Module 1 Qde

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Republic of the Philippines


Camarines Sur


Name of Students___________________________________ Week Number 1, 2 and 3

Course Code: FOR4 Name of Faculty: Shirlene S Esplana
Course Title: Questioned Document Examination


At the end of this module, you will be able to:

1. Recite the PSU VGMO and Quality Policy

2. Cite ways to contribute to the attainment of PSU VGMO
3. Explain the course content, procedures and requirements
4. Relate the historical background of questioned document examination
development to the current practices of the forensic examiner.
5. Differentiate the classes of documents, disputed and questioned.
6. Discuss the basic points of obtaining standards specimen in conducting forensic
7. Demonstrate the care the handling of documents.


2. Historical Accounts
3. Definition and Classes of Documents
4. Disputed Documents
5. Questioned Document Examinations
6. Basic Points of Obtaining Standards
7. Care and Handling of Documents



University Vision

The Leading University in geology, bio resource science and environmental

management in the Bicol Region.

University Mission

To provide quality instruction in the arts, philosophy, sciences, technology and other
relevant courses and create a competitive advantage in research, extension and
production services for the socio-economic upliftment of the Bicolanos.

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Republic of the Philippines
Camarines Sur

Core Values

P – Passion for Excellence

S – Service for Client Satisfaction
U- Unity for Stability

Quality Policy

The Partido State University commits to provide quality instruction, responsive

research and need based extension services for global competitiveness and
satisfaction of its clients, stakeholders, regulatory bodies and other services through
continual improvement of the quality management system.

College Goal

The goal of Criminology Education program of Partido State University-Lagonoy

Campus is to provide the community with professionally competent and morally
responsible graduates committed to render efficient and effective services in the
field of criminology, police administration, law enforcement administration, forensic
science, correctional administration, security and safety administration and other law
enforcement related work.


Questioned documents examination is

one of the professional courses in your
curriculum under the Criminalistics with
20% of weighted average in the
Criminologist Licensure Examination.
Document examination is one of the
challenging fields of forensic investigation
requiring higher level of knowledge and
skills to give an expert opinion during the
evidence presentation in court.

In practicing the questioned document

examination must be performed by a license criminologist pursuant to RA 11131.
This course is setting high expectation from the students and better to exceed
beyond the beginner’s level to gain advantage among the professionals who are
already in the field. The science kept improving the process of examination through
technological innovation addressing the challenge of socioeconomic and
environmental changes.

Historical Accounts

Document examination has been in use for decades now for disputed documents in
the court of law. The history of questioned documents dates back to 3rd century A.D.
However, scientific document examination started around the 18th century.

From the start of civilization, Forgeries had been in use for violation of laws to
change the seals, handwriting, preparing official documents, signatures, etc.

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Camarines Sur

The first case reported regarding the document examination was in the 3rd century.
During that time, Imperial Rome was famous for forgers. Titus and Anthony were
the famous and most skilled forgers of that time known for forging all kinds of

There was a need to stop forgeries at that time and Roman Law mandated that the
procedures must be followed to detect forgeries in documents and the authenticity of

In the 6th century (around 539 AD), Justinian code was established by a Roman
emperor Justinian in which the guidelines for document examination were mandated.
The Justinian code made sure that a judge could ask a person with special skills to
examine the disputed documents and give testimony regarding the authenticity of a

During that time the experts were considered as master writers in France. every
country started to follow to detect forgeries and other document related crimes.

Photographers also considered themselves as handwriting experts during the 1890s

after the invention of photography because they had the advantage of analyzing
handwriting characteristics using cameras by enlarging the alphabets f or

In a famous case, Alphonse Bertillon (inventor of Anthropometry) was also a

photographer and using the technology accused an army person of forgery which
was later challenged by the experts from the US and England.

After the challenge, the charges against the army officer were exonerated by the

During the 1890s handwriting examination was common and two experts Hagen
and Frazer published a book on disputed documents.

During the 1900s, Albert Sherman Osborn wrote many articles related to
typewriting identification in 1901 before publishing a book titled “Questioned

With some modifications in the first edition of the book, he published a new edition of
the book in 1929 which set a base for the examination of questioned documents as
the books are still in use.

Albert S. Osborn was named as the father of questioned documents due to his
contribution to the field of questioned documents.

His other publications included the problem of proof (1922), The mind of the Juror
(1937) and Questioned document problems (1944).

In 1942, ASQDE (American society of Questioned document examination) was

established with the main focus of education and research in the field of questioned
document examination.

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Camarines Sur

ASQDE is still working and continuously contributing to the field of document


Learning Activity

Definition and Classes of Documents

What Is a Document?

The document is any material that contains marks, symbols, or signs, either visible,
partially visible, which may presently or ultimately convey a meaning or a message
to someone. It typically consists of written and press-printed items, which can
include marks on an object such as a color or blood on a wall or aboard. Other
examples of documents are guns with serial numbers, walls with writings, and other
objects with writings or symbols.

According to Revised Rules on Evidence, section 19 (Rules of Court), documents

can be legally classified as either public or private.

 Public Document- a document created or executed by public officials.

 Private Document- a document created or executed by a private person.

According to Albert Osborn (1910) in his book Questioned Documents, documents

are attacked on many grounds and for various reasons, but the great majority of
questioned papers are included in the following classes:

A. Document with questioned signature

This is considered as the most common type of questioned document. A forged

signature is usually found in a commercial or legal document, such as checks,
notices, receipts, drafting, order, contract, assignment, will, deed, and the like.
Forgery typically occurs when someone transfers his or her duties and rights to
another person by signing such documents.

B. A document containing alleged fraudulent alterations.

The document is altered by the process of erasure, addition, interlineation, or

substitution which greatly affects the value of a certain document. Questions can
arise about this class of documents about the series of writing as indicated by
crossed lines, age of writing, continuity of writing, erasures and changes, the identity
of ink, identification of pen and script, self-consciousness or uncommon caution of
writing, and, under such circumstances, the question may arise as to whether the
writing was accompanied or followed by the folding of the document.

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Camarines Sur

This important class of records also contains all sorts of 'modified' checks, drafts,
and notices, as well as false interlineations of contracts, papers, wills, and other
legal documents.

C. Holograph Document

The Holograph document is a kind of document entirely written by its author. It

be a will, letter, or a deed written and signed by the writer.

D. Documents questioned as to their age or date.

Many documents are questioned about their age or date. Sources of this include
old records, birth certificates, licenses, land deeds, and other important papers.

E. Document questioned as to the material used in their production.

Some documents are believed to be fabricated because they were dated many
years before the paper on which they were written was published. One example is
our currency bill which is always made using fake printing materials.

F. Documents involving typewriting. (source, date, and contents)

G. Documents that may identify a person through handwriting.

It is a type of document in doubt that is often put under investigation. According
Albert Osborn (1910), all kinds of anonymous and controversial letters are the most
common in this class. These may be ordinary letters provided as evidence, but they
are typically violent, warning, pornographic, or scurrilous messages and threatening
letters that so often become the subject of legal investigation.

H. Genuine documents erroneously or fraudulently altered or disputed.

Such documents are generally written by individuals under investigation or arrest, to
distract from the suspicion that they have written them.

Disputed Documents is the term given when there is an argument or controversy

on the document.

Questioned Document Examinations is a document which is in questioned

because of its origin, its contents, or circumstances regarding its production arouse
suspicion as to its genuine or it may adversely scrutinize simply because it
displeases someone

Basic Points of Obtaining Standards

The most important factor in any document examination is the quality of standards
collected. The following are the basic points to consider in collecting standard

a. For Collected/Procured Standard

1. The similarity of subject matter
a. Only the same kind of document must be compared.
i. Examples: Signature vs. Signature
a. Handwritten document vs. Electronic document
2. Amount of writing standards

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Camarines Sur

At least seven (7) standard documents must be gathered. But the more
standard documents you gathered the better. This is to ensure that you
will be able to choose the right specimen to be compared to the document
in question.

3. Relative dates of the questioned and standard document.

The date of preparation must be five (5) years before and five (5) years
after the incident happened
4. Writing instruments and paper used
5. Writing Conditions

b. For Requested/Dictated Standard

1. Text or content must be selected carefully
2. Do not allow anyone to see the questioned document.
3. Dictation must be repeated at least three times.
4. Dictation must be interrupted at an interval
5. Use the same writing instrument and paper as that of the questioned
6. Normal writing conditions should be arranged so that the writer feels to relax
during the process of dictation.

If you want to ask whether a person is the author of a specific document, you must
not let him or her see the document, and you must carefully choose the text or
material that you are going to dictate to prevent him or her from remembering how
the document was prepared or written.

Because this is going to be an opportunity for him to hide his real handwriting. You
also must dictate it slowly, and at least three times, to let him catch up and relax
during the writing process. Nervousness in the part of your subject may lead to
tremor writing, and it would be difficult for you to identify whether he is a real writer.
And make sure to use the same paper and writing instrument to easily determine the
similarities of the handwriting. And make sure you use the same paper and writing
device to easily determine the differences in handwriting.

ALTERATIONS- It is the process of changing something especially in a document.


a) ERASURE – the removal of writing, typewriting, or printing from a document

through either mechanical or chemical means

b) ADDITION – any matter made a part of the document after its original preparation

c) SUBSTITUTION – the replacing of the original writing, or part of such writing, with

d) INSERTION OR INTERLINEATION – the addition of writing and other material

between lines or paragraphs, or the addition of a whole page to a document

e) OBLITERATION – the blotting out or smearing over the writing to make the
original invisible or indecipherable

Care and Handling of Documents

All documents must be handled with care especially when it is subject to


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Camarines Sur

 The document should be put in an envelope or folder not, in your pocket. Make
sure it is not folded.
 It should not be cut, torn, or in any manner mutilated in the slightest degree.
 It should not be touched with an eraser of any kind, nor with a pen, pencil, or
sharp instrument.
 It should not be folded in any new place; should not be folded unnecessarily.
 The document should not be wet.
 No chemical analysis should be made on the document except by special
 Portions of the document, that are of particular importance should not be
encircled in any manner that the stokes or portions are affected.


After finishing the 'The overview of Questioned Document Examination' module, please
answer quiz that is posted separately in this Moodle. Please read each question carefully
and choose the best answer.


1. Albert S. Osborn. Questioned Documents. Second Ed., Nelson Hall, Inc.,1989. p. 585
2. Casingham RC. The Dvorak Keyboard (1986); Mares, George C. The History of the
Typewriter (1985). Copyright (c) Grolier Electronic Publishing, Inc.
3. Duno, Joenard C. and Efondo, Violeta C. Handbook in Questioned Document
Examination with Laboratory Manual. 2021. Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc. Quezon
4. Manlusoc, Ariel C. Questioned Document., PCCR College of Criminology
5. Mendoza, Gregorio B. Forensic Laboratory Manual. Questioned Document
Examination. 2020. Wiseman’s Books Trading Inc. Quezon City
6. Panganiban & Varona, Questioned Document Examination, Hazard Safety & Security
Equipment. p. 2
7. Sorra, Mely E. 2011, FORGED or GENUINE? A Questioned Document Handbook,
Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc., Quezon City
8. Sulner, Hannah F. Disputed Document
10. Criminalistics Investigation. PNP Lecture

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:


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