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1. If the values taken by a random variable are negative, the negative values will have ___________

a) Positive probability b) Negative Probability c) May have negative or positive probabilities

d) Insufficient data

2. If f(x) is a probability density function of a continuous random variable, then ∫ f ( x) =?

a) 0 b) 1 c) undefined D ) Insufficient data

4. A random variable that assumes a finite or a countably infinite number of values is called

a) Continuous random variable b) Discrete random variable

c) Irregular random variable d) Uncertain random variable

5. A random variable that assume a infinite or a uncountably infinite number of values is called

a) Continuous random variable b) Discrete random variable

c) Irregular random variable d) Uncertain random variable

6. If Σ P ( x )=K 2 −8 then, the value of k is?

a) 0 b) 1 c) 3 d) Insufficient data

7. If P(x) = 0.5 and x = 4, then E(x) = ?

a) 1 b) 0.5 c) 4 d) 2

8. In a discrete probability distribution, the sum of all probabilities is always?

a) 0 b) Infinite c) 1 d) Undefined

9. The expected value of a random variable is its ___________

a) Mean b) Standard Deviation c) Mean Deviation d) Variance

10. If two events are independent, then

a. they must be mutually exclusive b. the sum of their probabilities must be equal to one
c. their intersection must be zero d. None of these alternatives is correct.
11. Two events, A and B, are mutually exclusive and each have a nonzero probability. If event A is known
to occur, the probability of the occurrence of event B is

a. one b. any positive value c. zero d. any value between 0 to 1

12. A numerical description of the outcome of an experiment is called a

a. descriptive statistic b. probability function c. variance d. random variable

13.Which of the following is not a property of a binomial experiment?

a. the experiment consists of a sequence of n identical trials

b. each outcome can be referred to as a success or a failure

c. the probabilities of the two outcomes can change from one trial to the next

d. the trials are independent

14. For a continuous random variable x, the probability density function f(x) represents

a. the probability at a given value of x b. the area under the curve at x

c. the area under the curve to the right of x d. the height of the function at x

15. The expectation of a random variable X(continuous or discrete) is given by _________

a) ∑xf(x), ∫xf(x) b) ∑x2 f(x), ∫x2 f(x) c) ∑f(x), ∫f(x) d) ∑xf(x2), ∫xf(x2)

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16. Mean of a random variable X is given by _________

a) E(X) b) E(X^2) c) E(X^2) – (E(X))^2 d) (E(X))^2

17. Variance of a random variable X is given by _________

a) E(X) b) E(X^2) c) E(X^2) – (E(X))^2 d) (E(X))^2

18. Mean of a constant ‘a’ is ___________

a) 0 b) a c) a/2 d) 1

19. Variance of a constant ‘a’ is _________

a) 0 b) a c) a/2 d) 1

20. Find the expectation of a random variable X if f(x) = ke^-x for x>0 and 0 otherwise.

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3
21. Find the mean of a random variable X if f(x) = x – 5⁄2 for 0<x<1 and 2x for 1<x<2 and 0 otherwise.

a) 3.5 b) 3.75 c) 2.5 d) 2.75

22. Find the mean of a continuous random variable X if f(x) = 2e^-x for x>0 and –e^x for x<0.

a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 3

23. What is moment generating function?

a) Mx(t) = E(e^tx) b) Mx(t) = E(e^-tx) c) Mx(t) = E(e^2tx) d) Mx(t) = E(e^t)

24. E(X) = npq is for which distribution?

a) Bernoulli’s b) Binomial c) Poisson’s d) Normal

25. E(X) = λ is for which distribution?

a) Bernoulli’s b) Binomial c) Poisson’s d) Normal

26. E(X) = μ and V(X) = σ^2 is for which distribution?

a) Bernoulli’s b) Binomial c) Poisson’s d) Normal

27. In a Poisson Distribution, if ‘n’ is the number of trials and ‘p’ is the probability of success, then the
mean value is given by?

a) m = np b) m = (np)2 c) m = np(1-p) d) m = p

28. If ‘m’ is the mean of a Poisson Distribution, then variance is given by ___________

a) m^2 b) m^(1⁄2) c) m d) m⁄2

29. The p.d.f of Poisson Distribution is given by ___________

e−m mx e x !
x! emm x
a) b) c) ) −m x d) )
x! mx e m x!

30. If ‘m’ is the mean of a Poisson Distribution, the standard deviation is given by ___________

a) √ m b) m 2 c) m d) m⁄2

31. In a Poisson Distribution, the mean and variance are equal.

a) True

b) False
32. Poisson distribution is applied for ___________

a) Continuous Random Variable b) Discrete Random Variable

c) Irregular Random Variable d) Uncertain Random Variable

33. If ‘m’ is the mean of Poisson Distribution, the P(0) is given by ___________

a) e-m b) em c) e d) m-e

34. For a Poisson Distribution, if mean(m) = 1, then P(1) is?

a) 1/e b) e c) e/2 d) Indeterminate

35. The recurrence relation between P(x) and P(x +1) in a Poisson distribution is given by ___________

a) P(x+1) – m P(x) = 0 b) m P(x+1) – P(x) = 0 c) (x+1) P(x+1) – m P(x) = 0 d) (x+1) P(x) – x P(x+1) = 0

36. Normal Distribution is applied for ___________

a) Continuous Random Distribution b) Discrete Random Variable

c) Irregular Random Variable d) Uncertain Random Variable

37. The shape of the Normal Curve is ___________

a) Bell Shaped b) Flat c) Circular d) Spiked

38. Normal Distribution is symmetric is about ___________

a) Variance b) Mean c) Standard deviation d) Covariance

39. For a standard normal variate, the value of mean is?

a) ∞ b) 1 c) 0 d) not defined

40. The area under a standard normal curve is?

a) 0 b) 1 c) ∞ d) not defined

41. The standard normal curve is symmetric about the z-value ___________

a) 0.5 b) 1 c) ∞ d) 0

42. For a standard normal variate, the value of Standard Deviation is ___________
a) 0 b) 1 c) ∞ d) not defined

8. Normal Distribution is also known as ___________

a) Cauchy’s Distribution

b) Laplacian Distribution

c) Gaussian Distribution

d) Lagrangian Distribution

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9. Skewness of Normal distribution is ___________

a) Negative

b) Positive

c) 0

d) Undefined

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10. For a normal distribution its mean, median, mode are equal.

a) True

b) False

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11. In Normal distribution, the highest value of ordinate occurs at ___________

a) Mean

b) Variance

c) Extremes
d) Same value occurs at all points

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12. The shape of the normal curve depends on its ___________

a) Mean deviation

b) Standard deviation

c) Quartile deviation

d) Correlation

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13. The value of constant ‘e’ appearing in normal distribution is ___________

a) 2.5185

b) 2.7836

c) 2.1783

d) 2.7183

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14. In Standard normal distribution, the value of mode is ___________

a) 2

b) 1

c) 0

d) Not fixed

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15. In Standard normal distribution, the value of median is ___________

a) 1

b) 0

c) 2

d) Not fixed

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