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Exercise Session 2

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ROS Course 2021

Exercise Session 2

- ROS package structure

- Integration and programming with Eclipse
- ROS C++ client library (roscpp)
- ROS subscribers and publishers
- ROS parameter server
- RViz visualization


In this exercise, you will create your first ROS package. The package should be able to
subscribe to a laser scan message from the SMB robot and process the incoming data. This
node will be the basis for the next exercises. Use Eclipse to edit your package (Lecture 2
Slides 9-13).

Make sure to look at the ROS template for reference

https://github.com/leggedrobotics/ros_best_practices. It will help you a lot for the
implementation, as it has a similar node to what you have to do in this exercise!

1. OPTIONAL (more difficult): Create the package smb_highlevel_controller

from scratch. You can use the command catkin_create_pkg to create a new
package with the dependencies roscpp and sensor_msgs.

2. OR (easy): Download the Zip archive containing prepared files of the package
smb_highlevel_controller from the course website.

3. Inspect the CMakelists.txt and package.xml files. (Lecture 2 Slides 5-7)

4. Create a subscriber to the /scan topic. (Lecture 2 Slides 19-21)
5. Add a parameter file with topic name and queue size for the subscriber of the topic
/scan. (Lecture 2 Slides 22-23)
6. Create a callback method for that subscriber which outputs the smallest distance
measurement from the vector ranges in the message of the laser scanner to the
terminal. Inspect the message type here
7. Add your launch file from Exercise 1 to this package and modify it to:
○ run the smb_highlevel_controller node.
○ load the parameter file.
8. Pass the argument laser_enabled from your launch file to the
smb_gazebo.launch file with value true.
9. Show the laser scan in RViz and add RViz to your launch file. Make sure to set odom
as the Fixed Frame (under Global Options) and adapt the size of the laser scan

1 Exercise 2
ROS Course 2021

points. You can save your current RViz configuration as the default configuration by
pressing ctrl+s. (Lecture 2 Slides 24-26)
10. [OPTIONAL] Check the pointcloud_to_laserscan node, find out what it is doing.
Which topic is it publishing on and which is it subscribing on? Visualize the 3D point
cloud and the laser scan in Rviz.
11. [OPTIONAL] Create an additional subscriber to the 3D point cloud and print how
many points it has.

RViz visualization of a single laser scan. Multiple obstacles are placed around the robot. Note the
changed “Fixed Frame” as well as “Size (m)”.


❏ Start the launch file and drive around with SMB. There should be changing output
from the laser scanner in the terminal. [40%]
❏ Check if the node is implemented as the template suggests. [30%]
❏ Is a parameter file used? [15%]
❏ Is the laser scan visualized in RViz as shown in the image? [15%]

❏ Correctly explain what pointcloud_to_laserscan node is doing. Is the 3D point cloud
changing as the robot moves? [10% bonus]
❏ Is the number of points inside the cloud shown in the terminal? Is it the callback
implemented correctly? [10% bonus]

2 Exercise 2

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