PROTOCOL AFRICA Pratylenchus Carrots
PROTOCOL AFRICA Pratylenchus Carrots
PROTOCOL AFRICA Pratylenchus Carrots
in vitro culturing of lesion nematodes:
Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus spp.
on carrot discs
D.L. Coyne, O. Adewuyi and E. Mbiru
About IITA
Within Nigeria:
PMB 5320, Oyo Road
Ibadan, Oyo State
ISBN 978-978-8444-44-2
All rights reserved. The publisher encourages fair use of this material provided proper citation is made.
No reproduction, copy or transmission of this report may be made without written permission of the
Correct citation: Coyne, D.L., Adewuyi, O. and Mbiru, E. 2014. Protocol for in vitro culturing of lesion
nematodes: Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus spp. on carrot discs. International Institute of Tropical
Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. 15pp.
The manual presents a traditional protocol to culture lesion nematodes for use in screening and
efficacy exercises. The protocol is focused on lesion nematodes, using carrot discs as a food
source/culturing medium. Carrot discs allow the in vitro rearing of high numbers of
Pratylenchus spp. and Radopholus similis, in particular, under sterile conditions to provide a
clean, uniform and pure source of inoculum. The protocol builds upon previous technical
guidelines, such as by Speijer and De Waele (1997), aligning descriptive instructions with visual
figures as much as possible, to create an easy-to-follow guide.
The authors are grateful to colleagues Inge Van den Bergh and Jenna Ross for assistance, advice
and help in producing this document. The document was produced to support activities
supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, on behalf of the Government of
the Federal Republic of Germany, within the framework the project: ‘Local Focus: safe and
effective pest and crop management strategies to strengthen the vegetable value chain in the
humid tropics’.
FORWARD..................................................................................................................................... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................................ ii
INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 1
PROCEDURE ................................................................................................................................. 4
Economically important nematode species that multiply well and can be cultured in vitro
on carrot discs include Radopholus similis and Pratylenchus spp.: P. brachyurus, P. coffeae,
P. scribneri, P. sudanensis, P. vulnus, P. zeae. Carrot discs enable the rearing of high
numbers of these nematodes for timely use in experiments and for screening purposes
(e.g. O’Bannon and Taylor, 1968; Mudiope et al., 204; Kagoda et al., 2010).
The procedure outlined here provides a descriptive method for multiplying pure cultures
of lesion forming endoparasitic nematodes. The procedure is based on previous
descriptions, but here we avoid using strong sterilants and further, aim to provide a clearly
outlined and visually informative guide, to enable an easy-to-follow procedure. We
describe the recovery of the nematodes from the tissue of plants that the nematodes
naturally infect, the preparation of the nematode extract for inoculation onto carrot discs,
that themselves have been prepared to receive the nematodes. It is necessary to use
sterile techniques and to sterilise the nematodes to prevent contamination during
incubation (3-4 weeks+), which would otherwise destroy the nematode cultures. Some
descriptions use a strong, toxic sterilant, such as mercuric chloride (HgCl 2) or similar, in
addition, or as an alternative to the streptomycin sulphate described here.
We have avoided this however, as these tend to be highly toxic. We find that by carefully
following the sterilisation process and sterile techniques outlined here, the use of
2. Chop up the roots/tuber cortex/plant tissue with a knife on a chopping board or with
scissors, and weigh out a sub-sample (e.g. 5 g).
3. Prepare a modified extraction plate using a plastic sieve lined with milk filter/tissue
paper for nematode extraction and place the chopped root material into the centre of the
tissue paper inside the sieve.
5. Carefully remove the sieve from the collection plate after the extraction period and pour
the nematode extraction from the collection tray into a beaker/cup.
6. Label beakers clearly with details, such as date, sample name, location. Leave samples to
settle until ready to use, then reduce the excess volume by carefully decanting the excess,
or pouring through a 28 µm (or similarly small) aperture sieve. Rinse with distilled water
and collect into a beaker.
7. Keep nematodes in a beaker or tube in distilled water until required, but without leaving
for too long. Preferably use within one day. Store overnight on the bench or in the fridge.
2. Wash selected carrots under running water and clean off any soil or debris. Then clean
with sterilised distilled water before use.
3. Sterilise plenty distilled water, tools, Petri dishes, glass blocks, glass plate, kitchen paper
and Pasteur pipettes by autoclaving at 121˚C for 15 minutes. Cover distilled water and
wrap tools and materials with aluminum foil.
4. Open the laminar flow cabinet and swab down the surface with 70% ethanol to sterilise
the working surface. Then sterilise the tools and tongs by dipping in or spraying with
ethanol and flaming over the spirit lamp.
NB: use 96% ethanol for the spirit lamp, which has a longer flaming span than 70%.
6. Working on the autoclaved paper towel and glass plate, remove the crown end of the
carrot with a sterile knife and dispose of it; do not use the crown end for inoculation. Peel
the carrot with the sterilised vegetable peeler. Sterilise knife and peeler after every use.
7. Cut the peeled carrots into 0.5 cm thick sections of 3-4 cm diam., using the sterile knife.
Discs must not be less than 2 cm diam. Sterilise the knife after cutting each disc. Using the
sterilised forceps transfer the cut carrot discs into sterilised glass or sterile disposable Petri
dishes (3-5 cm diam.) and cover. Sterilise the forceps after each transfer.
***NOTE: use of glass Petri dishes tend to result in lower rates of contamination***
2. Swab down the laminar flow with 70% ethanol then transfer the picked nematodes from
the glass block using a sterile pipette into a sterilised glass measuring cylinder containing
10 ml of sterile distilled water.
3. Weigh out 0.06 g (6 mg) of streptomycin sulphate onto sterile aluminum foil.
5. Allow the nematodes to settle to the bottom in the measuring cylinder for about 1 hour.
With a micro-Pasteur pipette reduce the volume in the measuring cylinder from the
surface, to about 5 ml, taking care not to disturb or remove the nematodes at the bottom.
From the prepared 10 ml streptomycin solution, pipette 5 ml into the nematode
suspension to surface sterilise the nematodes and reduce contamination. Leave for
another 1 hour to settle, then reduce the volume again, replenish with sterilised distilled
water to 10 ml and leave for 1 hour. Repeat the process for a third time, leave for 30 min
and finally reduce the volume to 2-3 ml.
2. Gently place small drops of nematode suspension onto the margin/edge of the carrot
discs. The aim is to transfer the nematodes in as little water as possible; the smaller the
drops the better. Aim to deliver 15-50 nematodes per disc in a maximum of three drops of
nematode suspension per carrot disc. The number of nematodes in the suspension will
determine the number to transfer. This is a good number for culture maintenance. For
mass multiplication though, use about 100-150 nematodes. Replace the Petri dish lid and
continue with the next carrot disc.
3. Seal the Petri dishes containing inoculated carrots with Parafilm and label accurately.
Labels should include the date of inoculation, nematode species, origin, crop of origin.
5. After 3-4 weeks, check for nematodes emerging onto the surface of the carrot or
collecting on the Petri dish glass surface around the edges of the carrot. Do this by placing
the dish under a dissection microscope without removing the Parafilm or the lid.
Nematodes will begin to exit the carrot when nutrients start to become depleted and at
this point the nematodes are ready for harvesting. This can continue over a number of
weeks until the carrot is fully depleted and then needs sub-culturing.
When required for an experiment, emerging nematodes can be rinsed from the Petri dish
and from off the carrot surface into a collection beaker, using a water bottle.
The nematodes can be harvested and stored in the fridge at 4oC until ready for use,
preferably within 1 week, so that nematodes remain fresh. The nematodes can, however,
remain viable for up to 2-3 weeks. To rinse nematodes from the carrot cultures it is
essential to work inside the laminar flow cabinet, and use the sterile techniques described
above in Sections 3.0 and 4.0. Remove carrot discs with sterilised tongs and rinse the
carrot with sterile distilled water over a beaker. Place the carrot disc back into the Petri
dish, replace the lid and re-apply the Parafilm around the Petri dish. Repeat the process
with the remaining carrot discs, bulking the nematodes in the beaker. Store the harvested
nematodes in the fridge at 4oC.
Nematodes will continue to emerge from the carrot disc provided that a food source
(nutrients) remains available. This can be observed from the color of the carrot which
gradually changes from the original orange, to a brownish color, at which point it is
necessary to sub-culture.
Remove the carrots from the incubator to sub-culture the nematodes onto fresh carrot
discs. For sub-culturing, it is best to use those discs from which many nematodes are
1. To extract the nematodes from the carrot discs cut the discs into small pieces or chop
roughly and place into a blender and extract nematodes using the method set out above in
Section 1.0.
2. After extraction, collect the nematodes into a beaker and sterilise them according to
Section 3.0 above, followed by the procedure for inoculation onto carrot discs in Section
3. Picking the nematodes individually is not necessary when sub-culturing as the culture is
already a pure population. Therefore, collect the nematodes in a beaker, agitate to
equilibrate nematode distribution in the beaker and remove a known aliquot volume (e.g.
1 ml) using a pipette. Place the aliquot into a counting dish and, under the microscope,
count the number of nematodes in order to determine nematode density and the volume
required to transfer to the sterilisation process (Section 3.0). If there are too many
nematodes to count using e.g. 1 ml, then reduce the amount (e.g. 0.5 ml) and add distilled
water to the counting dish to dilute and enable ease of counting. Assess nematode density
using 2-3 separate aliquots and calculate the mean.
Kagoda, F., Coyne, D., Mbiru, E., Derera, J. & Tongoona, P. 2010. Monoxenic Culture of
Pratylenchus Zeae on Carrot Discs. Nematologia Mediterranea 38, 107-108.
Mudiope, J., Coyne, D., Adipala. E. & Sikora, R.A. 2004. Monoxenic culture of the Root-Lesion
Nematode Pratylenchus sudanensis on Carrot Disks. Nematology 6, 617-619.
O'Bannon J.H. & Taylor A.L. 1968. Migratory endoparasitic nematodes reared on carrot discs.
Phytopathology, 58, 385.
Speijer, P.R. & De Waele, D. 1997. Screening of Musa Germplasm for Resistance and Tolerance
to Nematodes. INIBAP, Montpellier, France. Pp. 47. ISBN 2-910810-16-X.