Failure Mechanism-Based Reliability Assessment Framework: A Case Study in An Automotive Component

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Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.


Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022

Original Article
DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2
Failure mechanism-based reliability
assessment framework: a case study in
· Accelerated life test
· Failure analysis
an automotive component
· Failure mechanism
· Lifetime estimation Moonsik Kang and Daeil Kwon
· Reliability assessment
Department of Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon 16419, Korea

Correspondence to:
Daeil Kwon Abstract This paper presents a framework for failure mechanism-based reliability as-
[email protected]
sessment, starting from collecting failed field samples. The framework includes failure analysis
for identifying the failure mechanism and accelerated life tests (ALTs) for reproducing the failure
Citation: mechanism. We consider that relevant information, such as warranty data and qualification test
Kang, M., Kwon, D. (2022). Failure
mechanism-based reliability assessment
results, enables to be utilized in the framework. The proposed framework is validated by using
framework: a case study in an automotive it to identify the failure mechanism and estimate the lifetime of an automotive component under
component. Journal of Mechanical Sci- normal use conditions. The case study shows that the framework enables to quantitatively as-
ence and Technology 36 (10) (2022)
sess reliability based on the failure mechanism.

Received April 27th, 2022

Revised June 15th, 2022
1. Introduction
Accepted June 15th, 2022 Reliability describes the ability of a product to perform its required function for a specified time
in its life cycle conditions [1]. Reliability is considered as an essential characteristic that con-
† This paper was presented at PHMAP
2021, Ramada Plaza Jeju Hotel, Jeju,
cerns both customers and manufacturers. Customers expect their purchases to operate nor-
Korea, September 8-11, 2021 mally through-out the usage duration and manufacturers make efforts to design and manufac-
Recommended by Guest Editor ture reliable product to survive in a highly competitive global market. Failure to ensure the ex-
Sang Won Lee
pected lifetime of a product could lead warranty claims and related economic and reputation
loss in the market [2]. Therefore, assessing the reliability of a product is vital for manufacturers.
With the rapid development of technologies, today’s products have long lifetime and high re-
liability while manufacturers are required to assess the reliability of their products in a feasible
amount of time [3]. Under this circumstance, accelerated life tests (ALTs) are widely used to
assess reliability including lifetime and probability of failure under nor-mal use conditions. In
ALTs, test units are subjected to the elevated stress levels. The lifetime of a product under use
conditions can be estimated by extrapolating failure data of the test units via physics-based or
empirical model. The practical applications of ALTs in the literatures include brazed plate heat
exchanger [4], pneumatic cylinder [5], pump motor assembly [6], cooling fan motors of an auto-
mobile [7], knock sensors located in the engine block [8].
In order to properly assess the reliability of products, it is necessary to understand the proc-
ess of failure because reliability significantly depends on the stresses that products experience
in the field and the failures occurring under the field conditions. Failure mechanisms are identi-
fied as “processes by which the specific combination of physical, electrical, chemical and me-
chanical stresses induce failure” [9]. If the stresses applied during ALTs produce failure
mechanisms that are different from those observed under use conditions, the test results can-
not be representative for the reliability under use condition [10]. Therefore, ALTs have to be
designed based on failure mechanism analysis so that the same failure mechanisms observed
under use conditions are accelerated.
Prior to ALTs, one of the ways to identify failure mechanisms is to collect failed field products
and then to conduct failure analysis through the products [11]. Failed products from field envi-
© The Korean Society of Mechanical
Engineers and Springer-Verlag GmbH ronments provide valuable information, and failure analysis seeks to identify failure mode,
Germany, part of Springer Nature 2022 cause, and mechanism. In the recent decades, several researchers and research groups pro-

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

posed failure analysis procedures in various applications. Re-

nesas Electronics Corporation [12] provided general failure
analysis procedure for semiconductors, with usable analysis
methods for each step. Li et al. [13] showed the process of
failure analysis, nondestructive and destructive examinations
that were used to identify the cause of solder joint failure. So-
den and Anderson [14] comprehensively reviewed techniques
and tools, such as electrical measurement techniques and X-
ray micro analysis for integrated circuit failure analysis. Appro-
priate approaches for failure analysis enable to understand
field operating conditions and process of failure. For example,
cracks of an automotive ball joint due to fatigue induced by
dynamic mechanical loading [15], fatigue failure of automotive
electronics induced by vibration during transportation [16],
coating cracking of a gas turbine blade due to thermal fatigue
mechanism [17].
This paper presents a framework and provides a methodol-
ogy for failure mechanism-based reliability assessment utiliz- Fig. 1. Flow chart of failure analysis.
ing engineering information. The engineering information in-
cludes warranty data, some documents such as failure mode destructive tests include visual inspection, optical microscopy
and effect analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis (FTA), quali- and X-ray microscopy to determine internal and external de-
fication test results and domain knowledge. This paper particu- fects on the samples. Electrical tests detect shorts, opens,
larly focuses on the procedure of failure analysis and reliability change in electrical resistant, and other abnormal electrical
assessment using ALTs. A case study involving identification of behavior. Destructive tests include cross-sectioning to reveal
failure mechanism and life-time estimation for one of the auto- internal defects and tensile strength and hardness measure-
motive electronics is demonstrated. The rest of paper is organ- ment to measure the change in mechanical characteristics. For
ized as follows: Sec. 2 describes the proposed methodology the more useful test techniques, please refer to Refs. [12, 14,
and illustrates its steps. Sec. 3 discusses the case study and 18, 19]. Some information helps to prioritize tests that need to
presents the result of lifetime estimation. The final section pre- be conduct. For example, referring to document such as failure
sents some conclusions. mode and effect analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis (FTA)
that preformed in design and development phases, tests capa-
ble for detecting failure modes which can induce target failure
2. Methodology structure effect can be conducted firstly.
Figs. 1 and 2 show the process of failure analysis and reli-
ability assessment based on ALTs. The methodology is de- 2.1.2 Failure cause identification
scribed in the following sections. After identifying the failure mode and site, it is necessary to
identify the cause of failure. Failure causes are the factors that
lead to failure during design, manufacturing and use; their re-
2.1 Failure analysis
moval eliminates failure [20]. Life cycle profile (LCP) analysis is
A flow chart of failure analysis in this paper is given in Fig. 1. one of the approaches for identifying the cause of failure. LCP
The flow chart includes three main steps. Starting from collect- refers to the assessment of events and environmental condi-
ing failed field samples, the failure analysis is designed to iden- tions of a product during its life cycle. [21]. Mathew et al. [22]
tify failure mode and site, failure cause, and failure mechanism. analyzed the vibration time history of a circuit card assembly in
To start failure analysis, there is an assumption in this paper; It the space shuttle solid rocket booster. Johnson et al. [23] pre-
was predetermined which physical components of systems are sented that underhood temperature can be as high as 150 °C
subject to reliability assessment with warranty data, customer in an automotive environment and they studied reliability issues
needs, or other criteria (e.g., a door latch assembly of a vehicle, related to electronics under high temperature. Brief environ-
an audio module of a smartphone). mental stresses (possible causes) and their corresponding
effects are listed in Table 1. For more details, refer to Ref. [1].
2.1.1 Failure mode and site identification
Failure mode and site identification via various non- 2.1.3 Failure mechanism identification
destructive and destructive tests is the first step, using failed The final step of failure analysis is to identify failure mecha-
field samples; those contain valuable information for determin- nism. The failure mechanism may be classified as overstress
ing specific failure mode and site. Failure analysis starts with mechanisms or wearout mechanisms. Failure mechanisms
non-destructive tests, followed by destructive tests. Non- due to stresses that exceed the intrinsic strength of a product

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

Table 1. Environmental stresses and their corresponding effects [1].

Stress Effects
·Physical expansion
·Thermal aging, oxidation
High temperature ·Viscosity reduction
·Evaporation of lubricant
·Electrical parameter change
·Embrittlement of materials
Low temperature
·Physical contraction
·Loss of mechanical strength
·Structural collapse
Shock, vibration
·Cracking and rupture
·Looseness of interconnects
High humidity ·Corrosion
·Electrical leakage
Fig. 2. Flow chart of accelerated life tests.
·Moisture generation
Temperature change
·Mechanical stress between coupled materials
·Scratch and abrasion on surface of material formed to obtain failure data at elevated stress levels based on
Sand, dust the knowledge of the identified failure mechanism. Therefore,
·Contamination of lubricant
the flow chart assumes that the failure mechanisms are identi-
fied prior to ALTs.
Table 2. Typical failure mechanisms [24].

Stress Overstress mechanism Wearout mechanism 2.2.1 Accelerated stresses

Yield, fracture, The first step is to investigate and select significant stresses
Mechanical Fatigue, creep, wear that accelerate the identified failure mechanisms. ALTs can be
interfacial de-adhesion
Glass transition, performed at high temperature, humidity, vibration, and combi-
Thermal Stress driven diffusion voiding
phase transition nations of stresses to stimulate the failure mechanism. Table 3
Time-dependent dielectric shows common failure mechanisms and their corresponding
Dielectric breakdown,
electrical overstress,
breakdown (TDDB), accelerated stresses provided by Refs. [10, 25]. Analysis of
Electrical electromigration, surface charge warranty data can be one of the approaches that help to select
electrostatic discharge,
spreading, hot electrons,
second breakdown accelerated stresses. For example, if warranty data shows
slow trapping
target failures were often reported from region with high humid-
Radiation embrittlement,
Radiation Single event upset ity environment compared to those with low humidity, it de-
charge trapping in oxides
serves to investigate the effect of humidity on the failure
Corrosion, dendrite growth,
Chemical - depolymerization, intermetallic
mechanism. Once the effect is confirmed with related literature
growth or domain knowledge, humidity can be selected as the accel-
erated stress.

are called overstress mechanism. Wearout mechanisms refer 2.2.2 Accelerated life tests planning
to failure due to the accumulation of damage via repeated During test planning, number of stress levels, levels of stress
stresses. Typical failure mechanisms are summarized in Table and number of test units at each stress level need to be con-
2 [24]. Engineers should deduce the failure mechanisms based sidered. These variables need to be determined according to
on the identified failure mode and cause to understand the various considerations, such as limited time, budget and capa-
process of failure under use condition. Furthermore, variables bility of the test equipment [26]. It is notice-able that all stress
of ALTs such as types of stress, level of stresses should be levels have to be selected within the range that induces the
determined based on the knowledge of the identified failure same failure mechanism observed under normal use condi-
mechanisms. tions. It is recommended to select stress levels as close as
possible to normal use condition considering available test time
to avoid excess extrapolating lifetime data at the elevated
2.2 Accelerated life tests (ALTs)
stress levels to use condition level. The larger the number of
A flow chart of reliability assessment based on ALTs is stress level and test units, the more accurate the results of
shown in Fig. 2. The objective of this process is to describe the lifetime estimation under normal use condition, while the test
relationship between stress and lifetime, and to analyze reliabil- takes longer [27]. ALTs are generally conducted at two stress
ity including lifetime of products under normal use conditions. levels or three stress levels. It is recommended to allocate a
To accomplish the objectives, ALTs are designed and per- higher number of test units to a lower stress level [28]. Two-

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

Table 3. Failure mechanisms and their corresponding accelerated stresses

[10, 25].

Failure mechanism Accelerated stresses

Mechanical stress range,
cyclic temperature range, frequency
Creep Mechanical stress, temperature
Wear Contact force relative sliding velocity
Diffusion Temperature, concentration gradient
Electromigration Current density, temperature
Surface charge spreading Temperature
Slow trapping Temperature
Fig. 3. Stress-lifetime relationship.
Radiation damage Intensity of radiation
Corrosion Temperature, relative humidity
Eyring model. Among them, the Arrhenius model is commonly
used to model the dependence of a failure mechanism on
level ALT is simple but cannot test the validity of the stress- temperature. Arrhenius model is given by Eq. (2).
lifetime relationship there are only two stress levels. For this
reason, three-level ALT was proposed and a sample allocation ⎛E ⎞
ratio of 4:2:1 at lowest, middle and highest stress levels was L = A exp ⎜ a ⎟ (2)
⎝ kT ⎠
presented [29].
where L is a life characteristic, A is a constant to be
2.2.3 Accelerated life test data analysis
determined, Ea is the activation energy for failure mechanism
This section includes life distribution and stress-lifetime
to be determined, k is the Boltzman’s constant (8.6171 x 10-5
model selection, stress-lifetime relationship modeling and de-
eV/K), and T is the absolute temperature.
riving reliability information such as lifetime in normal use con-
Once a life distribution and stress-lifetime model are selected,
dition after ALTs.
the combination of the life distribution and the model is fitted to
The first step in the failure data analysis is to select an ap-
the ALTs data. For the stress-lifetime relationship, some meth-
propriate life distribution. In ALTs, failure data at different stress
ods are available to estimate the parameters of the model,
levels are assumed to be fitted a common distribution. Popular
such as the least-squares method and the maximum likelihood
life distributions include normal distribution, Weibull distribution,
estimation (MLE) method. Some reliability information, such as
lognormal distribution and exponential distribution. Serval
lifetime under use condition, can be obtained based on stress-
goodness of fit test such as Anderson-Darling test and Kolmo-
lifetime relationship, as shown in Fig. 3.
gorov-Smirnov test, could be used to evaluate the suitability of
the distributions. Among various life distributions, Weibull dis-
tribution is most widely used owing to its flexibility. The cumula- 3. Case study: steering roll connector mod-
tive distribution function of the two of the two-parameter ules
Weibull distribution is given by Eq. (1).
Automotive steering roll connector (SRC) modules were se-
lected as the case study in this research. Failure analysis and
⎡ ⎛t ⎞ β

F ( t ) = 1 − exp ⎢ − ⎜ ⎟ ⎥, t > 0 (1) reliability assessment results are presented based on proposed
⎢⎣ ⎝ α ⎠ ⎥⎦ methodology in Sec. 2. In the following sections, the steps of
proposed procedures are illustrated for SRC modules.
where β means the shape parameter, α means the scale
parameter called life characteristic, and t means the opera- 3.1 Structure and functionality of the SRC mod-
tion time or cycle. ules
It was generally assumed that the scale parameters depends
on the stress levels while the shape parameter while the shape A steering roll connector (SRC) module is an automotive
parameter is constant [26]. electronic located between a steering column and a steering
After selecting a life distribution that is appropriate for the fail- wheel, as shown in Fig. 4. SRC modules are used to electri-
ure data, the stress-lifetime model should then be determined. cally connect steering wheels to electrical steering wheel-
The models describe the life characteristic of the life distribution mounted systems such as horn and steering wheel heating
such as the scale parameter of Weibull distribution from one systems in vehicles. This module is also responsible for com-
stress level to another. A stress-lifetime relationship can be municating signals to activate the airbag mounted on the steer-
obtained from physic-based or empirical models, e.g., power ing wheel. There are spirally wound flexible flat cables (FFCs)
law model, Arrhenius model, inverse power law model and inside an SRC module, as shown in Fig. 5. FFCs enable an

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

Table 4. Average annual temperature of the regions where many failures

had been reported.

Rank Region Average annual temperature (°C)

1 A 30.9
2 B 30.7
3 C 32.7
4 D 24
5 E 29.6
6 F 32.4
Fig. 4. Flow chart of accelerated life tests.

Fig. 6. A crack in a copper foil of an FFC in a failed field SRC module.

Fig. 5. Flow chart of accelerated life tests.
amplitude. Alzoubi et al. [31] studied the effect of bending di-
SRC module to maintain an electrical connection to the steer- ameter on the change in electrical resistance of Indium-tin-
ing wheel-mounted system while the steering wheel is turning. oxide (ITO) thin films. They showed the smaller bending di-
ameter that produces higher bending stress, the higher %-
change in electrical resistance due to cracks. Hamasha et al.
3.2 Failure analysis
[32] also found that bending diameter have a significant influ-
In the automotive environment, electrical connection loss of ence on the high cycle fatigue life of aluminum thin films.
the SRC module leads to the steering wheel-mounted systems Moreover, temperature is another possible accelerated
malfunctioning. Failure analysis of field failed SRC modules stress besides bending stress amplitude. Many SRC module
identified that the FFC failed owing to cracking in the conduc- failures were reported from the hot regions based on the manu-
tive copper foil of an FFC, as shown in Fig. 6. It was also found facturer’s study, as presented in Table. 4. The effect of tem-
that electrical resistance of FFCs increased. perature on the fatigue life of flexible electronics has been ex-
In life cycle conditions of SRC modules, FFCs bend corre- tensively investigated by many researchers. Alzoubi et al. [33]
sponding to the turning direction of the steering wheel when a found that the %-change in electrical resistance and crack
steering wheel turns to the left or right. FFCs under repeated length of copper film coated on polyethylene terephthalate
bending stresses may result in a loss of electrical connection to (PET) substrate increased faster with increasing temperature
the steering wheel-mounted systems owing to fatigue cracks. (23 °C, 50 °C and 100 °C) under cyclic bending. Lee et al. [34]
Kown and Kim [30] studied the effect of environmental condi- found that fatigue life of silver (Ag) thin film on a PET substrate
tions (high temperature and high humidity) and repeated bend- was reduced at elevated temperatures (50 °C, 70 °C).
ing stresses on flexible electronics. They showed no change in Among bending stress amplitude and temperature, tempera-
the electrical resistance of flexible electronics without repeated ture was selected as the accelerated stress to estimate lifetime
bending stress, although the tests were conducted under con- of SRC modules under various temperature-based field envi-
ditions of high temperature and humidity. In contrast, the elec- ronments. Arrhenius model was selected for the temperature-
trical resistance significantly increased under repeated bending lifetime relationship.
stress condition. This verifies that repeated bending stress is
the cause of failure and fatigue is the failure mechanism in the 3.4 Accelerated life tests planning
case of SRC modules.
The tests were designed to accelerate fatigue life of FFCs
under elevated temperature. The fatigue test was designed to
3.3 Accelerated stresses and stress-lifetime mod-
apply repeated bending stress to FFCs by reciprocating motion
to moving parts of the test equipment, as shown in Fig. 7. The
One of the possible accelerated stresses is bending stress gap between the fixed plates and the moving plates was de-

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

Table 5. Summary of estimated parameters of weibull distribution and

arrhenius model.

Parameter Value
Shape parameter β 7.7
Constant A 0.3846
Activation energy Ea 0.4807

Fig. 7. Fatigue test equipment.

Fig. 9. Weibull probability plot of the lifetime at each stress levels.

Fig. 8. Electrical resistance response of an FFC during fatigue test.

fined as the actual bending diameter of the FFCs in the SRC

module. The moving distance was set to make initial bending
area of an FFC fully flat for the maximum bending stress. The
equipment for fatigue test were placed inside a constant tem-
perature chamber. The FFCs were exposed to elevated tem-
peratures while being subjected to cyclic bending fatigue stress
based on the designed test method. The stress levels of tem-
perature were set as 75 °C and 85 °C. The number of test units
was 10 at 75 °C and 7 at 85 °C, respectively.
During the test, the electrical resistance of the FFCs was
measured. The failure criteria was defined as a 15 % increase
in electrical resistance from the initial resistance value, as
shown in Fig. 8. The failure criteria was determined considering
the loss of connection to the steering wheel-mounted system. Fig. 10. Relationship plot between stress (temperature) and lifetime (cy-
However, the electrical resistance response during the fatigue cles).
test significantly fluctuates between each cycle after crack
propagation because cracks open in the bending positions and failure data at 75 °C and 85 °C are shown in Fig. 9. The pa-
close in the flat positions. To prevent to underestimation, cycle- rameters estimated by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
to-failure was defined as the first cycle that were confirmed by are presented in Table 5. The parameters include the common
ten subsequent values of electrical resistance exceeding the shape parameter β of Weibull distribution at 75 °C and 85 °C,
failure criteria. the parameters of Arrhenius model. Fig. 10 shows the relation-
ship between temperature and lifetime described based on the
estimated parameters.
3.5 Accelerated life tests data analysis
The tests were conducted at 75 °C and 85 °C and cycle-to-
3.6 Estimation of lifetime under use conditions
failure data were obtained at each stress level. Weibull distribu-
tion and Arrhenius model were used as the life distribution and The use condition can be defined as the annual average
stress-lifetime model, respectively. Weibull probability plots of temperature of the region or country of interest, such as 25 °C,

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

Table 6. Examples of the lifetime estimation results under different tem-

perature-based use conditions.

B10 lifetime ±95 % confidence interval

Temperature (°C)
(cycles) (cycles)
25 a a* ~ a’
30 b b* ~ b’
35 c c* ~ c’

Fig. 12. Weibull probability plot of field failure data in two countries.

Fig. 11. Weibull distribution of the lifetime (cycles) estimated at the use
condition level (e.g., 25 °C).

30 °C and 35 °C. The distributions of lifetime under various Fig. 13. Weibull probability plots of field data with a constant shape parame-
temperature conditions were estimated by the obtained rela-
tionship between temperature and lifetime. The shape parame-
ter remained constant ( β = 7.7) and the scale parameters at and 1.83 for country B data. Hypothesis testing was conducted
the specified temperatures were estimated using the parame- for verifying the assumption of a constant shape parameter of
ters in Table 5 and Eq. (2). For example, the Weibull distribu- two countries field data. P-value was 0.5482, so that the as-
tion of lifetime at 25 °C was estimated as shown in Fig. 11. sumption of a constant shape parameter was statistically vali-
Based on the estimated distributions, several life characteris- dated. In addition, Fig. 13 shows the data points are located
tics such as B10 lifetime were estimated at various tempera- within the 95 % confidence intervals except only a few points.
ture-based use conditions such as 25 °C, 30 °C and 35 °C as Consequently, AF for field data (AFfield) calculated as 1.2903.
presented in Table 6. The actual values were replaced with AF was also calculated from the life-stress relationship. AF
alphabets for security reasons of the data provider. The higher due to changes in temperature is defined as Eq. (3) derived
the temperature, the smaller the estimated lifetime (a > b > c). from the Arrhenius model equation Eq. (2).
Furthermore, the estimated lifetime had a lower confidence
limit (a*, b*, c*) and an upper confidence limit (a’, b’, c’). LA ⎛ E ⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎞
AF = = exp ⎜ a ⎜ − ⎟ ⎟
⎜ k T T ⎟
LB ⎝ ⎝ A B ⎠⎠

3.7 Validation of the life-stress relationship

where TA is temperature of country A, TB is temperature of
To validate the obtained life-stress relationship, acceleration country B and Ea is activation energy presented in Table 5.
factor (AF) was compared with the one from field failure data of The annual average temperature from 2014 to 2019 in coun-
two countries (country A, country B) which have different an- try A and B is 13.03 °C and 15 °C, respectively. However,
nual average temperature. The field failure data were collected country B had a large variation in the temperature by regions
from the vehicles sold from April 2014 to March 2017 in country compared to country A. Thus, in the case of country B, 95 %
A and from May 2014 to March 2017 in country B. The data upper mean and 95 % lower mean were used as an upper and
recorded failures of each module within 3 years. The Weibull lower boundary for temperature. Table 7 summarized repre-
probability plots are shown in Fig. 12, and the shape parame- sentative value or boundary for temperature of each country.
ters (β) of the Weibull distributions are 1.67 for country A data The calculation results of AF were presented in Table 8. In

Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 36 (10) 2022 DOI 10.1007/s12206-022-0903-2

Table 7. Summary of representative values for temperature of country A 71-86.

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