Credibility in Social Media Opinions, News, and Health Information-A Survey
Credibility in Social Media Opinions, News, and Health Information-A Survey
Credibility in Social Media Opinions, News, and Health Information-A Survey
In the Social Web scenario, where large amounts of User Generated Content dif-
fuse through Social Media, the risk of running into misinformation is not negligi-
ble. For this reason, assessing and mining the credibility of both sources of
information and information itself constitute nowadays a fundamental issue. Cred-
ibility, also referred as believability, is a quality perceived by individuals, who are
not always able to discern with their cognitive capacities genuine information from
the fake one. For this reason, in the recent years several approaches have been pro-
posed to automatically assess credibility in Social Media. Most of them are based
on data-driven models, i.e., they employ machine-learning techniques to identify
misinformation, but recently also model-driven approaches are emerging, as well
as graph-based approaches focusing on credibility propagation. Since multiple
social applications have been developed for different aims and in different con-
texts, several solutions have been considered to address the issue of credibility
assessment in Social Media. Three of the main tasks facing this issue and consid-
ered in this article concern: (1) the detection of opinion spam in review sites, (2) the
detection of fake news and spam in microblogging, and (3) the credibility assess-
ment of online health information. Despite the high number of interesting solu-
tions proposed in the literature to tackle the above three tasks, some issues remain
unsolved; they mainly concern both the absence of predefined benchmarks and
gold standard datasets, and the difficulty of collecting and mining large amount of
data, which has not yet received the attention it deserves. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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WIREs Data Mining Knowl Discov 2017, e01209. doi: 10.1002/widm.1209
application to computer science, with particular ref- accurate, reputable, competent, and current. In other
erence to online information. We present the open words, a source is trustworthy for being honest, care-
issues connected to credibility assessment in UGC, ful in choice of words, and disinclined to deceive.11
where information is generated and shared at a high Information is trustworthy when it appears to be reli-
rate and big volumes through Social Media. able, unbiased, and fair.12 When considering these
characteristics, the impact of the delivery medium
can change the perception that people have about
An Overview on Credibility sources of information and information itself. Some-
One of the oldest sources involving the concept of times, depending on the context, the medium diffus-
credibility is the Phaedrus (around 370 BC) by Plato, ing information can be misleadingly interpreted as
a dialogue between Socrates, the protagonist, and the source of information. Thus, one important ques-
Phaedrus, his interlocutor. In this work, Plato tackled tion to be tackled nowadays is whether new media
one aspect of the concept of credibility of the infor- introduce new factors into credibility assessment.13
mation source, i.e., the speaker’s knowledge of truth In particular, according to Metzger and Flanagin,14 a
(or at least the resemblance of truth offered by the great attention must be paid in conceptualizing credi-
speaker to the audience). Later on, Aristotle in his bility in the digital realm. This issue will be discussed
Rhetoric (fourth century BC) identified another in detail in the next section.
group of source credibility characteristics, connected
to the ethos—Greek term for ‘character’—of the
communicator. Coming to the modern era, since the From Offline to Online Credibility
1950s researchers in the fields of psychology and As previously illustrated, the problem of assessing
communication have been interested in defining and information credibility has a long history and
studying source credibility. The research undertaken involves different research fields; therefore, it does
by Hovland and colleagues4–6 constitutes the first not refer only to online accessible information. In the
systematic work about credibility and mass media. ‘offline’ world, long before the birth and spread of
The authors studied in particular the credibility of the Web, users have always been confronted with the
mass communication messages, by investigating how problem of trusting information obtained via differ-
people evaluated these messages coming from ‘high ent kinds of media. Although it has been shown that
credibility’ and ‘low credibility’ sources. From the the cognitive skills that people need to assess infor-
results of their studies it emerged that, even if the mation credibility are not dependent on the scenario
audience was more influenced by ‘high credibility’ (i.e., offline or online),15 these skills often depend on
sources, the information was equally learned from the way in which people get this information. In real
both source types. In fact, as illustrated by Fogg and life, people usually deal with sources of information
Tseng,7 credibility is a perceived quality of the infor- that can be (1) organization-oriented, i.e., provided
mation receiver, and it is composed of multiple by well known organizations such as reputed news-
dimensions. In this sense, the process of assessing papers or popular enterprises; (2) independent,
perceived credibility involves different characteristics, i.e., provided by third parties such as no profit orga-
which can be connected to: (1) the source of the mes- nizations or individuals considered as experts in a
sage, (2) the message itself, i.e., its structure and its given field; (3) interpersonal, i.e., based on direct
content, and (3) the media used to diffuse the communication and knowledge among individuals.
message.8 In these three cases, a common practice by which
Most researchers agree that there are at least people have traditionally reduced uncertainty about
two key dimensions connected to (perceived) credibil- credibility include judgment based on both the repu-
ity: expertise and trustworthiness.6,9 With particular tation of the source of information or of traditional
reference to source credibility, expertise is ‘the per- information intermediaries such as experts and/or
ceived knowledge, skill, and experience of the opinion leaders—cases (1) and (2), and the personal
source.’7 It allows people to measure to which extent trust based on first-hand experiences with the infor-
a communicator is capable of making correct state- mation providers—case (3).
ments. Trustworthiness refers to which degree an Since nowadays a huge amount of information
audience perceives the statement made by a commu- is distributed online, and the Web represents for
nicator to be valid.6 This aspect is strictly connected many people the primary means to stay informed,
to message credibility, which allows to measure, several of these traditional intermediaries have been
according to Liu,10 to what extent users think infor- removed through a process of ‘disintermediation.’16
mation (i.e., the message) is truthful, unbiased, In this way, according to Flanagin and Metzger,15
digital media ‘have in many ways shifted the burden reason, there is nowadays the need of developing
of information evaluation from professional gate- interfaces, tools or systems that are designed to help
keepers to individual information consumers.’ Thus, users in automatically or semi-automatically assess
the assessment of credibility in the online environ- information credibility. In the next section, we illus-
ment is often more complex with respect to previous trate the approaches that have been proposed so far
media contexts, for a number of different reasons. A to assess credible information in the Social Web.
first issue is connected to ‘the multiplicity of sources
embedded in the numerous layers of online dissemi-
nation of content,’17 and to the fact that these APPROACHES TO CREDIBILITY
sources and connected information messages become ASSESSMENT
confused in information seekers’ minds almost imme- Social Media refers to a plethora of different Web
diately after having performed online search.18 Other 2.0 Internet-based applications, which take the form
issues concern the absence of standards for informa- of blogs, social networks, forums, microblogs, photo
tion quality, the ease in manipulating and altering sharing, video sharing, review sites, and so
the information, the lack of clarity of the context, on. Depending on both the context and the aim to
and the presence of many potential targets of credi- which a given social application is developed, several
bility evaluation interacting together in users’ percep- different characteristics can concur to the assessment
tions, i.e., the content, the source, the medium.14 of information credibility. In this literature survey,
we review in particular the main approaches that
have been proposed for: (1) opinion spam detection,
Credibility and Social Media with particular reference to fake review detection in
The previously described issues to assess credibility review sites, (2) fake news and spam detection in
are exacerbated in the Web 2.0 context, where users microblogging sites, and (3) credibility assessment of
are encouraged to interact and collaborate with each online health information, in particular in healthcare
other through Social Media, by playing the role of social forums.
creators of UGC in a virtual community.19 In this
context, personal knowledge is replaced by virtual
relationships, through which it is easier and inexpen- Opinion Spam Detection in Review Sites
sive for users to directly exchange information. Many The first studies on opinion spam detection were pro-
studies in behavioral psychology have shown that posed by Jindal and colleagues in the late 2000s,28–30
people have an innate tendency to share information in conjunction with the spread of both opinion-
in virtual communities, whether or not explicit sharing sites and the first social platforms allowing
benefits are involved.20–22 In such a scenario, the users to diffuse their opinions in the form of reviews
process of evaluating the most credible information concerning given entities, e.g., products, restaurants,
differs both from traditional media and Web 1.0 services, and so forth. Opinion spam covers mali-
technologies. cious activities attempting to mislead either human
Evaluating information credibility in the Social readers, or automated opinion mining and sentiment
Web deals with the analysis of both UGC and their analysis systems. These fraudulent activities concern
authors’ characteristics,23 and to the intrinsic nature both the formulation of undeserving positive opi-
of Social Media platforms.24 Generally speaking, this nions to promote some target entities, and the provi-
means to take into account characteristics of credibil- sion of false-negative opinions to some other entities,
ity both connected to information (i.e., UGC) and to in order to damage their reputation. In this context,
information sources, as well as to the social relation- opinion spam can have different forms; in most cases,
ships connecting the involved entities. In this context, it concerns fake reviews, but it can also be in the
the users’ credibility perceptions are usually based on form of fake comments, fake blog and social network
crowd consensus, which is typical in interacting postings, and deceptive messages.
communities.25,26 This section focuses in particular on fake
Even if credibility is a characteristic perceived review detection in review sites (e.g., TripAdvisor,
by individuals, credibility assessments should not be Yelp, Amazon, etc.); in last years, this task has
up to users, especially in the online environment.3 In received a growing attention within the scientific
fact, humans have only limited cognitive capacities to community, and several approaches have been pro-
effectively evaluate the information they receive, posed to date. In fact, online reviews represent one of
especially in situations where the complexity of the the consumer’s primary factors in choosing a prod-
features to be taken into account increases.27 For this uct/service, and there is an increasing interest of
companies in customers’ online opinions. This can, In the second case, we can deal with characteristics
in fact, help companies to reshape their business by connected to the behavior of the reviewer, i.e., behav-
adapting products, services, and marketing to con- ioral features, and with features connected to the
sumer preferences.31 For this reason, fake reviews user’s profile (if available). In addition, even if they
can damage both the buyer, whose choice is guided have been less used in the literature so far, other fea-
to nonoptimal decisions, and the business, which not tures connected to (3) the network structure repre-
only looses consumer’s trust, but also risks to misin- sented by the relationships among users or other
terpret users’ needs. entities can be taken into account; they can be
A well-known spam review categorization has defined as social features. Finally, another category
been provided by Jindal and Liu,30 according to whom of less used characteristics includes product features,
there are generally three main types of fake reviews: directly linked to (4) the product/service reviewed.
While fake review detection approaches are based in
• Untruthful reviews: deliberately providing particular on linguistic, behavioral, meta-data and
undeserving positive or negative reviews to product features, behavioral, and social features are
some entities in order to promote or to scuttle nowadays used in most cases to detect spammers and
them, misleading readers or opinion mining group spammers.
systems; Two literature surveys on opinion spam detec-
tion in review sites have been recently published.31,32
• Reviews on brands: considered as spam because
Aim of this section is to describe, among the
they focus specifically on the brands, the manu-
approaches that have been well presented and sum-
facturers or the sellers of the products, by disre-
marized in the above surveys, the ones that have
garding the specific products or services;
demonstrated to be the more effective. In addition,
• Nonreviews: occurring in the form of advertise- we provide an overview of the most recent
ments or other kinds of posts that do not con- approaches, and with respect to previous surveys we
tain opinions (e.g., questions, answers, and organize the presentation of the state of the art by
random texts). focusing on the aim for which the approaches ana-
lyzed have been proposed: (1) fake review detection,
The majority of the approaches proposed in the liter- and (2) spammers/group spammers detection. Within
ature for fake review detection consider the first cate- each of the above classes of approaches, we focus on
gory of reviews (i.e., untruthful reviews), for two the features that they employ.
main reasons32: (1) they undermine the integrity of
the online review system or site in exam; (2) it is Fake Review Detection
almost impossible to distinguish between fake and As previously outlined, fake review detection con-
genuine reviews by only reading their content. There- cerns, in most cases, the identification of untruthful
fore, to build automatic or semi-automatic methods reviews within an opinion-sharing system. Based on
for the recognition of untruthful reviews, both data- the features on which the proposed approaches
driven and model-driven approaches have been pro- focus, we categorize them into purely content-based
posed and developed, based on data mining and and multi-feature-based approaches. Content-based
machine-learning techniques, and MCDM, respec- approaches are based on linguistic features, while
tively. Besides the approaches that directly identify multi-feature-based approaches employ multiple kinds
fake reviews, some other approaches have been pro- of features among those previously described. The fol-
posed to the aim of capturing spammers and group lowing subsections summarize the approaches in each
spammers who spread untruthful reviews in opinion- of the above categories.
sharing platforms.
Whatever the purpose, to directly identify false Content-Based Approaches
reviews or users that spread them, both strategies Several approaches proposed in the literature are
usually consider (simultaneously or not) a certain based exclusively on features extracted from the text
number of characteristics, namely features, that can of reviews. Different linguistic features can be consid-
be evaluated in terms of credibility. They can be ered; the simplest ones are either individual words or
extracted from both (1) the review and (2) the n-grams, (i.e., groups of n words), which can be
reviewer. In the former case, it is possible to deal either weighted or unweighted.30,33 For a complete
with linguistic features, associated with the content overview on the multiple kinds of linguistic features
of the review, and meta-data features, i.e., additional that have been proposed in the literature, refer to
information connected to the textual information. Crawford et al.32 The majority of purely content-
based approaches are based on supervised learning et al.44 employ this content-based representation to
techniques.34–37 ascertain possible ‘concept substitutions’ in untruth-
Ott et al.34 use three groups of features to train ful reviews: if the semantic content of a review is
Nave Bayes (NB) and support vector machine (SVM) mainly generated from another review, this suggests
classification algorithms. For each review, the that both reviews may not truly reflect writers’ opi-
authors define linguistic features that are based on nions. To evaluate the likelihood that a review has
the frequencies of each parts-of-speech (POS) tag,38 been generated by another one, the Kullback–Leibler
and they test differences in POS distribution between divergence45 is employed. To convert this measure to
fake and nonfake reviews based on the genre of a spam score for each review, the authors us a linear
reviews. In addition, they consider psycholinguistic normalization method. Finally, they employ an
deception detection by using the Linguistic Inquiry SVM-base method to classify spam and genuine
and Word Count (LIWC) software,39 which assigns reviews, by obtaining a declared 81% precision
80 psycholinguistic meanings to 4500 keywords. (it should be noticed that the precision of the Jindal
Finally, they consider ‘classical’ n-gram feature sets, and Liu method,30 which employs multiple kinds of
i.e., unigrams, bigrams, and trigrams. The evaluation features, is 85%). Lau et al.46 extend the previous
of this approach is based on a gold standard dataset work by proposing a semantic language model
of genuine reviews collected from review sites and (SLM)-based approach. By using both the semantic
fake reviews generated by means of the Amazon relationships captured from WordNet, and high-
Mechanical Turk (AMT). With respect to considering order concept associations discovered via the pro-
only simple n-gram features, this approach achieves posed text mining method, the SLM method detects
better results, even if it does not outperform models duplicate untruthful reviews even if their wordings
considering multiple features of different nature are not the same. The proposed model achieves a
(i.e., in addition to linguistic ones).30 In a later declared true positive rate of over 95% in fake
work,35 the same authors focus on the optimization review detection. Both approaches previously
of the supervised classification method, obtaining described44,46 employ as a gold standard a real-world
slightly better result with respect to their previous dataset collected from Amazon, and manually labeled
approach. On the same dataset, Banerjee and Chua36 by human experts.
use logistic regression (LR) to build a classification Generating gold standard datasets for evalua-
model by considering the readability of a review tions is a complex task in the fake review detection
(i.e., its complexity and reading difficulty), the distri- context.47 In fact, as it emerges from the presentation
bution of POS tags, and the review writing style, of the approaches illustrated so far, current methods
i.e., positive cues, perceptual words, and usage of of collecting reviews labeled with respect to credibil-
future tense. Fusilier et al.37 use both character n- ity are neither effective (AMT) nor practical (when
grams and word n-grams obtaining the best results human intervention is required). Therefore, in the
with character n-grams with values for n of 4 and absence of large amounts of labeled examples of
5, respectively, by using NB and an SVM classifier deceptive and truthful opinions, some approaches
on the Ott et al.’s dataset.34 have proposed the use of semi-supervised learning
It is worth to be noticed that Mukherjee techniques, by considering only a few examples of
et al.40,41 and Sun et al.42 observed that using the deceptive opinions and a set of unlabeled data. Spe-
AMT for producing fake reviews causes inaccurate cifically, these methods are based on the so-called
results in review spam detection, because fake positive-unlabeled (PU) learning.48 Hereafter, we
reviews generated ad hoc (e.g., by means of AMT) describe those PU-based methods acting on linguistic
are not meaningful in spam detection techniques features. Ren et al.’s research work on fake review
when compared with real reviews collected from detection49 assume the presence of some differences
opinion-sharing sites. In other words, the employed in the language structure and sentiment polarity
dataset is biased because the motivations and the between deceptive reviews and truthful ones.50 The
psychological states of mind of people involved in authors identify a set of features related to the text of
the AMT crowdsourcing activity can be quite differ- the review and combine two clustering algorithms to
ent from those of the professional spammers in the identify deceptive reviews. PU learning is implemen-
real world. This explains the good results obtained ted in a subsequent approach: MPIPUL,49 which
by previous approaches in fake review detection identifies deceptive reviews based on both Latent
based only on linguistic features. Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)51 and SVM. Experiments
Other works propose the use of language mod- are performed on a gold standard dataset obtained
els43 to represent the textual content of reviews. Lai from the ATM dataset by Ott et al.,34 but the
approach is only evaluated against other PU algo- (described by Ott et al.34), and a real-world review
rithms, and not w.r.t. state-of-the-art fake review dataset (where reviews are automatically classified
detection approaches. A similar approach has been and labeled by Yelp in recommended and-not recom-
recently proposed by Fusilier et al.52; with respect to mended). The obtained results are similar to those
the original PU learning algorithm proposed by Liu reported in previous studies: using only n-gram fea-
et al.53 to classify text documents, this approach is tures performs well on the AMT dataset, but when
more conservative when selecting the negative exam- used on a real world dataset (i.e., Yelp in this case)
ples (i.e., not deceptive opinions) from the the approach performs significantly worse. Once
unlabeled ones. again, this proves the intrinsic bias in the ground
truth constructed by means of the AMT.
Multiple-Feature-Based Approaches Li et al.55 propose an approach constituted by
In the literature, the use of multiple features of differ- two phases. First, the authors investigate the impact
ent nature has proven to be a more effective method that review- and reviewer-based features have on
than those based on a unique feature type fake review detection. The supervised NB method
(i.e., linguistic features). In fact, experienced review employed for this task achieves, as expected, signifi-
spammers write so good fake reviews to make them cant improvement compared with heuristic methods;
indistinguishable from truthful reviews, even when it has been tested on a small manually labeled dataset
they are read by experts in review spam from Epinions. To boost the performance of the
detection.31,54 approach, by considering a larger number of unla-
In the first research works on opinion spam beled data, the authors employ a semi-supervised
detection,29,30 this aspect was already clear. In their cotraining algorithm, which demonstrated its effec-
2008 work,30 Jindal and Liu proposed an approach tiveness with respect to supervised NB. Another
to detect duplicate and near-duplicate reviews, by semi-supervised approach for fake review detection
observing that fake reviews are often duplicates of a has been proposed by Li et al.56; in their model, the
small number of reviews created by spammers, which authors take into consideration a subset of the fea-
are used as templates to generate false information tures proposed by the previously described
on different products or services. To estimate the approaches, and implement a PU learning algorithm
similarity between reviews and to obtain duplication to classify Chinese reviews. The review dataset is
scores, the authors propose to use bigrams and the extracted from the review hosting site,
Jaccard Index. By considering heterogeneous features which is the Chinese equivalent of Yelp. Even if it
(i.e., connected to the review and its content, to the does not propose any automatic approach for opin-
reviewer, and to the reviewed product), this approach ion spam detection in review sites, the work by Luca
applies LR to detect spam reviews on a manually and Zervas57 is interesting in the sense that it ana-
labeled dataset composed of 470 fake reviews from lyzes multiple kinds of features as well as the motiva-
Amazon, identified by means of their computed tions (often based on economic incentives) connected
duplication scores. This method has been evaluated to the process of issuing fake reviews. The awareness
by means of the area under ROC curve (AUC), a of the importance of features in terms of credibility
standard measure used in machine learning for asses- can lead to the development of model-driven
sing the model quality, obtaining a 78% AUC value approaches instead of data-driven ones.
by considering hybrid features with respect to the Recently, Viviani and Pasi58 have proposed a
63% AUC value obtained by using only textual fea- MCDM approach for fake review detection, where
tures. A study by Mukherjee et al.41 found that when multiple kinds of features, both review- and
considering abnormal behavioral features of reviewer-based are considered and aggregated by
reviewers, the obtained results are better than those suitable functions to obtain an overall credibility esti-
obtained by using only the linguistic features of the mate. This method is based in particular on quanti-
reviews. The authors consider for example in their fier guided aggregations of credibility scores
approach the maximum number of reviews written associated with the considered features: at least k or
by a customer, the amount of positive reviews with at least k important features must characterize a
respect to negative ones, the review length, the review to classify it as true rather than fake. The
reviewer deviation in assigning ratings with respect labeled dataset used for evaluation purposes has been
to the general rating consensus, and the content simi- crawled from Yelp, as in the work by Mukherjee
larity. Supervised learning approaches for deceptive et al.41 The outcome of this work is that an MCDM-
review detection are defined and evaluated, by using based approach can achieve the same results
both the AMT (AMT) fake reviews dataset obtained with the best machine-learning classifiers.
datasets, and they study its performance on two large a subset of both recommended and non-recom-
real-world datasets (Amazon and iTunes). mended reviews automatically labeled by some
Other recent approaches focusing on group review sites, namely Yelp and Dianping.41,56,57 This
spammer detection are proposed by Choo et al.70 constitutes a quite strong assumption, since these
and Wang et al.71 In the former approach, the review sites do not disclose their policy for detecting
authors explore the community structures to distin- nonrecommended (fake) reviews, and even in such a
guish spam communities from nonspam ones with case the filtered reviews would be affected by some
sentiment analysis on user interactions. Through uncertainty related to the applied decision process. It
experiments over a crawled Amazon dataset, the is clear that none of the solutions proposed so far
authors obtain comparable results with respect to can be considered fully reliable, and that new
state-of-the-art approaches, and they find—not approaches to the evaluation of credibility are neces-
surprisingly—that strong positive communities are sary. To tackle the problem of opinion spam detec-
more likely to be opinion group spammers. The latter tion from a different perspective, recent approaches
approach illustrates the ‘loose’ group spam problem, focus on identifying spammers and group spammers
i.e., each group member is not required to review in Social Media, by using both behavioral character-
every target product. This problem is addressed by istics of reviewers and the social graph connecting
using bipartite graph projection. The authors pro- multiple entities (i.e., users, products, and reviews) in
pose a set of group spam indicators to measure the review sites. Table 1 lists the approaches to fake
‘spamicity’ of a loose group of spammers, and they review and spammer detection, by summarizing the
design an algorithm to identify highly suspicious main characteristics of each approach.
loose group spammers in a divide and conquer man-
ner. Experimental results show that the proposed
approach achieves both target goals, i.e., the detec- Fake News Detection in Microblogging
tion of loose group spammers, and the detection of Microblogging is a well-established broadcast
group spammers, with better results with respect to medium that allow users ‘to exchange small elements
frequent itemset mining (FIM)72 approaches. of content such as short sentences, individual images,
or video links.’74 These short messages are com-
Discussion monly referred as microblog posts, microposts, or
Several approaches presented in this section have status updates. Nowadays, thanks to the success of
been defined in the last years to tackle the problem of the microblogging platform Twitter,a they are also
opinion spam detection in review sites. As previously simply referred as tweets. In Social Media classifica-
illustrated, most of the proposed approaches are tion, microblogs stand in fact between traditional
based on supervised or semi-supervised techniques blogs and social networking sites, and they are char-
that make use on multiple kinds of characteristics acterized by both a high degree of self-presentation,
that can be related to credibility. One of the main and a medium to low degree of social presence and
open issues that these approaches do not solve is the media richness.75
lack of a valuable gold standard to train and evaluate This preamble on microblogging is necessary to
the proposed classifiers; in fact, in most cases, pseudo underline that, due to its sharing characteristics and
fake reviews have been employed rather than real to the fact that messages display a wide variety of
fake ones.73 Some approaches consider duplicate content, the credibility assessment of information on
reviews as fakes, not considering that similar review this kind of medium may concern different aspects.
contents might be produced by honest reviewers; As outlined in the literature,76 short messages in
moreover, spammers commonly copy the text of microblogging can correspond both to the so called
truthful reviews to generate fakes.31 The human conversation items (e.g., chats, personal updates, gos-
intervention for labeling reviews can be inapplicable sips, etc.), which concern the user and its circle of
to big amount of data, and it is debatable as also the friends, and to news items, representing more general
reliability of the human assessors may be questioned. and relevant information.77–79 This latter kind of
Even the usage of crowdsourcing platforms such as information can influence a broader community, in
the AMT for producing fake reviews has been proved particular when microblogs deal with the well known
unreliable, due to the fact that the motivations and trending topics, which can be considered ‘headline
the psychological states of mind of people using the news or persistent news.’80 In this context, Rubin
AMT can be quite different from those of profes- et al.81 identify three types of fake news: exposed
sional spammers in the real world.40,42 Recent fraudulent journalistic writing, humorous fakes, and
approaches have proposed to use as a gold standard large-scale hoaxes. This latter category is the one that
TABLE 1 | Summarization of the Proposed Approaches for Opinion Spam Detection in Review Sites
Authors Year Focus Approach
Jindal and Liu 2008 Fake review detection Multifeature-based
Lai et al.44 2010 Fake review detection Content-based
Lim et al. 2010 Spammer detection Behavioral-based
Li et al.55 2011 Fake review detection Multifeature-based
Ott et al.34 2011 Fake review detection Content-based
Wang et al.66 2011 Fake review/Spammer detection Graph-based
Lau et al.46 2012 Fake review detection Content-based
Mukherjee et al. 2012 Spammer/Group spammer detection Behavioral-based
Wang et al.67 2012 Fake review/Spammer detection Graph-based
Akoglu et al. 2013 Fake review/Spammer detection Graph-based
Fei et al.60 2013 Fake review/Spammer detection Behavioral-based
Mukherjee et al. 2013 Fake review detection Multifeature-based
Banerjee and Chua36 2014 Fake review detection Content-based
Li et al. 2014 Fake review detection Multifeature-based
Ren et al.49 2014 Fake review detection Content-based
Choo et al.70 2015 Group spammer detection Graph-based
Fusilier et al. 2015 Fake review detection Content-based
Fusilier et al.52 2015 Fake review detection Content-based
Wang et al. 2015 Group spammer detection Graph-based
Ye and Akoglu69 2015 Group spammer detection Graph-based
Lucas and Zervas 2016 Feature analysis Content-based
Viviani and Pasi58 2016 Fake review detection Multifeature-based
is better suited to be spread on Social Media like topics, and they classify these topics as credible or
Twitter, and the one that has a higher impact on not credible based on multiple features extracted
society due to the speed with which hoaxes diffuses from them. In particular, the authors identify mes-
in microblogging. sage-based features, focusing on the content of the
In recent years, a number of different message (e.g., length, syntax, sentiment, etc.), user-
approaches have been proposed for assessing credi- based features, connected to the user who posted the
bility in microblogging, by also considering its time- tweet (e.g., number of friends and followers), topic-
sensitive nature. In the literature, these methods can based features, obtained by aggregating the previous
be broadly classified into two categories82,83: classifi- ones (e.g., fraction of positive or negative sentiment),
cation-based approaches, and propagation-based propagation-based features, related to the propaga-
approaches, which exploit the network structure of tion tree built by considering retweets (e.g., depth of
users and tweets. In addition, a number of survey- the retweet tree). This approach is based on super-
based studies have been presented, as it will be dis- vised learning, and in order to assess its effectiveness,
cussed later in this article. the authors have built a suitable dataset by collecting
2500 trending topics via TwitterMonitor,85 keeping
Classification-Based Approaches only those cases containing at most 10,000 tweets
Castillo et al. were among the first to tackle the prob- each. The labeling of the dataset was carried out in
lem of information credibility on microblogging sites, two phases: in a first phase some evaluators
Twitter in particular,79,84 in a structured way, by (by means of the AMT) were requested to assess
using classification-based approaches. In their first whether the collected tweets concerned news about
work,79 the authors focus on automatic methods for specific events or rather they were ‘conversation’
assessing the credibility of a given ‘time-sensitive’ set topics. Then, for the subset of tweets identified as
of tweets, i.e., a trending topic. Specifically, they ana- news, a second group of evaluators were requested to
lyze microblog posts (messages) related to trending label them as credible or not credible. By performing
a threefold validation strategy and by applying differ- each tweet individually, and at predicting user credi-
ent classifiers (i.e., SVM, decision trees, decision bility. Not surprisingly, as already demonstrated in
rules, and Bayesian networks), the authors obtained the previously described work,79 the features that
good results in identifying ‘newsworthy’ topics, while consider the underlying network and the dynamics
using a J48 decision tree86 they reached a 86% accu- connected to information flows are better indicators
racy in credibility classification with respect to a ran- of credibility in microblogs than linguistic features.
dom predictor. In this paper, a feature analysis is Another work that assesses the credibility of
also provided, to illustrate the contribution that dif- individual tweets is the one by Gupta and Kumara-
ferent types of features give in terms of credibility guru.88 In this work, the authors use the SVM rank
assessment. The outcomes of this work are: (1) - algorithm89 (a variant of the SVM algorithm that is
message- and user-based features are not enough to used to solve certain ranking problems via learning
effectively classify credible trending topics; (2) in gen- to rank90), to illustrate that ranking tweets based on
eral credible news are propagated by authors who Twitter features (i.e., content- and user-based) can
previously wrote a considerable amount of messages; help in assessing the credibility of tweets about an
(3) propagation-based features (having many reposts) event. To this purpose, tweets are labeled by human
are particularly effective. Moreover, the authors out- annotators. To evaluate the effectiveness of the pro-
line that tweets not including URLs are in most cases posed approach, the standard normalized discounted
related to noncredible news, while tweets including cumulative gain (NDCG) metric91 is employed. In a
negative sentiment are related to credible content. subsequent work, Gupta et al.92 extend the previous
In another paper, Castillo et al.84 discuss more work and propose TweetCred, a real-time system in
broadly the problem of information credibility in the form of a Chrome extension. TweetCred takes a
microblogging services. By presenting a case study direct stream of tweets as input, and it computes the
about information propagation and news event credi- credibility for each tweet on a scale of 1 (low credi-
bility in Twitter, first they summarize their prior bility) to 7 (high credibility). This research work is
work,79 and then they redesign the learning scheme. based on a semi-supervised ranking model using
A first supervised classifier is used to decide if an SVM Rank for assessing credibility, based on tweets
information cascade corresponds to a ‘newsworthy’ related to six high impact crisis events of 2013. With
event. A second supervised classifier is employed to respect to prior work, in this paper a more exhaus-
decide if this news event has to be considered as cred- tive and comprehensive set of features is used: 45 fea-
ible or not. Both classifiers are trained over labeled tures categorized as tweet meta-data features, tweet
data, obtained using crowdsourcing tools. By intro- content features, user-based features, network fea-
ducing a label named ‘unsure’ to identify tweets that tures, linguistic features, and external resource fea-
do not belong neither to news nor to chat messages, tures. The ground truth was obtained through
these ‘unsure’ tweets are removed from the training crowdsourcing: human assessors labeled around
dataset, thus improving the performance of the 500 tweets randomly selected per event. This system
approach. provides useful insights on how credibility evaluation
Kang et al.87 propose an approach for recom- models evolve over time. As in the case of opinion
mending credible information connected to specific spam detection, recent approaches are focusing on
topics in Twitter. The authors define three models the identification of spammers also in the context of
that focus on different credibility indicators: (1) fea- fake news detection. Galán-Garca et al.93 focus on
tures extracted from the content of tweets related to the detection of troll profiles in Twitter. Their
specific topics (e.g., length of tweet, number of URLs, assumption is that, since ‘every trolling profile is fol-
number of mentions, etc.), (2) features connected to lowed by the real profile of the user behind the trol-
the network-structure connecting users and tweets ling one […] it is possible to link a trolling account
(e.g., ‘follow’ relationships, retweets, etc.), and to the corresponding real profile of the user behind
(3) features from both the previous approaches that the fake account, analyzing different features present
are combined in different ways to predict credible in the profile, connections’ data and tweets’ charac-
information and credible information sources. Each teristics, including text, using machine-learning algo-
model is evaluated by using a J48 tree-based learning rithms.’ Using manually-selected genuine profiles,
algorithm which is trained on a set of tweets that are and collecting at least 100 genuine tweets per profile,
manually annotated with credibility scores. Differ- the authors compared the performance of different
ently from Castillo et al.,79 who propose an algo- classification algorithms (i.e., Random Forests, J48,
rithm that acts on groups of ‘newsworthy’ tweets, the k-Nearest-Neighbor, Sequential Minimal Optimiza-
approach described in this paper aims at classifying tion, and NB) on the selected features: the content of
the tweet published by the user, the time of publica- automatically reporting them highly questioned
tion, the language and geolocation, and the Twitter information.
client. Even if this approach reached ‘only’ 68.47% With respect to Mendoza et al.,95 the approach
of accuracy in its best result, this work constitutes proposed by Seo et al.96 studies how to identify
one of the first significant approaches that try to sources of rumors when there is a limited view on the
directly detect trolls in Social Media and microblogs rumor provenance, and how to determine whether a
in particular, and it has been applied to a real case piece of information is a rumor or not. The method
study, for the identification of the responsible of is based on the assumption that rumors are initiated
cyberbullying in a school in the city of Bilbao from only a small number of sources, whereas truth-
(Spain). Also Gupta and Kaushal94 propose an inte- ful information can be observed and originated by a
grated approach for spammer detection, which com- large number of unrelated individuals. This approach
bines three learning algorithms, i.e., NB, Clustering, relies on the use of network monitors, i.e., indivi-
and Decision Trees, with the aim of improving spam- duals who have heard a particular piece of informa-
mer detection accuracy. The considered features are tion (from their social neighborhood), but who do
followers/followees, URLs, spam words, replies, and not want disclose neither who told it to them, nor
hashtags. The algorithms accuracy in the detection of when they learned it. If a monitor receives a rumor,
non-spammers is about 99.1%, but the accuracy of it is called positive monitor; negative monitor other-
detecting spammers reaches the 68.4%, which is the wise. To find a rumor source, the authors base their
same result obtained by Galán-Garca et al.93 approach on the intuition that the source must be
close to positive monitors and far from negative ones.
Propagation-Based Approaches For this reason, the authors introduce four metrics:
The approaches that focus on the concept of propa- the number of reachable positive monitors, the sum
gation for assessing the credibility of tweets/news, of distances to reachable positive monitors, the num-
usually consider the propagation of rumors (false ber of reachable negative monitors, and the sum of
claims) in microblogs, by exploiting the network distances to reachable negative monitors. By comput-
structure constituted by retweets, and the social ing these metrics for each node, it is possible to sort
graph constituted by followers and followees. Fur- all the nodes in the network; in the resulting sorted
thermore, also trust propagation on the social graph list, the first node is the top suspect source of the
can be assessed. Mendoza et al.95 explore the behav- rumor. In addition, to identify if a piece of informa-
ior of Twitter users under an emergency situation tion is a rumor, the authors propose two greedy stra-
(the 2010 earthquake in Chile); a preliminary study tegies based on the set of monitors that received the
on the dissemination of false rumors and confirmed information. A first strategy tries to assign as many
news is reported. On a crawled dataset containing positive monitors as possible to each source, produ-
tweets and other user-related information, the cing this way large greedy information propagation
approach analyzes the characteristics of the social trees. To solve this problem, a second strategy esti-
network of the community surrounding the topic, mates the disparity between actual propagation trees
and how trending topics propagate. The considered and the ones constructed by the above greedy strat-
characteristics are the relation between the number egy. To evaluate the proposed approach, a case study
of followers/followees, the number of tweets each involving a real social network crawled from Twitter
user posts, and the retweet activity during the first is reported. Using the experimental data, the authors
hours of the emergency situation. From this analysis, evaluate how accurately LR can classify rumor and
it emerges that the network topology characteristics nonrumors. The proposed approach shows good
remain unchanged with respect to normal circum- potential to help users in identifying rumors and their
stances, and that the vocabulary used in critical situa- sources.
tions exhibits a low variance. Concerning credibility, Gupta et al.97 propose an approach for the
and the spread of rumors through the network, the assessment of the credibility of news events on Twit-
authors have manually selected some confirmed ter. Starting from the approach described by Castillo
truths, i.e., reliable news items confirmed by reliable et al.,79 they introduce some new features to improve
sources, and some false rumors, i.e., baseless rumors it. The authors then claim that this classification-
that emerged during the crisis. The outcome of this based approach is neither entity- nor network-aware,
credibility study is that rumors tend to be questioned because events are described by features originally
much more than confirmed news by the Twitter com- related to tweets and users. To address this issue, the
munity; therefore, the authors suggest that micro- authors propose an approach constituted by two
blogs could implement methods to warn people by modules: (1) a Basic Credibility Analyzer, namely
BasicCA, and (2) an Event Graph Optimization the approach evaluates the trustworthiness of each
Credibility Analyzer, namely EventOptCA. BasicCA tweet and each user. To do this, the authors evaluate
acts on a graph constituted by users, tweets, and similarity between features, under the assumption
events. At each iteration, each node shares its credi- that a candidate tweet (and the user who wrote it) is
bility value (learned from a classifier) with its neigh- considered trustworthy if its features do not conflict
bors only. Since the assumption of BasicCA is that with the features of trustworthy news. Then, by
credible entities are strictly connected, every iteration means of four propagation rules defined on the social
helps in mutually enhancing the credibility of genuine graph, the trustworthiness of tweets and users is
entities and reducing the credibility of nongenuine refined and propagated. The evaluation of the
ones, via propagation. EventOptCA enhances similarity-based trust evaluation method is based on
BasicCA by supposing that similar events have simi- two datasets: a manually labeled set, and the dataset
lar credibility scores. Thus, it performs event credibil- provided by Castillo et al.79; both datasets are also
ity updates on a graph of events whose edges are employed to identify emerging events. Based on the
weighted with event similarity values. The experi- resulting precision and f-score values, this method
ments are conducted using 457 news events extracted outperforms classification-based supervised learning
from two tweet feed datasets: a first dataset from approaches.
Castillo et al.,79 and another crawled datases, whose
events are manually labeled as social gossip or news, Survey-Based Studies
using 250 of the news events (of which 167 labeled These studies do not propose algorithms for the auto-
as credible) in their study. On an average, the pro- matic or semi-automatic classification of fake news
posed approach outperforms the classifier-based or spammers in Social Media. They are valuable
approach discussed by the authors. since they employ survey-based studies, i.e., involving
The work just described is taken as a reference a representative sample of people who are asked to
by Jin et al.,83 who first discuss its limitations. In fill out questionnaires and/or to execute some tasks,
fact, the authors believe that it is not always true that to investigate the contribution that credibility factors
credible users provide credible tweets with a high have in the overall process of credibility judgment by
probability; furthermore, they are convinced that users in Twitter and microblogs in general.
considering an event as a whole as only constituted Morris et al.99 present survey results regarding
by one kind of information (i.e., genuine or fake) is users perceptions of tweet credibility. The authors
debatable. For this reason, they propose a hierarchi- conduct some experiments with a limited number of
cal credibility propagation network with three layers: persons involved, where several features are system-
a message layer, a subevent layer and an event layer. atically manipulated to assess their impact on credi-
The assumption behind this choice is that the hierar- bility ratings of tweets. The outcome of this research
chical structure of message to subevent, and subevent work is that the analysis of the content alone does
to event, can model their relations and the process of not allow users to judge tweet credibility; instead,
credibility propagation; furthermore, with a subevent they are more influenced by heuristics such as user
layer, deeper semantic information can be revealed names or tweet topics when making credibility
for an event. Credibility propagation is modeled as a assessments, and less by profile picture images. This
graph optimization problem. To validate the effec- latter result has been recently denied by Kang
tiveness of the proposed model, two datasets on Sina et al.100; in their work, the authors identify the
Weibo (the leading microblogging platform in important cues that contribute to information being
China), were collected: one with random fake news perceived as credible in microblogging, by reporting
in a year and truthful news at the same time; another on a demographic survey followed by a user experi-
with both fake and truthful news related to the same ment with 101 people. This study investigates how
topic. Experiments on both datasets showed the such cues are portable across different microblogs
effectiveness of the proposed model in terms of both platforms, i.e., Twitter and Reddit. The results of this
accuracy and f-score improvements with respect to study show that meta-data and image type elements
baseline methods. are, in general, the strongest influencing factors in
Zhao et al.98 consider the issue of automatically credibility assessment.
estimating the trustworthiness of messages and users The fact that multiple kinds of features consid-
in Twitter for a specific topic domain. In particular, ered together leads to better results in evaluating per-
the authors consider the relationships between users/ ceived credibility has been experimentally confirmed
tweets and multiple characteristics (i.e., textual, spa- by automatic classification-based approaches previ-
tial, and temporal features) connected to them. First, ously described, both for fake news and fake reviews
detection. An analysis of the distribution of the dif- influence that this second category of messages can
ferent types of salient features in Twitter is discussed have on a broader community, the research propo-
by O’Donovan et al.,101 together with the impor- sals have focused on approaches that allow the iden-
tance of considering the context in which these fea- tification of fake news and spammers/group
tures are employed. A theoretical proposal for a spammers diffusing them. The techniques that have
contextual credibility approach has been illustrated been proposed so far do not differ substantially from
by AlMansour et al.82; it aims at examining the those proposed for fake review detection; they focus
effects that culture, topic variations, language, and so on multiple kinds of characteristics connected to
on, have on assessing credibility. Cultural differences users, messages, topics, social graphs, and they apply
and other contextual aspects affecting credibility per- some machine-learning techniques or propagation-
ceptions have been studied by Yang et al.,102 who based approaches to identify pieces or sources of mis-
point out the differences between China and United information. With respect to the opinion spam sce-
States users in rating the credibility of tweets. From nario, it is easier in fake news detection to evaluate
this study, it emerges that Chinese people are appar- the effectiveness of the proposed approaches, since
ently more willing to trust microblogs as information the credibility of news and events can be verified
diffusion media, and to accept as reliable the content (at least a posteriori) by experts and traditional
produced by anonymous or pseudo-anonymous media. Nevertheless, also in this case, in many
sources. approaches the volume of the datasets used for
Differently from the previous ones, the work by experimental evaluations remains rather low.
Sikdar et al.103 illustrates that survey-based methods Table 2 summarizes the research works that have
can be extremely noisy and that results may vary from been proposed so far by illustrating, for each
survey to survey. In large-scale online user surveys, approach, its focus and the category to which it
e.g., AMT, people providing credibility ratings usually belongs.
ignore message senders and other external informa-
tion such as the underlying network context, and they
provide in this way biased credibility ratings. For this Credibility Assessment of Online Health
reason, the authors make a proposal to construct a Information
stable ground truth, collecting two datasets on the According to the Pew Research Centerb
same topic, but from different perspectives. To do this, (a nonpartisan ‘fact tank’ that informs the public
two different surveys are provided to users, in which about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping Amer-
subjects are confronted with different information ica and the world), about 59% of Americans have
about the same tweets. This allows to test to which searched the Web frequently for health information
degree the credibility judgments across different sur- in 2013. In particular, the 35% of U.S. adults
veys are comparable, and how the survey-based declared to have used online health information to
method influences the results. The authors also con- try to figure out their medical condition or that of
sider two different ways to quantify retweets, overall someone they know. In addition to this, the 41% of
and at the time of the message, capturing the impor- the so called ‘online diagnosers’ reported their condi-
tance of the message at two different time granulari- tion confirmed by a clinician.
ties. This proposal represents an interesting Similarly, a recent EU-wide survey104 showed
contribution to the problem of generating a consen- that Europeans too are very sensitive to online infor-
sual and reliable ground truth that, as we have already mation about health and healthy lifestyles. Six of
discussed in the section illustrating opinion spam 10 EU citizens go online when looking for health
detection approaches, remains one of the most signifi- information, 90% of those said that the Web helped
cant obstacles in evaluating the effectiveness of meth- them to improve their knowledge about health-
ods for credibility assessment in different contexts. related topics.
Despite this interest, and the huge amount of
Discussion health information available online, the extent to
As in the case of opinion spam detection in review which people are capable to benefit from this infor-
sites, different approaches have been proposed to mation largely depends on their level of health liter-
identify misinformation in microblogging. In this acy. According to the World Health Organization,105
medium, the messages that are spread between users ‘health literacy represents the cognitive and social
can correspond both to conversation items skills which determine the motivation and the ability
(e.g., chats, personal comments, and gossips) and of individuals to gain access to, understand and use
news items (e.g., trending topics). Due to the information in ways which promote and maintain
TABLE 2 | Summarization of the Proposed Approaches for Fake News Detection in Microblogging
Authors Year Focus Approach
Mendoza et al. 2010 Rumor propagation Propagation-based
Castillo et al.79 2011 Trending topic credibility Classification-based
Castillo et al. 2012 Trending topic credibility Classification-based
Gupta and Kumaraguru88 2012 Event credibility Classification-based
Gupta et al. 2012 Event credibility Propagation-based
Kang et al.87 2012 Tweet and source credibility Classification-based
Morris et al.99 2012 Perceived credibility factors Survey-based
O’Donovan et al. 2012 Perceived credibility and context Survey-based
Seo et al.96 2012 Rumor and source credibility Propagation-based
Galán-Garca et al.93 2013 Troll detection Classification-based
Sikdar et al.103 2013 Ground truth construction Survey-based
Yang et al.102 2013 Perceived credibility and context Survey-based
AlMansour et al.82 2014 Perceived credibility and context Survey-based
Gupta et al. 2014 Tweet credibility Classification-based
Jin et al.83 2014 Tweet and source credibility Propagation-based
Gupta and Kaushal94 2015 Spammer detection Classification-based
Kang et al. 2015 Perceived credibility factors Survey-based
Zhao et al.98 2016 Topic-focused tweet credibility Propagation-based
good health.’ More recently, based on 17 different if online health information is perceived as credible,
definitions identified in the literature, the following people will invest more time in searching and using
definition has been provided by Sørensen et al.106: different types of online health-related services,
‘Health literacy is linked to literacy and entails peo- avoiding to use a significant amount of cognitive
ple’s knowledge, motivation and competencies to efforts and knowledge that would represent a barrier
access, understand, appraise, and apply health infor- for health information usage.110
mation in order to make judgments and take deci- In the last years, the environments in which
sions in everyday life concerning healthcare, disease people have searched for and/or consumed online
prevention and health promotion to maintain or information related to health has dramatically chan-
improve quality of life during the life course.’ This ged. From traditional Web search engines and spe-
definition is more focused on the individual with cialized healthcare platforms, users has moved to
respect to the previous one, which is more centered Social Media platforms,111,112 appreciating the fact
on the public health perspective. In fact, over the that in this kind of media it is possible to exchange
years, a socially contextualized view of individuals personal experience about their own medical or
has emerged, and the health promotion has shifted health-related issues. In this changing context, it is
from simply encouraging people to adopt healthy necessary to briefly recall that credibility has tradi-
behaviors and avoid unhealthy ones, to have more tionally been defined as the believability of informa-
control over health, as single individuals and tion messages and sources, as perceived by the
communities.107 information receiver.113 Thus, depending on the envi-
Being able of assessing the reliability, validity, ronment, the way in which users can perceive and
and in general the credibility of health information evaluate both the health source and message credibil-
can be considered one of the aspects connected to ity changes. Before the advent of technologies related
health literacy.108 As it may be easily guessed, the to the Web 2.0, the focus of research studies in this
health information that individuals find online is field was mainly on the investigation of the credibility
likely used to assess and diagnose personal diseases; of Websites spreading medical and health-related
for this reason, inaccurate or misleading medical information. Nowadays, with the rapid diffusion of
information would cause negative and harmful con- Social Media and the increasing volume of health
sequences for users’ health.16,109 In addition to this, information shared in these applications, new open
issues and a new (and very little explored) research of health-related information credibility in Social
field have emerged. Media, where the characteristics of the medium for
information sharing have a lower impact in the per-
Health Information Credibility in Websites ceived credibility assessment, especially with respect
The study of the reliability of healthcare Websites to the information source.120
and the credibility of the information they contain
has been investigated especially between 2000 and Health Information Credibility in Social Media
2010, and it has concerned both patients and the In general, individuals are inclined to participate in
health sector.114,115 In particular, the content of Social Media to share their stories, experience, and
health-related Websites is potentially unsafe if its knowledge, since social interactions offer them a
quality has not been properly addressed.116 sense of satisfaction to be a member of a commu-
Over the years, researchers have demonstrated nity.121 This is even more true in such a special and
that there are several Website features that can personal context like the one represented by online
boost the perceived credibility of information in the communities related to health. These communities
healthcare context, such as a professional-appearing can either be small or large groups of individuals
interface design, the ease of navigation, the presence who share the same health problems, as well as pro-
of endorsements, etc.113 In their systematic review fessional healthcare services allowing people to inter-
of health Website credibility evaluation,117 Eysen- act online.26 This represents for users the possibility
bach et al. show that, among the characteristics that to have an immediate satisfaction of their needs,
influence credibility, there are: accuracy, i.e., the since they can share their knowledge and symptoms;
degree of concordance of the information provided users can post/read reviews about health products,
with generally accepted medical practice, complete- medicines, and doctors, thus forming online support
ness, i.e., the portion of topics covered by the Web- groups or self-help groups. Social Media also consti-
site, readability, and design, i.e., the visual tutes a valuable opportunity for the health sector to
appearance. The article by Freeman and Spyrida- improve services.25 In fact, using Social Media,
kis109 is one of the first studies summarizing and health care providers can post health information not
analyzing in a complete way the factors influencing only as text, but also in various accessible forms,
the credibility of information in health-related Web- such as images and videos. This way, Social Media
sites, and the review works by Metzger,3 and Rieh empowers health care consumers,122 by providing
and Danielson118 provide a more general view on them with immediate access to an incredible amount
Website credibility, discussing at the same time some of health information and a variety of perspectives
health-related issues. on health topics,112 which they would never have
In a more recent study, Rains and Donnerstein been able to access before, since owned by health
Karmikel119 examine the relationship between Web- care providers.
sites’ structural features and message characteristics, It is immediately clear to the reader how these
in terms of perceived credibility. In addition, in benefits also bring with them a particularly important
assessing Website credibility, they study the impact issue. The direct access to medical information and
of individuals’ navigation orientation, i.e., searching the disappearance of experienced intermediaries,
or surfing. As already proved by previous state-of- makes the problem of verifying the credibility of the
the-art approaches, the authors show that structural obtained information a key factor in the healthcare
features (e.g., a street address, privacy policy state- scenario. Here, more than in other environments, a
ments, third-party endorsements, and the inclusion careful evaluator is necessary to affirm that the
of a navigation menu or images) are effectively posted information is trustworthy, and not danger-
related to perceptions of Website credibility. Fur- ous for the patient.16 Despite the importance of this
thermore, they illustrate how characteristics con- problem, and the fact that it has been previously
nected to the message (e.g., statistics, quotes, and addressed in many research fields such as psychology
identification of authorship) are positively associ- and social sciences,115,123–125 few are the approaches
ated with the evaluation of a given health topic in that have been so far proposed in computer science
terms of credibility. An interesting outcome of this to assess, automatically or semi-automatically, the
work is that these characteristics may have an influ- credibility of health-related information in Social
ence beyond the particular Website on which they Media. With respect to healthcare Websites, where
are presented, and may be extended to individuals’ erroneous comments can be corrected by third
credibility perceptions about a health topic in gen- parties,126 and some structural features can be posi-
eral. This represents an interesting link to the study tively connected to the credibility of the Website
itself,119 online communities are characterized by dif- online user-generated health information. The aim is
ferent features and strategies connected to the evalua- to synthesize the findings of past research about the
tion of information credibility. It is possible, for source and content credibility relationship. As also
example, to provide ratings with respect to pieces illustrated in the above studies,128,129 what emerges
and sources of information, as well as to analyze fea- is that the original sources of online health informa-
tures connected to both user profiles and other tion generally do not have a great impact on the per-
related information,26 and to the UGC. ceived information credibility, especially in Social
The paper by Oh et al.127 investigates the issue Media. In fact, when the health-related content is
of quality of online health answers in social question generated by laypersons, it maintains the potential of
answering (QA) systems, considering also source being perceived as highly credible. This does not hap-
credibility. This paper presents a preliminary user pen in traditional Websites, where only the health
study involving 40 participants who have rated information created by experts is perceived as highly
400 health answers each with a 5-point Likert scale credible. This means that in the social-oriented health
according to 10 evaluation criteria. The paper high- context, individuals trust the content generated by
lights the positive role that experts play in helping laypersons, due to a particular characteristic of this
users and patients to find reliable health information kind of environments, i.e., homophily.132 When the
in Social Media. Another preliminary work by Syn source has low credibility, homophily influences the
and Kim128 addresses the impact of information credibility perceptions that users have on informa-
sources on users’ credibility perceptions. The paper tion. As seen so far, several are the works in the liter-
discusses in particular the way in which credibility ature that have made an analysis of the factors that
affects, in Facebook, the activities related to informa- influence the perception of health-related information
tion generation and usage by users. According to the credibility in Social Media. However, few are the
authors, these activities include the actions that peo- approaches that have been proposed up to now to
ple do to fill the gaps between needs and solutions in assess the credibility of health information in an
problematic situations connected to health, automatic or semi-automatic way. Abbasi et al.133
e.g., search and retrieval, browsing, monitoring, and propose a focused crawling method, ssmCredible, to
so on. The approach is based on an online survey collect credible medical content from Websites, for-
study, involving a limited number of people. The ums, blogs, and social networking sites, by consider-
findings of this work include that, although users ing source and sentiment features pertaining the
perceive certain sources of health information as medical content. For a given candidate URL, the sys-
unreliable, they still access them to find information; tem computes a credibility score that is used both to
this finding also emerged in prior work.129 The paper rank candidate credible URLs, and to filter out non-
also shows that the fact of identifying on Facebook credible URLs; the technique is based on a graph
the sources of information more easily with respect propagation algorithm that leverages credibility
to traditional Websites, has a positive impact on the information from various online medical data-
users’ perception of information credibility. Leder- bases. Each credible URL is then evaluated in terms
man et al.130 provide qualitative and quantitative of relevance: text classifiers are applied to its par-
studies on how users assess the credibility of UGC in ent pages, by considering linguistic features
Online Health Forums (OHF), with particular refer- (i.e., words and n-grams incorporating medical and
ence to source and message characteristics. 159 parti- sentiment lexicons) learned from a set of manually
cipants were recruited using the AMT, and the labeled Web pages known to be relevant or irrele-
analysis was performed by requesting these partici- vant. Comparative evaluations have been per-
pants to complete a 10-min online survey on their formed against previous focused crawlers and
credibility perceptions. From this work, it emerges baseline Web spiders,134 showing the effectiveness
that two kinds of information are generated in OHF: of the proposed approach, in particular on blogs.
scientific information and experimental information. Weitzel et al.135 propose a method, Reputation
When a message explicitly refers to external scientific Rank, to measure the source reputation in the
content, the health literacy of users becomes less health-related context by exploiting social interac-
important, and they are more likely to depend on tions in Twitter. This approach focuses on retweet-
objective standards; instead, when dealing with sub- ing as a spreading information mechanism, which
jective or conflicting experimental information, users is considered as a form of endorsement for both
are more willing to focus on crowd consensus.131 Ma the message and the originating user. The authors
and Atkin120 in their recent work provide the first model a Retweet-Network as a directed weighted
complete meta-analysis of perceived credibility of graph, where users are the nodes and retweets are
TABLE 3 | Summarization of the Proposed Approaches for Assessing Credibility of Online Health Information
Authors Year Focus Contribution
Eysenbach et al. 2002 Website credibility Credibility perception analysis
Freeman and Spyridakis109 2004 Website credibility Credibility perception analysis
Rains and Donnerstein Karmikel 2009 Website credibility Credibility perception analysis
Oh et al.127 2012 Credibility in social media Credibility perception analysis
Abbasi et al.133 2013 Credibility in social media Crawling credible UGC
Syn and Kim128 2013 Credibility in social media Credibility perception analysis
Lederman et al. 2014 Credibility in social media Credibility perception analysis
Mukherjee et al.137 2014 Credibility in social media UGC credibility assessment
Weitzel et al. 2014 Credibility in social media Source reputation assessment
Ma and Atkin120 2016 Credibility in social media Credibility perception analysis
concept of credibility has been studied since Aristotle credibility perceptions can be evaluated in terms of
(fourth century BC), and more recently in many dif- multiple characteristics, which may be associated
ferent research fields, such as communication, psy- with sources of information, shared contents, and
chology, and social sciences. An interesting aspect media across which information diffuses. In this sur-
connected to credibility is that, according to several vey, we have presented the more significant state-of-
studies, it represents a perceived quality of indivi- the-art proposals, which include: data-driven
duals, who form their opinion in a way to minimize approaches, model-driven approaches, and
their cognitive effort, especially online. In everyday approaches that exploit the graph-based structure
life, people usually reduce the uncertainty about cred- connecting entities in social platforms to propagate
ibility based on information easy to obtain in the credibility and trust. In particular, we have taken into
‘offline’ world: the reputation of the source of infor- consideration that the Social Web is characterized by
mation, the presence of trusted intermediaries such as multiple social applications, each of which is
experts and/or opinion leaders, personal trust based intended for different audiences and aims. This
on first-hand experiences. Conversely, the digital means that the solutions that have been proposed to
realm is characterized by a process of ‘disintermedia- assess credibility in Social Media change depending
tion’; in this context, the multiplicity of sources on the considered scenario. In this article, we have
involved in information dissemination, their possible therefore considered some context where the spread
anonymity, the absence of standards for information of false information may generate serious conse-
quality, the ease in manipulating and altering con- quences for the individuals involved. In particular,
tents, the lack of clarity of the context, and the pres- we have presented state-of-the-art approaches
ence of many potential targets of credibility addressing three main tasks: (1) the detection of
evaluation (i.e., the content, the source, and the opinion spam in review sites, (2) the detection of fake
medium), make credibility assessment a more com- news and spam in microblogging, and (3) the credi-
plex task with respect to ‘offline’ media. bility assessment of online health information.
Due to the above reasons, in the last years Table 4 summarizes and compares the three above
numerous approaches in the literature have tackled tasks with respect to their focus, proposed
the issue of the automatic assessment of information approaches, and open issues in the assessment of
credibility, in particular in Social Media. Individuals’ information credibility.
TABLE 4 | Summarization of the Focus, Proposed Approaches, and Open Issues of Each of the Three Scenarios Considered in the Credibility
Assessment Issue
As discussed in the article, and as it emerges automatically assess the credibility of online health
from Table 4, among the important open issues information, even if we think that this constitutes
characterizing the credibility assessment problem, one of the most challenging areas of research in the
the most urgent are the absence of predefined coming years.
benchmarks and gold standard datasets
(in particular, for fake review detection), and the
problem of collecting and mining large amounts of
data. In the big data era, this latter problem has
not yet received the attention it deserves. Further-
more, only few approaches have been proposed to
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