CMP505 - Data Structure Using C++
CMP505 - Data Structure Using C++
d) State any two differences between static and dynamic memory allocation. 5
b) What is Linear Search? What is the average number of comparisons in a Linear search?
d) Convert the expression (P+Q)* C into postfix and show the contents of stack after
every step in tabular form. 5
e) Explain the algorithm for Insertion sort and sort the following array.
Inorder : 3 5 6 8 12 15 18 19
Preorder : 12 5 3 6 8 18 15 19
Postorder : 3 8 6 5 15 19 18 12 5
c) Explain Representing lists as Binary tree. Write algorithm for finding K th element
and deleting an element. 5
KA17-1040 D106/P142/CMP528/EE/20170108 : 2