Ling 25 Discussions-2
Ling 25 Discussions-2
Ling 25 Discussions-2
Alexa Lomeli-Reynoso
Writing 2
Evan Andersson
June 4th, 2023
Adventuring Into Writing 2
Although I didn’t come into Writing 2 with much expectations I do have to say that a lot
was learned. I was by no means a great writer but I liked to believe I was quite close to it. This
course pushed me to write in a way that I haven’t done before. For instance, prior to this quarter I
wasn’t familiar with genre to genre translations. I was pushed to not only write one but two
translations. They seemed to be out of my comfort zone but safe to say that the project builders
were a great help, they were able to give me an idea of what the final project would look like as
well as helped me rough draft my work. The readings were of great help as well but I do have to
say that most of the subjects covered within them were ones that I have reviewed in previous
courses. As writing 2 progressed I slowly began to feel more comfortable with the work assigned
as the activities in class were very helpful. There was an occasion where we played plagiarism
jeopardy as teams and it furthered our understanding on the topic. Some of the questions were
very straightforward while others weren’t. For example, there were some questions which
consisted of different punishments and fees that can result from plagiarizing others' work. I was
quite unfamiliar with the fees therefore I was able to learn a little bit more about plagiarism as a
whole. In this course I was able to familiarize myself with the development of websites. Our
reading Writer/Designer stated, “Even if we’re working with a text that is all words, every piece
of it should be deliberately placed” (Arola, et al 2014). Despite the fact that I was also somewhat
familiar with the style tips presented in the slides it was a nice refresher to see the tips during our
writing periods. There was great help in creating proper sentences which upgraded our
assignments. This course opened me to a new writing perspective, it was a bit difficult to
acclimate but with all the resources within the class it made it a bit easier. Writing 2 was a great
experience which led to multiple new open doors in the writing world.
One would believe that taking multiple courses would make writing at this point easy.
There are always ups and downs when it comes to writing within different genres. Personally, I
tend to have moments where I struggle immensely. I have multiple weaknesses, one of those
being that I am a chronic procrastinator. I will know that I have an assignment and I will not
want to touch it until I am forced to. There have been times in this class as well as others where I
know that I have to write an essay but I will wait a couple days once it is due to do it. There have
been moments where my productivity is based on external problems whereas most of the time it
is something internal within me. I also tend to have writer's block which can be another reason
for my procrastination. I have certain times where I can’t write a single word, I have no creativity
and no idea of how to begin writing. Not to mention that I occasionally can’t even come up with
a title for my papers. My writer's block results in the worst possible rough drafts. Anne Lamott
wrote,” Almost all good writing begins with terrible first efforts. You need to start somewhere.
Start by getting something – anything – down on paper. A friend of mine says that the first draft
is the downdraft – you just get it down”(2). There were times as I felt that I could simply just not
write anything as my brain was struggling to develop ideas then I look back to the reading and
remember that anything is something. Through Lamott’s work I was able to realize that horrible
rough drafts are acceptable, that is the whole point of them therefore I should stop overthinking
the process. Even the smallest and weirdest ideas can help build something great. I believe that
another weakness I have has to be how hard I am on myself. I constantly believe that my work is
couple of things and is far from perfect but I believe I was able to include key concepts from the
article over the lyrics.” In which Andersson responded,”I thought it was really creative, and I
think you might be a bit too harsh on yourself, but I get that even though it was a tough project.”
I tend to tweak my work about a hundred times before I turn it in. It doesn’t help that most of my
work is always late. I was able to properly work over my weaknesses by addressing them at
hand. If I had time at work before the kids I care for got there I tried to do a bit of my work in
order to stop myself from procrastinating. I tend to begin my work late therefore when I am
doing it I rush more than I should to turn it in, resulting in poor work. I would also try to work
on it during their homework time when they didn’t need help on their own work.
I like to think that I also have a couple strengths. I am able to view my writing for a
second time and make great changes to them. It can definitely be a bit cringe to read your own
horrible work but it is definitely fun to change it up. As Giles mentioned, “Bishop responded to
my note asking by asking questions focused entirely on helping me refine my intentions for the
piece, and I realized my task wasn’t to please or to dazzle her. I stopped worrying about how
awkward the reflection wasm stopped worrying about how to please the teacher, and started
actually reflecting and thinking. New habits and ways of thinking formed. And unexpectedly, all
the hard decisions about revising for the next draft began to come more easily” (193). I have
entered this class with high expectations of my own writing, safe to say I was humbled. During
the first writing project I felt a little down as I believed I was not going to be able to answer the
prompt properly. Now, I can say that I have faced different writing challenges and now I am able
to write genre to genre translations therefore I feel a little bit more confident in my ability to
Since our school runs in a quarter system it seems as if there wasn’t enough time to do as
much as we possibly could. With that being said the fact that I procrastinated often didn’t help
me out at all. We ran for ten weeks on classes and while I turned in my work late, all my work
piled up and I was left with more than if I would have started sooner. If we had more time in this
course I would have liked to review writing projects a couple of more times as well as create a
better final assignment. For future references, I will begin working on my assignments earlier as
well as do a better job of reviewing my work. With that being said for my first writing project I
would have created a makeshift Genius lyric page in order to make my work seem a bit more
professional. As for my second project I would have liked to create a visual slideshow which
For my final assignment in Writing 2 I will create a portfolio. It will include all of my
major work. There will be three different pages in which I introduce myself and the purpose of
my portfolio. The other two pages will include my first and second project submissions. My
work will be edited once more in order to create the best possible work I can within the ten week
mark that this course is instructed in. For my fist submission I plan on creating a Genius page
with the lyrics, it will most likely not be an exact replica but something similar. Meanwhile for
the second submission I want to create a digital diary. I am not quite sure if I will have the time
to create the digital diary that I had stated previously, hopefully time allows for it. My WP2 was
something that I seemed to struggle with immensely. It took me a good amount of time to be able
to find sources that correlated closely to what I was in search for. My first execution of the
project was poor, it lacked much of the essential work and was more of a shell. The project
builder helped a lot but I was simply looking at the wrong information to begin with. Keeping
this in mind I plan on being more in detail with the instruction for future assignments. The
portfolio will then be graded as to showcase my work created in the course and the execution of
it all.
References List
Ball, C. E., Sheppard, J., & Arola, K. L. (2014). Writer/designer: A guide to making