Q4 Science 5

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region _____

_________________ ELEMENTARY SCHOOL



No. No.

Learning of of Percent

Competencie Day Item age of Remembe Understan Applyi Analyzi Evaluati Creati

s s s Items ring ding ng ng ng ng

Describe how

rocks turn 8 10 20% 3 4 2 1 0 0

into soil


extent of soil

erosion in the
6 12 24% 2 3 4 2 1 0

and its


7 14 28% 2 3 4 4 1 0

in the


and describe

their effects

Infer the

pattern in the

changes in
5 8 16% 2 2 2 1 1 0


of the Moon

Identify star

patterns that

can be seen
4 6 12% 0 2 1 2 1 0
at particular

times of the


Total 30 50 100% 9 14 13 10 4 0

Encircle the letter of the correct answer .

1. How do rocks turn into soil?

A. By sunlight
B. By wind and water erosion
C. By animals
D. By trees

2. What can cause rocks to break down into smaller pieces?

A. Rainfall
B. Wind
C. Changes in temperature
D. All of the above

3. What is the process called when rocks are broken down by natural forces and turn into
A. Condensation
B. Weathering
C. Evaporation
D. Erosion

4. Which of the following is NOT a factor in the process of rock weathering?

A. Time
B. The color of the rock
C. Water
D. Wind

5. What is soil erosion?

A. The process by which soil is created
B. The process by which soil is transported from one place to another
C. The process by which soil is compacted
D. The process by which soil absorbs water

6. What can increase the risk of soil erosion in a community?

A. Planting lots of trees
B. Building structures without proper planning
C. Regular rainfall
D. All of the above

7. How does soil erosion affect the environment?

A. It can lead to loss of nutrients in the soil
B. It can cause flooding
C. It can lead to the destruction of habitats
D. All of the above

8. What is a weather disturbance?

A. A sudden change in temperature
B. A significant event in the Earth's atmosphere that can affect the weather and climate
C. A slow change in climate
D. An event that only happens in the ocean

9. Which of the following is a common weather disturbance in the Philippines?

A. Tornado
B. Hurricane
C. Typhoon
D. Dust storm

10. How does a typhoon affect daily life in the Philippines?

A. It can lead to power outages
B. It can make roads impassable
C. It can disrupt communication networks
D. All of the above

11. How can you observe the pattern in the changes in the appearance of the moon?
A. By observing the moon at the same time every night
B. By observing the moon only during a lunar eclipse
C. By observing the moon only during the day
D. By observing the moon at different times every night

12. What is the term for the different shapes the Moon appears to have at different times?
A. Moon shapes
B. Lunar calendar
C. Moon cycle
D. Lunar phases

13. During which moon phase is the Moon not visible from Earth?
A. Full Moon
B. Quarter Moon
C. Crescent Moon
D. New Moon

14. Why does the Moon appear to change shape throughout the month?
A. Because the Moon actually changes shape
B. Because of the angle from which we see the Moon as it orbits the Earth
C. Because of changes in Earth's atmosphere
D. Because of the rotation of the Moon

15. Which star pattern can be seen in the sky all year round in the Philippines?
A. Big Dipper
B. Orion's Belt
C. Little Dipper
D. Scorpius

16. What is a constellation?

A. A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky
B. A single star that is very bright
C. A group of planets that are close together
D. A single planet that is very bright

17. Why are different star patterns visible at different times of the year?
A. Because the stars move around in the sky
B. Because the Earth orbits the Sun
C. Because the stars change brightness
D. Because the Earth rotates on its axis

18. What effect does soil erosion have on living things?

A. It can disrupt habitats
B. It can reduce the amount of available food
C. It can make areas unsuitable for living
D. All of the above

19. What can people do to prevent soil erosion in their community?

A. Plant more trees
B. Create drainage systems
C. Build terraces on hillsides
D. All of the above

20. Which of the following is NOT a type of weather disturbance?

A. Thunderstorm
B. Earthquake
C. Typhoon
D. Tornado

21. Why does the moon appear larger when it's near the horizon?
A. Because it is actually closer to Earth
B. Because of an optical illusion
C. Because of the rotation of the Earth
D. Because it's reflecting more sunlight

22. Which phase of the moon comes after a full moon?

A. New Moon
B. First Quarter
C. Last Quarter
D. Crescent Moon

23. Which constellation is known as "The Hunter"?

A. Ursa Major
B. Ursa Minor
C. Orion
D. Scorpius

24. Which star is usually used as a reference point for navigation because it's nearly in line
with Earth's axis?
A. Vega
B. Sirius
C. Polaris
D. Alpha Centauri

25. How do weather disturbances like typhoons usually affect the environment?
A. They promote plant growth
B. They cause soil erosion and landslides
C. They make the weather cooler
D. They increase soil fertility

26. How can you contribute to reducing soil erosion in your community?
A. By walking instead of driving
B. By using less water
C. By planting trees and other vegetation
D. By using solar energy

27. What term refers to the apparent shape of the illuminated part of the Moon as seen from
A. Lunar phase
B. Lunar period
C. Lunar cycle
D. Lunar year

28. The appearance of the Moon changes from night to night. What causes these changes?
A. The Moon's rotation on its axis
B. The Moon's revolution around the Earth
C. The rotation of the Earth on its axis
D. The Earth's revolution around the Sun

29. Which constellation is visible in the Philippines between March and May?
A. Orion
B. Ursa Major
C. Leo
D. Scorpius

30. If the soil in your community is being washed away by water, what can be done to
prevent further erosion?
A. Build concrete walls
B. Construct drainage channels
C. Plant vegetation to hold the soil together
D. All of the above

31. How can soil erosion affect the environment?

A. It can lead to loss of fertile topsoil.
B. It can cause silting of bodies of water.
C. It can lead to habitat destruction.
D. All of the above.

32. How are rocks broken down into smaller pieces over time?
A. Through a process called erosion.
B. Through a process called weathering.
C. Through a process called evaporation.
D. Through a process called condensation.
33. Which of the following weather disturbances is commonly experienced in the
A. Tornadoes
B. Hurricanes
C. Typhoons
D. Snow storms

34. How do weather disturbances like typhoons and storms affect daily life?
A. They can lead to flooding and property damage.
B. They can cause power outages.
C. They can disrupt transportation and communication.
D. All of the above.

35. What is a lunar eclipse?

A. When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon
B. When the Moon comes between the Earth and the Sun
C. When the Sun comes between the Earth and the Moon
D. None of the above

36. Which of the following star patterns can be seen in the sky during December and
A. The Big Dipper
B. Orion's Belt
C. The Little Dipper
D. The Southern Cross

37. What can we do to prevent soil erosion in our community?

A. Plant trees and other plants.
B. Create proper drainage systems.
C. Educate others about the importance of soil conservation.
D. All of the above.

38. Why is the moon sometimes visible during the day?

A. Because the moon is closer to the Earth during the day
B. Because of the reflection of sunlight off the moon
C. Because the moon produces its own light
D. None of the above

39. Which constellation is known as the "Northern Cross"?

A. Cassiopeia
B. Cygnus
C. Orion
D. Ursa Major

40. How does a typhoon form?

A. Over cold ocean waters
B. Over warm ocean waters
C. Over land areas
D. None of the above

41. Which of the following is a method used to prevent soil erosion?

A. Deforestation
B. Overgrazing
C. Terrace farming
D. Industrialization

42. What causes the moon to look different every night?

A. The rotation of the Earth
B. The rotation of the Moon
C. The orbit of the Moon around the Earth
D. The orbit of the Earth around the Sun

43. Which of the following is a common effect of a severe weather disturbance?

A. Power outage
B. Clear skies
C. Increase in temperature
D. Calm wind

44. Which of the following constellations can be seen in the Philippines throughout the year?
A. Ursa Major
B. Orion
C. Scorpius
D. Cassiopeia

45. How does the changing position of the Sun affect our shadows?
A. Shadows are shorter at noon and longer in the morning and late afternoon.
B. Shadows are longer at noon and shorter in the morning and late afternoon.
C. Shadows stay the same length throughout the day.
D. Shadows are not affected by the position of the Sun.

46. What is a group of stars forming a recognizable pattern that is traditionally named after
its apparent form or identified with a mythological figure called?
A. Solar system
B. Galaxy
C. Constellation
D. Star Cluster

47. How do weather disturbances such as typhoons or hurricanes form?

A. Over cold bodies of water.
B. Over hot bodies of water.
C. Over warm bodies of water.
D. Over the land.
48. Which of these weather disturbances is characterized by a violent, dangerous, rotating
column of air which is in contact with both the surface of the earth and a cumulonimbus
A. Tsunami
B. Typhoon
C. Tornado
D. Hurricane

49. How can soil erosion affect the community?

A. It can lead to loss of habitats.
B. It can make the land infertile.
C. It can cause landslides and flash floods.
D. All of the above.

50. What is the name of the full moon phase that occurs when the Moon is on the opposite
side of the Earth from the Sun?
A. New Moon
B. Half Moon
C. Full Moon
D. Quarter Moon


1. B. By wind and water erosion

2. D. All of the above
3. B. Weathering
4. B. The color of the rock
5. B. The process by which soil is transported from one place to another
6. B. Building structures without proper planning
7. D. All of the above
8. B. A significant event in the Earth's atmosphere that can affect the weather and
9. C. Typhoon
10. D. All of the above
11. A. By observing the moon at the same time every night
12. D. Lunar phases
13. D. New Moon
14. B. Because of the angle from which we see the Moon as it orbits the Earth
15. A. Big Dipper
16. A. A group of stars that form a pattern in the sky
17. B. Because the Earth orbits the Sun
18. D. All of the above
19. D. All of the above
20. B. Earthquake
21. B. Because of an optical illusion
22. B. First Quarter
23. C. Orion
24. C. Polaris
25. B. They cause soil erosion and landslides
26. C. Plant trees and other vegetation
27. A. Lunar phase
28. B. The Moon's revolution around the Earth
29. C. Leo
30. D. All of the above
31. D. All of the above
32. B. Through a process called weathering
33. C. Typhoons
34. D. All of the above
35. A. When the Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon
36. B. Orion's Belt
37. D. All of the above
38. B. Because of the reflection of sunlight off the moon
39. B. Cygnus
40. B. Over warm ocean waters
41. C. Terrace farming
42. C. The orbit of the Moon around the Earth
43. A. Power outage
44. A. Ursa Major
45. A. Shadows are shorter at noon and longer in the morning and late afternoon.
46. C. Constellation
47. B. Over hot bodies of water.
48. C. Tornado
49. D. All of the above
50. C. Full Moon

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