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EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES 16. What is netiquette?

(A set of rules for

proper behavior on social media)
1.What is WWW? (A collection of web pages and
websites that are accessible through the internet.) 2. 17. Which of the following is an example of
Which of the following statements is TRUE good netiquette? (Using appropriate language and
about the current state of ICT (ICT includes both tone in online communication.)
hardware and software components.)
18. Which of the following is an example of
3.Which of the following statements is TRUE a phishing attack? (An email claiming to be from
about the World Wide Web? (WWW is a a bank, asking for account information.)
collection of websites and web pages.)
19.How can you apply netiquette when sending
4.The following statements describes the emails? (Using a professional tone and avoiding
relationship between the World Wide Web and slang or jargon.)
the internet. Which do you think best describes
their relationship? (The internet is a physical 20.How can you apply your knowledge of ICTs
infrastructure that allows data to be transmitted, to improve your work productivity? (By using
while the World Wide Web is a collection of the productivity tools to make task finished faster.)
websites and web pages that are accessed using the 21.Which of the following is a common
internet.) Netiquette guideline for online communication?
5.Which online platform is specially design for (Be respectful and courteous in your language and
sharing photos and videos? (Instagram) tone.)

6.Which of the following scenarios demonstrates 22.What should you do if you receive a text or
the application of social media for business email from someone you don’t know? (Leave it
purposes? (A small business owner posts a photo in your inbox until you figure out who it is.)
of their product on social media to promote sales.) 23.Which of the following scenarios represents
7.What tool allows you to create, edit, and the best example of applying online research
display the text in the image? (Text Tool) skills? (Using multiple online sources to write a
research paper on a given topic.)
8.Which principle of design is when a designer
arranges the elements or text according to its 24.As a student, you are responsible when a
context? (Hierarchy) specific information was presented to you.
Which of these CANNOT be done upon
9.What is the purpose of using infographics in searching? (Click any sites that appeared as a
visual message design? (To simplify complex source of information.)
25.Which of the following tasks involves the
10. How does the Crop Tool work in basic highest level of analysis in online navigation?
image manipulation? (Remove unwanted areas of (Identifying the hierarchy of information on a
the image) website to locate specific content.)

11. Which of the following data sets would 26. How can you determine if a source found on
be most appropriate for an infographic? (A list the Internet is credible? (The author's credentials
of instructions for repairing a bicycle) and publication date.)

12.To have a proper contrast, which font color is 27.Which of the following can be considered as
best to use if the background on your invitation fake, and merely opinion-based? (Dr. Jose Rizal
card is red? (White) wrote a third book after Noli Me Tangere and El
13.What online platform is use for hashtags and
posting pictures? (Instagram) 28.What would be a correct formula for SUM in
excel? (=SUM(B3:B9))
14.Which of the following is an example of the
application of ICT in education? (A teacher uses 29. What application allows you to create
online resources to supplement their lessons and slide presentation for lecture? (Powerpoint)
engage students.)
30.Why are page numbers required in a Table
15.How will you describe if something is ICT? of Contents? (To make it easier for readers to find
(Hardware or software that allows access, storage, specific sections)
transmission and manipulation of information.)
31.What is the difference between a slide
transition and an animation in MS PowerPoint?
(Slide transitions change the overall design of a CPAR
slide, while animations add movement to individual
elements on a slide.) The major contemporary art forms and practices
are: music, literature, theater, movie, dance,
32.Andrea wants to use the mail merge feature architecture, and visual arts. Performance arts are
in MS Word to create invitation letters for her contemporary performing arts.
birthday. Which of the following processes
should she perform? (Click on Mailings Tab > I. Performance Arts is an art done live to convey
Select Start Mail Merge > Choose a Document message in a limited time.
Type) II. Performance may be scripted, just like theatre or
33.In which situation would you use a hyperlink unscripted, spontaneous or planned, with or without
in a PowerPoint presentation? (linking to another participation of audience.
slide) III. There maybe group of performers or just one to
34.Which of the following statements best perform on stage or on streets that shows on in
reflects a critical evaluation of netiquette? (It is a acting, poetry, music, dance and painting to convey
set of guidelines that must be followed to avoid a campaign.
offending others online.) These visual artists have made significant
35.What should you do to avoid being cyber- contributions to the development of Philippine arts.
bullied? (Observe proper netiquette rules.) I. Fernando Amorsolo
36.What skill refers to the ability to produce II. Guillermo E. Tolentino
good and continuous searches? (Research Skill)
III. Napoleon V. Abueva
37.What skill involves the ability to reflect on
and analyze the information presented? (Critical Literature refers to an art form of expression,
Thinking) generating meaning and perception through the
integrated use of words.
38.Which of the following best describes the
concept of online navigation? (The art of moving Dance is defined as the art of the human form.
through web pages and finding desired information
on the Internet.) Felipe de Leon wrote the national anthem during
the Japanese period entitled “Awit sa Paglikha ng
39.Which of the formulas below is valid? Bagong Pilipinas.
Arturo Luz is an abstractionist
40.What are the advantages of using charts and
graphs in PowerPoint? (organize data in a clear Civic art refers to beautification to enhance living
and concise manner) standards. Commercial arts include business
propaganda, sign painting, billboards and
41.What is WWW? advertisements, leaflets, displays, poster design,
movie illustrations, and many more in the form of
(A collection of web pages and websites that are advertisements in newspapers and magazines.
accessible through the internet.)
Graphic arts are something printed from reliefs and
42.Which of the following statements is TRUE plane surfaces that are elevated or sunken.
about the current state of ICT? (ICT includes
both hardware and software components.) Functional Art refers to an art that is used for
utility; changing raw materials for utilitarian
43.Which of the following statements is TRUE purposes.
about the World Wide Web? (WWW is a
collection of websites and web pages.) Sculpture - Most familiar art forms among
Filipinos from carving to molding of gods and
44.Which of the following scenarios is the most heroes for a long time, but at present, through
appropriate use of MS Word? (Writing a availability of varied materials and medium,
research paper) technology and technique, it’s more flexible and
45.Which of the following is the most effective expressive in making their art work.
way to present complex data in MS Excel? (use a Theater requires actors and actresses to connect to
chart) the audience to let them experience a real or
imagined event through combination of gesture,
speech, song, music and dance, commonly done on
stage and are scripted. Miss Saigon is very popular Orden ng Gawad Pambansang Alagad ng Sining
for this type.
The insignia of the Order of the National Artists
Mixed Media are artworks done from mixed has an eight-pointed sunburst suspended from a
materials, any materials including commercial sampaguita wreath in green and white enamel.
garbage. Artist may use their full freedom in
choosing materials in a context to express views Fernando Amorsolo is the first National Artist in
and opinion on issues around. the country and was known for using backlighting
technique in painting, making his creations bright
Collage is a technique when cut out materials, and cheerful.
cloth, string and many others, are pasted on a flat
surface that turn into a creative artwork. Nick Joaquin national artists used the name Guerre
Quijano de Manila as journalist.
Assemblage is a technique of putting objects
together by welding or adhesion in a new concept. Darhata Sawabi is a Tausug weaver of pis syabit –
the traditional cloth tapestry worn as a head cover.
Tinikling is being characterized by the movements
of one or more dancers between two bamboo poles Joya is known for pioneering abstract
while these poles are beaten in a certain rhythm expressionism in the Philippines.
against each other and onto the ground. Ang Kiukok was known for his paintings
ETHNIC ERA expressing nationalism.

-Communities that share identities and personalities Appropriation refers to the process of creating new
that reflect in their artworks. material by taking pre-existing photos from another
source, such as books on art history,
ISLAMIC ERA advertisements, the internet, and integrating or
combining them with new ones.
-focused on geometric pattern and design.
Space is called installation art if an artist creates a
SPANISH ERA piece of work for a room or a particular space. The
-Colonial churches were constructed. breath of art which means Space is present in
almost every piece of art, unlike many of the other
-Chinese artisans have been active in making wood elements of art and serves as a guide for the
or ivory icons or saints. viewers to perceive an art (Frank Lloyd Wright)

-Western musical instruments, pipe organs, violin, Hybridity, the artist uses coffee for drawing and
guitar, and piano were added. small pencil sculptures.

-The sculpture of the saints these were used Artworks that are both beautiful and useful.
primarily for the church altars and retablos.
Why is it important to recognize the artists who are
- Jose Palma wrote a poem entitled "Filipinas” engaged in folk or traditional arts?

- June 12, 1898 was the national anthem heard -Because traditional artists reflect the diverse
publicly for the first time. heritage and cultural traditions that transcend their
beginnings to become part of our national
JAPANESE ERA character.
-The song “AWIT SA PAGLIKHA NG BAGONG Performer are the people onstage presenting the
PILIPINAS” conveyed allegiance to the nation. character in dramatic action.
CONTEMPORARY ERA Low relief is a kind of relief that describe as
slightly protruding from the background.
- Burj Khalifa in Dubai
Freddie Aguilar was very famous for his song
Assembling different materials (found, recycled,
“Anak” which had been very popular worldwide.
indigenous etc.) gather together to form an artwork.
The song is about a son who goes astray as he
Manunggul Jar signifies the belief of early Filipino grows up. According to this song, the important
in life after death. message the song convey to everyone is that no one
regrets their action at first.
Art is the human pursuit to imitate life and the
world into something pleasing or beautiful. Levi Celerio was immortalized in the Guinness
book of world records
Order of the National Artists Award or called as
as the only person to make music using just a leaf. -Curved line-gradual change of direction
A traditional artist who possesses all the qualities -Circular line- abrupt change of direction
of a Manlilikha ng Bayan candidate, but due to age
or infirmity has left him/her incapable of teaching TYPES
further his/her craft, may still be recognized if -Outlines-edge or silhouette
he/she had been recognized by the Local
Government Unit where he/she resides. -Contour lines-shape of an object and interior
Mat-weaving is only done in shaded and cool -Expressive line-movement and gestures of an
placed as to preserve the integrity of the mats and active figure
their fiber.
-Sketch lines-captures the appearance of an object
Pinilian weave refers to a cotton cloth weaved or place
using a pangablan, where weaving styles of
binakul, binetwagan, or tinumballitan are inputted. -Calligraphic lines-elegant handwriting

Art in various cultures serve important functions -Implied lines-not actually drawn but created by a
group of objects seen from a distance.
-Sense of national identity.
SHAPE- enclosed by a line. Two dimensional
-Sharpen the arts of the country. figures with height and width.
-Can outlook the past of any civilization. -Geometric shapes- circles, rectangles, squares,
triangles etc.
-Encourages the audience to take part in the
experience. -Organic shape- found in nature and are free
flowing, informal and abstract shapes.
Sculpture are three-dimensional pieces of art that
are created by shaping various kinds of material. -Positive shape-solid form in a design
Architecture is designing and building structures -Negative shape-space around the positive shape
for the purpose of inhabitation.
-Static shapes- appears stable and resting
The Philippines has various indigenous scripts
collectively referred to as suyat, each of which has -Dynamic shape-appears moving and active
its own types and calligraphic styles. Based from
-Amorphous- shapeless form
figure 2 shown below, compare the following
example of scripts of folk writing (calligraphy). COLOR- the way we see light reflected from a
surface or refracted through a prism.
The left figure shows the Buhid/Build Calligraphy
of the Buhid Mangyan while the right figure shows -Primary colors
the Kulitan Script of Kapampangan People.
-Secondary colors
Music has the power to speak through people’s
minds, hearts, and souls, and people can’t live -Tertiary colors
without it. Music affect the character and
-Analogous colors (eg. Yellow-orange, red-orange,
disposition of people, the mood and way of
red-violet, blue-violet, blue-green and yellow-
thinking of people.
The first art in the Philippines was developed
-Complementary colors-colors opposite to each
during the time of the Spaniards.
-Monochromatic colors- several values of color
-Warm colors-warmth
LINE- defines shape, contours and outlines,
suggests mass and volume. May come in two -Cool colors-coolness
forms: curved, dotted or broken lines; direction:
vertical, horizontal, or diagonal lines. SPACE- distances or areas around, between or
within components of a piece and refers to the
-Horizontal line- serenity and perfect stability arrangement of objects on the picture plane(two-
-Vertical line- strength and perfect stability
-Diagonal line- action
-Positive space- a part in which is enclosed in a CONTRAST- difference between elements of art
shape in an artwork. How stronger each element of art in
relation to one another.
-Negative space- opposite part which the shape is
enclosing. VARIETY- diversity or different elements used
in artworks.
PERSPECTIVE- a technical means by which we
perceive distance in painting, by which we ate EMPHASIS- highlight in a certain artwork
made to see the position in space.
HARMONY- unity of an artwork.
-One-point perspective
-Two-point perspective
Quarter 1 - Module 1 Reading and Writing
TEXTURE- the element that appeals to our sense Academic Text
of feel on things rough or smooth, etc.
•Academic texts written by professionals in a given
-Real texture- the actual texture of the object. field, edited by the authors' peers and often take
years to publish, formal mode of writing intended
-Implied texture- makes a piece look a certain for an educated audience, written in a third person
texture. or objective voice, depend heavily on facts,
VALUE- lightness or darkness of a color in a purpose: inform the reader, include concepts and
given work. theories that are related to the specific discipline
they explore.
-Hues- pure colors
-Tints- add white
A. Articles- offers results of research &
-Tones- add gray development that can either impact the academic
community or provide relevance to nation-building.
-Shades- add black
B. Conference paper presented in scholastic
FORM- the three dimensionality of an object. conferences, and may be revised as articles for
possible publication in scholarly journals.
APPROPRIATION- creates a new work of art by
taking inspiration to an existing artwork. C. Reviews- These provide evaluation or reviews
of works.
HYBRIDITY- in contemporary art defined as
mixing of two or many elements to form the other. D. Dissertation and Thesis - These are written to
(eg. Coffee painting) obtaining an advanced degree at a college or
PERFORMANCE- presented to an audience
(KASABOT NA TA TANAN TUN!) E. Abstract - This is a short summary of a long
TECHNOLOGICAL ART- uses technology to
create an art. F. Explication - This is a work which explains part
of a particular work.
G. Books and book reports
RHYTHM- repetition of certain elements to
produce a pattern. H. Translations
MOVEMENT- an illusion of motion in a I. Essays
painting, sculpture, or design.
J. Academic journal
BALANCE- visual weight in a picture.
K. Research paper or research article
-Symmetrical balance- both sides have the same
elements. • Non-Academic texts can be written by anyone.
(No specialization is needed) published quickly,
-Asymmetrical balance- balanced only through uses casual, informal language (These texts may
contrast or differences of any of the elements of art. also use slang) and written for the mass public,
more personal and based on opinions or one's
PROPORTION- relationships of the size of
point-of-view (non-objective) rely more heavily on
objects in a body of work.
emotional appeal or opinions of the author,
purpose: entertain its audience or to persuade the  Supporting Details provide information to
reader Examples clarify prove or explain the main idea, it gives each
paragraph explanation and provide examples.
A. Personal Opinions
• Conclusion last part of an article that
B. Letters to editors provides it a logical ending, should return to the
C. Memos thesis or problem that you presented in the
introduction, do not just a repetition of what you
D. Magazines have already written, shows your reader how what
you have written sheds new light on the problem
E. Fiction or Non-fiction presented at the beginning, evaluates and explain
whether or not you have reached the aim or solved
F. Writing for Newspapers
the problem presented in the introduction, and how,
G. Digital Media no new material should be introduced but suggest
topics for further studies, allows the writer to give
Quarter 1 - Module 2 Structure of Academic his final message and encouragement to his readers.
Quarter 1 - Module 3 Techniques in
THE THREE-PART ESSAY STRUCTURES- Summarizing a Variety of Academic Texts
(Introduction, Body and Conclusion)
Techniques In Summary Writing
• Introduction, Introduce your topic. Place your
topic in a context. Provide background information. •PARAPHRASING to completely and correctly
Point out the aim of the text. Describe how you will express other people’s ideas in one’s own words. It
fulfill the aim. Provide a thesis statement or helps us understand the original better. It helps us
research question. Suggest what your findings are. grasp the central idea and the main points It helps
Explain why your topic is interesting, necessary or us write summaries that are brief and to the point
important. Give the reader a guide to the text. and in our own words.
Catch your reader’s interest. Provide the
Example: You’ve cooked us all a hot potato. (a
context/background of the argument. It is also the
troublesome person or issue)
where the topic can be found.
Prevention is better than cure. (It is better to
Title, before the Introduction, words but not
prevent than something unpleasant from happening
sentences that present what the text is all about
than try to put it right afterwards)
Thesis Statement presents or describes the point
of an essay. usually presented in the abstract or
executive summary or found at the last part of the •WAYS OF CONDENSATION
Use synonyms or synonymous phrase: He had a
• Body (Body Paragraphs) main section of good command of English. (He knew English
your text, longest, may be divided into subsections, well.)
contains the whole information, examples, and
main points of the whole essay, it can be found at Change the structure of simple sentences: My
the middle, most substantial part of the text, where brother has an appreciation of modern art. (My
the research or findings are presented, discussed, brother appreciates modern art.)
and analyzed, where you present your arguments
that support your thesis or answer your question Turn complex sentences into simple sentences:
He received a welcome that was as cold as ice. (He
 Paragraph is a collection of sentences that received an icy welcome.)
deals with one topic or idea. When a new paragraph
begins, it signals to the reader that the focus shifts Combine the sentences: Hurry up, if you don’t, or
to a new idea or thought, all paragraphs should you’ll miss the train. (Hurry up or you’ll miss the
connect to the main topic. train.)

 Topic Sentences present or describe the •FINDING THE TOPIC SENTENCE AND
point of the paragraph, it is the main idea of a MAKING ON OUTLINE
paragraph, can be located in the beginning, middle, Topic sentence/outline
or last part of a paragraph. (most often near the
beginning of the paragraph) Reread your text until you fully understand it.
Write a one sentence restatement of the text’s
main idea without looking at the text.
Use the text’s main idea as your summary’s topic SCOPE:
Write the summary in your own words. Avoid
looking at your text while writing your summary. a. Topic outline- words or phrases

If you must include some of the text’s original b. Sentence Outline- sentences
words and phrases, quote and paraphrase a. Informal Outlines - working outline (or scratch
accurately. outline or informal outline) is a private affair—
Document the text’s author, title date of fluid, subject to constant revision, made without
publication and any other important citation attention to form, and destined for the wastebasket.
information. REMEMBER: All you are giving the b. Formal Outlines
reader is the “BARE BONES” of the text!”
a. Reading Outline- Making an outline for an
Quarter 1 - Module 4 Thesis Statement of existing text
Academic Texts
b. Writing Outline- Making an outline to create
• Thesis Statement one sentence that your text.
establishes the focus of your essay, should always
appear at the end of your introduction, should be Quarter 1 – Module 6 Writing the Reaction
restated (worded in a new way) in your conclusion. Paper/Review/Critique
A Strong Thesis Statement: • Critique- a somewhat formal word that typically
refers to a careful judgment in which someone
 takes some sort of stand. gives an opinion about something.
 justifies discussion. • Review- an essay analyzing a literary or artistic
 expresses one main idea. work but can also sometimes imply a more casual
or personal opinion.
 Specific
• Criticism- "the act of criticizing" or a "remark or
Why Should Your Essay Contain a Thesis comment that expresses disapproval," or the
Statement? to test your ideas by distilling them into activity of making judgments about the qualities of
a sentence or two, to better organize and develop books, movies, etc. (as in "literary criticism").
your argument, to provide your reader with a
“guide” to your argument • Critical writing a clear and confident refusal to
accept the conclusions of other writers without
A good thesis statement will usually include the evaluating the arguments and evidence that they
following four attributes: provide, a balanced presentation of reasons why the
conclusions of other writers may be accepted or
 take on a subject upon which reasonable people may need to be treated with caution, a clear
could disagree. presentation of your own evidence and argument,
 deal with a subject that can be adequately treated leading to your conclusion, a recognition of the
given the nature of the assignment. limitations in your own evidence, argument, and
 express one main idea
 assert your conclusions about a subject. (FORMALISM & FEMINISM)

CATEGORIES OF THESIS STATEMENT: • Formalism focus on literary elements such as plot,

INFORMATIVE AND PERSUASIVE character, setting, diction, imagery, structure, and
point of view, how the structure or form and style
•Informative Thesis declare one’s intentions in an of a text or literary genre is consistent with the
essay, guide the reader to the conclusion that you literary superstructure constructed and objectives to
reach. be achieved with it
•Persuasive Thesis usually contains an opinion and TWO PILLARS OF FORMALIST CRITICISM
the reason why your opinion is true.
1.“that a literary work exists independent of any
particular reader-that is, that a literary work exists
outside of any reader’s re-creation of it in the act of
Quarter 1 - Module 5 Outlining Reading Texts
in Various Discipline
2. that the greatest literary works are “universal”,
their wholeness and aesthetic harmony
transcending the specific particularities they
describe” (DiYanni 1961).
The primary method of formalism is a close
reading of the text, with an emphasis on
metaphor/simile/irony or the patterns of image and
action. In longer works, formal analysis should
focus on close reading of key passages (opening
and closing passages of a novel, or a climactic
moment in the action). One consistent feature of
formalist criticism is the emphasis on tension and
ambiguity • Tension- the way elements of a text’s
language reflect conflict and opposition.
• Ambiguity- the way texts remain open to more
than a single, unifies, definitive interpretation.
• Feminist criticism concern with
stereotypical representations of genders, may trace
the history of relatively unknown or undervalued
women writers, potentially earning them their
rightful place within the literary canon, helps create
a climate in which women's creativity may be fully
realized and appreciated.
1. Women are oppressed by patriarchy
economically, politically, socially, and
psychologically; patriarchal ideology is the primary
means by which women are oppressed.
2. In every domain where patriarchy reigns, woman
is other: she is marginalized, defined only by her
difference from male norms and values.
3. All of Western (Anglo-European) civilization is
deeply rooted in patriarchal ideology, for example,
in the Biblical portrayal of Eve as the origin of sin
and death in the world.
4. While biology determines our sex (male or
female), culture determines our gender (scales of
masculine and feminine).
5. All feminist activity, including feminist theory
and literary criticism, has as its ultimate goal to
change the world by prompting gender equality.
6. Gender issues play a part in every aspect of
human production and experience, including the
production and experience of literature, whether we
are consciously aware of these issues or not.

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