Gultom 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Earth Environ. Sci. 413 012015

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High pressure acid leaching: a newly introduced technology in Indonesia

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The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 413 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/413/1/012015

High pressure acid leaching: a newly introduced technology in


T Gultom1* and A Sianipar2

EHS Department Harita Nickel Group, PT Halmahera Persada Lygend, Indonesia
Business Development Department Harita Nickel Group, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Abstract. PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (PTHPL) plans to construct new technology for
nickel laterite ore processing in Obi Island, North Maluku Province. The facility is expected to
produce 247,000 tonnes of NiSO4.7H2O and 32,000 tonnes of CoSO4.7H2O to be sold for the
raw material of electric vehicle battery. Indonesia is one of world largest nickel laterite
resources and currently only nickel ore saprolite has been exploited while nickel limonite is
abandoned as waste due to the lack of technology. In the last decade, nickel smelter is booming
in Indonesia to process nickel saprolite to become Ferro Nickel, Nickel Pig Iron, Nickel Matte.
This study is aimed to assess the potential implementation of High-Pressure Acid Leaching
(HPAL). HPAL is a proven technology but not utilized in Indonesia due to the high
investment, and it requires a large media for waste disposal. Nickel limonite ore with grade 1.1
– 1.4 % can be processed using HPAL technology to produce more than 37% nickel and
another beneficial product, which is cobalt. Nickel world demand shifts to support electric
vehicle battery even though stainless steel demand is still high. The Government of Indonesia
is currently starting to support the electric vehicle market program. Therefore HPAL project in
Indonesia is a high opportunity and a good investment for investors.

1. Introduction
The Indonesian government has issued a policy to increase added value from mining minerals by
processing domestic mineral ore and has also banned the export of raw ore minerals since Year
2014. Harita Group, especially the subsidiary engaged in the development of nickel mines, strongly
supports the policy. Harita Group nickel mines with PT.Halmahera Persada Lygend (PTHPL) plans
to build a nickel processing plant at North Maluku -Halmahera in Obi Island, Indonesia. It has
processed high-grade nickel saprolite to produce ferronickel by smelter rotary kiln electric furnace.
Today, PTHPL plan to process nickel ore limonitic to produce nickel sulfate and cobalt sulfate
through nickel ore leaching by hydrometallurgy high-pressure acid leach technology. Limonitic ore
consists of nickel oxide and cobalt oxide. Nickel and Cobalt in sulfate form are material sources for
electric car battery. Therefore, the project will support the Indonesian government program in
electric vehicle development.
The Indonesian government has stated that fuel oil and air pollution can be reduced by increasing
the use of electric cars. The supply of renewable energy becomes wider while fossil energy becomes
smaller and in the next few years ignition combusting engine (ICE) will shift to renewable energy i.e.
hybrid cell, fuel cell, and electric cell. The Automotion needs a product transformation to fuel-efficient
vehicle to cope with global energy supply and oil limitation. Fossil fuel (oil, gas, and coal) supply in
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The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 413 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/413/1/012015

Figure 1 shows a deficit. As the impact of fossil fuel supply deficit to ICE there will be a shift to
electric vehicles, Figure 2. The Indonesia automotive sales growth average is 6% while production
growth average is 7.5% and economic growth is 5.7% in 2018. Therefore, this study is aimed to assess
the opportunity for HPAL development in the PTHPL project site.

Figure 1. World total energy supply [1]. Figure 2. World vehicle powertrain shifting [2]

2. Method
In order to achieve the study goal, some methods were applied including literature review and
comparative study. Those methods were focused on collecting and obtaining information and data
associated with nickel production and HPAL technology.
The opportunity for HPAL development in Indonesia and the application of HPAL worldwide
are being discussed and presented as part of nickel mine activity.

3. Result and Discussion

3.1 High-Pressure Acid Leach Technology in Indonesia

Nickel laterite ore can be found in Indonesia in the ultramafic rocks distributed in Sulawesi,
Maluku, and Papua Islands (Figure 3). Indonesia is a tropical region and the nickel laterite ores can
be found are nickel and cobalt [3]. The limonite layer consists of mixture of minerals of high iron
oxide and low magnesium. Nickel ore profile and character leaching type are provided in Figure 4.

Figure 3. Nickel reserves in Indonesia by Figure 4. Nickel ore profile and character
province [3] leaching [4]

The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 413 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/413/1/012015

Nickel and cobalt extraction from limonite ore will be leached with high-pressure sulfuric acid.
Leaching limonite ore with sulfuric acid is selective in temperature and high pressure. The first plant
for high-pressure acid leaching (HPAL) of laterite ores was built in Moa Bay, Cuba. Since then, it
was not until the 1990s, and beyond, new HPAL plants were built that are currently operating in
Australia, Philippines, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea and Turkey [5]. All of these HPAL
plants have been operated under typical high-temperature conditions (temperature about 250° C) and
pressure conditions (about 4Mpa) in autoclave system [6]. The HPAL technology, which has been
used to produce nickel products (see table 1) for a decade has produced 3 generations. It becomes a
matured and reliable process. One study of nickel and cobalt extraction by using HPAL from the
Gördes region of Manisa in Turkey was presented by [7].

Table 1. The HPAL technology to produce nickel products for a decade

Generation Country Project Product Capacity (ton)
1 Cuba MOA Ni & Co sulfide 32,000 Ni, 2,000 Co 1959
2 Australia Bulong Ni & Co cathode 9,000 Ni, 700 Co 1998
2 Australia Cawse Ni & Co sulfide 9,000 Ni, 1,300 Co 2000
2 Australia Murin Murin Ni & Co Briquette 45,000 Ni, 3,000 Co 1998
2 Philippine Coral Bay Ni & Co sulfide 18,000 Ni, 1,500 Co 2005
3 Australia Ravensthorpe Ni & Co hydroxide 50,000 Ni, 1,400 Co 2008
3 New Caledonia Goro Ni oxide, Co carbonate 60,000 Ni, 5,000 Co 2009
rd Papua New
3 Ramu Ni & Co hydroxide 30,000 Ni, 3,000 Co 2012
3 Madagascar Ambatovy Ni & Co Briquette 60,000 Ni, 5,000 Co 2012
3 Philippine Taganito Ni & Co sulfide 30,000 Ni, 2,600 Co 2013

3.2 Separation and Purification of Nickel/Cobalt from Pregnant Leach Solution

PTHPL will process nickel ore by HPAL technology under the temperature of 240℃~270℃ and
Pressure of 3,400kPa~5,600kPa. The composition of raw material ore composition including
limonite and saprolite from HPL mine is presented in Table 2 and Table 3. Mineralogy nickel
laterite, the metallic elements mainly exist in the form of metallic oxides in ores: NiO, CoO, Co2O3,
CaO, FeO, FeO(OH),MgO, MnO, ZnO and SiO2 [8].

Table 2. Limonite nickel ore composition (in %)

Compositions Ni Co Al Cr Ca Mn Cu Fe Mg SiO2 S Zn

Limonite 1.35 0.17 3.00 1.00 0.02 0.97 0.01 41.15 1.6 15.22 0.00 0.04

Table 3. Limonite nickel ore composition (in %)

Compositions Ni Co Fe SiO2 MgO Ca H2O

Limonite 1.7 0.08 16.08 32.94 26.51 0.12 35

The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 413 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/413/1/012015

Oxides of most metallic elements, such as Me (Ni, Co, Mg, Mn, Zn, and Cu) will react with
sulfuric acid. They could be extracted into pregnant leach solution (PLS) in liquid sulfate (MeSO4).
The equation is as follows:

Me2On(s)+2nH+→2Men++nH2O (1)

Where Me: Ni, Co, Mn, n: metal ionic compound

Metallic element gangue in PLS will be separated by precipitation of alkaline ferric sulfate and
aluminums hydroxide by pH setting. Iron/aluminium removal through pH setting in neutralization is
mainly to remove impurity elements such as iron, aluminum and silicon in CCD overflow.
Limestone slurry will be used as neutralizer and air will be introduced into the solution to oxidize
ferrous element. The pH value at terminal will be controlled at 3~5 for two stages of iron/aluminum
removal to achieve hydrolytic precipitation, and iron and aluminum removal together with silicon
dioxide. Main reaction equations are as follows (M=Al, Fe):

H2SO4 + CaCO3+H2O CaSO4.2H2O + CO2 (2)

4FeSO4 + O2+ 2H2SO4 2Fe2(SO4)+2H2O (3)
M2(SO4)3 + 4H2O 2MO(OH) + 3H2SO4 (4)
M2(SO4)3 + 6H2O 2M(OH)3 + 3H2SO4 (5)
nH2SiO4 (SiO2)n +2nH2O (6)

Nickel/cobalt precipitation overflow will be used as CCD scrubbing water. Another part will be
used as water for tail gas scrubbing in high-pressure acid leaching, limestone slurry preparation as
well as sodium hydroxide dilution. The remaining will be drained out after tailings residue
neutralization. Main reaction equations are as follows:

MSO4+2NaOH M(OH)2+Na2SO4 (7)

MSO4+Ca(OH)2 M(OH)2+CaSO4.2H2O (8)

Where: M=Ni, Co, Mn and Mg

Nickel/cobalt precipitation in mix hydroxide precipitate (MHP) by pH setting 7-8 in two stages
of pH setting. Nickel/cobalt mixed in hydroxide precipitate are used as intermediate products to be
sold before purification in the next step. MHP content of about 39% Ni and 4.8% Co and the main
composition are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Main compositions of nickel/cobalt hydroxide (%)

Compositions Ni Co Al Ca Mn Cu Fe Mg S Zn

% 39.14 4.84 0.13 0.41 7.3 0.1 0.17 0.40 4.33 0.77

MHP is further produced to be nickel sulfateand cobalt sulfate with lime milk as precipitator in
both stage I and stage II. In the first-stage precipitation processing nickel/cobalt hydroxide, sodium
hydroxide or lime milk will be adopted as precipitants to make ~90% nickel/cobalt in solution
precipitate. After first-stage precipitation, slurry will be delivered to thickener for liquid-solid
separation. First-stage thickener overflow will be delivered to second-stage nickel/cobalt
precipitation system and lime milk will be adopted as the precipitant. After precipitation, slurry will
go through thickening and separation. Part of the underflow will be used as crystal seeds and the
remaining will be returned to recycled leaching procedure to collect nickel, cobalt and other

The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 413 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/413/1/012015

valuable metals. Part of second-stage nickel/cobalt precipitation overflow will be used as CCD
scrubbing water. Another part will be used as water for tail gas scrubbing in high-pressure acid
leaching, limestone slurry preparation as well as sodium hydroxide dilution. The remaining will be
drained out after tailings residue neutralization. Nickel and cobald extraction process flow is
available in Figure 5.
±7.600.000 ton ±780.000 ton
Bijih Nikel Limonit Bijih Saprolit
(∞35% H2O) ±6.900.000 ton (∞35% H2O)
Bijih Nikel Limonit
Bijih Kasar Slurry (38% Solid) ±95.000 ton
Preparasi Bijih Kasar
±500.000 ton Benefisiasi Bijih
±680.000 ton
Bijih Nikel
±225.000 ton Kromit Saprolit
(∞30% Cr) Slurry (38%
By Product Solid)
Lime milk
(0,2% Padatan dalam air laut)
±1.400.000 ton ±45.850.000 ton
Asam Sulfat (98%) HPAL
±5.600.000 ton ±118.000 ton
Padatan Nickel
±685.000 ton (dry basis) Residue
Tailing Neutralize
Limestone-slurry (30% solid)
Fe/Al Removal
±130.000 ton (dry basis)
Limemilk-slurry (30% solid) Ni/Co Presipitasi
Nickel Residu Slurry ±31.800 ton
±1.200.000 ton DSTP CoSO4.7H2O
Residu HPAL ±6.100.000 ton (dry-basis) Co Purification (kandungan air 5.100 ton)
slurry (9% solid)

±225.000 ton
MHP (Mixed Hydroxite Ekstraksi
Precipitate) ±345.000 ton
±365.000 ton Ni/Co (dry)
Kadar Ni: 39%; Co: 4.8%
Air: 2.662.500 ton ±53.100 ton
±4.100.000 ton ±86.000 ton
Evaporasi &
±73.000 ton
Ni Purification
Filter & Washing

Ekstraksi ±246.750 ton
Fe Removal
(kandungan air 110.800 ton)
±525.000 ton
Sirkulasi Air

Ni/Co Solution
±810.000 ton (Ni: 54.885 ton; Co: 6.825 ton; other: 9.175 ton)

Figure 5. Extraction process flow of nickel and cobalt from nickel ore, PTHPL
Province North Maluku, Indonesia
The total laterite nickel ore consumption is about 8.3 million tons to produce 365,000 tons of
Nickel/cobalt mixed hydroxide, 247,000 tons of nickel sulfate and 32,000 tons of cobalt sulfate. In
this process, about 780,000 tons of saprolite nickel ore are needed to replace the lime milk for
neutralizing. Saprolite consisting high nickel and magnesium are needed to neutralize PLS after
HPAL process and to increase recovery. Increase recovery by spike nickel content. Approximately
90-95% of the nickel, cobalt, copper, and zinc are precipitated along with any residual iron,
aluminum, and chromium, presented under an operating temperature of >60°C. Chromite as a by-
product obtained after the beneficiation process is around 225,000 tons with average Cr content of

3.3 Environmental Issues

Main waste residue is 6.1 million dry metric tons tailings residue and it will be pumped to DSTP
(deep sea tailing placement) site in the form of slurry with the tonnage of 51.9 million tons. Land
Tailings application for Halmahera tropical region is less suitable. Halmahera tropical region,
particularly at Obi island, is an earthquake active area with 3,000 mm/year rainfall, and ±7,000
people living in the village downstream. Due to this condition, the cost of construction and water
control will be very high and is not feasible for the project economically. The main composition
residue will be pumped to DSTP present in Table 5.

Table 5. Main compositions of nickel residue before neutralization

Compositions Ni Co Al Ca Mn Cu Fe Mg S Zn Cr SiO2

% 0.114 0.014 2.97 2.86 0.76 0.002 38.6 0.74 5.38 0.01 0.94 6.6

The 2019 International Conference on Mining and Environmental Technology IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 413 (2020) 012015 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/413/1/012015

The tailings residue neutralization is configured as one series. The main equipment includes 6
end-solution neutralization tanks arranged in series. The CCD thickener underflow, scrub water of
HPAL tail gas scrubbing, 2nd stage Ni/Co hydroxide precipitation thickener overflow and other
effluents from the refinery, etc. are put into the tailings residue neutralization tank, where lime milk
is added for neutralization treatment. The slurry pH value is adjusted to 8.1~8.5. After
neutralization, the slurry is pumped to DSTP site. DSTP system requires approval from the
Government of Indonesia. Main reaction equations are as follows:

Fe2(SO4) 3+ 3Ca(OH)2+ 3 H2O 2Fe(OH ) 3+ CaSO4.2H2O (9)

NiSO4+ Ca(OH)2 + 2H2O Ni(OH )2 + CaSO4.2H2O (10)
CoSO4+ Ca(OH)2 + 2H2O Co(OH )2 + CaSO4.2H2O (11)
MgSO4+ Ca(OH)2 + 2H2O Mg(OH )2 + CaSO4.2H2O (12)

DSTP with 15km onshore and 0.7 km offshore pipelines in 40” diameter from refinery plant to
the sea canyon at the depth of > 200 m below sea level. Tailings will flow from pipeline outfall to
1000-2000 m deep of the seabed below sea water level. Series of tests such as toxicity leach p
(TCLP), lethal concentration (LC50), up to sub-chronic test were conducted to ensure that tailings
cause no harm to the marine environment.

4. Conclusion
Indonesia is one of the countries that has bulk mineral deposits including nickel. Indonesia is also
the largest nickel laterite resource in the world. Currently, only nickel ore saprolite is exploited
while nickel limonite is abandoned as waste due to lack of technology.
PT Halmahera Persada Lygend (PTHPL) plans to construct new technology for nickel laterite ore
processing in Obi Island, North Maluku Province, which is expected to produce 247,000 tonnes of
NiSO4.7H2O and 32,000 tonnes of CoSO4.7H2O that to be sold for the raw material of electric
vehicle battery. Potential nickel resources in Indonesia open an opportunity for PTHPL to further
process the nickel limonite by using HPAL technology. The HPAL is a proven technology and has
been applied worldwide.

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last visited 10 May 2019.
[2] Focus Group Discussion, “Indonesian Ministry of Industry Focus Group Discussion on
Hydrometallurgy Technology”, 2019.
[3] Irwandy Arif, “Nikel Indonesia”, Gramedia Pustaka Utama , 2018.
[4] PT Halmahera Lygend, “Feasibility Report of High Pressure Acid Leach in Obi Island”, South
Halmahera, Indonesia, 2018.
[5] K. F. Crundwell, S.M. Michael, Venkoba Ramachandran, Timothy G. Robinson, William G.
Davenport, “Extractive Metallurgy of Nickel, Cobalt and Platinum-Group Metals”, 2011.
[6] P. Cranfield, M. Thompson, “Base Metals Handbook”, ed.Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge,
England, p.6.1, 2016.
[7] S. Kaya, Y.A. Topkaya, “High pressure acid leaching of a refractory lateritic nickel ore”, pp. 1188-
1197, 2011.
[8] Y. Chang, K. Zhao, B. Pešic, “Selective Leaching of Nickel from Pre-reduced Limonitic Laterite
Under Moderate HPAL Condition –Part I” : Dissolution J. Min. Metall. Sect. B-Metall. 52,
pp.127 – 134, 2016.

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