Manejo Trombocitopenia
Manejo Trombocitopenia
Manejo Trombocitopenia
To cite this article: Fiona Swain & Robert Bird (2019): How I approach new onset
thrombocytopenia, Platelets, DOI: 10.1080/09537104.2019.1637835
Article views: 45
Abstract Keywords
Thrombocytopenia is a common reason for referral to hematologists in community and Immune thrombocytopenia,
hospital practice. A broad differential diagnosis, combined with the potentially life- thrombocytopenia
threatening nature of some presentations necessitates a rapid evaluation of the situation
and potential need for emergency intervention; followed by further comprehensive investiga- History
tion to confirm the diagnosis and institution of longer term management. This review offers an
Received 24 June 2018
approach to the initial assessment, diagnosis, and referral. We then highlight aspects of the
Revised 14 May 2019
clinical history, examination and laboratory investigations which may provide critical insights
Accepted 7 June 2019
into the most likely diagnosis. ITP is the commonest cause of severe isolated thrombocytope-
Published online 5 July 2019
nia in the general community and is the most common cause of thrombocytopenia in patients
referred to our hematology service. It remains a diagnosis of exclusion and a high degree of
vigilance for alternative diagnoses should be maintained, particularly if presentations are
atypical or expected response to treatment is not seen. Adult presentation of hereditary
thrombocytopenia syndromes can mimic new onset thrombocytopenia, however, improving
access to genetic testing will facilitate accurate diagnosis and avoid unnecessary treatment.
Condition Comment
Pseudothrombocytopenia Various pre-analytical or analytical errors including platelet clumping and satellitism
Immune thrombocytopenia Primary or secondary
Acute/critical illness Especially common in ICU patients and sepsis
Liver disease/hypersplenism Also consider direct toxicity if applicable (eg alcohol)
Medications Includes marrow suppression (eg chemotherapy), drug-induced immune thrombocytopenia (DITP), heparin induced
thrombocytopenia (HIT)
Toxins Eg alcohol
Marrow disorders Myelodysplasia
Bone marrow infiltration (haematological and non-haematological malignancies)
Thrombotic microangiopathies Including thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), haemolytic uraemic syndrome (HUS) and disseminated
(TMA) intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Specific scenarios
If no prior FBC available also Congenital thrombocytopenia syndromes
If pregnant also consider Gestational thrombocytopenia, pre-eclampsia, haemolysis with elevated liver enzymes and low platelets (HELLP),
acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP)
If recent transfusion also Post-transfusion purpura (PTP), alloimmune thrombocytopenia, dilutional thrombocytopenia
If bi or pancytopenia also Nutritional deficiencies, auto-immune disease, systemic lupus erythromatosis (SLE), aplastic anaemia, paroxysmal
consider nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH)
testing means that DITP is likely to be under-recognized, under- alcoholics in the community and 14–81% of hospitalized alco-
diagnosed and under-reported. DITP is more commonly recog- holics. The platelet count can be expected to rise after 2–5 days of
nized with quinine, antimicrobials, anti-platelet agents, and abstinence and generally returns to the normal range within one
heparin; though many more drugs have been implicated in the week. Often rebound to higher than normal levels is seen, unless
literature (based on clinical criteria, laboratory criteria or both) other contributors such as splenomegaly (sequestration) or cirrho-
[18,19]. Reasons to suspect DITP include a time frame (1–2 sis (decreased thrombopoietin production) are present [23].
weeks or immediately following the administration of fibans and Macrocytosis is usually seen, and this persists for 2–4 months
abciximab) [18], severe thrombocytopenia with bleeding, and after abstinence and is the most reliable pointer to potential
administration of a drug known to be implicated in DITP. Often alcoholic etiology [24].
the diagnosis is made in retrospect, with resolution upon cessation
or recurrence with re-exposure (not generally recommended).
Heparin-induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a unique immu- Recreational/Occupational Activities
nological complication of heparin therapy which is more likely to
be seen in hospital inpatients; though new thrombocytopenia in While recreational and occupational activities might put indivi-
a patient on heparin therapy, particularly in the presence of duals at increased risk of thrombocytopenia through toxin expo-
progressive or new thrombosis should trigger calculation of the sure or infection risk, they also feature strongly in initial
validated pre-test probability scoring system (4T score) [20] and assessment of the need for treatment. Patients engaging in
HIT antibody or functional testing ordered if an intermediate or a professional contact sport or recreational activities such as
high score is determined. Until the result is available, heparin horse riding may require initiation of therapy at a higher platelet
should be immediately withheld and alternative non-heparin threshold, akin to patients with increased bleeding risk or those
anticoagulation should be instituted as per local guidelines. needing concomitant anticoagulation.
Familial platelet disorder with associated myeloid malignancy commonly flagged in platelet counts <100x10^9/L and when the
due to the RUNX1 R166Q mutation should be considered when mean cell volume (MCV) is decreased.
there is a family history of MDS or AML. Platelet size is normal Blood film examination is pivotal and careful attention should
and blood film examination will reveal no abnormality until be directed to all cell lines. Recognition of schistocytes is critical
progression to MDS or AML occurs [26]. No preventive inter- for assessment and exclusion of MAHAs, such as TTP. Red cells
vention is currently available but enrolment to RUNX1 registries, should be examined for spherocytes and polychromasia, which
where available, and genetic counseling should be considered. would point to associated hemolysis (Evans syndrome). White
Detection of this mutation is also significant where family mem- cells should be examined for the presence of immature forms,
bers are being assessed as potential allogeneic stem cell transplant which would suggest a hematological malignancy; or reactive
donors, as family members carrying this mutation should be lymphocytes, as seen in acute viral infections such as dengue or
excluded as potential donors. cytomegalovirus infection. Platelets should be inspected for num-
Inherited platelet function disorders may be associated with ber, size, and granularity. Platelet size, either estimated from
thrombocytopenia (e.g. Bernard Soulier Syndrome (BSS)). BSS blood film review or measured by the analyzer (reported as
should be more readily apparent from a bleeding history dispro- mean platelet volume (MPV)) can be useful to guide molecular
portionate to the degree of thrombocytopenia and macrothrombo- analysis in suspected hereditary thrombocytopenia syndromes as
cytopenia on film review. Formal diagnosis can be achieved these can be categorized according to expected platelet size
through more available testing methods such as flow cytometry (Table II).
or platelet aggregometry. Basic biochemistry is required to assess renal function, which
is relevant in MAHA and some MYH9 associated hereditary
thrombocytopenias. Lactate dehydrogenase should be included,
Clinical Examination and if elevated raises the possibility of underlying MDS, malig-
Physical examination should never be omitted and adequate expo- nancy or hemolysis. Bilirubin, albumin, coagulation studies, and
sure of the patient is vital. The lower leg, palate, and fundi should liver enzyme tests can provide insight into possible underlying
be examined for petechiae and purpura. The upper arm should be liver disease or demonstrate an unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia
looked at if blood pressure cuffs have been used recently. Patients as seen in hemolytic states. The direct antiglobulin test (DAT or
should always be asked to “show me your bruising,” so that any Coombs test) should be ordered in suspected ITP to investigate
areas that might not normally be exposed to protect modesty are for concurrent hemolysis [29]. H pylori screening may be per-
not missed. Lymphadenopathy and splenomegaly should be care- formed, however, in our experience has been of little utility. HIV,
fully excluded in order that subsequent investigations can be HCV, and thyroid function tests should be performed to evaluate
appropriately ordered. Imaging may be warranted in patients for secondary causes of ITP. We do not routinely perform bone
with increased body mass index (BMI) due to the reduced sensi- marrow examination upfront in suspected ITP: this is reserved for
tivity of clinical examination. patients who are over 60 years, do not respond to treatment as
expected, or have any clinical or laboratory features which sug-
gest a bone marrow pathology. HIT antibody testing (including
Investigation functional antibody testing if available) must be performed when
there is a moderate or high suspicion of HIT, based on the 4T
Immediate Laboratory Investigation score. ADAMTS13 testing should be requested to confirm or
The question “could this be a spurious result?” should always be exclude TTP if a MAHA is identified, though this result should
asked if any significant abnormality in laboratory investigations not delay emergent management.
arises which is unexpected or does not correlate with the clinical
picture. The specimen tube should be manually checked for a clot
and the blood film assessed for platelet clumping or satellitism Additional Testing
[27]. Our laboratory has adopted a platelet count threshold of
Platelet Antibody Testing
20x10^9/L to automatically perform and report a fluorescent
platelet count as this has been shown to have improved accuracy Platelet antibody testing should ideally be a key investigation in ITP,
and precision in thrombocytopenia [28]. Other laboratories may as with most other autoimmune disorders, but unfortunately both
use an abnormal platelet distribution to trigger performance of the sensitivity and specificity of testing in numerous studies have
optical or fluorescent platelet counts; however, in our experience, demonstrated little utility in the investigation of thrombocytopenia
this leads to excessive testing as abnormal platelet distribution is [30,31]. Whilst some have reported the specificity to be adequate
Small platelets (MPV <7fl) Normal platelets (MPV 7-11fl) Large platelets (MPV >11fl)
Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome Thrombocytopenia with absent radii (TAR) MYH9 syndromes
X-linked thrombocytopenia - May-Hegglin anomaly
Congenital amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia - Fechtner syndrome
- Epstein syndrome
Radio-ulnar synostosis and amegakaryocytic thrombocytopenia - Sebastian syndrome
Mediterranean thrombocytopenia
Familial platelet disorder with associated myeloid malignancy Bernard Soulier syndrome
DiGeorge syndrome
Chromosome 10/THC2 Paris-Trousseau
Gray platelet syndrome
GATA1 mutation
(approximately 80% in some studies), in our opinion, this does not anticoagulant therapy, and lifestyle. In a patient in whom a life-
add value in a condition already fraught with misdiagnosis and threatening etiology (e.g. HIT, MAHAs) has been excluded, and
mistreatment. Platelet antibody testing has no role in our practice. whom appears to be stable without significantly increased bleed-
ing risk, the default position should be to withhold treatment and
establish a firm diagnosis. One important consideration with ITP
Genetic Testing is that the absence of a diagnostic test means a trial of treatment
Genetic testing for hereditary thrombocytopathies should be con- may contribute to confirming or refuting the diagnosis.
sidered in patients provisionally diagnosed with ITP who are refrac- In patients without a clear diagnosis in whom the platelet
tory to treatment, patients with a family history of thrombocytopenia count and bleeding risk do not warrant immediate treatment, we
and patients with syndromic features. The screening panel will vary will often use a trial of prednisolone 25 mg daily for 7 days to
depending upon the region and the laboratory performing the test- assess steroid responsiveness. A response to steroids both pro-
ing; but must include the most common inherited mutations. vides support for a diagnosis of immune thrombocytopenia and
A review of a gene panel performed on an Australasian cohort of confirms the utility of steroids to cover any future transient events
patients suspected to have hereditary thromobocytopathy identified associated with increased bleeding risk. In situations when ITP
MYH9-related disorders as the most common cause, with patho- does not respond to treatment as expected the opportunity should
genic MYH9 mutations found in 12.4% of patients [32]. be taken to review the diagnosis, rather than committing to
prolonged steroid therapy or splenectomy.
Is There a Role for MPV and IPF?
Whilst not often reported, most modern hematology analyzers are
capable of assessing platelet parameters, including the mean platelet The most common causes of thrombocytopenia are drugs and
volume (MPV) and an assessment of the immature platelet count, critical illness in the hospital population, and ITP in the commu-
given as an absolute count or as the immature platelet fraction (IPF). nity. A rapid assessment to exclude treatable serious underlying
The MPV may be useful in guiding genetic testing for suspected conditions should be performed, followed by an assessment of the
inherited thrombocytopenias as an adjunct to clinical assessment need for treatment to reduce bleeding risk. If a decision to treat is
and blood film review. MPV is also increased in ITP, MDS and made and the response is not as expected, the opportunity should
megaloblastic pancytopenia [33]. It has been shown to differentiate be taken to review the diagnosis. ITP is a diagnosis of exclusion,
between ITP and hypoproliferative thrombocytopenia, though the not an assumption; the full differential of causes of thrombocyto-
sensitivity and specificity of this varies between studies [34,35]. penia needs to be considered in all patients to ensure appropriate
Limitations at present include the absence of generally accepted diagnosis and therapy.
reference ranges, overlap of reference ranges, lack of standardiza-
tion between analyzer methods, platelet transfusion and pre- Declaration of Interest
analytical error (e.g. storage artifact). Furthermore, whether
analyzer derived MPV is of more use than proficient blood film The authors report no declarations of interest.
review is yet to be established. We do not routinely assess MPV in
our practice as blood film review by an experienced hematologist is ORCID
considered of higher yield with the potential to identify other blood
film features which may provide diagnostic insight. Fiona Swain
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