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Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Journal of Innovation
& Knowledge
ht t p s: // w w w . j our na ls .e l se vi e r .c om /j ou r na l -o f - in no va t i on -a n d- kn owl e dg e

Curbing credit corruption in China: The role of FinTech

Fan Su*, Chao Xu
School of Finance, Hubei University of Economics, Wuhan, Hubei 430073, China


Article History: FinTech is an emerging financial innovation model that promotes a ''technological anti-corruption'' effect.
Received 11 August 2022 Credit corruption is a worldwide problem; however, previous studies have not focused on the anti-corrup-
Accepted 28 December 2022 tion effect of FinTech. This study first uses micro data from FinTech companies to construct city-level FinTech
Available online 10 January 2023
measurement indicators in China. An objective measurement of credit corruption is then formed by separat-
ing the expenditures for credit corruption from total business entertainment expenses. This study empirically
explores the impact of FinTech on credit corruption using a sample of Chinese listed companies on the
Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2011 to 2019. The results show that FinTech can significantly
Credit corruption
Digital and intelligent transformation in banks
curb credit corruption, and that the expenditures for credit corruption of local companies are lower with bet-
Technological anti-corruption ter regional FinTech. These findings are valid after addressing endogeneity issues and conducting a series of
robustness tests. The results of the heterogeneity test show that FinTech offers greater advantages for risk
JEL Classifications: identification, information mining, and inclusive development than traditional finance. The curbing effect on
G21 G31 O33 credit corruption is stronger in companies with better intrinsic quality, more transparent information disclo-
sure, located in less financially developed and more corrupt regions. Economic consequence analysis sug-
gests that FinTech can correct resource misallocation caused by credit corruption and promote corporate
investment efficiency. These findings are valuable for policy practices for technological anti-corruption in the
financial sector.
© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Introduction that obtain loans through corrupt practices have higher default rates
than those that obtain loans through normal channels. If such corrup-
Credit corruption is the use of financial or power resources at the tion spreads across the financial system, financial risks would be trig-
bank manager’s disposal, in collusion with borrowing companies, to gered, greatly undermining the banking system’s stability (Ben Ali
lend money illegally in pursuit of personal gain (Fried & Howitt, et al., 2020).
1980). Orderly and healthy development of the credit market can Anti-corruption measures in the credit market pose a global chal-
transform savings into investments and improve the allocation of lenge. Compared with other forms of corruption, credit corruption is
capital efficiency (Beck et al., 2000; Greenwood & Jovanovic, 1990). difficult to be prevented because of its highly specialised form. Deci-
However, if the credit market is eroded by corruption, the impact can sion-makers in the credit sector use their financial expertise, monop-
be devastating. Economists warn that corruption reduces investment oly on credit resources and information advantages to disguise
incentives, increases transaction costs, and reduces economic growth corrupt loans as normal loans (Udell, 1989). Moreover, some bank
(Seligson, 2002). Credit corruption distorts market-oriented alloca- managers package loans as shadow banking loans through financial
tion mechanisms (Funga cova
 et al., 2015). Once the benefits intermediaries (Lindgren, 2018). Even if loan defaults happen, it is
exchange model of ''corruption in exchange for loans'' floods the difficult to distinguish between risks caused by corruption and nor-
market, companies that pay rent to engage in credit corruption are mal business risks. Moreover, people with little or no relevant finan-
probably approved for loans (Laeven, 2001). However, high-quality cial experience may face challenges in detecting hidden
companies with no intention of bribing bank managers face difficul- undercurrents and corruption.
ties in obtaining financial support (Beck et al., 2005), resulting in inef- Recently, emerging technologies, such as big data, blockchain,
ficiency and misallocation of credit resources. Thus, credit corruption artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, have been widely applied
can trigger financial risk. La Porta et al. (2003) argue that companies in the financial sector. FinTech has evolved as an emerging financial
innovation model. This process has an unstoppable momentum that
* Corresponding author. drives profound changes in the financial industry (Goldstein et al.,
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Su).
2444-569X/© 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. on behalf of Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

2019). Scholars have paid more attention to the positive functions of FinTech company funding in 2014 and increased to 16.4% in 2018,
FinTech innovation designed to improve the quality and efficiency of with growth rates far exceeding those of Europe, the US, and other
financial business. Through efficient algorithms and tight security regions. Ernst and Young (2020) revealed that China’s FinTech adop-
systems, FinTech can promote digital and intelligent re-engineering tion rate was 87% higher than the global average (64%) during the
of business, management, and services in banks (Campanella et al., same period.
2015). FinTech can also help banks enhance their operational effi- China is a global leader in FinTech innovation, FinTech capital
ciency (Lee et al., 2021) and improve their risk controls (Banna et al., investment, and FinTech application scenarios. Nevertheless, the
2021; Cheng & Qu, 2020). Scholars have also found that FinTech can nation is afflicted with widespread corruption. The Global Corruption
enhance corporate investment efficiency (Abbasi et al., 2021), Perception Index 2020 ranked China 78th out of 180 most corrupted
increase corporate innovation output (Tang et al., 2022), promote countries. China’s position regarding the corruption rate does not
corporate transformation and upgrading (Chen & Zhang, 2021), ease match its economic strength. Since the 18th National Congress of the
corporate financing constraints (Chen & Yoon, 2021), and reduce cor- Communist Party of China was adopted, anti-corruption measures in
porate financial risk (Ji et al., 2022). the financial sector have become the focus (Li & Chan, 2021). In 2019,
However, these studies only focused on FinTech empowerment in over 6900 illegal cases in the financial sector were investigated, and
financial services and the role of FinTech innovation in supporting the culprits were prosecuted. Most culprits were bank executives
the real economy. Actually, FinTech also enhances the standardisa- who used credit approval powers to derive personal gains. Such a
tion and fairness of financing rules, thereby playing a critical role in high number of corruption cases show that corruption in China’s
curbing corruption. In the process of reducing information asymme- credit market can no longer be ignored and should be curtailed to
tries, FinTech lowers the high-standard financing threshold and eases prevent the spread of financial risks. With the rate of FinTech growth,
corporate financing constraints (Chen & Yoon, 2021), enabling loan the current credit corruption in China is a good example for investi-
applicants to be treated equally in credit assessments, without using gating how FinTech affects credit corruption.
rent for corrupt practices. Digital and intelligent analysis systems, This study focuses on the impact of FinTech on credit corruption.
represented by intelligent risk control has comprehensively trans- We use microdata of FinTech companies in China to construct city-
formed the original business and fundamentally changed the rules of level FinTech measurement indicators and separate the expenditures
credit decision-making. Additionally, objective model algorithms for credit corruption from companies’ business entertainment
have replaced subjective evaluations as the core of credit decisions expenses to construct the measurement of credit corruption. The
(Giudici, 2018), which has hit the point of curbing credit corruption. empirical results of a sample of Chinese listed companies on the
As credit approval becomes more open, transparency will be Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2011 to 2019 show that
enhanced and credit corruption will be greatly reduced. FinTech can significantly curb credit corruption. It is indicated that the
China is chosen as a case study because it is an ideal nation for expenditures for credit corruption of local companies are lower if
studying the relationship between FinTech and credit corruption. regional FinTech is better managed and records high development.
Fig. 1 shows the total registered number and capital of China’s new The heterogeneity tests find that FinTech has a stronger curbing effect
FinTech companies from 2011 to 2019. From 2011−2015, China’s Fin- on credit corruption in companies with better intrinsic quality, more
Tech companies showed a rapid development trend, with the average transparent information disclosure, and located in less financially
annual growth rate of the registered number and capital of new com- developed and more corrupt regions. Finally, because credit corruption
panies of 81% and 117%, respectively. The growth trend peaked in causes efficiency losses in resource allocation, we explore whether Fin-
2015. However, the registered number and capital showed a down- Tech can mitigate the adverse economic consequences of credit cor-
ward trend since 2016. On average, 203 new companies and 33.4 bil- ruption. The tests show that FinTech can effectively correct resource
lion new registered capital are recorded annually, revealing that misallocation and promote efficiency of credit allocation.
China’s FinTech development is still in a good stage. According to IRe- We may make contributions in the following aspects: First, many
search (2019), China accounted for approximately 3.1% of global studies have discussed the impacts of FinTech on financial markets

Fig. 1. Line graph of registered number and capital of new China’s FinTech companies from 2011 to 2019
Note: Data are collected from the CSMAR database. The left Y-axis represents the registered number of new FinTech companies in China, and the right Y-axis represents the reg-
istered capital of new FinTech companies in China. The units on the right Y-axis are 100 million CNY.

F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

and the real economy from the viewpoint of financing outcomes Apart from traditional methods, such as administrative reform
(Campanella et al., 2015; Tang et al., 2022). However, little attention and legal construction, the application of technological innovation to
has been paid to the financing processes and rules of the FinTech control and prevent corruption has received increasing attention
model, especially their impact on credit corruption. We identify the worldwide. Scholars have found that emerging information technolo-
curbing effect of FinTech on credit corruption from the new perspec- gies are important tools for building an incorruptible government.
tive of ''technological anti-corruption.'' Second, most existing studies Emerging information technologies can generate rigid procedural
use questionnaire surveys to measure credit corruption (Akins et al., controls, compress the discretionary powers of administrative offi-
2017; Barth et al., 2009). This method limits the scope of the sample cials, improve the transparency of government decision-making pro-
to a specific year and the empirical data are mostly cross-sectional. cedures, and increase the effectiveness of internal and external
Moreover, the authenticity of the survey data has been questioned organizational oversight (Srivastava et al., 2016). Theoretically, Fin-
because most companies tend to cover authentic information (Chan Tech is a high-level integration of finance and technology that has
et al., 2020). Following measure using business entertainment the general characteristics of technology application, and the effect of
expenses (Cai et al., 2011; Chan et al., 2020), this study separates the ''technological anti-corruption'' is expected to exist in the credit mar-
expenditures for credit corruption from the total business entertain- ket as well.
ment expenses to form an objective measurement of credit corrup- Information asymmetry, overreliance on collateral, and financing
tion applicable to panel data. Finally, through an extended analysis, discrimination are prominent in the Chinese financial system, causing
we identify FinTech’s applicable environment to curb credit corrup- many companies to face financing constraints (Chen & Yoon, 2021).
tion and find its advantages in risk identification, information mining, Thus, companies in weak positions are forced to engage in corrupt
and inclusive development. With an economic consequence analysis, practices to compete for limited credit resources. FinTech is a cut-
we prove the application value of anti-corruption using FinTech in ting-edge technological innovation developed to reduce information
correcting resource misallocation and promoting corporate invest- asymmetry in financial markets, broaden the boundaries of financial
ment efficiency. business, and allow companies to have access to credit (Sheng, 2021).
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents This cutting-edge IT tool assists banks in acquiring and processing
the theoretical analysis and develops the research hypotheses. Sec- information effectively. Outside the traditional credit information
tion 3 focuses on the research design, which includes research varia- system, FinTech can mine large amounts of unstructured data, includ-
bles, models, and samples. Section 4 presents the empirical results, ing real-time point-of-sale transaction data (Zhu, 2019), social media
including benchmark regression, endogeneity issues, robustness data (Jagtiani & Lemieux, 2019), user review data (Frost et al., 2019)
tests, heterogeneity analysis, and economic consequence analysis. and satellite imagery data (Zhu, 2019). FinTech also improves analyti-
Finally, Section 5 summarises the conclusions and policy recommen- cal capabilities and assists in efficiently processing banking informa-
dations. tion. Using technological innovation, collected soft information is
transformed into valuable hard information for efficient credit evalu-
Theoretical analysis and research hypotheses ation (Gambacorta et al., 2020). This mode of operation reduces the
information asymmetry problem and breaks the original ''glass door''
Credit corruption has become a popular topic among academics in the credit market. To sum up, FinTech facilitates financial inclu-
and policymakers. Studies have argued that credit corruption is a siveness, alleviates corporate finance constraints, and reduces credit
''lubricant'' for economic operation, which helps bypass red tape and corruption on the demand side of companies.
speed up loan approval (Li et al., 2008; Zeume, 2017). However, other Although traditional credit businesses apply risk-control models,
studies believe that credit corruption is a ''stumbling block'' that can the entire approach is dominated by subjective decisions and supple-
distort market-oriented allocation in the long term (Funga cova
 et al., mented by objective models. As long as bank managers continue to
2015), which reduces the likelihood of high-quality companies hold the core power of credit approval, credit corruption will be of
obtaining loans (Beck et al., 2005). Credit corruption can also trigger greater interest. FinTech has transformed traditional credit risk con-
credit risk under certain conditions (Ben Ali et al., 2020). Given the trol into an intelligent one, thereby profoundly changing the rules of
potentially significant damage caused by credit corruption, govern- credit decision-making. With the help of intelligent risk control,
ments globally are taking various measures to combat credit corrup- banks can significantly reduce operational costs, lower subjective
tion. decision-making errors, and improve the standardisation of credit
Stricter financial regulations (Beck et al., 2006), higher quality dis- decision making (Giudici, 2018).
closure (Barth et al., 2009), stronger interbank competition (Sharma Regarding FinTech application, the starting point is to review and
& Paramati, 2021), and better internal governance (Nguyen et al., screen companies more efficiently (Cheng & Qu, 2020) to improve
2019) have been implemented to curb credit corruption. However, in credit business practices. However, the relative importance of subjec-
the traditional financial model, these measures have failed to change tive and model decisions has been unintentionally altered, as credit
the centrality of bank credit management and fundamentally address decisions are driven by programmed and intelligent modelling sys-
the principal-agent problem between bank owners and managers. tems instead of managers’ subjective judgments (Ashta & Herrmann,
With the current level of corruption globally, both developed and 2021). This innovation greatly reduces the phenomenon of black-box
emerging countries are plagued by credit corruption (Park, 2012). operations, reduces the abuse of power for personal gain, and com-
China’s financial market is among the largest in the world. By the end presses managers’ ability to demand bribes. Once the objective stand-
of 2019, China’s RMB credit balance had exceeded $150 trillion, rank- ards for credit decisions reach a market consensus, they contain the
ing first worldwide. China’s stock market has a market capitalization governance effect on companies (Zhu, 2019). Companies can obtain a
of over $60 trillion and a bond market custody balance of nearly $100 fair risk assessment by following the normal application process
trillion, ranking second globally. However, institutional problems, without establishing a beneficial relationship with bank managers.
such as weak internal governance, serious information asymmetries, After all, paying corruption rents does not change the objective of
inadequate market competition, and excessive reliance on collateral, scoring the risk control model. Thus, innovation in financing rules
have led to widespread credit corruption. Although an unprece- based on FinTech applications is key to tackling credit corruption,
dented financial anti-corruption campaign was launched in the wake which has been an important anti-corruption breakthrough in the
of the 18th Party Congress (Li & Chan, 2021), correcting these inher- credit market.
ent disadvantages in the economic system and fighting against credit FinTech facilitates transparency and openness in process manage-
corruption in China remain significant challenges. ment. By improving the application of IT tools, FinTech enhances
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

banks’ internal control systems, and creates a continuous and high- model. For companies with low information transparency, there is
intensity deterrent to corruption. A digital and intelligent internal more room for subjective judgment in the assessment results, creat-
control system can monitor all aspects of a bank’s credit operations ing room for corrupt activities. Based on the heterogeneity of infor-
24/7, identify abnormalities, and prevent corruption. Importantly, mation disclosure, this study proposes the following hypothesis.
the internal control system built by FinTech is self-learning; it can be
Hypothesis 3. The curbing effect of FinTech on credit corruption is
updated with new features of corruption and can effectively
stronger in companies with more transparent information disclosure.
strengthen internal control to facilitate the anti-corruption in credit
China is a vast country characterised by unbalanced regional
market. FinTech also enhances the implementation of effective regu-
development. In less financially developed regions, financial repres-
latory technologies (Kavassalis et al., 2018). The data used by banks’
sion and various institutional factors constrain the efficiency of finan-
internal control systems are bounded; financial regulators can
cial resource allocation, leading to a high incidence of corruption in
expand the data sources to strengthen anti-corruption policies with
the credit sector. However, such an environment provides room for
the help of regulatory technology. Moreover, data from multiple sec-
FinTech applications. In less financially developed regions, FinTech
tors, such as financial accounts, real estate, industry and commerce,
can break down existing financial repression and promote the stand-
taxation, and consumption records, can be used to conduct all-
ardisation and transparency of credit processes, which have a greater
around and dead-end supervision of credit operations to form a
marginal effect on curbing credit corruption. In more corrupt regions,
stronger deterrent to credit corruption.
FinTech application can alleviate the shortcomings of the credit
Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward the following
approval process, block the breeding channel of corruption, and pro-
duce a stronger anti-corruption effect. Based on the heterogeneity of
Hypothesis 1. FinTech can curb credit corruption. regional differences, this study proposes the following hypothesis.
FinTech is not policy-based finance, and the credit availability it
Hypothesis 4. The curbing effect of FinTech on credit corruption is
creates does not cover all companies. With the application of new
stronger in less financially developed and more corrupt regions.
FinTech tools, banks can develop more accurate risk assessment sys-
The framework diagram of FinTech’s theoretical mechanism on
tems and rigorously screen companies (Banna et al., 2021) to allocate
credit corruption is shown in Fig. 2.
funds to high-quality companies. Under the FinTech credit model,
the intrinsic quality of a company plays a critical role in credit deci-
Research design
sions. Companies with high profitability and low risk in financing
will naturally be given higher priority based on the outcomes of
transparency and intelligent processes. Even if these companies do
not pay rent to credit decision-makers, they still have a high proba-
Explained variable: credit corruption.
bility of obtaining credit funds. FinTech will not ease its financing
Credit corruption is defined as the use of credit decision-making
constraints for less-profitable and riskier companies. Therefore, there
power at bank managers’ disposal to illegally lend money. However,
is still room to engage in credit corruption for these low-quality com-
measuring this type of corruption is challenging. The existing litera-
panies, either actively or passively. Based on the heterogeneity of
ture has developed two main approaches to measuring general cor-
intrinsic quality, this study proposes the following hypothesis.
ruption from the corporate expenditure perspective. The first
Hypothesis 2. The curbing effect of FinTech on credit corruption is approach involves obtaining direct information about a company’s
stronger in companies with better intrinsic quality. corrupt practices through a questionnaire survey (Akins et al., 2017;
Information is vital to FinTech effectiveness. Transparent informa- Barth et al., 2009). The second is to indirectly reflect corrupt corpo-
tion disclosure can provide high-quality data resources for the Fin- rate practices based on anomalies in financial statements, using busi-
Tech credit model and create better technological synergy for ness entertainment expenses to measure corporate corruption
innovation (Frost et al., 2019). Companies with high-quality disclo- expenditure (Cai et al., 2011; Chan et al., 2020). However, the ques-
sure have a higher level of information transparency, which contrib- tionnaire survey is expensive to implement, and the data collected
utes to a clearer and more objective assessment of the FinTech credit are limited to a specific year and cannot be matched to continuous

Fig. 2. Framework diagram of theoretical analysis.

F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

observations of FinTech development. Thus, this study measures consistency, coherence, and comparability. This method eliminates
credit corruption using anomalies in financial statements. Business problems associated with inconsistent indicator specifications using
entertainment expenses and excess management fees are the two the web crawler method. Simultaneously, FinTech companies are
most common vehicles for capturing general corporate corruption. critical for promoting FinTech business, whose activities are highly
Since a broad category of management fees covers various corporate correlated with FinTech development in a city. This process helps to
payments and its anomalous component is noisier, this study chooses evaluate FinTech in terms of measurement content. FinTech compa-
business entertainment expenses related to corrupt expenditure to nies’ data are gathered from the FinTech Company Information Mod-
construct an indicator of credit corruption. ule in the CSMAR database, which stores information about FinTech
Corporate credit corruption is the explained variable, which registrations, investments, and financing. We collect data associated
reveals that we cannot use standardised business entertainment with the registered capital and financing events of FinTech compa-
expenses as a proxy variable, and must remove the interference of nies at the city level, from which these three indicators are
factors such as daily operations and other matters. Following Dechow constructed:
et al. (1995), we construct a regression model as follows:

Feei;t ¼ a0 þ a1 Lnsalei;t þ a2 Growthi;t þ a3 Big4i;t þ a4 Hhii;t (1) Number of FinTech companies Ftn, expressed as Ftn = Ln (sum of
þ a5 Manageri;t þ Year þ Ind þ ei;t ð1Þ surviving FinTech companies + 1);

In model (1), Fee is the proportion of business entertainment (2) Capital of FinTech companies Ftv, expressed as Ftv = sum of regis-
expenses to total management expenses; Lnsale is the natural loga- tered capital of surviving FinTech companies / urban per capita
rithm of operating revenue; Growth is the operating income growth GDP; and
rate; Big4 is whether the auditing institution is the Big Four account-
ing firm, and Big4 = 1 if it is Big Four, otherwise Big4 = 0; Hhi is the (3) Financing frequency of FinTech companies Ftf, expressed as
sum of the squares of the top five major company shareholders; Man- Ftf = Ln (sum of the frequency of financing events for FinTech com-
ager is the natural logarithm of the number of executives; Year and panies + 1).
Ind are the year and industry dummy variables, respectively; ei,t is
the residual term. The fitted value Feef for the business entertainment These three FinTech indicators are characterised by common driv-
expenses ratio (Fee) is obtained by estimating Model (1). The actual ers and unique information. Using only one indicator results in esti-
value (Fee) minus the fitted value (Feef) is the adjusted business mation bias. Therefore, this study chooses principal component
entertainment expense ratio indicator (AdjFee). analysis to reduce data dimensionality and construct a comprehen-
Although Model (1) filters out the effects of some factors, the sive FinTech measurement indicator. Thus, we conducted Kaiser-
adjusted business entertainment expense ratio (AdjFee) does not Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett tests on the initial variables, and the
exhibit an idiosyncratic nature applied to credit resources. Our differ- results indicated a strong correlation between the three FinTech vari-
entiation strategy is to use companies that have not obtained new ables, which met the prerequisites for principal component analysis.
loans as a reference sample and calculate their inner-group mean of According to the Kaiser-Harris criterion, we retain the first principal
AdjFee, labelled as MFee by industry and year. We assume that only component, whose eigenvalue is greater than 1, as the comprehen-
companies that obtain loans may pay corruption rents; thus, the sive measurement indicator of FinTech Ft. The variance contribution
MFee of companies that have not obtained new loans can be used as a of the first principal component is 89.80%, which explains that the
benchmark for no credit corruption. Logically, after adjusting for indi- information in the initial variables is well represented. Finally, we
vidual effect, industry effect, and year effect, credit corruption is due normalise the FinTech measurement indicators (Ft and each sub-indi-
to the excess of AdjFee for companies with new loans compared with cator Ftn, Ftv, and Ftf) and divide them by 100 (the interval is 0 to
firms without loans. For companies to obtain new loans in a year, the 0.01) to display the estimation coefficient.
difference between AdjFee and MFee is a proxy variable for credit cor-
ruption. We set the credit corruption variable Rent = AdjFee − MFee if (iii) Control variables.
AdjFee ≥ MFee, and set Rent = 0 if AdjFee < MFee.
Following Barth et al. (2009), we introduce the main company-
(i) Explanatory variables: FinTech. level control variables as Lev (leverage ratio), Size (corporate size),
Growth (corporate growth), Roa (return on total assets), Tang (asset
structure), Nature (nature of ownership), Top1 (shareholding ratio of
Three major approaches were used to measure FinTech develop- the largest shareholder), Direct (ratio of independent directors), Cflow
ment. First, web crawler technology was used to extract FinTech key- (Cash flow), and Salary (salary). The definitions of these variables are
words and synthesise FinTech measurement based on the search listed in Table 1.
volume (Cheng & Qu, 2020). Second, the Digital Financial Inclusion
Index compiled by the Digital Finance Research Centre of Peking Uni- Model setting
versity was used to represent the regional FinTech development (Ye
et al., 2022). Third, a measurement indication was constructed to The benchmark model for the impact of FinTech on credit corrup-
reflect the activity of FinTech development based on regional FinTech tion is set as follows:
companies’ data (Lee et al., 2021; Zhao et al., 2022). With web
Renti;t ¼ a þ bFtj;t1 þ g Controls þ Year þ Ind þ ei;t ð2Þ
crawlers, it is difficult to cover the overall FinTech information
because of the limited content of news media reports and the direct In Model (2), i denotes the company, j denotes the city in which
summation of word frequency numbers that ignore the differences in the company is located, and t denotes the year. The explained vari-
information. The Digital Inclusive Finance Index, derived from the able Rent is credit corruption and the explanatory variable is the com-
small and micro businesses data served by Ant Financial Services (Ali- prehensive measurement indication of FinTech Ft obtained using
pay), does not logically match the sample of listed companies. principal component analysis. Controls are a set of control variables
This study chooses the microdata of FinTech companies to con- that may affect credit corruption. To reduce the omitted variable bias,
struct FinTech measurement indicators, owing to their better the model also controls for the year effect Year and industry effect

F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 1 We construct the mean of FinTech and credit corruption by year

and city, and the scatter plot of both is shown in Fig. 3, revealing that
Variables Definition as regional FinTech develops better, the credit corruption expendi-
Rent Credit corruption, as detailed in the previous section on variable ture of companies in the jurisdiction shows a downward trend, which
definitions. preliminarily illustrates the negative relationship between FinTech
Ft A comprehensive measurement indication of FinTech obtained development and credit corruption. The identification of the causal
using principal component analysis, as detailed in the variable
definitions section above.
relationship between them is verified in the following section.
Ftn Number of FinTech companies, a sum of the number of surviving
FinTech companies plus 1, and taken its natural logarithm. Empirical results
Ftv Capital of FinTech companies, a sum of registered capital of sur-
viving FinTech companies divided by city GDP per capita.
Benchmark regression results
Ftf Frequency of financing events for FinTech companies, the sum of
the frequency of financing events for FinTech companies plus 1,
and taken its natural logarithm. Table 3 presents the results of the benchmark regression on the
Lev Leverage ratio, the ratio of total liabilities to total assets. impact of FinTech on credit corruption. The explanatory variables
Size Corporate size, the natural logarithm of total assets. include a comprehensive measurement indication Ft based on princi-
Growth Corporate growth, operating income growth rate
Roa Return on total assets, the ratio of net profit to total assets
pal component analysis and three sub-indicators: an indicator of
Tang Asset structure, the ratio of fixed assets and inventories to total number of FinTech companies Ftn, an indicator of capital of FinTech
assets companies Ftv, and an indicator of financing frequency of FinTech
Nature Nature of ownership, equal 1 if the company is a state-owned companies Ftf. The estimated coefficients of all FinTech indicators are
company, otherwise equal 0
significantly negative in columns (1)−(4), when no other control vari-
Top1 Shareholding ratio of the largest shareholder, the ratio of the
shares held by the largest shareholder to the total share capital ables are introduced and only year and industry effects are con-
Direct Ratio of independent directors, the ratio of the number of inde- trolled. After the introduction of the control variables in columns (5)
pendent directors to the total number of board directors −(8), the sign and significance of the estimated coefficients of various
Cflow Cash flow, the ratio of net cash flow from operating activities to FinTech indicators do not change, suggesting that FinTech can curb
total assets
Salary Executive salary, the natural logarithm of the average executive
credit corruption and reduce companies’ credit corrupt expenditures.
salary Thus, Hypothesis 1 is supported.
Taking column (5) as an example of the economic significance of
the regression coefficients, when one standard deviation increases in
Ind. ei,t denotes the residual term. To mitigate inverse causality, a regional FinTech development (0.003), the companies’ credit corrup-
first-order lagged term is used for FinTech variable Ft and the control tion expenditure in the jurisdictions decreases by an average of
variables. To mitigate autocorrelation and heteroskedasticity, the 6.7%1, showing that the impact is of economic significance. As for the
model estimation uses robust standard errors clustered by industry. internal structure of FinTech, if each sub-indicator increases by one
standard deviation, an increase in the number of FinTech companies
(Ftn) contributes to a 4.4% decrease in corporate credit corruption
Data sources and descriptive statistics expenditure2. Moreover, an increase in the capital of FinTech compa-
nies (Ftv) decreases corporate credit corruption expenditure by 8.8%3.
Our research sample consists of companies listed on the Shanghai An increase in the financing frequency of FinTech companies (Ftf)
and Shenzhen stock exchanges in China from 2011 to 2019. The com- contributes to a 4.4% decrease4. Compared with the quantitative
pany registration data used to construct the FinTech indicators are information represented by the number and financing frequency of
collected from the FinTech company information module in the the companies, the indicator of the capital of FinTech companies (Ftv)
CSMAR database. The Digital Inclusive Finance Index, used for robust- contains more information on the quality of FinTech development.
ness testing is sourced from the Third Edition of the Digital Inclusive Additionally, its economic effect is more than twice that of the other
Finance Index published in 2021. Data on business entertainment two indicators, showing that FinTech quality significantly contributes
expenses used to construct the credit corruption variable are sourced to its anti-corruption role.
from the CNRDS database. All other relevant company data are from
the CSMAR database, and city-level relevant data are sourced from Endogeneity issues
the China City Statistical Yearbook.
The original sample is adjusted as follows: (1) excluding financial
companies, (2) excluding companies treated as ST, ST*, and PT during (i) Instrumental variable method
the sample period, (3) excluding the missing observation values of
corporate business entertainment expenses, (4) retaining only those Regarding instrumental variables for FinTech, existing studies
companies with continuous observations for more than five years, have developed two main ideas. The first is to directly adopt the net-
and (5) truncating all continuity variables by 1%. After screening, 10, work penetration indicator of the region as an instrumental variable
631 observations were obtained. (Sheng, 2021). The second is to construct an instrumental variable
Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics of the variables. The based on the correlation between FinTech development in the region
mean of the credit corruption variable Rent is 0.009, indicating that a
company will spend 0.9% of the management fee on credit corrup- In column (5), one standard deviation increase in Ft would reduce credit corrup-
tion, on average. Companies with the worst credit corruption levels tion by 0.06% (0.003 £ 0.189), with a decrease of approximately 6.7% (= 0.06%/0.9%),
for companies whose credit corruption expenditure is at the mean (0.9%).
spend 10.1% of their management fees on credit corruption. The 2
In column (6), one standard deviation increase in Ftn would reduce credit corrup-
mean of the FinTech variable is 0.002, and the standard deviation is tion by 0.04% (0.003 £ 0.146), with a decrease of approximately 4.4% (= 0.04%/0.9%),
0.003, indicating that FinTech development in various cities in China for companies whose credit corruption expenditure is at the mean (0.9%).
has great differences. See Table 1 for more information on other vari- In column (7), one standard deviation increase in Ftv would reduce credit corrup-
ables. We tested the variance inflation factor (VIF) of all variables and tion by 0.08% (0.003 £ 0.265), with a decrease of approximately 8.8% (= 0.08%/0.9%),
for companies whose credit corruption expenditure is at the mean (0.9%).
found that the VIF test values were less than the critical value 4
In column (8), one standard deviation increase in Ftf would reduce credit corrup-
required by the rule of thumb, revealing no serious multicollinearity tion by 0.04% (0.003 £ 0.121), with a decrease of approximately 4.4% (= 0.04%/0.9%),
between variables. for companies whose credit corruption expenditure is at the mean (0.9%).

F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 2
Descriptive statistics of variables.

Variables Number of observations Mean Median Standard deviation Minimum Maximum

Rent 10631 0.009 0.000 0.017 0.000 0.101

Ft 10631 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.000 0.010
Ftn 10631 0.003 0.002 0.003 0.000 0.010
Ftv 10631 0.001 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.010
Ftf 10631 0.002 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.010
Lev 10631 0.474 0.471 0.202 0.050 0.964
Size 10631 22.205 22.091 1.131 19.295 27.001
Growth 10631 1.210 1.109 0.563 0.380 5.124
Roa 10631 0.028 0.028 0.058 0.277 0.197
Tang 10631 0.384 0.375 0.180 0.007 0.808
Nature 10631 0.389 0.000 0.487 0.000 1.000
Top1 10631 33.744 31.490 14.628 8.480 75.000
Director 10631 0.372 0.333 0.051 0.333 0.571
Cflow 10631 0.031 0.032 0.070 0.212 0.240
Salary 10631 12.438 12.437 0.655 10.633 14.400
Note: This table reports the summary statistics of the key variables for the period 2011−2019. To mitigate the effect
of outliers, all continuous variables are winsorised at the 1% and 99% levels.

and neighbouring cities (Li et al., 2020). Because of differences in financial sector, which can operate across regions, a city’s fiscal sci-
research topics, it may be inappropriate to continue using these ence and technology expenditure is used to support the development
instrumental variables. For example, network development can of science and technology in the local area and does not have a direct
directly affect the communication between local banks and compa- impact on other cities, thus meeting the exogeneity of the instrumen-
nies. Thus, improving information transmission efficiency without tal variable.
relying on FinTech’s impact generates alternative paths to credit cor- Table 4 presents the estimation results of the instrumental vari-
ruption. In addition, the inherent nature of breaking spatial and tem- able method. In the first stage of the regression in column (1), the
poral constraints in FinTech facilitates efficient resource flows. In this estimated coefficient of Fiscal-iv is significantly positive at the 1%
process, the cross-regional operation of FinTech businesses violates level, demonstrating that the instrumental variable satisfies the cor-
the exogeneity of the instrumental variable. relation condition. In the second stage of the regression represented
This study constructs a new instrumental variable as follows: in column (2), the Cragg-Donald Wald F statistic is much larger than
First, we collect data on ''science and technology expenditure'' in the the critical value, indicating that Fiscal-iv is appropriate as an instru-
public finance expenditure column of all sample cities. We also use mental variable with no weak instrumental variable problem. The
the ratio of science and technology expenditure to total fiscal expen- coefficients of FinTech remain significantly negative after applying
diture as the city’s fiscal science and technology expenditure inten- the instrumental variables to mitigate endogeneity bias, suggesting
sity, Fiscal. Then, for any city j, we specify the other cities bordering that FinTech can effectively curb credit corruption.
city j in the same province. Finally, Fiscal-iv, the average fiscal science
and technology expenditure intensity in other cities, is used as an (ii) DID method.
instrumental variable for FinTech development in city j. As China
accelerates as an innovative country, the original ''economic growth
tournament'' is gradually transformed into a ''science and technology The difference in differences method (DID) is also applied to con-
innovation tournament.'' Additionally, a significant strategic interac- trol the endogeneity model problem with a quasi-natural experi-
tion is noted between the fiscal science and technology expenditures ment. On 31 December 2015, the Chinese government released the
of each city (Zhao et al., 2021), which makes the instrumental vari- Plan for Promoting the Development of Inclusive Finance (2016
able Fiscal-iv consistent with the correlation requirement. Unlike the −2020), which encouraged banks to provide customers with all-sided
financial services that utilise emerging information technologies.
Subsequently, China’s financial industry began a new phase of trans-
formation toward FinTech. As the policy was formulated by the cen-
tral government, we treat it as an exogenous shock event that drives
the overall development of FinTech. With differences in FinTech
development in each region, the support policy may create a rela-
tively larger shock in FinTech in less developed regions, and the mar-
ginal impact was relatively smaller in FinTech-developed regions.
These differences in regional responses reflect the effects of the pol-
icy shocks. Following Cheng and Qu (2020), we used the median of
the 2015-Digital Inclusive Finance Index at the city level to determine
whether individuals are subject to policy shocks. The treatment
group consists of cities below the median, whereas the control group
consists of those above the median. The DID model is established
using the following settings:

Renti;t ¼ a þ b1 Didi;t þ b2 Treati;t þ b3 Postt þ g Controls þ Year

þ Ind þ ei;t ð3Þ

In Model (3), Treati is a grouping dummy variable; Treati = 1 is for

Fig. 3. The scatter plot between FinTech and credit corruption. treatment group cities and Treati = 0 is for control group cities. At the
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 3
Baseline regression.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent
L. Ft 0.194*** 0.189***
(3.52) (3.96)
L. Ftn 0.123** 0.146***
(2.77) (3.56)
L. Ftv 0.323*** 0.265***
(4.59) (4.65)
L. Ftf 0.113* 0.121**
(2.22) (2.69)
L. Lev 0.006*** 0.006*** 0.006*** 0.006***
(6.29) (6.30) (6.12) (6.33)
L. Size 0.001*** 0.001*** 0.001*** 0.001***
(6.74) (6.75) (6.48) (6.87)
L. Growth 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(1.52) (1.51) (1.51) (1.52)
L. Roa 0.012*** 0.012*** 0.012*** 0.012***
(4.43) (4.46) (4.43) (4.43)
L. Tang 0.002** 0.002* 0.002** 0.002**
(2.51) (2.29) (2.56) (2.37)
L. Nature 0.006*** 0.006*** 0.005*** 0.006***
(4.91) (4.91) (4.90) (4.93)
L. Top1 0.000** 0.000* 0.000* 0.000*
(2.38) (2.32) (2.34) (2.27)
L. Director 0.008** 0.008** 0.008** 0.008**
(2.94) (2.94) (2.93) (2.96)
L. Cflow 0.009** 0.009** 0.009** 0.009**
(3.39) (3.38) (3.37) (.39)
L. Salary 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
(1.82) (1.75) (1.74) (1.62)
_cons 0.009*** 0.009*** 0.009*** 0.009*** 0.033*** 0.034*** 0.033*** 0.034***
(7.26) (7.27) (7.39) (7.00) (9.23) (9.68) (9.25) (9.12)
Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ind Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 10631 10631 10631 10631 10631 10631 10631 10631
Adj.R2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,*** shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5%, and 1%.

same time, Postt is a time dummy variable, with 2016 as the initial Meanwhile, the cross-terms after the policy (Did2016, Did2017,
implementation point of the policy, assigned a value of 1 after 2016 Did2018, and Did2019) are significant, indicating that the parallel
and 0 before 2016. The cross term Didi,t = Treati £ Postt, with other trend hypothesis is valid. Therefore, the empirical results of the DID
settings, is consistent with Model (2). method are credible.
In column (1) of Table 5, the estimated coefficient of Didi,t is signif-
icantly negative, suggesting that FinTech support policies work more Robustness test
significantly in less developed regions and reduce companies’ expen-
ditures on credit corruption. In column (2) of Table 5, concerning Ber-
trand and Mullainathan (2003), the cross terms of dummy variables (i) Controlling for the impact of anti-corruption policies and city char-
for each year and grouping variable are added to the model to test acteristics.
the parallel trend. In column (2) of Table 5, the cross-terms before
the policy (Did2013, Did2014, Did2015) are all insignificant. Since the 18th Communist Party Congress was held in 2012, the
Chinese government has developed a series of anti-corruption meas-
ures to intensify its efforts in society. Anti-corruption policies are
Table 4
comprehensive and focus on the financial sector to curb credit cor-
Instrumental variable regression. ruption. Thus, the impact of anti-corruption policies on credit corrup-
tion is similar to that of FinTech anti-corruption policies. Moreover,
(1) (2)
the negative relationship between FinTech and credit corruption may
First stage Second stage be driven by city characteristics, such as economic growth, financial
Ft Rent development, and fiscal expenditure, in which curbing their impact
L.Fiscal-iv 0.512***
is necessary. Following Li and Chan (2021), we use corruption and
L.Ft 0.209*** bribery cases filed per 10,000 public officials in each province as a
(2.61) proxy variable to estimate the intensity of anti-corruption policies
Year Yes Yes (Power). We also introduce Gdpr (GDP growth at the city level),
Ind Yes Yes Fingdp (ratio of the loan of a financial institution to GDP at the city
Control variables Yes Yes
Cragg-Donald Wald F 15005.27
level), and Expense (ratio of local fiscal expenditure to GDP at the city
Observations 10631 10631 level) to control for city characteristics.
Adj.R2 0.69 0.03 In column (1) of Table 6, the estimated coefficients of Power are
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,*** significantly negative. The results prove that anti-corruption policies
shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, effectively suppressed credit corruption. After considering the anti-
5% and 1%, respectively. corruption effect, the impact of Ft on Rent remains significantly
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 5 Table 7
Results of difference in differences estimation. Alternative proxies to FinTech.

(1) (2) (1) (2) (3) (4)

Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent Rent
L.Digindex 0.004***
Did 0.003** (5.10)
(3.38) L.Coverage 0.004***
Treat 0.003*** 0.004*** (5.82)
(3.76) (3.23) L.Usage 0.002***
Post 0.002** 0.000 (2.83)
(2.52) (0.09) L.Digitization 0.003***
Did2013 0.001 (5.16)
(0.60) Year Yes Yes Yes Yes
Did2014 0.002 Ind Yes Yes Yes Yes
(1.37) Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes
Did2015 0.002 Observations 10631 10631 10631 10631
(1.25) Adj.R2 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07
Did2016 0.003*
(1.94) Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,*** shows the signifi-
Did2017 0.003** cance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5% and 1%, respectively.
Did2018 0.004***
(2.97) digitalisation (mobile, affordable, credit, and convenience). Digital
Did2019 0.006*** finance development is highly correlated with FinTech development.
(4.02) Thus, the Digital Inclusive Finance Index has been widely used as a
Year Yes Yes proxy variable for FinTech in previous studies (Ye et al., 2022). Our
Ind Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes
robustness tests are conducted using the Digital Inclusive Finance
Observations 10631 10631 Index as the explanatory variable, and the results are presented in
Adj.R2 0.08 0.08 Table 7. The estimated coefficients of the Digital Inclusive Finance
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statis- Index (Digindex) and its sub-indices (Coverage, Usage, and Digitiza-
tics. *,**,*** shows the significance of estimated tion) are significantly negative, indicating that the findings of the
coefficients at 10%, 5% and 1%, respectively. benchmark regression still hold after replacing the FinTech measure-
ment indicator.
negative, with little change in the coefficient. In column (2), among
the city variables, only the coefficient of Fingdp is significantly nega- (iii) Alternative proxies for credit corruption.
tive, indicating that traditional financial development can curb credit
corruption. However, this effect does not change FinTech’s signifi- We use the mean of AdjFee for companies that have not obtained
cance. Finally, the impact of FinTech is still robust in column (3) loans for reasonable expenditures in the benchmark regression, in
when both corruption policies and city characteristics are considered. which the point estimate is identified as a company’s credit corrup-
tion expenditures. Given that small deviations can be attributed to
(ii) Alternative proxies for FinTech random errors, we adjust reasonable entertainment companies’
expenses to an interval range and adopt the standard deviation
adjustment method. We develop the variable DFee = AdjFee − MFee
The Digital Inclusive Finance Index is a multidimensional digital and set an alternative proxy for credit corruption, Rentd = DFee −
finance evaluation index system based on massive transaction data s (DFee) if DFee ≥ s (DFee), and Rentd = 0 if DFee < s (DFee). Moreover,
provided by Anti Financial Services. This index covers the breadth of regarding Chan et al.’s (2020) model, we use operating income,
coverage (account coverage), the depth of use (payment, money instead of management expenses, to develop business entertainment
funds, credit, insurance, investment, and credit), and the degree of expenses. We constructed an alternative proxy for credit corruption
Finally, in the benchmark regression, we include business enter-
Table 6
Controlling the impact of anti-corruption policies and city
tainment expenses with credit approval in the construction of the
characters. credit corruption variable for the same year. However, with a time
lag between corruption expenditure and credit approval, corruption
(1) (2) (3)
expenditure corresponding to approved credit can originate from
Rent Rent Rent
L.Ft 0.195*** 0.101* 0.107** both the current year’s expenditure and the last year’s expenditure.
(4.50) (2.20) (2.46) Therefore, we construct a new credit corruption variable Rentmi,
Power 0.174** 0.179** t = (Renti,t + Renti,t-1)/2, using the average of current year’s expendi-
(2.60) (2.50) ture and last year’s expenditure to ascertain that the credit corrup-
Gdpr 0.000 0.000
tion variable contains information on the current and previous
(0.50) (0.23)
Fingdp 0.003*** 0.003*** period. Table 8 shows the regression results for the alternative prox-
(5.97) (5.84) ies of credit corruption. FinTech can also effectively curb credit cor-
Expense 0.002 0.002 ruption after replacing its construction.
(1.06) (1.13)
Year Yes Yes Yes
Ind Yes Yes Yes
(iv) Placebo test
Control variables Yes Yes Yes
Observations 10631 10631 10631 This study assumes that expenditures on credit corruption are
Adj.R2 0.07 0.07 0.07 paid from business entertainment expenses. If this assumption holds,
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,*** then other management expenses (excluding business entertainment
shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5% expenses) are unrelated to credit corruption. Thus, FinTech should
and 1%, respectively.
have no curbing effect on normal management expenses. We conduct
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 8 Table 9
Alternative proxies for credit corruption. Placebo test.

(1) (2) (3) (1) (2) (3)

Rentd Renti Rentm Norent Travel Office
L.Ft 0.221*** 0.017* 0.228** L.Ft 0.011 0.057 0.151
(5.18) (1.78) (2.26) (0.41) (1.38) (1.17)
Year Yes Yes Yes Year Yes Yes Yes
Ind Yes Yes Yes Ind Yes Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Control variables Yes Yes Yes
Observations 10631 10631 10274 Observations 10631 8739 8780
Adj.R2 0.10 0.03 0.08 Adj.R2 0.16 0.12 0.10
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,*** Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,
shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5% shows the significance of estimated coefficients at
and 1%, respectively. 10%, 5% and 1%, respectively.

a placebo test by replacing the explained variables with the propor- Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in China
tion of non-business entertainment expenses from total management rate the internal information disclosure of listed companies annually
expenses (Norent), the proportion of travel expenses from manage- using grades ''A, B, C, and D.'' The A rating of A or B is set as the high-
ment expenses (Travel), and the proportion of office expenses from quality information disclosure group (Highscore = 1), and the rest are
management expenses (Office). The estimation results in Table 9 low-quality groups (Highscore = 0). External market attention is mea-
show that FinTech has no effect on other management expenses sured by the research reports, which is the total number of research
(Norent, Travel, and Office), confirming the rationality of the credit reports of companies analysed during the year and the samples above
corruption variable. the mean set in the high attention group (Attention = 1), and other-
wise set in the low attention group (Attention = 0). This study con-
Heterogeneity analysis structs the digital development variables of companies using text
analysis by dividing the samples into a digital transformation group
Compared to traditional finance, FinTech offers greater advan- (the value of company digital development variables is greater than
tages for risk identification, information mining, and inclusive devel- 0, Digitisation = 1) and a non-digital transformation group (the value
opment. FinTech also provides idiosyncratic effects on sample of the company digital development variables is equal to 0, Digitisa-
companies’ credit corruption behaviour. We examine three aspects tion = 0). In columns (1)−(3) of Table 11, the cross-terms (L.
of heterogeneity: intrinsic quality, information disclosure, and Ft £ Highscore, L.Ft £ Attention, and L.Ft £ Digitisation) are all signifi-
regional differences. cantly negative, indicating that FinTech and the improvement of the
companies’ information environment have complementary effects.
(i) Intrinsic quality Moreover, an increase in company information transparency effec-
tively enhances the curbing effect of FinTech credit corruption. Thus,
Hypothesis 3 is supported. From the perspective of supporting the
We test the heterogeneous characteristics and intrinsic quality of
real economy, this result suggests that policymakers must accelerate
companies through return on total assets (Roa), return on net assets
the information improvement disclosure system and construction of
(Roe), and rolling standard deviation of return on total assets (Roasd).
the digital economy to activate the potential of FinTech.
The sample is grouped into high and low Roa groups5, high and low
Roe groups6, and high and low Roasd groups7 using the mean values
of these three indicators, respectively. In Table 10, the cross terms for Table 10
Heterogeneity test - intrinsic quality.
FinTech and each grouping variable (L.Ft £ Highroa, L.Ft £ Highroe,
and L.Ft £ Lowsd) are significantly negative, indicating that FinTech (1) (2) (3)
development has strengthened banks in screening companies and Rent Rent Rent
L.Ft 0.022 0.033 0.093
promoting a more efficient connection between funds and high-qual-
(0.31) (0.27) (1.14)
ity companies, thereby significantly reducing these companies to L.Ft £ Highroa 0.391***
indulge in corrupt practices to obtain credit. Thus, Hypothesis 2 is (5.30)
supported. Highroa 0.001**
L.Ft £ Highroe 0.284*
(ii) Information disclosure
Highroe 0.001***
This study focuses on the quality of internal information disclo-
L.Ft £ Lowsd 0.362***
sure, external market attention, and digital transformation in order (5.43)
to reflect a company’s information transparency. The quality of infor- Lowsd 0.001**
mation disclosure represents active information transparency, (2.69)
whereas external market attention represents passive information. Year Yes Yes Yes
Ind Yes Yes Yes
Digital transformation facilitates important activities of real-time and Control variables Yes Yes Yes
transparent companies, such as internal management processes, R&D Observations 10631 8649 10631
processes, production processes, and financial control. Inside infor- Adj.R2 0.07 0.08 0.07
mation is required to develop the FinTech credit model. Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,***
shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5%
The grouping variable Highroa = 1 if the company’s Roa is above the mean, other- and 1%, respectively. The grouping variable Highroa = 1 if
wise Highroa = 0. the company’s Roa is above the mean; otherwise, Highroa = 0.
The grouping variable Highroe = 1 if the company’s Roe is above the mean, other- The grouping variable Highroe = 1 if the company’s Roe is
wise Highroe = 0. above the mean; otherwise, Highroe = 0. The grouping vari-
The grouping variable Lowsd = 1 if the company’s Roasd is below the mean, other- able Lowsd = 1 if the company’s Roasd is below the mean,
wise Lowsd = 0. and Lowsd = 0 otherwise.

F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 11 Economic consequence analysis

Heterogeneity test - information disclosure.

(1) (2) (3)

Rent Rent Rent (i) FinTech and credit allocation efficiency
L.Ft 0.021 0.082 0.073
(0.28) (0.95) (0.80) Most scholars agree that credit corruption increases companies’
L.Ft £ Highscore 0.203* financing costs and undermines the rules and order of the credit market,
(1.90) causing inefficient and chaotic credit allocation, which has lasting dam-
Highscore 0.000 age to the real economy (Fungacova et al., 2015). Digital transformation
by FinTech may significantly reverse the misallocation of credit resour-
L.Ft £ Attention 0.203*
(2.22) ces caused by corrupt relationship chains. This section tests whether
Attention 0.001* FinTech can mitigate efficiency losses caused by credit corruption.
(2.19) The study argues that the sensitivity of credit to profitability
L.Ft £ Digitization 0.224**
reflects the efficiency of credit allocation (Covas & Den Haan, 2011). If
Digitization 0.002 profitable companies receive more credit funding, the allocation of
(0.16) credit resources will be more effective. The model used for the empir-
Year Yes Yes Yes ical analysis is as follows:
Ind Yes Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Loani;t ¼ a þ b1 Roat1 þ b2 Rentt þ b3 Roat1  Rentt þ g Controls
Observations 10631 10631 10631
Adj.R2 0.07 0.07 0.07 þ Year þ Ind þ ei;t ð4Þ
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,***
shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5% In Model (4), Loan is the bank credit scale variable, represented by
and 1%, respectively. the scale of corporate borrowing Dloan, the scale of corporate long-term
borrowing Dloanlong, and the scale of corporate short-term borrowing
Dloanshort. Dloan is defined as an increase in corporate short-term bor-
rowing, long-term borrowing, and long-term borrowing divided by total
(iii) Regional differences. assets; Dloanlong is defined as an increase in long-term borrowing
divided by total assets; Dloanshort is defined as an increase in short-
term borrowing divided by total assets; Roa reflects profitability; Rent is
We measure regional financial development using the ratio of
the credit corruption variable constructed in this study; Controls are the
total deposits and bank loans to GDP. We divided the sample into a
control variables, which are the same as in model (2); Year and Ind con-
less financially developed group (Findumy = 1) and a financially
trol the year effect and industry effect, respectively.
developed group (Findumy = 0), based on the median indicators.
The estimated coefficient b3 of the cross term of Roa and Rent rep-
Then, regional corruption is captured using the amount of corruption
resents the impact of corruption on credit allocation efficiency. The
and bribery cases filed per 10,000 public officials. The sample is
smaller the absolute value of b3, the lower the efficiency losses of
grouped into a high-corruption regional group (Cordumy = 1) and a
credit corruption. The sample is divided into a high-level FinTech
low-corruption regional group (Cordumy = 0), based on the median.
group (Ft ≥0.002) and low-level FinTech group (Ft < 0.002) based on
Table 12 displays the results of regional differences, where the cross
the mean of the FinTech variable. Finally, the differences in the esti-
term of FinTech and the two grouping variables (L.Ft £ Findumy and
mated coefficient b3 for different FinTech groups reflect the impact of
L.Ft £ cordumy) are significantly negative, demonstrating that Fin-
FinTech on credit allocation efficiency.
Tech exhibits regional ’latecomer advantage’ in curbing credit corrup-
As shown in Table 13, the results of the permutation test indicate
tion. Thus, Hypothesis 4 is supported.
that the estimated coefficients of b3 are significantly different
between the high- and low-level FinTech groups when the explained
variables are total and long-term borrowing. This indicates that the
moderating effect of FinTech on the ''corruption - allocation effi-
Table 12 ciency'' relationship improves the allocation efficiency of banks’
Heterogeneity test - regional differences. long-term loans. However, this result is not significant for short-term
(1) (2)
loans. In columns (1)−(2), the cross term of Roa and Rent is signifi-
Rent Rent cantly negative in both groups, and the intensity effect on the high-
level FinTech group (5.185) is 48.1% smaller than that in the low-level
L.Ft 0.082 0.121
(0.56) (1.44) FinTech group (9.999). The difference is statistically significant, con-
L.Ft £ Findumy 0.282** firming that FinTech can effectively correct the distorting effect of
(3.27) corruption on credit allocation. In columns (3)−(4), the intensity
Findumy 0.001 effect of the cross term in the high-level FinTech group is only 8% in
the low-level group, and the coefficient is not significant, suggesting
L.Ft £ Cordumy 0.353**
(3.42) that FinTech has a greater moderating effect on the allocation effi-
Cordumy 0.000 ciency of long-term loans. Overall, FinTech’s anti-corruption effect is
(0.15) robust. Its development reduces credit corruption, corrects resource
Year Yes Yes
mismatches, and restores the dominant position of the market-ori-
Ind Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes ented allocation of funds.
Observations 10631 7816
Adj.R2 0.07 0.07 (ii) FinTech and corporate investment efficiency
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-sta-
tistics. *,**,*** shows the significance of esti- In addition to credit allocation efficiency, credit corruption may
mated coefficients at 10%, 5% and 1%, also affect the efficiency of a company’s use of funds. Theoretically,
rational companies would set an optimal investment scale based on
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

Table 13
Economic consequence - credit allocation efficiency.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

High-level FinTech Low-level FinTech High-level FinTech Low-level FinTech High-level FinTech Low-level FinTech
group group group group group group

Dloan Dloan Dloanlong Dloanlong Dloanshort Dloanshort

Rent 0.611*** 0.163 0.196** 0.062 0.376*** 0.084
(3.88) (0.59) (2.15) (0.55) (3.40) (0.47)
Rent £ L.Roa 5.185** 9.999** 0.308 3.910** 4.155*** 4.592
(2.47) (2.18) (0.25) (2.07) (2.81) (1.57)
L.Roa 0.562 0.605 0.082 0.350 0.403 0.196
(12.27) (9.09) (4.58) (11.97) (12.46) (5.60)
Permutation test Coefficient P-Value Coefficient P-Value Coefficient P-Value
difference difference difference
4.814* 0.073 3.602* 0.078 0.437 0.840
Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ind Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Control variables Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Observations 2853 5435 2853 5435 2853 5435
Adj.R2 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.00
Note: The numbers in parentheses are T-statistics. *,**,*** shows the significance of estimated coefficients at 10%, 5% and 1%, respectively.

the marginal return on investment equal to the marginal cost. How- in companies. In column (2), the cross term of credit corruption and
ever, aggressive companies with the intent to expand may still pay FinTech (Rent £ L.Ft) is significantly negative, indicating that FinTech
rents for corruption to obtain excess credit funds, even if they are sat- can restrain the interest chain of ''promoting investment by corrup-
urated with investment, leading to over-investment inefficiency. To tion'' and better fulfil the supervisory and disciplinary function of
this end, this study tests whether FinTech can employ anti-corruption finance.
as a channel to restrain corporate over-investment.
This study uses the method proposed by Richardson (2006) to cal- Conclusions and policy recommendations
culate corporate investment efficiency, whose basic idea is to con-
struct a regression model to obtain a fitted value of a reasonable FinTech is increasingly being implemented in an emerging finan-
investment, and then use the difference between actual investment cial innovation model, and its impact on the financial market and real
and reasonable investment to represent inefficient investment. The economy has been widely explored by academics and practitioners.
model fit for a reasonable investment is as follows: Unlike existing studies that focus on financing outcomes, this study
Invt ¼ b0 þ b1 Growt1 þ b2 Levt1 þ b3 Casht1 þ b4 Aget1 discusses the curbing effect of FinTech on credit corruption from the
perspective of digital and intelligent transformation, thereby provid-
þ b5 Sizet1 þ b6 Rtt þ b7 Invt1 þ Ind þ Year þ et ð5Þ ing new ideas and tools for anti-corruption in credit market. We use
microdata of FinTech companies to construct FinTech measurement
In Model (5), Invt is the company’s investment scale, defined as indicators at the city level in China. Moreover, we explore the impact
Invt = (expenditure on the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible of FinTech on credit corruption based on data from listed companies
assets, and other long-term assets  net cash recovered from the dis- on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges from 2011 to 2019.
posal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets) / The results show that FinTech has a significant curbing effect on
total assets at the beginning of the period. Grow is a company’s credit corruption, and a one standard deviation increase in FinTech
growth, expressed as the operating income growth rate. Age is the development will reduce the credit corruption expenditure of com-
age of the company, expressed as Ln (the year of observation panies in jurisdictions by an average of 6.7%, which holds after
period  the listing year of the company + 1). Size is company size accounting for endogeneity issues and conducting a series of robust-
equal to the natural logarithm of total assets. Rt is the annual return ness tests. Furthermore, the heterogeneity test results show that Fin-
rate of corporate stock, including dividend reinvestment. Ind and Tech has greater advantages in risk identification, information
Year are used to control for industry effect and year effect, respec- mining, and inclusive development than traditional finance. The
tively. curbing effect on credit corruption is stronger in companies with bet-
Through the regression analysis of Model (5), the sample with a ter intrinsic quality, more transparent information disclosure, and
residual term of more than 0 is retained, and the residual term is located in less financially developed and more corrupt regions.
taken as the measurement indication of corporate over-investment. Finally, an economic consequence analysis suggests that FinTech can
The larger the OI, the more severe the inefficiency caused by corpo- correct the resource misallocation caused by credit corruption and
rate over-investment. This study constructs the following model to promote corporate investment efficiency.
analyse the impact of FinTech on the relationship between corruption Considering FinTech development in China, this study has the fol-
and over-investment. lowing policy implications. First, policymakers should increase policy
support for FinTech development and encourage banks to accelerate
the digital and intelligent transformation of internal controls and risk
OIi;t ¼ a þ b1 Ftt1 þ b2 Rentt þ b3 Ftt1  Rentt þ g Controls
management to maximise the curbing effect of FinTech on credit cor-
þ Year þ Ind þ ei;t ð6Þ ruption. Financial regulators can also regularly inspect banks’ credit
risk control systems to strengthen technological anti-corruption. Sec-
In Model (6), OI is the corporate over-investment variable, and the ond, this study finds that intrinsic quality and company information
definitions of the other variables are the same as in Model (1). The disclosure can significantly influence the anti-corruption effect,
estimated results are presented in Table 14. In column (1), the credit which fully illustrates the fundamental role of information quality in
corruption variable Rent is significantly positive, demonstrating that the FinTech system. Policymakers should integrate FinTech resources
credit corruption is more likely to induce over-investment behaviour in various sectors, build data-sharing platforms, and provide
F. Su and C. Xu Journal of Innovation & Knowledge 8 (2023) 100292

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