Cs Program Description

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Cyber Security

by Brainnest
Industry Training
We believe that theoretical education and indus- in the labor market. Because of that, Brainnest
try training should be together more responsive has decided to allow undergraduates and fresh
to real market needs. Yet we are still noticing a graduates to have this valuable opportunity thro-
growing demand for under-graduates and fresh ugh this program. The program aims at enabling
graduates to get appropriate business training the participants to work on business projects, get
and an excellent opportunity to be part of the proper guidance, and learn practical concepts
business world, work on industry tasks and pro- rather than just theoretical concepts.
jects, and practically learn how things work

What benefits will you gain? 03
Participants will receive the best possible practical training with the prospects

of a job. This is the purpose of the whole program. Some of the benefits you will gain
from this practicum program are listed below:

Priority to be selected for a full-time,

part-time, or contractor position at
Business certificate from Brainnest Reference/recommendation letter Working on business cases based
Brainnest or the companies we
– German consulting company from your training tutor on current or past Brainnest projects
work with (90% of our recruitments
are internal)

Lectures given by experienced Close supervision and orientation Working an average of one to two Fully remote positions with access
industry professionals from your mentor hours per day with a flexible schedule to online tools and platforms

Unlocking your potentials and getting Professional business training, Having your work criticized, Professional projects experience
prepared to be hired right away guidance, and experience assessed, and corrected to put on your CV

Bremen, Germany

We are a success-driven firm that provides manage- Since 2020, we offer a combination of expertise, pro-
ment advisory and contracting services customized to ficiency, and commitment leveraging our deep indus-
help companies from different industries with business try experience, along with using analytical rigor to
management problems. Brainnest runs, leads, and drive outstanding results for businesses. We proudly
manages complex projects and initiatives. We have be- provide topclass consulting and training services for a
gun from scratch when a network of professionals, wide range of industries around the world. A well-
Ph.D. holders, and highly skilled personnel bring to a equipped team, advanced tools, and modern meth-
business table their practical and academic years of odologies are some of what we correctly utilize to
experience to form up a concrete blueprint on which the offer our clients what makes them the best in their
company has been designed. fields.

Throughout the Brainnest’s program,
you will find out about: 05
Establishing a personal hacking lab to gain practical experience with real-world Acquiring knowledge of the tools and processes required to set up and utilize a
applications hacking lab for testing vulnerabilities and weaknesses

Familiarizing oneself with the features and functionality of GitHub, and enhancing Utilizing GitHub for version control and collaboration, and creating a portfolio of
one's cybersecurity resume through completed projects work to demonstrate skills and knowledge in the field

Identifying vulnerabilities and implementing appropriate security measures to Gaining an understanding of the foundations of cybersecurity and relevant
defend against cyber threats terminology, including zero-day exploits

Enhancing awareness of online privacy and best practices for protecting oneself Recognizing the importance of secure online practices and how to safeguard
and others in the digital world personal and sensitive information from cyber threats

Acquiring insight into the tactics and techniques of hackers, and learning how to Familiarizing oneself with the tools and methods employed by hackers and how to
ethically hack networks use them ethically

Developing advanced and practical methods for securing laptops, desktops, and Developing the ability to use Python to create and test cybersecurity solutions, and
mobile devices, as well as handling various operating systems and virtual machines identifying and analyzing vulnerabilities in systems and networks

Working on cybersecurity projects using Python, including penetration testing and Learning to use the command line for tasks and process automation in a computer
PenTest analysis system

Building proficiency in working with the command line interface (CLI) and scripting ... and much more!
About the Brainnest Tutors
Mohammad is a highly qualified IT professional with over
six years of industry experience and a Ph.D. student at
Eastern Mediterranean University, where he is studying
about technology and interested in implementing
Electrical and Electronics Engineering. He is a certified
artificial intelligence in fields such as cybersecurity, the

Cisco instructor and has presented at conferences and IoT, and Power Systems.

workshops on topics such as cybersecurity, networking,

and the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition to his technical During his studies, Mohammad has completed several
skills, Mohammad is multilingual and speaks English, notable projects, including:
Turkish, Persian, and his native language Akbarabadi. He Building a fully homemade electric vehicle and plac-
is proficient in various programming languages, including: ing 5th out of 88 teams in an efficiency competition
MATLAB Developing a facial recognition system for student
Python attendance tracking
Some familiarity with HTML and CSS
Designing and building a motor controller for a spe-

cific application.

Mohammad has expertise in various IT fields, including

In his free time, Mohammad enjoys traveling and has
cybersecurity, networking, system administration, and the
visited several countries, immersing himself in different
IoT. As part of his duties as a research assistant at the
cultures and learning about their traditions and
university, he provides level 3 technical support and
history. He is a strong believer in lifelong learning
delivers IT support to over 12 departments. He has also
and personal development and regularly attends
consulted on security implementation and endpoint device
professional development workshops and seminars to
protection for over 150 academic staff. In addition, he has
stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies
coached and mentored many students, contributing to
in the IT industry.

their success in earning degrees and finding internships

and jobs. Mohammad is passionate

Program Calendar start on finish on You can choose whether you want to be in

The training program consists of four weeks, with four parts of a project.
Each part will be introduced on Sunday and reviewed on Saturday.
Group A (starts at 12:30 p.m.)
Group B (starts at 4 p.m.) 07
The hours are given in German local time

April 9 April 10 – April 14 April 15

Program Kick Off

Group A Group B Work on the project Project [1] review
Group A Group B
+ Concept insights + Assessment session
12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. 1–2h / day Flexible hours Teamwork 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
+ Project [1] details

April 16 April 17 – April 21 April 22

Concept insights
Group A Group B Work on the project Project [2] review
Group A Group B
+ Project [2] details + Assessment session
12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. 1–2h / day Flexible hours Teamwork 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

April 23 April 24 – April 28 April 29

Concept insights
Group A Group B Work on the project Project [3] review
Group A Group B
+ Project [3] details + Assessment session
12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. 1–2h / day Flexible hours Teamwork 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.

April 30 May 1 – May 5 May 6

Concept insights
Group A Group B Work on the project Project [4] review
Group A Group B
+ Project [4] details + Assessment session
12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. 1–2h / day Flexible hours Teamwork 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
+ End of the program

Admission process 08
There are four admission stages:

Initial Recruitment Assessment Final positive or

Screening Task Interview negative decision on
You've just passed it, You are at this stage Don't worry about this part! It's the admission to the
congratulations! just a casual conversation to program

evaluate your English level,

fluency of speech, and industry

The program has a fee of EUR 149 and shall be paid only
after the final positive decision. You will be able to pay Program Fee
using a variety of payment methods via a dedicated link
through the secure payment processor Stripe.
EUR 149

Program 09

90% To receive the certificate and letter of
reference, you must attend at least
90% of the entire program.
Qualification Task:
In your opinion, what is the best
encryption method for securing
personal files?

10% Absences without a valid excuse should count for

no more than 10% of the entire program.
Why would you like to work as
a cyber security specialist?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the interview about? What kind of projects will I work Is this a regular internship or just a Why is there a fee that I should
on during the program? training program? pay to attend the program?
The 20-minute interview is designed for
level-assessment purposes. In addition, we You will work on business cases based on This intensive one-month training program This is a one-month intensive training
will tell you more about our company, team, current or past Brainnest projects. You will encompasses tasks and responsibilities program offered by Brainnest that leads
instructors, program structure, and pro- have the opportunity to discover the most that you might find in a regular internship the theoretical and practical part. Besides
gram content. The interview is also de- important aspects of any professional and directions, lectures, and practicum the experience, training, connections, and
signed to assess your interest and know project. projects that you might find in a regular exposure, this program brings a list of
more about your educational background training program. benefits that you might find very interesting
and plans. and beneficial. The program has a fee
because Brainnest provides top-level in-
structors who explain the theoretical and
C an I know more about the practical concepts that you will be able to
instructors and managers of this apply smoothly and professionally. More-
program? over, Brainnest does not use the trainees’
work during the program for profit-making
Once I am enrolled in this The managers and instructors who lead our Do I have to be in Germany or
programs are carefully selected from the
program, can I add the position, travel to Germany to attend the
top of their respective fields all around the
your company name, and the world. These professionals all have first-
direct manager’s name to my hand experience in their industries, having
LinkedIn profile? spent years working alongside the most You do not have to be in Germany or travel
Is this program fully remote?
respected and sought-after companies in to Germany to attend the program. The
Yes, definitely. Once you are registered, you the world. Unfortunately, we can’t provide program can be fully attended remotely
Yes. The training program is led from
are welcome to add your position, our their full names at this stage due to privacy through our online platforms and systems.
Germany, but takes place and is attended
company’s name, and direct manager to reasons.
by each member remotely through our
your LinkedIn profile or any other social online platforms and systems.
media profiles.

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I have to skip a session for What are the criteria for selecting What do you mean by flexible Is it possible to waive the fee or
a specific reason? those who might be offered a job? timing from Monday to Friday? get a scholarship from Brainnest?

We understand that you might need ex- We assess several factors to select the Monday through Friday of each week in the We are very sorry, but currently, we do not
ceptionally to skip some sessions for a valid members whom we will offer a job. These program, you will have to work with your offer any subsidies.
reason. In this case, we will make sure to factors are mainly performance, skill set, focus group and/or individually on several
send you the recording of the session. You and our company needs and circum- projects that will require a couple of hours
may also follow up with your instructor or stances. each day. It is up to you (and your focus
direct manager for questions or to have a group) to decide how and when you will
one-to-one recap meeting.
spend these hours.

Am I going to have direct contact

What are the chances that I with your clients while working on
will be selected to work for the projects?
your company after completing
the program? No. We do not ask you to work directly
What kind of jobs might you offer Are the projects that I will be with any of our clients during this training
me after completing the program? We always try to select a couple of trainees working on during the program program.
and offer them a permanent position. It
related to one company or
depends on several factors considered at
It depends on the skill set you have. It can
the end of the program. These factors
different companies?
be an analyst, managerial, or another
include the performance of the members,
position. It also depends on the needs of the
our needs at the company, and the pre- They might be related to one company, If I was offered a job, what is the
companies that fall under our man- several companies, or even a client.
agement. The job might be a remote job or
vailing circumstances. process after that?
an office job.
It depends on the type of offer we give you.
Each offer has specific processes and
procedures that will be discussed thor-
oughly with you at that time.

Contact If you have any questions,

do not hesitate to contact us!

Brainnest Headquarters:

Hollerallee 26/2. OG 28209 [email protected]

Bremen Germany www.brainnest.consulting

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