Naic Municipal Jail For Correction

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“Changing Lives, Building a Safer Nation”

“Safekeeping and Development”

These are the terms affiliated to us as Jail Officers. With its

Mission of enhancing public safety by ensuring humane safekeeping and

development of Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL), we, as Jail Officers are

expected to provide the quality of service, we are committed to doing.

The 120-Hours Jail Immersion Program (JIP) is the final

requirement of the Jail Basic Recruit Course (JBRC). At this stage, the Jail

Officer Trainees are given the chance to observe and assist in the actual Jail

setting. They will be given time to observe all the areas of the jail including the

operations procedures following the Bureau’s standards. They will apply all

the knowledge they acquired at the Training Center and gain experiences that

would enhance them to become a great Jail officer.

This immersion is our best teacher. There will be a lesson in

everything. There is a lesson in each experience. We need to learn from this

and become wise. Every failure we encounter is our stepping stone to

success. Every difficulty or disappointment is a trial to our faith. Every

unpleasant incident or temptation is a test of our inner strength. Therefore, nil

desperandum. March forward future Jail Officers.



Naic Municipal Jail was constructed on 1994 through the support of the

Local Government Unit. It was constructed on the abandoned fish port at

Barangay Latoria, Naic, Cavite with lot area of 1,017 square meter and floor

area of 343.5 square meter. It caters PDLs coming from municipalities of

Naic, Magallanes, Maragondon, Indang, Mendez and Ternate of Cavite

province. Naic Municipal Jail is a single storey building made of concrete

materials, consisting of nine (9) dormitories, eight (8) for males and one (1)

for female PDLs.

At present, the Naic Municipal Jail is located at Barangay Halang, Naic

Cavite and inaugurated last February 27, 2018, in order to cope up with

modernization and decongestion program which was also funded by the office

of the President. It has four (4) floors and a roof top. The Jail was equipped

with Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) cameras that serves as the eye around

the four corners of the jail facility to monitor from time to time the movements

of PDLs as well as the personnel.

Naic Municipal Jail is currently headed by J/SUPT GERONIMO S

SALLE, Warden, which is housed by eighty–seven (87) female PDLs and

eight hundred thirty-four (834) male PDLs having a total of nine hundred

twenty-one (921) PDLs with most cases of drugs ranging an average of eighty

percent (80%), most violation of Sec. 5 and 11 Article II of RA 9165. Most of

them are waiting for trial and court hearings while others are already

sentenced PDLs. The educational attainment of the PDLs is mostly high

school level with ages from 21-50 years old.

The jail facility was manned by thirty- eight (38) personnel including the



As of March 11, 2023

Name of Jail: Naic Municipal Jail

Jail Type: Municipal Jail

Number of Personnel: Thirty-eight (38)

Two (2) Jail Officer in Ranks,

the Jail Warden, and the

Deputy Warden

Thirty-six (36) Jail Non-Officer

in Ranks

 Six (6) Female

 Thirty-two (32) Male

Number of Residents: Nine hundred twenty -one


 Eight hundred thirty-four

(834) Male
 Eighty-seven (87)


As shown on the table, as of March 11, 2023, Naic Municipal Jail has an

actual jail population of Nine hundred twenty-one (921) Persons Deprived of

Liberty (PDL) all are either detained, awaiting trial, or waiting for final


Dorm Name Number of Residents


1 Masigasig 103

2 Maligaya 96

3 Malikhain 64

4 Magalang 96

5 Mapagkaisa 96

6 Masunurin 101

7 Mapagmahal 98

8 Mapayapa 107

9 Mayumi 87

Isolation Male 42

Female 1

Total 921




The administration unit of a jail facility is primarily tasked in planning,

organizing, directing, and supervising daily jail operations and functions. It

is responsible for managing the jail’s administrative task on community

linkages to ensure that the facility is running along with the legal services

and norms of the society, avoiding conflicts and distrust to citizen.

1.1 Orientation/Jail Set-up and Operations


 Materials and equipment are always available for fast response on making

reports such as office supplies, computers, printers, and the like.

 There is proper and early posting of BJMP duties on the distribution area for

the readiness and right way in dissemination of information.

 The office provides bulletin board for all memorandum, circular, and other

related policies for proper dissemination of information.

 Different records such as active records, inactive records and correspondence

were systematically sorted as to be remained, used or to be disposed.

 Releasing of PDL is another function of the administration unit wherein the

Admin Officer processed the release, checks the records, and routes the

release paper signatories.


 Prompt in submitting the report to the Regional Offices and checking incoming

memorandum to comply with.

 As a Jail Officer, proper coordination is a must in order to maintain good

rapport among personnel and maintain clear dissemination of information.

 Personnel should be responsive and able to comply with all the concerns

inside the jail facility specifically when it comes to the personnel.

 We also learned on keeping all active personnel records and PDL data

properly documented, organized, updated, and filed.

 We learned that being updated on what is posted on the bulletin board is very

important to avoid lacking knowledge.

1.2 Basic Knowledge on the Office Works in Jail


 The reports were easily administrated because there is a format for spot

reports, incident reports, after activity reports and the contents are


 Completeness of pertinent documents required before admission or

commitment of PDL are strictly observed.

 The Record Officer is systematic in filing and keeping inmate’s records

and Carpeta were filed in alphabetical manner placed in a cabinet and

regularly locked after the tour of duty.


 Releasing of PDL is another function of the administration unit wherein the

Admin Officer processed the release, checks the records, and routes the

release paper signatories.

 In addition, personnel records were properly documented, classified,

organized, and maintained in a safe cabinet for proper filing.


 The basic knowledge that we learned follows the familiarization and

preparation of PDLs CARPETA. It is one among the offices works that

contains the profile of the PDL and other documents such as commitment

order, certificate of detention from PNP or NBI, medical certificate that

contains the medical records of the PDL and promulgation of judgement

and order.

 We learned that necessary seminars and training are HRMDU’s

responsibility to make sure that all jail officers are well-equipped.

 We also learned on keeping all active personnel records and PDL data

properly documented, organized, updated, and filed.

 This unit also examines the completeness and authenticity of the

requirements of the PDLs before accepting them. They are making sure

that all details are correct before receiving a new committal.

 Based on our observation, we learned that files and documents of the PDL

are very important because it keeps their case records and tracks the

progress of their cases.

1.3 Admission and Releasing Procedures and its Legal Basis


 For the admission of PDL, the following documents are required: (a)

original/certified true copy of commitment order, (b) transmittal of PDL, (c)

certificate of detention, (d) mug-shot of PDL, (e) PNP booking sheet, (f)

medical result (issued within 24 hours),attached are the results of his/her

COVID Vaccine Card, RT-PCR or antigen COVID test. Seven (7) days

isolation for the newly admitted PDL is mandatory. In addition, female PDL

should have a pregnancy test result.

 The admission of PDL is usually coordinated with other jail units or PNP

prior to the escort for safety purposes. Upon the arrival of a PDL, the required

documents are submitted to the admin’s office for validation and verification of

the authenticity of his record. Once the documents are verified, the PDLs are

allowed to enter the jail facility. Before they proceed to the Desk Officer, they

will undergo for strip search and thorough inspection of their belongings. Any

items that are not allowed inside the facility will be confiscated and returned

upon their release or turned over to their immediate family, if available.

 For the releasing of PDLs, the following requirements are required: Certificate

of discharge, judgment/release order, court clearance, monitoring, drug

dependent certificate, antigen test (for PDLs living in a municipality that requires

negative antigen result), and information. The paralegal officers then verify the

authenticity of documents and if there are any other pending cases. A certificate

of discharge is given to the PDL upon his/her release.


 Checking the authenticity of all the documents and court orders that are

delivered inside the jail.

 The Records Officer is the one who encodes the PDL information in the NIMS

and E-Carpeta.


• Verifies the authenticity of every document that the personnel


• Double check all the necessary documents to avoid release of wrong

person and to ensure that the PDL has no pending case before release.

• Antigen test result should be negative upon admitting and releasing.

• We were able to learn the process of admission of PDL wherein profiling

and classification of PDL were done. We were able to obtain fingerprints

as well as conduct an interview with the PDL.

2. PDL Welfare and Development Program (PDLWDP)

The Welfare and Development Officer (WDO) is accountable for the

different activities that help the PDLs to become more effective and

law-abiding members of the community when they are released.

2.1 Livelihood Programs


 They are given livelihood opportunities through conducting skills

enhancement programs provided by TESDA. Livelihood activities build


interest of the PDL and open them new knowledge and skills that will

benefit them or can help them to have additional income while they are

inside the jail facility which may continue once they are released and re-

integrated into the mainstream of society.

 Naic Municipal Jail agricultural space has been utilized as a mini farm.

The duty custodial officers at the back post supervises the PDLs properly

whenever they are doing their gardening. PDLs are also taught to utilize

their leftovers and vegetable peelings into fertilizers for their plants.

 Naic Municipal Jail has a painting area where PDLs could paint. The

painting are a has different materials needed for painting such as acrylic

paint, canvass, and different sizes of brushes.

 Naic Municipal Jail also give opportunity to the PDLs to use their creativity

in making handicrafts which includes coin purse and handbags mase of

beads and plastic wrappers, and figurines made from paper rolls.


 We should be creative in doing recreational activities for the PDL.

These activities would enable them both to learn and make themselves

busy while serving their sentence or waiting for trial while inside the Jail


 Livelihood is beneficial once they are out of jail. One of the main goals of

the Bureau is to rehabilitate our PDL and through these programs, we

can make a change in their life outside prison.

 Through these livelihood programs, PDL can focus on their livelihood


project rather than be a burden to the Jail and can earn money and help

their family as well.

2.2 Development Programs (Religious, Sports, Visitation,



Naic Municipal Jail has different development programs to restore

their faith and help them become better individuals. This includes:

● Spiritual Upliftment & Religious Services

● Educational Programs

The Governance Act for Basic Education otherwise known as the

Republic Act 9155 made emphasis on the establishment of the Alternative

Learning System (ALS) to provide out-of-school children, youth, and adult

population with basic education. Naic Municipal Jail implements Alternative

Learning for those PDL who did not finish their education and gives them

the opportunity to continue even inside the jail facility thru ALS.

● Physical Fitness/ Recreational and Sports Programs

Every morning at exactly 0530H all PDLs are having their physical

fitness exercises at their respective dorms which are composed of

stretching exercises and Zumba Dances for them to maintain good physical

condition, especially those elders.


 We must consider that PDLs also need recreational activities to unwind

and to keep them busy while they are inside the jail facility, sports activity

to maintain their physical fitness.

 Religious programs were also needed to restore their faith.

 They should be provided with educational programs to aid their illiteracy.

2.3 Paralegal Services


 Most of the hearings were conducted through E-hearing which allows to

continue the hearing process of their case even though there is no face-

to-face hearing.

 The paralegal officer assists the PDL in dealing with their cases in Cpurt

through online platform.

 Paralegal officers entertains the questions of the PDL about their cases

and answers the PDLs families on what legal papers they will need to


 The paralegal officer informs the immediate family of the PDL when the

release papers of PDL is complete and ready for release as well as if the

documents for release are lacking.


 As jail officers, we must continue to provide services to our clientele using

the new normal.

 This unit promotes jail decongestion and assists them in availing legal

assistance for their early release from the jail facility.


 We also learned that completing the required documents before releasing

a PDL is very eminent.

 The paralegal officer has a vital role in helping the PDL with the status of

their cases and giving paralegal assistance as part of their rights.

2.4 Therapeutic Community Modality Program


 This program basically provides a caring environment wherein

individuals, participating in structured group processes, are aided in

discussing and establishing their self-worth, and inherent talents,

potentially leading them toward successful reintegration into their families

as productive members of the society.

 There was a regular morning meeting in every cell of the PDL every


 Everyday, there is an assigned PDL moderator to facilitate the morning


 PDLs can raise their concerns and issues during the morning meeting.


 The TCMP program creates a positive impact in the wellbeing of the

PDLs, helping them to slowly improve their attitude.

 This treatment modality employs a holistic approach anchored on the

philosophy of self-help.

 TCMP is very important to the life of the PDL because they can

express their concerns and accept appreciation from their fellow



Each jail shall, as much as possible maintain a minimum standard

with regards the security of the jail facility. This unit is responsible for jail

security management. Implement strong security measures for the

control of PDL and for the safety and security of the jail facility. Custodial

services supervise all jail activities and implement all security

management relating to custodial activities.

3.1 Custody

3.1.1 Guarding System/Buddy System


 Gate post conducts roving inspections around the jail at random intervals.

They observed the surroundings if there are things that is suspicious and

immediately report the status of the jail to their team leader.

 The custodial officers conduct roving inspection inside the jail to check

padlocks if it is locked or the bars were not tampered with.

 Before the Tour-of-Duty, incoming duty custodial are already present 30

minutes before turn over of shift and prepared for guard mounting.

 A Desk Officer strictly observes proper recording and entry of activities in

the logbook and records comprehensively and legibly all entries of events

and activities in jail.


 Supervises alternative procedures such as E –TAWAG, E- Dalaw.


 Our intrapersonal and interpersonal skills should always be active every

time that we are on duty, this is to make us ready on every case most

especially for the arise of untoward incident that may arise and to be

addressed accordingly.

 We learned the importance of early reporting to relieve the duty personnel

and the post must not be abandoned without proper guard mounting.

 We were able to assist in the supervision of E-Dalaw and E-Tawag

services of the jail unit.

 We learned that it is important as a desk officer to input all activities to

logbook so that it can be used as a basis if there’s untoward incident that

might happen.

3.1.2 PDL’s Accounting


 Personal and tough implementation of headcounts of PDLs inside the jail

is held with six-time interval within twenty (24) hrs. The conduct of

headcounts focuses on the shifting of personnel, and since this is being

conducted for three (3) shifts of duty.

 The building has one (1) assigned Jail Officer and accompanied with two

(2) Trainees in conducting head counts.

 PDLs inside the dorms must line by bed. Jail officers closely monitor the

formation to ensure that each line has no missing person. PDLs count one

after the other.

 The Jail Officer takes note the population of each dorm and sum up the

total count. Desk Officer or anyone posted in the office updates the Jail

Population Board which mounted on a wall then proper turn over ensues.


 We learned the importance of head counting and the thorough searching

of PDLs.

 Promptness and punctuality are to consider knowing immediately the total

jail population of each dormitory.

 We must log and record all the events that happened within the jail facility

and should first account all the jail equipment and properties before the

turnover of actual duty.

 We also learned conducting actual headcount to monitor the number of

PDL and be aware if there is an escape.

3.1.3 Greyhound Operations (Identifying Contrabands)


 Surprise Greyhound Operations or Dorm search is conducted to pacify

the accumulation of contrabands and it is also the time for checking the

bars and grills.

 Other government agency such as PDEA also conducts dorm inspection

through K-9 to ensure that are no prohibited drugs inside the jail


 Regular greyhound operation was conducted by duty custodial to ensure

that there were no contrabands entering the jail facility. Body frisking and

checking of their personal belongings were done.

 Quarterly greyhound operation together with Philippine Drug Enforcement


 Cell inspection is being done to reprimand and remind the PDL to observe

cleanliness and orderliness in their area.


 Greyhound operations are conducted to ensure contrabands inside the

jail are eliminated.

 It is very important to ensure security within the facility in control and

safety of all personnel and PDLs.

 Our knowledge about contrabands has been widened because of

regular searching and inspection.

3.2 Security

3.2.1 Internal/External Security


 Naic Municipal Jail has CCTV cameras of which mostly placed

around the gate.

 The monitors are placed in the gate office and Desk office.

 Any suspicious character is viewed 50 meters from the gate and

anyone lingering the perimeter fence can be spotted immediately.

 The gate of the Jail has secondary gate that is locked all the time. Any

passing vehicle must be searched before entering and leaving the jail

premises and always coordinated first with the Desk Officer.

 Two -way radios are always used to keep faster and more convenient

communication among the personnel in their respective area of



 We learned that we should maintain the security of the jail premises to

avoid escapes.

 Regular conduct of roving and inspection within the jail vicinity is

important especially on the weak points of the jail facility to check for

something unusual that threatens jail security.

 We learned that CCTV is important to easily monitor different areas of

the jail vicinity.

 It is a vital in monitoring the movements of PDL and the perimeter of the

jail facility.

3.2.2Facility Inspection


 The security of the Jail is inspected by the chief security officer or

the warden. Every end of the month meeting, these concerns is on


the top list.

 The warden always reminds the roving officer to constantly assess

the landscape of the jail.

 The custodial officer conducted facility inspection like the banging of

grills, and inspections of walls, and windows to detect if there were

unusual sounds of grills and broken walls and windows.

 We’ve observed that custodial officer regularly checked padlocks to

monitor if it is serviceable for safety and security.


 We should maintain order in the jail facility to assess areas of

possible escape points.

 The facility inspection is very important for the safety and security of

the personnel as well as the PDL and is necessary to prevent an

escape and protect the life of the personnel while on duty.

 Naic Municipal Jail really values the importance of facility inspections

considering that there are some PDL who are violent and repeaters

and they have now an idea with regards to the jail facility.

 We also learned that checking the facility such as grills, windows,

and walls is important to avoid escapes and accidents.

3.2.3 Perimeter Inspection


 Naic Municipal Jail covers a small area. CCTV and proper lighting were

installed within the perimeter to prevent persons from approaching the

facilities under cover of darkness.

 The officer on duty is vigilant during perimeter inspection, especially at

night time.

 Naic Municipal Jail regularly conduct perimeter inspection for the safety

and security of the personnel and the PDL as well.


 Second allied forces such as CCTV monitoring and other factors on

lightning needed in strict supervision on perimeter should also be taken

into account to closely monitor the entry and exits of all personnels and

other foreign objects that may bring harm inside the jail facility.

 The perimeter inspection is important regarding the safety and security of

the personnel.

 The perimeter inspection is important to prevent an escape from the PDL.

3.3 Control

3.3.1Gate Searching/Frisking of Visitors/Belongings



 In searching procedures, the personnel use dorm searches, body

searches, and item searches. The most common is the use of proper tools

and gears. When searching dorms, the searcher must be sanitized.

 When searching the ‘paabot’ items, stainless chop sticks, and forks are

used to check for contrabands.


 The searching paraphernalia is sterilized to ensure the safety of the


 The PDL’s relatives must logbook their names, and account their money

in front of the searcher before the PDL accepts it for records and

transparent Tupperware.

 When it comes to frisking, the PDL are asked to put their hands behind

their neck and are made to turn their face away from the searcher.

Every inch is examined, from the collar to the feet. Same with the



 We should always ensure that the foods, items and the visitors have no

position of contrabands and well searched.

 The proper body frisking is important to prevent any kind of contrabands

inside the jail facility.

 It is very important to record all the necessary information of the visitors

and a list of their items bought for transparency.

 The searcher must be vigilant to prohibit and detect the presence of


3.3.2 Proper Control of Keys/Tools


 The keys are kept within the DO’s office and are handled by the

duties on post, the keys had labels.


 The Jail Officer assigned in the gate will be the one control the

movement of the keys except those keys handled by the Custodial

on duty.

 Whenever the key is needed, the custodial officer proceeds to the

DO and ask for permission before and after the key is used. It will be

turned over to the Desk Officer so that it will be returned to its

compartment for safekeeping.

 During nightshift, or evening accounting, control gates are locked

and the key will be surrendered to the incoming Desk Officer.

 Tools are accounted and kept in a place that is out of PDLs reach.


 The key is accessible, controlled or in the position of the roving officer and

the desk officer.

 Tools should always be accounted and stored in secured area.

 The proper control of keys is veery important in the jail facility in order

to ensure the safety and security of the personnel as well as the PDL.

 Jail officers assigned in the gate must always be alert and vigilant in

controlling the key.

 The gate security officer on duty have a big role in safekeeping of the

keys, and must not allow the PDL to handle in order to prevent an

escape and further incident.

3.3.3Analyze movements of PDLs within the Jail Premises


 The PDL’s movement are keenly observed while they are in the Jail

premises whenever they are coming out of their respective dorms.

 They need to inform the desk officer; head counts were observed.

 Ensuring the safety of the personnel at post and at the same time they will

not have the chance to escape.

 PDL’s movement outside their cell is by schedule depending on the

activity given.

 Custodial on duty monitor those PDL who are having E- Hearing, E-

Dalaw, E- Tawag, and Non- Contact visitation in ensure safety and

security and to avoid any threat to the Personnel.


 We learned that we need to closely monitor the PDLs activity for

personnels’ safety and to avoid their access to restricted areas.

 We learned that PDL’s cell must always be locked in order to ensure the

safety of personnel inside the jail premises and prevent any escape of

the PDL.

 We learned that PDL can only walk out from their cells depending on the

activity given to them.

 We learned that the PDL has a right to avail E- Tawag, E- Dalaw and etc.

but they must be controlled and strictly monitored in order not to

comprise the Jail security within the Jail facility.

4. Escorting

Escorting is the act of accompanying the PDL, medical matters,


transferring to other facility and especially in bringing them to court hearings

and providing security during their transfers.

4.1 Escorting Functions


 When escorting PDLs, safety of the personnel as well as the PDLs is the


 There is no escorting of high-profile inmates of PDL during our stay in the


 Due to the Pandemic, Court Hearings turns into Online Hearing/Virtual

Hearing where Personnel assists PDL during their Scheduled Hearing.


 Duty escorts assists and supervises PDLs both on their virtual and personal

appearance activity.

 As an escort, we must be attentive on our duty and skillful in dealing with

the security matters.

 Even though court hearings turned into Virtual or Online, personnel still

assist and supervised the PDL during the said hearing.

 It is vital for escort personnel to possess complete equipment and weapon

during escorting of PDL for the safety and security of the personnel and the


4.2 Handcuff Procedures



 PDLs are handcuffed whenever they are escorted or transferred. It is

mandated to ensure the security of the personnel and to prevent any

unwanted attacks or any plans of PDL to escape.

 We’ve observed that the personnel when escorting the PDL, his firearm

must be far from the PDL to control the PDL in case of being attacked.

 Escort personnel observed proper handcuffing when it comes to 1 PDL if

high risked then the PDL must be handcuff at the back and if 2 PDL being

escorted both of their right hand must be properly handcuffed to prevent

them moving faster or running.


 We should always observe proper placement of the handcuff to avoid injury

of the PDL and always check if the handcuff is double locked.

 Proper handcuffing of PDL is very important in order to prevent him

attacking the personnel.

 Escort Personnel must put always himself in a safety position and must be

responsible in handling his firearm.

4.3 Frisking/Inspection


 It is usually conducted if the PDL is newly committed and had just

transferred dorms or if the PDL is about to be escorted. It is done before

and after a PDL is taken out of their dorm. It is done to ensure that they will

not bring contraband.

 Escorting Personnel also inspect the belongings of the PDL and removed

and confiscate those items which are not allowed.


 Frisking should always be thoroughly conducted to those PDL upon

leaving and entering the jail to prevent the entry of contrabands.

 We’ve learned that body frisking is done from head to toe and it is very

important in order to detect and confiscate any contraband.

 PDL’s inspections of belongings are a must to avoid any further threat and

escape of the PDL.

4.4 Movement from Jail to Court and Vice Versa


 PDLs scheduled to appear at the court will be escorted by a jail officer.

Safety and security are top priority when PDLs are moved from jail to

court. There should be a court order for a specific PDL for a trial, at the

same time, the Person’s Deprived of Liberty in NMJ are still using the “E-

hearing” system to attend court hearing.

 Before moving the PDL, the jail officer must conduct body frisking and

inspections of belongs to detect and confiscate any nuisance and illegal


 Escorting Personnel must bring all necessary documents together with the

records personnel of the jail to avoid any problems in transferring the PDL

to the BUCOR.

 During transport, the Escort personnel must handcuff the PDL and must

locked them inside the BTV vehicle.


 We have learned that before transporting the PDL, he must be properly

searched to avoid any problems and observe proper handcuffing before

and after transport.

 All documents of the PDL must be ready during the transport of the PDL.

 Escorting team must always be alert and vigilant of what would happen

during the transport of the PDL.

4.5 Court Procedures


 Due to the pandemic, most of the trial were done online. Few cases were

done in the court.

 During a trial, PDLs were escorted by jail personnel during the whole duration

of the procedure. Officers collaborate with the team leaders and jail aide to

create activities and attend to their concerns.

 Jail officers on duty will accommodate and help the PDL during the Virtual


 PDL must have counsel during the hearing and must unmute the audio if they

are required to talk.


 PDL must be present 30 minutes before the Court will start the hearing and

once it is started, silence must be observed.


 We learned that even though some of the PDLs were not able to go to

Court for a face-to-face hearing, the bureau is doing its job to continue to

hear the trial of the PDL.

 Strong Internet connection is necessary for the PDL to properly

communicate with the lawyer.

4.6 Hospital Confinement Procedures

During our stay in NMJ, there were no PDLs confined in the

hospital, however if this happened, there is an assigned escort to guard them

while recovering.

4.7 To view the Remains of the PDLs Relatives

During our stay in NMJ, no person’s deprived of liberty died or lost

their loved ones, however when this happened, PDLs may visit their family

provided that there is a court order and sometimes allow them to view the

remains of their relatives through the use videocall.


Jail Immersion Program is part of the Jail Basic Recruit Course that allows

trainees to be familiarized with the actual Jail setting in preparation for their

deployment. Being at the last part of our Jail Basic Recruit Course, we are

honored and grateful for giving us the chance to be part of Naic Municipal Jail.

We are very thankful that we are assigned to a Jail where Jail Officers and

Non-Officers are very much willing to share their learnings. They have

imparted both by the book and actual experience that even though they are

very busy with their tasks they are very open in answering our inquiries.

 Naic Municipal Jail continue to provide the service that the Bureau expects

them to deliver them to deliver despite of the small numbers of personnel

over the number of PDLs.

 The PDLs health and safety is at risk due to the congestion in the jail facility.
 Manpower is very significant in jail administration and operations thus

personnels skills enhancement should be of great priority.

 The trainee’s exposure in the real jail services were beneficial to them during

their training.

 There were installed CCTV’s in the perimeter, however as observed. Naic

Municipal Jail is situated in a relocation area which is surrounded by

different risk factors from the outside.

 In performing custodial duties especially when escorting and transporting

PDLs, security of the pdl is very important, escort has insufficient number of


 Although the reported number of cases of COVID-19 has lessened, Jail

officers continue doing their dearly best to function as the frontlines of the

organization, ensure the safety and security of the jail unit and the PDLs,

their health, emotional and mental being. Inmates Welfare and Development

programs are the best way to rehabilitate PDLs and divert their attention

from the pattern of wrongful activities.


 PDL Restrictions were also strictly implemented. All personnel observe

respect for human rights, no PDL nor personnel should be subject to

inhumane treatment.


 For a jail facility with a large number of jail population and considering the

different risks, number of personnel should be sufficient to run the operation.

 There should be a separate building for the administrative work in the jail, to

allow PDLs to utilize the first floor to decongest the number of PDLs in each

dorm for their health and safety.

 We encourage and recommend that all personnel should continue learning

through different programs and trainings.


 We also recommend that augmentation of Jail Officer 1 trainees that will be a

temporary aide to its lack of manpower. On the other hand, these Trainee’s

exposure in the real jail scenarios will benefit them during their Training.

 There should be a Tower Post in addition to the installed CCTVs in the

perimeter to ensure that there will be no escape of PDL receiving help from

the outside.

 There should be enough firearms for the personnel to be able to perform their


 With the aide and help of those livelihood programs and skills development

trainings, PDLs are trained and prepared for their actual reintegration into

the mainstream of the society. Officers should continue to collaborate with

the team leaders and jail aide to create activities and attend to their



1. Assisting E-hearing of the PDLs

2. Searching of paabot of the PDL’s visitors


3. Assisting the PDLs in their TCMP

4. Assisting the PDLs’ on their Alternative Learning System (ALS)


5. Assisting PDLs check-up at National Center for Mental health

6. Escorting of PDL for court hearing


7. Admission of the newly committed PDLs

8. Assisting on the release of PDL


9. Assisting on the Greyhound Operation together with the PDEA

10. Conducting head count of the PDLs




APRIL 29, 1998


DECEMBER 17, 1995


SEPTEMBER 21, 1994


JUNE 21 , 1998


JANUARY 28 , 1994


APRIL 23 , 1999

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