Gamer Girl - AR Taboo

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 1

Read Me Romance
AR Taboo
Copyright © 2023 by AR Taboo. All rights reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any
means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the
prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical
reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests,
email to [email protected]
Publisher’s Note: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are a product of
the author’s imagination. Locales and public names are sometimes used for atmospheric purposes.
Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to businesses, companies, events, institutions, or
locales is completely coincidental.

“YOU LOOK PERFECT,” Jared says as we pull up to the house.

“Thank you. I tried to find something nice to wear, but this is all I could
“Hey, don’t worry about that. The guys are going to love it,” he
reassures me as he squeezes my hand and then exits the car. When he gets
to my side, he opens the door and helps me out.
I smooth out my skirt and adjust my top so that it’s covering where it’s
supposed to. It’s a little snug, but I’ve grown a good bit since graduating.
Now all my tops are too tight, but I don’t exactly have the money for new
stuff. That’s why I’m here today.
Jared is a friend from school—well, he wasn’t actually my friend; we
just gamed together online. He has two other guy friends that game with us,
but mostly it’s been the two of us the past couple of years. When we were in
school together, he didn’t really acknowledge me, but I kind of got it
because I was nerdy and he was super popular. On top of that, there’s the
scandal with his dad and my mom.
I sort of pieced it together over the years, but people whispered that
Jared’s dad and my mom hooked up and he got her pregnant with me.
Although that’s the rumor, my mom said it never happened and denied it
every time I asked. I’m not sure why she would lie since Jared’s dad Ox is
loaded, and my mom is always scamming for a meal ticket.
Mostly because of that, Jared and I stayed in separate social circles
although we gamed online. A few weeks ago, we were playing a new game,
and I was talking about money for college. I got accepted to the school of
my dreams, but I can’t afford the tuition. While I was talking about it Jared
made an offer that I couldn’t turn down. Even still I thought it over for a
few days before finally agreeing. Now that I’m here, I’m starting to rethink
my choice.
“You okay?” he says like he’s reading my thoughts.
“Yeah, just nervous.” I shrug and try to smile. “I’m good.”
I don’t want him to think I’m not into this or a willing participant. With
this much money on the line I don’t want to do anything to mess it up. This
is my chance to go to college for real and get out of my shitty apartment
with my alcoholic mom.
Sure, maybe I’m giving up my virginity to a couple of guys that I don’t
really know, but with the money they’re paying me in return, I can have the
future of my dreams. Jared comes from big money, so when he said what
they’d be willing to pay, I knew he was good for it. He paid me half up
front, and today they’re going to collect before I get the rest.
“Is anyone else home?” I ask him, and he shakes his head. We’ve never
talked about his dad, but I know it’s only the two of them that live in this
gigantic mansion.
“No, it’s just me and Dillon and Chris.” He takes my hand as he leads
me inside, and I quickly glance around the space as he leads me to the back.
“My dad is at work until later tonight, so we’re all alone.”
“Great.” I force cheer into my voice as my stomach clenches in knots.
Up ahead he opens a door and there’s a set of stairs that lead down. He
goes first and I follow after as I try to slow my breathing. I need to chill out.
This is only sex and Jared said that I can back out anytime and still keep the
first half he gave me. It’s enough to get me through the first year or so, but
after that I’d have to come up with a new plan. If I go through with this it’s
enough that I don’t have to worry about working or anything and I can
focus on school.
I can do this.
When I reach the bottom step, I see the basement is set up like the rest
of the house. It’s fancy, and the gaming equipment is top of the line. There
are screens all along one of the walls and several gaming chairs in front of
them. The gamer in me is squealing with excitement, and if I wasn’t so
nervous, I’d rush over and pick up a controller.
Dillon and Chris turn around in their chairs and look my body up and
down. Their glances are appreciative so at least they like what they see.
They did agree to pay for this, so I guess they already knew what they were
“Hey, Ams,” Dillon says and raises his chin.
“What’s up, Amy?” Chris says as they both stand and come over to us.
“So we thought maybe we could all start together and then take turns?”
Jared offers, and I nod.
God, I’m really going to do this.
“Fuck I’ve been hard all day thinking about it.” Dillon rubs the front of
his jeans, and I can see he’s already hard.
“Can I cum on your face?” Chris asks, and the question takes me by
surprise. I blink at him, but before I can answer, Jared cuts in.
“Let’s get you wet first. If not, we’ve got some lube.”
I don’t have time to process what they’re saying as they crowd me and I
feel Jared’s hand on my thigh. My skirt isn’t exactly long, so when his hand
moves higher, I feel exposed. Dillon and Chris are close enough for me to
feel the heat coming off of them, and I have to close my eyes.
Jared has always been nice even if we weren’t exactly friends in school.
From what I know about Dillon and Chris they’re nice guys too, but this is
so intense. I wasn’t ever attracted to any of them, but I wasn’t exactly
turned on by any of the guys in school. Maybe it was because my mom had
men in and out of our place all the time, but it didn’t make me ready to
jump into bed with someone.
Jared’s hand makes its way under my skirt, and I can feel his hard cock
pressing against my ass.
As soon as his fingers make contact with my panties, I have to bite my
lip to keep from telling him to stop. It will all be okay, I just need to relax.
Then I open my eyes and see Dillon and Chris are practically salivating.
Their eyes are fixed on Jared’s hand between my legs, and I try to breathe.
Just think of the money, Amy. Just concentrate on the money.
“What the fuck is going on here?” a loud voice booms, and then
suddenly Jared’s hand is gone and I’m pushed away from him. I don’t have
a chance to catch myself, but I’m caught by two big hands that are the size
of bear paws before I hit the ground.

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“NOTHING, DAD,” Jared hurries to answer. “What are you doing
home early?”
Jared’s dad is so tall I have to crane my head all the way back to see
him. He’s got dark hair with silver at the temples, and his beard is more
gray than black. It’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and I forgot how big
he was. Feeling his hands on me now, I’m surprised at how safe I feel.
Ox is twice as wide as Jared, and he owns a construction company. With
muscles like his, he could be the whole damn company on his own. The
man looks like he breaks trees in half for fun, but somehow I’m not afraid.
His hold on me is firm, but I don’t feel any pain. In fact, I feel like I could
cuddle against him and it would make all the stress of the day disappear.
“I got a call from your mom. You’re supposed to be at her house right
“Shit,” Jared hisses and then glances at me before quickly looking away.
“I forgot.”
“Sure you did,” his dad says. “Get these boys out of my house and take
your ass to your mom’s.”
“Okay, but I have to take Amy—”
“I’ll make sure she gets home,” he says, and I realize that this isn’t
going to work.
I’m supposed to be getting the other half of my money today, but I can’t
really say that to Ox. Deciding to say something close to the truth, I go with
what I’ve got. “Jared drove me.”
I don’t know how the hell I’m supposed to give up my virginity to these
guys if they leave. Which means bye-bye college dream.
Ox ignores me and nods toward the basement door. “Go on boys, all of
Dillon and Chris move quickly, and Jared only hesitates for a second
before he mumbles a quick goodbye and is up the stairs. It all happens so
fast, and now I’m alone in the basement with Ox.
“You okay?” he asks after a quiet moment passes, and his hands finally
release me.
“Yeah, uh thanks. I’ll grab my bag and we can go.” Disappointment hits
me hard because I’ve only got until the end of the week to pay the first
tuition installment before I forfeit my spot. What if there’s no time left to
try to make this happen?
Ox crosses his arms over his broad chest, and the way he does it makes
him look ten times bigger.
“Now I know if I ask those boys, they won’t give me an inch of the
truth, but you seem like a good girl.”
Why does hearing him call me a good girl make me feel warm inside?
I’m not sure what to say, so I nod. Yeah, before today, I was a good girl.
This is by far the riskiest thing I’ve ever done.
“All right then, why don’t you tell me what you’re doing here today?”
When I open my mouth, he holds out a finger to stop me. “And before you
try to lie, know that I’ve read Jared’s text messages, and I saw how much
money he took out of his trust.”
My eyes widen, and I swallow hard. Why the hell did Jared not delete
those text messages? Oh my god, what if he tells my mom? She could make
my life a living hell even more if she wanted to. The last thing I need is her
finding out about this and kicking me out. I literally have no place to go.
I decide that right now the truth seems like the best idea, and all I can do
is pray that I can keep this between us. Or at least keep it from going any
further. Ox seems reasonable and no-nonsense, so I’m going to gamble on
his kindness.
“Then you already know why I came here today.” I let out a long sigh.
“I’m just trying to earn some money for college.” It’s the honest truth, and
to my surprise, Ox nods his approval.
He glances at my outfit and then rubs his hand over his beard. “You
look just like your mama.” Slowly his eyes move up and down my body.
“She tell you I’m your daddy?”
He lets out a short laugh, and I’m not sure what it means.
“All right then.” He says it as if a decision has been made. “I’ll pay for
your college.”
“What?” My first reaction is shock and then it’s followed by excitement
that I can still get the money. “You’re just going to give it to me?”
“Not so fast. You came here to sell it, so I’m gonna buy it.” He licks his
lips and takes a step toward me. “I got money to burn, and it’s been a long
time since I got my dick wet. I ain’t never had something so young, and
I’ve had my eye on you for a long time.”
Everything south of my belly button clenches at his words. What he’s
saying is so rough and dirty, yet something in me craves it. Maybe this is
why none of the guys at school ever did it for me because Ox is a full
grown man and I’m considering going through with it.
“Come on now, don’t be a tease.” He takes his wallet out, and I watch as
he opens it and pulls out a wad of cash. “You can have this right here if you
let me lick it.”
“What?” I can’t believe what he’s saying.
“This right here.” He presses the stack of bills in my hand and nods to
my skirt. “You let me lick that little cunt you got, and you can keep this.”
He leans closer, and his eyes lock with mine. “Has your mama been making
sure you kept it tight for me?”
All I can do is stare up at him as he licks his lips.
“Let me fuck that cherry out of you, princess, and it’ll be our secret.”
My mouth opens and then closes as I grip the brick of bills in my hand.
“Okay,” I finally whisper, and Ox smiles.
“That’s my girl.”
He takes a hold of my hips, and before I know it, he’s pushing me back
in one of the gaming chairs. I flop down in it as he kneels between my legs
and pushes my thighs apart. I’ve never been so exposed before, and when
he hooks his finger in my panties and jerks them to the side, the cheap
cotton material rips.
“Oh, princess, you shaved it slick.” He’s staring right between my legs
as I watch him lower his head. “You ever put your fingers in it?”
“N-no,” I answer, and he grins.

I SPREAD HER LIPS, and her clit pokes out, begging to be sucked
on. “Looks like a shiny little diamond.” I rub my thumb over it, and she
jerks at the contact. “I bet it tastes like a pink starburst.”
She’s nervous as hell as I push her knees up and grab her ass. I don’t
mess around teasing her because I want to fuck her too damn bad. Instead I
lick right up the middle and then suck on her clit.
“Goddamn this is good.” I lick my lips and then dive right back into her
pussy. “There ain’t no way I was gonna to let your brother get to you before
“W-what do you mean?”
I wiggle my tongue in her little snack hole and then fuck it like I’m
planning to do with my dick. She moans so loud, and she doesn't even know
she’s doing it. Her eyes are closed tight as I lick her ass and then go back to
her clit.
She’s got a quick trigger, and one quick lick makes her cum. I’m
shocked by how fast she does it, and I let out a laugh. Her eyes pop open,
and her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
“Looks like you were made for fuckin’.” I grab her hips and squeeze the
meat on them. “These right here are your handlebars.” Sitting up, I
unbuckle my belt and then unzip my jeans. “You need to suck me off real
quick so I don’t fuck you too hard the first time.”
“I don’t know how.” She watches as I pull my cock out and then
squeeze the base.
“I’m gonna teach you, princess. Get down here and get your mouth on
it.” I grab her hip and pull her off the chair so she can get on her hands and
knees in front of me.
Her mouth opens as I swipe the head of my dick across her lips and
leave a trail of cum.
“Lick that up,” I grunt, and she does it.
Keeping one hand on the base of my cock, I use my other to grab her
hair at the back of her head and hold her steady as I slide in.
“Suck the head, that’s right, just like that.” I push in a little more, and
she swallows. “Breathe through your nose. I’m gonna fuck your mouth.”
She’s locked in place on all fours while I’m kneeling in front of her
face. I thrust my hips forward, and she tenses, but I don’t stop.
“Goddamn, I bet every other hole you got is just as sweet.” I grunt and
clench my teeth as she sucks. “Look at how good you’re doing getting your
mouth fucked like a pretty girl.” She whines a little as she looks up at me.
“Bet you’ve been thirsty for praise from your daddy. Well, I’m here now,
princess, and you’re doing it so good.”
She swallows, and my cock swells with the need to cum. It’s been too
damn long since I got off, but seeing her here all dressed up and eager
makes it hard for me not to go off so fast.
“My nut’s coming, and you better not spit it out. You might not like the
taste, but I’m your daddy, and I expect you to swallow.”
Her eyes lock with mine, and she nods as I push all the way in. My balls
draw up tightly, and the thick vein on my dick pulses as I cum in her mouth.
My eyes roll to the back of my head, and it feels like she’s trying to suck
my soul out of me. Fuck, she can have it with lips like hers.
“Good girl,” I say as I pet her head and she swallows again. “Such a
good girl.”
Holding her chin, I slowly slide out until just the tip is left. I feel her
tongue sweep over it to get every last drop, and I groan with pride. She tries
to suck me back in, and I have to shake my head.
“All right now, that’s enough. I’ve gotta save some for your little cunt.”
I raise my chin, and she sits up. “Get on your back and pull your shirt up. I
wanna fuck your titties too.”
She doesn’t hesitate as she rolls over, and while she’s pulling her shirt
up, I push my jeans down to my knees.
“Pull the bra up too. I want just your titties.”
“Okay.” Her voice is soft as she grabs the edge of her bra and pulls it up
so her tits spill out.
“Fuck, you really do look like your mama.” I grin as I climb on top of
her. “And if you’re gonna answer me, I better hear you put Daddy on the
end of it.” I look down at her as I put my knees on either side of her chest.
“You understand me?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“That’s my princess. Let me lube you up, and then I want you to push
your titties together for me.”
Leaning down, I spit between her tits and slide my cock in it. Then she
pushes them around my dick, and I thrust my hips forward.
“That’s it. Make it tight like your pussy.” The tip of my cock bumps her
chin as I thrust, and she leans down to lick it. “Holy shit, you’re really
earning that degree ain’t you, princess? Suck on it for Daddy and get you a
little extra.”
Her mouth latches on to the tip as I brace my hands on the floor and
hump her tits. She’s so fucking horny for it that I cum instantly.
“You did that like you loved it.” I smile down at her as my cock slides
out of her mouth and from between her tits. “It’s all right if you do. This is
our secret. We don’t have to tell anyone what we do when we’re alone.”
I push her legs apart because I’m ready to fuck, and her skirt rides up
around her waist.
“With your fat tits and thick hips, you look grown, princess. But this
little cunt?” I slide my cock through her folds, and she drips onto me. “Oh,
she’s young.” I grin as I push in a little. “Young enough to get me in
“No, Daddy, I’m legal.” She spreads her legs a little wider, and I push in
just a bit more.
“I know, I remember the day I made you.” Her pussy clenches, and her
eyes widen.
“I’m not on anything, Daddy. I don’t want to get pregnant like my
mommy did.”
“You’re probably just as ripe as she was.” My cock throbs as I grab her
hips and pin her to the carpet. “I need to do this, so try and be quiet.”
With one hard thrust, I go all the way inside her cunt and pop that fresh
cherry. She cries out, but I ignore it as I pull out and thrust hard again. She
tries to wiggle away, but I put my weight on top of her so she can’t move.
“Be still.” I groan as I fuck her harder.
“Daddy, it hurts!”
“Shh, just let it happen.” I’m going faster now and getting in her deep.
“That’s it, princess. Let me have it.”
I’ve got her pinned under me as I go balls deep and then grind against
her clit. Eventually she stops fighting me, and I can sit up.
“See, I told you you’d like it.” She looks embarrassed again as I glance
down between us. “Your cherry’s on my dick, princess.”
I use my thumb to rub over her clit, and she lets out a moan. I’m gonna
make her cum while I’m inside her so she remembers how good this feels.
“Daddy, you have to pull out.” She pants and tries to push my hand
“Come on, don’t you want Daddy to feel good?” I keep rubbing her clit,
and she’s trying not to cum. “You might like it too.”
“No, Daddy, please don’t.” She’s so close to cumming, but she doesn’t
want to.
“What do you want, princess? I’ll give you anything you want if you let
me do it.”
“Daddy.” She’s whining again, and her eyes are pleading.
“Come on, now, anything you want and it’s yours. Just let Daddy put his
cum in you.”
She hesitates for a moment as I rub her clit and then she bares down on
my cock. “A new car?”
“What kind?” I tease as I ease up on the pressure.
“An expensive one.” She blurts out, and I smile.
“All right, we’ll go this afternoon and pick one out.”
“Thank you, Daddy,” she moans, and I rub her once more before she
cums on my cock.
I thrust all the way inside and then pump into her. My seed comes out
with heavy spurts in her pussy while she clenches around it. I’ve never felt
anything so good before, and it’s like heaven.
“Now roll on your belly. I want that ass cherry too.”

“BUT—” she starts to protest as I pull out, and I shake my head.

“If I’m paying for your school and a new car, I want every hole,
She looks like she’s thinking something over, and then I feel her hands
on my chest. “Can I get something extra for it?”
Bending down, I place a kiss on her lips and nod. “What do you have in
“I want an apartment off campus.”
“Hmm.” I pretend to think it over. “Seems like a lot for one time in your
“What about more than once?” She glances up at me through her lashes,
and somehow she looks so innocent.
“If I get you an apartment, I’ll have a key.” I rub my nose against hers
and then give her a stern look. “Which means I get to visit you anytime I
“I think that would only be fair.” She rocks her hips up and rubs her
cummy lips against my hard dick. “And you could let me earn some extra
“Your brother might want a key too.” When her eyes widen, I shrug. “I
can keep him off of you as long as you keep me happy.”
“I promise, Daddy,” she says and then rolls over onto her belly. I watch
as she spreads her legs and lifts her ass just a little for me. “I’ll be a good
“Nobody else gets your holes,” I say as I grip her hips and push my wet
cock between her ass cheeks. “You understand me?”
“Yes, Daddy.”
My cum has already slid down to her ass, so there’s plenty of lube as I
push against her tight hole. She tenses, and I squeeze her hips tight so she
doesn’t try to wiggle away again.
“I can cum in this one as much as I want, and we don’t have to worry
about a baby.” I push deeper into her ass, and she groans with pleasure.
It’s tight, and I go slow, but she seems to love it. Or she loves the idea
of me being in her without the chance of getting pregnant. She pushes her
ass back against me, and I hold still as she moves. She’s riding my length
while I’m balls deep in her ass, and I sit back and watch.
“Look how perfect you are,” I say as I help her rock back on my dick. “I
wish you could see your ass when I’ve got you nice and full. It’s so pink
and pretty.”
Deciding I want to commemorate this, I pull out my phone and snap a
“Daddy, what are you doing?”
“I’m gonna have to show you off to the boys at the job site.” I change
my phone from picture to video. “Ride it real good and show off how you
fuck Daddy.”
She pushes her ass down on my cock and rolls her hips, and then I see
her reach her hand between her legs and start rubbing her pussy.
“Look at her,” I say as I keep recording. “She’s getting off on it.” Her
moans get louder, and her hand moves faster. “She’s barely legal but made
to fuck. See these hips?” I smack the side of one and she calls me Daddy.
“Listen to her. She knows who’s in her ass.”
My cock throbs, and when she starts to cum, I go with her. Once I’m
finished, I toss the phone aside and thrust one last time. Her legs are
shaking and nearly give out, but I keep a hold of her and roll us to the side.
“I’m so proud of you, princess.” I wrap my arms around her and kiss the
top of her head. “You’ve made me so proud.”
“Are we going to do it again?”
“Fuck, you are a horny little thing.” I tickle her side, and she giggles.
“Right now I’m going to take you to the dealership and let you pick out a
“I love you, Daddy,” she says, and my arms tighten around her.
“I love you too, princess.” I kiss the top of her head and pull out of her
ass. “You’re going to have to go without panties but that will make it easier
for me to fuck you in your new toy.”
“What if I get a sports car?” She looks like Christmas morning as she
lets me play with her tits before pulling her bra back into place.
“Princess, there isn’t a place I can’t fuck you. And that includes on the
hood of the car in the middle of the dealership lot.” I laugh as her eyes
widen. “Hell, I could sell tickets for people to watch and probably pay for
Her mouth opens and then closes, and I cock my head to the side.
“You like the idea of people watching?”
“I don’t know. I kind of liked the idea of you showing people that
“That’s because I’m your daddy, and I’m proud of you.” I pull her
thighs apart and rub between her pussy lips. “You like knowing I’m
showing you off.”
She moans as I push my fingers into her and then start fucking her with
“Maybe one day you’ll let your brother show you off too.” I can feel her
getting wetter as I say it, and I nod. “It’s okay if you like it. It’s only right
since he’s your brother. He’s family, and that’s why it feels so good.”
“Are you really my daddy?” she asks, and I rub her clit.
When she’s right at the edge, I put my lips to her ear and whisper, “I’m
whatever makes you cum harder.”
With those words, she cries out and then climaxes hard enough to make
her pass out in my arms. Before she wakes up, I climb on top of her and
slide into her wet pussy. I’m thrusting and grunting on top of her while she
sleeps and I take her roughly.
Just when I’m about to go off, she opens her eyes. She’s right on time to
watch me go as deep as I can and cum in her cunt. She tries to push me off
of her, but it’s too late, and she knows it.
“Don’t scowl at me, you were the one sleeping,” I tease and she pokes
out her bottom lip.
“I couldn’t help it.” Her pussy clenches around my cock, and although
she might pretend to not like it, I can tell she does.
“Come on, let’s go before you can make me buy you another car.”
“You know I’d really love to have this gaming setup in my new
apartment,” she says and I roll my eyes.
“Fine, but I’m going to fuck you while you play.” She’ll be lucky if I
ever leave the apartment at all. My little girl is mine. She is all I’ll ever
want or need. There is no letting go. I’ve waited long enough.
“Thank you, Daddy.” She wraps her arms around my neck and squeals
with excitement.


“IT’S POKER NIGHT, ELSA,” Daddy tells me as he comes into my

“Does that mean all of my uncles are coming over?” I ask, and he nods.
“I think it’s time you sat in on a few hands.” He takes a seat on the edge
of my bed next to where I’m stretched out. “Do you think you can do that
for me?”
Daddy’s brothers come over once a month for a big poker night. There’s
five of them total, and I’m the only niece. That means that I’m always
getting spoiled because they love to treat me like a princess and buy me
Everyone comes here to play because Daddy has such a nice setup in
the basement. Sometimes I sneak down to watch, and I take turns sitting on
their laps while they play late into the night. It’s one of my favorite nights
of the month, but Daddy has never asked me to play with them before.
Maybe it’s because I had my big girl birthday last week? I’m eighteen and
finally out of high school. I thought about going to college, but Daddy
needs me here with him. I don’t think he could sleep at night if I wasn’t in
his bed.
“I’m not sure I know how to play.” I sit up, and Daddy places his hand
on my thigh. I’m only in a shirt and panties, but he likes it when I’m in my
sleep clothes.
“There are a few things I need to do first that will help you.” His hand
moves higher until it’s at my waist. “You’ll need to let me teach you the
“Should I go get the cards?” He shakes his head as he pushes up my
“You know how we cuddle?” he asks, and then I feel him push my shirt
“You mean at night when I’m only wearing panties?”
“That’s right. It feels good, doesn’t it?”
I nod quickly because it does. Sometimes I want more, but Daddy told
me I had to wait until my special birthday. “Will I be cuddling tonight?” I’m
confused as he smiles and shakes his head.
“Not exactly. Here, let’s take this off.” He pushes my shirt the rest of the
way over my head so I’m only in my panties like when we go to bed. “Your
uncles have been looking forward to spending more time with you on poker
nights. But I’ve got to get you ready first.”
His hands go to the edge of my panties, and he slowly pulls them down.
Once I’m completely naked, he puts his hands on the inside of my knees
and spreads my legs open.
“Daddy, that tickles.” I giggle and try to close my legs, but he shakes his
“Keep them open, princess. I’m going to give you some kisses.”
“Down there?” I blink up at him, and he smirks like I should know
better. Daddy kisses me all the time, but he only touches my privates when
he’s giving me a bath.
I watch as his head bends down, and then I feel his tongue on my kitty.
Without thinking, I reach out and grab his hair because it’s shocking at first.
His dark gray locks are tight in my fingers, but he doesn’t stop.
“Daddy!” I shout when I feel pressure between my legs. I think it’s his
fingers, but I can’t see. “Daddy, stop!”
His tongue flicks against my kitty fast, and I squeeze my eyes shut.
Then I feel a pinch of pain as something pushes inside my body. I cry out,
but then there’s a sucking sensation and then everything stops feeling weird
and starts feeling good. Really good.
“Oh Daddy, that’s—” I can’t think of what it is, but my fingers in his
hair loosen as I rock my hips. Whatever’s inside me starts to move with my
hips, and a tingle begins to build.
“That’s it, wiggle your hips,” he tells me, and I do it.
Daddy is looking at me now, and when I glance down, I see he’s got two
fingers pushing in me. His tongue licks lazily between my kitty lips, and
when he sucks on me, my eyes roll to the back of my head.
He does it again, and this time, the tingle turns into something more,
and it feels like my body is going to explode. I bear down on his fingers as
he sucks, and then I can’t hold back anymore. Heat and relief flood my
body, and it’s like I’ve fallen into paradise. My arms and legs feel like jelly,
and I fall against the mattress like a noodle.
“You feel this?” Daddy takes my hand and puts it on his lap. He’s hard
and poking against his pants. “That’s how you know you’re doing a good
job and making me happy.”
“I love making you happy, Daddy.,” I say as I rub him over his bulge.
“Now you’re going to put your mouth on my cock and do what I did to
you,” he says as he unzips his pants. “I’m going to teach you how to suck a
dick, princess.”
He takes his fingers out from inside me and licks them clean as he
opens his pants. His cock juts forward, and it’s already so big and dripping.
Daddy puts his hand on the back of my head and brings me closer.
“That’s it, open up.” He holds my hair with one hand while the other
stays on the back of my neck. “I want you to use your tongue and lick up
that cream first. That’s my girl.”
Pearls of white bead at the head, and I lap it with my tongue. It’s tangy
and salty, but when Daddy moans, I know it must feel good. Then I suck
him into my mouth the way he did, and more cream hits my tongue.
“Fuck, Uncle Dylan was right. He said you’d be a natural.” That makes
me preen a little as I take more of Daddy’s cock. “All the way to the back,”
he says before he pushes me down, and I start to gag. “Breathe through
your nose.”
I do what Daddy says and try not to panic as he lets me up for air and
then pushes me down again. I’ve got no control as he uses my mouth and
grunts his pleasure.
“So good.” His words are clipped as his cock swells bigger. “Fuck, I
can’t last. Swallow, princess.”
That’s the only warning I get before he’s cumming in my mouth, and I
have to swallow quickly. I do it over and over, and each time, Daddy
relaxes by degrees. Once the last of it is gone, he pulls me off and then lays
me back down on the bed.
“Did I do a good job, Daddy?” I ask, and he smiles.
He’s breathing hard as he climbs on top of me, but he looks so happy.
“You did. Now I’ve got one last thing to do before you’re ready for poker
His big body is heavy, and when he pushes my legs open, I can’t move.
I feel the wet tip of the cock I just sucked on pushing at my kitty, and I
“Daddy, you can’t put that there. It won’t fit!” I try to shove at his chest,
but he’s so much bigger than me that he doesn't budge.
“Don’t worry, it will fit.” He grabs my wrists and pins them down as he
pushes more inside.
My eyes widen, and I shake my head. “Daddy, no! It’s too big!”
“My little princess.” His eyes are half closed, and he’s not listening to
me. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”
“Daddy, please don’t.”
“So innocent,” he whispers, and then he bends down and starts sucking
on my nipples.
“Daddy!” I can feel his tongue as he pretends to drink from me, and
then he moans. “What are you doing?”
“I’m making you a woman,” he says, and then I feel him thrust into me
all the way.
My eyes widen in shock, and there’s a pressure between my legs, but
it’s not really pain. I try to squirm, but he’s got me locked down against the
mattress with his big body and belly as he goes deeper.
One time when I was little, Daddy took me to Uncle Frank’s farm, and I
saw his dogs doing what Daddy’s doing to me. Daddy moans loud as he
humps faster just like that dog did.
The longer Daddy humps me, the wetter I feel myself getting, and my
cheeks burn with embarrassment. The pressure that was there earlier is
fading, and now I’m starting to like what he’s doing. My kitty clenches, and
Daddy seems to like that, so I do it again.
He reaches between us and rubs where he licked me earlier, and I moan
almost as loudly as him.
“That’s it, cum on Daddy’s dick while I give you this nut,” he grunts
and his big heavy body is sweaty on top of me. “Your uncles are going to
fight over this, but I got it first.”
I gasp at the thought of my uncles doing this to me but not because I’m
scared. The thought of all of them wanting me, loving on me, and even
fighting over me makes all those good feelings rise to the surface.
With one last touch from Daddy, I feel my tingles burst, and there’s a
rush of warmth between my legs.
“Now my little girl is all grown up.” Daddy groans as he holds himself
deep, and his cock begins to pulse.
His cum fills up my insides, and I like how heavy and warm it is. I
clench around him and then wonder if he can do it again. The weight of his
body is almost too much, but the feeling of his release is somehow right.
All of this is right, even if some people might think it’s wrong.
“I love you, Daddy,” I whisper, and he leans back a little to look at me.
“I love you too, princess.” He kisses me so sweetly and then makes me
open my mouth so he can lick me there too. “Let’s get you cleaned up. Your
uncles will be here soon.”

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AR Taboo is the extra filthy side of the
writing duo Alexa Riley

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