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GOVERNMENT OF NEPAL MINISTRY OF PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT OF ROADS Design and Build of Three Bridg BRIDGE BRANCH ackag Contract No: BBPCU-DB-07273-015 FINAL BILL~ {KAMALA KI BRIDGE) ‘SUMMARY OF PAYMENT Ns. 1,381,108,300.00 (Including VAT & PS) Tfatka Tundl/ Rasuwa JV a Description TERT OS | previous Anount| Curent AMOUT | ars NRS. NR. es +, [rot Bit Amount (Karnala) 540.684,064.20| 539,06486420| 1.620,000.00 This 4 Hi S e 3 [ora 79,900,834.00| _ 29,992,83400 2 nb Jappre fers) ¢ | sub Total (A+B) zroe77698.20| $69,057,60820] _1.620.090.00 var 13% of +8) 7414456800 | 73,933,968.00 aye [ral Bit Amount (A*B+0) ‘anan2.26620| 642,901,60620| 183,600.00 F [advance payment Deduction 31,196,500 | _81,196,500.00 E 6 [pavance payment Outstanding After Deduction - : : 11 |rotal Retention 5 % of (A+B) 79,533,885.00 | 28.452,885.00 181,000.00 1 [ros 15% of a+8) 73.500,165.00 | 8.535,865.00 24,300.00 4 |eontractor's Fund (0 8) '570.678.00| 569,058.00 4620.00 [Total payable | Fr eeluding VAT (E- 526,021,038.20 (524,297,358.20 4,723,680.00 FH) E 2 By Te [checked By. “Turd Vv Engineer . Date: a Wet By. [Approved By. feta Project Mana Ps pate aly GOVERNMENT OF NEP; MINISTRY OF PHYSICAL INFRASTRUCTURE, ‘AND TRANSPORT DEPARTMENT OF ROADS BRIDGE BRANCH Design and Build of Three Bridge : Package: I Contract No: BBPCU-DB-072/73.015 FINAL BILL - 12 (MARIN BRIDGE) ‘SUMMARY OF PAYMENT. CONTRACT AMOUNT : Nrs. 4,381,108,300.00 (Including VAT & PS) contractor: Kalika / Tundi / Rasuwa JV December, 2018 Description Total To Date [Previous IPC_[ Current IPC [pois Nes: NRS. NRs. |rotal Bil Amount (Marin) 434,110,675.00 | 432,820,675.00| _1,290,000.00 [rae eng ato He hold IcPA 23,517,647.00| — 23,517,647.00 - hep ae al En) |Sub Total (A+B) 457,628,322.00 | 456,338,322.00 1,290,000.00 D_ VAT 13% of (A+B-PS) 59,440,894.00 59,273,194.00 167,700.00 E [Total Bill Amount (C+D) 517,069,216.00| 515,611,516.00| _4,457,700.00 F Advance payment Deduction 61,163,500.00/ 61,163,500.00 5 «¢ |Advance payment Outstanding After [Deduction e 5 a [Total Retention 5 % of (A+B) 22,881,416.00| 22,816,916.00 64,500.00 1 ITDs 1.5% of (A+B) 6,864,425.00] 6,845,075.00 19,350.00 J [Contractor's Fund (0.1% of (A+B) 487,628.00 456,338.00 1,290.00 k__|Total payable to contractor including VAT EF Hpo. 425,702,247.00 | 424,329,687.00| —1,372,560.00 [Checked By: Engineer Date: [Approved By fs Project Manager: a WT [sv t Date: ~ :Kalika | Tundi / Rasuwa JV Description {Total Bill Amount (Ratu) MINISTRY OF PHYSicaL Design and Bui Gover INFRAST] DEPARTMENT OF BRIDGE BI RNMENT OF Nepal RUCTURE AND TRANSPORT ROADS RANCH Id of Three B, Contract No: BEPCU. ridge : Package: I -DB-072/73-015 PS) December, 2018 Total to Date Amount | Previous Amount | Current Amount | ma NRs. NRs. Nrs 241,406,165.00 240,671,165.00 735,000.00 {Tr 5a) CPA 16,916,832.00 16,916,832.00 - (2 Sub Total (A+B) (258,322,997.00 257,587,997.00 735,000.00 VAT 13% of (A+B) 33,534,388.00| _33,438,838,00 95,550.00 fe |Total Bill Amount (A+B+C) (291,857,385.00 291,026,835.00 830,550.00 |Advance payment Deduction 36,300,000.00 36,300,000.00 - |Advance payment Outstanding After Deduction [Total Retention 5 % of (A+B) 12,916,150.00 12,879,400.00 36,750.00 TDS 1.5 % of (A+B) 3,874,845.00 3,863,820.00 11,025.00 |Contractor’s Fund (0.1% of (A+B) 258,323.00 257,588.00 735.00 |Total payable to contractor 238,508,067.00 237,726,027.00 782,040.00 ha 4 yatoysu3 OE VSE EEO ‘oODS FEOOZ ‘oDOSSRTOL Do 0OoEET Doro00T OE HES OO DOTTEE ONS Do-c0d ore ors oo 000029" ‘Or F99"FS0'6ES orvae'res OS [saw soa Tou epee 7S : Tareas = Toe vee'ves cooo0'o00' | ov00+ | ov oo0'con'e 000" ‘ono00'000 | CoDeO eT ‘o0000'000' | oo con'00% 0000000 | 0000+ | oo c00'e00'y 000 Jeovcer00% | ooro0o'oo | 4 | ae fod se semen pue seuerew ‘uowdnbs ‘wed * (ved onal & Jove wig iorsenuoo oxo seahoydua) evuossed jo eovesneul 00'000'00e 000 | oaooo'a0e e001 | eo 00008 o'000'00€ + few Jove sanenasgns ‘suonepuno, uo payne 394 tae onPU09| ‘ojduco ye SOM Kiy=UE Kss09u LM LOSE poraxe| + | fossa sem Suu! “sanoras eéoue ssa3] 00001 | eo.000'000'ss 000% J ovco0'eee'ss | o0'000'000's+ 0082 | oo0c0'0sz'1¥ ‘conesz [ooooo‘esz'y | oo'cc0'ss Pr oy ee ee ea or00'v00'ser J 000 | c0'000'000's8 0001 | ovc00'ca0'ser | oooo0'eo0'se | 4 | ew |'emmnae ane ut : 0000'000' 000'82 | 00°000'000's 00s | o0a00'e8s' | oo c00'or 2c fowl vam wenicn au jo vomvoig aeds ox popes] z iD [se (v Sada) sonine) saeu6ue CuueveW pue Cupra. ‘suoeyntes pus se ensoedses ou ha paved se (331 via) 0se'0 | co:000'008°0t 000% | o0'0c0'008'04 | co-oo'o0e'or = ela BBR —| TVR BOPRERT TER [owe | Tannen | A [ouemnatimnwrcey | | Rovanewr | “awa” [| yyy monies ‘00P HOM TL oe TAF YANEVEFGNE-YOIT BOLSALNOD Sloeversonodae oN Bene lng snoineae ate ‘BBBUE TONE TOR W TWAS 10 pling pue uBiseq Honea 30008 savou 40 1NaRUsva3O LUOdSNVEL ONY FUMLOMULSVINI TWOISAHA 40 ARMLSINIMY {WEBN 40 INBMINYSAOS SR sorenue) [Sa pue iva Supnpul eon [MOTAVA [Sa moun VIOHY NRIVN wing eIOL [Sa Wim WIOHY NINN 0 WS FOL ‘ie seinseows vOHeBTIW jeWeWUONALe 10) UNS maar = oo'sesvoze’zey (00S29°06e ‘ooo oT [+ ‘ovo00'00rz | + 000'00%'2 | 00's somunonsl 5 Jeoueuwoyed jo vojsnoig put uoneznaoweg / uorezpaon| : "pelos jo suoppuC 07000'000'r | oo co000'000'r | 1 | ae |sesomiion pue sreyorew ‘uowdinbe “sverd ived pata pus] 000% | 000s | o0'c00'o0e 000s | o0'000'002 | oo'000'00z + | we Jseimannsans ‘suonepunoy uo pauinbay is91 aut We 1npuoo| vy (eesq ars Ug) =iecCD He] MW co0cd'o08'2+ 0x0 | oo-e00'c0s'z | c0z:0 | ooro00'000'2+ | ooro00'c00'es | 110 | wx [QHOM, cious Kiassoou um Ubi penoidde Jed se sueiD} lant ‘sem Guwieias ‘seinpnis oGevep ss00 ‘vonencsxa| .00'000'000'se | 00'002 | ooroo0'00a'se | ooaronz | ooro00'e00'se | co'c00'os: 002 ~ ‘ale | ovcco'o0'exe | 00% | ooard'eoo'exe |o001 | oovv.'so0'eze | covoo'cone | + € prey a . (L- [coves — fooez | ooroorze conse | ooao0.ees | co 00°F oe z Jura Ise (v SdAL) Some sieoubue Bumewrews pue Supici t ‘wore Joue spe onmedsas ein Aq poveindns se eae via)| ; joni Noqeopeues jevouuonnua buuprou uouraop Kesseoou ov00'6e' fos |oocod'rez | sso | ovc00'e00' | 0001 | oovvc'a0s'e | onvovrons's | + | aw [pennoimicn rneaneuwa Gumnow susie | T lea pve Buen ton apens ease “bp au Jo UBsea] | fpoeieg "uogetqsanu| pes “vawng Swvenu6u3 povd| E Soap TGYASUPTPG) | gaeeny | GYABuBNING) | ava BaPHDES a Gyn fone) | nueno ‘rand awvcury | 940 | adatouy | and ois [| aur enponied fe Wa wenn: euopqon HO ‘oa, : Tar segue VA Wo) TOO OTOTEY IN TINNOWY IOVEINOD "AP VAISVA TION) WOW” BOLOYELNOD a Te WRT s10-eues-@a-nddaa :9N PeAv29 ‘SPT TONE V TORN NIWA 30 Piina pue ubyseq HoNvua 30008 sovow 30 4NanLuvEaO SE i ‘oo 007 see TE FOOTOse [oer iva (00"000'0%0"T¥z [sa mou wing [EOL (O'S9T Ti9'0ve (00'S9T's0v't¥z 0007000" [sa uum wns 10, BiaRUOS He BSUS fod_se_swowdnds ae Jo Buproid pue bumdns| oo sor gee : o0s0r 906 7000 “senseous voequu ewvoWuasAUe 29) wg UDISHOAA a fi 5 ToRUTE EG ‘op 00070027 + [ o0.000'002' Jeouewwowed jo uorsnoig puE uoNEzNGOWed / vonEzHaan| “DU09 jo SUOTIpUGD Tod se (00000002 00'000'000'2 . Y |seotyen pue sume ‘quowdinbe “sued * (ved preg pue fuaio seroeuve> oun jo seeXodu3) auvosied 1 eovesnsui ‘suoneoyneeds pu siuauwaunbay «9/odu3| oo 000'002, 207 000'002, x hin uonoas sed se souendeode yey 20} sounarusiodns pve} Jseumonsane “suonepunoy uo paunbe: i894 eu we FonpU09| “aR He SDA oo coo'ose's wets r loenoue Kessooou um ublsop pexoidde 10d se sue] (00:00'000'88 (00000'000'@1 (000001000202 (0 000'000'z02 }o0 o00'060 00 000's01'» Tava BBS (ean) yinoury_|_ MOV" a enone ‘s0v0u 40 1NaRUMva30 AMOdSNVAAL ONY SAMLOMULSYALIN! TOISAHa 40 ARSININ Design and Build of Three Bridge Package Ratu Bridge Bill Amount Rs. (Ipe no. -12 AT, ) LU dsseesesnseid [Contract no. BBPCU-BD 72/73-015 BT IPC No 12 afeciat FReret rari wet EIVIEE at fete aaeet aor at TER gear ad cat get Reet cer yeah Reet Arar Aw ct WWIEE arnaet Roar acerca wnfeterst ter aft ahve wat waa wax met ¢ eee SAAT EIWIEE Sferdaa wa ahora arate der eet t Prater carcarttere Reorareeet tara pear apr seat after watered arat ‘Ter ¥. 73500000, PA %. 0.00 T sare ¥. 95550.00ef se ¥. 830550.00 weafeue arte Patra ore aft spraretret afr feenfte st wer seat w | oe aed eqeet afte Tea, nit cea, frafor carer ety, ser ganar oe war ne até cat sarardt oh anita {at ager Saharh sean wear anaere fotan eer A W3KO00|00 8 Price adjustment Amount RS. ‘0100 c [Total Amount (A+B) RS. 834000100] D VAT Amount Rs. @ 13% of C &¥MYOI09| E [Total Bill Amount with VAT Rs G30YYOI00] F TOS Rs. @ 1.5% q4ORKI09) 6 IVAT Amount Rs. @30% REREKIOO 4 [Retention Rs. @ 5% BEOLOIOO 1 Beruju ABRBVYOO J Contractor's Fund @ Rs. 0.1% 1934109 K [Total Deduction Amount Rs.(F+G+Haipy WOT FICO, L INet Payment To Contractor ( KALIKA -TUNDF-RASUWA YEO W300 J.vyRs. J tr Design and Build of Three Bridge Package Marin Bridge/Contract no. BBPCU- BD 072/73-015 1 IPC No 12 3ifeciat faeret ear amet EIAVIEE @t fete atareet a amas wa qeaet aft wat went Rast wea year vat fears t EIAIEE arrest Raa aceite witites ter at ator WAG TAT ALS T owe ara EWVIEE isda wa atotaT BraterTAT svat ¢ ferator eareardere at fraarraat cea spear arr reat aa feral vat %. 1290000, cpa ¥. 0.00 T Fare %. 167700.00 mi aI %. 145770000 aeaieua age SPafracae te are ah spraittet aftr aot ued seat o | we wee Presqarcet sift sierer wa, eter eter carer whe, sen aaLae wart wer ae aly cH frat oh after Ga aT Satteng apeetch eer Bret afer orev ter mag 1 (TJ IT 8 JPrice adjustment Amount Rs [[____C____ [otal Amount (A+B) Rs. FRq0000100) [}__D__|vATAmount Rs. @ 13% of C 7989900100) [TE ___ [Total Bill Amount with VAT Rs F TDS Rs. @ 1.5% G VAT Amount Rs. @30% ¥0390100 4 Retention Rs. @ 5% + &¥¥O0|00 1 Beruju ORE ¥ RIOD! J [Contractor's Fund @ Rs. 0.1% 4240100 K FFotal Deduction Amount Rs.(F+G+H+!+)) B¥X0%,2100| L Net Payment To Contractor ( KALIKA -TUNDF-RASUWA 499205100 vik. a ape aft Rone st oes svat & | aa wee Mapas sift araee ORE can, Grater eaaanh ate, aur aaree aaa wet aft at cet [[ A ail Amount Rs, (ipcno. 12 Aen Hee Aa) Price adjustment Amount Rs. VAT Amount Rs. @30% Retention Rs. @ 5% [Contractor's Fund @ Rs, 0.1% Total Deduction Amount Rs,(F+G+H+l) Net Payment To Contractor ( KALIKA TUNDHI RASUWA J.V)Rs. ———— ; Government of Nepal : Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport Department of Roads Bridge Branch Bridge Pr { Be Project Eastern Region Sector No. 1 Bardibas, Mahottari Cost Estimate f 1 project: anes ‘the proj Design and Build of RATU River Bridge \ MRM Bardibas, Mahottari el Length of Bridge = 225 m 225m Budget Head = 337 320-4 E Contract Period: 36 months tern Item Description JUnit [Qty —_|Rate (Nrs) Amount (Nrs) [Remarks = Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil Investigation, [ Detailed Design of the bridge, approach roads, £ river training and bridge protection and [Preparation of working drawings and other Job 1 2,700,000.00} —_2,700,000.00 ft Inecessary documents including Environmental |consideration (EIA or IEE) as stipulated by the respective acts and regulations. at Providing and maintaining Engineer's facilities (Type A) as specified in the Special Provisions of | Month | 30 20,000.00] 600,000.00] - the Contract with all necessary commodities ete. |[Construction of bridges as per approved design |and specification including foundations, Isubstructures, superstructures and other ancillary ap woes all complete. [Construction of River Training including guide bunds works on U/S and D/S of the river bank as RM 400 29,000.00} 11,600,000.00] F directed by the Engineer. [Construction of Black Top roads including learthwork excavation, cross drainage structures, etaining walls, side drains as per the approved | xm | 0.4 | 11,400,000.00| 4,560,000.00| [design with necessary ancillary works all Komplete. + f [Conduct all the Test required on foundations, substructures and ‘superstructures for final Job | 1 | 231,448,500.00] 232,448,500.00| - Job 1 655,980.00] 655,980.00} lécceptance as Per Section VI, Employer's Pequirement and Specification. q (| C ; 9 checkedby: — \YReceqenettes by: “hopreved by ‘ et = ad of the project: ‘on: sth of Bridge = 225 m Design and Build of RaTi MRM Bardibas, Mahott ari U River Bridge 225 m get Heads 337 320-4 Contract Period: 36 months. "em Description Unit JQty — JRate (rs) Amount (Nes) [Remarks surance of personnel (Employees of contractor, Client and third party) plants, equipment, Job 1 891,183.92] 891,183.92 material, vehicle as per conditions of contract, = Total (a %0 7) 252, 455,663.92 Mobiliation/ Demobilization and Provision of i 699,022.39] formance securities. Sa nastaac ed Meh ‘Sub-Total (al] 25315468631] Provisional Sum for environmental mitigation #3] 4, | Lapmaoondl ietactasal —__|measures. sas eel Da Supplying and Providing of Lab Equipments as per 54| a | \seoqponaol “aSatotea requirements all complete. 257,154,686.31 _] ‘Add 5% [of A] Cor 12,657,734.32 ‘Add 13% [of Al for VAT 32,910,109.22 ‘Add 10% [of A] Physical Contingencies 25,315,468.63 ‘Add 10% [of A] for Price Adjustment] eS Contingencies Grand Total] 353,353,467 41 has UE (Lar oe iti i i <* “Approved by: y 3) Government of Nepal Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport Department of Roads Bridge Branch Bridge Project Eastern Region Sector No. 1 Bardibas, Mahottari Cost Estimate 500 337 157-4 Contract Period: Design and Build of KAMALA KHO! River Bridge Harsahi (Jagadi-Sirthauli (Khaniya), Sindhuli 42 month: Item Description lunit —faaty Rate (Nrs) JAmount (Nrs) [Remark Detailed Engineering Survey, Soll Investigation, Detailed Design of the bridge, approach roads, river training and bridge protection and preparation of working drawings and other Job Inecessary documents including Environmental |consideration (E1A or IEE) as stipulated by the respective acts and regulations. 4,500,000.09| 4,500,000.00| Providing and maintaining Engineer's facilities (Type A) as specified in the Special Provisions of | Month Ithe Contract with all necessary commodities etc. 39 20,000.00] 780,000.00| [Construction of bridges as per approved design substructures, superstructures and other ancillary d includi ions land specfication including foundations, Job 1 | 514,330,000.00} 514,330,000.09| odo all complete. Si a [Construction of River Training including guide lbunds works on U/S and D/S of the river bankas | RM | 750 directed by the Engineer. 37,500.00} 28,125,000.00] Construction of Gravel standard approach roads including earthwork excavation, cross drainage structure, retaining walls, side drains as per the | — Km 1 approved design with necessary ancillary works all Icomplete. (50 cm sub-base) 6,300,000.09] 6,300,000.00] te Lic ared Ye ) checked by: \T“Recommended by: Name of the project: ig ene) Design and Buld of KAMALA KHO) River Bridge Marsahi agai) Sirthauli (khaniya), Sinchan Length of Bridge = 500 m 500 Budget Head = eee Contract Period: 42 mont! ftem lvo,_!tem Descriptio JUnit [atv Rate twrs) amount (rs) Remar 16 Conduct all the Test required on foundations, Ty [substructures and ‘Superstructures for final seceptance as per Section Vi, Employers Job 1 1,453,275.00 1,453,275.00] Requirement and Specification, insurance of personnel (Employees of contractor, Client and third party) plants, equipment, job | 1 | 1,964,633.10) 1,964,632.10 gq _| Material, vehicle as per conditions of contract. e Total (1 to 7) t 557,452,908.10 Mobilization/ Demobilization and Provision of is 1 | 150100009) 1,541,009. performance securities. Sub-Total (A) 558,993,917 19 Provisional Sum for environmental mitigation z 1 |] 000,000.) —1,000,c00.00 Imeasures Total] T 559,993,917.19] ‘Add 5% [of A] Contingencies 27,949 65536 ‘Add 13% [of A] for VAT| 72,669305.73 Add 10% [of A] Physical Contingencies} SS S5pag 71 ‘Add 10% [of A] for Price Adjustment Hs Contingencies 55,899,391,72| Grand Total Trraiz605.72] au: Checked by: evant ct Nape Ministry of Physical Infrastructure & Transport Department of Roads ridge Branch Bridge Project Eastern Region Sector No. 1 Bardibas, Mahottari Cost Estimate Design and Build of MARIN KHOLA River Bridge Name of the project: Kapilakot (Nayabasti)-Kalpabriksha (Sahan), Sindhuli Location: 400 m Length of Bridge = 337 157-4 Budget Head = Contract Period: 36 months em 'tem Description unit |aty [Rate (nrs) JAmount (Nrs) [Remarks | } s Detailed Engineering Survey, Soil investigation, Detailed Design of the bridge, approach roads, river training and bridge protection and 1 3,900,000.00] 3,900,000.00] preparation of working drawings and other Job necessary documents including Environmental Iconsideration (EIA or IEE) as stipulated by the | respective acts and regulations. [Providing and maintaining Engineer's facilities Month | 30 20,000.00! 600,000.00] (Type A) as specified in the Special Provisions of [the Contract with all necessary commodities etc. Rs 1028660] [Construction of Bridges as per approved design 1 411,464,000.00} 411,464,000.00] per meter| land specification including foundations, oie |substructures, superstructures and other ancillary works all complete. 3 Construction of River Training including guide Ibunds works on U/S and D/S of the river bankas | RM | 700 37,500.00] 26,250,000.00| directed by the Engineer. {a [Construction of gravel approach roads including learthwork excavation, cross drainage structure, ing Km | 07 6,300,000.00] retaining walls, side drains as per the approved Idesign with necessary ancillary works all complete. (50 cm sub-base) 4,410,000.00} x 1 < 7 as by (x ‘Recommended by: eo, Krag by: - as, ; 3 _~ i} Nani of the'prakect: Design and Build of MARIN KHOLA River Bridge Location: apilakot (Nayabasti}-Kalpabriksha (Sahan), Sindhuli Length of Bridge = 400 m Budget Head = 337 157-4 Contract Period: 36 months tem Ihtem Description hess JUnit faty [Rate (Nrs) [Amount (Nrs) [Remarks © conduct all the Test Fequired on foundations, substructures and superstructures for final acceptance as per Section VI, Employer's fob} 4 | 1,171,980.00/ _1,171,980.00] Requirement and Specification, 7 insurance of personnel (Employees of contractor, Ts [Client and third party) plants, equipment, Job | 1 | 1586,047.92] _1,586,047.92| material, vehicle as per conditions of contract. @ Total (1 to 7) 445,382,027.92| + |Mobilization/ Demobilization and Provision of ISerRSniice Gecirklas, ts] 1 | 1,244,056.34] 1,244,056.34| ‘Sub-Total (A) 450,626,084.26] Provisional Sum for environmental mitigation os 182 |fzodaco0.00) toon cong measures Total! 451,626,084.26 ‘Add 5% [of A] Contingencies 22,531,304.21] ‘Add 13% [of A] for VA 58,581,390.95| ‘Add 10% [of A] Physical Contingencies 45,062,608.43 ‘Add 10% [of A] for Price Adjustment] Contingencies} t 45,062,608.43 \ Grand Total] 622,863,996.28] ] ' Checked by: Recommended by: eo < Approved by:

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