Rapport Robert Young

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Acta Scientific MEDICAL SCIENCES (ISSN: 2582-0931)

Volume 6 Issue 8 August 2022

Review Article

Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide

in CoV-19 Vaccines

Robert O Young*
Received: May 17, 2022
Neurosurgeon, Department of Pain Therapy, San Giovanni-Addolorata Hospital,
Published: July 26, 2022
Rome, Italy
© All rights are reserved by Robert O Young.
*Corresponding Author: Robert O Young, Neurosurgeon, Department of Pain
Therapy, San Giovanni-Addolorata Hospital, Rome, Italy.

DOI: 10.31080/ASMS.2022.06.1351

Currently there are four major pharmaceutical companies who manufacture a SARS-CoV-2 now called SARS-CoV-19 vaccine. These
manufactures and their vaccine are Pfizer--BioNTech mRNA Vaccine, the Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, the Serum Institute
Oxford Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine, manufactured by Janssen Biotech Inc., a Janssen Pharmaceutical
Company of Johnson and Johnson, a recombinant, replication-incompetent adenovirus type 26 expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike
protein [1]. The intended purpose of these vaccines are to provide immunity from the so-called infectious novel coronavirus or
SARS-CoV-2 virus now called the SARS-CoV-19. These four pharmaceutical companies have not provided complete FDA disclosure on
their vaccine box, insert fact sheet or label for many of the major and/or minor ingredients contained within these so-called vaccines.
The purpose of this research article is to identify those specific major and minor ingredients contained in the Pfizer Vaccine, the
Moderna Vaccine, the Astrazeneca Vaccine and the Janssen Vaccine using various scientific anatomical, physiological and functional
testing for each SARS-COV-2-19 vaccine. As a human right, governed under World Law by the Nuremberg Code of 1947, the vaccine
specific ingredient information is critical, required and necessary to know so that any human from any country in the World can
make an informed decision whether or not to consent to the SAR-CoV-2-19 inoculation [2]. We have conducted the scientific testing
on each vaccine and have identified several ingredients or adjuvants that have not been disclosed which are contained in these
four SARS-CoV-2-19 vaccines. Currently, these vaccines are being administered to millions of humans around the World under an
Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) issued by each country without full disclosure of all ingredients and in some cases mandated by
governments or employers in violation of individual human rights under the Nuremberg Code of 1947 [3].

Keywords: SARS; CoV-19; Vaccine; Bioweapon; 5G; Graphene; Graphene Oxide; Graphene Hydroxide; Parasite; Trypanosoma;
PEG; Polyethylene Glycol; Nano Dots; rGO; GO; mRNA; Pfizer; Moderna; Astrazenica; Janssen Pharmaceutical; Electron Microscopy;
Fluorescence Microscopy; Brightfield Microscopy; Darkfield Microscopy; pHase Contrast Microscopy; UV Absorbance; Fluorescence
Spectroscopy; Transmission Microscopy; Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy; X-ray Diffractometer; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance;
Vaccine Ingredients

Methodology and Techniques Microscopy, pHase Contrast Microscopy, Dark-Field Microscopy,

Four “vaccines” were analyzed which are the Pfizer- UV absorbance and Fluorescence Spectroscopy, Scanning Electron
BioNtech, Moderna-Lonza mRNA-1273 Vaccine, Vaxzevria by Microscopy, Transmission Electron Microscopy, Energy Dispersive
Astrazeneca, Janssen by Johnson and Johnson, using different Spectroscopy, X-ray Diffractometer, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
instrumentation and protocols of preparation according to instruments were used to verify the “vaccines” morphologies and
new nano particulate technological approaches. The different contents. For the high-technology measurements and the care of
instrumentation includes Optical Microscopy, Bright-Field the investigation, all the controls were activated, and reference
measurements adopted in order to obtain validated results.

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Live blood phase contrast and dark-field microscopy Normal healthy normal blood and after mRNA Inoculation
Images of the aqueous fractions of the vaccines were
subsequently obtained to visually assess the possible presence of
carbon particulates or graphene.

The observations under optical microscopy revealed and

abundance of transparent 2D laminar objects that show great
similarity with images from literature (Xu., et al. 2019), and with
images obtained from rGO standard (SIGMA) (Figures 1, 2 and 3)

Images of big transparent sheets of variable size and shapes Figure 1a: Micrograph under Phase Contrast Microscopy
were obtained, showing corrugated and flat, irregular. Smaller reveals the normal healthy state of the red blood cells which are
sheets of polygonal shapes, also similar to flakes described in even in color, even in shape and even in size. Red Blood cells in
literature (Xu., et al. 2019) can be revealed with pHase Contrast their healthy state measure anatomically 7 microns in diameter.
and Dark-Field microscopy (Figure 3) [4]. Dr. Robert O. Young, Profiles in Medical Microscopy, Hikari Omni
Publishing, 1987-2021.
All these laminar objects were widespread in the aqueous
fraction of the blood (Figure 1) or vaccine sample (Figures 2 and
3) and no component described by the registered patent can be
associated with these sheets [5,6].

In figure 1 You Can See What A Cluster Bomb of Reduced

Graphene Oxide (rGO) Looks Like in the Live Unstained Live Blood
From the So-Called Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen

Figure 1b: Micrograph taken under Phase Contrast Microscopy

reveals the live blood 24 hours after the mRNA Vaccine now
containing crystallized red blood cells, biological
transformations of red and white blood cells, large symplasts of
reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide crystals center
and Orotic acid crystals in the upper right hand corner of the
Figure 1: Is a Micrograph of a Carbon Cluster of Reduced micrograph. Dr. Robert O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing,
Graphene Oxide (rGO or Graphene Hydroxide) Viewed in the September, 2021 [7,8].
Live Unstained Human Blood with pHase Contrast Microscopy at
1500x. Note that the Red Blood Cells are Clotting in and Around
the rGO Crystal in a Condition Known as Rouleau! A French
Word Which Means to Chain. Dr. Robert O. Young, Profiles in
Medical Microscopy, Hikari OmniPublishing, 1987 – 2021 [7,8].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Nano and Micro Graphene Tubes Cause Pathological Blood [1] The pfizer “vaccine” non-disclosed ingredients
Coagulation Leading to Hypercapnia, Hypoxia and Death [9]. The micrographs in figures 2 and 3 were obtained using 100X,
600X, 1000x and 1500X pHase Contrast, Dark Field and Bright
Field Optical Microscopy [3].

On the left of each micrograph you will view micrographs

obtained from the Pfizer vaccine aqueous fraction containing rGO
or Graphene Hydroxide.

On the right of each micrograph, you will view a match from

known sources containing GO or Graphene Hydroxide for
anatomical validation.

The observations under a pHase Contrast, Dark-Field, Bright-

Field microscopy, Transmission and Scanning Electron microscopy
of the vaccine product by Pfizer, including vaccine products of
Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen revealed some entities that can
Figure 1c: Viewed Under pHase Contrast Microscopy a be graphene materials as seen below in Figures 1 through 4.
Nanotube of Graphene Oxide in Coagulated Red Blood Cells or
Blood Clots. Dr. Robert O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, 2021

What are the non-disclosed ingredients contained in cov-19

so-called pfizer, moderna, astrazeneca and janssen “vaccines”?
To answer this question an aqueous fraction of the Pfizer,
Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen vaccines were taken from each
vial and then viewed separately under pHase Contrast Microscopy Figure 2: Shows an aqueous fraction image from Pfizer vaccine
at 100x, 600x, 1000x up to1500x magnification showing anatomical sample (left) and from reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) standard
evidence of reduced Graphene Oxide (rGO) or Graphene Hydroxide (right) (Sigma-777684). Optical microscopy, 1000X
particulates which were compared to micrographs of rGO from magnification, [4,10].
Choucair., et al. 2009 for identification and verification [3].

Steps of analysis of vaccine aqueous fractions

Refrigerated samples were processed under sterile conditions,
using laminar flow chamber and sterilized lab ware.

Steps for analyses were

• Dilution in 0.9% sterile physiological saline (0.45 ml + 1.2 ml)
• Polarity fractionation: 1.2 ml hexane + 120 ul of RD1 sample
• Extraction of hydrophilic aqueous pHase
• UV absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy scanning Figure 2a: Is a 0.5ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer
• Extraction and quantification of RNA in the sample vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at
1000x, showing a symplast of graphene oxide (upper left) next
• Electron and optical microscopy of aqueous pHase.
to a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite (lower right). Dr. Robert O.
Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, September 11th, 2021 [4,10,11].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Figure 2b: Is a 0.5 ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer

vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at
1000x, showing a symplast of graphene oxide (upper left) and Figure 4: Shows the liposome Capsid containing rGO that Pfizer
an unidentified parasite (lower right). Dr. Robert O. Young, uses for its product to vehiculate the graphene oxide by
Hikari Omni Publishing, September 11 , 2021 [4,10,11].
th attaching the Liposome capsid to specific mRNA molecules for
driving the Liposome contents of rGO to specific organs, glands
and tissues, namely the ovaries and testes, bone marrow, heart
and brain. The image was obtained by a SEM-Cryo preparation

For a definitive identification of graphene by Transmission

Electron Microscopy (TEM), it is necessary to complement the
observation with the structural characterization by obtaining a
characteristic electron diffraction standard sample (as the figure
‘4a and b’ shown below) [15].
Figure 2c: Is a 0.5ml aqueous fraction image from Pfizer
vaccine sample viewed under pHase contrast microscopy at The standard sample corresponding to graphite or graphene
1000x, showing a graphene oxide ribbon. Dr. Robert O. Young, particulates has a hexagonal symmetry, and generally has several
Hikari Omni Publishing, September 11 , 2021 [4,12].
th concentric hexagons.

Figure 5: TEM image and (5b) X ray Diffraction Pattern of the

Graphene Particles. Matéria (Rio J.) 23 (1), 2018.
Characterization of Reduced Graphene Oxide or Graphene
Hydroxide nanosheets obtained by a modified Hummer's
Figure 3: Aqueous fraction images containing reduced graphene
method. Renata Hack., et al. [15].
oxide from Pfizer vaccine sample (left) and sonicated reduced
graphene oxide (rGO) standard (right) (Sigma-777684). Optical
pHase contrast microscopy, 600X magnification. In addition, the Using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) we observed an
Muestra RD1, La Quinta Columna Report, June 28, 2021; intricate matrix or mesh of folded translucent flexible rGO sheets
Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension; Delgado with a mixture of darker multilayer agglomerations and lighter
Martin, Campra Madrid confirms our findings. https://cen.acs. colored of unfolded monolayers as seen in figure 6 [16].
org/articles/86/i4/Graphene-Ribbons.html and https://cen.acs.
org/articles/86/i4/Graphene-Ribbons.html [13].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


The immune response to dietary, metabolic, environmental

and respiratory acids including inoculated organic and
inorganic micro and nano particulates from so-called
Neutrophils are white blood cells attempting to isolate and
then pick up and remove the reduced graphene oxide or graphene
hydroxide, a toxic acidic pathogen which was found in all CoV-
2-19 so-called “vaccines” as seen in the Dark Field microscopy
micrograph below at 1200x magnification!

Figure 6: Shows a cluster of reduced graphene oxide or

graphene hydroxide nanoparticles in a Pfizer vaccine. They
appear to be aggregated.

The darker linear areas in figure 6 appear to be local overlap of

sheets and local arrangement of individual sheets in parallel to the
electron beam.

After the mesh, a high density of unidentified rounded and Figure 8: Micrograph above is showing the reduced graphene
elliptical clear shapes appears, possibly corresponding to holes oxide (rGO) and the poisoning and destruction of the
generated by mechanical forcing of the rGO or Graphene Hydroxide neutrophils (NET - which make up over 60 percent of all white
mesh during treatment as seen in figure 7 [16]. blood cells) which are designed to pick up and eliminate foreign
toxic chemical waste and biologicals. The Scientists at Karlinska
Institute, the University of Manchester, Chalmers University of
Technology and the Scientific Team of Dr. Robert O. Young have
shown that the human immune system handles graphene oxide
in the same manner as bacteria, yeast or mold [17].

Energy-Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Reveals rGO or

graphene hydroxide in pfizer vaccine [16-19]
Figure 7: Shows a TEM microscopy observation where particles
The Pfizer vaccine liquid fraction was then analyzed for
of reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide in a Pfizer
chemical and elemental content using Energy-Dispersive X-ray
"vaccine” are present. The X-ray diffractometry reveals their
spectroscopy (EDS) as seen in figure 9 and 9a. The EDS spectrum
nature of crystalline Carbon-based nanoparticles of rGO. This
showed the presence of Carbon, Oxygen verifying the rGO or
evidence was intitially found by Muestra RD1, and published in
graphene hydroxide elements and Sodium and Chloride since the
the La Quinta Columna Report, June 28, 2021; Reduced
sample shown in figures 2, 2a, 2b, 3, 5a, 5b, and 6 were diluted in
Graphene Oxide Detection in Aqueous Suspension; Delgado
a saline solution.
Martin, Campra Madrid and [13,16].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


The conclusions are further supported by high fluorescence

from the sample with maximum at 340 nm, in accordance with
peak values for rGO. It must be reminded that RNA does not show
spontaneous fluorescence under UV exposure.

Figure 9: Shows a spectrum of a Pfizer “vaccine” under an ESEM

microscopy coupled with an EDS x-ray microprobe
(X axis = KeV, Y axis = Counts) identifying Carbon, Oxygen,
Sodium and Chloride [19].

Figure 10: UV spectrum of aqueous fraction of Pfizer vaccine


Ultra violet fluorescence testing of the pfizer aqueous fraction

Figure 9a: Shows he spectrum of a Pfizer “vaccine" for reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide (rGO) [17]
nanoparticulate of reduced graphene oxide or graphene Ultra Violet absorption and fluorescence spectra were obtained
hydroxide, magnesium, aluminum, silicon, chloride and calcium with Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader Spectrophotometer
identified under an ESEM microscope coupled with an EDS x-ray (BioteK). UV absorbance spectrum confirmed a maximum peak at
microprobe (X axis =KeV, Y axis = Counts) [19]. 270 nm, compatible with presence of rGO particulate.

UV fluorescence maximum at 340 nm also suggests presence of

The quantification of mRNA in the pfizer vaccine
significant amounts of rGO in the sample (Bano., et al. 2019) [17].
The quantification of RNA in the Pfizer sample was carried out
with conventional protocols (Fisher).

According to NanoDropTM 2000 spectrophotometer calibration

check specific software (Thermofisher), the UV absorption
spectrum of total aqueous fraction was correlated to 747 ng/ul of
unknown absorbing substances.

However, after RNA extraction with commercial kit

(Thermofisher), quantification with RNA specific Qbit fluorescence
probe (Thermofisher) showed that only 6t ug/ul could be related Figure 11: UV absorption and fluorescence spectra were
to the presence of RNA. The spectrum was compatible with the obtained with Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multi-Mode Reader
peak of reduced graphene oxide rGO at 270 nm. Spectrophotometer (BioteK). UV absorbance spectrum
confirmed a maximum peak at 270 nm, compatible with
According to microscopic images presented here, most of this presence of rGO. UV fluorescence maximum at 340 nm also
absorbance might be due to graphene-like sheets, abundant in the suggests presence of significant amounts of rGO in the sample
fluid’s suspension in the sample. (Bano., et al. 2019) [17,19].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Figure 14: Shows a 20 micron in length particulate

identified in the so-called Pfizer “vaccine”. It is composed of
carbon, oxygen, chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride and
Figure 12: The spectroscopy UV analysis showed an
nitrogen [20].
adsorption due to the presence of reduced graphene oxide or
graphene hydroxide, which is confirmed by observation under
ultraviolet visible microscopy [19]. Figures 15 and 16 below shows a micrograph of different
micro and nano particulates which have been identified in the
Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen, so-called “vaccines” and
Figures 13 and 14 below shows a micrograph of different
analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
micro and nano particulates which have been identified in the
(SEM) coupled with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive
Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen, so-called “vaccines” and
Spectroscopy (EDS) that reveals the particle size, composition
analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope
distribution and chemical nature of the observed micro and nano
(SEM) coupled with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive
particulates under observation.
Spectroscopy (EDS) that reveals the particle size, composition
distribution and chemical nature of the observed micro and nano Are There Parasites in the Pfizer “Vaccines”?
particulates under observation.
A 50 micron elongated body, as seen in figure 15 is a sharp
mysterious presence in the Pfizer vaccine. It appears and is
identified anatomically as a Trypanosoma cruzi parasite of which
several variants are lethal and is one of many causes of acquired
immune deficiency syndrome or AIDS Atlas of Human Parasitology,
4th Edition, Lawrence Ash and Thomas Orithel, pages 174 to 178

Figure 13: Shows sharp micron debris of 20 um in length

identified in the Pfizer so-called “vaccine” containing Carbon,
Oxygen Chromium, Sulphur, Aluminum, Chloride, Nitrogen [20].
Figure 15: Shows a Trypanosoma Parasite approximately 50
microns in length found in the so-called Pfizer “vaccine”. It is
composed of carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum,
chloride and nitrogen [11].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Figure 16 identifies a composition of nano particulates

including carbon, oxygen chromium, sulphur, aluminum, chloride
and nitrogen also found in the CoV-19 “vaccines”.

Figure 17: Shows that the white 2 micron particulate found in

the so-called Pfizer 'vaccine' is composed of bismuth, carbon,
oxygen, aluminum, sodium, copper and nitrogen.

Figure 16: Identifies a Composite of Nano particulates.

Figures 18 and 19 show the identification of organic carbon,
oxygen and nitrogen particulates with an aggregate of embedded
Figures 16a and 17 below show a micrograph of different nanoparticles including bismuth, titanium, vanadium, iron, copper,
micro and nano particulates which have been identified and silicon and aluminum which were all found in the so-called Pfizer
analyzed under an Environmental Scanning Electron Microscope “vaccine”.
(SEM) coupled with a nanoprobe using Energy Dispersive X-ray
Spectroscopy(EDS). (The white 2-micron-long particulate is
composed of bismuth, carbon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium, copper
and nitrogen.

Figure 18: Shows an organic (Carbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen)

aggregate with embedded nanoparticles of bismuth, titanium.
vanadium. iron, copper, silicon, aluminum embedded in Pfizer

Figure 16a: Shows nano and micron particulates identified in

the Pfizer “vaccine”. The white 2 micron long particulate is
composed of bismuth, carbon, oxygen, aluminum, sodium,
copper and nitrogen.

Figure 19: Shows an organic (Carbon-Oxygen-Nitrogen)

aggregate with embedded nanoparticles of bismuth, titanium.
vanadium. iron, copper, silicon, aluminum embedded in Pfizer

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


[2] The astrazeneca “vaccine” non-disclosed ingredients

Figures 20, 21 and 22 show an engineered aggregate of iron,
chromium and nickel also known as stainless steel of micro and
nano particles embedded and identified in the Astrazeneca
“vaccine” viewed under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)
and quantified (EDS) with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy
Dispersive Spectroscopy System ( that reveals the chemical nature
of the observed micro and nano particulates and their morphology.

Figure 22: Identifies the Spectrum of AstraZeneca Vaccine

Adjuvants. Different colors are used for the four molecules
identified by means of reference spectra. Relative concentration
is calculated on integrals of reference signals for molecules in a
quantitative spectrum acquired with a duty cycle of 5 seconds
with the longest calculated T1 was 5sec [20].

Figure 20: Engineered aggregate of iron, chromium and nickel [3] The Janssen “Vaccine” Non-Disclosed Ingredients
also known as stainless steel. Figures 23 and 24 shows an organic-inorganic aggregate
identified in the Janssen “vaccine”. The particles are composed of
stainless steel and are glued together with a “Carbon-based glue” of
reduced graphene oxide [11] This aggregate is highly magnetic and
can trigger pathological blood coagulation and “The Corona Effect”
or “The Spike Protein Effect” creation from the degeneration of
the cell membrane due to interactions with other dipoles [11] You
can view these biological reactions or cellular transformations in
the live blood under pHase Contrast and Dark Field Microscopy in
figures 24, 25 and 26 [10,12].
Figure 21: Shows the quantified nano particulates in the
Astrazeneca "vaccine" with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy
Dispersive System that reveals the chemical nature of the
observed micro and nano particulates.

The XRF (X-ray fluorescence) instrument was used to evaluate

the adjuvants in the Astrazeneca “vaccine”, which identified the
following molecules of histidine, sucrose, Poly-ethylene glycol
(PEG) and ethylene alcohol, also contained in the Pfizer and
Moderna “vaccines”. The results of this test can be seen in figure
22 [20].

The injection of PEG and Ethylene alcohol are both known

Figure 23: Shows a Stainless Steel Aggregation of Carbon ,
as carcinogenic and genotoxic [10]. PEG was the only adjuvant
Oxygen, Iron and Nickel Held Together With Reduced Graphene
declared on the data sheet listing the ingredients of the Astrazeneca
Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide [10,21].
“vaccine” but also contained in the Pfizer and Moderna “vaccines”.

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Figure 24: Shows Elements of Carbon , Oxygen, Iron and Nickel

Held Together With Reduced Graphene Oxide [10,21].

The corona effect and spike protein effect

The Endogenously Created “Corona Effect” and “Spike Protein” Figure 27: This Micrograph Shows the Endogenous Birth of
ARE Caused by Chemical, Parasitical and Radiation Poisoning from the "Spike Protein" as an Outfection and NOT and Infection! Dr.
Reduced Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide and Microwave Robert O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing , 1987 - 2021.
Radiation! [21,22].

Nanoparticulates of reduced graphene oxide or graphene

This enables the Reduced Graphene Oxide or Graphene
Hydroxide nanobots to carry a body weighing about 8,000 times
more than each leg. As well, each leg measures only 100 atoms
and even down to 1 atom thick, and they can carry bodies 1,000 to
100,000 times thicker [23].

Figure 25: "The Corona Effect" and the Endogenous Creation

of Exosomes Due to Chemical and Radiation Poisoning of the
Vascular and the Interstitial fluids of the Interstitium. Dr. Robert
O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, 1987 - 2021.

Figure 28: Shows a Hexagonal 'Smart' Versions of Reduced

Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide Nanobots Found in the
Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazeneca, and Janssen Vaccines! [23].

There have been other researchers who have now developed

‘smart’ versions of these reduced graphene oxide or graphene
hydroxide nanobots. These versions feature controllers, sensors,
Figure 26: Shows "The Corona Effect" and the Endogenous transmitters and clocks [24].
Birth of S1 Protein Spikes Caused by Radiation and Chemical
Poisoning or What I Call The "Protein Spiking Effect". Dr. Robert The reduced graphene oxide or graphene hydroxide nanobots
O. Young, Hikari Omni Publishing, 1987 - 2021. are powered by using magnetic fields (EMF) or ultrasound, making

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


it possible for them to travel deeply into the human body tissues, nanoparticles are embedded. The nanoparticles are composed
organs and glands (such as the reproductive organs), [27] bone of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, copper, iron and chlorine
marrow, across the blood-brain barrier and the air-blood barrier of [22,29].
the lungs via the interstitial fluids - the largest organ of the human
and animal body called the Interstitium [24-28]. Figures 31, 32 and 33 shows an analysis which was also
performed under Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and
[4] The moderna “vaccine” non-disclosed ingredients quantified with an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive
Figure 29 and 30 identified a mixed entity of organic and System (EDS) and revealed the chemical nature of the observed
inorganic matter contained in the Moderna “vaccine”. micro and nano particulates. Many foreign bodies were identified
with a spherical morphology with some bubble-shaped cavities.

Figure 29: Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals a

Figure 31: Reveals the Nano Dots in the Reduced Graphene
Reduced Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide Composite of
Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide Found in the Moderna "Vaccine"
Embedded Organic and Non-Organic Matter.

Figure 30: Reveals Embedded Cytotoxic Nano Particulates


Transmission Electron Microscopy (TMS) and quantified with

an x-ray microprobe of an Energy Dispersive System (EDS) revealed
Figure 32: Reveals the Nano Dots in the Reduced Graphene
the chemical nature of the observed micro and nano particulates.
Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide Found in the Moderna "Vaccine"
The so-called Moderna “vaccine” is a carbon-based Reduced [32,33].
Graphene Oxide or Graphene Hydroxide substrate where some

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


Figure 33: Reveals the Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Composite of Figure 35: Reveals the Nano Particulate Complex Contained in
Nano Particulates in Reduced Graphene Oxide and Graphene the Moderna "Vaccine" [30,31].
Hydroxide Found in the Moderna "Vaccine" [30,31].

Figures 36 and 37 show carbon-based reduced graphene oxide

Figure 31 and 32 shows they are composed of carbon, nitrogen, or graphene hydroxide entities in the Moderna “vaccine” mixed
oxygen, silicon, lead, cadmium, and selenium. This highly toxic nano with aggregates filled with Aluminum silicate nano particulates
particulate composition are quantum dots of cadmium selenide [30].
which are cytotoxic and genotoxic [32,33].

Figures 34 and 35 further analysis of the so-called Moderna

“vaccine” showed a 100-micron symplast of reduced graphene
oxide nano particulate composite. The rGO or Graphene Hydroxide
is composed of carbon and oxygen with contamination of nano
particulates of nitrogen, silicon, phosphorus and chlorine [30,34].

Figure 36: Reveals a Complex of Reduced Graphene Oxide and

Aluminum Silicate Using Transmission Electron Microscopy

Figure 37: Reveals the Nano Elements of Reduced Graphene

Oxide and Aluminum Silicate Contained in the Moderna
Figure 34: Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals a Large
"Vaccine" [30,31].
100 micron Symplast Composite of Reduced Graphene Oxide
The SARS-CoVid-2-19 pandemic induced the pharmaceutical
industries to develop new drugs that they refer to as vaccines [34].

Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.
Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines


The mechanism of action of these new drugs as declared by already has led to serious injuries (estimated at over 500 million)
the pharmaceutical industry coupled with what is reported in and/or death (estimated at over 35 million) [37-42].
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Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
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Citation: Robert O Young. “Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines". Acta Scientific Medical Sciences
6.8 (2022): 98-111.

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