Iqbal and Democracy
Iqbal and Democracy
Iqbal and Democracy
Democracy is a government of majority elected by people in which
authorities are also divided in people. We can say that the democracy is
the rule of majority elected by majority of people through the elections
and the government officials work for the betterment of the country.
Democracy provides chance to everyone who performs well to carry on
his good work.
We can define all these four pillars briefly here as the legislature is the
legislative body of the country or state. Legislature basically who forms the laws
for the country or state. Executive is the second pillar which makes others to
abide by the law if they do not abide by the law. Judiciary is third pillar and its
job is to decide the state affairs in courts through judges. Media is the last pillar
of the democracy and according to the todays’ environment we can say that it is the
most powerful pillar. It can do something extremely good with it soothing and
healing effects and it can destroy everything with its devastating characteristics.
Shri Naidu said something relating and instructive to these four pillars of
1_ The main difference between the western and eastern democracy is the
2_Iqbal always wanted to establish a democracy which is based on Islamic
laws nothing out of this circle. As he saw so many aspects in west which were
bringing the democracy to its worst form. Main factor was secularism. They were
and they are still blind in their worldly process so they don’t care what is going to
happen in near future