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r AMCP-706-177



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&&<**- 13 APR «73



AMC PAMPHLET 29 January 1971
No. 706-177*
Amatol, 80/20 12
Amatol. 60/40 14
Amatol. 50/50 16
Ammonal 19
Ammonium Nitrate 21
Ammonium Perchlorate 26
Ammonium Picrate—See. Explosive D
Baratol 29
Baronal 33
Black Powder 36
1.2. 4-Butanetriol Trinitrate (BTTN) Liquid 40
Composition A-3 43
Composition B 46
Composition B. Desensitized 51
Composition C 53
Composition C-2 55
Composition C-3 57
Composition C-4 59
Copper Chlorotetrazole 63
Cyanuric Triazide 66
Cyclonite (RDX) 69
Cyclotol. 75/25 76
Cyclotol. 70/30 79
Cyclotol. 65/35 81
Cyclotol. 60/40 83
Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine 86
DBX (Depth Bomb Explosive) .^. . 91
1.3-Diamino-2 .4 . 6-Trinitrobenzene (DATNB) 95
Diazodinitrophenol 99
Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate (DEGN) Liquid 103
Bis(2,2-Dirtitropropyl) Fumarate (DNPF) 107
Bis(2,2-Dinitropropyl) Succinate (DNPS) 110
2.2-Dinitropropyl-4.4. 4-Trinitrobutyrate (DNPTB) 113

*This pamphlet supersedes AMCP 706-177, 22 March 1967. including Change 1.

20 December 1967.
AMCP 706-177


2.4-Dinitrotoluene (DNT) 116
Dipentaerythritol Hexanitrate (DPEHN) 119
Dynamite, Low Velocity. Picatinny Arsenal (LVD) 122
Dynamite. Medium Velocity. Hercules (MVD) 125
EC Blank Fire 128
EDNA—See. Haleite
Ednatol, 55/45 130
Ethylene Glycol Di-Trinitrobutyrate (GTNB) 133
Explosive D (Ammonium Picrate) 136
Glycerol Monolactate Trinitrate (GLTN) Liquid 140
Glycol Dinitrate (GDN) Liquid 143
H-6 146
Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (EDNA) 150
HBX-1 156
HBX-3 159
HEX-24 164
HEX-48 166
2,4,6,2',4*,6'-Hexanitro-oxanilide (HNO) 170
beta-HMX 173
HTA-3 178
Lead Azide 182
Lead 2,4-Dinitroresorcinate (LDNR) 187
Lead 4,6-Dinitroresocrinol Basic (LDNR Basic) 190
Lead Styphnate 193
Mannitol Hexanitrate (Nitromannite) 197
Mercury Fulminate 201
Metriol Trinitrate (MTN) Liquid (or Trimethylolethane Trinitrate) 206
Minol-2 209
MOX-1 213
MOX-2B 215
M0X-3B 218
M0X-4B 220
MOX-6B ^. 222
Nitrocellulose. 12.6% N (NC) , ^ , 226
Nitrocellulose. 13.45% N (NC) 227
Nitrocellulose. 14.14% N (NC) 228
AMCP 706-177


Nitroglycerin (Liquid) 233
Nitroguanidine 239
Nitroisobutylglycerol Trinitrate (NIBTN) Liquid) 243
Nitromethane--Äee. PLX Liquid
Nitrostarch Demolition Explosive (NSX) 246
Octol. 70/30 249
Octol. 75/25 254
PB-RDX 259
Pentaerythritol Trinitrate (PETRIN) 265
Pentaerythritol Trinitroacrylate (PETRIN Acrylate) (Trinitroxypentaerythritol
Acrylate) 269
Pentolite, 50/50 ; 10/90 272
PETN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate) 276
Picramide (TNA) (2.4, 6-Trinitroaniline) 282
Picratol, 52/48 285
Picric Acid 288
PIPE 294
Plumbatol 296
PLX (Liquid) 2 98
Potassium Dinitrobenzfuroxan (KDNBF) 302
PTX-1 306
PTX-2 309
PVA-4 312
PVN (Polyvinyl Nitrate) 315
RDX—See. Cyclonite; Compositions A-3; B; C-2; C-3; C-4
RIPE 318
Silver Azide 320
Tetracene 324
Tetranitrocarbazole (TNC) 327
2,4,2',4'-Tetranitro-oxanilide (TNO) 331"
Tetryl 335
Tetrytol, 80/20 341
Tetrytol. 75/25 343
Tetrytol. 70/30 345
Tetrytol. 65/35 347
TNT (Trinitrotoluene) 350
AMCP 70S-177


Torpex 359
l,3,5-Triamino-2,4, 6-Trinitrobenzene (TATNB) 364
Triethylene Glycol Diniträte (TEGN) Liquid 367
Trimonite 370
2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-4,4, 4-Trinitrobutyrate (TNETB) 373
Trinitro Triazodibcnzcnc 378
Tripentaerythritol Octaniträte (TPEON) 381
Tri tonal. 80/20 386
Veltex No . 448 391

AMCP 706-177


The Engineering Design Handbook Series of the Army Materiel Command is a coordinated
series of handbooks containing basic information and fundamental data useful in the design
and development of Army materiel and systems. The handbooks are authoritative reference
books of practical information and quantitative facts helpful in the design and development
of Anny materiel SO that it will meet the tactical and technical needs of the Armed Forces.
AMCP 706-177, Properties of Explosives of Military Interest, is one of a series on
Explosives. One hundred and ten explosive compounds or mixtures are listed herein, alpha-
betically, with their properties, including composition variations. These explosives were
selected because of their current or probable application to military use.
The tabulated data reflect the results of tests, and were first compiled for publica-
tion at Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, Nw Jersey, by W. R. Tomlinson, Jr. These data were
later revised by Oliver E. Sheffield, also of Picatinny Arsenal, for the Engineering Hand-
book Office of Duke University, prime contractor to the Anny Materiel Command.
The Handbooks are readily available to all elements of AMC, including personnel and
contractors having a need and/or requirement. The Anny Materiel Command policy is to re-
lease these Engineering Design Handbooks to other DOD activities and their contractors
and to other Government agencies in accordance with current Aimy Regulation 70-31, dated
9 September 1966. Procedures for acquiring these Handbooks follow:
a. Activities within AMC and other DOD agencies order direct on an official
form from:
Commanding Officer
Letterkenny Aimy Depot, ATTN: AMXLE-ATD
Chambers burg , Pennsylvania 17201
b. Contractors who have Department of Defense contracts should submit their
requests through their contracting officer with proper justification to the address
listed in par. a.
c. Government agencies other than DOD having need for the Handbooks may submit
their requests directly to the address listed in par. a or to:
Commanding General
U. S. Armv Materiel Command
Washington, D. C. 20315
d. Industries not having Government contracts (this includes colleges and
Universities) must forward their requests to:
Commanding General
U. S. Aimy Materiel Command
Washington, D. C. 20315
e. All foreign requests must be submitted through the Washington, D. C
Embassy to:
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence
Foreign Liaison Office
Department of the Army
Washington, D. C. 20310
All requests, other than those originating within DOD, must be accompanied by a
valid justification.
Comments and suggestions on this handbook are welcomed and should be addressed
to Anny Research Office-Durham, Box CM, Duke Station, Durham, North Carolina 27706.


"w approximately. This symbol is used before numbers.

AC Advisory Council on Scientific Research and Develop-
ment, Great Britain.
ACS American Chemical Society.
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute.
Ann Liebig's Annalen der Chemie.
Ann chim phys Annales de chimie et de physique.
AP armor-piercing.
APG Aberdeen Proving Ground.
atm atmosphere; atmospheric pressure.
Beil Beilstein Organische Chemie, 4th Edition.
Ber Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft.
BIOS GP2-HEC British Intelligence Overseas Service or Objective
Subcommittee, Group 2, Halstead Exploiting Center.
BM Bureau of Mines, United States Department of Interior.
Bull Soc chim Bulletin de la societe'chimique de France.
CA Chemical Abstracts.
calc calculated.
Chem Met Eng Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering.
Chim et Ind Chimie et Industrie.
Comp rend Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de
1'Academic des Sciences (Paris).
cp centipoise.
CR Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des seances de
l'Academie des Sciences (Paris).
dec decomposes.
AH difference in heat (i.e, , heat evolved) by decomposition.
DRP Deutsches Reichspatent.
E modulus of elasticity or "Young's modulus"; longitudinal
stress/change in length; (force/area) /(elongation/
length) ; expressed in lb/inch .
B same as E, but expressed in dynes/cms
Gazz chim ital Gazzetta Chimica Italians.
GP general purpose.
HE high explosive.
HEAT high explosive antitank.
Ind Eng Chem Industrial & Engineering Chemistry.
J Am Chem Soc Journal of the American Chemical Society
J Ch em Ind The Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry (London).
J Ch.em Soc Journal of the Chemical Society (London).
J Frank Inst Journal of the Franklin Institute.
J In.d Explo-
sives Soc Journal of the Industrial Explosives Society (Japan).
J prakt Chem Journal für praktische Chemie.
LA lead azide
Land--Borns t Landolt-Bornstein Physikalish-Chemische Tabellen,
5th Edition (Berlin) .
M molar.
Monatshefte fur Chemie (Wein),
Mem poudr Memorial des poudres et salpetres (Paris),
mg milligram.

AMCP 706-177


mm minimum.
ml milliliter.
m/ s meters per second.
MW molecular weight.
NAVORD Bureau of Ordnance (ü. S. Navy)
NC nitrocellulose.
n index of refraction, with D band of sodium as light
source, at twenty degrees centigrade.
NDRC National Defense Research Committee.
NFOC National Fireworks Ordnance Corporation,
NG nitroglycerin.
NOL U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak, Silver
Spring, Maryland.
NOTS U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, China Lake, Calif.
NRC National Research Council,
OB oxygen balance.
OCM Ordnance Committee Minutes.
OSRD Office of Scientific Research and Development
PA Picatinny Arsenal.
PATR Picatinny Arsenal Technical Report.
Phil Trans Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of
Pogg Ann Poggendorf's Annalen der Physik.
Proc Roy Soc Proceedings of the Royal Society of London.
Rec trav chim Recueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas.
RH relative humidity.
RI Report of Investigation.
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers,
SAP semi-armor-piercing.
s o1 solution.
Spec Specifications .
std dev standard deviation.
TM Technical Manual, Department of the Army,
TM/TO joint publication, as a TM and as a Department of the
Air Force Technical Order.
Trans Farad Soc Transactions of the Faraday Society
vac stab vacuum stability.
Z angew Chem Zeitschrift fur angewandte Chemie.
Z anorg Chem Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie.
Z ges Schiess- Zeitschrift fur das gesamte Schiess und Sprengstoff-
Sprengstoffw wessen (München),
Z/sec atoms of oxygen per second.

AMCP 706-177


1. PREDOMINANTLY A REPORT CF STANDARD TESTS. No effort was made to cover all the existing
literature, either open or classified security information, on any explosive. Rather, the
main resource has been reports from facilities using standard or well-known test procedures.

2. ORIGIN. Compilation of data resulting in this handbook was undertaken by Picatinny Arsenal
personnel who desired to provide a manual tabulating the characteristics of explosives, based
on tests, with regard to current, and possible future, interest. The first resulting Picatinny
Arsenal publication was dated 20 June 19^9- Revision 1, PA Technical Report No. 17^0, dated
April 1958, with revisions, provides the data used herein.

3- SCOPE Tabulated data of tests on one hundred and ten explosive compounds or mixtures
include sensitivity to friction, impact, heat; performance characteristics or effectiveness
in weapons; physical and chemical properties; and method of preparation, synthesis or manufac-
ture, with comments on historical origin, and supplementary references.

h. REFERENCE NOTATIONS AND SOURCES. The references, as to sources of data or for more details
in methods of testing, have been listed, when available, at the end of each section devoted to
a given explosive compound, explosive mixture, or explosive ingredient. Where no reference is
given, it can be assumed that these data represent typical values obtained by standard proce-
dures. When available any reference should be consulted for more details in interpreting test

Also there are listed Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports which contain additional informa-
tion on the particular explosive. These report numbers are given in ascending order, in columns
corresponding to their terminal digits, and in accordance with the "Uniterm Index" prepared for
Picatinny Arsenal by Documentation Incorporated under Contract RAI-36-034-501-ORD-(P)-42 (1955)-

5. EXPLANATION CF TERMS AND MEIFCDS OF TESTING. Data are tabulated herein on three form-type
pages, in the following sequence of headings. Many of these terms are self-explanatory.

a. First tabular nage.

(l)Name of the explosive in each instance.

(2) "Composition."

(3) "Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt."

(a) Impact sensitivity test for solids, (a)*

A sample (approximately 0.02 gram) of explosive is subjected to the action of a falling
weight, usually 2 kilograms. A 20-milligram sample of explosive is always used in the Bureau
of Mines (BM) apparatus when testing solid explosives. The weight of sample used in the Pica-
tinny Arsenal (PA) apparatus is indicated in each case. The impact test value is the minimum

"Reference publications (a through q), applying to this introduction, are listed at the end of
the introduction.
AMCP 706-177

height at which at least one of 10 trials results in explosion. For the EM apparatus, the unit
of height is the centimeter; for the PA apparatus, it is the inch. In the former, the explo-
sive is held between two flat, parallel hardened (C 63 + 2) steel surfaces; in the latter case,
it is placed in the depression of a small steel die-cup, capped by a thin brass cover, in the
center of which is placed a slotted-vented-cylindrical steel plug, slotted side down. In the
EM apparatus, the impact impulse is transmitted to the sample by the upper flat surface, in the
PA, by the vented plug. The main differences between the two tests are that the PA test (1)
involves greater confinement, (2) distributes the translational impulse over a smaller area
(due to the inclined sides of the die-cup cavity), and (3) involves a frictional component
(against the inclined sides).

The test value obtained with the PA apparatus depends, to a marked degree, on the sample
density. This value indicates the hazard to be expected on subjecting the particular sample
to an impact blow, but is of value in assessing a material's inherent sensitivity only if the
apparent density (charge weight) is recorded along with the impact test value. The values tabu-
lated herein were obtained on material screened between 50 and 100 mesh, U. S. Standard Screens
where single component explosives are involved, and through 50 mesh for the mixtures.

(b) Impact sensitivity test for liquids, (b)

The PA Impact Test for liquids is run in the same way as for solids. The die-cup is filled
and the top of the liquid meniscus adjusted to coincide with the plane of the top rim of the
die-cup. To date, this visual observation has been found adequate to assure that the liquid
does not wet the die-cup rim after the brass cap has been set in place. Thus far the repro-
ducibility of data obtained in this way indicate that variations in sample size obtained are
not significant.

In the case of the EM apparatus, the procedure that was described for solids is used with
the following variations:

1. The weight of explosive tested is 0.007-gm.

2. A disc of desiccated filter paper (Whatman No. 1) 9.5-millimeter diameter, is laid on

each drop, on the anvil, and then the plunger is lowered on the sample absorbed in the filter

(4) "Friction Pendulum Test. " (c)

A 7-0-gm sample of explosive, 50-100 mesh, is exposed to the action of a steel, or fiber,
shoe swinging as a pendulum at the end of a long steel rod. The behavior of the sample is
described qualitatively to indicate its reaction to this experience, i.e., the most energetic
reaction is explosion, and in decreasing order of severity of reaction: snaps, cracks, and

(5) "Rifle Bullet Impact Test." (d)

Approximately 0.5-pound of explosive is loaded in the same manner as it is loaded for actual
use: that is, cast, pressed, or liquid in a 3-inch pipe nipple (2-inch inside diameter, 1/16-
inch wall) closed on each end by a cap. The loaded item, in the standard test, contains a small
air space which can, if desired, be filled by inserting a wax plug. The loaded item is sub-
jected to the impact of a caliber .30 bullet fired perpendicularly to the long axis of the pipe
nipple, from a distance of 90 feet.
AMCP 706-177

(6) "Explosion Temperature. " (a)

A 0.02-gm sample (0.01-gm in the case of initiators) of explosive, loose loaded in a No. 8
blasting cap, is immersed for a short period in a Wood's metal bath. The temperature determined
is that which produces explosion, ignition or decomposition of the sample in 5 seconds, and the
behavior of the sample is indicated by "Explodes" or "Ignites" or "Decomposes" placed beside the
value. Where values were available for times other than 5 seconds, these have been included.
For 0.1-second values, no cap was used, but the explosive was placed directly on Wood's metal
bath, immediately after cleaning. The value 0.1 second is estimated, not determined, and repre-
sents an interval regarded as instantaneous to the observer's eye. Dashes indicate no action.

(7) "75°C International Heat Test." (a)

A 10-gm sample is heated for 48 hours at 75°C The sample after this exposure is observed
for signs of decomposition or volatility.

(8) "100°C Heat Test." (a)

A 0.6-gm sample is heated for two 48-hour periods at 100°C. It is also noted whether expo-
sure at 100°C for 100 hours results in explosion.

(9) "Flammability Index. " (h)

The measure of the likelihood that a bare charge will catch fire when exposed to flames is
the index of flammability. The test is made by bringing an oxyhydrogen flame to bear on the
explosive. The maximum time of exposure which gives no ignition in 10 trials and the minimum
exposure which gives ignition in each of 10 trials are determined. The index of flammability
is 100 divided by the mean of the two times in seconds. The most flammable substances have high
indices, e.g., 250.

(10) "Hygroscopicity. "

A 5- to 10-gm sample is exposed for hygroscopicity under the stated conditions, until equili-
brium is attained, or in cases where either the rate is extremely low, or very large amounts of
water are picked up, for the stated time. The sample, if solid, is prepared by sieving through
a 50 and on a 100 mesh screen.

(11) "Volatility."

A 10-gm sample is exposed for volatility under the stated conditions. The sample if solid
is prepared by sieving through a 50 and on a 100 mesh sieve.

(12) "Molecular Weight."

The molecular weight (MW) of a mixture can be calculated from the equation

MW of mixture = 100
a + \> + c + n
mw-L mwg mw3 mwn

where a, b, c and n are the weight percents of the components, and mw]_, mwg, mvo and mwn their
corresponding molecular weights.
AMCP 706-177

(13) "Oxygen Balance. "

The oxygen balance (OB) is calculated from the empirical formula of a compound in percentage
of oxygen required for complete conversion of carbon to carbon dioxide (or carbon monoxide) and
hydrogen to water. When metal is present the reactions are assumed to occur in the following

Metal + 0 > Metal Oxide

C + H20 > 00 + H2

C02 + H2 » CO + H20

2C0 + 02 > 2C02

Procedure for calculating oxygenbalance is to determine the number of gramatoms of oxygen which
are excess or deficient for 100 grams of a compound. This number multiplied by the atomic weight
of oxygen gives

the oxygen balance: 1600 (2X + £ - z)

— molecular weight of compound = oxygen balance to C02 and H20, where X = atoms of carbon,
Y = atoms of hydrogen, Z = atoms of oxygen. The oxygen balance of a mixture is equal to the
sum of the percent composition times the oxygen balance for each component.

The carton/hydrogen (C/H) ratio is calculated as follows:

Number of C atoms (<?oC + ja) = „/„ ..

Number of H atoms (100) '

(lit) "Density. "

(15) "Melting Point. "

(16) "Freezing Point. "

(17) "Boiling Point. "

(18) "Refractive Index. "

(19) "Vacuum. Stability Test." (a)

A 5-0-gm sample (1.0 goi for initiators), after having been carefully dried, is heated for
40 hours, in vacuo at the desired temperature.

(20) "200 Gram Bcmb Sand Test. "

(a) Sand test for solids, (a)

A 0.4-gm sample of explosive, pressed at 3000 pounds per square inch into a No. 6 cap, is
initiated by lead azide, or mercury fulminate (or, if necessary, by lead azide and tetryl), in
a sand test bomb containing 200 gn of "on 30 mesh" Ottawa sand. The amount of azide, or of
tetryl, that must be used, to insure that the sample crushes the maximum net weight of sand,
is designated as its sensitivity to initiation and the net weight of sand crushed, finer than
AMCP 706-177

30 mesh, is termed the sand test value. The net weight of sand crushed is obtained by sub-
tracting from the total the amount crushed by the initiator when shot alone.

(b) Sand test for liquids, (b)

The sand test for liquids is made in accordance with the procedure given for solids except
that the following procedure for loading the test samples is substituted:

Cut the closed end from a No. 6 blasting cap and load one end of the resulting cylinder
with 0.20 gm of lead azide and O.25 gn of tetryl, using a pressure of 3000 psi for consoli-
dating each charge. With a pin, prick the powder train in one end of apiece of miner's black
powder fuse 8 or 9 inches long. Crimp to the pricked end a loaded cylinder, taking care that
the end of the fuse is held firmly against the charge in the cap. Crimp near the mouth of the
cap so as to avoid squeezing the charge. Transfer a weighed portion of 0.400 gn of the test
explosive t o an aluminum cap, taking precautions when the explosive is liquid to insert the
sample in such a manner that as little as possible adheres to the side walls of the cap, and
when a solid material is being tested use material fine enough to pass through a No. 100 U. S.
Standard Sieve. The caps used shall be of the following dimensions: length 2.00 inches, in-
ternal diameter 0.2^8-inch, wall thickness 0.025-inch. Press solid explosives, after insertion
into the aluminum cap, by means of hand pressure to an apparent density of approximately 1.2 gn
per cubic centimeter. This was done by exerting hand pressure on a wooden plunger until the
plunger had entered the cap to a depth of 3.93 centimeters. Following are the dimensions of
the interior of the cap: height 5-00 cm, area of cross section 0.312 square centimeters. In-
sert the cylinder containing the fuse and explosive charge of tetryl and lead azide into the
aluminum cap containing the test explosive for the determination of sand crushed.

(21) "Sensitivity to Initiation. "

This is sensitivity to initiation as described under the preceding heading. The minimum
detonating charge, in grams, required to detonate the explosive sample, is given.

(22) "Ballistic Mortar, j> TUT." (e)

The amount of sample under test which is necessary to raise the heavy ballistic mortar to
the same height to which it is raised by 10 gm of trinitrotoluene (TNT) is determined. The
sample is then rated, on a proportionate basis, as having a certain TNT value, i.e., as being
a certain percent as effective as TNT in this respect. The formula is
TNT value = , x 100.
sample weight
The ballistic mortar consists of a long compound supporting rod, at the end of which is sup-
ported a heavy short-nosed mortar. The mortar contains a chamber about 6 inches in diameter
and 1 foot long. A projectile occupies about 7 inches of the chamber and the sample to be
tested occupies a small portion of the remainder of the chamber. When the sample is detonated,
the projectile is driven into a sand bank, and the mortar swings through an angle which is
marked on paper by a pencil attached to the mortar. The angle thus indicates the height to
which the pendulum is raised by the explosion, and this latter represents the energy measured
by this test procedure.

(23) "Trauzl Test, /»TNT." (d)

A sample of the explosive to be tested (of the order of 10 gm) is exploded in a cavity, or
borehole, 25^nm in diameter and 125-mm deep, in a lead block 200^nm in diameter and 200-mm in
height. The borehole is made centrally in the upper face of each block, which is cast in a mold
from desilverized lead of the best quality. Although these tests have been made under a variety
AMCP 706-177

of conditions, where possible the data have been taken from or related to those of Reference f
(Naoum). Here a No. 8 blasting cap was used for initiation of the sample contained in glass.
The weight of sample used was adjusted to give, with the initiator, a total expansion of 250 to
300 cc, since within this range expansion and sample weight were linearly related under the con-
ditions of Naoum's test. Thus expansions for equivalent weights were readily calculated, and
the test value expressed in percent of the expansion of an equivalent weight of TMT.

(24) "Plate Dent Test. " (d)

Two methods were used for plate dent tests.

(a) Method A - The charge is contained in a copper tube, having an internal diameter
of 3A-inch and l/l6-inch wall. This loaded tube is placed vertically on a square piece of
cold-rolled .steel plate, 5/8-inch thick; 4-inch and 3-lA_incl1 square plate gave the same re-
sults. The steel plate is in a horizontal position and rests in turn on a short length of
heavy steel tubing 1-1/2 inches ID and 3 inches 0D. The charge rests on the center of the
plate, and the centers of the charge, plate, and supporting tube are in the same line. A 20-gm
charge of the explosive under test is boostered by a 5-gm pellet of tetryl, in turn initiated
by a No. 8 detonator.

(b) Method B - A 1-5/8-inch diameter, 5-inch long uncased charge is fired on a

1-3/4-inch thick, 5-square inch cold-rolled steel plate, with one or more similar plates as
backing. The charge is initiated with a No. 8 detonator and two 1-5/8-inch diameter, 30-gm
tetryl boosters.

Plate dent test value, or relative brisance = Sample Dent Depth x 1QQ
Dent Depth for TNT at 1.61 gm/cc

(25) "Detonation Rate. " (g)

The detonation rates reported in the tables contained herein were determined principally by
using the rotating drum camera, under the conditions stated, e.g., usually charges 1 inch in
diameter, 20 inches long, wrapped in cellulose acetate sheet, and initiated by a system designed
to produce high order stable detonation at the maximum rate under the particular conditions. A
typical initiating system for this consisted of four tetryl pellets 0.995 inch in diameter, 0.75
inch long, pressed to 1.50 gm/cc, with a Corps of Engineers special blasting cap placed in a
central hole in the end pellet.

b. Second tabular page.

(l)"Booster Sensitivity Test." (p)

The booster sensitivity test procedure is a scaled up modification of the Bruceton method
(unconfined charge). The source of the shock consists of two tetryl pellets, each 1.57 inches
diameter by 1.60 inches high, of approximately 100 gm total weight. The initial shock is de-
graded through wax spacers of cast Acrawax B, 1-5/8 inches diameter. The test charges are 1-5/8
inches diameter by 5 inches long. The value given is the thickness of wax in inches at the 50$
detonation point. The weight of tetryl pellet noted is the minimum which will produce detona-
tion with the spacer indicated.

(2) "Heat of" (calorimetric tests), (i)

Heats of combustion and explosion are generally determined on samples weighing of the order
of 1 to 2 gm, in standard calorimeter bombs such as the Parr or Emerson, approximately 400 cc
(for low loading density), or the Boas, approximately 45 cc (for high loading density). por
AMCP 706-177

heats of combustion the sample is burned under about 40 atmospheres o£ oxygen; for heats of
explosion, nitrogen, or one atmosphere of air is used.

(3) "Specific Heat."

(4) "Burning Rate. "

(5) "Thermal Conductivity. "

(6) "Coefficient of Expansion."

(7) "Hardness, Mohs' Scale."

(8) "Young' s Modulus. "

(9) "Compressive Strength."

(10) "Vapor Pressure. "

(11)"Decomposition Equation. "

(12) "Armor Plate Impact Test." (j)

(a) 60-mm Mortar Projectile.

A modified 60-mm., Mk%2, mortar projectile is loaded with the explosive to be tested, drilled
to the proper depth (about 1/2 inch), and a flat-based steel plug screwed into the projectile to
give a smooth close-fit between the plug base and the charge. The part of the plug outside the
projectile is rounded off in the form of a spherical section. The loaded projectile with fins
attached is fired from a five foot length of 2-3/8 inches ID x 3-3/8 inches 0D Shelby steel tub-
ing. The igniter and propelling charge, consisting of an igniter for a 2.36-inch rocket (bazoo-
ka), 5 gm of hi? black powuer, and a quantity of shotgun propellant sufficient to give the desired
velocity (read from a calibration chart) are conveniently loaded into the "gun" through a simple
breech plug. The velocities are measured electronically, and the reaction, inert or affected,
is determined by observation (e.g., whether or not flash occurs on impact). Within the range of
flight stability of the projectile, 200-1100 ft/sec, the 50$ point is located.

(b) 500-lb General Purpose Bombs.

(13) "Bomb Drop Test."

Bomb drops are made using bombs assembled in the conventional manner, as for service usage,
but containing either inert or simulated fuzes. The target is usually reinforced concrete.

c. Third tabular page.

(1) "Fragmentation Test. " (1)

The weight of each empty projectile and weight of water displaced by the explosive charge is
determined, and from this the specific gravity of the charge is calculated. All 3-inch and
90-mm projectiles are initiated by M20 Booster pellets, and those used with 3-inch HE, M42A1,
Lot KC-5 and 90-mm HE, M71, Lot WC-91 projectiles are controlled in weight and height as follows:
22.50 + 0.10 gm, and 0.480 to 0.485 inch.'
AMCP 706-177

The projectile assembled with fuze, actuated by a Blasting Cap, Special, Type II (Spec 49-
20) placed directly on a lead of comparable diameter, and booster, are placed in boxes con-
structed of half-inch pine. The 90-TETH projectiles are fragmented in boxes 21 x 10-1/2 x 10-1/2
inches and the 3-inch projectiles in boxes 15 x 9 x 9 inches outside dimensions. The box with
projectile is placed on about h feet of sand in a steel fragmentation tub, the detonator wires
are connected, and the box covered with approximately h feet more of sand. The projectile is
fired and the sand run onto a gyrating it-mesh screen on which the fragments are recovered.

(2) "Fragment Velocity ."

Charges 10-1/8 inches long and 2 inches in diameter, containing a booster cavity, filled by
a 72-gm tetryl pellet (I-3/8 inches diameter, 2 inches long, average density 1.594) are fired
in a model projectile of Shelby seamless tubing, 2 inches ID, 3 inches OD, SAE 1020 steel, with
a welded-on cold rolled steel base. The projectile is so fired in a chamber, connected to a
corridor containing velocity stations, that a desired wedge of projectile casing fragments can
be observed. The fragment velocities are determined by shadow photographs, using flash bulbs,
and rotating drum cameras, each behind three slits. The drum cameras have a writing speed of
30 meters per second.

(3) "Blast (Relative to TI1T)."

The blast pressures and impulses given were determined almost exclusively with tourmaline
gages, and the usual necessary specialized electrical circuits, shielded co-axial cables,
oscillographs, etc. In general, the data represent results of tests with large cased charges.

(4) "Shaped Charge Effectiveness, W? = 100." (k, m)

Unconfined charges 2 inches in diameter and 6 inches long, boostered by a 10-gm pressed
tetryl pellet, set in a 20-mm pellet (truncated cone) of cast 60/kO cyclotol, are shot against
3-inch homogeneous armor plate at a 1-3/16 inches standoff. The cones used are commercial Pyrex
glass funnels, sealed off at the start of the stem, 2 inches in diameter, 0.110 to 0.125 inch
wall thickness.

Unconfined charges I.63 inches in diameter and 6 inches long are tested at a standoff of
I.63 inches against stacks of h x k x 1 inch mild steel plates. M9A1 steel cones are used.
Results are averages of h trials.

(5) "Color."

(6) "Principal Uses. "

(7) "Method of Loading."

(8) "Loading Density. "

(9) "Storage."
Ammunition and bulk explosives in storage represent varying degrees of hazard and compati-
bility. This has led to their being divided into a number of hazard classes and compatibility
groups as indicated in subparagraphs (b) and (c) below.

(a) Method: Wet or dry.

(b) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance).

AMCP 706-177

Ammunition and bulk explosives are divided into quantity-distance classes, Class 1 through
12, according to the damage expected if they explode or ignite (Reference: Army Materiel Command
Regulation, AMCR 385-100, AMC Safety Manual, chapter 17). All standard explosives in bulk are
included in four of these classes: Class 2, 2A, 9, and 12 (TM 9-1910/T0 llA-l-^).

(c) Compatibility Group.

Explosives and ammunition are grouped for compatibility with respect to the following factors:

1. Effects of explosion of the item.

2. Rate of deterioration.

3- Sensitivity to initiation.

h. Type of packing.

5- Effects of fire involving the item.

6. Quantity of explosive per unit.

(d) Exudation.

d. Miscellaneous entries.

Where available and appropriate, the following or related data are given, in space at
the bottom of the third form, or on plain pages.

(1) Solubility.

(2) Methods of manufacture.

(3) Historical information.

(4) Bulk compressibility modulus . (q)

The direct experimental measurement of the dynamic bulk modulus of a solid is difficult, and
few such measurements have been made. One apparatus has been developed at the Naval Ordnance
Laboratory and is described in detail in Reference q. Bulk modulus (its reciprocal is the com-
pressibility) is defined as the ratio of stress to strain when the stress is a pressure applied
equally on all surfaces of the sample and the strain is the resulting change in volume per unit

(5) Hydrolysis tests, (o)

The 240-hour hydrolysis test is conducted as follows: A 5-gm sample of the dry nitrocellu-
lose is weighed accurately in a tare-weighed 250-co Pyrex flask having a ground glass connection
for a Pyrex condenser. Then 100 cc of distilled water is added to the nitrocellulose in the
flask and the flask fitted to the condenser. The flask is placed in a steam bath in which the
water is kept boiling constantly by means of electric hotplates. At the end of 240 hours the
mount of solid developed by the hydrolysis of the nitrocellulose is measured by an electromatic
pH method.

(6) Sensitivity to initiation by electrostatic discharge, (n)

AMCP 706-177

The samples are tested under two amounts of confinement, designated as unconfined and con-
fined. In the unconfined test, a sample of approximately 0.05 gn i s dumped into a shallow de-
pression in a steel block and flattened out with a spatula. In the confined tests (partly
confined), the sample of approximately 0.05 gn is introduced into soft-glass tube (~ 7 mm ID x
18 mm long) which fits over a metal peg. The volume of the space around the charge at zero gap
is ~ 0.15 cc; at a gap of 0.6 mm, it is-»» 0.4 cc. In addition to providing moderate confine-
ment, this system also minimizes dispersion of the sample by the test spark, and reduces the
effect of material being repelled from the needle point by electrostatic field effect.

When a test is to be made, the needle point electrode is screwed up until the gap between
electrodes is greater than the critical gap discharge at the test voltage. The sample is then
placed in position, the high-voltage terminal of the charged condensor is switched to the point
electrode by means of a mercury switch, and the electrode is screwed down until discharge occurs.

The spark energy (in joules), for zero probability of ignition, is determined.

(7) Destruction by chemical decomposition. '

Burning is the preferred method of destroying explosives. Initiating type explosives (in
quantity) are usually destroyed by detonation with demolition blocks. Destruction of explo-
sives by chemical decomposition can be effectively used where small laboratory quantities are
involved. Procedures given are standard for only lead azide, mercury fulminate and nitrogly-

(8) Other information.

(9) References.


a. W. E Rinkenbach and A. J. Clear, Standard Laboratory Procedures for Sensitivity,

Brisance, and Stability of Explosives, PÄTR No. 1401, 10 March 1944, Revised 28 February 1950.

To. W. R. Tomlinson, Jr. and A. J. Clear, Development of Standard Tests — Application of

the Impact and Sand Tests to the Study of Nitroglycerin and Other Liquid Explosives^ PATR No.
173Ö, 13 June 19^9- '

c. J. H. Mclvor, Friction Pendulum, PA Testing Manual 7-1, 8 May 1950.

d. Departments of the Army and the Air Force Joint Technical Manual and Technical Order,
TM 9-1910/TO llA-1-3^, Military Explosives, April 1955.

e. J- H. Mclvor, Ballistic Mortar Test, PA Testing Manual 7-2, 8 May 1950.

f. Ph. Naoum, Z ges Schiess-Sprengetoffw. pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

g. G. J. Mueller, Equipment for the Study of the Detonation Process, PATR No. 1I+65,
k July 19^5.

h. NDRC Interim Report, Preparation and Testing of Explosives, Nos. PT-19 and PT-20,
February-April 19^.

i. Linnie E. Newman, PA Chemical Laboratory Report Nos. 127815 and 13Wf6, 11 January 1951.

j. Report AC-2983/Org Expl 179-

'■For information regarding source of references, inquiries should be made to the Commander,
U.S. Army Research Office--Durham, ATTN: CRDARD-EH, Box CM, Duke Station, Durham, North Carolina

AMCP 70G-177

k. Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Section 111, Variation of

Cavity Effect with Composition, NDRC Contract W-672-ORD-S723.

1. J. H. Mclvor, Fragmentation Test Procedures, PA Testing Manual 5-1, 24 August 1950-

m. Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, 18 September

19^3, NDRC Contract W-672-0RD-5723-

n. F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler, and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation

by Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Mines, R. T^ 3852, 19/+6.

o. D. D. Sager, Study of Acid Adsorption and Hydrolysis of Cellulose Nitrate and Cellulose
Sulphate, PAIR No. 17*+, 12 January 1932.

p. L. C. Smith and E. H. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives. Part III, Miscellaneous

Sensitivity Tests, Performance Tests, USRD Report No. 374b, 2?" December 19^5-

q. C. S. Sandier, An Acoustic Technique for Measuring the Effective Dynamic Bulk Modulus
of Elasticity and Associated Loss Factor of Rubber and Plastics, NAVORD Report No. 1524, 1 Sep-
tember 1950.

W. S. Cramer, Bulk Compressibility Data on Several Explosives, NAVORD Report No. 4380,
15 September 1956.

AMCP 706-177
Amatol, 8o/20

Composition: Molecular Weight: 92

Oxygen Balance:
Ammonium Nitrate 80 CO, % +1
TNT 20 CO % +11

Density: gm/cc Cast 1.46

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 90
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 15 _D
Sample Wt, mg 17

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.45
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 5 Trials
120°C 0.95
% 135°C
Explosions 0
150°C 6.8
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 35-5

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 kcomposes 280 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.07
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 130

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (b) 123

75°C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.06
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.03
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.05
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None None
Condition Cast Cast
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 1.0 1.0
30°C, 90%RH, 2 davs 61
Density, gm/cc l.h6 1.50
Volatility: Nil
Rate, meters/second ^500 5100

Amatol, 80/20 AMCP70G-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Buff-yellow

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Bombs, HE pro jectiles

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, LotKC-5:

Density, gm/cc

Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Looding: Cast

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.1+6

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec (?)

At 9 ft I9OO
At 25V2 ft 1750 Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Does not exude at 65°C


Air, Confined: Booster Sensitivity Test: (a)

Condition Pressed
Tetryl, gn 100
Underwater: Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation O.83
Peak Pressure Density, gm/cc 1.65
Heat of: (d, e

Combustion, cal/gm 1002*

Underground: Explosion, cal/gm 1*90*
Peak Pressure Gds Volume, cc/gm 930*

* Calculated from composition of mixture.

AMCP 706-177 Amatol, Go/kO

Composition: Molecular Weight: 108

Oxygen Balance:
Ammonium Nitrate €0 CO, % -18
TNT 1+0 CO %' + 2

Density: gm/cc Cast 1.60

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 95
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 16
17 n25
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm lu. 5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 270
Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.06
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 128
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.50
Volatility: Nil
Rate, meters/second 5760

Amatol, 60A0 AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.49 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 1.971 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Buff-yellow
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 583
Principal Uses: Bombs, HE projectiles

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc 1.57
Charge Wt, lb 0.827

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For TNT 5ih
For Subject HE 408
Loading Density: gm/cc 160

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 95
Exudation Does not exude at 65°C
Impulse 85
Energy 84
Heat of: U, )
Air, Confined:
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm 1658*
Explosion, cal/gm 633*
Under Water: Gas Volume, cc/gm 880*
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

* Calculated from composition of mixture.

AMCP 706-177 Amatol, 50/50

Composition: Molecular Weight: 118

Oxygen Balance:
Ammonium Nitrate 50 CO, % -27
TNT 50 CO % - 3

Density: gm/cc Cast 1-59

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 K9 Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 95
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nS>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 16 nD
Sample Wt, mg IT

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.2
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 1.0
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partiais 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 42.5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 265 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.05
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 124

Trouzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B

100°C Heat Test: Condition Cast

Confined No
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc 1.55

Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT 52

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None None
Condition Cast Cast
Hygroscopicity: % Nil Charge Diameter, in. 1.0 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1-55 1-55
Rate, meters/second 6430 6230

Amatol, 50/50 AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones (g)
Density, gm/cc 1-55 Hole Volume 53
Charge Wt, lb 2.053 Hole Depth 69

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Buff-yellow
For TNT TO 3
For Subject HE 630
Principal Uses: Bombs, HE projectiles
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5
Density, gm/cc 1.54
Charge Wt, lb 0.819

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 385
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.59

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25l/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 97
Impulse Exudation Does not exude at 65°C
Booster Sensitivity Test: (a)
Air, Confined: Condition Cast
Impulse Tetryl, gn 100
Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 0.60
Density, gm/cc 1-55
Under Water:
Peak Pressure Heat of: (d> e)
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm 1990
Explosion, cal/gm 703*
Energy 98 Gas Volume, cc/gm 855*

*Calculated from composition of mixture.

Peak Pressure 10^ Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (i)
Impulse 104 Temp, 20° to 80UC O.383
Energy 104 Bomb Dron Test:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing
Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft UOOO-5000

AMCP 706-177 Amstols 80/20, 60/ho, 50/50

Compatibility with Metals:

Dry - Metals unaffected are zinc, iron, tin, brass, brass tin plated, brass NRC coated,
brass shellac coated, nickel aluminum, steel, steel plated with nickel, zinc or tin, stain-
less steel, Parkerized steel, and steel coated with acid-proof black paint. Metals slightly
affected are copper, bronze, lead and copper plated steel.

Preparation :

In preparing amatols the proper granulation of ammonium nitrate is required if the maximum
density of the cast amatol is desired. The ammonium nitrate should be dried so as to contain
not more than 0.25$ moisture. It should be heated to about 90°C before being added to the
appropriate weight of molten TNT contained in a melting vessel equipped with an agitator. Con-
tinue mixing to insure uniformity and load by pouring into shell or bombs.


Developed by the British during World War I in order to conserve TNT.

References . 2

(a) L. C. Smith and E. H. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part 111, Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests, Performance Tests, OSRD Report 57^-fe> 27 December 19^-5 •

(b) Report AC-17/Phys Ex 1.

(c) D. P. McDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives. Part III - Miscellaneous

Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 574b, 27 December 19^5.

(d) Committee of Div 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal. OSRD Report No. 5*1-06,
31 July 19^5•

(e) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revision,
NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 194-6.

(f) R. W. Drake, Fragment Velocity and Panel Penetration of Several Explosives in Simulated
Shells, OSRD Report No. 5622, 2 January 1946.

(g) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, 18 September
19^3, NDRC Contract W-672-ORD-5723.

(h) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Amatols:

0123 456789
240 681 132 743 364 65 266 1207 5I+8 549
350 731 182 1173 69h 425 556 1^57 638 799
630 901 1302 1373 734 695 666 1797 838 929
950 1051 1352 1323 87^ 715 986 1827 1098 1129
1300 1311 1372 1^93 13^ 735 1376 2167 1148 1219
1530 1^51 1552 1783 11^5 1446 1388 1369
1651 1225 1636 1568 1559
1345 1796 1838
(i) TM 9-1910/TO 11A-1--3*+, Milit ary Exphasives, Apr il 1955.

See footnote 1, page 10.

Ammonal AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 102

Oxygen Balance:
Ammonium Nitrate 22 CO, % -55
TNT 67 CO % -22
Aluminum 11
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.65

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 91
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 11 nD
Sample Wt, mg 19

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 4.4
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 47.8

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.20
5 Decomposes 265 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 122
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.00
Density, gm/cc
% Loss. 2nd 48 Hrs 0.10
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP70G-177 Ammonal

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Projectile filler

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc 1.65
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 655
For Subject HE 550
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.65

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined:
Impulse Castable mixture developed in United States
during World War I.
Peak Pressure References:

Impulse (a) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Physical and Ex-

plosive Properties of Military Explosives,
PAIR No. 1372, 29 November 19^3.

Underground: (b) Also see the following Picatinny Ar-

Peak Pressure senal Technical Reports on Ammonals: 1108,
Impulse 1286, 1292, 1308 and 1783.



Procedure same as described under Amatols,

except aluminum is added to the ammonium ni-
trate-TNT molten mixture under agitation un-
til uniformity in composition is obtained.
Loading-is accomplished by pouring into the
ariDroririate nro.iec'tile.

Ammonium Nitrate AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (H^O^) 80

Oxygen Balance:
N 35 CO, % +20
CO % +20
H 5 HH^KO3
Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.73
0 60
Melting Point: °C 170

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, r\°a
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 31
Sample Wt, mg 17

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.3
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials 120°C 0.3
% 135°C
Explosions 0
150°C 0.3
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm Nil

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Ignites 465 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.25
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 56
Irauzllest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat lest: (a)
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.0 Plate Dent lest:
100°C Heat lest:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.74
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.13
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rote: (b)
Flammability Index: Confinement None Strong
Condition Solid Liquid
Hyg^opicj^ ^ Extreme Charge Diameter, in. 1-25
Density, gm/cc 0.9 1.4
Decomposes at 210 C Rate, meters/second 1000 2500

AMCP 706-177 Ammonium Nitrate

Booster Sensitivity lest: DeeemjpmisjtttDrfeitertton: (f),n13-8 C1)^ J,

Condition 1U 10^'
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 40.5 38. 3
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 2l+3-26l 217-267

Density, gm/cc Phase Liquid

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact lest:
Combustion, cal/gm 346
Explosion, cal/gm 346
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 9°0 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 1098 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm 18.23
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (e)
°C °C Plate Thickness, inches

-150 0.189 0 0.397

-100 0.330 50 0.1+14 1
-50 0.364 100 0.1+28

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop lest:

Thermal Conductivity: ,
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:
cal/sec/cm/°C 2.9-3.9xl0"4

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
B, dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials
Low Order
Vapor Pressure: (§)
o(; mm Mercury High Order
188 3-25
205 7.^5
216 11.55
223 15.80

Ammonium Nitrate AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Colorless
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Explosive ingredient of
mixtures used in bombs or large
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
caliber projectiles
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed or cast depending

For TNT on composition of mixture
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Variable

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 12

Air: Compatibility Group Group D

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
Effect of Temperature on Impact
Air, Confined: Sensitivity (Chemically pure grade): (k)
Temp. PA Impact Test
Under Water: °C 2 Kg Wt, inches
Peak Pressure
25 31
Impulse 75 28
Energy 100 27
150 27
Underground: 175 12
Peak Pressure
Compatibility with Metals: (a)
In the presence of moisture, ammonium
Energy nitrate reacts with copper, iron steel,
brass, lead and cadmium.

Entropv: (g)

cal/mol at 25°C 36.0

AMCP 706-177 Ammonium Nitrate

SolubiliLtV of ammonium nitrate. erams i n 100 grams ($) of: (e)

Water Alcohol Acetic. Acid Nitric Acid Pyridine

i Nitric
°C i °c _i C A °C i Acid °c 5
0 118 20 2.5 16.6 0.0 0 J+5.1 30.0 25' ~ 2~e%
20 192 40 5 27.0 0.39 15 73.0 21.7
ko 297 60 7.5 80.9 5-8 30 106 20.8
60 1*21 78 10.5 101.0 20.7 75 201 31.6
80 580 120.0 125
100 871

Preparat ion:

Ammonium nitrate is prepared by the neutralization of an aqueous solution of ammonia with

nitric acid and evaporation of the solution. The product which is very pure is dried in a
graining kettle.


First prepared by Glauber in 1Ö59 and first used as an explosive ingredient in 1867 when a
Swedish patent was granted to Ohlsson and Norrbin for a composite dynamite.

Destruction "by Chemical Decomposition:

Ammonium nitrate is decomposed by strong alkalies with the liberation of ammonia, and by
sulfuric acid with the formation of ammonium sulfate and nitric acid.

(a) Departments of the Army and the Air Force TM 9-1910/TO 11a-1-34, Military Explosives,
April 1955-

(b) P. F. Macy, T. D. Dudderar, E. F. Reese and L. H. Eriksen, Investigation of Sensitivity

of Fertilizer Grade Ammonium Nitrate to Explosion, PAIR No. 1658, 11 July 1947.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^+2.

(d) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, UKRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(e) International Critical Tables McGraw-Hill Book Co. , N. Y. , Land-Bornst.

G. D. Clift and B. T. Federoff, A Manual for Explosives Laboratories, Vol. 11, Lefax
Society, Inc., Philadelphia, 1943-

(f) R- J. Finkelstein and G. Gamow, Theory of the Detonation Process, NAV0RD Report No. 90-
46, 20 April 191+7.

(g) George Feick, The Dissociation Pressure and Free Energy of Formation of Ammonium Ni-
trate, Arthur D. Little, Inc., J Am Chem Soc, 76, 5858-60 (1954).

(h) M A. Cook and M. Taylor Afcegg/ Isothermal Decomposition of Explosive;,' University of

Utah, Ind Eng Chem. June 1956, pp. 1090 to 1095-

See footnote 1, page 10.

Aggoniug Nitrate AMCP 706-177

(-J-) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Ammonium Nitrate:


240 681 182 743 364 695 596 907 548 799
350 731 1302 1323 98U lli+5 666 1117 638 1369
630 1051 1682 1783 109^ 1225 676 19^7 938 1A09
1290 1241 2183 1214 1^55 946 2167 1008
1720 1311 123'+ 1635 1106 1038
1391 130^ 1675 1696
1^31 1725

AMCP 706-177 Ammonium Perchlorate

Coyorition: Molecular Weight: (CIH^NO^) 117-5

Oxygen Balance:
Cl 30.2
CO, % +27.3
CO % +27.3
K 11.9
NSCIO^ Density: gm/cc 1.95
H 3-^
Melting Point: °C
E/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 67
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n»
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 24
Sample Wt, mg 24

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Snaps cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.13
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.20
% 135°C
150°C 0.32
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 6.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 435 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.25
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.02
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177
Ammonium Perchlorate

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Colorless
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Explosive ingredient of
mixtures used in pyrotechnics and
3 inch HE, M42AT Projectile, Lot KC-5:
as projectile filler
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed or cast depending
For TNT on composition of mixture
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Variable

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Exudation None

Solubility in Water
Air, Confined: gm/lOO cc saturated solution:
0°C 12
Under Water: 25°C 20
Peak Pressure 6o°C 39
ioo°c aa
Energy Preparation:

Underground: The perchlorates are prepared by the action

Peak Pressure of the acid on a suitable base; by the ther-
mal decomposition of certain chlorates: and
by the electrolysis of chlorates (see origin).
Heat of:

Formation, cal/gm 665

AMCP 706-177 Ammonium Perchlorate

Origin: (c)

E. Mitscherlich first prepared, in 1832, crystals of ammonium perchlorate from barium

perchlorate and ammonium sulfate (Pogg Ann 25, 300). T. Schlosing treated a hot solution of
sodium perchlorate with ammonium chloride, and on cooling, crystals of ammonium perchlorate
were obtained (Comp rend, 73? 1269, fl87I]) • U. Alvisi treated a mixture of 76 parts of am-
monium nitrate with 213 parts of sodium perchlorate, and obtained a crop of small crystals of
ammonium perchlorate which were purified by recrystallization from hot water (German Patent,
103,993,1898). A. Miolati mixed magnesium or calcium perchlorate with ammonium chloride and
crystals of ammonium perchlorate deposited from the solution of very soluble magnesium or cal-
cium chloride (German Patent, 112, 682, 1899).


(a) W R. Tomlinson, Jr., Physical and Explosive Properties of Military Explosives, PAIR
No. 1372, 29 November 19^3-

(b) T. L. Davis, The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York, 19^3-

(c) J. ¥. Mellor, A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry. Vol. 11,
Longmanns, Green and CÖ~| London, 1922, p. 396.

(d) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Ammonium Perchlorate:

ax 2 A h £ 2
100 321 84 3 354 1095 1726 10^9
1783 604 1725 1969
854 2205

^See footnote 1, page 10.

Baratol AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 125

Oxygen Balance:
Barium nitrate 6? CO- % -3
CO % +13
TUT 33
Density: gm/cc Cast 2.55

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 35
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 11
Sample Wt, mg 24

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 26.8

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Ignites 385 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: (a) 73/27
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined N)
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 2.52
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT 61
Explosion in 100 Hrs
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
30°C, 90$ RH 0.00
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Baratol

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 0.32 (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C

Density, gm/cc 2,55 Phase

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm
Explosion, cal/gm
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm 75/25 Baratol 2.8 (d)
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (d) 75/25 Baratol
Plate Thickness, inches
°_c_ _f£
-75 0.152 75 0.280 1
0 0.147 85 0.213
25 0.180 90 0.201
50 0.229 100 0.171 1%
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E', dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

°C mm Mercury High Order

Baratol AMCP70G-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Bomb filler
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 2.55

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined:
The appropriate weight of barium nitrate
heated to about 90°C is aäded to molton TNT
Under Water: contained in a melting vessel equipped with
Peak Pressure an agitator. Continue mixing until uniform,
Impulse and load by pouring at the lowest practical

Ori ni n:
Peak Pressure Baratol, an explosive containing barium
Impulse nitrate and TNT, the proportions varied to
suit the required purposes, was developed
during World War I.

AMCP 706-177 Barat£)1


(a) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, llAugust 19^2.

(b) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 19^5-

(c) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Baratol:

0 3 6 8

2010 1-783 2226 2138

2160 2233

(d) C. Lenchitz, W. Beach and R. Valicky, Enthalpy Changes, Heat of Fusion and Specific
Heat of Basic Explosives, PATR No. 2504, January 1959.

See footnote 1, page 10.

Baronal AMCP 70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: -1-1-1

Oxygen Balance:
Barium nitrate 50
CO, % "24
CO % - 7
TMT 35
Density: gm/cc 2.32
Aluminum 15
Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 30
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 12
Sample Wt, mg 22

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 39-8

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Ignites 3^5 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 96
Trouzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate: (b)

Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 2.32
Rate, meters/second 5450

AMCP 706-177 Baronal

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT - 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Bomb filler
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 232

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined:
Procedure same as described under Baratol
except aluminum is added to the barium ni-
Under Water: trate-TNT molton mixture under agitation
Peak Pressure until uniformity in comparison is obtained.
Booster Sensitivity Test:
Energy (c)
Condition Cast
Underground: Tetryl, gm 100
Peak Pressure Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 0.86
Density, gm/cc 2.32
Energy Heat of:

Combustion, cal/gm 2099

Explosion, cal/gm 1135
Gas Volume, cc/gm Uio

AMCP 706-177

■References: °

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
■Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, Um) Report No. ij'^b, 2? December l$l+5".

(b) G. H. Messerly, The Rate of Detonation of Various Explosive Compounds, OSRD Report No.
1219, 22 February 19^3-

M. D. Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures, OSRD Report
No. 5611, 15 January X9I+S^

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

(d) Arthur D. Little Report, Study of Pure Explosive Compounds, Part III, Correlation of
Composition of Mixture with Performance, Contract No. HA-19-020-0RD-12, 1 May 1950.

(e) S. J. Lowell, Propagation of Detonation in Long and Narrow Columns of Explosives, PAIR
No. 2138, February 1955^

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Black Powder

Composition: Molecular Weight: 84

Oxygen Balance:
Potassium nitrate 74.0 CO, % -22
CO % - 2
Sulfur 10.4
Density: gm/cc Variable
Charcoal 15.6
Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 32
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 16
Sample Wt, mg 16

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Snaps cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.5
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
120°C 0.9
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 8

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 510 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 490 Mercury Fulminate

5 Ignites kSJ Lead Azide
10 356
Sensitive to igniting fuse
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 50

Trauzl lest, % TNT: (a) 10

75°C International Heatlest:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.31
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, grn/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement

2buc, ■f?jo m 0.7b Condition

Hygroscopicity: % 25°C, 9O/0 RH 1.91 Charge Diameter, in.
30°C, 90$ EH 2.51
Density, gm/cc 1.6
Rate, meters/second 400

Black Powder AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Black
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: 1. Igniter powder
2. Time rings (fuzes)
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: 1. Loose (granulated)
For TNT 2. Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc P s' x 10

25 50 60 65 70 75
FragmentVelocity: ft/sec 1.74 1.84 1.86 1.87 1.88 1.89
At 9 ft
At 25 y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group 0

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None

100°C Vacuum Stability Test,
Air, Confined: cc gas/Uo hrs:
Initial Value 0-5
After 2 hours at 65°C 0.86
Underwater: After 2 hours at 65°C, 75$ RH 1.46
Peak Pressure
Sensitivity to Electrostatic
Discharge Toulesj (k)
Unconfined >12-5
Confined O.fl
Peak Pressure Compatibility with Metals:
Impulse Dry " Compatible with all metals when
Energy moisture content is less than 0.20$.

Wet - Attacks all common metals except

Initiating Efficiency:
stainless steel.
Grams Required to Initiate
Heat of:
Igniter Ccmp K-31 2.0
Explosion, cal/gm 684
Igniter Ccmp K-29 2.3
Gas Volume, cc/gm 271

AMCP 706-177 Black Powder


Willow or alder charcoal, flour of sulphur and 2-3$ of water are placed in a tumbling barrel
and mixed for a short period (about 1/2 hour). The mixture is transferred to a "wheel mill" and
crystalline potassium nitrate containing 3-^$ moisture is added and the mixture is incorporated
for several hours. During the incorporation period the mixture is kept damp (2-3$ moisture) by
adding water at intervals. The mill cake is then pressed at 6000 psi between aluminum plates.
The pressed cakes are broken up between rubber or wood rolls. The material is screened and the
various particle sizes are separated as desired. The screened material is then transferred to
canvas trays and dried in hot air ovens at 6o°C. If it is desired to glaze the black powder,
the material before drying is polished by rotation in a tumbling barrel to give it a smooth
surface. It is next screened to remove the dust. The smooth particles are then placed in a
wooden barrel and rotated with graphite. The material is again screened to remove the excess
graphite, and dried. Material finer than #40 U. S. Sieve is not graphited.

The batches of black powder must be of sufficient size to cover the bed of the "wheel mill."
If the wheels run off on the bare bed, explosions usually result.


The exact date of the discovery of black powder is unknown. Historians attribute its dis-
cover)' to the Chinese, Hindus or Arabs. The Greeks used it during the 7th Century. Marcus
Graecus in the 9th Century and Roger Bacon in the 13th Century described compositions similar
to the present powder. Beginning with the 16th Century, the composition of black powder con-
taining potassium nitrate, charcoal and sulfur has remained unchanged with respect to the pro-
portionality (75/l5/lO) of the ingredients.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Black powder can be desensitized by leaching with water to dissolve the potassium nitrate.
The washings must be disposed of separately because the residue of sulfur and charcoal is com-
bustible but not explosive.


(a) Ph. Naoum, Nitroglycerine and Nitroglycerine Explosives, Baltimore, 1928.

(b) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation by

Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Department of the Interior, tsureau ot Mines KI 305^, iy46.

(c) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Black Powder:

See footnote 1, page 10.

Black Powder
AMCP 706-177

250 91 222 163 354 65 56 347 188 379

710 471 272 363 454 415 176 407 318 819
850 661 322 453 544 545 356 437 428 8 39
1010 901 i)-72 84 3 554 605 686 547 558 849
1450 1111 492 1043 574 1145 746 757 598 859
1241 582 115 3 594 1275 1256 847 608 899
1451 762 121t-3 654 1815 1316 1097 618 1259
15^1 872 1333 664 1885 1536 1737 698 1309
1711 1022 1493 774 190 5 1576 1797 838 1339
1911 1622 1583 844 1915 1586 1807 898 1349
1951 1712 1643 1114 1946 1827 1068 1589
2051 1802 1813 1154 1388 173P
1912 1843 1244 1528 1869
1973 1504 1778 1889

AMCP 706-177 1^,4-Butanetriol Trinitrate (BTTN) Liquid

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^HJJ og) 241

C 19.9 Oxygen Balance:
HPC-0N0„ CO, % -17
H 2,9 2
1 2 CO % 10
N IT. 5 / Density: gm/cc Liquid 1.52
0 59.T \ Melting Point: °C
C/H Ratio 0,13 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 58
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0 1.4738
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. <1
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 2,33
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 48.6

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 230 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 1.5
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 1.2
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % (a) Charge Diameter, in.
100°F, 95% RH, 24 hrs 0.14
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second
60 C, mg/cm /hr 46

AMCP 706-177
1,2,^-Butanetriol Trinitrate (BTTN) Liquid

Fragmentation lest: jhaped Charge Effectiveness,TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow 0 i 1
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Explosive plasticizer for
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading:

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.52

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/a ft Storage:

Density, gm/cc

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quontity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Solubility in Water, (a)

Air, Confined: gm/lOO gm, at:
20°C 0.08
60°C 0.15
Peak Pressure Snlnhility of Water in, (a)
gm/100 gm: 0.04
Energy Solubility, gm/lOO gm,
at 25°C, in:
Underground: w
Peak Pressure
Alcohol °°
Impulse 2:1 Ether:Alcohol
Energy Acetone

Heat of: (a) Viscosity, centipoises: (a)

Combustion, cal/gm 2168 Temp. 25°C 59

Explosion, cal/gm 1^57
Gas Volume, cc/gm 840

4MCP 706-177
1,2,4-Butanetriol Trinitrate (BTTN) Liquid

Preparation (Laboratory Procedure):

To a cooled mixture of 73.8 gn of 100$ nitric acid, 46.2 gms of 106.2$ sulfuric acid and
60.0 gn of 96.1% sulfuric acid, 30 gms of the original (or redistilled) 1,2,4-butanetriol was
added drop-wise with agitation for a period of thirty minutes. The temperature of the reaction
mixture vras kept at 0°-5°C. When the agitation was completed, stirring v*as continued for one
and one-half hours. The mixture was poured into ice water, and the resulting oil suspension
was extracted with three 100 milliliter portions of ether. The combined ether extracts were
washed with water, then with a 5$ sodium bicarbonate solution and finally with water. The neu-
tralized extract was dried with anhydrous calcium chloride and then the ether was evaporated.
The yellow oil was dried in a vacuum desiccator over anhydrous calcium chloride until the mate-
rial was brought to constant weight.


1,2,4-butanetriol vras first synthesized by Wagner and Ginsberg in 189^ by oxidizing allyl
carbinol with potassium permanganate under mild conditions (Ber 27, 2^37). Recently the U. S.
Rubber Laboratory, under the direction of P. Tawney, devised a new synthesis carried out with
allyl acetate and formaldehyde to give 1,2,4-butane triacetate which was readily hydrolysed to
butanetriol (U. S. Rubber Company Quarterly Report, May 1948). Working with pure 1,2,4-butane-
triol prepared by an improved technique of the Wagner method, the U. S. Naval Laboratory in
19^8 nitrated the butanetriol on a laboratory and a pilot plant scale (Reference a).


(a) J. A. Gallaghan, F. Maori, J. Bednarik, and F. McCollum, The Synthesis of 1,2,4-Butane-

triol and the Evaluation of Its Trinitrate, U. S. Naval Powder Factory Technical Report No. 19,
10 September 1948.

(b) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Butanetriol Trinitrate:
1755 and 1786.

See footnote 1, page 10.

Composition A-3 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 227

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 91
CO. % -48
CO % -23
Wax 9
Density: gm/cc 12,000 psi 1.65
Density, ym/u. \A,uuu psi

—Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Pieeziny Point: i~

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nfo
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 16
Sample Wt, mg IT

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0-3
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.6
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 51-5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 Mercury Fulminote 0.22*

5 Decomposes 250 LeadAzide 0.25*
Alternative initiatina charaes
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 135
Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:

Plate Dent Test: (b)
% Loss in 48 Hrs Method B B
Condition Pressed Pressed
100°C Heat Test:
Confined No No
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.15
Density, gm/cc 1 .61 1.20
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.15
Brisance, % TNT 126 75
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate: (c)
Flammability Index: 195 Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.0 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1-59
Volatility: 50°C, 15 days 0.03 Rate, meters/second 8100

AMCP 706-177 Composition A-3

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.62 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.102 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Calor: White-buff
For TNT 70 3
For Subject HE 1138
Principal Uses: HE, SAP, AP projectiles;
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5 Shaped Charges

Density, gm/cc 1.64

Charge Wt, lb 0.861

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
ForTNT 5lA
For Subject HE 710
Loading Density: gm/cc Ps l x
3 12
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 1.47 1.65
At 9 ft 2800
At 25V2 ft 2530 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.61
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibi lity Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Does not exude at 65°C when waxes
melting sharply a t or above 75°C are used.
Air, Confined:
A water slurry of RDX is heated to 100°C
with agitation. Wax and a wetting agent are
added and the mixture, under agitation, is
Under Water: cooled below the melting point of the wax.
Peak Pressure The wax coated RDX is collected on a filter
Impulse and air dried at 75°C.

Energy Effect of Temperature on

Rate of Detonation: (e)
Underground: 16 hrs at, °C "54 21
Peak Pressure Density, gm/cc 1.51 1-51
Impulse Rate, m/sec 7600 7620

Energy Booster Sensitivity Test: (d)

Condition Pressed
Tetryl, gn 100
Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 1.70
Density, gm/cc 1.62
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 1210

. . , , AMCP 706-177
Composition A-3

Compatibility with Metals:

Dry - Aluminum, stainless steel, mild steel, mild steel coated with acid-proof black paint
and mild steel plated with nickel or zinc are unaffected. Copper, magnesium, magnesium-aluminum
alloy, brass and mild steel plated with cadmium or copper are slightly affected.

Wet - Stainless steel is unaffected. Copper, aluminum, magnesium, brass, mild steel, mild
steel coated with acid-proof black paint and mild steel plated with copper, cadmium, nickel or
zinc are slightly affected.


Developed by the British during World Wr II as RDX and beeswax. Subsequent changes in the
United States replaced beeswax with synthetic waxes, changed the granulation of RDX and improved
the method of manufacture.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

RDX Composition A-3 (EDX/wax, 9l/9) is decomposed by adding it slowly to 25 times its weight
of boiling 5$ sodium hydroxide. Boiling of the solution is continued for one-half hour.

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Irrster, Physical Testing of Explosives. Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests. OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 19^5-

(b) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(C) G- H- Messerly, Big Rate of Detonation of Various Explosive Compounds OSRD Report No.
1219, 22 February 19^3-

M D. Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures, OSRD Report
No. 56U, 15 January I9W.

(d) I» C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RHX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NX Marc 10,303, dated 15 June 191+9-

(e) W F. MeGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military Explo-
sives at Several Different Temperatures, PAIR No. 2383, November 195b-

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on RDX Composition A-3:


1380 1^51 1^92 1^93 1U2U 1325 1556 1687 1338 1639
1910 1761 2112 l6lk 1585 1936 1787 1388 2179
X&Zk 1595 1797 1728
215^ 1715 1838
22 35

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Composition B

Composition: Molecular Weight: 224

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 60 CO, % -43
CO % 10
TNT 40
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.65
Wax, added 1
Melting Point: "C (1) 78-80

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 75
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. lit
Sample Wt, mg 19

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.7
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.9
% 135°C
Explosions 3
150°C 11+
Partials 13
Burned 4 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test
Unaffected 80 Sand, gm 54.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 526 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 368 Mercury Fulminate 0.22*
5 Decomposes 278 LeadAzide 0.20»
10 255 * Tetryl
15 > 250 Alternative initiating charges

20 » 250 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 133

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

ft) 130
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test: (c)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined No
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.2
0.2 Density, gm/cc 1.71
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
None Brisance, % TNT 132
Explosion in 100 Hrs
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: 177 Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.02 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.68
Rate, meters/second 7840

Composition B AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test: (d) Decomposition Equation:

Condition Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocolorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 1-40 (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1.69 Phase

Heatof: (e) Armor Plate Impact Test: (e)

Combustion, cal/gm 2790
Explosion, cal/gm 1240
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec 209
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm (1) 8.0
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:

Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (1)

Plate Thickness, inches
Trials $ Inert
-75 0.235 75 0.376 1 4 100
0 0.220 85 0.35^
1 Vi 6 50
25 0.254 90 0.341
50 0.305 100 0.312 1 Vb 2 0
1% 0
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
No Seal Seal
Volume, %/°C Height, ft 4000 4000
Trials 65 39
Hardness, Mohs' Scale: Unaffected 58 36
Low Order 2 2
Young's Modulus:
High Order 5 1
E, dynes/cm-
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch-' (b) 161O-258O Trials
Density, gm/cc 1.68

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 706-177 Composition B

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

\gl (h)
90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones
Density, gm/cc 1.65 Hole Volume 178 162
Charge Wt, lb 2.187 Hole Depth 125 148

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow-brown
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 998
Principal Uses: Fragmentation bombs, TE
projectiles, grenades, shaped
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5
Density, gm/cc 1.67
Charge Wt, lb 0.882

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 701
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.68

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft 2940
At 25y2 ft 2680 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.68
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT); Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9


Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 110
Impulse 110 Exudation Very slight when stored at 71°C

Energy 116
Air, Confined:
Impulse 75 RDX Composition B was developed by the
British between World War I and World War 11.
Under Water: It was standardized by the United States
Peak Pressure 110 early in World War 11.
Impulse 108
Effect of Temperature on
Energy 121 Rate of Detonation: (i)

16 hrs at, °C -54 24

Density, gm/cc 1.69 1.69
Peak Pressure
Rate, m/sec 7720 7660
Impulse 97
Bulk Modulus at Room (j)
Temperature (25°-30°C) :
Crater radius cubed 107
<fo WK in Ccmp B -^ 2 3
Dynes/cm2 x 10"10 5.10 3.56 2.34
Density, gm/cc 1.72 1.70 1.68
Viscosity, poises:
Temp, Ö3°C 3.1
95°C 2.7

AMCP 706-177

Compatibility with Metals:

Dry - Magnesium, aluminum, magnesium-aluminum alloy, mild steel, stainless steel, mild steel
coated with acid-proof black paint and mild steel plated with zinc or nickel are unaffected.
Copper, brass and mild steel plated with copper or cadmium are slightly affected.

Wet - Aluminum and stainless steel are unaffected. Copper, brass, mild steel, mild steel
coated with acid-proof black paint and mild steel plated with cadmium, copper, nickel or zinc
are slightly affected. Magnesium and magnesium-aluminum alloy are more heavily affected.


Water wet RDX is added slowly with stirring to molten TNT melted in a steam-jacketed kettle
at a temperature of 100°C. Seme water is poured off and heating and stirring are continued un-
til all moisture is evaporated. Wat is then added and when thoroughly mixed, the composition
is cooled to a satisfactory pouring temperature. It is cast directly into ammunition components
or in the form of chips when Composition B is to be stored.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

RDX Composition B is decomposed in 12 parts by weight of technical grade acetone heated to

1J-5°C While this is stirred vigorously, there is added 12 parts of a solution, heated to 70°C,
of lpart sodium sulfide (ife^S^HgO) in h parts water. The sulfide solution is added slowly so
that the temperature of the acetone solution does not rise above 60°C. After addition is com-
plete, stirring is continued for one-half hour.

References :

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revision,
NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 19h6.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) L. C. Smith and S. K. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Marc 10,303, 15 June 19^9-

(e) Committee of Divisions 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal, OSRD Report No 5406
31 July 19^5-

(f) W. E. Tomlinson, Jr., Blast Effects of Bomb Explosives, PA Tech Div Lecture, 9 April

(g) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Sec 111, Variation of Cavi-
ty Effect with Explosive Composition, NDRC Contract Wb72-ORD-5723.

(h) Eastern Laboratory du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, E Lab du Pont,
Contract W-672-ORD-5723, 18 September 1943.

(i) W. F. McGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military Explo-
sives at Several Different Temperatures, FAIR No. 'd$>5, November, 195b.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Composition B

(j) W. S. Cramer, Bulk Compressibility Data on Several High Explosives, NAVORD Report No.
1+380, 15 September 1956.

(k) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on EDX Composition B:


1360 1211 ll+02 1313 1224 1325 1466 1207 1338 1339
1530 IU51 1482 1^33 1424 1^35 11*76 11+37 1388 1379
2100 2131 1592 1803 191+1+ 1585 1556 11+57 11+38 1I+69
2160 2151 1983 2004 1595 1756 1737 11+58 1819
2190 2053 2104 1865 1956 1797 1688 2019
2063 1885 2236 2007 1728
2103 aE5 2ll+7 1828
2233 2125 1838
2155 1978
2-75 2008
2235 2138

(1) C. Lenchitz, W. Beach and R. Valicky, Enthalpy Changes. Heat of Fusion and Specific Heat
of Basic Explosives, PATR No. 2504, January 1959.

Composition B, Desensitized AMCP70G-177

Molecular Weight: II**

Composition: II**
See rVr>l nni tf> SPPnnmi) "R
RDX 60 55-2 Oxygen Balance:
TNT 40 40.0 CO, % See Cyclonite See Cbmp B
Wax, added, (StafflffliUnd
CO % See Cyclonite See Comp B
or Aristowax, 1650/ 5
Vinylseal (MA28-14), Density: gm/cc Cast 1.65 1.65
added 2
Vistanex (B120) 1.2 Melting Point: "C
Albacer Wax 3-6
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: I* II** Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 95
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n»
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. Ik 13
Sample Wt, mg 17 16

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test: I* II**

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.99 0.92
% I* II**
Explosions 0 0
150°C 11+ 11+
Partials 0 0
Burned 5 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test: II**
Unaffected 95 100 Sand, gm 52.7 55-0

Explosion Temperature: °C I" 11** Sensitivity to Initiation: _I* II**

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Decomposes 260 270 Lead Azide 0.22 0.26
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heatlest:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs

I* Condition
100°C Heat Test: 11**
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.05 0.12
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.19 0.18
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
30°C, 90$ RH 0.00 0.00
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: Nil Nil
Rate, meters/second

*Desensitized Comp B, designated I, uses emulsified wax.

**Desensitized Comp B, designated 11, uses coated RDX.

AMCP 706-177 Composition B, Desensitized.

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow-brown
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Bombs

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc 17^5
Charge Wt, lb 0.87 0.86

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51* 51*
For Subject HE 609 659
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.65

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25M» ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Viscosity, poises: I* II**

Air, Confined:
Temp, 83°C 3-5 3-1
95°C 2.6 2.7
Under Water:
Peak Pressure References:
(a) See the following Picatinny Arsenal
Energy Technical Reports on RDX Composition B,
Peak Pressure 2 i I 6
2151 1313 1*35 1756
2053 1865

*Desensitized Comp B, des ignated I, uses

emulsified wax.
**Desensitized Camp B, des ignated 11 uses
coated RDX.

AMCP 706-177
Composition C

Composition: Molecular Weight:

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 88.3
CO, %
CO %
Plasticizer , non-
explosive 11.T*
Density: gm/cc

*Nonexplosive oily plasticizer containing

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. _D

Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100X 0.3
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.7
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 46.5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 285 Lead Azide 0.25
10 Tetryl 0.11
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 120
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method A
Condition Hand Tamped
100°C Heat Test:
Confined Yes
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.04
Density, gm/cc 1.58
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00
Brisance, % TNT 112
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 95/» RH 0.25
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 25°C, 5 days 0.00
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Conroosition C

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

(f) (E)
90 mm HE M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones
Density, gm/cc Hole Volume 113 ll1*
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth 101 111*

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Plastic demolition explosive

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hand tamped
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.49

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Exudes above ^0 C


Air, Confined:
Below 0°C Brittle (0°c)
0-^0°C Plastic
Under Water: Above 1+0°C Exudes (40°C)
Peak Pressure
Impulse References :
See references for Composition C-4.

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177
Composition C-2

Composition: Molecular Weight:

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 78.7
TNT 5-0 CO, %
DNT 12.0 CO %
MNT 2.7
NC 0.6 Density: gm/cc
Solvent 1.0
Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 90
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. _□
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 2.0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 9.0
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 20
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 80 Sand, gm 47.5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Decomposes 285 Lead Azide 0.25
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 126
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test: (c)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B
Condition Hand tamped
100°C Heat Test:
Confined ND
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 1.8
Density, gm/cc 1.52
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 1.4
Brisance, % TNT 111
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate: (d)
Flammability Index: 178 Confinement None
Condition Hand tamped
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 95/» RH 0.55 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1-57
Volatility: 25°C, 5 days 0.00
Rate, meters/second 7660

AMCP 706-177 Composition C-2

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. a£ Fragments:

Color: white
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Plastic demolition explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hand tamped
For Subject HE

Loading Density: gm/cc !• 57

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Volatilizes above 52°C


Air, Confined: Plasticity:

Below 0°C Plastic (-30°C)
0-l*O°C Plastic
Under Water:
above 4o°C Hard (52°C)*
Peak Pressure
impulse *Due to volitalization of plasticizer.

See references for Composition C-4.
Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177
Composition C-3

Composition: Molecular Weight:

Oxygen Balance:
HDX 77
Tetryl CO, %
'ITJT 4 CO %
DI-IT 10
MAT Density: gm/cc
NC 1
Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: C
Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. lit _D

Sample Wt, mg 33

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Un affected 90°C
100°C 1.21
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials !t0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 6r Sand, gm 53-1

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Decomposes 280 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.08
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 126
Trauzl Test, % TNT: (t)
75°C International HeatTest:
% Loss in ^8 Hrs Plate Dent Test: ( )
Method B
Condition Hand tamped
100°C HeatTest:
Confined NO
% Loss. 1st 48 Hrs 3.20
Density, gm/cc 1-57
% Loss. 2nd 48 Hrs 1.63
Brisance, % TNT 118
Explosion in 100 Hrs Eorae

Detonation Rate: (d)

Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Hand tamped
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 95$ KH 2.k Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Volatility: 25°C, 5 days 1-15
Rate, meters/second 7625

AMCP 706-177 Composition C-3

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 158 Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb 20*+5 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 944
Principal Uses: plastic demolition explosive

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc 1.60
Charge Wt, lb 0.842

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Hand tamped

For TNT 5^
For Subject HE 671
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.58

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 105
Exudation Exudes a t 77°C
Impulse 109

Air, Confined:
Impulse Below 0°C Hard (-29°C)
0-4o°C Plastic
Under Water: Above 40°C Exudes (77°c)
Peak Pressure
Booster Sensitivity Test: (h)
Energy Condition Pressed
Tetryl, gm 100
Underground: Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 1.36
Peak Pressure Density, gm/cc 1.62
See references for Composition c-4.

Composition 04 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight:

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 91
CO, %
Plasticizer, non- CO %
explosive 9*
Density: gm/cc
Contains polyisobutylene 2 Vjo; motor oil
1.6$ and di(2-ethylhexyl) sebacate 5' 3$" Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 19
Sample Wt, mg 27

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.26
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 0
Burned 20 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 80 Sand, gm 55.7

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 290 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 130

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test: (c)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B
Condition Hand tamped
100°C Heat Test:
0.13 Confined No
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 1.60
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT 115
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate: (d)

Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Hand tamped
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 95°/» KH Nil Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.59
Rate, meters/second 8040

AMCP 706-177 Composition C-4

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT - 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light brown
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Plastic demolition explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hand tamped
For Subject HE

Loading Density: gm/cc 1.60

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None at 77 C

Air, Confined: Effect of Temperature on (i)

Impulse Rate of Detonation:

16 hrs at, °C -54 21

Under Water:
Density, gm/cc 1.36 1-35
Peak Pressure
Rate, m/sec 7020 70^0
Energy Plasticity:

Below 0°C Plastic (-57°C)

0-ij-0°C Plastic
Peak Pressure
Above *K)0C Plastic (77°c)

AMCP 706-177
Compositions C, C-2, C-3, C-4


In manufacturing Composition C-3J the mixed plasticizing agent is heated in a melting kettle
at 100°C. Water-wet RDX is added and heating and stirring are continued until all the water is
evaporated. This mixture is then cooled and hand pressed Into demolition blocks or special item
Composition C-4 is prepared by hand kneading and rolling, or in a Schrader Bowl mixer, RDX
of ^4 micron size or less with the polyisobutylene-plasticizer previously made up in ether. *ne
thoroughly blended explosive is dried in air at 6o°C and loosely packed by hand tamping to its
maximum density.


Developed by the British during World War II as a plastic explosive which could be hand
shaped. It was standardized in the United States during World Wir II and subsequent development
led. to mixtures designated C-2, C-3 and C-4.

■Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Composition C-3 is decomposed by adding it slowly to a solution composed of 1 l/h parts

sodium hydroxide, 11 parts water, and 4 parts 9% alcohol, heated to 50°C. After addition of
Composition C-3 is complete, the solution is heated to 80°C and maintained at this temperature
for 15 minutes.


(a) Committee of Div 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal. OSRD No. 5406, 31 July I9I+5.

(b) Philip C Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives. Second Revision,
NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.
L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives. Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Repcrt No. 5746, 27 December I945.

(d) G- H. Messerly, Ihe Rate of Detonation of Various Explosive Compounds, OSRD Report No.
1219, 22 February 1943-

M. D. Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures, OSRD Report No.
56H, 15 January 1946.

(e) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Blast Effects of Bcmb Explosives, PA Tech Div Lecture, 9 April

(f) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, See III, Variation of Cavi-
ty Effect with Explosive Composition, NDRC Contract W&72-ÖRD-5723-

(g) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, 18 September
1943, NDRC Contract W-672-0RD-5723-

(h) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, 4 Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Memo 10,303, 15 June 1949-

'See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
Compositions C, 0-2, C-3, C-4

(i) W. F. McGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military Explo-
sives at Several Temperatures, PAIR No. 2383? November 1956.

(j ) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on RDX Composition C:


Cbmp C 1260 1293 1518

Cbmp C-2 1293 lkl6 1518
Cbmp C-3 l6ll 1713 215I+ 1595 l)+l6 1797 1518
1695 1556 2028
1885 1766
Cbmp C-4 1766 1907 1828 1819

Copper Chlorotetrazole AMCP 706-177

Coyorition: Molecular Weight: (CuC2NgCl2) 271

C 8.9 N — N*_ Oxygen Balance:

7ccl CO, % -30

11 co% -18
N 41.5 N— N<T
Density: gm/cc 2.04
26 2
- N—N<
Melting Point: "C
23-^ \-^

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 1; (11b wt) 3
Sample Wt, mg 9

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Exploded cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Exploded 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test: (f)
BlacE'powder fuse m
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 305 LeadAzide 0.20 0.30
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 2.67
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.10
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90%EH 3-11
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Copper Chlorotetrazole

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Blue
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Primary explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
, ■» / psi x 10J (Q)
Loading Density: gm/cc *■ '
10 20 1+0 70
FragmentVelocity: ft/sec 1.49 1.63 1.71* 1.86
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blost (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None

Stab Sensitivity: (c)

Air, Confined:
Impulse Density Firing Point (inch-ounces)
gm/cc of 50$ 100$
Peak Pressure 1.49 9 11 15
Impulse 1.63 8.5 io 12
1.7^ 6 7 9
Energy 1.86 4 5 6

Underground: Heat of:

Peak Pressure
Impulse Explosion, cal/gm 432
Energy Specific Heat, cal/gm/°C

Temp range 0°-30°C 0.155

Wt of sample, gn 0.8910

Copper Chlorotetrazole AMCP 706-177

■Preparation: (a)

Five grams of 5-aminotetrazole are dissolved in a mixture of 200 ml of water and TO ml of

concentrated HC1. Enough kerosene or nujol (which gives a slightly cleaner product) is added
to provide a layer of oil approximately X/h" thick on the surface. With only moderate stirring
and external cooling to 10°-15°C, a solution of 5 grams of sodium nitrite in 70 cc of water is
added rapidly by means of a burette extending below the oil layer. Immediately after this addi-
tion, a solution of 5 gms of cupric chloride in a minimum amount of water is added all at once,
and stirring is continued for about 1 hour. The reaction mixture is allowed to stand for a few
minutes till the bright blue copper salt separates. The oil is removed by decantation and may
be reused. The salt is filtered; washed with water, alcohol, and ether; and dried - giving a
yield of 6 grams or jh%.


y>- NH„

>" N = N+-C1- +2H„0

CC1 Cu++ C — Cl + N



The copper salt of 5-ehlorotetrazole was first described in 1929 by R. Stolle (with
E. Schick, F. Henke-Stark and L. Krauss) who prepared the compound by reaction of the diazo-
nium chloride of 5-aniinotetrazole with copper chloride (Ber 62A, 1123).

(a) R. J. Gaughran and J- V. R. Kaufman, Synthesis and Properties of Halotetrazole Salts.

PAIR No. 2136, February 1955-

(b) A. M. Anzalone, J. E. Abel and A. C. Forsyth, Characteristics of Explosive Substances

for Application in Ammunition, PATR No. 2179, Msy 1955.

(c) A. C. Forsyth, Pfc, S. Krasner and R. J. Gaughran, Development of Optimum Explosive

Trains. An Investigation Concerning Stab Sensitivity versus Loading Density of Sane Initialing
Compounds. PAIR No. 2146, February 1955- ' ""

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Cyanuric Triazide

Composition: Molecular Weight: (03^2) 204

Oxygen Balance:
C 17.6 N,
3 CO, % -47.1
I CO % -23-5
N 82.4 /H\
Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.54

W5-C1 JC-W, Melting Point: °C 94

C/H Ratio
/ Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 1 kg wt 7
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 32.2

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 252 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 LeadAzide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 0.3
Density, gm/cc 1-15
Volatility: Decomposes above 100°C
Rate, meters/second 5550-5ÖOO

AMCP 706-177
Cyanuric Triazide

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Colorless

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Not used because of difficulty
in controlling sensitivity.
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 200 atmospheres 1.4
Fragment Velocity: ft/se( At 800 atmospheres 1- • 5
At 3 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Exudation None

Air, Confined:

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 Cyanuric Triazide


By the reaction of cyanuric chloride with an aqueous solution of sodium azide:

Cl-C// \c-ci 3 3
1 11 + 3NaN — ^ 1 I + 3KaCl

V V1
Cl N,

Recrystallization should be avoided as it leads to very large crystals which explode when


Cyanuric Triazide was prepared in 1847 by Cahours from chlorine and methyl cyanate.
Later James improved the process (JCS ^1, 268 (1887) and in 1921 E. Ott patented the prepara-
tion from cyanuric chloride and sodium azide (Ref b) Taylor and Rinkenbach prepared cyanuric
triazide in a pure state and determined its properties (Ref c).

Initiating Efficiency:

Reported to be more efficient than lead azide. Capable of initiating Explosive D.


Insoluble in water; readily soluble in hot ethanol, acetone, benzene, and ether.

Heat of:

Formation, cal/gm -1090 to -1138

References: 13

(a) A. H. Blatt, Compilation of Data on Organic Explosives, OSRD Report No. 2014,
29 February igkk.

(b) Ott and Ohse, Ber 5k, 179 (1921).

(c) Taylor and Rinkenbach, Bureau of Mines, RI 2513 (1923).

Taylor and Rinkenbach, J Frank Inst 20^, 369 (1927).

13,See footnote 1, page 10.

Cyclonite* (RDX) AMCP 706-177

Molecular Weight: (CgHgNgOg) 222

Composition: QJJO

Oxygen Balance:
l6.3 0QN—N N — -22
CO, %

2.7 Hot 1 1
CO % 0.0

2 2
\/ Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.82
N 37-8 N
Melting Point: °C 204
0 43.2 W02

C/H Ratio 0.095 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 32
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n»
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 8
Sample Wt, mg 18

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffect ;d 90°C
100°C 0.7
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.9
% 135°C
Explosions 100
150°C 2-5
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Sand, gm 60.2
Unaffected 0

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) ^-05 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate 0.19*
1 3l6
5 Decomposes 260 Lead Azide 0.05*
10 240 * Tetryl
Alternative initiating charg es
15 235
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 150
Trauzl Test, % TNT: (b) 157

75°C International Heat Test: Plate Dent Test: (c)

% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.03
Method A
Condition Pressed
100°C Heat Test:
Confined Yes
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.04
Density, gm/cc 1.50
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00
Brisance, % TNT 135
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
1 Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: (d-) 278 Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 25°C, 100$ RH 0.02 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.65
Volatility: Nil Rate, meters/second 8180

*Name given by Clarence J. Bain of Picatinny Arsenal. Germans call it Hexogen: Italians call
it Th; British, RDX.

AMCP 706-177 Cyclonite (RDX)

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation: (i) _

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec 10 " ■*
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 47.5
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcQl/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 213-299

Density, gm/cc Phase Liquid

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm 2285
Explosion, cal/gm 1280
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 908 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm -96 Aluminum Fineness
Solution, cal/mol (28-55?» HNO ) 7.169*
*Assumincr cyclonite uniifolecular 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:

Specific heat: col/gin/"C

Plate Thickness, inches
°_C_ ^C

20 0.298 100 0.406 1

ko 0.331 120 0.427 Hi
60 0.360 140 0.kh6
80 0.384
Burning Rote:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity: (h) ■

T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombvs Concrete:
cal/sec/cm/°C 1.263 6.91 X 10"r
Density, gm/cc 1.533 6.98 x 10"*
Max Safe Drop, ft
Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale: 2.5 Unaffected
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 706-177
Cyelonite (RDX)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: White

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Detonator base charge, and
ingredient for projectile and
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: bomb fillers
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc ^ p Sj^ x 10 ^ ^

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 1.1+6 1.52 1.60 1.63 1.65 1.6c

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M (wet)

Group L (dry)
Peak Pressure
Exudation None
Effect of Temperature on
Air, Confined: Rate of Detonation: (k)
16hrs at, °C "54 21
Under Water: Density, gm/cc 1.61 1.62
Peak Pressure Rate, m/sec 8100 8050
Effect of Temperature on
Energy Impact Sensitivity:

Underground: Temp. PA Impact Test

Peak Pressure °C 2KjWt, inches
Roan 9
Energy 32.2 8
104 5

AMCP 706-177 Cyclonlte (RDX)

Solubility of Cvc:lonite; Km/l00 gm of the follow ing substances: . (J)

Water Alcohol Acetone Benzene Toluene

-2c _i. A. _i_ ^c_ _!
20 0.05

30 0.005 0 0.040
50 0.025 20 0.105 20 7.3 40 0.09 20 0.02
70 0.076 40 0.240 40 11.5 60 0.20 kO 0.05
90 0.19 60 0.579 60 18. 80 0.41 60 0.13
100 0.28 78 1.195 80 0.30
100 0.65
Ethvl acetate tetrachloride Methanol Ether THT

°c i °c _i_ ^c_ _i_ °C _± °C *

28 2.9 50 0.005 0 0.14 10 0.05 80 XX
94 18. 60 0.007 20 0.23 20 0.056 85 5.0
70 0.009 i+0 0.^7 30 0.076 90 5.55
60 1.1 95 6.2
100 7.0
105 7.9

Isoamyl Methyl ^"-Ethoxyethyl Irichloro-

alcohol acetate acetate Chlorobenzene ethvlene

°C J_ °C J, °c i °C J_
0 0.02 20 "2TB ~2W Ü7I5 "2D" OT33 20 0.20
20 0.03 30 3-3 30 0.16 30 0.44 30 0.22
ko 0.065 ko U.l 1+0 0.19 ko 0.56 kO 0.24
60 0.22 50 5-6 50 0.25 50 0.74 50 0.26
80 0.5^
100 1.35

Tetra- Isopro-
c h1o roethane panol Isobutanol Chloroform Mesityloxide

-fc JL J^c_„ _& °c A_ °c i

38 0.09 38 0.18 23 0.0 20 0.01 27 3.2
97 12.2

Cyclo- Nitro- Hitro- Cyclo-

e thane

°c i °C _i °C "Jo °c A
25 12.7 25 1.5 28 3.6 28 11.5 26 11
37 25 97 12.4 93 19 90 37 82 33

Methyl ethyl ketone

95 14

AMCP 706-177
Cyclonite (RDX)

Snlnhility nf Cynlnnitp Hnlstnn T.nt F-7-5 in Various Snlvpnts-



Pointy Grade or
Solvent He Source* 28°C Heated Crystalline Form

Acetone 56 CP 8.2 16.5 at 6o°C hexagonal-thick

155-6 CP 13.0 24.0 at 93°C cubic (massive form)
Nitromethane 100.8 1-5 12.4 at 97°C plates
Acetonitrile 81.6 Miacet 11.3 33.4 at 93°C plates
Chem. Co.
1-Nitropropane 126.5 EK Pract 1.4 10.6 at 93°C short needles
2-Nitropropane 120 EK Pract 2-3 11.6 at 93°C short needles
2, it-Pentanedione 140.5 Carbide & 2.9 18.3 at 93°C f 1 at prisms
Methylisobutylketone 115.8 2.4 9.6 at 93°C long prisms
n-Propylacetate 101.6 EK Red Label 1-5 6.0 at 93°C long prisms, some
n-Butylformate 105.6 EK Red Label 1.4 4.6 at 93°C long prisms
Ethyl acetate 77-1 Baker's CP 2.0 6.1 at boil. hexagonal plates
n-Propylp^opionate 121 EK Red Label 0.8 1.6 at 93°C short prisms, some
Butylacetate 126.5 EK Technical 1.1 4.0 at 93°C long prisms
Methylethylketone 79.6 5-6 13.9 at boil. coarse plates
Nitroethane 114.2 EK Red Label 3-6 19.5 at 93°c plates
Isopropylacetate 88-90 CP 1.1 3.2 at boil. long prisms
Mesityl oxide 128 EK Red Label 4.8 14.5 at 93°C plates
n-Amylacetat e 1K6 CP 1.0 2.1 at 93°C prisms
Dimethylcarbonate 88-91 EK Red Label 1.4 6.6 at boil. plates
Diethylcarbonate 125-126.5 EK Red Label 0-7 3- at 93°C prisms
Isoamylacetate 132 CP 1.2 3.6 at 93°C prisms
Ethylpropionate 98-100 EK Red Label 3-0 10.7 at 93°C fairly thick hex
Methyl-n-butyrate 1 1.5-103-5 EK Red Label 1.2 4.9 at 93°C needles
Cyclopentanone 130.6 SK Red Label 11.5 39.0 at 93-5° C hexagonal plates
Acrylonitrile 77-3 Cyanamid Co. 4.0 16.4 at boil. flat plates
Methylcello sol veacet ate 144.5 Carbide & 1.6 8.8 at 93°C massive hexagons and
Carbon prisms

* EK, Eastman Kodak: Pract, practical.

AMCP 706-177 gyclonlte (RDX)


(Summary Technical Report of the NDRC, Div 8, Vol 1)

1 b N.4 + I4HNO, + 2NH.NO. + 6(CH C0)„ 0 I 1
3 4 3 3 2 0oN-N N-N02
Ammonium nitrate and acetic anhydride are placed in a flask and, while the mixture is stirred
at 75°C, the following three liquids are introduced concurrently and proportionately: acetic an-
hydride, concentrated nitric acid, and a solution of hexamine in glacial acetic acid. The final
mixture is held for a short time at 75°C, diluted with water to 30% acetic acid, and simmered to
hydrolyze unstable reaction by-products, which are a mixture of various nitrated and acetylated
derivatives of hexamine fragments. After simmering, the slurry is cooled and the precipitated
cyclonite removed by filtration. The yield is 78% of the theoretical amount (2 moles) of cyclo-
nite melting at 199°C By dissolving the ammonium nitrate in the nitric acid, a continuous pro-
cess, based on 3 liquids, is possible.

The product is recrystallized from acetone, or cyclohexanone, to (a) remove acidity, (b)
control particle size and (c) to produce stable y^-HMX. The preparative procedure described
above, the Bachmann or Combination process, yields cyclonite containing 3-8%HMX.

Ori g in:

First prepared by Henning in 1899 (German Patent 104,280) and later by von Hertz (U. S.
Patent 1,402,693) in 1922 who recognized its value as an explosive. Not used on a large scale
in explosive ammunition until World Wr 11.

Destruction "by Chemical DecomDosition:

Cyclonite (RDX) is decomposed by adding it slowly to 25 times its weight of boiling 5/0 sodium
hydroxide. Boiling should be continued for one-half hour.


(a) L- C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 57^6. 27 December 1945.

(b) Ph. Naoum, Z. ges Schiess Sprengstoffw, pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revision,
NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

^See footnote 1, page 10

„ , . , AMCP 706-177
Cyclonite (RDX)

(e) Annament Research Department (Woolwich), Solubility of RDX in Nitric Acid (ÄRD Expl Rpt
322/^3 September 19^3)-

(f) Report AC-2587.

(g) International Critical Tables

Land. Bornst.

B. T. Fedoroff et al, A Manual for Explosives Laboratories, Lefax Society Inc, Phila-
delphia, 1943-6.

(h) E. Hutchinson, The Thermal Sensitiveness of Explosives. The Thermal Conductivity of

Explosive Materials, AC 2861, First Report, August 1942.

(i) R. J. Finkelstein and G. Gamow, Theory of the Detonation Process, NAVORD Report No. 90-
46, 20 April 19^7.

(j) International Critical Tables.

(k) W. F. McGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military Explo-
sives at Several Different Temperatures, FAIK NO. ü'j/ö'i, November lyib.

(1) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Cyclonite:

0123 4. 5678^

1170 1211 582 863 1184 65 1236 857 1438 709

1290 1241 13^2 1193 l4i4 1175 1316 1207 1458 1379
1360 1311 1352 1293 lk-5k 1185 1416 1427 1498 1429
1450 1421 1372 l433 l6i4 1435 1446 1437 1578 1449
1760 l48l 1402 1483 163h 1445 1466 1517 1838 1469
1980 1561 1^52 1503 2024 1715 1476 1617 1958 1709
2100 1611 1492 1693 2154 1855 1516 1687 1958 1909
1651 1532 1713 2204 1885 1556 1737 2008 2059
174l 2062 1793 1915 1756 1747 2028 2179
1751 2112 1923 1935 1766 1787 2178
1761 2095 1796 1797 2198
2131 2125 1836 1957
2151 2205 1936 2147
1956 2227

AMCP 706-177 Cyclotol, 75/25

Composition: Molecular Weight: 224

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 75 CO, % -35
CO % - 6
TNT 25
Density: gm/cc Cast 1-71

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100oC 0.23
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Explosions 30
Parti a Is Smokes 40
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sond Test:
Unaffected 30 Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % YNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None None
Condition Cast Cast
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.70 1.71
Rate, meters/second 8035 7936

AMCP 706-177
Cyclotol, 75/25

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocolorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, CC

Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm 2625*
Explosion, cal/gm 1225*
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 862 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, col/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm (h) 5-0
* Calculated from composition of mixture. 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:

Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (h)

Plate Thickness, inches

-75 0.220 75 0.352 1

0 0.225 85 0.325 1 Vi
25 0.25U 90 0.332
50 O.296 100 0.351
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Moris' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm-
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials
Low Order
°C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 706-177 Cyclotol, 75/25

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M 71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.72 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.22 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow-buff
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 15ll|
Principal Uses: Shaped charge bomb especially
fragmentation; HE projectiles:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.71

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (a) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 111
Impulse 126 Exudation

Energy --
Preparation: See Composition B
Air, Confined: Origin: Developed by the British between World
Impulse Wars I and II and standardized in the United
States early in World War 11.
Under Water:
Black Modulus a t Room
Peak Pressure
Temperature (25°-30°c) :
Dynes/cm2 x 10"^ 3-09
Energy Density, gm/cc 1.7^
Absolute Viscosity, poises:
Underground: Temp, 85^C 210**
Peak Pressure 90°C
Efflux Viscosity, Saybolt Seconds:
Temp, 85°C 9-l4

Compositions using Spec Grade lype A,

Class A RDX.
** Composition prepared using RDX of optimum
particle size.

Cyclotol, 70/30 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 224

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 70
CO, % -37
CO % - 8
TNT 30

Density: gm/cc Cast 1.71

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 60
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. Ik
Sample Wt, mg 20 n25

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.86
% 135°C
Explosions 30
Partials 30
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 40 Sand, gm 56.6
Explosion Temperature: C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.21*
5 Decomposes 265 Lead Azide 0.20*
10 Tetryl
♦Alternative initiating charges
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 135

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test: (t>)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined Wo
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.07
Density, gm/cc 1-725
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.08
Brisance, % TNT 136
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Hygroscopicity: % Nil Charge Diameter, in. 1.0

Density, gm/cc 1-73

Volatility: Nil
Rate, meters/second 8060

AMCP 706-177 Cyclotol, 70/30

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones (e)

Density, gm/cc 1-71 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.213 Hole Depth 130

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow-buff
For TNT 703
For Subject HE H65
Principal Uses: Shaped charge bombs:
3 inch HE,M42A1 Projectile , Lot KC-5: especially fragmentation HE
projectiles, grenades
Density, gm/cc 1.72
Charge Wt, lb 0.923

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 828
Loading Density: gm/cc i.71

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 5 ft
At 251/2 ft .Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (a) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 110
Impulse 120 Exudation


Preparation: See Composition B

Air, Confined:
Impulse Origin: Developed by the British between
World Wars I and II and standardized in
the United States early in World War II.
Under Water:
Peak Pressure Absolute Viscosity, poises:*
Impulse Temp, 85°C
Energy 90°C 53.2
Efflux Viscosity, Saybolt Seconds:
Underground: Temp, 85°C 5
Peak Pressure
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 2685
Energy Explosion, cal/gm 1213
Gas Volume, cc/gm 854

* Composition using Spec Grade 'Type A,

^ Class A RDX.
Calculated from composition of mixture.

Cyclotol, 65/35 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 224

RDX 55 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % -ko
TNT 35 CO % - 9

Density: gm/cc Cast 1.71

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. _D
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Partia Is
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 55^

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Decomposes 270 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 134

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % Nil
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.72
Volatility: Nil
Rate, meters/second 1915

AMCP 70G-177 Cyclotol, 65/35

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones (e)

Density, gm/cc 1.71 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.253 Hole Depth 130

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT 703
For Subject HE 1153
Principal Uses: Shaped charge bombs;
especially fragmentation HE
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile Lot KC-5:
projectiles, grenades
Density, gm/cc 1.71
Charge Wt, lb 0.922

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
ForTNT 5lh
Far Subject HE 769
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.71

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Preparation: See Composition B
Air, Confined:
Impulse Origin: Developed by the British between
World Wars I and II and standardized in
the United States early in World War 11.
Peak Pressure
Eutectic Temperature. °C: 79
Energy gn RDX/lOO gn TNT
79°C 4.16
95°C 5.85
Peak Pressure Absolute Viscosity, -poises:*
Energy Temp, 85°C 30.2
* 90°C 26.0
Heat of: •it
Composition using Spec Grade Ty-pe A,
Combustion, cal/gm 2755 Class A RDX.
Explosion, cal/gm 1205
* Gas Volume, cc/gm 8^5
Calculated from conroosition of mixture.

Cyclotol, Go/ho AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 224

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 60
CO, % -43
CO % 10
TNT 40
Density: gm/cc rjast 1.68

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 75
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. lit-
Sample Wt, mg 19

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials 120°C 0.29
% 135°C
Explosions 5
Partials 55
Burned 25 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 15 Sand, gm 54.6

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.22*
5 Decomposes 280 Lead Azide 0.20*
10 Tetryl
♦Alternative initiating charges
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 1-33

Irauzllest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent lest: O3)
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat lest:
Confined N)
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 1.72
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT 132
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % Nil Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.72
Volatility: Nil
Rate, meters/second 7900

AMCP 706-177 Cyclotol, 6o/kO

Fragmentation lest: §hoped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones (e)
Density, gm/cc 1.65 Hole Volume 178 162
Charge Wt, lb 2.187 Hole Depth 125 lW>

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Yellow-buff

For TNT 703
For Subject HE 998
Principal Utes: Shaped charge bomb;
especially fragmentation HE
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile , Lot KC-5: projectiles, grenades
Density, gm/cc 1.67
Charge Wt, lb 0.882

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For Subject HE 701
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.68

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec (c)

At 9 ft 2965
At 25y2 ft 2800 Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (d) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 104
Impulse 116 Exudation

Preparation: See Composition B

Air, Confined:
Impulse Origin: Developed by the British between
World Wars I and II and standardized in
Under Water: the United States early in World War II.
Peak Pressure
Impulse Bulk Modulus a t Room
Temperature (25°-30°c) :
Dynes/cm2 x 10~10 4.14
Underground: Density, gm/cc 1.72
Peak Pressure
Impulse Absolute Viscosity, poises:*
Energy Temp, 85°C 12.3
Heat of: 90°C
Combustion, cal/gm 2820
Explosion, cal/gm 1195 Compositions using Spec Grade Type A,
Gas 'Volume, cc/gm _^ 81+5 Class A RDX.
Compressive Strength: lb/inch
1.70 gm/cc 2200-3000
Calculated from composition of mixture.

Cyclotol, 75/25, 70/30, 65/35 AMCP 706-177


(a) L- C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests. OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, HAugust 1942.

(c) R. W. Drake, Fragment Velocity and Panel Penetration of Several Explosives in Simu-
lated Shells, OSRD Report No. 3622, 2 January 194b.

(d) V. Philipchuk, Free Air Blast Evaluation of RDX-TNT-A1, RDX-TNT, and TNT-Metal Systems,
National Northern Summary Report, NN-P-34, April 195t>>

(e) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect. Section 111, Variation of
Cavity Effect with Composition, NDRC Contract W-b72-0KD-5723<

(f) W. S. Cramer, Bulk Compressibility Data on Several High Explosives, NAVORD Report No.
4380, 15 September 195&"^

(g) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Cyclotols:

O123I+56 las
1290 1651 1482 1483 1824 1435 1476 1427 1398 1469
1530 1741 1793 1834 1585 1756 1507 1488 1509
1983 1944 1796 1747 1838 1709
2004 1876

(h) C. Lenchitz, W. Beach and E. Valicky, Enthalpy Changes, Heat of Fusion and Specific
Heat of Basic Explosives, PAIR No. 2504, January 1959. '

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Cvclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^HgNgO^) 171*

% V?
C Oxygen Balance:
C 20.6
CO, % -55
N— N=0
H 3-5 °-S-Sl CO % -28

N 48.3 H c- -CH2 Density: gm/cc

0 27.6 fl Melting Point: "C 105 to 107

C/H Ratio 0.12 fl Freezing Point: °C


Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 15 to 22 —D
Sample Wt, mg 17 to 20

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test: (c)

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C 0.20
ioo°c 9-19 3-71*
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials *Average value of 5 p sample twice recrystal-
% lized from isoamyl alcohol.
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 59.2 54.1

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.200**
5 220 LeadAzide 0.100**
**Alternative initiating charges.
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 130
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 8.79
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 2.98
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate: (b)

Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90%RH 0.02
Charge Diameter, in. 1.2
Density, gm/cc 1.42
| Volatility:
Rate, meters/second 7000 to 7300

AMCP 70G-177
Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of projectile filler
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed or cast with added
For TNT melting point depressants
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc See below

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
Density at Various Pressures: (ID)
Air, Confined: 0
Impulse l"b/inch gm/cc

Underwater: 2,420 1.10

Peak Pressure 4,830 1.23
9,650 1-37
Impulse 14,500 l.kk
Energy 24,200 1.53
33,800 1.57
Underground: 42,500 1.59
Peak Pressure
Heat of:
Energy Combustion, cal/gm 3158
Explosion, cal/gm 876
Formation, cal/gm -91^

AMCP 706-177 Cvclotrimethvlene Trinitrosamine

Preparation of Hexahydro-1,3j5-Trinitroso-s-triazine Cvclotrimethvlene Trinitrosamine:

(Reference a)

HNO -H2S0^ 0N_N


formaldehyde ammonium sodium nitric sulfuric II

hydroxide nitrate acid acid ]

An ammoniacal solution of an amine is prepared by adding aqueous formaldehyde to ammonium

hydroxide. The rate of addition of formaldehyde is regulated to maintain a solution tempera-
ture of 30° to 35°C

Sodium nitrite is dissolved in water and the solution or slurry is then poured into the
previously prepared amine-ammonia solution and totally dissolved by stirring. This solution
is chilled to below 0°C.

Into a mixed acid solution, previously prepared by dissolving concentrated nitric acid
in water and adding concentrated sulfuric acid, all chilled to -9 C, there is added the cold
amine-nitrite solution below the surface of the acid mixture. The addition is regulated to
take 20 to 30 minutes.

The resulting foamy head of cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine is allowed to sit over the
icy spent liquor for 1/2 hour and is then collected on a sintered glass funnel and washed to
neutrality. The moist cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine is removed from the funnel and air-
dried on filter paper. The dry crude product melts at 106° to 107°C. Recrystallization from
isoamyl alcohol gives a pure compound melting at 105° to 107°C.

Cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine ws discovered in 1888 simultaneously by Griess and
Harrow (Ber 21 (1888), p. 2737) and by Mayer (Ber 21 (1888), p. 2883) when sodium nitrite
was allowed to react with hexamethylene tetramine in acid solution. This compound was later
studied by Duden and Scharff (Ann 288 (l895)> p. 218) and by Delepine who determined its heat
of formation, which was negative (Bull Soc chim (3) 1£ (1896), p. 1199). Because cyclotri-
methylene trinitrosamine could be made at first in very poor yield only, it was a long time
before it received consideration for practical application as an explosive. However, the
study of cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine was continued and investigations were made as to
its behavior in mixtures with other substances (Prof. D. G. Romer "Report on Explosives,"
BIOSGP 2-HEC 57^2).

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Cyclotrimethylene trinitrosamine is easily decomposed by acid or alkali and even by

boiling in water.

Cvclotrimethvlene Trinitrosamine AMCP 706-177

High Temperature Decomposition. 0.02 em in 10 ml Test Tube: ' ")

I Immersed 10 minutes in bath heated at 5°/niinute


j Cl) Melting begins 105

| Decomposition begins 150
j Nitrous gas 160
! Entire decomposition 170
| (2) Seme bubbles 110
Very slow decomposition 150
Decomposes in 2 minutes 200
Decomposes in 40 seconds 250
Immediate decomposition 300

Long Term Stability: (b)

Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine loosely packed in covered wooden boxes for six years at
ambient temperature and protected from the sun:

1. Explosive showed no color change.

2. Melting point decreased from lO1*.?0 to lO^C.

3. Coefficient of "Utilisation Practique" decreased from 125.5 to 123.5.

4. An Abel Test at 110 C gave no color to iodine starch paper in 15 minutes.

Fusion Tests, Mixtures of Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine and TNT: (b)

£§£clotrimethylene Melting
irimtrosamine, 7b Point, C

10 74
20 68
30 62
40 55 t
42 55 (Eutectic) 1
50 61 1i
60 69
TO 77
95 95

Eutectic Composition With TNT: (b) Rate of Detonation, meters/second

k2tfo Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine 7,000


AMCP 706-177 Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine

Reaction of Cyclotrimethylene Trinitrosamine With Other Materials: (b)

1. Iron powder Slight reaction

2. Copper powder Slight reaction

3. Aluminum powder Slight reaction

4. 2 parts picric acid + lpart R-Salt a Violent decomposition after 2 hours a t 10 C

b. Violent decomposition after 10 to 15 minutes
at 100°C

Detonation Rate: (b)

Confinement Paper cartridge

Condition Pressed

Charge Diameter, in. 1.18

Rate, meters/second Density, gm/cc

5180 0.85
5760 1.00
6600 1.20
7330 1.40
7600 1.50
7800 1.57

References 16

(a) Arthur D. Little, Inc. Progress Report No. 106, Fundamental Development of High Explo-
«w, April 1955, Contract No. DAI-19-020-501-OKD(p)-33.

(b) Louis Medard and Maurice Dutour, "Etude Etes Proprietes De La Cyclotrimethylene
Trinitrosamine," Mem poudr, 37, \32h (1951*)-

(c) H. A. Bronner and J. V. R. Kaufman, "Synthesis and Properties of R-Salt," PAIR in

preparation 1959-

(d) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Cyclotrimethylene
Trinitrosamine: 1174, 2179.

l"See footnote 1, page 10.

DBX (Depth Bomb Explosive) AMCP70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 83

Oxygen Balance:
Ammonium Nitrate 21 -46
CO, %
CO % -26
RDX 21
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.68
TNT 40
Melting Point: "C
Aluminum 18
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 35
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 13 _D
Sample Wt, mg Ik

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 6.15
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 58.5
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Ignites 400 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 146
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: (b)
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined N>
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 1.76
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT 102
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate: (c)

Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 1.6
Density, gm/cc 1.65
Rate, meters/second 6600

AMCP 706-177 DBX (Depth Bcmb Explosive)

Booster Sensitivity Test: (e) Decomposition Equation:

Condition Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 1-35 (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1.76 Phase

Heat of: (a) Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm
Explosion, cal/gm 1700
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:

Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (a)

-5°C, density 1-75 gm/cc 0.25 Plate Thickness, inches

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/"C 13.2 x io"1* T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:
Density 1.75 gm/cc
Max Safe Drop, ft
Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C -73°-T5°C 4.5 x IO" 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Moris' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus: (a)
High Order
B, dynes/cm2 10.4 x io10
E, lb/inch2 1.51 x io6 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 1.72
Height, ft
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 (d) 3210-3380 Trials
Density 1.78 gm/cc Unaffected

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order

DBX (Depth Bcmb Explosive) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness,TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Depth charge

3 inch HE, M42Ä1 Projectile, Lot KC-5

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc I.6I-I.69

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

(a) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 118
Impulse 127 Exudation

Energy 138

Air Confined:
DBX can be manufactured by slowly adding
water-wet RDX to molten TNT melted in a steam-
Under Water: jacketed kettle equipped with a stirrer. Wien
Peak Pressure -- all the water has evaporated, ammonium nitrate
Impulse is added and with heating and stirring con-
tinued, grained aluminum is added. The mix-
Energy 136
ture is cooled with stirring continued to
maintain uniformity and when suitable for pour.
Underground: ing the mixture is cast. DBX can also be made
Peak Pressure by adding 21%ammonium nitrate and 18$ alumi-
Impulse num to h2"jo cyclotol or Composition B of 50/50
RDX/THT content plus 19$ of TUT previously
melted at about 10D C.

AMCP 706-177 DBX (Depth Bomb Explosive)


DBX was developed and used by the United States and Great Britain during World Wr II.


(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 374b, 27 December 1945.

(b) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(c) G. H. Messerly, The Rate of Detonation of Various Explosive Compounds, OSRD Report No.
1219, 22 February 19^3-

M D- Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures, OSRD Report
No. 5611, 15 January W&.

(d) Philip C Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revision,
NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(e) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mmo 10,303, 1> June 1949.

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on DBX: 1585 and 1635.

See footnote 1, page 10.

l,3-Diamino-g,4,6-Trinitrobenzene (BA.MB) AMCP70S-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgH^Og) *3

% NK2
Oxygen Balance:
C 29.6 ^.
CO, %
H 2.1 y-f>^ CO %

d Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.83

H 28.8 T
N0 Melting Point: "C (a) !■
0 39-5 2

C/H Ratio 0.380 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 18
Sample Wt, mg 9

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 46.6

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 LeadAzide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 100
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.00
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.4
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flonmability Index: Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 0.5
Density, gm/cc 1.65
Rate, meters/second 7500

AMCP 706-177 l,3-Diamino-2,tt-,6-Trinitrobenzene (rATOB)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 50,000 psi 1.65
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Cook-Off Tertperature: °C 320

Air, Confined:
Time, minutes 8
Heat of:
Explosion, cal/gm 2876
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177
l,3-Diamino-2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene (pATTO)


Fifty grams (50 gm) of dry styphnic acid was added to 200 gn of anhydrous pyridine with
stirring. The resulting slurry was stirred for an additional 30 minutes. The yellow product,
dipyridinium styphnate, was collected by filtration and washed with approximately lOOmilli-
liters of diethyl ether. The product was dried over phosphorus (V) oxide, at room tempera-
ture, for 5 hours. Yield of 77 gn (94%), melting point l68° to 170°C (literature melting
point 173 C).

To 50 milliliters of phosphorus oxytrichloride, 29.8 gn of the dipyridinium styphnate were

added in small portions, with stirring. The reaction mixture was then warmed on a steam bath
for 15 minutes. This solution was quenched in 500 gn of ice water. The light yellow precipi-
tate was separated by filtration and washed with water until the washing was neutral to lit-
mus. Yield of l,3-dichloro-2,4,6-trinitro'benzene 20.4 gn (98$), MP 130 to 131°C (literature
MP 128°C).

A suspension of 3 gm of 1, 3-dichloro-2,4,6-trinitrobenzene in 9 milliliters of absolute

methanol was prepared. This slurry was cooled to 0°C, and dry ammonia was bubbled into the
stirred suspension. After 20 minutes the reaction mixture was allowed to warm to room tem-
perature, filtered by suction and washed with methanol and ether until a negative Beilstein
test for chloride ion was obtained on the washings. Yield of 1, 3-diamino-2,4,6-trinitro'benzene
2.5 gn (97$), MP 288° to 290°C (literature MP 285°C).


IAIftB, also called 2,4,6-trinitro-l,3-diamino-benzol or 2,4,6-trinitro-phenylenediamine-

(l>3)> was first obtained by Noelting and Collin in 1884 (Ber 17, 260) and also by Barr in
1888 (Ber 21, 1546) from 2,4,6-trinitroresorcin dimethylether In contact with ammoniacal-
alcohol for several days. J. J. Blanksma obtained the same product in 1902 by reacting
either 2-chloro-2,4,6-trinitroanisole or 3-chloro-2,4,6-trinitrophenetol with ammoniacal
alcohol (Rec trav chim 21, 324) and from 2,4,6-trinitroresorcin methylethyl ether with ammo-
niacal alcohol (Rec trav chim 27, 56 (1908)).

Meisenheimer and Patzig in 1906 prepared IAMB in the form of yellow needles, MP 280 C
from 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene hydroxylamine and sodium methylate in methyl alcohol (Ber 39, 2540).
The product was slightly soluble in glacial acetic acid but poorly soluble in other solvents.
It decomposed into HHo and 2,4,6-trinitroresorcin when boiled with dilute NaCH or K0H (Beil 13,

Körner and Contardi prepared DAIMB by the reaction of either 2,4-dichloro-l,3,5-trinitro-

benzene or 2,4-dibromo-l,3,5-"trinitro"benzene with ammoniacal alcohol at room temperature or
better by heating to 100°C (Atti R. Accad Lincei (5), 171, 473 (1908)); (5) 181, 101 (l?09))-
A method of preparation by prolonged reaction of N-nitro-N-methyl-2, 3>4;,o-tetranitroaniline
with a saturated ammonia solution was reported in 1913 by van Romburgh and Schepers (Akad
Amsterdam Versl 22, 297).

C. F. Van Duin obtained DA.TNB melting at 301°C by reacting a concentrated aqueous ammonia
solution with H-nitro-N,H,N-trimethyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenylenediamine-(l, 3) or with N-nitro-
N-methyl-K-phenyl-2,4,6-trinitrophenylenediamine-(l,3) (Rec trav chim 38, 89-100 (1919)) ■
Later Van Duin and Van Lennep reacted concentrated aqueous ammonia with 2,4,6-trinitro-3-
aminoanisole or 2,4,6-trlnitro-3-aminophenetol to obtain DATNB melting at 287° to 288°C (Rec
trav chim 39, 147-77 (1920)). In 1927 Lorang prepared the same compound by boiling 2,4,6-
trinitro-l,3-bis ( -nitroethyl ureido) benzene with water or by heating it with ammoniacal
alcohol in a tube at 100°C (Rec trav chim 46, 649) (Beil E 17, E II 33).

AMCP 706-177 1,3-mamino-g^,6-Trlnitrobenzene (uklSB)

A recent report describes the preparation of DA.TNB in two steps from commercially avail-
able starting materials. First m-nitroaniline was nitrated with HgSO^-HNOo acid mixture to
tetranitroaniline. The crude tetranitroaniline was converted by mefhanölic ammonia to
diaminotrinitro-benzene in a high degree of purity. A conversion of 100 parts of m-nitroani-
line into 110 parts of IATNB was obtained by this method, which can easily be carried out on
a commercial scale.

Diazodinitrophenol AMCP70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^K^Oj) 210

% § 8



JL Oxygen Balance:
00, %
CO %

N 26.7 °2*\^~™2 °2K -VJ-N02 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.63

0 38.1 Melting Point: °C 157

C/H Ratio 1.056 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. ^> (1 lb wt) 7 _D
Sample Wt, mg 15

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Detonates cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Detonates 90°C
100°C 7-6
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected V7.5
BlacTrpowder fuse 45.6
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 200 Mercury Fulminate
5 195 Lead Azide 0.20
10 180 Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 97

Irauzl lest, % TNT:

75°C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
2.10 Confined
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 2.20
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90% RH O.Oit
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 0.9 1.5 1.6
Volatility: 50°C, 30 months Unaffected
Rate, meters/second ^00 6600 69OO

*Until it is established which p icramic acid (melting point l69°C) isomer is involved (Ref: J
Chem Soc, 2082, August 19^9) •

AMCP 706-177 Diazodinitrophenol

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow needles
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Percussion caps
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Apparent 0.27
At 3000 psi 1.14
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Under water

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Exudation None

Air, Confined:
Soluble in nitroglycerin, nitrobenzene,
aniline, pyridine, concentrated hydrochloric
Underwater: acid, and in most common organic solvents.
Peak Pressure
Impulse Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 3243
Explosion, cal/gm 820
Underground: 865
Gas Volume, cc/gm
Peak Pressure
Impulse Sensitivity to Electrostatic
Discharge, Joules: (b) 0.012

™ ...
Diazodim AMCP 706-177

Solubility: gm/lOO an of the following substances: (c)

Solubility at 50°C

Solvent i
Ethyl acetate 2.45
Methanol 1.25
Ethanol 2.43
Ethylenedichloride 0.79
Carbon tetrachloride trace
Chloroform 0.11
Benzene 0.23
Toluene 0.15
Petroleum ether Insoluble (ait 20°C)
Ethyl ether 0.08 (30°C)
Carbon disulfide trace (30°C)

Preparation: (Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, Davis)

ON _, H2N N N N

OH —(/ \V-H (H)

OH —(/ \\— NO diazotize n J NO
02N \'
'/ r -a —"■
0_N \ - ' UplJ

Ten gn of picramic acid is suspended in 120 cc of 55^ hydrochloric acid, and under efficient
agitation at about 0°C. 3.6 gn sodium nitrite in 10 cc water is dumped into the suspension.
Stirring is continued for 20 minutes, the product filtered off and washed thoroughly with ice
water. The dark brown product, if dissolved in acetone and precipitated in water, turns bril-
liant yellow.


Discovered by Griess in 1858 (Annalen 106, 123: 113, 205 (1860) and studied extensively by
L. V. Clark (Ind Eng Chem 25, 663 (1933). Developed for commercial use in 1928. This com-
pound was patented in the United States by Professor William M. Dane.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Diazodinitrophenol is decomposed by adding the water-wet material to 100 times its weight
of 10$ sodium hydroxide. Nitrogen gas is evolved.

References: ^

(a) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revision,
MAV0RD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(b) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation by

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP70G-177 _. .. .
t .

Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Dept of Int, Bureau of Mines, RI 3852, 19k6.

(c) I» V. Clark, "Diazodinitrophenol, A Detonating Explosive," Ind Eng Chem 25, 663
Seidell, Solubilities of Inorganic and Organic Compounds, Van Hostrand and Co., N. Y.

(d) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Diazodinitrophenol:

Ü 2 k 5. 1 a .2
150 1352 34 355 827 318 2179
610 214 1838

Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate (DEGNJ Liquid AMCP70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^HgNgO,,) 196

Oxygen Balance:
C 24.5 H2C ON02
CO, % -in
CO% - 8
H 4.1 2 \^
Density: gm/cc Liquid 1.38
N ih. 3 2?
Melting Point: °C 2
0 57-1 H2C 0N02

C/H Ratio 0.143 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C Decomposes l60

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n5>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 9
Sample Wt, mg
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 0.3cc/20 hr/gm
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Parti oE
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 42.2

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 237 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 90

Trauzl Test, % TNT: 77

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 4.0
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 3-0
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 1.38
Volatility: 60°C, tng/cm2/hr 193
Rate, meters/second 6760

AMCP 706-177 Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate (PEGN) Liauid

Booster Sensitivity lest: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact lest:
Combustion, cal/gm 2792
Explosion, cal/gm 8^1
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 796 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 2020 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches


Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb YS Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient cf Expansion:
Linear, %/°C
500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C
Height, ft
Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E', dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2
1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch* Trials
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
"C mm Mercury High Order
20 0.0036
60 0.130

Diethylene Glycol Dinitrate (DEGN) Liquid AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Colorless
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Propellant compositions
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading:

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/a ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Liquid

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Preparation: DEGN can be prepared with approxi-
Air, Confined: mately 05$ yield by adding diethyleneglycol
Impulse to mixed acid (50$ HNO3,' \% HgSO^, and %
H20). The temperature is kept at 30°C or
Underwater: lower. The separated DEGN is purified by
Peak Pressure washing with successive portions of water,
dilute sodium carbonate solution and water
until neutral.
Hydrolysis, $ Acid:
10 days at 22°C 0.003
Underground: 5 days at 6o°C 0.003
Peak Pressure
Impulse Solubility in Water, grn/lOO gm. at:
^5U0 0.40
Energy 60°C 0.60

Viscosity, centipoises: Solubility, gm/lOO gm, at 25°C, in:

Ether 00
Temp, 20°C 8.1 Alcohol 00
2:1 Ether:Alcohol 00
Acetone 00

AMCP 70G-177 Piethylene Glycol Dinitrate (PEGN) Liquid


First prepared and studied by Wm H. Rinkenbach in 1927 (Ind Eng Chem 19, 925 (1927) and
later by Rinkenbach and H. A. Aaronson (Ind Eng Chem 23, 160 (1931)) both of Picatinny Arsenal.
Used in propellant compositions by the Germans during World War 11.
structl by Chemical Decomposition:

1 is decomposed 'by adding it slowly to 10 times i « i 18$ sodium sulfide

Heat is liberated by thi reaction but this is not hazai i sti is
raai: a the tion of DEGJJ and continued until solut is complete.

References: ^

See the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on DEN:

012 346Z.9
50 231 72 673 494 346 487 279
180 551 602 1^3 1624 1516 1^27 579
620 1391 1282 1616 1487 1^39
11+90 1421 1392 1786 1817

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
Bis(2,2-Dinltropropyl) Fumarate (DNPF)

Molecular Weight: (CioH12Ki+°l2^ 380

Oxygen Balance:
C 31-6
CHC02CH2C(N02)2CH CO, % -59
CO % -17
H 3-2

CHC02CH2C(N02)2fJH3 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.60

N 1^-7
Form T
0 50.5 Melting Point: "C Form II 86

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in, 18
Sample Wt, mg 18

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.66
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
% 135°C 0.91
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
h Smokes 250 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl lest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 1.49
Rate, meters/second 6050

AMCP 706-177 Bis(2,2-Dinitropropyl) Fumarate PNPF)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1 • 50
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25 Vi ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm 3070
Under Water: Detonation, cal/gm 767
Peak Pressure
Viscosity, poises:
Temp, 98.9°C O.586
106.5 c 0.I135

Underground: Liquid Density, gm/cc:

Peak Pressure Temp, 98.9°C 1.382
Impulse 106.5°C 1-375
Synthesized in 1952 by M. E. Hill of the
U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak,

Bis(2,2-Dinitropropyl) Fumarate (DNPF) AMCP 706-177

Preparation: (a> ^)

HC-C0C1 HC-C02CH2C(W02)2CH3
I, + 2CH,C(N0o)
5CHo0H A1C1, ||
HÜ-COCl * * =H> HC-C02CH2C(W02)2CE

3.3 mol 7.3 mol 1.6 mol 83%yield

fumaryl chloride 2,2-dinitropropanol aluminum bis(dinitropropyl) fumarate

Dinitropropanol was mixed with chloroform (1320 milliliters) and the mixture heated to
boiling. The distillate was collected in a water separator. At first the distillate was
cloudy and this was dried with calcium chloride before being returned to the system. When
no more water was collected in the water separator, the mixture 'was cooled to room tempera-
ture and the separator removed. Fumaryl chloride was introduced, followed by the aluminum
chloride which was added in four equal portions. Air was blown into the flask for a minute
to effect mixing, and the reaction sustained itself without the addition of heat for one hour.
Steam was gradually introduced so that the reflux temperature was reached 2-1/2 hours after
the beginning of the reaction. After 3 hours of reflux, the hot liquid was poured into a
bucket. As cooling took place the slurry was vigorously agitated until it finally set up at
room temperature. This material was broken up and mixed with dilute ice cold HC1. The solid
product was collected on a sintered funnel, washed with water and with hexane. The crude
material was recrystallized from methanol to give a product melting at 86°C (uncorrected),
but after storage for several days the melting point was 89 C.

References 20

(a) M. E. Hill, Preparation and Properties of 2,2-Dinitropropanol Esters. NA.V0RD Report

No. 2h9J, 3 July 195^

(b) D. L. Kouba and H. D. McNeil, Jr., Hercules Report on High Explosives, Navy Contract
WOrd-11280, Task A, 26 May 195^.

20 See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 70G-177 Bis(2,2-Dlnltropropyl) Succinate (DNPS)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (cioHluVl2^ 38^

Oxygen Balance:
c 31-^
CO, % -63
B 3-71
CO % -21
N lfc.7l Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.51

0 50.2 CH2C02CH2C(H02)2CH, Melting Point: "C 86

C/H Ratio 0.250 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°o
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C o.lo
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5 >4od Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Traurl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

Bis(2,2-Dinitropropyl) Succinate (DNPS) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: White

For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 5 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None

Air, Confined: Origin:

Synthesized in 1953 by M. E. H i 11 of the
U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak,
Underwater: Maryland.
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 Bls(2,2-Dlnltropropyl) Succinate (DNPS)

Preparation: (a)

2CH3C(H02)2ai2oH + |H2C0C1
A1C1- F
+ 2HC1

succinyl aluminum
dinitropropanol chloride chloride bis(2,2-dinitropropyl) succinate

A methylene chloride solution of dinitropropanol (0.02 mol in 15 milliliters) was mixed

with 0.01 mol of succinyl chloride. To this solution 0.003 mol of crushed anhydrous aluminum
chloride was added. It was necessary to cool the reaction vessel due to the vigorousness of
the reaction. After 25 minutes at room temperature the reaction solution wds refluxed 1-1/2
hours. Fine needle-like crystals formed upon cooling and adding hexane. The crystals were
slurried in dilute hydrochloric acid and on recrystallization from methanol gave a 93% yield
of HNPS (melting point 850 to 85.6°C).


(a) M. E. Hill, Synthesis of New High Explosives, NAVORD Report No. 2965, !Aprill953.

See footnote 1, page 10.

2)2-Dinitropropyl-^,iJ,1+-Trini"tro"butyrate (DNPTB) AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CUOJ,-012) 355

Oxygen Balance:
C 23.6
CO, % -29
CO % +2.3
H 2.5 ,0CH2C(N02)2CH
Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.68
S 19-7 c==o
Me „ting r, ■ . »^ Form J
H Form 1J
0 5^.2 ^CH2CH2C(ITO3) M Point: C _ TT_ cn
Form III 59

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 0.5
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Partia Is
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5 300 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 1.67
Rate, meters/second 7600

AMCP 70S-177 2,2-Dlnitropropyl-4,h,4-Trinitrobutyrate (PHPTB)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT — 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.67

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Heat of: (c) „ ,

Air, Confined: Solvent
Impulse Transition, cal/gtn CC1} DMF

Peak Pressure 11 / 1 1U. u ^^ . u
Impulse Heat of Solution, 30°C:
Energy AH Solution, cal/gm
Mteria 1
Peak Pressure Form III 29.5 8.1
Form I 35.6 12.8
Form II 19-1 -9.1

Synthesized in 1952 by M. E. Hill of the

U.S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, White Oak,

2,2-ranitropropyl-^A-Trinitrobutyrate (DNPTB) AMCP 706-177

Preparation: (a, b)

CH3C(NO2)2OH (K02)3CCH2CH2C0C1 A1C1


trinitrobutyryl aluminum
dinitropropanol chloride chloride


dinitropropyl trinitrobutyrate

Dinitropropanol, trinitrobutyryl chloride and aluminum chloride were slowly mixed in car-
bon tetrachloride at 6o°C. This mixture ws refluxed at 75°C for two hours. After the reac-
tion was completed, the mixture was cooled and the crystalline product separated and purified.
Water in the dinitropropanol was removed by azeotropic distillation before the acid chloride
was added. The purified product had a melting point of 95 to 96°C.

Crvstallographic Data: (o)

Three distinct crystallographic modifications of DWPTB have been observed. These poly-
morphs have been characterized by means of X-ray diffraction and microscopic observation.
Form I crystallizes from solution in carbon tetrachloride, chloroform, acetone, chloroform-
hexane, acetone-water, or methanol-water at room temperature. Prolonged standing of Form I
at room temperature under the mother liquor promotes a transition to Form 11. Upon solidi-
fication of molten DNPTB, Form II is always observed.

Temperature, Average Rate, ; Standard Average Rate,

sq inch/hour i Deviation mm/hour

15 0.3^7 • 0.036 0.012

20 O.i+35 0.025 0.128

25 0.452 0.048 0.133

30 0.475 0.049 0.140

35 0.253 0.037 0.075

Both Forms I and III gave very erratic sensitivity values. The high temperature polymorph.
Form II of DNPTB, gave consistent sensitivity values.

(a) M. E. Hill. Preparation and Properties of 2,2-Dinitropropanol Esters, NAVORD Report

No. 2k9T, 3 July 195^

(b) W. B. Hewson, Hercules Report on High Explosives, Navy Contract WOrd-1128o, Task A,
18 October 195^-
(c) J. R. Holden and J. Wenograd, Physical Properties of an Experimental Castable Explo-
sive 2,2-Dinitropropyl 2,h.U-Trinitroljutyrate DNPTB. NAVORD Report No. 4427, 11 December 1956.

See footnote 1, page 10.
AMCP 706-177 2,k-Dinitrotoluene (DNT)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^Hgl^O^) 1.82

% CH
Oxygen Balance:
C 46.3 00, % -Ilk
H0 CO% - 53
H 3-3 n 2
Density: gm/cc 1.521
N 15. h
Melting Point: "C 71
0 35-0 ^

C/H Ratio 0.579 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C Decomposes 300

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, t\°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 0.04
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Portials 0

Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:

Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 19-3

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Decomposes 310 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.25
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 71

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (b) 64

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 25°C, 100$ RH 0.00 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rote, meters/second

2,it-Dinitrotoluene (DNT) AMCP 706-177

fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of propellant
powder, dynamites and
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
plastic explosives
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed, extruded or cast
For TNT composition
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Variable

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Bloit (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 12

Air: Compatibility Group Group D

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


65.5°C KITest:
Air, Confined:
Minutes 60+

Underwater: Heat of:

Peak Pressure
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm (b) I5U5
Thermal Conductivity:

Underground: cal/sec/cm/°C L
Peak Pressure Density 1-322 gm/cc 6.28 x 10"

AMCP 706-177 2,4-Knitrotoluene (DNT)


See TNT.

Solubility: gm/lOO 311 of the following substances,;

Ethyl Alcohol Nitroglycerin Water

£u ^ 2Z i
25 0.16 20 30 22 0.027
35 0.29 50 0.037
45 0.49 100 0.254
55 0.77
60 1.03

Solu bility at 15°C, in:

Solvent Splvent jo_

CHClo 65.076 CpHgOH (absolute) 3.039

2.431 Ether (absolute) 9.1*22
60.644 Acetone 81.901
Toluol 45.470 Ethyl acetate 57- 929
5.014 CSg 2.306
» (96%) 1.916 Pyridine 76.810

Orig in:

Occurs as 75% of the products obtained on the nitration of toluene, the remaining 25$ being
mainly 2,6-DNT and other isomers of DNT. Also occurs as an impurity in crude TNT obtained by
standard manufacturing process. Used in explosive mixtures at least since 1931-


(a) L. C. Smith and E G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. b/4b, 27 December 194-5•

(b) A. H. Blatt, Compilation of Data on Organic Explosives. OSRD Report No. 2014, 29 Febru-
ary 1944.

(c) Report AC-2861.

(d) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on DNT:

4 .5 £ 2 8 9
810 1351 72 43 394 1615 186 97 768 69
1830 1501 372 233 804 2125 1556 817 938 149
1651 922 343 1044 1816 837 1538 249
1781 1142 673 1084 1896 279
1821 1672 1023 1094 779
2031 1692 1663 1164 1749
2221 1743 1324
2013 1464
3see footnote 1, page 10.

Dipentaerythritol Hexanitrate (PPEHN) AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^H^NgO^) 554

Oxygen Balance:
C 21.7
CO, % -26
H 2.9
N 15.2 ONO d 0N02 C0% + 3
0 60.2 I
CH2 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.63
Melting Point: "C 73-7
C/H Ratio 0.154 2 2 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm lU
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. h
Sample Wt, mg 10 nS

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 3-7
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 11+
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 57- h

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 300 Mercury Fulminate
5 Explodes 255 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) ll+2
Trauzl Test, % TNT: (b) 128
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.11
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.10
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rote: (c)

Fkammability Index: Confinement Copper tube
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 0.03
Charge Diameter, in. 0.39
Density, gm/cc 1-59
Rate, meters/second 7^10

AMCP 706-177 Dipentaerythritol Hexanitrate (DPEfflQ

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: White

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of priming
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

FragmentVelocity: ft/sec At 3000 to 4000 psi 1.59

At 3 ft
At 251/a ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Air, Confined: Preparation: (Chemistry of Powder and

Impulse Explosives, Davis)

2(H0-CHp)llC Dehydration
Peak Pressure (HO CH, 1 .IC 0 C(CH -OH^ ' t.
Impulse (OpNO-CHp)3C-0-C(CH2-0W02)3
Dipentaerythritol Hexanitrate is procured
in the pure state (melting point 72°C) by
Underground: fractional crystallization of crude PEIN
Peak Pressure from moist acetone.
Impulse Origin: Formed as an impurity in the prepa-
Energy ration of PETN. Properties first describee
by W. Frederick and W. Brun in 1930
(Berichte 63, 2861 (1930): Z. ges Schiess-
Sprengstoffw 27, 73-6, 125-7, 156-8 (1932))
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 2260

Dipentaerythritol Hexanitrate (DPMN) AMCP 706-177


(a) L. C Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of F.xplosives P^rr TTT - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests. OSRD Report No. 57^6» 27 December 191+5.

(b) A. Stettbacher, Die Schiess und Sprengstoffe, Leipsiz, p. 363.

(c) T. L. ISvis, The Chemistry nf Powder and F.xplosives John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New
York (19^3) pp. 218-283,

(d) S. Livingston, Characteristics of Explosives HMX and DPMN. PAIR No. 1561. 6 September
\9k 5.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 70S-177 Dynamite, Low Velocity, Picatinny Arsenal (LVD)

Composition: 99-5/0.5 RDX/l-MA. dye* 17.5 Molecular Weight:

TUT 67.8 Oxygen Balance:
Tripentaerythritol 8.6 00, %
68/32 Vistac No 1/DOS binders* ktl CO %
Cellulose acetate, LH-1 2.0
*RDX, Class E; 1-MA is 9&1> pure 1-methylamino- Density: gm/cc Loading 0.9
**Vistac Wo 1 is low MW polybutene; DOS is Melting Point: "C
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Reftactive Index, n?„
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 22
Sample Wt, mg 19

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.90
% 135°C
Portials 150°C

Burned 200Grbm Bomb Sand Test:

Sand, gm 40.5
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity io Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Ignites 480
Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.15
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Treuil Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate bent Test:
100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index:
Confinement None
Condition Hand tamped
H""CocCopicity: % 0.31
71 C, 95%RH, 30 davs Satisfactory Charge Diameter, in. 1.25
Density, gm/cc 0-9
Rote, meters/second 4397; or IMOO ft/sec

AMCP 706-177
Dynamite. Low Velocity, Picatinny Arsenal (LVD)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWQ-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Pink
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Excavation, demolition,
and cratering
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hall Packer machine loaded
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 0.9
Tamped cartridge l-l/2" diameter, 8" long
Frogmen! Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25i/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group A

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Sensitivity to Initiation:
Air, Confined: Stick dry, No. 6 Electric cap Positive
Impulse Stick dry, Corps of Engineers Positive
Stick wet, Corps of Engineers Positive

Underwater: Air Gap Propagation:

Peak Pressure Ms distance will, inch 2-1/2
min distance will not, inch 3
Energy Stick Water Immersion:
Weight gain, ?4 9-16

Underground: Heat of:

Peak Pressure Explosion, cal/em 625
Gas Volume, cc/gm 6ll
Cold Storage: Plastic to -65°F
Low Temperature Usage:
-65^, 1 day, M2 cap
crimper Satisfactory

AMCP 706-177 Dynamite, Low Velocity, Picatinny Arsenal (LVD)


To date this dynamite has been prepared on a laboratory scale, the details of which are
classified, It has been shown, however, to be machine loadable on a Hall packing machine,


Nobel invented the original dynamite in 1866 and gave the name dynamite to mixtures of
nitroglycerin and kieselguhr. The strength of a dynamite was indicated by the percentage
of NG in the mixture. Later oxidants and combustibles were substituted for the kieselguhr,
and ammonium nitrate and/or nitrostarch replaced the NG, bringing into existence new types
of dynamites. World War II military operations required special demolition and cratering
explosives free from the objectionable characteristics of NG and many "dynamite substitutes"
were «äevelopeä for specific applications. The subject low velocity dynamite was developed in
1956 by Picatinny Arsenal (Ref a).
References: 5

(a) H. W. Voigt, Development of Low-Velocity Military Explosives Equivalent to Commercial

Dynamites, PA Technical Report 237I+, March 1957-

(b) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Dynamites:

1260 1381 782 864 1285 l4l6 507 848 1819

1360 1611 1532 ik6h lh36 957 1828
1720 1506
1760 2056

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
Dynamite. Medium Velocity. Hercules (MVP)

Composition: Molecular Weight:

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 75 CO, % -51
TNT 15 CO %
Starch 5
SAE No. 10 Oil 4 Density: gm/cc Loading 1.1
Vistanex o i 1 gel* 1
^80/15/5, SAE No. 10 weight 0 l/Vistanex B- Melting Point: °C
120XC/Wavy D2 wax.
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Nitroglycerin Equivalent, $ 60

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm >100
Sample Wt 20 mg 18 Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 25
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Crackles cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.80
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.94
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 0
Burned 10 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:

Unaffected 90
Sand, gm 52.6

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 122
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test: Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.62
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.12
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Machine tamped
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 1.50
71°C, 95$ RH, 30 days Satisfactory
Density, gm/cc 1 .1
Volatility: Rate, meters/second 6000-6600; or 20,000 ft/sec

AMCP 706-177 Dynamite, Medium Velocity, Hercules (MVP)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Buff
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Excavation, demolition, and
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: cratering

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hall Packer machine loaded
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.1
Cartridge 1-1/2" diameter, 8" long
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25i/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group A

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Sensitivity to Initiation:
Air, Confined: Stick dry, No. 6 Electric cap Positive
Impulse Stick dry, Corps of Engineers Positive
Stick wet. Corps of
Under Water: Engineers > 50$ Positive
Peak Pressure Air Gap Propagation:
Impulse Max distance will, inch i
Min distance will not, inch 2-1/2
Quarry Performance: h tons rock/ton
Underground: explosive
Peak Pressure Stick Water Immersion:
Impulse Weight gain, % 25-27
Energy Heat of:
Explosion, cal/gm 935
Gas Volume, cc/gm 945
Cold Storage: Plastic to -70°F
Low Temperature Usage:
-fc>5uF, 1 day, M2 cap
crimper Satisfactory

Dynamite, Medium Velocity, Hercules (MVP) AMCP 70S-177


Manufactured on standard dynamite line and packaged on a Hall packing machine. Details of
handling materials and techniques of manufacture are classified.


Military forces frequently require excavation, demolition, and cratering operations for
which standard high explosives are unsuitable. Commercial blasting explosives, except black
powder, are called dynamites although they may contain no nitroglycerin. The subject dynamite
substitute was developed in 1952 by the Hercules Powder Company (Ref a).

References: 26

(a) ¥. R. Baldwin, Jr., Blasting Explosives (Dynamite Substitute), Hercules Powder Company
Formal Progress Report, RI 2086, 15 August 1952, Army Contract DA.-36-03^-ORD-110.

(b) H. W. Voigt, Development of Low-Velocity Military Explosives Equivalent to Commercial

Dynamites, PA Technical Report No. 237^, March 1957.

°See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 EC Blank Fire

Composition: Molecular Weight: Approximately 503

Nitrocellulose, 13-25/» N 80 Oxygen Balance:
Barium Nitrate 8 CO, % +5
Potassium Nitrate 8 CO % -25
Starch 3
Diphenylamine 0.75 Density: gm/cc
Aurine 0.25
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity « " •-'-

rv, *. r\g wt: Boiling Point: °C
Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm iy
SomDle "■'- ™
n- * tilc vvr zu mg Refractive Index, ri°0
Picatiriny Arsenal apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg 20

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Snaps cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Parti a Is
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Sand, gm 46.8
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.22
5 Decomposes 200
Lead Azide
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

'5'C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs i.g Plate Dent Test:

I00°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 2.0
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.2
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 3o°c, 90$ RH 6.2
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

EC Blank Fire AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Grenades; caliber . 30 blank
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Loose

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 0.40

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 0

Compatibility Group Group J

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Preparation: EC Blank Fire is a partially
Air, Confined: colloided propellant manufactured by a pro-
Impulse cess using either acetone and ethanol or a
mixture of butyl acetate and benzene to
Underwater: gelatinize only a part of the nitrocellu-
Peak Pressure lose. The process is controlled so that
the product passes through a No. 12 sieve
and is retained on a No. 50 sieve.
Underground: Invented in 1882 as bulk sporting (smoke-
Peak Pressure less) powder by W F. Reid and D. Johnson at
Impulse the Explosive Company (whence the name "EC")
in England (British Patent 619).
References : 2/(a) See the following Picatinny 120°C Heat Test: Minute"
Arsenal Technical Reports on EC Blank Fire: 891
Salmon Pink 150
901, 372, 512, 822,233, 1373,85^, 65,667, Red Fumes 300+
817, 69, 579 and 1399. Explodes 300+

27 See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Edna toi, 55/45

Composition: Molecular Weight: 178

Oxygen Balance:
Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) 55 CO, % -51
co% -17
TNT 45
Oeniity: gm/cc Cast 1.62

Melting Point: °C Eutectic 80

C/H Ratio Freexing Paint: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Paint: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 95
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°
Picatinrty Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg 20

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 1.0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 0
Burned 7 260 Gram Bomb Sand Tett:
Unaffected 93 Sand, gm 49.4

Explosion Temperature: °C SeHtlthrity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 435 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 248 Mercury Fulminate 0.22*
5 Decomposes 190 Lead Azide 0.26*
10 183 »Altajffiiive initiating charges
15 176
20 168 Ballistic Mortar, % TNt: (a) 119
* Composition Haleite/TMT, 6o/kQ.
Troirtl Teat, % tNT: (b) 120
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: 52/48
Method B
100°C Heat Test: Condition Cast
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.2 Confined Wo
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.1 Density, gm/cc 1.62
Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT 112

Detonation Rote:
Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % None Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc I.63
Rate, meters/second 73^0

Ednatol, 55/45 AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100: 50/50

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.56 1.62 Hole Volume 126 12 3
Charge Wt, lb 2.065 2.092 Hole Depth 117 121

Total No. of Frogmenfs: Color: Yellow

For TNT 703 703
For Subject HE 842 902
Principal^Jses: Projectiles, bombs; special
ammunition components
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Charge Wt, lb 0.845

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Looding: Cast
ForTNT 5lfc
For Subject HE 536
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.65

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft 2730
At 25% ft 2^30 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.62
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (a, e) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 108
Impulse 110 Exudation Does not exude at 65°C
Energy 108

Eutectic Temperature, C: 79-8

Air, Confined: an Halelte/100 gm TNT
Impulse 79-8°C 0.48
95.0°C 1.12
Peak Pressure -- Conroatibility with Metals:
Impulse __ Dry; Brass, aluminum, stainless steel,
mild steel, mild steel coated with acid-
Energy 113 proof black paint, and mild steel plated
with cadmium or nickel are unaffected. Cop-
Underground: per, magnesium, magnesium-aluminum alloy and
Peak Pressure mild steel plated with copper or zinc are
Impulse slightly affected.
Energy Wet Copper, brass, magnesium, magnesium-
Booster Sensitivity Test (a) aluminum alloy, mild steel, mild steel coated
Condition Cast with acid-proof black paint and mild steel
Tetryl, gn 100 plated with copper, cadmium, nickel or zinc
Wax, in. for 50$ Detortation 1.28 are heavily attacked. Aluminum is slightly
Density, gm/cc 1.62 affected and stainless steel is unaffected.

AMCP 706-177 Ednatol, 55/45


Wet Haleite is added slowly to molton TNT heated at about 100°C in a steam jacketed melting
kettle equipped with a stirrer. Heating and stirring are continued until all moisture is
evaporated. Loading is done by pouring the mixture cooled to 85°C.


Mixtures of Haleite (EDNA) and THT, designated Ednatol, were developed at Picatinny Arsenal
just prior to World War II.

(a) L- C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 194"5~.

(b) Philip C Keenan and Dorothy C. Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revi-
sion, NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing. OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mmo 10,303, 15 June 194-9.
fe) - R Tomlinson, Jr., Blast Effects of Bcmb Explosives, PA Tech Div Lecture, 9 April

rf) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Sec III, Variation of
Cavity Effect with Composition, NDRC Contract W-672-ORD-5723.

(g) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, 18 Septem-
ber I943, NDRC Contract W-672-ORD-5723.

(h) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Ednatol:


1290 1291 1162 1193 1294 1325 1796 1457 1198 1279
l4oo 1451 1372 1363 1434 1395 1477 1388 1469
1420 1651 1482 1493 1885 1737 1838
1530 1797

28See footnote 1, page 10.

Ethylene Glycol Di-Trinitrobutyrate (aura) AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (c10H12N6°l6^ 468

Oxygen Balance:
C 25.6
CO, % -34
H 2.6 CO % o
Density: gm/cc Crystal I.63
N 17.1 |
d d d 6 Melting Point: °C 96
0 54.7

C/H Ratio 0.235 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. —D
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 50$ point 230 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trquil lest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flommability Index: Confinement
Hygreseqpictty:; % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 1. 63
Rate, meters/second 73^0

AMCP 706-177 Ethylene Glycol Di-Trinitrobutyrate (GTNB)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm ME, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Casting medium for HE compounds
3 inch Hf, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5;
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.60
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None

Preparation- (a)
Air, Confined:
Impulse By the addition of nitroform to ethylene
glycol diacrylate. As the method of prepa-
Under Water: ration often leads to products difficult to
Peak Pressure purify, a preparation from ethylene glycol
and pure trinitrobutyric acid is in process.
Energy Origin:

Underground: First synthesized in 1951 by the U.S.

Peak Pressure Rubber Company, Research and Development
Impulse General Laboratories, Passaic, New Jersey.

Energy Viscosity, poises:

Tenp, 98.9°C 0.246

106.5°C 0.193
Liquid Density, gm/cc:
Temp, 98.9°C 1.467
106.5°C 1.459

AMCP 706-177
Ethylene Glycol Di-Trinitrobutyrate (GTOB)


(a) U. S. Rubber Company Progress Report No. 1^, Navy Contract NOrd-10129, 1 February 1951
to IMay 1951.

(b) U. S. Naval Ordnance Laboratory, Silver Spring, Maryland, Letter from Dr. 0. H. John-
son to Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, 8 April 1955 (ORDBB kjl.Q6/hk-3, Registry No.
39815); and NOL Letter from Dr. D. V. Sickman to Commanding Officer, Picatinny Arsenal,
29 November 1955 (ORDBB Vfl.86/159-1; Serial No. 02894)-

29 See footnote 1, page 10,

AMCP 706-177 Explosive D (Ammonium Pier ate)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgHgW^Oy) 246

C 29.3 0—NH Oxygen Balance:
00, % -52
H 2.k N CO % -13
°2 1
N 22.7 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.72

0 45.6 Melting Point: "C Decomposes 265

C/H Ratio 0.317 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0 1.508
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 17
Sample Wt, mg 18 1.870
Friction Pendulum lest:
Vacuum Stability lest:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.2
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
120°C 0.4
% 135°C
Explosions 0
150°C 0.4
Partials 0
Burned 30 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected 70 Sand, gm 39-5
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 405 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 367 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 318
Lead Azide 0.20
10 31k Tetryl 0.06
15 299
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 99
20 295
Traurl lest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent lest:
Method A
100°C Heat lest: Condition Pressed
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.1 Confined Yes
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.1 Density, gm/cc 1.50
Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT 91
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index:
Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 100$ RH 0.1 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1-55
Rate, meters/second 6850

Explosive D (Ammonium Picrate) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.50 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 1.94 Hole Depth

Total No. of Frogments:

Color: Yellow-orange
For TNT TO 3
For Subject HE 649
Principal Uses: AP projectiles and bombs
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1-55
Charge Wt, lb 0.82

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
ForTNT 51^
For Subject HE 508
„ -j. 1.. psi
r x 10J
Loading Density: gm/cc
3 5 10 12 15 20
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 1^33 l.in 1.U7 1-^9 1.51 l • 53
At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Exudation None a t 65°C

Sensitivity to Electrostatic
Air, Confined:
Impulse Discharge. Joules: W
Through 100 Mesh:
Underwater: Confined 6.0
Peak Pressure Unconfined 0.025
Booster Sensitivity Test: (c)
Condition Pressed
Tetryl, gn 100
Underground: Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 1.27
Peak Pressure Density, gm/cc 1.54
Impulse Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 2890
Explosion, cal/gm 800
Formation, cal/gm 395

AMCP 706-177 Explosive D (Ammonium Picrate)


Explosive D is manufactured by suspending picric acid in hot water and neutralizing it with
gaseous or liquid ammonia. As the picrate is formed, it goes into solution; on cooling, it
precipitates. An excess of ammonia leads to formation of the red form of ammonium picrate.
This should be avoided. The separated crystals are washed with cold water and dried.

Effect of Storage on Sand Test Values:


Storage Palnmaätt Tetryl CfusEe'
Ug (gm)
Years (gm) (gm)

0 0.06 23
3-5 50 0.25 23
2 * Normal 0.03 23
k * Normal 0.04 23
2 ** 50 0.24 23
After 3.5 years at 50°C.
** After 3.5 years at 50°C and 2 years at magazine temperature.

Solubility: gm/l00 gm ($), of: (e)

Water Ahjohol
!£ i °C
2 £c i
20 1.1 0 0.515 0 0.290
lOO 75 10 0.690 10 0.300
30 1.050 30 0.380
50 1.890 50 0.450
80 3.620 80 0.560

First prepared by Marchand in 1841 and used by Brugere in admixture with potassium nitrate
as a propellant in 1869. Used as a high explosive after 1900.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Explosive D (ammonium picrate) is decomposed by dissolving in 30 times its weight of a

solution made from lpart of sodium sulfide (HagS^HgO) in 6 parts of water.

References: 3°

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5JX6, 27 December 1945.

30See footnote 1, page 10.

T, . ■
Explosive r. /»
p ■
[Ammomui^ «■ * \
Picrate) AMCP 706-177

(b) D- P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing. OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(c) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mam 10,303, 15 June 19W-

(d) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation

by Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Dept of Int, Bureau ot Mines, Kl 3052, T3W.

(e) Various sources in the open Literature.

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Explosive D:

OI23IJ.5 §789

3I+0 1W1 132 a43 69^ 65 266 1737 328 1729

870 1651 582 70^ te5 556 1797 838 1759
1380 1172 aik 1585 796 1838
1352 123]+ 1655 986
1372 1T2U 1725 1466
1^92 1885 1796

AMCP 706-177 Glycerol Monolactate Trinitrate (GLTN) Liquid

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgHgNoO-^) 299

Oxygen Balance:
2k.1 n 0N02
CO, % -30
3.0 CH„- 0-C- CH— CH CO % 3

N 11*. 1 TH-°N°2 Density: gm/cc Liquid l.kj

2 2 Melting Point: "C
0 58.8
C/H Ratio 0.180 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 15 (11b wt); 42
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg nS 1.464
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 5-9
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Portia Is
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 13-1
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 223 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 2. 5
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 1.8
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rote:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.

Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 60°C, mg/cm /hr 28
Rate, meters/second

Glycerol Monolactate Trinitrate (GLTN) Liquid AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Gelatinizer for nitrocellulose

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
Far Subject H E
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Liquid

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Hydrolysis, $ Acid:
Air, Confined:
Impulse 10 days at 22°C 0.021
5 days at 6o°C 0.014
Underwater: Solubility in Water,
Peak Pressure gm/lOO qm, at:
Impulse 25°C <0.01
Energy 60°C < 0.015

Solubility, gm/l00 gm,

Underground: at 25°C, in:
Peak Pressure Ether OO

Impulse 2: 1 Ether:Alcohol m

Energy Acetone OO

Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 2^07

AMCP 706-177 Gtycerql lylonqlactate Trinitrate (GLTN) Liquid


Glycerol monolactate (GML) is prepared by heating a glycerol lactic acid mixture containing
^ excess lactic acid at ll(rC for 112 hours with dry air bubbling through the liquid. The
product which contains 0.67$ free acid is carefully mixed with 6 parts of ko/60 HNOa/HoSQb.
maintained at 20°C, stirred for 1 hour, cooled to 5°C, and poured on ice. It is extracted
with ether, water-washed, adjusted to pH 7 by shaking with a sodium bicarbonate solution, and
again water-washed three times. It is then dried with calcium chloride, filtered and freed
of ether by bubbling with air until minimal loss in weight is obtained. The product has a
nitrate-nitrogen content of 13-^3$ (theoretical \k.Vfc H). Another batch, prepared from GML
obtained from glycerol-lactic acid cohtaining 6.5$ excess glycerol, had a nitrate-nitrogen
content of 1^.30$, dorresponding to a mixture containing 5»5$ nitroglycerin. It is not con-
sidered practicable to prepare the pure GLOT.


The preparation of a nitrated ester of lactic acid and glycerol, by nitrating a glyceryl
lactate with nitric and sulfuric acids, for use in explosives, was reported in 1931 by Charles
Stine and Charles Burke (U. S. Patent 1,792,515).

The preparation of glycerol monolactate by heating glycerol with equimolar proportions of

a lactic acid ester of an alcohol boiling below 100°C (ethyl lactate) was patented by Richie
H. Locke in 1936 (British Patent 456,525 and U« S. Patent 2,087,980).


(a) P. F. May and A. A. Saffltz> Explosive Plastic!zers for,Nitrocellulose, PATR No.

1616, 22 July 1946.

See footnote L, page L0.

Glycol Dinitrate (GDH) Liquid AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weigh" (cy^Og) 152

C 15-8 ^^^0H02 Oxygen Iqlonce:
CO, % 0.0
CO % 21
H 2.6 CH0

N 18.4 I Density: gm/cc Liquid, 25°C 1.48

0 63.2 ^^-\^ Melting Poi<jt: "C -20

C/H Ratio 0.092 freezing point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm h (l lb wt); 56
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
n« 1.4452
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum petonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Explodes 257 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortor, % TNf;
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Te»ti
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rota:
Flammability Index: Confinement Glass tube
Condition Liquid
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90% RH 0.00
Charge Diameter, in. 10
Density, gm/cc 1.485
Rate, meters/second 7300 and 2050

AMCP 706-177 Glycol Dinitrate (GDN) Liquid

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT — 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of nonfreezing
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Liquid

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
impulse Exudation


Solubility in 1000 cc Water:

Air, Confined:
Impulse Temp, C Grams
15 6.2
Underwater: 20 6.8
Peak Pressure 50 9.2
Impulse Viscosity, centipoises:
Energy Terrp, 20°C 4.2
Vapor Pressure:
Peak Pressure °C mm Mercury

Impulse 0 0.0044
20 0.038
40 0.26
60 1.3
80 5-9
100 22.0
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 1764
Formation, cal/gm ("b) 366

Glycol Dinitrate (GW) Liauid AMCP 706-177


Glycol dinitrate (ethylene glycol dinitrate, dinitroglycol, nitroglycol, dinitrodimethyl-

eneglycol) may be prepared by nitration of ethylene glycol, HOCH2CH2OH, with a mixed nitric
acid in the same apparatus that is used for the preparation of nitroglycerin. The glycol is
prepared by synthesis from ethylene, and ethylene chlorohydrin:



Henry was the first to prepare and identify glycol dinitrate (Ber 3? 529 (l870) and Ann
chim phys [k ] 2J_, 2^3 (1872) but KekulS had previously nitrated ethylene and obtained an un-
stable oil which he supposed to be glycol nitrate-nitrate. N) immediate practical use wds
made of glycol diqitrate because glycol itself was relatively rare and expensive at the time.
It was 196k before a patent was granted covering the use of GDN as an explosive (DRP 179,789).
but it was seven years later before its actual use a^ an explosive was recorded (Mem poudr 16
(1911) p. 214). The principal physical properties of GDN were determined or recorded by Rink-
enbach (Ref b) .


(a) Ph. Naoum, Nitroglycerin and Nitroglycerin Explosives, translation, E. M Symmes, The
Williams and Wilkins Company, Baltimore (192Ö), p. 224.

(b) Wm H. Rinkenbach, "The Properties of Glycol Dinitrate," Ind Eng Chan 18, 1195 (1926).

(c) Wm H. Rinkenbach, "Glycol Dinitrate in Dynamite Manufacture," Chan Met Eng, 34, 296
(1927). " —

(d) Wm H. Rinkenbach, Application of the Vacuum Stability Test to Nitroglycerin and Nitro-
glycerin Explosives, PAIR 1Ö24, 27 August 1946.

32See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight:

% 93
RDX 45 Oxygen Balance:
TNT 30
Aluminum 20 CO % ■36
D-2 Wat 5 Density: gm/cc Cast 1.7^
Calcium Chloride,
added 0-5 Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in,(c) lh
Sample Wt, mg 18
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C o.Vr
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials (b)
Explosions 80
Partials 150°C
200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 20 Sand, gm
Explosion Temperature:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used)
:c. (a) Sensitivity to Initiation:
Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 6l0(min) (c)
Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a)
Traurl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:
100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.78 Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: (a, *)
Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30% 95%RH, 7 days 2 01
71°c; 95$ RH, 7 days i,'7T Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 1-71
Rate, meters/second 7191

H-6 AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact lest:
Combustion, cal/gm 3972
Explosion, cal/g m 923 60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 733 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm ?8 C (b) 10.25
500-ib General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (b)
Plate Thickness, inches
30°C 0.269

50°C 0.268 1

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivitv: 0) -3 T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombv» Concrete:

cal/sec/cm/°C 35°C 1.10 x 10

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of .Expansion:
Linear, ^i/inch 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
0°C 40 x 10"f
35°C -
83 x io 7
T0°C 131 X 10"H Height, ft
Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
00 9 High Order
E', dynes/cm2 9.0 x 10
E, lb/inch2 1.30 x io'
1000-Ib General Purpose Bombr» Concrete:
Density, gm/cc l-Tl
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch- See below Trials

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

°C mm Mercury High Order

Compressive Strength: lb/inch 1083

Density, gm/cc 1.71
Ultimate deformation, % 1.32

AMCP 70S-177 H-6

Fragmentation Test: (b) Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot EGS-1--17: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Composition B 998
For Subject HE 711*
For 80/20 Tritonal 616 Principal Uses: HE charge
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE

Loading Density: gm/cc 1.71

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
AtP ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (a) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: 3.25" diameter sphere Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure A psi Catenary 25.4
Impulse MFOC Pendulum 19.8 Exudation None

Air, Confined:

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

H-6 AMCP 706-177

Effect of Altitude, Charge Diameter and Degree of Confinement on Detonation Velocity*

(Reference e)
I One-Inch Column Two-Inch Column
! Explosive Simulated Altitude, Confined Unconfined Confined ' Unconfined
i Feet m/s ' m/s m/s i m/s

THT, ' Ground 6820 6720 j 6670 5270

density, !
30,000 6660 6930(2) : 6610 6760(4)
gm/cc 1.59 i
60,000 6800 i 6520 6400 (4)

90,000 6810 6720 6550 6610(1)

Average 6798 6790 6588 6260

H-6, Ground 7190 7360 7340 6870

30,000 7300(2) 7430 7360 7980
gm/cc 1.69
60,000 7280 7490 7550 7010

90,000 7300(3) 7270 7500 7000

Average 7268 7385 7438 7215

♦Confined charge in l/4" steel tube, AISI 1015 seamless, 1" diameter 18" long, and 2"
diameter 7" long. All means were determined from sets of five values unless otherwise
indicated by ( ). A 26 gm tetryl booster was used to initiate each charge.

Average Fragment Ve ocities at Various Altitudes* (e)

Simulated Alti tude, Feet 1
Explosive Charge Diameter, Ground ' '.30,-000 <5A,HQO m,nao~j
Inches m/s < m/s m/s m/s 1
■ 1

2940 j 2991

gm/ce 1.51

H-6, 3461 3405 3467 3563

4603 4726 4998 5288
gm/cc 1.71
*Outside diameter 2.54"; inside diameter 2.04"; length 7".


See HBX-1; HBX-3 reference list.

AMCP 706-177 Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (EDNA)

(In recognition of its development as a military explosive by the

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgHgN^O^) 150

Oxygen Balance:
C 16.0 H„C N ^
H 4.0
X CO, %

Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.71

N 37.3
0 42.7 H C <^ 2 Melting Point: °C Decomposes 175+
C/H Ratio0.066 H
Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 48
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 1^
Sample Wt, mg 17

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability lest:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.5
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 1.5
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 60 150°C 11+

Burned 20 200 Gram Bomb Sand Pest:

Unaffected 20 Sand, gm 52.3
Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 265 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 216 Mercury Fulminate 0.21
5 Decomposes 189
Lead Azide 0.13
10 178
15 173
20 170 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 139

Traurl Test, % TNT: (b) 122

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.01 Plate Dent Test: (c)
Method A
100°C Heat Test: Condition Pressed

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.2 Confined Yes

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.3 Density, gm/cc 1.50
Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT 122

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: 13°
Confinement Unconfined
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 0.01
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0

Volatility: ^il Density, gm/cc 1.49

Rate, meters/second 7570

AMCP 70S-177
Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (EDNA)

Booster Sensitivity Test: (^) Decomposition Equation: (e)0 8 (?1 ii I

Condition Pressed Oxygen, atoms/sec 10 10 10
Tetryl, gm 100
Heat, kilocolorie/mole 30.5 37.3 30.8
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 2.09 (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 18^-25^4- -- 1l4.l4.-l6U

Density, gm/cc 1.42 Phase Liquid Solid Solid

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 2477
Explosion, cal/gm 12j6
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 90o 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 13^ Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/'C
Plate Thickness, inches

1 'A
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombvs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E', dynes/crrr
E, lb/inch- 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch- Trials

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

°C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 70S-177 Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (ETNA)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.61 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Booster
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: ,
95/5 Haleite/vax
Density, gm/cc I.56
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For TNT 514

For Subject HE 600

Loading Density: gm/cc psi x 10 ^
5 10 12 15 20
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
1.28 I.38 1.4l 1.44 1.49
At 3ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined:

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (EDNA) AMCP 706-177

Compatibility with Metals:

Dry - Copper, brass, aluminum, mild steel, stainless steel, mild steel coated with acid-
proof black paint, and mild steel plated with copper nickel, cadmium or zinc are unaffected.
Magnesium and magnesium-aluminum alloy are slightly affected.

Wet - Copper, brass, mild steel coated with acid-proof black paint, and mild steel plated
with copper, cadmium, nickel or zinc are heavily corroded. Aluminum is slightly affected and
stainless steel is unaffected.

Impact Sensitivities of Various Crystal Habits:

Bureau of Mines Impact Test, 2 Kg Wt:

Hat) it cm

1st plate 55
2nd plate 55
Bi-pyramid 71
Bracydome 66
Sphenoid 46

Solubility: gm/lOO m ($) of:

Water Alcohol

2c i £c i
20 0.25 20 1.00
40 0.75 40 2.46
60 2.13 60 5.29
80 6.38 78 10. k
100 >20


(Summary Technical Report of the NDRC, Div 8, Vol l)

CH £0 + HCN -> HO CH 2CN

(98%y ield)
HO CH, CN + NH -» NH CH :N + H20
(82%y leid)

NH2CH2CN + 2H2 —» H N CH2CH2NH2

(88%y ield)


+ CO. —» \„ + H20
CH2 CH2--ffl

AMCP 706-177 Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (EDUA)

CH2 NH. <?H2--N — _N02

s- CO + 2HN0, ! ___J>CO + 2H
CH.— m" CH„--N — HO-

- NH — H02
CH -- NH — N02
+ C

The raw materials used in this process are cheap and available; the first three reactions
proceed smoothly, rapidly and in good yield (70$ overall), and only the third requires high
pressures. The reaction of ethylenediamine with carbon dioxide at about 220°C and 820 atmos-
pheres has been worked out and is more satisfactory for the preparation of ethyleneurea than
the use of chlorethyl carbonate or urea and better than the reaction of acetic anhydride and
ethylenediamine to yield W,H'-diacetyl-ethylenedianiine which can be treated in a way similar
to the above to yield Haleite.

Ethyleneurea is very easily nitrated, with strong nitric acid (98$), 't ordinary temperature,
and in a very short time, and the dinitroethyleneurea produced appears ., ■<. ürolyze, yielding
Haleite, immediately after solution in water at 95°C Both the nitration and hydrolysis are
practically quantitative.


First described in 1877 by Franchimont and Klobbie (Reo trav chim 7, 17 and 244) but it
was 1935 before its value as an explosive was recognized. Standardized during World War II
as a military explosive.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Haleite is decomposed by addition to hot, dilute sulfuric acid. Nitrous oxide, acetalde-
hyde and ethylene glycol are evolved. Haleite is also decomposed by addition to 5 times its
weight of 20$ sodium hydroxide.

References: •"

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives. Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests. OSRD Report No. 57^» 27 December 1945.

(b) Report AC-2983/Org Ex 179-

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing. OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) L. C Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mam 10,303, 15 June 191+9.

(e) R. J. Finkelstein and G. Gamow, Theory of the Detonation Process. NAVORD Report No.
90-46, 20 April 19^7-

(f) M. A. Cook and M. Taylor Abbeg, "Isothermal Decomposition of Explosives," University

of Utah, Ind Eng Chem (June 1956) pp. 1090-1095.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
Haleite (Ethylene Dinitramine) (EDNA)

/q) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Haleite:

1200 1231 1162 1113 4llj- 1255 786 897 1198 1279
1290 1^51 1232 1^93 1294 1325 1796 1737 1288 1319
1360 1651 1252 1923 1^ 1395 1797 1378 1379
1380 1352 1885 1937 1388 1469
1400 1372 1838 1^89
1600 2179

AMCP 70G-177 HBX-1

Composition: Molecular Weight: 102

RDX kO Oxygen Balance:
TNT 38 CO, % -68
CO % -35
A 'Tuminum 17

D-2 W* 5 Density: gm/cc Cast 1.72

Calcium Chloride,
Melting Point: "C
added 0-5
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nf0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 16
Sample Wt, mg 21
Friction Pendulum Test: (b)
Vacuum Stability Test: (a, b)
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 0.47
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials (b)
120°C 0.98
% 135°C
Explosions 73
150°C 11+
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 28 Sand, gm 48.1
Explosion Temperature: °C (a) Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 480
Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (d) 133
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.058 Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate: (a, b)

Flammability Index: Confinement None

Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 95$ EH, 7 days 2.98 Condition Cast

Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
71°C, 95/o EH, 7 days 1.13
Volatility: . Density, gm/cc 1.69
Rate, meters/second 722^

HBX-1 AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test: (=) Decomposition Equation:

Condition Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 1.25 (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1-73 Phase

Heat of: 00 Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm 3882
Explosion, cal/gm 919
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 758 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm 78 C 9-25
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C 00
Plate Thickness, inches
30°C 0.249

50°C 0.264 1
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity: 00 ,
J T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:
cal/sec/cm/°C 35 C 0.97 x 10

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion: O)
Linear, ZlXAnch 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
0°C k6 x 10 "||
35°c 95 x 10"
Height, ft
T0°C 159 x 10"4
Hardness, Mohs' Scale: Unaffected
Low Order
Young's Modulus: 00 High Order
• 9
E, dynes/cm2 10.3 X 10
E lb/inch2 1.49 x 10"5 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 1.69
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 See below Trials
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
"C mm Mercury High Order
Compressive Strength: lb/inch^ 1303
Density, gm/cc 1.69
Ultimate deformation, $ 1.38

AMCP 706-177 HBX-1

Fragmentation Test: (*>) Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot EGS-1--17: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Composition B 998
For Subject HE 910
For 8o/20 Tritonal 616 Principal Uses: HE charge
3 inch ME, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE

Loading Density: gm/cc 1.69

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (a) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: 3.25" diameter sphere Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure A psi Catenary 24.7
Impulse NFOC Pendulum 19.6 Exudation None

Air, Confined:

Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

HBX-3 AMCP70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 64

RDX 31 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % -75
OTT 29
CO % -49
Aluminum 35
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.84
D-2 Wax 5
Calcium Chloride, Melting Point: °C
added 0.5
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 15
Sample Wt, mg 23

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability lest: (a, *)

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 0.^5
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials O) 120°C
% 135°C
Explosions 78
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest: 0)
Unaffected 22 Sand, gm 44.9

Explosion Temperature: °C (a) Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seoonds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 500 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (d) 111
Trauzl Test, % TNTi
75°C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest: O)
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.70
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate: (a, b)
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 95* RH, 7 days 2.01
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
(b) 71°C, 95* RH, 7 days 0.31
Density, gm/cc 1.81
Rate, meters/second 6917

AMCP70G-177 HBX-3

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm a/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of: (b)

Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm M+95
Explosion, cal/gm 877
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm k<)l Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm 9-30
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
30°C 0.254 Plate Thickness, inches

50°C 0.25^ 1

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity: (b)

cal/sec/cm/°C 35°C 1.70 x 10_:i T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion: (b)
Linear,/l£/inch _n 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
0°C 1+0 x 10
35°C 83 x 10"5
70°C 130 x 10" Height, ft
Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus: (b)
High Order
B, dynes/cm2 11.5 x 109
E lb/inch2 1.67 x 105 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 1.8l
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 See below Trials
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
°C mm Mercury High Order
Compressive Strength: lb/inch 1610
Density, gm/cc 1.81
Ultimate deformation, j> 1-37

TfRX-^ AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT — 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot EGS-1-17: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Composition B 998
For Subject H E
For 80/20 Tritonal 616 Principal Uses: HE charge

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For Subject HE,
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.8l

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): (a) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: 3-25" diameter sphere Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure A psi Catenary 25-5
, .„„ NFOC Pendulum 20.6 Exudation None

Air, Confined:

Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 HBX-1; HEX-3

The Stability of HBX Compositions Made With and,A,

Without Desiccants and Containing Added Moisture

Moisture, Acidity, 100"C Vac Stab Test Hygroscopic!ty, $ 1

i cc gas Hours 95$ RH 1
30°C T1°C (
1 Standard HBX-1 0.73 0.011 0.1+7 i+o +2.98 +1.13 1
+0.2$ moisture 0.68 1+0 !
+0.!+$ moisture 0.62 1*0 |
+0.6$ moisture 1 0.50 i*0

40 -0.06 -0.25
Ho* 1 with out OaOl 0.00 0.029 0.36 40
+0 2$ mo sture 0.25 1+0
+P, It
mo sture
mo sture

0.06 0.031 0.73 ko +0.08 +o.oi+

HBX-1 with silica gel

Standard HBX-3 0.54 0.012 0.45 40 +2.01 +0.31 ,

+0.2% moisture 0.1*7 to
+0.1+$ moisture 0.43 40
+0.6$ moisture 0.41 1+0

40 -O.06 -O.29
IIDX 3 without CaClg 0.02 O.Ql+9 0.46 1*0
+8;2| moisture 0.26
' moisture 0.26
+0*6$ moisture 0.20
HBX-3 with silica gel 0.04 0.100 0.45 1*0 +0.09 +0.05

Standard H-6 0.71 0.017 0.47 1+0 +2.01 +1-77

+0.2/o moisture 0.88 1+0
+0.1*$ moisture O.63 1+0
+0.6$ moisture 0.65
H-6 without CaCl2 0.03 0.082 0.1+0 1+0 -0.06 -0.25
+0.2$ moisture 0.10 1+0
+0.1+$ moisture 0.25 1+0
+0.6$ moisture 0.23 1+0

1+0 +0.09 +0.06

II 0 with silitd gil 0.05 0.028 0.43

* All samples were ground to 20/l00 mesh size, 7 days before tests. Silica gel used was
Fisher Scientific Company, Lot 51*11*92, through 100 mesh U. S. Standard Sieve.

AMCP 706-177
HBX-l; HBX-3


HBX explosive mixtures are prepared by melting TNT in a steam-jacketed melt kettle equipped
with a mechanical stirrer. Water-wet RDX is added slowly with stirring and heating until all
the water is evaporated. Aluminum is added, and the composition is stirred until uniform.
D-2 wax and calcium chloride are then added. The desensitizer wax, also known as Composition
D-2, consists of &k^> paraffin and other waxes, 1^$ nitrocellulose and 2$ lecithin. The mixture
is cooled from approximately 95° to 100°C to a temperature considered suitable for casting
(the lowest practicable pour temperature). HBX can also be made by adding the calculated
amount of TNT to Composition B to obtain the desired proportion of RDX/TNT. The appropriate
weights of the other ingredients are added to complete the mixture.


Developed during World War 11, as relatively insensitive mixtures, by adding 5$ desensiti-
zer to Torpex II, for high blast explosive applications.


(a) 0. E. Sheffield, Blast Properties of Explosives Containing Aluminum or Other Metal

Additives, PATR No. 2353, November 1956.

(b) S. D. Stein, G. J. Horvat and 0. E. Sheffield, Seme Properties and Characteristics

of HBX-l, HBX-3 and H-6, PATR No. 2431, June 1957-

(c) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of KDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Memo. 10,303, 15 June 19^9•

(d) S. R. Walton, Report on the Program to Develop an Improved HBX-Type Explosive, NAVORD
Report No. 1502, 26 July 195Ö.

(e) A. W. O'Brien, Jr., C. W. Plummer, R. P. Woodburn and V. Philipchuk, Detonation

Velocity Determinations and Fragment Velocity Determinations of Varied Explosive by stems
and Conditions, National Northern Corporation Final Summary Report NWC-F-13. February 1958
(Contract DA.I-19-020-501-0RD-(p)-58).

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on HX Explosives: 1756
2138, 2169.

3^See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP70G-177 HEX-24

Molecular Weight: 47.6
Potassium Perchlorate 32 Oxygen Balance:
(IT microns) CO, % -hz
Aluminum, atomized 48 CO % "14
(20 microns)
Snnarent 1-39
RDX (through 325 mesh) 16
Asphaltum "(through 100 mesh) -? i
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm --
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 16
Sample Wt, mg 24
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Detonates cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C

Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 100°C 1.25

% 135°C
Partials 150°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Sand, gm 12.5
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5 520 Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.25
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

^"C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:
I0CTC Heat Test: Condition
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.15 Confined
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00 Density, gm/cc
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
lammability Index:
Hygroscopicity: % None Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: None Rate, meters/second

HEX-24 AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M 71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Gray

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: HE filler for small caliber
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: projectiles

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
Pressed at 20,000 psi 2.1
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
Static Tests:
Air, Confined: 20 mm T215E1 Projectile:
Impulse PA Peak Pressure, psi 55
MCC 20" Blast Cube 44
Underwater: APG 21+" Blast Cube 44
Peak Pressure Static Tests:
Impulse 20 mm JVf/ Projectile:
Energy HEX-2U Tritonal Torpex
Foxboro psi 19 12.4 13.0
Underground: Catenary psi 46
Duration, microsec 533
Peak Pressure
APG 2k" Blast Cube 36 24 32
Enerav Heat of:
Flame Temperature, K 2552 Combustion, cal/gm ^197
Activation Energy, kcal 20.4 Explosion, cal/gm 1858
Temp, °<J U50 t 0 570 Gas volume, cc/gm 159
Specific reaction
rate, k 1.6k x 10"5

AMCP 706-177 HEX-48

Composition: Molecular Weight: kj,6

Pctassium Perchlorate 32 Oxygen Balance:
(IT microns) CO, % -42
Aluminum, flaked (l micron) 48 CO % -34
RDX (through 325 mesh) 16
Asphaltum (through 100 nesh) 4 Density: gm/cc Apparent O.69
PreSsgä at 20,000 Dsi 1.62
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: 3C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg n2S

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Partially detonates cc/40 Hrs. at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 1.52
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 23-7

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 545 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.25
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl lest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rote:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second


Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: HE filler for small caliber
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
Pressed at 20,000 psi 1.62
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 5 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Exudation None
Static Tests:
Air, Confined: 20 mm T215E1 Projectile:
Impulse PA Peak Pressure, psi 77
HF0C 20" Blast Cube 45
APG 2k" Blast Cube 42
Under Water:
Peak Pressure Static Tests:
20 mm JVy7 Projectile:
HEX-U8 TNT Tetryl
Fosboro psi 17- 3 2TB 3-5
Catenary-psi 43 28 28
Underground: Duration, microsec 517 560 530
Peak Pressure APG 2h" Blast Cube 29 10
Heat of:
Flame Temperature, K 2382 Combustion, cal/gm 1+119
Explosion, cal/gm 1735
Activation Energy, kcal 25.4
Gas Volume, cc/gm 200
L'emp, °C ^50 to ^70
Specific reaction _g
rate, k 7.84 x 10

AMCP 706-177- HEX-48

Cook-Off Tests: (c)

20 mm T215B1 ttEX-k'd Loaded Projectiles With Dye-Coated RDX Top-Off

Prnjpntilp Nn m.t-Off Temp °r. r.nnk-nrr

1 170 Yes (198)

2 150

3 155 Yes (190)

National Northern Projectile Load:


Avg. No of Penetrations pej_

Round in Zone 65^-130°

Proj ectil e Filler Altitude, Feet 0.020" 0.040" 0.051"

T215E1 HEX-48 Ground 352 264 282

60,000 676 432

The fragment penetration test records numbers of complete penetrations of aluminum panels
of various thicknesses at 2.5 feet from the static detonation. The total penetrations recorded
on the 2^ST-3 aluminum panels occurred with the projectile nose always pointed toward C° and
the base toward l80 .

The test data indicate that on the thicker panels, 0.040" and 0.051," the HEX-48 loaded
T215E1 projectile produced more complete fragment penetrations at ground and altitude than
MDX-2B loaded T282E1 and EX8 IVfcd 0 projectiles.

AMCP 706-177
HEX-24; HEX-^8


The HEX compositions were prepared by blending the appropriate weight of the dry ingredients
in a Patterson-Kelly twin-shell blender for at least 30 minutes.

An alternate procedure for 100 to 200 gram batches used a "Cradle-Roll" mixing device.
This device consisted of a half-barrel type container constructed of wood and lined with an
electrical conductive material. A plastic roll was allowed to move over the ingredients by
remote control action of the container. The roll action prevented caking of the mix but had
no adverse effect on the particle size of the ingredients. The period of time required to
obtained a uniform and intimate mixture was approximately fifteen minutes.


The development of "slow-burning" explosive mixtures which would produce increased blast
effects in enclosed or nearly enclosed spaces directed attention to their use for possible
military application. In 1950 Picatinny Arsenal developed a high capacity filler for 20mm
projectiles consisting of 85/10/5 RDX/aluminum/desensitizer which was more powerful than stan-
dard tetryl filler. However, in comparison with M0X type explosives, there was little doubt
as to the superior performance of the M0X mixture. HEX (high energy explosive) mixtures were
developed at Picatinny Arsenal in 1953 (Ref a) as superior high blast compositions suitable
for use in small Caliber projectiles.

References: 35

(a) 0. E. Sheffield and E. J. Murray, Development of Explosives—Metallized Explosives —

High Blast Fillers for Small Caliber Shell, Picatinny Arsenal Memorandum Report No. MR-49,
21 December 1953-

(b) 0. E. Sheffield, Properties of MOX-Type Explosive Mixtures, PATR No. 2205, October

(c) National Northern Corporation, Letter from Dr. C M Saffer, Jr., to Commanding
Officer, Picatinny Arsenal, 12 June 1957-

35see footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 2,i+,6,2',V,6'-Hexanitro-oxani lide (HNO)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C-|^K^R^O-] u)

I Oxygen Balance:
0 JJ'U c
CO, % -53.4
I CO % - 9.4
H 1.2 NH NH
Density: gm/cc
21.9 02N-|/^j-i-'Jo
Melting Point: °C Decomposes 302
^3-9 \^'
C/H Ratio 0.797 NO, NO, Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 15 _□
Sample Wt, mg 12

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.40
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 52.1

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5 384 Lead Azide 0.30
10 Tetryl 0.25
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl lest, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.07
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.05
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:,
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 25°C, 90$ HH 0.19 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

2,4,6,2' ,k' ,6' -Hexanltro-oxanilide (HNO) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Almost white
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Igniter powder; pyrotechnic
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed and extruded
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method I5ry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined:

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure •

AMCP 706-177 2,4,6,2' ,k' ,6'-Hexanitro-oxanilide fHHO)

Solubility in the following substances:


Nitrobenzene <3 gn in 100 cc, at 23°C ~ 5 gn i n 100 cc, at 210°C

Water 0.10 gm in 100 cc, at 100°C
Alcohol (Ethyl) Insoluble
Acetone Insoluble
Benzene Insoluble
Butyl acetate Insoluble
Carbon tetrachloride Insoluble
Dimethylformamide Very soluble
Ether (Ethyl) Insoluble
Acetic Acid Insoluble
Nitric Acid Soluble
Crystalline form Long rectangular glistening plates from nitrobenzene


To prepare hexanitro-oxanilide, first prepare tetranitro-oxanilide as described herein

under the entry "2,4,2' ,k' -Tetranitro-oxanilide (TNO)."

A 1.5 liter round bottom flask is equipped with a stirrer of the type which causes a down-
ward swirl. The flask is jacketed for hot and cold water. l8T grams of nitric acid of speci-
fic gravity 1.49 (commercial grade) is placed into the flask and 100 grams of sulphuric acid
is added to the nitric acid under agitation. The mixed acid is cooled to 10°C. 29.2 grams of
tetranitro-oxanilide is slowly added to the mixed acid under rapid agitation maintaining the
temperature at 8°-10°C. After the addition of the TNO is completed (approximately 25 minutes)
the temperature is raised to 85°C over a period of 2 hours and held at 85°-90°C for one hour.
The hexanitro-oxanilide (HNO) "slurry" is filtered on a Büchner funnel and purified as ex-
plained under "Tetranitro-oxanilide."


A. G Perkin in 1892 obtained hexanitro-oxanilide directly by heating to boiling a solution

of tetranitro-oxanilide in a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acids. He also prepared the same
compound from oxanilide by the action of a boiling mixture of fuming nitric and sulfuric acids
(J Chem Soc 6l, 462 (1892)).

References: 36

(a) L. Gowen and R. Dwiggens, Case Gun Ignition Studies, NAVORD Report No. 2321, 13 June
(b) D. Dubrow and J. Kristal, Substitution of Tetranitro Oxanilide and Hexanitro Oxanilide
for Tetranitro Carbazole, PA Pyrotechnic Research Laboratory Report 5^-TFl-öö, 20 December 195^-

(c) S. Livingston, Preparation of Tetranitro Carbazole, PA Chemical Research Laboratory

Report 136,330, 11 April 1951-

(d) S. Livingston, Development of Improved Ignition Ty-pe Powders, PAIR No. 2267, July 1956-

3°See footnote 1, page 10.

beta-HMX fa) AMCP 706-177

Composition: og Molecular Weight: (C^HgNgOg) 296

% /^\ Oxygen Balance:

C 16.2 0oN-N N-NCi
2 2 CO, % -21.6
I I CO % 0.0
H 2.7 H2C CH2

N 37-9 02M-N^^^N-N02 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1-90

CH Melting PomtL °C Capillary method 273

0 43.2 2 Koffer Micro Hot Staae 280
C/H Ratio 0.095 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 32
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nf0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 9
Sample Wt, mg 3

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.37
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.45
% 135°C
150°C 0.62
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 60.4

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 380 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 327 LeadAzide 0.30
10 306 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 150

Trauzl Test, % TNT: 1^5

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.05
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.03
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
30°c, 95% RH (c) nnn
Density, gm/cc 1.84
Rate, meters/second 912^

AMCP 706-177 beta-HMX

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation: (e-)n ^

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec lo
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 52.7
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 271-31^
Density, gm/cc Phase Liquid

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact lest:
Combustion, cal/gm 2362
Explosion, cal/gm (e) 1356
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm (e) -60.5 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C Reorystallized (g)
Plate Thickness, inches
-75 0.153 85 0.288
0 0.228 90 0.290 1
25 0.248 100 0.295 1V4
50 0.266 125 0.307
75 0.282 150 0.315 W-i
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C 17, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vi Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness' Moris' Scale: (e) 2.3
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm*
E, lb/inch2
1000-lb General Purpose Bombv» Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
"C mm Mercury High Order

beta-HMX AMCP 706-177


CH N —£H2 CH_ N—CH

2 2
! I
CvN — N N—NO
02N N CH2 N—N02

CH ,-L ' —M — CHn2

CH 2


Two men are required to regulate the addition of reagents and control the temperature dur-
ing the initial stage addition; one man can complete the procedure. A 1-liter 5-necked flask
is used, the center neck for an efficient stirrer, one side neck for a thermometer, and the
other necks for burrettes and a gas outlet (to water trap). The flask is placed in a pan with
steam and cold water inlets, for temperature control.

The second stage reagents (60 cc of ^2.3/57-7; ammonium nitrate/98$ nitric acid and 150 1. cc
acetic anhydride) are then added simultaneously, continuously and equivalently over a 25--min-
ute period. The mixture is.., aged
..._,». v. 65
.... minutes,
„..,.„.,..,. poured
P.,.,.,.„ into
...... 1.5
..... liter
...... of
.,. water
,,.,.,.. and
.,,.„ simmered on a
steam bath for 12 hours. Cool, filter and dry the RDX-HMX precipitate (yield 73$ HMX).

The KDX is destroyed, leaving HMX, as follows: 1025 gn of the crude product are placed in
a solution of 15 gm sodium tetraborate decahy&rate in 5 liters of water, heated to boiling
with agitation, and 5 N NaOH added at the rate of 3 oc/min. When about 730 cc have been added
the pH increases sharply from a little over 8.7 to over 9.7 which corresponds to complete
destruction of the RDX. Filter the HMX from the hot mixture; yield 612 gm, mp 279.5°-280.5°C.
Recrystallization from nitromethane yields material melting at 28l°-282°C.


Was discovered as an impurity (by-product) in the nitration of hexamethylene-tetramine to

form RDX. It is now manufactured directly by the process described above and has valuable use
in explosive systems.

Removal of RDX from HMX-RDX Mixtures and Recovery of a RDX-HMX Mixture (This procedure appears
suitable for use with mixtures containing tiOfo or more HMX):

AMCP 70G-177 toHMX


500 grams of HMX containing 12.25% RDX are placed in a 1500 cc beaker, 500 cc of acetone
is added and the slurry is agitated for several minutes at room temperature. Before complete
settling, the RDX-HMX-acetone solution is decanted.

To the residual HMX-RDX, another 500 cc of acetone is added. The slurry is heated on the
steambath and while boiling, agitated for several minutes. The boiling RDX-HMX-acetone solu-
tion is decanted. The residual HMX is now washed with cold acetone into a funnel. This HMX
is now taken up in 95$ alcohol, filtered and dried. Yield 353.9 gn or 70.78%.

All the acetone extracts are combined and evaporated to dryness. Yield 137.5 gn or 26.5%.

Yield Balance:

Pure HMX obtained - 353.9 gn 70. 78%

Total RDX-HMX mixture recovered "
137-5 gm 26.50%
Samples taken during process -
2.4 gn 0A8$
Loss during process 2.2.kjt>

Total 100.00$
Various samples were analyzed for RXD content:

1. Crude HMX 12.25$ RDX

2. After first acetone washing 6.0$ RDX
3. After second acetone washing 2.0% RDX
k. After third acetone washing 0.0$ RDX
RDX-HMX sample recovered 5^-5$ RDX
Preparation of Fine Particle-size HMX by the Aspirator Method:

1. Dissolve 1100 gm HMX in 4400 cc of dimethyl sulfoxide.

2. Filter the HMX solution.
3- Connect a clean aspirator to the water line.
4. Place a 55 gallon clean drum under the aspirator.
5- Fasten a polyethylene tubing, long enough to reach easily to the bottom of the HMX-
dimethyl sulfoxide container, to the side intake of the aspirator.
6. Fasten to the bottom of the aspirator another polyethylene tube long enough to reach
to the bottom of the 55 gallon drum.
7- Open the water faucet and then place the polyethylene tube in the HMX container.
8. White milky fine HMX separates out in the drum. Totai duration of run is approximately
7 minutes.
9. After all the HMX solution is sucked out of the container, the water is turned off.
10. The material is filtered and water washed.
11- If" dry HMX is required, the material can be alcohol and ether washed.
A more efficient method to recover the RDX-HMX mixture:

1. Filter the combined hot acetone extracts.

2. Pour while agitating the filtered extracts into at least k times its volume of water.
3. Filter and dry, etc.

beta-HMX CP 706-177



Storage :

Method Ery

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group L (dry)

Group M (wet)

Exudation None

References: 37

(a) 0. E. Sheffield, E. J. Murray, A. L. Rosen and B. W. Kanouse, Prnpprtipg nf WMY. PA

Chemical Research Laboratory Report No. 52-0M1-23, 7 April 1952.

(b) W. E. Bachmann, The Preparation of HMX, OSRD Report No. 1981, 3 November X9k3

(C) S Livingston, Characteristics of Explosives HMX and DPMN, PAIR No. 1561, 6 September

R. J. Finkelstein and G. G&mow, Theory of the Detonation Process NAVORD Report No.
90-46' 20 April 19^7-

(e) 0. H. Johnson, HMX as a Military Explosive. NAVORD Report No. kjjl, 1 October 1956-

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on HMX:

1 .3 6 7 9

17^1 2183 2016 1737 1709

(g) C. Lenchitz, W. Beach and R. Valicky, Enthalpy Changes. Heat of Fusion and Specific
Heat of Basic Explosives, PAIR No. 2504, January 1959«

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 HTA.-3

Composition: Molecular Weight: 91

Oxygen Balance:
HMX 49
CO, % -51
CO % -27

22 Density: gm/cc Cast 1.90


Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 17 _D
Sample Wt, mg 25
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 10 Trials, $
120°C 0.37
3/16" Steel 1/8" Al
Explosions 90 50
Burned lo 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 0 50 Sand, gm 61.3

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used)
— Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
— Mercury Fulminate
5 Flames erratically 370 Lead Azide 0.30
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 120

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.90
Rate, meters/second 7866

HTA.-3 AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 36Ö7
Explosion, cal/gm 1190
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 680 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches
32" to T1+0C 0.245

1 V-i
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm2
E lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 2260 Trials
See below

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

°C mm Mercury High Order
i 2 ie
Compressive Strength: It/inch
Average (10 tests) 2260 Ultimate Deiormation: %
High 2530
Average (10 tests) 2.81
Low 1910
High 3.22
Low 2.52
Test specimen l/2" x l/2" cylinder (approximately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb) total
load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute time of dwell.

AMCP 706-177 HTA-3

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT — 100:

9 0 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Subject HE
Principal User: HE projectile and bomb filler
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, LotKC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.90
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
Work to Produce Rupture: ft-lb/inch' #
Air, Confined:
Impulse Average (10 tests) 2.77
High 3.39
Underwater: Low 2.40
Peak Pressure
Impulse Efflux Viscosity, Saybolt Seconds: 24.8

Peak Pressure

*Test specimen l/2" x l/2" cylinder (approxi-

mately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb)
total load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute
time of dwell.

AMCP 706-177

Modulus of Elasticity:

Average 89,200

High 97, too

Low 76,300

Test specimen l/2" x l/2" cylinder (approximately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb)
total load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute time of dwell.

Setback Sensitivity Test: (a)

| Critical Pressure 119,000 psi *

i Density, gm/cc 1.92

* Pressure below which no initiation is obtained and above which an increasing

percentage of initiations can be expected as the setback pressure increases.


Procedure similar to that used for Torpex.

References: ^°

(a) 1st Indorsement from Chief, Explosives Development Section, to Chief, Explosives
Research Section, Picatinny Arsenal, dated 12 May 19J8. Subject: "Prof
aperties of Octols
and HTA.-3."

(b) R' Brown and R. Velicky, Heat Capacity of HTA-3, Picatinny Arsenal General Laboratory
Report No. 58-H1-509, 5 May 1958.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Lead Azide

Composition: Molecular Weight: (pbli-) 291

Oxygen Balance:
N 28.8 CO, % -5-5
CO'% -5.5
N=W= II--Fb—-N—N=N
Pb 71.2
Density: gm/cc Crystal 4 80
DpxtrinatpH 4^8
Melting Point: "C Decomposes

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Pure Dextrinated Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 10 17
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus , in. 3 5
Sample Wt, mg 30 28

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test: Dextrinated
Steel Shoe Exptdes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Explodes 90°C
100°C 1.0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.07
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Bladlrpowder fuse 19.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 396 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 356 Mercury Fulminate

5 Explodes 3W Lead Azide
10 335 Tetryl
15 335
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
20 335
Trauzl Test, % TNT: (a) 39
75 C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.34
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate: Pure Lead Azide

Flammability Index:

Hv,«*eooieityr % Dextrin ated Not Dextrinated Condition Pressed

U Charge Diameter, in.
3@ C; %%m 0.8 ft .03
Volatility: Density, gm/cc 2.0 3.0 4.0
Rate, meters/second toTO ^630 5l80

Lead Azide AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White-buff
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Detonators, priming compositions,
and commercial blasting caps
3 inch HE, M42AT Projectile, Lot KC-5
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
, P, -x / psi x 10-3
Loading Density: gm/cc '
3 5 10 15
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 2.62 2.71 2.96 3.07
At 9 ft
At25M> ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group M (wet)

Peak Pressure
Exudation None
Compatibility with Metals:
Air, Confined:
Impulse Dry lead azide does not react with or cor-
rode steel, iron, nickel, aluminum, lead,
zinc, copper, tin or cadmium. It does not
Under Water:
affect coatings of acid-proof black paint,
Peak Pressure
oil, IffiC compound or shellac. Lead azide in
Impulse the presence of moisture corrodes zinc and
Energy copper: and with copper, it forms the extreme.
ly sensitive and dangerous copper azide.

Underground: Specific Heat: cal/gm/ C

Peak Pressure °C
Impulse -50 0.110
Energy 0 0.110
Heat of: 25 0.110
50 0.110
Combustion, cal/gm 630
Explosion, cal/gm 367 Thermal Conductivity:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 308
Formation, cal/gm ■3^6 cal/sec/cm/°C (Pure) 1.55 x 10*4

AMCP 706-177 Lead Azide

Compatibility with Metals:

Dry: Steel, iron, nickel, aluminum, lead, zinc, copper, tin, stainless steel, brass and
bronze were unaffected by six years' contact with dry lead azide at ambient temperature and
50°C. Monel, chrome-nickel and Inconel were unaffected under the same conditions' in two and
one-half years.

Wet: Copper and zinc are rapidly attacked by moist lead azide, while aluminum is not
attacked in 24 hours. Monel, chrome-nickel and Inconel are not attacked by lead azide (g$
moisture) after 29 months' exposure at ambient temperature and 50°C, and J-l magnesium-alumi-
num alloy is very slightly corroded.

Lead Azide
Lead Azide Lead Azide plus 20%
Lead Azide plus plus Ethyl Alba-
Sample Tested 25% Water 20% Water
Friction Pendulum Te;st:

(All IA dextrinated)

Shoe Fiber T^^^^^^.

t^^^^^^^^^ Fiber Steel Fiber

No. of Trials 1 10 12 10 4 1
Explosions 1 0 0 O 1 1
Cracklings 0 2 O 2 0
Unaffected 0 10 10 10 1 0

Impact Sensitivity, :2 Kg Wt:

(All LA dextrinated)

PA Apparatus, inches h
Activation Energy: (c)

Kcal/mole 23.74
Induction Period, seconds 0.5-10
Initiating Efficiency, Grams Required to Give Complete Initiations of:

Dextrinated Azide (gm)

TNT 0.25
Tetryl 0.10
RDX 0.05
PEIN 0.02
Sensitivity to Static Discharge, Joules (Pure Lead Azide) (b) 0. 0070

AMCP 706 177
Lead Azide "

Compatibility of Dextrinated Lead Azide with Black Powder:

100°C Vacuum Stability Test, cc/40 hr:

Sample Wt fern) Material cc

1.0 Lead Azide 0.50

1.0 Black Powder 0.38
2.0 50/50, Lead Azide/Black Powder 1.26

Solubility of Pure Lead Azide; grn/lOO 311 of Water:

2c i
20 0.05

Preparation of Lead Azide (Dextrinated) : (du Pont procedure)

2Ia-N= N — N + Pb (N03)2-> Pb(N3) 2 + 2 NaNO

Lead nitrate solution: This is prepared by dissolving iGk lbs lead nitrate and 8.25 lbs
dextrine in deioni'zed water, the solution allowed to settle, and sodium hydroxide added to
bring the solution to a pH of 5.4. The final concentration of the solution is then adjusted
to J.h% lead nitrate, 0.375% dextrine by addition of deionized water.

The lead azide is precipitated at a solution temperature of l6o°F, using 60 parts lead
nitrate and 50 parts sodium azide solution. The latter is added to the former in 23 minutes,
under agitation (no baffles are used in the precipitation vessel), the mixture cooled to room
temperature in 12 minutes, and allowed to settle 10 minutes. The mother liquor is decanted
and the remaining slurry washed before packing.


First prepared in 1891 by T. Curtius (Ber 2h_, 33^-5-6) by adding lead acetate to a solution
of sodium or ammonium azide. F. Hyronimus (French Patent 384,792) should be credited with the
first attempt in 1907 to use lead azide with some success in the explosive industry. Its com-
mercial manufacture started in Europe before World Wa- II and in the United States since 1931
as military or commercial grade "dextrinated" lead azide.

Destruction by Chemical Deconroosltion:

Lead azide can be decomposed by

(1) mixing with at least five times its weight of a 10$ solution of sodium hydroxide
and allowing the mixture to stand for 16 hours. Decant the supernatant solution of sodium
azide and drain into the soil.

(2) dissolving in a 10$ solution of ammonium acetate and adding a 10$ solution of
sodium or potassium bichromate until no more lead chromate is precipitated.

(3) wetting with 500 times its weight of water, slowly adding 12 times its weignt
of 25$ sodium nitrite, stirring, and then adding 14 times its weight of 36$ nitric or glacial
acetic acid. A red color produced by the addition of ferric chloride solution indicates Lead
Azide is still present.

AMCP 706-177 Lead Azide

(4) dissolving in 50 times its weight of 15$ eerie ammonium nitrate. The azide is
decomposed with the evolution of nitrogen.

References: 39

(a) Ph. Maoum, Z ges Schiess Sprengstoffw, 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(b) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation

by Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Dept of Int, Bureau of Mines, RI 3852, 1946.

(c) C. Lenchitz, Ice Calorimeter Determination of Enthalpy and Specific Heat of Eleven
Organometallic Compounds, PATR #2224, November 1955.

(d) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Lead Azide:


550 561 832 393 53^ 255 326 567 628 609
580 861 852 1393 784 525 856 637 708 719
6ÜÜ 1451 882 1493 824 1325 866 657 748 749
760 1651 932 2093 944 1485 1316 707 788 769
.4 50 1132 2133 2164 i486 1737 838 849
1152 2204 1556 2227 1388 999
1352 1528 2179
1372 1838

See footnote 1, page LO.

Lead 2, k-Dinitroresorclnate (LDNR) AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (PbCgHg^o) ^05

Oxygen Balance:
C 17.8 CO, % -32
H 0.5 CO % - 8
N 6.9
0 23-7 Pb
Pb 51.1 Density: gm/cc Crystal 3-2

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio 0.549 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 1 kg wt 30
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg 20 nS

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C (73 minutes) Exp lodes
% 135°C
Parti a Is
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
T31aclr powder fuse 20

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Explodes 265 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trouzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.20 Confined
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.02
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rote:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.73 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Lead gA-K-nitroresorcinate (LDNR)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Red or yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Electric detonators
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No, of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At25yaft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined: Initiating Efficiency: 0.4 gn LDNR does not

Impulse initiate tetryl pressed at 3000 psi.

Heat of:
Peak Pressure
Explosion, cal/gm 270

Peak Pressure

Lead g,4-iariltroresorcinate (LDME) AMCP 706-177



+ Pb(N03)2 Pb + 2HH0.

To a solution of 5 grams of purified dinitroresorcin and 2.65 grams of anhydrous sodium

carbonate in 500 cc of boiling water is added slowly a solution of 10 grams of lead nitrate
dissolved in 60 cc of boiling water. The reaction mixture is constantly stirred during the
addition of the lead salt and for about an hour afterward while the solution is allowed to
cool to room temperature. The precipitate is filtered and washed thoroughly first with water
and then with alcohol and ether. It is dried in a steam oven.


2,l+-dinitroresorcin -was described in the 1881 edition of Beilstein (Beil VII, 885). The
same compound was described in more detail by Weselsky, Benedikt and Hubl in 1882 (M 11, 323)-
The lead salt of 2,4-dinitroresoreinol appears to have been prepared between World Wr I and
World War II by treating resorcinol with nitrous acid and oxidizing the resulting dinitroso-
resorcinol to dinitroresorcinol. Lead nitrate solution was then added to a solution of the
2,1+-dinitroresorcinol to which sodium carbonate had been added to form the soluble sodium salt
(J. D. Hopper, PAIR No. 480, March l^1*). The LDNR exists in two forms differing in physical
characteristics but possessing similar explosive properties. These forms are red and orange
in color (K. S. Warren, PAIR 1448, September 1944).


(a) See the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Lead 2,U-Dinitroresorcinat,e:

0 3 4 8 9

1+80 453 1004 1328 859

580 1M+8 1079

^°See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Lead 4,6-Dinitroresorcinol Basic (LDNR Basic)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (P^CgHj^Og) 646

% 0 — Pb —OH
Oxygen Balance:
C 11.2 -20
CO, %
H 0.6 jj
co% - 5
N 4.3
0 19.8 Density: gm/cc
— 0 — Pb — OH
Fb 64.1

Melting Point: °C 213

C/H Ratio 0.177 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Dureau OT mines Apparatus, cm J- "-o w u DU
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nS>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg 20 n25

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
micil^'powder fuse 15

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Explodes 295 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
TraurlTest, % TNT:
75 C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.4
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.0
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

Lead ^,6-Dinitroresorcinol Basic (LDNR Basic-) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Red or yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Electric detonators

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At9 ft
At25Va ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined: Initiating Efficiency: 0.4 gm LDNR Basic

Impulse does not initiate tetryl pressed at 3000

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 Lead ^6-Dinitroresorcinol Basic (LDNR Basic)



Pb(CH COO) °2W

0— Pb—OH

(a) One hundred grams of pure resorcin is fused in a porcelain casserole and immediately
poured on a glass plate. After cooling, the cake is ground in a mortar to pass a U. S. Stan-
dard No. 6 mesh screen. Four hundred grams of 98 percent nitric acid in a one pint capacity
Dewar jar is stirred mechanically while carbon dioxide snow is added in small pieces. When
the temperature falls to -20°C, 40 grams of the granulated resorcin is added in small quanti-
ties. Simultaneous addition of solid carbon dioxide as required prevents a rise of tempera-
ture of more than 5 degrees throughout the entire experiment. Five minutes after the last
portion of resorcin is introduced, the mixture is further cooled to minus 50°C, and finally
drowned with vigorous stirring in five times its volume of cracked ice, in water. This mix-
ture is allowed to stand for one hour and the product then filtered, washed, and partially
dried, weight 43.6 grams. The crude ^,6-MR is purified by first dissolving the product in
an aqueous 5 percent sodium hydroxide solution (17.4 grams of sodium hydroxide in 3^0 cc of
water). The resulting solution is then neutralized by gradually adding it to a boiling solu-
tion of 21.4 grams of 98 percent sulphuric acid in 150 cc of water. The resulting precipitate
of k-,6-UNR is filtered hot on a suction filter and air-dried. Yield, 27-5 grams (37.8 percent
of the theoretical).

(h) Five hundredths (0.05) mole (18.96 grams) of lead acetate is dissolved in 67 cc of
warm water, into which is gradually stirred 0.10 mole (4.0 grams) of sodium hydroxide dis-
solved in 67 cc of water. Stirring is continued for five minutes. After settling, the white
lead hydroxide is washed by decantation three times with 100 cc portions of distilled water,
and used immediately for the next operation.

(C) A O.0278 mole (5.56 grams) quantity of the ^jö-DNR prepared under (a) above, is dis-
persed in 270 cc of water by vigorously beating with a motor stirrer. After heating this
dispersion to 90°C, the 0.05 mole of lead hydroxide prepared above in slurry form is intro-
duced in small portions. Agitation is continued for three hours at 90°C. The basic lead
4,6-DNR is washed once by decantation, and again on the filter with alcohol. After drying
overnight in a desiccator charged with calcium chloride, the product weighs 15.6 grams.

Origin :

Roth the 2,k- and ^,6-dinitroresorcin were described in some detail by Weselsky, Benedikt
and Hübl in 1882 (M 11, 323). £ypke prepared the ^ö-dinitroresorcin in 1883 by hydrolyzing
the nitration product of resorcin diacetate (Ber l6, 551). A more direct and economical
method of preparation suitable for production scale manufacture was developed during World
Wr II by the British (Ministry of Supply Pouch Item W-154-21a, "Manufacture of 4,6-Dinitro-
resorcin and Lead 1+,6-Dinitroresorcinate"). This procedure consisted of preparing k,6-
dinitroresorcinol by direct nitration of granulated resorcin and allowing the product in slurry
to react with an excess of lead hydroxide at 90°C. This basic salt can be prepared in two
forms: (l) a micro-crystalline, yellow, low-density form and (2) a denser, brick-red form.
Both products have the same chemical composition and the same sensitivity to impact (PATR
lVtö, September 19 i*1*) .

AMCP 706-177
Lead Sty-phnate

Composition: Molecular Weight: (PoCvH N 0 ) 468

Oxygen Balance:
C 15.4 CO, % -19
H 0.6 CO % 2
N 9.0 PtiH 0
0 30.8 Density: gm/cc Crystal 3.02
Pb 44.2
Melting Point: "C Explodes 260-310

C/H Ratio 0.320 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 17
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nj
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 3; (8 oz wt) 8
Sample Wt, mg 22

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Detonates cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Detonates 90°C
100°C 0.4
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.3
% 135°C
Portia Is
Burned 200 Grom Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 24
Rlar.k powder fuse
Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate Trace*
5 Explodes 282 Lead Azide Trace*
10 276
15 272 * <.00lrgm, alternative
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
20 267
Trauzl Test, % TNT: (a) 40
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.38
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.73
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: 25°C, 100$ RH 0.05 Charge Diameter, in.
30°C, 90$ EH 0.02
Density, gm/cc 2.9
Rate, meters/second 5200

AMCP 706-177 Lead Styphnate

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91 Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Orange-reddish brown
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Igniting charge, and ingred ient
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5 of priming compositions

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M (wet)

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined: Activation Energy:

kcal/mol 75-39
Under Water: Induction Period, sec 0.5-10
Peak Pressure
Specific Heat: cal /rW°r: (<=)
Energy _2
-50 0.141
o 0.158
Peak Pressure
25 0.164
Impulse 50 0.167

Heat of:

Combustion, cal/gm 1251

Explosion, cal/gm 457
Gas Volume, cc/gm 368
Formation, cal/gm -92

Lead Sty-phnate AMCP 706-177

on 0—

+Pt(CHQC00)o N02
OJJ NO„ 3 2 02H
PbH20 + 2CH COOH
OH o—

KO„ N0„

Dissolve 14.4gn lead nitrate and lcc of 36$ acetic acid in 320 cc distilled water. Dis-
solve h gn 2,^,6-trinitroresorcinol and 1.73 gn sodium carbonate in 80 cc distilled water.
Add the lead acetate solution to the trinitroresorcinol solution, under agitation, keeping
the temperature at 70°-75°C and continue stirring for 3 hours at this temperature. Cool to
20°C in 5 hours. Evaporate the solution to l/3 its volume, cool, filter and wash the product
well with water (to neutrality).

Sensitivity to Static Discharge, .joules: (b) 0.0009

Loss in Weight at 105°C: %

3 hours 0.02
6 hours 0.23
9 hours 0.23

Effect of Storage for 2 Months at 80°C, on:

Explosion Temperature Test Value Nil

Sand Test Value Nil
Sensitivity to Initiation Nil

Solubility, gm/lOO gn (j) in:

Glycol Diacetate

20-25 0.1


First described in 191*1 by von Hurtz and found to be a relatively poor initiator by Wall-
baum in comparison to other primary explosives. (Z ges Schiess Sprengstoffw &, 126, 161, 197
(1939)), Moisak showed that lead styphnate could be used as an insulating (cover) material
for lead azide providing protection from mechanical and chemical influences and, at the same
time, increasing the detonating ability of the total charge (Transactions of Butlerov Inst
Chem Tech Kasan (Russia) 2, 8l-5 (1935)-

AMCP 706-177 Lead Styphnate

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Lead sty-phnate is decomposed by dissolving it in at least 40 times its weight of 20%sodium

hydroxide or 100 times its weight of 20%ammonium acetate and adding a solution of sodium
dichromate, equal to half the weight of styphnate and 10 parts of water.

References: ^

(a) Report AC-956/Org Ex lh.

(b) F. ¥. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation by

Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Dept of Int, Bureau oi Mines, Kl 3832, iyi+b.

(c) C Lenchitz, Ice Calorimeter Determination of Enthalpy and Specific Heat of Eleven
Organometallic Compounds, mm no. 2224, iNovemoer T933T

(d) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Lead Sty-phnate:

1^50 11 135£ 453 2l6k 1316 ^07 318 2179

2220 2032 2093 1737

^l-See footnote 1, page L0,

Mannitol Hexanitrate (Nitromannite) AMCP 706-177

Composition: „.,„ Molecular Weight: C H

( 6 «% IA)
0 1+52
% f20N02
Oxygen Balance:
C 15.3 | CO, % 7.1
CO % 28.3
H 1.8 °2N°f
H Density: gm/cc 1-73
18.6 r°2
HC0N02 Melting Point: °C 112-113
0 6
3-8 ^H ONO.
C/H Ratio 0.133 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C Decomposes 150

Bureau of MinesApparatus, cm H
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 4
Sample Wt, mg 11

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Detonates cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 68.5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) l60-170 (a) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 232 (ID) Mercury Fulminate
5 175 (c) Lead Azide 0.06
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (c) 172

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.4
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc

Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs (Frothed) 48 hours

Detonation Rate: (d)

Flammability Index: Confinement Yes
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90fo RH 0.17
Charge Diameter, in. 0-5
Density, gm/cc 1.73
Rate, meters/second 8260

AMCP 706-177 Mannitol Hexanitrate (Nitromannite)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Secondary charge in detonators
(ref i), and in blasting caps designed to
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
be initiated by a fuse (ref j )
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None

Air, Confined: 65.5°C KI Test:

Minutes 6

Under Water:
HeMt nf- (e, t, z)
Peak Pressure
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm 1515 1525
Energy Explosion, cal/gm 1390 1^ 1468 1520
Formation, cal/gm 337 3U5 366

Peak Pressure

w ■ , ™- , AMCP 706-177
Maimitol TT
Hexanitrate (Nitromannile)


a. Insoluble in water.

b. Slightly soluble in cold alcohol (2.9gn at 13°C).

c. Slightly soluble in ether (h gm at 9°C).

d. Very soluble in hot alcohol.

Preparation: (Laboratory Method) (k)

a. Cool to below 0°C, 50 gn of 98#-100# nitric acid placed in a 300 milliliter Erlenmeyer
Pyrex flask provided with a thermometer and immersed in an ice-salt mixture.

b. Introduce in small portions, 10 gn of d-mannitol, while swirling the flask to break up

any lumps of mannite which might form. Keep the temperature below 0°C.

c. After solution is complete, add 100 gn of concentrated sulfuric acid from a dropping
funnel, swirling the flask in an ice-salt mixture to keep the temperature below 0°C.

d. Filter the resulting porridge-like slurry through a filter paper previously hardened
by treatment with mixed acid.

e. Rinse the precipitate directly on the filter with water followed by dilute aqueous
sodium carbonate and finally with water. (The resulting crude mannitol hexanitrate gives
l8.2fo N as determined by the nitrometer.)

f. Dissolve the crude mannitol hexanitrate in boiling alcohol and filter through a water-
heated funnel.

g Bring the filtrate to boiling and gradually add hot water until the appearance of the
first turbidity .

h. Cool in an ice-salt bath, separate and dry the crystals. (Yield should be about 23
gn of material, melting at 112°-113°C and having 18.58$ N, the nitrogen being determined by
the nitrometer. Theoretical yield would be 24.8 gm.)


Mannitol hexanitrate was discovered in 18^7 by Ascanio Sobrero who recommended it as a sub-
stitute for mercury fulminate in percussion caps (Comp rend, 1847, 121). it is the hexanitric
ester of d-mannitol which is widely distributed in nature, particularly in the plant Fraxinus
ornus. N. Sokoloff, a Russian chemist, investigated the explosive properties of HM and recom-
mended in 1878 a method of preparation. Mannitol hexanitrate was thoroughly studied by Berthe-
lot, Sarran and Vieille, Domonte, Menard, Strecker, Tichanowich (Ph. Naoum, Nitroglycerin and
Nitroglycerin Explosives, Baltimore, 1928, pp. 156, 2^7-250), and particularly Dy J. H. wigner
(Ber 36, 796 (1903)). More recent data have been reviewed by Guastalla and Racciu ("Modern
Explosives," Industria Chimica 8, 1093-1102 (1933)).


(a) G. C. Hale, Abstract of Available Information on the Preparation and Explosive Proper-
ties of Hexanitromannite. PA Special Report No. 238, 30 July 1925.

42see footnote l, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Mannitol Hexanitrate (Nitromannite)

(b) C. A. Taylor and W. H. Rinkenbach, "Sensitiveness of Detonating Compounds to Frictional

Impact, Impact, and Heat," J. Frank Inst 204, 369-76 (1927).

(C) Ph. Naoum, Z ges Schiess - Sprengstoffw (Munich), pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(d) H. Kast, Z angew Chem, 36, 74 (1923).

(e) A. Schmidt, Z ges Schiess - Sprengstoffw 2£, 262, (193*4-).

Landolt and Börnstein, E III, p. 291*4.

(f) A. Marshall, Explosives, Their Manufacture, Properties, Tests, and History, Vol 111,
London (1932) p. 39- Ph. Naoum, Nitroglycerin and Nitroglycerin Explosives, Baltimore, (1928),
pp. 156, 2*47-250.

(g) A. Schmidt, Z ges Schiess - Sprengstoffw 29, 262 (193*4) G. Fleury, L. Brissand and
P. Lhoste, "Structure and Stability of Nitric Esters," Conrp rend 224, 10l6-l8 (19*47).
W R. Tomlinson, Jr., Fundamental Properties of High-Explosives. Ihermodynamic Relations for
Use in the Estimation of Explosive Properties, PATR No. 1651, 22 April 1947.

(h) Sarran and Vielle, Me'm poudr 2, 161 (1884-1889).

(i) E. von Hurtz, U. S. Patent 1,878,652 (20 September 1932).

(j) L A. Burrows, U. S. Patent 2,427,899 (23 September 1947).

(k) B. T Fedoroff, Handbook of Explosives and Related Items, Picatinny Arsenal (unpub-
lished) .

(1) 0. E. Sheffield, Literature Survey on Mannitol Hexanitrate, PA Chemical Research Labo-

ratory Report No. 52-TM1-16, 23 January 1952.

(m) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Mannitol Hexanitrate:

2 4 £ 6

1352 24 85 6

Mercurv Fulminate AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (HgC2N202) 285

Oxygen Balance:
C 8.4 o — N=C CO, % -17
CO % -5-5
K 9-8 Hg

Density: gm/cc Crystal 4.43

0 11.2 \0_N=C
Melting Point: "C Decomposes
Hg 70.6
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 5, (1 kg wt) 35
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n»
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 2; (1 lb wt) k
Sample Wt, mg 30
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Exp lades 90°C
100°C Explodes
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand gm
Black Dowder fuse 21.4
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 263 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 239 Mercury Fulminate
5 Explodes 210 Lead Azide
10 199 Tetryl
15 19^
20 190 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (a) 51

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.18

100°C Heat Test: Exploded in 16 hours Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.02 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 2.0 3.0 4.0
Rate, meters/second 3500 4250 5000

AMCP 706-177 Mercury Fulminate

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White to gray
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Detonators and ingredient of
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: priming compositions
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Psl x 10

For TNT 5 5 10 12 15 20
For Subject HE 3.00 3.20 3.60 3.70 3.82 4.00
Loading Density: gm/cc
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wd

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M (wet)

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
Stab Sensitivity;
Air, Confined:
Density Firing Point (inch-ounces)
gm/cc Qf 50/0 lOO/o

Under Water: 3-91 3.2 4.3 5.5

Peak Pressure 4.26 1.6 2.6 5-5
4.32 1.6 2.6 h.o
Impulse 4.50 1.6 2.5 4.0
Energy Activation Energy:
kcal/mol 29.81
Underground: Induction Period, sec 0.5-10
Peak Pressure
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm Q38
Energy Explosion, cal/gm 427
Gas Volume, cc/gm 2*43
Formation, cal/gm -226
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C 1.1
Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C 1 x 10"1*

AMCP 706-177
Mercury Fulminate

Initiating Efficiency; Grams Required to Give Complete Initiation of:

Fulminate, gm

TUT 0..25
Tetryl 0..20
RDX 0. 19
PETN 0 .17
Compatibility wi.th Metals:

Dry: Reacts rapidly with aluminum and magnesium. Reacts slowly with copper, zinc, brass
and bronze. Iron and steel are not affected.

Wet: Reacts immediately with aluminum and magnesium. Reacts rapidly with copper, zinc,
brass and bronze. Iron and steel are not affected.

Sensitivity to Static Discharge, Joules: (b) 0.025

The Effect of Storage at 50°C (Dry) on the Purity of Mercury Fulminate

Months Recrystallized Lots Uncrystallized Lots

l^no m°>
°03 980
280. 28i
221 982
282 505.6-7/31 505-3-5/11
0 99-75 99- 77
99-77 99-79 99.79 98.86
4 98.7
6 99.38
99-38 99-45
99- 45 99-54
99- 54 99.47
99-47 95-95 98.7
10 9^-9
12 98.74 99. 56
99-56 97-49 99.06
99-06 90.65
13 98.26 98.79
lit 98.22
15 97.52 99.30
99- 30 99-30 98.19 83.76
16 97.00 99-01 97-75
17 95-70 98.,66 96.69
18 94.81 98.58 98.46 95-90 79-99
23 74.52
26 63.80

Mercuric fulminate readily decomposes in the presence of aqueous solutions, chlorides, car-
bonate and many other materials. Due to the presence of small amounts of mercury, formed by
exposure to light or elevated temperatures, it readily forms amalgams with copper, brass and
bronze, thus components containing these metals must be protectively coated if used with ful-
minate .

Solubility, Grams of Mercury Fulminate in 100 Grams of Water (&):

!£ i.
12 0.07
49 0.18

AMCP 706-177 Mercury Fulminate


(Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, Davis)



N0„ NO„
0 <r CH <- C - COOH <r- ■ CH —COOH
C ""OH

I— Hg(ONC),

Five gn mercury is dissolved in 25 cc of nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) without agitation, and
this solution poured into 50 cc of 90$ ethyl alcohol, resulting in a vigorous reaction,
attended by evolution of white fumes and subsequent appearance of fulminate crystals. R6CJ
fumes then appear as precipitation of the product accelerates, and then white fumes again are
evolved as the reaction moderates. After about 20 minutes the reaction is over; water is
added, and the crystals are repeatedly washed, by decantation, with water to remove all acidi-
ty. The product is purified, rendered white, by solution in strong ammonium hydroxide, fol-
lowed by reprecipitation with 30$ acetic acid.


Mercury fulminate was first prepared by John K. von Lowenstern (163O-I703) and in 1800 its
preparation and properties were first described in detail by Edward Howard in a paper presented
to the Royal Society of London (Phil Trans 20k (1800). it was 1867 before the compound was
used as an initiating agent, when Altred Nobel invented the blasting cap and used mercury ful-
minate to detonate nitroglycerin (British Patent 13^+5 (1867)).

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Mercury fulminate is decomposed by adding it, while stirring, to at least 10 times its
weight of 20$ sodium thiosulfate. Some poisonous cyanogen gas my be evolved.

(a) Ph. Naoum - Z ges Schiess-Sprengstoffw (Munich), pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(b) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler, and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation by

Electrostatic Discharges, U. 3. Dept of Int, Bureau of Mines, HI 3852, 1946.

^See footnote 1, page 10.

Mercury Fulminate AMCP 706-177

(c) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Mercury Fulminate:


250 301 132 23 2.1+4 65 266 277 28 199

480 381 lj-52 203 294 105 366 297 78 609
510 561 522 393 534 255 556 407 278 749
550 1651 582 433 624 285 566 537 318 849
610 782 833 694 365 866 567 788 999
680 882 1183 784 415 986 637 1838 1079
760 932 1393 874 425 1316 857 1389
1220 1192 2093 1104 1325 i486 1737 2179
111 50 1352 1365 1556
1372 2146

AMCP 706-177 'fetrlol Trinitrate (MEN) Liquid (or Trimethylolethane Trinitrate)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (cyyi^Og) 255

Oxygen Balance:
C 23.5 O2N0—CH2
CO, % "35
CO % - 3
0?tJ0 — CH C CH
/ Density: gm/cc Liquid 1.47
N I0.6 //
2 Melting Point: "C -3
0 56.4 ^
C/H Ratio 0.150 Freezing Point: C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 47; (11b wt) t
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg 20
n2D, 1.4752
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C cc/gm 1.9
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm ^3-7

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Ignites 235
Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 136

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (b) lUO

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 2.5
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 1.8
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90/o BH 0.07
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 6o°C, mg/em /hr 24
Rate, meters/second

Metriol Trinitrate (MTN) Liquid AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Oily, slightly turbid
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of rocket and
double base propellants
3 inch HE,M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Liquid

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Air, Confined: Solubility in Water,

Impulse gin/100 gm, at:

25°C < 0.015

Under Water: 6o°c <0.015
Peak Pressure
Impulse Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 2642
Underground: Hvdrolvsis, "la Acid:
Peak Pressure
Impulse 10 days at 22°C 0.018
Energy 5 days at 6o°C 0.115

AMCP 706-177 .. . . . w. .. . ,..„.,. T. .,
Metriol Winitrate (MTN) Liquid


Metriol (trimethylolmethylmethane) is obtained by the following procedure, based on work

by Hosaeus (Annalen 276, 76 (1893):

Into a 5 liter round bottom flask is weighed 2700 gms of water. To this are added 267 gms
of 36^ formaldehyde and 60 gms of propionaldehyde. The mixture is stirred for a few seconds.
To the mixture is added 150 gms of calcium oxide previously slaked with 600 gms of water.
The mixture is heated in boiling water for four hours, and then allowed to cool spontaneously
overnight. After filtering off the insoluble calcium hydroxide, the solution is heated and
treated with a saturated aqueous solution of oxalic acid to precipitate all the calcium. The
precipitated calcium oxalate is filtered off, and the pale-yellow filtrate concentrated as
much as possible on the steam bath to a thick lemon-yellow syrup. After dissolving in abso-
lute alcohol, the solution is filtered and concentrated in the steam bath to about twice the
volume of the concentrated syrup. The solution is then chilled in a cold box to hasten cry-
stallization. After allowing it to warm up to just above 0°C, the mixture is filtered. The
resulting product is not sufficiently pure and is recrystallized from absolute alcohol. The
melting point of the product (40.3 gm) is then about 196°C (Hosaeus gives 199°C).

Metriol is nitrated by carefully mixing it with 3.5 parts of 65/35 HNOo/HgSG^ maintained
at 20 C, stirring for 30 minutes, cooling to 5°C, and pouring the reaction mixture on ice. It
is extracted with ether, water-washed, and adjusted to pH 7 by shaking with a sodium bicar-
bonate solution and again water-washed three times. It is then dried with calcium chloride,
filtered, and freed of ether by bubbling with dry air until minimal rate of loss in weight is
attained. The yield is 88%of the theoretical. The product has a nitrate-nitrogen content
of 16.35% (calculated: 16.47%). Its refractive index at 25°C is 1.1+752.


MTN, according to Italian sources, was first prepared and patented by Bombrini-Parodi-
Delfino Company of Italy under the name "metriolo." A German Patent of 1927 also describes
the preparation and gives some properties. This compound 'was known in France before World
War II under the name of "Nitropentaglycerin" and Burlot and Thomas determined its heat of
combustion (Ref b) .

References: ^

(a) A. H. Blatt, Compilation of Data on Organic Explosives, OSRD Report No. 2014.
29 February 194k.

(b) E. Burlot and M. Thomas, Mem poudr 29, 262 (1939)-

(c) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Metriol Trinitrate:
1616 and I8l7.

^See footnote 1, page 10.

Minol-2 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 71

Oxygen Balance:
Ammonium Nitrate ^0 CO, % -38
CO % -20
TNT 40
Density: gm/cc 1.62-1.68
Aluminum 20
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 35
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?„
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 1 3
Sample Wt, mg 17 n25

Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability lest:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
120°C 2.1
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Ignites 435 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 1^3

Traurl Test, % TNT: (*>) 165

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent lest: (c)
Method B

100°C Heat lest: Condition Pressed

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined No

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc 1-73

Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT 66

Detonation Rate: (d)

Flammability Index: 100 Confinement None
Condition Cast.
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.6
Density, gm/cc 1.68
Rate, meters/second 5820

AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test: (e) Decomposition Equation:

Condition Pressed Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 1.46
(AH, kcol/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1.7^ Phase

Heat of: (f)

Armor Plate Impact Test: (f)
Combustion, cal/gm 3160
Explosion, cal/gm 1620
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec 828
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches
At -5°C 0.30

Density, gm/cc 1.74 1

11 'J'4
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C 16.5 x 10 T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, sm/cc 1.74
Coefficient of Expansion: Max Safe Drop, ft
Linear, %/°C
500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete

Volume, %/°C
Height, ft
Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
^) in
10 High Order
E', dynes/cm- 5.03 x 10
E, lb/inch 0.73 x 10
1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 1.66
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 (b) 1910-2070
Density, gm/cc 1.68 Unaffected
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
"C mm Mercury
High Order

Minol-2 AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Bombs and depth charges

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile , Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.62-1. 68

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 3 ft
At 25Ms ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 115
Impulse 116 Exudation

Energy 133

Air, Confined:
Impulse 90
Minol is a castable mixture consisting of
hO percent TNT, 40 percent ammonium nitrate,
Under Water: and 20 percent powdered aluminum and there-
Peak Pressure 108 fore can be prepared by adding the dry in-
Impulse 126 gredients to molten TNT a t 90 C under agita-
tion. Minol also can be prepared by adding
25 parts of aluminum to 100 parts of 50/50
amatol previously prepared.
Peak Pressure 13^
Impulse 139
Energy 147

AMCP 706-177 Minol_2


Minols are British ternary explosives developed during World Wr 11. There are three for-

Composition, $: Minol-1 Minol-2 Minol-^

•mi 48 4o 42
Ammonium Nitrate 42 40 38
Aluminum 10 20 20

References: 45

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives. Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revision,
mVOIffl Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(c) D« P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) Or. H. Messerly, The Rate of Detonation of Various Explosive Compounds, OSRD Report No.
1219, 22 February 1943-
M. D. Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures, OSRD Report
No. 5611, 15 January 19W.

(e) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Jetryl in Boosters, NX Mam 10,303, 15 June 1949.

(f Committee of Div 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal. OSRD No. 5406, 31 July 1945.

(g) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Blast Effects of Bomb Explosives, PA Technical Div Lecture,
9 April 1948.

(h) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Minol-2: 1585 and 1635.

^See footnote 1, page 10.

MOX-1 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 40.6

Oxidizing agent (Ammonium Oxygen Balance:
Perchlorate) 35-0 CO, % -44
Aluminum, atomized 26.2 CO % -37
Cupric Oxide
Magnesium, atomized 26.2 Density: gm/cc Pressed 2.0
Other ingredient (Tetryl) 9.7
Qlciun Stearate 1.9 Melting Point: "C
Graphite, artificial 1.0
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 13
Sample Wt, mg 22

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Detonates cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.47
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 10.6

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 285
Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.25
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:
Discoloration, fumes, odor None Method

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc
Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray powder mixture
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Small caliber antiaircraft
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 30,000 psi ~J 2.0
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure Bureau of Explosives Classification Class A

Impulse Exudation

Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm U087
Explosion, cal/gm 2087
Underwater: Gas volume, cc/gm 212
Peak Pressure
Performance Tests:
Impulse 20 mm T215E1 Projectile:
NFOC Pressure Cube 35
Underground: APG Blast Cube 40
Peak Pressure
Activation Energy:
Energy kcal/mol 12.5
Temp, °C 300 to 38p
Time to ignition, seconds 1.78 x 10

MCK-2B AMCP 706-177

Coyorition: Molecular Weight: 42

Oxidizing agent (Ammonium Oxygen Balance:

Perchlorate) 35.0 CO, % -49
Aluminum, atomized 52.4 CO % -43
Cupric Oxide
Magnesium, atomized Density: gm/cc Pressed 2.0
Other ingredients* 9-7
Calcium Stearate 1-9 Melting Point: °C
Graphite, artificial 1.0
*5-8$ RDX and 3.9%TNT coated^n ßijmog^uni Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 12
Sample Wt, mg 24

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.21
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 11.5

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 375 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.20
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Discoloration, fumes, odor None Method
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.27
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.12
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

- Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 MCK-2B

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: IE filler for small caliber
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 2.0
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Bare Charge: EW^_ EV* Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 1.02 1.34 Bureau of Explosives Class A
Impulse 1.08 1.41 Exudation None
Density, gm/cc 1.96
Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Combustion, cal/gm 4484
Explosion, cal/gm 14-72
Cased Charge in Air:**
Gas volume, cc/gm 221
Peak Pressure 1.09 1.44
Impulse l.l6 1-53 Performance Tests:
20 mm T21SE1 Projectile:
Density, gm/cc 1.98 HTOC Pressure Cube 29
Underground: APG Blast Cube 30
Peak Pressure
Impulse Aviation Energy:
kcal/mol 7-6
*EW, equivalent weight as compared to TNT; Temp, °C 340 to 470
EV, equivalent volume as compared to TNT. Time to ignition, seconds 1.39 x 10

**Strong paper-base phenolic case.

M0X-2B AMCP 706-177

Effect of Altitude, Charge Diameter and Degree of Confinement on Detonation Velocity*

(Reference g)

Ground V730

i 30,000 Charge would not 1+530(3) Charge would;

♦Confined charge in l/k" steel tube, AISI 1015 seamless, 1" diameter 18" long, and
2" diameter 7" long. All means were determined from sets of five values unless
otherwise indicated by ( ). A 26 p tetryl booster was used to initiate each charge.

Average Fragment Velocity at Various Altitudes* (9)

Explosive \ Charge Diameter, Ground i 30,000 60,000 90,000 j
! Inches m/s j m/s m/s m/s !

M0X-2B, 1 2012 | *# ** ** i
density, .„„
gm/cc J 207 331^ 3351 3247

*0utside diameter 2.54"; inside diameter 2.04"; length 7".

**Charge would not propagate detonation.

AMCP 706-177 MOX-3B

Composition: Molecular Weight: 45.6

Obelizing agent (Potassium Nitrate) 18
Oxygen Balance:
Aluminum, atomized 50 CO, %
Cupric Oxide -52
Magnesium, atomized CO % -43
Other ingredients* 32
Density: gm/cc Pressed 2.0
Calcium Stearate** 2.0
Graphite, artificial«- 1.0
Melting Point: "C
*29.1# RDX, 0.9$ wax, and 2.0% TNT.
**Per cent added. Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, rt£,
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 17
Sample Wt, mg 24 n2D5


Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected
cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C

100°C 0-57
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Partials 150°C

Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:

Unaffected Sand, gm 33-2

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5^0 Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.15
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

Discoloration, fumes, odor None Method
100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs °-35 Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.13 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

MOX-TB AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Gray powder mixture

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Small caliber antiaircraft
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 30,000 psi ~2.0
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure Bureau of Explosives Class A

Air, Confined: Heat of:

Combustion, cal/gm 4331
Explosion, cal/gm 980
Under Water: Gas volume, cc/gm 232
Peak Pressure
Impulse Performance Tests:
20 mm T215E1 Projectile:
NFOC Pressure Cube 37
Underground: APG Blast Cube 52
Peak Pressure
Impulse Activation Energy:
kcal/mol Values not included
Temp, C due to erratic ig-
Time to ignition, nition under condi-
seconds tions of test.

AMCP 706-177 MOX-te

Composition: Molecular Weight: 48

Oxidizing agent (Barium Nitrate) 18 Oxygen Balance:
Aluminum, atomized 50 CO, %
Cupric Oxide -53
CO % -43
Magnesium, atomized
Other ingredients* 32
Density: gm/cc Pressed 2.0
Calcium Stearate**
Graphite, artificial** 1.0 Melting Point: °C
*29.1# RDX, O.9/0 wax, and 2.0% TNT.
**Per cent added. Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index,
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 18
Sample Wt, mg 26

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Sparks cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.67
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Partials 150°C
200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 33-6
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 610
Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.15
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:
Discoloration, fumes, odor None Method
100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.22 Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.12 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index:
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

M0X-4B AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray powder mixture
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Small caliber antiaircraft
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Pressed

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 30,000 psi -«2.0
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dr\

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I
Peak Pressure Bureau of Explosives
Impulse Class A

Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Combustion, cal/gm U392
Explosion, cal/gm 709
Underwater: Gas volume, cc/gm 208
Peak Pressure
Impulse Performance Tests:
20 mm T21gEl Projectile:

NFOC Pressure Cube 43

Underground: APG Blast Cube 53
Peak Pressure
Impulse Aviation Energy:
kcal/mol Values not included
Temp, C due to erratic igni-
Time to ignition, tion under conditions
seconds of test.

AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: ^3

Oxidizing agent 1
oxygen Balance:
Aluminum, atomized 49.2 CO, % -50
Cupric Oxide 19-7 CO % -1+2
Magnesium, atomized
Other ingredients* 29.6 Density: gm/cc
Calcium Stearate
Graphite, artificial 1-5 Melting Point: "C
*28.7# RDX coated, 0.9$ wax.
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 78
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 19
Sample Wt, mg 27 nS

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.43
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 10.8

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seoonds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 510 Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.16
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:
0.02/10 gm
Discoloration, fumes, odor Method

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.00
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
30°C, 90% BH, two weeks 0.79
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

MOX- AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT — 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Gray powder mixture
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Small caliber antiaircraft
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 30,000 psi ■2.0
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I
Peak Pressure Bureau of Explosives
Class A

Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Combustion, cal/gm 4293
Explosion, cal/gm 750
Under Water: Gas volume, cc/gm 204
Peak Pressure
Impulse Activation Energy:
kca l/mo 1 Values not included
Temp, C due to erratic igni-
Underground: Time to ignition, tion under conditions
Peak Pressure seconds of test.

AMCP 706-177 MOX-1; M0X-2B; MOX-3B; MOX-4B; MOX-6B


The various ingredients used in the preparation of MOX explosives are coated separately as

Dichromated Atomized Aluminum _ Seventy-five grams of chemically pure grade sodium dichro-
mate is dissolved in 1500 milliliters of water at 100°C under mechanical agitation. Six hun-
dred grams of the atomized aluminum powder is added gradually (2 to 3 minutes) and stirring
is continued for half an hour. The dichromated metal is filtered, washed with water (15 to 20
times) until the washings show only a slight cloudiness with silver nitrate. The water-wet
product is then dried in an oven at 50°C The dried material is hand-rolled to reduce any
conglomerates, and blended before use.

Wax-Coated RDX - Eighteen grams of molten Be Square Special Wat (manufacturer's l80 to
185 Fahrenheit grade amber) is added to 582 grams of finely divided RDX (water precipitated
from acetone solution) in a water slurry under mechanical agitation. The temperature of the
wax-RDX slurry is maintained above the melting point of the wax (about 90 C). The stirring
is continued for half an hour. After cooling to 50°C, the wax-coated RDX is recovered by
filtration in a Büchner funnel and dried in air. The RDX thus coated and presumed to be jfc
waxed RDX or a 97/3 RDX/wax mixture is hand-rolled to crush any conglomerates formed, and
blended by hand before use.

TNT-Coated Barium Nitrate " Thirty grams of TNT in alcohol solution is added to 270 grams
of barium nitrate in an alcohol slurry under agitation. The temperature of the TNT-barium
nitrate mixture is maintained at 80°C and stirring is continued until most of the alcohol is
evaporated. The coated material is spread in a thin layer on a tray to dry in air overnight.
The barium nitrate thus coated, with 10$ TNT is reduced t o an intimate mixture by hand-rolling
ard blending before use.

T31T-Coated Potassium Nitrate " The TNT-coated potassium nitrate is prepared by the same
procedure as is used for coating barium nitrate.

RDX/TNT-Coated Ammonium Perchlorate - The ammonium perchlorate is coated by dissolving the

appropriate weights of RDX and TNT in hot alcohol. After adding the ammonium perchlorate,
the slurry is stirred until most of the solvent is evaporated. The treated ammonium perchlo-
rate is spread on a tray to dry overnight. Agglomerates formed during the process are crushed
b,v band-rolling and blending the mixture before use.

TNT-Coated RDX - Sixty grams of molten TNT are added to a water slurry of 5^0 grams of
finely divided RDX (water precipitated from acetone solution) under mechanical agitation.
The temperature of the TNT-RDX slurry is maintained at about 90°C and stirring is continued
for half an hour. After cooling to about 50°C, the TNT-coated RDX is recovered by filtration.
The RDX thus treated, and presumed to be 10$ coated or a 90/l0 RDX/TNT mixture, is further
blended by hand after rolling to crush any aggregates formed during the process.

The MOX explosive mixtures are prepared by blending the appropriate weights of the dry
Ingredients in a Patterson-Kelly twin-shell blender for at least 30 minutes.


MOX type explosive mixtures were developed beginning in 1950 by National Northern, techni-
cal, division of the National Fireworks Ordnance Corporation, West Hanover, Massachusetts.

MOX-1: M0X-2B; M0X-3B; MOX-kB; MOX-6B AMCP 706-177


(a) A. 0. Mirarchi and A. T. Wilson, Development of MOX Explosives for Improved 20 mm

Amunition, Navy Contract MOrd-10975) Task 1, National- Fireworks Ordnance Corporation, First
Yearly Summary, August 1950 to August 1951-

(b) A. T. Wilson, Development of MOX Explosives: Various Oxidants in MOX, First Progress
Report NF0C-6, Navy Contract NOrd-12382, National Fireworks Ordnance Corporation, December 1952.

(e) A. 0. Mirarchi, Properties of Explosives: Theory of the MOX Explosion, First Progress
Report NFOC-10, Navy Contract NOrd-11393- National Fireworks Ordnance Corporation, December

(d) A. 0. Mirarchi, Properties of Explosives: MOX Explosives in Various Atmospheres,

First Progress Report HFOC-9, Navy Contract NOrd-11393) National Fireworks Ordnance Corpora-
tion, 1952.

(e) A. T. Wilson, Development of MOX Explosives: Composition Variations, First Progress

Report BF0C-7, Navy Contract NOrd-12302, National Fireworks Ordnance Corporation, 1952.

(f) A. T. Wilson, Development of MOX Explosives: Various Oxidants in. MOX, Second Progress
Report HFOC-14, Bavy Contract ITOrd-13604, National Fireworks Ordnance Corporation, October
(g) A. ¥. O'Brien, Jr., C. W. Plummer, R. P. Woodburn and V. Philipchuk, Detonation
Velocity Determinations and Fragment Velocity Determinations of 'Varied Explosive Systems
and Conditions, National Northern Corporation Final Summary Renort OTC-F-13. February 1958
(Contract DA.I-19-020-501-ORD-(P)-58).

(hi P. Z. Kalanski, Air Blast Evaluation of M0X-2B Cased and Bare Charges, NAV0RD Report
No. 3755, 5 April 1956.

£i) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on MOX Explosives: 1935
1969, 220^, 2205.

See footnote L, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Nitrocellulose. 12.6% IT fHC,l

Composition: / Molecular Weight: (2?2.39)n
% H 0
Oxygen Balance:
C 26.46
H 2.78 H„C —| CO, % -35
K CO % 0.6
H 12.60 X H
0 58.16 0
X Density: gm/cc
—I n Melting Point: "C Decomposes

C/H Ratio 0.23 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 8
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°„
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 3
Sample Wt, mg 5

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C 0.17
100°C 1.0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 16 hours 11.+
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 45.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 170 Lead Azide 0.10
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75"C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90% KH 5
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 60°C, mg/cm2/hr 0.0
Rate, meters/second

Nitrocellulose, 13-^% N (NC) AMCP 706-177

Composition: / Molecular Weight: (286. 3*0n

H 0
H Oxygen Balance:
c 25.29 CO,» % -29
H "~~~X CO % ^■7

58.74 0 K Density: gm/cc

H Melting Point: °C Decomposes

C/H Ratio 0.23 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 9
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 3
Sample Wt, mg 5
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
90°C 0'.42
Fiber Shoe
100°C 1.5
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 11.+
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 49.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 230 Lead Azide 0.10
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 125

Trausl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0. 3
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.0
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90/o RH ~ 2
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 1.20
Volatility: 60°C, mg/cm2/hr 0.0
Rate, meters/second 7300

AMCP 706-177 Nitrocellulose, 14.14% Tl (MC)

Composition: —1 Molecular Weight: (297.15)n

% H 0
Oxygen Balance:
C 24.25 CO, % -24
H 2.17 CO % 8
N 14.14 X
0 59.24 0 _
Density: gm/cc I.65-I.TO
A x
Melting Point: "C Decomposes
C/H Ratio 0.23 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Sample Wt 20 mc Refractive Index, n?0

Picatinny Arsenal A pparatus, in. 3
Sample Wt, mg 5

Friction Pendulum Tes t: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C 1.46
100°C 1 4 hours 11.+
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 16 hours 11.+
% 135°C
Burned 200 Grom Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 52.3

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
Lead Azide 0.10
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

is L International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH ~» 1
Charge Diameter, in.
o Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 60°C, mg/cm /hr 0,0
Rate, meters/second

Nitrocellulose (NC) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Pyroxylin (12%N) , blasting
explosives: pyrocellulose (12.60$ N) ,
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
smokeless powder; guncotton (13-35$ N
Density, gm/cc minimum), propellants
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet
(8$ to 30$ water)
Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 12

Air: Compatibility Group Group M

Peak Pressure (wet)

Impulse Exudation None


Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Impulse Combustion, cal/gm 21+09* 2313** 2228***
Explosion, cal/gm 855* 965** IO58***
Gas Volume, cc/gm 919* 883** 853***
Formation, cal/gm 617* 561** 513***
Peak Pressure
Impulse * 12.6$ N
Energy ** 13. ^% N
*** ~A.\h$ K

Vapor Pressure:
Peak Pressure
Impulse __C mm Mercury
25 0.00
60 0.00

AMCP 706-177 Nitrocellulose (NC)

Solubility in Water, Km/100 gm, at: 12.6$ N 13.45%W 14.0%N

25°C Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble

6o°c Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble

Solubility, gm/lOO gm, 25°C, in:

Ether Insoluble Insoluble Insoluble

Alcohol Very slight- Practically Insoluble
ly soluble insoluble
2: 1-Ether -.Alcohol Soluble Slightly Practically
soluble insoluble
(6$-ll$) (i + i)
Acetone Soluble Soluble Soluble

240-Hour Hydrolysis Test, 1.22 1.03

I Nitric Acid

Preparation of Nitrocellulose from Cotton Linters:

(Laboratory Procedure)

Nitration: Second cut cotton linters, previously dried to a moisture content of less than
0.5%, are nitrated by immersion in mixed acid under the following conditions:

Ratio of Mixed Acid to cotton 55 to 1

Composition of Mixed Acid (approximate)

a. for 12.6%N: H2S0^ 63-5$, HNOj 21%, H20 15.5%

t. for 13.^ N: HgSO^ 68$, HN03 22$, H20 10.0$

Temperature of acid at the start 3^ C

Time of nitration 24 minutes

During the nitration period the mixture is turned over occasionally to keep the acid homo-
geneous. The mixture is then filtered on a Büchner funnel with suction for about three min-
utes and then drowned rapidly with strong hand stirring in at least 50 volumes of cold water.
After the nitrocellulose has settled, most of the water is decanted and fresh water added.
The nitrocellulose-water mixture is boiled and the acidity adjusted to 0.25$ to 0.50$ as HgSOj,..
The sour boil is continued for at least 24 hours for pyrocellulose and at least 40 hours for
gun-cotton. Additional boiling with changes of water are made in accordance with the govern-
ing specification (JAW-U-2W).

Pulping: The nitrocellulose is then pulped in a laboratory Holland-type paper beater.

Enough sodium carbonate is added to keep the reaction faintly alkaline to phenolphthalein.
Pulping is continued to the desired degree of fineness.

Poaching: After washing the nitrocellulose from the beater, the mixture is filtered and
the product boiled for h hours with fresh water while stirring mechanically. From time to
time a little sodium carbonate solution is added to maintain the mixture faintly alkaline to
phenolphthalein. The water is decanted and the boiling continued. According to the specifi-
cation, the total boiling treatment with poaching is as follows:

Nitrocellulose (NO) AMCP 706-177

h hours boiling with or without sodium carbonate

2 hours boiling without sodium carbonate

1 hour boiling without sodium carbonate

1 hour boiling without sodium carbonate.

Each boil is followed by settling and change of water.

Washing: The nitrocellulose is then washed by mechanical agitation with water. A minimum
of two washes are given. If a sample taken after the water washes gives a minimum test of
35 minutes in the 65.5°C Heat Test and 30 minutes in the 13^-5°C Heat Test, the nitrocellulose
is satisfactorily stabilized. Otherwise additional washes should be given.


Cellulose occurs in nature. It is wood fiber, cell wall and the structural material of all
plants. Cotton fiber is pure cellulose. Nitrocellulose wds discovered about 18^7 by C. F.
Schonbein at Basel and R. Bottger at Frankfort-on-the-Main independently of each other when
cotton -was nitrated. T. J. Pelouze had nitrated paper earlier (1838) and was probably the
first to prepare nitrocellulose.

Pyroxylin or collodion, which is soluble in a mixture of ether and ethanol, contains from
8%to 12% nitrogen. It is used in the manufacture of celluloid and in composite blasting

Pyrocellulose, a type of nitrocellulose of 12.6% nitrogen content, completely soluble in a

mixture of 2 parts ether and one part ethanol, was developed by Mendeleev (1891-1895)- This
material, when colloided, formed the first smokeless powder for military use in the United
States (1898).

Guncotton for military purposes today contains a minimum of 13.35%nitrogen. It is only

slightly soluble in ether-ethanol, but completely soluble in acetone. Principal use is in
flashless powders and as flame carriers. l4.l4$ N nitrocellulose represents a theoretical

In the manufacture of propellants, there is used a mixture of pyrocellulose and guncotton

(blended nitrocellulose) of 13-15/" to 13-25% nitrogen content.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Nitrocellulose is decomposed by adding it, with st rring, to 5 times its weight of 10$
sodium hydroxide heated to T0°C. Stirring is continued for 15 minutes after all the nitro-
cellulose has been added.

References: '

(a) See the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Nitrocellulose:

^7See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Nitrocellulose (NC)

10 41 72 13 4 125 86 167 8 19
390 101 332 33 24 475 576 327 198 29
420 231 402 43 114 485 586 407 208 69
660 351 422 133 17^ 495 796 717 278 169
730 551 542 233 194 555 916 787 388 279
960 831 572 253 334 705 1016 987 408 499
1020 851 652 273 374 965 1026 1187 588 659
1100 971 662 653 394 1065 1066 1197 718 669
1150 10 31 752 673 724 1125 1206 1267 758 709
1190 1041 802 683 804 1135 1256 1297 778 739
1210 1071 952 773 894 1205 1276 1327 808 779
1240 1151 1012 793 1024 1265 1306 l407 838 809
1300 1201 1032 963 1054 1275 1316 1427 858 909
1320 1221 1142 1023 1074 1365 1516 1447 1058 1119
1350 1231 1242 1233 1084 1375 1556 1487 1228 1159
1410 1331 1282 1273 1174 1745 1616 1587 1238 1249
1^30 1351 1362 1443 1274 1755 1786 1637 1248 1309
1490 1391 1392 1663 1304 1845 2056 1717 13W 1329
1580 1401 1642 1753 131k 1905 1817 1398 13^9
1660 1421 1812 1813 1384 1915 1827 1478 1399
1810 1501 1852 1863 1394 1955 1847 1528 1439
1830 1541 1912 1873 1454 2107 1638 1449
1990 1681 1992 1973 1674 2137 1678 1619
2210 1691 2022 1754 1838 1799
1731 2102 I8l4 1898 1809
1781 1824 1918 1869
1811 2144 2098 2119
1831 2208 2189

Nitroglycerin (Liquid) AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (c H H 0 ) 227

Oxygen Balance:
C 15-9 H C 0N0„ CO, % 3-5
2| _ 2 CO % 24.5
H 2.2 HC ONO
1 Density: gm/cc
|5°C, ^id
20UC, Liquid
M 19.5 H C 0K02
Melting Point: °C J^.g IgRn lÜ
0 63.4
C/H Ratio 0.109 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C Decomposes 1^5

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 15
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0 1.4732
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 1 lb it 1
Sample Wt, mg n?5 1.^713

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C cc/gm/6 hrs 1.6
100°C cc/gm/l6 hrs 11+
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Explosions 100
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 0 Sand, gm Liquid method 51-5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Explodes 222 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 1^0

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (*>) 181

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 3-6
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 3-5
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement Glass Steel
Condition Liquid Liquid
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.06
Charge Diameter, in. 0.39 1.25

Volatility: 60°C, mg/cm2/hr Density, gm/cc 1.6 1.6

Rate, meters/second 1600-1900 7700

AMCP 706-177 Nitroglycerin (Liquid)

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Oxygen, atoms/sec 10 1019-2
Tetryl, gm (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 4]_ 4 45.0
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation
(AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 90-135 125-150
Density, gm/cc
Phase Liquid Liquid

Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm Armor Plate Impact Test:
Explosion, cal/gm 1600
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 715 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 400 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
Detonation, cal/gm 1486 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches
Liquid 0.356
Solid 1
1 M
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:
Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Coefficient of Expansion: Max Safe Drop, ft

Linear, %/°C
500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete

Volume, %/°C
Height, ft
Hardness, Mohs' Scale:

Young's Modulus: Low Order

E, dynes/cm- High Order

E, lb/inch
1000-lb General Purpose Bombys Concrete:
Density, gm/cc

Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
C. mm Mprriiry 2n mm Mercury High Order

20 0. 00025 60 0.0188
30 0. 00083 70 0.043
40 0.0024 80 3.098
50 0.0073 90 0.23

Nitroglycerin (Liquid) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragmenls: Color: Colorless

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Propellant ingredient, demoli
tion explosive ingredient,
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
grenade burster ingredient
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:

Density, gm/cc
Method With acetone or other desensitizer,
generally not stored
Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Heat of Transition, cal/gm:

Air, Confined:
Impulse Transition:
Liquid —» labile 5-2
Under Water: Labile —> stable 28.0
Peak Pressure Liquid —* stable 33-2
Hydrolysis, & Acid:
10 days at 22°C < 0.002
Underground: 5 days at 6o°C 0.005
Peak Pressure
Impulse 82.1°C KI Test:
Energy M inutes 10+

AMCP 706-177 Nitroglycerin (Liquid)

Gas Evolved at Atmospheric Pressure, cc:

Sample Wt, gm 1.6

Temperature, °C 65 75
Time, hours 20 kO
Volume of gas, cc nil nil
Viscosity: (c)

fc Centipoises
10 69.2
20 36.0
30 21.0
40 13.6
50 9.4
60 6.8
Fragmentation Test
20 mm HE, Mark 1, Projectile, Total No.
of Fragments for:

Nitroglycerin 22
Tetranitromethane IT

Minimum Propagating Diameter: (d)

Maximum Diameter for

% Dimethylphthalate Min. Propagating 2 Failures in
in WG Diameter, inches 2 Trials, inches

0 (3/l6 cairns) 1/16

5 -- Üß.6
10 1/8
15 lA 3/8
20 3/4 1?$2
22.5 1
25 1.55 2

Sensitivity to Electrostatic Discharge, Joules (test condition, unconfined;

no value given for confinement): > 12. 5

Solubility, grams of nitroglycerin/100 gn (jo) of:

Water Alcohol Trichlorethylene Carbon Tetrachloride

!£ i. OC £ 2£ i. £c £
15 0.16 0 37-5 Rm 22 Rm 2
20 0.18 20 54.0
50 0.25

AMCP 706-177
Nitroglycerin (Liquid)

Carbon Disulfide gm/lOO gn ($), at 2g°C in

2: lather:Alcohol > 100
Ambient Acetone

Soluble in all Proportions in:

Methanol Phenol
Acetone Pyridine
Ether Xylene
Ethyl acetate Nitrobenzene
Amyl acetate p-Nitrotoluene
Nfethyl nitrate Liquid DNT
Ethyl nitrate Chloroform
Nitroglycol Ethyl chloride
Tetranitrodiglycerine Ethyl bromide
Acetic acid Tetrachloroethylene
Benzene Dichloroethylene
Toluene Trimethyleneglycol Dinitrate

Solubility in NG, of:

Alcohol DNT TWT Water

0 3.4 20 35 20 30 25 0.06
20 5.4



2 2
CH -OH + 3HK0o CH —0N0o + 3H20
CH„ "OH CHn -0N0.

Glycerine is usually nitrated at 25°C, or below, by adding it very slowly to a well agitated
mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids, e.g., liO/59«5/0.5> nitric acid/sulfuric acid/water, us-
ing an acid/glycerine ratio of approximately 6. Agitation of the reaction mixture is accom-
plished by use of compressed air. A rapid temperature rise, or appearance of red fumes, auto-
matically requires dumping of the charge, immediately, into a drowning vessel filled with
water. After all the glycerine has been added to the nitrator, agitation and cooling are con-
tinued until the temperature drops to about 15°C, and the charge is then run into a separator
where the NG rises to the top, and is run off to the neutralizer. The nitroglycerin is
washed first with water, then with sodium carbonate, and finally with water. The resultant
NG when washed with water, produces washings which do not color phenolphthalein, and itself
is neutral to litmus paper.

AMCP 706-177
Nitroglycerin (Liquid)


Nitroglycerin wds first prepared in 1846 or 1847 by Ascanio Sobrero, an Italian chemist
(Mem Acad Torino (2) 10, 195 (1847)). For several years after this discovery, nitroglycerin
attracted little interest as an explosive until Alfred Nobel in 1864 patented improvements in
its manufacture and method of initiation (British Patent 1813). Nobel gave the name dynamite
to mixtures of nitroglycerin and non-explosive absorbents, such as charcoal, siliceous earth
or Kieselguhr (British Patent 13^5 (l86f)). Later developments led to gelatine dynamites,
ammonia dynamites, and so called straight dynamites. The first propellants using nitrogly-
cerin were called Ballistite (Nobel, British Patent lVfl (1888))- and Cordite (Abel and Dewar,
British Patents $6lk and 11,664 (1889)).

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Nitroglycerin is decomposed by adding it slowly to 10 times its weight of l8$> sodium sul-
fide (NaoS^f^O). Heat is liberated by this reaction; but this is not hazardous if stirring
is maintained during the addition of nitroglycerin and continued until solution is complete.

(a) A. H. Blatt, Compilation of Data on Organic Explosives, OSRD Report No. 2014, 29 Feb-
ruary 1944.

(b) Ph. Naoum, Z ges Schiess-Sprengstoffw, pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(c) Landolt - Bornstein, Physikalisch-Chemische Tabellen, 5th Ed. (1923).

International Critical Tables.

B. T. Fedoroff et al, A Manual for Explosive Laboratories, Vol I-IV, Lefax Society,
Inc., Philadelphia, 1943, 1946^

OSRD Report No. 5609, 3 December 19^5^"

(e) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Nitroglycerin:

620 511 652 233 454 1155 1206 817 768 69

660 551 672 343 494 1235 1^56 837 1348 249
800 701 792 673 1024 1955 1496 1197 1398 579
1020 891 922 903 1074 2015 1556 1297 1738 709
1150 911 1142 1023 1084 1616 1637 1918 1349
1210 1031 1282 1443 1454 1786 1817 2098 1359
1410 104l 1362 1643 1524 1816 1847 2119
1620 1151 15I4-2 1663 1624 1896
1680 1191 1662 1863 1674 2056
1221 1692 1993 175^
1611 1742
1651 1752
1691 1992

See footnote 1, page 10.

Ni tronuanidine AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CH^H^) 10^

Oxygen Balance:
C 11.5 tffl
CO.. % -31

H 3-9 HN= C
co% -15.4
Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.72
N .53.8 f

2 Melting Point: °C 232

0 30.8

C/H Ratio 0.038 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 47
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 26
Sample Wt, mg 7

Friction Pendulum Test: (e) Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.37
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 5 Trials (e) 120°C 0.44
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Portials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 36.0

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 275 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 10U

Trauzl Test, % TNT: (b) 101

75°C International Heat Test:
0.04 Plate Dent Test: (c)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method A
Condition Pressed
100°C Heat Test:
Confined No
% LOSS, 1st 48 Hrs 0.18
Density, gm/cc 1.50
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.09
Brisance, % TNT 95
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate: (e)

Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH None Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 1-55
Volatility: None
Rate, meters/second 7650

AMCP 706-177 Hitroguanldine

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Colorless
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: Propellant composition ingredien t,
Density, gm/cc bursting charge ingredient

Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
A t 3000 p s i 0.95
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Solubility, gm/lOO gm (#), in:
Air, Confined: $
impulse Water 25 0.44
100 9.0
Under Water: 1.0 JJ Potassium
Peak Pressure Hydroxide 25 1.2
40%Sulfuric Acid 0 3.1**
25 8.0*
Energy * gm/l00 cc solution
Booster Sensitivity Test: (a)
Condition Pressed
Peak Pressure
Tetryl, gn 100
Impulse Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 0.67
Energy Density, gm/cc 1.41
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm 1995
Explosion, cal/gm 721
Gas Volume, cc/gm 1077
Formation, cal/gm 227

N itroguanidine AMCP 706-177


(Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, Davis)


C — HH HNO Dehydration , C =HH


Four hundred gms of dry guanidine nitrate is added in small portions to 500 cc concentrated
sulfuric acid at 10°C, or below. As soon as all crystals have disappeared the milky solution
is poured into 3 liters of ice-water, and allowed to stand until crystallization is complete.
The product is filtered, rinsed with water, and recrystallized from about k liters of boiling
water, yield about 90%.


Nitroguanidine was first prepared in 1877 by Jousselin, but it was 1900 before it found
use in propellant compositions. During World War I, nitroguanidine was used by the Germans
as an ingredient of bursting charge explosives.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Nitroguanidine is decomposed by dissolving in 15 times its weight of k-^fo sulfuric acid at

room temperature and warming the solution until gas is evolved. Heating is continued for one-
half hour.

References: "

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests., OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 19^5-

(b) Canadian Report, CE-12, 1 May-15 August 19IH.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

(d) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NX Mmo 10,303, 15 June 194-9.

(e) Departments of the Army and the Air Force TM 9-I9IO/TO 11A.-1-34, Military Explosives,
April 1955-

49,See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Nitroguanidine

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Nitroguanidine:


1^90 1391 1282 1183 1336 907 758 1439

2181 1392 U23 2177 1749
2201 2142 2193

Nitroisobutylglycerol Trinitrate (NIBTN) Liquid AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CifHgNj+011) 286

Oxygen Balance:
C l6.8 02N0-CH2
CO, % 0.0
CO % 22
2.1 ^\

19.6 yS Density: gm/cc 20°C 1.64

0,110 -CH/
d d Melting Point: "C
0 61.5

C/H Ratio 0.126 Freezing Point: °C "39

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 25
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg
n?5 I.I+896
ng, 1.1+874
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, am 0.2 311 sample absorbed oQ
"y 0.2 «m or kfeselauhr 2b
Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Ignites 185 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement Glass (1 mm wall)
Condition Liquid
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 0-39
Density, gm/cc 1.61+
Volatility: 0
25°C, m«/cm /24 hrs 0.127 x 10"3 Rate, meters/second 7860

AMCP70S-177 Nitroisobutylglycerol Trinitrate (NIBTN) Liquid

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow o i 1
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Gelatinizing agent for
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Liquid

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined:
Impulse Soluble in methyl and ethyl alcohols, ace-
tone, ether, ethylenedichloride, chloroform
and benzene.
Peak Pressure
Insoluble in water, carbon disulphide,
Impulse and petroleum ether.

Underground: Slight, decidedly less than nitroglycerin.

Peak Pressure Gelatinizing Action:
Slight on nitrocellulose.
82.2°C KI Test:

Minutes 2

Nitroisobutylglycerol Trinitrate (NIB™) Liquid AMCP 706-177


A total of 675 gn 37$ formalin is added to 150 gn nitromethane containing 2 gn potassium

carbonate hemi-hydrate. The first 200 gn formalin is added slowly, keeping the temperature
below 30°C, and then the heat of reaction is allowed to raise the temperature to 80 C, and
the mixture then heated two hours at 90°C. The reaction mixture is then concentrated at re-
duced pressure and diluted, and this process repeated several times to remove formaldehyde.
After the final concentration the cooled mixture is filtered and the crystalline product recry-
stallized from alcohol and then several times from ether and dried.

The nitrated product is then obtained by nitrating 50 gn nitroisobutylglycerol with 300 gn

mixed acid (60/38/2, sulfuric acid./nitric acid/water) below 15°C for 1.5 hours.


This explosive (also called Trimethylolnitromethane Trinitrate, Nitroisobutanetriol Trini-

trate, Nitroisobutylglycerin Trinitrate and incorrectly but widely used Nitroisobutylglycerol
Trinitrate) was first described in 1912 by Hofwimmer (Zges Schiess _ Sprengstoffw 7, 43
(1912). Hofwimmer prepared the compound by the condensation of 3 moles of formaldehyde with
1 mole of nitromethane in the presence of potassium bicarbonate, the subsequent nitration of
the product. The explosive can now be produced from coke, air, and natural gas.


(a) H. A. Aaronson, Study of Explosives Derived from Nitroparaffins, PATR No. 1125,
24 October 194l.

(b) M. Aubry, Me" poudr, £5, 197-204 (1932-33); CA 27, 4083 (1933).

(c) A Stettbacher, Nitrocellulose 5, 159-62, l8l-4, 203-6 (193*0; CA 29, 1250 (1935).

(d) W. de C Crater, U.S. Patent 2,112,749 (March 1938); CA 32, 3964 (1938).

(e) H. J. Hibshman, E. H. Pierson, and H. B. Haas, Ind Eng Chan 32, 427-9 (1940): CA 2A,
3235 (1940).

(f) A. Stettbacher, Zges Schiess Sprengstoffw 37, 62-4 (1942); CA 38, 255 (1944).

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Nitrostarch Demolition Explosive (NSX)

Composition: Molecular Weight: 325

Nitrostarch (12.50$ N) 49 Oxygen Balance:
Barium Nitrate 40 CO, % -19
Mononitronaphthalene 7
CO % a
Paranitro aniline 3 Density: gm/cc
Oil 1
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 21
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£j
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. a
Sample Wt, mg n?5
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Crackles, snaps cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C ii+
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 10 Trials 8 Trials*
Explosions 90 135°C
Partials Q 150°C
Burned Q
0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
*R£tc&Belcted paper 10 87 Sand, gm 39-5

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) -- Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.26
5 Decomposes 195
Lead Azide
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 96
Trauzl Test, % TNT:

% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.2 Plate Dent Test:

100°C Heat Test: Condition
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs Confined
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0-3 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs Hone Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index:
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90/3 RH 2.1 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

Nitrostarch Demolition Explosive (MSX) AMCP 70G-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Demolition, bursting charges,
and priming compositions
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hand tamped
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
Apparent 0.92
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Exudation None

Air, Confined: 120°C Heat Test:

Impulse Minutes
Salmon Pink 70
Underwater: Red Fumes 255
Peak Pressure Explodes 256


Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 Nitrostarch Demolition Explosive (NSX)

Preparation: (b)

The nitration of starch proceeds with the formation of hexanitro starch according to the
following equation:
2c H + 6HWO
6 io°5 3'~*' c12H1i).Oit(oiio2)6 + 6H2O
Tapioca starch is considered the best for nitration purposes, although other starches give
fairly stable products. The starch, pretreated to remove oils, fats and water soluble im-
purities, is dried and screened. Feeding of the dried starch into stainless steel nitrators
containing mixed acid (62$-63$ HMOo and 37$-38$ HgSOi,.) is done slowly with constant agitation
of the mixture. The heat evolved must be controlled by cooling coils. The nitrated starch
is separated from the spent acid, washed with a large amount of water and centrifuged. Final
drying is on trays heated to 35°-40°C with air. This product is so sensitive even a static
discharge might cause explosion.

Nitrostarch demolition explosives contain a high percentage of nitrostarch, an oxidizing

agent, mineral oil, a stabilizer and/or other ingredients.


Nitrostarch was first prepared in 1833 by Branconnot, who called it xyloidine (Ann chim
phys £2] 52, 290 (1833)). T. J. Pelouze studied xyloidine further and reported its explosive
properties (Compt rend 7, 713 (1838). It found military use in the United States during
World Wars I and II as blasting explosives and as an ingredient of bursting charges and prim-
ing compositions.

References: 51

(a) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Physical and Explosive Properties of Military Explosives. PAIR
No. 1372, 29 November 19^3-

(b) G. D. Clift and B. T. Fedoroff, A Manual for Explosives Laboratories. Vol I, Lefax
Society, Inc., Philadelphia (1942).

(o) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Nitrostarch Explosives:

1 2 4 7 a ü

1611 782 1034 1117 38 1269
2032 848

JC 1
See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177

Octol, 70/30

Composition: Molecular Weight: 265

Oxygen Balance:
CO, % -38
CO % -7-5
TNT 30
Density: gm/cc Cast I.80

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 18 _D
Sample Wt, mg 26

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C ----
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.37
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm Exploratory 58.4

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) ...
Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Flames erratically 335
Lead Azide 0.30
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 115
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs Confined

Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.80
Rate, meters/second 8377

AMCP 706-177 I-3T
Octol, 70/30

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, col/gm 2722
Explosion, cal/gm 1074
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 847 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lbGeneral Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 1510 Trials
See below

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order
Comrjressive Strength: lb/inch
Average (10 tests) 1510 Ultimate Deformation: $
High 17^0
Low 1330 Average (10 tests) 2.26
High 2.58
Low 1.97
*Test specimen l/2" x l/2" cylinder (approximately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 rb) total
load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute time of dwell.

Octol, 70/30 AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Buff
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: HE projectile and bomb filler

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.80

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 5 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined: Work to Produce Rupture: ft-lb/inch-5 *

Average (10 tests) 1.55
High 1.87
Under Water:
Low 1.10
Peak Pressure
Impulse Efflux Viscosity, Saybolt Seconds: 5-9

Peak Pressure

*Test specimen l/2" x l/2" cylinder (approxi-

mately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb)
total load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute
time of dwell.

AMCP 706-177 Octol. 70/30

Effect of Altitude, Charge Diameter and Degree of Confinement on Detonation Velocity*

(Reference b)

i One-Inch Column Two-Inch Column t

i Explosive Simulated Altitude, Confined Unconfined Confined [Unconfined ;

Feet m/s , m/s m/s m/s
; 70/30, RDX/TNT; Ground 7900 | 8100 7660 8030
i density, gm/cc 1.62
30,000 8020 i 8120 7900 (it) 7800

Average ! 8005 8085 7895 ' 7873

70/30, HMX/TNT; Ground ; 7960 7900(4) 7870 76^0(10

density, gm/cc 1.61
30,000 \ 8050 8060 7930 7710

60,000 : 8020 7930 7890 7650

90,000 7950 8000 79^0 7650

Average 7995 7973 7908 7663

*70/30 Octol confined charge in l/k" steel tube, AISI 1015 seamless, 1" diameter 18" long,
and 2" diameter 7" long. All means were determined from sets of five values unless other-
wise indicated by ( ). A 26 gn tetry booster was used to initiate each charge.

Average Fragment Velocities at Various Altitudes'1 (g)

1 S+mH-T-B-ted Alt -ttude, Feet \

Explosive Charge Diameter. ! Ground ^0.000 60.000 90,000
J Inches m/s
•' m/s S
m/s m/s

! 70/30, RDX/TNT 1 i 3^15 3672 3666 3685

2 4647 5192 5236 6011

4703 5464 6089 6111

♦Outside diameter 2.54"; inside diameter 2.04"; length 7".

AMCP 706-177
Octol, 70/30

Tensile Strength:
, lb/inch^
Average (8 tests) I 169
High 204

Low 128
*Test specimen as per Picatinny Arsenal sketch XL-076B, at 21 C.

IVIOQUIUS 01 niasucirv:-
I lb/inch^ I
j Average (10 tests) 73,200

i High 79,300

Low 63,000
*Test specimen 1/2" x 1/271 cylinder '(approximately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb) total
load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute time of dwell.

Setback Sensitivity Test: (a)

Critical Pressure

Density, gm/cc

1/2 - 2 1297

2 - 5 665
" 10 497
25 661
1 '»-




750 - 2500 12
Total Number 4467

AMCP 706-177 Octol, 75/25

Composition: Molecular Weight: 276

Oxygen Balance:
HMX 75
CO, %
CO % -$
TUT 25
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.81

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impoct Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refrgctive Index, n£>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 17 _□
Sample Wt, mg 25

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impoct Test: lOTriols $
120°C 0.39
3/l6" Steel 1/8" Al
Explosions 70 70
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 30 30 Sand, gm Exploratory 62.1

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seoonds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Flames erratically 350 Lead Azide 0.30
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 116
Trourl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rote:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.81
Rate, meters/second 8643

Octol, 75/25 AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/ mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C

Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm 2676
Explosion, cal/gm 1131
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 830 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm 29. h*
♦Calculated for 76.9%HMX, 23-1$ 'rNT. 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
-79 C 0.200 Plate Thickness, inches
-80° to +80°C 0.240
33 to 7^°C 0.245 1
90° to 150°C 0.323
♦♦Determined for 76-9/« HMX, 23.1$ TNT.
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercina Bomb vi Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb r$ Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale: Unaffected
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm"
E, lb/inch* 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb YS Concrete
Density, gm/cc
C3 ' ft

Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 13^0 Trials

See below

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order
Compressive Strength: lb/inch **#
Average (10 tests) 13^0 Ultimate Deformation: %
High 1560 Average (10 tests) 2.43
Low 1040 High 2.89
Lav 2.04
***Test specimen 1/2" x l/2" cylinder (approximately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb) total
load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute time of dwell.

AMCP 706-177 Octoi, 75/25

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Buff

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: HE projectile and bomb filler
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.81
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Closs (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Work to Produce Rupture: ft-lb/inch3

Air, Confined:
Average (10 tests) 1.31
High 1.57
Under Water: Low 1.07
Peak Pressure
Impulse Efflux Viscosity, Saybolt Seconds: 9-0

Peak Pressure
*Test specimen 1/2" x l/2" cylinder (approxi-
mately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb)
total load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute
time of dwell.

Octol, 75/25 AMCP 706-177

Fragment Velocity Test: (a)

M26 Hand Grenade:

Composition B 4948
75/25 Cyclotol 1^908
75/25 Octol 5124

Modulus of Elasticity:
j rb/inchc
Average (10 tests) 62,100
High ! 75,900
Low ' 45,200
*Test specimen l/2" x l/2" cylinder (approximately 3 gm) pressed at 3 tons (6,000 lb) total
load or 30,000 psi with a 2 minute time of dwell.

Weight Group , grains No. of Fragments

1/2 - 2 1611
: 2 - 5 777
5 - 10 535
1 10
" 25 719
1 25 - 50 480
: 50 - 75 246 i
75 - 150 339

AMCP 706-177 Octol, 70/30; Octol, 75/25

Preparation: T^

Water-wet HMX is added slowly to molten TNT in a steam-jacketed kettle at a temperature of

100°C. The mixture is heated and stirred until all moisture is evaporated. The composition
is cooled to a satisfactory pouring temperature and cast directly into ammunition components
or prepared in the form of chips to be stored for later use.

References: 5 2

(a) 1st Indorsement from Chief, Explosives Development Section, to Chief, Explosives
Research Section, Picatinny Arsenal, dated 12 May 1958. Subject: "Properties of Octols and

(b) A. W. O'Brien, Jr., C. W. Plummer, E. P. Woodburn and V. Philipchuk, Detonation Veloci

ty Determinations and Fragment Velocity Determinations of Varied Explosive Systems and Condi-
tions. National Northern Corporation Final Summary Report OTFC-F-13, February 195Ö (Contract

Jt -ifr Wr^^ct S^^-^xjx^t $M^jvaj^c r<w**£* p. ^^ . „ <J^\ifJ,

^ See footnote 1, psge 10.

PB-RDX AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 245

90 Oxygen Balance:
RDX -62
CO, %
CO % -18
Polystyrene (unmodified) 8.5
Density: gm/cc Unpressed 0.81
Dioctylphthalate 1.5 Pnllpt nrsasoH at 'RO.OOO Tisi ] .6?
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Unpressed Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 28
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nS>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 15 nD
Sample Wt, mg 20

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: 10 Trials *
120°C 0.U1
% 135°C
Explosions 10
Partials 90
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 0 Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Smokes 275 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75"C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.00
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
* Test procedure described in PATR No. 2247,
May 1956- Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 PB-RDX

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcol/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 3027
Explosion, cal/gm 9o3
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Moris' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus: See below
High Order
B, dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 2^03 2149- Trials
Percent 8.9 13,1

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order
Younq' s Modulus: * (a) Temperature
1 0 Ambient 95UC
E, lb/ineh (avg of 5) 39,953 3^,031
Density, gtn/co 1.60 1<57

*Pellets (Lot OAC-596-55) 0.750 inch diameter by 0.750 inch long, pressed at 30)000 psi with
30-second dwell.

PBJxDX AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

Glass Cones Steel Cones

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91:
Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: White

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: High mechanical strength
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
.. „ / , Pressed, r i
ps x 10J
Loading Density: gm/cc
0 10 20 30
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 1.10 1.49 1.59 1.62
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):
Compatibility Group Group I
Peak Pressure
Exudation None
Rockwell Hardness, "R" Scale: (a)
Air, Confined:
1/2 inch diameter Penetrator, 60 Kg Load:
Pellet Specific
Underwater: No.* Gravity Hardness
Peak Pressure
Impulse 1 1.624 84
2 1.623 90
Energy 3 1.611 84
k 1.600 80
Underground: 5 1.590 75
Peak Pressure 6 1.571 73
Impulse 7 1.5^8 62
8 1.524 49

*Pellets (Lot H0L-E-93) were l-l/2 inches

in diameter and 3A inch high.


Sensitivity of PB4TOX and 98/2 RDX/Stearie Acid

Pellets* to Initiation by Type II Special Blasting Caps (a)

Gap (Distance From Base of Cap to Pellet), Inches

Pellets , U.i^U 0.300 0.330 0.400 U.45U 0.^00 0.750

PB4U3X with Pellet Density

1.55 gm/cc

No. of Trials 1 8 5 6 2 11
Average Depth of Plate
Indentation, inches ** 0.082 0.090 0.087 0.080 0.080

No. of Failures 0 1 3 4 1 1 1

PB4*DX with Pellet Density

1.60 gm/cc

No. of Trials 3 8 9 4 3 5 2
Average Depth of Plate
Indentation, inches * 0.090 0.089 0.087 0.084 0.087 0.075

No. of Failures 0 0 2 3 2 3 2

98/2 RDX/Stearic Acid With

Pellet Density I.63 gm/cc

No. of Trials 5 3 5 5 5 5 5
Average Depth of Plate
Indentation, inches ** 0.109 0.096 0.095 0.092 0.097 0.087 —_
No. of Failures 0 1 0 3 4 4 5
Pellets O.92 inch diameter. 0.375 inch height.
** Mild steel plate 5" x 5" x 1".
Pprfnrmanrp nf PR-RDV uc Rnnctpr (b, d)

Ten 2.75 inch HEAT Ml Rocket Heads were unaffected in performance by storage at 71°C for
28 days. Thus, PB-RDX was not desensitized by contact with TNT-bearing explosives. Tetryl,
similarly used, becomes desensitized when stored in bursting charges at elevated temperatures.

In addition, 108 modified M307A1 57 mm projectiles were fired for performance against
armor. Each round contained a PB£DX booster pellet. There WK no evidence in these firings
that the projectiles were inadequately boostered.

AMCP 706-177


The purchase description sheet for polystyrene-bonded RDX (X-PA-PD-1088, 25 October 1956)
requires that the PB-RDX shall be a mixture of RDX, coated and surrounded by a homogeneous
mixture of polystyrene and dioctylphthalate. The specified percentage of RDX shall consist
of a mixture of TST/oType B, Class A RDX and 2^ Type B, Class E RDX. The granulation of the
unpressed composition shall be as follows:

Through U. S. Standard i , 1
Sieve No. Minimum <p t Maximum $

6 : loo !
12 6o --
20 -- 2 ;
•^ -- 0

Two methods have been reported for the preparation of PB-RDX (Reference: L o Alamos Scien-
tific Laboratory, Contract W-7^05-Eng 36 with U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Report No. IA-
1448). The earlier method employed a Baker-Perkins type mixer to blend the components. This
procedure gave a product with good pressing characteristics. However, the molding composition
was nonuniform in granulation and tended to be dusty. The slurry method of PB£DX preparation
gave a product which was uniform, free-flowing and dustless. In addition, PB4*DX granulated
by the slurry method exhibited satisfactory drying, handling and pressing characteristics.

The final procedure incorporating the better features found from the study of such variables
as solvents, solvent/plastic ratios, lacquer addition and temperature, agitation, RDX particle
size distribution, dispersants and rosin additive, was as follows (Reference c):

Forty-two and five-tenths grams (42.5 gm) of polystyrene and 8 cc dioctylphthalate were
dissolved in 200 cc toluene in a lacquer dissolver. Steam was introduced into the jacket
until the temperature reached 65°C. The lacquer was agitated constantly until it was ready
to be added to the granulator. This lacquer contained a l:k ratio of plastic-plasticizer to

Four hundred and fifty grams (^50 gm) of RDX and 4500 grams of HgO (ratio 1:10) were added
to the granulator. The agitator was set for 400 rpm .and the temperature was raised to 75°C
by introducing steam into the jacket. The temperature differential between the lacquer solu-
tion and the HDX/water slurry was 5° to 10°C.
The lacquer solution was poured through the charging funnel into the granulator. As soon
as the lacquer was added, a solution of gelatin in water was added, and the mixture was agi-
tated until the lacquer was well dispersed in the RDX slurry (approximately 5 minutes). Granu-
lation took place at this point. Steam was introduced again into the jacket to distill the
solvent until the temperature reached 98°C Cooling water was then run into the jacket to
cool the batch to ^0°C. The coated material from the granulator was collected on a Büchner
funnel and dried in a tray at T0°C for 24 hours. Temperatures below T0°C did not furnish
enough heat, but a temperature of 80°C produced stickiness and caking of PB-RDX


An explosive consisting of RDX coated with polystyrene plasticized with dioctyphthalate

was initially developed in 1952 for the Atomic Energy Commission by Los Alamos Scientific
Laboratory of the University of California (Contract W-T^-Eng 36 with U. S. Atomic Energy

AMCP 706-177 p^

Commission, Report No. LA-1448). The specific formulation of 90/8.5/1.5 RDX/polystyrene/

dioctylphthalate was subsequently standardized by Los Alamos. This explosive, originally
designated PBX, has been redesignated PB-RDX The detailed requirements for the present
polystyrene-bonded RDX(PB-RDX) are given in purchase description X-PA-PD-1088, 25 October 1956.

References: "

(a) B. J. Zlotucha, T. W. Stevens and C. E. Jacobson, Characteristics of Polystyrene-

Bonded KDX(PB-RDX), PAIR No. 21+97, April 1958.

(b) A. J. Pascazio, The Suitability of a Bare PBX Booster Pellet in the 2.75 Inch Ml HEAT
Rocket Head, PAIR No. 2271, November 1955.

(c) J. L. Vermillion and R. C. Dubberly, Plastic-Bonded KDX, Its Preparation by the Slurry
Method, Holston Defense Corporation, Control No. 20-1-16 Series A (PAC1081), 5 March 1953.

(d) C J. Eichinger, Report on Cartridge HEAT 57 mm M307A1 (Mod) with Modified Copper
Liner, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Development and Proot Services, First Report on UC Project
TA3-5204, October 1957-

-"See footnote 1, page 10.

Pentaervthritol Winitrate (PETRINl AMCP 70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weiqht: (rtV^lo) 271

Oxygen Balance:
C 22.1
CO» % -27
CO % 3
H 3-3 1
HOCHp— C —CH 0N0
Density: gm/cc 1.54
N 15-5 1
CH 0N02
Melting Point: "C 26 to 28
0 59-1

C/H Ratio O.liU Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C h mm Sg Decomposes 130

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nS>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 5 to 10
Sample Wt, mg 38

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 2.54 to 5.65
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Traurl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
| Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Pentaerythritol Trinitrate (PETRIN)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Explosive, propellant or
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, LotKC-5: igniter ingredient
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Vry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None
PETRIN esters are listed in reference (b)
Air, Confined: and most of these esters have been shown to
Impulse have explosive properties.

Under Water: An infrared spectrophotometric procedure

Peak Pressure wds developed for the determination of the
acetone content of PETRIN (ref c). A 2.5 gn
Impulse sample of PETRIN is dissolved in chloroform
Energy and the volume increased to 25 milliliters in
a volumetric flask. The acetone content of
Underground: the PETRIN solution is determined by its infra
Peak Pressure red absorption at 5-82/c in a 0.5 mm cell. A
double beam method is used with a reference
Impulse cell containing chloroform and acetone-free
Energy PETRIN. The quantity of the latter must be
Absolute Viscosity, poises: carefully adjusted to give a good balance be-
tween the test sample and reference cells for
Temp, 1T°C 14.8
23°c 4.8 the strong PETRIN peak at 6.02,« maximum.
28 °c 3-0 Heat of:
38°c 1.2
Explosion, cal/gm 120l+

Pentaerythritol Trinitrate (PETRIN) AMCP 706-177


C(CH20H)^ + 3HN03 » 0HCH2C(CH2N03)3 + 3HgO

pentaerythritol nitric sulfuric pentaerythritol water

acid acid trinitrate
MW 136 MW 63 m 98 MW 271 MW 18

The earliest procedure used for the manufacture of PETRIN was that developed a t Alleghany
Ballistics Laboratory. In this process, called the "A process," 80$ HNO3 and the solid pen-
taerythritol were charged to the reactor and Qof H2S0^ was added slowly at a rate to permit
control of temperature at 0° to 5°C This mixture was held for a 2-l/2-hour reaction period,
then drowned in water and filtered to give a cake containing both the tri- and tetra-nitrates
of pentaerythritol. The cake was dissolved in acetone and neutralized in solution with am-
monium carbonate, after which the PETH was precipitated by the addition of water. After fil-
tration, the Put KIN was recovered from the filtrate by stripping off the solvent under vacuum.
Yields by this process averaged about hO<f0.

An improved process, called the 'B process," used the same primary reaction procedure but
a different work-up procedure. After the reaction holding period, water was added to dilute
the mixed acid and the batch was extracted in situ with methylene chloride. The organic
layer was separated, neutralized with aqueous sodium bicarbonate, and stripped of methylene
chloride under vacuum to yield the product directly. Yields by this process were about 50$
and quality of the product vsas much improved over that of the "A process."

The "C process," currently in use, involves essentially the simultaneous synthesis and
extraction of PETRIN from the reaction mixture. Methylene chloride approximately equal to
the total weight of the other components is added to the reaction mixture before the sulfuric
acid. After a suitable time following the addition of sulfuric acid, the solvent is removed
and replaced by fresh solvent one or more times. The combined extracts are neutralized and
concentrated. Because of their initially relatively large volume, PEIN must be removed by
filtration from the concentrated PETRIN solution before the final solvent is stripped. Yields
by this process have been 60$ to 65$.


The nitration products of pentaerythritol or its derivatives containing not more than three
HOo groups were patented for use as explosives, propellants or ignition materials in 1936
(Cferman Patents 638,432 and 638,433; CA 31, 1212 (1937))-

A process in which pentaerythritol monoacetate was converted to pentaerythritol trinitrate

monoacetate, which was then saponified under carefully controlled conditions to PETRIN, was
reported in 195^ (N. S. Marans, D. E. Elrick and R. F. Preckel, J Am Chem Soc 76, 1304).
PETRIN was also prepared by the nitration of pentaerythritol with a mixture of~Bo$ HNOo and
80$ H2SC\ in 1955 (A. T. Camp, N. S. Marans, D. E. Elrick and R. F. Preckel, J Am Chem Soc
22, 751).

AMCP 70G-177 Pentaerythritol Trinitrate (PETRIN)

References .

(a) Rohm and Haas Company, Redstone Arsenal Division, Process for the Manufacture of
Pentaerythritol Trinitrate Monoacrylate and Petrin Acrylate Propellants, 12 March 1956.

Co) E. Berlow, E. H. Barth and J. E. Snow, The Pentaerythritols, ACS Monograph No. 136,
P- 65, Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New YorK^ 195fc>.
(c) R- H. Pierson, An Infrared Spectrophotometric Method for Determination of Acetone
Content of Pentaerythritoltriniträte, U.S. Naval Ordnance Test Station Report NOTS 1877,
NAVORD Report No. 5649, 3 February 1958.

^See footnote 1, page 10.

Pentaerythritol Trinitroacrylate (PETRIN Acrylate) AMCP 706-177

Composition Molecular Weight: (Cg^^gO^) 325

c 29.5 Oxygen Balance:
CHgOlTOg 00, % -54
CO % -12
CHp = CH-C0pCH2C-CH20W0p
N 12.9 I Density: gm/cc
0 54.2 Melting Point: "C 78 to 79

C/H Ratio 0.239 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°<,
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Ni 1
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177
Pentaerythritol Trinitroacrylate (PETRIN Acrylate)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of composite
rocket propellants
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 3 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry at temperatures below
melting point

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Heat of:
Air, Confined:
Combustion, cal/gm 2923
Explosion, cal/gm 791
Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

Pentaerythritol Trinitroacrylate (PETRIN Acrylate) AMCP 706-177

Preparation: (a)
H0CH2C(CH2N03)3 + CH2 = CHC0C1 + CgH^CH^

pentaerythritol acrylyl dimethyl

trinitrate (PETRIN) chloride aniline
MW 271 n MW 90.5 MW 121
(02KOCE2)3CCH20CCH = CH2 + CgH^CH^HCl <

pentaerythritol trinitrate mono- dimethylanine

acrylate (PETRIN acrylate) hydrochloride
MW 325
The original synthesis for PETRIN acrylate employed trifluoroacetic anhydride and glacial
acrylic acid as the acrylation agent for PETRIN. These two materials were charged to a re-
action vessel and the initial reaction was controlled by the slow addition of PETRIN at a
temperature of 10° to 15°C Following a period of one hour, the batch was drowned in water,
precipitating the PETRIN acrylate. This solid was separated by filtration, dissolved in chlo-
roform, and neutralized in solution with sodium bicarbonate. The product was then crystal-
lized during a period of 16 hours at 0 C and dried under vacuum to remove traces of solvent.
The yield for this process was about 60$.

A significant improvement in yield (to about 7**$) and purity (approximately 98$) was
realized by the substitution of methanol for chloroform and crystallization of the product
from the solution without neutralization, residual acid being removed by washing the filter
cake with water.

Because of the high cost and hygroscopic nature of trifluoroacetic anhydride, a new pro-
cess, based on dimethylaniline and acrylyl chloride, was considered. This process is cur-
rently under development in the Rohm and Haas Chemical Processing facilities and is not con-
sidered optimum. Yields averaged 46%and product purities averaged 93.5%.

PETRIN Acrylate Propellants:

PETRIN acrylate could be used as a monopropellant because it has a specific impulse of

214 Ib-sec/lb and a burning rate of 0.2 in/sec. The addition of an oxidizer increases both
the impulse and burning rate.

A composition which presently appears most promising is as follows:

Composition NV1
PETRIN acrylate (> 97$ purity) , $ 3TX (binder) '
Triethylene glycol trinitrate, $ 11.8 (plasticizer)
Glycol diacrylate, f 2.9 (crosslinker)
Ammonium perchlorate, $ 51.0 (oxidizer)
Hydroquinone, j> 0.014 (polymerization inhibitor)
Measured specific impulse 238 Ib-sec/lb, at density of 1.3.


(a) Rohm and Haas Company, Redstone Arsenal Division, Process for the Manufacture of
Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate Monoacrylate and Petrin Acrylate Propellants, 12 March 1956.

55see footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Pentolite, 50/50; 10/9O

Composition: Molecular Weight: 50/50 10/90

% -285- 2^
Oxygen Balance:
PEIN 50 10 CO, % -1+2 -68
CO % - 5 -21
TNT 50 90
Density: gm/cc 1.65 1.60

Melting Point: "C 76

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: 50/50 10/90 Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 3^ 65
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 12 14
Sample Wt, mg 15 18

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test: 50/50 10/90
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 3-0 3-0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 25 Trials, 50/50
120°C 11+ 11+
% 135°C -- --
Explosions 72
Partials 20
150°C -- --
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 8
Sand, gm 55-6 49.5

Explosion Temperature: °C > 50/50 Sensitivity to Initiation: 50/50

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 290 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 266 Mercury Fulminate 0.19*

5 Decomposes 220 Lead Azide O.13*
10 20i+
„ A , Tetryl
15 197 ♦Alternative initiating charges.

20 >190 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 126

Trauzl Test, % TNT: 00 122

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: (c)
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test: 50/50
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined No
% Loss. 2nd 48 Hrs 0.2 Density, gm/cc 1.66
Brisance, % TNT 121
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Deluiialiun Rale.

Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn

Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygrqscopeiify: %
30°C, 90% RH Charge Diameter, in, 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.66
Rate, meters/second 7465

AMCP 706-177
Pentolite, 50/50; 10/90

Booster Sensitivity Test: (d) 50/50. Decomposition Equation:

Condition Pressed Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 2.36 2.08 (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1.60 1.65 Phase

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact Test: 50/50

Combustion, cal/gm
Explosion, cal/gm 1220
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec 170
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombvi Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
B, dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 2000-2200 Trials
Density, gm/cc 1.68 Unaffected

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

°C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 706-177 Pentolite. 50/50; 10/90

Fragmentation Test: 50/50 Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

50/50 10/90 50/50 25/75
90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones(f) Steel Cones (g)
Density, grn/cc 1.65 Hole Volume 157 105 l49 119
Charge Wt, lb 2.147 Hole Depth 116 116 131 119

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Yellow-white

For TNT 703
For Subject HE 968
Principal Uses: Shaped charges, bursting
charges, demolition blocks
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.65
Charge Wt, lb 0.872

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
ForTNT 514
For Subject HE 650
Loading Density: gm/cc go/pO 10/90

FragmentVelocity: ft/sec 1.65 1.60

At 9 ft 2810
At 251/2 ft 2580 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.66

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blest (Relative to TNT): (e)

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 105
Impulse 107 Exudation
Compatibility with Metals:
Air, Confined: Dry: Copper, brass, aluminum, magnesium,
Impulse magnesium-aluminum alloy, mild steel coated
with acid-proof black paint, and mild steel
Underwater: plated with copper, cadmium or nickel are not
Peak Pressure affected. Zinc plated steel is only slightly
Impulse affected.

Energy Wet Stainless steel, aluminum and mild

steel coated with acid-proof black paint are
Underground: not affected. Copper, brass, magnesium, mag-
Peak Pressure nesium-aluminum alloy, mild steel and mild
steel plated with copper, cadmium, zinc or
Impulse nickel are slightly affected.
Effect of Temperature on (h)
Rate of Detonation:
Eutectic Temüerature. °C: 76 50/50
16 hrs at, °C -54 " 21
gn PETN/lOO gn TNT Density, gm/cc 1.67 1.66
76°C 13.0 Rate, m/sec 7470 7440
95°C 28.3

D . ... „/„, ,
Pciilohte. 50/50; 10/90


Pentolite is manufactured by either the slurry method or coprecipitation of PETN and INT.
In the slurry method PETN, in water, is stirred and heated above 8(rC. TNT is added and when
molten, it coats the particles of PETN. The slurry is cooled with rapid stirring and the sepa-
rated granules are collected on a filter and dried below 75°C

In coprecipitation, PEIN and TUT are dissolved separately in acetone. The solutions are
mixed and the explosives are precipitated simultaneously by pouring the mixed solution into
cold water under vigorous agitation. The precipitated solid is collected on a filter and
dried in air.


Standardized during World War 11, with the 50-50 PSTN/TNT mixture being the more important
for bursting charges and booster-surround charges.

References :^°

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III ~ Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. >74b, ü'f December JWT-

(b) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives. Second Revision,
NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) L. C. Smith and S. E. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute, for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mam 10,303, 15 June T?W- '

(ei W R. Tomlinson. Jr., Blast Effects of Bcmb Explosives, PA Tech Div Lecture, 9 April

(f) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Sec 111, Variation of
Cavity Effect with Explosive Composition, flDRC Contract VbV^-ÖKD-5753.

(g) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, Contract
W-672-ORD-5723, E. Lab, du Pont, 18 September 1943-

(h) W. F. McGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military Explo-
sives at Several Different Temperatures, mm INO. z.30.5, iNovemoer xyjo.

(i) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Report on Pentolite:

1360 1291 1212 1133 1284 1325 11+36 1477 1388
1420 1451 1262 1193 2004 1466 1677 1598
1570 1651 1372 1213 1796 1737 1668
1363 1838

5"See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
PEIN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate)

Composition: 316
Molecular Weight: (C^HgN^O-^)
ONCL Oxygen Balance:
C 19.0 j 2
CO, % -10
H 2.5 fH2 co% 15

N 17.7 °2N0-CH2-C-CH2-0N02 Density: gm/cc Cryst a 1 1.77

H 1U1
0 60.8 ? 2 Melting Point: °C
C/H Ratio 0.13I4- 2 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt:

Boiling Point: °C
Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 17
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n5>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 6
Sample Wt, mg 16 n?5

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Crackles cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.5
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 5 Trials *
120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 100
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 0 Sand, gm 62.7
*4.86% mm'R+.in-R in snmpT ps
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 272 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 244 Mercury Fulminate 0,17*
5 Decomposes 225
Lead Azide 0.03*
10 211
„ A , Tetryl
15 ♦Alternative initiating charges.

20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) lk5

Trauil Test, % TNT: (i,)

75°C International Heat lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.02 Plate Dent Test: ( )
Method A

100°C Heat Test: Condition Pressed

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.1 Confined Yes

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.0 Density, gm/cc 1.50

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT 129

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn
Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.0
Charge Diameter, in. 1.00
Density, gm/cc 1.70
Volatility: 0.0
Rate, meters/second 8300

AMCP 706-177
PETN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate)

Booster Sensitivity Test: (c) Decomposition Equation: (®) „ ^%l c ol i

Condition Pressed Oxygen, atoms/sec 10ly'° Kru,D 10°"1
Tetryl, gm 5
Heat, kilocalorie/mole Vf.O 50.9 52.3
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AHjkcal/mol)
Wax, gm 3 Temperature Range, °C l6l-£33 108-120 137-157
Density, gm/cc 1.6 Phase Liquid Solid At mel
ing point

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm 1960
Explosion, cal/gm 1385 60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 790 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 383 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (a)
Plate Thickness, inches
Room Temperature 0.26
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb v« Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale: 1.9
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cm2
E, b/incha 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 706-177
PETM (Pentaervthritol Tetranitrate)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: Class A - Detonating fuse and boosters
Class B _ Priming compositions
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Psl x
3 5 10 20 30 40
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 1.37 1.58 l.Gh 1.71 1.73 1.71+
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M (wet

Peak Pressure
Exudation None

Bulk Modulus at Rocm (i)

Air, Confined:
Temperature (25V-30°Q :
lynes/cm2 x 10"10 h.60
Under Water: Density, gm/cc 1.77
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

FEIN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate) AMCP 706-177

Compatibility with Metals:

Dry: Copper, brass, aluminum, magnesium, magnesium-aluminum alloy, stainless steel, mild
steel, mild steel coated with acid-proof black paint and mild steel plated with copper, cad-
mium, nickel or zinc are not affected.

Wet: Stainless steel is unaffected and aluminum only vary slightly so after prolonged
storage. Copper, brass, magnesium, magnesium-aluminum alloy, mild steel, mild steel coated
with acid-proof black paint and mild steel plated with cadmium, copper, nickel or zinc are

Sensitivity of FEIN to electrostatic discharge, joules; Through 100 Mesh: (g)

Unconfined 0.06
Confined 0.21

Solubility, grams of PETO per 100 grams (j) of: (h)

or Alcohol Acetone Benzene Toluene

2c 2c 2c I
0 0.070 o lit. 37 0 0.150 0 0 .150
20 0.195 20 2U.95 20 0.450 20 0 .430
40 0.415 40 30.56 ko 1.160 40 0 .620
60 1.205 60 42.68 80 7.900 60 2 .490
80 5.850
100 15 .920
112 30. 900

/ -Ethoxy-ethyl-
Methyl acetate Ether acetate Chlorob enzene

£c i. £C 2n i
20 13 0 0.200 20 1.5 20 0. 35
30 IT 20 0.340 30 4.1 30 2 .8
40 22 34.7 0.450 ko 7-6 ho 6 .1
50 31 50 11.2 50 9. 2
60 14.2 60 12 .2

Ethylenedichlori dc Methanol Tetrac hi oroethane tetrac hi oride

£c i. 2n A °G i °£ t
10 0.9 20 0.46 20 0.18 20 0.096
30 1.5 1+0 1.15 30 0.27 30 0.108
50 2.6 60 2.6 40 0.40 40 0.118
50 0.58 50 0.121

AMCP 706-177 PEIN (Pentaerythr itol1 Tetranitrate)

Isopropanol Isoblutanol Chloroform TNT

2c i 2c i 2c i. !£ i
15 0.02 20 0.27 20 0.09 80 19-3
20 O.Oi' 30 0.31 85 25.0
30 0.15 40 0.39 90 32.1
ho 0.36 50 0.52 95 39-5
50 0.46 100 48.6
105 58.2
Eutetic of the SYS;tem PETN-TNT is about 13$ PETN 110 70.0
and 87$ TNT at 76°C. 115 87.8
120 115
125 161


(Nitroglycerin and Nitroglycerin Explosives, Naoum)

8HCH0 + CH3CHO + Ca(0H)2—* 2c(CH20H)l+ +

Ca(HC00)2 C(CH20H)i^ + ^HNO,—# C(CH20W02)it + Ul^O

1. In this preparation 19^0 gn of formaldehyde and 600 gn of aceteldehyde are dissolved

in 90 liters of water containing 1600 gm suspended slaked lime. The reaction is complete in
about 3 weeks if agitated several times a day. The solution is filtered, the calcium formate
precipitated with oxalic acid, filtered off, and the water removed under reduced pressure.
Cn cooling the mother liquor about 1200 gm crude pentaery-thritol, melting point 235°-2^0°C
are obtained. Purification is readily effected by stirring with a little alcohol, filtering
and recrystallization from water.

2. To 400 cc of strong white nitric acid, are added 100 gm of pentaerythritol (through
50 mesh), at 5°C or below, under good agitation. After addition is complete stirring, at
5 C, is continued for 15 minutes. The mixture is drowned in 3 liters of ice-water, filtered,
the product washed free of acid with water and then digested 1 hour in 1 liter of hot 0.5%
sodium carbonate solution. The product is filtered, and recrystallized from acetone.


PETN was known as an explosive in 189^ when it Wds proposed as an addition to smokeless
powders to raise their flammability and ease of combustion (German Patent 81,664 (189^).
Modern methods of preparation are described by Vignon and Gerin (Compt rend 133; 590 (1901)
and German Patent 265,025 (1912) and A. Stettbacher (Z ges Schiess - Sprengstoffw 11, 112,
182 (I9l6) and 24, 259 (1929)). PETN was not used on a practical basis until after World War I.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

FEIN (Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate) AMCP 706-177

References '?7

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. oyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests, OSRD Report Wo. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) Ph. Naoum, Z ges Schiess - Sprengstoffw, pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, C6RD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) International Critical Tables.

(e) M A. Cook and M. T. Abegg, "Isothermal Decomposition of Explosives," University of

Utah, Ind & Eng Chem, (June 1956), pp. 1090-1095-

(f) A. J. B. Robertson, "The Thermal Decomposition of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate, Nitro-

glycerin, Ethylenediamine Dinitrate and Ammonium Nitrate," J Chem Ind 67, 221 (1948).

(g) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation

by Electrostatic Discharges, U.S. Dept of Int, Bureau ol Mines, kl 3Ü>?'A, 1^46.

(h) Various sources in the open literature.

(i) W. S. Cramer, Bulk Compressibility Data on Several High Explosives, NAVORD Report No.
4380, 15 September 195^ '

(j) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on PETN:


760 1041 772 843 904 1305 1246 407 318 1379
1170 1311 922 863 1274 1325 1276 527 838 1429
1260 1381 1182 1063 1284 1445 1316 857 1238 1489
1290 1451 1192 1133 1*H^ 1705 1376 1247 1318 1559
1300 1561 1212 1253 1885 1446 1517 1388 2179
1320 1611 1262 1343 2125 1456 1617 1568
1360 1651 1342 1493 1466 1737 1598
1380 1352 1533 1556 1797 1838
1390 1372 1796 2178
1430 1452

-^See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
Picramide ("A) (2,4;6-Trinitroanilijne)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgH. K, 0j 228

C 31.5 ™2 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % "56
H 1.8 o2N-r^^r-No2 CO % -14

H 24,5 \/ Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.76

0 42.2 NO Melting Point: °C 189 to 190

C/H Ratio 0.500 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C Decomposes before boiling

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n5>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 23
Sample Wt, mg 20

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 0-9
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 48.1

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Lead Azide 0.30
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 100

Trauzl Test, % TNT: 107

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100'C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 0.5
Density, gm/cc 1.72
Rate, meters/second 7300

Picramide (TNA) AMCP 706-177

Frogmentotion Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT — 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: High temperature heat
resistant explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 50,000 psi 1.72
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined:
Insoluble in water, slightly soluble in
alcohol and ether. Soluble in hot glacial
Underwater: acetic acid, hot ethyl acetate and in benzene
Peak Pressure and acetone.
Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm (a) 2962
Underground: Explosion, cal/gm 564
Peak Pressure Formation, cal/gm (a) 131

AMCP 70G-177 Picramide (TNA) (2^,6-^inltroajiillne)


Five grams of picryl chloride were dissolved in 180 milliliters of absolute methanol.
The solution was then saturated with anhydrous, gaseous ammonia. The time required was
approximately 30 minutes. The amino derivative precipitated in 78$ yield (3.6 gm) melting
at 190°C (literature MP l89°C).


Picramide (2,it,6-trinitroaniline) was first prepared in 185^ by Pisani who treated picryl
chloride with ammonium carbonate (CR 39, 853). The use of picramide, as a brisant explosive,
was patended by Chemische Fabrik Griesheim 26 IVfy 1894 (German Patent 84,628). Meisenheimer
and Patzig reacted trinitrobenzene with hydroxylamine in cold alcohol solution to obtain
picramide (Ber 39> 253^ (1906)). Witt and Witte obtained the compound by nitrating a solu-
tion of aniline in glacial acetic acid or concentrated HoS(X at about 5°C with concentrated
HKO^ (Ber 41, 3091 (1908)). Holleman gives details of the prep ation from p-nitroaniline
and from aoetanilide (Rec trav chim h$, 112 (1930)).


(a) William H. Rinkenbach, "The Heats of Combustion and Formation of Aromatic Nitro
Compounds," J Am Chem Soc 52, 116 (1930).

See footnote 1, page 10.

Picratol, 52/48 AMCP70S-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 236

Oxygen Balance:
Explosive D 52 COU % -63
CO % -19
TNT 48
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.62

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 17
Sample Wt, mg 19

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, ._:
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.37
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.68
% 135°C
Explosions 0
150°C 0.7
Partials 0
Burned 40 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 60 Sand, gm 45.9

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seoonds, 0.1 (no cap used) 1+56 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 354 Mercury Fulminate

5 Decomposes 285 Lead Azide 0.20
10 265 Tetryl 0.05
15 260
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 100
20 255
Traurl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.0 Plate Dent Test: (b)
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined ND
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.0
Density, gm/cc 1.63
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.05
Brisance, % TNT 100
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate: (b)

Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90%RH 0.02 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/ce I.63
Rate, meters/seeond 6970

AMCP 706-177 Picratol, 52/48

Fmgmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.61 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.075 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Brown-yellow
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 769
Principal Uses: AP, SAP projectiles and 'bombs
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.61
Charge Wt, lb 0.850

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 487
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.62
FragmentVelocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft 2590
At 25V2 ft 2320 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.62
Method Dry

Blest (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group ■ Group I

Peak Pressure 100
Impulse 100 Exudation None a t 65°C
Air, Confined:
Picratol is made by heating OTT to about
90°C in a steam-jacketed melt kettle. Explo-
sive D is added slowly, without preheating,
UnderWater and the mixture stirred until uniform in com-
Peak Pressure position. This slurry is cooled to about 85°C
Impulse and poured into the appropriate ammunition
Peak Pressure Developed during World War II as an insensi-
tive, melt-loaded AP bomb and projectile filler
Energy Booster Sensitivity Test: (c)

Bcmb Drop Test: Condition Cast

Tetryl, gn 100
TT, 2000-rb Semi-Armor-Piercin g Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 1.00
Bcmb vs Concrete: Density, gm/cc 1.63

Max Safe Drop, ft 10,000- 12,000

Picratol, 52/48 AMCP 706-177

References: ^9

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing, of Explosives, Part III " Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testin«, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(c) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Maro 10,303, 15 June 19^9-

(d) R< w- Drake, Fragment Velocity and Panel Penetration of Several Explosives in Simu-
lated Shells, OSRD Report No. 5622, 2 January 1946.

(e) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Picratol:

0 5 £ 7 8 2

li+70 1885 1^66 1737 1838 1729

1796 1797

59see footnote 1, page 10.

Picric Acid

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgHJ^Oy) 229

% OH
C 31-5 Oxygen Balance:
00, % -45
H 1-3 02N — -N0„ CO % -3-5

N 18.3 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.76

0 48.9 Melting Point: "C 122

C/H Ratio O.656 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 85
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 13
Sample Wt, mg 17 n2,
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 0.2
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.5
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 60
Burned 1+0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 0 Sand, gm 48.5

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

Mercury Fulminate 0.26*

5 Decomposes 320
Lead Azide 0.21+*
10 . . , Tetryl
15 * Alternative initiating charges.
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 112

Traurl Test, % TNT: 0>) 101

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.05 Plate Dent Test: (c)
10 OX Heat Test: Condition Pressed
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.03 Confined No
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.09 Density, gm/cc 1.50
Brisance, % TNT 107
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate: (a)
Flammability Index:
Confinement Unconfined
Condition Pressed Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.04 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0 1 25

Volatility: Density, gm/cc 1.64 1.71

Rate, meters/second 5270 7350

Picric Acid AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity lest: (c) Decomposition Equation:

Condition Pressed Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 10 5
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcol/mol)
Wax, gm 2 0 Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1.6 1.7 Phase

Heat of: Armor Plate Impact lest:

Combustion, cal/gm 2672
Explosion, cal/gm 1000
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 675 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 248 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm (e) 20.4
Temperature, C 122 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (e)
°C Plate Thickness, inches
0 0.235
30 0.258 1
60 0.282
90 0.310 U/4
120 0.337 IV2
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop lest:

Thermal Conductivity: (f)

6.24 x 10"^ 17, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, «m/cc X.koG
Max Safe Drop, ft
Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale: 2.1
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order,,
E', dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 Trials

Vapor Pressure: Low Order

"C mm Mercury High Order
195 2
255 50

AMCP 706-177 Picric Acid

Fragmentation Test: UMP«4 Caere« IffMtivtMM, TNT = 10«:

90 mm HE, M71 Project»«, lot WC>9t: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of fragments:

Cobr: Yellow
For Subject l-E
Principal Ut«*: Formerly projectile filler,
now explosive admixture; and for the
3 inch HE M42A1 Projectile, Ut KC-5:
manufacture of Explosive D
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Looding: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc ps> x 10
3 5 10 12 15 20
Frogment Velocity: ft/sec 1.1*0 1.50 . 1.57 1.59 1.61 1.64
At 9 ft
At 25% ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compotfoility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None

Air, Confinedr

Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177
P icric Acid

Solubility: grams ner 100 grams (#) of: (g)

Water Alcohol Benzene Toluene Ether

% i 2c i £c t £c i 2c i
0 0.85 0 4.5 0 ~2 20 *v 13 20 -3
20 1.17 20 6.9 20 9.6 60 '30 34.7 3.96
40 1.88 1*0 12.0 27.5
60 2.98 60 59
80 4.53
100 7.1

Chloroform Ethyl acetate tetrachloride Pyi idine Acetone
!£ i r i £c I ^C 4 £c i
20 -2 20 42 20 V0.07 10 24 20 125
60 -6 30 50 6o ~0.1+ 30 37.5 30 137
1+0 58 50 58 40 164
50 69 50 208

Methanol. ISO]oropvl alcohol Propanol-1 Carbon di! sulfide

Ü£ \ 2c t 2c i
0 14 10 6.4 0 2.4 20 0.12
20 19 30 9.8 20 3-3 30 0.16
itO 31 50 15.5 40 5.4
50 ltl 50 7.U

Preparation: (Summary Report of NDRC, Mv 8, Vol I)

C6H6 + Hg(B03)2 CgH5HgN03 + HN03 (1)

Pr-w worwn. j- w rv CgHjKO + Hg(K03)2 (2)

C^HrrKO + 2H0 — C6H5N2W03 (3a)

CgHjHgMOg + HgO \J£B. vn T Up T .mio3 (3b)

CgH50H + HHOg N0p 02NC6H^0H + Hgi0 (3c)

^ OgNCgHj^OH w
02KCgOH + HN03 NOn ^ (OgNjgCgHgOH + J^O (5)
(OgNjgCgHoOH + HMOs WOo _^ (OgN^CgHgOH + 1^0 (6)

AMCP 70G-177 Picric Acid

Ihe two variables of greatest importance in this process are nitric acid concentration and
the effective concentration of benzene (i.e. , benzene dissolved in the oxynitration solution).
The optimal concentration of nitric acid is in the range 10.4 to 11.6 molar (or the equivalent
of 50$ to 55$ by weight for pure acid). The acid concentration greatly influences the over
all rate of reaction, below 10.4 molar the rate falls off rapidly, while above 10.4 molar the
rates of both the oxynitration reaction and various side reactions, such as direct nitration,
increase rapidly. The range mentioned above seems, in general, to give the lowest proportion
of neutral nitro-compounds to nitro-phenols with, at the same time, an adequate rate of oxyni-
tration. The oxynitration solution must be fortified frequently, or, preferably, continuously
with nitric acid. Strengths of nitric acid between 95$ and 98%are best, due to the smaller
increase in reaction volume than if weaker acid were used. The use of absolute nitric acid
requires that its direct contact with liquid benzene be avoided.

The effective concentration of benzene is probably the most critical variable affecting
the proportion of neutral nitro-compounds to nitrophenols and amounts of colored by-products.
Saturation of the oxynitration solution with benzene is undesirable and thus in batch processes
slow benzene addition is preferable to the addition of it in one portion; in continuous pro-
cesses where an excess of benzene is used the rate of agitation is important.

The concentration of mercuric nitrate catalyst does not appear to be a critical factor
over a fairly wide range. Concentrations of 0.37 to 0.5 mole of mercuric nitrate per liter
of oxynitration solution have been found to give satisfactory results in most cases.

A continuous process, known as the continuous solution process, works on the following
cycle. The oxynitration solution is saturated with benzene "by vigorous agitation with excess
benzene at room temperature, the saturated solution is separated from excess benzene and cir-
culated through a heated coil; it is then cooled to room temperature and agitated again, with
benzene, which extracts the organic product and resaturates the oxynitration solution. In
evaluating this process, the rate of formation of dinitrophenol per liter of reacting solution
in the coil is determined; 70 gn of dinitrophenol per liter per hour is representative perfor-
mance. The dinitrophenol is, of course, nitrated to picric acid.


Picric Acid was first prepared in 1771 by Woulff who found the reaction of nitric acid
and indigo yielded a dye. Hausmann isolated Picric Acid in 1778 and studied it further
(Journal de physique 32, 165 (1788)). The preparation was studied by many chemists but in
1841 Laurent established its identity (Ann chim phys 111, 3, 221 (1841)). It was used as a
yellow dye until Turpin, in 1885, proposed Picric Acid as a bursting charge for high explosive
shell (French Patent 167,512). Tie British adopted Picric Acid as a military explosive in
1888 under the name of lyddite and other nations soon began to use it as the first melt-
loaded high explosive. Mixtures of other explosives and Picric Acid were developed until it
was gradually replaced by THT about 1900. Today Picric Acid is used for the manufacture of
Explosive D.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Picric Acid is decomposed by dissolving in 25 times its weight of a solution made from
lpart sodium hydroxide and 21 parts sodium sulfide (NagS^HgO) in 200 parts of water. Some
hydrogen sulfide and ammonia are evolved.

Picric Acid AMCP 706-177

References: 6°

(a) L- C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III ~ Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 19^5'

(b) Ph. Naoum, Z ges Schiess-Sprengstoffw, pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, HAugust 19^2.

(d) G. H. Messerly, The Rate of Detonation of Various Explosive Compounds. OSRD Report
No. 1219, 22 February I9I+3.

M D. Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures, OSRD Report
No. 5611, 15 January 19^

(e) International Critical Tables.

(f) E. Hutchinson, The Thermal Sensitiveness of Explosives. The Thermal Conductivity

Explosive Materials, AC Report No. 2861, First Report, August 1MT.

(g) Values taken from various sources in the open literature.

(h) Also see' the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Picric Acid:

12 ii^6 7 8 2
1651 132 1383 69h 65 266 13V7 1118 15^9
582 76k ij-25 556 1557
1172 874 1585 926
1352 976

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 PIPE

Composition: Molecular Weight: 310

Oxygen Balance:
PETK 81 CO, % -74
CO % -31
Gulf Crown E 0 i 1 19
Density: gm/cc Hand tamped 1.35

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 11
27 n25
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.48
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 16 hours 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partiab 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 41.6

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Chorge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.20*
5 Decomposes*
Lead Azide 0.20*
*Alternaxlve initiating charg 2S.
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
*No value obtained.
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: (a)
Method B
100°C Heat Test: Condition Hand tamped
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.17 Confined No

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00 Density, gm/cc 1-33

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT 76
Detonation Rate:
Flommobility Index: Confinement None
Condition Hand tamped
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ KH 0.02 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1-37
Rate, meters/second 7075

PIPE AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1-33 Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb 1-723 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT 703
For Subject HE 519
Principal Uses: Plastic demolition explosive

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, LotKC-5:

Density, gm/cc 1-39
Charge Wt, lb 0-735

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Hand tamped

ForTNT 51^
For Subject HE 428
Loading Density: gm/cc 1- 35

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method ^y

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined:
Impulse PIPE, a mechanical mixture of PETN and Gulf
Crown E Oil, was developed in the United States
during World War 11.
Under Water:
Peak Pressure References: 61
(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical
Energy Testing of Explosives, Part Ill-Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Re-
Underground: port No. 57^6) 27 December 1945.
Peak Pressure
(b) S. Livingston, Properties of Explosives
RIPE, PIPE and PEP-3, Picatinny Arsenal Techni-
Energy cal Report 1517, 24 April 19^5-

PIPE is manufactured by simple mechanical

mixing of PETN in oil.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Plumbatol

Composition: Molecular Weight: 291

Oxygen Balance:
Lead Nitrate TO CO, % -5.4
CO % +9-3
TNT 30
Density: gm/cc

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 13 _D
Sample Wt, mg 22
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Partie Is
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 32 A

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminote
5 Decomposes 238 Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.10
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat lest:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate: (b)

Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc 2.89
Rate, meters/second W50

Plumbatol AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones (a)
Density, gm/cc Hole Volume 114
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth 10 3

Total No. of Fragments: Color: Light yellow

For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

FragmentVelocity: ft/sec
At 9ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Air: Compotibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Air, Confined:
Impulse An explosive containing JOfo lead nitrate
and 30$ TNT has been used in Belgium under the
name of "Marcarite."
Peak Pressure References:
(a) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investi-
Energy gation of Cavity Effect, Sec III, Variation of
Cavity Effect with Explosive Composition, WDRC
Underground: Contract W-672-0RD-5723.
Peak Pressure
(b) Thorpe's Dictionary of Applied Chem-
Impulse istry, Fourth Edition, Vol TV, Longmans, Green
Energy and Company, London _ New York _ Toronto,
p. 464.

Plumbatol is manufactured by simple

mechanical mixing of lead nitrate in molten

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 70G-177 PLX (Liquid)

100 9?/i
Composition: Molecular Weight: —77
% # 61 61
Nitromethane 100 95 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % "39 -48
Ethylenediamine — 5
CO % -13 -21

is designated PLX (forPicati nny Liquid. Explo- Density: gm/cc 1.14 1.12

Melting Point: °C _29

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: it 95/5 Boiling Point: °C 101

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+ 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg 20 20 n25
friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 10Trials 5 Trials

i0 135°C
Partials 0 0
Burned 0 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test: 100 95/5
Unaffected 100 100 Sand, gm 8.1 50.6

Explosion Temperature: "C °c Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 100 25/5 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 430 ^30 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: 13^
Trauzl Test, % PA T
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined

Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate: l/32"* 1/32"*

Flammability Index: Confinement Glass Glass
Condition Liquid Liquid
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.25 0.94
Density, gm/cc 1.14 1.12
*TuReteJBTiet*sXaE,cDiatis 6210 6165
=—-be v-ill thicknes

PLX (Liquid)

Booster sensitivity lest: Nitromethane Decomposition Feiustinrv (d) Nitromethane

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec lO"""**'0
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 56.6
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 380-1+30

Density, gm/cc Phase Gaseous

Heat of: (a) Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, col/gm 2830
Explosion, col/gm 60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm "3^-8 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
Vaporization, cai/gm 1^9 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:

Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (b)

Plate Thickness, inches
C = 0.U209 - 0.00076t + O.OOOOOÖlt2
P for 15°C to 70°C

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombvi Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
B, dynes/cm-
E, lb/inch- 1000-lb General Purpose Bombys Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch* Triols

Vapor Pressure: ( c) Low Order

°C mm Mercury High Order
70 258
85 kkk

AMCP 706-177 PLX (Liquid).

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, ib Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Minefield clearing
3 inch HE,M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, Ib

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pumping
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
inn 9515.
1.1k 1.12
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9ft
At 25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Components stored separately;
mixed only when ready to use
Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Air, Confined:
nimum Propagating 100 95/5
Thickness, in: 0-5 5TÖS-
Visrnsity rpn ti pni ;p g ■ (e)
Peak Pressure Temp, 10 C 0.7^8
Impulse 25°C 0.625
ltO°C 0-533
Compatibility with Metals:
Peak Pressure Stainless steel, mild steel and duriron
impulse not affected: corrodes brass.

AMCP 706 177
PLX (Liquid "


Nitromethane has been known since 1872 (Kolbe, J prakt Chem (2) 5, k2J (1872), but was
available only as a laboratory product until it appeared as an industrial chemical in 19^-0.
A number of patents have been issued for nitromethane produced as a by-product of the nitra-
tion of propane (U. S. Patent 1,967,667 (193*0; British Patent Mt3,707 (1937); and Canadian
Patent 371,007 (1938).

The development of nitromethane liquid explosives was based on information that nitro-
methane is sensitized to initiation and propagation of detonation by the addition of various
amines. This study made at Picatinny Arsenal in 19^-5 indicated that mixtures of nitromethane
with 5$ of ethylenediamine, n-butyl-amine, or morpholine showed considerable promise for ap-
plication in mine-field clearance (L. H. Eriksen and J. W. Rowen, PAIR No. 1565, 17 September

(a) D. E. Holcomb and C. F. Dorsey, "Thermodynamic Properties of Nitroparaffins," Ind

Engr Chem kl, 2788 (l9*+9).

(b) J. W. Williams. "A Study of the Physical Properties of Nitromethane," J Am Chem Soc
ill, 2bkk (1925).

(C) L. Medard, "Explosive Properties of Nitromethane," Mem poudr 33, 125 (1951).

(d) T. L. Cottrell, T- E. Graham and T. J. Reid, "The Thermal Decomposition of Nitro-

methanes, " Transactions of the Faraday Society Vf, 58^ (1951).

(e) F. Bellinger, H. B. Friedman, W. H. Bauer, J. W. Eastes and W. C. Bull, "Chemical

Propellants: Stability of Mononitromethane," Ind Engr Chem kO, 1320 (19W).

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Nitromethane:

1660 1681 2113 1565 ■ 2016 17^7 1708 1619

"see footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177
Potassium Dlnitrobenzfuroxan (KDHBg)

Composition: Molecular Waigiit: (KCgH^Og) 225

c 27.3 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % -60
H 0.ti-
co% -18
ll 21.2
0 36.3 02N —1 Deniity: gm/cc 2.21
K 14.8
Melting Point: °C Explodes 210

C/H Ratio 0.416 Freezing feint: °C

Impoct Sensitivity, i Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm *-
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 3 (1 lb wt) 6
Sample Wt, mg 7
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vocuum Stability To*»:
Steel Shoe Explodes cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Explodes 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram ft«mb Sand Teat:
Unaffected Sand, gm Mt.8 43.6
Black pnwrter -fusp q.g
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate O.3O 0.20
5 250 Lead Azide 0.10
10 Tetryl

75°C International Heat Test:

% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent lest:

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.03
Density, gm/ec
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.05
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopic ity: 30°C, 75/o EH 0.11
Charge Diameter, in.
30°C> 90$ EH 0.27
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

Potassium Dinitrooenzfuroxan (KDHBF) AMCP 706-177

Boetrer SentMvity Tee»: Decompofitioa louatien:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH,kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Ronge, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

He«» of: Armor Mate, Impact Test:

Combustion, cal/gm 2209
Explosion, cal/gm 725
40 MI Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 604 50% tnert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
SQO-lb General Purpete Bombs;
Specific Heat; col/gWC (b)
Plate Thickness, inches

-50 0.217 1
0 0.217
25 0.217
50 0.217 i%

Burnine Rate:
■omb Drop Teer:

Thetmel Condwetivltys
T7, 2000-tb Semi-Armer-Pierclna lamb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of {sponsion;
Linear, %/°C S00-tt> General Purpose Bomb vi Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hara>ett, Mod*' Scale:
Vi - - Low Order
Young's Mo4uiu<:
High Order
E', dynes/cm-'
E, lb/inch-
1000-lb General Purpose Bomb v» Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
fjoatpretiive Strength: lb/inch^ Triols
Vapor Preuure: La/v Order
°C mm Mercury High Order

AMCP 706-177 Potassium Dinitrobenzfuroxan (KDNBF)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Orange t 0 brown
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Primary explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Psl x 10
10 20 30 40 80
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec 1-63 1.77 1.81 1.86 1.98
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group M (wet)

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Solubility in Water,
Air, Confined: gm/100 gm solvent, at:
30°C 0.245
Underwater: Stab Sensitivity:
Peak Pressure
Density Firing Point (inch-ounces)
Impulse sm/cc 0?b 50f, 100$
1.63 73 79 84
1.77 66 75 83
Underground: 1.81 42 48 64
Peak Pressure 1.86 12 15 18
Impulse 1.93 11 17 21
1.98 7 11 14
Activation Energy:

kcal/mol 82.6
Induction Period, sec 0.5-10

Potassium Dinitrobenzf uroxan (KDHBF) AMCP 706-177

Preparation of Potassium Salt of ^,6-dinitrobenzfuroxan; (a)

Benzfuroxan, made by the reaction of ortho-nitroaniline and alkaline sodium hypochlorite,

was dissolved in 6 parts of 9&jo sulf'uric acid and nitrated at 5°-20°C with a k to 1 sulfuric-
nitric acid mixture. The salt was prepared by neutralization of the 4,6-dinitrobenzfuroxan
with potassium bicarbonate followed by recrystallization from hot water. The product forms
in small golden orange plates which explode at 210°C.


The potassium salt of 4,6-dinitrobenzfuroxan was first prepared in 1899 by von P. Drost
(Ann 307, 56 (1899)).

References: "^

(a) R. J. Gaughran, J. P. Picard and J. V. R. Kaufman, "Contribution to the Chemistry of

Benzfuroxan Derivatives, " J Am Chan Soc 76, 2233 (195*0-

(b) C. Lenchitz, Ice Calorimeter Determination of Enthalpy and Specific Heat of Eleven
Organometallic Compounds, PAIR No. 2224, November 1955.

(c) Also see -the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Potassium Dinitro-

1 3 6 a
2122 2093 2146 2179

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 BSÄ-*

Composition: Molecular Weight: 252

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 30
- 9
Tetryl 50
Density: gm/cc 1.68
TNT 20
Melting Point: "C Eutectic 67

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 44
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg n25
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 3-0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Explosions 20
Partials 20
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 60 Sand, gm 54.8

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.23*
5 Lead Azide 0.22*
^Alternative initiating charges.
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 132

Trauzl lest, % TNT:

75°C International Heot lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: ("b)
Method B

100°C Heat Test: Condition Cast

Confined Ho
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 1.68
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT 127
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygrosco icity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
30ÖC, 90%RH, 15 days 0.00
Density, gm/cc 1.64
Rate, meters/second 7655

AMCP 70G-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.64 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.180 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT 703
For Subject HE 999
Principal Uses: Land mines and demolition
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.63
Charge Wt, lb 0.861+

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For TNT 5lA
For Subject HE 685
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.68

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft 2690
At 25Mi ft 2460 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.6^
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Compatibility Group Group I

Air: (d)
Peak Pressure 111
Exudation Exudes a t 65 C
Impulse 109

Air, Confined:
Impulse The ternary explosive system consisting of
RDX, tetryl and TNT is prepared by adding the
appropriate weight of water-wet RDX to a tetry-
tol (ho/60) previously melted in a steam-
Peak Pressure
jacketed melt kettle. Heating and stirring
Impulse are continued until all the water is evaporated
Energy and the mixture is uniform in composition.
PTX-1 is also prepared by adding tetryl to RDX
Composition B.
Peok Pressure Compatibility with Metals:
DJ^C. Aluminum, mild steel not affected.
Wet: Aluminum, mild steel not affected.
Booster Sensitivity Test: (c)
Condition Pressed Cast
Tetryl, gm 100 100
Wax, in. for 50/o Detonation 1.94 1.82
Density, gm/cc 1.61 1.68

AMCP 706-177 PTX-1


The possibility of employing ternary mixtures to obtain explosives having greater power
and higher brisance than binary mixtures was suggested by the analysis of Russian 76 mm.
armor piercing high explosive rounds (PATR No. 1311, 17 July 19^3) • The Russian'type ternary
explosives, based on the composition and laboratory studies of such mixtures, were indicated
to be effective pressed fillers. In conducting a preliminary study of castable ternary explo-
sive mixtures suggested by the Russian fillers, a mixture consisting of KDX/tetryl/MT, desig-
nated PTX-1 was developed which had explosive and physical properties offering considerable
advantage for military applications (PATR No. 1360, 27 October 19^3; and 1379, 11 January

A PTX-3 composition, prepared by the addition of Haleite to ho/60 tetrytol, also offered
promise but limited to applications where the charge would not be required to withstand stor-
age at 65°C without exudation.

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, ORD Report No. 57kb, 27 December 1945.

(b) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

(c) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mam 10,303, 15 June 1949.

(d) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr. , Blast Effects of Bomb Explosives, PA Tech Div Lecture,
9 April 19h8.

(e) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on PTX-1:


153C 1402 1623 11+66 1A37 1379

1506 li+29

65 See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 244 2^3

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 44 - in
CO, % -33 -36
CO % - 3 - 4
PETN 28 - 26

Density: gm/cc 1.70

TNT 28 - 33
Melting Point: "C Eutectic 75

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 35
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°o
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Crackles cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 2.6
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 60
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 40 Sand, gm 56.9

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.21
5 LeadAzide 0.00
10 Tetryl 0.00
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 138

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test: (ID)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined No
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 1-71
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT lUl
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity- % Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
30°C, 90/» RH, 15 days 0.00
Density, gm/cc 1.70
Rate, meters/second 8065

AMCP 706-177 PTX-2

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.68 Hole Volume ~130
Charge Wt, lb 2.226 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT 703
For Subject HE 1128
Principal Uses: Shaped charges
Fragmentation charges
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.70
Charge Wt, lb 0.897

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

ForTNT 51^
For Subject HE 750
Loading Dentity: gm/cc 1.70

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft 3020
At25y2 ft 2850 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.70
Method ßry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: (d) Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 113
Impulse 113 Exudation None at 65°C
Air, Confined:
Impulse The ternary explosive system consisting of
RDX, PEIN and TNT is prepared by adding the
Underwater: appropriate weight of water-wet RDX to a pen-
Peak Pressure tolite (30/70) previously melted in a steam-
jacketed melt kettle. Heating and stirring
are continued until all the water is evaporated
Energy and the mixture is uniform in composition.
PTX-2 is also prepared by adding water-wet
Underground: PETN to RDX Composition B.
Peak Pressure
Compatibility with Metals:
Dry: Aluminum, mild steel not affected.
Wet: Aluminum not affected.
Rnnctpr Sen c i t i vi ty Tpst' 0
Condition Presse d Cast
Tetryl, gn 100 100
Wax, in. for 50$ Detonat ion 1.87 2.32
Density, gm/cc 1.70 1.61

PTX_2 AMCP 706-177


The possibility of employing ternary mixtures to obtain explosives having greater power
and higher brisance than binary mixtures was suggested by the analysis of Russian 76 mm, armor-
piercing high explosive rounds (PATR No. 1311, 17 July 19^3). The Russian type ternary explo-
sives, based on the composition and laboratory studies of such mixtures, were indicated to be
effective pressed fillers. In conducting a preliminary study of castable ternary explosive
mixtures suggested by the Russian fillers, a mixture consisting of RDX/PETN/TMT, designated
RTX-2 was developed which had explosive and physical properties offering considerable advan-
tage for military applications (PATR No. 1360, 27 October 1943; and 1379, llJanuary 1944).

A PTX-4 composition, prepared by the addition of Haleite to 30/70 Pentolite, also offered
promise but because of border-line stability in accelerated stability tests, PTX-4 must be
proven by long term storage to be acceptable for use in standard ammunition.

References: °°

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 3746, 27 December 1945.

(b) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(c) L< C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for
Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mam 10,303, 15 June T9W.

(d) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Blast Effects of Bomb Explosives, PA Tech Dlv Lecture, 9 April
(e) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on PTX-2:


1530 1482 1483 1414 1445 1466 1838 1379

1623 1429

^See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 WA-k

Composition: Molecular Weight: 217

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 90 COo % -37
CO % -10
Polyvinyl Acetate 8
Density: gm/cc Pressed 1.60
Dibutylphthalate 2

ÄÄnttt: °C 92
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 39
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 9
Sample Wt, mg 13

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Crackles cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.45
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: 5Trials *
120°C 0.88
m 135°C
150°C 11+
Portiafe 0
Burned 60 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
f Sand, gm 58.5
*Ü9f tv^iis at -h6°C - Unaffected
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 330 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 375 Lead Azide 0.22
10 265 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Traurl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.10 Confined
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.06
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90/o RH 0.20 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Volatility: 55°C, vacuo, 6 hrs
0.03 Rate, meters/second 7910

PVA-1+ AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume

Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Demolition charges

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed or extruded
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.60

FragmentVelocity: ft/sec
At 9ft
At25V2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None a t 71 C


Air, Confined: Plasticity:

-^0°C Cracked
Peak Pressure 25°C 0.3


Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 m_4


Explosive FVA-H, a semi-plastic composition of Canadian origin, consists of 90$ RDX, 8$

polyvinyl acetate and 2$ dibutylphthalate (DBP). This formulation was developed by Dr. Suther-
land of Shawinigan Chemicals, Ltd. In evaluating various types of polyvinyl acetate commer-
cially available in the United States, a type obtained from Union Carbide and Carbon, under
the industrial named or designation "AYAT" ttas the most promising coating for RDX in the pro-
portions RDX/PVA(AYAT)/DBP 92/6/2.

A practical method of preparing this composition was by the addition of a solution of the
coating agent to an aqueous RDX slurry. Based dn the quality of the product and the pellet
densities obtained, a procedure of adding an acetone solution of FVA + DBP to a hot water
slurry of RDX, under agitation, was adopted as standard.

References: 67

(a) See the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on PVA-4: 1532 and 163h.

See footnote 1, page 10.

FVN (Polyvinyl Nitrate) AMCP 706-177

Competition; Molecular Weight: (CgHgNOg) ^ (89)n

C 27 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % -45
3 .h CO % - 9
(H C-CH-0N02)n
15.6 " ' Density: gm/cc

o 54 Melting Point: °C (Soft Pb) 50

C/H Ratio 0.203 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Se«siti»ity, 2 Kg Wt: I!K86$N Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatys, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°o
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 4
Sample Wt, mg
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Crackles cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90 "C
100°C l6 hourq 11+
Rifle Buflet Impact Test: Trials 11+
120°C l6 hours
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 49.9

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate --
5 265 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trouil Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heof Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 1.9
2.1 Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rc'r«:
Flammobility |n,dex: Confinement
Hygroieopieity; % 30°C, 90^ RH 0.62
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/ec
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 WH (Polyvinyl Nitrate)

Fragmentation Test:
Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91:

Glass Cones Steel Cones
Density, gm/cc
Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT Color:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE

Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Air, Confined: 35.5 C KI Test:

Minutes 60+
Under Water: -3^-5°C Heat Test:
Peak Pressure Minutes
Salmon Pink 20
Red Fumes 25
Explodes 300+
'^0-Hour Hydrolysis Test:
Peak Pressure
t HNOo 5-07
Energy 'eat of:

Combustion, cal/gm 2960

Explosion, cal/gm 900
Gas Volume, cc/gm

FVN (Polyvinyl Nitrate) AMCP 70S-177


Polyvinyl alcohol is mixed with acetic anhydride. The mixture is cooled to -5 C and the
nitric acid is added slowly while the mass is being stirred. The temperature is controlled
by the rate of acid addition so that when all the acid has been added the temperature does
not rise above 20 C.

When the nitration is complete, the mixture is drowned by allowing a fine stream of the
syrupy liquid to flow from the nitrator and mix intimately with a large stream of water. This
causes the product to precipitate in a fine state.

The finely divided precipitate is purified by boiling in frequent changes of water.


The first preparation of polyvinyl nitrate was reported in 1929 by solution of polyvinyl
alcohol in concentrated sulfuric acid and treatment with nitrating acid at a temperature not
over 50°C. (German Patent 537,303). Later patents issued relative to polyvinyl nitrate in-
cluded U. S. Patent 2,118,487 (1938) and German Patent 737,199 (19^3)-

AMCP 706-177 RIPE

Composition: Molecular Weight: 230

Oxygen Balance:
RDX 85 00, % -70
CO % -35
Gulf Crown E Oil 15
Density: gm/cc Hand tantped 1.37

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 53
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, r\°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 13
Sample Wt, mg 25 n25
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C --
100°C 0-3^
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
120°C O.56
% 135°C
Explosions 0
PortiaE 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 40.1

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes: no value obtained
Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 118

Traurl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent lest: (b)
Method B

100°C Heat Test: Condition Hand tamped

% Lass, 1st 48 Hrs 0.03 Confined ND

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.04 Density, gm/cc 1.37

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT 85

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement None
Condition Hand tamped
Hygrosoopioity: % 30°C, 90% EH 0.04
Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.37
Rate, meters/second 7390

RIPE AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.36 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 1.766 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 592
Principal Uses: Plastic demolition explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.42
Charge Wt, lb 0.756

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Hand tamped
For TNT 53*
For Subject HE 501
Loading Density: gm/cc 1. 37

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft 2650
At 251/2 ft 2370 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1-395
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure None at 85°C in 30 hrs
Impulse Exudation None at 95°C in 48 hrs
Exudes at 105°C in 48 hrs

Air, Confined:
Impulse RIPE, a mechanical mixture of RDX and Gulf
Crown E Oil, was developed in the United States
Under Water: during World War II.
Peak Pressure
(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical
Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, OSRD Re-
Underground: port Wo. 5746, 27 December 1945.
Peak Pressure
(h) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical
Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.
Preparation: (c) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal
Technical Reports on RIPE: 1713. 1695 and 1517-
RIPE is manufactured ty simple mechanical
mixing of RDX in oil.

"^See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Silver Azide

Composition: Molecular Weight: (AgW-,) 150

Oxygen Balance:
K 28.0
COU % -5
Ag 72.0 CO % -5
Density: gm/cc Crystal 5-1

Melting Point: °C (a) 251

Decomposes rapirHv nhrrve. melting pni nt t.n
silver and nitrogen.
C/H Ratio Freezing Point: C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 6
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 3
Sample Wt, mg 18 n25

Friction Pendulum Test: PA Small Apparatus

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Detonates cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Detonates 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
^3&#TWder fuie} 18.9
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 310 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Explodes 290 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % Fg(0NC)2 (c) aa
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % (b) 25°C, 100$ RH 0.0^1
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 75°C, 24 hrs 0.00
Rate, meters/second

Silver Azide AMCP70G-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments: Color: White to gray

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Initiators
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density:gm/cc Variable

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Compatibility Group Group M

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Air, Confined: Initiating: Efficiency:

Impulse Grams Required to Give (c)
Complete Initiation of TNT 0.02-0.05
Under Water:
Peak Pressure Solubility in 100 gn Solvent
at Room Temperature:
Solvent Grams
Water (b) 0.006
Underground: Ammonium hydroxide Soluble
Peak Pressure Nitric acid Decomposes
Ether (b) 0.017
Impulse Ethyl alcohol, 95$ 0.006
Energy Acetone 0.015
Explosive Power: (f) Unaffected by water and 0.0^. (d)

Kilogram meters 192,000 Heat of:

io Mercury Fulminate 1.097 Ksptosien, esi/iffl (c, d) 452
Formation, cal/gm (e) 67.8

AMCP 706-177 Silver Azide


WaN3 + AgNOj —»• AgKj Jr + HaWO,

Prepare the following aqueous solutions:

a. 5$ NaNo, sodium azide, 50 cc

b. 2% AgK03, silver nitrate, 25 cc

The silver nitrate solution is placed in a 200 cc cdnductive rubber beaker equipped with a
hard wood stirrer operated by an air motor. The sodium azide solution is placed in a separa-
tory funnel fastened in a ring stand above the beaker containing the silver nitrate, A long
cord (10 ft) is fastened to the stopcock of the separatory funnel so that the funnel can be
emptied by remote control. The silver nitrate solution ife now stirred very rapidly and the
sodium azide is slowly run into the nitrate solution. Stirring is continued for 5 minutes.
The contents of the beaker are filtered through folded filter paper and washed free of sodium
azide and silver nitrate with distilled water.

Silver azide should be stored under water in a conductive rubber container. This prepara-
tion td.ll yield approximately 7 grams.

The preparation should be conducted under a hood and behind a barricade. The product ob-
tained by the above procedure has a very fine particle size, almost colloidal. Very fine sil-
ver azide is safer to handle and is just as efficient and stable as the large, coarse crystal-
line material (Ref b). When a thin film of fine silver azide is precipitated on mercury ful-
minate, tetryl, etc., these substances are as efficient weight for weight as pure silver azide
(Ref g). White silver azide is less affected by light than mercury or lead azide (Ref h).
Long colorless crystals which explode on breaking are obtained from ammonium hydroxide.


Silver azide was first prepared in 1890-1 by T. Curtius (Ber £3_, 3032: Ber 2k, 33I+U-5) by
passing hydrazoic acid (HN-,) into neutral silver nitrate solution. Taylor and Rinkenbach pre-
pared pure "collodial" aggregates and showed its sensitivity depends upon its particle size
(Army Ordnance 5_j 824 (1925). Silver azide was found in a detonator of foreign ammunition for
the first time in 19^5 (Ref i)i

References •.

(a) A. R. Hitch, "Thermal Decomposition of Certain Inorganic Trinitrides," J Am Chan Soc

40/1195 (1918).

(b) C. A. Taylor and Wm. H< Rinkenbach. " Silver Azide: An Initiator of Detonation," Army
Ordnance, Vol 5> p. 824 (1925).

(c) E. De W. S. Colver, High Explosives, London and New York, p. 527-

(d) A. Stettbacher, Spreng u. Schiesstoffe, Rascher, Zurich, p. 97 (1948).

(e) A. Marshall, Explosives, 2nd Ed, Vol II, p. 767, London.

(f) A. Stettbacher, Z ges Schiess-Sprengstoffw 10, pp. 193-211+ (1915).

See footnote 1, page 10.

Silver Azide AMCP 706477

(g) F. Blechta, Chim et Ind Special No. 921-5 (June 1933); C A. 28, 646.

(h) L. Wohler and W. Krupko, Berichte U6, 20^7-2050 (1913).

(i) F. G. Haverlak, Examination of 120A5 MM HE Shell Italian (FMAMA6>1, PAIR No. 1515,
10 April 19^5-

AMCP 706-177 Tetracene

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C2HgN100) 188

Oxygen Balance:
C 12.8 CO= % -60
NH NH CO% -43
H 4.3 II //
N 74.4 t \ Density: gm/cc At 3000 psi 1.05
8.5 2 Melting Point: "C Explodes 140-160

C/H Ratio 0.068 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 7
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.2; (8 oz vt) 8
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand gm 28.0
Black ■powder fuse 4.0
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.40
5 l60 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT: (a) 61
75°C International Heat Test:
0.5 Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
23.2 Confined
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.77 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

Tetracene AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. c£ Fragments: Color: Pale yellow

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Priming compositions and
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method cf Loading: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 3000 psi 1.05
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Compatibility Group Group M

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Air, Confined:
Impulse Practically insoluble in water, alcohol,
acetone, ether, benzene, carbontetrachloride
Under Water: or ethylenedichloride.
Peak Pressure
Sensitivity to Electrostatic
Discharge. Joules: (b)
Unconfined O.OIO
Confined 0.012
Peak Pressure Heat of:
Impulse Explosion, cal/gm 658
Energy Gas Volume, cc/gm 1190

Initiating Efficiency:
Tetracene is not efficient in initiating
high explosives.

AMCP 706-177 Tetracene


(Rinkenbach and Burton, Army Ordnance 12, 120 (1931)).

Tetracene is prepared by dissolving 5 gms of aminoguanidine dinitrate in 30 cc of water,

cooling to 0°C and mixing with a solution of 2.5 gms of sodium nitrate i n 15 cc of water. The
temperature is maintained at about 10°C and 0.5 gn of acetic acid is added. The tetracene
separates out and is washed with water, alcohol and ether. It is then dried.

Tetracene may also be prepared by placing aminoguanidine sulphate and sodium nitrite in a
large beaker and adding water heated to 30°C. The heat of reaction causes the mixture to boil;
after standing for two or three hours the separated tetracene is filtered off, washed thoroughly
and dried.

Ori a in:

Tetracene was first prepared in 1910 by Hoffman and Roth (Ber i+3, 682) who also studied its
chemical reactions and determined, its structure (Hoffman et al, Ber 2+3, 1087, 1866 (1910); Ber
hh, 2k96 (1911); and Ann 3Ö0, 131 (1911)). W. H. Rinkenbach and 0. Burton made an extensive
study of tetracene and described its manufacture and explosive properties (Army Ordnance 12,
120 (1931)).
Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Tetracene is decomposed by adding it to boiling water and continuing boiling for some time
to insure complete decomposition.

(a) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous

Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, UKKD Report No. 3/4b, 2'f December T9W-

(b) F. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation

by Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Dept of Int, Bureau ot Mines, Hl 3Ö52, 1946.

(c) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Tetracene:

£13 4 7 8 9

1^50 11 453 1104 ^07 313 859

2164 2179

70see footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (O^HAOg) 347

% 02K II H02
Oxygen Bolanee:
c hi.6 ^K^^ 00, % -85
CO % -30
H 1.4
0 IiJ -N0„ Density: gm/cc
2 ^\ / ^\v^

Melting Point: °C Pure 1,3,6,8- isomer 296

0 37-0
C/H Ratio 1.032 Freezing Point: °C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nä
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 18
Sample Wt, mg nS

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.2
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 0.2
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm lt-1.3

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm

1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes ^70 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.25
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test,, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.15
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.05
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.01
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Tetranitrocarbazole (TNC)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Component of igniter and
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: pyrotechnic compositions
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation

Air, Confined: Solubility in Water,

Impulse gm/100 gn ($>) , at:

95°C o.lO
Peak Pressure Qualitative Solubilities:
Solvent Solubility
Nitrobenzene Very soluble
Underground: Acetone Soluble
Peak Pressure Benzene Insoluble
Chloroform Insoluble
Carbontetrachloride Insoluble
Energy Ether Insoluble
Ether, petroleum Insoluble

Tetranitrocarbazole (TNC)
AMCP 70G-177


Sulfonation: Fifty-six gms of carbazole is dissolved in 320 gms of HgSOL {96$, specific
gravity 1.84). The solution is agitated during the addition of the carbazole and the tempera-
ture maintained at 25°-35°C. After the addition of the carbazole is completed, the agitation
is continued and solution completed by raising the temperature to 80°-85°C and maintaining
this temperature €or one hour. The sulphate is now cooled to 20°C.

Nitration: The sulfonate solution is slowly added to 168 gms of HNOo (Plant grade specific
gravity 1.525 at 15°C) maintaining the temperature at 30° to 50°C. (Time required - 1 hour 25
minutes). The temperature is then gradually raised to 70° to T5°C and maintained for one hour
after which the temperature is raised to 85 to 90°C and held for one hour, then lowered to
room temperature before drowning.

Drowning: The nitration mixture is drowned by pouring it into 2 to 3 volumes of ice and

Filtering: The separated light yellow product is filtered on a Büchner Funnel and washed
with water twice to remove most of the acid.

Purification: The TNC is placed in hot water (95° to 100°C) and boiled for five to ten
minutes with rapid agitation, allowed to settle then filtered and washed once. This proce-
dure is repeated twice, making a total of three "boilings." The final wash is acid free.

Drying: The TNC is spread in a thin layer and dried at 100° to 110°C for four hours.

Yield: 73-3$-

Melting Point of TNC as prepared: 280°C (compares to 296°C for pure 1,3,6,8-isomer in pre-
ceding data).


The preparation of Tetranitrocarbazole (TNC) was first reported in 1880 by C. Graebe (Ann
202, 26 (l880))who nitrated carbazole with 9^ nitric acid. Similar procedures were followed
by R. Escales (Ber 37, 3596 (1904))and P. Zierch (Ber h2, 38OO 1909>X However, G. L. Ciami-
cian and P. P. Silber observed the formation of four isomeric TNC's when acetyl carbazole was
treated with fuming nitric acid (Gazz chim ital 12, 272 1882);). In 1912 and 1913 patents were
issued to the dyestuff manufacturer, Casella and Company, covering the preparation of polyni-
trocarbazoles (German Patent 268,173 and French Patent 464,538). The Casella process of

AMCP 706-177 Tetranitrocarbazole (TNC)

preparing polynitrocarbazoles by dissolving carbazole in sulfuric acid and treating the solu-
tion of sulfonic acids with strong nitrating agents is essentially the process used today in
the United States. The crude product, thus prepared, contains principally 1,3>6,8-TKC (W.
Borsche and B. G. B. Schölten Ber 50, 596 (1917) and about 10$ of the 1,2,6,8-OTC isomer
(D. B. Murphy et al J Am Chem Soo 75, 4289 (1953). THG was used in explosives by the Germans
during World Wr II.

(a) D. B. Murphy, F. B. Schwartz, J. P. Picard and J. V. R. Kaufman, "Identification of

Isomers Formed in the Nitration of Carbazole," J Am Chem Soc, J_5, 1*289-1*291 (1953).

(b) S. Livingston, Preparation of Tetranitrocarbazole, PA Chemical Research Laboratory

Report No. 136,330, 11 April 1951.

(c) D. B. Murphy et al, Long Range Basic Technical Research Leading to the Development of
Improved Ignition Type Powders - The Chemistry of Tetranitrocarbazole, PA Memorandum Report
No. 22, 2 September 1952.

(d) S. Livingston, Development of Improved Ignition Tvpc Powders. PATR No. 236Ö July 1956.

(e) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Tetranitrocsrbazole:

0 2 2 4 7

2180 1802 1973 I98it 1647


^See footnote 1, page 10.

2,^,2' ,k' -Tetranitro-oxanilide (TNO) AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C1jtHgNg010) 420

i r Oxygen Balance:
C 40.0
CX), % -84
NH NH CO % -31
H 1.9

Density: gm/cc
N 20.0

Melting Point: °C Decomposes 313

0 38.1

C/H Ratio 0.735 NO? N0_ Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau or Mines rtppara IUS, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Appa •atus, in. 30 _D
Sample Wt, mg 11

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 0.11
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 16.3

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seoonds, 0. i (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 392 Lead Azide 0.20
10 Tetryl 0.25
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.07
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH Trace Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 2,k,2',k'-Tetranitro-oxanilide (TOO)

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
ChargeWt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Component of black powder type
and pyrotechnic compositions
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed and extruded
For TNT compositions
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Solubility, gm/lOO cc Solvent, in:
Air, Confined:
Impulse fc i
Water lOO <0.10
Under Water:
Nitrobenzene 150 715
Peak Pressure
Qualitative Solubilities:
Energy Solvent Solubilitv
Ethyl alcohol Insoluble
Underground: Benzene Insoluble
Peak Pressure Butyl acetate Insoluble
Impulse Carbontetrachloride Insoluble
Ethyl ether Insoluble
Energy Acetic acid Soluble
Nitric acid Soluble
Caustic potash Soluble
Dimethyl formamide Very soluble

g,4,2',^'-Tetranitro-oxanilide (THO) AMCP 706-177

Method of Preparation:
0 0 NH
-C +2 Heat (20CTC) I +2H20
OH on


Plant grade
sp gr 1.51


Two parts of oxalic acid are mixed with one part of aniline in a round bottom flask. The
mixture is stirred and heated until the reaction is complete as evidenced by the cessation of
effervescence. The mass is cooled to room temperature, poured into several volumes of water
(21 -2i+°c), filtered on a Büchner funnel and washed free of oxalic acid with water and then
washed free of aniline with acetone. The oxanilide is air dried to remove the acetone and
then dried at 100°-110°C.

Tetranitro-oxanilide (TWO):

A 5 liter round bottom flask is equipped with a stirrer of a type which will produce a
downward "swirl." The flask is surrounded with a water jacket for hot and cold water. Fif-
teen hundred grams (1.5 kilograms) of 98%plant grade nitric acid is placed into the flask.
Five hundred (500) grams of oxanilide is slowly added to the acid under rapid agitation while
the temperature is maintained below l4-0°C. After the addition of the oxanilide is completed
(2-^-3 hrs), the agitation is continued 10-15 minutes. The temperature is then raised to 80°C
over a period of one hour and maintained at 80°-85°C for 3 hours. The acid slurry is then
cooled to room temperature and drowned by pouring over cracked ice. The product is filtered
on a Büchner funnel and washed with water until it is almost acid free. The filter cake is
placed in a beaker and sufficient water added to form a "slurry." Live steam is run into the
"slurry" under agitation for 10 minutes. The slurry is filtered and the residue washed. The
latter treatment of the "slurry" is repeated until the wash water is found to be neutral to

AMCP 706-177
2,4,2',4'-Tetranitro-oxaniliae (TNO)

litmus paper. The TNO is washed with alcohol, then acetone, air dried and finally dried at
Yield = 90$ to 97.546 of theoretical.


A. G. Perkin in 1892 obtained tetranitro-oxanilide directly by heating a solution of finely

powdered oxanilide in nitric acid. Lfe also obtained the same compound by the action of a
cooled mixture of nitric and sulfuric acids on oxanilide and precipitating the product by
pouring the solution into water (J Chem Soc 6l, 460 (1892).

References: ~2

(a) S. Livingston, Development of Improved Ignition Type Powders, PAIR No. 2267, July 1956.

(b) D. Dubrow and J. Kristal, Substitution of Tetranitro Oxanilide and Hexanitro Oxanilide
for Tetranitro Carbazole, PA Pyrotechnic Research Laboratory Report 5^-TF 1-ÖÖ, 20 December

'2See footnote 1, page 10.


Composition: Molecular Weight: (C^H^Og) 287

Oxygen Balance;
C 29-3 I
CO, % -vr
CO % - 8
H 1.7 ON -|^^v-NO

N 24.4 1 1 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.73

0 44.6 i^ Melting Point: "C 130

C/H Ratio 0,420 2 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 26
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 8
Sample Wt, mg 18
Friction Pendulum Test:
Steel Shoe Crackles
Fiber Shoe Unaffected
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 1.0
% 135°C
Explosions 13
150°C 11+
Partials 54
Burned 10 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 23 Sand, gm 54.2

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation;

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) O^Q Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 314 Mercury Fulminate 0.20*
5 Ignites 257 Lead Azide 0.10*
10 238
»Alternative initiating charges.
15 236
20 234 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT; (a) 130

Trourl Test, % TNT: (b) 125

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.01 Plate Dent lest: (c)
Method A B
Condition Pressed P 'essed
100°C Heat Test:
Confined Yes No
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.1
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.0 Density, gm/cc 1.50 1.59 1.36
Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT 116 115 96
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: 244 Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % 30 C, 90$ RH 0.04 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.71
Volatility: 25°C 0.00
Rate, meters/second 7850

AMCP 706-177 Tetryl

Booster Sensitivity lest: (a) Decomposition Equation: (g) , ^)0

1015'4 io12-9
Tetryl, gm 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 38.4 34.9
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 2.01
(AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 211-260 132-164
Density, gm/cc 1.58 Phase Liquid Liquid

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, col/gm 2925
Explosion, col/gm 1080-1130
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 760 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm -111 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, ea I /am o (e) 22.2
Temperature, C 127
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (e)
Plate Thickness, inches
-1ÖÖ 0.182
- 50 0.200 1
0 0.212
50 0.223
100 0.236 H/o

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity: \f) r

col/sec/cm/°C 5.8l x 10~7 at 1.39!+ gm/cc T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:
6.83 x 10 at 1.528 gm/cc
Max Safe Drop, ft
Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Moris' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E, dynes/cma
E lb/inch-
1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 Trials
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
"C mm Mercury High Order

Tetryl AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.58 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.052 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow
For TNT 70 3
For Subject HE 864
Principal Uses: Boosters: ingredieri; of explo-
sive mixtures, cletonet.orc, a;v,
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
blasting caps
Density, gm/cc 1.62
Charge Wt, lb 0.848

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For TNT 53A
For Subject HE 605
Loading Density: gm/cc See fcelou

Fragment Velocity: H/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method 'Dr.'i

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class ;>

Blast (Relative to TNT):

Compatibility Group Grout) 1,

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Does not exude at 65 c j

Loading Density: gm/cc I

Air, Confined: 1
Impulse 1
Cast 1.62 Pressed psi x 1CT j

Underwater: 0 3 5 10 12 15 20
Peak Pressure 0.9 1.1+0 X.k'J 1.57 1.60 I.63 l.oT

Underground: Effect of Temperature on (j) !

Peak Pressure Rate of Detonation:
16 hrs at, °C -54 21
Density, gm/cc -1.52 1.53
Rate, m/sec 7150 7170


(Manufacture of Tetryl by Dinitromonomethylaniline Process, Wannamaker Chemical Co. , Inc. )

C,-H (NO ) Cl + CH-NH„ + NaOH C H (NO ) NH-CH + NaCl + HO

6 322 32 6 322- 3 2
CgH (M02)2-NH-CH + 2HW0

+ 2H20

To a solution of 202.5 gm dinitrochlorbenzene in 200 cc benzene, at 75 C with good agita-

tion, in 15 to 20 minutes, add 112 gn of 30$ aqueous monomethylamine. Then add 129 gm of 31$
aqueous sodium hydroxide, i n 15 to 20 minutes, at such a rate as t o cause refluxing; continue
agitation for 3 hours at 70°C The mixture is concentrated to a liquid temperature of 101°-
102°C, cooled, filtered and the precipitate washed with distilled water until the washings
give no test with silver nitrate, dried at 60 C (melting point l67.2°C).

The dinitromethylaniline is nitrated to tetryl by solution of it in 88$ sulf'uric acid (197

gm nltroaniline/1190 gn sulfuric) at 25°C, followed by addition of nitric acid. The process
is carried out so that the water content remains at 16$. Solution (per 197 gm nitroaniline)
requires 5 to 10 minutes, nitration, by addition of the sulfuric acid solution to nitric acid,
about 1 hour at 30°C, plus 48 minutes at 50° to 55°C at the end. The mixture is then cooled
to 20°C and filtered. The tetryl is dumped into 1 liter water, washed 2 or 3 times with 200
cc cold water, and then stirred 10 to 15 minutes at 50°C with 500 cc water, filtered warm and
then washed with water until the washings are neutral to methyl orange. The tetryl dried to
constant weight at 70°C weighs about 270 gm

Tetryl filtered from an acid containing 87$ sulfuric acid (or more) -13$ water, at ko C
(or over) may fire in 30 minutes to 1 hour and 30 minutes, if not drowned in water. A safe
nitration procedure, even on plant scale involves:

1. The concentration of sulfuric in the spent acid is maintained at a low level (approx
80/I.8/18.2 sulfuric/nitric/water).

2. Nitration maximum temperature is 50°C.

3. The slurry is cooled to 35 C before filtration.

^- Filtration time prior to drowning, is minimized (15 minutes maximum).

The crude tetryl produced is recrystallized to remove impurities and occluded acid and to
control its granulation.

AMCP 706-177

Sensitiv itv of tetryl elec tros tati c dischara C- ioules ; throiugh 100 mesh: C i)

Unconfined 0.007
Confined 4.4

Solubili ty of tetryl, gramis in 100i grams ($>) of:

Water Carbori tetrachlor idc Eth cr 95? Ale ohol

2c i £c i £c i °C i
0 0. 0050 0 0.,007 0 0 .188 0 0.320
20 0. 0075 20 0 .015 10 0. 330 10 0.425
40 0. 0110 40 0 .058 20 0 .418 20 0.563
80 0. 0810 60 0,■154 30 0. 1+93 30 0.76
100 0. 184 50 1.72
75 5-33

Chloroform Carbon disulfide Ethylene dichloride Acetone

£c i 2C i 2c i. °C 1
0 0.28 0 0.009 25 4.5 20 75
20 0.39 10 0.015 75 45 30 95
4o 1.20 20 0.021 40 " 116
60 2.65 30 0.030 50 138

TrichliDroethylene El hyl aceitäte Benzene Toluene

£c i £c i 2H i. °C 2
0 0.07 20 ~ 4o 20 7.8 20 8-!
20 0.12 30 10.0
40 0.26 40 12.5
60 0.67 50 16.0
80 1.50
86 1.76

Xylene TNT

2z i °_C i
20 3.3 80 82
30 4.4 100 149
40 5.4 120 645
50 6.0


Tetryl ws first described in 1879 by Michler and Meyer (Ber 12, 1792), van Romburgh and
Martens studied its properties and proved its structure (Rec trav chim 2, 108 (1883); 6, 215
(1887); and Ber 19, 2126 (1886)). Tetryl was not used as an explosive until World W<r~I.

AMCP 706-177 Tetryi

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

Tetryi is decomposed by dissolving in 12 times its weight of a solution prepared from 1

part; by weight of sodium sulfite (Na2S0v7H20)
SOg-7H20) in 4 parts water.
wi The sulfite solution may
lposition of the Tetryi.
lie heated to 80°C to facilitate decomposition Tetr\

References: '-*

(a) L. G. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III - Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests: Performance Tests, OSO Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) Ph Naoum, Z, ges Schiess---Sprengstoffw, pp. 181, 229, 267 (27 June 1932).

(c) 3- P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, HAugust 1942.

(a) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryi in Boosters, I0L Mm) 10,303; 15 June 1949.

(e) C. A. Taylor and Wm H. Rinkenbach, "The Solubility of Trinitro-Phenylmethyl-Nitramine

(Tetryi) in Organic Solvents," J Am Chem Soc 45, (1923) p. 104.

(f) E. Hutchinson, The Thermal Sensitiveness of Explosives. The Thermal Conductivity of

Explosive Materials, AC 2861, First Report, August 1942.

(-.A R. J. Finkelstein and G. Gamow, Theory of the Detonation Process, NAVORD Report No.
90-4S,; 20 April 1947.

(h) M. A. Cook and M. T. Abegg, "Isothermal Decomposition of Explosives," University of

Utah. Ind Eng Chem 1090-1095 (June 1956).

(i) J. W. Brown, D. H. Kusler and F. C. Gibson, Sensitivity of Explosives to Initiation

by Electrostatic Discharges, U. S. Dept of Int, Bureau of Mines, RI 3852, 1946.

(j) W. F. McGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military
Kxploslves at Several Different Temperatures, PATR No. 2303, November I956.

(•K\ Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Tetryi:

01 2 .3^^628 9

30 11 132 453 84 65 266 117 28 129

Goo 361 582 493 144 195 556 197 438 179
770 381 832 623 294 425 786 637 628 319
310 621 882 833 314 525 986 707 708 609
1180 361 1192 863 694 565 1086 807 788 709
1290 1041 1352 1113 774 625 1126 837 838 849
1350 1131 1372 1373 784 635 1316 857 1418 999
1360 1261 1402 2053 874 845 1376 1047 1788 1029
1400 1311 1452 2163 904 925 1416 1137 1828 1209
1450 1431 1592 2233 113^ 1145 1446 1287 1838 1379
1500 1471 1164 1285 1466 1337 1429
1510 l6ll 1234 l405 1556 1367 1489
1670 1651 1264 1585 1636 1^37 1819
2024 1885 1956 1737 1969
2204 1935 1797
2105 1937

'-'See footnote I, page 10.

Tetrytol, 8o/20 AMCP 70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 271)

Oxygen Balance:
Tetryl 80
CO, % -52
CO % -11
Density: gm/cc Cast 1-51
Melting Point: °C 68

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 28
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 9
Sample Wt, mg 17

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 3-0
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 20
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 80 Sand, gm 54.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.22*
5 Ignites 290 Lead Azide 0.17*
*Alterna^ive initiating charges.
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Traurl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat lest:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.1
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.5
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rote:
Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 0.02
Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177 Tetrytol, 8o/20

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow to buff
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Bursters, demolition blocks
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Exudes at 65°C


Air, Confined:

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

Tetrytol, 75/25 AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 270

Oxygen Balance:
Tetryl 75 CO-, % -54
CO % -12
TNT 25
Density: gm/cc Cast 1-59

Melting Point: °C 68

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Impact sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 28
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 10 no
Sample Wt, mg 17

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Cracks cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 3-0
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials
120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 30
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest
Unaffected 70 Sand, gm 53-7

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.23*
5 Ignites 310 Lead Azide 0.19*
^Alternative initiatin g charges.
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 122

Irauzl lest, % TNT;

75°C International Heat lest:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: (t>)
Method B B
Condition Cast Cast
100°C Heat lest:
Confined Na Yes
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc 1.66 1.62
Brisance, % TNT 118 114
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 0.03 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Rate, meters/second 7385

AMCP 706-177 Tetrytol, 75/25

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones (d)
Density, gm/cc 1-59 Hole Volume 127
Charge Wt, lb 2.101 Hole Depth 120

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow to buff
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 557
Principal Uses: Bursters, demolition blocks
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Charge Wt, lb 0.845

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 591
Loading Density: gm/cc 1-59
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25i/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT); Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Exudes at 65°C

Air, Confined: F.utectic Temperature, °C: &1-5

gn Tetryl/l00 gn TNT
67.5°C 5^-82
Peak Pressure Booster Sensitivity Test: (c)
Condition Cast
Tetryl, gn 100
Wax, in. for 50$ Detonation 1.66
Underground: Density, gm/cc 1.66
Peak Pressure

Tetrytol, 70/.3P AMCP 706-177

1 Composition:
Molecular Weight:
Oxygen Balance:
Tetryl TO CO, % -55
CO % -13
TNT 30
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.60

Melting Point: °C 68

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Boiling Point: °C
Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt:
Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£,
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 11 _D
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum lest: Vacuum Stability lest:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 3.2
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 55
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Sand, gm 53-2
Unaffected 45

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 416 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate 0.23*
1 387
5 Ignites 320 Lead Azide 0.22*
10 302
♦Alternative initiating charges.
15 289
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 120
20 275
Trauzl lest, % TNT:

75°C International Heat lest: Plate Dent lest: (b)

% Loss in 48 Hrs Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat lest:
Confined Yes
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 0.1
Density, gm/cc 1.60
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT 117
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 0.02 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0

Density, gm/cc 1.60

Volatility: Rate, meters/second 73^0

AMCP 706-177
Tetrytol, 70/30

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Gloss Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.60 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.090 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Light yellow to buff
For TNT 703
r"«*■• f*. ,u:* —*
For Subject 1HE
1 r"
Principal Uses: Bursters, demolition blocks
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Charge Wt, lb 0.842

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51*
For Subject HE 585
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.60
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Exudes at 65 C

Air, Confined:

Under Water:
Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 70G-177
Tetrytol, 65/35

Molecular Weight: 264

Oxygen Balance:
Tetryl 65 CO, % -56
CO %
TNT 35
Density: gm/cc 1.60

Melting Point: °C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: °C

Boiling Point: °C
Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt:
Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 28
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n20
Picatinny Arsenal Apporotus, in. 11 nä
Sample Wt, mg 17
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Cracks cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 2.8
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 11+
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 10
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Sand, gm 52.6
Unaffected 90

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used)
Mercury Fulminate O.23*

5 Ignites 325 Lead Azide 0.23*

10 »Alternative initiating charges.

Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test: Plate Dent Test:

% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Will not continue to burn Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 0.02 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Volatility: Rate, meters/second 7310

AMCP 70S-177
Tetrytol, 65/35

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

(a) (e)
90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones
Density, gm/cc 1.61 Hole Volume 133 126
Charge Wt, lb 2.010 Hole Depth 120 119

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT TO 3 Light yellow to buff

r"«*■• f*. iU:«*i i ir"
For Subject HE 856
Principal Uses: Bursters, demolition blocks
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc 1.60

Charge Wt, lb 0.845

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 585
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.60
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Exudes at 65 C

Air, Confined:

Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

, , AMCP 706-177
Tetrytol, 80/20, 75/25, 70/30, 65/35

Compatibility with Metals:

rw Copper, brass, aluminum, magnesium, stainless steel, mild steel, mild steel coated
with acid proof black paint and mild steel plated with copper, cadmium, zinc or nickel are
unaffected. Magnesium-aluminum alloy is slightly affected.

Wet: Stainless steel and mild steel coated with acid-proof black paint are unaffected.
Copper, brass, aluminum, magnesium, magnesium-aluminum alloy, mild steel and tnild steel plated
with cadmium, copper, zinc or nickel are slightly affected.


Tetrytols are manufactured by heating TNT in a melting kettle, equipped with a stirrer,
until all the TNT is melted. The necessary amount oftetryl is added and heating snd stirring
are continued. The temperature is allowed to drop from 100°C until the mixture is of maximum
viscosity suitable for pouring. Part of the tetryl dissolves in TNT forming a eutectic mix-
ture which contains 55 percent tetryl. This mixture freezes at 67.5°C.


Tetrytols were developed during World Wr II. The 70/30 tetryl/THT castable mixture is
the most important in military applications.

References: 7+

(a) L. C. Smith and E. G. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Past III, Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests, Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) D. p. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing. OSRD Report Ho. 803, 11 August 1942.
(c) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for
Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mano 10,303, 15 June 19^9.

(d) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Sec III, Variation of
Cavity Effect with Explosive Composition, NDRC Contract W672-0RD-5723.

(e) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation of Cavity Effect, Final Report, Easter:?
Lab, du Pont, 18 September 1943, M3C Contract W-672-ORD-5723.

(f) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Tetrytol:

1260 1291 1372 1193 1285 1376 lVf7 1158 1379
1360 1311 1213 1325 1I+36 1737 1388
1420 11+51 1363 1885 1466 1797 1838
1500 1651 1^93 2125 1506
1530 1951

7^See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 TUT (Trinitrotoluene)

Composition: Molecular Weight: (C -yHcf^Og) 227

C 37-0 CH, Oxygen Balance:
I 3 CO, % -74
H 2.2 CO % -25
01 i—NO
N 18.5 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.65

0 42.3 Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio 0.549 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 95-100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n£> a 1.51+30
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatuss, in. 14-15
e I.67U2
Sample Wt, mg 17
T 1-717

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Un iffected 90°C
100°C 0.10
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.23
% 135°C o.kh
Explosions k
150°C 0.65
Partials 0
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected 6 Sand, gm 48.0

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) 570 Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 520 Mercury Fulminate 0.21+*
5 kcomposes V75 Lead Azide 0.27*
10 465
^Alternative initiating charges.
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: Std =100

Trauzl Test, % TNT: Std =100

75°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs 0.04 Plate Dent Test: ( )
Method A A B

100°C Heat Test: Condition Cast Pressed Cast

% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs Confined Yes Yes No

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc 1.61 1.50 1.61
Brisance, % TNT 100 100 100
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: (b) 100 Confinement Unconfined Unconflnec
Condition Pressed Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.03 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.56 1.56
Volatility: 30°C Nil
Rate, meters/second 6825 664o

TNT (Trinitrotoluene) AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity Test:

Tetryl, gm
Decomposition Equation:
Oxygen, atoms/sec
Heat, kilocolorie/mole 3^-^ 43.4
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 1.68 0.82 (AH, kcol/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 275-310 238-277
Density, gm/cc 1-55 1.60 Phase Liquid Liquid

Heat of: (d) Armor Plate Impact Test:

Combustion, col/gm 3620
Explosion, col/gm 1080
60 mm Mortar Projectile: (j)
Gas Volume, cc/gm 730 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec >1100
Formation, cal/gm 78.5 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion cal/gm 22.34
Temperature, C 79 500-lb General Purpose Bombs: (J)
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
C Plate Thickness, inches Trials "jo Inert
0 0-309
20 0.328 1 0
50 0-353
80 0.37 * 1 1 Vi o
1% ^ 100
l% h 50
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:
Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C See next page. T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft 5000-6000

Coefficient of Expansion: C^)
Linear, %/°C -k0° to 6o°C 5.4 x io i (b> 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
-1+0° to 60°C 6.7 x 10 N) Seal Seal
Volume, %/°C 27° to 80°C 16 x 1°~5 (b) Height, ft 4,000 4-5,000
16° to 70°C 26.3 xlO-5 (n)
Trials 26 20
hardness, Mohs' Scale: (e) 1.4 20
Unaffected 24
Low Order 2 0
Young's Modulus: (b)
C AC 10 High Order 0 0
E', dynes/cm2 5.45 x 10
E lb/inch-' 0.79 x 106 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 161 No Seal Seal
Height, ft 5,000 5,000
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 138O0-l40OO Trials 21 26
Density, gm/cc 1.62
Unaffected 18 22
Vapor Pressure: (f)
Low Order 0 0
"C mm Mercury High Order 3 4
80 0.042
85 0.053
90 0.067
95 0.085
100 0.106

AMCP 706-177
TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.60 Hole Volume 100 100

Charge Wt, lb 2.101+ Hole Depth 100 100

Total No. of Fragments:

For TNT 703
Color: Light, yellow

For Subject HE 703

Principal Uses: GP bombs, HE projectiles,
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: demolition charges, depth charges,
grecades, propellant compositions
Density, gm/cc 1.60
Charge Wt, lb 0.848

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: 1. Cast
For TNT 5lA 2. Pressed
For Subject HE 51^
Loading Density: gm/cc See below
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec (k)
At 9 ft 260
At 25',:.: ft 236 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1-5
Method Dry

! »lost (Relative to Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I
li t'eok Pressm 100
! Impulso 100 Exudation Hone at 65°C

Air, Confined: Loading Density: gm/cc

Impulre 100
1. Cast I.58-I.59 2. Pressed psi x 103

Under Water; 3 5 10 15 20 30 50
Peak Pressur 100 1.35 lAO 1.1*5 I.52 I.55 I.59 1.6
irvpu'se 100
rhermal Conductivity:
100 cal/sec/cm/°C

Underground: Density 1.19 gm/cc (g) 5.28 x 10-4

Peck Pressure 100 1.51 gm/cc (g) 7.12 x 10"^
1.54 gm/cc (b) 5.6 x 10"*
Impulse 100 1.67 gm/cc (g) 12.21 x 10"4
Energy 100 'iscosity , poi.ses :
Temp, 85°C 0.139
100°C 0.095
ulk Modulus a t Room
tanpeiaLme (25°^30°C)-r (m)
Dynes/cm^ x 10"iLr 2.92
—Density,—gm/cc 1.56
TNT (Trinitrotoluene) AMCP 706-177

Effect of Temperature on Rate of Detonation: (l)

Temperature of Charge, °C -54 21 60 60

Hours at Temperature 16 16 24 72

Density, gm/oc 1.63 1.62 1.6k 1.6k

Rate, meters/second 6700 6820 6770 6510

Sensitivity to Electrostatic Discharge, Joules; Through 100 Mesh:

Unconfined 0.06
Confined 4.4

Impact Sensitivity versus Temperature:

Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, 2 kg wt, inches:


-40 IT
Room Ik
80 7
90 3
105-110 2 (5 expl in 20 trials)

Impact Sensitivity versus Loading Method, Large Impact Apparatus, Inches:

Pressed at 1.60 gm/oc 70

Cast at 1.60 gm/cc 26

Rifle Bullet Impact Sensitivity versus Temperature, Confinement:

Standard Iron Bomb: Temperature 105° to 110°C
No A i r Space
Trials 10 10
Explosions very low order 7
Air Space
Trials 10 10
Explosions 0 0

Tin or Cardboard Bombs:

With or Without Air Space

Trials 10 10
Explosions 0 0

AMCP 706-177 TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

Explosion Temperature versus TNT Initial Temperature:

TOT Temperature, Initial Explosion Temperature, °C

Room 4-70 (Decomposes)

105°-100 c 480 (Decomposes)

Explosion Temperature versus Confinement, °C:

Unconfined Decomposes 470

Sealed in glass capillary Explodes 320-335
Viscosity at 80.g°C:

Viscosity, X, cp log X = 0.046 S + 1.26

S = io solid in slurry
Particle size effect, small

Density, gm/cc:

!£ State gm/ce

27 to 70 Flaked 1.65
80 Flaked 1.64
82 Liquid 1.48
87 Liquid 1.48
95 Liquid 1.V7
Solubility of TNT, gm/lOO gn (j), in: (f)

Water Acetone Benzene Toluene

£c * £c i. 2C i 2n i
0 0.0100 0 57 0 13 0 28
20 0.0130 20 109 20 67 135
4o 228 kO 180 &°
60 600 60 478 60 367
80 ?2000 80 >170O
Carbon Trlchloro-
tetrachloride Ether Chloroform ethylene

± i £c i
0 0.20 0 1-73 0 6 25 3-5
0 O.65 20 3.29 20 19 55 60
1+0 1.75 ko 66
60 6.90 60 302
70 17.34
75 24-35

AMT 706-177

TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

Ethylene ^-Ethoxy-
Pyridine Methyl acetate d ichloride ethyl-acet ate

£c i 2c 2z i £c
20 140 20 73 20 34 20 29-5
40 250 40 135 40 123 40 49
60 640 50 280 60 460 50 96
70 1250

Tetrachloro- I sopropyl
ethane Aniline alcohol Ethanol
_C i.
20 18 10 6.1 20 0.76 0 0.62
40 50 30 11.5 40 1.96 20 1.25
50 100 50 29 50 2.95 40 2.85
70 74 60 8.4
80 130 70 15
Isobu tyl alco hol Carbon disulfide Chlorobenzene

£n i 2c i
0 0.20 0 0.14 20 55
20 0.61 20 0.44 30 51
40 1.41 40 1.4 40 79
50 2.35 50 116

Preparat ion

(AC 7258, 7259, 7260 - Nitration Kinetics)

(Chemistry of Powder and Explosives. Davis)

+ HN0„

In older processes trinitrotoluene (TNT) was slowly and laboriously nitrated in three
stages using successively stronger acids. Today, however, a single stage nitration is pos-
sible, in a short time (less than one hour) producing TNT at a cost of a little less than
6^/lb. In England, a two stage continuous process was developed during World Wr 11; in the
first counter current stage, toluene 'was nitrated to the mono stage mononitrotoluene (MNT);
in the second stage, also counter current, MMB was nitrated to TNT.

AMCP 706-177 THT (Trinitrotoluene)

It was the British work, on the kinetics of nitration of toluene to TNT, that first pointed
out the basic importance to nitration processes of the nitroxyl ion (NOg*), on the one hand,
and the role of the bisulfate ion (HSOij.-) and unionized sulfuric acid on the other. These
concepts were successful in explaining the maximum in nitration rate occurring at a sulfuric
acid content of 9"2$. This work, for instance, leads to the following equation for the rate of
formation of TWT from DNT:

KM = K (H02+) O (HSV) + K" (H2S04)] (DNT)

Three Stage Process: Toluene (100 gm) is nitrated to the mono derivative by slowly adding
a mixture of 294 gn sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) and 1V7 gni nitric acid (sp gr 1.42) to it at
30°-^0°C, with good agitation. Acid addition requires 1-1.5 hour, and stirring at 30o-40°C
is continued 30 minutes longer. The mixture is cooled and the lower layer of spent acid
drawn off.

Half the crude mono is dissolved in 109 gm sulfuric acid (sp gr 1.84) with cooling, the
solution heated to 50°C and a mixture of 54.5 gm nitric acid (sp gr I.50) and 54.5 gn sul-
furic acid (sp gr 1.84) added, under agitation, at such a rate that the temperature is main-
tained between 90° and 100°C Acid addition requires 1 hour, and stirring at 90°-100°C is
continued 2 more hours.

While the dinitration mixture is still at 90°C, 1^5 gm fuming sulfuric acid (oleum con-
taining 15fo free SO,) is added slowly. A mixed acid of 92.5 gn each nitric acid (sp gr 1.50)
and 15$ oleum is slovl added, under good agitation at 100°-115°C over 1-J--2 hours, The mix-
ture is stirred at 100 -115°C for 2 more hours, cooled, filtered, and the TNT cake broken up
and washed with water. The TNT is washed 3-4 times with hot water (85°-95°C) with good agi-
tation. The product can be purified either by recrystallization from alcohol or by washing
it with 5 times its weight of 5$ sodium bisulfite solution at 90°C for |r hour with vigorous
stirring, washing with hot water until the washings are colorless, and cooling slowly-with
stirring to granulate the product.


TNT was first prepared in 1863 by Wilbrand (Ann 128, 178), later by Beilstein and Kuhlberg
(Ber 3, 202 (1870) and also Tiemann (Ber 3, 217 (187ÖT, each using different methods of start-
ing materials. It was nearly 30 years later when Hausermann undertook its manufacture on an
industrial scale (Z angew Chem, 1891, p. 508; J Chem Ind, I89I, p. 1028). After 1901 TNT
began to be used extensively as a military explosive and Germany became the first nation to
adopt it as a standard shell filler (1902-1904). During World War I all the major powers of
the world were using TNT, with the quantity used limited only by the available supply of
toluene. Prior to World War II the development of synthetic toluene from petroleum made
available in the United States, an almost unlimited supply of this raw material. Because of
the general suitability of TNT for melt-loading and its extensive use in binary and ternary
explosive mixtures, TNT is considered the most important military explosive known today.

Destruction by Chemical Decomposition:

TNT is decomposed by adding it slowly, while stirring, to 30 times its weight of a solution
prepared by dissolving lpart of sodium sulfide (ifagS^HgO) in 6 parts of water.

(a) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, QSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

75See footnote 1, page 10.

TOT (Trinitrotoluene) AMCP 706-177

(b) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revi-
sion, NAVORD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(C) L. C. Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, NOL Mmo 10,303, 15 June 19^9-

(d) L. C. Smith and E. H. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III, Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests, Performance Tests, OSKD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(e) Report AC-2587.

(f) International Critical Tables and various other sources in the open literature.

(g) E. Hutchinson, The Thermal Sensitiveness of Explosives. The Thermal Conductivity of

Explosive Materials, AC-2861, First Report, August 1942.

(h) A. J. B. Robertson, Trans Farad Society, hh, 977 (1948).

(i) M. A. Cook and M. T. Abegg,"Isothermal Decomposition of Explosives," University of

Utah, Ind Eng Chem (June 1956), pp. 1090-1095-

(j) Committee of Div 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal, 06RD No. 5406, 31 July

(k) R. W. Drake, Fragment Velocity and Panel Penetration of Several Explosives in Simu-
lated Shells, OSPD Report No. 5622, 2 January 1946.

(1) W. J. McGarry and T. W. Stevens, Detonation Rates of the More Important Military
Explosives at Several Different Temperatures, PAIR No. ZS66, November ly^b.

(m) W. S. Cramer, Bulk Compressibility Data on Several High Explosives, NAVORD Report No.
4380, 15 September 195S:

(n) Mantrov, Journal of Chemical Industry (Russia) 6, 1929, pp. 1686-1688.

(o) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on TNT:

10 291 132 43 364 65 86 47 118 99
30 551 582 83 694 195 266 87 288 2i*9
240 731 782 133 87I+ 1*25 556 507 638 269
350 861 892 273 904 555 666 527 738 319
630 891 972 513 109^ 695 956 597 768 389
760 901 1072 643 llOU 735 986 707 838 499
810 971 1182 673 1124 805 1046 807 1088 709
1120 101*1 1192 743 1221+ 975 1146 817 1098 739
lll+O 1121 1272 853 1284 111*5 1276 837 1128 779
1170 1311 1292 863 129!* 1155 1376 1107 111*8 799
1260 1391 13^2 1063 130** 1225 11*1*6 lli*7 1158 889
1270 li+31 1352 1123 13lA 1285 11*66 1217 1188 929
1360 IU51 1372 1133 13^ 1305 11*76 121*7 1198 939
1400 lij-91 1402 1193 0.1*1.1* 1315 1556 1307 1228 1099
ll*6o 1651 1^52 121*3 1444 1395 1636 ll*17 1258 1109
1500 1821 lVT2 1323 lA54 ll*25 1756 ll*27 1308 1129

AMCP 706-177
TNT (Trinitrotoluene)

1530 11+92 1373 1524 1435 1956 1437 1318 1139

1540 1562 1493 1541+ 1445 2216
1550 1582 1457 1338 1179
155 3 1564 1495 1497 1388
1730 1712 1633 1604 1199
1515 15 37 l4l8 1259
2010 1862 1693 1674 1535
2100 1547 1428 1289
1823 1754 1585
2160 1557 1578 1339
2063 1924 1605 1577 1618 1369
2163 2064 1635 1597 1688 1379
2214 1665 1677 1728 l4i9
1865 1737 1828 1I+29
1965 1797 1833 1469
1715 1827 1858 1489
1885 1847 2008 1529
2125 2007 2138 1549
2175 2147 2168 1629
2167 1689

AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 97

Oxygen Balance:
■RDX 42
CO, % -55
CO % -26
INT 40
Density: gm/cc Cast 1.76-1.81
Aluminum 18
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 42
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 9
Sample Wt, mg 15

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 1.0
% 135°C
Explosions 20
Partials 80
Burned 0 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected 0 Sand, gm 59-5

Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate 0.18
5 Decomposes 260 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 138
Trauzl Test, % TNT: 00 \6k
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test: (e)
% Loss in 48 Hrs
Method B
Condition Cast
100°C Heat Test:
Confined No
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 0.00
Density, gm/cc 1.83
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.10
Brisance, % TNT 120
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate: (a)

Flammability Index: 196 Confinement None
Condition Cast
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.00 Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Density, gm/cc 1.81
Rate, meters/second 7495

AMCP 706-177 Torpex

Booster Sensitivity Test: (c) Decomposition Equation:

Condition Pressed Cast Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 10 5 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcol/mol)
Wax, gm 2 0 Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1.64 1.81 Phase

Heat of: (a)

Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 3740
Explosion, cal/gm 1800
60 mm Mortar Projectile: (a)
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec 185
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-ib General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C (t>)
At -5°C 0.22 Plate Thickness, inches

Density, gm/cc 1.82 1

At 15°C 0.24

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity: (*>) A

17, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombv» Concrete:
cal/sec/cm/"C 9-7 X 10-
Density, gm/cc 1.82
Max Safe Drop, ft
Coefficient of Expamioj: 0 t-
Linear, %/°C -73 to 75 C k.J x 10"? (b)
500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C
Height, ft
Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus: \°) ,„
High Order
E, dynes/cm* 9-53 x 10
E, lb/inch2 1.38 x 10
1000-lb General Purpose Bomb YS Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 1-77
Height, ft
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 (b) 2100-2300 Trials
Density, gm/cc 1-77 Unaffected
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
°C mm Mercury High Order

Torpex AMCP 70S-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:


90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.75 Hole Volume 150 1^5

Charge Wt, lb 2.316 Hole Depth 127 131

Total No. of Fragmentt:

Color: Gray
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 891
Principal Uses: Depth charges, bombs

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc 1.79
Charge Wt, lb 0.940

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Cast

For TNT 51^
For Subject HE 647
Loading Density: gm/cc I.76-I.8I

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft 2360
At 251/2 ft 2800 Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Blast (Relative to TNT): (e)

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 122

Impulse 125 Exudation

Energy lk6

Effect of Temperature on
Air, Confined: Impact Sensitivity:
Impulse 116
Temp. PA Impact Test
Underwater: C 2 Kg Wt, inches
Peak Pressure 116

Impulse 127 25 15
32 7
Energy 153 KA 8

Underground: Viscosity , poises:

Peak Pressure
Temp, 83°C k.5
95°C 2.3

AMCP 70S-177


Torpex is manufactured by heating TNT to approximately 100 C in a steam-jacketed kettle

equipped with a stirrer. Water wet RDX is added slowly to the molten OTT, while mixing and
heating, until all the water i s evaporated. Aluminum is added and the mixture is stirred
until uniform. The mixture is cooled, with continued stirring, until it is suitable for
pouring. Torpex can also be made by adding the calculated amount of OTT to Composition B
to maintain the desired proportion of KDX/OTT, heating and stirring, and adding 18 percent
of aluminum to complete the mixture.


Torpex, a castable high explosive, was developed in England during World Wr II for use
as a filler in warheads, mines and depth bombs. Several variations in the composition of
torpex have been evaluated but the following are those used in service munitions:

Torpex 2 Torpex 2
unwaxed waxed Torpex 3

(a) 0>) (c)

RDX, f 42 41.6 41.4
OTT, j> 40 39-7 39-5
Aluminum, fo 18 18.0 17-9
Wax, <{o 0-7 0.7
Calcium chloride, $ 0.5
(a) Made from Composition B-2 or Go/ho Cyclotol.

(b) Made by the addition of aluminum to Composition B.

(c) Made by the addition of calcium chloride to Torpex 2.

Wax: has the undesirable effect of (l)tending to coagulate the aluminum, thus giving a less
homogeneous and more viscous product, (2) lowering the density of the cast explosive from
1.72-1.75 to 1.66-1.70 for waxed torpex, and (3) lowering the compressive strength from 3700
psi to 1970 psi for waxed torpex. However, wax is used in service torpex for reasons of
safety, since there is evidence that its presence lowers the sensitivity of the explosive to
impact as measured by laboratory drop tests and bullet sensitivity tests of small charges
(Bureau of Ord Res Mano Rpt No. 24, January 19^5).

References: 7^

(a) Committee of Div 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal, OSRD No. 5406, 31 July
0>) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy C. Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives, Second Revi-
sion, NAV0RD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, OSRD Report No. 803, 11 August 19^2.

L. C. Smith and E. H. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part III, Miscellaneous

Sensitivity Tests, Performance Tests, OSRD Report No. y(\6, '£{ December iylf;>.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177

(d) G. H. Messerly, The Rate nf Detonation nf Varinns Explosive Compounds C*RD Report
No. 1219, 22 February 19W-

M. D. Hurwitz, The Rate of Detonation of Various Compounds and Mixtures. Q5RD Report
No. 56ll, 15 January 1946.

(e) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Blast Effects of Bomb Explosives. PA Tech Div Lecture, 9 April
19 h8.

(f) Eastern Laboratory, du Pont, Investigation nf Cavity Effect Sec 111 Variation nf
Cavity Effect with Explosive Composition, NDRC Contract W672-ORD-5723-

(g) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Torpex:

1530 1651 1292 2353 15Ö5 1796 1797 1838


AMCP 706-177 l>3>5-Triamino-2,4,6-Trinitrobenzene (jMKB)

Molecular Weight: (C^IL-N^O,-) 258
C 27-9 , 2 Oxygen Balance:

CO, % -56
H 2.3 02H-p^N-N02 CO % -19
M 32.6 H2N ""^Y^ M2 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1-93

0 37.2 2 Melting Point: °C 330 (b, e) 360 (a)
C/H Ratio 0.302 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 11
Sample Wt, mg 7
Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C (a, b) O.36
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C ----
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Sand, gm 42.9
Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
Lead Azide 0.30
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test::
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

lOCrC Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.00 Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs None Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index:
Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: %
Charge Diameter, in. 0.5

Volatility: Density, gm/cc 1.80

Rate, meters/second 7500

I>3j5-Triamno-2,U,6-Trinitrobenzene (TATNB) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 50,000 psi 1.80
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blost (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation


Detonation Velocity: fa. t>, c)

Air, Confined:
Impulse Density, gm/cc Meters/sec

Under Water: 1.290 5380

Peak Pressure 1.3^5 5628
Impulse 1- 675 6550
1- 675 6575
Energy 1.882 70 35
1.835 7220
Peak Pressure Heat of:
Explosion, cal/gm 2831

AMCP 706-177 1,3> g-'Prlamlno-g, k, 6-Trinitrobenzene (TkTNB)

Preparation- (a)
Absolute alcohol (200 milliliters) was saturated with ammonia and then 12.5 gn (0.028 mol)
of 1, 3,5-tribromo-2,4,6-trinitrotienzene, prepared according to Hill (NAVORD Report No. 3709,
2 February 1953), was added. The flask was stoppered and allowed to stand at room temperature
for a day. Additional ammonia was bubbled into the mixture, which wds then heated under reflux
for thirty minutes, filtered hot, and the insoluble product collected on a Büchner funnel.
The product was washed with water, alcohol, and dried. The h.J gai of material recovered was
recrystallized from nitrobenzene.

A disadvantage of the above method was that it could not be used for the preparation of
large quantities of TATNB. Since it did not seem feasible to develop a new method of prepara-
tion, an investigation was made of the reported amination reactions (see Origin below). An
attempt was made (Ref f) to find a modification which would produce high yields of a pure pro-
duct. The process which evolved from this study may be summarized as follows (Ref f): 1,3,5-
trichlorobenzene was nitrated "in one step" to 1, 3,5-trichloro-2,i)-,6-trinitrol3enzene in 85$
yield. The crude nitration product was aminated in benzene with ammonia gas to TAITffl, in
yields of at least 95%.


TA.TMB was prepared for the first time in 1888 by C. L. Jackson and J. F. Wing, who found
the compound insoluble in alcohol, ether, chloroform, benzene, and glacial acetic acid; and
soluble in nitrobenzene and aniline (Amer Chem Journal 10, 282 (1888)). B. Flurscheim and
E. L. Holmes prepared TATKB from benzene free pentanitroaniline by gradually adding it to 10$
aqueous ammonia (J Chem Soc, Pt 2,3045 (1928)). After boiling, an orange-yellow powder melt-
ing above 300°C was obtained. This product corresponded to that described by Jackson and Wing.
These authors, as well as Palmer (Amer Chem Journal lM_, 3T8 (1892)), attempted to reduce TA.THB
to hexa-aminobenzene. Either decomposition occurred or a hydrochloride of penta-aminobenzene
was formed. Flurscheim and Holmes succeeded in reducing TATNB with phenylhydrazine by heating
them together up to 200°C (J Chem Soc, Pt 1,334 (1929)) (Beil 13, 301 and EII, lh-1).

References: "

(a) F. Taylor, Jr., Synthesis of New High Explosives 11, Derivatives of 1,3,5-Tribromo-
2,t<-,6-Trinltrobenzene, NAVORD Report No. 44U3, 1 November 1956.

(b) L. D. Hampton, Snail Scale Detonation Velocity Measurements from May 1951 to May 195^,
NAVORD Report No. 3731, June 195^-

(c) E. M. Fisher and E. A. Christian, Explosion Effects Data Sheets, NAVORD Report No.
2986, Ik June 1955-

See footnote 1, page 10.

Triethylene Glycol Dinitrate (TEGN) Liquid AMCP 70G-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgH^t^Og) 240

Oxygen Balance:
C 29-9 H2C
CO, % -89
.0 CO % -27
H 5- *- H CT
Density: gm/cc |0QC 1-33
N 11.7 1 1.32
Melting Point: "C
0 53-0 /
IT r\ '

C/H Ratio 0.177 " ^ 20N02 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 100+
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0 lA5to
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 43 _D
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.45
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C 8 hours 0.8
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 14.7

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 223 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs 1.8
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 1.6
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None
Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement Shelby steel
Condition Liquid
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 1.25
Density, gm/cc 1-33
Volatility: 60°C, mg/cm2/hr 40
Rate, meters/second Fails

AMCP 706-177
Triethylene Glycol Dinitrate (TEGN) Liquid

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91:

Glass Cones Steel Cones
Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: Ingredient of rocket and double
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5: base propellants
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE

Loading Density: gm/cc

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25i/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Liquid
Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation
Solubility in Water,
Air, Confined: ;m/100 grn, at:
25°C 0.55
6o°c 0.68
Under Water:
Solubility, gm/lOO gm,
Peak Pressure
at 25"C, TiH"
Energy Alcohol
2: 1 Ether: Alcohol
Underground: Acetone
Peak Pressure Viscosity, centipoises:
Temp, 20 C 13.2
Hydrolysis, $ Acid:
€eat of: 10 days at 22°C 0.032
Combustion, cal/gm 5 days at 6o°C 0.029
3^28 Japor Pressure:
Explosion, cal/gm 357
Gas Volume, cc/gm ^c mm Mercury
25 < 0.001

Triethylene Glycol Dinitrate (TEGN) Liquid AMCP 706-177


Lourenco prepared triethylene glycol in 1863 by heating glycol with ethylene bromide in a
sealed tube at 115°-120°C (Ann (3) 67, 275). Later in the same year Wurtz prepared triethy-
lene glycol by heating ethylene oxide with glycol at 100°C. By action of nitric acid triethy-
lene glycol was oxidized to (H200C-CH2-0-CH2)2 (Am (3) 69, 331, 351).

The Germans and Italians were the first to prepare and use TEGN during World War II as an
ingredient of rocket and propellant powders. The commercial production of TEGN in quantity
i s still difficult and its use as a plasticizer for nitrocellulose is being replaced by other
liquid nitrates.


Triethylene glycol is purified by fractional distillation under vacuum in an 18-inch Vi-

geaux fractioning column. The assembly as a whole is equivalent to 4.5 theoretical plates.
The distillation is conducted using a 5 to 1 reflux ratio, at a pot temperature of approxi-
mately l80°C, and a take-off temperature of approximately 120°C.

The purified triethylene glycol (TEG) is nitrated by carefully stirring it into 2.5 parts
of 65/30/5 nitric acid/sulphuric acid/water maintained at 0 — 5°C. The rate of cooling is
sufficient that 300 gn of TEG can be added within 40 minutes. The mixture is stirred and
held at 0 + 5°C, for 30 additional minutes. It is then drowned by pouring onto a large quan-
tity of ice and extracted three times with ether. The combined extract is water-washed to a
pH of about k, shaken with an excess of sodium bicarbonate solution, and further washed with
156 sodium bicarbonate solution until the washings are colorless. The ethereal solution is
water-washed until it has the same pH value as distilled water. It is carefully separated
from excess water, treated with chemically pure calcium chloride to remove dissolved water,
and filtered. The ether is removed by bubbling with dry air until a minimal rate of loss in
weight is attained. The yield is 1.34 gn per gn TEG (84%of theoretical) and the nitrogen
content of different batches range from 11.60 to 11.69$ by the nitrometer method (calculated

References: 78

(a) See the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on TEGN:

3 5 6 7 8

1953 17^5 1786 1767 1638

2193 2056 1817

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Trimonite

Composition: Molecular Weight*

Oxygen Balance;
Picric Acid 88 - 90 CO,, % -62
CO %
Mononitronaphthalene 12 10
Density: gm/cc Cast i.6o
Melting Point: "C 90

int: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt:

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 60 Boiling Point "6 8*P*dgS 3B0
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 10

Friction Pendulum Test:
Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
120°C 0.9
% 135°C
Explosions 0
Partials 0 150°C

Burned o 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:

Unaffected 100 Sand, gm 44.2
Explosion Temperature: °C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 Decomposes 315 Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.04
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:

Traurl Test, % TNT:

75°C International Heat Test:
% Lass in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test:

100°C Heat Test: Condition

% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs Confined

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc

Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index:
Confinement None

Hygroscopicity: % Condition Cast

Charge Diameter, in. 1.0
Volatility: Density, gm/cc 1.60
Rate, meters/second 7020

Trimonite AMCP70G-177

Fragmentation lest: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

For Subject HE
Principal Uses: TNT substitute in projectiles
and bombs
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.60

Fragment Velocity: ft/sec

At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation Exude at 50°C


Air Confined* Preparation:

Picric acid and alpha-mononitronaphthalene
are melted together in an aluminum or tin steam
Under Water: jacketed melt kettle equipped with a stirrer.
Peak Pressure Although picric acid alone requires a high tem-
Impulse perature for its melt loading (l20°C), the
Energy mixture forms a eutectic melting at ^9°C> Care
must be taken to prevent the formation of dan-
gerous metallic picrates. Trimonite is of
Underground: interest as an emergency substitute for TNT.
Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 Trimonite


Trimonite, a castable mixture of picric acid/mononitronaphthalene waä developed by the

British during World War II as an improvement over tridite which is a mixture of 8o/20 picric
aoid/ditiitrophenol. Both mixtures are suitable for melt-loading below 100°C and therefore
represent an improvement over melt-loading picric acid alone (melting point 122°C). However,
tridite is slightly inferior to picric acid as an explosive and dinitrophenol is objection-
able because of its toxicity. Trimonite is also slightly inferior to picric acid and TNT as
an explosive. Because of the low eutectic temperature of the picric acid-mononitronaphthalene
mixture (^9°C), Tridite exudes when stored at elevated temperatures. It does not possess the
disadvantages of picric acid (corrosive action on metals, ease of decomposition, etc.) and is
a comparatively inexpensive substitute for TUT.

References: ™

(a) See the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Trimonite:

2. 1 6 8
1352 1325 926 1098
1372 976 1838

See footnote 1, page 10.

2,2,2-'Erinitroethyl-4, k, U-lfrinitrotjutyrate (TNETB) AMCP70S-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (CgHgHgO^) 386

C 18.6 Oxygen Balance:
CO, % -4.2
H l 6
CO % 20.8
' O-CH C(lTO .
/ 2}
z 3J Density: gm/cc Form I 1.78
N 21.8 '
C = 0
Melting Point: "C 93
0 58.0 \
d d d J
C/H Ratio 0.202 Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: °C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0 Form I (e)
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. Crystal Axis a 1.518
Sample Wt, mg
ß 1-527
50$ point, cm (a) 20
T 1,5^6
Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability lest:
Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
100°C 48 hrs 0.60
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand lest:
Unaffected Sand, gm

Explosion Temperature: C Sensitivityto Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5 50$ point (Alhot bar) (a) 225 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
20 Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (b) 136

Trauzl Test, % TNT:

75 °C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30°C; 90$ RH
Charge Diameter, in.
75 C, 5 months Nil (a)
Density, gm/cc 1.60 1.76
Rate, meters/second 7760 8290

AM CP 706-177 2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-4,^,^-Trinitrobutyrate (1TOE7B)

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, otoms/sec 4 .4 x 10
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 43.4
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AH, kcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phose Liquid

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 1685
Explosion, cal/gm
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm 307 Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
Sublimation, cal/gm (est) 80^ 500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches

1 Mi
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/°C T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vi Concrete:

Volume, %/"C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
B, dynes/cm2
E, lb/inch2
1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch-' Trials

Vapor Pressure: e
( ) Low Order
°C mm Mercury High Order
65 3-3 x 104
75 1.3 x
65 4.2 X 10
100 2.3 x 10"!
120 1.4 X 10

2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-*)-,k,^-Trinitro'Dutyrate (TNETB) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. c£ Fragments:

Color: Colorless
For Subject HE
Principal Uses:
3 inch HE M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading:
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc Form I 1 783
Form II 1.677
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec Liquid, 99°C. 1-551
*At9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Wet

Blast (Relative to H-6; : Suhere Cylinder th) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: 1-Ib Charge: EW* EV* SW* EV* Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure 0.91 0.84 0.81 0.75
Impulse 0.73 0.67 0.7^ 0.69 Exudation

Bruceton Safety Test Results: (g)

Mean and standard deviation of lengths of

0.300 diameter cylinder across which init 1a-
tion is possible for 50% certainty:

TNT 0.391 + 0.040

RDX Ccmp B 0.381 + 0.042
TKETfi 0.920 + 0.059

Underground: Absolute Viscosity, poises: (e)

Peak Pressure
Impulse Temp, 98.9°C O.173
106.5°C O.138
*EW, equivalent weight of H-6 for a unit weight
of test mixture for equal performance at the
same test distance; 3V, equivalent volume of
E-6 for a unit volume of test mixture for equal
performance at the same test distance.

AMCP 706-177 2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-^, k,^-M.nitro'butyrate (THETB)

Snlnhility rRmm TpmppratiirpV (a)

Solvent Solubility

Water Insoluble
n-Hexane Insoluble
Carbon tetrachloride Insoluble
Ethanol 5 gm/lOO gn solvent
Chloroform 5 gm/lOO gn solvent
Benzene 10 gm/lOO gn solvent
Nitrom ethane Very soluble
Glacial acetic acid Very soluble
Ethyl acetate Very soluble

TNETB Forms Eutectics With the Following Compounds: (a)

TNT 57
BTNES (bis(trinitroethyl) succinate) 80+
BTNEN (bis(trinitroethyl) nitramine) 68.5
TUB (trinitrobenzene) , 65
Compound A (Cij.HgN.0_ formed by
condensation of 1,1-dinitroethane) 77
Trinitroethyl trinitrobenzoate (2jj>) 80-5 (£)

Crystallographic Data: (a)

Three polymorphic crystalline forms have been observed. Low temperature Form I goes through
a solid-solid transition at 89°C giving Form II. Form II has a melting point of 92.5° to 93°C
Ch cooling, Form II does not transform reversibly to Form I when 89°C is reached. However,
Form II will transform to Form I at room temperature, usually taking a few hours to do so.
Form III was observed, which appeared to be stable over a very narrow temperature range on
the order of 0.2° to 0.3°C near 92.5°C

Preparation- (d)

(NO2)3CCH2CH2COCI + (W02)3CH20H HgSOj^

trinitrobutyryl chloride trinitroethanol sulfuric


(HOg),CCH2CH2C00CH2C(H02)3 + HC1
2,2,2-t r i n itroethyl-lt, ^,4-trinitro- hydrochloric
butyrate acid
Laboratory experiments indicate that the present slow step involving overnight treatment
of h,k,h-trinitrobutyryl chloride with 2,2,2-trinitroethanol and aluminum chloride can be
replaced by a fast and simple esterification in sulfuric acid. Using 100$ sulfuric acid or
fortified H2S0r„ the ester can be prepared in yields of 95$ to 9% in 24 hours at 25°C, in
5 hours at 50°C, or in 3 hours at 65°C. Above 65°C the reaction time is less, but the yield
falls off" and a less pure product is obtained. The crude white crystalline product on recrys-
tallization from dilute methanol gives a material melting at 92° to 93°C.

2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-M^-^initrotutyrate (TNETB) AMCP 706-177

Prig'"- (e)
TNETB belongs to a new class of explosives characterized by trinitromethyl groups,
-C(NOO) The chemistry of this class of compounds was studied in Germany by Drs. Schenck
and Sc-h-rmmelschmidt, who discovered in 19^2-19^3 that trinitromethane or nitroform, HCCNOg)?)
was the source of new explosive derivatives. Dr. Schenck prepared the stable solid alcohol,
2,2,2-trinitroethanol, from nitroform and formaldehyde. Dr. Schimmelschmidt reacted nitroform
with unsaturated organic compounds, such as acrylic acid, and predicted in 19^3 that the ester
of ^,^,4-trinitrobutyric acid with trinitroethanol would be an interesting explosive.

In 19V7 the U. S. Navy began a program to explore these compounds. The initial task of in-
vestigating the chemistry of trinitroethanol was undertaken by the Hercules Powder Company
(Navy Contract NOrd-9925)' The U.S. Rubber Company studied the chemistry of nitroform (Navy
Contract NOrd-10,129). After preparation of the first laboratory samples of TNETB, consider-
able interest was aroused. In early 1950 the Naugatuck Chemical Division of U.S. Rubber Com-
pany was assigned to prepare 100 pounds of TNETB. The Bureau of Ordnance in July 1953 raised
the production to 800 pounds with the assistance of the Hercules Powder Company in augmenting
the production at Naugatuck (Navy Contract NOrd-11,280). TNETB is a high oxygen content

References: 80

(a) J. M Rosen, Properties of Trinitroethyl Trinitrobutyrate TNETB, NAV0RD Report No.

1758, 17 December 1950.

(b) Bureau of Mines Report No. 3107, Part IX, Ballistic Mortar Tests on Trinitroethyl
Trinitrobutyrate, 5 April 1950.

(c) L. D. Hampton and G. Svadeba, Evaluation of 2,2,2-Trinitroethyl-4,4,^-Trinitro'butyrate

as a Constituent of Castable Explosives, NAVURD Report No. 2614, 30 September 1952.

(d) U.S. Rubber Company Quarterly Progress Report No. 23, Synthesis of New Propellants
and Explosives, Navy Contracts N0rd-10-129 and -12,663, 19 August I953.

(e) M. E. Hill, 0. H. Johnson, J. M. Rosen, D. V. Sickman and F. Taylor, Jr., Preparation

and Properties of TNETB, a New Castable High Explosive, NAV0RD Report No. 3885, 27 January 1955.

(f) M. E. Hill, Synthesis of New High Explosives, NAV0RD Report No. 2965, lApril 1953-

(g) Jacob Savitt, A Sensitivity Test for Castable Liquid Explosives, Including Results
for <6>
Soiime New Materials, NAVORD Report No. 2997, 22 October 1953-

(h) R. W. Gipson, Sensitivity of Explosives, IX: Selected Physico-Chemical Data of Ten

Pure High Explosives, NAVORD Report No. 6130, 18 June 195Ö.

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 706-177 Trinitro Triazidobenzene

Composition: Molecular Weight: (c6°6Ni2^ 336

Oxygen Balance:
C 21 .4 CO, % -29
CO % 0.0
N 50. 0
Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.81
0 28 .6
Melting Point: "C Decomposes 131

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm (a) — 25
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in.
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe 90°C
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm

(a) Sensitivity to Initiation:

Explosion Temperature: "C
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 150 Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trau si Test, % PETN: 90
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % 30 C, 90%RH 0.00 Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second

AMCP 706-177
Trinitro Triazidobenzene

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, LotWC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Greenish-yellow
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: (c) Ingredient of primer mix

3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:

Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Loading: Pressed

For TNT Dead presses at about 42,000 psi
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 42,000 psi 1-75
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 251/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quontity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Exudation None
Qualitative Solubilities
Air, Confined: at Room Temperature:
Solvent Solubility

Under Water: Acetone Readily soluble

Peak Pressure Chloroform Moderately soluble
Alcohol Sparingly soluble
Water Insoluble
ConroatiMlitv with Metal s:

Underground: Wet: Does not attack iron, steel, copper

Peak Pressure or brass.
Impulse Heat of:
Combustion, cal/gm (a) 255^

Burning Rate: v°)

cm/sec 0.65

AMCP 706-177
Trinitro Triazidobenzene

Preparation: (e)

Cl °2
H+ mixed
decomposition acid




Aniline is chlorinated to form trichloroaniline. The amino group is eliminated by the

diazo reaction. The resulting sym-trichlorobenzene is nitrated. This nitration is carried
out by dissolving the material in warm 32$ oleum, adding strong nitric acid, and heating to
l4o°-150°C until no trinitro trichlorobenzene (melting point 18T°C) precipitates (Ref f) .
The chlorine groups are then replaced by azo groups. This is accomplished by adding an ace-
tone solution of the trinitro trichlorobenzene, or better, and powdered substance alone, to
an actively stirred solution of sodium azide in alcohol. The precipitated trinitro triazido-
benzene is collected on a filter, washed with alcohol, water and dried. It may be purified
by dissolving in chloroform, allowing the solution to cool, and collecting the greenish yellow
crystals (melting point 131°C with decomposition).


This initiating explosive was first prepared in 1923 by Turek who also perfected its manu-
facture .

References :8^

(a) S. Helf, Tests of Explosive Compounds Submitted by Arthur D. Little, Inc., PATR 1750,
24 October 1949-

(b) A. F. Belyaeva and A. E. Belyaeva CRa.s. USSR 52, 503-505 (1946) Chemical Abstracts
41, I+310.

A. E. Belyaeva and A. F. Belyaeva, Doklady Akad Ifeuk. USSR 56, 491-491+ (194-7).

(c) French Patent 893,941, 14 November 1944 (Chemical Abstracts 4_7, 8374).

(d) A. D. Yoffe, "Thermal Decomposition and Explosion of Azides," Proc. Roy Soc A208,
188-199 (1951).
(e) T. L. Davis, The Chemistry of Powder and Explosives, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
Nxv York (1943), p. 43(x
(f) 0. Turek, Chim et Ind 26, ?8l (1931); German Patent 498,050: British Patent 298,981.

See footnote 1, page 10.

Tripentaervthritol Octaniträte (IPEOJO AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: (ci5H24N8°26^ 732

C 24.6 Oxygen Balance:
H 3-3 C02 % -35
N 15-3 CO % -2.2
0 56.8
CH OITO CHOTO CH ON02 Density: gm/cc Crystal 1.58

OgNOCHgCC^OCH^C^OCH^C^OHOg Melting Point: "C 82 to 84

CHo0H0o CHoOMO„ CHo0W0p
c/HRatio Freezing Point: "C
Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C
Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n?0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. 9 _D
Sample Wt, mg 24

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C Pure 2.45
Rifle Bullet Impact Test: Trials 120°C Specially purified 1.94
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 58.9

Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:

Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
5 225 Lead Azide 0.30
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
100°C Heat Test:
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs 1.15
Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs 0.75
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammobility Index: Confinement None
Condition Pressed
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in. 0.5
Density, gm/cc 1.56
Rate, meters/second 7650

AMCP 706-177 Tripentaerythritol Octanitrate (TPEOlQ

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole 23.1
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (AHjkcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C 215 to 250
Density, gm/cc Phase Liquid

Heat of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 2Ö32
Explosion, cal/gm 1085
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 762 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gm/°C
Plate Thickness, inches
Specific Impulse:

lb-sec/lb (calculated) 240 1

Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
col/sec/cm/"C T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb YJ Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/"C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Mohs' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
B, dynes/cm2
E, lb/incha 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inch2 Trials
Vopor Pressure: Low Order
°C mm Mercury High Order

Tripentaerythritol Octanitrate (TPEOW) AMCP 706-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: White
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: High explosive and as possible
plasticizer for nitrocellulose
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast or pressed
For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
Pressed at 60,000 psi 1-565
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At.25i/2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Impulse Exudation None


Hygroscopicity,, Gain or Loss in Wt, %\

Air, Confined:
Time, Hrs % RH a t 30°C

Under Water: ^0 7o 90
Peak Pressure
Impulse 24 -O.OO8 +0.01 +0.0U
48 -0.02 -0.01 +0.02
ikk -0.0k -0.03 -0.02
192 -0.04 -0.02
Underground: 216 -0.004 -0.01 +0.03
Peak Pressure
Impulse Solubility:
Solvent Solubility

Water Insoluble
Alcohol Soluble
Chloroform Soluble
Acetone, hot Very soluble
Benzene, hot Very soluble

AMCP 706-177 Tripentaerythritol Octanitrate (PEON)


Twenty grams (0.054 mol) of nitration grade tripentaerythritol (TPE) (99%)minimum purity)
were slowly added, with stirring, to 160 gm (2.55 mol) of 99%nitric acid at a temperature of
-25 to 0°C. Qi equivalent weight basis, this quantity of 99% nitric acid corresponds to an
excess of 6.3 times the TPE used. After addition of the TPE, the reaction mixture was stirred
for about one hour at 0° to 5°C and poured into eight times its volume of cracked ice. The
product, when allowed to stand overnight, wds crushed under water; filtered with suction; and
washed copiously with water. It was then treated twice with about 5 times its weight of a if
ammonium carbonate solution, stirred for several hours, filtered and washed with water until
the final washings were neutral to litmus. The final product v\tB washed successively with
50 cc each of ethanol and ether. The material dried in air weighed 37.8 gm or 96$ of theory
based on TPE. It had a melting range of 71° to 74 C. Crystallization of the crude TPEON from
chloroform was found to be the most suitable method of obtaining pure TPEON.


TPEON prepared by the reaction of tripentaerythritol and 99$ nitric acid at 0 to 10°C was
reported by Wyler in 19^5 (J. A. Wyler to Trojan Powder Company: U.S. Patent 2,389, 228,
20 November 19^5)•

Tripentaerythritol Octanitrate (TPEOM) AMCP 70G-177

References: ^2

(a) J. J. LaMonte, H. J. Jackson, S. Livingston, L. B. Silberman and M M. Jones, The

Preparation and Explosive Properties of Tripentaerythritol Octanitrate, PAIR No. 2^90, 1958.

(b) K. Namba, J. Yamashita and S. Tanaka, "Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate," J Ind Explosives

Soc (Japan) 15, 282-9 (195^); GA k^., 11283 (1955)-

(c) S. D. Brewer and H. Henkln, The Stability of PEIN and Pentolite, OSRD Report No. l4l4.

(d) E. Berlow, R- H. Barth and J. E. Snow, The Pentaervthritols. ACS Monograph No. 136,
Reinhold Publishing Corporation, New York, 1958!

See footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 70S-177 M. tonal, 80/20

Composition: Molecular Weight: 81

Oxygen Balance:
TNT 80
CO, % -77
Aluminum 20 CO % -38

Density: gm/cc Cast 1.72

Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm 85
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, n°0
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in, 13
Sample Wt, mg 16 n5

Friction Pendulum Test:

Vacuum Stability Test:
Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 0.1
Rifle Bullet Impoct Test: Trials
120°C 0.2
135°C --
150°C 0.8
200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Sand, gm

Sensitivity to Initiation:
Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
Mercury Fulminate
Lead Azide 0.20
Tetryl 0.10

Ballistic Mortar, % TNT: (a) 12k

Traurl Test, % TNT: (b) 125

5°C International Heat Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs Plate Dent Test: (c)
Method B
'00°C Heat Test: Condition Cast
% Loss, 1 st 48 Hrs Confined NO

% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs Density, gm/cc 1.75

Explosion in 100 Hrs Brisance, % TNT 93
Detonation Rate:
lammability Index: 100 Confinement None None

Condition Cast Pressed

lygroscopicity: % 30°C, 90$ RH 0.00
Charge Diameter, in, 1.0 1.0
Density, gm/cc
Volatility: 1.71 1.72
Rate, meters/second 6475 6700

Tritonal, 8o/20 AMCP 706-177

Booster Sensitivity lest:

(a) Cast
Decomposition Equation:
Oxygen, otoms/sec
Tetryl, gm 100 (Z/sec)
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation 0.58 (AH^cal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc 1-75 Phase

Heat of: (c) Armor Plate Impact lest: (e)

Combustion, cal/gm 4480
Explosion, cal/gm 1770
60 mm Mortar Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec 509 >1100
Formation, cal/gm Aluminum Fineness -^O 12
Fusion, cal/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:
Specific Heat: cal/gnVC (b)
o Plate Thickness, inches Trials jo Inert
At -5 C 0.23

Density, gm/cc 1.74 1 0

l'/i '6 100
At 20°C 0.31
6 33
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop lest: (e)

Thermal Conductivity:
-k 17, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bombvs Concrete:
cal/sec/cm/"C, (b) 11 x 10
Density, gm/cc 1-73
Max Safe Drop, ft
Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:
Seal Seal
Volume, %/°C Height, ft U,000 5,000
Trials 34 Ik
Hardness, Mohs' Scale: 32 lit
Low Order 0 0
Young's Modulus: (b)
High Order 2 0
B, dynes/cm2 6.67 x 10-10
E, lb/inch2 0.97 x 10^ 1000-lb General Purpose Bomb VJ Concrete:
Density, gm/cc 1.72 Seal
Height, ft 5,000
CompressiveStrength: lb/inch2 (b) 23^0 Trials 24
Density, gm/cc 1.75 23

Vapor Pressure: Low Order 0

°C mm Mercury High Order 1

AMCP 706-177 Tritonal, 8o/20

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Charge Effectiveness, TNT= 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc 1.71 Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb 2.272 Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Calor: Gray
For TNT 703
For Subject HE 616
Principal Uses: O? bombs
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Let KC-5:
Density, gm/cc 1.73
Charge Wt, lb 0.914

Total No. of Fragments:

Method of Loading: Cast
For TNT 514
For Subject HE 485
Loading Density: gm/cc 1.65-1-72
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft 2460
At 25^ ft 2380 Storage:
Density, gm/cc 1.72
Method Dry

Bbst (Relative to TNT): (f) Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance) Class 9

Air: Compatibility Group Group I

Peak Pressure 110
Impulse 115 Exudation
Energy 119
Air, Confined:
Impulse 130
Tritonal is prepared by adding TNT and
aluminum separately to a steam-jacketed melt
Under Water: kettle equipped with a stirrer. Heating of
Peak Pressure 105 the kettle and mixing of the ingredients are
Impulse 118 continued until all the TNT is melted. When
the viscosity of the mixture is considered
Energy 119 satisfactory (about 85°C), the tritonal is
poured into projectiles or bombs the same as
Underground: TNT.
Peak Pressure 117
Impulse 127
Energy 136

T + i ftn/or,
Tritonal. o0/20 AMCP 706-177


The Addition of aluminum to increase the power of explosives was proposed by Escales in
1899 and patented by Roth in 1900 (German Patent 172,327). Some recent studies, directed
towards establishment of the optimum amount of aluminum in the TNT/Aluminum system, have shown
that (l)the blast effect increases to a maximum when the aluminum content is 30$ (Ref g);
the brisance, as measured by the Sand Test, passes through a maximum at about 17$ aluminum
(Ref h); in Fragmentation Tests, no maximum is observed, additions of aluminum causing a de-
crease in efficiency over the entire range from 0$ to 70$ aluminum (Ref i); and (4) the rate
of detonation of cast charges is continuously decreased by additions of aluminum up to 40$
(Ref j ) F°r all practical purposes it is concluded that the addition of 18$ to 20$ aluminum
to TNT improves its performance to a maximum. This conclusion is in agreement with that of
British workers who measured performance of aluminized TNT-mixtures based on extensive Lead
Block Test data (Ref k).

Tritonal, consisting of 80$ TNT and 20$ aluminum, was developed and standardized in the
United States during World War II for use in bombs.
References :83

(a) L. C. Smith and E. H. Eyster, Physical Testing of Explosives, Part 111, Miscellaneous
Sensitivity Tests; Performance Tests, CSRD Report No. 5746, 27 December 1945.

(b) Philip C. Keenan and Dorothy Pipes, Table of Military High Explosives. Second Revi-
sion, NAV0RD Report No. 87-46, 26 July 1946.

(c) D. P. MacDougall, Methods of Physical Testing, 0SRD Report No. 803, 11 August 1942.

(d) L. C Smith and S. R. Walton, A Consideration of RDX/Wax Mixtures as a Substitute for

Tetryl in Boosters, N0L Mmo 10,303, 15 June 1949.

(e) Committee of Div 2 and 8, NDRC, Report on HBX and Tritonal, OSRD No. 5406, 31 July 19^5•

(f) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr. , Blast Effects of Bomb Explosives. PA Tech Div Lecture, 9 April

(g) W. B. Kennedy, R. F. Arentzen and C. W. Tait, Survey of the Performance of TNT/Al on

the Basis of Air-Blast Pressure and Impulse, OSRD Report No. 4649, Division 2, Monthly Report
No. AES-6, 25 January 1945.

(h) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Develop New High Explosive Filler for AP Shot. PAIR No. 1290,
First Progress Report, 19 May 1943-

(i) W. R. Tomlinson, Jr., Develop New High Explosive Filler for AP Shot, PAIR No. 1380,
Second Progress Report, 12 January 1944.

(j) L. S. Wise, Effect of Aluminum on the Rate of Detonation of TNT, PAIR No. 1550,
26 July 1945-

(k) Armament Research Dept, The Effect of Aluminum on the Power of Explosives, British
Report AC-6437, May 1944 (Explosives Report 577/44).

83see footnote 1, page 10.

AMCP 70G-177 _Tritonal,
.. . Rn/on

(l) Also see the following Picatinny Arsenal Technical Reports on Tritonal:

2. 3 i 5 6 7 8
1530 1693 lW l635 1956 1737 2138
1560 2353 2127

V<-ltex Wo^J+W* AMCP 706-177

Composition: Molecular Weight: 281

HMX 70.0 Oxygen Balance:
Nitrocellulose (13.15$ N) 15.0 CO, % -26
10.7 CO % -0.5
2-Nitrodiphenylamine 1-3 Density: gm/cc Pressed 1.72
Triacetin 3-0
Melting Point: "C

C/H Ratio Freezing Point: "C

Impact Sensitivity, 2 Kg Wt: Boiling Point: "C

Bureau of Mines Apparatus, cm
Sample Wt 20 mg Refractive Index, nS>
Picatinny Arsenal Apparatus, in. _D
Sample Wt, mg

Friction Pendulum Test: Vacuum Stability Test:

Steel Shoe Unaffected cc/40 Hrs, at
Fiber Shoe Unaffected 90°C
100°C 1.29
Rifle Bullet Impact lest: Trials 11+
120°C 29 hours
% 135°C
Burned 200 Gram Bomb Sand Test:
Unaffected Sand, gm 66.4
Explosion Temperature: "C Sensitivity to Initiation:
Seconds, 0.1 (no cap used) Minimum Detonating Charge, gm
1 Mercury Fulminate
5 0.30
Lead Azide
10 Tetryl
Ballistic Mortar, % TNT:
Trauzl Test, % TNT:
75°C International Heat Test:
Plate Dent Test:
% Loss in 48 Hrs
90 'C Heat Test:
0.28 Confined
% Loss, 1st 48 Hrs
1.12 Density, gm/cc
% Loss, 2nd 48 Hrs
Brisance, % TNT
Explosion in 100 Hrs None

Detonation Rate:
Flammability Index: Confinement
Hygroscopicity: % Charge Diameter, in.
Density, gm/cc
Rate, meters/second (calculated) 8500

*See footnote on following page.

AMCP 706-177 Veltex No. M8*

Booster Sensitivity Test: Decomposition Equation:

Condition Oxygen, atoms/sec
Tetryl, gm
Heat, kilocalorie/mole
Wax, in. for 50% Detonation (ÄHjkcal/mol)
Wax, gm Temperature Range, °C
Density, gm/cc Phase

Hoot of:
Armor Plate Impact Test:
Combustion, cal/gm 2359
Explosion, cal/gm 1226
60 mm Mortor Projectile:
Gas Volume, cc/gm 50% Inert, Velocity, ft/sec
Formation, col/gm Aluminum Fineness
Fusion, col/gm
500-lb General Purpose Bombs:

Compression a t Rupture: $ 8.26 Plate Thickness, inches

Work to Produce Rupture: 1

ft-lb/inch3 9.62 1%
Burning Rate:
Bomb Drop Test:

Thermal Conductivity:
cal/sec/cm/"C T7, 2000-lb Semi-Armor-Piercing Bomb vs Concrete:

Max Safe Drop, ft

Coefficient of Expansion:
Linear, %/°C 500-lb General Purpose Bomb vs Concrete:

Volume, %/°C Height, ft

Hardness, Moris' Scale:
Low Order
Young's Modulus:
High Order
E', dynes/cm2 0.24 x 10
E, lb/inch2 0.35 x 105 1000-lb General Purpose Bombvt Concrete:
Density, gm/cc
Height, ft
Compressive Strength: lb/inehs 2720 Trials
Vapor Pressure: Low Order
"C mm Mercury High Order

*Name assigned by Dr. Mark M. Jones, formerly

of PA; based on original development by
James H. Veltman.

Veltex No. 448 AMCP 70S-177

Fragmentation Test: Shaped Chergt Effectiveness, TNT = 100:

90 mm HE, M71 Projectile, Lot WC-91: Glass Cones Steel Cones

Density, gm/cc Hole Volume
Charge Wt, lb Hole Depth

Total No. of Fragments:

Color: Orange
For Subject HE
Principal Uses: High mechanical strength
machinable explosive
3 inch HE, M42A1 Projectile, Lot KC-5:
Density, gm/cc
Charge Wt, lb

Total No. of Fragments: Method of Looding: Pressed

For Subject HE
Loading Density: gm/cc
At 6,700 psi 1.72
Fragment Velocity: ft/sec
At 9 ft
At 25y2 ft Storage:
Density, gm/cc
Method Dry

Blast (Relative to TNT): Hazard Class (Quantity-Distance)

Air: Compatibility Group

Peak Pressure
Exudation None
Machinability Excellent

Air, Confined:

Peak Pressure

Peak Pressure

AMCP 706-177 Veltex Wo. 448


The preparation of this class of explosive compositions is illustrated by the method used
for Veltex No. 448: Placs. 675 cc of water in a slurry kettle equipped with an agitator. Add
5.85 goi of 2-nItrodipher..ylaraine and agitate for several minutes to obtain dispersion. Then
add 93.7 gm of water-wt nitrocellulose (dry weight 67.5 gm) in small portions. Raise the
temperature to 1t8°C ana maintain this temperature, but continue the agitation. A mixture of
48.2 gm of nitroglycerin and 13-5 gm of triacetin is added over a 5-minute period, with the
mixing continuing for an additional 10 minutes at 48°C. Bie HMX (350 gm) is added over a
5-minute period with agitation continued for 30 minutes at 48°C. The slurry is cooled to
room temperature and filtered. The filter cake is dried to a moisture content between 8%and
12$. The incorporation of this mix is completed by rolling 50 gm portions at a temperature
of approximately 90°C. The finished colloid is then preheated on a heat table at 66°c. In-
crements of 25 gm each are pressed at 6700 psi for four minutes at 71°C A cylinder is then
built up by pressing together four 25 gn increments for a dwell time of 15 minutes.


Veltex is the name given to a series of closely related nitrocellulose compositions pre-
pared in 1957 at Picatinny Arsenal by the solventless process used for propellants. These
compositions all contain a high percentage of solid high explosive. They were investigated
to determinate the suitability of the Holtex type explosive developed by Hispano Suiza of
Switzerland, France and Spain, but for which the composition was not reported (Ref a). Com-
positions similar to Veltex No. 448 and containing 60<?o to 80$ HMX, with either nitroglycerin
or triethyleneglycol dinitrate as colloiding agent for nitrocellulose, have also been prepared.
In general these compositions showed lower heat stability than that of conventional high ex-
plosive compositions.

Reference: ^

(a) U. S. Air Intelligence Information Report IR-269-55; Holtex—Hispano Suiza Explosive,

4 May 1955-

See footnote 1, page 10.

» U. S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : 1S71 O - 430-508(6832A)

AMCP 706-177




Major General, USA

Chief of Staff

Colonel, GS
&Chief, HQ Admin Mgt Ofc

Listed below are the Handbooks which have been published or are currently under preparation. Handbooks with publication
dates prior to 1 August 1962 were published as 20-series Ordnance Corps Pamphlets. ftJC Circular 310-38, 19 July 1963,
redesignated those publications as 706-series /WC Pamphlets (e.g., CRD? 20-138 was redesignated AMCP 706-138). All new,
reprinted, or revised Handbooks are being published as 706-series ftJC Pamphlets.
No. Title No.
AVCP 706- AVCP 706-
100 "Design Guidance for Producibility 201 "Rotorcraft Engineering, Part One, Preliminary
104 "Value Engineering Design
106 Elements of Armament Engineering, Part One, 202 "Rotorcraft Engineering, Part Two, Detail
Sources of Energy Design
107 Elements of Armament Engineering, Part Two, 203 "Rotorcraft Engineering, Part Three, Qualifica-
Ballistics tion Assurance
108 Elements of Armament Engineering, Part Three, 205 "Timing Systems and Components
Weapon Systems and Components 210 Fuzes
109 "Tables of the Cumulative Binomial Probabilities 211(C) Fuzes, Proximity, Electrical, Part One (U)
110 Experimental Statistics, Section 1, Basic Con- 212(S) Fuzes, Proximity, Electrical, Part Two (U)
cepts and Analysis of Measurement Data 213(S) Fuzes, Proximity, Electrical, Part Three (U)
111 Experimental Statistics, Section 2, Analysis of 214(S) Fuzes, Proximity, Electrical, Part Four (U)
Enumerative and Classificatory Data 215(C) Fuzes, Proximity, Electrical, Part Five (U)
112 Experimental Statistics, Section 3, Planning 235 "Hardening Weapon Systems Against RF Energy
and Analysis of Comparative Experiments 239{S) "Small Arms Ammunition (U)
113 Experimental Statistics, Section 4, Special 240( S) Grenades (U)
Topics 241(S) *Land Mines (U)
114 Experimental Statistics, Section 5, Tables 242 Design for Control of Projectile Flight
115 Environmental Series, Part One, Basic Environ- Characteristics {REPLACES -246)
mental Concepts 244 Ammunition, Section 1, Artillery Ammunition-
116 "Environmental Series, Part Two, Basic Environ- General, with Table of Contents, Glossary,
mental Factors and Index fo r Series
12a "Criteria for Environmental Control of Mobile 245(C) Ammunition, Section 2, Design for Terminal
Systems Effects (U)
121 ""Packaging and Pack Engineering 246 +Ammunition, Section 3, Design for Control of
123 "Hydraulic Fluids Flight Characteristics {REPLACED BT -242)
125 Electrical Wire and Cable 247 Ammunition, Section 4, Design for Projection
127 "Infrared Military Systems, Part One 248 -•-Ammunition, Section 5, Inspection Aspects of
128(S; "Infrared Military Systems, Part Two (U) Artillery Ammunition Design
130 Desigr for Air Transport and Airdrop of 249 Ammunition, Section 6, Manufacture of Metallic
Materiel Components of Artillery Ammunition
133 "Maintainability Engineering Theory and Practice 250 Guns--General
134 Maintainability Guide for Design 251 Muzzle Devices
135 Inventions, Patents, and Related Matters 252 Gun Tubes
136 Servomechanisms, Section 1, Theory 255 Spectral Characteristics of Muzzle Flash
137 Servomechanisms, Section 2, Measurement and 260 Automatic Weapons
Signai Converters 270 Propellant Actuated Devices
138 Servomechanisms, Section 3, Amplification 280 Design of Aerodynamically Stabilized Fr?e
139 Servomechanisms, Section 4, Power Elements and Rockets
System Design 281 (SRD) Weapon System Effectiveness (U)
140 Trajectories, Differential Effects, and Data 282 + Propulsion and Propellants (KEPLACEE BY -285)
f o r Projectiles 283 Aerodynamics
145 "Dynamics of a Tracking Gimbal System 284(C) Trajectories (U)
150 Interior Ballistics of Guns 285 Elements of Aircraft and Missile Propulsion
160(5) Elenierts of Terminal Ballistics, Part One, Kill {REPLACES -282)
Mechanisms and Vulnerability (U) 286 Structures
161(5) Elements of Terminal Ballistics, Part Two, 290(C) Warheads—General (I)
Collection and Analysis of Data Concerning 291 Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part One, System
Targets (U) Integration
162(SRD) Elements of Terminal Ballistics, Part Three, 292 Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part Two, Weapon
Application to Missile and Space Targets (U Control
165 Liquid-Filled Projectile Design 293 Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part Three, Computers
170(C) ""Armor and Its Application (U) 294i,S Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part Four, Missile
175 Solid Propellants, Part One Armament (U)
176(C) Solid Propellants, Part Two (U) 29b(S Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part Five, Counter-
177 Properties of Explosives of Military Interest measures (U)
178(C) ^Properties of Explosives of Military Interest 296 Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part Six, Structures
Section 2 (U) {REPLACED BY -177) and Power Sources
179 Explosive Trains 297(S Surface-to-Air Missiles, Part Seven, Sample
180 "Principles of Explosive Behavior Problem (U)
185 Military Pyrotechnics, Part One, Theory and 327 ire Control Systems—General
Appli cati on 329 Fire Control Computing Systems
Military Pyrotechnics, Part Two, Safety, 331 Compensating Elements
Procedures and Glossary 335(SRD) "Design Engineers' Nuclear Effects Manual,
Military Pyrotechnics, Part Three, Properties Volume I, Munitions and Weapon Systems (J)
of Materials Used in Pyrotechnic Compositions 336(SRD) "Design Engineers' Nuclear Effects Manual,
"Military Pyrotechnics, Part Four, Design of Volume II, Electronic Systems and Logistical
Ammunition for Pyrotechnic Effects Systems (U)
189 Military Pyrotechnics, Part Five, Bibliography 337(SRD) "Design Engineers' Nuclear Effects Manual,
190 *Anrsy Weapon System Analysis Volume III, Nuclear Environment (U)
191 *System Analysis and Cost-Effectiveness 338(SRD) "Design Engineers' Nuclear Effects Manual,
195 *Develapment Guide for Reliability, Part One, 'Jolume IV, Nuclear Effects (U)
Introduction, Background, and Planning for 340 Carriages and Mounts—General
Army Materiel Requirements 341 Cradles
196 "Development Guide for Reliability, Part Two, 342 Recoil Systems
Design for Reliability 343 Top Carriages
197 "Development Guide for Reliability, Part Three, 344 Bottom Carriages
Reliability Prediction 345 Equi1i brators
198 "Development Guide for Reliability, Part Four, 346 Elevating Mechanisms
Reliability Measurement 347 Traversing Mechanisms
"Development Guide for Reliability, Part Five, 350 Wheeled Amphibians
Contracting for Reliability 355 The Automotive Assembly
"Development Guide for Reliability, Part Six, 356 Automotive Suspensions
Mathematical Appendix and Glossary 357 Automotive Bodies and Hulls


+0BS0LETE--out of stock

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