Case Study 1 - Trap Ease - 4C

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Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City


(Case Study)

Submitted by:

Bohol, Ma. Andrea T.

Guillermo, Marie Jessa D.

Macarasig, Mary Ann M.

Reyes, Jeremy Edmond M.

Pendon, Reymark M.

Sisbreño Jr., Leonardo G.

Suroysuroy, Pauline G.

BSBA Marketing 3C

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

Table of Content

Title page 1
Table of Contents 2
Executive Summary 3
Situational Analysis 4
Company Analysis 4
Customer Analysis 4
Competitive Analysis 5
Climate (Environment) Analysis 7
Collaborator Analysis 8
Statement of the Problem 9
Marketing Goals/Objectives 9
Alternative Courses of Action 10
New Market Development Strategy/s 10
Product 11
Price 11
Place/Distribution 11
Promotion 12
Decision Criteria and Weights 13
Conclusion and Final Recommendation 13
Implementation Plan/Action Plan 14
References 16

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

I. Executive Summary

Trap-Ease America contracted with a plastics-manufacturing firm to

produce the traps. In return for marketing rights, the group agreed to pay the

inventor and patent holder, a retired rancher, a royalty fee for each trap sold.

Martha priced the traps to retailers at $2.49 per package of two which about five

to ten times more expensive than the smaller standard traps.

Martha believed the trap had many advantages for the consumer when

compared with traditional spring-loaded traps or poisons. And her early research

suggested that women were the best target market for the Trap-Ease. However,

the targeted women did not like the traditional trap. These women of ten stayed

at home and took care of their children. Thus, they wanted a means of dealing

with the mouse problem that avoided the unpleasantness and risks that the

standard trap created in the home. So, she decided to distribute Trap Ease

through different large retailers such as the national grocery, hardware, and drug

chains such as Safeway, Kmart, Hechingers, and CB Drug.

The mousetrap had generated so much publicity after the promotion and

she had not felt that she needed to do much advertising. Then, Martha had

initially forecasted Trap-Ease’s first-year sales at five million units. However, she

had detected some problems, there had not been enough repeat buying and the

retailers upon whom she called kept their sample mousetraps on their desks as

conversation pieces which should be used and demonstrated. The company

needed to sell enough traps to cover those costs and make a reasonable profit

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

and to keep the investors happy. She realized she needed to rethink her

marketing strategy. And this case analysis will provide an understanding and

solutions to the complex issue that Trap-Ease America has.

II. Situational Analysis

a. Company Analysis

A company that developed an innovative mouse trap. The table below

shows advantages and capabilities of the product.

Strengths Weaknesses

• Innovative and well-designed • The product price is high,

product compared to the others in the
• Reusable product
• The promotion is weak, and low.
• Good for the environment, as it
doesn’t pollute the air or harm the • Not customer driven

• Mess free, safe, and less risk


Opportunities Threats

• Different product with a new idea, • Lower price of alternative

and a high potential market. products or traditional mouse trap

• High potential market • Chemicals or pesticides

b. Customer Analysis

Martha identified women as suitable as the perfect target market of Trap-

Ease America, especially those who stayed at home to take care of their families

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

or children. In short, housewives or moms are the target market. Women did not

like the traditional, spring-loaded traps. Most women would probably prefer a

simple and easy-to-use mouse trap that would not harm or poison anyone or

their pets. They also want a mouse trap that avoids unpleasantness, has no

clean-up problem, and can reuse the trap.

c. Competitive Analysis

It shows the analysis of Trap-ease America to other competing brands.

The strength weaknesses and other factors of the company and the competing

company is showed thru Competitive profile matrix. The table below shows the

competitive profile matrix of Trap-Ease America with the other competitor such

as d-CON and Victor Mouse Trap.

Competitive Profile Matrix

Trap-Ease d-CON Victor

Critical Weight Rating Score Rating Score Rating Score
Success Factor

Product Quality 0.20 4 0.80 3 0.60 2 0.40

Brand 0.15 3 0.45 2 0.30 2 0.45


Price 0.15 1 0.15 3 0.15 4 0.60


Customer 0.20 2 0.40 2 0.40 3 0.60


Innovation 0.10 4 0.40 2 0.20 1 0.10

Advertising 0.10 2 0.20 3 0.30 3 0.30

Environmental 0.10 3 0.30 2 0.20 1 0.10

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City


Total 1.00 2.70 2.15 2.55

The ratings in CPM refer to how well companies are doing in each area.

They range from 4 to 1:

4 – major strength
3 – minor strength
2 – minor weakness, and
1 – major weakness.

The weaknesses of Trap-Ease America that found out in the matrix are in

price competitiveness, advertising, and customer retention compared to its

competitors that has lower price of mouse trap, online and offline presence of

promotion and advertisement, and customer retention who are able to turn

customers into repeat buyers. It is difficult for the product to extend the range if

the company does not have enough advertisement. The company should focus

on extending the product endorsement online and offline. It will help the product

reach every place who has possibly customers and prospects. according to the

owner some investors called the product as “once in a lifetime chance” kind of

trap, the company needs to keep improving the product in order to retain

customer. Compare to other competitors the Trap-ease America is both an

innovative and quality in which also an environment friendly product.

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

d. Climate (Environment) Analysis

 Political

Trap-Ease America is a patent holder and has marketing rights, it means that

no one has the right to copy her invention and method of production. It is also a

government issued to allow someone to make and sell her invention.

 Economic

Trap-Ease is a novel and unique mouse trap design that has the potential to

strengthen the company's profits and growth.

 Social

Women considers the best target market for the trap ease because women

tend to stay at home more than males, making this device easier to handle. Men

are usually unconcerned about how it gets trapped as long as it gets trapped,

thus this product works effectively. The lifestyle of people and their choice can

tell upon the company’s sale.

 Technology

An innovative product, the mouse trap, allows users to load it in a safe and

easy way without the risk of trapping their fingers. It posed no danger to the

people in terms of harm or poison. In producing the mouse trap, the company

use technology. In terms of their advertisement, they have talk shows that can be

watch in televisions and sales calls.

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

 Legal

Martha creates an innovative product without making an individual taking risk.

A product that is safe and no harm intended for people and pets.

 Environment

By using Trap-Ease, you can prevent the unpleasant mess created by the

violent spring-loaded traps. The Trap-Ease was made so there was no clean up.

Finally, the user has the option of reusing or discarding the trap. This mouse trap

has no poisonous content which makes it safe for people and to pets.

e. Collaborator Analysis

Collaboration is essential in marketing because it allows a business to

improve its capability to deliver its designated products or services in the way

that it does. They are any third-party organizations that work directly with a firm

to support or help in the formulation or implementation of strategies.

Collaborators are classified into four types: agencies, distributors, partners, and

suppliers. Trap-Ease has just distributors and suppliers in this case, and only a

few content relationships for advertising, as indicated in the table below.

Collaborator Analysis Table

Distributors Suppliers Content Relationship

 Safeway Plastics Manufacturing  Good

 Kmart Firm Housekeeping
 Hechingers  Home and Shelter
 CB Drug Magazines
 Trade Shows
 Retailers

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

As shown in the table above, Trap-America Ease's has four major distributors:

Safeway, Kmart, Hechingers, and CB Drug, as well as other large retailers.

Furthermore, in order to manufacture Trap-Ease America's product, they

contracted with a plastic manufacturing firm to supply them. Of course, the

product must be promoted, which is why they visit trade events, call retailers, and

make agreements with Good Housekeeping and Home and Shelter Magazines to

advertise it. They sold several hundred thousand units as a result of their

marketing strategy.

III. Statement of the Problem

 What is a reasonable price for trap ease?

 What are the other market segments that the company would target?

 What would be the most effective and applicable marketing strategy

that must be used for the promotion of the business?

IV. Marketing Goals/Objectives

Martha, the president of Trap-Ease, recognized that promoting a new product

was not an easy process. To successfully reach the target market and explain

the benefits of the product, it is critical to establish appropriate marketing goals

and objectives. This allows the organization to recruit, retain, and expand

customers. The following are the goals and objectives using the SMART


SMART Framework

Trap-Ease must reduce the percentage of lost deals/sales

by launching the product in a new market. Aside from it will
S increase the profitability, it will increase positive product

Bangus St., Barangay NBBS, Navotas City

Specific reviews which leads to repeat buying.

M Reduce deal or sale losses by more than 50% by recruiting

and employing at least five individuals for the marketing and
Measureable sales teams, as well as for the social media marketing team

Because it had only sold a few hundred thousand copies, a

marketing and advertising expenditure of 60,000 dollars was
A insufficient. The funding should be doubled for strategizing
Attainable in order to collaborate with other brands to promote Trap-

R Sales and marketing are essential pillars of the company's

income and profitability, and the customer experience will
Relevant affect the company's capacity to expand.

T The objectives must be accomplished at least after the end

of the fiscal year.

V. Alternative Courses of Action

The marketing mix consists of everything the firm can do to influence the

demand for its product. Implementing a marketing strategy is important in this

case so that Martha can learn what it is necessary not only to create a successful

business, but also to maintain one.

New Market Development Strategy/s

a. Product

Trap-Ease is an innovative mouse trap that is designed very differently

from the usual or traditional mouse trap that uses poison or risky trap. Martha

might also think of a product variation of the mouse trap to be able to attract

more customers.

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b. Price

The price is very high compared to its closest competitors and from the

customer's point of view. There are no incentives to entice consumers to make a

purchase. The trap is sold in packages of two for $2.49, which makes it five to

ten times more expensive than a traditional mouse trap. The customer was not

able to repeat the purchase since it contains two mouse traps in a single

package and due to its expensiveness.

Martha should lower the price and make it reasonable so that everyone

can easily afford it. At reasonable prices, customers were willing to buy it. Martha

would also sell a product as per unit, not by package, for customers who only

wanted a single unit of product and to lessen the expense. It is possible to have a

repeat purchase if she sells it with a single unit of product.

c. Place/Distribution

Trap-Ease America is located in top hardware, grocery, and drug chains.

This does not offer enough market coverage. It is not sufficiently exposed to the

target market or customers. The targeting should have been within a broader

demographic area. To be able to target more customers, she should expand the

distribution of her product. Martha should have a market development plan.

Expansion of her business can be a gateway to attracting more customers and

also turning non-users into users of her product. Martha should also consider her

target market; it should not be limited to stay-at-home mothers. There may also

be areas where mice have infested. To start increasing their customer base, they

should also target shop owners, offices, markets, or any other commercial

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spaces. In terms of her selling methods, she should also expand the way she

sells the product. She could also use e-commerce to reach more customers.

The problem or issue found in Trap-Ease America is their product

distribution in retailers; they were unable to deliver or transport products in a

timely manner. Martha should improve her time management skills in terms of

delivering products to prevent delays and rejection of her mouse trap.

d. Promotion

Trap-Ease, the American mouse trap is a famous product, as the trap has

been the subject of numerous talk shows, features in various popular press, and

trade publications. It also won a competition for the best product of the year. This

publicity is still not enough to increase the sales and profitability of the product.

To be able to increase its sales and profitability, Martha should hire a

salesperson and a marketer who could help her promote the product. Martha

should focus more on promotion to reach more customers and be able to have

brand awareness. Hiring salespeople that will help sell the product to the target

market. Martha should also expand her ways of promoting her product. They

should do promotion in the right way, fully focusing on their targeted customers

and other possible customers. She could use digital marketing as her way of

advertising her product. It could also be a way to strengthen the brand

awareness of the mouse trap. She could also use or partner with the e-

commerce website to increase the promotion scale.

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VI. Decision Criteria and Weights

The weights assigned to criteria fluctuate throughout the decision-making

process. Weights have a significant influence on decision-making outcomes, and

hence on the rank of options, particularly in multiple-criteria decision-making

approaches. This section will examine the criteria and their associated weights

for trap ease among their competitors. The table below outlines the criteria and

weights used in decision-making.

Decision Weights ACA #1 ACA #2 ACA #3 ACA #4

Product Price Place/Distribution Promotion

Addressing 20% .10 .20 .20 .15

major issue

Cost Efficient 10% .05 .10 .05 .10

Technological 15% .15 .05 .10 .15


Competitive 20% .15 .20 .20 .18


Generate 20% .13 .18 .20 .15


Brand 15% .08 .10 .15 .15


Total 100% .66 or .83 or .90 or 90% .88 or 88%

66% 83%

VII. Conclusion and Final Recommendation

In conclusion, Martha does not appear to have much experience in running a

company in any aspect, even when given a product that had the potential to be a

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great success. There are many flaws throughout the company’s entire marketing

strategy in terms of pricing, promotion and its target market which was the most

crucial and resulted different issues in the business due to her lack of experience

in all levels. Therefore, the researchers recommend that Martha should first

improve and expand her target market by knowing who their target demographic

is and consider a wide market not only to her current target market and

understand what are their needs and wants. For in a view of the fact that before a

business can satisfy customers, the company must first understand what a

customer needs and wants as there are too many different kinds of consumers.

Also, the researchers suggest to develop new strategies especially with the

pricing by lowering it in a reasonable price and, develop a new strategy for the

distribution of the product and the promotion of the product. Martha was given a

good product that should have set her up for success and promotion is very

important especially when expanding the business because the less people know

about it, the less people buy it. Do not settle with a little promotion. As long as

you they can promote the product they should not hesitate to continuously

promote it by just having the publicity so they can be able to reach their target

market and expand it more successfully.

VIII. Implementation Plan/Action Plan

This would be the action plan that Martha could take to implement the course

of action. It consist of market segmentation, market development, developing

distribution strategy, exporting of product in various areas, and selling of product

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thru e-commerce and direct sales. Scheduling every action to make it organize

and it can manage well every action that is planning to take.

Gantt Chart

This table shows the action plans that Martha should execute to have a

successful distribution of products and expansion of her business in other areas

or places. Martha should first conduct a market segmentation to determine who

her other target markets are and which location is best suited for her product.

Next would be planning a market development to be able to serve those target

markets and areas. Afterwards, she could develop a distribution strategy to

successfully distribute her product to reach the target market. Lastly, exporting

and selling her products in various places through direct and e-commerce.

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