CJR It For Elt
CJR It For Elt
CJR It For Elt
Written by:
Name : Asnini Junita Zai
NIM : 212108010
Class/Semester : A/II
Course : IT For ELT
Credit : 2 SKS
Lecturer : Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, S.Pd, M.Pd
Praise and gratitude I pray to the presence of God Almighty, for His blessings and grace
so that I can finish this paper on time. Making a paper entitled "Critical Journal Review" would
be able to increase our knowledge and insight together.
I realize that in the preparation of this paper, there are many mistakes and shortcomings.
This is due to the limited knowledge and abilities we have. Therefore, I will gladly accept any
criticism, feedback, and suggestions for the improvement of this paper in the future.
Maybe in making our assignment many of our mistake and shortcomings both word and
sentences and the structure of the making. For that I really need the form of criticism and
suggestions for improving this task.
I was able to complete this paper completely because of the persistence and support and
direction of the IT For ELT lecturer, Mr. Hasrat Sozanolo Harefa, S.Pd, M.Pd. Therefore, I hope
that the results of this paper can be useful for all of us.
A. Background
English is the language that is used by global community. The important role of English
demands people around the world to learn it in order to be competitive in practical life and
for their higher education level. That the world becomes a global village that demands
people to adopt a common lingua franca to facilitate communication between people from
different linguistic backgrounds. English was approved this right and it became the language
of international communication.
According to Boroujeni and Fard (2013), English is a common language of
communication. It plays vital role in many fields such as educational, economic, political
and social. Far (2008) states that ESP is a well-known activity in English language teaching
(ELT) professional framework which gives the hint of syllabuses design and materials. From
the above definition, it can be concluded that ESP is an English course that helps in
arranging the syllabuses and the materials.
In the past years until today, the phenomenon of integrating technology in education has
received considerable critical attention, including the field of language teaching. This getting
famous phenomenon gradually brings the trend called as education 4.0 that, nowadays, has
become one of high concern in education worldwide as well as Indonesia. The notion of
education 4.0 that emerged originally from the new paradigm called industry 4.0 is
considered as the core issue to be taken care of since in this digital-based era, the human
resources especially in Indonesia are expected to be able to compete in the global
competition in the future.
The method in this research is conducted on the students who have been doing
Practices on Technology Integration in ELT: A Review on Existing Researches. This paper
aims to describe, to identify and to derive the results from the documented research-based
articles on the topic of the integration of technology and / or digital learning in English
language teaching. This research is a qualitative in nature using a library-research design in
collecting the object materials. Finding the articles through search-engine were a little bit
difficult for the writers because some criteria that suitable with the aims of this paper must be
set up before findings / collecting the materials. Therefore, adapting some specific criteria
from Ammade et al. (2018), it was designed to avoid misleading in finding the materials,
which as follow: 1. The articles must be an empirical research in which such technology used
in the English language teaching and learning was explicitly described in the article; 2. The
articles must be full-length articles/thesis within the publication year 2016-2020; 3. The
keywords used are technology integration, ELT, EFL, digital era, digital English, CALL, ICT,
education 4.0; 4. The settings are both international and national; 5. The subject /the
participants were taken from all levels.
The result of the research can be on of considerations to the readers, especially for
education practitioners in term of Practices on Technology Integration in ELT.
Based on the research integrating technology in English language teaching gives
positive effects in terms of students’ achievement, students’ behavior, students’ motivation,
and students’ language awareness. Some obstacles also can be inferred from this
investigation, for instance; firstly, the availability to access the technology either it is online
or offline; it happens for settings that is located in more secluded or limited internet access
area. Secondly, teachers’, instructors or lecturers capability in applying or integrating the
technology-based teaching into their classroom which is also deals with their lack of internet
or computer know-how. Thirdly, learners’ anxiety, low motivation, and low English
proficiency level that become hindrance for them to be brave in developing their English
skills. Fourthly, when the technology itself can be a disruption in learning process, hence,
teacher guidance and students’ selfefficacy play an important role to avoid giving the teaching
and learning process bigger disruptions. For this reason, despite the obstacles mentioned
before, some big steps need to be done. In Indonesia, for instance, the education 4.0 cannot be
fully embraced by teachers who work in no internet, low electricity and limited facilities
areas, thus decision makers needs to solve this issue.
A. Conclusion
The result of research is expected to give benefit for all readers, especially for education
practitioners in term of improving students practice in technology. And it is set out to review,
to describe, to offer the available information on integrating technology in ELT from existing
research published in 2016-2020. Accordingly, among the eleven researches described above,
it is found that there are two web-based platforms (Wordpress, Edmodo) and two social media
(WhatsApp and Instagram), one application (Orai), two software (DST and Ms.Photo Story 3)
one audio-clip, one video blog along with the use of Facebook and one hardware (mobile
phone) used by the researchers in their ELT practices. Furthermore, the procedures and the
implications of integrating those technology had been described which hopefully can attract
and inspire more teachers worldwide in general and Indonesian teachers in particular to
participate in experimenting technologies available into the classroom as an effort to help
learners widen their capability in this digital era as well; especially in using English whether
in spoken or written form.
B. Suggestion
My suggestion in here is that hopefully this quality of journal can improve how to
practice in technology integration and must give the some examples of procedures to using
technology until make this journal is useful and give the benefits for the readers.