English - Class 10 Arihant One Day Revision

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CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 3

Revise All the Chapters of Literature Section
in a Day Just Before the Examination...

First Flight-Prose
● A Letter To God by GL Fuentes The postmaster was kind and friendly person who
also laughed at first, but then became serious when
Lencho’s Hope of Good Harvest
he realised that the sender (Lencho) had a firm
Lencho was a farmer who lived on the peak of a low hill belief in God. So, he decided to help the sender.
with his family. His field was full of ripe corn. He was
eagerly waiting for a good rain to have a good harvest, so To help keep Lencho’s faith in God, the postmaster
that he could earn money for his family. requested his employees and friends to give some
money. He also gave a part of his salary. But, he
Lencho’s Hope Turned into Despair failed to collect hundred pesos and collected only
One day, it started raining at the time of supper (dinner). seventy pesos. He, then put the money in an
This made Lencho happy. The raindrops falling from the envelope and signed it as God.
sky were like new coins for Lencho. However, suddenly
strong winds began to blow and hailstones started to fall. Lencho Recieves the Money
The storm continued for about an hour and the corn fields When Lencho got his letter, he became very happy
were completely destroyed. to see the money but after counting the money, he
became angry.
Lencho’s Firm Belief in God
Though Lencho was a poor farmer and had lost all his Lencho Writes Another Letter
crops, he had firm faith in God. He found in God his last Lencho believed that God could not make such a
hope and decided to write a letter to God asking for help. mistake. So, he wrote another letter. The postmaster
He asked God to send him a hundred pesos so that he took out his letter and read it.
could sow his field again and support his family until the
In this letter, Lencho had written that he had
new crops were harvested.
received only 70 pesos and requested God to send

The Postmaster’s Reaction the remaining money. He also requested God not to
to Lencho’s Letter send the money through post because the post
In the post office, a postman found Lencho’s letter and office employees were ‘a bunch of crooks’, who
laughed after seeing the address on it. He took the letter to might have stolen his money.
the postmaster.
4 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)

● Nelson Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom by Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela

First Democratic Government Mandela Recalls the Sacrifices

of South Africa of Freedom Fighters
On 10th May, 1994, the first democratic, non-racial On the auspicious day, Mandela regretted the loss of
government of South Africa was formed. The thousands of people and remembered their sacrifices
inauguration ceremonies took place in a sandstone for the freedom of their native land.
ampitheatre formed by the Union buildings in Pertoria, He recalled great freedom fighters like Oliver, Tambos,
where many leaders of the world had gathered. Walter Sisulus, Chief Luthulis, Yusuf Dadoos etc. who
Nelson Mandela was accompanied by his daughter were the men of uncommon courage, wisdom and
Zenani. Mandela took his oath as the President of generosity. Mandela called himself to be the sum of all
independent South Africa. He pledged to obey and those great freedom fighters. He was able to form a
uphold the constitution and to devote himself to the non-racial government because of their sacrifices. He
well-being of the people. considered his countrymen to be the real wealth of the
country; finer than the purest diamonds.
Mandela Addresses the Guests
Mandela believed that there is goodness in every
After taking oath, Mandela addressed the guests. He individual. As per him, every man has two obligations in
promised to create a society of which all humanity his life to fulfil-obligation to his family and to his
would be proud. He thanked the international leaders country. But in South Africa. The Blacks were not
for joining the ceremony that represented a common allowed to fulfil their obligations and had to bear severe
victory of justice, peace and human dignity. punishments if tried to do so.
He promised that he would work to remove all kinds of
poverty, sufferings oppression and discrimination from Changing Definition of Freedom
the society. When he was a child he was free to do anything as
long as he abided by the customs of the community.
Display of the Military Power During adolescence, Mandela considered freedom as
by South African Jets staying out at night, do as he pleased.
When Mandela had taken oath, South African jets As a young man, taking his decisions on his own was
displayed the military power. It also showed the the meaning of freedom for Mandela.
loyalty of military to democracy. The highest military It was later in life, he realised that freedom actually
generals saluted him. He recounted the days when meant freedom of his country and its people.
these generals would have arrested him for being a
rebel. Mandela Joins African National Congress
The ceremony was then proceeded by the playing of Mandela realised that his complete community
two National Anthems. The Whites sang ‘Nkosi Sikelel’ including him lacked freedom. So, he joined the African
the old song and the Blacks sang ‘Die Stem’ the new National Congress with a desire to gain freedom,
song which marked the end of the ceremony. respect and dignity for his community. The desire for
freedom for people as a whole changed his whole life.
Apartheid and South Africa
He was imprisoned many times in the process of
Nelson Mandela reminiscenced (remembered) gaining freedom for his people and was transformed
about days gone by which would soon be the part of from a frightened young man to a bold person which
history where the Whites had formed a system of racial turned him from a law abiding person to become a
dominance against the Blacks of South Africa. It was criminal. He realised that freedom is indivisible.
the basis of the harshest and the most in humane
societies, the world had ever witnessed. Mandela’s Realisation

The Blacks were deprived of their basic fundamental Mandela realised that he could not enjoy his freedom
rights and had to live an inhumane life. This was known when his community was not free. He also realised that
as the policy of Apartheid. just like oppressed (torturer), the oppressor (tortured) is
also not free. The oppressed is a prisoner of hatred,
The policy of Apartheid (policy of racial segregation)
prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Thus, both the opp-
created a deep and lasting wounds on his country and ressor and the oppressed alike are robbed of their
its people. humanity. Both of them must be liberated.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 5

● Two Stories About Flying

I. His First Flight II. The Black Aeroplane
by Liam O’ Flaherty by Frederick Forsyth

The Young Seagull’s Fear of Flying The Narrator’s Trip to England

The narrator was flying his old Dakota aeroplane over
The young seagull was alone on his ledge (cliff). His
France back to England at night. The sky was clear and
two brothers and his sister had already learnt to fly. The
moon was shining. He was dreaming of his holiday and
young seagull was afraid to fly because of the long
looking forward to be with his family. It was 1:30 in the
stretch and depth of the sea. He thought that his wings
morning. He called the Paris Control to get instructed
would not support him. So, he ran back to his hole on
about the way. Paris Control advised him to turn 12
the ledge. His father and mother tried to persuade him
degrees West.
to fly. They scolded and even threatened him to starve
if he does not try to fly. But young seagull did not Appearance of Storm Clouds
When the narrator reached 150 km beyond Paris,
Parents Leave the Young Seagull Alone he suddenly saw huge storm clouds in front of him.
He knew that it was not possible to fly up and over
Twenty four hour passed and no body came near
the clouds. He also did not have enough fuel to go
him. All the day, the young seagull watched his parents
around the clouds. First, he thought of going back
teaching his brothers and sister how to fly. The whole
to Paris. However, the thought of breakfast with
family taunted the young seagull for his cowardice.
his family, made him determined to fly through the
The Hungry Seagull clouds.
As the time passed, the young seagull could not A Risky but Brave Decision
tolerate the hunger and the heat. He moved closer to
The narrator decided to take the risk and flew into the
the ledge and pretends to fall asleep but nobody took
storm, but everything went out of control. He was
notice of him. Only his mother noticed him. She was
unable to see because everything outside the plane
standing high on the plateau with a fish. As the young
was black. The aeroplane jumped and twisted in the
seagull saw the food, he felt more hungry and asked
air. His compass stopped working. He tried to contact
his mother to bring him food.
the Paris Control for directions but his radio had also
The Mother’s Trick stopped working. Consequently, he was totally lost in
Realising his madness for the food, his mother tried to the storm.
tempt him with pieces of fish. Initially, she tore the fish in A Black Aeroplane Appears
the manner the young seagull loved to eat. This sight
maddened the young seagull. Then, the mother flew Luckily, he saw another black aeroplane near him. The
nearer to him which filled young seagull with joy. pilot in black aeroplane raised his hand and signalled
the narrator to follow him.
However, the mother stopped near the edge of the
ledge. Out of excitement and hunger, the young Narrator Follows Black Aeroplane
seagull ran towards the mother and dived for the fish. The narrator followed the black aeroplane. Now, he
The Joy of Flight could only fly the plane for five or ten minutes. He felt
frightened again because his fuel tanks were emptying.
When he realised that he had dived, the seagull got But suddenly after about half an hour he saw two
scared and screamed with fear. But soon he felt his straight lines of lights ahead of him on the ground.
wings spread outwards and he began to fly slowly They were the lights of an airport’s runway. He was
downwards and upwards. He was no longer afraid of able to land safely which gave him a sigh of relief.

flying. Seeing him flying, his family started shrieking.

The Black Aeroplane Remains a Mystery
The Family’s Celebration
After landing, the narrator went to the Control tower of
As the young seagull landed on the green sea, his legs the airport. He asked the woman in the Control tower
sank into it. He tried to fly again but he was tired and
about the black plane. However, the woman told him
weak with hunger. Finally, his feet sank into the green
that no other plane was flying except his on such a
sea, his belly touched it and he was floating on it. The
stormy night. The narrator was shocked on hearing
family members praised him and offered him pieces of
this. He wondered who had helped him.
dog- fish as he had finally made his first flight.
6 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)

● From the Diary of Anne Frank by Anne Frank

Anne’s Need to Write a Diary Anne’s Talkative Nature

Anne Frank, a thirteen year old girl, was gifted a diary by and Punishment
her father. In her first entry, she expressed her desire to Mr. Keesing gave Anne extra homework as
confide everything to the diary. Anne considered the diary punishment. He asked her to write an essay on the
to be a real friend with whom she could share all her topic ‘A Chatterbox’. She wrote the essay in three
secrets. She made it her best friend and called her ‘Kitty’. pages for her satisfaction. She defined being a
chatterbox a feature of a student and also mentioned
Anne’s Childhood and Family
that she inherited this trait from her mother who was
Anne was born on 12th June, 1929. Her elder sister, also very talkative.
Margot was born in 1929. Her father’s name was Otto
Mr Keesing read the essay in the class and laughed at
Frank whom she considered to be the most adorable
it. When she was caught again talking by Mr Keesing,
father. Her mother’s name was Edith Hollander Frank.
he gave her another essay as a punishment on the
Her parents emigrated to Holland in 1933 and the
topic ‘An Incorrigible Chatterbox’. He punished her
sisters were sent to Achen to stay with their
again asked to write an essay on ‘Quack, Quack,
Quack, Said Mistress Chatterbox’.
Anne had great love for her grandmother. Her
grandmother died in January 1942. So Anne lit Anne Mock Mr Keesing Amusingly
a candle in her memory on her own birthday in June. Anne wanted to write something interesting and
different this time. So, with the help of her friend
Anne’s School and her Sanne who was good at poetry, she wrote the essay in
views about Teachers verse. The poem was of a father swan and a mother
After explaining about her life, Anne started her diary duck with three baby ducklings. The father swan bit
entry for 20th June, 1942. She started by writing about the ducklings to death because they quacked too
her day in the school when the teachers were going to much.
tell the result. Anne was a good student and had a Mr Keesing took the joke in the right way. He read the
good relationship with all the teachers except her poem in the class as well as in other classes. Since
Maths teacher Mr. Keesing. He was always annoyed by then, Anne was allowed to talk and had not been
her talkative nature. assigned any extra homework.

● The Hundred Dresses-I by EL Bsor Ester

Wanda Petronski in Class Peggy and Maddie

Wanda Petronski was a Polish girl in an American Peggy and Maddie were good friends of each other.
school. She sat on the seat next to the last seat in the Peggy was the most popular girl in the school. She
corner in Room Thirteen where all naughty boys sat. No was pretty and intelligent. Maddie on the other hand
one knew why she used to sit there. May be because was a poor girl who wore clothes given by Peggy so
she belonged to Boggins Heights and her feets were that mother used to trim those dresses so that no one
usually dirty with dry mud. could recognise them.
Whenever Peggy and Maddie found Wanda alone in
Wanda’s Absence
the school yard Peggy used to ask her about the
Wanda was absent on Monday as well as on Tuesday. number of dresses and shoes she had. They were
Nobody in her class noticed her absence. It was on surprised when Wanda told them that she had hundred
Wednesday that her two classmates Peggy and beautiful dresses and sixty pairs of shoes. Peggy had

Maddie noticed it. Wanda had no friends. She used to thought of this game to tease Wanda.
come to school alone.
The reason to tease Wanda was that she wore the
She used to wear a shabby but clean and faded blue same faded blue dress to school everyday and lied that
dress to school everyday. So, she seemed different she had hundred dresses. Maddie felt embarrassed
from others and was teased. The students made fun of when Peggy teased Wanda. She wanted Peggy to stop
her name. For them, her name was difficult to say and teasing Wanda and decided to write Peggy a note. But
was funny. could not do so because she was afraid of becoming a
next target for Peggy.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 7

The Drawing and the Colouring Contest the winners. Jack Beggles was the winner among the
A drawing and colouring contest was organised in the boys and Wanda Petronski was the winner in girls.
class next day. In this contest, girls were supposed to Reactions of Wanda’s Classmates
design dresses while boys had to design motorboats.
The teacher informed them that all the hundred
Maddie felt that Peggy would win the contest as she
drawings were made by Wanda and each drawing
drew better than anyone else in the class.
deserved the prize. But unfortunately, Wanda was
The Result of the Contest absent and thus, could not receive her prize.
Next day, the result of the contest was going to be All the children applauded for Wanda’s drawings and
announced by the teacher. The students were amazed whistled while looking at them. Peggy and Maddie
to see about a hundred designs of dresses hanging over noticed a blue and a green dress that Wanda used to
the walls of the class. The students had assembled and talk about them.
the class teacher Miss Mason announced the names of

● The Hundred Dresses-II by EL Bsor Ester

A Letter to Miss Mason of her questions that Wanda got the ideas for her dress
from Wanda’s Father designs.
When the class was circling the room to look at But Maddie was not satisfied. Maddie failed to sleep
Wanda’s drawings, the monitor brought a note from the that night. She only thought about Wanda. She used to
Principal Office to Miss Mason. make speeches in her sleep of about Wanda. She
In the letter, Wanda’s father, Jan Petronski, stated that decided to take stand against bullies.
they had shifted to a big city. So, Wanda and her A Friendly Letter to Wanda
brother Jake would not come to the school. He also from Peggie and Maddie
wrote that Wanda was teased by her classmates for her
On Saturday, Maddie and Peggy wrote a letter to
name. In the big city, nobody would consider her name
Wanda. They wanted to apologise to her. But, in the
funny and laugh at her.
letter, they told her that she had won the contest and
Reaction of Children and only asked her friendly questions.
Miss Mason to the Letter After completing the letter, they mailed it to Boggins
The letter made everyone silent and everybody was Heights requesting them to forward it to Petronski’s
feeling ashamed of their behaviour towards Wanda. new address. Both Maddie and Peggy waited for
Miss Mason told the students not to hurt anybody’s Wanda’s answer but there was no reply.
feelings due to his or her name. She further asked them Reply from Wanda
to think about it carefully.
On the last day of school before Christmas, a letter
The letter from Wanda’s father deeply affected Maddie.
from Wanda was received. She sent a letter to her
Maddie could not concentrate on her lessons. So, she
teacher. She especially asked the teacher to give the
decided to go to Wanda’s house at Boggins Heights to
green dress to Peggy and the blue one to Maddie. She
apologise to her.
told her that she had joined a new school but missed her
Peggy and Maddie old school and her teacher.
Visits Wanda House Drawings of Peggy and Maddie
After school, Peggy and Maddie decided to go to After school, Peggy told Maddie that Wanda’s
Boggins Heights to visit Wanda’s house. When they drawings made it clear that she did not hate them. At

reached Wanda’s house, they found it old but clean just home, Maddie pinned the drawing on her wall. She
like Wanda’s dress. They knocked on the door but the started crying thinking about Wanda.
Petronski’s had already left.
Suddenly, she saw the face on Wanda’s sketch. It was
Maddie’s Decision Maddie herself. Hurriedly, she left to go to Peggy’s
When Peggy and Maddie were returning home, Peggy house. She showed the drawing to Peggy and saw that
the drawing which Peggy had looked like Peggy. It
told Maddie that teasing Wanda about her dresses
made them believe that Wanda liked both of them and
actually helped her. She also added that it was because
had forgiven them.
8 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)

First Flight-Poetry
● Dust of Snow by Robert Frost Stanza 2
Has given my heart
Stanza 1
A change of mood
The way a crow
And saved some part
Shook down on me
Of a day I had rued
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree Explanation The dust of snow which fell on the poet
changed his mood. He became happy and refreshed.
Explanation In this stanza, the poet remembers a This was because when the snow fell on him he got out
small incident that changed his mood. Once, the poet of his thoughts and noticed the beauty around him. This
was in a depressed mood and was hopeless. He was change in mood helped to save poet’s remaining day
standing (It is not clear whether the poet was standing which he was ruining by being upset. He realised that he
or passing (the tree) under a hemlock tree. Suddenly, a should not remain stuck over his past and should move
crow sitting on the tree, shook it and some powdery on with a good thought and positive outlook.
snow from the tree fell on the poet.

● Fire and Ice by Robert Frost Stanza 2

Stanza 1 But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
Some say the world will end in fire To say that for destruction ice
Some say in ice. Is also great
From what I’ve tasted of desire And would suffice.
I hold with those who favour fire.
Explanation In these lines, the poet says that if the
Explanation In the above lines, the poet is saying that world were to perish twice then ice is equally able to
there are two schools of thoughts to end the world–fire end it. Here ice represents hatred and indifference. The
and ice. Here, fire represents desires of human beings. poet says that he had experienced enough of hate and
The poet knows that desire is a self-destructing hate is also a self-destructing emotion. It can break
emotion because human desires are never-ending and relations. Thus, ice is also a great choice to end the
can make man do anything to fulfil them. Thus, he world.
supports those people who say that the world would
end in fire.

● A Tiger in the Zoo by Leslie Norris

Stanza 1 Stanza 2
He stalks in his vivid stripes He should be lurking in shadow,
The few steps of his cage, Sliding through long grass
On pads of velvet quiet, Near the water hole
In his quiet rage. Where plump deer pass.
Explanation In these lines, the poet is describing a Explanation In these lines, the poet is filled with
tiger in a cage. sorrow for the caged tiger. He feels that a tiger should
The tiger with bright and clear stripes moves inside the

be free in his natural habitat.

cage. The cage is very small so the tiger can hardly He should be hiding in the shadows and
take a few steps along its length. His pads are soft like quietly moving through the long grass near the water
velvet so no one can hear the sound of his footsteps. hole.
Inspite of being the most powerful creature, he is
He should be waiting for a fat and healthy deer to pass,
imprisoned inside a cage.
in the hope of getting a heavy meal. The poet wants to
This situation has made the tiger angry. But he is convey that the actual life of a tiger is in a jungle and
keeping quiet as he knows that he is helpless in the not in a cage.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 9

Stanza 3 Explanation In these lines, the poet’s focus returns back

He should be snarling around houses to the angry tiger in the cage. The poet explains that
At the jungle’s edge, unlike the tiger in the jungle, this tiger is not free. He is
Baring his white fangs, his claws, locked in the concrete cell. His strength and power is of
Terrorising the village! no use, behind the bars of the cage. He is moving in his
cage ignoring the visitors who are continuously visiting to
Explanation In these lines, the poet explains what a have a look at him.
tiger in his natural habitat should be doing.
According to him, a free tiger should be roaring Stanza 5
around the houses located at the jungle’s edge. He He hears the last voice at night,
should be showing his sharp white teeth and his The patrolling cars,
claws to terrorise the villagers. And stares with his brilliant eyes
At the brilliant stars.
Stanza 4
Explanation In these lines, the poet says that even at
But he’s locked in a concrete cell, night the tiger is disturbed. He hears the last sound of the
His strength behind bars, patrolling cars of the zoo officials. The tiger stares at the
Stalking the length of his cage, brilliant stars shining brightly in the sky with his brilliant
Ignoring visitors. eyes which hopes for freedom.

● The Ball Poem by John Berryman

Stanza 1 The poet says that it is not worth to tell the boy that
What is the boy now, who has lost his ball, another ball can be bought for only a dime (ten cents).
What, what is he to do? I saw it go Because, another ball cannot replace the memories
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then attached with the lost ball.
Merrily over - there it is in the water! Stanza 3
No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:
.......... Now
Explanation The poem starts with poet looking at He senses first responsibility
the boy who has lost his ball. The poet is wondering In a world of possessions. People will take
how boy would react on touny his ball. Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
The poet himself saw the ball bouncing happily down And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.
the street and then falling into the water. The poet Explanation In these lines, the poet says that the boy is
says that there is no use to tell the boy that there are learning his first responsibility of taking care of his things
other balls. Because, he would get many other balls, and how to bear the loss of something in a world of
but the boy would never be able to get the lost ball possessions. The poet make a broad statement that
and the memories associated with it. people will take balls and these balls will be lost. In other
words, the boy will keep losing things and would buy
Stanza 2 another one to replace the lost thing. But he would never
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy be able to buy back that lost thing and the memories
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down associated with it.
All his young days into the harbour where Money is external as it can not buy memories nor can it
His ball went. I would not intrude on him; replace the lost things.
A dime, another ball, is worthless.
Explanation In these lines, the poet describes the Stanza 4
condition of the boy after losing his ball. He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,

The boy feels very sad by the loss of his ball. He is This epistemology of loss, how to stand up
standing like a statue at one place, shivering and Knowing what every man must one day know
staring at the ball. This symbolises the memories of And most know many days, how to stand up.
his young days. Explanation In these lines, the poet suggests that from
He is filled with sorrow and just keeps standing in the the loss of the ball, the boy is learning the meaning of
direction where his ball is going. The poet says that loss. He is also learning how to stand up from the loss.
he would not interfere in the boy’s thoughts as he The poet says that knowing that every man has to stand
up after such losses, the boy too will learn how to stand
feels that through this experience, the boy will learn
up and leave the losses behind. He would have
the meaning of loss.
understood the true meaning and nature of loss.
10 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)

Footprints without Feet-Supplementary

● A Triumph of Surgery by Dr. James Herriot

Tricki Looks Ill and Dr. James Tricki was put on a water diet for first two days. At the
Enquires about It end of the second day, Tricki started to show some
When Dr James was driving he saw Mrs Pumphrey and interest in his surroundings. On the third day he made
Tricki walking down the street. As he stopped his car, he low and weak sound walked slowly walked out of his
was shocked to see that Tricki had become fat like a room and joined the other dogs in the garden.
sausage. His eyes were red and his tongue was Later on the third day, he ran with enthusiasm when the
hanging out. Dr James enquired about Tricki’s health food was served. He also competed for the extra food
from Mrs Pumphrey. that was put out for him.
Mrs Pumphrey explained to Dr James that Tricki was Tricki’s Recovery
dull and weak. She felt that he was suffering from
Tricki recovered at a very fast speed. No medicine had
malnutrition. So, she had been giving him some extra
been given to Tricki for his treatment. He had started
meals (malt, cod-liver oil and Horlicks) between his
running all day long and enjoyed with other dogs. Mrs
main meals.
Pumphrey used to call Dr. Herriot several times in a day
Dr. James’ Advice as she was keen to know about Tricky’s recovery.
After knowing about Tricki’s condition and his routine, As Tricki’s health started improving, Mrs Pumphrey
Dr James informed Mrs Pumphrey that if she would did started sending additional food items, like eggs, wine
not reduce his food and increase his exercise, Tricki and brandy for Tricki. As this was not required in
would fall ill. Tricki’s diet, the vet and his partner consumed these
After a few days, Mrs Pumphrey called and informed Dr additional items themselves. Everybody was so happy
James about Tricki’s health. She told him that Tricki with the unusual delicious food that they wanted to
was not eating anything and had been vomiting. She keep Tricki as a permanent guest.
further informed him that her dog spent all his time Tricki Goes Home
lying on a rug and did not do anything.
After two weeks, Dr James informed Mrs. Pumphrey
He suggested Mrs Pumphrey to hospitalise him for a that Tricki was fit and could go home. Mrs Pumphrey
fortnight for observation so that the proper treatment reached the surgery within half an hour.
could follow. Dr James’ suggestion broke Mrs
Mrs Pumphrey enquired about Tricki’s actual condition.
Pumphrey’s heart but, she allowed him to take Tricki
Dr James informed her that Tricki was fine and went to
along with him to his surgery.
get Tricki from the garden.
Tricki’s Stay and As soon as the dog saw his owner, he jumped on her
Recovery at the Hospital lap and started licking her face. Mrs Pumphrey was
On reaching the hospital, Tricki laid motionless on the very happy at finding Tricki as excited as he used to be.
carpet. The dogs in the hospital sniffed around him and She thanked Dr James Herriot and called the treatment
found him uninteresting. ‘A triumph of surgery.’

● The Thief’s Story by Ruskin Bond

Hari Singh Approaches Anil Hari Follows Anil and Anil

The narrator, Hari Singh met Anil, while he was Brings Him to His Room

watching a wrestling match. Anil was a tall, thin, easy Hari followed Anil and told him that he wanted to work
going and simple type of man. And the narrator was a for him. To this, Anil expressed his inability to pay Hari.
15 years old boy who was a thief. Then Hari questioned Anil if he could feed him. Anil told
The narrator thought that Anil could be an easy target Hari that he would employ him only if Hari knew how to
for him to rob. cook. Hari lied that he knew how to cook and was
employed. Anil took Hari to his room which was located
He used some flattering words to gain Anil’s over Jumna sweet shop. Anil soon realised that Hari
confidence and soon they started conversing. He lied didn’t know how to cook. He asked Hari to leave, but
to Anil that his name was Hari Singh. After this Hari stayed there, with his most appealing smile. This
introduction, they talked about wrestlers and then Anil made Anil laugh. He patted Hari’s head and told him
walked away. that he would teach him how to cook.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 11

Anil Teaches Hari he counted the money, he was happy to find 600
Apart from cooking, Anil also taught Hari to write his rupees.
name and promised to teach him how to write whole Hari didn’t Board the Train
sentences and to add numbers.
Hari reached the station just when the train was moving
Hari was happy and grateful for getting educated as he out. He could have jumped to get into one of the
knew that he could do anything once he could write like carriages but he did not catch the train and stood
an educated man. Hari enjoyed working for Anil. He alone on the platform.
made tea in the morning and later he would go to buy
Hari decided to leave the station and thought about
day’s supplies.
how would Anil feel when he would come to know
Anil’s Work about the theft. Soon, he reached the maidan. It was
Anil had no regular income. He made money by November and it had started raining.
contributing Articles to the magazines. Sometimes he In the excitement of theft, Hari forgot that apart from
would have enough money to celebrate and sometimes giving him some money, Anil also educated him. He
he had to borrow money. realised that education would have made him into a
One evening, Anil came back with a bundle of notes big, clever and respected man.
which he had earned by selling his book to a publisher. Hari’s Final Decision
At night, Anil put the money under his mattress and
Finally, Hari decided to go back to Anil. He went back
Hari noticed it.
into the room and cautiously put back the wet currency
Hari Robbed Anil notes under the mattress and went to sleep.
Hari crawled up to his bed that night Hari decided to Hari woke up late in the morning. He found that Anil
rob Anil. So, when Anil was asleep, he slid his hand had already prepared tea. Anil gave a fifty rupee note to
under the mattress and drew the money out quietly. He Hari which was still wet. He told Hari that he had
rushed out of the room and began to run on the road. earned some money by selling a book to a publisher
He was running towards the railway station to catch and now would be able to pay him regularly. Hari felt
10.30 Express to Lucknow as he had planned. When that Anil knew about the theft but he didn’t say anything
to him about it.

● Footprints Without Feet by Robert Arthur

Boys See Footprints on a Street He ate cold meat and drank some coffee from the
Two boys on a street in London were surprised to see kitchen of the restaurant and then went to sleep on a
fresh muddy footprints of bare feet on the steps of a pile of quilts.
house. The boys were fascinated that the fresh foot Griffin is Invisible Again
prints were appearing without anyone being present.
They keep on following the footprints till they When Griffin woke up next morning, the shop
disappeared. assistants had already arrived at the shop. On being
seen, Griffin panicked and started running. As he was
Griffin : A Lawless Scientist being chased, he again took off his newly found
The footprints had been made by Griffin, a scientist clothes. Consequently, he found himself invisible and
who had discovered how to become invisible by naked in the chill again.
swallowing certain rare drugs. Griffin at a Theatrical Company
Griffin was a great scientist, but a lawless person. His Griffin reached Drury Lane and entered into a shop that
landlord did not like him and tried to throw him out of sold theatrical items.
the house. So, Griffin set fire to his landlord’s house.

A little later, he came out wearing bandages, dark

To escape from this situation, Griffin removed his glasses, a false nose, big bushy whiskers and a large
clothes and became invisible. Later, he became a hat. Then, he attacked the shopkeeper to escape and
homeless wanderer in London without any clothes and also robbed his money.
Griffin Arrives at Iping Village
Hidden in a Big London Store
After robbing the shopkeeper, Griffin left London and
Griffin managed to escape from the observation of the took a train to the village of Iping. Here, he booked two
two keen boys. As the weather was bitterly cold in rooms in an inn belonging to Mr. Hall. He ordered not
London, Griffin decided to slip into a big London store to be disturbed by anyone as he wanted to be alone.
for warmth. The store was closed at night, Griffin wore He paid in advance for the room.
some warm clothes, shoes, an overcoat and a hat.
12 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)

Soon the money that Griffin had stolen from theatrical involved in it, because he paid his due rent. As a result,
company was finished. He lied to assure the staff at inn the village police constable Mr Jaffers was called.
that he was going to receive a cheque. But, he stole
money from clergyman’s desk. Hearing the sound of Griffin Becomes Invisible
money being stolen the landlord and his wife came to Mrs Hall went to Griffin and enquired what he had been
check but could not find anyone in the room. doing with her chair in the room. She also enquired
about how he came out of an empty room and entered
Furniture Shows Strange Behaviour a locked room.
On the same day of stealing money, Mrs Hall found Griffin lost his temper and decided to show her
Griffin’s room open, with his bandages and clothes everything. He threw off his bandages, spectacles,
lying around, she and her husband entered the room. whiskers and his nose. People who had gathered were
Suddenly, Mrs Hall heard a sniff and the hat near the horrified to see the headless man.
bedpost was thrown on her face.
Then, the bedroom chair was thrown at her legs. Both Griffin Escapes from Iping
the landlord and his wife were pushed out of the room. When constable Jaffers had arrived, he was surprised
Mrs Hall felt that the furniture was haunted by spirits, as to know that he had to arrest a man without a head.
she could not see Griffin. Yet, he tried to catch him. Griffin removed all that he
was wearing to become invisible.
Griffin is Suspected
The constable was trying to catch a man he couldn’t
Mrs Hall blamed Griffin for the strange events while the see. Some people tried to help Jaffers but were hit by a
neighbours blamed him for witchcraft. Soon, the news blow they could not see. Soon Jaffers was knocked
of burglary at clergyman’s house was spread. Most unconscious and Griffin ran away.
people in the village felt that the strange scientist was
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 3

Revise All the Chapters of Literature Section
in a Day Just Before the Examination...

First Flight-Prose
● Glimpses of India
I. A Baker from Goa
by Lucio Rodrigues
This part of the chapter is a pen-portrait of a traditional The Baker’s Arrival
Goan village baker or ‘Pader’ who still has an important The baker used to carry the bread basket on his head
place in the Goan culture. along with a bamboo stick. His one hand supported
The Old Portuguese Days in Goa the basket and other hand banged the bamboo stick
In the old days of Goa, the Portuguese were famous for on the ground. As the baker came, he would great the
their loaves of bread. The Portuguese left Goa a long lady of the house and put his basket on the stick.
time ago but the traditional bakers and their furnaces (a The children would be pushed aside and the loaves
machine for baking) still exist there. would be delivered to the maid servant. Howerver, the
The mixers, moulders and the people who bake the children still found a way to peep into the basket. The
loaves still exist carrying on their business of baking. author remembers the sweet fragrance of the bread
The sound of the baker’s bamboo in the morning can and how they did not even brush their teeth before
still be heard in some places. These bakers are still eating anything.
known as pader in Goa.
Importance of Bread in Traditional
The Traditional Baker during Ceremonies
the Narrator’s Childhood The presence of a baker was essential during those
The narrator recalls his childhood in Goa, when the baker times in Goa. Marriages or any festival were incomplete
used to be their friend, companion and guide. He came without the sweet bread known as bol. Sandwiches

to their house twice a day. He came once in the morning were prepared by the lady of the house for her
while selling his bread and again in the evening after daughter’s engagement. Cakes and bolinhas were
selling all his bread. essential for Christmas and other festivals.
The baker used to arrive with a jingling sound of the The Baker’s Dress and Monthly Accounts
bamboo stick that woke everyone up. As soon as the
The baker in Goa wore a special dress known as
children heard the sound, they ran to meet the baker
Kabai. It was a single piece long frock that reached
and get the bread bangles which was sometimes
down to his knees. During the narrator’s childhood,
made of sweet bread. bakers wore shirts trousers which were shorter than
4 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II)

full-length and longer than half pants. Even today in Baking : A Profitable Profession
Goa, if anyone in the streets is seen wearing half In old days, baking was a profitable profession. A
pants, he is referred to as a pader. baker’s family and servants were always happy and
The baker used to maintain his monthly accounts on a prosperous. Their plump body structure proved the fact
wall in pencil and collected his bills at the end of the that a baker and its family were never hungry.

II. Coorg by Lokesh Abrol

This part of the chapter is a pen-portrait of Coorg. The Kodavus (residents of Coorg) wear a long
Coorg is a coffee growing area famous for its rain black coat with an embroidered waist belt known as
forests and spices. Kuppia. It resembles Kuffia worn by the Arabs and
the Kurds.
A Heaven called Coorg
Coorg or Kodagu is the smallest district of Karnataka Hospitality and Bravery Tales of Kodavus
that lies between Mysore and the coastal town of Kodavus are known for their hospitality. Also, there are
Mangalore. It is a land of rolling stones that is many tales of bravery related to the people of Coorg.
inhabited by martial men, beautiful women and The Coorg Regiment is one of the most decorated
innumerable wild creatures. regiments of the Indian Army.

Weather and Environment of Coorg The first Chief of the Indian-Army, General Cariappa was
a Coorgi. Even today Kodavus are the only people in
Coorg consists of evergreen forests which covers 30% India permitted to Carry Firearms without a licence.
of the district along with coffee and spice plantations.
The best time to visit Coorg starts in September and River Kaveri and Wildlife in Coorg
continues till March. During this time, the weather is The river Kaveri originates in the hills of Coorg. In the
pleasant with some amount of rainfall and the smell of waters of the river, a large freshwater fish, Mahaseer
coffee all around. With coffee estates and colonial can be found in abundance.
bungalows hidden in corners the landscape seems The land of Coorg is a home to a number of birds and
like heaven on Earth.
animals including kingfishers, squirrels, langurs,
The Origin of People of Coorg elephants, slender loris, macaques, bees, butterflies, etc.
The people of Coorg are possibly descendents of Tourism in Coorg
Greeks or Arabs. It is believed that Alexander’s army
Coorg offers many adventurous activities such as river
moved South along the coast and settled there, when
rafting, canoeing, rappelling, rock climbing, mountain
they were unable to return to their country. These
biking and trekking. One can have a panoramic view of
people married among the locals and their culture can
the entire Coorg by climbing the Brahmagiri hills. Other
be seen in their martial traditions, marriages and
interesting places are the Nisargadhama and the largest
religious rites.
Tibetan settlement of Buddhist monks at Bylakuppe.
The theory of the Arab descent can be proved by their
traditional clothes.

III. Tea from Assam

by Arup Kumar Datta
This part of the chapter is about tea plantations in Popularity of Tea and Tea Gardens
Assam. While sipping tea, Rajvir told Pranjol that over 80 crore

Pranjol and Rajvir Visit to Assam cups of tea drunk everyday around the world. It is, thus,
a very popular drink.
Pranjol and Rajvir were classmates studying in the
As the train started moving, Rajvir looked out of the window.
same school in Delhi. Pranjol belonged to Assam
He was amazed to see the beautiful scenery of grenery
where his father was the Manager of a tea
outside. The soft rice fields gave way to tea bushes. Rajvir
garden. was fascinated by the vast stretch of the tea bushes.
He had invited Rajvir to visit his home during the On the other hand, Pranjol was reading his detective
summer vacation. So, both of them were travelling to book. Pranjol was born and bought up in a tea
Assam by train. When the train had stopped on the plantation and thus was not as excited. However, he
way at a station, they bought tea from a vendor and told Rajvir that Assam has the largest concentration of
started sipping it. tea plantations in the world.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 5

Rajvir’s Knowledge of Tea monk, cut off his eyelids because he felt sleepy
Rajvir told Pranjol that there are many legends or stories during meditations. Ten tea plantations grew out of
about the discovery of tea. According to a legend, a his eyelids. It is believed that the leaves of these
Chinese emperor discovered tea when he was boiling plants, when put in hot water and drunk, banished
water for drinking. sleep.

When the water was put to boil, a few leaves of the twigs At the Dhekiabari Tea Plantation
(stems) burning under the pot fell into the water. Thus, the Rajvir and Pranjol reached the Mariani Junction
boiled water got a delicious taste. It is believed that they where Pranjol’s parents received them. In car, they
were tea leaves. went to Dhekiabari, the tea estate managed by
Rajvir further told Pranjol that Tea was first drunk in China Pranjol’s father.
in 2700 BC and the words like ‘tea’, ‘chai’ and ‘chini’ are On both the sides of the road, there were huge
also Chinese. He also mentioned that tea first came to acres of tea bushes. Groups of tea-pluckers with
Europe in the sixteenth century and it was drunk more as bamboo baskets on their backs and wearing plastic
medicine than as a beverage. aprons were plucking the newly sprouted leaves.
Rajvir also told Pranjol about another legend from India Looking at the tea-pluckers, Rajvir told Pranjol’s
which said that Bodhidharma, an ancient Buddhist father that it was the second flush or sprouting.

● Madam Rides the Bus

by Vallikkannan
Valli and Her Desire to Ride the Bus lady while boarding the bus. The conductor, who
Valliammai was an eight year old girl who was fondly was jolly natured man was amused by Valli’s
called Valli. She was a curious girl and her time pass behaviour and started referring to her as ‘Madam’.
involved standing at the front door of her house, watching He showed her, seat and as soon as Valli sat down
the happenings on the street. She had no playmates of her the bus started moving.
own age so, she just enjoyed looking out. For her, it was There were only six or seven passengers in the bus.
just as fun and enjoyable as the games that children It was a new bus with soft and luxurious seats and
played. nice paint. Valli stood up on her seat to enjoy the
Valli was most fascinated by the bus that travelled from her views outside the window.
village to the nearest town. The sight of the bus with new Views Outside the Bus
passengers every hour filled Valli with joy and soon she
started to desire a bus ride. The desire to ride the bus The bus passed along the banks of a canal. On one
turned into a longing as Valli saw the bus passing through side of the narrow road there were palm trees,
her street everyday. grasslands, distant mountains and blue sky. On the
other side of the bus, there was a deep ditch and
Valli’s Planning to Ride the Bus beyond it were acres of green fields. While she was
For many days and months, Valli used to listen carefully enjoying the greenery, she heard an old man asking
the conversations between her neighbours and the regular her to sit down on her seat.
travelers of bus. Some times she would ask them Valli felt annoyed at the old man for thinking of her
questions to collect information about the bus and its to be child. She told him that she had paid full fare
journey. like others and then asked the conductor to give
In this manner she gathered various small details about her the ticket. The conductor and the passengers
the bus journey such as distance between her village and were amused at an 8 year old child acting like an
town, fare of the bus, i.e. thirty paise for one side. She got adult. They laughed at her actions while the
to know that the bus took 45 minutes to reach the town. conductor handed her the ticket. He also explained
She calculated the timings of her journey, planned and her that she needed to sit down or she would get

replanned her trip. She carefully saved her coins for hurt.
months resisting her temptations to buy toys, toffees and The Journey Continues
riding merry-go round in the village fair. At last, she
collected sixty paise for the bus. Then she planned to go Soon the bus stopped at a bus stop and some new
for the ride after lunch time when her mother took a nap for passengers got inside. Valli took her seat in fear of
about three to four hours. losing it. An elderly woman sat beside her and
asked Valli about her travelling alone in the bus.
Valli’s First Bus Journey Valli found that lady ugly and unpleasant. Valli got
One day, as the bus was about to leave the village stop irritated with her questions and started to look out of
Valli stopped the bus and got on it. Valli acted like an adult the window.
6 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II)

The bus was moving smoothly, leaving all the obstacles Valli’s Return Journey
behind. Suddenly, Valli saw a young cow running in the The bus started going towards the village and Valli saw
middle of the road, in front of the bus. The driver slowed the same beautiful sights again with same excitement.
down the bus and blew horn but the cow got scared and Then her sight fell upon the dead cow which had been
ran even faster. Valli found it very amusing and laughed struck by some speeding vehicle.
heartily. Finally, the cow moved off the road.
The scene dejected her and she no longer wanted to
The Halt at The Town look out of the window. The bus reached her village at
The bus then passed through the railway crossing and three forty. She bid a good bye to conductor and
the train station. Then, it reached the nearest town to conductor warmly did the same. She got down the bus
Valli’s village. All the passengers got off the bus except and ran towards her home.
Valli. The conductor asked her to got down and explore As she entered her house, she saw her mother talking
the street and nearby sights, but Valli refused and to one of her aunt. They were conversing about the
informed him that she would be going back to the everyday things and those that were beyond their
village in the same bus. The conductor also offered her knowledge and understanding. Valli affirmed with them,
cold drink but she refused it. smiled and went inside the house.

● The Sermon at Benares

by Betty Renshaw
Gautama’s Early life Story of Kisa Gotami
Gautama Buddha was born as a prince named Kisa Gotami’s only son had died. She was so grieved
Siddhartha Gautama in Northern India. When he was that she carried her dead son and went door to door
twelve years old, he was sent for schooling in the Hindu asking for medicines for her dead child. Eventually she
sacred scriptures. Four years later, he returned home met a man who directed her towards lord Buddha who
and got married to a princess with whom he had a son. could possibly have a solution for her problem. She
He lived a royal life for ten years protected from all the went to Buddha and asked him to cure his son.
sufferings of the world. Buddha asked her to bring a handful of mustard seeds
from a house where no one had lost a family member.
Gautama Feels Sufferings of the World
Kisa Gotami went from house to house in search of
Gautama was 25 years old when he saw the sight of mustard seeds but she could not find any house where
sufferings present in the world. One day, on his way to no one had ever died. Tired and hopeless she sat
hunt, he saw a sick man, an aged man, a funeral down at the wayside. As she saw the city lights
procession and then a monk begging for alms. The flickering in darkness, she realised that human life has
sights had a deep impact on Gautama and he gave the same fate. She realised that death is everywhere
upon his royal life and went out to seek enlightenment. and nobody can escape from it.
Gautama Seeks Enlightenments Certainty of Death
Gautama travelled aimlessly for seven years and then Buddha held that our life is full of pain and sufferings.
he sat under a peepal tree until he attained Everyone who is born has to die. It is not possible to
enlightenment. He got enlightened after seven days avoid death. Everyone irrespective of the difference has
and renamed the tree as ‘Bodhi Tree’ (Tree of wisdom). to die as death is inevitable for all mortals. He further
He began to teach his new understandings and came to adds that wise men understand the unavoidability of
be known as Buddha. death. They do not lament, grieve or complaint and are
As Buddha, Gautama gave his first Sermon in Benares, thus peaceful and away from sorrow. If one keeps on
the holiest of the dipping places on the river Ganges. grieving, one will suffer both physically and mentally,
The Sermon reflects Buddha’s wisdom about a kind of only those who move on are blessed.


● The Proposal (Play)

by Anton Chekov
Lomov at Chubukov’s House that he has come to meet him because he needs his
The play begins in a drawing room of Chubukov’s help. Chubukov thinks that Lomov must have come to
house. Ivan Lomov comes to meet Chubukov. borrow money from him and states that he wouldn’t
Chubukov is extremely happy to meet him. He is give him any money. Finally, Lomov tells that he has
surprised to see Lomov wearing a formal dress and come to ask for Natalya’s (Chubukov’s daughter) hand
asks him if he is going somewhere. Lomov informs him for marriage.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 7

Chubukov’s Reaction to the Proposal Chubukov Joins the Argument

Chubukov gets very excited after hearing about the Chubukov enters the room and gets to know the
proposal. He hugs and kisses Lomov. He informs reason for the argument. He supports Natalya and
Lomov that he has been waiting for this proposal since a tells Lomov that Oxen Meadows are owned by them.
long time. He even guarantees that Natalya would also The quarrel increases to such an extent that Lomov
agree to the proposal and goes to call her. and Chubukov start abusing each other and their
Lomov Thinks about Natalya and His Life families.

As chubukov leaves, Lomor is left alone in the drawing Chubukov asks Lomov not to talk to him so
room. He starts talking to himself. He finds Natalya to be disrespectfully as he is twice of his age. Lomov calls
a good housekeeper. She is well educated and not bad Chubukov a land grabber and threatens to take
looking. He thinks that he needs to get married now Chubukov to the court.
because he is thirty-five years old and needs to live a This angers Chubukov who sates that Lomov’s
quiet and peaceful life. He also thinks that he is always grandfather was a drunkard and his younger aunt
restless and cannot sleep properly. Infact, we (as Nastasya ran away with an architect. He also calls
readers) find Lomov getting over excited and getting Lomov a villain, a scarecrow and a monster who has
nervous while stating the proposal. the courage to propose.
Natalya Meets Lomov All this excites Lomov and his health deteriorates.
Finally, Chubukov asks Lomov to leave his house and
Natalya enters the drawing room and is surprised to see
never come back again.
Lomov. She welcomes Lomov and starts talking about
the work in the fields. Suddenly, she notices Lomov’s Natalya Gets to Know about the Proposal
dress and enquires if he is going to a ball (party). As soon as Lomov leaves, Chubukov tells Natalya that
Lomov tells her the purpose of his visit. But instead of Lomov had come to propose her for marriage. When
talking about the proposal, Lomov tells her about the Natalya hears this, she almost faints and starts crying.
good relations between Lomovs and Chubukovs. He She blames Chubukov for irritating Lomov and asks
also mentions about Oxen Meadows that he has him to bring Lomov back. Chubukov goes to get Lomov
inherited from his aunt. back.
Argument over Oxen Meadows Another Argument over Dogs
After hearing Lomov calling Oxen Meadows as his own, Lomov enters the house again. Natalya tells him that
Natalya tells Lomov that the Oxen Meadows do not the Oxen Meadows belongs to Lomov and shifts the
belong to him. They actually belong to Chubukov. An conversation. Then, they start talking about dogs.
argument begins over the Oxen Meadows. Both of them Lomov tells Natalya that his dog ‘Guess’ is the best
constantly state that the Meadows are owned by them. dog. Natalya again objects to Lomov’s claims and
Lomov offers to show documents to prove his claims. calls her dog ‘Squeezer’ to be better than Guess.
He clarifies that the Oxen Meadows were once a subject Again, an argument begins. Both of them list the
of dispute between their families. His aunt’s qualities of their dogs and claim their dog to be better
grandmother gave its free use to the peasants of than the other. Chubukov also joins the argument and
Natalya’s father’s grandfather. The peasants used to again it grows to such an extent that they start
make bricks for the grandmother. Since peasants used abusing each other.
the meadows for forty years, Chubukovs started
considering the land to be their own. But now they Chubukov Asks Lomov to Marry Natalya
belong to Lomov. While they are arguing, Lomov’s condition worsens and
he falls onto an arm chair. Both Natalya and Chubukov
Argument Continues between think that he has died and start crying. They think that
Natalya and Lomov Natalya’s chance of getting married has gone. After

Natalya does not agree and sticks to her point that those sometime, Lomov comes to his senses. Chubukov tells
meadows belong to them. She insists that the land has Lomov that Natalya is ready for marriage and that they
been owned by them for nearly 300 years. should get married soon.
Both Lomov and Natalya insist that the land is not worth He does not want to lose even a single moment and
a lot of money but they want the land as a matter of joins their hand. He asks them to kiss each other and
principle. Lomov offers to make meadows as a present blesses them. But again, they start arguing about their
to Natalya. Natalya also says that she can make dogs while Chubukov calls everyone for Champagne
meadows a present to Lomov. to try to quiet her daughter.
8 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II)

First Flight-Poetry
● Amanda by Robien Klein

Stanza 1 Explanation Again, Amanda is not paying any attention

Don’t bite your nails, Amanda!  to her mother. Amanda is in her world of imagination. She
Don’t hunch your shoulders, Amanda!  imagines that she is an orphan child who is freely
Stop that slouching and sit up straight, roaming around on the street.
Amanda!  She has no shoes on her feet and is making patterns on
Explanation In these lines, Amanda, a little girl is the soft dust with her quiet and bare feet. She is loving
being scolded and instructed by her mother for her the silence and freedom to do anything in her world of
actions. imagination.
Amanda is asked to stop biting her nails. She is also Stanza 5
instructed to sit straight without bending her Don’t eat that chocolate, Amanda!
shoulders because her mother wants her to sit in the Remember your acne, Amanda!
right posture.
Will you please look at me when
The last word ‘Amanda!’ is used with an exclamation I’m speaking to you,  Amanda!
mark, to shows the irritation and frustration of
Amanda’s mother. Explanation In these lines, Amanda is instructed by her
mother to not eat chocolates. She is reminded that eating
Stanza 2 chocolates had previously caused her acne.
(There is a languid, emerald sea,  However, as Amanda is lost in her own thoughts, she is
where the sole inhabitant is me— not paying attention to her mother. So, her mother strictly
a mermaid, drifting blissfully.) asks her to look at her when she is talking to her.
Explanation Amanda is lost in her world of
Stanza 6
imagination while her mother is instructing her. In her
world, she imagines that she is a mermaid who lives (I am Rapunzel, I have not a care; 
alone in the beautiful green sea. life in a tower is tranquil and rare; 
I’ll certainly never let down my bright hair!)
She imagines that as a mermaid she would move in
the soft waves of the sea. She believes that as a Explanation Amanda is still in her world of imagination.
mermaid, her life would be peaceful and relaxing. Now, she dreams of herself as Rapunzel who lived alone
in a tower. As Rapunzel, she would not have to worry
Stanza 3 about anything and her life would be calm and peaceful
Did you finish your homework, Amanda?  in the tower. She emphasises that unlike Rapunzel, she
Did you tidy your room, Amanda?  would never let her hair down and permit anyone to come
I thought I told you to clean your shoes,  to her.
Amanda!    Stanza 7
Explanation In these lines, Amanda is being Stop that sulking at once, Amanda! 
inquired about her work. You’re always so moody, Amanda! 
Amanda’s mother is asking if she has finished her Anyone would think that I nagged at
homework and whether she has cleaned her room or you,  Amanda!
not. Amanda is also reminded that she was told to Explanation In these lines, Amanda is not reacting on
clean her shoes. her mother’s instructions. It seems that she is annoyed

Stanza 4 due to constant instructions.

(I am an orphan, roaming the street.  Amanda’s mother is asking her to stop being upset and
I pattern soft dust with my hushed, bare feet.  moody. Her mother says that her upset behaviour will
The silence is golden, the freedom is sweet.) show everyone that she is disturbed due to her mother’s
constant instructions.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 9

● Animals by Walt Whitman

Stanza 1 Explanation In these lines, the poet says that he does

I think I could turn and live with animals, they not find any animal that may appear to be dissatisfied.
are so placid and self-contain’d, There is not single animal who suffers from the
I stand and look at them long and long. obsession of possessing more and more things.
Explanation In these lines, the poet says that he wants Animals do not show respect or bow their heads to
to turn into an animal and live with them. According to other animals or to their ancestors like humans do.
the poet the animals are calm, peaceful and self According to the poet, all animals are equal. So for the
contended. They never complain about any problem. animals no one is more respectable or unhappy on the
Due to these qualities of animals, the poet stands and earth.
looks at them for a very long time. Stanza 4
Stanza 2 So they show their relations to me and
They do not sweat and whine about their I accept them,
condition, They bring me tokens of myself, they evince
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for them plainly in their possession
their sins, I wonder where they get those tokens,
They do not make me sick discussing their Did I pass that way huge times ago and
duty to God. negligently drop them?
Explanation In these lines, the poet says that animals Explanation In these lines, the poet says that the
do not complain and cry about their condition like animals show their similarities to him which he accepts
humans do. Unlike humans, animals do not stay awake happily. He feels that animals represent human beings
in the night and weep for their sins. Further, he says in some way.
that animals do not make him feel sick by discussing They seem to have innate qualities, that humans once
their duties to God. had, i.e. virtues like kindness, self-containment and
innocence. Animals remind the poet of these qualities
Stanza 3 that symbolise the lost values of the humans.
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented The poet wonders about how animals had got these
with qualities. The poet believes that the humans carelessly
the mania of owning things, dropped these virtues a long time ago and have
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind forgotten all about them in their madness to possess
that lived thousands of years ago, more things.
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the
whole earth.

● The Tale of Custard the Dragon

by Ogden Nash
Stanza 1 Explanation The name of the little black kitten was Ink
Belinda lived in a little white house, and the name of the little grey mouse was Blink. The
With a little black kitten and a little grey mouse, name of the little dog was Mustard because its colour
And a little yellow dog and a little red wagon, was sharp yellow just like that of mustard. The dragon
And a realio, trulio, little pet dragon. was a coward whom Belinda called Custard.
Explanation Belinda lived in a little white house with Stanza 3
her four pets – a little black kitten, a little grey mouse, a

Custard the dragon had big sharp teeth,

little yellow dog, and a little dragon. She also had a little
And spikes on top of him and scales underneath,
red wagon. In the last line of the stanza, ‘realio’ and
Mouth like a fireplace, chimney for a nose,
‘trulio’ are used by the poet as an expression for the
And realio, trulio, daggers on his toes.
little dragon meaning ‘really’ and ‘truly respectively.
Explanation Custard, the dragon has big sharp teeth,
Stanza 2 spikes on his top and scales on his stomach. His
Now the name of the little black kitten was Ink, mouth has been compared to a fireplace because
And the little grey mouse, she called him Blink, dragons can release fire from their mouth. His nose is
And the little yellow dog was sharp as Mustard, compared to a chimney from which smoke comes out.
But the dragon was a coward, and she called His toes are so pointed and sharp that they could cut
him Custard. anything like a dagger.
10 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II)

Stanza 4 Stanza 8
Belinda was as brave as a barrel full of bears, Pistol in his left hand, pistol in his right,
And Ink and Blink chased lions down the stairs, And he held in his teeth a cutlass bright,
Mustard was as brave as a tiger in a rage, His beard was black, one leg was wood;
But Custard cried for a nice safe cage. It was clear that the pirate meant no good.
Explanation In these lines, the poet compares the Explanation The appearance of the pirate seemed very
bravery of all the characters of the poem. dangerous. He was carrying pistols in both hands and he
Belinda’s bravery has been compared to the bravery was carrying a small sword between his teeth. He had
of a group of bears. Ink and Blink, despite being so black beard and his one leg was of wood. His looks
small in size, have the power to chase away lions made it very clear to the housemates that the pirate
down the stairs. Mustard’s bravery has been meant to harm the people and pets living there.
compared with that of an angry tiger. But, Custard is
Stanza 9
completely opposite to all of them. He was a coward
who always demanded a safe cage. Belinda paled, and she cried, Help! Help!
But Mustard fled with a terrified yelp,
Stanza 5 Ink trickled down to the bottom of the household,
Belinda tickled him, she tickled him And little mouse Blink strategically
unmerciful, mouseholed.
Ink, Blink and Mustard, they rudely called him
Explanation Belinda became pale with fear after seeing
the pirate and cried for help. All her brave pets could not
They all sat laughing in the little red wagon help her and everyone ran away from there. Mustard
At the realio, trulio, cowardly dragon. made a huge cry and ran away. Ink ran down towards the
Explanation Belinda used to tickle Custard cruelly. bottom of the house and Blink very smartly ran into his
Ink, Blink and Mustard made fun of Custard by hole.
comparing him to Percival. Percival was one of the
Stanza 10
best knights of King Arthur’s court who was known for
his courage and bravery. All of them sat together in But up jumped Custard, snorting like an
the little red wagon and made fun of Custard. They engine,
used to laugh at his cowardice. Clashed his tail like irons in a dungeon,
With a clatter and a clank and a jangling
Stanza 6
Belinda giggled till she shook the house, squirm
And Blink said Weeck!, which is giggling for a He went at the pirate like a robin at a worm.
mouse, Explanation When everyone ran away on seeing the
Ink and Mustard rudely asked his age, pirate, it was the coward dragon, Custard, who came to
When Custard cried for a nice safe cage. rescue Belinda and fought the pirate bravely.
Explanation Belinda laughed a lot at the dragon. He jumped in front of the pirate and made a loud snorting
She laughed so hard that it seemed that the house sound through his nose like an engine. He started to move
was shaking due to her laughter. Blink, the mouse his tail powerfully producing a sound like iron or metals
used to laugh and make a sound of ‘Weeck’. Ink and striking in a dungeon (prison). With all these dangerous
Mustard rudely asked the dragon’s age to make fun sounds, he followed the pirate like a bird follows a worm.
of him, while the dragon cried for a nice safe cage Stanza 11
for himself.
The pirate gaped at Belinda’s dragon,
Stanza 7 And gulped some grog from his pocket

Suddenly, suddenly they heard a nasty sound, flagon,

And Mustard growled, and they all looked He fired two bullets but they didn’t hit,
And Custard gobbled him, every bit.
Meowch! cried Ink, and Ooh! cried Belinda,
For there was a pirate, climbing in the winda. Explanation The pirate was shocked by the dragon’s
reaction. He stared at Belinda’s dragon with his mouth
Explanation While all of them were busy making fun open.
of the dragon, they heard an unpleasant sound in the
house. Mustard, the dog started growling and they He drank some wine from a container that he carried in
all looked around. Ink cried ‘Meowch’ and Belinda his pocket. The pirate then took out his pistol and fired
cried ‘Ooh’ as they saw a pirate climbing the window two bullets at Custard. But, he failed to hit him. Finally,
of the house. Custard ate the pirate.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 11

Stanza 12 twice as brave as Custard if he had not been panicked.

Belinda embraced him, Mustard licked him, After this, Ink and Blink said that they would have been
thrice as brave as Custard. Custard agreed and said
No one mourned for his pirate victim
that everybody was braver than him.
Ink and Blink in glee did gyrate
Around the dragon that ate the pirate. Stanza 14-15
Belinda still lives in her little white house, with
Explanation Everyone celebrated the death of the
pirate. Belinda hugged Custard and Mustard licked him
affectionally. little black kitten and her little grey mouse,
And her little yellow dog and her little red
No one felt sorrow for the pirate’s death. Ink and Blink
started dancing in joy around the dragon who had
And her realio, trulio little pet dragon.
eaten the pirate.
Belinda is as brave as a barrel full of bears,
Stanza 13 And Ink and Blink chase lions down the stairs,
But presently up spoke little dog Mustard, Mustard is as brave as a tiger in a rage,
I’d have been twice as brave if I hadn’t been But Custard keeps crying for a nice safe cage.
flustered. Explanation Stanza 14 and 15 are an almost repetition
And up spoke Ink and up spoke Blink, of Stanza 1 and 4. There is only one difference that
We’d have been three times as brave, we think, stanza 1 and 4 present the condition of the housemates
And Custard said, I quite agree in the past and stanza 14 and 15 present their condition
after the pirate incident. The situation has not changed at
That everybody is braver than me
all. Everything has gone back to normal with Belinda and
Explanation The incident clarifies who is coward and her three ‘brave’ pets making fun of the ”coward”, pet
who is brave. Mustard said that he would have been dragon.

Footprints without Feet-Supplementary

● The Making of a Scientist
by Robert W Peterson
Richard’s Success at Young Age Even when Richard didn’t have things to do, she found
Richard HEbright and his college roommate were the work for him. She supported his driving curiosity, bright
first college students to get their article published in the mind and his desire to learn. As result, Richard earned
‘Proceedings of the National Academy of Science’. top grades in school.
Richard was only 22 when he and his roommate Richard Reads ’The Travels
explained the theory of how cells work. This achievement of Monarch X’ Book
is one of the many that Richard got in the field of science.
Richard was deeply interested in butterflies since his
Richard’s Childhood early childhood. When he was in second grade, he had
collected all 25 species of butterflies found around his
Richard lived in Pennsylvania, USA and was the only hometown. He had gotten bored of collecting
child of his parents. As there was no one to play butterflies. But his mother gifted him the book ‘The
football or baseball with him, he developed a habit of Travels of Monarch X’. The book opened up a new
collecting things such as rocks, fossils and coins. He world of science for Richard.
also took interest in astronomy and loved to gaze the

stars all night. Tagging Butterflies for Research

At the end of the book, Richard found an invitation for
Richard’s Mother : His True Companion
studying the migration of butterflies. Readers were told
Richard lost his father when he was in third grade so to tag butterflies for research by Dr. Frederick A
his mother was his only companion. His mother Urquhart of University of Toronto, Canada.
encouraged his interest in learning.
After his mother wrote to Dr. Urquhart, Richard started
She took him on trips and bought him telescopes, tagging butterflies. However, soon he started raising
microscopes, cameras, mounting materials and many them. He caught a female monarch and took her eggs.
other equipments. She also supported him in his As the butterflies grew, he tagged their wings and freed
hobbies and invited his friends to play with him. them. For many years, this process was continued and
12 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II)

his basement was a home to butterflies. Soon, his Richard Continues his
interest was lost because he did not receive much Research on Monarch Pupa
As a high school junior, Richard continued his advanced
Richard’s Entry in the County research on the monarch’s pupa. He won first prize at
Science Fair International Science Fair that year. In his senior year, he
grew cells from monarch’s wing in a culture.
Richard was in seventh grade when he got to
know, what true science is. At the county science He showed that the cells would develop into normal
butterfly wings scales only when they were fed the
fair, everyone else won awards except him. It was
hormones produced by the gold spots. This experiment got
then that he realised that all other had done real
him first prize in zoology at the international fair.
experiment while he had just show a neat slide of
Throughout, he continued working in the army laboratory
frog tissues. The failure filled Ebright with
and he also got a chance to work at the laboratory of US
competitive spirit. department of agriculture.
Richard’s Eighth Grade Project Richard’s Study of Cell and DNA
For his next project, he wrote to Dr. Urquhart for
Richard joined Harvard University where he continued his
ideas and recieved many suggestions. Soon,
research on the gold sports. There using the advanced
Richard achieved his first success.
technology at department of Agriculture, he could identify
In Richard’s eighth grade project, he had tried to the hormone’s chemical structure.
find the cause of a viral disease that kills monarch
In his junior years he got the idea of his new theory about
caterpillars. Richard thought that the disease might
cell life while looking at the X-ray photos of chemical
be carried by a beetle. He tried raising caterpillars
structure of a hormone. He believed that his study could tell
in presence of beetles but he failed. However, he
how the cell can read the blueprint of its DNA.
won a prize in the county fair.
Richard and his college room-mate James R. Wong
Richard’s Next Project worked all night constructing the plastic models of
on Viceroy Butterflies molecules showing how it could happen. Later, they
Richard’s next project was testing the theory that together wrote a paper explaining their theory.
viceroy butterflies copy monarch butterflies.
Highest Honours in Harvard
Viceroys butterflies do so to protect themselves
from birds as birds don’t like to eat monarchs while Richard graduated with second position in a class of 1510
they like to eat Viceroys. students. He became a graduate student researcher at
Harvard Medical School where he started experimenting to
He found that a bird Starling would only eat
prove his new theory. If his theory is correct it can lead to
monarch butterflies and not ordinary bird food.
new ways of preventing some types of cancer and other
That project was placed first in the zoology division
and third in overall county science fair.
Richard’s Discovery of a Hormone Richard: An all Rounder
In his second year of high school, Richard Richard was not just a scientist. He was an all rounder. He
discovered an unknown insect hormone which also was a champion debator and a public speaker. He was
led to his new theory on the cell life. The purpose of also a good canoeist and an outdoor person. He was also
the original project was to know the reason behind a great photographer.
the twelve tiny gold spots on monarch’s pupa. In his high school, he was a part of the Debating and the
Richard along with another science student built a Model United Nations Clubs. There, he found Richard A
device which showed that the spots were Weiherer, his social studies professor and advisor to both
producing a hormone necessary for the butterfly’s clubs, whom he admired a lot.

full development. That project won Richard first Richard : A True Scientist
place in county science fair and entry into the
Mr. Weiherer praised Richard for his hard work. He also
International Science and Engineering Fair. There
praised Richard’s healthy competitiveness which was just
he won third place for zoology and also got a
for the sake of doing his best. Richard had all the qualities
chance to work at the entomology laboratory of the
that made him a true scientist. He had a first rate mind,
Walter Reed Army Institute of Research.
curiosity and a will to win for all the right reasons.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 13

● The Necklace
by Guy De Maupassant
Matilda Loisel and her Unhappiness The Necklace was Lost
Matilda Liosel was a pretty married lady who had high When Matilda returned home and was changing her
ambitions. She wished to be wealthy and dreamt of a dress, she wanted to have a final view of herself before
marvellous life. However, she was born into a family of the mirror. Suddenly, she noticed that the necklace was
clerks. She was also married to a clerk, M Liosel who not around her neck. She cried out and informed her
worked in the office of Board of Education. husband about the same.
Matilda believed that she was born for a life of luxury. Her husband searched for the necklace everywhere
She always used to dream of elegant dinners, fine they went last night. He went to the police and the cab
crockery, beautiful frocks and delicious dishes. offices. He also put an advertisement in the
However, her reality was poverty and this made her newspapers offering reward, but the necklace was not
miserable. She was always dissatisfied with her life and found. So he advised his wife to write a letter to her
envied her rich friend. friend telling her that the clasp of the necklace was
broken and she needed some time to get the necklace
M Loisel brings an Invitation repaired.
One evening Matilda’s husband, M Loisel returned Matilda Replaces the Necklace
from his office with a large envelope. The envelope
consisted of an invitation to a ball (party) at the At last, Matilda and her husband decided to replace the
Minister’s residence. M Loisel thought that his wife necklace. They searched for a similar necklace
would be happy to read the invitation but Matilda threw everywhere and found it in a shop at Palais Royal.
the invite away in anger. When her husband informed The necklace cost them 36000 Francs. Her husband
Matilda of his intention, she spitefully told him that she gave his 18000 francs which his father had left for him.
does not have a fancy dress to wear to the ball. She He also took loans of the remaining amount and
even refuses her husband’s idea of a dress she has purchased a diamond necklace. Finally, Matilda
and asks him to give the invite to a colleague. returned the necklace to her friend.

New Dress was Bought Life of Poverty

After realising Matilda’s distress, her husband M. Loisel After replacing the necklace, Matilda and her husband
told her that she could buy a new dress. He gave lived in poverty. They sent away the maid, changed
400 francs that he had saved to buy a gun, to Matilda their lodgings and rented some rooms in an attic.
so that she could buy a new dress. Matilda had to do all the household work. She started
dressing simply and even went to get her grocery.
Matilda was still Unhappy
Her husband worked day and night. He spent his
Matilda bought a new dress but she was still unhappy. evening putting the books of some merchants and did
When her husband asked about the reason of her
some copying at night. Finally, they were able to pay
unhappiness, Matilda told him that she did not have
off their debt after ten years.
any jewellery to wear with her dress. Her husband
suggested natural flowers. But Matilda was not Matilda had Changed
convinced and replied that she would look shabby
among the rich women. Finally, her husband advised After ten years, Matilda had changed. She had became
her that she should go to Mme Forestier, her rich friend an old, strong and hard woman. Her hair was nessy,
to borrow her jewellery. her skirts were uneven, her hands were red and she
used to speak in a loud tone. She also often wondered
Matilda Gets Necklace of the life she would have lived is she had not lost the
from Mme Forestier necklace.

Next day, Matilda went to her friend’s house. She told The Truth of Necklace Revealed
Mme Forestier her problem. So, Mme Forestier brought
One Sunday while Matilda was walking in the Champs-
her jewel case and asked Matilda to make her choice.
Elysees, she saw Mme Forestier. She was looking
Matilda tried various pieces of jewellery but ultimately
decided to borrow a diamond necklace. charming and beautiful as she had looked ten years
before. Matilda was hesitant but decided to tell Mme
Matilda at the Night of Ball Forestier about her necklace. Initially, Mme Forestier did
The night of the ball arrived and Matilda looked very not recognise her, upon introduction, she was shocked.
beautiful. Everyone liked her and she was the centre of When she got to know about Matilda’s misery and her
attraction. She danced with great enthusiasm and necklace, she was even more surprised. She told
happiness. At 4 am, they hired an old carriage and Matilda, that the necklace she had replaced was fake
returned home. and cost around only 500 francs.
14 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II)

● The Hack Driver

by Sinclair Lewis
The Narrator’s Job At Gustaff’s, they got to know that Lutkins had spend all
The Narrator was a young lawyer who became a Junior his credit and had left the place without getting his
Assistant Clerk in a magnificent law firm. He had been shave. So, they went to Gray’s where they got to know
assigned the duty to serve summons on witnesses. But that Lutkins had gone to the poolroom.
he hated his job because he had to go to dirty and However, by the time both the hack driver and the
shadowy places to serve summons. Also, sometimes lawyer reached the poolroom, Lutkins had already left.
he was beaten. Consequently, he thought of going
back to his home town where he could have been a The Narrator Enjoys the
real lawyer. Driver’s Company
The Narrator went to New Mullion It was lunch time, so the narrator offered to take Bill to a
One day, the narrator was sent to a town named New restaurant. But Bill wanted to go home to his wife for
Mullion to serve summons on Oliver Lutkins who was lunch. Bill told the narrator that his wife would pack a
a witness in a law case. The narrator was very excited lunch for the narrator for half a dollar. So, they had lunch
to visit a small and beautiful town but his excitement at the Wade’s Hills. The narrator was enjoying the
ended by the dull appearance of the town. The streets company of the hack driver who was telling him about
were full of mud and there were shabby wooden people of New Mullion.
shops all around. The simplicity and humour of the driver influenced the
The only cheerful thing that the narrator found was a narrator so much that he planned to settle down in the
delivery man (hack driver) at the station. He was about town.
forty years old, had a fat body and a red face. His
clothes were dirty but he seemed friendly. So, the The Driver and the Narrator
narrator went to him. Visit Oliver’s Mother
Both the hack driver and the lawyer looked for Lutkins
The Narrator Met the Hack Driver
for a long time. Then one of Lutkin’s friends suggested
The narrator told the hack driver that he wanted to find that they should look for Oliver at his mother’s place. So,
Oliver Lutkins. The hack driver told him that he had they both went to Lutkins’ mother’s place. One the
seen Lutkins about an hour ago and that he was hard
journey, the hack driver described Lutkins’ mother as a
to catch. In his opinion, Lutkins was always busy
nine feet tall and four feet thick quick lady.
doing one thing or another.
When they reached Lutkin’s mother’s house and
The hack driver told the narrator that Lutkins must be
enquired there for Luktins, the mother took a hot iron rod
playing poker game in the back of Fritz’s shop. The
and threatened to burn them. The two escaped to save
driver also told the narrator that he drives a carraige
themselves. However, they searched the house, the
and would help him find Lutkins.
stable, the barn, but failed to find Lutkins anywhere.
The Hack Driver Tells about Oliver Lutkins The Narrator Returns to Town
The narrator bargained the fare money to two dollars When the narrator returned to town without serving the
per hour and the search for Lutkins began. summons, his chief got very angry with him. They
As they left to search for Lutkins, the hack driver told needed Lutkins as an important witness in their case. He
the narrator that Lutkins owed money to a lot of decided to send another man who knew Lutkins with the
people but he never paid them off. He also told that narrator to the town to bring him.
Lutkins owe him fifty cents on a poker game. The
narrator was impressed with hack driver’s friendly The Narrator Serves Summons on Lutkins
nature. He also got confident of finding Lutkins with The narrator and his companion went to the village the

the help of the hack driver. next day. They found the hack driver at the station
laughing and joking with Lutkin’s mother. The narrator
Looking for Lutkins pointed out the driver to his companion and explained
The hack driver introduced himself to the narrator as how the driver helped him in trying to find Lutkins.
Bill. At Fritz’s shop, the hack driver asked the lawyer to His companion then told the narrotor that the driver was
follow him. He inquired about Oliver Lutkins and got to Lutkins himself. The narrator served summons on Lutkins
know that Lutkins had gone to Gustaff’s for a shave. who along with his mother was making fun of the narrator.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term II) 15

● Bholi
by KA Abbas
Bholi as a Child The Teacher Gives her a Book
Bholi’s real name was Sulekha but from her childhood The teacher gave a book to Bholi which had pictures of
everyone called her Bholi. She was the fourth daughter dog, cat, goat, etc. The teacher told her that she would
out of the seven children of Ramlal, Numberdar of the be able to read like everyone else and then no one
village. When Bholi was 10 months old she had fallen would laugh at her. Bholi way happy as the teacher
off the cot which had damaged some part of her brain. encouraged Bholi and gave her a hope of a new life.
Since then she remained a backward child.
Progress of Village
Further, when she was two years old, she suffered from
an attack of small pox and her entire body was Many years passed, the village progressed and
disfigured by deep black pock-marks. She learned to converted into a small town. The primary school
speak at the age of five and stammered while became a high school. There were now a cinema under
speaking. So, children used to make fun of her. a tin shed and a cotton ginning mill. The mail train
began to stop at their railway station.
Bholi’s Family
Bholi’s Marriage Proposal
Bholi’s father was a rich farmer who sent his sons to the
city for studies. The eldest daughter, Radha was already One night after dinner Ramlal and his wife were talking
married whereas Mangla and Champa were good about a marriage proposal for Bholi. Bishamber was
looking and healthy girls. Ramlal was worried only about forty five or fifty years old and lame widower. He had
Bholi as she was neither beautiful nor intelligent. grown up children from his first wife. Bishamber was
rich and had not demanded any dowry. Ramlal was not
Bholi Goes to School very happy from this proposal but his wife believed that
Bholi was seven years old when a primary school it was the best marriage proposal for Bholi.
opened in their village. The Tehsildar who had come to She told Ramlal that since Bishamber was from another
inaugurate the school advised Ramlal to send his village, he didn’t know about Bholi’s pockmarks and
daughter to school to set an example for others. Ramlal lack of sense. So, they fixed her marriage with
could not say no to him. His wife objected that no one Bishamber.
would marry the girls if they would go to school. But
then she felt that Bholi was ugly and nobody would Wedding Procession
marry her. So, they decided to send Bholi to school. On the day of the wedding, Bishamber came as a
bridegroom with his friends and family with a lot. When
Bholi Prepares for School he was about to put garland around Bholi’s neck he
Next day, Bholi was dressed to go to school. Bholi was saw her face. On seeing her pock marks. Bishamber
given new clothes for the school. Earlier she used to asked for a dowry of five thousand rupees and
wear old clothes of her sisters. She was given a bath threatened to leave without marrying Bholi, if not given.
and oil was rubbed into her dry hair. Bholi didn’t know Ramlal pleaded to him but at last he brought the
where she was being taken but was happy that her amount of Rs 5,000. Seeing this, Bholi put away her veil
mother got her ready. Bholi was filled with fear when her and threw the garland in the fire. She refused to marry
father went back to village after handling her to the Bishamber and asked her father to take the money
headmistress. Her headmistress asked her to sit in a back. The guests started murmuring and shaming
corner in one of the classrooms. She was glad to see Bholi, but she took a firm stand.
girls of her own age at school.
The Courageous Bholi
Bholi’s First Day at School
When Bisamber and everyone went away, Ramlal
Bholi was attracted to the colourful pictures on the wall. asked Bholi what she would do with her future. Bholi

She was much impressed by the realistic pictures of told him that she would not marry and take care of her
birds and animals. The teacher asked her name. Bholi parents in their old age. She also told them that she
stammered and then started crying. would teach at the school just like her teacher.
After the class was over, the teacher went back to Sulekha’s teacher who was watching all this drama
Bholi. She called her lovingly and encouraged her to approved Bholi’s decision. She smiled at her with
tell her name. This time Bholi tried to speak her name satisfaction just like an artist who is satisfied after
and was successful. The teacher told Bholi to come to completing her masterpiece.
school everyday.

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