RDL Final Research Paper Group 2

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Gmelina Arborea (Gmelina Fruit) as an Alternative Writing Ink

Fabria, Miles
Gallego, Miles Orlan
Jamisola, Alyssa Robie Jay
Jumawid, Wyett Anthony
Mateo, Marcos Rodsel
Po, Jerica Althea
Pagaspas, Fritz

Grade 12 – Casati B

March 2023
Gmelina Arborea (Gmelina Fruit) as an Alternative Writing Ink

A Research Paper
Presented to
The Faculty of Senior High School
Xavier University—Ateneo de Cagayan

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements in Research 202

Fabria, Miles
Gallego, Miles Orlan
Jamisola, Alyssa Robie Jay
Jumawid, Wyett Anthony
Mateo, Marcos Rodsel
Po, Jerica Althea
Pagaspas, Fritz

Grade 12 – Casati

March 2023


This is to certify that we assume full responsibility over the work

entitled “Gmelina Arborea (Gmelina Fruit) as an Alternative Writing Ink”

submitted as a requirement for graduation for Senior High School at Xavier

University Senior High School – Ateneo de Cagayan, that the work is our own,

that this is original except as specified in the acknowledgements, footnotes, or

in the references and that this has never been submitted to this or any other

school for a degree or other requirements.








March 2023


This Research Paper entitled “Gmelina Arborea (Gmelina Fruit) as an

Alternative Writing Ink” and submitted by Jerica Althea Po, Miles Fabria,

Miles Orlan Gallego, Alyssa Robie Jay Jamisola, Wyett Anthony Jumawid,

Marcos Rodsel Mateo, Fritz Pagaspas, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for graduation for Senior High School has been examined and is

recommended for Oral Examination.


Research Teacher/Adviser

Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a passing mark.



Member Member

Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

graduation for Senior High School


Xavier University Senior High School
March 2023


First and foremost, we would like to praise and thank God, the

Almighty, who has granted us countless blessings, knowledge, and

opportunity to us, so that we have been finally able to accomplish our


Words cannot express our gratitude to our research advisors, Mr.

Jonathan A. Piguerra and Mr. Ariel Comendador, for their invaluable guidance

and feedback. We are also extremely grateful to the defense committee, who

generously provided their knowledge and expertise.

We are also thankful to our classmates who gave us their advice and

suggestions. We would like to extend our sincere thanks to the library staff for

providing us with the articles and information that we needed and letting us

print at any time. We would also like to acknowledge our respondents who

helped us and cooperated in our research survey.

Lastly, we would like to recognize our friends who gave us their moral

support and feedback. We would also be remiss in not mentioning our family,

especially our parents. Their emotional support and belief in us have kept our

motivation high during this process.



This research study has a goal of identifying the ideal ratio of the two
ingredients which are the Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar for
producing a writing ink that is effective in terms of time it takes to dry, color,
and permanence.
The study used an experimental quantitative research methodology
and asked 60 randomly chosen students to assess three products with
different ratios based on their color, permanence, and drying time. The
participants had to meet a range of criteria. The 9-point hedonic scale was
used to measure the acceptability of the products among the respondents,
where a rating of 9 indicated extreme liking while a rating of 1 indicated
extreme disliking. The ANOVA two-way test and Tukey Pos Hoc Test was
used to evaluate the data from the respondents' preferability test, and the
meaning of the ratings for each attribute was determined. The data and
findings were also described using the scores on the nine-point hedonic scale.
The findings demonstrate the viability of using Gmelina Arborea fruit
extract as an excellent, eco-friendly writing ink. The best color was found in
the ink made with a combination of 300 mL of Gmelina Arborea fruit extract
and 40 mL of coconut vinegar, while the best drying time was found in the ink
made with a mixture of 100 mL of Gmelina Arborea fruit extract and 40 mL of
coconut vinegar because of the high content of coconut vinegar. Lastly, all
three formula was interpreted as very much liked by the respondents.
In conclusion, this study offers important information on the ideal ratio
and effectiveness of Gmelina Arborea fruit extract and coconut vinegar as an
alternative writing ink. It is a promising solution that encourages sustainability
while addressing the negative effects of conventional ink production on the




1.1 Background of the Study 1

1.2 Statement of the Problem 3

1.3 Hypothesis 4

1.4 Significance of the Study 4

1.5 Scope and Delimitation 5

1.6 Definition of Terms 6


2.1 Review of Related Literature 9

2.2 Review of Related Study 13

2.3 Conceptual Framework 16


3.1 Research Design 18

3.2 Context and Participants 18

3.3 Research Instruments 20

3.4 Procedure 21

3.5 Data Analysis 25


4.1 Introduction 27

4.2 Results and Discussion 27

Problem 1 26

Problem 2 32

Problem 3 34

Data Analysis: ANOVA Two Way Test 35

Data Analysis: Tukey HSD Post Hoc Test 37



5.1 Summary 39

5.2 Conclusion 39

Implication 40

5.3 Limitation 39

5.4 Recommendations 41






Table 3.1: Scoring Guide for Preferences 25

Table 4.1: Time it takes the produced ink with different ratio of 28

Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

Table 4.2: Color of the produced ink with different ratio of 29

Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

Table 4:3 Permanence of the produced ink with different ratio of 30

Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

Table 4.4: Permanence test on different paper 32

Table 4.5: Preferability test results 33

Table 4.6: Summary of the Statistical Data from the 36

Preferability Test Results

Table 4.7: Calculation and Results of the ANOVA Two Way 36

Test from the Preferability Test Results

Table 4.8: Calculation and Results of the Turkey HSD 37

Post Hoc Test from the Preferability Test Results




Figure 2.1: Conceptual Framework 16

Figure 3.1: Diagram of the Conduct of the Study 21



The study's background is presented in this chapter, along with

an overview of the current condition of the research and the methods

used to overcome the current situation's gap. It is also immediately

followed by the problem statement, and hypothesis, as well as the

importance of the study, its limitations, and its scope.

1.1 Background of the Study

Today's inks are divided into two classes: printing inks and writing inks.

Printing inks are further broken down into two subclasses: ink for conventional

printing in which, a mechanical plate comes in contact with or transfers an

image to the paper or object being printed on; and ink for digital nonimpact

printing, which includes inkjet and electrophotographic technologies (Printing

& Writing, n.d).

The earliest known ink was made from carbon black, and later, other

natural materials such as iron salts, copperas, and gum were used to make

ink. Over time, different types of inks were developed for different purposes.

For example, iron gall ink was widely used for writing documents and

manuscripts due to its permanence and resistance to fading, while sepia ink

was used for artistic purposes, as it produced a warm brown color. Writing ink

continues to evolve with new technologies and materials. For example, many

modern inks are now water-based and come in a wide range of colors and

formulations to suit different writing and artistic needs (“The History of Ink |

Beyond the Box, 2022).


Offices and even academic institutions have been using inks,

especially for their paper-works and some other related activities. In the study

by Gonzales et al. (2019), it is stated that people are becoming more

dependent on commercial inks as our generation steadily develops. However,

with the advent of highly commercialized items, and supplies, people have

difficulty purchasing some basic things that are necessary for their work. The

coronavirus, trade restrictions, and demand for finished goods, in addition to

shortages of essential raw materials, all impact the ink supply chains. Hence,

printing ink supply is having trouble meeting demand even as it starts to catch

up with it due to a recovering global economy (“Where are my consumables?

2022 print industry supply issues” 2022). Due to a lack of essential raw

materials, the goal of this research is to use raw materials that could be used

in the production of writing ink, such as Gmelina Arborea and Coconut

Vinegar. Determining the efficacy and best formulation for writing purposes

will contribute to alleviating the world's ink supply shortage.

In the development of commercial inks, such methods to meet up with

demands of consumers required the use of chemically toxic materials. fossil

fuels and other hazardous chemicals such as Xylene and alcohol-based

substances are largely used in the production of synthetic ink. Moreover,

solvents that emit toxic volatile organic compounds (VOC, 2021.) are also

used in the production of said inks.

In contrast to synthetic inks, natural inks do not contribute to

environmental degradation (Porter et al., 2000, as cited in Bildik, 2019).

Moreover, these ink types do not possess hazardous or carcinogenic

characteristics. Hence, natural inks have been explored as an alternative. A


preliminary study by Noah et al. (2014) identified that it was possible to make

brown ink using fruit extract from Gmelina Arborea (Mohd Basri et al., 2021).

Gmelina (Gmelina Arborea), is a tree that can grow to 30 m high, with smooth,

whitish to greyish reddish-brown bark and a straight trunk. Its leaves are 8 to

20 cm long, 4.5 to 15 cm wide, and covered with star-shaped hairs. The

flowers are reddish-yellow, hairy, and five-lobed. The hairless fruits are 10 to

15 mm in diameter and glossy yellow when mature. They are recorded as

having a bittersweet taste (Kew Names and Taxonomic Backbone, 2017). By

locating a substitute raw material that is accessible from a non-toxic plant

source, such as the fruit of Gmelina Arborea, such efforts would allow for

maintaining an environmentally friendly environment while minimizing the

market's scarcity of writing ink.

1.2 Statement of the problem

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the quality of the

produced ink with different ratios of Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the quality of the Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

with the different ratios that best used for an alternative for writing

ink in terms of drying time, color, and permanence?

a. 100ml of Gmelina Arborea and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar

b. 200ml of Gmelina Arborea and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar

c. 300ml of Gmelina Arborea and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar


2. What is the effectiveness of the produced ink from Gmelina Arborea

fruit extract as a writing ink on different types of paper in terms of its


a. Bond paper

b. Illustration board

3. What is the preferred ratio of Gmelina Arborea and coconut vinegar

of the produced ink to the Grade 12 - STEM Students under cluster


1.3 Hypotheses

H0: There are no significant differences between the Gmelina Arborea and

Coconut Vinegar ratio and its effectiveness and quality in terms of color,

drying time, and permanence.

Ha: There is no significant differences between the Gmelina Arborea and

Coconut Vinegar ratio and its effectiveness and quality in terms of color,

drying time, and permanence.

1.4 Significance of the Study

This study will be conducted to provide an alternative to commercial

ink. An eco-friendly ink made from the fruit of Gmelina Arborea, to make use

of the fruit of Gmelina Arborea.

Furthermore, the findings of this study will benefit the following:

To the students, the results from the experiment will provide them with

an alternative ink to be used at school or any work.


To the parents or guardians, this study will give them new information,

and with this, they’ll discover the importance of gmelina and how it can be

used as an alternative ink. They can innovate products to use in the

household. It can also provide them ways to make the most out of the gmelina

by using the information found in this study.

To the XASHS faculty and staff, the study will be greatly beneficial to

the faculty and staff at XASHS. They could gain new insights about this topic.

This ink can be used for paperwork in faculty and staff and can also be used

as an alternative to the commercial inks.

To the community, this benefits them since this is a cheap and safer

alternative for commercial ink. This can also be made easily at home.

To the environment, this study helps the environment as it would help

in lessening the toxic waste produced by people and can also encourage

people to observe good environmental practices.

To future researchers, this study can be their reference, or one of

their resources, if their study will be connected to this. Furthermore, future

researchers can continue to develop and enhance the study.

1.5 Scope and Delimitations

This study will limit to only producing brown ink from the fruit of

Gmelina Arborea. No other kind of trees will be used. In determining the


preferred ratio, a survey will be given to the Grade – 12 STEM Students under

Cluster A sections. The total respondent for the survey would be one hundred

and eight students by using a convenient sampling method. This study will

take place over the course of one academic year (S.Y. 2022–2023), with one

semester being used to complete the entire project. Following will be the

proposed tentative dates for January, the making of a research proposal. In

February, gathering and preparation of materials are needed, and will start on

the making of brown ink from the fruit extract. A preliminary discussion of the

results, conclusions, and recommendations will be made. In March, finalizing

of the research paper and defense will be conducted. The study will only be

conducted once approved by the SHS principal, Mr. Rogelio Gawahan.

Furthermore, this study will only determine the permanence, color, and

time it takes to dry at various levels of the ratio between the Gmelina Arborea

and coconut vinegar. To identify the ideal level of concentration of the brown

ink to use in comparison to commercial ink on the market.

1.6 Definition of terms

The following items are defined for the smooth progress of

understanding and clarity of the major concepts used in this study:

1. Coconut Vinegar is made using the sap of the coconut blossom, which

is then fermented. This fermentation creates acetic acid, giving it its

gloriously tangy taste (“What is coconut vinegar and how can you be a

pro using it?”, 2020).


2. Color, is the aspect of any object that can be characterized using hue,

lightness brightness, and saturation (Nassau, 2023).

3. Concentration, material in a certain area is referred to as concentration

in chemistry. The ratio of the solute in a solution to the solvent or whole

solution is another way to define concentration. Typically, concentration

is described in terms of mass per unit volume (Helmenstine, 2020).

4. Drying Time, the time required to achieve a desired state of dryness

can be found by integrating the expressions for drying rate with respect

to time (Doran, 2013).

5. Fruit juice, Fruit juice is a drink made from the extraction or pressing of

the natural liquid contained in fruit and vegetables (Ruxton & Myers,


6. Gmelina Arborea Fruit is a fast-growing tree, which though grows in

different localities prefers moist fertile valleys with 750- 4500 mm

rainfall. It does not thrive on ill-drained soils (Arashi, 2008).

7. Ink, Ink is a liquid or paste containing dyes and pigments, used for

writing or drawing with a pen, brush, or quill or for marking a text,

design, image, or colored surface (Coman & Copaciu, 2015).

8. Permanence, lightfastness of a color is how permanent it is or how

unaffected by the light it is, hence permanence (Winsor & Newton,


9. Ratio, a ratio is a comparison of two or more numbers that indicates

their relative sizes. A ratio compares two quantities by dividing them,

with the dividend or number divided referred to as the antecedent and


the divisor or number divided referred to as the consequent (Ledwith,




2.1 Related Literature


According to Lopierre (n.d), ink was traditionally made from organic

and natural materials. Ink is commonly made from animal, plant, and fruit

extracts. These materials are used because they contain tanning colors. Until

now, berry, bark, and leaf extracts have been used to create various colors of

ink, which are then mixed with other substances to create various colors and

shades of ink. Tea leaves are one of the most common materials used to

create different shades of yellow, green, brown, and black ink.

Inks are still used in the modern world and are used in various ways by

people all over the world (Chen, n.d.). As per Cornell University, ink dyes and

pigments are typically suspended in liquids such as water, oil, or alcohol.

Although the materials and procedures for making ink appear to be simple,

one of the more difficult procedures is determining the best formula and

consistency of ink. Different shades and colors of ink are discovered and

formulated as time passes.

Properties of Ink

Color, odor, viscosity, permanency, and drying time are all factors

cited by Malshe (2019). are the characteristics that inks have. These are the

crucial elements to consider while formulating a procedure. Color in the ink's

components results from the wavelength of an object that is illuminated by


light reflected from substances known as colorants, dyes, and pigments. The

visible spectrum's wavelengths and colors are visible to the unaided eye.

The time it takes for the ink to dry varies depending on the type of

surface it is applied on. It may take some time for the ink to dry and cure

properly (Dehmer, 2020). While longevity or age resistance is the quality of

ink exposed to light, its resistance to fading and color change is said to be its

definition. weather, etc. The durability of the ink is controlled by the pigment's

lightfastness. (Dewitz, 2015).

Ink Usage and Sustainability

Economic use of ink, over time, the usage of ink has been increasing.

Along with the improvement of lifestyle during the 21st century, printing and

writing have been a daily part of each person, especially students. Over 300

million ink cartridges are thrown away annually (Visually,2012).

Commercial inks then became a result of the need for high demand of

inks. Along with this include the health risks of inks. Lead, naphthylamines

aromatic hydrocarbons, and aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists are some of

the ingredients in newspaper ink that have a significant negative impact on

people's health. These include neurotoxicity, cardiovascular disease, kidney

disease, various cancers, liver failure, lung damage, weak bones, and even

death in cases of extremely high contagion (Jadhav et al., 2021). Hence, with

the advancement of technology, a shift to sustainable inks has been eyed by

many people.

Initially, the ink came from natural sources such as fruits and vegetable

juices, plants, and animal fats but as of today, pigments and dyes are created

from synthetic materials. In creating nontoxic inks, leaves, berries, bark, and

even moss found easily in the environment can be transformed as organic

materials for ink (Hong, 2017). This would support the goal of ensuring

sustainable consumption and production patterns (goal 12) set by the United

Nations under the 17 SDGs.

Organic Ink

Commercial ink's shortcomings give rise to the concept of creating

natural ink that wouldn't hurt the environment or the environment's inhabitant’s

environment or to human beings (Singh, 2017).

Rubia (2016), claims that organic inks have emerged as a solution and

numerous Countries are looking into this. Organic inks are deemed eco-

friendly as they are produced from renewable natural resources including

plant leaves, roots, and fruits. If organic inks can produce color, consistency,

and other features same as synthetic.

The use of synthetic inks would decrease which would be

advantageous to both the environment and human humans and the

environment. The colorants can be obtained from a variety of organic sources.

Production of Gmelina Arborea

One of the possible sources of organic inks is the fast-growing tree

Gmelina Arborea (Gamhar). It is a deciduous tree with a wide spreading

canopy with numerous branches forming a large shady crown (Panwar &

Kumar, 2021). It does not thrive on ill-drained soils and remains stunted on

dry, sandy, or poor soils (Kawale, 2009), hence, it is native to countries like

India, Pakistan, Northern Rhodesia, and Malaysia, as well as the Philippines.

Locally known as Yemane, the tree has been established in the

Philippines as a species of multiple usages. Such examples include its raw

material for paper making, house timbers, wood for general carpentry, as well

as feed for cattle (Florido & Cornejo, 2002). Given its exceptional growth rate,

the production of timber from the tree may be retrieved as early as three years

(Florido & Cornejo, 2002). With this, the plantation of Gmelina Arborea in the

Philippines has been established in the provinces of Cebu, Nueva Vizcaya,

Biliran, Negros Occidental, and most parts of Mindanao (Agraryo, 2022).

Over the years, Gmelina Arborea has been in the farming and wood

industry. Yemane tree has been utilized due to its wood quality and its fast-

growth rate (Alipon & Bondad, 2011). Mainly, people have been using this

tree for its wood only and have disregarded the fruit produced by it due to its

displeasing odor (Buendia, n.d).

Coconut Vinegar

Coconut vinegar can also be used as a natural preservative in ink,

helping to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold. This can be particularly

useful for artists or calligraphers who create ink in small batches and want to

ensure that it will last for a long time without deteriorating. Using coconut

vinegar in natural ink formulations can help to improve ink flow and reduce

clogging in pens (Making Natural Inks, n.d).


Properties of Paper

The properties of the paper include the thickness, weight, texture,

folding endurance, strength, and size of the paper. Some grades of paper tear

easily, while others resist tearing. The moisture retention capacity is another

important property of paper. (“What Are the Properties of Paper?”, 2020).

According to Fussell (2021), paper can be made out of a variety of

materials. Papers are made by turning fibers into moldable pulp. Most

commonly, these fibrous materials originate from timber (wood) or cotton.

The pulp that is produced is molded together, most often pressed, and dried

to produce the paper. The molding, pressing, and drying processes all affect

the finished surface. Often neglected in the art-making process is the surface

that the art is created upon – in essence, the very foundation of your work.

2.2 Related Studies

Preliminary Investigation on Production of Brown Ink from Gmelina

arborea (ROXB) Fruit Extract

A Preliminary Investigation on the Production of Brown Ink from

Gmelina Arborea Fruit Extract was conducted by A.S Noah et al. (2014). The

purpose of this investigation was to see if Gmelina Fruit could be used as a

safer alternative in the production of brown ink. In addition, as part of this

study, commercial ink and ink produced by Gmelina fruit extract are being

compared using an ink flotation test. To ensure the success of this study, the

researchers gathered a variety of materials, including Coconut Vinegar,

Gmelina Fruit Extract, Carboard, Ethanol, Paper, Writing Paper, and ink,

among others. In relation, several methods were used to create Coconut


vinegar, Gmelina Fruit Extracts, and an Ink Test to compare commercial ink to

the produced ink. The ANOVA test was also used to determine the level of

significance of the treatments used on the test samples at various treatment

levels based on the time taken. Furthermore, the ink produced is classified

into five categories based on its concentration levels (100%, 80%, 60%, 40%,

and 20%). These concentration levels were achieved by using ethanol as a

diluent and coconut vinegar as an additive. The researchers concluded that

40% ink concentration is optimal, with best penetration times of 5.29 ±0.43

sec and 1.55 ±0.46 sec for cardboard and writing paper, respectively. The

ANOVA test, on the other hand, confirms that the diluent has a significant

impact on the produced ink at each different concentration. Finally, it suggests

that brown ink made from Gmelina fruit extract is feasible and should be

encouraged considering that it is safer and produced from non-toxic raw


Plant Extract as Alternative Ink for Markers

A study by Alguzar et al. (2016) utilizes plants as a source of ink for

markers. Specifically, the researchers utilized Mayana leaves and Alugbati

fruit extracts to produce ink. These 2 kinds of plants had been chosen by the

researchers as an alternative since it is rampant in the community of

Talisayan, Misamis Oriental. Along with the study, various materials were

gathered, and several procedures were carried out to extract the plant's

tannins. Furthermore, it has been discovered through experimentation and

trials that the first and last trials of Mayana Ink and Alugbati Ink have a

common similarity in terms of odor and consistency and differences in terms

of color and ink absorption. The odor of the Mayana Leaves is the same in the

first and last trials. It has a natural and herbal odor. On the other hand, the

consistency of the ink lasted as long as the standard ink during the first and

last trials. However, the ink's color and absorption varied. The color of the

Mayana leaf extract was too pale during the first trial after boiling and

simmering the Mayan leaves. During the second trial, the water turned a dark

violet color. Furthermore, the absorption of the ink on paper or fabric differed

by about a second between the first and last tests, with the first test taking 3

seconds and the final test taking 2 seconds. Alugbati ink, on the other hand,

produces the same results as Malayan ink. The only difference this time is

that the color is different. The water in the first trial was pale. During the final

test, the water turned brownish-yellow.

Following these trials, the researchers concluded that we could make

use of Malayan Leaves and Algubati fruit extracts to produce marker ink. It is

important to consider the ratio of water and plant source, as this can affect the

odor and color. However, this study also tells us that the Mayana and Algubati

fruit extracts do not produce bold tannin like commercial ink.

Formulation of Organic Ink Using Hantutuknaw (Melastoma

Malabathricum) Fruit Extract

A study by Delostrico et al. (2022) assessed the effectiveness of

Hantutuknaw (Melastoma Malabathricum) Fruit Extract as an organic ink. The

researchers also aimed to determine the quality of the organic ink at various

concentration levels in terms of color, odor, viscosity, permanence, and drying

time. To achieve distinct levels of ink concentration, the researchers used

ethanol as a diluent and mixed it with the pigments extracted from the

Hantutuknaw fruit extract. In relation, four different concentration levels have


been developed. The first formulation contains 90% organic ink + 10%

ethanol, the second contains 80% organic ink + 20% ethanol, the third

contains 70% organic ink + 30% ethanol, and the fourth contains 70% organic

ink + 30% ethanol. Furthermore, through trials and observations, the

researchers have discovered that formulations 1 and 2 created a darker

shade of brown than the others. Meanwhile, the odor stability results showed

that formulations 3 and 4 decompose faster than formulas 1 and 2.

Furthermore, the formulation has the highest viscosity and permanence

among the four other formulas. In terms of drying time, however, Formula 4

stands out the most because it dries sooner than the other formulations. At

the end of the study, researchers concluded that Hantutukaw fruit extract can

be used to make organic ink. This study, on the other hand, suggests that the

best combination of Hantutukaw fruit extract and ethanol is 90% organic ink +

10% ethanol.

2.3 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.3 shows the conceptual framework of the study. To fulfill the

study, the investigators determined the different variables: the independent


variable, the dependent variable, and the controlled variable. The conceptual

framework of this study utilizes and applies the structural framework of the

schematic diagram. The independent variable contains the amount of gmelina

arborea fruit. On the other hand, the dependent variables are the homemade

product (Gmelina Arborea fruit brown ink), and its properties such as the

drying time, permanence, and color of the produced ink. The amount of

coconut vinegar and commercial writing ink are the controlled variable, which

is connected to the independent and dependent variables.




This chapter contains the research design, research instrument,

data gathering procedure, and data analysis. The researchers will be

guided by this section if they are successful in validating the null or

alternative hypothesis since it includes the equations needed to evaluate

the reliability and accuracy of the research instrument and the

quantitative approach applied in the study.

3.1 Research Design

This study utilized an experimental quantitative design, created to

conduct experimental research with a scientific approach using two sets of

variables. Herein, the first set of variables acts as a constant, used to

measure the differences of the second set (Sirisilla, 2023). Additionally, it

helped researchers execute their objectives with more clarity and


3.2 Context and Participants

Grade and Section Total


12 - Andre A 26

12 - Andre B 26

12 - Biancani A 27

12 - Biancani B 27

12 - Biwald A 26

12 - Biwald B 27

12 - Boscovic A 26

12 - Boscovic B 26

12 - Cabeo A 26

12 - Cabeo B 26

12 - Casati A 24

12 - Casati B 23

12 - Consolmagno A 26

12 - Consolmagno B 25

Total Population 361

n = N (30%)

n - sample size

N - population

n = 361 (30%)

n = 108.3 or 108

The total sample size is 108

The study was conducted inside the premises of Xavier University

Senior High School. Furthermore, the experiments took place in the XUSHS

Chemistry Lab room, which is located on the 4th floor of the South Wing. The

researchers, on the other hand, were able to determine the best ratio by using

responses from Grade 12 STEM Cluster A students. The data for this study

will be gathered from a sample size of 30% of the population. Participants in

the sample size are Grade 12 STEM Cluster A students from Xavier

University Senior High School. The researchers will use convenience

sampling to determine the sample size. Given that there is a limited amount of

time, convenience sampling is the best approach since this will allow the

researchers to collect data from the respondents faster, as the sample size is

accessible and just within the reach of the researchers. Below you will see

how the researchers obtained the data for the sample size. Respondents

were chosen based on the following criteria:

• Students must be 12 years old and above.

• Must be users of pens or have utilized pens.

• Have given consent to participate in the study.

However, students were unresponsive which resulted in having sixty

respondents for the data analysis from the survey. Additionally, the study was

conducted on the premise of XUSHS to ensure the safety of the researchers

since this study involves experimentation and surveys.

3.3 Instruments

In order to make the product, the researcher needed the following

materials: coconut vinegar, Gmelina Arborea fruit, an induction stove, a

stopwatch, and some apparatus from the Chemistry Laboratory. Gmelina

Arborea fruits were obtained at the Gmelina farm owned by one of the

researcher members’ families, namely Wyett Jumawid. It is located in

Camaharan, Pagatpat, and Cagayan de Oro City. The researchers were

accompanied by Mr. Edsel Jumawid, who is the parent of Wyett Jumawid,

along with Mr. Ariel Comendador, who is the current research advisor of the

research group. Coconut vinegar was bought at the local market. The

experiment was conducted at the Chemistry Laboratory located at Xavier

Ateneo Senior High School after acquiring permission to use it as the place of

the experiment. For the procedure in making the ink from the fruit, the

researchers based it on a study by A. S. Noah (2014). For the evaluation of

the acceptability level of the ink was based on a study of Delostrico et al.


3.4 Procedure

Gathering all the needed


Production of the ink

Testing the ink and observation

Evaluating the acceptability Level

Data Analysis

Figure 3. 1 Diagram of the Conduct of the Study

To begin the experiment, the researchers sent permission to conduct

this study to Mr. Ariel Comendador, their research adviser, and to Mr. Rogelio

Gawahan, the principal of Xavier Ateneo - Senior High School. Once

approved, the researchers then secured a pass for the researchers to use the

Chemistry Laboratory as the venue for the experiment. They gathered all the

materials needed such as coconut vinegar, Gmelina Arborea Fruit, induction

stove, bond paper stopwatch, and apparatus from the Chemistry Laboratory.

After gathering the materials, the researchers proceeded with the

following steps:

Preparation of Brown Ink from Gmelina Arborea Fruit

Fruits of Gmelina Arborea were collected for extraction and were

soaked for two hours and was squeezed manually to extract the juice. The

samples were (a.) 40 ml of coconut vinegar mixed with 300 ml of the Gmelina

fruit extract in the ratio of 2:15. (b.) 40 ml of coconut vinegar mixed with 200

ml of the Gmelina fruit extract in the ratio 1:5 (c.) 40 ml of coconut vinegar

mixed with 100 ml of the Gmelina fruit extract in the ratio of 2:5. It was then

cooked for 30 minutes and allowed to cool before transfer for subsequent use.

This resulted to having three different kinds of sample. Modified the steps in

the study of Noah, et al. (2014).

Testing the Ink

The prepared ink with different ratios were tested separately. The

properties such as color, permanence, and drying time were observed and

noted by the researchers.

a. Color

The researchers modified Pauller's study (2015), approach to evaluate the

created ink using various amounts of coconut vinegar and Gmelina Arborea.

For each formulation, a paper chromatography test was performed.


The experiment was conducted using chromatography paper. On the

paper, a line was drawn. Using the organic ink, a small amount of water was

added to the beaker where the ink was placed. for five minutes. The extract's

hue was visible for the eye, and the researchers.

b. Permanence

The researchers utilized Brown's technique to determine the permanence

of the organic ink on paper (2018). The ink made from Gmelina Arborea fruit

extract was used by the researchers to write samples on paper. One sample

for each formulation was created, totaling three. After applying 1 ml of water

to the paper that had the ink product on it, it was checked to see if any ink had

come off on the surface. The readability and permanency of each organic ink

composition were evaluated.

c. Drying Time

The method used to determine the average drying time of the organic ink

from Gmelina Arborea fruit extract of varying concentration levels is adapted

from Singh et al. (2017). It was repeated thrice for each different ratio of

Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar produced organic. To determine the

time taken for the test samples to become dry, a timer was used and was

evaluated using touch and visual assessment. Three trials for each

formulation were done, and the respective average drying time was recorded

and analyzed.

Evaluating the Acceptability Level of the Ink

The researchers have adopted the study of A., Delostrico et al. (2021).

In evaluating the acceptability level of the ink. In which a survey was used to

determine the acceptability level of the best ratio of ink.

The Sampling Criteria

Sixty (60) respondents from Grade -12 STEM under Cluster A section

were the participants in the survey. All chosen participants met the following

criteria for the sampling:

They Should:

o Be users of pen or at least had used one before.

o Be at least 12 years old and above.

o Have given consent to participate in the study.

The 60 respondents were asked to rate the three different samples of

Gmelina Arborea and coconut vinegar as an alternative ink in terms of its

color, permanence, and drying time using the 9-point hedonic scale.

The 9-point hedonic scale was used in obtaining data on the Gmelina

Arborea fruit extract as an alternative for writing ink in the different

parameters: where nine (9) is the highest remark (Extremely liked) and one

(1) being the lowest remark (Extremely disliked). The table below shows the

score or rating that the respondent can give and its corresponding description.

Score Description

8.1-9 Like Extremely

7.1-8 Like Very Much

6.1-7 Like Moderately

5.1-6 Like Slightly

4.1 -5 Neither Like nor Dislike

3.1 -4 Dislike Slightly

2.1 -3 Dislike Moderately

1.1-2 Dislike Very Much

Table 3.1: Scoring Guide for Preferences

3.5 Data Analysis

To ascertain the viability of the produced ink from the Gmelina Arborea

fruit extract as a substitute source of writing ink, the data gathered from the

conducted testing of the produced ink with varying ratios of coconut vinegar

and gmelina arborea in terms of color, permanence, and drying time will be

analyzed using descriptive analysis.

Furthermore, ANOVA two - way testing and Tukey HSD Post Hoc Test

was used in analyzing the data from the answers to the survey, a statistical

test used to determine the effect of two nominal predictor variables on a

continuous outcome variable (Hayes, 2022.) Also, it helped the researchers

determined whether the variability of the outcomes is due to chance or to the


factors in the analysis. The mean of the ratings acquired for each attribute

was used to examine the data gathered from the respondents' preferability

test. The description that correlates to the score on the nine-point hedonic

scale was subsequently used to analyze these.

Moreover, after running an ANOVA two-way test, Tukey HSD Post hoc

was utilized to assist the researchers in analyzing the results (Stoll, 2017).

Through this type of post hoc test, the researchers were able to assess

statistically significant differences between the mean of all pairs. This helped

researchers determine whether the Gmelina Arborea fruit extract ratios have a

significant impact on the color, drying time, and permanence of the ink.



4.1 Introduction

This chapter displays the data gathered for the study. It also includes

the analysis and interpretation of the data collected through its presentation in

tabular forms along with the results and discussions. Statistical tools, such as

ANOVA two-way testing and Turkey HSD post hoc, have been used to

present the information, along with the aid of supporting literature, implications

and inferences used as evidence to strengthen and heighten the discussion.

Furthermore, this chapter will answer the following objectives

respectively (a.) What is quality of the Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

with different ratio is best used for an alternative for writing ink in terms of

drying time, color, and permanence. (b.) What is the effectiveness of the

produced ink from Gmelina Arborea fruit extract as a writing ink on different

types of paper in terms permanence? (c.) What is the preferred ratio of the

produced ink from Gmelina Arborea fruit extract to the users?

4.2 Results and Discussion

Problem 1: What is quality of the Gmelina Arborea and Coconut

Vinegar with different ratio is best used for an alternative for writing ink in

terms of drying time, color, and permanence?

a. 100ml of Gmelina Arborea and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar

b. 200ml of Gmelina Arborea and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar

c. 300ml of Gmelina Arborea and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar


a. Drying time

Number Time it takes

Ink Formulation Mean
of Trials the ink to dry

FORMULA 1: 1 4.65secs
40 ml of coconut vinegar 4.67
2 4.50secs
mixed with 300 ml of the
Gmelina fruit extract 3 4.88secs

FORMULA 2: 1 5secs
40 ml of coconut vinegar
2 5.25secs
mixed with 200 ml of the 5.26
Gmelina fruit extract 3 5.53secs

FORMULA 3: 1 3.25secs
40 ml of coconut vinegar
2 3.48secs 3.46
mixed with 100 ml of the
Gmelina fruit extract 3 3.65secs

Table 4.1: Time it takes the produced ink with different ratio of Gmelina

Arborea and Coconut Vinegar.

Based on the table above, Formula 1, which contains 40ml of coconut

vinegar and 300ml of Gmelina fruit extract, takes an average time of 4.67

seconds for the ink to dry. Furthermore, Formula 2, which contains 40ml

coconut vinegar and 200ml Gmelina fruit extract, takes 5.26 seconds on

average for the ink to dry, which takes longer than the other formulas. Lastly,

Formulation 3, which consists of 40ml coconut vinegar and 100ml Gmelina

Extract, has the shortest drying time among the three formulas. From the

result obtained, formula 3 is the best formula to be used in terms of drying

time since it dries up faster on a paper surface than the other formula.

b. color

Ink Formulation Color

Formula 1: 40 ml of
coconut vinegar mixed with
300 ml of the Gmelina fruit

Dark brown

Formula 2: 40 ml of
coconut vinegar mixed with
200 ml of the Gmelina fruit

Dark brown

Formula 3: 40 ml of
coconut vinegar mixed with
100 ml of the Gmelina fruit

Light brown

Table 4.2: Color of the produced ink with different ratio of

Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

As shown in table 4.2 from the chromatography test conducted by the

researchers, the color produced by the ink with different ratios was essentially

the same, however, there was a shade difference. Formula 1 and 2 have a

color of dark brown. Lastly, formula 3 has a light brown color.


c. Permanence

Permanence Readability
Slightly Not
Formulation Smeared Readable Unreadable
Smeared Smeared

Formula 1: 40
ml of coconut
vinegar mixed
with 300 ml of
the Gmelina
fruit extract
Formula 2: 40
ml of coconut
vinegar mixed
with 200 ml of
the Gmelina
fruit extract
Formula 3: 40
ml of coconut
vinegar mixed
with 100 ml of
the Gmelina
fruit extract
Table 4.3: Permanence of the produced ink with different ratio of Gmelina

Arborea and Coconut Vinegar

Table 4.3 displays the results of the assessment of the permanence of

the produced ink with different ratio of Gmelina Arborea and Coconut Vinegar.

The table shows that only formula 2 showed signs of smearing, while formulas

1 and 3 showed signs of slightly smearing. Formulations 1 and 3 were

readable, indicating that despite visible symptoms of smearing, the written

texts are simple to read and understand, while formula 2 was unreadable.

The findings from the researchers' experimental trials, it was discovered

that formula 3, which contains 40ml of coconut vinegar and 100ml of Gmelina

fruit extract, outperforms the other formulas. The shorter the time it takes for

the Gmelina fruit extract ink to dry on the paper surface, the better. The ink

from this formula settles and dries on the paper surface with a mean value of

3.46 seconds on average, which is much faster compared to other formulas.

According to Holmen Igessund (n.d.), ink drying time may differ in many ways.

The components of the ink being made are one factor that influences the

drying time of the ink. As shown by table 4.1, based on the findings, the mean

value decreases as the amount of Gmelina fruit extract decreases. Moreover,

formulation 2 (200ml of Gmelina fruit extract and coconut vinegar) has the

highest mean value of 5.26 seconds, while formulation 3 (100ml of Gmelina

fruit extract and 40ml of coconut vinegar) has the lowest mean value of 3.46

seconds. Additionally, the writing surface is another factor that affects the time

it takes to dry and cure properly (Dehmer, 2020).

The first two formulations created dark brown ink, whereas the third

formulation produced light brown ink. The inks were discovered to be entirely

pure. They are not made of any other secondary color since no color

separation was noticed in the chromatography papers. Plant pigments, the

impeccable natural source of color, display enormous potential to substitute

many synthetic colorants (Ghosh et al. 2022). In addition, Anthocyanin also

helps in the coloration of the product. Moreover, the researchers extracted the

best color from the Gmelina arborea through coconut vinegar which binds the

dye and fiber being used.

Moreover, the researchers have found that formulas 1 and 3 have the best

permanence as compared to formula 2 which has a 5:1 ratio of Gmelina

Arborea fruit extract and Coconut Vinegar. Pigment-based inks, such as the

created organic ink, have higher degrees of permanence and water resistance

than dye-based inks. Anthocyanin is a member of the phenolic group, which

includes colored substances that are water soluble and have glycosylated

versions of pigments. Anthocyanins, which give fruits and vegetables their

colors and tone, are present in them. In berries, currants, grapes, and other

tropical fruits, these anthocyanins are prevalent (Khoo et al., 2017). Hence,

the higher ratio of Gmelina fruit extract, the more anthocyanins pigments will

also be extracted which will help in the coloration of the products.

Problem 2: What is the effectiveness of the produced ink from Gmelina

Arborea fruit extract as a writing ink on different types of paper in terms of


a. Bond paper

b. Illustration board

The permanence of The permanence of

Ink Formulation the ink on Bond the ink on the

Paper Illustration Board

Formula 1: 40 ml of
coconut vinegar mixed Slightly Smeared and Slightly Smeared and
with 300 ml of the readable readable
Gmelina fruit extract

Formula 2: 40 ml of
coconut vinegar mixed Smeared and Smeared and
with 200 ml of the unreadable unreadable
Gmelina fruit extract

Formula 3: 40 ml of
coconut vinegar mixed Slightly Smeared and Slightly Smeared and
with 100 ml of the readable readable
Gmelina fruit extract

Table 4.4: Permanence test on different paper

Table 4.4 displays the results of the assessment of the permanence of

the produced ink with different ratios of Gmelina Arborea and Coconut

Vinegar on bond paper and illustration board. The table exhibits that on bond

paper only formula 2 showed signs of smearing and it is unreadable, while

formulas 1 and 3 showed signs of slightly smearing and it is still readable

despite being smeared with water. This has the same results as the writing on

the illustration board.

The table shows that only Formula 2 showed symptoms of smearing and

is unreadable on bond paper, but Formulas 1 and 3 showed signs of slight

smearing and are still readable even after being smeared with water. With the

writing on the illustration board, the same outcomes were obtained.

All papers have a surface texture that influences the mark. This surface

texture is commonly referred to as “tooth”. The tooth of the paper is produced

according to the process that is used to create the paper. “Cold press”,

“Hotpress”, and “Rough” are designations assigned to watercolor papers.

(Fussell, 2021). The illustration board is an example of a cold press paper,

while Bond paper is an example of a hot press paper. In conclusion, the

produced ink with a ratio of 2:15 and 2:5 of Coconut Vinegar and Gmelina

Arborea fruit extract respectively is effective in terms of permanence when

used on illustration board and bond paper.


Problem 3: What is the preferred ratio between Gmelina Arborea and

coconut Vinegar of the produced ink to the Grade 12 - STEM Students under

cluster A?

Average Score
Drying Mean Interpretation
formulation Color Permanence

Formula 1:
40 ml of
vinegar Liked Very
7.21 7.59 7.77 7.52
mixed with much
300 ml of
the Gmelina
fruit extract

Formula 2:
40 ml of
vinegar Liked very
7.28 8.02 7.40
mixed with 6.90 much
200 ml of
the Gmelina
fruit extract

Formula 3:
40 ml of
vinegar Liked very
7.03 7.4 8.15 7.53
mixed with much
100 ml of
the Gmelina
fruit extract

Table 4.5: Preferability test results

Table 4.5 shows the respondents’ preferences for the ink produced with

different ratios of Gmelina Arborea fruit extract and coconut vinegar in terms

of its color, permanence, and drying time using the 9-Point Hedonic Scale.

The average respondent score for formula 1 in terms of color, permanence,


and drying time is 7.21, 7.59, and 7.77. Formula 2 has an average score in

terms of color, permanence, and drying time of 6.90, 7.28, and 8.02. Lastly,

formula 3 has a score of 7.03, 7.4, and 8.15 as an average in terms of color,

permanence, and drying time. Results show that Formula 1,2, and 3 are very

much liked with a mean of 7.52,7.40, and 7.53 respectively. As a result, all

formula was very much liked by the respondents as interpreted on the scoring

guide of the 9 – Point Hedonic Scale that 7.1-8 scores are interpreted as very

much liked.

As shown in the result, all formulas were interpreted as very much liked by

the respondents. The mean score was under the criteria of very much liked

which is under 7.1-8 on the 9-point hedonic scale, according to the study of

Delostricio et al. (2022).

ANOVA Two–Way Test with Replication

H0: There are no significant differences between the Gmelina Arborea

and Coconut Vinegar ratio and its effectiveness and quality in terms of color,

drying time, and permanence.

Ha: There are significant differences between the Gmelina Arborea

and Coconut Vinegar ratio and its effectiveness and quality in terms of color,

drying time, and permanence.


Table 4.6: Summary of the Statistical Data from the Preferability Test


Table 4.7: Calculation and Results of the ANOVA Two-Way Test from the

Preferability Test Results

As shown in the results from the table, the main effect of the x-variable

(volume of ink) on color, permanence, and drying time is not significant

because the F-value of 1.43 is less than the critical F-value of 3.048 and the

p-value of 0.242 is greater than the significance level of 0.05. Additionally, the

main effect of the y-variable (color, permanence, and drying time) on the

volume of ink is significant because the F-value of 22.41 is greater than the

critical F-value of 3.048 and the p-value of 2.2E-9 is much less than the

significance level of 0.05.

The interaction effect between the volume of ink and y-variables (color,

permanence, and drying time) is not significant because the F-value of 0.44 is

less than the critical F-value of 2.42 and the p-value of 0.77 is much greater

than the significance level of 0.05.

Tukey HSD Post Hoc Test

Table 4.8: Calculation and Results of the Turkey HSD Post Hoc Test from

the Preferability Test Results

As from the table, results show that the mean ratio for 100ml to 200ml is

0.126, which is higher than the mean ratio for 100ml to 300ml at 0.006 and the mean

ratio for 200ml to 300ml at 0.119. Hence, based on the results, shows that there is no

significant difference between the mean ink ratios produced from Gmelina Arborea

fruit extract for all pairwise comparisons.

Based on these results, the researcher can conclude that the y-

variables (color, permanence, and drying time) have a significant effect on the

preferred volume of ink, but the volume of ink does not have a significant

effect on these y-variables. There is also no significant interaction effect


between the volume of ink and the properties such as its color, drying time,

and permanence. Due to the statistical result presented, the p-value of 0.20

shows that it is greater than the alpha level signifying that there is no

significant interaction effect between the volume of ink and the properties

such as its color, drying time, and permanence. Hence, there is strong

evidence to accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis.

Moreover, The Tukey HSD test is a post hoc test used to determine

whether there are significant differences in means between multiple groups. In

this case, the test was used to compare the mean values of color, drying time,

and permanence among the three groups (100ml, 200ml, and 300ml) of ink

produced from Gmelina Arborea fruit extract. The results of the test show that

there is no significant difference in mean values among the three groups for

each of the properties tested. This is supported by the p-values, which are all

greater than the chosen level of significance of 0.05. This means that the

three ratios of Gmelina Arborea fruit extract to ink are equally effective in

terms of color, drying time, and permanence.

However, the effect size (Cohen's d) is relatively small for all pairwise

comparisons, indicating that the practical significance of the differences is

small. Therefore, based on these results, there is no preferred ratio of the

produced ink from Gmelina Arborea fruit extract to the users.




This chapter closes the study’s findings, conclusions, limitations, and

recommendations. The non-value explanation of the overall findings of the

study is carefully conversed and expounded. Moreover, the presentation of

the researchers’ conclusions drawn from the mentioned results follows.

Recommendations based on the conclusions are also proposed for the growth

and further probe of the topic for future researchers that will embark on a

similar study. Furthermore, this section denotes the culmination of the study,

thus its limitations and its significance are also tackled.

5.1 Summary of the Findings

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness and quality of Gmelina

arborea with different ratios. This study was conducted throughout the school

year 2022-2023 at Xavier University Senior High School. The study's findings

are as follows: Formulation 3 dries more quickly than the other formulation

when it comes to drying time. According to the results of the chromatography

test, formulations 1 and 2 produced dark brown ink, whereas formulation 3

produced light brown ink. According to the respondents' preference test, all

three formulas were very much liked by the respondents.

5.2 Conclusion

The researchers concluded that the Gmelina Arborea fruit extract can

be used as an alternative for writing ink. Formulation 1, which has 300ml

Gmelina Arborea fruit extract and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar is the best in

terms of color and permanence. Formulation 3, which has 100ml of Gmelina

Arborea fruit extract and 40ml of Coconut Vinegar is the best in terms of

drying time. Data analyzed from 60 respondents that all three formulas 3,

were very much liked by the respondents. Moreover, from the statistical

results, the researchers have accepted the null hypothesis and rejected the

alternative hypothesis.


As the summary and conclusion are laid out, the effectiveness, quality

of produced ink, and preference of ratio from the respondent can be inferred

and has been justified.

After conducting the study, the finding may be used by the community

for them to have an alternative writing ink from commercial ink, especially

community in rural places. This can be beneficial and cost-efficient for the

community. The results can also be used to help sustainability and lessen

waste in the environment. Furthermore, since people believe the fruit of the

Gmelina Arborea is useless, this study has the potential to change people's

perceptions of it. Lastly, for future researchers, the study allows them to

acquire knowledge on the subject and to use this paper as a future point of

reference for their desired topic.

5.3 Limitations

Considering the study's completion and success, some restrictions

were observed during the process.

Firstly, the researchers were time constricted in observing the

produced ink. They could have observed the produced ink for a longer time

especially when stored and obtained data regarding this. Secondly, the

storage place of ink was limited due to the lack of supply in the city. Having a

transparent marker container could have helped the researchers in observing

the produced ink. Third, the study would have been prominent if the ink was

tested as dye on clothes.

Lastly, the study would have been greater if all strands and some

teachers were the respondents and cooperated in the survey assessing the

best ratio of the produced ink.

5.4 Recommendation

Students and the community, recommend that they should utilize the

findings of the study to produce organic ink. Additionally, to test the ratio with

a higher number of substances.

Future researchers, for the betterment of this research or future

researchers probing into similar studies with this, the current researchers

have made a criterion to follow in obtaining the fruit:

1. Select green or yellowish Gmelina Arborea fruit to extract more juice

and obtain better pigment in the production of the organic ink.

2. Do not pick overripe Gmelina Arborea fruits which are dark purple in


3. When storing the acquired fruits put them in an open space and keep

them dry.

In extracting the fruit juice, the researchers recommend doing the


1. Use cheesecloth to strain any pulp after extracting the fruit juice and

after boiling the produced to achieve smooth ink.


2. Use a manual juicer to easily and shorten the time in extracting the

fruit extract.

Additionally, search for more potential replacements that might be

used to produce organic ink expanding the present understanding of

ink generation for organic sustainability. Improve the pigmentation of

the produced a darker ink by adding another component. Test the

viscosity level of produced ink in different ratios. Try the produced ink

on more different types of paper and test its visibility. For the ratio

make a more consistent comparison i.e., 1:5, 2:5, 3:5, 4:5, etc.


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Understanding the lightfastness, permanence and archival quality of inks |

Winsor & Newton. (2021, September 1). Winsor & Newton - UK.





Table 4.1: Time it takes the produced ink with the different ratios of Gmelina Arborea and

Coconut Vinegar.



Table 4.3: Permanence of the produced ink with different ratio of Gmelina Arborea



Table 4.4: Permanence test on different paper



Table 4.5: Preferability test results of Ink formulation


Produced color


Permanence test on Illustration Board:

Test #1

Test #2

Test #3


Permanence test on Bond Paper



Drying Time Test

Figure 1 - 100ml of Gmelina Fruit Extract and

40ml of Coconut Vinegar Drying Time Test on
Bond paper.

3 - 300ml of Gmelina Fruit Extract and

Figure 2
40ml of Coconut Vinegar Drying time test on
bond paper.
Figure 3 - 200ml of Gmelina Fruit Extract and
40ml of Coconut Vinegar Drying time test on
bond paper.


Product Making

Materials Needed

Produced Ink


Survey for the preferability test



Sample Ink in the containers



Block 1 Lot 8, Cerritos Avenue, Camella Cerritos,

Canitoan, Cagayan De Oro City 9000

0995-778-7508 [email protected]

Age: 18 yrs. old Height: 5’’5

Birthday: Dec. 08, 2004 Weight: 56 kg.

Birthplace: Cagayan de Oro City, Nationality: Filipino

Misamis Oriental

Civil Status: Single Religion: Roman Catholic

Secondary Education: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, Corrales
Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City

Junior High Education: Xavier University Ateneo de Cagayan, Corrales

Avenue, Cagayan de Oro City:


- Writing skills - Microsoft Office proficient

- Interpersonal skills - Analysis skills

- Great communication skills - Collaboration skills

- Problem-solving Skill


Pueblo De Oro, Cagayan De Oro City 9000

Contact numbers: 0910-735-9707

E-mail: [email protected]


Age: 17 yrs. Old Height: 5’1

Birthday: Aug. 18, 2005 Weight: 37 kg.

Birthplace: Malaybalay City, Bukidnon Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single Religion: Roman Catholic


SENIOR HS Xavier Ateneo - Senior High School 2021-2023

Pueblo De Oro, El Camino St, Cagayan De Oro City


SECONDARY: Impasugong National High School 2017-2021

Zone 9, Poblacion, Impasugong, Bukidnon


ELEMENTARY: Impasugong Central Elementary School 2011-2017

Poblacion, Impasugong, Bukidnon



Junior High School With Honors 2017-

Elementary School WIth Honors 2016-201


- Interpersonal Skills
- Communication Skills
- Organizational Skills


- Ability to work under pressure

- Ability to work with new people

Fritz L. Pagaspas
Address: Blk 63 Lot 17 Phase 5, Blooming Dale, Barangay Iponan,
Cagayan De Oro City 9000
Contact number:0997-435-3478
Email: [email protected]


Age: 18 yrs. Old Height: 5’7

Birthday: August 23, 2004 Weight: 52 kg.

Birthplace: Upper Jasaan Misamis Oriental Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single Religion: Roman Catholic



GYTHN SCHOOL 2013-2017

Ficcoville Subdivision, Cagayan de Oro City


Upper Jasaan Misamis Oriental





Max Y. Suniel St, Cagayan de Oro, 9000 Misamis Oriental

Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan 2021- Present

Pueblo de Oro, Cagayan de Oro City



Elementary With Honor 2011- 2012

High School With Honor 2019 –2021

Quiz Bee 1st Place October 2015

Spelling Bee 3RD Place November 2012



-Written and Verbal Communication -Leadership skills

-Communication -Research and Data Analysis

-Critical Thinking -Time Management -Problem-solving Skills -Microsoft Expert


- Shares and demonstrates technical skills with students, technologists, and

technicians. - Outstanding mentoring and leadership abilities that promote a

collaborative environment.

Block 4 Lot 1, Victor’s Subd. Puli, Carmen, Cagayan

Cagayan De Oro City 9000 Contact No.: 097-219-5346

E-mail: po.jericaalthea@@gmail.com


Age: 18 yrs. Old Height: 5’5

Birthday: Nov 14, 2004 Weight: 56 kg.

Birthplace: Iligan City Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single Religion: Roman



SENIOR HIGH: Xavier Ateneo – Senior High School


Masterson Ave. Cagayan de Oro City


JUNIOR HIGH: Lanao Chung Hua School 2019-2020

Empire Village, Palao, Iligan City

ELEMENTARY: Lanao Chung Hua School 2019-2020

Empire Village, Palao, Iligan City



Senior High School with Honors 2021-Present

Junior High School With Honors 2017-2021


-Leadership skills
-Interpersonal skills - Research and analysis
-Excellent communication skills - Photoshop expert
-Problem solving Skills - Microsoft Expert


- Creative use of technology and real-world experience to prepare a diverse

student body for success in further education.

- Ability to work under pressure/in a fast-paced, deadline-driven environment

- Ability to work independently



Sunrise Village, Kuaswagan , Cagayan De Oro City 9000 Contact numbers:

E-mail: [email protected]


Age: 17 yrs. Old Height: 6’’

Birthday: May. 28, 2004 Weight: 70 kg.

Birthplace: Cagayan De Oro City Nationality: Filipino

Civil Single Religion: Roman

Status: Catholic


SECONDARY: Xavier University Senior High School 2021-2023

Masterson, Pueblo, Cagayan de Oro


Xavier University Junior High School 2019-2021

Masterson, Pueblo, Cagayan de Oro


Kong Hua School 2017-2019

Kuaswagan, Cagayan de Oro City


ELEMENTARY: Kong Hua School

Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City


-Writing skills - Research and analysis

- Leadership skill - Microsoft Expert

-Excellent communication skills - Critical thinker

-Problem-solving Skills


-Ability to multi-task in a fast-paced and dynamic environment.

- Ability to work independently



#17th Orchid Street, Alco Homes, Carmen, Cagayan De Oro City 9000

Contact numbers: 0967-341-5789

E-mail: [email protected]

Age: 19 yrs. Old Height: 5’’6
Birthday: Jan 17, 2004 Weight: 70 kg.
Birthplace: Cagayan De Oro City Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single Religion: Roman Catholic

___SECONDARY: St. Mary’s School
Mandumol, Macasandig, Cagayan De Oro City

Xavier University Junior High School 2019-2021

Pueblo, Cagayan De Oro City

Xavier University Senior High School 2021-2023

Pueblo, Cagayan De Oro City
ELEMENTARY: St. Mary’s School 2011-2016
Mandumol, Macasandig, Cagayan De Oro City
-Leadership skills
-Interpersonal skills
-Excellent communication skills
-Problem-Solving Skills

- Excellent manual dexterity: Neurosurgery is a highly technical field that requires
great hand-eye coordination and dexterity. Neurosurgeons must be able to
manipulate surgical instruments with precision, delicacy, and accuracy.

- Attention to detail: Neurosurgery requires a great deal of attention to detail, as

even the slightest error can have devastating consequences. A neurosurgeon must
be meticulous in their approach, leaving no room for mistakes.

- Emotional Resilience and Empathy: Neurosurgery can be emotionally demanding,

and we neurosurgeons must have the resilience to cope with stress, long working
hours, and life-and-death situations. At the same time, we must be able to show
empathy and compassion towards our patients and families.

- Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: the ability to analyze and interpret
complex medical data and arrive at appropriate treatment decisions.


Zone 6, Bulua, Cagayan De Oro City 9000

Contact numbers: 0927-339-1630

E-mail: [email protected]


Age: 18 yrs. Old Height: 5’’5

Birthday: October 22, 2004 Weight: 60 kg.

Birthplace: Cagayan de Oro City Nationality: Filipino

Civil Status: Single Religion: Iglesia Filipina


SECONDARY: Xavier University Senior High School

Pueblo de Oro, Cagayan de Oro City

Kong Hua School 2020-2021

Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

ELEMENTARY: Kong Hua School

Kauswagan , Cagayan de Oro City 2016-2017


Senior High School with Honors 2021-Present

Junior High School With Honors 2019-2020


− Leadership skills
− Interpersonal skills
− Excellent communication skills
− Problem-solving skills

− Maintains professionalism
− strong work ethic
− deadline-driven environment
− Attention to detail

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