Rizal 2nd Homecoming

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MODULE 13: Rizal’s Trip to Madrid and Second Homecoming


At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:

1. Describe the misfortunes of Rizal in Madrid.

2. Appreciate the life experiences of Rizal abroad.
3. Analyze Rizal’s reasons for leaving Europe and the decision to return to Manila.

The Dominicans were unjust against the Calamba folks. Rizal’s relatives namely Silvestre,
Paciano, Antonio, Silvestre, Teong and Dandoy were deported to different provinces. Even more,
his parents had been forcibly ejected from their home. Rizal was sad and depressed upon
knowing this sad plight of his family.

Misfortunes in Madrid

Rizal almost had a duel with Antonio Luna after the former’s unsavoury
remarks about Nellie. Antonio Luna apologized with what happened. Nelly
Boustead reciprocated the affection of Rizal resulting to his conflict with
Antonio Luna. The situation frustrated Antonio Luna that led to the
exasperated duel. Rizal planned to marry Nelly but Nelly’s desire to convert
Rizal into protestant made him rethink about the marriage.

While on vacation in Biarritz, Rizal completed the last chapter of his second
novel. On March 30, 1891, Rizal proceeded to Paris by train. Rizal also retired
from the “Propaganda Movement” and from “La Solidaridad” during this time.

In Brussels, El Filibusterismo was completed which he dedicated to

GomBurZa. There were nights in Brussels where he had bad dreams about
his future death. Although feeling anxious of this, he succeeded in finishing his Nelly Boustead
second novel. When Valentine Ventura heard his financial predicament in
publishing El Fili, he sent the necessary amount needed to for its publication.
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> Misfortunes in Madrid: > To seek solace for his > Reasons for leaving Europe: > Decisions to return to Manila:
disappointments in Madrid, Rizal 1. Life was unbearable in Europe 1. To confer with Governor
1. Failure to get justice for family. took a vacation in the resort city of because of his political differences General Despujol regarding his
Biarritz on the fabulous French with M. H. del Pilar and other Borneo colonization project
2. Rizal’s eulogy to Panganiban. Riviera. Filipinos in Spain. 2. To establish the La Liga Filipina
2. To be near his idolized in Manila.
3. Aborted duel with Antonio Luna. > He was a guest of the rich Philippines and family. 3. To prove that Eduardo de Lete
Boustead family at its winter was wrong in attacking him in
4. Rizal challenges Retana to residence – Villa Eliada. > The Christmas of 1891 in Hong Madrid that he had abandoned
duel. Kong was one of the happiest the country’s cause.
> He had a serious romance with Yuletide celebrations in Rizal’s life
5. Infidelity of Leonor Rivera. Nellie Bousted. for he had a happy family reunion. > At noon of June 26, 1892, Rizal
and his widowed sister Lucia
6. Rizal-Del Pilar rivalry. > Rizal finished the last chapter of > A Portuguese physician, Dr. arrived in Manila.
his second novel, El Filibusterismo. Lorenzo P. Marques, who
became Rizal’s friend and > He had a brief interview with
> Because of the intrigues of his admirer, helped him to build up a Despujol.
jealous compatriots, Rizal retired wide clientele while in Hong Kong.
from the Propaganda movement > He visited his friends in Central
while in Brussels. > Rizal conceived the Luzon the following day (June
establishment of a Filipino colony 27).
> Simultaneous with his retirement in North Borneo (Sabah).
from the Propaganda movement, > Rizal founded the La Liga
Rizal ceased writing articles for La > He wrote the Constitution of Filipina on July 3, 1892 at Ylaya
Solidaridad. the La Liga Filipina which was Street, Tondo, Manila. Ambrosio
printed in Hong Kong in 1892. Salvador was elected president.
> He worked for the final revision of Motto: Unus Instar Omnium
the manuscript of El Fili. >Rizal wrote a letter to governor (One Like All).
general Eulogio Despujol of his
> Reasons for moving to Ghent: coming to Manila and placed > He was placed under arrest and
1. The cost of printing in Ghent was himself under the protection of the was imprisoned in Fort Santiago
cheaper that in Brussels, and Spanish government. on July 6, 1892.
2. To escape from the enticing
attraction of Petite Suzanne. > Despujol signed the deportation
of Rizal to Dapitan on July 7,
> He published El Fili through the 1892.
help of Valentin Ventura.
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Rizal left Brussels and stayed in a cheap boarding house in Ghent because he needed to print
the novel at a cheaper price. Upon arrival, Rizal found out that F. Meyer-Van-Loo Press printing
shop could give him the lowest quotation price to print his book on installment basis. To produce
the necessary funds, he pawned all his jewelries and included the 200 pesos payment of Basa
from the purchase of the copies of “Sucesos de Morga”.
In going to Hongkong, he boarded the steamer Melbourne in Marseilles. The passengers were
mostly Europeans including two Spaniards. Rizal was the only Asian. There were 80 passengers
in the steamer. They were amazed to know that he could speak a lot of languages.

Business Card shows Dr. Jose Rizal is Marker of Rizal’s residence on

an Ophthalmologist in Hong Kong Rednaxela Terrace in Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Rizal lived at number 5 D’ Aguilar street. He arrived here

in Nov. 20, 1891. He opened a medical clinic in Hongkong and
was welcomed by Jose Basa. Before the Christmas of 1891,
he was gladdened by the arrival of his father, brother, and
Silvestre Ubaldo in Hong Kong. Not long afterwards, his
mother and sisters Lucia, Josefa and Trinidad also arrived.
This Christmas was one of the happiest moments in Rizal’s life
for he had a happy family reunion. Rizal also practiced his
ophthalmology in Hong Kong where he became a well-known
medical practitioner.

Granite Steps where Rizal used to He wrote his third

pass on his way to his clinic. and fourth novel. The
third novel was in
Tagalog titled Makamisa, Dapitan, unfortunately this
remained unfinished until the time of his death. There
was a call to return home after a few days in Hongkong
because he was discontented with the less heroic
mode of living in Hongkong. Rizal was torn between
the gravity of his concern for his family and his
determination to complete El Fili. Marker on Century Square where Rizal’s
Clinic used to stand.
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Second Homecoming

Rizal and his sister Lucia arrived in Manila by noon of June 26, 1892. He gave two sealed
letters to Dr. Marques with the inscription “to be opened after my death”. Rizal and Lucia stayed
at Hotel de Oriente that faced the church of Binondo.
Rizal visited his friends on June 27. He also went to Malacañang palace for a series of
interviews with the governor-general. He denied the printed leaflets (Pobres Frailes) allegedly
found in the pillowcases of Lucia. However, despite his explanations that they were thoroughly
searched upon their arrival from Hongkong, he was still arrested and escorted to Fort Santiago.
Rizal was brought to Dapitan aboard the steamer Cebu where he was under the supervision
of commandant Captain Ricardo Carnicero. He stayed in Dapitan from July 15, 1892 to July 31,
1896, for about four years.


“Google map”, Retrieved from: https://www.google.com/maps

Mga Apo ni Teodora. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbMhGMAM-


Teodora Alonzo, ang mga dakilang ina ng ating bayani si Dr. Jose Rizal. Retrieved from

Zaide G. F. and Zaide S. M. (2007), Jose Rizal: life, works and writings of a genius, writer, scientist
and national hero, All nations publishing co., inc.p.1-426.

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