AECON 2022 SYNTHESIS by Dean Jerome Buenviaje

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Dean, UP College of Education
Para sa Bata, How do we
Para sa Bayan keep it real?

Sa totoo lang…
Magpakatotoo ka!
Make sense of the
Evidence-Based Practice
in the context of
Philippine Education
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP)
so that we can have
Relevant and Meaningful

Synthesis Framework

Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan

Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

(Buenviaje, 2022)
(Where-–we should go from here)

REFORM in your
context then to the
entire education sector
Session 1: Evidence-Based Teaching
Prof. Geoff Petty
• Basics of Evidence-Based Teaching
• Principles
• Definition
• Operationalization
Kaalaman • Evidence-Based Teaching Methods
Idea (What)
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Basics of Evidence-Based Importance of EBT • Appropriate teaching

• Teaching methods have more methods significantly
Teaching effect on how well students
• Principles learn, than anything else we can
increase student
• Definition change achievement and progress
• Operationalization • Some teaching methods almost
double the rate at which
students learn
• Any teacher can use these
methods, and so can become an
outstanding teacher
• Few teachers have been trained
in evidence-based teaching, and
can unknowingly use methods of
low effectiveness
The International Successful School Principalship Project
21 countries, 26 research groups
Begun in 2002 with seven countries, now more than 20 countries, and more
than 100 case studies.
Interviews with principals, teachers, school board members, students, parents -
What are the characteristics of successful principals leading successful schools?
The knowledge base:
Four books, nine special journal issues, more than 100 refereed journal papers,
11 models.
Most recent book:
Day, C. & Gurr, D. (Eds) (2014/2016) Leading Schools Successfully: Stories from
the field (London: Routledge).
The International Successful School Principalship Project
21 countries, 26 research groups
Begun in 2002 with seven countries, now more than 20 countries, and more
than 100 case studies.
Interviews with principals, teachers, school board members, students, parents -
What are the characteristics of successful principals leading successful schools?
The knowledge base:
Four books, nine special journal issues, more than 100 refereed journal papers,
11 models.
Most recent book:
Day, C. & Gurr, D. (Eds) (2014/2016) Leading Schools Successfully: Stories from
the field (London: Routledge).
The International Successful School Principalship Project
21 countries, 26 research groups
Begun in 2002 with seven countries, now more than 20 countries, and more
The International Successful School
than 100 case studies.
!Principalship Project (ISSPP) is the most
Interviews with principals, teachers, school board members, students, parents -
comprehensive and coherent international
What are the characteristics of successful principals leading successful schools?
!comparative study of the principalship ever
The knowledge base:
Four books, nine special journal issues, more than 100 refereed journal papers,
11 models.
Professor Brian
Most recent book:
Day, C. & Gurr, D. (Eds) (2014/2016) Leading Schools Successfully: Stories from
the field (London: Routledge).
Caldwell, B.J. (2014) Forward, in C. Day & D. Gurr (Eds) (2014) Leading Schools
Successfully: Stories from the field (London: Routledge), pp. xxi-xxii.
Pragmatic/active leadership approach

No single model of leadership satisfactorily captures what successful principals do. 

Not transformational or instructional leadership, but transformational and
instructional leadership

In essence, these principals develop approaches to leadership which enable them to
lead a school community successfully; they are less concerned with the academic
debates that rage about the impact of various leadership styles.
Our principals were invariably both. They were concerned to motivate and support
staff, but also concerned to ensure that teaching and learning was happening in an
appropriate way. Whilst they typically weren’t the hands-on instructional leader wished
for in the eighties, they were educational leaders, ensuring improvement in curriculum,
pedagogy and assessment by most often working with other school leaders to influence
teacher practice. All our principals seem to exhibit transformational leadership qualities
such as motivating and supporting staff, understanding staff at a personal level, and
encouraging staff to have a voice in decision making processes.
instructional leadership


transformational leadership
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Basics of Evidence-Based Importance of EBT • Appropriate teaching methods

• Teaching methods have more significantly increase student
Teaching effect on how well students achievement and progress
• Principles learn, than anything else we can
• Definition change • Percentage of
• Operationalization • Some teaching methods almost
double the rate at which Achievement Variance:
students learn Nasa Estudyante yan! –
• Any teacher can use these
methods, and so can become an
student agency, sense
outstanding teacher of ownership on
• Few teachers have been trained learning
in evidence-based teaching, and
can unknowingly use methods of
low effectiveness
• Student agency refers to the
level of autonomy and power
that a student experiences in the
learning environment. Student
voice and agency are intrinsically
linked. Agency gives students the
power to direct and take
responsibility for their
learning, creating independent
and self-regulating learners.

Source: Department of Education and Training Victoria

Student agency is

Source: Department of Education and Training Victoria

Student agency is

Power – direction
and responsibility
for learning.

Source: Department of Education and Training Victoria

Student agency is

Autonomy –
independence and
self-regulation for

Source: Department of Education and Training Victoria

Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Basics of Evidence-Based Importance of EBT • Appropriate teaching methods

• Teaching methods have more significantly increase student
Teaching effect on how well students achievement and progress
• Principles learn, than anything else we can
• Definition change • Percentage of Achievement
• Operationalization • Some teaching methods almost Variance: Nasa Estudyante yan!
double the rate at which – student agency, sense of
students learn ownership on learning
• Any teacher can use these
methods, and so can become an • Techers’ professional
outstanding teacher development is more effective
• Few teachers have been trained through active learning (lesson
in evidence-based teaching, and study, action research, PLC, etc.)
can unknowingly use methods of
low effectiveness
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Evidence-Based Teaching Using methods that: Processing learning creates

Methods • Have a high effect-size understanding among
• Are recommended by students (graphic organizers &
cognitive science other methods)
• Are used by the very best
teachers Graphic Organizer Ping Pong
(6 Steps=3 teacher’s + 3 Student’s);
Feedback mechanism in
processing learning that leads
to understanding

Improvement happens within

a specific context
Session 2: The Status of Visible learning Research
Prof. John Hattie
Visible Learning means an enhanced
role for teachers as they become evaluators of
their own teaching. It occurs when teachers see
learning through the eyes of students and help
them become their own teachers ( .
• Updating Visible Learning
• Leaders’ Role on Visible Learning
• Implementation of Visible Learning
Kaalaman • Evaluative Thinking in Visible Learning
Idea (What)
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Updating Visible Stop looking at failures Change the traditional

Learning and identify the teachers mindset in teaching.
in the blue zone Teachers as evaluators of
(outstanding) their own teaching;
practicing student
empowerment (agency)
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Leaders’ Role on Principals and teachers must Making every school a SAFE
focus on the IMPACT in their environment should be
Visible Learning schools. intentional (programmatic)
and observable (measurable).
IMPACT – skill, thrill, and will.
Skill-achievement, progress, Thus, a necessary framework
learning strategies is needed to attain this
Thrill-invest in learning, safe
place to learn, inviting place
to learn
confidence in challenge,
respect for self and others
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Implementation of There is a need for Therefore,

constructive alignment or implementation of VL
Visible Learning teaching with intent. must have:
This includes: 1. fidelity
1. lesson design 2. dosage (right amount)
2. diagnoses 3. quality delivery
3. learning strategies 4. adaptation
4. provision of feedback
5. evaluation strategy
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Evaluative Thinking in Evaluative Thinking Building teacher-student

comprises: relationship is necessary to
Visible Learning 1. critical thinking of valuing increase impact; Rita
evidence Pierson’s You Tube Video on
2. addressing the fidelity of “Every Kid Needs a
implementation Champion”
3. investigating potential
biases Establish Collective Efficacy
4. focusing on knowing one’s
5. understanding others’
points of view
Session 3: Great Teaching Toolkit: An Evidence-Based Approach
to Improving School-wide Educational Outcomes
Prof. Rob Coe
• Helping teachers understand and
focus on the things that matter most
for promoting student learning
• Creating the conditions in which all
the teachers can steadily learn to be
Kaalaman even more effective in their practice
• Providing rich, actionable feedback to
Idea (What) support reflection, self-assessment,
coaching & teacher learning
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Helping teachers Quality Teaching – every “Raising the quality of

understand and focus on teacher must be a better teaching within existing
the things that matter version of themselves schools is probably the
most for promoting single most effective
student learning thing we could do to
promote overall
attainment and equity.”
(Coe et al, 2020)
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Creating the conditions in Key idea: “Improving teaching is about

teacher learning”
Profile teachers in your school…for
school-based CPD for teachers
which all the teachers (needs & growth)
All good learning and teaching…
can steadily learn to be • Takes you from where you are at
Leverage on the skills and talents of
even more effective in • Creates challenging expectations
the teachers within your
• Assess and feeds back on the gap
their practice • Requires exposition, modelling, organization (coaching & mentoring
scaffolding and guidance from an activities)
• Allows you to try it out, with Cultivate Adaptive Ways of Working
progressively less structure and Thinking (Dunn, 2020)
• Requires a coaching and mentoring
• Allows time to practice and embed
• Is clear what success looks like
• Benefits from peer support
• Requires trust: OK to fail (SAFE)
Tenets on Cultivating Adaptive Ways of Working
and Thinking (Dunn, R., 2020)

• Developing a mindset of acceptance

• Develop the situation through action
• Focus on teams, not individuals
• Design lean improvement processes
• Foster psychological safety
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Creating the conditions in Key idea: “Improving teaching is about

teacher learning”
Profile teachers in your school…for
school-based CPD for teachers
which all the teachers (needs & growth)
All good learning and teaching…
can steadily learn to be • Takes you from where you are at
Leverage on the skills and talents of
even more effective in • Creates challenging expectations
the teachers within your
• Assess and feeds back on the gap
their practice • Requires exposition, modelling, organization (coaching & mentoring
scaffolding and guidance from an activities)
• Allows you to try it out, with Cultivate Adaptive Ways of Working
progressively less structure and Thinking (Dunn, 2020)
• Requires a coaching and mentoring
role What affect teachers’ learning?
• Allows time to practice and embed
Papay and Craft (2016) in Great
• Is clear what success looks like
• Benefits from peer support Teaching Toolkit (see next slide)
• Requires trust: OK to fail (SAFE)
Kaalaman Kahalagahan Kaugnayan
Idea Importance Implication
(What) (Why) (Where-–we should go from here)

Providing rich, A number of studies support Provide more feedback to

actionable feedback to why teachers need feedback teachers
“In tasks as complex as
support reflection, self-
Important to identify the teaching, there is no
assessment, coaching & Poor Proxies for Learning expertise without experience.
teacher learning (Coe, 2013) But experience without good
feedback is just repetition.
Feedback turns experience
into learning.

Activate hard thinking

Teaching Supervision

Practice in

Behavior School
Modification Management
What is Evidence-Based Practice?
Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) is about
making decisions through the conscientious,
explicit, and judicious use of the best
available evidence from multiple sources
to increase the likelihood of a favorable
outcome (Jones, 2016).
EBP vis à vis BPE
EBP Model BPE Framework
vis à vis
Assess Acquire


Apply Appraise



Facets and

Domains of the BPE, Areas for Continuous Improvement

…major challenge for educational leaders …
distinguish between ‘popular’ ideas and
those ‘that work’.

“One of the most effective ways for teachers

to develop is for them to share what they do
and draw on the experience of others.”
(Senge et al., 2000)

We have a moral obligation to use the best

available evidence when making a decision.
When we Institutionalize
Evidence-Based Practice for a
Learner-Centered School…

Only then, we can KEEP IT REAL!

Para sa Bata,
Para sa Bayan
Buenviaje, J.T. & Javiniar, J.C. (2020). BPE Implementation Kit: The Philippine Whole School
Continuum. Rex Education
Buenviaje, J.T. (2017). Evidence-Based Educational Supervision [PowerPoint slides]. Department of
Education, Central Office
Caldwell, B.J. (2014) Forward, in C.Day & D. Gurr (Eds)(2014) Leading Schools Successfully: Stories
from the Field (London: Routledge), pp.xxi-xxii
Coe, R. (2022, January 28). Great Teaching Toolkit: An Evidence-Based Approach to Improving
School-side Educational Outcomes [Conference Presentation]. Annual Education Congress.
Rex Education
Department of Education and Training Victoria.
Dunn, R. (2020). Adaptive Leadership: Leading Through Complexity. International Studies in
Educational Administration. Journal of the Commonwealth Council for Educational
Administration & Management. 48 (1), 31-38.
Hattie, J. (2022, January 27). The Status of Visible Learning Research. [Conference Presentation].
Annual Education Congress. Rex Education
Jones, G. (2016). Evidence-Based Practice: A handbook for teachers and school leaders. CEBMa.
Petty, G. (2022, January 27). Evidence-Based Teaching [Conference Presentation]. Annual Education
Congress. Rex Education
Maraming Salamat
Thank You
Soli Deo Gloria


Dean, College of Education
University of the Philippines Diliman
[email protected]

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