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Ql. Attempt All 1(a) Explain Control bits (flags) in TCP header. - (5M) 1(b) Draw the OSI Model and list two functions of each layer.- (5M) 1(c) An IP datagram has arrived with the following information in the header. 45 00 00 54 00 03 00 00 20 06 00 00 7C 4E 03 02 B4 OE OF 02- (5M) i) What is the version of IP? ii) Are there any options? iii) Is the packet fragmented? iv) What is the header length? v) What is the size of the data? vi) Is a checksum used? vii) How many routers can the packet travel to? viii) What is the identification number of the packet? ix) What is the type of service? x) The data belong to what upper layer protocol? 1(d) Explain the standard designed by ITU to allow telephones on public telephone network to talk to computers connected to the internet. - (5M) Q2. Attempt All 2(a) Explain in brief one message transfer agent and one message access agent. - (10m) 2(b) Discuss DHCP operation when the client and server are on the same network or on different network. - (liom) Q3, Attempt All 3(a) List and explain purpose of each timer in TCP. - (10M) 3(b) Discuss how TCP implements flow control in which the receive window controls the size of the send window. - (10M) Q4. Attempt All 4(a) Explain the digitization and compression of Audio and Video. - (10M) 4(b) An ISP is granted a block of addresses starting with The ISP wants to distribute this block to 100 organizations with each organization receiving 8 addresses only. Design the subblocks and give the slash notation for each subblock. Find out how many addresses are still available after these allocations. - (10M) Q5. Attempt All 5(a) Explain the protocol designed to handle real-time traffic on the internet. - (10M) 5(b) Explain an application layer protocol that establishes, manages, and terminates a multimedia session(call).- (10M) Q6. Attempt All 6(a) Private IP address. - (5M) 6(b) Domain name system. - (5M) 6(c) Connection establishment in TCP using Three-way Handshaking. - (5M) 6(d) Techniques to Improve Quality of Service (QoS). - (5m) Ql. Attempt All 1(a) Why TCP is not suitable for interactive multimedia traffic. while UDP is.- (5M) 1(b) How iterative resolution differs from recursive resolution in DNS? - (5M) 1(c) Differentiate between Subnetting and Supernetting. - (5M) 1(d) Define network address and network mask. - (5M) Q2. Attempt All 2(a) Draw the DHCP packet format. With reference to this which fields determine i) The no. of hops a packet can travel? ii) The command is a request or reply? iii) Why is there a need for a transaction Id apart from IP address and port address? iv) What is the maximum number of seconds that can be stored in the Number of Seconds field of a DHCP packet? v) Which field determines the response from the Server unicast or broadcast? vi) Ifa DHCP packet is requested from a client, which fields are used? vii) If a DHCP packet is a reply message from a server, which fields are used? - (10M) 2(b) Explain how voice is transmitted over a packet-switched network using H.323. - (10M) Q3. Attempt All 3(a) Explain the IP datagram header with suitable illustrations. - (10M) 3(b) Explain the various phases of congestion control in TCP with suitable diagrams. How the window size is set in each phase. - (10M) Q4. Attempt All 4(a) Name the various components of Email system. List the function of them. Which protocol defines the MTA client and server in internet? - (10M) 4(b) Differentiate between TELNET and SSH. Explain the various components of SSH. - (10M) Q5. Attempt All 5(a) What are various scheduling schemes to improve Qos ? Explain any one in brief. - (10M) 5(b) What are the limitations of File Transfer Protocol and how are they overcome in Trivial File Transfer Protocol? — (10M) Q6. Attempt All 6(a) What are the special addresses used in classful addressing. Explain any 3 with suitable example. - (10M) 6(b) Explain the connection establishment & termination Process in TCP with suitable diagram.- (10M) Ql. Attempt All 1(a) With an example define the physical address, the internetwork address (IP address), the port address and application specific address. - (5M) I(b) Explain how H.323 uses G.71/ 6.72311, H.225, Q.931 and H.245 to establish and maintain voice (or video) communication. - (5M) l(c) Differentiate between subnetting and supernetting. - (5m) 1(d) The following is a dump of a UDP header in hexadecimal format. - (5M) CB840035001CO001C i) What is the source port number? ii) What is the destination port number? iii) What is the total length of the user datagram? iv) What is the length of the data? v) Is the packet directed from a client to a server or vice versa? Q2. Attempt All 2(a) Explain the process of sending Email using a message transfer agent. - (10M) 2(b) Discuss the DHCP operation when the client and server are on the same network or on different networks. - (10M) Q3. Attempt All 3(a) Explain how TCP controls the congestion in the network using different strategies. - (10M) 3(b) An ISP is granted a block of addresses starting with The ISP wants to distribute these blocks to 2600 customers as follows: i) The first group has 200 medium-size businesses; each needs approximately 128 addresses. ii) The second group has 400 small businesses; each needs approximately 16 addresses. iii) The third group has 2000 households; each needs 4 addresses. Design the subblocks and give the slash notation for each subblock. Find out how many addresses are still available after these allocations. - (10m) Q4. Attempt All 4(a) Draw the general format of ICMP messages. Discuss the purpose of error reporting and query messages. - (10M) 4(b) Explain quality of service (QoS) and how it can be improved using scheduling techniques and traffic shaping techniques. - (10M) Q5. Attempt All 5(a) Discuss some characteristics of real-time audio/video communication. - (10M) 5(b) Draw the IP header format and explain all fields in brief. - (10M) Q6. Write short note on: 6(a) FTP - (5m) 6(b) Control field or flags of TCP - (5m) 6(c) Messages used in RTCP - (5M) 6(d) TCP Timers - (5M) Ql. Attempt any 4 of the questions, it's compulsory. 1(a) Explain the “Tunneling Procedure” in IPv6 protocol. — (sm) 1(b) Explain the different RTCP messages used for real time communication. - (5M) 1(c) Explain the need of audio or video compression in multimedia communication. - (5M) 1(d) Differentiate between leaky bucket and token bucket methods of traffic shaping. — (5M) 1(e) How is SCTP association different with respect to TCP connection establishment? — (5M) Q2. Attempt All 2(a) An ISP is granted a block of addresses starting with What is “/16”? This ISP needs to distribute these addresses to three groups of customers as follows : i) First group has 64 customers each needing 256 addresses. ii) Second group has 128 customers each needing 128 addresses. iii) Third group has 128 customers each needing 64 addresses. Allocate the sub-blocks and find out how many addresses are still available after these allocations. - (10M) 2(b) With the help of a transition diagram, explain DHCP protocol. Also, calculate the renewal and rebinding time if lease time provided is 8 hours. - (10M) Q3. Attempt All 3(a) Explain the different traffic scheduling techniques used for providing QoS. - (10M) 3(b) Explain in brief the characteristics “Jitter”, “timestamp”, “Mixing” and “Translation” in real time audio and video communication with respect to RTP. - (10M) Q4, Attempt All 4(a) Elaborate on PGP scenarios for Application layer security.- (10M) 4(b) Explain how DNS queries are resolved by iterative and recursive methods and also explain why caching is required in DNS? - (10M) Q5. Attempt All 5(a) Compare the procedures : streaming of stored audio/video, streaming live audio/video and interactive audio/video over the Internet. - (10M) 5(b) Explain MPEG for video compression in detail with reference to JPEG compression. - (10M) Q6. Write a note on (any four) : 6(a) SSL/TLS protocol for transport layer security - (5M) 6(b) H.261- (5M) 6(c) ICMPv6 messages - (5M) 6(d) RSVP: reservation protocol - (5M) MODULE-1 1 oo nh Ww Explain the concept of the Internet with respect to loE. . Describe the evolution of the Internet with the help of suitable diagram . Discuss the service description in detail. . What is network protocol? . Write a short note on TCP/IP . Explain the concept of TCP/IP layer functions in brief. MODULE-2 1. What is the application layer? Enlist its limitations, advantages and disadvantages. Explain host configuration with the help of neat diagram . Briefly explain the concept of DHCP with its limitations . Write a short note on domain name system and multicast DNS . Briefly explain the concept of remote login . Write a short note on TELNET and SSH . Describe the working of HTTPS with its characteristics and limitations . Explain the concept of electronic mail in detail MODULE-3 1. Bw oanNoua Explain different types of Network layer security with the help of suitable diagram . Write a short note on Transport layer security . Explain the working of SSL Layer protocol. . Describe the concept of application layer security . What is secure Email-PGP? Explain its limitations . Discuss the concept of S/MIME . Write a short note on VPN Firewall . What is an Intrusion Detection System? Explain its working with its limitations MODULE-4 1. Describe various Information Representation in detail . Write a short note on Text and image compression and Audio and video compression . Explain the various video compression standards in brief . What are the other coding formats used for text and speech? . What are IP networks? Discuss the RSVP, RTP, RTCP, DVMRP protocols in detail. . Explain the concept of signaling protocols 7. Write a short note on real time streaming protocol. 8. Describe the working of RTSP along with its limitations, advantage and disadvantage 9. Short note on 4.4 VoIP and IPTV MODULE-5 1. Describe the integrated services architecture with suitable diagram 2. Explain the service model for intserv. . Write a short note on resource reservation protocol wo . What are packet scheduling disciplines? . What are internet differentiated services? . Explain the framework for IDS. Discuss the term assured and expedited Services in detail. NOogos 8. Explain the concept of packet classification? Describe its types in detail 9. What are routers internals and Explain the packet dropping techniques in brief. MODULE-6 1. Briefly explain software defined networking 2. Write a short note on the concept of OPENFLOW 3. Explain the usage of network automation 4. Describe the simplified architectures with the help of neat diagram 5. What are deterministic outcomes? 6. Write a short note on business agility 7. What are the different types of network automation 8. Short note on device provisioning 9. What is Data collection? 10.Explain the term migrations and configuration management in detail ll. Describe the term compliance, reporting and troubleshooting in detail. 12. Discuss the evolving from the management plane from SNMP to device APIs 13. Explain the impact of open networking in brief 14. Describe the term network automation in the SDN era. 15. Write a short note on Internet of Things (loT) 16.Explain the characteristics of loT 17. Describe the physical design of loT with the help of neat diagram 18.Explain the concept of things in loT 19. Describe various loT Protocols in detail. Ql. (20 Marks) 2. Transport Layer (5-10 Marks) 3. Internetworking layer 5. Multimedia Communications (5-10 Marks) Q2. (20 Marks) lintroduction to Internet (5-10 Marks) 3. Internetworking layer Q3. (20 Marks) 5. Multimedia Communications (5-10 Marks) 6. Quality of Services (QoS) (5-10 Marks) Q4. (20 Marks) Lintroduction to Internet (5-10 Marks) 4. Internet Security (5-10 Marks) Q5. (20 Marks) 5. Multimedia Communications (10-20 Marks) Q6. (20 Marks) 3. Internetworking layer 4. Internet Security (5-10 Marks) 5, Multimedia Communications (5-10 Marks)

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