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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Manila Education Center Arroceros Forest Park
Antonio J. Villegas St. Ermita, Manila

Quarter 1 - Week 3


Before starting the module, I want you to set aside other tasks that will
disturb you while enjoying the lessons. Read the simple instructions
below to successfully enjoy the objectives of this kt. I Have fun!
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every
page of this module.
2. Write on your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning, that is important to develop and keep in mind.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module.
4. Let your facilitator/ guardian assess your answers using the
answer key card.
5. Analyze conceptually the post-test and apply what you have
6. Enjoy studying!


• Expectations – These are what you will be able to know after

completing the lessons in the module.
• Pre-test – This will measure your prior knowledge and the concepts to
be mastered throughout the lesson.
• Looking Back to your Lesson – This section will measure what
learnings and skills did you understand from the previous lesson.
• Brief Introduction – This section will give you an overview of the
• Activities – This is a set of activities you will perform with a partner.
• Remember – This section summarizes the concepts and applications of
the lessons.
• Check your Understanding – It will verify how you learned from the
• Post-test – This will measure how much you have learned from the
entire module.

Multiple Choices
Directions: Read the statement with comprehension. Answer each
statement by choosing a letter that best correspond to the idea of the
sentence. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. The modern and contemporary dance are considered difficult and

technical form that demands the proper background and training of what
dance genre?
A. Jazz C. Tap
B. Ballet D. Classical Dance

2. In modern dance the iconic Martha Graham was recognized for

introducing a dance method that is still being used and apply in today’s
choreographic works. What is this classic and effective method?
A. Contract and Release C. Rise and Recovery
B. Breath and Hold D. Curve and Twist

3. In contemporary dance popularized by Merce Cunningham all mentioned

in the choices are the nature and characteristics of this dance genre. Which
is not included?
A. Minimal use of set C. Convey current social issues
B. Incorporation different dance D. Elaborate costumes

4. Jazz dance in the country became mainstream and in demand during the
80’s and reached the craze in the 90’s because of the following reasons
EXCEPT for ________
A. Television Exposures C. Pop Concerts
B. Variety Shows D. Theater Performances

5. In Ballet the dance methods or techniques are standardized depending on

the dance style. Which among the choices is not a distinguishing
characteristic of Ballet?
A. Aerial quality of the movements C. Verticality in body stance
B. Graceful and fluid movements D. Feet are parallel


This module will help you to:

• Identify the nature and characteristics of each dance


Live! learn! Dance!


Direction: Read the sentence with comprehension, answer each item test by
writing TRUE if the statement connotes correct idea and write FALSE if the
statement is wrong.

___________ 1. The functions of modern and contemporary dance are the

display of emotional expression and for religious rites.

___________ 2. In folkdance ceremonial dance are performed by the lowland

Christians like “Dugso” of the Higaonon and Talaandig.

___________ 3. In the beginning of Ballet in Italy in1500’s the primary

function then was for socialization and entertainment.

___________ 4. Entertainment is one function of dance in the following genres

of ballet, modern dance, folkdance and street dance.

____________ 5. In folkdance one function of dance is mimetic that means to

imitate the gestures or movements animals such as birds, eagle
and monkey.

Dance Genres/Forms
The concept of dance genres/forms are wide and ambiguous, some labelled
this as dance styles. Genre usually refers to self-contained formal tradition
it relies on performance context, movement style and structure. But the
difficulty of identifying and labelling each dance that is highly acceptable
and correct to all dance experts, dance anthropologists and dance folklorists
across the globe is a huge question. The intensive studies and
understanding on the dance genres/ forms are often leaned on the vantage
point of the western dance and not on the perspective of Philippine Dance.

Ballet is recognized as the foundation
of all the dance style in the west. Ballet stem
from the Italian word “ballare” which means
to dance. This dance genre originated in Italy
during the Renaissance and later was
introduced by Catherine de Medici wife of
King Henry II. It was in the reign King of
Louis XIV of France ballet flourished when he
standardized the art form. The language used
in the dance terminologies and dancer’s
instruction is spoken in French. The highly
technical form of dance has become widely
practice across the globe leading to the
development core methods or techniques of
the different country few which are popular and adapted by countless ballet
institutions and schools around the world. The classical ballet techniques
or methods around the world are : Cecchetti-in Italy; Vaganova-in are :
Cecchetti- in Italy; Vaganova-in Russia; Royal Academy of Dance(RAD) in
England; Bournonville in Denmark and France ; Ecole Francise or French
School -in France and Balanchine in United States.
Nature and Characteristics of Ballet
The distinct movements are still patterned on the positions and steps
of the 16th and 17th centuries; Type casting of dancers body and structure
dancers movements are graceful, fluid, precise; positions of legs and feet are
“turned- out ”; body is in symmetrical appearance and trunk are held erect;
verticality in the upright stance of the body; high leg extensions and the
aerial quality of the movements.

Ballet in the Philippines

Ballet set foot in the country for the first time on a bodabil stage at
Zorrila in 1901 when the visiting ballet troupe from Australia, the
Liliputians an all -female ballet performed.In1922, Anna Pavlova performed
at Manila Grand Opera, this performance inspired Anita Kane she later
trained further in England and the U.S. and started a graded system of
teaching in the Philippines. Kane produced the first full length ballet based
on a Filipino legend Maria Makiling (1939) later her ballet troupe was

name Pamana Ballet. The first Filipino staging of Giselle was performed by
Pacita Madrigal and Benjamin Villanueva Reyes. Giselle is the most often
produced ballet classic in the Philippines. Among the notable and
remarkable Filipino ballerinas who became prima ballerina were: Anna
Villadolid in Berlin and Munich; Liza Macuja in Kirov and Bolshoi Ballet and
Maniya Barredo in Atlanta Ballet. Today the leading Ballet companies in the
country are Ballet Philippines and Philippine Ballet Theater resident ballet
companies of the CCP and Ballet Manila established by Liza Macuja-

Modern dance emerged in the early 20th century in reaction or
rebellion to the highly technical and standardized ballet. The modern dance
became a medium to express contemporary social concerns and problems.
The Modern dance was pioneered in the U.S.
by Loie Fuller, an actress turned dancer she
was known for using theatrical lighting and
transparent china silk fabrics, Isabela
Duncan for introducing vocabulary of basic
movement and well known for her
performance in thin dresses while Ruth St.
Denis for starting a formal teaching in
modern dance and later popularized by
Martha Graham she introduced the

technique “contract and release” while Doris

Humphrey the fall and recovery”. The
forerunners of modern dance in Europe “fall
and recovery”. The forerunners of modern
dance in Europe include Emile Jacques-Dalcrose, the proponent of the
urthmics system of musical instruction and Rudolf Laban who analyzed and
systemized forms of human motion into a system he called Labanotation.

Nature and Characteristics of Modern dance

Modern dance characteristics are; unspecific standard curriculum;
concepts and movements are free interpretation; the dancers use their
emotion and mood to create their movements; variations of movements of
the body are usually contract and release as well as bend, curve, twist; the
deliberate use of gravity -dancers use body weight, body contraction, feet are
flat parallel on the floor and freedom of using any type of music.

Modern Dance in the Philippines

In 1926, two American founders of Modern dance, Ruth St. Denis and
husband Ted Shawn performed five times in Manila Grand Opera House. In
1932, Austrian Kate Hauser started a modern dance school named
Auzdruktanz among her remarkable and outstanding Filipino student who
later became a successful Spanish and modern dancer in the U.S., Spain
and Mexico was Manolo Rosado. He performed with Viennese company and

Spanish Ballet companies in Spain and Mexico. In 1937, Hauser brought in
Fellow Viennese dancer/teacher Trudl Dubsky who taught modern dance at
UP Academy of Music she was considered a prolific choreographer
producing numerous works. In 1970, Alice Reyes and Modern Dance
Company Debuted at the CCP that won artistic clamor and media mileage.
Some Filipino choreographers who created exemplary works in modern
dance are Agnes Locsin, Denisa Reyes, Gener Caringal, Tony Fabella, Edna
Vida, Enrico Labayen, and Alden Lugnasin, Paul Morales.

Contemporary dance started in 1953 when Merce Cunningham
developed an independent attitude towards modern dance and defy ideas
that were established by it. Contemporary dance is a genre that developed
and became popular among formally trained dancers across the globe.
Contemporary dance a term used to describe “current day culture.” It is
coined by dance experts as the fusion of several dance technique.

Nature and Characteristics of Contemporary Dance

Contemporary dance characteristics are: no standardized curriculum;
no standard body type; incorporation of elements of many dance styles;
current issues and concerns; minimal usage of sets design; integration of
gadgets and multimedia.

Contemporary Dance in the Philippines

The development and emerging concept
of contemporary dance in the country is
strongly influenced by the emerging and
trending style in the U.S.The “Neo- Filipino”

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Denisa Reyes in New York in 1987, a

platform for Filipino choreographers who
showcased their fearless and experimental
works about Philippine contemporary life
through dance. Few of the new generations
of contemporary choreographers who create
remarkable works are: Alden Lugnasin Ma.
Elena Laniog-Alvarez, Herbert Alvarez, Ea Torrado, Jose Jay B. Cruz, Dwight
Rodrigaso and J.M. Mabiling to name a few. Among the pioneering
companies in contemporary dance are Airdance,Daloy Dance Company and
Tetro Ambahanon Philippines.Another project of Contemporary Dance
Network in partnership with the Cultural Center of the Philippines(CCP and
given a grant by the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) is
the “WifiBody Contemporary Festival” an annual choreographers
competition for solo-duet form which aims to discover new choreographic

works founded by Myra Beltran in 2006. Other noteworthy to mention
activities competition in contemporary dance circle are “Contemporary Dance
Map” and the annual contemporary dance contest in “Sayaw Pinoy” of the

Jazz is a popular dance genre of
African-American and Caribbean origin
utilizing the African dance methods such
as “polycentrism, rhythm, and isolation of
various parts of the body. This is also
morphed from US mainstream dance and
incorporated the charleston, shim, sham
lindy and of similar type of social dance.
The term jazz dance was probably taken in
1917 from “The Jazz Dance” a song by W.
Benton Overstreet. During the 1920’s and
1930’s dancers performed with big brass
Bands. The era was called The Jazz Age
and the music was a cosmopolitan craze.
The Modern jazz dance is highly stylized
mix of original jazz dances with movements from dance from the 1950’s to
the 1980’s.It retained the distinct features of the dance but the music was
not only in jazz, pop, rhythm and blues ,rock and disco.

Nature and Characteristics of Jazz Dance

Jazz dance distinguishing characteristics are : body isolation;
synchopated rhythm and quick turns, polyrhythmic rhythm; low center of
gravity and high level of energy.

Jazz Dance in the Philippines

The country’s first performance of jazz was performed in bodabil
shows at the Manila Grand Opera House and Clover Theater by foreign and
Filipino dancers. In 1953 Julie Borromeo, arrived from the U.S. after training
with Luigi and Matt Matox. She opened a jazz dance school and was the first
to teach jazz formally. She founded the Julie Borromeo Dance Company.
Soon after many others emerged in the dance circle like: Allegro Dancers,
the Aldeguer Sisters, Tony Fabella Dancers and the Lito Calzado Dancers
among others. The Jazz dance became faddish and widely seen on
television, variety shows, musical theaters, pop concerts and productions.
The third generation of jazz dance companies the Met Dance Company,
Hotlegs Whiplash and the Adrenalin Dancers. Today the remarkable jazz
group that is active and regularly mount concerts, shows and productions is
the Powerdance established by choreographer Douglas Nierras.

Activity 1: Dance Appreciation
Directions: Watch the following youtube links of different dance genres.
Observe and analyze in terms of the following: title of dance(orscenes),name
of company/dancers, dancer’s stance, movements variation, rhythm and
tempo of music, details of costumes, set design and lighting.

Dance genres Youtube links Scenes/Parts to Watch

1. Ballet - - 38:22- 50:15
2. Modern dance - - 0:01- 2:48
3. Contemporary dance - – 0:01-3:25
4. Jazz dance - - 0:01-4:10


1. Merce Cunningham is a legendary contemporary dance who pioneered a

method of dance in the U.S.
2. Alvin Ailey is an African- American choreographer who formed his own
dance company composed of multi-race dancers the chance to perform
modern dance.
3. Jazz dancing is in demand in musical theater like “Chicago the Musical”
and “The Broadway”.
4. The three leading Ballet companies in the Philippines are Ballet
Philippines, Philippine Ballet Theater and Ballet Manila.
5. The ballet method used by the Russian is Vaganova while the American
ballet dancers used the Balanchine method.


Reinforcement Activity 2: Dance Critiquing
Directions: Analyze the four dance genres (ballet, modern, contemporary
and jazz) that you have watched in the youtube links in Activity-1. Answer
the table below in 1-2 sentences for each column.
Dance Title of Describe the Details Music-
Genres dance & movements of rhythm &
name of characteristics & costumes tempo
company dancer’s posture or
1. Ballet
2. Modern
4. Jazz

Name: _____________________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________


Sentence Completion
Direction: Complete the unfinished phrases by adding your own concept
learned in this module.

1. I am given the superb dancing skills to dance I will choose the dance
genre _____________________________________________________________________

2. I have learned to appreciate the four dance genres since I realized _______

3. The Filipinos can excel in _______________________________________________


Multiple Choices
Directions: Read the statement with comprehension. Answer each
statement by choosing a letter that best correspond to the idea of the
sentence. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. The modern and contemporary dance are considered difficult and

technical form that demands the proper background and training of what
dance genre?
A. Jazz C. Tap
B. Ballet D. Classical Dance

2. In modern dance the iconic Martha Graham was recognized for

introducing a dance method that is still being used and apply in today’s
choreographic works. What is this classic and effective method?
A. Contract and Release C. Rise and Recovery
B. Breath and Hold D. Curve and Twist

3. In contemporary dance popularized by Merce Cunningham all mentioned

in the choices are the nature and characteristics of this dance genre. Which
is not included?
A. Minimal use of set C. Convey current social issues
B. Incorporation different dance D. Elaborate costumes

4. Jazz dance in the country became mainstream and in demand during the
80’s and reached the craze in the 90’s because of the following reasons
EXCEPT for ________
A. Television Exposures C. Pop Concerts
B. Variety Shows D. Theater Performances

5. In Ballet the dance methods or techniques are standardized depending on

the dance style. Which among the choices is not a distinguishing
characteristic of Ballet?
A. Aerial quality of the movements C. Verticality in body stance
B. Graceful and fluid movements D. Feet are parallel


Quarter 1, Lesson 3

Britannica writers, “Types of Dance”, Britannica
Encyclopedia,>art (accessed August 12,2020).

Dance Dispatches writers, “Dance Genres”, (accessed August 12,2020).

Alvarez,B., “Your Complete Guide to Dance

Genres”(2018),>dancegenres (accessed August

Harlequin writers, “Popular Types of

Dance(2020),>news ( accessed August

Bedinghaus,T., “What are the Characteristics Of Modern Dance” (2018),

https://www.liveabout,com>what (accessed August 13,2020)

Dancefacts writers, “Contemporary Dance History and Origins”(2020),>dance-types>contemporary-dance

Pizon,R., “Dancing a Nation:Philippine Contemporary Dance and Narratives of

the Nation”, (accessed August

Villaruz, B.E.S., “Modern And Contemporary Dance in The Philippines”, CCP

Encyclopedia of Philippine Arts Vol. V Dance, pp.22-27;63-64;67-71;92-93.

Garcia, M.C.M., “ Jazz Dance in the Philippines”, CCP Encyclopedia of

Philippine Arts Vol. V Dance, pp. 82-83.



Management Team:
Malcolm S. Garma, Regional Director
Genia V. Santos, CLMD Chief
Dennis M. Mendoza, Regional EPS In Charge of LRMS
Maria Magdalena M. Lim, CESO V, Schools Division Superintendent
Aida H. Rondilla, CID Chief
Lucky S. Carpio, EPS In Charge of LRMS

S.P.A. DANCE (Folkdance Strand) Gr. 7

Writer: Cherry Ylanan-Villanueva, Teacher III, Mariano Marcos Memorial High School

Editors: Jayshri P. Razonable, Master Teacher I, Mariano Marcos Memorial High


Reviewers: Belinda R. Anido, Head Teacher VI, Raja Soliman High School
Luis M. Anchilo, PSDS & Supervisor-in-Charge (MAPEH)

Illustrator: Cherry Ylanan-Villanueva Teacher III, Mariano Marcos Memorial High


Layout Artist: Cherry Ylanan-Villanueva Teacher III, Mariano Marcos Memorial High

S.P.A. DANCE 7 Copyright, 2020


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