PEW Dec 1 2017

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November 27 - December 03, 2017

This E-Bulletin focuses on major developments in Pakistan on a weekly

basis and brings them to the notice of strategic analysts and policy makers
in India.

EDITOR'S NOTE from his office, he has been confronting the judiciary
publicly by criticising its judgment. On Saturday, 2
December while addressing a public meeting in Quetta,
W hile the Faizabad sit-in was resolved only after
the government conceded to the demands of the
Tehreek Labaik Ya Rasool Allah (TLY) and Sunni
Nawaz Sharif bitterly criticised the decision of his
disqualification. He said that decision of his
Tehreek (ST), the disturbing site of a Major General of disqualification was 'made by five individuals', while he
the Pakistan Army distributing cash to the supporters was elected by the masses and represents them. He went
of TLY and ST underlined the cosy relationship that further and said that '(T)hose who had taken the oath
the Pakistan military shares with the religious under the PCO (Provisional Constitution Order) called
fundamentalists and its ability to increasingly utilise them me dishonest, those who had sworn in dictators'. Earlier
to pressurise the elected government. With the on 4 April 2017, when the five-judge bench was divided
announcement of the UN-listed terrorist, Hafiz Saeed's between 3-2, with two judges standing against the
new outfit and his decision to contest the next general decision to disqualify Nawaz Sharif, PML N members
election, the political mainstreaming of the militant right had celebrated it as 'victory' of Nawaz. However when
wing parties would have serious implications for the Supreme Court declared him disqualified,
Pakistani polity. The Judiciary-Executive conflict would immediately PML N members lashed at the court.
only strengthen the hold of the military over the Terming this as a 'conspiracy', Nawaz said that he would
government. The Lahore Chamber of Commerce and expose the 'conspiracy' behind his disqualification.
Industry (LCCI) has warned that the increasing trade
Over a week after his disqualification while meeting some
deficit would have a negative impact on Pakistan's
businessmen in Rawalpindi, Nawaz had said that 'I will
economy it corrective measures are not taken. A fragile
not yield to pressure despite the fact that I was subjected
democracy will only exacerbate the poor economic
to exploitation under the garb of accountability'. After
situation and is unlikely to boost the investors' confidence.
his resignation, he organised a rally from Lahore to
Islamabad to showcase his popularity among the people
of Pakistan. It was also a fresh beginning of his decision
COMMENTARY to confront the judiciary and the army. In a press
The confrontation between the executive conference on September 28, Nawaz Sharif targeted
the judiciary for punishing him despite having no
and judiciary: What does it mean for
evidence to do so. He said that the country should be
Nawaz’s Future? ‘allowed to progress in line with the constitution’. Nawaz
Nazir Ahmad Mir* emphasized that ‘If the Constitution gives the people
the right to govern, let them realise that right.’ Though
Since the time former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Mian incurring severe criticism from the opposition political
Nawaz Sharif was declared disqualified by the Supreme parties, the judiciary and the army, the former prime
Court on 28 July 2017 and his subsequent resignation minister appeared to be in no mood to capitulate.

The judiciary and army on the other hand have been Hence, the period, which Pakistani scholar Mohammad
projecting themselves as the most reliable non-corrupt Waseem called 'judicialization of politics in Pakistan'
institutions in the country. Chief Justice Saqib Nisar started with Chief Justice Iftekhar M Chowdhury. The
said that the judiciary does not give judgments to please judiciary proactively entered into the domain of
anyone. In his speech at the beginning of the new judicial legislative and the executive sphere of the government
year 2017-18 on September 11, Justice Nisar said that trying to clip the wing of the civilian government in the
'We serve the people of Pakistan and we serve the name of Judicial autonomy and activism. The first victim
Constitution of Pakistan to the best of our turned out to be the elected prime minister of the
understanding and ability'. On his part, to quell rumours country, Yousuf Raza Gilani who was declared
about the army's role in the ouster of Nawaz Sharif, disqualified on the charge of 'contempt of court' by
Army Chief Gen. Qamar Bajwa, while interacting with the Supreme Court on 19 June 2012. Calling the
the members of defence committee of the National disqualification 'a judicial coup', an editorial in the
Assembly and Senate who were visiting the General Express Tribune argued that 'Of course, it has to be
Headquarters (GH) on 18 September for a briefing on said, with the utmost of deference and respect, that often
military operations, said them being 'unfounded'. Gen. times, the apex court has not shown the same
Bajwa while meeting the visiting members of Defence assertiveness to military dictators that it has shown to
Committee of the Parliament said that the military had elected civilians/governments.' Ever since, the
no role in ex-prime minister's ouster. perception that the judiciary is inclined towards the
wishes of the military has increased than diminished.
More often than not, the judiciary and the executive in
Pakistan have been in confrontation with each other, The ouster of Nawaz Sharif as the prime minister has
rarely sharing a cordial relationship for most period of reinforced that perception. Generally it was seen that
the history. It started right after Pakistan came into Nawaz Sharif in a wishy-washy manner had tried to at
existence. Its role in dismissing elected government of least reestablish the civilian government's say in political
led by United Front in East Pakistan, followed by as well as foreign policy domain. The popular support
legitimizing the Governor General's decision to dismiss for the judiciary, which Justice Iftikhar Chaudhry had
the first Constituent Assembly. Subsequently, the role won especially for his decision to confront the military
of judiciary in legitimizing the military regimes of Ayub regime and his decision to take suo motto cognizance
Khan, Gen Zia ul Haq and Musharraf drew severe of missing person case in Balochistan, had by now
criticism. Therefore, the judiciary is seen as an institution started to wear thin. However, his decision to sack sitting
that never confronted the Army but has been party to Prime Minister, his active role in eagerly taking up the
several decisions that sent the civilian government memogate case to fix the elected government headed
packing even before they could complete their term in by the PPP for personal vengeance for not restoring
office. him as Chief Justice after being elected in 2008 helped
the military in putting pressure on the government that
However, judiciary seemed to have redeemed its stature was unwilling to tow the military's line in foreign policy.
in 2007 when the high profile 'Lawyers' Movement', also In the last one decade after restoration of democracy,
known as the 'Movement for the Restoration of the judiciary has emerged as a new partner of the Army
Judiciary' or 'the Black Coat Protests', joined by the in destabilizing and pressuring the civilian government
political parties to pressurize General Musharraf in the name of accountability.
demanding the restoration of Chief Justice Iftekhar
Muhammad Chowdhury, who was unceremoniously Though his popularity does not seem to have been much
sacked for refusing to take oath under the Provincial affected by his removal from office, Nawaz Sharif has
Constitutional Order. After, the exit of Musharraf from tough challenges to face in the forthcoming general
politics following the 2008 elections, the judiciary felt elections. Unless a compromise is reached with the
emboldened by the support it received for standing up military, it is likely that in the event of PML-N's win,
to the military, especially at a time when public mood Shahbaz Sharif would be the Prime Minister. This would
has turned against the Musharraf's regime. make the younger Sharif a formidable leader in the party

and ultimately lead to the marginalization of Nawaz's direction of the Islamabad High Court and he was not
family in Pakistan politics. Not only this, his taken into the loop.
confrontation with the judiciary and army is being
portrayed as creating crisis in the country and
undermining national security, while he is also being over-faizabad-fiasco
projected as power-hungry and desperate to become
the prime minister of the country. It will be interesting
Sharif blames ‘PCO’ judges for his ouster
to see how the PML N leadership is going mend its Former prime minister Nawaz Sharif continued his
course, if it does. The only challenge would be how to tirade against the judiciary on Saturday when he lashed
win the next general elections without further out at the “PCO judges” who disqualified him and
antagonising the army - the real power behind the throne. termed him dishonest. Addressing a public meeting at
* Nazir Ahmad Mir is a Researcher in the South Asia
the Ayub Stadium, he bitterly criticised the decision
Centre and member of Pakistan Project.
“made by five individuals” to oust a “thrice elected
premier”. “Those who had taken the oath under the
PCO (Provisional Constitution Order) called me
THE WEEK AT A GLANCE dishonest, those who had sworn in dictators,” he told
the crowd at an event held to mark the 44th death
POLITICS anniversary of Pakhtunkhwa Milli Awami Party
(PkMAP) founder Abdul Samad Khan Achakzai.
Army brokers dharna deal
An over three-week long sit-in by religious activists in
the federal capital followed by countrywide protests that
sprang up in the aftermath of a botched crackdown in ECONOMY
Faizabad area finally came to an end on Monday after
the protesting religious party announced that it had Surging debt, trade imbalances eroding
reached an agreement with the government. Life in the economic gains: LCCI
federal capital as well as other major cities of Punjab,
Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa quickly Trade imbalance and rising foreign debt are reversing
started limping back to normalcy soon after Tehreek-e- benefits of hard-earned gains and the situation will
Labbaik Pakistan leader Khadim Hussain Rizvi called become more critical if immediate remedial measures
upon his supporters across the country to end their are not taken, said officials of the Lahore Chamber of
protests since government had acquiesced to fulfill their Commerce and Industry (LCCI). In a statement issued
key demands. on Monday, LCCI President Malik Tahir Javed, Senior
Vice President Khawaja Khawar Rasheed and Vice President Zeshan Khalil said that the country made
reasonable economic progress in the recent past, but
Nawaz scathes Ahsan over Faizabad fiasco swelling trade deficit and debt have put a reverse gear,
posing serious challenges to the economy.
Former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif yesterday
expressed his annoyance over mishandling Faizabad sit-
in, which had finally brought the government down to imbalance-eroding-economic-gains-lcci/
its knees. In a meeting with party activists and leaders at
the Punjab House, he asked Interior Govt puts $990-million smart-meters project
Minister Ahsan Iqbal tough questions about failure of on hold
the operation against the protesters. Sources aware of
the deliberations in the meeting informed The Nation In a development that may affect relations with a Manila-
that initially Ahsan said that the Islamabad based lending agency, Pakistan has decided to put on
administration had launched the operation on the hold a $990-million (Rs105 billion) smart metering

project that was meant to introduce advanced for a medical check-up and were later admitted to the
infrastructure in power distribution companies. The hospital. According to a doctor, the policemen had
Asian Development Bank (ADB) wanted Pakistan to sustained internal injuries.
implement the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)
project, but the Ministry of Power and the Planning
Commission remained reluctant to take this loan due to
different reasons. The ADB then pegged a budget US drone kills two near Kurram
support loan with the smart metering project, leaving
At least two people, including a Haqqani network
no option for the then Finance Minister Ishaq Dar to
commander, were killed after a suspected US drone
agree to the ADB’s terms, said sources in the finance
struck a vehicle on the Pakistan-Afghanistan border near
Kurram Agency, officials said. Reports suggest there were at least four people in the vehicle when it was
million-smart-meters-project-hold/ targeted by the unmanned aerial vehicle. Sources said
the dead were Jumma Khan, a Haqqani network
Govt borrows $2.5b only in 4 months commander and his associate. It was not immediately
clear if the drone hit the vehicle inside the Pakistani
The government is continuously borrowing from the territory or on the Afghan side of the border. …
external sources, as Pakistan obtained $2.5 billion only
in four months aimed at stopping foreign exchange
reserves from slipping to dangerous levels. Major part attack-kills-least-two-near-pak-afghan-border/
of the borrowing was from the commercial banks that
recorded at $1.02 billion during four months (July- One dead in firing outside Imambargah in
October) of the current fiscal year. The country Islamabad’s I-8 Sector
procured $253 million commercial loans from Citibank
and procured $269 million from Credit Suisse-led Two people have died in a firing incident outside
consortium of banks for budgetary support. The Imambargah in Islamabad’s I-8 sector three people were
consortium consists of Credit Suisse AG, United Bank injured in the incident. Law enforcement agencies took
Limited and Allied Bank Limited. Pakistan had also control and secured the area after receiving the
foreign commercial loan of $500 million from the information of the incident while rescue teams
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC). transported the injured to the hospital where they are
receiving medical treatment. The details indicate that the firing erupted as people left the Bab-ul-Ilm mosque
only-4-months following evening prayers in Islamabad s I-8 sector.
“Two gunmen approached a water cooler installed
outside the mosque s main gate and filled their glasses
SECURITY with water, then opened fire indiscriminately on people
as they came out,” local police official Qasim Ahmad
Kidnapped police officials found by roadside
told AFP.
in Rawalpindi with marks of torture
The two police officials, who were allegedly kidnapped
by unidentified activists of religious parties, from the
District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital on Sunday were Peshawar attack: Terror rampage ‘live-
found lying alongside a road in Sohan with marks of streamed’
torture, fractured bones and bruises on Monday, after
the sit-in was called off. Soon after they were found by The cellular services were suspended across the country
a police patrol team, the police officials were taken to for security reasons on Friday, but the three terrorists
the DHQ hospital, from where they were kidnapped, who rampaged through the Agriculture Training

Institute “streamed their wanton violence live on The police had found a mobile phone tied to the jacket
internet”, police said on Saturday. “The terrorists used of one of the dead terrorists which they believe was
a mobile application to live-stream the attack to their used to live-stream the rampage to the handlers.
handlers,” Furqan Bilal, SSP Counter-Terrorism
Department, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa police, confirmed
to The Express Tribune. However, he wouldn’t say institute-peshawar-closed-indefinite-period/
which application the terrorists used for the purpose.

Editor: Dr Smruti S Pattanaik, Research Fellow & Coordinator, Pakistan Project

News compiled by: Nazir Ahmad Mir, Researcher & Member, Pakistan Project

Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses

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