Chapters 1, 2, & 3

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Chapter I

Background of the Study

Students entering college with insufficient mathematics

preparation for the course they intend to study is an increasing problem.

Misalignment in Senior High School (SHS) strand and the course they

take up in college is one of the main reasons why these students have

poor college readiness (V.M.,Webb, Herman, & Webb, 2007). To

ameliorate the difficulties encountered by mathematically under-

prepared students, educational institutions offer mathematics bridging

courses to help students obtain prerequisite or assumed knowledge

before commencing their degree program ( L. Poladian & J. Nicholas,

2013). As higher academic standards in college is prevalent and

expected, bridging courses warrant to suffice students’ needs for better

college achievement (Maxsom, 2014; Cooper, Ashley & Brownell,


The study of Poladian and Nicholas (2013) showed that, students

who had previously studied intermediate mathematics at senior

secondary schools who were mathematically underprepared for their

studies, but had invested their time and money prior to University by

enrolling in a mathematics bridging course, were significantly less likely

to withdraw from and more likely to succeed at their university

mathematics subjects compared to students who did not enrol in a


bridging course. P. Johnson and L. O' Keeffe (2016) concluded that

students who participated in mathematics bridging courses increased

their self-efficacy scores across some, but not all of the math topic

areas and that there was an increase in the retention rates than those

who did not participated. Robinson et al., (2019) concluded that

students completed the university preparatory mathematics courses had

engendered self-efficacy and self-confidence in their math ability.

As presented in the above literature review, the impact of bridging

courses and its effectiveness has been studied extensively. However,

these studies had only weak empirical evidence for the effectiveness of

the bridging courses and encountered difficulties in defining and

measuring success in bridging courses. The questions remain, are

mathematics bridging courses good enough? Do bridging mathematics

students achieve the level of readiness of those students who studied

advance mathematics at senior secondary school?

This study seeks to determine the students’ experiences in

mathematics bridging courses. This study utilizes the aspects of

students’ experiences to ascertain if bridging courses alone are enough

for the students to be better prepared them to higher mathematics and

to examine key implementations of the bridging courses offered at the

university. This study also tackles the role of alignment to students’

experiences in bridging courses accentuating emphasis to the quality of

students enrolling in the program and students’ readiness for college.


Following qualitative approaches and methods, students’ experiences

allows researchers to point out possible weaknesses in the bridging

courses and the social processes within the program that needed to be

improved. This study will also highlight the strengths of the program that

needed to be retained.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the Mathematics

students’ experiences in bridging courses. Specifically, this sought to

answer the following questions:

1. What is the percentage of alignment of students enrolled in BSEd

Mathematics in terms of senior high school strands

2. What are their experiences in bridging courses

2.1 Social Experiences

2.2 Academic Experiences

2.2.1 Difficulties in content areas in higher mathematics?

3. Implications that can be drawn from the study.


Framework of the Study

The researchers present two theoretical frameworks that support

the conduct of the study.

Vertical Alignment Theory

Vertical alignment theory by Kurz, Talapatra and Roach (2012)

proposes a direct link between the transmissions of concepts to

learners in different levels of learning processes. The theory argues

that, when learners are taught in a purposed, structured and logical

approach, they will be significantly adept to be tasked with more

challenging and higher-level work. This further supports that, learners

who are taught under a vertically aligned curriculum demonstrates

better learning outcomes (Kagan, Carroll, Comer, & Scott-Little, 2006)

than those who are exposed to a misaligned curriculum (Lee, & Liu,

2010). Students often undergo intense adjustments in their transition

from high school to college environment as higher-level work and

academic expectations are required in college ( Cooper, Ashley &

Brownell, 2017). These adjustments do not only revolve around

academic aspects but also include social and behavioral adjustments.

In this sense, students who enrolled in college courses that are aligned

with their high school tracks will have less adjustments and difficulties in

coping with college life. Students who are aligned to their high school

tracks even achieved better academic performance than those who are

misaligned (Alipio, 2020). The theory argues that misalignment between

the senior high school track and tertiary course taken could cause

disruption in the learning progress of learners. This manner of disruption

implicates inefficient learning mechanisms which contribute to the

overall experiences of students in college, and may even lead to

learning struggles and difficulties of students in some content areas.

The importance of being aligned can provide both students and

educators a clearer set of expectations minimizing academic

adjustments and difficulties (Center for Comprehensive School Reform

and Improvement, 2009). While alignment is considered a powerful tool

for improving student achievement, it does not accurately forecast

academic achievement (Center for Comprehensive School Reform and

Improvement, 2009; Alipio, 2020). This indicates that academic

achievement, although directly related, will vary to the nature of student

alignment and the adjustments made by students in college (Alipio,


Theory of Conceptual Tools of Capital, Field and Habitus

Students who enrol in educational institutions come to school with

different dispositions such as life experiences, motivations, social,

cultural, and cognitive backgrounds (Elsom, Greenway, & Marshman,

2017). This is thoroughly explained in Bourdieu’s theory of conceptual

tools of capital, field and habitus. Bourdieu view the society through the

lens of field and habitus. For him, these are the two complementary

concepts which subside the actions and attitudes of individuals so

stable systems of interpersonal and class relationships spontaneously

reproduce themselves. The field acts somewhat similar to an ecosystem

or habitat with its own rules, regulations, and discourses. Habitus on the

other hand refers to the deeply imbued skills, habits, thinking, and

dispositions ingrained by the society that humans acquired. In the

educational sense, students who enter college experience differently

from each other even if they belong to the same social class. The levels

of adjustment in college each student will exhibit will differ as the link

between habitus and field is determined by the person’s ability to cope

with his environment (Alipio, 2020; Webb, Schirato and Danaher, 2002).

According to Horvart (2001), habitus serves as a bridge that

connects the social class and individual choice or action and provides a

plan to maximize and increase social, cultural, financial and human

capital. Human capital (Bourdieu, 1984) known as knowledge, skills,

abilities, attitudes, and talents each individual has are often measured

by assessing academic achievement or preparation. Academic

preparation is measured by whether or not a high school student was

enrolled in a college preparation curriculum or by examining the total

amount of coursework completed in a certain area (Adelman, 1999;

Perna & Titus, 2005). According to Corwin et al. (2005), access to a

college preparatory curriculum is the most critical variable for enabling


students to get into a college or university. Bourdieu’s theory of

conceptual tools explains that capital, field and habitus are linked

inseparably. It is akin to the views of multiculturalism. How each student

view and experience bridging courses, is dependent on their identity.

These theories explain how student’s alignment and unique identity

create and affect their experiences in bridging courses.


Figure 1: Schematic Diagram of the Study

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be of great benefit to the following;

Mathematics Students. The findings of this study will further

promote students’ readiness for college. Through the improvements the

educational body may apply towards bridging courses, students’ needs

will be sufficiently addressed making them more equipped and ready to

tackle challenges in higher Mathematics and in college. It will also

validate the importance of their learning experiences as primary

stakeholders in education.

Educators and Curriculum Planners. The findings of this study

will provide the educators and curriculum planners with the information

on Mathematics students’ strands, experiences in bridging courses, and

some difficulties met in Mathematics courses. The result will enable

them to gain further insights on high school strand alignments and

devise possible improvements on the implementation of bridging course

if any.

Teachers. The findings of this study will enhance their awareness

on how they will handle teaching in bridging courses. Teachers will be

more aware of appropriate approaches and contents to be included in

the bridging courses to ease students’ difficulties in Mathematics.


Community. The findings of this study will promote awareness

on how alignment and bridging courses affect the academic

experiences and success of students. This will increase the

community’s awareness on career-decision making.

Future Researchers. The findings and insights of this study may

encourage future researchers to conduct more studies within their area

of preferences.

Scope and Limitations

This study entitled "Mathematics Students Experiences in

Bridging Courses" will only circle in Southern Leyte State University -

San Juan Campus. The participants of this study include all first year

and second year students taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education

major in Mathematics. The scope of this research will focus only on the

alignment of students' SHS strand with their college course and their

experiences in bridging courses.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding of this study, the following terms were

operationally and conceptually defined.

Academic Experiences. It refers to the experiences relating to

study dynamics which may include learning performance, content and

subject difficulties, and achievement within the classroom proceedings.


Bridging Courses. It refers to requisite non-credited preparatory

courses offered at Southern Leyte State University – San Juan Campus

during the regular academic school year alongside with the regular

credited courses.

Bridging Programs. It includes the bridging courses, its

implementation, and operational and academic processes as a whole.

Content Difficulties. These refers to content areas in

Mathematics that participants identified to have some difficulties with.

Mathematics Students. Students enrolled in Bachelor of

Secondary Education specializing in Mathematics.

Social Experiences. It refers to the experience involving

personal and group interactions within the duration of the bridging

courses. It may include experiences of interaction with peers,

instructors, school staff, and family. It also includes socio-economic


Chapter II

Bridging Programs

Bridging programs are higher education programs designed for

students to better transition students to college which involve intensive

multi-week experiences which usually occur in the summer “bridge”

period (Sablan, 2013; Cooper et al, 2017; WWC Intervention Report,

2016). Because attrition is high during the first year of college, the

paramount focus of many bridge programs is to improve student

persistence and enhance academic success (Chen, 2013; Strayhorn,

2011; Cabrera et al, 2013). Although the contents, time span,

implementation, and policies of the bridging programs vary across

universities, they typically involve orientation to college academic life

and resources, academic advising, and skills training (WWC

Intervention Report, 2016).

At the center of the focus of the goals of the bridging program is

students’ readiness. Students’ college readiness is the level of

preparation has achieved in secondary level that would allow admission

into college level (Conley, 2008). By this definition, when the students

understands the social and academic expectations of college life, the

students are prepared for the transition to college (Conley, 2007;


Hooker and Brand, 2010; Vargas, 2004). This prompts the need for

student-centered approaches in teaching (Vargas, 2007). Despite most

bridging programs only consists of introductory courses, many of these

courses have recently been redesigned into student-centered, active-

learning classrooms due to the growing findings that this teaching

approach is more effective (American Association for the Advancement

of Science, 2005; Freeman et al, 2014).

Experiences in Bridging Programs

A study conducted by Maxsom (2014) to four Mexican-American

first-generation college goers which at the University of Texas at El

Paso identified four key themes that provide a framework for describing

the bridging program’s impact on the experiences of four participants:

aspirations, support, barriers, and social mobility. The findings reveal

how “aspirations” can affect the decision to enroll and strive for success

in college as expressed by the participants. One participant reveals no

aspiration at all to be in college prior to the bridging program but

changed her mind after participating in the bridging program. The

“support” theme can consist of different types of assistance as

summarized: familial capital, social capital, and bridging program as a

support system. Support systems play a vital role in the student

preparation for college. “Barriers” refer to anything that impedes or

hinder the participants in their transition to college. Both abstract (e.g.


lack of self-confidence) and physical or real (e.g. financial problems)

barriers were expressed. “Social mobility” refers to the long-term

cognitive and economic benefits to the individuals (e.g. “attending

college to make more money”) were expressed (Maxsom, 2014).

Attitude affects the achievement and performance level of a

student towards a given task or the subject itself. Schreiber (2002)

indicated that the better the attitude a student possess in a certain task,

the higher the performance level and achievement a student will gain.

According to Alrwais (2000) and McLeod (1992) the most important

objective in teaching mathematics is to elevate positive attitudes toward

mathematics. Alrwais (2000) in his study on the relationship among the

factors associated with a student's attitude toward learning mathematics

revealed that the best predictor of a student's success ratio was the

student's attitude toward learning mathematics. McLeod (1992) arrived

with the same conclusion as Alrwais (2000), he stated that students'

attitude plays a significant role in mathematics achievement. Society

and home environment influenced student's attitude towards learning

mathematics. As stated by Kogce (2009) and Tobias (1993) emotions

displayed by parents into their children, parents’ occupation, parents’

educational background and parental expectations were factors that

greatly affect students' attitude towards mathematics.

According to Coleman (2009), “motivation plays a vital role for a

student to do well in school.” Student motivation and academic


achievement have a positive correlation to each other. When a student

is positively motivated to do well in his/her studies, it is possible to

achieve high in academic performance in mathematics. This statement

is also further expanded by Ellis (2010), “a student’s most powerful

motivation to learn a school subject comes from his or her prior success

in that subject.” It has also being found that being positively motivated

and achieved high in academic performance equates to produce

positive attitude and confidence. On the other hand, less motivated and

achieved low in academic performance also affects the attitude of a

learner. It produce negative attitude towards mathematics.

Maxsom (2014) concluded in her study the impact of the bridging

program to the participant’s aspiration for attending college and

obtaining a baccalaureate degree. Provided with ample support during

the course of the program, the four participants who have experienced

the program expressed seeing an opportunity to be accomplished.

Another phenomenological study by Elsom, Greenway, &

Marshman (2017) to a group of non-traditional students undertaking a

college preparation program at a regional university in Australia which

consisted of nine participants, generated a thematic model of the

structural aspects through their responses which enabled the

researchers to identify experiences and develop support strategies.

Using Bourdieu’s conceptual tools, four structural aspects were used to

create the outcome space to develop the thematic model: students’


motivation, social networks, staff/student interactions, and challenges to

study. The SDH (stairway-doorway-hallway) model was generated.

Students who perceived the bridging program as a stairway, implies that

the program is a difficult undertaking (like stairs) to complete in order to

move on. Students who perceived the bridging program as a doorway

sees the bridging program as an opportunity to better chances in life

through college entry. While students who perceived the bridging

program as a hallway sees the program as an opportunity for growth

and learning experiences (Elsom et al., 2017).

According to Whannel R. and Whannel P. (2014), “the quality of

social supportive relationship is important in the academic success of

students in college”. According to the study of Whannel R. (2013)

which investigated students’ attrition and achievement in bridging

program, peer support is positively associated with “emotional

commitment and identity, hours of study, and self-efficacy”. Peer

support reduces student attrition while staff and academic support is

positively associated with better academic performance especially in the

early semesters of college studies (Whannel R. & Whannel P., 2014).

Age maturity (being younger) and class absences were also identified

as predictors of students’ failure in college.

Elsom & et al (2017) concluded in their findings that many

aspects of the students’ experiences were not mainly consisted of

academic matters of the bridging courses. Some of the more prevalent


issues that came up from the study were motivation and social

integration, which are beyond the control of educational institutions.

These students experience bridging programs in various ways, most

factors that affect the preparedness of students for college are beyond

the educational institutions’ control. Educational staff can only give the

best consideration to students when difficulties arise (Maxsom, 2014;

Elsom et al., 2017).

Alignment of High School Strand

Learning is more difficult to measure in misaligned system

(Baker, 2004). A misaligned system gives unclear and inconsistent

signals of what is important for the students to learn in preparation for

postsecondary endeavors (Rodriquez, 1995). Lack of alignment either

vertically or horizontally makes tracking of student progress through the

system difficult. This leads toward issues such as poor student

performance, achievement gaps, high dropout rates and high

remediation rates, which are more difficult to diagnose. Without the

alignment between standards, exams and expectations, students do not

receive clear and consistent information regarding their progress

towards meeting college readiness expectations (V.M. Webb, Herman,

& Webb, 2007).

Scholars and policymakers contend that, a key underlying cause

of a problem is fundamental misalignment between high school strands


and college academic expectations (Callan, Finney, Kirst, Usdan, &

Venezia, 2006). However, their research gives no indication that such a

misalignment is inevitable. It is possible that it would need remedial

course work upon entrance to college if postsecondary institutions took

a more active role in facilitating students’ transitions from high school to


According to the study of Alipio (2020) on Academic Adjustment

and Performance among Filipino Freshmen College students in Health

Sciences, the interaction between academic adjustment and Senior

High School (SHS) strand influenced academic performance. His study

showed that students experiencing high levels of academic adjustment

belonging to STEM strand obtained higher levels of academic

performance than those students belonging to other SHS strand who

are experiencing low levels of academic adjustment. This implies that,

to strengthen the adjustment and performance level of the students,

bridging programs must be implemented and offered, and if already

existed, must be sustained and improved.

Although many reforms focus on improving “college readiness”,

they rarely address the poor alignment between high school and college

standards. After passing a high school exit exam and completing

graduation requirements, seniors often assume they are ready for

college. Yet, three months later, when they arrive at community college,

most students take a remedial placement test, which most fail (Kirst &

Venezia, 2003; Rosenbaum, 2001). Secondary course work is expected

to prepare students for postsecondary education. In particular, classes

such as calculus, mathematical analysis, and other advanced courses

are intended to prepare students for advanced postsecondary study and

place them beyond remediation in college. Unfortunately, literature

suggests that many graduating seniors are leaving high school without

acceptable college-level content knowledge (Cambell & Blakey, 1996).

It is essential for educators to examine only one, but many points

of a students’ academic program. All aspects must be considered

together including alignment across a students’ entire mathematics

education is essential. There have been recent endeavors to tighten the

connection between high school and college curricula. In 2006,

President George Bush of United States allocated funds to increase

advanced high school courses offered. Investment in educational

infrastructures and technology created a focused and coherent

mathematics curriculum system across the United States while fully

preparing high school graduates for college and career. The Common

Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM; National Governors

Association, 2010) have gained unprecedentedly wide support in the

past 3 years. By the end of 2011, 45 states and 3 U.S. territories had

officially adopted the CCSSM as the core of their future mathematics

standards (National Governors Association, 2010). Even more recently

President Obama launched the “Make College a Reality” initiative,


which will increased student enrollment in college-level courses 50% by

2016 (Long, Conger, & Iatarola, 2012).

Although some students are successfully passing high school

mathematics courses and are attending postsecondary institutions, they

are clearly not ready for success within mathematics at a level

comparable to when they leave high school; many of these students

arrive at college inadequately prepared. National and regional studies

indicate that approximately 20-33% of freshmen enroll in a

developmental mathematics course during their first year of study at

four-year universities (e.g., Adams, 2013; Fong, Huang, & Goel, 2008).

Unfortunately, not all courses required to pass high school are

challenging and in-depth enough to prepare students for the academic

rigor expected at college (Creech, 1997). For example, to fulfill

mathematics requirements students typically need to complete Algebra

I, or the equivalent. However, colleges expect students to complete at

least two courses beyond that and maintain a fundamental conceptual

understanding. Thus, aligning curricula involves increasing the rigor of

high school curricula, which is a strong predictor of college readiness

(Adelman, 2006; Gamoran, Porter, Smithson, & White, 1997).

Furthermore, the rigor must entail thorough content exposure within

those courses with a high level of cognitive demand; both the

procedural conceptual understandings of students must be considered

(Anderson, 2002). For example, a study for the Nevada public colleges

and universities reported that students who did well in a less rigorous

course were less likely to require remediation, as compared with

students who took the next level of mathematics but performed poorly.

In other words, students who took an Advanced I course

(Algebra/Trigonometry) with an overall grade of “A” were less likely to

require a remedial mathematics course compared to students who took

an Advanced course (PreCalculus) with an overall grade of “C,” (Fong,

Huang, & Goel, 2008).

In the Philippine setting of academic performance, it has been

found out that one of the Philippine greatest failures is in mathematics

(Cabahug and Ladot 2005). According to the studies of Cabahug and

Ladot (2005), repetition in mathematics was common among UP

students that almost one out of three repeat a mathematics course. It

was also being found out that attitude towards mathematics and

achievements in mathematics have always been of great concern.

Effectiveness of Bridging Programs

A review conducted by Sablan, J (2014) that considered some of

the methodological limitations and missing components of research on

bridging programs reveals, that most common outcome studied is the

relationship between bridge programs and retention rates of students

(Ackerman, 1991; Buck, 1985; Garcia, 1991; Murphy et al., 2010)

concluding the bridging programs’ role in retaining students. Some of


these studies attempted on comparing retention rates on students who

have undergone bridging programs and on students who have not. It

utilized the data available from the institutions for a comparison on how

students who have undergone bridging courses differ from others

(Ackerman, 1991; Evans, 1999; Garcia, 1991). Other outcomes include

Grade Point Average, with some research findings about students’

satisfactory and even lower performances in college (Evans, 1999;

Wolf-Wendel, Tuttle, & Keller-Wolfe, 1999).

Some of these studies utilized students’ ratings for bridging

programs and scored as effective or satisfactory but did not follow up on

evaluating the programs’ effectiveness. Although most of these studies

identify significant evidence of effectiveness of bridging programs

(associational and descriptive), other elements of the bridging programs

are yet to be fully addressed (Sablan, J. 2014). Sablan (2014) proposes

that studies on bridging programs should cease disregarding key

elements of the bridging programs and focus on which elements or

components of bridging programs are effective.

Another paper released by What Works Clearinghouse, an

educational body that reviews high-quality research on different

programs, products, practices, and policies in education and endorsed

by the US Department of Education, reports a summary on the research

studies of summer bridging program effectiveness on various

universities. The review of the effects of bridging programs for


supporting postsecondary success topic focuses on student outcomes

where one study meets WWC group design standards and scores

potentially positive effects for their bridging program. 31 eligible studies

were also identified and 106 were identified but did not meet WWC

eligibility criteria (WWC Intervention Report, 2016). This summary gives

further emphasis into the study of the aspects of bridging programs.


Chapter III

Research Design

In order to determine students’ experiences in bridging courses of

BS Education students specializing in Mathematics at SLSU – San Juan

Campus, qualitative approach was elected using the descriptive survey

method. Phenomenological approach is a powerful research design

when dealing lived experiences (Neubauer, Witkop, & Varpio 2019). As

the researchers have not experienced bridging courses, students who

have enrolled in bridging courses are experienced enough regarding

with the phenomenon and therefore most qualified to be the participants

of the study (Neubauer et al., 2019). Qualitative methods are best

applied in determining students’ experiences as it is more flexible and

probes deeper into issues that require further inquiries (Sablan, 2014).

Gay (1992) states that, descriptive research involves collecting detailed

and factual information in order to test hypothesis or describe existing

phenomena. This approach allows systematic description and

interpretation of situations or areas of interest factually and accurately.

Research Locale

This research is conducted at Southern Leyte State University –

San Juan Campus, located at Barangay San Jose, San Juan Southern

Leyte. The school is located approximately one kilometer from the main

road. The school offers a variety of programs including courses in

industrial technology, secondary education, entrepreneurship,

information technology, business administration and management,

accountancy, and technology and livelihood education. The school is

made up of at least 80 faculty and staff along with other school workers.

Research Respondent

This study will be conducted to 22 first year and 17 second year

students enrolled in Bachelor in Secondary Education major in

Mathematics in the academic year of 2020-2021. These students are

the products of K to 12 program who graduated from different tracks in

Senior High School. These respondents have undergone the required

bridging courses in the Bachelor in Secondary Education major in

Mathematics curriculum.

Research Instrument

The research instrument to be used in the data collection process

of the study is in the form of survey questionnaire which is divided in

two sections. The first section of the questionnaire will consist of student

demographics. A thorough inquiry on their personal information will be


compiled and senior high school strands are to be included. The second

of the questionnaire will consist of open ended questions (structured to

address predetermined aspects) regarding students’ experiences in

bridging courses and different aspects that may have contributed to the

participants’ career choice, learning, behavior and outlook, and

difficulties as students.

Research Procedure

Before the commencement of the research study, a permission

letter to the Campus Dean of Southern Leyte State University – San

Juan Campus will be sent for approval. To gather data, researchers will

utilize questionnaire as research instrument which consists of open-

ended questions that will be sent online through Google Forms to the

respondents. Upon approval, the researchers will contact the

participants through Facebook Messenger imploring the assistance of

Mathematics instructors and department head for their students’ contact

information. Upon contact, the survey questionnaire prepared will be

distributed to participants utilizing Google Forms. The participants will

respond to the questionnaire on their own pace. The responses will be

retrieved and compiled by respondents’ names and careful analysis and

interpretation. From the data gathered, the researchers will tabulate,

analyze and interpret the responses.


Treatment of Data

The data collected from the demographics will be tabulated along

with the presentation of the percentage of track alignment. Senior high

school track alignment and students’ identity will be considered as

factors in their career choice and experiences in Mathematics bridging

courses as explained in vertical alignment theory and Bourdieu’s

conceptual tools. As the research instrument composed mainly of open-

ended questions, the treatment of data will not require statistical

methods (such as correlation and associational) following

phenomenological principles and procedures. The data gathered will be

analyzed to describe their experiences on order to better address

educational needs. Finally, the data collected will be documented in a

thick and detailed description.

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