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Devika, S.
Register Number: 15SLP011

A Dissertation Submitted in Part Fulfilment of Degree of Master of Science

(Speech-Language Pathology)

University Of Mysore




May, 2017

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled Narrative discourse skills of

children with Learning Disability is the bonafide work submitted in part fulfillment for

the degree of Master of Science (Speech-Language Pathology) of the student

(Registration No. 15SLP011). This has been carried out under the guidance of a faculty

of this institute and has not been submitted earlier to any other University for the award

of any other Diploma or Degree.

Mysore Dr. S. R. Savithri

May, 2017
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
Manasagangothri, Mysuru-570006

This is to certify that the dissertation entitled Narrative discourse skills of

children with Learning Disability has been prepared under my supervision and

guidance. It is also certified that this has not been submitted earlier in any other

University for the award of any Diploma or Degree.

Dr. Hema. N
Lecturer in Speech Sciences
May, 2017
Department of Speech-Language Sciences
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
Manasagangothri, Mysuru.

This is to certify that this dissertation entitled Narrative discourse skills of

children with Learning Disability is the result of my own study under the guidance of

Dr. Hema. N, Department of Speech-Language Sciences, All India Institute of Speech

and Hearing, Mysore and has not been submitted earlier in any other University for the

award of any Diploma or Degree.

Mysore Register No: 15SLP011

May , 2017
Dedicated to God
Almighty and to
My Acha, Amma and

First of all I would like to solemnly express my deep gratitude towards my guide, Hema Ma’am

for all your help and guidance. Thanks for answering my never ending series of questions. Your

constant remarks, suggestions and criticisms have taught me many valuable lessons which I can

never forget!

I also express my gratitude to director Ma’am, Dr.S.R.Savithri for all support.

My sincere thanks to Mrs & Mr Prajin Babu and Meenakshy Ma’am of Travancore National

School,Tvm and also Dr.Sreeja of Kalyan School, Tvm for allowing me to do data collection.

Thank you to each one of you for your cooperation. My heartfelt gratitude to the smart

participants who participated in the study. My heartfelt thanks to the sweet participants and

their parents at RBI staff quarters, Thamalam,Tvm for taking part in my study with full


A loving thanks and salute to all my teachers of Holy Angels ISC school, NISH, and AIISH for

their patience, hardwork and dedication towards their profession. Undoubtedly, you all have

shaped me into a better person.

I extend my words of gratitude towards Vasanthalakshmi Ma’am and Santosha sir for helping

me with the statistics of the study.

Acha and Amma, love you both so much. Thanks for always supporting me and encouraging me

throughout all these years. You both are the best and I am proud to be your daughter. Shals,

words are not enough to say how much I love and care for you. We have had our own share of

fights,tears, fun, and laughter. Lots of love and hugs to you for being such a wonderful sister.

And Kp chetta, a big thankyou to you as well for being such a sweet brother.Thanks to my

lovely grandparents for all their prayers.

Thankyou Dr.Asha and family, for all your prayers and best wishes. Your calmness and patience

inspired me. Thanks for treating me like one amongst your family. Despite your busy schedule as

a doctor, you still found time to sincerely wish and motivate me in all my endeavours. You are an


Nishika, you have genuinely helped me always.Years have passed by but our friendship is still

strong. Love you so much and thank you for helping me throughout my study!!You are a gem

Nishu.Anooja and Hisana, bushes:D…you two have helped me so much during my study.

Hugs, hugs and more hugs for all your kindness, love and help.

My dearest Rini...edi edi…thankyou for all your prayers and help. You have stood by me in times

of happiness and sorrow. You’ve helped me in every possible way. A true friend indeed! Love you

so much. May our friendship last forever!!

To all my sweet buddies, Haritha, Merin, Indu and Vacca(veena acca). Thanks a lot for offering

help whenever I needed. Multitasker Meri, dedicated Hari, allrounder Vacca and filmie

Indu....lots of wonderful memories with you all. Thanks a ton for being such sweet friends!!

Irfana chechi thank you for all your valuable suggestions. It helped me so much during my

study. Thankyou Anjana Ma’am for your valuable help and suggestions. Akshaya ‘dhi’:D..
thankyou so much for your immense help and suggestions during the final phase of dissertation.

Shilpa chech, thank you for providing me all possible help and support.

My dissertation buddie, Chaya!!Thanks a lot for always supporting me .Together we discovered

a common hobby(eating fruits):D ..two years have fled so soon but I had a nice experience with

you. Kane..ippo Kan..:D ..my travel guide, song and dance partner, sound effects artist, PPT

expert, Hikku ….I can never forget your giggles and your unique dance steps:D. I enjoyed

everything from our long walks to our weekend trips to city, to daily menu discussion and the list

goes on. You have always been a cute little kothuk..hoping to see you chubby some day:D. You

have helped me plenty of times throughout these two years. Thankyou Bincy kane…;)

Lots of love to my DBC soulmates….Maggie and Anju BThomas. You have been my true DBC

partners, helped me so much during dissertation and really been such great friends. Thanks to

both of you kto!!Sarga, AnjuVA and AnuRose(Sonu-Monu), Jeena…you all are so lively and

full of energy. The moment you all talk to me, I forget all my tensions and worries. I cherish

every moment spent with you all. Thankyou dears for all your help, love and kindness!!Thanks to

all my classmates who made my memories at AIISH even more colorful.

Special thanks to Vanthanaa, who was like a little sister to me. Your innocent remarks and cute

expressions have always made me happy. Thanks for being so sweet to me:D.

To my secret keeper and big time friend, talented artist, RJ…thanks for always being there for

me. You have helped me so many times that I can’t ever thank you enough. You are more than

just a friend to me:D Thank you da!!You have been one pavam, understanding,sweet and caring

person!Glad I met you!!kukki makku

Last but not the least a big thank you to you, my GOD, for helping me complete this study, for

always showering your choicest blessings upon me and for helping me to face every situation

with strength. Thank you so much God!


Chapter no Contents Page no.









APPENDIX B ii-xvii

APPENDIX C xviii-xxi

APPENDIX D xxii-xxv

APPENDIX E xxvi-xxxiii

Table Page
Title of the Table
No. No.
1 Demographic details of clinical group 26

2 Demographic details of control group 27

Mean, SD and Median for the propositional of narrative discourse of LD

3 group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on qualitative analysis 36

Mean, SD and Median for the Non propositional parameters of narrative

4 discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on qualitative

Mean, SD and Median for Discourse quotient of narrative discourse of LD

5 group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on qualitative analysis. 38

Results of Mann-Whitney Test for the propositional & non-propositional

6 40
aspects of DAS of narration task in Malayalam language

Results of descriptive statistics for the parameters of T-unit based analysis

7 of narrative discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on
quantitative analysis.

Between group comparisons on quantitative analysis of oral narrative

8 discourse 43

9 Correlation between qualitative and quantitative parameters irrespective of

groups 44

Correlation between qualitative and quantitative parameters within LD

10 45

Correlation between qualitative and quantitative parameters within TDC

11 group 46

Figure Title of Figure Page

No. No.

1 Mean scores of the propositional discourse parameters of qualitative 37

analysis of narrative discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10).

2 Mean scores of the propositional discourse parameters of qualitative 38

analysis of narrative discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10).

3 Mean scores of discourse quotient of qualitative analysis of narrative 39

discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10).

4 Performance of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on quantitative 42

analysis of oral narrative discourse



Learning disability/ disorders are neurobiological in origin and lead to problems

with reading, writing, math or a combination of these three skills in children with

average or above average intelligence. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in

which the child exhibits difficulties with word recognition along with poor spelling and

decoding abilities. However, in majority of children with learning disability, the

reception and expression of spoken language seems to be compromised, particularly in

childhood. Studies on children with dyslexia and preschool children at risk of dyslexia

have shown that vocabulary development and morphosyntactic skill is quite delayed

when compared with typical children (Van Alphen et al., 2004; Joannisse, Manis,

Keating, & Seidenberg, 2000: Koster, Been, Krikhaar, & Zwarts, 2005; McArthur,

Hogben, Edwards, Heath & Mengler, 2000: Rispens, Roeleven, & Koster, 2003;

Scarborough, 1990). Therefore, they exhibit some deficits at the linguistic aspect of


Language is a human communication system that makes use of a set of arbitrary

symbols. Since several decades, language has always been defined with reference to

content (semantics) and form (syntax, morphology) with little emphasis on use

(pragmatics). However, recent research is aiming to understand the pragmatic aspects

of language. Pragmatic analysis is essential as it can provide details on the dynamic

aspects of everyday communication faced by an individual.


Pragmatics includes the study of discourse production and it forms an essential

part of communication. With reference to linguistics, discourse implies units of

language which are longer than a sentence. Thus, discourse analysis refers to the study

of relationship between spoken or written sentences. Discourse may be spoken, written

or multimodal forms of communication, and is not found only in “non-fictional” or

verbal materials (Coelho, 2002). Discourse is socially conditioned and will have a

communicative aim, whether in the form of spoken or written text, or monologue or

dialogues between individuals. Thus, there are several types of discourse like

procedural (describes the procedure in performing an activity), expository (information

on a single topic by one speaker), conversational (sharing information between listeners

and speakers) and narrative (vivid description of events). The characteristic way of

organization and content of each discourse type places varying cognitive- linguistic

demands on the communicator (Ulatowska & Chapman, 1989).

There are various discourse types and one among them is narrative discourse.

Narrative discourse comprises of an account of events, generally in the past, by using

different verbs of speech, motion, and action in order to vividly describe a series of

events. These series of events are typically related to one another, and that is centered

on one or more doers of actions. Narrative task needs skill in manipulating language,

whether telling a fictional story, or providing a narration of past experiences or story

retelling (Paul& Smith, 1993). Narrative skills therefore, reflect the communicative

competence of children and when assessed provides the much needed information on

pragmatic, cognitive and linguistic functioning in the child. More focus is being shed

upon oral narrative discourse for the past three decades. There exists a strong relation


between children’s oral narrative skills and academic performance. Cain (2003)

conducted a longitudinal study in primary school children in the age range of 7-9 years

old. The study aimed to find out if there exists any relation between higher level

language skills (inference, story structure) and reading skills. One main task in this

study included arranging a set of jumbled pictures in the correct order and generate a

logical sequential story. Better narration skills strongly correlated with higher reading

comprehension level, even after other measures of verbal ability and language skill had

been taken into account. This knowledge facilitates memory and understanding through

organizing and relating events in the text. This study outlines the link between oral

narration and academic performance in young school going children.

However, routine assessments of Learning disability typically check the

performance in reading, writing and arithmetic skills with a greater emphasis on

phoneme grapheme correspondence skills. During these assessments, narrative

language is often overlooked and not assessed thoroughly. From previous studies it can

be inferred that narration needs to be assessed in children with learning disability.

Hence narrative discourse can be used along with other standardized tests for LD, to

screen children at risk of learning disability. LD cases exhibit deficiency at the

narrative discourse level along with the phoneme grapheme level of linguistic aspects.

As LD can be diagnosed based on the PGC tests, the narrative discourse is another task

which can be used to assess learning disability or symptoms of LD.

To be more specific, narrative analysis is very useful in pinpointing even subtle

discourse deficiencies. In any narrative task, in order to produce a coherent narrative,

an individual speaker must plan and generate the linguistic content into an acceptable


form while identifying the social rules that are built in into the narratives. Thus,

narrative discourse needs more advanced linguistic knowledge when compared to a

conversation task. Hence, narration skills need to be tapped upon during clinical

assessments to get an idea of the child’s overall language abilities (Westerveld, Gillon,

& Miller, 2004). According to McCabe (1991), narrative discourse involves recalling a

series of events in a sequential manner. In order to narrate, the child must possess the

ability to understand and produce large chunks of text well organized according to

listener perception, topic and also convey meaning (Ewing-Cobbs, Brookshire, Scott, &

Fletcher, 1998).

Story generation and story retelling are the commonly used oral narration

elicitation tasks (Pearce, 2003; Justice, Bowles, Kaderavek, Ukrainetz, Eisenberg, &

Gillam, 2006). Crovetti (1998) studied narrative discourse skills in children with

learning disability, both in terms of comprehension and narrative production. On a task

of story retelling, the children with learning disability exhibited fewer clauses, lesser

usage of core propositions and inferences reflecting the content of the stories. Literature

has also revealed that children with Learning Disability have poor performance on

narration of stories with a new topic (Rourke, 1989, 1995). Other studies have claimed

that children with learning disability produce less cohesive narratives than typical

peers, especially with differences in the usage of pronouns during story generation

(Strong & Shaver, 1991; Liles, Duffy, Merritt & Purcell, 1995).

These differences in oral narration performance across different contexts could

probably be explained by a limited capacity working memory model (Baddeley, 2003).

Majority of learning-disabled poor readers have the abilities needed to retrieve


necessary information from long-term memory, and to correctly represent and elaborate

ongoing syntactic and semantic schemas (Catts & Kamhi, 2005). Indeed, evidence

suggests that poor readers with ‘classic’ dyslexic profiles (poor reading ability and at

least average reasoning skills) are likely to draw from exactly those intellectual

resources and stored information sources in LTM to compensate for difficulties in

verbal STM (Jackson & Doellinger, 2002; Nation & Snowling, 1998).In order to

narrate well, a child should get a story content schema activated, organize the content

sequentially and logically, and use complex syntactic linguistic units to convey the

intended meaning (Westby, 2005). However, most studies on oral narrative language

skills of children with language and/or reading impairment have used fictional story

retelling (Fey, Catts, Proctor- Williams, Tomblin, & Zhang, 2004; Paul, Hernandez,

Taylor, & Johnson, 1996; Snyder & Downey, 1991). In another study, oral narrative

discourse in children with learning disability was studied using personal narratives

(Westerveld, Gillon, & Miller, 2004). All these studies have studied oral discourse

deficits at macrostructure level. Westerveld and Gillon (2008) conducted a study on

narrative production in children with learning disability and found that they have

deficits in discourse at microstructure level also, especially with reference to

grammatical complexity and usage of different semantic vocabularies.

Thus, it can be highlighted that oral discourse has the potential to predict

language and cognitive functioning of a child. Literature on narrative skills of

monolingual children with LD revealed significant differences in oral narrative

production and comprehension, producing fewer clauses and reduced content upon

story retelling task (Wright & Newhoff, 2001; Westerveld et al, 2008). Mohana and


Chengappa (2010) studied the spoken discourse aspects in Tamil- English bilingual

children with learning disability on conversation, picture description and story narration

tasks. Their results indicated significant differences in propositional and non

propositional discourse across groups and across languages for tasks of picture

description and story narration. Studies clearly pinpoint that discourse deficit is one of

the persisting subclinical features in children with learning disability.

Previous literature has highlighted that oral discourse has the potential to predict

language and cognitive functioning of a child. Literature on narrative skills of

monolingual children with LD revealed significant differences in oral narrative

production and comprehension, producing fewer clauses and reduced content upon

story retelling task (Wright & Newhoff, 2001; Westerveld et al, 2008). Mohana and

Chengappa (2010) studied the spoken discourse aspects in Tamil- English bilingual

children with learning disability on conversation, picture description and story narration

tasks. Their results indicated significant differences in propositional and non

propositional discourse across groups and across languages for tasks of picture

description and story narration. Studies clearly pinpoint that discourse deficit is one of

the persisting subclinical features in children with learning disability.

Oral narrative discourse has been widely studied in several clinical population.

Narrating a story requires the ability to plan, sequence and generate sentences with

cohesion. Hence story generation task can be used as a measure to elicit spoken

narratives. In literature, there is a dearth of studies done on oral discourse skills in

native languages, especially in LD population. Hence, the current study is an attempt to


understand the oral narrative discourse production in native Malayalam speaking

children with learning disability.




Learning disability (LD) can be defined as “a disorder in one or more of the

basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken

or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read,

write, spell, or do mathematical calculations including conditions such as perceptual

disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia and developmental

aphasia. “Learning problems that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor

disabilities, of mental retardation, of emotional disturbance or of environmental,

cultural, or economic disadvantage” do not include learning disabilities (IDEA, 2006).

According to Hallahan and Kauffman(1994), the prevalence of LD is 4-5% in

children within 6-17 years of age. There is a higher prevalence of LD in males than in

females, with males being twice as likely to get the disorder. In India the prevalence is

estimated to be between 3-10% (Ramaa, 2000). Among the several distinct learning

disabilities, dyslexia is one type. It is a specific, language–based disorder of

constitutional origin characterized by difficulties in single word decoding, usually

reflecting insufficient phonological abilities (Orton Dyslexia Society Research

Committee, 1994)

The direct etiology of learning disability is still unclear. Some theories attribute

the differences in brain structure as the reason behind the learning deficits, whereas

other theories attempt to explain learning disability in terms of genetic predisposition. It

has been found that persons with LD have structural differences in planum temporale. It


is larger in the left temporal lobe in typical individuals whereas this asymmetry is

absent in persons with LD. Familial studies also indicate that genetic predisposition is

strongly linked with Learning Disability.

2.1 Characteristic features of LD

Learning disability is a broad term that encompasses several forms of problems

with reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic or a combination of these three skills in

children with average or above average intelligence. Learning disability/ disorders are

neurobiological in origin. The most evident deficits in LD as outlined in literature hints

at problems in phonemic awareness, single word decoding, reading fluency and

spelling. Difficulties in reading comprehension and writing may arise as a secondary

consequence. Often learning disability is not identified until the child starts exhibiting

lot of difficulties in academic setup. Dyslexia is a specific learning disability in which

the child exhibits difficulties with word recognition and poor spelling and decoding


Of all the children with learning disability around 80% have problems with

reading. Children with dyslexia have deficits mainly with phoneme awareness and in

phoneme- grapheme correspondence. These aspects have been well studied in past

literature. Usually all aspects of language, spoken and written are affected to an extent

in children with learning disability (Wallach & Butler, 1994). Studies on children with

dyslexia and preschool children at risk of dyslexia have shown that vocabulary

development and morphosyntactic skill is quite delayed when compared with typical

children (Scarborough, 1990; Joannisse, Manis, Keating, & Seidenberg, 2000;


McArthur, Hogben, Edwards, Heath & Mengler, 2000; Rispens, Roeleven, & Koster,

2003; Van Alphen et al., 2004; Koster, Been, Krikhaar, & Zwarts, 2005; ).

It has been well established that good mastery over oral language underpins

development of literacy skills (Bishop & Snowling, 2004). Several reports in the

literature have suggested that reading comprehension skills are associated with good

oral and/or written narratives because all of these tasks involve the same underlying

cognitive processes (Berninger et al., 2006). Similar to the above mentioned oral

language production tasks, studies examine the written discourse abilities in children

with learning disability in the past (Puranik, Lombardino & Altmann, 2007; Chung, Lo,

Ho, Xiao & Chan, 2014). However, studies on oral narrative discourse in this

population are limited. Since there is a strong link between academic achievements and

oral language skills, oral language needs to be examined as well.

2.2 Narrative development in typical children

Children typically master language from parents and siblings, especially in the

first three years of life, before they are surrounded by peers (Hart & Risley, 1995; Apel

& Masterson, 2001).Hart and Risley (1995) found that children have established

patterns in the amount they talk, the amount their vocabulary grows, and their style of

interaction by 3 years of age; all of which parallel the child’s parents in these areas.

Once conversational patterns are established, children are successful communication

partners with adults, learning new vocabulary, grammar and using the learnt ones in

conversation (Apel & Masterson, 2001).


Developmentally, narratives are the first form of language use that urges a

person to produce a monologue rather than a conversation or dialogue (Simon, 1985).

When children start storytelling, they often retell natural incidents centered around

their everyday life and hence the listener is quite familiar with the content and context

of the story (Owens, 2005). Similarly, when children begin reading books with their

parents or cargivers, they are able to use ambiguous terms since combined reading by

adult and child supplies the contextual meaning (Simon, 1985). Identification of

participants or settings of the story is unnecessary at this stage. This informational

requirement changes sequentially as children begin attending daycare, play groups, and

school. As they grow older, children develop the skills to recognize key parts of stories

and describe events orally (Owens, 2005; Simon, 1985). Around the age of four,

children are able to accurately recount events sequentially because of their growing

ability to manage linguistic complexity (Owens, 2005). Eventually, children begin to

visualize stories from listener’s perspective and then narrate (Simon, 1985). By the time

children begin school, they have mastered the skill to include the major elements of a

narrative, enhancing the foundation for conversational skills as they grow. These

elements of narrative discourse continue to become more refined (Owens, 2005). Hence

by around 7-8 years of age, a typical child will be able to narrate a story in a sequential

and logical manner. Their ability in terms of planning organinising, formulating

episodes, and theme of the story improves with age. A complex episode level that

involves elaboration of a complete episode, by including multiple plans and trials, or

consequences within an episode as well as an obstacle to the attainment of a goal is

attainable by eleven years. Further development of narratives include embedded

episodes (one episode is included in another) or interactive episodes ( narratives which


have two perspectives). These types of story narration are also developed by11- 12

years(Hughes, 1997)

Clear developmental patterns have been shown in terms of narrative length

(Reilly, Losh, Bellugi & Wulfeck, 2004;Tilstra& McMaster,2007) meaning that as

children grow older, they are able to narrate longer stories. Lexical diversity also

improves with age with older children using more specific vocabulary and better

organized episodes during narration. Besides, accuracy and complexity of utterances

and cohesion (with respect of frequency and diversity of cohesive markers) have been

found to improve with age.

2.3 Relation between oral language and reading comprehension

The relationship between the academic achievements in terms of reading

comprehension could be studied in relation to the story comprehension and production

ability using a narrative task. For example, the Constructionist theories of reading

comprehension highlights the links between story comprehension and storytelling

ability and reading comprehension performance. As per constructionist theories of

reading comprehension, during text comprehension the reader comprehends the

meaning of the read text by constructing knowledge based inferences (Kintsch, 1988).

These knowledge-based inferences get activated based on background knowledge

structures in long-term memory. Vocabulary, morpho-syntactic knowledge, story

structure knowledge, and more general world knowledge constitute background

knowledge structures. In other words, proficient readers utilise their linguistic

knowledge at word- and sentence-level, in combination with their knowledge of the

story structure to create a mental model of a fictional story. Story structure knowledge


acts as a foundation for building a mental model, by providing means to segregate and

relate the events in a story which thereby aids in better understanding and retention of

the story. Besides comprehension of written and spoken stories, mental models of

stories also facilitate story retelling abilities. When they have a mental model which is

quite stable, children get quick access to the desired content and structural outline need

for story retelling, which influences the overall quality of the story the child produces.

However, story telling also taps on the linguistic skills of the child (such as morpho-

syntactic and semantic skills) at word-, sentence-, and text-level. The same principal

holds good for the narration task consisting a sequences of pictures as stimulus.

2.4 Narrative macrostructure and microstructure

Narration is an oral language skill, which is often assessed at discourse level.

Discourse can also be broadly defined as language use “in the large”, or as extended

activities that are carried out via language (Clark, 1994). Discourse comprehension and

production in various disorders have been studied widely. Discourse can be examined

in written text or in oral productions. Under comprehension or expression level it can

be differentiated into microstructure and macrostructure levels for conversational

discourse, narrative discourse and for picture description task (Ulatowska, North, &

Macaluso-Haynes, 1981; Glosser & Deser, 1990; Cannizzaro & Coelho, 2002).

Macrostructure deals with the maintenance of conceptual, semantic, and

pragmatic organization at the suprasentential level. There are many approaches to

narrative macrostructure analysis of narration; most widely used being Story Grammar

(SG) analysis developed by Stein and Glenn(1979). According to SG model, a story

contains both setting statements and episodes. The setting statements include the

introduction of main characters, and description of the social/temporal context of the

story. Episode involves an account of an influencing event, character’s response to

event, plan to solve the occurred event, consequence and reaction. Adults and

children’s stories do not always include episodes due to varying reasons. Some

components may be omitted due to poor story narration abilities or the meaning must

be inferred from embedded statements in the narrated story or through the listeners

world knowledge (Hughes & McCarthy,1998). A simple story contains one

episode;complex stories often contain two or more episodes which are related to each

other.SG model applies mainly to fictional narratives.

Another approach to narrative macrostructure analysis is High Point Analysis

given by Labov and Waletzky (1967, 1997). This approach is used mainly for analyzing

personal narratives. In this approach, narration should consist of: opening appendage,

orientation, complicating action, evaluation, resolution and closing appendage. The

evaluation is of prime importance in this form of analysis as it conveys information on

why the narrative was told, the main goal of the narrative, and how the person or event

should be assessed by the receiver. These evaluations may be conveyed through the

usage of repetitions, stress, metaphors, negatives, causal explanations, dialogue,

subjective and objective judgments etc (Ukrainetz & Gillam, 2009).

Narrative microstructure refers to smaller units within the text. This typically

includes word level indices such as lexical diversity, lexical richness, language style

(Fey, Catts,Procter-Williams, Tomblin &Zhang,2004). Grammaticality (mainly mean

length of utterance, types of conjunctions, complex utterances) are also often assessed

in microstructure. Cohesive ties often reflect the person’s skill in storytelling as these


help in “sticking” units of the story into a whole connected one. Traditional

categorization of cohesive markers as given by Halliday and Hasan (1976) includes

reference, conjunction, lexical cohesion, substitution and ellipsis. Other common

measures of narrative microstructure includes indices of productivity in terms of total

number of words, clauses, words per clause etc (Norbury & Bishop, 2003; Pearce,

McCormack &James, 2003; Tilstra & McMaster,2007). Such measures are generally

studied using T-Unit analysis.

Relatively less studies have been done to analyze the relation between narrative

macrostructure and microstructure. A good narration should have good narrative

microstructure and macrostructure, and hence a complete narrative analysis including

both macro and microstructure aspects can provide better insight on the narrative ability

of an individual. Narrative structure analysis has been shown to be an excellent tool for

examining linguistic and cognitive abilities (Hudson & Shapiro, 1991; Norbury &

Bishop, 2003). This is because it makes use of both language and cognition to produce

a narrative wherein temporal sequencing and causal relationships are well organized.

Thus, at macrolinguistic level or the microlinguistic level, the narrative discourse may

therefore be used to understand the oral language skills of any individual,even for


2.4.1 Tasks for eliciting oral narrative discourse

In children, the linguistic discourse ability is assessed with reference to

three major discourse genres like conversation, narration and picture

description. Among these three, narrative analysis is very useful in pinpointing

even subtle discourse deficiencies because, in order to produce a coherent


narrative, the speaker must plan and generate the linguistic content into an

acceptable form while also identifying the social rules that are built in into the

narratives. Thus, narrative discourse needs more advanced linguistic knowledge

in comparison to conversational discourse. Hence, narration skills need to be

tapped upon during clinical assessments to get an idea of the overall language

ability of the child (Westerveld, Gillon, & Miller, 2004).

Studies reveal that children with LD have some amount of deficits in

spoken language, primarily with respect to grammatical complexity besides

deficits in phonology (Snowling, Gallagher & Firth, 2003).Narrative discourse

involves recalling a series of events in a sequential manner (McCabe, 1991). In

order to narrate, the child must possess the ability to understand and produce

large chunks of text well organized according to listener perception, topic and

also convey meaning (Ewing-Cobbs, Brookshire, Scott, & Fletcher, 1998).

Gilmore, Klecan-Aker and Owen (1999) has studied the relation between

storytelling ability to reading comprehension in children with learning

disability, between 5- 10 years old. An oral fictional narrative was obtained

using story generation task, then subjected to T-unit analysis and was assigned a

developmental level of complexity based on the number and organization of

grammar components in the story. Reading comprehension was assessed using

formal, standardized passage. Results of this study indicated that for the LD

group, developmental level of story was significantly related to and predicted

performance on the passage comprehension task. Fictional narratives however,

may not fetch and adequate number of words for analysis. Wordless picture


books can be used for eliciting narration especially among children. This helps

examiners to get an adequate discourse sample as child would narrate for each

and every picture given in the book. It also provides visual support unlike in

fictional story telling. Thus children would feel more at ease to narrate.

2.4.2 Oral narrative discourse in LD population

Paul (2001) describes three narrative features that are typically limited

for children with LD when compared with their typically developing peers: (1)

maturity of the narrative, characterized by organization and type of story

grammar; (2) use of pronouns, prepositions, and articles, all of which tie the

narrative into a cohesive structure; and (3) use of vocabulary, language style,

and story structure. Story generation and story retelling are the commonly used

oral narration elicitation tasks, according to Pearce (2003) and Justice, Bowles,

Kaderavek, Ukrainetz, Eisenberg and Gillam (2006). Literature has revealed

that children with Learning Disability have poor performance on narration of

stories with a new topic (Rourke, 1989, 1995). Other studies have claimed that

children with learning disability produce less cohesive narratives than typical

peers, especially with differences in the usage of pronouns during story

generation (Strong & Shaver, 1991; Liles, Duffy, Merritt & Purcell, 1995).

Using story retelling task, Crovetti (1998) studied narrative discourse skills in

children with learning disability, both in terms of comprehension and narrative

production. The children with learning disability exhibited fewer clauses, lesser

usage of core propositions and inferences reflecting the content of the stories.

These differences in micro-linguistic and macro-linguistic aspects of oral


narration performance across different contexts could probably be explained by

a limited capacity working memory model (Baddeley, 2003). In order to narrate

well, a child should get a story content schema activated, plan and organize the

contents in a logical and sequential manner, and use complex syntactic

linguistic units to convey the intended meaning of the story. In both story

generation and retelling activities, children with LD showed a basic, but not

fully developed, idea of narrative prose and a less efficient usage of story

grammar than their typically developing peers (Montague, Maddux, and

Dereshiwsky, 1990).

Merritt and Liles (1989) stated that children may find it easier to access

their story content schema knowledge during story retelling, as evidenced by the

longer samples in the story retelling condition, because of the structural support

the model story provides. Hence they opined that fictional story can be

considered a better measure of spoken narratives than story retelling. This was

due to the fact that the formulation of a fictional story may be cognitively more

loaded than the retelling of a fictional story or a personal experience. Less

complex language use and lower grammatical accuracy would arise due to

limited available resources for word choice and syntactic structures. However in

few studies, oral narrative discourse in children with learning disability was

studied using personal narratives (Celinska, 2004; Westerveld, Gillon, & Miller,

2004). The results revealed that the children with typical reading development

performed significantly better on microstructural aspects of oral narrative

discourse than the group of children with reading disability, with significant


differences in measures of verbal productivity, number of different words, and

percent complex sentences. Westerveld and Gillon (2008) conducted another

study on narrative production in children with learning disability and found that

they have deficits in discourse at microstructure level also, especially with

reference to grammatical complexity and usage of different semantic

vocabularies. They carried out a longitudinal investigation on oral narrative

ability in a group of children with mixed reading disability. Their study revealed

that children with mixed reading disability had inferior oral narratives on story

narration and story retelling tasks when compared to normal counterparts.

Narrative skills of monolingual children with LD revealed significant

differences in oral narrative production and comprehension, producing fewer

clauses and reduced content upon story retelling task (Wright & Newhoff, 2001;

Westerveld et al, 2008). In addition, these studies explored how, when telling

narratives, bilingual individuals express verbal notions through the use of the

tense, aspect, and voice forms available in each of their two languages. For

instance, the present tense/past continuous tense is often used in script

narratives, specifying the typical series of events taking place in a particular

activity such as going to a restaurant or going to a birthday party.

In picture-book narrations, if the task is viewed as a narrative

activity (i.e., recounting of events spatially as well as temporally distant

from the speaker), the past tense may be predominantly used. And the

past tense is often used in oral narratives, specifying the typical series of

events taking place in a particular sequence such as going on a trip or


journey to a place. In this, the narrator ensures tenses are used in a systematic

manner whenever he or she refers to the events and temporally relates them to

one another. These tenses convey the narrator’s attitude towards the event.

2.5 Need for the study

From the detailed review, it is important to consider certain aspects related to

the narrative discourse in LD. They are as follows: (1) The narrative skill being

enhanced by the foundation of good conversational skill, (2) The strong relationship

between oral language and reading comprehension (3) Narrative discourse being

assessed at microstructural and macrostructural level, (4) Importance of various

narrative tasks and (5) Justification of narrative discourse being affected in LD. Thus,

narration draws on some of the most sophisticated language skills in a person’s

repertoire like the use of an array of temporal, spatial and logical relationships;

the use of complex linguistic elements to refer to objects, characters and

situations already mentioned or new in the story; and the use of varied linguistic

mechanisms revealing the narrator’s personal point of view (Labov, 1972;

Hickman, 1990; Bamberg & Damrad-Frye, 1991). Narrative discourse also lends itself

well to the study of the ways in which subjects use the formal linguistic devices in their

repertoire to serve specific functions in communication (Karmiloff-Smith, 1981;

Hickman, 1990, 1991; Berman, 1993).

With reference to qualitative analysis of narrative discourse, Mohana and

Chengappa (2010) studied the spoken narrative skills of 30 bilingual children with

dyslexia. The authors studied the spoken discourse aspects in bilingual (Tamil- English)

children with learning disability on conversation, picture description and story narration

tasks. Their results indicated significant differences in propositional and non

propositional discourse across groups and across languages for tasks of picture

description and story narration. These studies clearly pinpoint that discourse deficit is

one of the persisting subclinical features in children with learning disability. From all

these studies it can be inferred that deficits in narrative discourse are present across

children with Learning disability, in both monolingual and bilingual population.

In most of these studies, one main area of narrative called the syntactic

complexity was examined. The basic unit for segmenting the data is the T-unit, which

is characteristically defined as one independent clause along with the dependent

modifiers of that clause (Hunt, 1970). A part of a sentence is referred to as clause.

Clauses are of two types: independent (main clause) and dependent clause (subordinate

clause). An independent clause is a complete sentence, containing a subject and a verb

and conveys a defined meaning (e. g., the police said). Independent clauses when joined

by coordinating conjunction form complex or compound sentences. A dependent

(subordinate) clause is part of a sentence, containing a subject and a verb but does not

convey a meaning in entirety. They are dependent on the rest of the sentence for

conveying meaning (e. g., to the one that can do it). Various measures can be analyzed

using T-unit analysis such as number of T-units (NTU), number of words per T-unit

(NWPTU), number of clauses (NC) and so on. This is called the T-unit analysis or the

quantitative analysis in discourse studies.

Roth and Spekman (1989) assessed syntactic complexity of children with

learning disabilities and typical peers in age group of 8-11 years, using T-unit analysis.

The results revealed almost identical rates of correct usage and extremely similar


patterns of usage between the LD and typical subjects on all measures. However there

was a greater performance on correct usage of complex sentences by typical peer group

than the group with LD. In this study, T-unit analysis did not reveal any significant

difference between LD group and typical peers. Green and Aker (2012) reported

efficacy of a group intervention for children with learning disability. They reported

significant changes in narrative skills, pre and post intervention, mainly with reference

to number of T-Units.

Shenoy (2015) used oral narrative task and Clinical Evaluation of Language

Fundamentals (CELF-5) screening test to identify bilingual (Kannada-English) children

who are at risk of learning disability. Stimulus used in the study was “Frog story”

(Mayer, 1969) and the task given was story retelling. The same story retelling samples

of 104 participants in grades 2-5 were recorded and analyzed for various parameters

including introduction, character development, referencing, cohesion and conclusion.

The narratives were scored using Narrative Scoring Scheme. Based on the narrative

ratings, narratives of all the participants were rated. Of these, seven participants had

“emerging” narrative skills and one participant had minimal narrative skills, but none of

them were identified as “at risk” by their teachers or by CELF 5 screening test. These

findings clearly indicated that narrative assessment is a good predictor of students at

risk of LD. Even if basic language screening tests miss out such students, a detailed

analysis of their narration at discourse level as an extended linguistic analysis can help

to identify children with LD.

Thus, studies exploring discourse deficits in children with learning disabilities

are scarce. The same in Indian context is very much limited. Hence the present study is


to investigate and document the oral narrative discourse in children with LD both

quantitatively as well as qualitatively and compare it with typical peers.





The present study aimed to investigate the narrative discourse abilities in

children with learning disability and typically developing children in the native

language (Malayalam).

Objectives of the study

The objectives of the study were,

1. To investigate and compare the narrative discourse parameters of children with

learning disability and typically developing children qualitatively in Malayalam


2. To investigate and compare the narrative discourse parameters in children with

learning disability and typically developing children quantitatively in

Malayalam language.


There is no significant difference in the narrative discourse performance of

typically developing children and children with learning disability qualitatively and

quantitatively in Malayalam language (L1).


Research Design

A standard two group comparison research design was employed to compare

clinical group (consisting of children with LD) and control group (typically developing

children) and it followed 2x2 research design

3.1 Participants

The participants chosen for the study were ten children with the

diagnosis of learning disability and ten typically developing children, both

within the age range of 8-12 years. A total of twenty participants who were

native speakers of Malayalam language participated in the study. The children

with learning disability constituted the clinical group and the typically

developing children constituted the non-clinical/normal/control group. All the

participants from the clinical group were chosen from two integrated schools

having a dedicated unit for children with learning disability in Trivandrum

district, Kerala. The participants from the typically developing group were

drawn from a residential area, in Trivandrum district, Kerala.

Inclusion criteria for the clinical group

Participants were selected from units within mainstream schools that

support children with learning disability. Only those participants diagnosed as

LD on evaluation by Psychologist/Speech Language Pathologist using tests like

Early Reading Skills (Gwaeneth Rae & Thomas Potter, 1981) or Dyslexia

Screening Test-Junior- Indian version (Anand, 2012) were included in this

group. Only those participants with no history of obvious oral language issues

were selected. None of the participants had any history of oral language training

at the time of study. All selected participants were exposed to English as

medium of instruction at school with no change in medium of instruction.

Participants with normal visual and hearing acuity with right handedness,

irrespective of socio economic status (SES) were considered. Table 1 depicts

the demographic details of clinical group; mean age of participants in the

group=10.08 years

Table 1
Demographic details of clinical group
Sl. No Age(years) Gender Grade Diagnosis

1. 8 Male III LD
2. 8.5 Male III LD
3. 9 Male III Dyslexia
4. 9.5 Female IV LD
5. 10 Male IV LD
6. 10.6 Male V Dyslexia
7. 10.6 Female V Dyslexia
8. 11 Female VI LD
9. 11.5 Female VI LD
10. 12 Male VI LD

Inclusion criteria for the control group

The participants of control group had to be free of any neurological

(such as seizure disorder, oromotor weakness etc) or psychological illness (such

as, depression, anxiety disorders etc) and were ruled out for all other sensory

motor/communication deficits by using ICF-CY checklist (WHO version,


2004). The demographic details of control group have been listed in Table 2;

mean age of participants = 10.07 years

Table 2
Demographic details of control group

Sl. No Age(years) Gender Grade

1. 8 Male III
2. 8.5 Male III
3. 9 Male III
4. 9.5 Female IV
5. 10 Male IV
6. 10.6 Male V
7. 10.6 Female V
8. 11 Female VI
9. 11.6 Female VI
10. 12 Male VI

3.2 Procedure

3.2.1 Data collection

Informed consent form

Informed consent proposed by AIISH (All India Institute of

Speech and Hearing) Ethical committee (2009) was used to obtain

consent from each of the participants (Appendix A).


General information sheet

General history included name, age/sex, address and contact,

languages known, handedness, education grade, information about

hearing and vision, history of neurological/psychological illness,

presenting illness, and address and contact number. Detailed medical

history (if any) which included presenting symptoms, details of medical

and non-medical treatments etc were noted. The ICF-CY checklist

(WHO version, 2004) was also administrated for all the participants of

normal group.

3.2.2 Material

The material used was picture stimuli of ‘Frog, where are you?

Story’ (Mayer, 1969) (Appendix B). The pictures were printed in sheets

of 8.27 × 11.69 inches (A4 size) and made into a picture book and child

was asked to generate a story according to the picture sequence.

3.2.3 Recording

All the participants were provided prior notice that their narration

will be audio recorded. Initially, 4 to 5 minutes of casual interaction was

carried out with all the individuals that aimed to improve interaction and

build rapport between the investigator and the participants.

This was followed by recording of discourse samples of all the

participants, the recordings were done in one or two sessions according

to the convenience of the participants. The participants showed less


inhibition in their discourse, since they became quite accustomed to the

investigator. All the recordings were carried out in a quiet room, with no

distraction during the recordings done at school/ other institutes or

residential places of the participants. In some instances, neutral prompts

like ‘okay/yes’ and ‘what happened next’ was used during the narration

task. An audio recording software Wavesurfer (1.5.7 version) was used

along with headphones with mic to audio record each session. This

narrative task was recorded for a duration of about 15-20 minutes

allowing as much time as required to collect at least 400-600 words of

narration from each participant using the specific instructions as

mentioned below. The instructions were given in the native language.

Thus, narrative discourse sample was collected from the participants in

Malayalam language.

3.2.4 Instructions

All the participants were instructed in native language. The

instruction was “I will be presenting the wordless picture book, a story

about a boy, a dog and a frog (experimenter pointing at the protagonists

on the first page). First, I want you to look at all the pictures, and then I

want you to tell me the story as you look through them in a sequence.”

3.3 Scoring and Analysis of narrative discourse

The recorded discourse samples of narration were then transcribed

verbatim. Discourse involving the story narration of each participant in both the


groups was transcribed (Appendix C & D). The discourse samples in the native

language were then analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively for the narration

task. Qualitative rating of discourse was done using Discourse Analysis Scale

for narration task (Hema & Shyamala, 2008) and quantitative T-unit based

analysis was employed for the same.

3.3.1 Qualitative analysis of discourse samples:

Discourse Analysis Scale (Hema & Shyamala, 2008) was used

for the present study (Appendix E). This is a perceptual rating scale

developed on the basis of the standardized Clinical Discourse Analysis,

Damico (1985) and Cooperative Principles for conversation, Grice

(1975). The scale has separate ratings for conversation, narration and

picture description. For the present study the narrative scale alone was

used. The major measures are propositional and non-propositional

aspects of discourse samples obtained for narration task. The

propositional aspects of discourse includes discourse structure,

communication intent, coherence, information adequacy, information

content, message accuracy, temporal and causal relationship, topic

management, vocabulary specificity, linguistic fluency, speech styles,

intonation, gaze efficiency (through live monitoring) and response time.

The non-propositional aspect of communication includes revision

behaviors and repair strategy. These parameters have been described and

statements are framed to rate them. The (three point perceptual) rating

scale consisted of uniform rating of 0, 1 and 2 where '0' represented the


behaviors that are poor, '1' represented behaviors that are fair (at least

50% of the time there is positive response) and ‘2’ when the behaviors

are good. This same rating scale will be used for scoring. Thus, total

scores of the Discourse Analysis Scale (DAS) for narration could be

obtained. The total score included scores of both propositional and non-

propositional discourse.

3.3.2 Quantitative analysis using T-unit based analysis:

For the T-unit based analysis the audio recorded data was

transcribed verbatim, with verification for accuracy. The basic unit for

segmenting the data was T-unit, which is characteristically defined as

one independent clause along with the dependent modifiers of that

clause (Hunt, 1970). A part of a sentence is referred to as clause. Clauses

are of two types: independent (main clause) and dependent clause

(subordinate clause). An independent clause is a complete sentence,

containing a subject and a verb and conveys a defined meaning (e. g.,

the police said). Independent clauses when joined by coordinating

conjunction form complex or compound sentences. A dependent

(subordinate) clause is part of a sentence, containing a subject and a verb

but does not convey a meaning in entirety. They are dependent on the

rest of the sentence for conveying meaning (e. g., to the one that can do

it). The narrative discourse tasks in the study was analyzed using T-unit

analysis in terms of number of T-units (NTU), number of words per T-


unit (NWPTU), number of clauses (NC) and number of words per clause


The obtained data was analyzed using appropriate statistical measures in

Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software package (Version

20.0). Descriptive statistics was done to compute mean, median and standard

deviation (SD). Non parametric test, Mann Whitney U test was done for

comparison of qualitative and quantitative parameters across the two groups

(LD and TDC). Spearman’s correlation analysis was done to find correlation

between qualitative and quantitative parameters across group and for within

group comparison.




The aim of the present study is to investigate the narrative discourse abilities in children

with learning disability and typically developing children in the native language


Objectives of the study

1. To compare the narrative discourse parameters of children with learning

disability and typically developing children qualitatively in Malayalam

2. To compare the narrative discourse parameters in children with learning

disability and typically developing children quantitatively in Malayalam

The data was statistically analysed to compare the performance of LD (Learning

Disability) group across qualitative and quantitative measures and also to compare their

performance with TDC (Typically Developing Children) group. The qualitative

parameters were obtained based on Discourse Analysis Scale; the quantitative

parameters considered are total number of T-units, Number of Words per T-Unit

(NWTU), Number of clause (NC) and number of words per clause (NWC).

The results are discussed under the following headings:

4.1 Inter Judge Reliability Measures Using Cronbach’s Alpha Co-Efficient for

Qualitative and Quantitative Data

4.2 Results on Qualitative analysis of Oral Narrative Discourse among learning

disability individuals and controls.


4.3 Results on Quantitative analysis of Oral Narrative Discourse among learning

disability individuals and controls.

4.4 Correlation analysis- Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis.

4.1 Inter Judge Reliability Measures Using Cronbach’s Alpha Co-Efficient for

Qualitative and Quantitative Data

There were three judges including the researcher who participated for the

qualitative rating of the discourse samples. These judges were speech language

pathologists. All the three judges rated 10% of the samples. The qualitative ratings

obtained from the three judges were subjected to inter judge reliability tests using

Cronbach's Alpha Reliability, tests were performed separately for individuals with

Learning Disability and typically developing individuals. Under quantitative analysis,

initially the complete discourse samples were verbatim transcribed and later the T-unit

based division was performed by the researcher and 10% of the data was re-checked for

correct transcription and re-divided for T-unit based analysis by a linguist. The

judgments on the division of number of T-unit (NTU), number of words per T-unit

(NWPTU), number of clauses (NC) and number of words per clauses (NWPC) were

performed by three judges (clinical linguist and two speech language pathologists) and

the entire data was subjected to inter-judge reliability measures using Cronbach’s alpha

coefficient. Thus, the reliability measures were carried out using Cronbach’s alpha co-

efficient for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the discourse samples. All the

parameters showed >0.7 scores on these reliability measures. This suggested that, the

data was reliable for the qualitative analysis. Hence for qualitative the majority rating

by the three judges was subjected to further statistical analyses. Similarly, the results of


Cronbach’s Alpha co-efficient for parameters related to T-unit based analysis showed

>0.7 scores on these reliability measures suggesting that the data was reliable for the

quantitative analysis. Hence for quantitative analysis the average of the judges was

considered for further statistical analysis.

4.2 Results on Qualitative analysis of Oral Narrative Discourse among learning

disability individuals and controls.

4.2.1. Mean, median and standard deviation of propositional and non-

propositional parameters of narrative discourse of children with Learning

Disability (LD) and typically developing children (TDC).

The statistical analysis was carried out using SPSS (PASW) Version 20. The

mean, median, standard deviation and quartile deviation of propositional and non-

propositional parameters of children with Learning Disability and typically

developing children on narration task in Malayalam language were calculated as

shown in Table 3. Since ratings were considered, median was also given. This

suggested lower mean and median for children with Learning Disability compared

to typically developing children.


Table 3
Mean, SD and Median for the propositional of narrative discourse of LD group (n=10)
and TDC group (n=10) on qualitative analysis.

LD group TDC group

Parameters N Mean SD Median QD N Mean SD Median QD

DS 10 1.93 0.51 2.0 0.50 10 2.50 1.00 2.0 0.75

CI 10 3.66 1.03 4.0 0.75 10 3.85 0.50 4.0 0.75

COH 10 2.16 0.41 2.0 1.0 10 2.75 0.50 3.0 0.75

TM 10 7.33 1.75 8.0 1.0 10 9.25 0.95 9.50 1.75

IA 10 1.16 0.41 1.0 0.12 10 1.75 0.50 2.0 0.75

IC 10 1.33 0.51 1.0 0.50 10 1.50 0.57 1.50 0.5

MA 10 1.25 0.54 1.5 0.50 10 1.50 0.50 1.0 0.37

TCR 10 1.50 0.57 1.5 0.50 10 1.83 0.41 2.0 0.12

VS 10 1.75 0.50 2.0 0.37 10 1.9 0.41 2.0 0.12

LF 10 1.75 0.50 2.0 0.37 10 2.0 0.00 2.0 0.00

SS 10 1.83 0.41 2.0 0.12 10 1.75 0.50 2.0 0.37

INT 10 2.0 0.00 2.0 0.00 10 2.0 0.00 2.0 0

PROPSCORE 10 29.0 3.34 28.50 2.38 10 31.50 2.38 30.5 2

Note: Discourse Structure(DS),Communication Intent(CI), Coherence(COH), Topic Management(TM), Information Adequacy(IA),

IC- Information content, MA- Message accuracy, TCR- Temporal causal relation, VS- Vocabulary specificity, LF- Linguistic
fluency, SS- Speech style, INT- Intonation, Propositional score (PROPSCORE)

From Table 3 it is clear that TDC group has slightly better scores for the

parameters of propositional discourse such as Discourse Structure (mean=2.50;

SD=1.0), Coherence (mean=2.75; SD=0.50) and Topic Management (mean=9.25;

SD=0.95) when compared to LD group. The same has been depicted in Figure 1.


Figure 1. Mean scores of the propositional discourse parameters of qualitative analysis

of narrative discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10).

Table 4

Mean, SD and Median for the Non propositional parameters of narrative discourse of
LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on qualitative analysis

LD group TDC group

Parameters N Mean SD Median QD N Mean SD Median QD

REVISION 10 1.91 0.20 2 0.06 10 1.62 0.52 1.63 0.44

REPAIR 10 5.66 1.75 5.5 1.69 10 6.45 0.73 6.45 0.69

The Table 4 depicts that LD group has higher scores for Revision behaviors
(mean= 1.91, SD= 0.20) and TDC group has higher mean scores for Repair
strategies (mean= 6.45, SD= 0.73). The same has been depicted graphically in


Figure 2. Mean scores of non propositional discourse parameters of qualitative

analysis of narrative discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10).

Table 5
Mean, SD and Median for Discourse quotient of narrative discourse of LD group
(n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on qualitative analysis.

LD group TDC group

PARAMETER N Mean SD Median QD N Mean SD Median QD

DQ 10 73.40 6.45 74.03 4.75 10 86.76 4.85 86.76 4.44

Note: Discourse quotient (DQ), Standard Deviation (SD), Quartile Deviation (QD)

The overall Discourse Quotient was also noted to be of higher value for

TDC group (mean=86.75, SD=4.85) as shown in Table 5. The graphical

representation is shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3. Mean scores of discourse quotient of qualitative analysis of narrative

discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10).

4.2.2 Comparison between the children with Learning Disability and

typically developing children for propositional and non-propositional

Mann-Whitney U test was administered to examine the difference in

narrative discourse sample between the children with Learning Disability and

typically developing children. The results of propositional and non-propositional

aspects of narrative discourse are represented in Table 6. There was a significant

difference between the groups for the sub parameter ‘discourse structure’,

‘coherence’, ‘topic management’, ‘information content’, ‘propositional total’

and ‘discourse quotient’. There was also significant difference with reference to

Discourse Quotient.


Table 6
Results of Mann-Whitney Test for the propositional & non-propositional aspects
of DAS of narration task in Malayalam language.
Parameters /Z/ p value

Discourse structure 3.086 0.002*

Communication intent 1.509 0.131
Coherence 3.894 0.000*
Topic management 2.866 0.004*
Information accuracy 1.314 0.189
Information content 2.285 0.022*
Message accuracy 1.314 0.189
Vocabulary specificity 0.610 0.542
Temporal causal relation 0.457 0.648
Linguistic fluency 1.510 0.131
Speech style 0.503 0.615
Intonation 1.000 0.317
Propositional score 3.416 0.001*
Revision 1.510 0.131
Repair 1.219 0.223
Non propositional score 0.897 0.370
Discourse quotient 3.297 0.001*
Note. * p < 0.05

4.3 Results on Quantitative analysis of Oral Narrative Discourse among learning

disability individuals and controls.

4.3.1. Mean and standard deviation for the parameters of T-unit based

analysis for narrative discourse of the Learning Disability Group and

Typically Developing Children Group.

The parameters of T-unit based analysis includes number of T-units

(NTU), number of words per T-unit (NWPTU), number of clauses (NC) and

number of words per clause (NWPC). Table 7, illustrates the results of

descriptive statistics of the Learning Disability Group and Typically Developing

Children Group in Malayalam language for the parameters (NWPTU, NC,


NWPC and NTU) of T-unit based analysis. This Table 7 shows the mean and

standard deviation for the parameters of T-unit based analysis for narration task.

Table 7
Results of descriptive statistics for the parameters of T-unit based analysis of
narrative discourse of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on quantitative
Parameters of T-units LD Group TDC Group

Mean Median SD Mean Median SD

NTU 50.21 50.5 2.34 45 45 1.90

NWTU 7.22 7.19 1.29 9.99 9.90 1.22

NC 67.50 68 7.17 71.91 72.75 4.32

NWC 5.44 5.43 0.49 5.59 5.54 0.58

Note. Number of T-Units (NTU), Number of Words per T-unit (NWTU), Number of Clause
(NC), Number of Words per Clause (NWC).

From the Table 7, the results revealed that LD group had greater mean

value for the parameter number of T-units, than TDC group. Whereas, with

reference to the parameter number of words per T-unit, number of clauses,

number of words per clauses the typically developing children had higher mean

values when compared to Children with Learning Disability.

The Figure 4 illustrates the performance of the two groups on

quantitative analysis of narrative discourse with reference to the descriptive

statistics of each parameter of T-unit analysis of Malayalam language. The

figure shows lower mean value for the parameter number of words per clauses

followed by number of words per T-unit, number of T-unit and number of

clauses for children with Learning Disability group and Typically Developing


Children. Figure 4 illustrates the performance on quantitative analysis of

narrative discourse of both the groups.

Note: Number of T-Units (NTU), Number of Words per T-unit (NWTU), Number of Clause (NC),
Number of Words per Clause (NWC)

Figure 4. Performance of LD group (n=10) and TDC group (n=10) on quantitative

analysis of oral narrative discourse

4.3.2 Comparison between the children with Learning Disability and

typically developing children for the parameters of T-unit analysis.

Mann-Whitney U test was administered to examine the difference in

narrative discourse sample between the children with Learning Disability and

typically developing children. The results of the parameter of T-unit analysis of

narrative discourse are represented in Table 8. There was significant difference

for the parameter Number of T-unit and number of words per T-unit only.

Table 8


Between group comparisons on quantitative analysis of oral narrative discourse

Parameters of T-unit /Z/ p value
NTU 3.463 *0.001
NWTU 2.306 *0.021
NC 1.401 0.161
NWC 0.416 0.677

Note. NTU-number of T-units, NWTU- number of words per T-unit, NC- number of clauses,
NWPC- number of words per clauses

4.4 Correlation analysis- Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis.

Spearman correlation analysis was done to find correlation between Discourse

Quotient of qualitative analysis and number of T-units (NTU), number of words per T-

unit (NWPTU), number of clauses (NC) and number of words per clause (NWPC) of

quantitative analysis of oral narrative discourse across (1) Irrespective of the group

Learning Disability (LD) Group and Typically Developing Children (TDC) Group and

(2) Within LD group and (3) Within TDC group.

4.4.1 Correlation irrespective of the group- Learning Disability (LD) Group

and Typically Developing Children (TDC) Group

The results of non- parametric correlation analysis in Table 9 reveal that

Number of T-units (NTU) has significant negative correlation with NWTU and

DQ. The parameter NWTU had significant positive correlation with NC, NWC,

and DQ; negative correlation with NTU. The parameter NC had significant

positive correlation with NWTU, NWC, and DQ. The parameter NWC had

significant positive correlation had with NWTC, NWC, and DQ. The parameter

DQ had significant positive correlation with NWTU and NC; negative


correlation with NTU. The same which is significant at the 0.01 level and 0.05

levels is represented in Table 9.

Table 9
Correlation between qualitative and quantitative parameters irrespective of
p value
Parameters N Ρ (2-

NTU NTU 20 1.000 0.000

NWTU 20 -0.481* 0.032
NC 20 -0.228 0.334
NWC 20 -0.123 0.604
DQ 20 -0.701** 0.001
NWTU NTU 20 -0.481* 0.032
NWTU 20 1.000 0.000
NC 20 0.845** 0.000
NWC 20 0.722** 0.000
DQ 20 0.899** 0.000
NC NTU 20 -0.228 0.334
NWTU 20 0.845** 0.000
NC 20 1.000 0.000
NWC 20 0.510* 0.022
DQ 20 0.746** 0.000
NWC NTU 20 -0.123 0.604
NWTU 20 0.722** 0.000
NC 20 0.510* 0.022
NWC 20 1.000 0.000
DQ 20 0.502* 0.024
DQ NTU 20 -0.677** 0.001
NWTU 20 0.899** 0.000
NC 20 0.746** 0.000
NWC 20 0.502 0.024
DQ 20 1.00 0.000
Note: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Note: Number of T-Units (NTU), Number of Words per T-unit (NWTU), Number of Clause
(NC), Number of Words per Clause (NWC), Discourse Quotient (DQ)

4.4.2 Correlation within Learning Disability (LD) Group

The results of non- parametric correlation analysis in Table 10 reveal

that Number of T-units (NTU) did not show any significant positive correlation

with the any other parameters of quantitative analysis and the discourse quotient

of qualitative analysis. The parameter NWTU had significant positive

correlation with NC, NWC, and DQ. The parameter NC had significant positive

correlation with NWTU, NWC and DQ. The parameter NWC significant

positive correlation had with NWTU, NC, DQ. The parameter DQ had

significant positive correlation with NWTU, NC, NWC. The same which is

significant at p value= 0.01 and p=0.05 is represented in Table 10.

Table 10
Correlation between qualitative and quantitative parameters within LD group
p value
Parameters N ρ (2-
NTU NTU 10 1.000 0.000
NWTU 10 -0.448 0.194
NC 10 -0.215 0.551
NWC 10 -0.423 0.223
DQ 10 -0.371 0.292
NWTU NTU 10 - 0.448 0.194
NWTU 10 1.000 0.000
NC 10 0.927 **
NWC 10 0.818** 0.004
DQ 10 0.868 **
NC NTU 10 -0.215 0.551
NWTU 10 0.927 **
NC 10 1.000 0.000
NWC 10 0.709* 0.022
DQ 10 0.843 **
NWC NTU 10 -0.423 0.223
NWTU 10 0.818 **
NC 10 0.709* 0.022
NWC 10 1.000 0.000
DQ 10 0.714 *
DQ NTU 10 -0.371 0.292
NWTU 10 0.868 **
NC 10 0.843** 0.002
NWC 10 0.714 *
DQ 10 1.000 0.000
Note: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).


*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Note: Number of T-Units (NTU), Number of Words per T-unit (NWTU), Number of Clause
(NC), Number of Words per Clause (NWC), Discourse Quotient (DQ)

4.4.3 Correlation within Typically Developing Children (TDC) Group

The results of non- parametric correlation analysis in Table 11 reveal

that Number of T-units (NTU) did not show any significant positive correlation

with the any other parameters of quantitative analysis and the discourse quotient

of qualitative analysis. The parameter NWTU had significant positive

correlation with NC, NWC, and DQ. The parameter NC had significant positive

correlation with NWTU and DQ. The parameter NWC significant positive

correlation had with NWTU and DQ. The parameter DQ had significant positive

correlation with NWTU, NC, NWC. The same which is significant at the 0.01

level and 0.05 levels is represented in Table 11.

Table 11
Correlation between qualitative and quantitative parameters within TDC group
p value
Parameters N ρ (2-tailed)
NTU NTU 10 1.000 0.000
NWTU 10 0.098 0.787
NC 10 0.312 0.381
NWC 10 0.406 0.244
DQ 10 0.000 1.000
NWTU NTU 10 0.098 0.787
NWTU 10 1.000 0.000
NC 10 0.657* 0.039
NWC 10 0.770** 0.009
DQ 10 0.924** 0.000
NC NTU 10 0.312 0.381
NWTU 10 0.657* 0.039
NC 10 1.000 0.000
NWC 10 0.237 0.510
DQ 10 0.655* 0.040
NWC NTU 10 0.406 0.244
NWTU 10 0.770** 0.009
NC 10 0.237 0.510
NWC 10 1.000 0.000
DQ 10 0.657* 0.039
DQ NTU 10 0.000 1.000

NWTU 10 0.924** 0.000

NC 10 0.655* 0.040
NWC 10 0.657* 0.039
DQ 10 1.000 0.000
Note: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level

Note: Number of T-Units (NTU), Number of Words per T-unit (NWTU), Number of Clause
(NC), Number of Words per Clause (NWC)

Also, Mann Whitney U-test was done for gender comparisons, but results

revealed no significant differences across gender in both the groups.


Thus overall it can be stated that among the qualitative narrative discourse

parameters, higher scores were obtained in TDC group for parameters such as

Discourse structure, Coherence, Topic Management, Information content and Discourse

quotient. There were no significant differences observed in non-propositional discourse.

Among quantitative parameters Number of T-units and Number of words per T-unit

were found to be significantly different across groups. The results of non- parametric

correlation analysis irrespective of groups, reveals that Number of T-units (NTU) has

significant negative correlation with NWTU and DQ. The parameter NWTU had

significant positive correlation with NC, NWC, and DQ; negative correlation with

NTU. The parameter NC had significant positive correlation with NWTU, NWC, and

DQ. The parameter NWC had significant positive correlation had with NWTC, NWC,

and DQ. The parameter DQ had significant positive correlation with NWTU, NC;

negative correlation with NTU. For correlation within parameters in LD group, the

results of non- parametric correlation analysis reveal that Number of T-units (NTU) did

not show any significant positive correlation with the any other parameters of

quantitative analysis and the discourse quotient of qualitative analysis. The parameter

NWTU had significant positive correlation with NC, NWC, and DQ. The parameter NC

had significant positive correlation with NWTU, NWC and DQ. The parameter NWC

significant positive correlation had with NWTU, NC, DQ. The parameter DQ had

significant positive correlation with NWTU, NC, NWC. For parameters within TDC

group, the results of non- parametric correlation analysis reveal that Number of T-units

(NTU) did not show any significant positive correlation with the any other parameters

of quantitative analysis and the discourse quotient of qualitative analysis. The

parameter NWTU had significant positive correlation with NC, NWC, and DQ. The

parameter NC had significant positive correlation with NWTU and DQ. The parameter

NWC significant positive correlation had with NWTU and DQ. The parameter DQ had

significant positive correlation with NWTU, NC, NWC.




The results of the present study are discussed under qualitative, quantitative and

the correlation between qualitative and quantitative analysis.

5.1 Qualitative analysis of oral narrative discourse

5.2 Quantitative analysis of oral narrative discourse

5.3 Correlation between qualitative and quantitative analysis

5.1 Qualitative analysis of oral narrative discourse

The qualitative analysis of oral narrative discourse was carried out using Discourse

Analysis Scale in order to study the performance of Learning Disability (LD) group and

Typically Developing Children (TDC) group and thus compared across the group. The

parameters called ‘Discourse Structure’, ‘Coherence’, ‘Topic Management’,

‘Information content’ and ‘Discourse Quotient’ were found to have significant

difference between the two groups (p<0.05). With reference to the mean score the LD

group had poorer scores when compared to TDC group on the above mentioned


These limitations in narrative production of LD children can be attributed to

several different underlying mechanisms as reported by Kornev and Aleksander’s study

(2015) on children with dyslexia (9-10 years old). One of them is inefficient

formulation of temporal causal relations in a story (Kornev & Aleksander, 2015).

Another reason is their difficulties in structuring an episode description. The episode is


the central unit in majority of story grammar models (e.g., Stein, Glenn 1979,

Thorndyke & Yakovitch, 1980). Episode components are defined as statements

portraying about some characters’ goal, their attempts to solve the problem, and

subsequent consequences (Liles et al. 1989). The production, organization and

connectivity in story telling are thought to involve processes that are not solely

linguistic (Coelho et al. 1994). As per the resource deficit hypothesis, the core

limitations in dyslexics are caused by non-linguistic factors, namely by a cognitive

resource deficit than any other linguistic factor (Van der Schoot, Licht, Horsley &

Sergeant, 2000; Kibby et al. 2004). Theoretically, limitations in oral narration among

dyslexics might be a consequence of their low reasoning capacity. This explains the

poorer performance of LD group on parameters like Discourse Structure (DS), Topic

Management (TM) and Coherence (COH), which require good reasoning and thinking

abilities to plan and organize contents logically.

Kornev and Aleksander (2015) have also reported that children with dyslexia

did not differ from TDC group in their performance on a task of story retelling. This is

because retelling task probably activates a cerebral network underlying the story

production process and enables structural composition much easily. This effect was

extremely evident when the more complex picture sequence was presented for retelling

initial sessions and followed by narration of the less complex story. Hence story

generation task was chosen over retelling to check for discourse deficits in spoken


Another difficulty faced by dyslexics is at the level of topic management.

Following van Dijk and Kintsch (1983), they have recognized episodes in narratives, as


macro-propositions that form the plot. While narrating a story, children have to

recognize each of the propositions, to relate them into a logical sequence, and to

verbalize the sequence. The results of the current study indicated that children with

dyslexia generally attempted to produce more structurally incomplete episodes in

narration when compared to their TD peers. This explains their poorer scores in topic

management. These studies suggest that story generation is a more sensitive measure to

tap discourse deficits in LD population rather than story retelling.

Swets, Jacovina and Gerrig (2014) reported that more cognitive resources are

utilized when longer utterances are explored while discourse planning. Consequently,

the cognitive resource deficit explains the production of simple and short phrases as

well as structurally less complex oral narratives in LD group, due to their limitations in

cognitive resources. Apart from these, there could also be some subtle underlying

linguistic limitations which add on to their discourse deficits. This explains why the LD

group had poor score on the parameter information content of narrative discourse. On

observation it was noticed that, the children with LD would complete the picture

description with smaller phrases and shorter sentences than typically developing


Thus, for the parameter ‘Information content’ (IC) there was difference between

LD and TDC group, with LD group having poorer scores. It was interesting to note that

participants of TDC group described even slight differences in setting/background in

the story with the use of appropriate modifiers and conjunctions. Children with LD

however failed to notice such details and focused mainly on stating the main events in

the story. The same is shown in Appendix C. Coherence was also affected in the LD


group. Coherence in terms of global and local coherence were affected. Due to the

reduced usage of conjunctions and the poor organization of sentences, local coherence

was affected. Thereby global coherence was also affected but to a much lesser extent

as the major story outline was preserved by all the LD participants.

When children do not narrate adequately during conversation, they are

perceived as being less effectual, both academically and socially (Bloome et al., 2003).

A cognitive view is widely accepted in understanding the reasons for apparent deficits

in narration. Accordingly, these children do not actually lack the abilities to produce

narrative accounts but rather, lack the strategies for planning, organizing and delivering

narratives. Most of these children with LD possess deficient strategies or exhibit poor

use of strategies for accomplishing many tasks including academic tasks (Deshler &

Schumaker, 1993). Wiig (1993) has attempted to relate metacognition and narration,

stating that limitations in language describing past events is due to lack of strategies for

recall of these events. Fivush (1993) also suggested that children’s narratives are often

impoverished due to limited strategies for attention, retrieval, and retention of event

facts. In summation, children with learning disabilities often lack appropriate cognitive

strategies and thereby experience difficulty evolving into competent academic


5.2 Quantitative analysis of oral narrative discourse

The quantitative analysis of oral narrative discourse was carried out using T-unit

based analysis in order to study the performance of Learning Disability (LD) group and

Typically Developing Children (TDC) group and thus compared across the group. The

parameters ‘Number of T-units’ (NTU) and ‘Number of words per T-Unit’ (NWTU)

were found to have significant difference between the groups (p<0.05). LD group

produced more number of T-units but with lesser words per T-unit, when compared to

TDC group. On the contrary, TDC group produced lesser number of T-unit, but with

more number of words per T-unit.

Typically written discourse is analyzed using T-units and spoken discourse is

analyzed using C-units (Communication units). Most literature on spoken discourse

have made use of quantitative parameters linked to C-units. C-units are synonymous to

T-units. However, T-units can also be used to study oral as well as written discourse.

Davenport et al. (1986) compared the spoken narratives of thirty dyslexics with typical

peers and analyzed the sample quantitatively using C-unit analysis. The dyslexics used

shorter communication units (independent clauses with all their modifiers), and a

higher percentage of their words were non communications (words which are

extraneous to the speaker's intended meaning). Similar findings have been reported by

Westerveld and Gillon (2008) wherein C-unit analysis revealed oral narratives of the

children with learning disability, being characterized by relatively short, but

grammatically correct sentences. Shorter C-units indirectly mean lesser words per

utterance. In the current study also LD group had lesser words per utterance.

In a study by Roth, Spekman and Fye (1995), LD children demonstrated greater

difficulty with cohesive ties and their stories were significantly shorter than that of

typical peers (i.e., T-units per story: 24 for LD; 36 for typical peers). In the current

study, however LD group produced more number of T-units (mean=50.21) when

compared to typical peers (mean=45). This could be because, they produced shorter

stories but with more number of shorter sentences. Hence they have more Number of T-


Units (NTU). These sentences however lacked appropriate usage of conjunctions

thereby resulting in lesser Number of words per T-Unit (NWTU). On the other hand,

the TDC group produced longer stories with longer sentences linked by appropriate

conjunctions. Every independent clause with all its modifiers and dependent clauses

would constitute one T-Unit. Most often conjunctions like ‘and’,’ ‘so’ lead to two

independent clauses connected by the conjunction. Hence it would be counted as two

T-Units. Conjunctions like ‘because’ often result in a dependent clause after the

conjunction. Hence the entire sentence would be considered as one T-Unit. In

Malayalam, conjunctions like ‘karanam=because’, ‘enaalum=still’, ‘shesham=after’,

were used frequently used by participants of TDC group along with other conjunctions

like‘um=and’, ‘pinne=then’. All these conjunctions, when used in an utterance, often

lead to production of dependent clauses after the conjunction. Thus, more number of

dependent clauses in turn led to lesser NTU with more NWTU in TDC group. On the

contrary, conjunctions like ‘um=and’, ‘pakshe=but’, and ‘apol=then’ were

predominantly used by LD group which lead to independent clauses after the

conjunction. More number of independent clauses in LD narration sample explains the

higher NTU and lack of appropriate terms led to lesser NWTU.

According to a study by Plaza (2000), children with dyslexia used significantly

lesser conjunction types and lesser number of conjunctions than typical peers. They

associated propositions by juxtaposing subject-verb-complement sentences or through

usage of specific commonly used conjunction like ‘and’. These findings also indirectly

support the present study and thus explain the reason for shorter length of utterance

among children with LD.


Thus, oral discourse deficits are present in LD population and the overall

differences in propositional discourse in LD population can be attributed to resource

deficit hypothesis. Their inability to use appropriate strategies to plan and organize their

utterance with appropriate cohesive ties and conjunctions lead to poor cohesion.

Differences in quantitative analysis in LD population can be attributed to differences in

production of clauses. Children with LD tend to produce more independent clauses

without using appropriate conjunctions. Hence, differences in number of T-units and

number of words per T-unit can be explained. It is therefore essential to also monitor

oral discourse apart from written discourse, as the children with LD have deficits in

both the domains.

5.3 Correlation between qualitative and quantitative analysis

There was a strong correlation between certain parameters in qualitative and

quantitative analysis of oral discourse. Differences in oral narrative performance

within LD groups or within TDC groups were not very evident. However, differences

in performance for oral narrative discourse task existed between the two groups. The

differences existed mainly for propositional discourse. It was found that the qualitative

parameter, Discourse Quotient (DQ) was having strong positive correlation with

quantitative parameters of T-units such as Number of words per T-unit (NWTU),

Number of Clauses (NC) and Number of Words per Clause (NWC). This indicates that

qualitative ratings have good association with quantitative aspects of discourse.

Qualitative ratings were based on measures of coherence, information content, message

accuracy, discourse structure etc. All of these parameters are indirectly scored on the

basis of utterance length and content. Hence when a T-unit analysis is performed on the


narration of each participant, it would correlate with these ratings based on the same

participants’ narration.

Literature investigating qualitative and quantitative discourse simultaneously in

LD population is scarce. From the current study it can be inferred that a combination of

both qualitative and quantitative analysis of oral narrations is much more sensitive to

identifying children with LD and is in support to each other. Within group correlation

the results showed significant correlations only for few parameters. However,

correlation irrespective of groups revealed that significant correlation was present

between most quantitative and qualitative parameters of discourse. Thus overall it can

be stated that a combination of qualitative and quantitative analysis hold good for

comparison of discourse performance of any individuals.

To summarize, the differences in discourse of LD population qualitatively and

quantitatively have to be documented separately. In view of children with LD, some

oral narrative discourse deficits, which might go undetected during routine qualitative

assessments, may be traced objectively in the quantitative assessment. Such findings

are obtained in the current study which recommends the need to carry out qualitative

and the quantitative analysis of discourse of individuals with learning disability. Thus,

discourse analysis should be done to strengthen the existing diagnostic assessment

procedures and subsequent intervention for this clinical group.

Summary & Conclusion



The present study was aimed at investigating the narrative discourse abilities in
children with learning disability and typically developing children in the native
language (Malayalam). There were certain objectives considered for the present study.

Objectives of the study

 To compare the narrative discourse parameters of children with learning

disability and typically developing children qualitatively in Malayalam language.

 To compare the narrative discourse parameters in children with learning

disability and typically developing children quantitatively in Malayalam


Studies related to children with learning disability in Western and Indian

scenario concentrated on measuring specific characteristics of oral discourse. There are

very few studies which profile the narrative discourse abilities in children with learning

disability. Understanding the linguistic impairments in children with learning disability

is necessary to develop new approaches to diagnose and plan appropriate management

strategies to help and maintain their narrative discourse abilities despite their academic

difficulties. The current study focused on the profiling the narrative discourse abilities

in L1 (Malayalam) language of children with learning disability and was compared

with typically developing individuals.

A standard group comparison was made by considering children with learning

disability and typically developing children (8-12 years) as participants. A total of 20

children participated in the study which comprised of 10 children with learning

Summary & Conclusion

disability (LD) and 10 typically developing children (TDC). All the participants had

English language as medium of instruction in school. They also had vision and hearing

acuity within normal limits and the handedness was right according to their self report.

The clinical and non-clinical group participants were separated based on a set of

criteria. General histories with demographic details were taken from all the participants

along with the consent for agreeing to participate in the study.

The data collection involved two phases: Phase-I to build rapport and Phase-II

to obtain narrative discourse samples of all the participants using “Frog Where are you”

as the stimulus. A standard group comparison with two by two research design was

used for the study. Audio recorded narrative discourse genres were transcribed

verbatim. The results obtain from discourse samples were subjected to the statistical

analysis. The discourse samples were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the narrative discourse sample were performed

using Discourse Analysis Scale (DAS) by Hema and Shyamala (2008) and T-unit

analysis respectively. Each sample was rated by three judges including the

experimenter. Inter-judge reliability was measured for qualitative and quantitative

analysis using Cronbach’s Apha co-efficient. An experienced statistician conducted the

analysis using SPSS 20 (Statistical Package for Social Science, 20th version).

The significant findings of the present study are discussed under three sections

qualitative analysis, quantitative analysis and correlation between the qualitative and

quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis of oral discourse between LD and TDC group

revealed significant differences in parameters such as Discourse Structure (DS),

Coherence (COH), Topic Management (TM), Information content (IC) and Discourse

Summary & Conclusion

Quotient (DQ). The TDC group also showed higher scores for overall propositional

discourse and non propositional discourse. The total Discourse quotient (DQ) was also

noted to be greater for TDC group, indicating that the TDC group produced more

coherent, connected and organized oral narration at discourse level when compared to

LD group. There was significant difference across the two groups primarily on

propositional discourse. No significant differences were noted for non propositional

discourse across groups.

Quantitative analysis of oral discourse between LD and TDC group revealed

Number of T-units (NTU) and Number of words per T-Unit (NWTU) having

significant difference across both the groups. The results revealed that LD group had

greater number of T-units with lesser NWTU, than TDC group. However, NWTU was

greater in TDC group indicating that participants in TDC group produced longer

sentences during discourse with appropriate usage of conjunctions and connecting

words, thereby producing more number of words per T-unit. This also suggests that

even though LD group produced more NTU .i.e., more sentences; their utterances were

probably short and therefore led to decrease NWTU. The TDC group produced more

Number of Clauses (NC) during narrative discourse compared to LD group. For NWC,

no significant differences were observed between TDC group and LD group. Thus

quantitative and qualitative analysis of oral narration clearly hints at the discourse

deficits in LD population.

Oral narrative skills form the foundation for subsequent academic learning.

Traditional assessments of Learning Disability often do not assess their narrative skills

at discourse level. Narrative analysis at both microstructure and macrostructure analysis

Summary & Conclusion

may be used to improve the assessment and intervention for children with LD. Rahmani

(2011) mentioned the significant role of narrative therapy to reduce reading errors in

dyslexics. This kind of Narrative therapy (storytelling with felt material), by using the

multi-sensory approach may facilitate better reading skills in children with LD.

Therefore, through narrative intervention their narrative discourse deficits and reading

errors can be tackled simultaneously.

The present study aimed to investigate the narrative discourse abilities in

children with learning disability in the native language (Malayalam) qualitatively and

quantitatively. It can therefore be concluded that a combination of qualitative and

quantitative analysis of oral discourse can provide information about narration skills in

LD population, in terms of narrative microstructure as well as macrostructure. Oral

discourse in terms of cohesion, sequencing, temporal causal relations often go

undetected during routine formal assessments of LD. Detailed assessments of oral

narrative discourse can be very useful during assessment and intervention for such


Implications of the study

 The current study will provide an understanding of oral narrative discourse in

children with LD when compared to typical peers in Malayalam language.

 Since the present study includes combination of qualitative and quantitative

discourse analysis, it may shed light on which form of discourse analysis is a

more sensitive tool for assessing narration in LD population.

Summary & Conclusion

 The present study could also contribute to an understanding of language specific

discourse deficits (Malayalam) and whether oral discourse could be considered

as an essential part of assessment to confirm reading/writing problems in


 Besides this, deficits in oral narrative production if identified at an early age can

be considered during intervention, thereby improving the overall spoken

narrative ability. Oral narrative discourse intervened in this manner, may

enhance written discourse skills in children with LD. Henceforth, their overall

social and academic well being can be ensured.

Limitations of the study

 The present study was limited to a small sample size of clinical participants

which probably restricts the generalization of the findings.

 Study incorporated narrative discourse assessed in only one task (story

generation task)

 Qualitative and quantitative analysis done in the study were both subjective in


 Narration was checked only in the native language(Malayalam), even though

the children were bilingual

Future directions

 Larger sample size can be considered in future studies

 Future studies can compare oral and written discourse in children with LD

Summary & Conclusion

 Differences in discourse across tasks can be studied (story retelling vs


 The study could be replicated using other methods of discourse analysis such as

Computerized Language Analysis Program (CLAN), Systematic Analysis of

Language Transcript (SALT), cohesion analysis, critical discourse analysis,

socio-cognitive discourse analysis, etc.

 Further research investigating the way L1 and L2 of bilinguals’ affects their

linguistic performance in relation with the academic performance.


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All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Naimisham Campus,

Manasagangothri, Mysore-570006.


Dissertation on

Narrative discourse skills in children with learning disability

Information to the participants

I, Ms. Devika S, II MSc student at AIISH for my dissertation titled- “Narrative
discourse skills in children with learning disability” with the Principal Investigator Dr.
Hema N., Lecturer, Department of Speech – Language Sciences, AIISH, Mysore – 6.
The aim of the research is to study the narrative skills in children with learning
disability in Malayalam language. I need to collect data from 10 children with learning
disability in the age range of 8-12 years. Information will be collected through an
interview and audio recording for the overall duration of around 30-40 minutes each
under one or two recording conditions. I assure you that this data will be kept
confidential. There is no influence or pressure of any kind by us or the investigating
institute to your participation and the research procedure is different from routine
medical or therapeutic care activities. There is no risk involved to the participants, but
your cooperation in the study will go a long way in helping us to understand the
narrative skills in children with learning disability and thereby help in identifying any
deficits in this domain which can be trained during intervention.

Informed Consent
I have been informed about the aims, objectives and the procedure of the study.
I understand that I have a right to refuse participation as participant or withdraw my
consent at any time. I have the freedom to write to Chairman, AEC in case of any risk
associated with the study.
I, ________________________________________, the undersigned, give my consent
to be participant of this investigation/study/program.

Signature of participant Signature of investigator

(Name and Address) Date


“The Frog Where are you”

(Mayer, 1969)

Description of the picture stimulus “Frog where are you” by Mayer(1969)

There once was a boy who had a dog and a pet frog. He kept the frog in a large jar in
his bedroom.

One night while he and his dog were sleeping, the frog climbed out of the jar. He
jumped out of an open window.

When the boy and the dog woke up the next morning, they saw that the jar was empty.

The boy looked everywhere for the frog. The dog looked for the frog too. When the dog
tried to look in the jar, he got his head stuck.

The boy called out the open window, “Frog, where are you?” The dog leaned out the
window with the jar still stuck on his head.

The jar was so heavy that the dog fell out of the window headfirst! The boy picked up
the dog to make sure he was ok. The dog wasn‟t hurt but the jar was smashed.

The boy and the dog looked outside for the frog. The boy called for the frog.

He called down a hole in the ground while the dog barked at some bees in a beehive.

A gopher popped out of the hole and bit the boy on right on his nose. Meanwhile, the
dog was still bothering the bees, jumping up on the tree and barking at them.

The beehive fell down and all of the bees flew out. The bees were angry at the dog for
ruining their home.

The boy wasn‟t paying any attention to the dog. He had noticed a large hole in a tree.
So he climbed up the tree and called down the hole.

All of a sudden an owl swooped out of the hole and knocked the boy to the ground.

The dog ran past the boy as fast as he could because the bees were chasing him.The
owl chased the boy all the way to a large rock.

The boy climbed up on the rock and called again for his frog.He held onto some
branches so he wouldn‟t fall.

But the branches weren‟t really branches! They were deer antlers. The deer picked up
the boy on his head.

The deer started running with the boy still on his head. The dog ran along too. They
were getting close to a cliff.

The deer stopped suddenly and the boy and the dog fell over the edge of the cliff.

There was a pond below the cliff. They landed with a splash right on top of one

They heard a familiar sound.

The boy told the dog to be very quiet.

They crept up and looked behind a big log.

There they found the boy‟s pet frog. He had a mother frog with him.

They had some baby frogs and one of them jumped towards the boy.

The baby frog liked the boy and wanted to be his new pet. The boy and the dog were
happy to have a new pet frog to take home. As they walked away the boy waved and
said “goodbye” to his old frog and his family looked for the frog too.


Narrative discourse sample in Malayalam language with the quantitative and qualitative

Example from LD participant no. 8, the verbatim transcription is given according to each picture
in the “Frog story” English translation in brackets and the narrative discourse analysis.

1- oru divasam oru thavala botilinte agath iripund. Oru kutiyum oru patikutim athine nokikone
irikuvarnu, pati botilil tala itt nokuvarnu.(one day a frog was there in a bottle. One boy and dog
were sitting watching it, dog looked inside)

2-avar urangiyapol tavala veliyil chadi irangi pakshe kutti arinjila (when they slept, frog jumped
out of jar but the child id not know it)

3-ravile avar eneet noki.engum frogine kanunila. Evideyum kanunila(when they woke up in the
mornig, they did not see the frog anywhere)

4- Avan shovinte agath okke noki. Apo pati botilinte agath kudungi poi.tala anakaan patathe
nikunu(he looked in his shoe. Then dog got stuck inside bottle. He could not move his head)

5- ennit avar janal turan purathek noki. Patiyude talayil botili kudungi poyi pakshe kutti anerami
aneram frogine vilikuvarnu( then he opened window and looked out. Dog’s head was stuck
inside but child was calling for frog)

6-jannal vazhi patti tarayil veen poyi apol Kutti ath kandu. Avan nokinikua patti veezhunne
kandit(from window the dog fell down and he saw it. Then he was looking )

7-kutti purath vanna patikutiye eduthu. Pati avane nakki tudachu.apo botil tarel veen potti avde
kuppi chill aii (he came out and picked up the dog. Dog licked then bottle had broken into

8-avar ennit purathek nadanu apol kuti tavalaye vilichond nadakunund. Kuray then ichakal
parakunatum kandu(then they walked out calling the frog on the way. They saw many honeybees

9-avar nadan nadan oru kaatil ethi pakshe avde frogine kandila. Valiya kaad arnu ath. Kurey
marangal undarnu( walking walking they reached a forest, but there was no frog. It was a big
forest. Many trees were there)

10- nadann etiyapol kuti oru hol kandu. Athil avan nokunund. Pati anengil apo then ichayude
kood marathil thungi kidakane kandu. Athil chadi kuraykuvarnu( when he reached he saw a pit.
He looked inside pit. Dog was looking at the beehive hanging from tree)

11- apo eli irangi vann kutiyude mukil kadichu koduthu. Pati anengi marathil aneram keri. Then
ichakal kutil kurakkunundarnu aa pati( then rat came out of hole and bit him. Dog was climbing
tree at that time. dog started barking at the beehive)

12- then icha kud tazhe veenu. Pati ath noki nikunund. Then ichakal paranu vannu
purathek.(beehive fell down. Dog was looking at it. Bees started flying out)

13- apo kuti oru marathil keri ethi nokunundarnu. Athil oru hol pole kandu ethi noki. Holil frog
undonn noki( then child started climbing a tree . he saw a hole like opening there. He started
peeping in to check if frog is hiding inside that)

14- peten oru munga holeen purathek paran vann.ath kand kuti pedich poyi tale veen. Then
ichakal mothom parakan tudangi. Parane paranne then ichakal kuthan vannu( suddenly an owl
cam flying out. Seeing that the dog got scared. All bees started flying around) they flew and
came to injure him.)

15- then ichakal elaam pattine odichu(bees were chasing the dog)

16-mungaye pedichu kuti parayude adiyil olichu irikuvarnu munga avane kandila(afraid of the
owl, boy hid under a rock but owl did not see him)

17- kuti parayude purath keri tavalaye vilichond ninnu. Oru kambil pidich vilichond nikuvarnu(
he climed on a rock and started calling the frog. He was holding a stick and calling the frog)

18- ath oru kambalarnu. maante kombarnu. Oru maan arnu parayude purakil maranje ninnath,
Maan eneetathum avan kudungi poyi( that was not a stick. It was deer horns. A deer was hiding
behind the rock.when it stood up he got trapped)

19-maan odan tudangi. Mante talayila kudungiye e kuti pakshe maan vegam oduva. Pati
nokikkond munil odunund. Speedilan elarum odunat(it started running. He got trapped on its
head. Dog was running in front. They are running fast)

20-odi odi ninapo kutim patiyum tazhe veenu. Taazhek terich veenu(when they ran and stopped,
dog and boy fell down. They fell down with force)

21- a katil oru kulam undarnu( there was a pond in that forest)
22- avar aa kulathil poyi veenu(they fell into that pond)

23- kuti vellathine pongiyapol pati talayil irikunu. Kuti savund ket sredikunudarnu(when the boy
came up from water the dog was on his head. He was listening to a sound carefully)

24-kuti karayil keri . oru tadiyude aduth irunn patiyod ocha vekkale enn kanichu. Pati karayilek
neenthi varunu( child came to shore. He went near a wooden piece asking dog not to make noise.
Dog also swam to shore)

25- apo tadiyude aparth aaro olich iripundenn toni(he felt someone was hiding behind the wood)

26-aparth nokiyapo rand tavalakale kandu(when he looked on the other side, he saw two frogs)

27-pineed nokiyapo kanam kurey tavala irikunu( later when he looked many frogs came)

28- enit oru tavalaye eduth tata kanichu tata paranju madangi veetil(he picked one from it and
said bye returned home)

29- baaki frogsum elam noki irikunund ( other frogs were watching them)

Quantitative T-unit analysis:

No.of T units(NTU)=60

No. of words per T-unit(NWTU)=7.2(436/60)

No.of clauses(NC)=71

No of words per clause(NWC)=6.1(436/71)

Qualitative analysis:

Sl. Aspect Rate

1. Discourse structure
a) Discourse forethought 1
b) Organizational Planning 1
2. Communication Intent
a. Initiation of narration 2
b. Asks for assistance 2
c. Imagines events 1
3. Coherence
a. Global 1
b. Local 1
4. Topic Management
a) Introducing topic 2
b) Topic shifts 2
c) Topic changes 1
d) Perseverations 2
e) Minimal elaborations 1
f) Topic elaboration 1
5. Information adequacy 1
6. Information content 1
7. Message accuracy 1
8. Temporal and causal relation (TCR) 1
9. Vocabulary specificity 1
10. Linguistic fluency 1
11. Speech style 2
12. Intonation 2
13. Revision behavior 2
14. Repair strategy
a. Self-correction 2
b. Repair through repetition 1
c. Initiated correction 2
d. Request for clarification 2
Total 36
DQ 69.23


Narrative discourse sample in Malayalam language with the quantitative and qualitative

Example from TDC participant no.8, the verbatim transcription is given according to each
picture in the “Frog story” English translation in brackets and the narrative discourse analysis.

1- oru divasam oru veetil oru kuttiyundayirunu. Rathriyil avan avante pet ayit valartan oru
frogine kond vannu. Frogine oru jaril itit irikuvarnu. Pattikutti undayirunitum avanu frogine pet
aakan venamarunu. Apo avante kutukaranaaya pattikutim jaril nokikond nikuva
(One day there was a child in a house. At night he brought a frog home for raising as his
pet.Although he had a dog, he wanted a pet frog too. Frog was kept inside a jar.The his friend
puppy also started watching the jar)

2-ath kazhinj kuti kidan urangi avante kude aa pattiyum urangi. Apo tavala jariinte agathune
irangi veliyil poyi(after that child slept with his dog. Then frog jumped out of the jar )

3-ravile kuttiyum pattiyum enitapo jarinte agath tavalaye kanunila. Avan alochichu evide poyi
tavala enn( morning when the boy and dog woke up, the frog was missing from the jar.He started
thinking where it could have gone)

4-rand shoes undarnu. Avan shovinte agath noki. Patikuti jarinte agath nokan vendi tala itt
aneram tala kudungi poyi.(two shoes were there. He searched inside his shoes. Dog put his head
inside jar to search but his head got trapped inside it)

5- kuti jannal turan a tavalaye aneshich vilichuninapol patiyude talayil jar kudungi.ath tala
angotum ingotum itt aati kond irunu karanam kudungi kuppi talayil(when the boy opened
window to search for frog, then dog;s head got trapped. It was shaking its head because the jar
got trapped on its head)

6-kutti ingane veliyil nokikond ninapol pati veliyilek chaadi(while the child was looking out,dog
jumped out )

7-kuti irangi vann nokiyapol patiyude talayil kudungiya jar poti. Kuti deshyathil patiye poki
eduthapo pati avane nakkan tudangi(when he came out and looked, the jar trapped on its head
had broken into pieces. When he picked up the dog, it started licking him)

8-kuti ath kazhinj veetine purath irangi oru mara chuvattil poya shesham vilichu noki frogine.
Pati taen ichakale pidikan nokunu(then the child went out of his house to a tree and started
calling for frog. Dog was trying to catch some honeybees flying around)

9-avar nadan nadan oru kaatil ethi. Avde hanibeesde kud kandu(they walked and reached a
forest. There they saw a beehive)

10- kuti nokiyapo oru kuzhi kandu. Athilek nokikond irunapo pati ten icha kutil noki kurachu.
Path ath engnelum talli idan chinthikuvarnu.(then child saw a pit. He was looking inside pit
when dog started barking at the beehive.The dog was thinking of ways to push it down)

11- aa kuzhine eli irangi vanatum avante mookil maanti koduthu. Avan vedanich urakke karanju.
Apo patikuti marathil keri tudangi a hanibeede kud talli idan vendi(when rat came out of the pit
it scratched his nose. He started crying in pain. Then dog started climbing to push the beehive
down from the tree)

12- aati aati kud taazhe veen kuti apo avden odi poyi. Othirim bees kudine purathek
paranu.(shaking shaking ,the beehive fell down. Boy fled from there. Lots of bees started c\flying
out of it)

13- kuti odi odi oru marathinte mandak keri. Atile holil sukshich noki frog avide undonn(he ran
and ran and climbed a tree.he looked in that hole if frog was there)

14- athinagathun oru owl paranne vannapo kutti pedichu tazhe veenu. Hanibees oke paran vari
ayit pokunundarnu.( from inside an owl flew out and child got scared. All honeybees were flying
in a straight line)

15- hanibees elam patikutiye kuthan poyi karanam patiyaan avarude kud talli itat enn
mansilayi(the bees chased the dog because they understood it was the dog who destroyed their

16-ee owlune rekshapeadan vendi kuti oru parayude tale poyi ninnu(to save himself from the
owl, he hid under a big rock)

17- enit parayude etom uyarna nilayil vannit oru kamb kiti. Atil pidich frogine vilichu(reaching
the highest point on the rock by holding onto a twig, he started calling for the frog)

18- ath oru maante kombarnu. Maan eneetathum avan maante mandayil ayi poyi(but that was a
deer’s horn. When deer rose he fell on top of it)

19-maan odan tudangi. Pati munnil odunu.pati nokiyapo athinte muthalaali mante purath
kudungi kidakunu. Apo pati ath kandit kurachond oduvarunu(deer started running. Dog running
in front.when dog looked up it saw its master trapped on the deer’s head. Then seeing that it
started barking while running)

20-maan ninatum kutim patiyum tazhe veenu(when the deer stopped,boy and dog fell down)

21- kuti veenat oru kaadinte ull bhaagathayirunu(child fell into a deeply forested area)

22- rand perum orumich aa kulathil veenu. Maan nokunundarnu(both of them fell together into a
pond. Deer was looking )

23- kuti eneetapo entho shabdam ketu. Tavalayude shabdham ketu. Tavalayude shabdam kekuna
pole thoni(when the child stood up, he heard some sound. He heard a frog sound. He felt like he
was hearing a frog sound)

24-kutiyum patiyum marakashanathinte aduthek neengi vanna shesham karayil keri patiyod
mindathirikaan paranju. (dog and boy came near a wooden piece,then he came to shore while
telling the dog to stop barking and be silent)

25- kuti marathinte kambil keriyapo keri patiyum pinaale(when child climbed on the piece of
wood, dog also climbed)

26- nokiyapo rand tavalakale irikanae kandu(on looking they found two frogs)

27-kure kazhinje kurey tavala kutikalum vannu.kutti athishayich noki. Ithil eente eythan
alochichu(afterwards lots of baby frogs also came. Which one of these is mine he started

28- avan oru tavalaye eduth elarkum tata kanichu(he picked up one frog waved bye)

29- baaki frogsum bai paranju(all other frogs said bye)

Quantitative T-unit analysis:

No.of T units(NTU)=52
No. of words per T-unit(NWTU)=9.61 (500/52)
No.of clauses(NC)=77
No of words per clause(NWC)=6.4 (500/77)
Qualitative analysis:
Sl. Aspect Rate
1. Discourse structure
a) Discourse forethought 2
b) Organizational Planning 2
2. Communication Intent
a. Initiation of narration 2
b. Asks for assistance 1
c. Imagines events 2
3. Coherence
a. Global 2
b. Local 2
4. Topic Management
a) Introducing topic 2
b) Topic shifts 2
c) Topic changes 2
d) Perseverations 2
e) Minimal elaborations 1
f) Topic elaboration 2
5. Information adequacy 2
6. Information content 2
7. Message accuracy 2
8. Temporal and causal relation (TCR) 2
9. Vocabulary specificity 2
10. Linguistic fluency 2
11. Speech style 2
12. Intonation 2
13. Revision behavior 2
14. Repair strategy
a. Self-correction 1
b. Repair through repetition 1
c. Initiated correction 1
d. Request for clarification 1
Total 46
DQ 88.46



Discourse Analysis Scale for narration task

(Hema & Shyamala, 2008)

Points to be considered while using Discourse Analysis Scale:

The parameters of propositional and non-propositional aspect of narration can be

quantified with few general instructions to the evaluator as follows:

1. Initially read the keys provided in the sub headings which explain the exact
meaning of the parameters to be scored as good, fair and poor with respect to
the particular context of narration.

2. Scoring procedure involves the use of rating scale. Three points perceptual
rating scale is used to evaluate each parameters.

3. Each appropriate behavior (normal) is given a higher score and the

inappropriate behavior (abnormal) is scored low.

Propositional aspects of communication.

This includes the notion of relevancy, clarity of reference and coherence of

information. It deals with how discourse is organized with respect to overall plan,
theme or topic and how individual utterances are conceptually linked to main

1) Discourse Structure

Good- The discourse is organized with respect to overall plan, theme or topic and how
events occurring earlier in time being described before events occurring later, and
causative events preceding their consequences. The narrative discourse is never
confusing in terms of logically and chronologically.

Fair- The discourse is partially confusing even if it’s partially organized with respect to
overall plan, theme or topic and how events occurring earlier in time being described
before events occurring later, and causative events preceding their consequences,
logically and chronologically making the narratives confusing.

Poor- The discourse is completely confusing since it is unorganized with respect to
overall plan, theme or topic and how events occurring earlier in time being described
before events occurring later, and causative events preceding their consequences. Thus
the narrative is completely confusing in terms of logically and chronologically.

a) Discourse forethought--------------------------------------------------( )

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

b) Organizational planning -----------------------------------------------( )

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

2) Communication intent

This parameter can be evaluated using frequency count, so check for the presence or
absence. If present, make a note whether an individual use this parameter only in
required circumstances or in all the circumstances.

Good- Individuals using this parameter in all required circumstances.

Fair- Individuals using this parameter inconsistently in the required circumstances.

Poor- This parameter is absent in the entire context of narration.

a) Initiation of narration-------------------------------------------------( )

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

b) Asks for assistance during narration--------------------------------( )

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

c) Imagines events correctly--------------------------------------------( )

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

3) Coherence

a). Global coherence----------------------------------------------( )

Good- Presence of good relationship between the meaning and context of verbalization
with respect to the general topic of narration.

Fair- Presence of partial relationship between the meaning and context of verbalization
with respect to the general topic of narration.

Poor- Relationship between the meaning and context of verbalization with respect to
the general topic of narration is completely absent.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

b). Local coherence-----------------------------------------------( )

Good- Presence of good relationship between the meaning and context of verbalization
with that of the immediately preceding utterance produced by the participant.

Fair- Presence of partial relationship between the meaning and context of verbalization
with that of the immediately preceding utterance produced by the participant.

Poor- Relationship between the meaning and context of verbalization with that of the
immediately preceding utterance produced by the participant is completely absent.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

4) Topic management

a) Introducing topic-------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Correctly introducing the topic.

Fair- Partial but correct introduction to topic.

Poor- Irrelevantly introducing topic or no response.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

b) Topic shift---------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Staying within the given topic.

Fair- Gradual shift from the given topic.

Poor- Rapid shift from the given topic.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

c) Topic changes----------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Coherent topic change where the topic is within the context of verbalization in
terms of when and where the narrating event occurred.

Fair- Partially inappropriate topic change but still the topic is within the main context
of verbalization in terms of when and where the narrating event occurred.

Poor- Non coherent topic change where the topic is decontextualized.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

d) Perseveration in the topics---------------------------------------( )

Good- Perseveration not present.

Fair- Perseveration partially present.

Poor- Perseveration continuously present.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

e) Minimal elaboration-----------------------------------------------( )

In presence of prompts from the investigator, the participants attempting to give yes/no
responses along with very few sentential level discourse to elaborate the topic.

Good- Minimal elaboration appropriately present in all required circumstances

Fair- Minimal elaboration partially present in all required circumstances.

Poor- Minimal elaboration absent in required circumstances or minimal elaboration

only present throughout the context of narration.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

f) Elaboration of topics------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Adequate elaboration of topic.

Fair- Partial elaboration of topic.

Poor- Extra elaboration of topic.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

5) Information adequacy

Good- Completely adequate narration at word level/ single sentence level/ multiple
sentence level without any prompts from the investigator.

Fair- Partially adequate narration at word level/ single sentence level/ multiple
sentence level in the presence of few prompts from the investigator.

Poor- No narration at word level/ single sentence level/ multiple sentence level despite
several prompts from the investigator.

a). Word level/ Single sentence level/ Multiple sentence level-----( )

Underline the level at which the participant is positioned.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

6) Information content

Good- Completely correct description of people, locations, objects, activities and

attributes that played a role in the events being narrated about. Good narratives pointing
a detailed linguistic picture of the events they are describing.

Fair- Partially correct description of people, locations, objects, activities and attributes
that played a role in the events being narrated about; Good narratives pointing more
than half a linguistic picture of the events they are describing.

Poor- Incorrect description of people, locations, objects, activities and attributes that
played a role in the events being narrated about. Good narratives pointing less than half
a linguistic picture of the events they are describing.

a). Meaningful and adequate information-----------------------------( )

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

7) Message Accuracy ------------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- An attempted narration involving correct narration without any confabulation or

any inaccurate information within the same context of narration.

Fair- An attempted narration involving correct narration and few accurate information
without any confabulation within the same context of narration.

Poor- An attempted narration involving incorrect narration with confabulation within

the same context of narration with all inaccurate information.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

8) Temporal and causal relation (TCR)--------------------------------------( )

Good- Presence of all the temporal terms like then, and then, first, next, before, and
after; causal terms like because, when, if, while, and until.

Fair- Presence of few temporal terms like then, and then, first, next, before, and after;
causal terms like because, when, if, while, and until.

Poor- Absence of all the temporal terms like then, and then, first, next, before, and
after; causal terms like because, when, if, while, and until.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

9) Vocabulary specificity----------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Using specific vocabulary when specific information is required.

Fair- Partially using specific vocabulary when specific information is required.

Poor- Overuse of generic terms such as "thing" and “stuff" when more specific
information is required.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

10) Linguistic fluency -------------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Fluent discourse without any repetition, unusual pauses or hesitations.

Fair- Partially fluent discourse with very few repetitions, unusual pauses or hesitations.

Poor- Presence of repetition, unusual pauses, hesitations

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

11) Speech Style --------------------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Appropriate use of any dialectal structural forms, code switching and style-

Fair- Inappropriate use of dialectal structural forms, code switching, style-shifting is

partially present.

Poor- Presence of totally inappropriate dialectal structural forms, code switching, style-

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

12) Intonation ---------------------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Absence of any inappropriate or abnormal rising, falling, flat intonation with
respect to a particular context of narration.

Fair- Inappropriate or abnormal rising, falling, flat intonation with respect to a

particular context of narration is partially present.

Poor- Presence of inappropriate or abnormal rising, falling, flat intonation with respect
to a particular context of narration.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

Non propositional or Interactional aspects of communication

This is one of the important categories of social communication

behavior. These behaviors reflect the reciprocal nature of conversation and the joint co-
operation required of the participant. (Note: In narration it is only from participants’
point of view)

The following subcategories are considered:

1) Revision behaviors ------------------------------------------------------------( )

Good- Absence of false starts and self interruptions in the entire context of narration.

Fair- Presence of false starts and self interruptions in some contexts of narration.

Poor- Continuous presence of false starts and self-interruptions in the entire context of

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

2) Repair strategy

This parameter can be evaluated using frequency count, so check for the presence or
absence. If present, make a note whether an individual use this parameter only in
required circumstances or in all the circumstances.

Good- Individuals using this parameter in all required circumstances.

Fair- Individuals using this parameter inconsistently in the required circumstances.

Poor- Individuals not using this parameter at all in the entire context of narration.

a) Use of self correction -----------------------------------------------------( )

Participants find a word or sentence after giving a small pause and continue the topic of

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

b) Use of repair through repetition/revision-------------------------------( )

Repeating themselves and correcting the discourse without the investigators help.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

c) Use of other initiated correction------------------------------------------( )

Participants not able to find the right word, so the investigator fills it with the correct
word to continue the topic of narration.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

d) Use of request for clarification -------------------------------------------( )

Requesting the investigator to modify the discourse and use the corrected version of
discourse to continue the topic of narration.

[Score: 0-Poor, 1-Fair, 2-Good]

Finally, one can find discourse quotient, using the total score on propositional and non
propositional aspects of communication which should be divided by total scores of all
the features of propositional and non propositional aspects of communication. This
must be multiplied with hundred to get the score in percentage. Example: if the
participant’s score is 32

Discourse Quotient = 32/ (42+10) = 32/52 x 100= 61.54


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