Radial Gate

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Design of Spillway Radial Gates

1.0 General description:

The Radial Gates consists of curved skin plate of uniform thickness

supported on suitably spaced vertical stiffeners from ½ cut ISMB. The stiffener rest

on 2 horizontal girders, which are supported by inclined arms at each end. These

are braced and terminate on trunnion hub which rotated about the fixed trunnion pin

mounted on trunnion bracket.

The trunnion bracket is connected to Trunnion girder. The water load from

the gate is finally transferred to pier concrete through bonded anchor rods from

Trunnion girder.

The gate has been provided with ‘Z’ type molded rubber seals for sides and

flat type seal for bottom. The rubber seals rests on stainless steel seal seats and

create water tightness. Two numbers of guide rollers are provided on each side to

arrest the lateral moment of gate and also to avoid over compression of seals.

The gate is raised / lowered by rope drums hoists of adequate capacity with

D/S rope suspension.

2.0 Technical details :

 No. of gates : 4 Nos.

 Vent width : 10000mm

 Vent height (above sill to FRL) : 6300mm

 Radius to inside of skin plate : 6600mm

 Sill level : EL 250.730M

 Crest Level : EL 251.030M

 Trunnion level : EL 252.950M

 Spill way ogee equation : y2 = 0.10 x21.85

 Distance of sill from CL of crest : 1811mm

 FRL / MWL : EL 257.030M

 Top of gate : EL 257.330M

 Pier thickness : Intermediate Pier : 2500mm

Abutment Pier : 2000mm

 Bottom of the gate when fully lifted position : EL 255.450M

 Hoisting Arrangement :Rope drum hoist D/S suspension

 Type of arms : Inclined Arms

 Designed as per : IS 4623-2003

 Design head : 6.300M

3.0 Material :

S.No Components Material Specification

All structural parts such as

Skin plate, Vertical stiffeners,
Horizontal girders, Arms,
IS 2062 – 2006
1 Bracings, Tie flats, Anchor Structural Steel
Grade E 250 – B
girder, Yoke girder, Rest plate,
Vertical rods, Sill beam, Wall
plate, Trunnion bracket etc
2 Guide rollers, Trunnion hub Cast steel IS 1030 Gr 280-520W

3 Roller pins, lifting pins etc Stainless steel IS 1570 part V

4 Trunnion pin Cast Steel IS:1030 Gr 280-520W
5 Trunnion bearings Al. Bronze bush bearing IS 305 Gr AB1

Synthetic or Natural
6 Seals IS 11855
Stainless steel 04Cr18Ni10
7 Seal seats
IS 1570 part V
4.0 Permissible Stresses: IS : 4623 – 2000

A. Skin plate Structural Steel Y.P:2550kg/cm2

(Wet and inaccessible). IS 2062 – 2006 UTS 4180 kg/cm2
Grade E 250 – B

a) Direct compression and

compression in bending 0.40 YP 1020 kg/cm2

b) Direct tension and

tension in bending 0.40YP 1020 kg/cm2

c) Shear stress 0.30YP 765 kg/cm2

d) Combined stress 0.50YP 1275 kg/cm2

e) Bearing Stress 0.45YP 1148 kg/cm2

B. Vertical stiffeners, Horizontal Girders ,

End arms, Trunnion Bracket and Trunnion girder - Wet and accessible
IS 4623 - 2000

Thk : 0  20 mm Thk : 20 - 40 mm
Structural Steel IS : 2062 – 2006 Y.P : 2550 kg/cm2 Y.P : 2448 kg/cm2
Grade E 250 – B UTS 4180 kg/cm2 UTS 4180 kg/cm2

a) Direct compression and

compression in bending 0.45 YP 1148 kg/cm2 1102 kg/cm2

b) Direct tension and

tension in bending 0.45 YP 1148 kg/cm2 1102 kg/cm2

c) Shear stress 0.35 YP 892 kg/cm2 857 kg/cm2

d) Combined stress 0.60 YP 1530kg/cm2 1469 kg/cm2

e) Bearing Stress 0.65 YP 1658 kg/cm2 1591 kg/cm2

C. Horizontal Anchor rods,
Vertical Rods, Chains etc., Wet and inaccessible
Thk : 20 - 40 mm < 40mm
Structural Steel IS : 2062 – 2006 Y.P : 2448 kg/cm2 Y.P: 2346kg/cm2
Grade E 250 – B UTS 4180 kg/cm2 UTS 4180kg/cm2
a) Direct compression and
compression in bending 0.40 YP 979kg/cm2 938kg/cm2
b) Direct tension and
tension in bending 0.40 YP 979kg/cm2 938kg/cm2
c) Shear stress 0.30 YP 734kg/cm2 704kg/cm2
d) Combined stress 0.50 YP 1224kg/cm2 1173kg/cm2
e) Bearing Stress 0.45 YP 1102kg/cm2 1056kg/cm2

D. Trunnion Pin: 6.10.3 of IS 4623-2000

Materials : Cast Steel IS 1030 Grade 280 - 520W as per IS 4623 - 2000
YP : 2856kg/cm 2
UTS : 5304kg/cm2
a) Bending Stress 0.33YP 942 kg/cm2
b) Bearing Stress 0.35UTS 1856 kg/cm2
c) Shear Stress 0.25 YP 714 kg/cm2

E. Trunnion Bearing :
Materials : IS 305 Grade AB2 UTS 640Mpa
Allowable stress = 0.04 X 640 X 10.2 = 262kg/cm 2

F. Concrete: Max. compressive stress in bearing for M200 = 50kg/cm2

M150 = 42kg/cm2

5.0 Design consideration of Radial Gate :

The following conditions are taken into consideration in design of gate elements.
1) FRL + Effect of sill pressure – i.e., gate resting on sill& water is up to FRL.
2) FRL + Effect of hoist reaction – when gate is just being lifted & water is up to FRL.

6.0 The layout of gate :

The layout of the gate is shown in the fig. The angles and the curved lengths of gate
is calculated for FRL, Top of gate.

 = cos-1(2.22 / 6.6) = 70.34451868

 = sin-1(2.22 / 6.6) = 19.65548132

1 = sin-1(4.08 / 6.6) = 38.18348243

2 = sin-1(4.38 / 6.6) = 41.57779579

S1 for FRL = R (+1) = 6.6 X 57.8386375 X  / 180 = 6.663M

S2 for Top of the gate = R (+1) = 7.054M

6.1 Water Thrust Calculation on the gate

A. FRL condition
Horizontal Thrust = w X L X H2/2
Where w = density of water 1t/m3
L = Vent width = 10.0M
H = Design head = 6.30M
Ht = (1 X 10 X 6.302) / 2 = 198.450t

Vertical Thrust (Vt) = (w X L) / 2 [(R X S) + x V -U (H + x)]

= [(1 X 10) / 2] [(6.6 X 6.663) + (5.188 X 4.08) – 6.215 (6.3 + 4.08)]
= 3.156t

Resultant thrust (Rt) =  Ht2+ Vt2

=  198.4502 + 3.1462 = 198.475t.

Inclination of anchors to horizontal () = tan-1(Vt / Ht)

= tan-1(3.156 / 198.450) = 0.911

Since angle is less than 1, it is proposed to erect embedded parts at zero
degree to get accuracy in erection.

B. Vertical load when bottom of gate lifted to EL 252.950M ie., trunnion level :
S’ = R1 = 4.398M
h = 4.08M
Vt = (1X 10 / 2) [(6.6 X 4.398) + (5.188 X 4.08) – 6.6 (4.08 + 4.08)]
= - 18.311t

6.2 Kinematics of D/S rope drum hoist for operation of gate

Hoist capacity assumed 40t D/S hoist
Bottom of the gate 256.000M when lifted


9 °


R1 = 6.6 – 0.6 = 6.0M

1 = cos-1 ((2.22 / 6.6) + ((1.3 / 6.6) X (180 / ))) = 81.53005
2 = 90 – 1 = 8.369948987
3= sin-1 ((2.5 / 6.6) + ((1.3 / 6.6) X (180 / ))) = 33.5441536
OD = 6.0 sin2 = 0.873M AD = 6.0 cos2 = 5.936M
OH = 6.0 sin3 = 3.315M EH = 6.0 cos3 = 5.000M
AC = 4.436M O1C = 5.373M AO1 =  4.4362 + 5.3732 = 6.968M
AB = 3.236M O1C = 5.373M AO2 =  3.2362 + 5.3732 = 6.272M
EO1 =  3.5002 + 1.1852 = 3.665M EO2 =  2.3002 + 1.1852 = 2.587M
The angle made fixed end support to vertical  : tan-1 (3.236 / 5.373) = 31.0593
Additional load due to rope tension = 40 cos 50.575 = 25.403t  26t
6.3 Additional load due to Sill Reaction:
Self Wt. of gate : 25t (moving weight assumed)
CG of the gate: 0.8 X 6.6 = 5.28M
y2 = 0.1 X x1.85
dy / dx = 1.85 X 0.1 X x0.85 where x = 1.811
= 17.039
 = 17.039
 = 19.65548132
 +  = 36.69448
1 = 90 – ( + )
= 53.30552

R = (25 X 5.28) / 6.215 = 21.239t

R1= R cos = 20.307t
R2 = R sin = 6.224t
Radial force f1 = R1cos[90 – (+)]= 12.134t
Radial force f2 = R2 cos (+) = 4.990t
Sill reaction = f1 – f2 = 12.134 – 4.990 = 7.144t
Sill reaction per meter width = 7144 / 1000 = 7.144kg/cm length  7.2kg/cm length.

7.0 Design of Embedded parts :

The load anchorage system is designed for the following conditions :

Gate resting on the Sill with water load up to FRL / MWL + Effect of sill reactions
= 198.745 + 7.2 = 205.945t
FRL load + Hoist reaction (When gate is just lifted)
= 198.745 + 25.365 = 224.110t
 It is proposed to design anchorage system for load of 120t on either side.

7.1 Design of Horizontal anchor rods for Int. Pier (Anchor flats) :
Pier thickness:300cm for 2nd pier
Case 1 : When both the gates are resting on sill and water is up to FRL

RA = RB = 120t

Case 2 : When one gate is resting & other gate is lifted and water is upto FRL

Load at A = (120 X 245) / 170 = 172.941t

Load at B = - 52.941t

7.2.A Design of Horizontal Anchor Rods for Intermediate Pier :

Material of rods : Rolled steel IS 2062 – 2006 Grade E250 - B
Max. load on anchorage = 172.941t
Proposed 8nos. of 71mm rods.
Load on each rod = 172941 / 8 = 21618kg
Area of each rod = ( X 7.12) / 4 = 39.639.6cm2
Tensile stress = 21618 / 39.6 = 546kg/cm2 < 938kg/cm2
Length of rod : (2/3) X 6600 + 440 + 14 + 632 + 368 = 5854mm
Proposed to provide 5900mm

Checking of Anchor Rods for Torsion :

Additional stress (when gate is resting on the sill and water level is up to FRL) due to
Torsion in the gate.
Vertical thrust = 3.156t
Area of each rod = 39.6cm2
Torsional moment = 3156 X 77 = 243012kgcm or 121506kgcm on each side
The disposition of anchor rods are as shown in sketch
Additional load due to torsion which is max. on extreme row of each rod
= 121506 X 45.4 / [4 (12.52 + 37.52) = 883kg
Additional stress in each rod due to torsion = 883 / 39.6 = 22kg/cm 2
Max. stress = 546 + 22 = 568kg/cm2 < 938kg/cm2
The nuts are welded after pre-tensioning the rods.

Pre-tensioning Force :
As per clause 6.13.9 of IS 4623 – 2000 all the load carrying anchors whether
bonded or insulated shall be suitably pre-tensioned on the trunnion girders to ensure
proportionate load sharing by anchor rods. The pre-stress shall be of a magnitude to
induce a stress of 5% of permissible stress in the anchor.

Pre-tensioned load = 5 X 938 X 39.6 / 100 = 1857kg

It is proposed to pretension the rod in any standard method by applying 2000kg load.

7.2.B Design of Anchor rods for Abutment Pier :

The abutment pier width = 2000mm

RA = 120 X 210 / 135 = 186.667t

RB = - 66.667t

At A : Proposed 8nos. of 71 rods each having 39.6cm2 area.

Tensile stress = 1866671 / (8 X 39.6) = 589kg/cm 2 < 938kg/cm2
Max. stress with torsional stress = 589 + 39 = 628kg/cm 2 < 938kg/cm2
At B : Proposed 2nos. of 71 rods each having 39.6cm2 area.
Tensile stress = 66667 / (2 X 39.6) = 842kg/cm 2 < 938kg/cm2

7.3 Design of Vertical Anchor Rods for Intermediate Pier :

Material of rods : Rolled steel IS : 2062 - 2006 Grade E 250 - B
Yp : 2346kg/cm2 and UTS : 4180kg/cm2

Max. vertical force = 18.311t  18.4t

Load on each side = 18.4 / 2 = 9.2t

Max. reaction @ ‘A’ = 9200 X 245 / 170

= 13259kg

Proposed 8nos of 30 anchor rods with cross sectional area 5.61cm 2 each & M30 nuts.
Tensile stress in the bolt = 13259 / (8 X 5.61) = 295kg/cm 2 < 938kg/cm2
Bond length required = 13259 / ((8 X  X 3.0 X 8) = 22cm
Proposed 750mm long with 30 Anchor rod with M30 Nut and washer for each chair.

Note : For abutment pier 2Nos. of chains are provided similar to that of intermediate

7.4 Design of Anchor girder :

Case 1 : When both girders are resting on the sill and water load is up to FRL

RA = RB = 120t

Bending moment = 120 X 75 = 9000tcm

Case 2 : When one gate resting on the sill and other gate lifted.

RA = 120 X 245 / 170 = 160.909t

RB = - 40.909t

BM @ ‘A’ = 120 X 75 = 9000tcm

BM @ pier edge = 120 X 35 = 4200tcm

Section AA :
Max. Shear force = 120t
Max. BM = 9000tcm
Section proposed is as follows :

A = 416cm2

IXX = 270143cm4

Z1 = Z2 = 8549cm3

i) Bending stress on U/S flange = 9000000 / 8549 = 1052kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2

ii) Shear stress = 120000 / (2 X 1.6 X 60) = 625kg/cm 2 < 857kg/cm2

Weld strength required at 1 :

F1 = S A y / 2 I = (120000 X 70 X 1.6 X 30.8) / (4 X 270143) = 382kg/cm length
Proposed 8mm fillet having strength of 0.7 X 1.0 X 857 = 480kg/cm length
Section BB : at central line of anchor rods
Max. Shear force = 120t
Bending moment = 9000tcm

Section proposed is as follows :

A = 556cm2

IXX = 414412cm4

ZXX = 13114cm3

i) Bending stress = 9000000 / 13114 = 686kg/cm2 < 1102kg/cm2

ii) Shear stress = 120000 / (2 X 1.6 X 60) = 685kg/cm 2 < 857kg/cm2

Weld strength required between web and flange :

S A y / 2 I = (120000 X 70 X 2.6 X 36.3) / (4 X 414412) = 478kg/cm length
Proposed 8mm fillet having strength of 0.7 X 0.8 X 857 = 480kg/cm length

Section CC : at Central line of girders

Max. Shear force = 40909kg
Bending moment = 9000000kgcm

Section proposed is as follows:

A = 416cm2

IXX = 270143cm4

Z1 = Z2 = 8549cm3

i) Bending stress on U/S flange= 9000000 / 8549 = 1052kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2

iii)Shear stress = 40909 / (2 X 1.6 X 60) = 213kg/cm 2 < 857kg/cm2

Proposed 8mm fillet similar to that of section AA.

7.4.1 Intensity of Concrete Stress :
Propose 8Nos. of 71 rods
Material IS 2062 -2006 grade E250 – B having YP :2346kg/cm2 and UTS :4180kg/cm2
Area of each rod = 39.6cm2

P = Tension load acting @ trunnion =120t

T = Tension in anchorages @ ‘B’
Q = Compressive load on concrete @ ‘C’
fC = Intensity of concrete stress which is Max. at the end of girder
x = Length of tunnion girder in contact with concrete beyond the center line of
horizontal anchor rods which is 210cm
n = Distance of NA from center line of horizontal anchors.
Considering the equilibrium of girder and equating moments on either side of ‘B’ is
120000 X 75 = (fC / 2) X (x – n) [x – (x – n) / 3] X 100 ------1
Equating the loads
120000 + (fC / 2) X (x – n) X 100 = ft X At X N = T -------2
where ft = tensile stress in rods =1440kg/cm2
At = Area of each rod = 39.6cm2
N = No. of rods = 8Nos.
(fC / 2) X (x – n) X 100 = T – 120000 = Q
From similar triangles of stress diagram
13fC / (ft – 200) = (x – n) / n
Where 13 is Modular ratio of steel to concrete (M 200)
200 is Pre-stress in concrete kg/cm2
fC = 938 (x – n) / 13n
Equation 1  2
(2x + n) / 3 = 120000 X 75 / Q
Q(2x +n) = 3 X 120000 X 75
Q(2x +n) = 2700 X 104
But Q = (fC / 2) X (x – n) X 100
(2x +n)(fC / 2) X (x – n) X 100 = 2700 X 104
Substituting the value of x = 210
We get n = 164.141m
fC = 938 X (210 – 164.141) / (13 X 164.141) = 20.158 < 50kg/cm 2
Equation – 2
T = 120000 + (20.158 / 2)(210 – 164.141) X 100 = 166221kg
Stress in anchor bolt = 166221 / (8 X 39.6) = 822kg/cm 2 < 938kg/cm2

7.4.2 Checking of Bearing Stiffeners at Anchor Rod Position :

Proposed stiffeners as shown in the sketch.

IXX = 143000cm4

Area = 432cm2

rXX = 18cm

l / rXX = 60 / 18 = 3.33

Allowable stress = 144 X 10.2 X 0.45 / 0.66 = 1001kg/cm 2

Max. force in abutment pier = 186667kg
Actual stress = 186667 / 432 = 432kg/cm2 <1001kg/cm2
7.4.3 Checking the Girder Stiffeners for Trunnion Load Bending :
Trunnion girder is checked for bending between two webs.
Trunnion load per cm2 = 120000 / (100 X 50) = 24kg/cm2
Considered 1cm width
RA = RB = 1200kg

Section A x Ax Iself I about

50 X 1.6 80 0.8 64.0 17.0 2094
3 X 20 X 1.2 72 11.6 835.2 2400.0 2326
A = 152cm2 Ax = 899.2

x = 899.2 / 152 = 5.916

IXX = 6837cm4
Z1 = 1156cm3
Z2 = 436cm3
V1 = 7500 / 1156 = 6.5kg/cm2 < 938kg/cm2
7.5 Design of Chairs :

Max. Vertical force = 18400kg

Max. Vertical force on each chair = 18400 / 2= 9200kg

Area = 284.8cm2

IXX = 17100cm4

rXX = 7.7cm

Max. length = 33.4cm

l / rXX = 33.4 / 7.7 = 4.333

Permissible stress = 144 X 10.2 X (0.45 / 0.60) = 1102kg/cm 2
Actual compressive stress = 9200 / 284.8 = 32kg/cm 2 < 1102 kg/cm2
8.0 Design of Gate leaf
8.1 Design of Skin plate :
The Skin plate is proposed to be stiffened with vertical stiffeners at 450mm C/C at
Middle and 405mm at the end.

Skin plate Effective Section Head End span L = 40.5cm Mid span L = 45cm Permissible
Thickness Thickness Modulus M BM Actual stress BM Actual stress Stress
Cm cm cm3 WL2/10 kg/cm2 WL2/12 kg/cm2 kg/cm2
kg cm Kg cm

1.0 0.85 0.1204 6.3 100.8 837 101.64 844 1020

8.2 Design of Vertical Stiffeners :

1 = cos-1 (2.22 / 6.6) + (0.8 / 6.6) X (180 / ) = 77.28946166º

2 = (3.3 / 6.6) X (180 / ) = 28.64788976º
8.2.1 Case I : When gate is just lifted condition & water load is up to MWL :
Loads are considered for 1cm width of skin plate

Reactions :
RA = 47.328 + 73.326 = 120.654kg
RB = 55.374 + 29.030 = 84.404kg

Bending Moments :
MA = 44.256 X (80 / 2) + 3.072 X (80 X ⅔) = 1934.08kgcm
MB = 29.030 X 256 / 3 = 2477.22kgcm  1844kgcm

If ‘x’ is the distance from top of the gate to the section ‘X X’ of max. sagging bending
moment between the horizontal girders

MX = ((0.63 X x3) / (666 X 6)) – 84.404 (x – 256)

For MX to be Max. mx / dx = 0

 mx / dx = ((0.63 X 3 X x2) / (666 X 6)) – 84.404 = 0

 x = 422.438cm
MX = [(0.63 X 422.4383) / (666 X 6)] – 84.404 (422.438 – 256) = - 2162.9kgcm
8.2.2 Case II : Gate resting on the sill and water load is up to FRL :
Loads are considered for 1M width of the gate.
Sill reaction = 7.2kg/cm

Reactions :
RA = 54.528 + 73.326 = 127.854kg
RB = 55.374 + 29.030 = 84.404kg
Bending Moments :
MA = 40.256 X (80 / 2) + 3.072 X (80 X ⅔)
+ 7.2 X 80 = 2510.08kgcm
MB = 29.030 X (256 / 3) = 2477.22kgcm

If ‘x’ is the distance from top of the gate to the section ‘xx’ of max. sagging bending
moment between the horizontal girders

MX = ((0.63 X x3) / (666 X 6)) – 84.404 (x – 256)

For MX to be Max. mx / dx = 0

 mx / dx = ((0.63 X 3 X x2) / (666 X 6)) – 84.404 = 0

 x = 422.438cm
MX = ((0.63 X 422.4383) / (666 X 6)) – 84.404 (422.438 – 256) = 0

The max. SF and BM are tabulated as follows :

The loads and moments are shown for 1cm width of gate.

Bottom H.G Top H.G

kgcm kg kgcm kg
I. Gate is just lifted and water is up to FRL 1934.3 73.330 2477.22 55.374
II. Gate resting on sill & water is up to FRL 2510.08 73.330 2477.22 55.374
8.2.3 Design of vertical stiffeners at bottom horizontal girder
It is proposed that Tee is half cut of ISMB 250 X 125
i) S.F = 73.330 X 44 = 3227kg
ii) B.M = 2510.05 X 44 = 110442kgcm
iii) Skin plate bending stress = (0.5532 X 442) / (12 X 0.1204) = 741kg/cm2 < 1020kg/cm2
iv) Co - acting width of skin plate is min of the following :
The skin plate is proposed out of 10mm thick plate. The effective thickness
after allowing corrosion allowance of 1.5mm is 8.5mm
 40t + B= 40 X 0.85 + 0.69 = 35cm
 C/C of stiffeners = 45cm
 0.11 of span = 0.11 X 330 = 36.3cm

The sectional properties are as follows.

Area = 53cm2
IXX = 1602cm4
Z1 = 330m3
Z2 = 400cm3
Z3 = 193cm3

Bending stress on U/S of skin plate = 110442 / 330 = 335kg/cm 2 < 1020kg/cm2.
Bending stress on D/S of skin plate = 110442 / 400 = 276kg/cm 2 < 1020kg/cm2.
Bending stress on D/S of flange = 110442 / 193 = 572kg/cm 2 < 1148kg/cm2.
Shear stresses = 3227 / (12.3 X 0.69) = 380kg/cm 2 < 765kg/cm2.

Check for combined stress : Max combined stress on D/S skin plate
C =  7412 + 2762 + 741 X 276 = 911kg/cm2 < 1275kg/cm2
Note : Shear at skin plate is not considered since the value is very small.

Weld strength required between skin plate and web of Tee :

F = SAŸ / 2I = (3227 X 35 X 0.85 X 4.425) / (2 X 1602) = 133kg/cm length.
Proposed 6mm fillet weld having strength of 321kg/cm length
8.2.4 Design of vertical stiffeners at top horizontal girder :
It is proposed that the tee is half cut of ISMB 250 X 125
i) S.F = 55.374 X 44 = 2436kg
ii) B.M = 2477.22 X 44 = 108998kgcm
iii) Skin plate stress = (0.2268 X 442) / (12 X 0.1204) = 304kg/cm2 < 1020 kg/cm2
v) Co - acting width of skin plate is min of the following :
The skin plate is proposed out of 10mm thick plate. The effective thickness
after allowing corrosion allowance of 1.5mm is 8.5mm
 40t + B= 40 X 0.85 + 0.69 = 35cm
 C/C of stiffeners = 45cm
 0.11 of span = 0.11 X 330 = 36.3cm

The sectional properties are as follows.

Area = 53cm2

IXX = 1602cm4

Z1 = 330cm3

Z2 = 400cm3

Z3 = 193cm3

Bending stress on U/S of skin plate = 108998 / 330 = 330kg/cm 2 < 1020kg/cm2.
Bending stress on D/S of skin plate = 108998 / 400 = 273kg/cm 2 < 1020kg/cm2.
Bending stress on D/S of flange = 108998 / 193 = 565kg/cm 2 < 1148kg/cm2.
Shear stresses = 2346 / (12.3 X 0.69) = 287kg/cm 2 < 765kg/cm2.

Check for combined stress : Max combined stress on D/S skin plate
C =  3042 + 2732 + 304 X 273 = 500kg/cm2 < 1275kg/cm2

Note : Shear at skin plate is not considered since the value is very small.
8.3 Layout of Radial Gate :

Θ = tan-1 (1650 / 5757) = 15.993º

8.3.1 Design of Horizontal girders : The reaction on Horizontal girders are as follows :
The reactions are for one cm width of gate.

Sl No Condition Bottom H.G Top H.G

1. Gate just lifted and water is up to FRL 120654kg 84404kg

Hoist reaction (HT) 1300kg
2. Gate resting on sill and water is up to FRL 127854kg 84404kg
8.3.2 Layout of Forces on Bottom and Top Horizontal girders:

8.3.3 The Reactions & Bending Moments of Horizontal girders are as follows :
Load is acting 40cm from edge ie 40cm.

Bottom H.G
Items Description When gate When gate Top H.G

resting on sill just lifted

Loads W = load per cm width in kg 127.854 120.654 84.404
HW = Hoist reactions on either side ---- 13000kg ----
P1 = 40W 5114kg 4826kg 3376kg
P2 = 42W 5370kg 5067kg 3545kg
P3 = 44W 5626kg 5309kg 3714kg

Reactions RA = P1 + P2 + P3 + HW 16110kg 28202kg 10635kg

& RS = (P1 + P2 + 3P3+ HW) + 6.5P3 27362 + 36569 38820 + 34509 18063 + 24141
Shear = 63931kg = 73329kg = 42204kg
force RB = 4.5P3 25317kg 23891kg 16713kg
RC = 0.5P3 2813kg 2655kg 1857kg

Bending MA = 44P2 + 84P1 + 64HW 665856 1460332 439564

Moment MS = 156P3 + 140P2 + 180P1
kgcm + (HW X 160) 2549976 4486264 1683364
MB = RS X 124 – (660P3 + 264P2
+ 304P1 + HW X 284) - 1241948 907936 - 819872
MC = RS X 300 – (1980P3 + 440P2
+ 480P1 + HW X 460) - 3222300 - 960920 - 2127200
8.3.4 The Design of Bottom Horizontal Girder :
A. Design of Section at point ‘C’ & ‘B’:
Max BM = 3222300kgcm
Max SF = 25317kg

The sectional properties are as follows :

Area = 180cm2

IXX = 291440cm4

ZXX = 5605cm3

Bending stress = 3222300 / 5605 = 576kg/cm2 < 1102kg/cm2

Shear stress = 25317 / (100 X 1) = 253kg/cm2 < 892kg/cm2

B. Section at point ‘S’ :

Max Bending moment : 2549976kgcm (When gate is resting on sill)
4486264kgcm (When gate is just lifted)
Max Shear force : 36569kg (When gate is resting on sill)
38820kg (When gate is just lifted)

The section proposed is as follows:

Area = 240cm2

IXX = 417865cm4

Z1 = 6404cm3

Z2 = 10254cm3
Case 1)
Bending stress on U/S flange = 2549976 / 6404 = 398kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2.
Bending stress on D/S flange = 2549976 / 10254 = 249kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2
Shear stresses = 36569 / (100 X 1) = 366kg/cm 2 < 892kg/cm2.

Case 2)
Bending stress on U/S flange = 4486264 / 6404 = 701kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2.
Bending stress on D/S flange = 4486264 / 10254 = 438kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2
Shear stresses = 38820 / (100 X 1) = 388kg/cm 2 < 892kg/cm2.

Weld Design :
F1 = SAY / 2I = (38820 X 20 X 1.6 X 64.25) / (2 X 417865) = 119kg/cm length
Proposed 6mm fillet weld having strength of 0.7 X 0.6 X 892 = 375kg/cm length.

F2 = {[38820 X (30 X 2 + 20 X 2) X 38.75] / (2 X 417865)} = 180kg/cm length

Proposed 6mm fillet weld having strength of 375kg/cm length.

C. Section at point ‘A’:

Max Bending moment = 1460332kgcm (when gate is just lifted)
Shear force = 28202kg

The section proposed is as follows :

Area = 140cm2

IXX = 94907cm4

ZXX = 2966cm3

Bending stress = 1460332 / 2966 = 492kg/cm2 < 1102kg/cm2

Shear stress = 28202 / (60 X 1) = 470kg/cm2 < 892kg/cm2
D. Checking the Down stream Flange at support ‘S’ :
At point ‘S there is a compressive force due to inclination of arms
Direct compressive load = 63931 tan 15.059 = 17201kg

The section proposed is as follows :

Area = 100cm2
IXX = 5833cm4
rxx = 7.6cm
l / rxx = 100 / 7.6 = 13.15

Permissible stress = (0.45 / 0.66) X 143 X10.2 = 995kg/cm 2

Direct compressive stress = 17201 / 100 = 172kg/cm 2 < 995kg/cm2

Check for Unity : [(249 / 1102) + (172 / 995)] = 0.40 < 1.0

E. Design of Web Stiffeners :

d/t ratio for 100 / 1 = 100 > 85
Hence vertical stiffeners are to be provided
Min IXX required = 1.5 d3 t3 / c2
= {1.5[(1003 X 1.03) / 1502]} = 67cm4

Proposed 110 X 8 stiffeners.

IXX provided = (0.8 X 2 X 113 / 12) + (2 X 8.8 X 62)

= 811cm4 > 67cm4
F. Design of Bearing stiffeners:

Area = 168cm2

IXX = 3434cm4

rXX = 4.5cm

l = 104cm

l / rXX = 104 / 4.5 = 23.1

Permissible stress = (0.45 / 0.66) X 141.4 X 10.2 = 924kg/cm 2

Actual compressive stress = 73329 / 168 = 436kg/cm 2 < 924kg/cm2
8.3.5 Design of Top Horizontal Girder :
A. Section at point ‘B’ & ‘C’ :
Max BM = 2127200kgcm
SF = 16713kg

The sectional properties are as follows :

Area = 140cm2
IXX = 222747cm4
ZXX = 4284cm3

Bending stress = 2127200 / 4284 = 497kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2

Shear stress = 16713 / (100 X 0.8) = 209kg/cm 2 < 892kg/cm2

B. Section proposed at support ‘S’ :

Max Bending moment = 1683364kgcm
Max Shear force = 24141kg

The section proposed is as follows:

Area = 176cm2

IXX = 305309cm4

Z1 = 4930cm3

Z2 = 6896cm3

Bending stress on U/S flange = 1683364 / 4930 = 341kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2.

Bending stress on D/S flange = 1683364 / 6896 = 244kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2
Shear stress = 24141 / (100 X 0.8) = 302kg/cm 2 < 892kg/cm2.

Weld: Proposed 6mm fillet weld similar to that of bottom horizontal girder.
C. Section at point ‘A’:
Max bending moment = 439564kgcm
Shear force = 10635kg

The section proposed is as follows:

Area = 108cm2

IXX = 72080cm4

ZXX = 2253cm3

Bending stress = 439564 / 2253 = 195kg/cm2 < 1102kg/cm2

Shear stress = 10635 / (60 X 0.8) = 222kg/cm 2 < 892kg/cm2

D. Checking Down stream Flange at support ‘S’ :

At point ‘S there is a compressive force due to inclination of arms
Direct compressive load = 42204 tan 15.059 = 11355kg

The section proposed is as follows:

Area = 66cm2
IXX = 1535cm4
rxx = 4.82cm
l = 102cm
l / rxx = 102 / 4.82 = 21.25

Permissible stress = (0.45 / 0.66) X 141 X10.2 = 980kg/cm2

Direct compressive stress = 11355 / 66 = 172kg/cm2 < 980kg/cm2

Check for Unity : [(302 / 1102) + (172 / 980)] = 0.45 < 1.0

Note : Vertical stiffeners and Bearing stiffeners are proposed to provide similar to that of
bottom horizontal girder.
8.4 Design of arms:
Inclination of arm to horizontal  = 15.0590
The horizontal girder reactions and axial loads on the arms are as follows :

S.No Description Horizontal girder Axial load on arm in t Length of arm

w reaction in kg W sec  cm

1 Bottom arm
1) Gate when resting on sill 63931 66205 486
2) Gate just lifted 73329 75937 486

2 Top arm 42204 43705 486

8.4.1 Design of Bottom Arms :

P1 = 5114kg  5.114t
P2 = 5370kg  5.370t
P3 = 5626kg  5.626t
Axial load = 66205
Cantilever moment = 2549.976cm

FEM = P3ab2 / L2 = 5.626  [(36 X 5642) / 6002 + ------ + (564 X 362) / 6002]
= 5.626 X 681.373 = 3833.404tcm

Proposed Parallel flange column UC 305 X 305 X 118 having following properties
Area = 150.2cm2
IYY = 27670cm4
IXX = 9059cm4
ZXX = 590cm3
ZYY = 1760cm3
rxx = 7.77cm
rYY = 13.57cm
It is proposed to provide bracings on ‘X’ direction.
l / rYY = 486 / 13.57 = 35.8
Permissible stress = 142 X 10.2 X (0.45 / 0.66) = 988kg/cm 2
K1 = (3 X 27670) / 486 = 171
Mean IXX of bottom Horizontal girder
I Mean = (1 / 600) [(417865 X 250) + (291440 X 350)] = 344117cm 4
K2 = 4 X 344117 / 600 = 2294

D.F 0.0694 0.9306

Cantilever moments tcm - 2549.976 FEM t cm + 3833.404
- 89.070 - 1194.358
+ 597.179
- 41.444 - 555.735
+ 277.867
- 19.284 - 258.583
+ 129.292
- 6.069 - 123.223
+ 61.611
- 4.276 - 57.335
+ 28.668
- 1.990 - 26.678
+ 13.339
- 0.926 - 12.413
- 163.058 + 163.058

Moment in the arm = 163058kgcm

Actual bending stress = 163058 / 11760 = 93kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2
Actual compressive stress = 66205 / 150.2 = 441kg/cm 2 < 988kg/cm2
Check for unity : (93 / 1102) + (441 / 988) = 0.53 < 1.0 the Bottom Arm for condition when Gate just lifted with Hoist
Component :
Axial load = 76281kg
Cantilever moment = 4486.264t cm
P3 = 5.309t
FEM = P3ab2 / L2
= 5.309  [(36 X 5642) / 6002 + ------ + (564 X 362) / 6002]
= 5.309 X 681.373 = 3617.409tcm

D.F 0.0694 0.9306

Cantilever moments tcm - 4486.264 FEM tcm + 3617.409
+ 60.299 + 808.556
- 404.278
+ 28.057 + 376.221
- 188.110
+ 13.055 + 175.055
- 87.528
+ 6.074 + 81.454
- 40.727
+ 2.826 + 37.901
- 18.950
+ 1.315 + 17.635
- 8.818
+ 0.612 + 8.206
+ 112.751 - 112.751

Moment in the arm = 112751kgcm

Actual bending stress = 112751 / 1760 = 64kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2
Actual compressive stress = 75937 / 150.2 = 506kg/cm 2 < 988kg/cm2
Check for unity : (64 / 1102) + (506 / 988) = 0.57 < 1.0

8.4.2 Design of Top Arm :

Cantilever moment = 1683.364tcm
Length of the arm = 486cm
Inclination of arms = 15.059
Axial load on the column = 43705kg
P3 = 3.714t
FEM = P3ab2 / L2 = 3.714 X  [(36 X 5642) / 6002 + ------ + (564 X 362) / 6002]
= 3.714 X 681.373 = 2530.619tcm

The following section is proposed:

Parallel flange column UC 305 X 305 X 97 having the following properties

Area = 123.4cm2
IYY = 22250cm4
IXX = 7304cm4
ZYY = 1445cm3
ZXX = 478.7cm3
rYY = 13.42cm
rxx = 7.69cm

It is proposed to provide bracing on XX direction.

l / rXX = 486 / 13.42 = 36.2
Permissible stress = 142 X 10.2 X (0.45 / 0.66) = 988kg/cm 2

K1 = (3 X 22250) / 486 = 137

Mean IXX of Top Horizontal girder

I Mean = (1 / 600) [(305309 X 250) + (222747 X 350)]
= 257148cm4

K2 = 4 X 257148 / 600 = 1714

D.F 0.074 0.926

Cantilever moments tcm - 1683.364 FEM t cm + 2530.619
- 62.697 - 784.558

+ 392.279
- 29.029 - 363.250

+ 181.625
- 13.440 - 168.185

+ 84.092
- 6.223 - 77.869

+ 38.935
- 2.881 - 36.054

+ 18.027
- 1.334 - 16.693

+ 8.347
- 0.618 - 7.729

- 0.286 + 3.865
- 3.579
- 116.508 + 116.508

Moment in the arm = 116508kgcm

Actual bending stress = 116508 / 1445
= 81kg/cm2 < 1102kg/cm2
Actual compressive stress = 43705 / 123.4
= 354kg/cm2 < 988kg/cm2

Check for unity : (81 / 1102) + (354 / 988) = 0.43 < 1.0

9.0 Design of Trunnion Pin, Bush & Trunnion Hub :

9.1 Design of Trunnion Pin :
Material – Cast steel IS 1030 –1965 Grade 370 – 540 or En 8
UTS : 5505kg/cm2 Yp = 3774kg/cm2
Permissible stress as per IS 4623 – 2000
a) Bending stress = 1245kg/cm2
b) Bearing stress = 1928kg/cm2
c) Shear stress = 943kg/cm2

RA = RB = 60000kg

Bending Moment = (120000 / 8) (2 X 43.2 – 36) = 756000kgcm

Proposed shaft  : 20cm
ZXX = 785cm3
Area = 314cm2
Bending stress = 756000 / 785 = 963kg/cm2 < 1245kg/cm2
Shear stress = 60000 / 314 = 191kg/cm2 < 943kg/cm2
Bearing stress = 60000 / (20 X 2.5) = 1200kg/cm 2 < 1928kg/cm2

9.2 Design of Trunnion bush:

Material : Aluminum Bronze IS : 305 Grade AB 1
Permissible stress = 204kg/cm2
Proposed bearing size ID : 200, OD = 240mm, 360 long
Bearing Stress = 120000 / (20 X 36) = 167kg/cm 2 < 204kg/cm2

9.3 Trunnion Hub:

Material Cast steel IS – 1030 Grade 280 – 520W
Thickness of hub = 0.3 X 200 = 60mm
Hub OD = 240 + 2 X 60 = 360mm Adopted 400 mm

The arms are made integral casting with hub and to suit to connect the arms.

9.4 Design of Trunnion Bracket :

The disposition of bracket is shown :

Load on each trunnion = 120000kg

Size of the plate is 100 X 50 X 2
Area of bearing plate provided = 5000cm2
Pressure intensity = 120000 / 5000 = 24kg/cm2

RA = RB = 60000kg

BM @A or B = (120000 / 60) X (8.42 / 2)

= 70560kgcm

BM @ center = 60000 X (21.6 – 15)

= 396000kgcm
The section proposed is as follows :

Section Area in cm2 x in cm Ax I Self I About NA

70 X 2.5 175 1.25 218.8 91 13246

18 X 1.6 X 3 86.4 10.5 907.2 2744 26

2 X 25 X 2.5 125.0 21.75 2718.75 65 17405

 A = 386cm2  Ax = 3844.75cm  I = 33577cm4

x = 3844.75 / 386.4 = 9.95cm

Z1 = 3375cm3

Z2 = 2573cm3

Bending stress on D/S of flange = 396000 / 3375 = 180kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2

Bending stress on U/S of flange = 396000 / 2573 = 154kg/cm 2 < 1102kg/cm2

Bearing stress in check plate = 60000 / (20 X 3.2) = 938kg/cm 2 < 1591kg/cm2
9.6 Design of joints :
9.6.1 Design of Joints between Arms and Horizontal Girders :
The design of joints between arms and horizontal girders are designed to withstand
the self weight of skin plate and the self weight of horizontal girders and Shear load
of water thrust.
Weight of skin plate 8800.00kg
Weight of bottom Horizontal girder 1800.00kg
Weight of Top Horizontal girder 1600.00kg

1. Dead load on each joint = 12200 / 4 = 3050kg

Proposed 6Nos. of M30 X 3.5 Hex. Bolts having shank area 7.07cm 2
Shear stress due to dead weight = 3050 / (6 X 7.07) = 72kg/cm 2

2. Shear stress due to water thrust :

Max. load on the bottom joint = 73329 tan 15.993º = 21017kg
Shear stress = 21017 / (6 X 7.07) = 495kg/cm 2 < 960kg/cm2
Resultant stress =  4952 + 722 = 500kg/cm2 < 960kg/cm2

9.6.2 Design of connection between Arms and Trunnion girders :

The self weight shared by the joints when gate is being lifted is about ⅓ of self
weight of gate : 25t
Self weight of gate on each joint = 25 / 2 = 12.5t
Weight of joints on each side = 12.5 / 2 = 6.25t
It is proposed to provide 6Nos. of M30 X 3.5 bolts on each joint.
Area of the bolt = 7.07cm2
Shear stress due to self weight of gate = 6250 / (6 X 7.07) = 147kg/cm 2
Shear load due to water thrust on each side of arm
= 120 tan 15.993º = 34.394t
Shear stress = 34394 / (2 X 6 X 7.07)
= 405kg/cm2 < 960kg/cm2
Resultant force =  4052 + 1472 = 431kg/cm2 < 960kg/cm2
9.7 Design of horizontal girder bracings :
The bracings for the down stream flange of horizontal girders are designed
for the following :
a. ½ The weight of Horizontal girders.
b. 2½ % of axial force in down stream flange of girders.

½ The weight of Horizontal girders = ½ (1800 + 1600) = 1700kg

2½ % of the axial force in D/S flange = (2.5 / 100) (19433 + 12829) = 804kg
θ = tan-1 (132 / 270) = 26.053º
Length AB1 = 300cm
Proposed 2L of L 65 X 65 X 6
Area = 2 X 7.44 = 14.88cm2 rXX = 1.81cm
l / rXX = 0.85 x 200 / 1.81 = 140 < 180
Permissible stress = 51 X 10.2 X 0.45 / 0.66 = 355kg/cm 2
Max. load on the member = (1700 / 2) + 804 = 1654kg
Actual compressive stress = 1654 / 14.88 = 111kg/cm 2
And other vertical members are provided with 65 X 65 X 5.

It is proposed to give prop to top of skin plate from D/S flange of top horizontal girder
as shown in bracing drawing.
10.0 Design of Arm Bracings :
It is proposed to brace the bottom arm and top arm as shown in the sketch.

Axial load on the bottom arm = 76281kg

Axial load on the top arm = 43903kg
The bracings designed for 2½ % of axial load on arms = (2.5/100) (76281 + 43903)
= 3005kg
Proposed ISMC 125 X 65 channel – 2Nos.
Area = 33.4cm2
rXX = 5.05cm
l / rXX = 300 / 5.05 = 59
Permissible stress = 122 X 10.2 X 0.45 / 0.66 = 848kg/cm 2
Actual compressive stress = 3005 / 33.4 = 90kg/cm 2 < 848kg/cm2
10.1 Design of tie between Trunnions :
Max. load on the trunnion = 120t
Inclination of arm = 15.993º
Tensile load on tie between trunnion = 120000 X tan 15.993º = 34394kg
The tie between turnnion is designed for 34394kg of tensile load and self weight of

The section proposed is as follows :

Area = 134.6cm2
IXX = 22910.5cm4
IYY = 9922cm4
ZXX = 1432cm3
ZYY = 863cm3

i) Direct tensile stress = 34394 / 134.6 = 256kg/cm 2

ii) Bending stress due to self weight :

RA = RB = 400kg
Bending moment = 800 X 930 / 8 = 93000kgcm.
Bending stress = 93000 / 1432 = 65kg/cm2
Total stress = 256 + 65 = 321kg/cm2 < 1102kg/cm2

iii) Check for Temperature Stress:

Compressive stress is induced in the section due to temperature variation by 20
The girder also is force to shorter due to further temperature.
AI = α X t X I = 0.000012 X 20 X 930 = 0.223cm
P = (AI / I) X E = (0.223 / 930) X 2047000 = 491kg/cm 2
Max. tensile stress = 321 + 491 = 824kg/cm2 < 1.33 X 1102 = 1466kg/cm2
10.2 Design of side guide roller assembly :
It is proposed 4Nos. side guide rollers at all horizontal girder parts. As per IS 4623 a
max. load due to 5% of total weight of gate is recommended for the design of each
Max. weight of moving parts of gate = 25t

Roller :
Load on each guide roller = 25 X 5 / 100 = 1.25t
Size of roller provided = 130, 50mm tread width.
Material : Cast steel IS 1030, Grade 280 – 520N, UTS 5304kg/cm 2, Yp = 2856kg/cm2
Permissible contact stress = 1.6 X 5.304 = 8.48t/cm 2
Resultant stress = 0.418  (1.25 X 2047) / (6.5 X 5) = 3.709t/cm2 < 8.48t/cm2

Bush Bearing :
Material : Leaded Tin Bronze, IS 318, Grade LTB 1, UTS 2600kg/cm2
Allowable stress = 0.04 X 2600 = 104kg/cm2
Proposed bush bearing ID – 50, OD – 70 and 60long.
Bearing pressure = 1250 / (5 X 6) = 42kg/cm2 < 104kg/cm2

Design of Pin :
Material : 20 Cr 13, IS 1570 part V.

RA = RB = 625kg

BM = (1250 / 8) X (2 X 8.6 – 6) = 1750kgcm

Proposed pin  5cm

ZXX = 12.0cm3
Bending stress = 1750 / 12 = 146kg/cm2 < 1900kg/cm2
11.0 CG of Spillway Gate :

S.No. Description Weight in t x in cm Wx in tm

1 Skin plate assembly 8.55 6.450 55.148

2 Side guide 0.10 6.500 1.650

3 Seal assembly 0.20 6.650 1.322

4 Bottom horizontal girder 1.85 5.810 10.749

5 Top horizontal girder 1.56 6.200 9.672

6 Horizontal guide bracings 0.65 6.000 3.900

7 Arm assembly 2.80 3.300 9.240

8 Tie between trunnions 0.90 0.450 0.405

9 Trunnion with bush 0.80 0.350 0.280

10 Lifting arrangement 1.60 5.900 9.490

19.01 101.866

x = 101.866 / 19.01 = 5.359M

12.0 Hoist Capacity Calculations :
1. Moment due to self weight of gate : = 101.866tm

2. Moment due to trunnion friction :

Load on the gate = 240t
Friction factor = 0.20
Diameter of pin = 0.20M
Moment due to trunnion friction = 240 X 0.2 X 0.2 / 2 = 4.800tm

3. Moment due to seal friction = 2 X 3.8 X p X L

(Z type Teflon cladded seals are provided)
= 2 X 1.5 X 3.8 X 0.315 X 666 / 1000 = 2.390tm
Moment due to seal friction = 2.39 X 6.607 = 15.791tm
Total Moments 122.157tm

Lever arm of the hoist = (3.6 + 4.3 + 4.7 + 4.9) / 4 = 4.375M

Hoist capacity required = 122.157 / 4.375 = 27.922t

Add 20% reserve = 5.584t

Proposed 40t Rope Drum Hoist with down stream suspension with 0.4M/min speed.

   

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