The Influence of Grandmother On My Life

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The Influence Of Grandmother On My Life

Growing up is one of the toughest things in life. We all must path that will help us as we grow older.
There would be times when we will not make the right decision which we would later regret in our life
for a lifetime. And one person who has taught me to respect and learn to be a better person is my
grandmother. I can use this chance to thank my grandma and she is the one who I look up to and the
one that who persuaded me. And so, she is the one that I like to share about for my personal essay.

When I was younger, I was very close with my grandma, and even until now. She had become my
inspiration since I was in grade one. During that time, I was so determined to follow her footsteps and
follow her teaching and remembered it so that I’ll use it in the future. I still remembered when I was in
India and was in grade 4; I did badly in my tests. So, I decided to hide it from my parents and even
impersonate my father’s signature and hand in my tests to my teacher. However, I wasn’t fortunate
and got caught. I got scolded badly and they grounded me too. As my parent’s finish yelling at me, my
grandma told me that they wouldn’t have scolded me if I showed them the test instead of signing
myself. This made me realize that I had to change myself and if she has not told me that It was
wrong, I won’t be able to realize it myself. I listened to her and changed my attitude into a better kid.

I’m about to have my grade 4 exam soon, and I just didn’t bother to study and was playing video
games, when my grandma told me that its time for me to study, she said: you wouldn’t want to be
scolded by your parents again would you? And then she told me that they aren’t scolding me because
it is benefiting them, this is for my education which will help me succeed in life and have a bright
future. I decided to go study and after the exam, I found out that I did great in all the subjects and we
went out to celebrate. I was a happy person that day and gave me a big confidence boost. The
person who I thought couldn’t happen, all changed as soon as I did great on the exam.

My grandmother was the one who has always taught to never give on your dream and whatever you
like in doing it and don’t give up hope. After grade 5, I came to Canada and still remember those days
today, as I am in high school. I was just having the time of my life. Enjoying all the time I can.
However, I struggled throughout elementary school and was even an “applied” student once I joined
high school because the teachers thought I wouldn’t succeed if I take “academic” level courses. Once
I reached high school everyone thought I wasn’t smart enough to do the academic level courses so to
prove them all wrong, I took summer school and changed all my programs to academic and even got
honor roll but it is all because of my wonderful grandmother who gave me the motivation to do all this.
She tells me to have more confidence in myself and be proud of what I have done and always end it
with a smile. She has really made me what I am today. And now, I have been accepted to Ryerson
University, and its all through hard work and motivation.

In conclusion, my grandmother had influenced me in many ways and different ways to built me up to
be a better person. It been many years now, since I was born, and my grandmother have also been
there for me and help me through all the negative problems. She has a very good personality and a
love to communicate with people. I believe that if I have her influences and I will always succeed. I will
always appreciate her existence in my life and always love her as much as I can. Hard work and
motivation bring success.

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