Checkpoint: Time: 45 Minutes Materials

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Time: 45 minutes


● Lecture slide: KE45 - A2 - LC3 (3) - Checkpoint

● There are 2 videos for this lesson:
1. Slide 4:
2. Slide 18:
● Toys and crafts: Puppet, rewarding system (Kani image, carrot images etc. or flexible)
● Flashcards
● Whiteboard and pen.

General notes:

● Speed: For this level, speed is really important. Speed will be decided based on
student age, the younger the slower. Speed will also depend on the students’
● TPR: Using TPR is really important to motivate the student and using puppets,
flashcards as required will help to motivate the student.
● Pronunciation: For ESL student, correcting pronunciation is really important and
teachers should correct during the class.
● The teacher should appraise the student or correct positively frequently.
● If the student cannot answer, the teacher can mouth then say out loud to help.
● If the student cannot concentrate, the teacher can use TPR.

!!! Please make sure that the student tool mode is off during class. It should be granted
for students above 8 years old only when solving a quiz. For writing activities, please
ask the student to write on a sheet of paper or a board.

Evaluate the student performance after class (for teachers): Please spare five minutes to
fill in the performance evaluation for the student via Kynaforkids Teacher’s App. This is
compulsory in order to finish the class. Please be noticed that the form should be filled in for
each class within 24 hours.
(1 min)

1. Teacher introduces himself or herself; ask for student's name

- Teacher shows Kani puppet and talk to the puppet
- Teacher to puppet: Hello, what is your name?
- Teacher act voice of the puppet: Hi, My name is Kani. What is your name?
- Teacher to puppet and to student: My name is ..... (name of teacher), put hand on the chest
to let student understanding.
- Teacher to student: What is your name? (Teacher point to the student, and put finger on
mouth to ask the student to answer), student can answer his/her name or full sentence. If
student cannot reply, teacher can mouth the full sentence and student's name to help. When
mouthing, teacher can point to his/her mouth so student can see and repeat.

2. Introduce about rewards system

- Switch to the whiteboard with the Kani image, teacher: "It is a rabbit. Rabbit eats carrots."
(point vào một loạt carrots).
- When you do a great job (point to the student and thumb up), the rabbit gets a carrot. Now
repeat, carrot. When the student repeat carrot, reward them a carrot by dragging the carrot to
Kani's basket.
Warm up: Let's sing a song!

Let's sing a song

(1 min)

Teacher says: Let's sing a song together. The name of the song is preposition song. Teacher
plays Youtube link and asks the students to sing along.

Listen and Repeat

1 2 3

a doll a train a plane

4 5 6

a teddy bear a robot a skateboard


(2 mins)

Teacher says: " Listen and repeat after me." Teacher reads the sentences for the student to
repeat twice.

Word list: a doll, a train, a plane, a teddy bear, a robot, a skateboard

Listen and repeat

Let's watch a video

and repeat!

(2 mins)

Teacher says: " Now, let's watch a video!" Teacher plays the video, then after each sentence,
pauses and asks student to repeat each sentence.

Teacher should make an example, then mouth or say out loud to help.

Vocabulary Look and read. Write Yes or No.

1 2

I’ve got a cat. .......YES....... I’ve got a balloon and an apple. ..............

3 4

I’ve got a train and a skateboard. .............. I’ve got a train and a plane. ..............

(2 mins)

Teacher says: Look and read. Write yes or no. I will give you an example.

Teacher does number one as an example. Look at picture 1. Teacher circles the picture of the
cat and asks kani : What is this? Teacher acts on Kani's voice and says: It's a cat. (stress on
CAT) . Teacher underlines the word CAT and says YES, IT'S A CAT (nod head) . Teacher
points to the word YES (written) and says the whole sentence: I've got a cat.

Teacher says : now your turn. Teacher does the same for other pictures: 2, 3, 4.

Compliment students when they are right, correct and ask students to say the right one when
they are wrong or when the answer is a NO.
What have you got? Given words: balloon, apple, ball, train, plane

1 2 3

I've got a ....................... . I've got a ....................... . He's got an ...................... .

4 5

He's got a ...................... . She's got a ...................... .


(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, let's look at these words".Circle given words; read the sentences and
match the words into the blanks". Student is expected to answer using the given words. Then
teacher types in the words always. Ask student to repeat.

Practise the same for 2, 3, 4, 5

Answer keys:

1. plane
2. balloon
3. apple
4. train
5. ball
Vocabulary Choose the right picture. Tell me the number.

1 2

3 4

(2 mins)

Teacher says: Choose the right picture. Tell me the number. WHERE IS MY BALL ? I will give
you an example.

Teacher does number 1 as an example. Teacher acts on Kani and asks: Where is my ball?
Teacher says: In my toy box.( stress on the word " IN ") . Then teacher asks: so, what number,
Kani? Kani says: Number 1. Teacher circles picture 1.

Teacher says: now your turn. teacher underlines the question : WHERE IS MY BALL? .
Teacher points to the students and signals them to say. Then teacher does the same as

Compliment students when they are right, correct and ask students to repeat the right one
when they are wrong.
Vocabulary review Listen and choose the right word.

1 2 3

behind - in front of - next to next to - behind - under in - on - at

4 5

in front of - behind - under under - next to - at

(3 mins)

Teacher says:" Listen and choose the right word, then write it down Ok?" Teacher reads the
word , student should be able to read and circle the word teacher reads.. After the student
choose the correct word, teacher asks student to make a sentence using that word.

Key: 1. behind / 2.under / 3. on / 4. in front of / 5. next to

Missing Letter Look and Write a letter to complete the word.

1 2 3

_nder In fr_nt of Beh_nd

4 5

Given letters

N_xt to A_

(2 mins)

Teacher says: "Let's look at these words. There is one missing letter in each word. Find the
letter and put it in the correct word". Student is expected to answer using given letters. Let the
student type the right letter. Ask student to repeat.

Practice the same for 2,3,4,5.

Answer keys:

1. u
2. o
3. i
4. e
5. t
Use of English

Look at the picture. This is

Tom and and this is Alice.
They are in the garden. Tom is
looking for his chocolate,
teddy bear, apple and train.
Let's help him to find them.

1 2 3 4


(4 mins)

Teacher says: Look at the picture. This is TOM (point to the picture of TOM). This is ALICE
(point to the picture of ALICE). They are in the garden. Tom is looking for his chocolate, teddy
bear, apple, train, cat and coconut. (point to the picture of each word when saying. )Let's help
him to find them. I will give you an example.

Teacher points to the picture of chocolate in the communication cloud and says a complete
question : WHERE IS MY CHOCOLATE? . Then teacher circles the picture of chocolate on a
book, acts on Kani's voice to answer: ON MY BOOK. Teacher says: now your turn.

Teacher and student can take turn to ask and answer.

Teacher gives feedback: compliment students when they are right, correct when they are
wrong (ask students to repeat the right one)
Unscramble the sentences

1 2 3

My/ train/ plane/ next/ is/

is/ Where/ book?/ my is/ robot?/ Where/ your
to/ your

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

……………………………… ……………………………… ………………………………

4 5

robot/ My/ next/ to/ is/ My/ skateboard/ in/ is/ the/
apple./ the box./ toy

……………………………… ………………………………
……………………………… ………………………………


(4 mins)

Teacher says: "Now, let's do some practices. Can you look at these phrases? Unscramble and
write the sentence again."

Teacher instructs the student to unscramble the words to make a completed sentence.

Answer key:
1. Where is my book?
2. Where is your robot?
3. My train/plane is next to your plane/train.
4. My robot is in front of the apple.
5. My skateboard is in the toy box.
Guessing Game Look and read. Guess the word.

Words list: book, plane, robot, train, ball, apple

1 2 3

B____________ P____________ A____________

4 5 6

T____________ B____________ R____________ 12

(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Guess the word by looking at the first letter". Teacher asks student to type the
correct letters in the blank and pronounce it aloud. - If the S is too young, T helps S to type

Answer key:

1/ ball
2/ plane
3/ apple
4/ train
5/ book
6/ robot

1 2

queen question
3 4

run rain 13

(2 mins)

Teacher says: let's review phonics

Teacher says the words . Student listens and repeats.

Then teacher points to pictures in random order and asks the student to say these words.

Teacher corrects pronunciation if necessary

Which picture has /q/ sound at the beginning?

1 2

cat queen
3 4

nose question 14

(2 mins)

Teacher says: Look at the pictures and say. Tell me which picture has /q/ sound at the
beginning ? I will work with Kani to give you an example.

Teacher circles picture 1 and asks Kani: What is this, Kani? Teacher acts on Kani's voice to
answer: It's a CAT. Then teacher says: Yes, it's a CAT , /c/.../c/ So does CAT have /q/
sound ? Kani says: NO.

After that, teacher says: now it's your turn, student name. Teacher does in the same way as
above for other pictures.

Teacher gives feedback.: compliment when students are right, correct when they are wrong.
Let's write!


(1 min)

Teacher says: "Let's practise to write some letters!"

Teacher circles letter Q and says: This is letter hmmmmm signal the student to answer.
Mouth or say out loud to help. Then teacher draw lines according to the arrow and says:
"Look! I'm writing letter Q!" Let's write together. Write on your paper letter Q. Teacher starts to
write on
whiteboard too. Teacher says: Show me your letter Q. Teacher shows his/her writing.

Repeat for small q, big R, small r



(2 mins)

Teacher says: let's review numbers from 1 to 16. I will write a number and you say that number
out loud.

Teacher shows a random number , focusing on 15 and 16. Then teacher asks students: what
number? Students look and say.
Phonics Review

1 2

____estion ____ain
a. q b. r a. q b. r

3 4

____ice ____ueen
a. q b. r a. q b. r

(3 mins)

Teacher says: "Now let's learn phonics. Listen and repeat,"

Teacher says /r/. Ask the student to repeat.

Teacher says /q/. Ask the student to repeat.

" Now let's choose /r/ or /q/. Teacher circles the picture and asks:' What is it?" Student is
expected to answer < question t> " /q/ or/r/ ?" Signal student to answer. Then ask student to
circle his/her choice. Read the word again.

Practice the same with 2, 3, 4

Answer key:
1/ a - question
2/ b - rain
3/ b - rice
4/ a - queen
Listen and draw lines.

1. Ann 2. Lucy 3. Mark 19

(5 mins)

Teacher says: Look at the picture . Listen and draw lines. I will give you an example.

Teacher does number 2 as an example. Teacher plays the audio and stops at each sentence ,
especially the question and the answer about positions. Teacher write downs the question and
answer on the board (underline the word : teddy bear and " ON MY TOY BOX" . Then teacher
draws a line connecting the name LUCY and the picture of a teddy bear on a toy box.

Teacher says: now your turn. Then teacher does the same as number 2. If students cannot
hear the answer even though the teacher stops at each statement, teacher needs to repeat
the statement again and stress on important information (key words).

Compliment students when they are right, correct and ask students to repeat the right one
when they are wrong.


Kim: Hi, Lucy. Where is my teddy bear?
Lucy: On my toy box.
Kim: Oh, yes! thank you, Lucy.
PAUSE 00’05’’
Lucy: Hi, Mark. Where is my kite?
Mark: Behind my doll.
Lucy: Oh, yes! Thank you, Mark.
PAUSE 00’05’’

Mark: Hi, Ann. Where is my skateboard?
Ann: Under my desk.
Mark: Oh, yes! Thank you, Ann.
PAUSE 00’05’’

1. Ann - skateboard
2. Lucy – teddy bear
3. Mark - kite
Please remember to watch
Unit 10 - REVIEW

(1 min)

T summarize rewards, praises S and reminds S to do homework


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