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Differences Between Quantitative and

Qualitative Research
What do you think are the
difference between
Qualitative and
Quantitative Research?
Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research

Is a type of educational research in which the researcher

decides what to study; ask specific , narrow questions;
collect quantifiable data from participants; analyzes these
numbers using statistics; and conduct the inquiry in an
unbiased, objective manner.
Qualitative Research

Is a type of educational research in which the researcher

relies on the views of participants; asks broad, general
questions; collect data consisting largely words (text) from
participants; describes and analyzes these words for
themes; and conduct the inquiry in a subjective, biased
In-depth understanding of
Qualitative underlying reasons and

-quantification of data
-measurement an incidence, etc .
- Non-statistical
Qualitative - Contextual
- Thematic

Quantitative - Statistical
Qualitative - Not conclusive nor generalizable

- Broad based insights
-Population based understanding
Similarities of Quantitative
research creates
and Qualitative Research .
knowledge by

empirical research is
all researchers are concerned about the phenomena.
aimed at creating new
universality of ideas or expressing an
idea in a general statement; that is , they
desire to find meaning for the research all the entities of interest like
results beyond a particular study. attitudes , motives , and learning
can be inferred from observing
what people do or say in a given
Differences between
Quantitative and Qualitative
Quantitative Methodologies Qualitative Methodologies
-preference for hypothesis that emerged as a
-preference for precise hypothesis stated at
study develops
the outset
-preference for definitions in context or as
-preference for precise definitions stated at
study progresses
the outset
-preference for narrative description
-data reduced to numerical scores
-preference for assuming that reliability of
-much attention to assessing and improving
inferences is adequate
reliability of scores obtained from instruments
-assessment of validity through cross-
-assessment of validity through a variety of
checking sources of information
procedures with reliance on statistical indices

In its most common sense, methodology is the study of

research methods. However, the term can also refer to the
methods themselves or to the philosophical discussion of
associated background assumptions.
Differing Philosophical Assumptions of Quantitative and
Qualitative Researchers

Assumptions of Quantitative Assumptions of qualitative

Researchers researchers

There exists a reality out there, The individuals involved in the

Independent of us , waiting to be research situations construct
known . The task of science is to reality; Thus , realities exist
discover the nature of reality in a form of multiple mental
and how it works. constructions .
Differing Philosophical Assumptions of Quantitative and
Qualitative Researchers

Assumptions of Quantitative Assumptions of qualitative

Researchers researchers

Research investigations can Research investigations

potentially result in accurate produced alternative visions
statement about the way the of what the world is like.
world really is.
Differing Philosophical Assumptions of Quantitative and
Qualitative Researchers

Assumptions of Quantitative Assumptions of qualitative

Researchers researchers

It is possible for the researcher It is impossible for the

to remove him or herself to stand researcher to stand apart
apart from that which is being from the individual's he or she
research. is studying.

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