This document is an exam for a course on HVDC Transmission Systems. It contains 5 questions with multiple parts each. Question 1 asks about comparing AC and DC transmission, listing limitations of HVDC lines, and explaining a six pulse converter. Question 2 covers harmonics characteristics, inverter operation of line commutated converters, and the effect of delaying firing angle. Question 3 addresses HVDC system components, corona effect, and power flow control in VSC HVDC. Question 4 is about multi-level converters, PWM techniques, and rotating reference frame theory. Question 5 differentiates synchronous and asynchronous links, enhances frequency stability using HVDC control, and explains mono-polar HVDC operation.
This document is an exam for a course on HVDC Transmission Systems. It contains 5 questions with multiple parts each. Question 1 asks about comparing AC and DC transmission, listing limitations of HVDC lines, and explaining a six pulse converter. Question 2 covers harmonics characteristics, inverter operation of line commutated converters, and the effect of delaying firing angle. Question 3 addresses HVDC system components, corona effect, and power flow control in VSC HVDC. Question 4 is about multi-level converters, PWM techniques, and rotating reference frame theory. Question 5 differentiates synchronous and asynchronous links, enhances frequency stability using HVDC control, and explains mono-polar HVDC operation.
This document is an exam for a course on HVDC Transmission Systems. It contains 5 questions with multiple parts each. Question 1 asks about comparing AC and DC transmission, listing limitations of HVDC lines, and explaining a six pulse converter. Question 2 covers harmonics characteristics, inverter operation of line commutated converters, and the effect of delaying firing angle. Question 3 addresses HVDC system components, corona effect, and power flow control in VSC HVDC. Question 4 is about multi-level converters, PWM techniques, and rotating reference frame theory. Question 5 differentiates synchronous and asynchronous links, enhances frequency stability using HVDC control, and explains mono-polar HVDC operation.
This document is an exam for a course on HVDC Transmission Systems. It contains 5 questions with multiple parts each. Question 1 asks about comparing AC and DC transmission, listing limitations of HVDC lines, and explaining a six pulse converter. Question 2 covers harmonics characteristics, inverter operation of line commutated converters, and the effect of delaying firing angle. Question 3 addresses HVDC system components, corona effect, and power flow control in VSC HVDC. Question 4 is about multi-level converters, PWM techniques, and rotating reference frame theory. Question 5 differentiates synchronous and asynchronous links, enhances frequency stability using HVDC control, and explains mono-polar HVDC operation.
BE - SEMESTER–VI(NEW) EXAMINATION – WINTER 2022 Subject Code:3160921 Date:17-12-2022 Subject Name:HVDC Transmission Systems Time:02:30 PM TO 05:00 PM Total Marks:70 Instructions: 1. Attempt all questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4. Simple and non-programmable scientific calculators are allowed. MARKS
Q.1 (a) Compare AC and DC Transmission in view of economy and reliability. 03
(b) Enlist limitations of HVDC transmission lines. 04 (c) Explain six pulse converter with neat diagram. 07
Q.2 (a) Explain characteristics of harmonics. 03
(b) What will happen, when a line commutated converter operates in inverter 04 mode? (c) Analyze the effect of delaying the firing angle. 07 OR (c) Explain twelve pulse converters. 07
Q.3 (a) Write components of HVDC system. 03
(b) Write short note on “corona effect”. 04 (c) Explain power flow and dc voltage control in VSC based HVDC system 07 OR Q.3 (a) What is the function of smoothening reactor? 03 (b) Write short note on DC breaker. 04 (c) Explain real and reactive power control using VSC. 07
Q.4 (a) Explain multi-level converter. 03
(b) Classify PWM techniques. 04 (c) Explain rotating reference frame theory. 07 OR Q.4 (a) Write about PWM. 03 (b) Explain “Phase-Locked Loop” 04 (c) What is selective harmonic elimination technic? How to eliminate 07 selective harmonics?
Q.5 (a) Differentiate between synchronous and asynchronous link. 03
(b) How to enhance frequency stability using HVDC control. 04 (c) Explain mono-polar operation of HVDC. 07 OR Q.5 (a) Explain parallel operation of HVDC system. 03 (b) Explain about multi-terminal HVDC system. 04 (c) Explain control of power in MTDC. 07