D Ai: B, M A - : Ocument Enchmarks Odels and Ppli Cations

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Lei Cui, Yiheng Xu, Tengchao Lv, Furu Wei

Microsoft Research Asia

arXiv:2111.08609v1 [cs.CL] 16 Nov 2021

Document AI, or Document Intelligence, is a relatively new research topic that

refers to the techniques for automatically reading, understanding, and analyzing
business documents. It is an important research direction for natural language
processing and computer vision. In recent years, the popularity of deep learning
technology has greatly advanced the development of Document AI, such as doc-
ument layout analysis, visual information extraction, document visual question
answering, document image classification, etc. This paper briefly reviews some of
the representative models, tasks, and benchmark datasets. Furthermore, we also
introduce early-stage heuristic rule-based document analysis, statistical machine
learning algorithms, and deep learning approaches especially pre-training meth-
ods. Finally, we look into future directions for Document AI research.

Document AI, or Document Intelligence, is a booming research topic with increased industrial
demand in recent years. It mainly refers to the process of automated understanding, classifying
and extracting information with rich typesetting formats from webpages, digital-born documents or
scanned documents through AI technology. Due to the diversity of layouts and formats, low-quality
scanned document images, and the complexity of the template structure, Document AI is a very
challenging task and has attracted widespread attention in related research areas. With the accelera-
tion of digitization, the structured analysis and content extraction of documents, images and others
has become a key part of the success of digital transformation. Meanwhile automatic, accurate, and
rapid information processing is crucial to improving productivity. Taking business documents as an
example, they not only contain the processing details and knowledge accumulation of a company’s
internal and external affairs, but also a large number of industry-related entities and digital infor-
mation. Manually extracting information is time-consuming and labor-intensive with low accuracy
and low reusability. Document AI deeply combines artificial intelligence and human intelligence,
and has different types of applications in multiple industries such as finance, healthcare, insurance,
energy and logistics. For instance, in the finance field, it can conduct financial report analysis and in-
telligent decision analysis, and provide scientific and systematic data support for the formulation of
corporate strategies and investment decisions. In healthcare, it can improve the digitization of med-
ical cases and enhance diagnosis accuracy. By analyzing the correlation between medical literature
and cases, people can locate potential treatment options. In the accounting field, it can achieve auto-
matic information extraction of invoices and purchase orders, automatically analyze a large number
of unstructured documents, and support different downstream business scenarios, saving a lot of
manual processing time.
Over the past few decades, the development of document intelligence has roughly gone through
different stages, evolving from simple rule-based heuristics to neural network approaches. In the
early 1990s, researchers mostly used rule-based heuristic approaches for document understanding
and analysis. By manually observing the layout information of documents, they summarized some
heuristic rules and processed documents with fixed layout information. However, traditional rule-
based methods often require large labor costs, and these manually summarized rules are not scal-
able. Therefore, researchers have begun to adopt methods based on statistical machine learning.
Since 2000, with the development of machine learning technology, machine learning models based
on annotated data have become the mainstream method of document processing. It uses artificially

Document Layout Analysis Document VQA
Document AI Tasks
Visual Information Extraction Document Image Classification

Unified Document Representation

(text, image, layout, format, style etc.)

Rich Text Extraction

(HTML/XML, PDF Parser, OCR etc.)

Webpages Word/PPT/Excel Digital PDF Scanned Images

Figure 1: Overview of Document AI

designed feature templates to learn the weights of different features to understand and analyze the
content and layout of a document. Although annotated data is leveraged for supervised learning and
previous methods can bring a certain degree of performance improvement, the general usability is
often not satisfactory due to the lack of customized rules and the number of training samples. Ad-
ditionally, the migration and adaptation costs for different types of documents are relatively high,
making previous approaches not practical for widespread commercial use. In recent years, with
the development of deep learning technology and the accumulation of a large number of unlabeled
electronic documents, document analysis and recognition technology has entered a new era. Fig-
ure 1 represents the basic framework of Document AI technology under the current deep learning
framework, in which different types of documents are extracted through content extraction tools
(HTML/XML extraction, PDF parser, OCR, etc.) where text content, layout information, and vi-
sual image information are well organized. Then, large-scale deep neural networks are pre-trained
and fine-tuned to complete a variety of downstream Document AI tasks, including document layout
analysis, visual information extraction, document visual question answering, and document image
classification etc. The emergence of deep learning, especially of the pre-training technique repre-
sented by Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Graph Neural Networks (GNN) and Transformer
architecture (Vaswani et al., 2017), has completely shifted the traditional machine learning paradigm
that requires a lot of manual annotations. Instead, it heavily relies on a large amount of unlabeled
data for self-supervised learning, and addresses the downstream tasks through the ”pre-training and
fine-tuning” paradigm which leads to a significant breakthrough in Document AI tasks. We have also
observed many successful Document AI products, such as Microsoft Form Recognizer1 , Amazon
Textract2 , Google Document AI3 and many others, which have fundamentally empowered a variety
of industries with the Document AI technology.
Although deep learning has greatly improved the accuracy of Document AI tasks, there are still
many problems to be solved in practical applications. First, due to the limitation of the input length
of current large-scale pre-trained language models, they usually need to truncate documents into sev-
eral parts to be input to the model for processing, which poses a great challenge for the multi-page
and cross-page understanding of complex long documents. Second, due to the quality mismatch
between annotated training data and document images in real-world business which usually comes

Figure 2: Document layout analysis with Faster R-CNN

from the scanning equipment, crumpled paper and random placement, poor performance is observed
and more data synthesis/augmentation techniques are needed to help existing models improve the
performance. Third, the current Document AI tasks are often trained independently, and the corre-
lation between different tasks has not been effectively leveraged. For instance, visual information
extraction and document visual question answering have some common semantic representations,
which can be better solved by using a multi-task learning framework. Finally, the pre-trained Doc-
ument AI models also encountered the problem of insufficient computing resources and labeled
training samples in practical applications. Therefore, model compression, few-shot learning and
zero-shot learning are important research directions at present and have great practical values.
Next, we introduce the current mainstream Document AI models (CNN, GNN and Transformer),
tasks, and benchmark datasets, and then elaborate on early-stage document analysis techniques
based on heuristic rules, algorithms, and models based on traditional statistical machine learning,
as well as the most recent deep learning models, especially the multimodal pre-training technique.
Finally, we outline future directions of Document AI research.



In recent years, convolutional neural networks have achieved great success in the field of computer
vision, especially the supervised pre-training model ResNet (He et al., 2015) based on large-scale
annotated datasets ImageNet and COCO has brought great performance improvements in image
classification, object detection and scene segmentation. Specifically, with multi-stage models such
as Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2016) and Mask R-CNN (He et al., 2018), and single-stage detection
models including SSD (Liu et al., 2016) and YOLO (Redmon & Farhadi, 2018), object detection has
almost become a solved problem in computer vision. Document layout analysis can essentially be
regarded as an object detection task for document images. Basic units such as headings, paragraphs,
tables, figures and charts in the document are the objects that need to be detected and recognized.
Yang et al. (2017a) regard document layout analysis as a pixel-level segmentation task, and used
convolutional neural networks for pixel classification to achieve good results. Schreiber et al. (2017)
first apply the Faster R-CNN model to table detection and recognition in document layout analysis as
shown in Figure 2, achieving SOTA performance in the ICDAR 2013 table detection dataset (Göbel
et al., 2013). Although document layout analysis is a classic document intelligence task, it has been



Figure 3: Visual information extraction with GNN

limited to a small training dataset for many years, which is not sufficient for applying pre-trained
models in computer vision. With large-scale weakly supervised document layout analysis datasets
such as PubLayNet (Zhong et al., 2019b), PubTabNet (Zhong et al., 2019a), TableBank (Li et al.,
2020a) and DocBank (Li et al., 2020b), researchers can conduct a more in-depth comparison and
analysis of different computer vision models and algorithms, and further promote the development
of document layout analysis techniques.


Information extraction is the process of extracting structured information from unstructured text,
and it has been widely studied as a classical and fundamental NLP problem. Traditional information
extraction focuses on extracting entity and relationship information from plain text, but less research
has been done on visually rich documents. Visually rich documents refers to the text data whose
semantic structure is not only determined by the content of the text, but also related to visual ele-
ments such as layout, typesetting formats as well as table/figure structures. Visually-rich documents
can be found everywhere in real-world applications, such as receipts, certificates, insurance files,
etc. Liu et al. (2019a) propose modeling visually rich documents using graph convolutional neural
networks. As shown in Figure 3, each image is passed through the OCR system to obtain a set
of text blocks, each of which contains information about its coordinates in the image with the text
content. This work constitutes this set of text blocks as a fully connected directed graph, i.e., each
text block constitutes a node, and each node is connected to all other nodes. The initial features of
the nodes are obtained from the text content of the text blocks by Bi-LSTM encoding. The initial
features of the edges are the relative distance between the neighboring text blocks and the current
text block and the aspect ratio of these two text blocks. Unlike other graph convolution models that
only convolve on nodes, this work focuses more on the ”individual-relationship-individual” ternary
feature set in information extraction, so convolution is performed on the ”node-edge-node” ternary
feature set. In addition, the self-attention mechanism allows the network to select more notewor-
thy information in all directed triads in fully connected directed graphs and aggregate the weighted
features. The initial node features and edge features are convolved in multiple layers to obtain the
high-level representations of nodes and edges. Experiments show that this graph convolution model

Downstream Tasks

Embeddings FC Layers
+ + + + + + + + + +
[CLS] Date Routed: January 11, 1994 Contract No. 4011 0000

Pre-trained LayoutLM

E([CLS]) E(Date) E(Routed:) E(January) E(11,) E(1994) E(Contract) E(No.) E(4011) E(0000)
Embeddings Faster R-CNN
+ + + + + + + + + +
E(0) E(86) E(117) E(227) E(281) E(303) E(415) E(468) E(556) E(589)
Embeddings (x0) Pre-built
+ + + + + + + + + +
E(0) E(138) E(138) E(138) E(138) E(139) E(138) E(139) E(139) E(139)
Embeddings (y0) PDF
+ + + + + + + + + +
Position Parser
E(maxW) E(112) E(162) E(277) E(293) E(331) E(464) E(487) E(583) E(621)
Embeddings (x1)
+ + + + + + + + + +
E(maxH) E(148) E(148) E(153) E(148) E(149) E(149) E(149) E(150) E(150)
Embeddings (y1)

Figure 4: The LayoutLM architecture, where 2-D layout and image embeddings are integrated into
the Transformer architecture.

significantly outperforms the Bi-LSTM+CRF models. In addition, experiments have shown that vi-
sual information plays a major role, increasing the discrimination of texts with similar semantics.
Text information also plays a certain auxiliary role to visual information. The self-attention mech-
anism is basically not helpful for fixed layout data, but it generates some level of improvement on
non-fixed layout data.



In many cases, the spatial relationship of text blocks in a document usually contains rich semantic
information. For instance, forms are usually displayed in the form of key-value pairs. Typically,
the arrangement of key-value pairs is usually in the left-right order or the up-down order. Similarly,
in a tabular document, the text blocks are usually arranged in a grid layout and the header usually
appears in the first column or row. This layout invariance among different document types is a
critical property for general-purpose pre-training. Through pre-training, the position information
that is naturally aligned with the text can provide richer semantic information for downstream tasks.
For visually-rich documents, in addition to positional information, the visual information presented
with the text can also help downstream tasks, such as font types, sizes, styles and other visually-
rich formats. For instance, in forms, the key part of a key-value pair is usually given in bold form.
In general documents, the title of the article will usually be enlarged and bold, and the nouns of
special concepts will be displayed in italics, etc. For document-level tasks, the overall visual signals
can provide global structural information, and there is a clear visual difference between different
document types, such as a personal resume and a scientific paper. The visual features displayed in
these visually-rich documents can be extracted by visual encoders and combined into the pre-training
stage, thereby effectively improving downstream tasks.
To leverage the layout and visual information, Xu et al. (2020) propose a general document pre-
training model LayoutLM (Xu et al., 2020), as shown in Figure 4. Two new embedding layers, 2-D
position embedding and image embedding are added on the basis of the existing pre-trained model,
so that the document structure and visual information can be effectively combined. Specifically,
according to the text bounding boxes obtained by OCR, the algorithm first gets the coordinates of
the text in the document. After converting the corresponding coordinates into virtual coordinates,
the model calculates the representation of the coordinates corresponding to the four embedding sub-
layers of x, y, w, and h. The final 2-D position embedding is the sum of the embedding of the four
sub-layers. In image embedding, the model considers the bounding boxes corresponding to each text
as the proposal in the Faster R-CNN to extract the corresponding local features. In particular, since
the [CLS] symbol is used to represent the semantics of the entire document, the model also uses the
entire document image as the image embedding at this position to maintain multimodal alignment.

In the pre-training stage, the authors propose two self-supervised pre-training tasks for LayoutLM:

Task #1: Masked Visual-Language Model Inspired by the masked language model, the authors
propose the Masked Visual-language Model (MVLM) to learn language representation with the
clues of 2-D position embeddings and text embeddings. During pre-training, the model randomly
masks some of the input tokens but keeps the 2-D position embeddings and other text embeddings.
The model is then trained to predict the masked tokens given the context. In this way, the LayoutLM
model not only understands the language contexts, but also utilizes the corresponding 2-D position
information, thereby bridging the gap between the visual and language modalities.

Task #2: Multi-Label Document Classification For document image understanding, many tasks
require the model to generate high-quality document-level representations. As the IIT-CDIP Test
Collection includes multiple tags for each document image, the model also uses a Multi-label Doc-
ument Classification (MDC) loss during the pre-training phase. Given a set of scanned documents,
the model uses the document tags to supervise the pre-training process so that the model can clus-
ter the knowledge from different domains and generate better document-level representation. Since
the MDC loss needs the label for each document image that may not exist for larger datasets, it is
optional during the pre-training and may not be used for pre-training larger models in the future.
Experiments show that pre-training with layout and visual information can be effectively transferred
to downstream tasks. Significant accuracy improvements are achieved in multiple downstream tasks.
Different from the convolutional neural networks and graph neural networks, the advantage of the
general document-level pre-training model is that it can support different types of downstream ap-


Document AI involves automatic reading, comprehension, and analysis of documents. In real-world

application scenarios, it mainly includes four types of tasks, namely:

Document Layout Analysis This is the process of automatic analysis, recognition and under-
standing of images, text, table/figure/chart information and positional relationships in the document

Visual Information Extraction This refers to the techniques of extracting entities and their re-
lationships from a large amount of unstructured content in a document. Unlike traditional pure
text information extraction, the construction of the document turns the text from a one-dimensional
sequential arrangement into a two-dimensional spatial arrangement. This makes text information,
visual information and layout information extremely important influencing factors in visual infor-
mation extraction.

Document Visual Question Answering Given digital-born documents or scanned images, PDF
parsing, OCR or other text extraction tools are first used to automatically recognize the textual
content, the system needs to answer the natural language questions about the documents by judging
the internal logic of the recognized text.

Document Image Classification This refers to the process of analyzing and identifying document
images, while classifying them into different categories such as scientific papers, resumes, invoices,
receipts and many others.
For these four main Document AI tasks, there have been a large number of open-sourced bench-
mark datasets in academia and industry, as shown in the Table 1. This has greatly promoted the
construction of new algorithms and models by researchers in related research areas, especially the
most recent deep learning based models that achieve SOTA performance in these tasks. Next, we
will introduce in detail the classic models and algorithms in different periods in the past, includ-
ing document analysis techniques based on heuristic rules, document analysis technology based on
statistical machine learning, and general Document AI models based on deep learning.

Task Benchmark Langauge Paper/Link
ICDAR 2013 En Göbel et al. (2013)
ICDAR 2019 En Gao et al. (2019)
ICDAR 2021 En Yepes et al. (2021)
UNLV En Shahab et al. (2010)
Marmot Zh/En Fang et al. (2012)
PubTabNet En Zhong et al. (2019a)
PubLayNet En Zhong et al. (2019b)
Document Layout Analysis
TableBank En Li et al. (2020a)
DocBank En Li et al. (2020b)
TNCR En Abdallah et al. (2021)
TabLeX En Desai et al. (2021)
PubTables En Smock et al. (2021)
IIIT-AR-13K En Mondal et al. (2020)
ReadingBank En Wang et al. (2021b)
SWDE En Hao et al. (2011)
FUNSD En Guillaume Jaume (2019)
SROIE En Huang et al. (2019)
CORD En Park et al. (2019)
EATEN Zh Guo et al. (2019)
Visual Information Extraction
EPHOIE Zh Wang et al. (2021a)
Deepform En Stray & Svetlichnaya (2020)
Kleister En Stanisławek et al. (2021)
XFUND Xu et al. (2021b)
DocVQA En Mathew et al. (2021b)
InfographicsVQA En Mathew et al. (2021a)
Document VQA VisualMRC En Tanaka et al. (2021)
WebSRC En Chen et al. (2021)
Insurance VQA Zh https://bit.ly/36O2Vow
Tobacco-3482 En Kumar et al. (2014)
Document Image Classification
RVL-CDIP En Harley et al. (2015)

Table 1: Benchmark datasets for document layout analysis, visual information extraction, document
visual question answering and document image classification.


Document layout analysis using heuristic rules can be roughly divided into three ways: top-down,
bottom-up, and hybrid strategy. The top-down methods divide a document image into different areas
step by step. Cutting is performed recursively until the area is divided to a predefined standard,
usually blocks or columns. The bottom-up methods use pixels or components as the basic element
units, where the basic elements are grouped and merged to form a larger homogeneous area. The
top-down approach enables faster and more efficient analysis of documents in specific formats,
while bottom-up approaches require more computation resources but are more versatile and can
cover more documents with different layout types. The hybrid strategy combines the top-down and
bottom-up to produce better results.
This section introduces document analysis techniques from the top-down and bottom-up perspec-
tives, including projection profile, image smearing, connected components and others.


ccProjection profile is widely used in document analysis as a top-down analysis method. Nagy &
Seth (1984) use the X-Y cut algorithm to cut the document. This method is suitable for structured
text with fixed text areas and line spacing, but it is sensitive to boundary noise and cannot provide
good results on slanted text. Bar-Yosef et al. (2009) use the dynamic local projection-profile to
calculate the inclination of the document in an attempt to eliminate performance degradation caused

by text skew. Experiments have proven that the model has obtained more accurate results on slanted
and curved text. In addition, many variations of the X-Y cut algorithm have been proposed to address
existing problems in document analysis. O’Gorman (1993) extends the X-Y cut algorithm to use the
projection of the component bounding boxes, and Sylwester & Seth (1995) use an evaluation metric
called edit-cost to guide the segmentation model, which improves overall performance.
The projection profile analysis is suitable for structured text, especially documents with a manhattan-
based layout. The performance may not be satisfactory for documents with complex layouts, slanted
text, or border noises.


Image smearing refers to permeating from one location to the surroundings and gradually expanding
to all homogeneous areas to determine its layout in the page. Wong et al. (1982) adopt a top-down
strategy and uses Run-Length Smoothing Algorithm (RLSA) to determine homogeneous regions.
After the image is binarized, the pixel value 0 represents the background, and 1 is the foreground.
When the number of 0s around 0 is less than the specified threshold C, the 0 at that position is
changed to 1, and the RLSA uses this operation to merge the foreground that is nearby into a whole
unit. In this way, characters can be gradually merged into words, and words can be merged into
lines of text, and then the range continues to extend to the entire homogeneous area. On this basis,
Fisher et al. (1990) go further by adding preprocessing such as noise removal and tilt correction. In
addition, the threshold C of RLSA is modified according to the dynamic algorithm to further im-
prove adaptability. Esposito et al. (1990) use a similar approach but the operation object is changed
from pixels to character frames. Shi & Govindaraju (2004) expand each position pixel in the image
to obtain a new grayscale image, which is extracted and shows good performance in the case of
handwritten fonts, text slanting, etc.


As a bottom-up approach, connected components infers the relationship among the small elements,
which is used to find homogeneous regions and finally classifies the regions into different layouts.
Fisher et al. (1990) use connected components to find the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) components
of each component and infer the attributes of the current area through the relationship between
the positions and angles of each other. Saitoh et al. (1993) merge the text into lines according
to the inclination of the document, and then merge the lines into regions and classify them into
different attributes. Kise et al. (1998) also try to solve the problem of text skew. The authors use
an approximated area Voronoi diagram to obtain the candidate boundary of the area. This operation
is effective for areas with any angle of inclination. However, due to the need to estimate character
spacing and line spacing during the calculation process, the model cannot perform well when the
document contains large fonts and wide character spacing. In addition, Bukhari et al. (2010) also use
AutoMLP on the basis of connected components in order to find the best parameters of the classifier
to further improve the performance.


In addition to the above methods, there are some other heuristic rule based document layout analysis
approaches. Baird et al. (1990) use a top-down approach to divide the document into areas by blanks.
Xiao & Yan (2003) use the Delaunay Triangulation algorithm for document analysis. On this basis,
Bukhari et al. (2009) apply it to script-independent handwritten documents. In addition, there are
some hybrid models. Okamoto & Takahashi (1993) use separators and blanks to cut blocks, and
further merge internal components into text lines in each block. Smith (2009) divide the document
analysis into two parts. First, the bottom-up method is used to locate the tab characters, and the
column layout is inferred with the help of the tab characters. Second, it uses a top-down approach
to infer the structure and text order on the column layout.


The machine learning based document analysis process is usually divided into two stages: 1) seg-
menting the document image to obtain multiple candidate regions; 2) classifying the document re-
gions and distinguishing them such as text blocks and images. Some research work tries to use
machine learning algorithms for document segmentation, while the rest try to construct features on
generated regions and use machine learning algorithms to classify the regions. In addition, due to
the performance boost led by machine learning, more machine learning models have been tried in
table detection tasks, since table detection is a vital subtask of document analysis. This section will
introduce machine learning approaches for different layout analysis tasks.


For document segmentation, Baechler & Ingold (2011) combine the X-Y cut algorithm and use
logistic regression to segment the document and discard the blank areas. After obtaining the corre-
sponding regions, they also compare the performance of algorithms such as KNN, logistic regression
and Maximum Entropy Markov Models (MEMM) as classifiers. The experiment shows that MEMM
and logistic regression have better performance on classification tasks. Esposito et al. (2008) further
strengthen machine learning algorithms in document segmentation. In a bottom-up way, a kernel-
based algorithm (Dietterich et al., 1997) is used in the process of merging letters to words and text
lines, and the results are converted into an xml structure for storage. After that, the Document Or-
ganization Composer (DOC) algorithm is used to analyze the documents. Wu et al. (2008) focus on
the problem of two reading orders of text at the same time. The existing models assume that the text
information has only one reading order, but it cannot work normally when it encounters texts written
in horizontal or vertical directions, such as in Chinese or Japanese. The proposed model divides the
document segmentation process into four steps for judging and processing the text, and used the
Support Vector Machines (SVM) model to decide whether to execute these steps in a pre-defined


For region classification, conventional research work usually leverages machine learning models to
distinguish different regions. Wei et al. (2013) compare the advantages and disadvantages of SVM,
multi-layer perceptrons (MLP) and Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) as classifiers. Experiments
show that the classification accuracy of SVM and MLP are significantly better than GMM in region
classification. Bukhari et al. (2012) manually construct and extract multiple features from the docu-
ment regions, and then used the AutoMLP algorithm to classify them. The classification accuracy of
95% is obtained in the Arabic dataset. Baechler & Ingold (2011) further improve the performance in
region classification using a pyramid algorithm by conducting three levels of analysis on medieval
manuscripts and using Dynamic Multi-Layer Perceptron (DMLP) as the classification model.


In addition to the above methods, there is a lot of research using traditional machine learning models
for table detection and recognition. (Wang et al., 2000; Wangt et al., 2001; Wang et al., 2002)
use a binary tree to analyze the document in a top-down way to find the candidate table areas,
and determine the final table area according to the predefined features. Pinto et al. (2003) use a
Conditional Random Field (CRF) model to extract the table area in the HTML page, and identify the
title, subtitle and other content in the table. e Silva (2009) uses Hidden Markov Models (HMM) to
extract table regions. Chen & Lopresti (2011) retrieve the table area in the handwritten document and
use an SVM model to identify the texts within that region, and predict the location of the table based
on the text lines. Kasar et al. (2013) identify the horizontal and vertical lines in the figure, and then
use an SVM model to classify the attributes of each line to determine whether the line belongs to the
table. Barlas et al. (2014) use an MLP model to classify the connected component in the document
and determined whether it belongs to tables. Bansal et al. (2014) use the leptonica library Bloomberg
(1991) to segment the document, and then construct features containing surrounding information for
each region. By using the fix-point model Li et al. (2013) to identify the table areas, the model does
not only conduct the region classification, but also learns the relationship among different areas.

Rashid et al. (2017) take the region classification into the word level and then used AutoMLP to
determine whether the word belongs to the table.


In recent years, deep learning methods have become a new paradigm for solving many machine
learning problems. Deep learning methods have been confirmed to be effective in many research
areas. Recently, the popularity of pre-trained models has further improved the performance of deep
neural networks. The development of Document AI also reflects a similar trend with other applica-
tions in deep learning. In this section, we divide the existing models into two parts: deep learning
models for specific tasks and general-purpose pre-trained models that support a variety of down-
stream tasks.



Document layout analysis includes two main subtasks: visual analysis and semantic analysis (Bin-
makhashen & Mahmoud, 2019). The main purpose of visual analysis is to detect the structure of
the document and determine the boundaries of similar regions. Semantic analysis needs to identify
specific document elements, such as headings, paragraphs, tables, etc., for these detected areas. Pub-
LayNet (Zhong et al., 2019b) is a large-scale document layout analysis dataset. More than 360,000
document images are constructed by automatically parsing PubMed XML files. DocBank (Li et al.,
2020b) automatically built an extensible document layout analysis dataset through the correspon-
dence between PDF files and LaTeX files on the arXiv website, and supports both text-based and
image-based document layout analysis. IIIT-AR-13K (Mondal et al., 2020) also provided 13,000
manually annotated document images for layout analysis.
In Section 2.1, we introduced the application of the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) in doc-
ument layout analysis (He et al., 2015; Ren et al., 2016; He et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2016; Redmon
& Farhadi, 2018; Yang et al., 2017a; Schreiber et al., 2017). As the performance requirement for
document layout analysis has gradually increased, more research work has made significant im-
provements with specific detection models. Yang et al. (2017b) treat the document semantic struc-
ture analysis task as a pixel-by-pixel classification problem. They propose a multimodal neural
network that considers both visual and textual information. Viana & Oliveira (2017) propose a
lightweight model for document layout analysis of mobile and cloud services. This model uses the
one-dimensional information of the image for inference, and achieves higher accuracy compared
with the model that uses the two-dimensional information. Chen et al. (2017) introduce a page seg-
mentation method of handwritten historical document images based on CNN. Oliveira et al. (2018)
propose a multi-task pixel-by-pixel prediction model based on CNN. Wick & Puppe (2018) propose
a high-performance Fully Convolutional Neural Network (FCN) for historical document segmenta-
tion. Grüning et al. (2019) propose a two-stage text line detection method for historical documents.
Soto & Yoo (2019) incorporate contextual information into the Faster R-CNN model. This model
used the local invariance of the article elements to improve the region detection performance.

Table Detection and Recognition In document layout analysis, table understanding is an impor-
tant and challenging subtask. Different from document elements such as headings and paragraphs,
the format of the table is usually more variable and the structure is more complex. Therefore, there
is a lot of related work carried out around tables, among which the two most important subtasks are
table detection and table structure recognition. 1) Table detection refers to determine the boundary
of the tables in the document. (2) Table structure recognition refers to extracting the semantic struc-
ture of the table, including information about rows, columns, and cells, according to a predefined
In recent years, benchmark datasets have emerged for table understanding, including table detection
datasets such as Marmot (Fang et al., 2012) and UNLV (Shahab et al., 2010). Meanwhile, the IC-
DAR conference held several competitions on table detection and recognition, where high-quality
table datasets are provided (Göbel et al., 2013; Gao et al., 2019). However, these traditional bench-
mark datasets are relatively small in scale, and it is difficult to unleash the capability of the deep

neural networks. Therefore, TableBank (Li et al., 2020a) uses LaTex and Office Word documents
to automatically build a large-scale table understanding dataset. PubTabNet (Zhong et al., 2019a)
proposes a large-scale table dataset and provides table structure and cell content to assist in table
recognition. TNCR (Abdallah et al., 2021) provides the label of the table categories while providing
the table boundaries.
Many deep learning based object detection models have achieved good results in table detection.
Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2016) achieves very good performance by directly applying it to table
detection. On this basis, Siddiqui et al. (2018) achieve better performance by applying deformable
convolution on Faster R-CNN. CascadeTabNet (Prasad et al., 2020) uses the Cascade R-CNN (Cai
& Vasconcelos, 2018) model to perform table detection and table structure recognition at the same
time. TableSense (Dong et al., 2019) significantly improves table detection capabilities by adding
cell features and sampling algorithms.
In addition to the above two main subtasks, the understanding of parsed tables has become a new
challenge. TAPAS (Herzig et al., 2020) introduces pre-training techniques to table comprehen-
sion tasks. By introducing an additional positional encoding layer, TAPAS enables the Trans-
former (Vaswani et al., 2017) encoder to accept structured table input. After pre-training on a large
amount of tabular data, TAPAS significantly surpasses traditional methods in a variety of down-
stream semantic analysis tasks for tables. Following TAPAS, TUTA (Wang et al., 2020a) introduces
a two-dimensional coordinate to represent the hierarchical information of a structured table, and
proposes a tree structure based location representation and attention mechanism to show the hier-
archical modeling of this structure. Combining different levels of pre-training tasks, TUTA has
achieved further performance improvements on multiple downstream datasets.


Visual information extraction refers to the technology of extracting semantic entities and their
relationships from a large number of unstructured visually-rich documents. Visual information
extraction differs in different document categories and the extracted entities are also different.
FUNSD (Guillaume Jaume, 2019) is a form understanding dataset that contains 199 forms, where
each sample contains key-value pairs of form entities. SROIE (Huang et al., 2019) is an OCR and in-
formation extraction benchmark for receipt understanding, which attracts a lot of attention from the
research/industry community. CORD (Park et al., 2019) is a receipt understanding dataset that con-
tains 8 categories and 54 subcategories of entities. Kleister (Stanisławek et al., 2021) is a document
understanding dataset for long and complex document entity extraction tasks, including long text
documents such as agreements and financial statements. DeepForm (Stray & Svetlichnaya, 2020)
is an English dataset for the disclosure form of political advertisements on television. The EATEN
dataset (Guo et al., 2019) is a dataset for information extraction of Chinese documents. Yu et al.
(2021) further add text box annotations to the 400 subset of EATEN. The EPHOIE (Wang et al.,
2021a) dataset is also an information extraction dataset for Chinese document data. XFUND (Xu
et al., 2021b) is a multi-lingual extended version of the FUNSD data set proposed with the Lay-
outXLM model, which contains visually-rich documents in seven commonly-used languages.
For visually-rich documents, a lot of research models the visual information extraction task as a
computer vision problem, and performs information extraction through semantic segmentation or
text box detection. Considering that text information also plays an important role in visual infor-
mation extraction, the typical framework is to treat document images as a pixel grid and add text
features to the visual feature map to obtain a better representation. According to the granularity
of textual information, these approaches are developed from character-level to word-level and then
to context-level. Chargrid (Katti et al., 2018) uses a convolution-based encoder-decoder network
to fuse text information into images by performing one-hot encoding on characters. VisualWord-
Grid (Kerroumi et al., 2020) implements Wordgrid (Katti et al., 2018) by replacing character-level
text information with word-level word2vec features, and fusing visual information to improve the
extraction performance. BERTgrid (Denk & Reisswig, 2019) uses BERT to obtain contextual text
representation, which further improves the end-to-end accuracy. Based on BERTgrid, ViBERT-
grid (Lin et al., 2021) fuses the text features from BERT with the image features from the CNN
model, thus obtaining better results.
Since textual information still plays an important role in visually-rich documents, a lot of research
work takes information extraction as a special natural language understanding task. Majumder et al.

(2020) generate candidates according to the types of the extracted entities, and has achieved good
results in form understanding. TRIE (Zhang et al., 2020) combines text detection and information
extraction, allowing two tasks to promote each other to obtain better information extraction results.
Wang et al. (2020b) predict the relationship between text fragments through the fusion of three
different modalities, and realize the hierarchical extraction for form understanding.
Unstructured visually-rich documents are often composed of multiple adjacent text fragments, so it
is also natural to use the Graph Neural Network (GNN) for representation. The text fragments in a
document are considered as nodes in the graph, while the relationship between the text fragments
can be modeled as edges, so that the entire document can be represented as a graph network. In
Section 2.2, we introduced the representative work of GNN for information extraction in visually-
rich documents (Liu et al., 2019a). On this basis, there is more research work based on GNN for
visual information extraction. Hwang et al. (2020) model the document as a directed graph and
extract information from the document through dependency analysis. Riba et al. (2019) use a GNN
model to extract tabular information from the invoices. Wei et al. (2020) use Graph Convolutional
Networks (GCN) to model the text layout based on the output of the pre-trained models, which im-
proves information extraction. Cheng et al. (2020) achieves better performance in few-shot learning
by representing the document as a graph structure and using a graph-based attention mechanism and
a CRF model. The PICK (Yu et al., 2021) model introduces a graph that can be learned based on
nodes to represent documents, and achieved better performance in receipt understanding.


Document image classification refers to the task of classifying document images that is essential for
business digitalization. RVL-CDIP (Harley et al., 2015) is a representative dataset for this task. The
dataset contains 400,000 grayscale images in 16 document image categories. Tabacco-3482 (Kumar
et al., 2014) selects a subset of RVL-CDIP for evaluation, which contains 3,482 grayscale document
Document image classification is a special subtask of image classification, thus classification mod-
els for natural images can also address the problem of document image classification. Afzal et al.
(2015) introduce a document image classification method based on CNN for document image clas-
sification. To overcome the problem of insufficient samples, they use Alexnet trained with ImageNet
as the initialization for model adaptation on document images. Afzal et al. (2017) use GoogLeNet,
VGG, ResNet and other successful models from natural images on document images through trans-
fer learning. Through the adjustment of model parameters and data processing, Tensmeyer & Mar-
tinez (2017) use the CNN model that can outperform the previous models without transfer learning
from natural images. Das et al. (2018) propose a new convolutional network based on different
image regions for document image classification. This method classifies different regions of the
document separately, and finally merges multiple classifiers of different regions to obtain a signifi-
cant performance improvement in document image classification. Sarkhel & Nandi (2019) extract
features at different levels by introducing a pyramidal multi-scale structure. Dauphinee et al. (2019)
obtain the text of the document by performing OCR on the document image, and combine image
and text features to further improve the classification performance.


Document Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a high-level understanding task for document im-
ages. Specifically, given a document image and a related question, the model needs to give the
correct answer to the question based on the given image. A specific example is shown in Figure 5.
VQA for documents first appears in the DocVQA dataset (Mathew et al., 2021b), which contains
more than 12,000 documents and corresponding 5,000 questions. Later, InfographicVQA (Mathew
et al., 2021a) is also proposed, which is a VQA benchmark for infographic images in the documents.
As the answers in DocVQA are relatively short and topics are not diverse, some researchers also pro-
posed the VisualMRC (Tanaka et al., 2021) dataset for the document VQA task, which includes long
answers with diverse topics.
Different from the traditional VQA task, textual information in document VQA plays a key role in
this task, so existing representative methods all take the texts obtained by OCR of document images
as the inputs. After the document text is obtained, the VQA task is modeled as different problems

(a) (b)

Figure 5: Examples of Document Visual Question Answering

according to the characteristics of different datasets. For the DocVQA data, most of the answers
to questions exist as text fragments in the document text, so mainstream methods have modeled
it as the Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) problem. By providing the model with visual
features and document texts, the model extracts text fragments from the given document according
to the question as the corresponding answer. For the VisualMRC dataset, the answer to the question
usually does not literally appear in the document text fragment and a longer abstract answer is
required. Therefore, a feasible method is to use a text generation approach to generate answers to
the questions.


Although the above methods achieve good performance on document understanding tasks, these
methods usually have two limitations: 1) The models often rely on limited labeled data, while ne-
glecting a large amount of knowledge in unlabeled data. On one hand, for document understanding
tasks such as information extraction, human annotation of data is expensive and time-consuming.
On the other hand, due to the extensive use of visually-rich documents in the real world, there are a
large number of unlabeled documents, and these large amounts of unlabeled data can be leveraged
for self-supervised pre-training. 2) Visually-rich documents not only contain a lot of text informa-
tion, but also rich layout and visual information. Existing models for specific tasks usually only use
pre-trained CV models or NLP models to obtain the knowledge from the corresponding modality
due to the limitation of data, and most of the work only uses information from a single modality or
simple combination of features rather than the deep fusion. The success of Transformer (Vaswani
et al., 2017) in transfer learning proves the importance of deep contextualization for sequence mod-
eling for both NLP and CV problems. Therefore, it is obvious to jointly learn different modalities
such as text, layout and visual information in a single framework.
Visually-rich documents mainly involve three modalities: text, layout, and visual information,
and these modalities have a natural alignment in visually-rich documents. Therefore, it is vital
to model document representations and achieve cross-modal alignment through pre-training. The
LayoutLM (Xu et al., 2020) and the subsequent LayoutLMv2 (Xu et al., 2021a) model are pro-
posed as the pioneer work in this research area. In Section 2.3, we introduced LayoutLM, a general
pre-trained model for Document AI. Through joint pre-training of text and layout, LayoutLM has
achieved significant improvement in a variety of document understanding tasks. On this basis, there
is a lot of follow-up research work to improve this framework. LayoutLM does not introduce docu-
ment visual information in the pre-training process, so the accuracy is not satisfactory on tasks that
require strong visual perception such as DocVQA. In response to this problem, LayoutLMv2 (Xu
et al., 2021a) integrates visual information into the pre-training process, which greatly improves the
visual understanding capability. Specifically, LayoutLMv2 introduces a spatial-aware self-attention

mechanism, and uses visual features as part of the input sequence. For the pre-training objectives,
LayoutLMv2 proposes “Text-Image Alignment” and “Text-Image Matching” tasks in addition to
Masked Visual-Language Modeling. Through improvements in these two aspects, the model ca-
pability to perceive visual information is substantially improved, and it significantly outperforms
strong baselines in a variety of downstream Document AI tasks.
Visually-rich documents can be generally divided into two categories. The first one is the fixed-
layout documents such as scanned document images and digital-born PDF files, where the layout
and style information is pre-rendered and independent of software, hardware, or operating system.
This property makes existing layout-based pre-training approaches easily applicable to document
understanding tasks. While, the second category is the markup language based documents such
as HTML/XML, where the layout and style information needs to be interactively and dynami-
cally rendered for visualization depending on the software, hardware, or operating system. For
markup language based documents, the 2D layout information does not exist in an explicit format
but usually needs to be dynamically rendered for different devices, e.g. mobile/tablet/desktop, which
makes current layout-based pre-trained models difficult to apply. To this end, MarkupLM (Li et al.,
2021b) is proposed to jointly pre-train text and markup language in a single framework for markup-
based VrDU tasks. Distinct from fixed-layout documents, markup-based documents provide another
viewpoint for the document representation learning through markup structures because the 2D po-
sition information and document image information cannot be used straightforwardly during the
pre-training. Instead, MarkupLM takes advantage of the tree-based markup structures to model the
relationship among different units within the document.

Position Information After LayoutLM, much research work has made improvements based on
this model framework. One of the main directions is to improve the way of position embeddings.
Some work has changed the position encoding represented by embeddings to the sinusoidal func-
tions, such as BROS (Hong et al., 2020) and StructuralLM (Li et al., 2021a). BROS (Hong et al.,
2020) uses the sinusoidal function for the absolute position encoding, and at the same time intro-
duced the relative position information of the text through the sinusoidal function in the self-attention
mechanism, which improves the model’s ability to perceive spatial position. StructuralLM (Li et al.,
2021a) shares the same position information in the text block in the absolute position representation,
which helps the model understand the text information in the same entity, thereby further improving
information extraction.

Visual Information In addition, some research work has made further improvements to optimize
and strengthen the vision models. LAMPRET (Wu et al., 2021) provides the model with more visual
information to model web documents such as font size, illustrations, etc. which helps to understand
rich web data. SelfDoc (Li et al., 2021c) adopts a two-stream structure. For a given visually-rich
document image, a pre-trained document entity detection model is first used to identify all semantic
units in the document through object detection, then OCR is used to recognize the textual informa-
tion. For the identified image regions and text sequences, the model uses Sentence-BERT (Reimers
& Gurevych, 2019) and Faster-RCNN (Ren et al., 2016) to extract features and encode them as
feature vectors. A cross-modal encoder is used for encoding the whole image with a multi-modal
representation to serve downstream tasks. DocFormer (Appalaraju et al., 2021) adopts a discrete
multi-modal structure and uses position information on each layer to combine text and visual modal-
ities for the self-attention. DocFormer uses ResNet (He et al., 2015) to encode image information
to obtain higher resolution image features, and at the same time encodes text information into text
embeddings. The position information is added to the image and text information separately and
passed to the Transformer layer separately. Under this mechanism, high-resolution image infor-
mation was obtained while the input sequence was shortened. Meanwhile, different modalities are
aligned through position information so that the model could better learn the cross-modal relation-
ship of visually-rich documents.

Pre-training Tasks Moreover, some pre-trained models have designed richer pre-training tasks for
different modalities. For example, in addition to the Masked Visual-Language Modeling (MVLM),
BROS (Hong et al., 2020) proposes an area-masked language model, which masks all text blocks
in a randomly selected area. It can be interpreted as extending the interval mask operation for
one-dimensional text in SpanBERT (Joshi et al., 2020) to an interval mask for text blocks in a two-
dimensional space. Specifically, the operation consists of the following four steps: (1) randomly

selecting a text block, (2) determining a final area by expanding the area of the text block, (3)
determining the text block belonging to the area, (4) masking all the text within block and recover.
LAMPRET (Wu et al., 2021) additionally introduces the ordering of web page entities, which allows
the model to learn the spatial position by predicting the order of the entity arrangement. At the same
time, the model also uses image matching pre-training by removing images in the webpage and
matching through retrieval. This also improves the model’s ability to understand the semantics of
multimodal information. The “Cell Position Classification” task proposed by StructuralLM (Li et al.,
2021a) models the relative spatial position of the text block in the document. Given a set of scanned
files, this task aims to predict the location of text blocks in the file. First, a visually-rich document is
divided into N regions of the same size. Then, the model calculates the area to which the text block
belongs through the two-dimensional position of the center of the text block. SelfDoc (Li et al.,
2021c) and DocFormer (Appalaraju et al., 2021) also introduce new pre-training tasks along with
the improvements of image inputs. SelfDoc masks and predicts the image features to better learn the
visual information. DocFormer introduces a decoder to reconstruct image information. In this case,
the task is similar to the image reconstruction of an autoencoder, but it contains multimodal features
such as texts and positions. With the help of joint image and text pre-training, image reconstruction
requires the deep fusion of texts and images, which strengthens the interaction between different

Initialization Regarding model initialization, some approaches used the existing powerful pre-
trained language models to further improve their performance, while also expanding the capabilities
of the pre-trained models. For example, LAMBERT (Garncarek et al., 2020) achieves better perfor-
mance by using RoBERTa (Liu et al., 2019b) as the pre-training initialization. In addition to lan-
guage understanding, some models focus on extending the language generation capabilities of the
models. A common practice is to use the encoder-decoder models for initialization. TILT (Powalski
et al., 2021) introduces the layout encoding layer into the pre-trained T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) model
and combined document data for pre-training, so that the model can handle the generation tasks in
Document AI. LayoutT5 and LayoutBART (Tanaka et al., 2021) introduce text position encoding
on top of T5 (Raffel et al., 2020) and BART (Lewis et al., 2020) models in the fine-tuning stage for
document VQA to help the model understand questions and generate answers better.

Multilingual Although these models have been successfully applied on English documents, doc-
ument understanding tasks are also important for non-English speaking worlds. LayoutXLM (Xu
et al., 2021b) is the first research work that carries out multilingual pre-training on visually-rich
documents for other languages. Based on the model structure of LayoutLMv2, LayoutXLM ex-
pands the language support of LayoutLM by using 53 languages for pre-training. Compared with
the cross-language models for plain text, LayoutXLM has obvious advantages in the language ex-
pansion capability for visually-rich documents, which proves that cross-lingual pre-training not only
works on pure NLP tasks, but also effective for cross-lingual Document AI tasks.


Automated information processing is the foundation and prerequisite for digital transformation.
Nowadays, there are increasingly higher requirements for processing power, processing speed, and
processing accuracy. Taking the business field as an example, electronic business documents cover
a large amount of complicated information such as purchase receipts, industry reports, business
emails, sales contracts, employment agreements, commercial invoices, and personal resumes. The
Robotic Process Automation (RPA) industry has been created in this background, using AI technol-
ogy to help a large number of people free from complicated electronic document processing tasks,
meanwhile improving productivity through a series of supporting automation tools. One of the key
cores of RPA is the Document AI technique. In the past 30 years, document analysis has mainly
gone through three stages, from the early-stage heuristic rules, to the statistical machine learning,
and recently deep learning methods, which greatly advances analysis performance and accuracy. At
the same time, we have also observed that the large-scale self-supervised general document-level
pre-trained model represented by LayoutLM has also received more and more attention and usage,
and has gradually become the basic unit for building more complex algorithms. There are also
quite a few follow-up research work that emerged recently, which accelerates development of the
Document AI.

For future research, in addition to the multi-page/cross-page problems, uneven quality of training
data, weak multi-task relevance, and few-shot and zero-shot learning, we also need to pay special
attention to the relationship between OCR with Document AI tasks, since the input of Document AI
applications usually comes from automatic OCR models. The accuracy of text recognition often has
a great impact on downstream tasks. In addition, how to combine Document AI technology with
existing human knowledge especially manual document processing skills, is an interesting research
topic worth exploring in the future.

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