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Presented To Respected Sir: Ahmed Sher

Presented By : Maham Sanaullah Awan
Roll no:2022-2013
▪ Subject:




Circular Motion
Student will be able to define Circular motion with its examples ,( circular motion of
stone attached with a string)
Comprehension :
Student will bhe able to explain the two types (Centripetal Force and Centrifugal Force
Of circular motion )with its formula F =ma = mv2/r.
Student will be able to apply the principal of circular motion to solve numerical
problem such as calculating the speed or acceleration of an object moving in a circle
▪ Analysis:
Student will be able to analyze the factors that affect the amount of centripetal force
required for circular motion, such as changes in mass or velocity.
▪ Synthesis:
Student will be able to design a solution to a real-world problem that involves the use
of centripetal force, such as designing a better roller coaster.
▪ Evaluation:
Students will be able to evaluate the impact of circular motion on society and
technology, with circular motion.
▪ Slides

▪ Board

▪ Marker

▪ Chart
▪ Lower oder
1. Direct Instruction
2. Memorization
3. Worksheets
4. Drill And Practice
5. Repetition
1. Problem –Based Learning

2. Inquiry- Based Learning

3. Technology-Based Learning

4. Cooperative- Based Learning

▪ show students the importance of circular motion . Circular motion essential in many fields such
as as physics ,Engineering and astronomy . By understanding Its importance , you can motivate
yourself to learn more about it.

Relate it to real- life examples . Try to find examples of circular motion in everyday Life,
Such as merry- go-around or a car going around a aroundabout. Relating the concepts of real life
examples can make them more relatable and easier to understand .
▪ What is motion?
▪ What is circular motion?
▪ Centripetal force and Centrifugal force?
Circular motion is described as the movement of an object
while rotating along a circular path. Circular motion
can be either Uniform or non uniform. During
uniform circular motion the angular rate of
Rotation and speed will be constant while
during non- uniform motion the rate
of rotation keeps changing.

When a stone tied to a string is rotated in a circle, the velocity of the stone acts
tangentially outwards the circle. When the string is suddenly breaks, the stone
flies off tangentially outwards i.e. in the direction of velocity.
▪ Centripetal force is the component of force acting on an object in curvilinear motion
which is directed towards the axis of rotation or centre of curvature.

▪ Formula for centripetal force =mv2r. The unit of the force is newton or kgm-2
Fc = Centripetal force
m= mass
V = velocity
r= radius

▪ Centrifugal force: Centrifugal force is a pseudo force in a circular motion which acts
along the radius and is directed away from the centre of the circle.
▪ The formula both centrifugal and centripetal force is
the same: F = ma = mv2/r.
F= Centrifugal force
m= mass
w= angular velocity
▪ EXAMPLE : A stone of mass 100 g is attached to a string 1mlong. The stone is rotating in a
circle with a speed of 5 ms. Find the tension in the string..
▪ SOLUTION m = 100 g = 0.1 kgv = 5 ms¹
▪ r = 1m
▪ T = Fc= ?
▪ Tension T in the string provides the necessary centripetal force
▪ given by Fc = Mv2 /r
▪ T= 0.1Kg×(5ms-1)2 / 2
▪ T=2.5N
▪ Thus, tension in the string will be equal to 2.5 N.
▪ Circular motion can be of two types: uniform or non-uniform circular motion.
▪ The angular rate of rotation and speed are constant in uniform circular motion,
whereas the rate of rotation changes in non-uniform motion.
▪ The velocity vector changes direction at every point on the curve during circular
▪ What is the essential question in circular motion?
▪ What is the SI unit of circular motion?
▪ What is the principle of circular motion?
▪ What is circular motion?
▪ Types of circular motion ?
▪ Define centripetal force?

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