The SavageMountain
The SavageMountain
The SavageMountain
Teacher’s Guide
A Mountain K2 K2 Geared
Called K2 1978 2011 Up!
5/3/13 11:14 AM
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The Savage Mountain
Literacy Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Science Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
A Mountain Called K2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7
K2 1978 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9
K2 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
Geared Up! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Discuss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15
Research & Share . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 P h y s ic a l
S c ie n c e
Correlation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
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88 8- 91
5- 32 76
_CVRAL A Mounta
Called K K2
1978 K2
2011 Geared
© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Inc.
11:15 AM
Reading Selections
• A Mountain Called K2 (science article)
• K2 1978 (personal narrative)
• K2 2011 (third-person narrative) The
• Geared Up! (reference article) Savage
CC.5.RInfo.1 Quote accurately from a text when NGL.Cenga 888-915-3 276
980L NGL.Cengage.c om
A Mountain
Called K2 K2
1978 Geared
_CVRAL 1-2 2011
5/3/13 11:15 AM
Science Background
Savage Science concepts are a critical part of each selection in The Savage
Mountain. These pages will help you build content knowledge so
Mountain that you may more effectively have discussions with students as
they read each selection in the book.
The following big idea science concepts apply to several selections
in the book.
• A force (student book, pp. 6, 12, 22, 30) is a push or pull. A
NGL.Cenga 888-915-3 276
force can be described by its strength and direction. A contact
force is the most familiar, occurring when two objects touch. An
K2 K2
A Mountain Up!
Called K2 1978 2011
example is the force a person exerts when pushing a shopping
5/3/13 11:15 AM cart. A noncontact force occurs when one object exerts force on
another without touching it. A magnet, for example, can pull
and push another magnet and some metals without touching
Core Idea PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and
• Gravity (student book, pp. 7, 12, 26) is a noncontact force.
How can one explain and predict interactions between
Gravity is best known as the force responsible for pulling all
objects and within systems of objects? objects toward the center of Earth. In reality, gravitational
force is present between any two objects in the universe. The
Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity
gravitational attraction between those objects will be stronger
ESS3.B: Natural Hazards
How do natural hazards affect individuals and societies?
when they have larger masses or when they are closer together.
For example, a person exerts a gravitational pull on any nearby
object, such as a desk. The desk also exerts a gravitational
pull of equal strength on the person. But because the mass of
the person and the desk are so small, (when compared with
something like planet Earth), the gravitational attraction
between them is far too small to notice.
The mass of Earth, on the other hand, is so large that a person
easily feels its gravitational pull. You notice this pull as you climb
up stairs or a hill. With each step, you must pull your leg up
against the gravitational force pulling it down. Falling is another
way we feel Earth’s gravitational pull. If a person jumps up,
© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Inc.
Earth’s gravity will pull the person back down. As Earth pulls
the person down, that person will exert an equally strong pull
on Earth. However, because Earth’s mass is so large compared
with the person’s mass, it is practically impossible to observe the
effects of this pull.
Pages 5–6 in this teacher’s guide describe how the science
concepts above relate to each selection. Additional science
background information is given for each selection.
science Background 4
the mass of snow making up an avalanche increases, its to fatal accidents in treacherous conditions. Advanced
kinetic energy (energy of motion) also increases. By the symptoms include loss of coordination, increased blood
time a large avalanche reaches the base of a mountain, it pressure, and fluid buildup in the lungs and brain (which
can contain millions of tons of snow and travel up to 300 can lead to coma or even death). The body compensates
kilometers per hour. If this avalanche encounters an object for low oxygen concentrations by making more red blood
in its path, some of this kinetic energy is released and a cells to transport oxygen, but this takes time. High altitude
force is exerted—demolishing whatever is in the way. climbers often must acclimate for many months before
they push for the summit.
A Mountain
hat’s one way a dictionary A sudden snowstorm can end an
defines adventure. What does expedition—or turn it deadly. Even
Called K2
Mountain climbing, or mountaineering, is amazing views from the top.
full of adventure. Look at the definition of
Most experts agree that one peak stands
adventure again. Is mountaineering daring
above all others for the challenge and thrill,
and difficult? You bet, even for experienced
and it’s not the world’s highest mountain. It’s
by Judy Elgin Jensen mountaineers; and the journey is always
ad the second highest—and called K2.
•ve uncertain. Things happen, especially weather.
a daring n•t
of uncertaand difficult und ure
and som in outcome, usuertaking
ewhat dan ally
gerous. exciting
Science Article
Mount EvErEst
(mownt EV-uh-rest)
China-Pakistan border
MakaLu 1
(muh-kuh-LOO wun)
Cho oyu
DhauLagiri 1
(DOW-luh-geer-ee wun)
China-Nepal border 8,611 m (28,251 ft.) India-Nepal border China-Nepal border China-Nepal border China-Nepal border Nepal
8,850 m (29,035 ft.) 8,586 m (28,169 ft.) 8,516 m (27,939 ft.) 8,485 m (27,837 ft.) 8,201 m (26,906 ft.) 8,167 m (26,795 ft.)
2 3
Reading OBJECTIVES Summary “A Mountain Called K2” is a science article that provides
• Determine the meanings of unknown words and an overview of K2, the world’s second-tallest mountain. It contains
phrases. facts about the location and history of K2 and the extreme challenges
• Explain the relationships and interactions
and hazards mountaineers must overcome to reach its summit.
between ideas in a scientific text.
• Explain how force and gravity affect climbers of BUILD BACKGROUND FOR THE GENRE
mountains such as K2.
Have students turn and talk about the kinds of things they might
• Describe hazards in high altitude environments
learn in a science article. Then have them share their ideas. Tell them
and how people respond to these hazards.
that “A Mountain Called K2” is a science article with the following
• It uses facts, details, examples, and evidence to convey information
about forces involved in mountain climbing.
CC.5.RInfo.3 Explain the relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or • The text is organized using headings and has specialized vocabulary.
concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based • Facts and information are conveyed through photos, captions, a
on specific information in the text.
diagram, and other graphics.
CC.5.RInfo.4 Determine the meaning of general
academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text
relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area.
A FRAMEWORK FOR K–12 SCIENCE EDUCATION • forces • gravity • oxygen
Core Idea PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and
Remind students that Using Context Clues is a strategy to infer the
How can one explain and predict interactions between meaning of an unfamiliar word. They can “read around” the word, or
objects and within systems of objects? read a few sentences before and after it, to make meaning from the
Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity context. Remind them to look at the photographs, too.
ESS3.B: Natural Hazards
How do natural hazards affect individuals and societies? Another strategy to try is Sketching Words. Share the word forces in
context and have students sketch a picture or diagram that they think
demonstrates the meaning of the word. Allow a few minutes for them
to complete their sketches, and then have them turn and share their
sketches with a partner. Students should first explain their sketches,
and then partners should compare and contrast them. Listen to
students’ explanations and correct any misconceptions. Have students
© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Inc.
follow the same steps with the words gravity and oxygen.
Point out other important words in the selection, such as altitudes,
frostbite, summit, and avalanches. Have pairs use sketches or context
clues to determine their meaning. Some words lend themselves to
sketching; others may not. You may start by giving sketching tips or by
providing a sample sketch or diagram for one of the words.
K2 1978
Porters trudge toward Base Camp
at 4962 meters (16,300 feet).
Personal Narrative
oTher u.S. TeAmS hAD FAIleD? with a team of 14 climbers, and
with help from about 350 local
JIm whITTAKer,
TeAm leADer, DeSCrIbeS The
porters, we carried nine tons of
ADvenTure From bASe CAmP To supplies more than 160 kilometers
The FInAl PuSh For The SummIT. (100 miles) to the base of K2.
That three-week trek was just the
beginning of our adventure.
I had always longed to climb
K2. I had already scaled
Mount Everest, the world’s
highest mountain. K2 is shorter
than Everest, but its slopes are
steeper, its weather is wilder,
and it has more avalanches than
Everest, so for me, K2 is the
ultimate challenge.
10 11
Reading OBJECTIVES Summary “K2 1978” includes two personal narratives written
• Identify chronological text structure. by Jim Whittaker and Jim Wickwire about their expedition to the
• Analyze multiple accounts of the same event. summit of K2 in 1978. The narratives describe the dangers the
SCIENCE OBJECTIVES climbers faced and the ways they overcame those challenges.
• Understand that force and gravity affected
climbers in the K2 expedition.
• Recognize that hazards in high altitude BUILD BACKGROUND FOR THE GENRE
environments affect climbers.
Ask students to turn and talk about the kinds of information they
might expect to read in a personal narrative. Have pairs share their
ideas with the class. Then tell students that “K2 1978” is a personal
ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS narrative with the following elements:
CC.5.RInfo.5 Compare and contrast the overall structure • It provides two firsthand accounts of an event—the climbing of K2.
(e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/
• The writers describe events in chronological order. The descriptions
solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two
or more texts. include dates, times, places, and people involved.
CC.5.RInfo.6 Analyze multiple accounts of the same • It includes photos with captions, as well as other graphics.
event or topic, noting important similarities and
differences in the point of view they represent.
• gravity • energy
Core Idea PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and
• force • oxygen
How can one explain and predict interactions between Remind students that Using Context Clues is a strategy to infer the
objects and within systems of objects?
meaning of an unfamiliar word. They can “read around” the word, or
Core Idea ESS3: Earth and Human Activity read a few sentences before and after it, to make meaning from the
ESS3.B: Natural Hazards
How do natural hazards affect individuals and societies?
context. Remind them to look at the photographs, too.
Another strategy to try is Becoming Wordkeepers. Explain that a
wordkeeper is responsible for knowing the meaning, part of speech,
and spelling of a certain word. But remind students that the meaning
of the word is the most important thing to remember. Write the
word gravity and its part of speech on a card and ask if anyone knows
its meaning. If a student gives the correct definition, write it on the
back of the card and give it to the student. If no one knows the word,
© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Inc.
the route along the sharp, narrow ridge with a sheer drop
on either side was the most dangerous. Climbers had to You may want to have students do a “quick write” to
use ropes to avoid falling, and even a small mistake could assess understanding. It’s always helpful to have students
have been fatal.) reflect on both the content and their thinking process.
Describe Text Structure Tell students that the • What parts of the text indicate that teamwork was
structure of personal narratives is often chronological. important to the success of the expedition?
Signal words, such as first, next, then, and finally, provide • What do you still wonder about expeditions to K2?
clues about the order. An author also might provide
K2 2011
contrasts with an earlier expedition.
K2 2011
An extremely dangerous climb 8,611 meters (28,251 feet) high. Later,
makes a dream come true. Gerlinde would try to summit K2, and
In 1994, Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner became in the summer of 2011, she succeeded.
fascinated by K2’s shape—a triangle That year, she and her husband, Ralf
formed by steep slopes Dujmovits, led the International 2011
merged at the summit K2 North Pillar Expedition.
by Glen Phelan
Third-Person Narrative
20 21
such as peak and glaciers. Have students play charades or use context
clues to determine their meaning. Some words lend themselves to
charades; others may not. Decide which of these strategies is most
appropriate for each word.
the summit of K2 so remarkable? (Gerlinde was the first • What did this text remind you of?
woman to reach the summit of all of Earth’s 8,000-meter
peaks without using bottled oxygen.)
Determine Word Meaning Share with students that
they can use context clues and what they already know
about a topic to determine the meaning of an unfamiliar
word. Model this strategy for the word sure-footed by
reading aloud the fourth paragraph on page 22. Then say:
Geared Up!
snow-covered mountains.
GoGGles protect against strong
sunlight that reflects off the snow.
Reference Article
as possible. It also has to be durable—
strong and long-lasting because no stores
or repair shops are “just around the corner”
on the mountain!
30 31
Reading OBJECTIVES Summary “Geared Up!” is a reference article that describes various
• Explain the relationships and interactions types of equipment that mountaineers use. Photos and descriptions
between ideas in an informational text. help the reader understand the importance of having the right
• Draw information from multiple sources.
equipment to protect the climbers as they face hazardous conditions.
• Understand that force and weight are related.
Lead students to an understanding of the elements of a reference
article. Explain that “Geared Up!” is a reference article and has the
following elements:
CC.5.RInfo.3 Explain the relationships or interactions
between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or
• The content does not have to be read sequentially. Readers can dip
concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based
on specific information in the text. in and out of the article as needed over time.
CC.5.RInfo.7 Draw on information from multiple print
• Its purpose is to provide concise, easy-to-scan descriptions.
or digital sources, demonstrating the ability to locate • Facts are conveyed through informational inserts.
an answer to a question quickly or to solve a problem
• force
Core Idea PS2: Motion and Stability: Forces and
Remind students that Using Context Clues is a strategy to infer the
How can one explain and predict interactions between
objects and within systems of objects? meaning of an unfamiliar word. They can “read around” the word, or
read a few sentences before and after it, to make meaning from the
context. Remind them to look at the photographs, too.
Another helpful strategy is Using Visual Vocabulary. Have students
find pictures that they feel help explain the meaning of the word force.
Then have them turn and talk with a partner about the picture they
chose and how it demonstrates the meaning of force.
Identify other important words in the selection, such as trudging,
treacherous, insulated, and spikes. Then have students use context
clues or visual vocabulary to determine the meaning of these and any
words that may be unfamiliar.
© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Inc.
them my feet would probably get frostbite. In the • Why didn’t Gerlinde bring her journal to the top of K2?
picture, I can also see the ground is rocky and covered • What are some other supplies that you think climbers
with snow, so without them I would also get wet and would need on an expedition to K2?
injure my feet.)
Explain Relationships Help students understand
that mountaineers need all of the equipment shown
and described on pages 30–31 because of the hazardous
K2 2011
challenge top of of K2 dition. eer need
many hed the modern
climb mountain ntains.
holds ers reac how a an earli
er expe what a mou
ing K2 if climb find out snow-covered
why climb find out find out contrasts with Read to
find out read to Read to
Read to Narrative Article
narrative eference
Article on
cience ersonal hird-Pers GENRE R
A Mountain Ca
Jim Wick Phelan
er and
Whittak by Glen
by Jim adapted
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When want
K2 is calle ed nal stay
ed behi didn’t Winegar
I saw why untain. Yet I gain her jour drop it—s
he just
counts by Lara
Mo I was didn’t y gram
Savage e, and it—she ht. Ever deep snow
og ue l geogrA PhIC experienc 1978. In y the weig
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The nATI A u.S. try agai re
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SPo 1978 ,
The es. The need to
by Judy SoC IeTY K2 In mid-Jun
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Ion To SCA leD 14 e forc
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with a team about 350 of to be
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help from tons Phelan equipme be dura
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we carr eters ible. It because
no stor
oTh er
u.S. TeAm
, porters, 160 kilom as poss -lasting corner”
ad•ven•ture AK erThe more than K2. and long nd the
wh ITT supplies base of t arou in what
strong s are “jus ASS tells is and is
a daring and difficult undertaking JIm leAD CrIb eS s) to the was just the ir shop
ion north GPS fails.
er, DeS e CAm
P To (100 mile trek or repa direct
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of uncertain outcome, usually exciting TeAm m bAS mIT. e-week e. mountai
n! impor
Nepal per,
India- stee
tan borde
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more aval
ft.) 8,586
and it has for me, K2 is the
Est 8,611 m so tie
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Moun -rest) e. how to
EV-uh r
challeng porter swollen G SYST
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35 ft.) ultimate lenge s the head to cross a AL POSIT
m (29,0
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I had tried we were beat
back by
AM AM AM 4/23/13
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up to the 4/23/13 4/23/13
2 10 20
2 10 20 P_FO_S
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02_SE5 10_SE5 20_SE5
• Use evidence from a text when explaining what
Content & Comprehension Goals
the text says. Guide students to discuss what they learned about how force and
• Compare and contrast text structures. gravity relate to the topics discussed in The Savage Mountain. Ask:
• Write or speak about the topic by using What are some ways climbers overcome the challenges they face on K2?
information from the four selections. (Possible responses are given in the concept map. Students may have
SCIENCE OBJECTIVES more or different information.)
• Understand and describe force and interacting
• Describe energy and how force relates to it. What are some ways
• Describe hazards in high altitude environments
and how the hazards affect people.
climbers overcome the
challenges they face on K2?
CC.5.RInfo.1 Quote accurately from a text when to avoid the strong They use ropes so
explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing sunlight reflection. gravity won’t pull
inferences from the text. them down steep
CC.5.RInfo.6 Analyze multiple accounts of the same
event or topic, noting important similarities and Some climbers
differences in the point of view they represent. use bottled
oxygen because They carry water with
CC.5.RInfo.9 Integrate information from several texts on
of the thin air. them so they won’t get
the same topic in order to write or speak about the subject
Remind students that the selections “K2 1978” and “K2 2011” are
narratives about climbers’ experiences on K2. Have student pairs
compare and contrast these two narratives. Then discuss as a class.
(“K2 1978” is written in first person, so we see the mountaineers’
words and know what they thought and felt. “K2 2011” is written in
third person, so we read about the experiences of the mountaineers
through the words of another writer.)
and contra
misconceptions. and “K2 20
st the expedi
tions describ
ed in “K2 197
3. Cite exa
mples of the
effects of for
1. How did the information in “A Mountain Called K2” from “A Mo
4. Explain
untain Called
ces such as
K2,” “K2 197
8,” and “K2
gravity on clim
how gear fro
help you understand the other three pieces in the book? mountain-cli
freezing tem
m “Geared
mbing challen
Up” helps a
ges such as
climber han
peratures. blinding sno
w, gravity, and
(Possible response: The first selection provided 5. What do
you still wonde
r about mo
as “K2 1978” untain-climb
background information that helped me understand more inform
and “K2 20
11”? What wo
uld be som
ing expeditio
e good ways
ns such
to find
Savage Research & Share
Mountain 888-915-3276
K2 Geared
A Mountain K2
2011 Up!
Called K2 1978
5/3/13 11:15 AM
After students explore, they should arrive at a question that will
drive their research. Students may want to read, listen to, and view
information with their question in mind. Guide students to use resources,
such as reliable sites on the Internet, science texts and articles, library
books, and magazines, that address the question they posed. Collecting
information may lead students to revise or narrow their question.
© National Geographic Learning, Cengage Learning, Inc.
Grade 5 Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and
A Framework for K–12 Science Education
correlated to National Geographic Ladders Science
2. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas and information clearly.
3. Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique,
descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
(cont. on p. 20)
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storage and retrieval systems, except as permitted under Section 107 or 108 of
the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without the prior written permission of
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Content Consultants National Geographic and the Yellow Border are registered trademarks of the
National Geographic Society.
Judith S. Lederman, Ph.D., Associate Professor and
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Director of Teacher Education, Illinois Institute of Technology online at
Randy L. Bell, Ph.D., Associate Dean and Professor, Further permissions questions can be emailed to [email protected]
Oregon State University Visit National Geographic Learning online at
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Kathy Cabe Trundle, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Early
Childhood Science Education, The Ohio State University ISBN: 978-12853- 5994-6