Ancient India
In ancient India law was understood as a branch of Dharma. The Vedas were the original sources
of law, and the Smritis announced the message of Vedas and Smritikars were great jurists.
Although there is no record of formal training in law, the dispensation of justice was to be done
by the king on the basis of a self-acquired training. Justice was also administered by the King
through his appointees who in turn were persons of known integrity and reputation of being fair
and impartial. The guiding force for the King or his appointee was the upholding of the Dharma.
British India
Formal legal education in India came into existence in 1855 and its aim was to equip law
students so that they could help the lower courts and High courts by enrolling themselves as
Vakils or becoming judicial officers. There is no tradition of legal research and academic legal
training and system of teaching compulsory subjects under straight lecture method were
continued for almost a century.
Independent India
The Bar Council of India was established under section 4 of Advocates Act, 1961 which is a
statutory body to regulate legal education and profession. In the year 1985 the first law university
was established in India in Bangalore named as “National Law School of India University”. It
was the time when LLB degree was started in India. The method of teaching was also started
supplemented by tutorials, seminars, moot courts and case methods. And thereafter the education
of law in India has been offered by the various universities and in various academic levels. With
the enactment of Advocates Act, 1961 new regulations were framed for imparting legal
education in India, method of teaching also needed change which were purely lecture method
with marginal provision for training for students, manner of conferring degree etc. In modern
times the system has completely changed and requires more dynamic education structure to
compete in global word with innovative ideas and research in legal field.
Legal profession has always been considered as a noble profession as lawyers are the centre
pillars of the society who help the common man to know his rights and claim them legally.
We need legal education to fulfil the needs of the society and country as well because lawyers
are the persons who interpret the law and deals directly with the entire society.
Modern legal education in India was started by the British and its principal aim was to acquaint
Indians with rules of law which would help them in the administration of the country.
Even after the independence the state of legal education remained unsatisfactory for years and
there were no changes in the age old syllabus of courses according to the changed needs of the
country. While the Radhakrishnan Committee (University Education Commission 1948-49), the
Bombay Legal Education Committee (1949) and the Setalvad Committee (1954) showed their
disillusionment and dissatisfaction with legal education in their respective reports and drew
attention to its defects and deficiencies, it was the Gajendragadkar Committee (1970) which
could be credited for articulating the objectives and aims of legal education in India. The aim of
legal education,’ said the Gajendragadkar Committee, ‘would be to make the students of law
good lawyers who have absorbed and mastered the theory of law, its philosophy, its functions
and its role in a democratic society.’
Its aim is to give knowledge of basic subjects of law with its use in practical terms i.e. it require
study in terms of both theory and practical part to produce lawyers who are equipped for law
practice in the global legal environment and who can serve the interests of Indian citizens,
business, government and NGOs and provide transnational legal services in a highly competitive
interdependent and interconnected globalized world.
Its aim is to improve teaching by providing emphasis on research and publications in legal field
so that students can combat any legal problems which come their way and to create new legal
knowledge and ideas to meet new challenges facing the society.
Lastly it aims at providing reforms in legal field as there is inadequate quality of legal education
and infrastructure and lack of relevant skills training to meet the ever-changing demands of the
modern world and there is need of creating clear quality standards for legal education.
Present Scenario
The Bar Council of India is the present regulatory body who makes rules and regulation for the
promotion of legal education in India. Law degrees are given and conferred in terms of
Advocates Act, 1961 under which BCI is formed as a statutory body and given regulating power
to conduct for both legal education and profession. Universities are also need to be affiliated
from BCI, it also prescribes rules and standards of courses of study, infrastructure requirements,
eligibility for admission and is responsible for the promotion of legal studies in India. According
to BCI rules part IV section 4 of chapter II there are two study systems operating simultaneously.
Traditionally legal education was imparted as a three years graduate degree(unitary) after
completion of Bachelor’s degree which is introduced by BCI in 1961 and other is a integrated
five-year law course(double degree) introduced by BCI in 1982 which is provided after 12th
standard as an alternative to three year course so that law aspirants can directly enroll in
universities to avail B.A. LL.B, B.Com LL.B, B.B.A. LL.B, B.Sc. LL.B. It is an integrated
course means Bachelor’s degree is given with the law degree in which student studies subjects of
both the degrees simultaneously at the college and at the end one degree is given which is
combination of both bachelor’s and law degree.
Whereas in three year course only after completion of bachelor’s degree a student is eligible to
enroll for law degree, in this only law subjects are taught to the students for 3 years and then the
degree is granted. Both the courses are conducted in semester system which shall not be less than
15 weeks for unitary degree and 18 weeks for double degree. Further there is also provision for
moot courts, seminars and tutorial classes per week for the students. It also states that each
student shall accomplish his internship at legal aid office or a lawyer’s office or at any place
where legal work is given to him.
Apart from studying law as a discipline there are various courses which include study of law
subjects, that means by legal education we not only refer to study of basic law subjects but also
study of applied law programs for other courses such as business law, taxation law, company law
etc. By this we can assume that legal education is also scattered in some or the other way in form
of study of law subjects in other courses as well, for example-
There are various diploma and certificate courses provided in various subjects like cyber law,
taxation law, banking law, human rights and legal literacy etc. we also study commercial and
taxation law in commerce and accountancy at undergraduate or postgraduate level. Similarly
Intellectual Property laws are taught at undergraduate engineering level, subjects like securities
law, company law etc. are taught in company secretary course and business law at business
school. Hence legal education not only includes basic LL.B degree but also study of various
other law subjects in different courses at each level which students study in various form to gain
knowledge of law to be applied at different scenario.
Apart from this legal education also includes vocational courses such as CA, CS, ICWA, etc.,
higher academic degrees and doctorates for more advanced study. We also have continuous legal
education system where judges and senior advocates are provided with opportunity to enhance
their present knowledge and skills.
Chief Justice Burger in his address to the American College of Trial Lawyers in Columbia
observed: “In some jurisdictions, up to half of the lawyers who appear in court are so poorly
trained in that they are not properly performing their job and that their manners, their
professional performance and their professional ethics offend a great many people. They are
engaging in on the job training at the expense of their clients’ interest and the public.” Chief
Justice Burger’s comment would hold equally good in the context of legal profession and its
education in India. It is very general knowledge that a large part of the two lakh graduates being
added every year to the existing ten lakh advocates in the country, are absentee law students who
pass out from about 500 law colleges/schools. Such advocates ultimately learn, if at all, at the
cost of the poor clients and court time.
To avoid such problems Bar Council has made it mandatory to do internships during legal
studies to gain practical knowledge of subject. A student must do minimum 12 weeks of
internship for three year course and 20 weeks in case of five year integrated course under any
authority or body corporate where law is practiced. Thus a law school needs to produce
graduates who not only receives formal education but those who are trained to postulate new
social, economic and political issues requiring legal attention. Training is an integral part of legal
education which prepares students to contend any issue which comes in his career in which even
he receives no formal education.
President Pranab Mukherjee also said that “Our educational institutions imparting law education
have to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical application. They have to
ignite inquiry and encourage curiosity," as the study of legal system could not be pursued in
isolation from the wider socio-economic realities, he observed.
According to schedule II of Bar Council Of India rules on legal education the academic
standards and courses to be studied are: for both the unitary and double degree course students
have to take not less than 28 subjects which includes 18 compulsory subjects, 4 clinical subjects,
6 optional papers and includes any additional paper as prescribed by the university. For honours
students one has to take up at least 30 papers and university can choose accordingly from the list
of subjects that which paper it would include as a honours paper i.e. there is freedom to
universities to restrict subjects in group for offering options based on the availability of faculty
and other facilities. Bar Council of India provides the wider outline that which basic subjects,
clinical subjects, optional subjects shall be included in curriculum to make it effective and
meaningful to students. There is a complete list of basic subjects given by BCI to be taught to
students like constitutional law, contract act, law of torts, civil law, criminal law, etc. and clinical
subjects like drafting, pleading, conveyance, alternative dispute resolution etc. with other
honours subjects including foreign language as mandatory subject to be taught in every law
Apart from this moot court exercise and internships form important part of curriculum because it
is the only way of giving practical training to students in their academic life. BCI has provided
norms for this as well which says that each registered student shall have completed minimum 12
weeks internship for three year course and 20 weeks for five year course during the entire period
of studies under NGO, Trial and Appellate Advocates, Judiciary, Legal Regulatory authorities,
Legislatures and Parliament, Other Legal Functionaries, Market Institutions, Law Firms,
Companies, Local Self Government and other such bodies as the University shall stipulate,
where law is practiced either in action or in dispute resolution or in management.
Method of legal education has been constantly changing but value of syllabus lies in the manner
in which students are exposed to the contents of the course and not merely in the contents itself
thus skilled and qualified teachers need to be retained by the universities to impart good level of
education. Though there is substantial changes are made in the teaching method from the past but
still there is a room for improvement to enhance the level of teaching and to use innovative
methods for training purpose as well. The lecture method plays an important role and is still in
practice as a mode of instruction because teachers are medium for transferring not only book
based knowledge but newly created knowledge combined with practical experience, reasoning,
their own thought process and perspective on the subject to students.
Now a days teaching method has been changed from teacher- centred to learner centred method
which includes participation by students in topic discussed, seminars and guest lectures method
to teach by eminent persons in their respective field as to provide them knowledge of specific
subjects from their perspective and experience which help students to have better understanding
of subject concerned. As in curriculum training and legal aid program form integral part to
prepare students for practice and gain experience of work of lawyers in different subject matters
so as to learn professional skills and sound understanding of legal profession it is required that
apart from whole time law teachers they should be taught by faculty members or learned persons
of field having academic knowledge, experience and professional proficiency which lacks in full
time teacher of universities or law schools to benefit students from all sides.
According to the provisions of BCI medium of instruction must be English and full time faculty
members shall be holders of Master’s degree and other visiting, part time faculty may be
appointed from the retired judicial officers, a person practicing in court of law or having
professional experience in the field. In present scenario research can contribute significantly
toward improvement in teaching and, more importantly, addressing numerous challenges relating
to law and justice. If one were to look at the faculty profile of the world’s top law schools, one
will find that there is great emphasis on research and publications among academics. Therefore
universities are required to hire good academic professionals having proper knowledge of their
subject and one who are top researchers in law field imbued with sound teaching methods and
those who emphasise on research and publication to create an intellectually vibrant environment.
Aspirants can enter into field for five year integrated course after passing 12th standard and shall
not be above the age of 20 years and after completing undergraduate degree for three year course
on successful completion of which a student becomes lawyer . For judges there is separate
criteria for examinations including preliminary, mains followed by interview and training on
selection. Similarly different entrance requirements are there for each field which must be
cleared to enter into the stream.
Coming to the modes of examination appropriate methods need to be devised to measure the
ability of students in terms of critical analysis of law and its operation in society. According to
examination rule guidelines of BCI examination must be held at the end of each semester and
minimum 70% attendance is required in each subject to appear in examination. University is at
liberty to hold exam on continuous basis and accordingly assess students based on moot court
activities ,project works, assignments, internships, viva, written exams etc.
In present there are ample of opportunities as new area of work are increased in wake of
globalization and governance such as international trade, foreign investments, mergers and
takeovers etc .which require agreements between the countries and knowledge of law of country
with whom agreement is made. Also with increased awareness among society there are civil and
human rights movement worldwide which requires lawyers to provide justice and help to needy.
To this end, legal education system need new ideas, thinking and innovations to make it more
relevant, effective, trustworthy, authentic and focused on research and legal training to produce
value based qualitative lawyers in the country.
Legal education means acquiring knowledge and skills of the subjects of law to become legal
professionals. It means teaching law as one of the academic disciplines for the practice of law
and to become member of the profession. Law includes both professional and liberal education
i.e. acquiring professional skills as well as aiming at value-oriented, socio-cultural education. A
lawyer is the product of such education, who is boon for the society as he works for the benefit
and welfare of the society by claiming justice on behalf of his client in the court of law. Legal
education works not only as an instrument of social control but also as instrument of social
change which is imperative to create cultured law abiding citizens, who are inculcated with the
concept of human rights and values which is the essential medium of the change.