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Complementary Therapies in Medicine (2014) 22, 235—243

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Core muscle function during specific

yoga poses
Meng Ni a, Kiersten Mooney b, Kysha Harriell a,
Anoop Balachandran a, Joseph Signorile a,∗

Laboratory of Neuromuscular Research and Active Aging, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL,
United States
BalaVinyasa Yoga, Naples, FL, United States
Available online 4 February 2014

Objective: To assess the potential use of 11 yoga poses in specific training and rehabilitation
programs via examination of the muscle activation patterns in selected trunk and hip muscles.
Design: Repeated-measures descriptive study.
Setting: University laboratory, US.
Participants: : Thirty healthy yoga practitioners with more than 3 months yoga practice expe-
rience (mean age ± SD, 32.0 ± 12.3 y; 8 M/22 F) participated.
Interventions: : Surface electromyographic signals of upper rectus abdominis, lower rectus
abdominis, longissimus thoracis, external oblique abdominis and gluteus maximum muscle were
recorded in 11 yoga poses: Halfway lift, Forward fold, Downward facing dog, Upward facing dog,
High plank, Low plank, Chair, Mountain with arms down, Mountain with arms up, Warrior 1 (both
Main outcome measures: : Root mean square values of each muscle during each pose, normalized
by the maximal voluntary contraction.
Results: There were significant main effects of pose (p < .001) and muscle (p < .001), and a
significant pose × muscle interaction (p = .001). The post hoc analysis revealed unique patterns
for the five muscles of interest for each of the 11 poses (p < .024).

Abbreviations: EMG, electromyography; RAU, upper fibers of rectus abdominis; RAL, lower fibers of rectus abdominis; LT, Longissimus
thoracis; EOA, external oblique abdominis; GM, gluteus maximum; MVC, maximum voluntary contraction.
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Kinesiology and Sport Sciences, University of Miami, 1507 Levante Ave, Rm MO114, Coral Gables,

FL 33146, United States. Tel.: +1 305 284 3105; fax: +1 305 284 4183.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Signorile).

0965-2299/$ — see front matter © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
236 M. Ni et al.

Conclusions: Variations in core muscle firing patterns depend on the trunk and pelvic positions
during these poses. Training programs can be developed by choosing particular poses to target
specific core muscles for addressing low back pain and declines in performance. The High plank,
Low plank and Downward facing dog poses are effective for strengthening external oblique abdo-
minis, Chair and Warrior 1 poses for targeting gluteus maximum, and Chair and Halfway lift poses
for strengthening longissimus thoracis. And these three muscles could be strengthened by the
Upward facing dog pose.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

The core, or the lumbopelvic-hip complex, acts as an
anatomical and functional linkage for the transfer of force
from the distal segments throughout the body.1 The core is
composed of a number of muscles, and strengthening these
muscles is critical for providing local and global stabiliza- A total of 30 yoga practitioners participated in the
tion of trunk.2 More precisely, the hip muscles support the study (8 men, 22 women; mean age ± SD, 32.0 ± 12.3
trunk structures and play a significant role in force transfer y; mean weight ± SD, 62.3 ± 8.1 kg; mean height ± SD,
from the lower extremity upward through the spine.3 Mus- 1.68 ± .075 m). Subjects were recruited on a voluntary basis
cular atrophy of the paraspinal muscles,4,5 excessive loads through fliers, and personal contacts at yoga studios and
on the lumbar spine,6 poor endurance7 and imbalance of wellness centers. The initial criterion for inclusion into the
hip extensors8 are associated with back injuries and lower study was that the individual must have practiced yoga for
extremity instability. Core stability is also an important com- more than three months or possessed a yoga instructor cer-
ponent for enhancing athletic performance9 and reducing tification. Additionally, subjects must have participated in
the probability of back injury,10 improving functionality,11 yoga training at least one time per week for at least three
and augmenting responses to training and therapy.12 months, and must have been capable of completing the yoga
Strengthening and stabilization exercises have been uti- sequence used in this study without assistance. Individuals
lized to increase core strength and stability, decrease spinal with musculoskeletal and neurologic impairments, or exist-
and pelvic viscosity, and facilitate motor patterns.10 Several ing or unresolved injuries that would limit movement in any
intervention studies have demonstrated the positive effects way, were excluded from participating in this study. The
of core training on pain attenuation13,14 and performance.15 length of time the subjects in our sample had been practic-
In addition to more traditional techniques, alternative con- ing yoga was 5.7 ± 5.5 years. All participants were informed
ditioning methods such as Tai Chi, yoga and Pilates have also of experimental procedures and completed a written con-
been employed.16 sent approved by the University’s Subcommittee for the Use
Yoga, originated in ancient India, aims to improve health and Protection of Human Subjects. A power analysis using
conditions and address a wide range of health issues. The an effect size of 0.25, an ˛ value of 5% and a power of 95%
practice of yoga poses, or asanas, was developed as an yielded a minimal sample size requirement of 20.
approach to align, strengthen, and balance the structures of
body.17 Yoga asanas consist of the basic positions of stand- Procedures
ing, sitting, forward bend, back bend, twisting, inversion,
and lying down. Although yoga has been used to enhance When the subjects arrived at the laboratory, they were
dynamic control of the stabilizing muscles and reduce lower asked to complete the consent form and health question-
back pain18 through increased hip19 and spinal flexibility,20 naire. They were then allowed to warm up by performing
the muscle activation patterns employed during specific the Vinyasa (breath synchronized movement) Yoga Sun Salu-
yoga poses have yet to be investigated. Of special interest tation A three times and Sun Salutation B twice at a
in the current study were the Vinyasa poses most commonly self-determined pace. Following the warm-up, electrodes
used to increase trunk muscle strength and balance, thereby were placed on the skin over the muscles of interest on the
improving stability and maximizing kinetic chain interac- participant’s dominant side (27 right handed/3 left handed).
tions between the upper and lower extremities.21 A total of 5 muscle groups were tested, upper fibers of
The objective of this study was to assess the potential rectus abdominis (RAU), lower fibers of rectus abdominis
use of 11 yoga poses in specific training and rehabilitation (RAL), longissimus thoracis (LT), external oblique abdomi-
programs via examination of the muscle activation patterns nis (EOA) and gluteus maximum (GM) muscle. To allow
in selected trunk and hip muscles. We hypothesized that dif- normalization of electromyography (EMG) data across sub-
ferent poses would produce unique variations in core muscle jects and collection days, 3 s maximal voluntary contractions
activation patterns that could provide guidelines for design- (MVC) targeting each muscle were performed and EMG data
ing exercise prescriptions for training and rehabilitation. from that muscle were collected. Following preparation and
Core muscle function during specific yoga poses 237

Table 1 Normalized rmsEMG amplitude for core muscles.

Upper fibers of Lower fibers of Longissimus External Gluteus

rectus rectus thoracis oblique maximus
abdominis abdominis abdominis

Halfway lift .077 ± .015 .060 ± .010 .288 ± .027 .224 ± .035 .155 ± .022
Forward fold .145 ± .026 .133 ± .030 .057 ± .011 .308 ± .070 .183 ± .029
Downward facing dog .080 ± .013 .067 ± .011 .123 ± .023 .383 ± .087 .203 ± .058
Upward facing dog .150 ± .035 .099 ± .015 .337 ± .058 .660 ± .121 .410 ± .185
High plank .270 ± .068 .225 ± .035 .143 ± .069 .784 ± .097 .175 ± .038
Low plank .155 ± .030 .135 ± .039 .258 ± .088 .697 ± .102 .164 ± .039
Chair .085 ± .015 .057 ± .010 .320 ± .039 .287 ± .054 .168 ± .033
Mountain arms up .112 ± .023 .085 ± .019 .940 ± .020 .415 ± .081 .226 ± .048
Mountain arms down .087 ± .018 .064 ± .011 .105 ± .016 .318 ± .049 .155 ± .029
Dominant side warrior 1 .119 ± .027 .057 ± .011 .244 ± .036 .392 ± .072 .397 ± .070
Non-dominant side warrior 1 .082 ± .015 .066 ± .015 .212 ± .030 .363 ± .057 .671 ± .252
All Normalized rmsEMG values (relative to MVC) are reported as mean ± SE.

normalization procedures, each subject was asked to per- amplified (gain = 2000, CMRR > 110 bB@50—60 Hz), and
form 11 of the Vinyasa Yoga Sun Salutation poses maintaining stored on a personal computer.
each for a period of 15 s. The sequences in which poses To allow normalization the EMG signals across subjects,
were performed were randomized for each subject to poses and days, a maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) was
minimize any order effect that may have resulted due performed for each muscle while EMG data were recorded.
to fatigue or post-activation potentiation produced by Each maximum contraction was held for 5 s and repeated
previous poses. The 11 poses are: Halfway lift (Urdhva 3 times for each muscle, with an intervening 30-second
Mukha Uttanasana), Forward fold (Uttanasana), Downward passive recovery period.23 The MVC exercise performed tar-
facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana), Upward facing dog geting the rectus abdominis (RA) muscle was a curl-up
(Urdhva Mukha Svanasana), High plank (Dandasana), Low against maximal manual resistance applied by the tester on
plank (Chaturanga Dandasana), Chair (Utka.tasana), Moun- the subjects’ shoulder.25 The MVC exercise for the LT was a
tain arms up (Urdhva Hastasana), Mountain arms down prone trunk extension performed at the end range of motion
(Tadasana), Dominant side warrior 1 (Virabhadrasana I) and against a supramaximal load applied at the upper thoracic
Non-dominant side warrior 1 pose. area.26 For the EOA, the subject performed an oblique curl-
up, attempting to move the resisted shoulder toward the
opposite knee while this movement was prevented through
the application of manual resistance.26 The MVC test for the
EMG measurement procedures GM was performed in the standing position, with a strap
placed just above the knee. Subjects were asked to flex the
Disposable bipolar electrodes (Noraxon USA, Scottsdale, AZ) knee approximately 1.57 rad and push the thigh posteriorly
were positioned using established landmarks for the follow- against the strap, attempting to extend the thigh.27
ing muscles: RAU, 3 cm from the sagittal plane and 5 cm
above the umbilicus22 ; RAL, 3 cm from the sagittal plane
EMG data analysis
and 5 cm below the umbilicus22 ; LT, parallel to the spine
and 4 cm from the L1 spine process over the muscle mass23 ;
Recorded EMG signals from each muscle were analyzed using
EOA, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and
a dedicated Labview Software program (National Instru-
the rib cage at a slightly oblique angle24 ; GM, half the dis-
ments, Austin, TX). The root mean square of the EMG signal
tance between the trochanter (hip) and the sacral vertebrae
(rmsEMG) collected from the third to thirteenth second
in the middle of the muscle on an oblique angle at the level
of each 15 s pose period was used as a measure of aver-
of the trochanter or slightly above.24 After electrode place-
age muscle activity for each muscle during that pose. All
ment sites were established, the skin surface at each site
data collected during the poses were normalized using the
was shaved, rubbed with a disposable, light abrasive paper,
rmsEMG values collected during the middle 3 s of each 5 s
and cleansed with alcohol to remove dead surface tissues
and oil that had the potential to reduce the strength and
quality of the signal. The electrodes were then positioned
parallel with the underlying muscle fibers, as determined by Statistical analyses
the pennation of the muscle.
Five channels of raw EMG data were collected using a Data were analyzed using a 5 (muscle) × 11 (pose) repeated-
wireless EMG telemetry system (BTS Bioengineering, Milano, measures analysis of variance (ANOVA). This analysis was
Italy) at a sampling rate of 1000 Hz, using band-pass filtering designed to examine the difference in muscle activities
between 1 and 500 Hz, digitized using a 16-bit A/D converter, by muscle groups and poses. When statistically significant
238 M. Ni et al.

main effects or interactions were detected, Bonferroni post or slightly extended and the pelvis is in the anteverted
hoc tests were used to determine the sources of these (forward rotated) position producing increased LT activity.
differences.28 The threshold for significance was set at The structure and function of the LT also explain its low
p < 0.05. activity level during the Forward fold pose where the trunk
is in forward flexion (Fig. 1b). When comparing these two
Results poses, the activity level of the RA was nearly twice as great
during the Forward fold versus the Halfway lift due to the
increased need to activate this trunk flexor to produce a
Normalized EMG values (mean ± SE) for all muscles across
deeper forward bend.6,29
poses are presented in Table 1. Significant differences among
The Downward facing dog (Fig. 2a) is a recovery pose in
muscles for each pose are shown in the figures associated
the Vinyasa sequence, and is used to stretch the backs of
with each pose.
the legs and shoulders. Our results reveal the importance of
There were significant main effects of pose (p < .001,
the EOA and GM in holding this position.
2 = .318) and muscle (p < .001, 2 = .214), and a significant
In the Upward facing dog pose (Fig. 2b), the hip is
pose × muscle interaction (p = .001, 2 = .134). The post hoc
extended and internally rotated, and the trunk is extended.
analysis revealed that unique patterns of difference were
Based on our results, the increased activity level of the GM
seen for the five muscles of interest for each of the 11 poses
was necessary to support these movement patterns. Given
(p < .024). Table 1 presents the means and standard errors
that this pose can effectively target the GM, it could be a
of the NrmsEMG values for each muscle during each pose.
tool for improving lower extremity alignment during single
In the Halfway lift pose (Fig. 1a), the longissimus tho-
leg support30 and reducing the potential for lower extremity
racis, external oblique abdominis and gluteus maximum
injury,31 such as damage to the knee ligaments.32 During this
showed significantly higher muscle activities than the upper
pose, the LT generated significantly higher muscle activities
and lower fibers of rectus abdominis (p < .002), and the LT
than RAU and RAL. This back extension pose stretches the
also generated significantly higher muscle activity than the
anterior aspect of trunk muscles and mobilizes the posterior
GM (p < .024).
trunk musculature. Although this pose may not be appro-
In the Forward fold pose (Fig. 1b), the EOA and GM gener-
priate for alleviating acute lower back pain,33 it may still
ated significantly higher muscle activities than LT (p < .018).
be an effective intervention to reduce chronic lower back
In the Downward facing dog pose (Fig. 2a), the EOA showed
pain.34,35 This pose also could be used as an exercise for
significantly higher activity than RAU and RAL (p < .018). In
strengthening the EOA.
the Upward facing dog pose (Fig. 2b), the LT and EOA pro-
In the High plank (Fig. 2c) and Low plank (Fig. 2d) poses,
duced significantly higher muscle activities than RAU and
the EOA activity levels were the highest seen for any poses;
RAL (p < .019). In the High plank pose (Fig. 2c), the EOA pro-
however, the activity levels for the RAU and RAL were rela-
duced significantly greater electrical activity than all other
tively low compared to the values seen for the EOA. Our
muscles (p < .001). In the Low plank pose (Fig. 2d), the EOA
results differ from those noted by Ekstrom et al.,23 who
produced significantly higher activity level than RAU, RAL
reported that the EOA and RA produced activity levels of
and GM (p < .001). In the Chair pose (Fig. 3a) , the RAU,
43% and 47%MVC for the prone-bridge pose, and suggested
LT, EOA and GM produced significantly higher activity levels
this exercise might not be appropriate to strengthen the
than RAL (p < .003). In the Mountain arms up (Fig. 3b) and
abdominal muscles. The differences in the activation levels
arms down (Fig. 3c) pose, the EOA produced significantly
between the two studies may be attributed to the differ-
greater muscle activities than RAU, RAL and LT (p < .006). In
ence in the pose characteristics. The prone-bridge pose is a
the Dominant side warrior 1 pose (Fig. 3d), the LT, EOA and
plank pose supported at the elbows, whereas the High and
GM produced significantly greater activities than the RAU
Low plank poses requires hand-support with elbow straight
and RAL (p < .022); while in the Non-dominant side warrior 1
and flexed to 1.57 rad, respectively. Because of the smaller
pose (Fig. 3e), the LT and EOA muscle produced significantly
base of support inherent in the High and Low plank poses,
higher EMG levels than the RAL, and the EOA generated
the activity levels of EOA would be expected to exceed that
significantly greater muscle activity than the RAU (p < .009).
seen with the prone-bridge plank since these higher activ-
ity levels would be required to maintain the stability of the
Discussion core segment. In contrast, Stokes et al. reported no signifi-
cant differences in activation levels among the RA, erector
We examined the activity levels of selected trunk and hip spinae and GM, indicating that the co-contraction of these
muscles during 11 poses commonly used during yoga train- muscles may have augmented core stability by increasing
ing. The results supported our hypothesis that different axial load and inducing greater intervertebral stiffness36 ;
poses would produce variations in the core muscle activa- however, elevated axial loading of the lumbar spine may
tion patterns. These findings can be beneficial for targeting cause lower back pain.37 In our study, no external load was
specific muscles during training and rehabilitation programs applied to the spine and the LT was activated to reduce flex-
designed to strengthen and stabilize the core. ing the pelvis and maintain the back in the plank position.
The Halfway lift pose (Fig. 1a) produced a level of mus- Additionally, the GM contracted to retrovert (backward rota-
cle activity in the LT higher than activity levels seen for tion) the pelvis and the RAU and RAL were used to keep the
the RA or GM. The LT originates on the lumbar vertebrae hip in a neutral position.
and the sacrum and iliac crest and inserts on thoracic verte- In the Chair pose (Fig. 3a), the hip was in a flexed posi-
brae 1 through 12. It is activated during trunk extension.29 tion and GM activity was modest. This counterbalanced the
In the Halfway lift pose, the spine is parallel to the ground forward tilt of the pelvis and created a stable foundation
Core muscle function during specific yoga poses 239

Figure 1 Normalized root mean square of the EMG signal for the core muscles during forward bending poses including the Halfway
lift (a), and Forward fold (b). Upper fibers of rectus abdominis (RAU), lower fibers of rectus abdominis (RAL), Longissimus thoracis
(LT), external oblique abdominis (EOA) and gluteus maximus (GM). **greater than RAU and RAL, †greater than RAU, RAL and GM,
§greater than LT.

for the trunk structures. This is important when transferring position. This assertion is supported by the findings of
forces from the lower extremities to the trunk and adjus- Queiroz et al.,40 that pelvic retroversion requires an
ting activation levels of key lower extremity muscles during increase in EOA activity.
physical activity.38 During this pose contraction of the EOA In the warrior 1 pose (Fig. 3d and e), the hip and knee
also created a retroverted torque to resist hip flexion and of the dominant and non-dominant sides were respectively
stabilize the pelvis. Additionally, the moderately high activ- flexed and extended, while the spine was kept extended.
ity level seen for the LT was consistent with the level of trunk When the front leg was flexed, the back-leg GM was acti-
extension required for the Chair pose. However, the muscle vated to extend and externally rotate the hip producing a
activation levels for the LT and RAU were similar, which is very high activity level. This pose could be an effective tool
not consistent with previous findings which indicated that for increasing GM strength; however, the level of GM activity
RA muscle activity showed low activity levels during trunk during the non-dominant side warrior 1 did not produce sig-
extension.39 This may be due to the small degree of trunk nificantly higher activity than other muscle groups; this may
extension during the Chair pose which required an equally have been due to the high variation in the activation pattern
low level of RA and LT co-contraction to stabilize the spine. of this muscle among subjects. Meanwhile, contracting the
In the Mountain pose with arms down (Fig. 3c), a start- LT maintained a limited level of back extension, which could
ing position of the Vinyasa flow, the lack of significant potentially develop muscular endurance and reduce fatigue.
difference between the RA and LT activity suggests that Therefore, this pose could be an effective treatment for
co-contraction of the core muscles was required to stabi- chronic lower back pain, where individuals show a reduc-
lize the lumbopelvic-hip segment. Co-contraction of muscles tion in muscle endurance and great fatigability compared
on the dorsal and ventral aspects of the trunk increases with healthy controls.41
intra-abdominal pressure and produces significant trunk When examining the levels of activation of the LT, OEA
stiffness.3 This pattern was also apparent during the Moun- and GM, our results meet the criteria stated by Cresswell
tain pose with arms up (Fig. 3b). These two standing poses et al.,42 who noted that contractions as low as 25% of MVC
are designed to elevate the back, open the pelvic region, could effectively increase support offered by muscles that
and compress the ribcage to increase stabilization. The sig- stabilize the lower back. McGill et al.,43 have presented an
nificantly higher muscle activity in EOA compared to RAU, even more conservative goal of 10% MVC as an effective
RAL and LT indicates that pelvis is moving to a retroverted level of activation to improve trunk muscle performance
240 M. Ni et al.

Figure 2 Normalized root mean square of the EMG signal for the core muscles during the downward facing dog (a), upward facing
dog (b), high plank (c), and low plank (d). Upper fibers of rectus abdominis (RAU), lower fibers of rectus abdominis (RAL), longissimus
thoracis (LT), external oblique abdominis (EOA) and gluteus maximus (GM). **greater than RAU and RAL, †greater than RAU, RAL
and GM, ‡greater than RAU, RAL, LT and GM.
Core muscle function during specific yoga poses 241

Figure 3 Normalized root mean square of the EMG signal for the core muscles during Chair (a), mountain pose arms up (b),
mountain pose arms down (c), dominant side warrior (d), and non-dominant side warrior (e). Upper fibers of rectus abdominis
(RAU), lower fibers of rectus abdominis (RAL), longissimus thoracis (LT), external oblique abdominis (EOA) and gluteus maximus
(GM). *greater than RAL, **greater than RAU and RAL. §§greater than RAU, RAL and LT.
242 M. Ni et al.

Figure 3 (Continued)

for stability during activities of daily living. In contrast to thoracis. By selectively choosing particular poses, preven-
the increased levels of activity seen in these three muscles, tion and rehabilitation programs can be developed that
increases in activation of the URA and LRA were limited, address strength and endurance insufficiencies in specific
indicating that the poses examined should be supplemented muscle groups that might, for instance, cause low back pain
using other poses or exercises if the goal is the targeting of and declines in performance. Clinicians can feel secure in
the RA musculature. using the poses presented in this study for both preven-
While the current study provides insight into the target- tative and rehabilitative purposes since they reach critical
ing of specific muscles for training and rehabilitation, the activation levels necessary to generate improvements, but
research was conducted using healthy yoga practitioners. do not provide levels of activation that may put the core
These finding may not be generalizable to other populations muscles and related structures at high levels of risk for
such as persons without yoga experience, older individuals injury.
or patients undergoing rehabilitation for specific injuries
or disease states. Additionally, our study provides results
related to muscle activity levels but suffers from a lack of Conflict of interest
kinematic or kinetic data. Therefore, we suggest that future
studies examine specific yoga poses in special populations We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of inter-
and that these studies include biomechanical analyses. est associated with this publication and there has been no
significant financial support for this work that could have
influenced its outcome.

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