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Английский язык 2035018


АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК 2 0 3 5 0 1 8
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1. Choose the correct answer. 10. Choose the correct answer.

. . . is largest city in the world? This farm has a great number of . . . .
A) Who B) Why C) When D) What A) goose B) ox C) sheep D) cow
2. Choose the correct answer. 11. Choose the correct answer.
The new chairman . . . yesterday. “Can they play the piano?” she asked.
A) elected B) has been elected
C) will be elected D) was elected A) She asked if can they play the piano.
3. Choose the correct answer. B) She asked that they can play the piano.
I couldn’t answer him. I was . . . to be able to
C) She asked if they could play the piano.
think clearly.
D) She asked if they can play the piano.
A) confusing too B) too confused
C) very confusing D) enough confused 12. Choose the correct answer.
4. Choose the correct answer. This car is so . . . . Its maximum speed is
They were about . . . leave. 300 km/h.
A) in B) of C) at D) to A) faster B) fastly C) fast D) fastest
5. Choose the correct answer. 13. Choose the correct answer.
Mike typed the . . ., then he put them all in I clearly remember . . . a red car outside his
several . . . . house.
A) letters/envelopes B) letter/envelope A) to see B) to seeing C) see D) seeing
C) letter/envelopes D) letters/envelope
6. Choose the correct answer.
14. Choose the correct answer.
− Sorry mum! I’ve broken a plate.
Tax and service are included . . . the bill.
− You . . . be more careful.
A) in B) at C) on D) for
A) may B) need C) can D) should
7. Choose the correct answer. 15. Choose the correct answer.
What . . . you do if you were in my position? He had to stop working because his . . . was in
A) would B) do C) will D) did
A) view B) biology C) demand
8. Choose the correct answer.
D) health
Is there . . . who wants to read the passage?
A) anyone B) everyone C) someone 16. Choose the correct answer.
D) anything Don’t worry about your exam. I am sure you
9. Choose the correct answer. ... .
I don’t like . . . teacher. A) pass B) will be passing C) will pass
A) you B) him C) them D) her D) are passing

c Государственный центр тестирования, 2020 1
2035018 Английский язык

17. Choose the correct answer. 18. Choose the correct answer.
− By eight o’clock I’d finished my work. If I sat in the armchair, I . . . more relaxed.
− ... . A) felt B) would feel C) will have felt
A) So did Peter B) Neither was Sam D) had felt
C) Nor has Jim D) So had Melany

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Pepperoni is often put on a pizza. It is actually a type of cured sausage made from beef. "Cured"
means salty to protect against bacteria which are dangerous for people. Sometimes cured sausages are
made of turkey or chicken to reduce both fat and calories. Pepperoni is mixed with red pepper or other
spices and takes a reddish colour. It is typically cut in small, thin circles. The word "pepperoni" means
"big peppers" in Italian, though pepperoni has nothing to do with Italy. Its actual origin is not known
yet. However, it is believed to be invented in America, likely in one of the original pizzerias in New York
City. What is clear however, is that pepperoni is America’s favourite pizza topping.
19. According to the passage, why is pepperoni cured? 21. According to the passage, what is not known
A) to make it delicious about pepperoni?
B) to change its colour C) to make it safe A) Its taste B) Its colour C) Its content
D) to make it cheap D) Its origin
20. According to the passage, sometimes cured
22. All of the following statements are TRUE about
sausages are made of turkey . . . .
pepperoni, EXCEPT . . . .
A) so that they taste more salty
A) It is really a kind of sausage
B) so that they taste more delicious
B) It is often made from beef
C) so that they have more fat
C) It is mixed with red pepper
D) so that they have less calories
D) It is neither salty nor red

c Государственный центр тестирования, 2020 2
Английский язык 2035018

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

Every day, a fisherman sat on a bridge. He threw the seeds into the water. He had a simple way to
catch fish. He cut a branch off a tree and tied a plain string to it. He put a sharp hook on it. Then he
whispered, "Come here fish." Like magic, the fish bit the hook. He took the fish home to make a big pot of
fish soup from them. One day, another man walked up to him. He said, "My name is George. I am staying
at the hotel. I bet that I am a better fisherman than you. I will accompany you today. I want to prove
my skill." The fisherman cast his string. George had a lot of electronic tools. One machine showed him
the locations of fish. The other machine could weigh the fish. At the end of the day, George subtracted
his fish from the fisherman’s. The fisherman had beaten him by forty-seven. George was shocked. The
fisherman told George, "I am patient and I believe in myself. Take a breath, and try it in my way."
23. According to the passage, what is the story 25. According to the passage, what did the fisherman
mainly about? do every day on the bridge?

A) How two men competed in catching fish A) He would accompany George from the hotel.
B) How George made a pot of fish soup B) He would sell all fish he caught at the
C) Why two fishermen used only nets market.

D) How to cook fish to be very delicious C) He would cast his stick with string into the
D) He would take a breath then jump into the
24. According to the passage, what did the fisherman
do with the fish after he had caught them?
26. According to the passage, all the following are
A) He made soup from them. TRUE about the fisherman, EXCEPT . . . .
B) He sold them to a restaurant. A) he used a tree branch
C) He subtracted the fish. B) he used a simple string
D) He made all sorts of food. C) he used an electronic item
D) he used a sharp hook

c Государственный центр тестирования, 2020 3
2035018 Английский язык

Read the text and answer the questions according to it.

In English, there is an idiom "Let the cat out of the bag." It means to tell a secret. One day, a man
went to the city to sell things. "I have a baby pig for sale. It won’t cost much," he said. He held the
animal above his head. He was lying. He offered the pig to a woman named Beth for one gold coin. She
wanted to buy that pig because of low price. Beth gave him a coin. He gave her a bag and said, "Here’s
your pig." Beth looked at the bag. It was moving. She opened it to let the pig out. There was a cat
inside. "He tricked me. It isn’t correct." she said. Her friends stopped him. Someone said, "We need
a fair person to solve this." They went to the judge. The judge asked, "Can you show how he did it?"
"Look at his bag," said Beth. She opened it and let a cat out of the bag. That’s how the idiom "Let the
cat out of the bag" came out.
27. What is this text mainly about? 29. According to the passage, where did the man hold
the pig?
A) It is about the origin of one idiom. A) On the surface of the bag
B) Masters of lying who will go to jail. B) In the basket C) Above his head
C) People who should see evidence carefully. D) In the pocket

D) It is about a common belief about cats.

28. According to the passage, what did Beth say after
30. According to the passage, why did Beth want to
she was tricked?
buy a baby pig?
A) We need a fair person to help.
A) She wanted to sell the pig again.
B) Can you show how he did it?
B) She wanted to let the cat out.
C) Look at my bag.
C) The price of the pig was not high.
D) He tricked me. It isn’t correct.
D) She knew that there was a cat.

Тест сформирован на основании “Сборник тестовых заданий 2019”:

1 – 32-стр 21 7 – 40-стр 42 13 – 23-стр 12 19 – 59-стр 101 25 – 89-стр 103

2 – 22-стр 61 8 – 13-стр 38 14 – 28-стр 17 20 – 59-стр 102 26 – 89-стр 104
3 – 18-стр 57 9 – 12-стр 30 15 – 42-стр 8 21 – 59-стр 103 27 – 108-стр 61
4 – 30-стр 60 10 – 8-стр 30 16 – 20-стр 31 22 – 59-стр 104 28 – 108-стр 62
5 – 10-стр 58 11 – 36-стр 17 17 – 33-стр 44 23 – 88-стр 101 29 – 108-стр 63
6 – 26-стр 25 12 – 15-стр 9 18 – 38-стр 8 24 – 88-стр 102 30 – 108-стр 64

c Государственный центр тестирования, 2020 4

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