1 - Snell's Law For Surface Electrons Refraction of An Electron Gas Imaged in Real Space

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Snell’s Law for Surface Electrons: Refraction of an Electron Gas Imaged in Real Space
Jascha Repp,1,2 Gerhard Meyer,1,2 and Karl-Heinz Rieder2
IBM Research, Zurich Research Laboratory, CH-8803 Rüschlikon, Switzerland
Institut für Experimentalphysik, Freie Universität Berlin, Arnimallee 14, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
(Received 15 August 2003; published 22 January 2004)
On NaCl100=Cu111 an interface state band is observed that descends from the surface-state band
of the clean copper surface. This band exhibits a Moiré-pattern-induced one-dimensional band gap,
which is accompanied by strong standing-wave patterns, as revealed in low-temperature scanning
tunneling microscopy images. At NaCl island step edges, one can directly see the refraction of these
standing waves, which obey Snell’s refraction law.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.92.036803 PACS numbers: 73.20.At, 68.37.Ef, 73.61.Ng

Ever since the mapping of standing waves of a two- patterns, inherent in incommensurate growth, generate a
dimensional electron gas (2DEG) on the close-packed band gap within a two-dimensional (2D) interface state
Cu(111) surface by means of low-temperature scanning band. Thereby the textbook band-structure model of
tunneling microscopy (LT-STM) [1,2], the 2DEG turned nearly free electrons (NFE) is exploited and visualized
out to be an ideal playground for a variety of LT-STM in real space.
experiments [3–12]. In the STM images the surface elec- Our experiments were performed with a LT-STM [13]
trons reveal their wavelike behavior, often discussed in operated at 9 K. The sample was cleaned by several
analogy to light. This analogy has been addressed di- sputtering and annealing cycles. NaCl was evaporated
rectly in experiments such as the confinement of a thermally, while the sample temperature was kept at
2DEG between two parallel step edges, considered as a 320 K. Bias voltages refer to the sample voltage with
counterpart of the optical Fabry-Perot resonator [3], the respect to the tip, and we used electrochemically etched
striking experiment of an electronic Mach-Zehnder in- tungsten wire as STM tips.
terferometer [4], and the spectacular quantum mirage NaCl forms (100)-terminated islands that are up to
experiment [5]. However, despite this strong analogy, several microns in diameter [14] (see Fig. 1). The NaCl
the counterpart of optical refraction has not yet been islands start with a double-layer thickness and perfect
observed for surface electrons. nonpolar step edges, in which the anions and the cations
Such an experiment has to comply with several re- alternate. On top of the initial double layer, islands of
quirements. First of all, two different media are neces- additional layers are formed. Substrate defect steps are
sary. For surface electronic states, two regions having smoothly overgrown in the so-called carpetlike growth
different dispersions may act as the media and be realized [15]. Because of the different symmetries of NaCl(100)
by a partial coverage of the surface with an adlayer that and Cu(111), the growth is incommensurate. In the case of
modifies the dispersion, as was observed for various thin only a few layers of NaCl, the nonvanishing tail of charge
metal films on Cu(111) [6 –9] as well as for Xe=Cu111 density from the metal that extends through the insulator
[10]. Second—in terms of optics —the interface between is sufficient to take STM images without crashing the tip.
the two media has to be transparent. It was reported that In atomically resolved STM images, only the Cl ions are
step edges of metals exhibit a transmission close to zero imaged as protrusions [16 –18].
for surface electrons, i.e., that the wave patterns on the
two sides of a step edge are not related to each other [3].
However, in the case of an insulator adsorbed on a metal
surface, this may be different: An insulator does not
contribute to the electronic states, therefore the electrons
are still confined to the surface of the metal underneath,
and thus may better overlap with the electrons of the clean
surface. Third, in addition to being inherently transpar-
ent, the interface between the two media also has to be
very smooth. This means that a perfect step edge is
needed to observe refraction of surface electrons.
As NaCl=Cu111 meets the above requirements, we
are able to report here the first observation of the refrac-
tion of surface electronic waves at island step edges by FIG. 1 (color online). STM image of NaCl on Cu(111). The
means of LT-STM. Moreover, we show that natural Moiré numbers indicate the thicknesses of the NaCl islands in layers.

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Upon adsorption of NaCl, the Cu(111) surface-state [24] to the one of the numerical solution for the outside
band survives and forms an interface state band that is region, obtained by integrating the Schrödinger equation
confined to the insulator/metal interface and has a larger [22]. For the latter an electrostatic potential had to be
Fermi wavelength of F  3:8 nm (clean Cu: F  assumed: For the clean Cu surface, this is given by the
3:0 nm). To measure the dispersion of this modified 2D image potential [25]. For NaCl=Cu111 we considered
interface state band, differential conductance (dI=dV) the modified image potential [23,25] as well as the low-
images were taken at various bias voltages, as shown in ering of the work function upon NaCl adsorption [14].
Figs. 2(a) –2(d). By extracting the wavelength of the wave This model yields an upward shift of the dispersion
patterns seen in these images [19], the dispersion relation of E ’ 300 meV, in qualitative agreement with our
can be established [see Fig. 2(e)], as was done for the experiment. Even more relevant, it reveals that the wave
clean Cu surface [1,2,20]. The band minimum E0 was functions of the surface electrons are barely modified
obtained by recording the dI=dV signal at a fixed position upon adsorption of NaCl [see Fig. 2(f)] and thus render
as a function of energy [20,21] [crosses in Fig. 2(e)] and is a high transmission through NaCl step edges promising.
shifted upward in energy by 230  30 meV in the case Moreover, it justifies an even simpler understanding of
of the adsorption of an insulating NaCl overlayer. The the upward shift in the dispersion within first-order
resulting parabolic dispersion E  E0  hk  2 =2m is perturbation theory, E  hjVji. Owing to the

slightly wider; i.e., the effective mass m has increased exponentially decaying wave function  outside the Cu
from 0:40  0:02me to 0:46  0:04me , where me de- substrate, the perturbation potential V, i.e., the poten-
notes the free electron mass. tial difference with and without NaCl, is relevant for the
The energy shift can be qualitatively understood energy shift E only in immediate proximity of the
within the one-dimensional (1D) phase-accumulation copper surface. The upward shift thus results from
model [22,23]. In this analysis, the wave-function  of the positive perturbation potential at the interface given
surface electrons is found by matching the wave-function by the weaker image potential [25] due to the polarization
phase of the analytical solution inside the copper crystal of the adsorbed dielectric. The work-function change [14]
as well as the image potential at the insulator-to-vacuum
interface are negligible for E. Consequently, the dis-
persion for three layers of NaCl does not differ from that
for two layers, which was verified in the experiment.
The above results show that for interface states of an
insulator/metal system, as described here, the main con-
tribution of the electronic wave functions resides within
the substrate [see Fig. 2(f)]. Therefore, the effective mass
of the shifted interface state will mainly be determined
by the metal. For copper an upward shift of the surface
state is expected to be correlated with a slight increase of
the effective mass as discussed in Ref. [22], in good
agreement with the present experiment. The energetic
shift of the band for other insulator/metal systems will
depend critically on the structure of the interface.
However, the adsorption of an insulator that does not
strongly affect the metal surface but weakens its image
potential will, in general, result in an upward shift of the
surface-state band. These findings explain that in a pre-
vious experiment on Xe=Cu111 [10] a similar upward
shift and effective mass increase were observed.
Another condition for the observation of the electron
refraction at island edges is the presence of standing
FIG. 2 (color online). (a) –(d) dI=dV images of the same re- waves. Continuous waves lead to a uniform probability
gion near a NaCl step edge, taken at various voltages. In all distribution and thus prevent the observation of refraction
cases the wavelength of the NaCl=Cu111 interface state is in the STM images, even if the refraction took place. In
larger than that of the Cu(111) surface state. (e) Dispersion of
the case of NaCl=Cu111, strong electronic plane waves
the 2DEG for the clean Cu(111) surface and the NaCl100=
Cu111 interface state band (square data points and fit curves).
are already inherent in the system: The incommensurate
(f) Using the phase-accumulation model, the probability dis- growth gives rise to various Moiré patterns [26], which
tributions jj2 perpendicular to the surface are determined, can be seen in atomically resolved STM images
yielding only small changes upon the adsorption of NaCl. The [Fig. 3(a)]. The Moiré patterns are associated with dis-
origin (z  0) was chosen to be the Cu(111) substrate surface. placements of the charged ions and are thus accompanied
Circles denote the position of Cu atoms. by a modulation of the electrostatic potential seen by the
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surface electrons. One general conclusion of the NFE jj2 in space and energy. As expected, the image shows a
model [27] is that any periodic potential modulation region of reduced intensity, which represents the band-
will give rise to a band gap. Just below and just above gap region. Just above and just below this region, there are
the band gap, the electronic wave functions are expected strong standing-wave patterns shifted by  to each other.
to be standing waves, and the probability distributions The standing-wave pattern caused by a periodic scat-
jj2 have a phase shift of  with respect to each other, as tering potential contains only the wavelength compo-
illustrated in Fig. 3(c). For the case discussed here, this nents of this potential modulation. Thus in Fig. 3(d), the
physics textbook statement can be imaged in real space. standing-wave pattern is given by the Moiré pattern’s
As a first indication, STM images such as that in Fig. 3(b) periodicity and does not change with energy. The position
show strong standing plane waves that correspond to this in energy of the band gap can vary between 20 and
particular Moiré pattern in terms of wavelength and 400 meV above the Fermi level from one rotational do-
direction [dotted lines in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)]. main to the next. In all cases, this energy position can be
For a more precise analysis, we recorded a dI=dV linked to the Moiré patterns in such a way that the wave
image in constant-height mode, but whereas we scanned vector at the band gap corresponds to half of the wave
within one scan line perpendicular to the plane waves [as vector of the potential modulation, in agreement with the
indicated by the solid line in Fig. 3(b)], we did not move NFE model. In the particular case shown in Fig. 3, the
the tip in the other direction. Instead, we changed the bias Moiré pattern has a periodicity of ’ 1:62 nm correspond-
voltage after each scan line. The resulting STM image in ing to k  2=16:2 A  1 , kgap  0:194 A
 1 , and thus
Fig. 3(d) thus reflects a map of the probability distribution Egap ’ 81 meV. As this condition is met only in one
direction, we have a 1D band gap in a 2D electron gas,
i.e., a pseudogap. For some rotational domains, the con-
dition was not met in the experimentally accessible en-
ergy range, and no band gap was observed, as in the case
of the dispersion shown in Fig. 2(e).
The standing-wave pattern persists far above the band
gap because of the one dimensionality of the band gap.
This is also one of the reasons for the remaining low
intensity within the band gap. In addition, the finite life-
time of the interface states [11] gives rise to an energetic
broadening of the states, which further ‘‘smears out’’ the
band gap and may also lead to interference effects.
To observe the refraction, we took advantage of the
strong standing plane waves just below the band gap by
applying a corresponding bias voltage of V  55 meV.
Figure 4 shows the refraction of the surface electrons
in a differential conductance (dI=dV) image of an island
edge of NaCl=Cu111. The region on the NaCl island
(to the left) shows a strong standing plane-wave pattern
that is due to the formation of a band gap. Reflection
induces an additional modulation of the pattern parallel
to the step edge. More importantly, the image clearly
reveals standing plane waves on the clean copper surface
(to the right). These patterns at the island step edge obey
Snell’s refraction law, sin= sin  1 =2 . Note that
 and 2 are given by the geometry of this particular
Moiré pattern, 1 is the electron wavelength on the clean
Cu surface corresponding to E  EF  55 meV, and  is
FIG. 3 (color online). (a) An atomically resolved STM image given by Snell’s law. This law follows directly from the
shows one of the various possible Moiré patterns that result conservation of the component of the momentum (and
from incommensurate growth [26]. (b) This pattern gives rise wavelength) parallel to the step. In other words, the
to a strong plane-wave pattern. (c) Illustration of a band gap
patterns on both sides have a fixed phase correlation at
in the NFE model. Just below and just above the band gap
(marked by circles), the electronic wave functions are expected
the step edge, which is directly evident in the images and
to be standing waves, and the probability distributions jj2 follows from the postulation of continuous wave functions
will have a phase shift of  with respect to each other. (d) This in quantum mechanics.
dI=dV image (acquired in constant-height mode) maps the In everyday life, optical refraction manifests itself in
probability distribution jj2 in real space and energy. It shows the bending of light rays, and we cannot observe the wave
the behavior expected from the NFE model. fronts directly. In Fig. 4 we do not observe the bending of
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the refraction of standing waves could be observed, obey-

ing Snell’s refraction law.
We thank Frank Forstmann and Rolf Allenspach
for fruitful discussions, and acknowledge partial fund-
ing by the EU-TMR projects ‘‘AMMIST’’ and ‘‘NANO-
SPECTRA’’ and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Project No. RI 472/3-2.

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