Food Menu 191021

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23 lei

Carne la garnita cu mamaliga si muraturi asortate 350g / 100g / 50g 54 lei

Pork meat and sausages with polenta and pickled vegetables

Platou Romanesc rece (zacusca, ceapa, branza telemea si burduf, rosii, castraveti, babic si ardei) 400g / 64 lei
Cold Romanian platter (mashed vegetables, onion, chesse, tomatoes, cucumber, babic and pepper)

Supa crema de dovleac cu anason (de sezon, intrebati ospatarul) 350g 28 lei Penne primavera cu sos de rosii si trufe (fara gluten) 350g 49 lei
Pumpkin cream soup with anise (seasonal, ask the waiter) Penne primavera with tomatoes sauce (gluten free)

24 lei Tortellini cu branza, baby spanac si rosii secchi 300g 47 lei

Tortellini with cheese, baby spinach and secchi tomatoes
Supa de midii 350g 39 lei
Mussels soup 59lei

Risotto cu creveti (creveti, creveti Black Tiger) 350g 54 lei

Risotto with shrimps (shrimp, Black Tiger shrimp)

Bruschete mixte Spaghetti cu ragu bolognese 350g 46 lei

(ciuperci ,mousse de branza picant, rosii, pesto, prosciutto si tapenada de masline) 250g 44 lei Spaghetti with ragu bolognese

mushrooms, spicy cheese mousse, tomatoes, pesto, prosciutto and olives Noodles cu muschi de vita si legume la wok 500g 51 lei
Noodles with beef and vegetables wok
Tartar de somon marinat in soia cu piure de avocado, wasabi si ceapa verde 250g 54 lei
salmon tartar marinated in soy sauce with avocado, wasabi and green onion Spaghetti nero cu creveti (creveti, creveti Black Tiger) si midii,
ardei iute, rosii cherry si usturoi 350g 63 lei
Creveti Black Tiger tempura cu sos sweet chilli 200g / 50g 59 lei
Nero spaghetti with shrimps (shrimp, Black Tiger shrimp) and mussels,
Black Tiger Shrimp tempura with sweet chilli sauce
chilli, cherry tomatoes and garlic
Nachos cu chilli con carne, smantana si jalapeno 250g / 100g 45 lei
Nachos with chilli con carne, sour cream and jalapeno
Lasagna cu ragu bolognese si parmesan 500g 53 lei

Pachetele de primavara si samosas cu sos sweet chilli 100g / 100g / 50g 24 lei
Spring rolls and samosas with sweet chilli sauce

Duo hummus cu lipie crocanta 250g 29 lei

Duo hummus with crispy flatbread

37 lei

Carpaccio de vita cu mix de salata si parmesan 250g 43 lei

Beef carpaccio, salad mix and parmesan
Big Texas cu cartofi prajiti, parmesan si sos BBQ 400g / 150g 59 lei
53 lei
(vita, bacon, sos cedar cu jalapeno, mix de salata, ceapa prajita si sos de maioneza)
Big Texas with fries, parmesan and BBQ sauce
(beef, bacon, cedar sauce with jalapeno, fried onion , salad mix and mayonnaise sauce)

Burger cu tofu, cartofi prajiti si sos BBQ 250g / 150g 44 lei

(tofu, ciuperci, rosii, ceapa prajita, mix salata)
Salata cu tofu, rosii cherry, masline si ardei gras 150g / 150g 39 lei Tofu burger with fries and BBQ sauce
Tofu salad with cherry tomatoes, olives and bell peppers (tofu, mushrooms, tomatoes, fried onion, salad mix)

46 lei Burger classic de vita cu cartofi prajiti, parmesan si sos BBQ 200g / 150g 49 lei

Classic beef burger with fries, parmesan and BBQ sauce (beef, bacon, cedar, baby spinach, tomato, onion, pickles and BBQ sauce)

41 lei
Pulled porc ciabatta cu sos de hrean, marar, cartofi prajiti si ardei iute copt
400g / 150g / 50g 49 lei
Salata cu vita de Noua Zeelanda, sos de rodii, parmesan si rosii cherry 150g / 80g 51 Lei Pulled pork ciabatta with horseradish and dill sauce, fries and baked chilly pappers

Burger cu pui tempura, varza remoulade, cartofi prajiti si sos de maioneza cu usturoi 200g / 150g 46 lei
Salata de avocado cu branza feta, rosii cherry si masline 350g 46 lei Tempura chicken burger with remoulade cabbage salad and fries with sour cream and garlic sauce
Avocado salad with feta chesse, cherry tomatoes and olives
T-bone / Entrecote steak Creekstone Prime USA 39 lei 100g / 42 lei 100g Legume la wok 150g 19 lei
Vegetables wok
Boston porc cu sos de hrean cu marar si piure de cartofi 500g / 150g / 50g 54 lei
Boston pork with horseradish and dill sauce and mashed potatoes Cartofi NOA 150g 19 lei
Frigarui de berbecut cu mix de salata si sos pesto 300g / 100g 64 lei cartofi prajiti de 3 ori in untura de rata
Lamb skewer with salad mix and pesto sauce fries fried 3 times in duck fat

Coaste de porc in sos Jack Daniels cu cartofi prajiti si sos usturoi 550g / 150g / 50g 64 lei Cartofi prajiti cu parmesan 150g 16 lei
Pork ribs in Jack Daniels sauce with fried potates and garlic sauce Fries with parmesan

Gujoane de curcan tempura cu piure si sos de ardei copt 200g / 150g / 50g 41 Lei Piure de cartofi cu trufe 200g 29 lei
Tempura Turkey strips with baked pepper sauce Mashed potatoes with truffles

Pulpa de rata confiata cu varza rosie si sos de portocale 200g / 160g 53 lei Piure de cartofi 200g 19 lei
Confit duck leg with red cabbage and orange juice Mashed potatoes

Muschi de vita de Noua Zeelanda cu sos de ciuperci champignon si mix de salata 200g / 200g 109 lei 2x Mix ardei copti picanti cu miere si usturoi 150g 19 lei
Beef fille with mushrooms sauce and salad mix Baked chilly peppers mix with honey and garlic

Muschi de vita de Noua Zeelanda cu cartofi NOA si mix de salata 200g / 150g / 30g 102 lei Mix de salata 50g 12 lei
Beef fillet with NOA potatoes and salad mix Salad mix

Rib-eye de Argentina cu sos steak si cartofi NOA 350g / 50g / 200g 137 lei Sparanghel 200g 29 lei
Rib-eye with steak sauce and NOA potatoes
Orez 150g 16 lei

Cod negru de Alaska file marinat in miso cu orez cu susan 200g 159 lei
Black Cod filet marinated in miso with sesame rice
Tiramisu 150g 29 lei
Oreo Cake 120g 29 lei
Sole file cu legume la wok 200g / 200g 54 lei
Strudel cu mar si sos de caramel facut in casa 250g 24 lei
Sole filet with vegetables wok
Homemade apple strudel with caramel
Somon cu hummus de edamame 200g / 150g 54 lei
Cheesecake 120g 29 lei
Salmon fillet with edamame hummus
Ferrero Cake 150g 29 lei
Sea Bass cu sparanghel si rosii cherry 250g / 150g / 50g 69 lei
Sea Bass with asparagus and cherry tomatoes

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