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Results Analysis Method 7, POC Method Based On Project Progress Value Determination - SAP Blogs

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5/30/23, 10:32 AM Results Analysis Method 7, POC Method Based On Project Progress Value Determination | SAP Blogs


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Vinod Anand Sharma

January 25, 2021 | 4 minute read

Results Analysis Method 7, POC

Method Based On Project Progress
Value Determination
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This blog is the last in the trilogy of the more advanced Results Analysis
Techniques, where the POC (percentage of completion) is based on project

In my previous blogs I had detailed, RA Valuation Method 14, how Cost Of Sales is
determined based on the cost mapping from GL accounts to the Sales Order line
item using the DIP (Dynamic Insertion Profile) and RA Valuation Method 15,
Derive Revenue from Resource-Related Billing and Simulation of Dynamic Items

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5/30/23, 10:32 AM Results Analysis Method 7, POC Method Based On Project Progress Value Determination | SAP Blogs

You can refer to the detail around RA Valuation Method 14 “derive cost of sales
from resource related billing of dynamic items” here


To recap RA Valuation Method 15 “derive revenue from resource-related billing

and simulation of dynamic items” you can look at the link below


In Results Analysis Method 7, Cost of Sales is calculated and Revenue is adjusted

– revenue in excess of billing are calculated as a % (of actual/plan progress
version) of planned costs and revenues. This method is used in tandem with PS
where the progress calculation is setup in PS and recorded on individual WBS


For SAP customers in the E&P business or where a significant portion of the
business comes from executing contracts, large volumes and where accounting
policy dictates that cost and revenue need to be matched results analysis
method 7 can be used.

When the RA key for this method is setup some additional elements need to be
included in the setup, e.g. progress version.

Progress version is controlling area specific and defines the control data for POC
and earned values. For progress to be recorded and checked against planned
progress. It is mandatory to maintain progress version along with method of
calculation. The system records progress analysis data in the progress version.

Statistical Key Figures (SKF) for POC results analysis needs to be created if it not
created and assigned to the value category ‘030’

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Progress version setup typically done by the PS team.

SKF setup

Mapping SKF to Value Categories and GL account determination

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A Typical requirement that can be addressed by the RA Valuation Method 7 is

detailed below by way of an elementary example.

We have a project for two months with planned revenue of 80,000 Euro and
Planned Costs of 44,000 Euro. There are two WBS elements, one for Design
which is to be finished in the first month and the other for Build & Finish which is
planned to start the first month and is planned to be 35% complete at
the end of the first month and completed by the end of second month .

First month

At the end of the first month planned Vs actual costs

At the end of the first month progress – design activity

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At the end of the first month progress – build and finish activity

At the end of the first month – RA calculation display


POC for both design and build & finish is 40.9 %

Cost of sale  = POC % X Planned cost ; 40.9% X 44,000 = 17,999.96

Revenue affecting net income  = POC% X Planned revenue ; 40.9% X 80,000 =


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At the end of the first month RA FI posting

Net cost recognized  = cost of sales from RA  calculation – actual costs incurred
for the month ; 17,999.96 – 7,000 = 10,999.96

The  second FI entry captures the profit which is settled to an Internal Order
since CO-PA is not active.

Second Month

At the end of the second month planned Vs actual

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At the end of the second month progress – build and finish activity

At the end of the second month – RA calculation display

POC for both design and build & finish is 81.82 %

Cost of sale  = POC % X Planned cost ; 81.82 % X 44,000 = 35,999.92

Revenue affecting net income  = POC% X Planned revenue ; 81.2 % X 80,000 =


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At the end of the second month RA FI posting


The RA method 7 which is used to calculate revenue based on Project Progress

where POC is the Project Progress. There are multiple ways of calculating the
project progress, I have considered the manual method. In any case, how the
project progress is setup is not the focus of the blog. What really is key,is to setup
the config to integrate the project progress calculation with the Results Analysis
functionality. This requires the FICO consultant to work closely with the PS team.

This blog should get you a jump start and will hopefully help you to quickly setup
and test this solution when you need to address the requirement to matching
costs and revenues for typical E& P customers.

In  case you do have  questions, I would be more than happy to answer them.
Please post them here in Q&A.

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Assigned Tags

SAP S/4HANA Finance

SAP Production and Revenue Accounting

Progress Based RA

result analysis

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Amarender Challa
January 25, 2021 at 2:09 pm

Thanks Vinod. Its a very useful blog

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Mayumi Lacerda Blak

March 25, 2021 at 10:56 pm

Hi Vinod!
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5/30/23, 10:32 AM Results Analysis Method 7, POC Method Based On Project Progress Value Determination | SAP Blogs

Thanks for the blog!

Can you detail how did you get to the POC percentages?

kind regards


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Penghong Jiang
February 22, 2022 at 9:30 am

Thanks Vinod,

It is a very good blog. Can you please help to demo method 10 for PS RA?



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Rai Sohaib Amjad

August 17, 2022 at 6:42 am

Hi Vinod,

Thanks for sharing this information. Could you please elaborate how you arrive at the POC pop up screen
shown in the below screenshot. Thanks in advance

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