PR Chapter 1

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office of Marikina City
Malanday National High School



Can you explain behind this title…why you come up this title?

A Basic Research Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject

Practical Research
Major in Hair Dressing


Dacullo, Henry C. Manuel, Mary Elysse L.

Miclat, Haphie Shanel S. Calibuso, Elaiza Claire

Sanalila, Elenair A. Rañin, Johnrey

February 24 2023
Approval Sheet
The research is expressing his most profound and deep appreciation

to the following for the wonderful support, remarkable assistance, and

the encouragement they provide for the attainment and his endeavors.

Elaiza Claire Calibuso, To have inspiration and make more knowledge in this

Mary elysse Manuel, for doing the typings and cooperation.

Haphie Shanel Miclat, for supporting the group and for your cooperation.

Elenair Sanalila, for helping us to do the title.

Henry Dacullo, for cooperating with the group and also for giving information.

Johnrey Rañin, for doing his job in this group


This dessertation is sincerely dedicated to a group of very special person, for all

their passion, fortitude and truthfulness and for making his life complete.

This research is dedicated to our families and classmates so that they can have

more knowledge about hairdressing. And we also thank the Lord for giving us the

intelligence, strength, and skill to complete this research. And we are also thankful to

mam collado because she was the reason to expand our knowledge of hair dressing.

And to the fellow students who helped us to facilitate our work. And we are also

grateful to Malanday National High School for the facility they use to have work and

more knowledge.
Chapter 1

This chapter presents the background of the study, related literature that supports

the study, the research gap, and the purpose of the study.

The problem and its Background

The coronavirus that originally came from China slaughtered not only the lives of

human beings but also the system of livelihood of employers. The effect of the

pandemic on employers shows a lot of income in the economics and also how they find

a portion of food for their everyday lives. Leaders around the world make way to make

non-employment to sure that they can make money even at their house so the leaders

make an ideas about the e-learning platform. That's why the leader came up with an idea

to create an online class made up of students and instructors so that the unemployed can

earn an income so that the can have something to eat on a daily basis. The researcher

applied this theory as anchorage in the formulation of the data-gathering material. The

theory was also used for the analysis and interpretation of data.

What is the purpose of your study?

Is there any gap in your research?

Statement of the problem

This Research paper aims to explore the lived experiences of hairdressing

instructors on an e-learning platform

Can explain each research question?

1. What are the experiences of hairdressing instructors in using e-learning platforms?

2.What are the Challenges of hairdressing instructors in using e-learning platform?

3.How do Hairdressing instructors Cope with challenges in e-learning platform?

Rationale and significance of the Study

The rationale of this research was to elucidate the lived experiences of English

and Filipino teachers in online pedagogy and also the results of this paper were

significant in terms of the following considerations: First, since the study was

Phenomenological, it was expected to produce data concerning the lived experiences of

instructors teachers in hairdressing using an online platform. Likewise, these data

addressed several controversial issues surrounding the challenges of technologically

disadvantaged teachers.

This research was beneficial to the various stakeholders in terms of the following:

Students, this research could provide a lot of educational advancement to students since

pandemic strike in the instructor of hairdressing gaps among the teachers were

addressed by the authorities.

Parents, this study would benefit parents who are not only digital masters but as well

as digitally imcapacitated through in-depth understanding of lived experiences of each

participants in the online platform. Because parents understand how hard the lived in

era of pandemic.

Administrators, this research would aid in the creation of evaluation methods for

persons with technical limitations. It will also include the creation of a globally

integrated system to provide assistance to persons with technological difficulties.

Furthermore, this study may help to shape policies that govern the creation and delivery

of resources, services, and assistance to persons with technical impairments.

Principal, this research would serve as a blueprint in identifying teachers'

weaknesses in digital skills and creating ways to establish a conducive learning

environment. And to make more knowledgeable the student by instructor so that they

satisfied even they discussed in online class.

Future researcher, want further to study the lived experiences of the hairdressing

instructors on e-learning platform.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The present study focused on lived experiences of hairdressing instructors on e-

learning platform in the first District of Marikina City. The research was conducted

during pandemic School year 2020-2021

As a hairdresser you're the highlight of someone's day you're their treat to

themselves, you can change their personal life or you touch the lives of your patron.

Being a hairdressing is a rewarding job you do your very best to make people happy.

Monitoring people there best appearance the total transformation. It’s a god bless your

gifted talents.

The researcher acknowledges that there were certain delimitations to this research.

The first restriction was the IATF's health protocol's limit on the number of participants.

The second delimitation was the participants passed the criteria of this research. In

addition, the study was geographically delimited to the public schools in the District 1

of Marikina City. Three participants in this study were qualified to the following criteria
(25-30). atleast five years above teaching experience in public school, have lived

experiences in online platform, and had limited knowledge of e- learning platform.

Theoretical Framework

The theory of his research was based on the Diffusion of Innovation Theory by

Ancient Egyptians. The instructors group of teachers are referred to as Laggards.

Conservative when it comes to ideas of transportation. The innovation in this part is

about the shifting of modality from classroom set-ups are being replaced by online. The

concept of diffusions can be applied to the process of these instructors to make a mass

innovative teaching in scenario, the tactics within their social system is the academic.

The researcher applied this theory as encourage in the formulation of the data gathering

the theory was also used for the analysis and interruption of data. The researcher

applied this theory in his research because it directly focused his in-depth interview on

the lived experiences and challenges of English and Filipino. In this particular study, the

five aspects driven by the Diffusion of Innovation Theory will determine the

competence and openness of instructor teachers to adapting technology in their online

classes, how it may minimize their challenges, and how they can develop their coping

skills in this study. To make more sure that the student are have a learned with the topic

that discussed in online class. The researcher applied this theory in this research because

it directly focused more on depth interview on the lived experiences and challenges of

the instructor in the era of pandemic.

Chapter 2


This chapter offers the important literature and studies that the researcher

examined in bolstering the significance of the current investigation. The researcher

organized the literature by theme.

Online Learning

According to DEPED in (2020) Online learning was a set of procedures,

methods, and processes for teaching students through a digital platform environment,

where teachers and students learn the lesson separately due to the digital platform or

online learning.

The same study mentioned by Instructors (2020) that online learning is the

philosophy and applications of learning that occur online. The act of teaching is

commonly used in digitally. The practice of teaching well online is known as an online

teaching platform, and it was created expressly for this purpose. It has a set of

recommended techniques, approaches, and procedures for instructing academic

purposes in mental and physical settings apart from the faculty members—online or in a

blended learning environment

Likewise, DEPED et al (2020) mentioned that due to the pandemic crisis, the

online platform is currently popular in the education system. The online platform is the

strategy of learning and teaching using the digital mechanism. It examines how online

learning design affects students' development of academic proficiency in various forms

of digital learning focused on technology-enhanced collaborative learning.

Phenomenology is a qualitative research design that focuses on the individual's lived

experiences of the instructors during the pandemic.

Synchronous learning is an instruction that occurs simultaneously but not in the same

place and is done through electronic modality.



This chapter presented the process and methods employed in this research,

including the research design, Instrument, and techniques in gathering information,

respondents of the study, and research administration.


The research used the qualitative approach to gather a rich understanding of

instructors on e-learning platform. A phenomenology case study guided this qualitative

study. This method used participant views and experiences to analyze data without

numbers. Qualitative data can be written, or recorded. This study explored the thoughts,

feelings , and struggles, and stressed of instructors in era of pandemic. Bhandari (2020)

pronouncement was very crucial. Response to their virtual interview were transcribe

and examined. The qualitative research collected detailed data and describe target

people, places and events using his eyes, ear, and wisdom(Crossman,2020).This study

used this method in interpreting data to describe and explain the real phenomenology

study to explain important case phenomenology by analyzing participants' experiences (

Teherami, et al., 2015).The researcher also analyze the virtual chat transcription data.

Qualitative research method phenomenology examines a groups' common life

experiences (Cresswell,2013).This study used Cresswell method because it examined

the struggle of instructors during pandemic on online teaching experiences.

The qualitative research tought first-hand knowledge, accurate reporting, and

quotes from real talks to gain a better understanding.

Research Design

The study utilized a phenomenology study qualitative research design

described as "an approach for exploring and understanding the meaning individuals or

groups describe to a social or human problem"(Crosswell 2003).This particular research

design aided the research to have an in-depth knowledge about the lived experiences of

the instructors on online platform. Similarly, the nature of identified research questions

justified the use of qualitative research design as they all require exploring phenomena

like feelings or processes, which are hard to extract or learn about through conventional

research methods.

A phenomenology study is a qualitative methodology that allows research to

conduct in an depth-study within the context of real life(Yin,2006) and can address

descriptive and exploratory research questions when collecting imperial data(Shavelson

& Towne,202).In this research, the case being studied on how they struggle to teach the

students during pandemic. Since the research aimed to develop an in-depth

understanding of this case with the participants, bound by their experiences during one

academic year in a pandemic, this research methodology would better understand the

"how" and "why" of the identified phenomenon.

Research Setting

The researchers living in Marikina City and there study was conducted in

Malanday Natioñal High School. The researchers school in under Mr. Bernie Ibañez,

the assigned School teacher Super itended. It is important to note that the researcher is

currently employed and teaching as senior high school (SHS)instructor at the

aforementioned school division. The researcher conducted the study during the school
year 2022-2023 It can be noted that when the case was studied, the entire world was in

the middle of a health emergency due the ongoing COVID-19 disease outbreak and was

even classified by The World Health Organization (WHO) as a pandemic. This global

health crisis also forced many school shutdowns, instantly charging the education

landscape worldwide. During this school year, teaching and learning transitioned from

the traditional and physical confines of the classroom to digital online education setups.

Even before all this, many teachers have already reported multitudes of stressors related

to their profession. When coupled with the stressors brought about by the pandemic,

this became of scientific interest to the researcher: thus, resulting in the currently study.

Hairdressing instructor between the ages of 30-40 years old were chosen to be

participants in the study as they have less expirenced in online teaching. Many studies

have shown that they are less adept at utilizing modern technology such as smartphones,

computers and web-based application and are more likely to experience stress when

teaching online.

There were no other significant obstacles when finding a good site for the

investigation However acquiring admissions to the identified schools and contacting

potential participants prove challenging intially, the intended participants were hesitant

to participate because of privacy concerns which could have resulted in a significant

bump in the investigatory process. Nonetheless, after the researcher explained and

assured confidentiality in processing and handling the data, the participants expressed

their willingness to become part of the study.


Purposive sampling was used to determine the lived of instructors how they

face the daily struggle in era of pandemic. Participants from District 1 of Marikina City

for the virtual interview. Patton (2015) describes this technique as an effective tool for

sampling "information -rich cases for in-depth study".

The selection was based on the three criteria:(1) study participants must be

English or filipino Language participans aged between 30 to 40 years old; (3) She or He

have a salon, She or He must be teached 10 years; (4) must be willing to participate in

the study. All of the qualifications were included in the selection pool, and participants

were chosen based on a strategy referred to as purposeful selection.

Sampling Procedures

Purposive sampling was used to study challenges on instructors lived in

pandemic. Purposive sampling was a non-probability sampling technique where the

scholar chose sample items.

The researcher selected three participants who have a salon or they're

teaching in hairdressing on Online Platform using purposive sampling.

Data Collection Procedures

This multiple phenomenology study used a qualitative research design to

collect the in-depth experiences of three Instructors or teachers. Relationship and

connections must be established and attached with trust when conducting virtual

interviews. To gather related data, the researcher intially sent a letter of request to the

participants of this research who lived in Marikina City seeking permission to conduct

the study. After the request was approved, the researcher visited the three participants of

District 1 and presented the permit to conduct a study.

The letter explained the study 's purpose and the descriptions and

procedures that participants would go through. The letter also included a confidentiality
clause, and participants were assured there would be no risk if they participated. The

letter also informed them they would be added to an online group chat for voice calls if

they agreed to participate. Because the participants could not attend school due to the

Inter -Agency Task Force (IATF) restrictions, the purpose of the Facebook Messenger

video call was to review everything stated in the letter and to request a time for their

availability for a video interviews. The researcher created a Google Form and shared the

link with

The participants so they can easily used the gadgets to cooperate with us .

Five instructors or teachers expressed their willingness to participate in the study, but

only three instructors or teachers met the criteria to become study participants. The

researcher then schedule a virtual interview with the target participants. Before the

online interview, participants were informed that their stories would be digitally

recorded and transcribed. Out of the three researcher participants, no one agreed to have

their pictures taken, whereas others refused due to privacy reasons. After the interview,

the researcher sent each of them a note of gratitude and appreciation.

Once the study findings had been analyzed, the researcher presented the

initial manuscript to her assigned adviser and selected results validators to discuss the

study's outcome. From those results and findings, the researcher drew conclusion and

recommendations for the completion of the study.

While conducting the interview, the researcher used standard producers to

guarantee that the results were aligned with the study's objectives. Participants were

contacted and encouraged to participate. They were also made aware of the dangers of

participating in the study. The interview conferencing application Google Meet was

used to conduct in-depth interviews. A day after the interviews transcriptions of the

meeting were also completed informal contact with the participants was established and
each was provided with the interviews transcript for member-checking. This was also

done to ensure the transcript's substance accuracy.

the researcher also looked at data collected , which was carefully examined.

These were then coded for emerging themes. For the duration of the investigation, the

research steps were recorded as part of an audit trail.

To safeguard participants' privacy and maintain confidentiality, the researcher

used participant codes instead of names for data labeling and kept separate list of code-

to-name match-ups to protect the anonymity of their participants' information. The

researcher used the participant's first name when documenting or disseminating data

interviews. The researcher went to great lengths to ensure that participants could not be

recongnized from their provided data.

As a precaution against researcher or participant bias, the researcher did not

participate in sessions with the participants and did not provides any advice. The

questions were crafted to avoid prejudices and let participants feel welcome regardless

of their answer. In response to bengtsson's (2016) research, open-ended questions were

utilized to argue participants to express their opinions further. There were no

restrictions on the length of time or the quality of text that may be written. In contrast to

organized surveys with prepared questions and predetermined responses, open-ended

written inquires allowed participant to write freely, flow freely with their thoughts, and

offer a full explanation of their perspectives and experiences.


Multiple forms of data were collected through interviews, observations,

documents, and other audiovisual materials to provide an in-depth understanding of the

case. An in-depth interview was used as a data collection instrument to investigate the

challenges of participants experienced in the era of pandemic by using online platform.

In this study, three participants were interviewed. The researcher virtually met the

participants using Google Meet, Facebook, Video Calls. After permission had been

sought and granted, photos and screenshots of the interview were taken during the

virtual meeting.

Conducting as interview helped the researcher determine the participants’

shared experiences within the context (Seidman 2013). The researcher first focused on

the participants’ life experiences during online learning platform. Then, the researcher

concentrated on the details of every challenge encountered by the participants. Lastly,

the researcher touched on the stress they encountered and strategies they had for coping.


The research collected data through interviews. An interview is a way to

learn about the thoughts and feeling of the person you’re interviewing. When we cannot

witness something, we interview individuals to learn about it. Interviews also provide a

means of verifying the data gathered via other means. Qualitative interviewing is fit for

studying people’s perception of the meaning in their lived environment. Qualitative

interviews provide in-depth explanations of the topic matter, allowing readers to assess

the applicability of research findings.

For this study, researchers spoke to a total of three participants. These

participants are referred to by Patton (2002) as “important informants” as they provide

valuable information. These selected participants informed about the study setting and

are expressive about their expertise. Their thoughts may help an observer better grasp

the events that have occurred and the reasons why they took place. Participant

interviews were conducted in April 14 2023. Three interviews were conducted on a

virtual platform at the participants’ request.

The interviews were jotted down with the participants’ consent to guarantee a

correct transcription. The researcher made copy notes throughout the virtual interview,

which helped track essential aspect to emphasize concepts of particular interest or


OBSERVATIONS. The researcher used observation notes to record the behavior and

reactions of the participants during the interview.

AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS. The researcher utilized audiovisual materials during

the Focus Group Discussion to ensure the responses of the participants.

Procedures proposed by braun and clarke (2006). Maguire & delahunt (2017) describes

this framework for thematic analysis as the " most influential approach" as it " offers a

clear and usable approach" to doing this form of data analysis. The researcher followed

the six-step frame work beginning with familiarization with the data. The researcher

read and listened to data collected repeatedly to immerse herself and become intimately

familiar with the data collected, noting initial analytic observations.

The researcher then organized the data in a meaningful and systematic way. This

second step, referred to as coding, aims to reduce the data into small chunks of meaning

(Maguire & Delahunt, 2017). In this study, the researcher utilized open coding, in

which codes were developed and modified throughout the coding process.

The third step involved searching for themes-patterns that capture something

significant or interesting relating to the data and research question. This was done by
finding and identifying similarity in the data. After examining the codes, the researcher

collated and organized all those that fit into one theme.

The researcher eventually checked that these identified themes were coherent

and distinct. The researcher reflected on whether the data associated with each theme

supported it. The fifth step in the framework also includes defining these themes. The

researcher wrote s detailed analysis of each theme and identified the essence of each

theme. Similarly, the researcher constructed a concise yet informative name or label for

each theme. Researcher set aside there personal opinion instead based on the gathered

literature, studies, and theoretical framework.


A list of questions was intially presented to the assigned thesis adviser. These

questions served as an interview guide, which underwent face, content, and contrust

validation with the help of three field experts-Sir Bernie Ibañezo, professors of

respected universities, and qualitative research design experts. These experts were

chosen due to their extensive experiences in research and deep knowledge of research

instrumentation. Similarly, these field experts were also educators who have had

experiences in online platform during the pandemic. Suggestions and recommendations

were incorporated in the finalization of the questionnaire.


Research ethics provides a guideline for the responsible conduct of any study

and ensures that these studies are performed with high ethical standards. Many

organizations, such as the American Phychological Association (APA) (2003) and the

Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research (2018), have outlined and

recommended research principles to guide researchers before, during, and after the

conduct of their studies. The researcher was guided by these codes of ethics and
national and institutional policies regarding the ethical conduct of research. Many

studies have already highlighted the importance of obtaining informed consent. With

this mind, the researcher first sent a request letter to the Schools Division office to

conduct a study.

The researchers has also provided recommendations and suggestions relevant

and applicable to the teaching practice in relation to the results of the study. The

researcher also maintained an audit trail to achive dependability. Decisions and choises

regarding theoretical and methodological issues are documented through records of raw

data, transcript, and research journal. The researchers jotted down relevant information

about themselves, reflecting on there backgrounds, values, interests, insigths, culture,

and other information that may influence the gathering and interpretation of data.

According to Guba and Lincoln (1989), the last criterion, confirmability, in ascertaining

trustwortheniss or rigor in the qualitative study, will be established when credibility,

transferability, and dependability are all achieved


The researchers are a students of Malanday National High School (2022-

2023).The researchers are permanently appointed as a regular students, The Researchers

was personally involved in the study and should know the phenomenon of the topic

study in order to understand its nature ( Alejo ct al. 2005 ). The researchers described

the struggles of instructor during pandemic. Teacher or instructors on Online Platform

where in the research also experienced the situation of the parcitipant. However. In the

process and this study results, the production of this report is the final step described in

braun & clarke's ( 2006 ) framework for thematic analysis. The researchers weaved

together the analytic narrative and vivid data extracts to inform and provide readers

with an-depth understanding of the lived experiences of instructors or teachers on online

platform, writing up also includes contextualizing the current study in relation to the

existing literature on teacher's stress management, online platform, and the like.


Pilor & beck (2014 ) described the trustworthiness of a study as a " the degree

of confidence in data interpretation, and methods to ensure the quality of a study"

( Connelly, 2016) lincoln & guba ( 1985 ) introduced the criteria for establishing the

trustworthness of a study: credibility, transferability, dependability, And confimability.

The researcher used triangulation to validate the data collected to estabish the

credibility of the research. After the transcription and thematic analysis of the data,

feedback was sought from the participants regarding the identified themes. Since the

research utilizes a multiple case study design, analysis of a varicty of data from the

three participants allowed for assumptions to be made regarding to the participants of

this research that can cause a stress on instructors as a whole bad effects.

By describing the current study's demographics and boundaries, the researcher

has also established transferability. It is believed that the same data collection methods

can be used with a different age, group of teachers, educators who teach a different

subject or course, teachers from a different study locale, and/or during a different global


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