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Online School Management System

Submitted To Submitted By

Md. Abdul Mannan (1233270)

MD. Sayed Zahidul Hassan Md. Rafikul Islam (1236026)
Md. Zakaria Rana (1230015)
Consultant Kazi Shakhawat Hossain (1236873)
IDB-BISEW IT Scholarship Project Ayesha Siddika (1236023)
Online School Management System
Delport High School

Table of contents
Content Name PAGE NO.

Acknowledgement ……………………………………………………………. 3

Introduction………………………………………………………………………. 4

Project Overview ……………………………………………………………… 6

Requirement……………………………………............................................... 7

Technology used ……………………..……………………………………….. 8

Data Dictionary……………………………………………………………. 10

Design Model …….…………………………….…………………….... 15

UI Design …………………………………………………………………….. 22

Snapshots ………….……………………………………………………………. 26


First of all, we thank the almighty Allah for completing this project successfully and we also like to
thank many people who helped us in completing this project. Foremost we would like to thank Almighty
Allah who give us strength and ability to complete this project. We would like to express our gratitude
to all those who gave us the possibility to complete this project. We want to thank IDB-BISEW and
BIRDS A & Z Limited for providing the stage to do the project and helping us to do the necessary
research. We furthermore, thank our Trainer and Instructor honorable Sir. MD. Azman Ali giving us
complete support, advising us in the project and who taught me the basic of system development. He
helped us to learn about different types of software development methodologies along with benefits.
We would like to thank to our consultant honorable Sir. MD. Sayed Zahidul Hassan for instructing us to
implement our project Plan. Finally we are really thankful to our Teammates and Course mate for the
valuable suggestions and nice co-operations.

Thank You

Md. Abdul Mannan (1233270)

Md. Rafikul Islam (1236026)
Md. Zakaria Rana (1230015)
Kazi Shakhawat Hossain (1236873)

Ayesha Siddika (1236023)


Education is the backbone of a nation. Advanced technology available today can play a crucial
role in streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among students, teachers,
parents and the school staff. School Management System consists of tasks such as registering students,
producing report cards, producing official transcript and preparing timetable.
Handling the administration of an educational institution such as a school or college is not
among the easiest of jobs as there are a lot of things that need to be taken care, which includes
management of students and staff information, attendance, timetable, payroll and other things.
Manually maintaining a record of all these things is quite difficult and the advent of school
management system software eased the job to a great extent.
Our School Management System is the perfect software of this type that ensures that school
owners don't face any difficulty in handling the daily routine tasks of their school. It has all the
comprehensive features that are needed to effectively run and administer an educational institution. It
makes the job of handling the administration quite easier and simpler. It is perfect for every kind of
educational institution including schools, colleges, universities, and group of institutions, training
centers and others.
School Management System enables school to use and operate many of integrated interrelated
modules and manage the administration of school efficiently. Due to its ever growing and competitive
nature, the education sector has always been in need of a quality solution to manage and serve the
school resources efficiently. IT sector is giving number of solutions to schools like smart classroom,
digital learning solutions and school management system to make learning easier and manage school
administration effectively. Today educational institution is not limited to imparting education alone, but
it is adapting latest trends in IT for improving the quality of education and handling various activities of
school including admissions, class management, library management, logistics, inventory, fee
management, alumni, accounts etc.
The School Management System is accurate and reliable and can be conveniently accessed from
school intranet as well as from the public internet. It is fully browser based school management system
which also includes virtual campus which can be linked with school portal and contains powerful online
access to bring parents, teachers and students on a common interactive platform. Yet another
advantage of this software is that it runs on minimal hardware and easily fits in the budget of schools.

The appearance of your student records says a lot about the quality of your school. Other educators
and registrars make judgments based on student records that can permanently affect a student's life.
School Management System capabilities include the basics such as transcripts, report cards,
attendance, and discipline as well as many other specialized capabilities, including parental access to
real time student grades on the Internet. This means that not only administrators but also parents,
teachers, and students have access to real-time data. With traditional reporting methods parents may
not find out how their student is performing in school until the end of the quarter or semester -- usually
too late to correct a problem situation. School Management System allows parents to know how their
student is doing on a continual basis by using the internet. School Management System can even send
electronic progress reports to parents via email on a weekly, monthly, or even daily basis.


We have learned a lot of about SQL server, HTML5, ASP.NET, MVC 4. Finally we have decided to
complete a project about School Management System because it will require a lot of technologies and
we have to apply them. Now let us tell about some main points of our objectives of this school
management system application software.
Computerization - All the details regarding school, whether it is small or big, will be computerized.

Automation – The automation feature of this management system will mitigate the task of writing the
papers. E.g. there is no need to write the report card of the students on the paper by the pen.

It is simply can be done online on the system, and can be forwarded to the students and their parents.

Easy Interaction – In today’s rush hour of the life, it is difficult for a parent to go to the school of his /
her child every time a teacher calls.

By this management system, it will easier for a parent and a teacher to be in touch every day. As a
matter of fact, it will be easier for each individual person who is associated with the system to be in
touch as per needed.


User can:

 Apply for admission.

 View the Teachers in the School.
 View exam schedule of individual exam term and Year.
 View the published result sheet/mark sheet of Individual students.

Admin can:
(Admin have to provide username and password in order to prove s/he is valid)

 View applied students and can delete students if any erroneous information is detected.
 Add new students and modify them if required.
 Add new subject and can modify if necessary.
 Add new teacher and can modify them if necessary.
 Generate Examination schedule.
 Add marks and can modify them.
 View results by individual classes.


Software and Operating System:

 Microsoft Windows 10
 Microsoft Visual Studio 2013
 Microsoft SQL Server 2014

 Odata
 AngularJS
 Web.API
 Bootstrap
 JavaScript
 Entity Framework

Hardware Requirement (Minimum):

 Minimum Server Requirement :

Processor 2 GHZ
Disk Space 10 GB Of Free Space

 Minimum Client Requirement :

Processor 2 GHZ
Disk Space 20 GB Of Free Space

Software Requirement (Minimum):

 Server Software Requirement:

Operating System Windows Server 2003 R2

(32-Bit x86)
Web Server IIS 6.0
Front End ASP.NET MVC 4
Back End SQL Server 2012

 Client Software Requirement:

Web browser Internet Explorer 8.0 or

Upgrade version and
Google chrome Browser.

Data Dictionary

Table Name: Admissions

Primary Key: AdmissionId
Foreign Key: N/A
Description: The information about Admission details

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

AdmissionId int Primary Key It stores Admission Id

Name nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Applicant Name

FathersName nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Applicant Father’s Name

MothersName nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Applicant Mother’s Name

CurrentAddress nvarchar(250) Not null It stores Applicant Current Address

PermanentAddress nvarchar(250) Not null It stores Applicant Permanent Address

PhoneNumber nvarchar(20) Not null It stores Applicant Phone Number

Email nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Applicant email

DOB datetime Not null It stores Applicant Date of birth

Gender nvarchar(MAX) Not null It stores Applicant gender

ApplyClass nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Applicant Apply class for

Table Name: Teachers
Primary Key: TeacherId
Foreign Key: N/A
Description: The information about Teachers

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

TeacherId int Primary Key It stores Teachers Id

TeacherName nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Teachers Name
Photo nvarchar(MAX) null It stores Teachers Photo
Designation nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Teachers Designation
JoiningDate datetime Not null It stores Teachers Joining Date
AcademicQualification nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Teachers Qualification
CellNo nvarchar(50) null It stores Teachers Phone no.

Table Name: Classes

Primary Key: ClassId
Foreign Key: N/A
Description: The information about Classes

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

ClassId int Primary Key It stores Student’s Class

ClassName String Not null It stores Students class name

Table Name: Students
Primary Key: StudentId
Foreign Key: ClassId
Description: The information about Students

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

StudentId int Primary key It stores Result Id

StudentName nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Students Name
ClassRoll int Not null It stores Classes roll
ClassId int Foreign key Give reference to Classes

Table Name: Exam Terms

Primary Key: ExamTermId
Foreign Key: N/A
Description: The information about Exam Terms

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

ExamTermId int Primary key It stores Exam Term Id

ExamTermName nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Exam Term Name

Table Name: Exam Years
Primary Key: ExamYearId
Foreign Key: N/A
Description: The information about Exam Year

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

ExamYearId int Primary key It stores Exam Year Id

ExamYearDate int Not null It stores Exam Year Date

Table Name: Exams

Primary Key: ExamId
Foreign Key: ClassId, SubjectId, ExamYearId, ExamTermId
Description: The information about Examination

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

ExamId int Primary key It stores Exam ID

ExamDate datetime Not null It stores Exam Date
ClassId int Foreign key Give reference to Class
SubjectId int Foreign key Give reference to Subject
ExamYearId int Foreign key Give reference to Exam Year
ExamTermId int Foreign key Give reference to Exam Term

Table Name: Results
Primary Key: ResultId
Foreign Key: ExamId, StudentId, SubjectId, ExamYearId, ExamTermId.
Description: The information about Results

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

ResultId int Primary key It stores Result Id

ExamId int Foreign key Give reference to Exam
StudentId int Foreign key Give reference to Students
SubjectId int Foreign key Give reference to Subjects
ExamYearId int Foreign key Give reference to Exam Year
ExamTermId int Foreign key Give reference to Exam Term
Mark float Not null It stores Marks

Table Name: Subjects

Primary Key: SubjectId
Foreign Key: N/A
Description: The information about Subjects

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

SubjectId int Primary Key It stores Subject Id

SubjectName nvarchar(50) Not null It stores Subject Name


Data Model:
This is Data Model design of our database:

Analysis & Design

Requirement model:
The relationship between the user and admin is presented below by using use case

Anonymous User/Student interaction
User Activity Sequence Diagram:

Admin Activity Sequence Diagram:

Interaction flow:

User Activity Diagram:

Admin Activity Diagram:

System Architecture

UI Design:
We use Single page application (SPA) to create the UI Design in this application software.
There are given some sample code of angularJs and HTML of our project.
Angular Controller:

Angular View:

DbModel Code Sample:

User Interface snapshot of Admission page is given below.

User Interface snapshot of Exam Schedule page is given below.

User Interface snapshot of Mark sheet page is given below. Student also can print the mark sheet or
save as PDF.

TEST SCREEN (Admin Part):

Admin panel test screen of Add New Student.

Roll will be generated automatically.

Admin panel test screen of student panel.

Admin panel test screen of Exam panel.

Admin Panel for result control

Admin panel for Subject Modification:

Admin panel for Teacher Insert:


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