Parallel Structure Worksheet

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Parallel Structure Worksheet

Exercise Group 1: Identifying Faulty Parallelism

Which item in the series is not parallel with the others? Underline it.

1. beautiful flowers, swimming at the beach, delicious coffee

2. planned my trip, booked a flight, pack my bags

3. unclear, lengthy, mistakes, inaccurate

4. openminded, patience, trustworthy, caring

5. dress professionally, a positive attitude, strong resume, attractive cover letter

Exercise Group 2: Parallel Structure

Rewrite the below sentences in parallel structure.

1. I dislike cleaning and to cook.

2. I searched in my bag, on the table, and I checked under the sofa.

3. Surfing, skateboarding and to snowboard require good balance.

4. He was both angry and he was also shocked.

5. She wants to get a job, make some money, and she’d like to buy a car.

6. A good employee should be reliable, work hard, and respectful.

Exercise Group 3: Parallel Structure

Rewrite the below sentences in parallel structure.

1. She learned the value of patience, being committed, and loyalty.

2. They visited the zoo, they ate at restaurants, and stayed in a nice hotel.

3. His story was neither confusing nor did it bore me.

4. You can either come with us or staying home is also an option.

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5. William is known for his good looks, sense of humor, and he’s also wealthy.

Exercise Group 4: Efficient Sentences

Fix the faulty parallelism in the below sentences.

1. I was asked for my name, address, and how old I was.

2. The students were told to pick a topic. Then they should do some research, and write an outline.

3. The new analyst is polite, knowledgeable, and he always arrives on time.

4. At the circus, clowns told jokes, musicians played instruments, and tricks were performed by animals.

5. I don’t know who you are, what you want, or the reason you are here.

Bonus Exercises: Parallelism & Writing Concisely

Make these sentences more concise by adding parallelism.

1. The new boss aimed to raise employee morale and to increase productivity.

2. To succeed in life, people need to work hard. Listening to others is also a good idea. Honesty is also

3. The car is advertised as compact, affordable, and it doesn’t use much fuel.

4. Parents are responsible for clothing their children, they must feed their children, and it’s important that
they educate their children as well.

5. My qualifications include two years of work experience, an undergraduate degree, and I speak English

- Created by Matthew Barton (copyright). May be reproduced for educational purposes. Answers and explanation available at

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