 89 19 271
71 S/L - - 5 10 130 110 160 9 3,5 138 132 89 27 302
S SH - 5
80 11 165 130 200 11 3,5 156 142 108 26 340
L LH LP 10
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 20 11 165 130 200 11 3,5 176 147 108 30 401
L LH LP 20
100 15 215 180 250 13,5 4,0 194 173 108 36 457
112 M - - 60 480
15 215 180 250 13 4,0 218 182 108 39
112 - MH MP 60 505
132 S SH SP 60
132 M MH MP 100 20 265 230 300 13 4,0 258 201 139 40 598
132 MA LH - 150
160 M MH SP/MP 100 737
160 L - - 150 20 300 250 350 17,5 5,0 310 242 186 52 737
160 - LH LP 250 781
180 MX - - 250 737
250 20 300 250 350 17,5 5,0 310 242 186 52
180 LX - - 781
180 - MH/LH MP/LP 250 14 300 250 350 17,5 5,0 348 259 186 54 851
200 LX XH - 400 14 350 300 400 17,5 5,0 348 259 186 54 851
225 - - RP 250
225 - SH SP 400 20 400 350 450 17,5 5,0 443 347 245 94 1062
225 - MH MP 800
* + Standard



C32 M7000 www .nord .com






298 23 134 123 138 282 294,5 M20 x 1,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
329 30 134 138 156 313 326 M20 x 1,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5

374 40 153 156 176 355 366 M25 x 1,5 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0

439 50 153 176 194 416 431 M25 x 1,5 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0

517 60 153 194 218 472 485 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0

537 60 495 518

153 218 258 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
562 520 543

688 80 185 257 310 615 634 M32 x 1,5 38 M12 80 70 10 41,0 32 M12 80 70 10 35,0

856 754 782 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0

856 110 186 310 367 754 782 M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
900 798 826 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
856 754 782
110 186 310 367 M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 42 M16 110 90 12 49,0
900 798 826
970 110 186 348 403 868 921 M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5
970 110 186 348 403 868 921 M40 x 1,5 55 M20 110 100 16 59,0 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5
1182 140 245 348 - 1148,5 - M50 x 1,5 60 M20 140 125 18 64,0 55 M20 110 100 16 59,0


3 1

I ð& A50 M7000 C33





IE1* IE2 IE3 BRE [Nm]

63 S/L - - 5 75 60 90 M5 x 8 2,5 123 123 89 19 271
71 S/L - - 5 85 70 105 M6 x 13 2,5 138 132 89 27 302
S SH - 5
80 100 80 120 M6 x 12 3,0 156 142 108 26 340
L LH LP 10
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 20 115 95 140 M8 x 15 3,0 176 147 108 30 401
L LH LP 20
100 130 110 160 M8 x 16 3,5 194 172 108 36 457
112 M - - 60 480
130 110 160 M8 x 12 3,5 218 182 108 39
112 - MH MP 60 505
132 S SH SP 60
132 M MH MP 100 165 130 200 M10 x 18 3,5 258 201 139 40 598
132 MA LH - 150
160 M MH SP/MP 100 737
160 L - - 150 165 130 200 M10 x 20 3,5 310 242 186 52 737
160 - LH LP 250 781
180 MX - - 250 737
250 165 130 200 M10 x 20 3,5 310 242 186 52
180 LX - - 781
* + Standard

IM B14

IM V18
IM V19

C34 M7000 www .nord .com






298 23 134 123 138 282 294,5 M20 x 1,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5
329 30 134 138 156 313 326 M20 x 1,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0 11 M4 23 16 4 12,5

374 40 153 156 176 355 366 M25 x 1,5 19 M6 40 32 6 21,5 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0

439 50 153 176 194 416 431 M25 x 1,5 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0 14 M5 30 20 5 16,0

517 60 153 194 218 472 485 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0

537 60 495 518

153 218 258 M32 x 1,5 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0 24 M8 50 40 8 27,0
562 520 543

688 80 185 257 310 615 634 M32 x 1,5 38 M12 80 70 10 41,0 32 M12 80 70 10 35,0

856 754 782 28 M10 60 50 8 31,0

856 110 186 310 367 754 782 M40 x 1,5 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
900 798 826 42 M16 110 90 12 45,0
856 754 782
110 186 310 367 M40 x 1,5 48 M16 110 100 14 51,5 42 M16 110 90 12 49,0
900 798 826



3 1

ð& A50 M7000 C35



Option IG


Option F



Option IG F


63 S/L - - 215 55 88 158 133 37 114 107
71 S/L - - 244 56 89 144 150 37 123 107
80 S/L SH/LH LP 276 61 90 140 170 40 132 107
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 326 72 104 149 188 30 142 117
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 366 69 95 155 210 28 151 117
112 M - - 386
68 99 149 249 33 163 117
112 - MH MP 411
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 491 63 115 155 300 25 183 127
160 M/L MH SP/MP 602 150
70 235 338 32 210 127
160 - LH LP 646 145
180 MX - - 602 150
70 235 338 32 210 127
180 LX - - 646 145
180 - MH/LH MP/LP 726 109 153 233 338 32 210 127
200 LX XH - 726 109 153 233 338 32 210 127
225 - - RP
225 - SH SP 882 67 127 287 424 50 250 144
225 - MH MP
250 - WH WP 882 67 127 287 424 50 250 144
* + Standard
C36 M7000

BRE Motor









63 S/L - - 271 62 90 125 133 37 114 107
71 S/L - - 302 74 94 139 150 37 123 107
80 S/L SH/LH LP 340 57 90 140 170 40 132 107
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 401 70 100 145 188 30 142 117
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 457 70 105 140 210 28 151 117
112 M - - 480
64 105 140 249 33 163 117
112 - MH MP 505
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 598 65 125 155 300 25 183 127
160 M/L MH SP/MP 737
70 145 235 338 32 210 127
160 - LH LP 781
180 MX - - 737 70 145 235 338 32 210 127
180 LX - - 781
180 - MH/LH MP/LP 851 70 146 251 338 32 210 127
200 LX XH - 851 70 146 251 338 32 210 127
225 - - RP
225 - SH SP 1062 65 189 279 424 50 250 144
225 - MH MP
250 - WH WP 1062 65 189 279 424 50 250 144
* + Standard M7000 C37


IE1* IE2 IE3

d1 LC LC + BRE
63 S/L - - 100 254 314
71 S/L - - 100 284 345
80 S/L SH/LH LP 100 325 390
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 160 393 459
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 160 442 537
112 M - - 460 557
112 - MH MP 485 582
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 200 610 709
160 M/L MH SP/MP 744 879
160 - LH LP 788 923
MX - - 744 879
180 315
LX - - 788 923
180 - MH/LH MP/LP 315 866 993
200 LX XH - 315 866 993
* + Standard

ð& A39
HH LL 46 Type
IE1* IE2 IE3


63 S/L - - 140 5 114

71 S/L - - 149 13 114
80 S/L SH/LH LP 158 22 114
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 163 26 114
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 174 32 114
112 M MH MP 184 45 114
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 204 47 122
* + Standard

C38 M7000


ð& A34 L LS



IE1* IE2 IE3

63 S/L - - 226 286 237 297
71 S/L - - 256 319 267 330
80 S/L SH/LH LP 286 352 295 361
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 340 414 349 423
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 379 470 387 479
112 M - - 398 493 407 502
112 - MH MP 423 518 432 526
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 501 607 512 618
auf Anfrage
180 - MH/LH MP/LP
* + Standard M7000 C39


IE1 + Standard

63 S/L 183
71 S/L 207
80 S/L 236
90 S/L 283
100 L/LA 322
112 M 336
132 S/M/MA 431
160 M/L 527
180 MX 527
180 LX 571
200 LX 619




63 S/L - - 100 75 M16 x 1,5 25
71 S/L - - 109 75 M16 x 1,5 33
80 S/L SH/LH LP 124 92 M20 x 1,5 33
90 S/L SH/LH SP/LP 129 92 M20 x 1,5 37
100 L/LA LH/AH LP/AP 140 92 M20 x 1,5 43
112 M MH MP 150 92 M20 x 1,5 56
132 S/M/MA SH/MH/LH SP/MP 174 104 M25 x 1,5 56
* + Standard

C40 M7000



O Capacitor-housing

Type BRE

63 L/LA EAR1 123 89 19 134 M20 x 1,5 140 108 9 153 M25 x 1,5
71 L/LA EAR1 132 89 27 134 M20 x 1,5 149 108 17 153 M25 x 1,5
80 L/LA EAR1 142 108 26 153 M25 x 1,5 142 108 26 153 M25 x 1,5
90 L/LB EAR1 147 108 30 153 M25 x 1,5 147 108 30 153 M25 x 1,5

63 L/LA EHB1 115 100 12 100 M20 x 1,5 123 89 19 134 M20 x 1,5
71 L/LA EHB1 124 100 20 100 M20 x 1,5 132 89 27 134 M20 x 1,5
80 L/LA EHB1 142 114 22 114 M25 x 1,5 142 108 26 153 M25 x 1,5
90 L/LB EHB1 147 114 26 114 M25 x 1,5 147 108 30 153 M25 x 1,5

63 S/L EST 115 100 12 100 M20 x 1,5 123 89 19 134 M20 x 1,5
71 S/L EST 124 100 20 100 M20 x 1,5 132 89 27 134 M20 x 1,5
80 S/L EST 142 114 22 114 M25 x 1,5 142 108 26 153 M25 x 1,5
90 S/L EST 147 114 26 114 M25 x 1,5 147 108 30 153 M25 x 1,5

63 LA ECR * 123 89 19 134 M20 x 1,5 140 108 9 153 M25 x 1,5
71 L/LA ECR * 132 89 27 134 M20 x 1,5 149 108 17 153 M25 x 1,5
80 L/LA ECR * 142 108 26 153 M25 x 1,5 143 108 26 153 M25 x 1,5
90 L/LA/LX ECR * 147 108 30 153 M25 x 1,5 147 108 30 153 M25 x 1,5
* with capacitor-housing M7000 C41

B5, B14
B5 B14




B5, B14

B14 - 75 60 90 M5 x 8 2,5
B14 - 85 70 105 M6 x 16 2,5
B14 - 100 80 120 M6 x 12 3,0
B5 10 115 95 140 9 3,0
B14 - 85 70 105 M6 x 13 2,5
B14 - 100 80 120 M6 x 15 3,0
B14 - 115 95 140 M8 x 16 3,0
B5 10 130 110 160 9 3,5
B14 - 100 80 120 M6 x 12 3,0
80 B14 - 115 95 140 M8 x 16 3,0
B14 - 130 110 160 M8 x 16 3,5
B5 11 165 130 200 11 3,5
B14 - 100 80 120 M6 x 14 3,0
B14 - 115 95 140 M8 x 15 3,0
B14 - 130 110 160 M8 x 16 3,0
B5 11 165 130 200 11 3,5
B14 - 100 80 120 M6 x 14 3,0
B14 - 115 95 140 M8 x 14 3,0
100 B14 - 130 110 160 M8 x 16 3,5
B14 - 165 130 200 M10 x 16 3,5
B5 15 215 180 250 13 4,0

B14 - 115 95 140 M8 x 16 3,0

112 B14 - 130 110 160 M8 x 12 3,5
B14 - 165 130 200 M10 x 17 4,0
B5 15 215 180 250 13 4,0
B14 - 130 110 160 M8 x 12 3,5
132 B14 - 165 130 200 M10 x 18 4,0
B5 20 265 230 300 13 4,0
160 B14 - 165 130 200 M10 x 20 3,5
180 .X B5 20 265 230 300 13,5 4,0
180 .X B5 14 300 250 350 17,5 5,0
180 B5 14 300 250 350 17,5 5,0
200 B5 14 350 300 400 17,5 5,0
225 B5 20 400 350 450 17,5 5,0

C42 M7000

B3 L

IE3 =^ PE Premium Efficiency






A AA AB B BA BB HA k K C H L D -0,013 E EB F GA
71 SP/LP 56 123,95 36,5 148 76,2 19,5 94 12 13,7 8,7 69,9 88,9 280 15,875 47,6 42,9 4,78 17,9
56 123,95 32,0 154 76,2 26,5 102 14 69,9 292 15,875 47,6 42,9 17,9
80 SP/LP 17,5 8,7 88,9 4,78
143 T 139,70 39,5 170 101,6 38 127 14,5 37,2 294 22,225 57,2 46,1 24,4
90 SP/LP 145 T 139,70 43,0 175 127,0 35 157 15 17,5 8,7 57,2 88,9 334 22,225 57,2 46,1 4,78 24,4
100 LP 182 T 114,3
190,50 52,5 223 68 173 15 15 10,3 69,9 114,3 377 28,575 69,9 57,2 6,35 31,4
100 AP 184 T 139,7
112 MP 184 T 190,50 45,5 229 139,7 33 170 17 20,7 10,3 69,9 114,3 417 28,575 69,9 57,2 6,35 31,4
132 SP
215 T 215,90 58,5 260 177,8 37 218 17,5 20,7 10,3 88,9 133,4 497 34,925 85,7 77,8 7,92 38,4
132 MP

B14 L





0 0

M N -0,076 P S T L LE D -0,013 E EB F GA
63 SP/LP 56 C 149,3 114,3 165 3/8 - 16 4,1 244 52,3 15,875 47,6 42,9 4,78 17,9
71 SP/LP 56 C 149,3 114,3 165 3/8 - 16 4,1 267 52,3 15,875 47,6 42,9 4,78 17,9
56 C 292 52,3 15,875 47,6 42,9 17,9
80 SP/LP 149,3 114,3 165 3/8 - 16 4,1 4,78
143 TC 294 53,8 22,225 57,2 46,1 24,4
90 SP/LP 145 TC 149,3 114,3 165 3/8 - 16 4,1 334 53,8 22,225 57,2 46,1 4,78 24,4
100 LP 182 TC
184,2 215,9 229 1/2 - 13 6,4 377 66,5 28,575 69,9 57,2 6,35 31,4
100 AP 184 TC
112 MP 184 TC 184,2 215,9 229 1/2 - 13 6,4 417 66,5 28,575 69,9 57,2 6,35 31,4
132 SP 213 TC
184,2 215,9 229 1/2 - 13 6,4 497 79,2 34,925 85,7 77,8 7,92 38,4
132 MP 215 TC
160 SP/MP 254 TC 587
184,2 215,9 254 1/2 - 13 6,4 95,3 41,275 101,6 79,4 9,53 45,5
160 LP 256 TC 631 M7000 C43


C44 M7000

An overview of
Contens the NORD range

INDRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 2 - 3
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DRIVESYSTEMS Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services


NOMENCLATURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 4 - 17 ▪ NORDBLOC.1 Helical geared motors NORD DRIVESYSTEMS GROUP

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in Bargteheide near Hamburg, Germany

▪ Helical geared motors

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for more than 100 industries
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MOTOR SELECTION. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 18 - 28
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Electrical Products
Electric motors in all efficiency classes

▪ Parallel geared motors

Electronic Products
Centralized and decentralized frequency inverters,
Motor starters
7 state-of-the-art production plants
for all drive components

Hz •• mm
36 subsidiaries on 5 continents
provide on-site storage, assembly centers,

▪ Bevel geared motors

technical support and customer service

OPTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 29 - 41
More than 3.200 employees around the world

50 Hz
create customized solutions


▪ Helical worm geared motors


G1000 Mat.-Nr. 6001802 / 4815

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany CONSTANT SPEEDS

Fon +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 0

MOTOR INQUIRY FORM. . . . . . . . . . . . A 42 - 43

Fax +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 2253
[email protected],
Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group 50 Hz • mm

CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A 44 - 45
TECHNICAL EXPLANATIONS . . . . . . . A 46 - 52 DRIVESYSTEMS Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services


G4014 Electronic variable speed drives

BRAKES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B 1 - 19
▪ NORDBLOC.1 Helical geared motors


MOTOR DATA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 1 - 23
Headquarters and Technology Center

▪ Helical geared motors

in Bargteheide near Hamburg, Germany
Innovative drive solutions
for more than 100 industries
Mechanic Products
Helical, Parallel Shaft, Helical Bevel and Helical Worm Gear Units
Electrical Products
Electric motors in all efficiency classes

▪ Parallel geared motors

Electronic Products
Centralized and decentralized frequency inverters,
Motor starters

7 state-of-the-art production plants
for all drive components
36 subsidiaries on 5 continents
provide on-site storage, assembly centers,

▪ Bevel geared motors

technical support and customer service
More than 3.100 employees around the world
create customized solutions

OF MOTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C 24 - 43


▪ Helical worm geared motors



G4014 EN
G4014 Mat.-Nr. 6004002 / 4214
Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG
Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1

22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 0
Fax +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 2253
[email protected], NORDBLOC.1 Helical Gear Units, Helical Gear Units,
Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group Parallel Gear Units, Helical-Bevel Gear Units, Helical-Worm Gear Units

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services


G1050 NORDBLOC Industrial gear units
Headquarters and Technology Center

▪ Parallel-Axis
in Bargteheide near Hamburg, Germany
Innovative drive solutions
for more than 100 industries
Mechanic Products
Helical, Parallel Shaft, Helical Bevel and Helical Worm Gear Units
Electrical Products
Electric motors in all efficiency classes
Electronic Products

▪ Right-Angle
Centralized and decentralized frequency inverters,
Motor starters
7 state-of-the-art production plants
for all drive components
36 subsidiaries on 5 continents
provide on-site storage, assembly centers,
Large Industrial Gear Units
technical support and customer service Parallel-Axis and Right-Angle
More than 3.200 employees around the world
create customized solutions High Precision, Long Life, Low Maintenance

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

G1050 Mat.-Nr. 6001102 / 1516

Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 0 PRODUCT OVERVIEW
G1050 • 50/60 Hz • mm

Fax +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 2253
[email protected],
Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group SK 7207 - SK 15507 Gear Units

NORD Drivesystems | Global, always close to you Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services

G1035 UNIVERSAL Schneckengetriebe


▪ SI and SMI


Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG EN

Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany
Fon +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 0

Mat.-Nr. 6001502/4813
Fax +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 2253
[email protected], UNIVERSAL Worm gear units
Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group SI und SMI

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services

Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services
F3018 Frequency inverter SK180E
F3020 Frequency inverter SK200E

SK 180E
Dezentrale Antriebstechnik

SK 200E
F 3020 DE
Intelligent Drivesystems, Worldwide Services


Headquarters and Technology centre
in Bargteheide, close to Hamburg
Innovative drive solutions
for more than 100 branches of industry
Mechanical products
paralell shaft, helical gear, bevel gear and worm gear units
Electrical products
IE2/IE3/IE4 motors
Electronic products
centralised and decentralised frequency inverters,
motor starters and field distribution systems
7 state-of-the-art production plants
for all drive components
Subsidiaries and distributors
in 98 countries on 5 continents
provide local stocks, assembly, production,
technical support and customer service.
More than 4,000 employees throughout the world MOTORS
create customer oriented solutions

M7000 Mat.-Nr. 6000602 / 0219

Getriebebau NORD GmbH & Co. KG

Getriebebau-Nord-Straße 1
22941 Bargteheide, Germany
T: +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 0
F: +49 (0) 4532 / 289 - 2253 MOTORS
M7000 EN

[email protected],
Member of the NORD DRIVESYSTEMS Group

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